Welcome to the Fulton County Public Library, Indiana’s Genealogy website.
Many of the genealogical reference materials that you find on this site were compiled and published by Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh. They began compiling data and publishing their books about Fulton County in the late 1960s under the name Tombaugh Publishing House.
In the early 2000s, the Fulton County Public Library applied for and received a grant from the Institute of Museums and Library Services through the Indiana State Library to convert the Tombaugh’s digital files into PDF and HTML files so that we could put them on our website to make them available to everyone with an Internet connection.
We would like to thank the Tombaughs and the other donors of genealogical information, those who spent countless hours converting the data and those who are still compiling the data. Because of your hard work and dedication, this digital collection has now grown to the point that we feel it deserves a space of its own.
For those of you searching the site, Happy Hunting! There is a lot of information on this site that we hope you find helpful in your search. If you need help with your search, please contact the library using this FORM!