ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursday, Januarv 2, 1873

Mr. WM. ARNOLD, of Salem, O., is visiting friends in this place. He formerly resided here...
FRANK TERRY and LAWSON NOYER, students of the Smithson University, are at home, spending the holiday vacation ...
Mrs. W. W. ANDERSON and Mr. ANDREW KUHN have been lying dangerously ill for a few weeks past, but at this writing are improving.
The social party given by Mr. DANIELS, at his residence, Christmas night, was well attended...
Major McCLOUD, living a few miles northwest of this place, fell while crossing a pond, and broke one of his ribs, but is able to be around again.
The Akron Sabbath School... last Sabbath evening ... Rev. Mr. WHITTENBERGER, Dr. JOHNSTON, Dr. Sutten and W. H. SICKMAN were chosen to deliver extemporaneous speeches ... Mr. BITTERS and Miss ALICE WHITTENBERGER, with the aid of the school, favored the audience with excellent music.

Mr. ROBERT NEW had a new building up and nearly enclosed, for a store room, and the Methodists had their meeting house also nearly enclosed, when they were obliged to suspend work on account of the severe cold. Neither building will perhaps be completed before spring.
On last Thursday WILL. EDWARD SHELTON was married to MALISSA ABBOTT. He starts on the hymenial journey rather young ...
The measles have played havoc with the schools out this way. First, Miss LETITIA A. REID, teaching in the Collins school house, had them, and innoculated the whole school; then Miss SMITH, teaching the Green Oak school, had to dismiss her school and go home ...

DIED. An old man named HARVEY, living on Mud Creek, six miles west of Rochester, while engaged last Saturday week in feeding his stock, was so badly frozen that he died from the effects of his injuries last Friday night ... It is said that his face was so badly frozen and swollen that the skin in places actually parted ...[NOTE: probably J. W. HARVEY, d. Dec. 27, 1872, ae 62y-9m-9d, Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County Indiana Cemeteries, Leiters Ford I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Aubbeenaubbee Twp. - Ed.]

SAM BARKDOLL begins the new year with six sore boils on his neck.
We counted over one hundred teams on Main street, Saturday last ...
Business opened lively on New Year's Day. Main street was thronged with teams, and merchants and clerks were kept busy.
Our correspondent at Kewanna, Mr. J. W. BRANTHOFFER, suffered the loss of his residence and household goods, together with a considerable quantity of provisions, by fire on Christmas Eve... The Kewannaites propose to extend such assistance as will make the loss fall lightly upon Mr. Branthoffer.

FIRE. - On Sunday night last, between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock, flames were discovered issuing from the Flax Factory. An alarm was promptly spread, and a large number of people repaired to the spot only, to witness the conflagration, as the inflammable nature of the structure, together with the scarcity of water, precluded the idea of staying the progress of the flames. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it was clearly the result of gross carelessness, if not the work of an incendiary. The proprietors,Messrs. KELLY & RHINEHART, are both absent from town, having ceased operations for the winter. No fires had been made in the building for a week or more by any parties having a right about the premises. It is reported, however, that a party of boys were cooking chickens in the front room during the day. The building and contents were insured for a term of two months for the sun of $3,800, in companies for which DOWNY & JONES are agents. The loss may therefore be said to be fully covered by insurance.

L. D. ADKISON had a fine blooded bull to die last week.
At a SPELLING SCHOOL held at the Prairie Union School House, last Friday night, Miss ADA MERRICK won the belt ...
ED. HORTON's nether parts scraped the snow on his way to school last Tuesday. It was a bad day for ducks and other short-legged bipeds.
At the SPELLING SCHOOL held at Ellsworth School House, one mile south of town, last week, JOHN H. PYLE, teacher, Mrs. WM. DOWNS proved to be the best speller.
Miss LIZZIE NORRIS, living near Rochester, received for her Christmas present thirty-eight pounds of assorted candies, sent to her by her Uncle, who resides at Dayton, O ....
At the meeting of the AGRICULTURAL SOCIETYof Fulton County, last Saturday ... new Directors: Union, E. TUCKER; Aubbeenaubbee, JOHN SALES; Richland, YOUNG RALSTIN; New Castle, P. C. DUMBAULD; Henry, ABNER THOMPSON; Liberty, EMANUEL GOSS; Wayne, SIMON WHEELER; Rochester, C. H. ROBBINS, S. DAVIDSON, VERNON GOULD.

-NIGHT SCHOOL. We learn that Prof. BRYAN proposes ... to open a night school for ... clerks and mechanics...

MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the Clerk's Office of Fulton County during the month of December: Valentine ZIMPLEMAN and Ann SUMMERS; Samuel W. TRACY and Elizabeth E. BPZARTH; Deo A. HAUK and Lizzie WALLACE; Harrison ROBBINS and Clarinda CARTER; Francis M. WEAVER and Mary [BERLIN]; Milton HILAND and Mary M. HEIMBERGER; Ananias BAKER and Tamer M. HOLDER; Charles W. HIATT and Mary J. WALES; Wm. E. SHELTON and Melissa ABBOTT; David ENYART and Isabel MOORE; James WINES and Hester SCOTT; Wm. MILLER and Margaret RICEBERGER; Wm. APT and Sarah VANBLARICOM; John PERRY and Margaret M. JAMES; Franklin CARTER and Josephine VanTRUMP.

LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Rochesterfor the month ending Dec. 31, 1872: Robert W. ANDERSON, I. D. ANDERSON, G. W. ANDERSON, J. L. BOOTH, C. G. BURNAP, Miss Susan BRANEBARR, John BASCOLE, G. H. BRIGHT, James CLAY, W. M. CRAFT, Miss Eliza J. CUFFLE, Chas. D. CARRINGTON, W. A.
CAROTHERS, Miss Mary E. CARR, Frank D. CULL, Margaret DORDY, Wm. DAWSON, Wm. DEVAMMU, Samuel DAUGHERTY, Mrs. J. W. EGMAN, Mrs. Malina FRENCH, C. R. GREEN, George HUFFMAN, A. H. HILL, G. L. JONES, A. JONES, Miss Mollie KASE, Rev. E. LOWNER, Miss Elizabeth MILLER, Miss Lavilla MILLER, Wm. MILLER, Anthony MORRIS, Mrs. Kate MILLER, Paul MAY, James MOORE, George MERCER, Mrs. Louisa NEWHOUSE, D. E. PRESSEL, James PECK, George ROUCH,
Samuel ROUCH, A. J. RICKEL, L. L. SMITH, A. G. SHEEBS, Miss Mary STEFFY, John SHAY, Jerry SMITH, A. G. SMITH, Louis SMITH, Horace TUTTLE,Samuel THERIZ, Richard P. VANDERGRIFT, Thos. J. WHITE, Elder S. WILLIAMS, Mrs. P. F. WHEELER, Batch WOLF, Wm. M. WOOLEY, Alexander WILHELM, Abraham YODER. - - - Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday,Jantiary 9, 1873

Mr. THOMAS HOLCOMB has been erecting a new store room here... We hope he will soon be able to complete his new building ...
Messrs. WAGONER & HUGHES are now engaged in getting in saw logs, and will, we learn, again start their mill soon.
Notwithstanding the cold weather, Miss Anna Burket has provided herself with a (Joshua) COFFIN. We serenaded them on Christmas evening. When Mr. Coffin has some little Coffins he will start an undertaker's shop.
Mr. J. Y. WHEATLY, is astonishing the natives by selling them a medicine that makes the old young and the afflicted sound and happy...

Mrs. HENRY DAY presented her husband with a New Year's gift in the shape of a girl baby, the seventh one. It is a true saying that it is hard to tell what a Day may bring forth.
Miss AGNES DAY, aged 12 years, daughter of 'Squire DAY, came off victor at a SPELLING MATCH at Union School, New Year's night, spelling down two schools.

Rev. Mr. BELL is holding a protracted meeting at Pleasant Hill, a few miles south of this place...
FRANK TERRY and LOSSON NOYER returned to the Smithson University, where they intend to remain until the close of the year.
While SPENCER STRONG was driving up and down our streets on New Year's day, in his new forty-five dollar sleigh, his horse became frightened, which resulted in no further damage than the breaking of the dash of the sleigh.
Miss LIDA STRADLEY, of Rochester, is visiting friends in this place at this writing.
Our gentlemanly Sheriff, SIDNEY R. MOON, was here on business New Yearts day. Sid. appears to be the same jovial, good natured fellow as in years gone by, when he and the writer of this were school mates in a little frame school house in an adjoining county.
Died of epizootic, Dec. 20, 1872, at the residence of WM. HULING, a few miles southwest of this place, one donkey...
MILO BRIGHT received a holiday present, the other day, consisting of a fine voung daughter.
The Akron Sabbath School Festival in the M.E. Church, New Year's night, proved to be a grand success. The music given by the school was considered by every one present to be first class. Miss SHEPHERD and Miss LONG, of Rochester, favored the audience with a few pieces of music... The proceeds of the evening amounted to about $65.00 ...

DIED. - HARRIET GOULD, aged about 75 years, a maiden aunt of the Gould family of Rochester, died in this place last Sunday morning.
MARRIED. - On Wednesday, January 8, 1873, at the bride's residence, by Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, Dr. A. K. PLANK and Miss MATTIE TRIMBLE, all of Rochester. ... The parties move in the most respectable circles, ... Both are in the very prime of life ... Some fears have been entertained, however, in regard to Mattie launching out on the broad sea of matrimony lashed to a single Plank, but then, you know, she will have two buoys (CHARLEY and WILL) to keep her afloat. It is also said that the Doctor Trimbled violently in anticipation of the event ....

The Presbyterian Sociable meets at the residence of H. B. JAMISON, Esq., on Tuesday evening next, Jan. 14.
JOHN PRILL was married on New Year's day to a lady residing in Henry County. The happy pair reached home on Tuesday last.
The dwelling house of Mr. GEO. H. BABCOCK, situated near Ebenezer Church and a few miles south of town, took fire Saturday morning and burned to the ground ... Loss about $400. No insurance.
Our friend JOSEPH H. BEEBER, while putting on his overcoat in the office of the Central House, on Tuesday evening, fell down in a fit, which was succeeded by spasm after spasm until a late hour at night, and from which he barely escaped with his life. He had just eaten a hearty meal, was in usual robust health, and the blow was unexpected as it well could be. Joseph's age is about thirty-five, and all his life he has been exceedingly temperate and [?] in his habits. The cause of his affliction is therefore utterly unknown and most mysterious ... At this writing the patient is much better, and hopes are entertained of his early and complete recovery.

We understand that the Commissioners, appalled at the expense of an iron fence, have about decided to put up a wooden structure around the COURT HOUSE Souare. Such "economy" is none of the wisest. Fulton Couxity is fully able to begin to show in her public buildings signs of the great wealth of her soil and the energy and taste of her inhabitants.

CHANGE OF FIRM. On and after the first of January, 1873, the old and well-known firm of ERNSPERGER & JACKSON will be changed to ERNSPERGER, JACKSON & CO ....


Miss MARY E. PYLE is suffering from a malignant attack of erysipelas.
My friend, ED. HORTON had to dismiss his school one day last week for the want of wood.
In the absence of the postmistress, Miss MINNIE SHRYOCK, deputy, is discharging the duties of the POST OFFICE.
The Ellsworth and Orr schools pitted themselves against the Prairie Union school in a SPELLING MATCH, last Tuesday night, but came off second best. Miss SARAH LAWRENCE, of the former school, was again declared the best speller.
Mr. JAMES A. BRAMAN, of Thayer, Iowa, for thirty-odd years a resident of Fulton County, is visiting relatives and friends living in the vicinity of Rochester...

DITTON & BROADSWORD have opened the finest BILLIARD HALL in Rochester, in the CORNELIUS BLOCK, two doors north of the Wallace House ...

(Executrix's Notice) ... MARY B. ARNOLD appointed Executrix of the estate of WILLIAM M. ARNOLD, late of Fulton County, deceased... Jan. 9, 1873.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, January 16, 1873

[letter from P. S. T. in Indianapolis to the SPY]

Master ELMER E. APT, of Kewanna, arrived in the city early on Monday morning to serve as Floor Page in the House of Representatives.
O. P. OSGOOD, Esq., has secured a clerkship in the House from and after Feb. 3d, 1873.
Dr. A. K. PLANK and lady were observed pleasure riding on the streets on Monday.

The mill of ZUCK, STREET & CO. is not running at present for want of water. Their pump got out of fix but they expect it to be all right in a day or two ....
There was a hop at FEKE HUDKINS' last night ... kept up until 3 o'clock.
The epizootic is about played here, except a few lingering cases. J. C. CANNON had a horse to die with it a week ago, the only fatal case we know of.
Dr. SHATTO, formerly of Walnut, has taken up his residence here and has opened quite a respectable DRUG STORE...
Not too cold to get married. So thought Mr. (Perrv L.) STALMAKER and Miss (Hannah) PUGH, living one mile west of here. They were married yesterday.
The bell on the METHODIST CHURCH is up and in running order. Has a good sound... It does one's soul good to see FRANK GRAHAM, the sexton, going to ring it...
ISAIAH WALKER is in town selling his county maps, which are well executed.

WHITTENBERGER & BALL are selling their entire stock of dry goods and groceries at auction. We understand that Mr. Whittenberger intends to go West in the spring.
JERRY BURNS, living a few miles northwest of this place, met with rather an unexpected accident the other day. Becoming a little enraged with his horse, he concluded to ascertain what virtue there might be in a few well directed blows from his fist against the head of the quadruped. A single blow brought about the necessary result. Jerry's hand requires careful nursing. The horse is out of danger.

(Administrator's Notice of Petition to Sell Land) WILLIAM T. McDOUGLE, Administrator of the Estate of HANNAH F. GRABILL, deceased, petitions to sell real estate... Bv KEITH & SMITH, Attys. Jan 9, 1873.

DIED. - An infant child of L. M. MONTGOMERY, Esq., died last Tuesday night.

Mrs. BEN PATTEN is dangerously sick -- Lung Fever.
JOHN VAN TRUMP, son of REUBEN VAN TRUMP, is down sick, and it is feared will not recover. LUNG FEVER.
Mrs. JOHN V. GOSS has been dangerously sick for a few weeks past, but is now getting better.
LOU. FEDER, of the firm of FEDER & SILBERBERG, who has been down with the typhoid fever, is getting well fast.
Miss MARY WORDEN, living a few miles south of town, is down with the typhoid fever, and death is knocking at the door of her tabernacle.
JOHN ELAM, Esq., long confined to his room by sickness is, we are glad to hear, improving in health ...

The LITERARY SOCIETY at the PRAIRIE UNION SCHOOL house was well attended last Saturday night.
JOHN CHAMP either lost or had stolen from him, last Saturday, a pocket book containing twenty-five dollars in money besides valuable papers.
Many of the school houses in this county are in a very bad condition, and are really not fit for tender young children to go into. With the under-pinnings gone, the plastering off, and holes in the floors, it is simply impossible to keep them comfortably warm. With a school of forty or fifty children, only a portion of them can get near enough to the stove to keep warm, while the others have to take back seats and half freeze. This ought not to be so. Our school houses ought to be made as warm and comfortable as our dwellings are. In fact the health of children is jeopardized by cold school houses. Constitutions naturally weak give way under their baneful influence. Consumption is bred in them. Those whose duty it is to attend to these matters ought to see to it that the necessary improvements are made before another winter sends scores of children to little graves.

Richland TOWNSHIP INSTITUTE will be held at Center School House, of said township, on Saturday, February lst, 1873 ... W. H. GREEN, Exlr.

LOVE AND SUICIDE. Walnut Township, Marshall Co. has been the scene of a tragical occurrence. It appears that a man named JOHN DAWSON had for some time been paving his attentions to a Miss WATTLE, and had become very much enamored of her. But his affection was not fully reciprocated by the young lady, and on being informed by her that she loved a man by the name of SPENCER better than she did Dawson, the latter became very despondent, and probably brooded over what he deemed a misfortune so long that his reason became temporarily dethroned, and he ended his existence last Sunday by shooting himself...

While religious services were being held last Sunday at the Orr school house, and while Mr. THOMAS MERCER was offering up prayer, some young men ... disturbed the congregation by their ill-mannered and unruly behavior ... Rev. WOOD (obtained) their names. What he proposes to do in the premises we are not advised...

We understand that parties are here from Ohio who intend erecting a SAW MILL somewhere in the vicinity of the FLAX MILL. It is badly needed ...

WILLIAM HEFFLEY and W. H. DENISTON have each buried a child this week.


ELIHU FLETCHER of Richland township, was fined $20 and costs in Esq'r. ASHTON's court for using obscene and vulgar language toward a lady of that neighborhood ...

The contract awarded BOWERS & McCLARY by the county Commissioners for putting in a stone foundation around the COURT HOUSE square, on which an iron fence was to have been olaced, has been rescinded. The Commissioners have learned that a beautiful iron fence can be built without the aid of a stone foundation, and at a very great saving of expense from the former plan adopted by them. The fence will be built in the spring and the general appearance of the square will be greatly improved thereby.

Report of the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK... at the close of business, Dec. 27, 1872 (shows assets of $139,978.40) ... E. P. COPELAND, Cashier (notarized by) SAMUEL KEELY. S. KEITH, C. F. HARTER, A. C. COPELAND, E. E.
COWGILL, Directors.
Kewanna Graded School ... Jan 4th, 1873. . . (names mentioned):

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, January 23, 1873

(Dissolution Notice) ... the firm of EMRICK & AULT has been dissolved... from the 1st day of January, 1873. The Tobacconist business will be carried on by Mr. Fmrick, at the old stand. LEVI S. EMRICK., DARIUS AULT. Rochester, Ind., Jan. 23, 1873.

ESSICK is happy. It's a boy, and weighs 10 lbs.

A boy named ADAMS, while scuffling with another lad, had his leg broken last Thursday. The accident occurred at or near PRAIRIE UNION SCHOOL House.
TAMARACK CORNERS, a locality seven miles east of Rochester, aspires to be a post office. There are already two stores in the neighborhood, and the interests of commerce plainly demand MAIL facilities.

Mr. S. E. STRICKLAND, who resides one square east of the Wallace House, is engaged in the sale of territorial rights to manufacture and sell a Patent Spring Wagon Seat, one of which may be seen at Heffley's Blacksmith Shop. This seat is destined to become very popular with farmers and others, being placed on coiled springs, so arranged as to be at once neat and durable.

RAILROAD MEETING... at the Court House on Saturday evening last "for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of enjoining the collection of the tax levied in the townships of Rochester and Union in behalf of the CONTINENTAL RAILROAD." ... names mentioned): C. VAN TRUMP, E. E. COWGILL., ED. CALKINS, Dr. ROBBINS, A. C. BEARSS, Mr. JAMISON, JACOB S. SLICK.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursdav, January 30, 1873

MARRIED. - After a lingering courtship of more than two years duration, Mr. PERRY DUNCAN and Miss ANNA RAVER were married in this place yesterday...
- Mr. JACOB GERSON and Miss ANNA LEWIS were married in this place yesterday. On the occasion of a former marriage we gave Jacob an extended notice, which he failed to appreciate ... we will simply state that the only singularity about the proceeding consists in the fact that the groom is of Jewish origin while the bride is of Gentile extraction.

HENRY TOWNSHIP TEACHERS' INSTITUTE to be in the Public School building in Akron... February 8th ... (names mentioned): F. P. BITTERS, A. H. SHAFER, A. L. SHAFER, W. H. SICKMAN, Miss ALICE WHTTTENBERGER, Miss EDITH THOMPSON, SILAS HOFFMAN, W. H. DAVIS, C. RANTZ,. Dr. J. G. SHAFER.

Though small, our town possesses some energetic business men... W. H. HATCH and J. W. HURST, merchants, both doing a fair business; L. D. HUDSON, druggist, with a respectable stock for a small place; E. GUYER, Blacksmith; LIMAN HATCH, wagon maker; L. CUFFLE, cabinet maker.
WAGONER & SWIHART's new steam flouring mill is rapidly approaching completion...
Mr. HENRY EWING... is erecting a large and commodious hotel ...
D. R. OGDEN... his new shoe shop.

This place is called by various names, but I suppose it will be christened TAMARACK CORNER, as application has been made here for a post office bearing that name.
We have two stores, owned respectively by BEN. NOFTSGER and SHEETS & WOLF. Mr. Noftsger has a general assortment and is doing a fair business. People like him because he is a man of great forbearance...
Sheets & Wolf are also doing a good business, but I would advise people who go there for goods to trade with Wolf, as he sells under cost frequently in order to make quick sales.
We have three mechanics in town. WM. CURTIS, broom maker, cannot be excelled for beauty and durability of work ...
Mr. FEECE is "jack of all trades," and there is nothing he cannot do. I never knew him to fail but once, and that was on an engine at RUGH's mill. He repaired it and started up, but the thing ran the wrong way....
We have two shingle factories, owned respectively by Mr. EWING and Mr. MITCHEL. Ewing's work is warranted not to split in nailing on, providing you nail the thick end up. Mitchel makes good shingles, but he labors under a great disadvantage. Not having a wife, he has to go over a mile for his grub. He wants a wife, and is not particular about age or condition in life, so she can cook.
We have no officers in town; neither do we need any, as we are all honest. DAVID SHEETS, constable, who lives a short distance from the village, is the nearest representative of the majesty of the law. He makes a mighty good officer where there is nothing to do.
DAVID FEECE is doing well. He is dressing fowls for Noftsger, and has more feathers on hands than he wants.

Close upon the heels of the epizootic came the measles; the former has run its course, while the latter is so prevalent that scarcely a family escapes; many of the schools were broken up for a time.
DIED. - On the 13th instant, of measles, A. G. NEWBRAUGH.
- On the 19th, of lung fever, LEVI BAUMAN.
- On the 24th, of lung fever, Mrs. ESTHER HILL - an aged lady.
At this writing, Mr. JAMES HILL, who is upward of 70 vears of age, is lying at the point of death. Cause, lung fever.
Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, of Rochester, is expected to hold a series of meetings at WEST UNION CHURCH in February.
JNO. HAWKINS has sold his farm to the RANS brothers. He designs either purchasing in this locality again, or returning to Jersey from when he came.
We are informed that G. B. LEASE has purchased property in Cass county, and will move upon it in the spring.
Mr. BALL's mill is in running order and at work again...
Mr. POTTER and S. N. BEATTIE still pursue the even tenor of their ways, dispensing the comforts of life to those who, in return, are willing to part with their cash or their credit.
Since we last wrote the exterior of C. S. LAMBERT's dwelling has been much improved by the addition of a new front, and the interior embellished by the addition of a new babe.
LEW. SPOTTS is expected home shortly. The telegraph reports that his nose has been crossing the State line for several days past. Later -Mr. Spotts has arrived...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY., Thursday, Februarv 6, 1873

STEPHEN KUHN, of Bloom, Penn., arrived here last Saturday evening, to the surprise of his many friends.
Rev. Mr. BELL is holding a protracted meeting at the OMEGA CHURCH, a few miles southwest of this place...
Mrs. FENTERS is lying dangerously ill with dropsy.
Mr. JOHN L. SLAYBAUGH, a few days ago, killed a hog seventeen months old - weight seven hundred pounds.
The roof of JACKSON RUE's saw mill gave away the other day on account of the heavy snow that rested upon it. The mill will be in running order in a few days.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, January 23, 1873, Mr. CALVIN PRESSNELL and Miss ELIZABETH HART.
- At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. JACKSON ANDERSON, January 23, 1873, by Rev. JACOB WHITTENBERGER, Mr. WILLIAM O. STRONG and Miss ELIZABETH ANDERSON.
- Also at the same time and place, by the same ceremony, Mr. LEVI W. STRONG and Miss SARAH J. ANDERSON.
The Strongs are residents of Portage County, O. We understand that the happy couples will in a few days start for the State named, where they intend to make their future home...

SERIOUS ACCIDENT. - On Monday last while chopping down a tree that had lodged against another a limb broke off and struck Mr. JAMES WARD on the head, knocking about one-half the scalp off. Mr. Ward was working for HENRY BRUCE near Bruce's Lake at the time of the accident. Dr. W. H. THOMPSON attended the patient and believes that he will recover. - - - - WINAMAC DEMOCRAT.

M. L. ESSICK, Attorney at Law and Circuit Prosecutor, Rochester, Ind. Practices in the courts of St. Joseph, Laporte, Porter, Lake, Pulaski, Stark, Marshall and Fulton counties. Civil business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention.

DIED. - SAMUEL A. NYE, a resident of Richland township, died last Saturday night.
- A young lady named OWENS, who resided with her aunt, Mrs. ELIAS LOY, was buried in this place last Sunday.
MILLER has quit the milk business, and is now helping D. W. LYON do nothing.
A new firm has bought out CRAVEN'S WAGON and BLACKSMITH
SHOP ...
Mr. FERGUSON, of the firm of FERGUSON & MILLER, was prostrated by a sudden attack of illness the other evening. He is slowly recovering from its effects.

Esq. NEWCOMB and RUNION ARMSTRONG are grubbing corn to feed out of the snow.
SAM. McCLURE and W. G. OSBORNE have sat in the house so long that it requires lever power to move them.
WM. ANDREWS, the great hunter, has caught the epizootic and three rabbits.
WM. NEWCOMB had his photo taken on a snow drift, when going home from his singing school, the other night.
SAMMY MOW says he wants it understood that he is still on hand, and always ready to pay his respects to the ladies when necessary.
Last but not least, FRANK O'BLENNIS has a daughter, which is causing squally times.

Mr. ANDREW STRONG, of Henry Township, is now canvassing the county for subscribers to a volume of 500 pages, bearing the title "Buffalo Land."

LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Rochester for the month ending January 31st, 1873: William ALLEN, H. C. ANDERSON, Mrs. Margant BRIGGS, Miss Anna BOTZ, David BARBER, Samuel BEESON, Henry BURNS, A. COOK. Mrs. Anna DAVIDSON, Monroe DUTT, Rev. E. J. DELP, James DUNLAP, J. B. EDDLEMAN, S. B. FREELS, Miss Jennie GRAY, Levi GAMBY, Margaret HARTMAN, J. W. HOWELL, John T. HANNA, Robert HOUSE, Geo. HUFFMAN, Emma B. HOOVER, F. J. HOFFMAN, Miss Jennie HUSE, Mrs. Belle HILLER, Francis LAWRENCE, Sarah J. McCROSKEY, G. W. McCONNELL, Mrs. C. A. MADARY, Joseph McGEE, Anthony MORRIS, Miss Sarah
MILLER, Miss Nin MILLER, John NEICE, Andrew OLIVER, Mrs. Libbie PECK, G. W. POLLOCK, Henry PETERSON, J. L. PECK, Margaret REINBARGER, Kassa RIBBON, Miss Retta RENDE, Elizabeth ROSS, Miss Ella SNYDER, John SHOEMAKER, Miss Mollie STEWART, Elijah SHEROW, Albert TAYLOR, Franklin WILCOX, Seth WARNER, U. D. WILSON, Mrs. Sarah WAGONER. - - - -Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

We are indebted to Mr. J. A. WERTZ for a club of eight subscribers at Lincoln, Ind ...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY. Thursday, Februarv 13, 1873

[letter addressed "Dear Father", from Bozeman, M. T., dated Dec. 24., 1872. signed "Truly your son," J. H. HORTON. --very long letter - - - - - ]

DIED. - The wife of D. BARB, Esq., was buried in this place on Sunday last. Her age was about 45 years. She was a true wife and a good mother ...

Rumor has it that Mr. ISAIAH CONNOR has purchased a half interest in the SENTINEL office.
We learn that Prof. I. C. MULKINS will return to Rochester next week, to teach a class in penmanship.
Mrs. WARD, a widow lady, lost a horse ... on Sunday last ... animal fell on the ice, breaking its leg, and had to be killed to put it out of misery.
WM. McCARTER, while splitting wood yesterday with a butcher's cleaver, struck his foot a savage blow, severing the leader that makes the big toe "git up and git."
DOC. SMITH, a peripatetic dealer in shaky land titles, but withal a good fellow, is Iving dangerously ill at the Central House ...
CLINT JONES is quite ill with typhoid fever. ELLIS WILSON ... is now convalescent.

After forty years service and the expenditure of a small fortune in the filthy practice, Col. SHRYOCK has quit chewing tobacco.
JNO. BLANCHARD, a laboring man, lost two fingers and a portion of his right hand in the planer at Barkdoll & Kennedy's Planing Mill, on Tuesday last... Mr. B. is a poor man, dependent upon daily wages for the support of his family...

TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. [from the Indianapolis Journal, of Tuesday
"About two o'clock yesterday afternoon, a man came staggering into the office of the Palmer House, as he said, in search of a friend. Imediately on entering the room he commenced to talk in a loud and boisterous manner, thereby attracting general attention. Fearing that he would create a disturbance, one of the proprietors ordered the porter to put him out. The porter took him by the arm, led him to the door, and was leading him down the steps, when the man refused to go further, and began to make a stubborn resistance. In jerking away from his captor, he stepped back and fell over the railing, striking headforemost on the brick sidewalk beneath. He was picked up in an insensible condition and taken to the Surgical Institute, where it was found that he was dangerously injured. He struck on the back of his head from a height of about fifteen feet and for a wonder did not break his skull. He remained insensible nearly all the forenoon from the combined effects of whisky and his fall, and the physicians could hardly determine his exact condition, though they regarded the chances of his recovery as extremely doubtful. From one of his companions it was learned that his name was CHARLES SMITH, and that he was a watchmaker by trade. His family lives in Logansport where he was well known, though he has been in the city for some time. At latest accounts no improvement could be observed in his appearance."
A dispatch received here Tuesday morning announces the death of the unfortunate young man. Deceased was a native of Rochester, but was brought up in Logansport. He learned his trade here, however, at ASHTON'S JEWELRY STORE, and was well known among our citizens. He was a son of ANTHONY SMITH, Esq., and a nephew of Hon. MILO R. SMITH, Senator from the counties of Cass and Fulton...

SCHOOL REPORTS [of Rochester Public School showing 472 enrolled, L. BRYAN, Stipt., and Akron Public School, showing 71 enrolled, W. H. SICKMAN, ALICE WHITTENBERGER'. Teachers]

MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the Clerk of Fulton County since January lst: Isaac MOORE and Sarah E. SNYDER; Jerome JOHNSON and Eliza SCHUDLER: Asa K. PLANK and Mattie J. TRIMBLE; Aaron C. ROUCH and Susannah LINDER; Perry L. STALNAKER and Hannah PUGH; Charles SMITH and Retta VAUNKA; Joseph CLEAR and Nancy McKEE; John ROBBINS and Mary SQUIRES; William DAVIDSON and Emily NYE; Adam ZORTMAN and Nancy BROKAW; Jeremiah CLARK and Julia BRUCE; Wm. O. STRONG and Elizabeth ANDERSON; Levi W. STRONG and Sarah ANDERSON; John Q. GINTHER and Sarah M. BRUGH; Sam'l H. HOFFMAN and Elizabeth AGSTER; Theodore P. DUNCAN and Anna RAVER; Jacob L. GERSON and Anna LEWIS; William HOFFMAN and Mary E. MILOW; Daniel BRUCE and Sarah GREEN; Geo. W. MONGER and Sarah OVERMIRE, Robert M. BERRIER and Ella BEERY; Andrew GEIER and Elizabeth J. RANS; Frank E. McCARTER and Christina CARR; William T. WOLF and Henrietta
SPRAY; James DAWSON and Maria CLEVENGER; Thos. J. BLACKBURN and Matilda

Measles among children are about as prevalent now as the epizoot was amongst horses a few weeks ago. There have been many serious and some fatal cases. A. BLASSER lost both his children by this disease a few days since.
ISAAC ZUCK has been lying very dangerously ill with a fever for several days past.
Messrs. JAMES WILSON and PERKINS are still in the pork business, buying anything in the shape of hogs, whether large or small.
One very cold day last week, JERRY CLARK went over to Bruce's Lake and married a daughter of Mr. A. BRUCE. Esquire F. H. GRAHAM tied the knot... [NOTE: Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County Indiana Marriages, 1836-1983: Jeremiah CLARK m. Julia BRUCE, January 28, 1873]
DIED. - On Thursday morning, Feb. 6, 1873, JENNIE, daughter of ELI and MARY LEITER, aged about two years.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, February 20, 1873

Mr. BITTERS has called to his aid in the editorial and business management of the SENTINEL, Mr. ISAIAH CONNER, a well-known attorney of this place. We predict that Mr. C. will prove a valuable addition to the corps editorial ... The new editor may rely on the cooperation of the SPY in all his efforts to elevate the tone of journalistic intercourse. We indulge none but good wishes toward our neighbor, the SENTINEL , which, under the management of Mr. Bitters, has been one of the ablest and fairest Democratic papers in the State.

Rochester don't make many loud boasts or great pretensions, but it really is about the liveliest little city we know of. Day after day at this season of the year, from 100 to 200 wagons may be counted on Main street, while almost every trading place seems to be full of customers. A stranger accosted us on the street the other day and asked if anything unusual was going on in town. We told him that there was nothing out of the common order in progress, when he remarked that he had just arrived on the train, and was surprised to find this such a stirring place. Looking around we observed only what is to be seen every fine day, but, nevertheless, it was a busy scene.

The remains of CHAS. SMITH, who was killed by a fall from the steps of the Palmer House, Indianapolis, were brought to this place for interment last Thursday.

We learn on apparently good authority that several respectable ladies have been assaulted on our streets recently, at a late hour of night, evidently with foul intent . Such circumstances admit of no comment, except the warning that a long rope and a short shrift awaits any one guilty of the nameless crime here hinted at.

Dr. WALTER W. SMITH, a stranger in these parts, died at the Central House yesterday noon. There was an air of mystery hanging about deceased that has so far resisted all attempts to penetrate it. No one here knows anything about him, save that he has frequented this region for two or three years past. His business was that of hunting up defective land titles , in which he was supposed to be moderately successful, realizing considerable sums of money. It was generally believed that Hon. MILO R. SMITH shared in the profits of some of these transactions, but that gentleman disclaims other than a limited business knowledge of deceased's affairs... He claimed to live at some town or station within ten miles of Baltimore, Md., but this is regarded as doubtful. He also claimed that he served through the war as Colonel of a regiment of Virginia rebels. He was a man of medium size, florid countenance, and pleasing address. Though never boisterous, he was a hard drinker, and whiskey undoubtedly had much to do with his taking off. His age was about 50 years. If not claimed by friends, his remains, we suppose, will be buried here at public expense.

SALOON PRAYER MEETINGS. The M.E. Church of this place closed a protracted meeting of several weeks duration last Monday evening, having enjoyed "a season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord." A dozen accessions have been made to the fold, the church has been thoroughly aroused, and many backsliders reclaimed. As an evidence of the spirit these meetings have infused into the religious element of this place, it may be mentioned that two saloons were visited last week and prayer meetings held therein. At both places the intrepid Christian band, who had thus dared to penetrate the strongholds of evil, were kindly received and respectfully treated ....

Health is good since the measles left the community. Mr. JOSEPH HILL, whom the printer made us call JAMES HILL in a previous communication, is slowly recovering..
Postmaster BALL is highly gratified that President Grant has arrived at the conclusion not to remove him...
Mr. POTTER's Cash sales amount to an average of $20 per day, besides trade and account. How is that for Marshtown?

Dr. JACKSON and J. H. VANDEVER, formerly of this locality, have purchased farms in southern Kansas.

Mr. WOLF has quit selling goods, finding that it wont pay to sell under cost. But Mr. SHEETS continues to wait on customers, exacting only a small profit for his services.
JACOB FEECE is at work at A. T. SHEETS' shop, ready to wait upon all who may call on him...
Mr. HARTMAN, living a half mile west of us, will commence making shingles as soon as the weather will admit

TEMPERANCE MEETING held at the Court House in Rochester, on Saturday, February 15, 1873 ... (names mentioned): SIDNEY KEITH, Esq., E. R. HERMAN, Col. SHRYOCK, E. STURGEON, Esq., W. HILL, M.D., A. H. ROBBINS, E. CALKINS, F. B. ERNSPERGER, Hon. M. L. ESSICK, J. S. SLICK, Esq.

(,Dissolution Notice) ... partnership between J. H. SHELTON and W. H. SHELTON in the Grocery business, was, by mutual consent, dissolved on the 10th day of February, 1873.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, Febntarv 27, 1873

DIED. - A family named REAM, living in the north part of town, have buried two children, one a babe, within the past week.
- On Monday, Feb. 24, 1873, at her residence near Rochester, Mrs. TELITHA ANN TALLY, wife of REUBEN TALLY, aged 49 years, 4 months and 15 days.
MARRIED. - On Thursday, Feb. 20, 1873, by Rev. Mr. SMITH, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. ANCIL B. TOWNSEND and Miss ALFARETTA CARTER, daughter of WM. CARTER, Esq., all of this county.

L. M. DOWNEY, better known as "DOC", is just now devoting all his energies to the subject of life insurance ...

DIED. - On the 21st inst., infant daughter of WM. MOGLE, aged about one year.
JOSEPH J. HORN has been confined to his house for several weeks past, in consequence of the simple act of paring a corn too closely and applying coal oil, which induced erysipelas and came near terminating his life.
Mr. ANDREW GEIER and Miss LIZZIE J. RANS [were married recently].
The union meetings at the Presbyterian church, conducted by Revs. ELLIOTT and REEDER, closed on Friday evening, 21st instant ...

Rev. JESSE SPARKS has got back to Kewanna, his old stamping ground, taking the place of Rev. BEAL, who, for some reason unknown to us, did not find the circuit congenial.

FRED PETERSON has purchased the property occupied by J. C. LONGWELL for a store room, and intends fitting it up for a residence.
The dwelling occupied by WM. J. SWOPS was consumed by fire some time since, but most of the household goods were saved. The house was owned by ROBERT AITKEN. Loss $250; no insurance.
Widow McDOUGAL lost a valuable mare recently...
Relatives of WM. HOUSE, of our village, stopping over night preparatory to leaving for their home some distance away, lost their child very suddenly... Brain fever.
The LOUDERBACK SCHOOL has again resumed, after an adjournment of four weeks on account of measles.
Cass County gossip says that there will be a survey made for a railroad from Logansport to Rochester, as soon as the snow is off. We don't see it.

The common schools of the township have nearly all closed. The greater part have been highly successful. GERMANY and WHIPPOORWILL closed with the plaudit from their patrons, "Well done, thou good and faithful servants."
Mr. JAMES COFFEY will leave us next week; he goes to Valparaiso ...
DIED. - On the 15th, of Spotted Fever, EMMA, daughter of B. V. NEWCOMB, aged four years.
J. L. MARTINDALE's school closed at Whippoorwill on Friday last ... a splendid dinner and a jollv time.
JIM McCOY, the sheep merchant, is doing a lively business in pulling wool.
The DEBATING SOCIETY at Center will meet on Fridav evening, March 7 ...
JOSIAH BOWERS has built a DANCING HALL, which has proved a success financially. McCOY'S STRING BAND furnishes music for festive occasions.
DAVID BISHOP thought that Fulton Co. girls were not good enough, so he went to Marshall for a wife ...

V. ZIMMERMAN, proprietor of the RED FRONT BOOT AND SHOE STORE, has purchased the stock of J. B. ELLIOTT, Esq., and will hereafter keep on hand a complete assortment of Leather and Shoemakers' Findings.

JOHN BEEBER met with quite an adventure on the Pittsburgh,, Ft. Wavne & Chicago Railroad, a few davs ago. He was riding in the caboose of a freight train, when the rearmost trucks became detached, and let the hind end of the car drag along the track a distance of four hundred yards. A passenger train was momentarily expected, and was prevented krom running foul of the detached trucks and wrecked car with the utmost difficulty. John says things looked squally in that car for a few minutes.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, March 6, 1873

'SQUIRE DAVIS, a Notary Public for Marshall County, has his office at STURGEON, Ind. He solicits business.
The ARGOS BREWERY is for sale. EIDSON and OSBORN are endeavoring to purchase it. They mean business.
DIED. - On February 28, of spotted fever, LAURA, daughter of JOHN LONG, aged 7 years.
C. W. HOLMAN says he will wager a bottle of wine he can do more running around than any man in the township ...
The wife of ABEL C. HICKMAN has been seriously sick for some time, but is now on the mend.

Mrs. FENTERS, wife of JOS. FENTERS, residing one mile north of this place, long afflicted with dropsy, to which was recently superadded erysipelas, died and was buried last Week. Mrs. Fenters was one of our old residents, long and favorably known, for many years a worthy member of the M.E. Church of this place...
Messrs. WHITTENBERGER & BALL have removed their store from this place to MILLER'S STATION, north of Rochester. We are sorry to part with them...
The Temperance Law, recently passed by the Legislature, is hailed with satisfaction by our people, who feel that much has been accomplished - a long strike taken in the right direction.

(Notice of Administration)... JOHN KESLER appointed Administrator of the Estate of ABRAHAM KESLER... March 3d, 1873.

The Rochester saloons are working under the new law.
Mr. COWGTLL has obtained another supply of coal, and his customers now bid defiance to cold weather.
PERRY MEHRLING finds himself without a license just as the new law goes into effect ...
Observing the Sabbath cost the lessees of the POTTOWATOMIE WATER MILLS one hundred dollars or more. The accumulated water burst the race banks last Sunday night, causing damage as aforesaid.
ED. CHINN is selling more Grover & Baker Sewing Machines than all other agencies combined in this county ...
DIED. - Mrs. LEAR, living three miles west of town, died last Tuesday night.
The "Literary" at the PRAIRIE UNION SCHOOL house last Saturday night was a magnificent failure.
JOHN ELAM, Jr., will sing "Do They Miss Me at Home," on the first day of our next County Fair. The bare announcement will attract a big crowd.
NEWT. RANNELLS, the loud-voiced landlord of the popular CENTRAL HOUSE, will drink a bottle of cod liver oil on the second day.
The ELLSWORTH SCHOOL, near the saw mill south of town, JOHN H. PYLE, teacher, will close next Saturday ...
The PRAIRIE UNION school, EDWARD HORTON, teacher, will close its session next Wednesday...

LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Rochester for the month ending Feb. 28th: Mrs. Mary ANDERSON, G. W. ANDERSON, Francis BARNS, A. H. BROWN, Miss Ellen BRENT, Mrs. Nancy BIGGS, Ann BOND, James BENETTE, Mrs Nancy COOK, Jno. M. COLE, L. E. CHENOWETH, Miss Mattie COOK, Jonathan DITKUS, Miss Ellen DURHAM, Charles DAVIS, Jesse EDMUNDS, David FALER, Dr. J. G. HENDRICK, Wash ( ----- ), (----- ) HUNTER, A. C. HATFIELD, John KITRICK, John P. LEMING, L--- & CARTER, W. R. MARSHALL, Mrs. Sarah McELFRESH, Frank MOORE, Henry POLLEN, Hugh PINE, John ROBBINS, R. RUMBACKER, Geo. ROUCH, A. F. RITCHIE, H. C. TYLER, WM. TRAVER, Miss Belle THOMPSON, L. Wagoner.. George WEIS. - - - - Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

[verv long "sermon" concerning the "Thoughts and Funeral of Mrs. BARB, a Respectable Lady of Rochester, on the 12th day February, 1873 - - - "And to the husband and the daughters, you may weep for the loss of such a wife and mother." .... -A. FOOTE.)

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursdav, March 13, 1873

Mrs. BAREEN, living a few miles east of this place, is lying dangerously ill. Mrs. B. has been confined to her bed during the winter with rheumatism.
Rev. Mr. BELL is holding a protracted meeting at Gilead.
Mr. KELLEY VICKREY while out cutting wood some distance from the house one day last week, accidentally struck his foot with the ax, making a very bad wound. The erysipelas has made its appearance on that part of the body, and at this writing the gentleman is lying in a precarious condition.
WM. KREETBAUM has returned to this place for the purpose of opening a harness shop. Mr. K. was formerly a resident of Akron and proprietor of a harness shop here, but the fire last winter destroyed his entire stock. Since that time he has been engaged in the harness trade in Sevastopol, Kosciusko Co.
JOSEPH WILHOIT is visiting friends in Henry County, this state.
BEEBER, SHELTON & SHIELDS ... Bricklaying, Plastering and Cementing ... Orders left at J. H. SHELTON's Grocery Store will receive prompt attention. G. W. BEEBER, W. H. SHELTON, B. F. SHIELDS. Rochester, Ind., March 13, 1873

The Kewney Plows, Manufactured and Sold by JOHN KEWNEY, Rochester, Indiana... The old foundry on Main street ... Rochester, Ind, March 13, 1873.

New Firm - Great Bargains. MYERS & NEAL ... at the old and well known stand of JOHN P. MYERS ... Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Curry Combs, Brushes, &c, &c. Rochester, Ind. March 13, 1873.

The Rochester Carriage Shops, MILLER & CORY .... Rochester, Ind., March 13, 1873.

DIED. - The wife of Mr. SAMUEL MELVIN died in this place last Tuesday.

The spotted fever has made its appearance at Millark, this county. Several cases are reported, and one or two deaths.
The SENTINEL has abasndoned its foreign "inside" and quarto form, and now appears as an 8-column folio, all printed at home.
W. H. BENEFILL starts this week or next for Howard City, Howard Co., Kansas, near which place he intends to locate ...
ALONZO COLLINS and CATHARINE ELKINS were married in this place last Saturday. A civil suit, in which the bride was plaintiff and the groom defendant, was dismissed upon the consummation of the above event.

ROCHESTER PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT for the second term of the year, including the months of December, January and February, 1873: (shows 405 enrolled) ... The pupils who were neither tardy nor absent during the second term were: 2nd Grade, SAMUEL HILBURN and CHAS. STRADLEY. 3d Grade, RETHA BITTERS, ALLIE EDWARDS and GEORGE DAWSON. 4th Grade, MARY CLAY, BERTHA HILBURN, FREDDIE HILBURN and JACOB RANNELLS. 5th Grade, SARAH BLACKETTER and MARGARET BLACKETTER. 6th Grade, ANGIL SHOWLEY. - - - - L . BRYAN, Supt.

SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 3, NEW CASTLE TOWNSHIP REPORT (shows 37 enrolled) ... speeches by Mr. FARRY, WINDBIGLER, JEFFRIES and Rev. BALL, of Akron, ... H. S. FARRY ... A. L. SHAFER ... "that we invite Mr. Shafer to teach for us next winter..."

ED. OSBORN, confined inflammatory rheumatism to his bed for several weeks with and lung fever, is getting better.
Mr. L. M. MONTGOMERY is getting material together preparatory to building a new residence on his fine lot in the west part of town.
My young friend ABEL BOWERS was the leading debater at Literary Society at Prairie Union school house last Saturday night ...
An interesting little boy, aged about 4 vears, son of Mr. SPANG SPERRY, has for some time past been suffering with a spinal affection, and has not been able to walk for two years ... A couple of weeks ago Mr. Sperry took his little son to the Surgical Institute at Indianapolis. They say they can cure the case, and he is now under the treatment of that institution...
The principal topic of discussion with the people in the country just now is the new TEMPERANCE LAW. The law has been read by every one who takes a newspaper, and its provisions generally approved...

THOMAS PATTY sold out his harness shop to JOHN MYERS last week. After that transaction, Messrs. MYERS and F. H. GRAHAM exchanged shops, where each one will carry on his business, as we trust, in good style.
The citizens of Kewanna are again a happy people. The Marshal some time ago resigned his position and now you can hear boys, ah, and men, too, swearing and see them drunk on the streets, with no one to molest or make them afraid; also wood is piled up on the sidewalks, thus endangering the lives of those who are in the habit of being out at late hours.
Dr. A. R. THOMPSON, on Logan street, has hung out a shingle with the word "Boarding" printed on it ...
On yesterday WM. SINGER and ADDIE FOX came to town and got married, Rev. McKINZIE uniting the happy pair ...

ALEX. COOPER, who had an attack of the epizootic, has recovered ...
J. J. HORN, it is feared, must necessarily undergo the amputation of his toe before he can recover.
A protracted meeting conducted by Rev. REEDER, is in progress at the Lake Chapel M.E. Church...
While most of the saw mills have been standing still during the winter, Mr. BALL has been busy sawing...
Mr. LAMB, an old gentleman, barely escaped being run over by Mr. POTTER, while the latter was returning from church in a sleigh recently. The timely interposition of Mr. McCLENNAN was all that prevented Mr. L. from being seriously injured...
VIRGIL and WM. POWELL, of Cass Co., were each fined ten dollars and costs in the Fulton Circuit Court on the 24th ult., for swimming and indecently exposing themselves in Fletcher's Lake last summer ...
The appointment of KYRAN WALSH as Deputy Land Appraiser and Assessor, does not meet the approbation of either Democrats or Republicans in Wayne Township. JOHN W. RUSH, the Assessor elect ... was the person whom all unite in saying should have received the appointment.
MARRIED. - On the 6th inst., at the residence of WM. MOGLE, in Wayne Township, by Rev. WM. REEDER, Mr. ALFRED McDONALD, Sr., and Mrs. LEAH SMITH...

WAGONER & SWIHART have suspended work on their FLOURING MILL in consequence of a little financial difficulty; but it is hoped, however, they will settle their business satisfactorily, and proceed with their building.
Mr. JOHN D. GARNER is making preparations to build a steam SAW MILL which, when completed, will add a areat convenience to this place.
Mr. L. CARL, who deals exclusively in groceries, is doing a good business ...
Rev. J. WALKER is conducting a series of meetings ...
In reference to our business men, we would respectfully mention Mr. M. LEW ENYART, who, in addition to his duties as Justice of the Peace, is, and has been, doing a fair business in the legal profession.

BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS met... Monday, March 3d, 18 73. (names mentioned): JAMES McCLURG, E. LOWMAN, SILAS J. MILLER, JOHN CARTER, SALATHIEL BROWN, REUBEN TOWSLEY', WM. MASTELLER, L. M. MONTGOMERY, SAMUEL ALSPACH, A. C. CROWNELL, C. HAINBAUGH, W. ANDERSON, ABSALOM NELLANS, SAM. KEELY "was allowed $15.75 for holding Coroner's inquest on the body of SAMUEL ST. CLAIR, in 1869"... [lengthy report of school trustees - - - - -]
TRUSTEES ALLOWANCES: JAMES WARE, Wayne,, J. A. BARNET, Union: W. D. MOORE, Aubb.; L. B. CONGER, Rochester; ELI ROGERS, Richland; E. A. ARNOLD, Henry; C. HAINBAUGH, Newcastle; F. PETERSON, Liberty.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY. Thursday, March 20. 1873

The new and splendid FENCE that is to be put around the PUBLIC SQUARE in the course of the summer, will put the Court House to shame, and cause our shabby old jail to hide its diminished head. Better public buildings will soon be required. The next batch of county officers will refuse to qualify unless a new $50,OOO COURT HOUSE is immediately erected.

J. C. BABCOCK left us on the 15th to make Michigan his home. The Wolverines will have one jovial fellow at least.
The new temperance law is well liked in this community.
DIED. - On the morning of the 14th inst., JOHN BEEHLER. He leaves a large family to mourn their loss.
There is considerable talk of the I.O.O.F.s erecting a hall this summer at Center school house.

Wagoner's Station is alive with business.
WAGONER & HAYES are running their SAW MILL with great success. They are cutting about eight thousand feet of lumber per day.
T. J. HOLCOMB is bringing a nice lot of goods, consisting of dry goods and groceries ...
Rev. Mr. WALKER, of Kokomo, has been holding a series of meetings at the village of Lincoln, which resulted in six additions to the church.
Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, of Rochester, has been holding a series of meetings at Mt. Zion, resulting in about forty accessions to the church.
We have a new MAIL ROUTE established between the Station and GREEN OAK. So you will see Wagoner's Station is bound to become an important point.
Health is very poor at present in this vicinity. There is a large amount of brain fever, and there have been several deaths.
Old Father GRIMES' son has been to our village and taken away Miss JENNIE BURKET as his lawful wife...
Mr. JOHN GOULD, of Brookfield, Mo., paid a flving visit to his relatives in this vicinity...

The SPY is now the largest paper published in Fulton County.
Miss LOU. BRACKETT was installed as Deputy Recorder last Monday.
WM. STURGEON, Esq., is enjoying an interval of total abstinence. He made a splendid speech at the R.R. meeting Monday night.
The new COURT HOUSE FENCE will cost five dollars per foot, or an aggregate of $7,500...
Mr. ELI RUSSELL, living 212 miles southeast of this place, on the Peru road, has sold his farm to a man named GROVES, from Ohio. The price realized was $50 per acre. Mr. Russell intends to remove to town.

The horseback MAIL ROUTE from this place to PERU, kept up solely for the accommodation of intermediate post offices, has at last been discontinued. GREEN OAK is now supplied with a semi-weekly mail from WAGONER'S STATION.
Fulton Co. will receive a valuable addition to her population next fall, when Mr. DRAKE, of Ohio, takes possession of the farm purchased from JOHN PENCE. This gentleman, as well as Mr. GROVES, was one of CHARLEY JACKSON's old neighbors, and both bought farms on his recommendation.
CORNELIUS HOOVER, who obtained a license to marry HARRIET A. HIGHT, last week, reappeared in the Clerk's office on Monday, and wanted that official to refund the money paid him. His gal had gone back on him. Cornelius resides at Etna Green, Kosciusko County, his enamorata lives in Fulton County.

Two weeks ago JOSEPH SCHAAF, a German in the employ of JOHN TAYLOR, while crossing the old BRIDGE over the Chippewanoc, on the Fort Wayne road, was thrown off the wagon he was driving, and suffered a compound fracture of the right leg. The accident was wholly due to the unsafe condition of the bridge. the structure breaking down under the weight of the wagon and its load of wood. Mr. Schaaf is a poor man, but a very honest and worthy one, and he has friends who propose to try conclusions with the county in a suit for damages. There is a new bridge at the crossing, but it is inaccessible and has never been used. The neglect to make it accessible will probably cost the county a considerable sum.

ENTHUSIASTIC RAILROAD MEETING... on Monday night last (in the Court Room) ...
The meeting was called to discuss the prospects and take stock in the ATLANTIC & CHICAGO RAILWAY, an enterprise starting at Dayton, O., and terminating at Chicago. The company was represented by Mr. HEIMER, of Huntington. an honest farmer-looking gentleman, who convinced all present that the building of the road was an absolute certainty. The routes were designated - the first via Sevastopol and Bloomingsburg, on which large sums have been pledged in aid of the road; the second via Akron, Rochester and Uniontown, a much wealthier route, along which meetings are now being held. The discussion was taken up by WILLIAM STURGEON, Drs. ROBBINS and TERRY ... everybody felt confident that the full amount required between Manchester and Uniontown, $80,000, could easily be raised.

SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7, WAYNE TOWNSHIP REPORT ... (shows 30 pupils enrolled... Interesting speeches were made by Messrs. ENOCH MYERS, DAVID McCAUGHEY and S. M. GRABLE... ED. F. CHINN, Teacher.

MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the Clerk of Fulton County: George BAKER and Ellen BISHER; John W. THOMNPSON and Mary E. FOSTER; Robert SINOTT and Mary A. SMITH; John KELLY and Sarah A. ORAN; Gideon P. TALBOTT and Sarah MARTENY; John P. BOWEN and Rebecca J. HARTMAN: Eli HENDERSON and Mary A. KROMER. Alfred McDONALD and Leah C. SMITH, Wm. H. SINGER and Ida FOX,. Theodore FIELDS and Eliza L. RITCHEY; Wm. W. CARVEY and Caroline McCLOUD, George W. OLDS and Sarah E. ANDERSON, Alonzo B. COLLINS and Catherine ELKINS, Josiah SIDMORE and Elizabeth NEWHOUSE; John L. SPRAGUE and Julia A. REED.

Mrs. ELIZABETH PYLE has been sick ever since her return from Ohio, and has not been able to leave her house for three months or more.
The SAW MILL of WM. DOWNS, south of town, is now in operation...
One day last week, as Mr. SPANG SPERRY was coming to town on horse back in company with his little crippled son, the horse got frightened at a cow, and suddenly jumping to one side of the road, the saddle broke, and both father and son were unhorsed and thrown to the ground. The horse struck the boy on the side of the head with his foot, causing a very painful wound. Besides this, the little boy had a leg badly hurt by the horse stepping on it. Mr. Sperry was not seriously injured.
MARRIED. - At the residence of the bride's parents, near Lincoln, Miami Co., Ind., on Wednesday, March 19, 1873, by Rev. P. ROWDEN, D.D., Mr. LAFAYETTE BRYAN, Principal of the Rochester Public School, and Miss ALICE BACON, teacher in Primary Department of same school.
- On Wednesday, March 19, 1873, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Rochester, by Rev. W. PATTINSON, Mr. JAS. E. FETTER, Postmaster of Peru, Ind., and Miss LUCIE A. ADKINSON, daughter of LEWIS ADKINSON, Esq.

HENRY PLATT, the old color Sergeant of the 87th, has achieved a final victory over John Barleycorn, and may now be found at his shop, near Cowgill's lumber yard, in working hours. He has had 21 years' experience in the blacksmith business, and is a No. 1 workman...

ALONZO COLLINS, the gay deceiver who was forced to marry the widow ELKINS last week, has left the country, taking with him a considerable sum of money belonging to the widow. Alonzo is 21, and his bonny bride was nearly double that age. Under the circumstances, it was not to be expected that the matrimonial noose would long bind the parties together. This affair is an awful warning to widows of forty not to let boys fool around them.

Jo. TROUTMAN, of Wayne Township, gave his wife a brutal whipping the other day. Inate cussedness, stimulated by whisky, was the cause. He has so far successfully dodged the officers sent to arrest him.

DIED. - WILLIAM BRUGH, son of JOHN BRUGH, of Aubbeenaubbee Township, died last Monday. His age was 22 years.
- CORA, daughter of Mrs. JOHN ROUCH, was buried in this place last Thursday.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, March 27, 1873

Mr. JACOB FEECE has removed one mile southwest of his former residence, but he will still be found blowing away at the old bellows and ready to do work at the shortest notice. He works cheap and gives good satisfaction.
Mr. DAVID FEECE, by having good weather in his favor, has cribbed his last load of corn...
Mr. CURTIS is making preparations to build him a house this spring. BEEBER & BRO. are to do the carpenter work.

Doc. WHITE has taken up quarters with Doc. SHATTO, which now makes six regular practicing physicians in our small village.
School commenced two weeks ago, Mr. JOHN ROHRER, Principal, and Miss MOLLIE KAHLER teacher in the Primary Department ...
JOHN KILMER has again gone back into his old hotel, where you will always find "mine host" ready to accommodate you.
The Council have again been fortunate in obtaining another Marshal, viz: L. C. MILLS ...

Mr. H. WALKER has a sick child.
THOMAS TIPTON has located with us. He is from Newcastle; also WINFIELD BISHOP, from Rochester.
Mrs. THOMAS WHITE has the erysipelas on her hand.
MARRIED. - On the 20th inst., by Rev. J. MILLER, Mr. CHAS. W. COLWELL to Miss LOUISA NOFTSGER.
Mr. ELIAS BROWN and wife are visiting old friends in Rochester.
Mrs. LYDIA MILLER, of Richland Township, has filed her petition for a divorce from JACOB MILLER, in the Fulton Circuit Court. The defendant is a resident of Pennsylvania.

HENRY BOWMAN, of this county, has been pronounced incurable, and discharged from the Indiana Insane Asylum.
Two crazy men, named respectively CHARLES SMITH and ANDREW LAWRENCE, are now at the poor farm, and Bowman will swell the number to three. All three are at times violent, and it is necessary to confine them in dungeons.
NATHAN BIBLER, of Union Township, adjudged insane, was taken to the Asylum at Indianapolis, on Tuesdav last, by Sheriff Moon. Trouble about a land title and religious excitement combined produced aberration of the mind on the part of Mr. Bibler.
ELIZABETH NETCHER has filed a petition for divorce from ADAM NETCHER in the Fulton Circuit Court. E. R. HERMAN, attorney for plaintiff.
The dam at the outlet of LAKE MANITOU has been thoroughly repaired. ANDY EDWARDS shut up his saloon and took the contract, making $70 clear on the job in two or three days. Bully for Andy.
Mrs. ELIZABETH P. NEWHOUSE has filed a complaint for divorce in the Fulton Circuit Court ... The Plaintiff is the wife of CHRISTIAN NEWHOUSE, of this place ... M. L. ESSICK is attorney for plaintiff.
An indictment was found against one FLETCHER, a resident of Richland Tp., for arson. The charge is that he set fire to JAMES GIBBONS' wheat stacks ... arrested, and has given bail ...
HENRY MERELY (MEHRLEY ?) is down sick with the lung fever.
There is a good deal of SICKNESS reported in the vicinity of Mud Lake. Spotted and brain fevers are the prevailing diseases.
JOHN W. ELAM, who now has charge of the store owned by his father, starts East in a few days, to lay in a heavy stock of Dry Goods and Clothing. Upon his return it is the intention to remove the establishment to the north room of Fred. Fromm's Block ...

PUBLIC SALE ... two and one-half miles southeast of Rochester, on the Peru road... (livestock and equipment) ... ELI RUSSELL, March 20, 1873.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, April 3, 1873

At a railroad meeting in Germany neighborhood, Saturday night last, $2,000 was subscribed in aid of the CHICAGO AND ATLANTIC. A committee who say they will work was also appointed.
Rumor says DAVID RALSTIN has been swindled to the amount of $200 in a patent hay fork.
Mr. JAMES PYLE, Jr., and Mr. and Misses McBRIDES were visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity last week.
W. G. OSBORN dished out the maple sugar to them.
J. L. McCOY is still pulling wool ...
At a meeting on the 28th, W. G. OSBORN and JOSEPH ZINK were elected Trustees for Center Grave Yard and SAMUEL McCLURE, Treasurer.
Rev. WOOD held a series of meetings at Mt. Nebo school house, which were interesting to all ...

WAGONER & HAYS have been repairing their MILL ...
Mr. ISRAEL RIGEL is very bad with the erysipelas, caused by a wound he received some days ago in failing against some timbers. He is in a critical condition.
MARRIED. - On Sunday evening, at the residence of the bride's father, by Dr. VAL THOMPSON, Mr. LEVI HORTON and Miss SUSIE COFFIN, all of Wagoner's Station...
The UNITED BRETHREN are holding a series of meetings at the MOUNT TABOR SCHOOL house...
WESS JACKSON wishes to inform the single ladies of Fulton and adjoining counties that he is now receiving proposals to keep his house, mend his clothes and cook his potatoes ... Give him a call at the Station.
WILL CAROTHERS respectfully tenders his services to all unmarried ladies ...

(Corporation Orders - Notice to Holders) NOTICE is hereby given that all outstanding Corporation Orders, issued by the authority of the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Town of Rochester, Indiana, will be paid upon demand made to me. JONATHAN ROSS, Corporation Treasurer, April 3, 1873.

SCHOOL DIFFICULTIES. Attempt to Oust the Principal of the Rochester Public Graded School. ..[very lengthy report of hearing before before the School Examiner, in which Mr. LAFAYETTE BRYAN, Principal, was charged with incompetency and neglect of duty, the origin of the difficulty having been in the Sixth Grade, presided over by Miss JENNIE HILTON. ... -names mentioned): Dr. GOULD, Mr. DAWSON, ENOCH STURGEON, Esq. REES.. Mr. COWGILL, J. S. SLICK, Dr. ROWDEN]
The FULTON CO. HORSE COMPANY has been in existence nine years, ... not one member has lost a horse by theft.
The P.O. has a number of new boxes and also a new clerk. ED. F. CHINN is assisting the regular deputy, who is well nigh worn down with watching at the bedside of her sick sister, Mrs. E. J. RYLAND.
LYMAN BRACKETT, CHARLEY PLANK, L. C. RANNELLS, MEDEA SHIELDS, WILL HEFFLEY and other students of Wabash and Earlham colleges, are enjoying a week's vacation at their homes in Rochester.
Miss ELIZA JANE REID, living near town, is very sick with typhoid fever.
Miss IDA ONSTOTT is reported to be on the sick list.
At the election held last Friday at PRAIRIE UNION SCHOOL house, Miss SARAH LAWRENCE was chosen teacher. The lady has not fully decided to take the school ...
The large water MILL in the north part of town lay idle from last June until January, on account of a scarcity of water. This difficulty, however, has been overcome, and the mill is now in full operation.
Mr. ADAMS and Mr. LAWRENCE will engage in hop culture again next summer ... be it known that a number of pretty young girls are required for (cultivation), and the sweetness of their smiles, the aroma of the hops, together with the enchanting scenery of a graveyard and several frog ponds in the immediate vicinity, renders hoppicking one of the most delightful pastimes in the world. Wages fifty cents a day and board.

The work of raising Fulton County's quota of local aid required along the line of the proposed CHICAGO & ATLANTIC Railroad proceeds slowly, but hopefully. At a meeting held last Tuesday night, subscriptions to the amount of $17,000 were reported, and it is believed that the full amount can be raised as soon as our citizens can be brought to a realizing sense that the company means business ...

ADAM NETCHER languishes in jail because no one will go his security that he will keep the peace toward his divorce-seeking wife until the next term of court.
Mr. JAMES DAWSON will dispose of his personal property at public sale on the 15th, after which he will remove to Rochester. He contemplates building a fine residence on the grounds east of the railroad, near the depot.
Mrs. LAFAYETTE TRUE, while absent from home one day last week, lost several nice hams, which were stolen from her smoke house. No clue to the thieves.
DIED. - Mrs. ELLA MORRIS, wife of WILLIAM MORRIS, and daughter of GEO. MOORE, Esq., died at her father's residence last Monday evening. Deceased had been married but a few brief months ... She leaves a tender babe to the care of her stricken friends.
- A Miss FREAR, daughter of SAMUEL FREAR, of Libertv Township, died of spotted fever, day before vesterday.
- NELLIE, daughter of B. F. PORTER, aged 2-1/2 years, died on Tuesday last.
- Mrs. WALLACE TRUE lost a son, aged about 8 years, by death recently.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Rochester, for the month ending March 31st: Miss Celia ALLEN, Miss Mary E. ADAMS, Alvah ASHLEMAN, Geo. H. BRIGHT, David BARY, Wm. BRUGH, Geo. BURNS, Alex COOK, Miss Mattie COOK, Mrs. America COPELEN, Solomon CAVENDER, Timothy ELLISON, Mrs. Elizabeth ENIBODEN, Samuel FAIRCHILD, S-d FREAR, Leonard FEKE, Miss Jennie GRIFFITH, M. W. HIATT, J. C. HARRIS, Miss Maggie JOHNSTON, Henry KING, M. W. KNIDER, John KILMER, John LENNING, Phillip LEWIS, Rev. H. LAMBERT, David McCOY, Achorz MARRS, Mrs. Libbie MILLER, Mary MUNFORD, Robert NOBES, Peter NOYER, Ann S. PAGE, Miss Catharine POWELL, David M. RAINEY, John ROBBINS, Frederic STEIN, Mrs. Jane SHAFFER, Geo. SCHINDLER, Philip WEIDNER, Mrs. Malvina WEIDNER, Wm. WARDLOW, Miss Ella WILHELM. - - - - Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

FRED PETERSON will continue his generous work of grinding for the people.
J. C. LONGWELL continues to wait on customers at his old stand in his usual good natured way.
R. ATTKIN expects to be postmaster four years yet.
Fulton has a population of about one hundred and fifty. Fulton boasts of not having a single GROG SHOP ...
There has been a subscription successfully circulated to purchase Rev. WOOD a horse, so he can go on his way rejoicing.
The Society of UNITED BRETHREN are making active preparations to repair and enlarge their church building, known as MILL CREEK CHURCH...
D. C. BUCHANAN, of Logansport, a former well-known citizen of this village, attempted suicide by cutting his throat a short time since. It is thought he will recover. Temporary insanity, occasioned by financial embarrassment in some rvenue matter, is thought to be the cause of the rash act.
DIED. - March 5th, of measles, LEVINA, daughter of JOHN POWNALL, aged 16 years.
- March 20th, of dropsy, FRANCES WOODFIELD, adopted daughter of DAVID TUTTLE, of Fulton.
RICHARD REED has got a baby.

(NOTICE) Whereas, SARAH PACKER, my wife, has left my bed and board without my consent, or any just cause or provocation, all persons are hereby notified not to trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. FREDRICK PACKER. March 27, 1873.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY,, Thursday, April 10, 1873

JOHN HISEY is happy. It's a boy.
Miss LUELLEN LONG is now performing the duties of clerk in the P.O.
JEREMIAH GATES, step-son of JAS. THOMPSON, Esq., lost a thumb and fore-finger from one of his hands, while sawing laths at Hoover's mill, in the southeast part of this township, on Monday morning last. Jerry was formerly an employe of the SPY office ...
Sealed proposals will be received (by) the FULTON COUNTY JOINT STOCK AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL SOCIETY for ... Grading of Time Track on the FAIR GROUNDS ...
At the statutory meeting of the Board of Corporation Trustees for the purpose of choosing three SCHOOL TRUSTEES, held on Thursday night last, Messrs. J. DAWSON, Dr. ANGUS BROWN and ISAIAH WALKER were elected ...

DIED. On Monday, March 31st, 1873, at the residence of her parents, in Liberty township, VESTA A.,. daughter of SAMUEL and DOLLY FREAR, aged 15 vears and 27 days.
Deceased fell a victim to that terrible disease, Cerebro-Spinal meningitis. ...
- At the residence of her parents near Rochester, on Monday, March 31st, 1873, ELLA, wife of WILSON MORRIS, and daughter of GEORGE and REBECCA MOORE, aged 19 years, one month and 24 days.
Deceased was the light and joy of her childhood's home, from which, though married, she had never been permanently removed.....

THE SPRING FLOOD .... The DAM at TRUE'S MILL, on the inlet of Lake Manitau, broke night before last, and its accumulated waters have swelled the lake almost beyond belief. The levee north of the dam is broken, and the road below, together with the bridge is entirely under water, and impassible.
The TIPPECANOE RIVER is also on a high. The bridge on the Michigan road is surrounded with deep water, but the structure itself is believed to be safe. Not so with the R.R. bridge. ... trains were delayed several hours until repairs could be made ...

JOHN P. URBIN intends starting for Cleveland next Monday to get his eyes cured. He has been afflicted with sore eyes for the last two years.
T. W. GREEN has been afflicted with cancer of the face for several years past, and now the disease has assumed a serious character. He consulted with Dr. FITCH, of Logansport, last week... told him there was no help for him - that he must die...
KATE HENDRICKSON was married yesterday, but, sorry to say, we did not learn whom she married. [CATHARINE S. HENDRICKSON m. WILLIAM H. MURRAY, April 3, 1873, Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton Co., Ind. Marriages, 1836-1983]
The widow POLING bought THEODORE SHAFFER's house and lot in town for a span of horses and $200 ...

WILLIAM WHITTENBERGER has purchased the farm where PETER PUTNAM lived for a number of years.
Mr. EWING and several others want to sell out and leave for a warmer climate.
A little town, which we will call HARD SCRABBLE, is building up one-fourth of a mile west of us. It now contains four houses and a shingle factory - the latter owned by JAMES HARTMAN.

TIOSA is a little village located on the I. P. & C. R.R., six miles north of Rochester; is very pleasantly situated; contains one grain house owned by JACOB MILLER, who handles through his ELEVATORS a great amount of wheat, oats, corn and clover seed. He also has one of the best mills here in the county. He is manufacturing a vast amount of lumber, lath, felloes, table and stand legs, and in fact nearly everything that can be cut out of timber.
T. BALL & CO. have located here with a stock of dry goods, boots and shoes, groceries, queensware and glassware,
JO. MARLEY has sold his residence to one Mr. TOBEN, of Rochester, and is now building a new and better house on the east side of the railroad.
Mr. TOBEN is erecting a blacksmith shop in our village, and will be ready for business in a few days.
It would do you good to see JACK MILLER and JOHN SANDS haul lumber from the mill to the cars ... hitch a span of horses to the wagon, then hitch a yoke of cattle to the head of their off wheel horse ...

Mr. H. C. EWING's building is rapidly approaching completion, ... Mr. E's hotel, when finished, will be first class in all its departments, and will compare favorably with first-class hotels of larger towns.
Mr. W. H. HATCH has purchased Mr. J. HURST's store house, which he intends to stock up with a well-selected variety of drv goods, groceries, etc. Meanwhile, Mr. Hurst will retire from the drv goods business and engage in the grain trade.
Mr. L. CARL still continues in the grocery line, he also intends to increase his stock of groceries during the coming season.
Mr. H. D. HUDSON, our druggist, has enlarged his building one third its former size...
The members of the EPISCOPAL CHURCH of this place are collecting material preparatory to building a church edifice the coming season.
Mr. ISRAEL RIGGLE, living a short distance from this place, fell from a barn loft a short time ago, and received internal injuries which it is feared may prove fatal.
The frequenters of Mr. EWING's bar are having a dry time, as E. no longer dispenses to them their favorite beverages, his license having expired a short time after the new temperance law came in force ...
Mr. S. P. HATCH, our wagon maker, has moved into the country and has concluded to try his hand at farming ...
Mr. S. CUFFLE is engaged in the cabinet business, and is doing well...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, April 17, 1873

BENJ. EGMAN has purchased the ALLEN farm at Fletcher's Lake for $2,750. ABRAM HOOBER has sold his farm to MAT. McCANN for $1,100. GEO. McCLATCHEY has sold his farm to AARON HIZER for $1,750, and has purchased the farm known as the "JACK SMITH Farm," in this township.
ISAAC BARKER has, we are informed, purchased the MARSHTOWN SAW MILL - almost. He came within $600 of it and quit.
Rev. WM. REEDER has been assigned to the Winamac Circuit ... Rev. Mr. BARR, of Madison, Ind... will accept a call from BETHLEHEM and WEST UNION PRESBYT ERIAN CHURCHES..
MARRIED. - On the 3d inst, Mr. WM. MURRAY and Miss CASS. HENDRICKSON.
- On the 6th inst. , Mr. JOHN BAILEY and MissMAGGIE J. HUMES.
DIED. - On the 8th instant, MARY ANN, wife of JOHN HIZER, in the 19th year of her age. She was spared but one short year to gladden the home of her now bereft husband. An infant child is left in his care...

HENRY TOBEN has moved his family to this city...
MARRIED. - At the residence of the bride's father, by Esq. NEWCOMB, Mr. W. H. ROBBINS to Miss ALICE ANDERSON, all of Fulton County.
DIED. - On the 14th instant, Mr. SAMUEL MECHLING, of paralysis. Deceased was stricken down without a moment's warning. The stroke occurred on Friday, the 11th, and deceased was not able to utter a word from that time until his death. Mr. Mechling was an old settler and came to this part of the county when the country was new; labored hard and had made a good home for himself and family; was just ready to live easy and enjoy the fruits of his labors, when he was stricken down...

Germany bridge stood the test of high waters...
Mr. ELI RUSSELL has purchased the PHIL.---ER property, and will hereafter be a citizen of Rochester. [PHILEMON WEBER ?? - Ed.]
There is a fair prospect that the FLAX FACTORY will be rebuilt in the course of the coming season.
REUB. TALLY and SAMMY SHIELDS are preparing to erect a butcher shop on the vacant corner west of the spy office.
D. GOLDSMITH, formerly with LAUER & DEICHMAN, of this place, has opened out an extensive stock of Dry Goods, Clothing and Groceries, at LINCOLN.
ADAM SCHOLDER is circulating a petition for a permit to sell intoxicating liquors.
CHI. HOLDER got lost on the Michigan road, within a few miles of the place of his birth, and had to stop at a house in broad dav light and enquire the road to Argos, the other day.
The editorial career of Mr. CONNER, of the SENTINEL, being about to terminate, candor compels us to say that it has been more brief than brilliant. But for the lack of two necessary adjuncts, brains and money, the gentleman would be able to conduct a successful newspaper.
JOHN TAYLOR has learned the art of making a kind of cider that will keep... recommended by physicians ...
DIED. - Mrs. SUSAN McCARTER, wife of WM. McCARTER, died in this place on Monday morning last, after a brief illness. Deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Judge HUGH MILLER, and one of a number of sisters who are justly noted for personal beauty. ladv-like manners, and modest worth. She was connected by birth and marriage with the best families in this region of country, among whom she was deeply loved and respected. Her life was that of a Christian, and her only regret in leaving this world grew out of motherly solicitude for her tender family. She leaves a husband and six children, five of whom are girls, to mourn her loss. Her age was about 42 years.

MYERS & GAINER have been awarded the contract for building a wood shed in rear of the COURT HOUSE. Price, $270.
NEWTON BERRIER was brought before Esq. REES, between the hours of 12 p.m. and 6 a.m., yesterday morning on complaint of LETITIA A. REID, charging him with bastardy. Berrier was held to bail in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next term of Circuit Court. He has recently married into a highly respectable family, and this scandal therefore involves others besides the parties immediately concerned.
Rev. W. PATTINSON, of this place, having received a call from the Presbyterian congregation at Columbia City, Ind., will remove his family thence in a few days ... The departure of his amiable wife and accomplished daughters will leave a void...
Miss ELIZA J. REID, reported badly sick with typhoid fever a short time ago, is now out of danger.
The spring term of school commenced at PRAIRIE UNION SCHOOL house on Monday last. Miss SARAH LAWRENCE is teaching ...
Mr. WILLIAM CARTER is having put up a fine and costly ice wagon, from which he will dispense congealed water next summer to thirsty throats. The inimitable DECKER is doing the ornamental painting.

MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the Clerk of Fulton Co.: James A. FETTER and Lucie A. ADKISON; Chas. W. COLWELL and Louisa NOFTSGER; Peter JEFFRIES and Elizabeth BATZ; Cyrus McCARTER and Alwilda MANN; James T. WILSON and Sarah C. LEITER; Wm. H. MURRAY and Catherine S. HENDERSON; John BAILY and Maggie J. HUMES, Benj. F. LEAR and Phoebe E. WRIGHT; Daniel J. FROY and Martha E. STURGEON; Wm. H. ROBBINS and Alice 1. ANDERSON; Wm. BIDDINGER and Lydia A. LEITER; Joshua J. BURCH and Catherine KING.

It makes little difference as to whether the river BRIDGE at BLOOMINGSBURG was injured by the late flood, as the construction of a new bridge was ordered at the March Term of the Board of County Commissioners. At a special session of the Board, on Tuesday last, the contract was awarded to A. E. STUCKY at $778. The county pays $400, and interested citizens pay the residue.

That popular salesman, J. M. REITER, formerly with ERNSPERGER & JACKSON, can now be found at our firm... BIBLER & CO., Successors to FEDER & SILBERBERG Dry Goods Department.

HOLCOMB will soon have his store room ready to go into ...
We attended Sabbath School at Wagoner's Station school house last Sabbath, and were much pleased to see how well it was conducted.
H. C. EWING was around last week getting signers to a petition to sell liquid fire in Lincoln, but he did not succeed very well. The people are tired of such a nuisance.
CHRIS. JOHNSON wants to correspond with thirty or forty single ladies for a long time. Grass widows preferred.
JOHN HAYES has got him a new plug hat. He looks well in it, but he is a good looking fellow any how.
WILL. CAROTHERS still continues to be as gallant towards the ladies as ever.

Miss ELLA REX, of Rochester, is here for the purpose of teaching music. The last we heard was she had thirteen scholars...
"Incognito" says that RICHARD REED has got a baby...
JACOB ODAFFER has set up a barber shop, wherein he shaves folks every Saturday. He only charges ten cents a face.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY., Thursday, April 24, 1873

We paid a visit to Lincoln recently and learned that Mr. H. C. EWING is taking measures to arrest three young ladies of that town for setting fire to his saloon. We truly hope the ladies will escape arrest, as their parents are highly respectable people.
JACOB ZORTMAN... told us that he killed a fish in Lake Manitau that weighed 21 lbs ...
JACKSON's angel has taken wings and flown away with herself. Bad joke on you, WESLEY, but wash your neck, put on a clean collar and try again.
WILL SAVAGE has sheep... over three hundred head on hands now...
Our old friend, Mr. H. D. WEAVER, of Rochester, paid us a visit the other day ...

I would like to inform Mr. Incognito that he was mistaken and far behind time when he stated that "there is a locality in this county known by the vulgar name of New Tail Holt." He was not aware that the "TAIL HOLT" slipped, and since then has been given the name of GEORGETOWN. We have neither dry goods store, grocery, saloon or postoffice ... This locality is fast emerging from a state of Nature to that of cultivation...

Esquire NEWCOMB will build a fine residence this summer; also Mr. SAMUEL McCLURE.
We understand that Mr. and Mrs. PACKER are courting. Such is the benefit of a law suit.

A grand ball at Balcony Hall is announced for Monday evening, May 12th. Music by McDONALD BROTHERS, formerly of Rochester.
MARRIED. - On yesterday, April 23, 1873, at the residence of the bridels parents, by Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, Mr. HENRY MILLER and Miss REBECCA McBRIDE, all of this county.

NEWTON BERRIER was arraigned before Esq. ASHTON, Friday. on a charge of attempting to procure a miscarriage on the person of Miss LETITIA A. REID. He was held to bail in the sum of $300 for his appearance at the next term of the Circuit Court. We waive the opportunity for a sensational article in this instance, on the ground that the publication of the details of the trial would not subserve the cause of public morality. It is proper to say, however, that the trial was conducted with due regard to the proprieties of life as far as possible, and the prurient curiosity of the throng of men and boys who crowded the court room was not satisfied. It is sad to note the demoralization of the times which this case reveals. The spectacle of a young farmer and a country girl deliberately conniving at the life of an unborn child is too horrible for contemplation. As long as this form of vice was confined to the so-called upper circles of society, its effects were of trivial importance comparatively; but now that it has made its appearance among the yeomanry of the land, at the very foundations of society and fountain of virtue, who can forshadow the end?

JOHN WALLACE was fined $1 and costs for committing an assault and battery upon the person of WARREN GILMAN, Saturday.

"TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM" was re-produced at Balcony Hall, on Saturday evening, by a company of amateurs, for the benefit of the Rochester Lodge of Good Templars. (actors were): R. GOULD, E. R. HERMAN, SILAS TRUSLOW, W. W. STICKLES, CUSTER, MYERS, GRAND LONG, Mrs. HERMAN, Mrs. PLATT, Miss RANNELLS, Miss REITER...

Subscriptions in aid of the projected PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at MOUNT ZION are coming in at an encouraging rate. About $1,200 have already been subscribed in the immediate neighborhood. JOSEPH WHITTENBERGER leads off with a subscription of $200; JAMES CALLOWAY give $100; Mr. MOSTELLAR, $100, and the McCLUNG boys, three in number, $100 each. It is designed to raise a constructive fund of $1,700.
About eight weeks ago, THOMAS J. WHITE, of Richland Township, fell from his barn door to the ground, a distance of eight feet, and received injuries of so serious a nature that he has not yet fully recovered from their effects. No bones were broken, but the shock was quite severe...
On Monday last, the Marshal served on SIDNEY KEITH, Esq., a temporary order to open Fulton street within ten days...

HOUSES RAISED AND MOVED. The undersigned, having procured the necessary apparatus for raising and moving houses,.. Orders left at J. H. SHELTON's Grocery Store, or with JOSEPH W. BEEBER or JACOB WRIGHT, will receive prompt attention. BEEBER & WRIGHT, Rochester, Ind, April 24, 1873.

FIRE. A few nights ago Mr. I. N. McCOY's shop was discovered to be on fire by one of the family, and before any aid could be rendered, the whole building was in flames. He used it for a store house for all his tools ... a complete set of carpenter's tools, a lot of lumber, farming tools, harness, some grain, and ... 800 weight of pork... caused by sheer carelessness... Mr. McCoy had partitioned off a small corner ... for a smoke house... He claims a loss of $500.
On last Monday, R. MINTON was arrested on a charge of breach of promise and bastardy, on complaint of Miss MURRAY.. of Wayne Tp. The victim is but fifteen years of age. Now we deem it a shame and an outrage for a man of Mr. Minton's standing to seduce and deceive one of such tender years, and no better on the part of the girl's father, Mr. MURRAY., for settling the matter with Mr. Minton for $300, thus not valuing the character of his daughter very highly; also said that if M. would marry her he should have his $300 back. Decidedly cool, that, Mr. Murray. In our estimation, nothing short of solitary confinement for a term of years at Michigan City ought to satisfy the cravings of the law in this case. REUB. vou will have to teach another term or two over there to pay that, or marry the girl.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, May 1, 1873

MODOCS IN COUNCIL ... inauguration of a movement to select candidates for Corporation officers without reference to party associations. (names mentioned): M. L. ESSICK, A. L. BITTERS, W. H. MATTINGLY, WM. STURGEON, Dr. ROWDEN, Col. SHRYOCK, CHAS. JACKSON, F. K. KENDRICK, E. E. COWGILL, J. S. SLICK, E. CALKINS, F. B. ERNSPERGER, ELLIS WILSON,, Mr. BOWERS, Dr. ROBBINS, J. W. SMITH, A. C. MITCHELL, JAMES W. MANN (colored), ROBERT SHELTMAN., JONATHAN W. REED, J. W. ROSS, J. W. DAVIS, ENOCH STURGEON.


WHOLESALE BURGLARY. The Post Office, a Gunsmith Shop and Two Saloons Broken Into and Robbed.
Some thief or thieves broke open and robbed the Post Office, MILLER's Gunsmith Shop, ANDY EDWARD's and CLARK's Saloons ... the perpetrators have so far eluded arrest...

The Democracy met in convention last night, and nominated the following ticket: Trustees - First Ward, J. F. FROMM; Second Ward, C. VAN TRUMP; Third Ward, Dr. J. C. SPOHN. Marshal - SHANNON MACKEY. Assessor - DAVID P. CARR. Treasurer - F. RICHTER. Clerk - CHAS. E. REYNOLDS.
The Rochester Quartette Band (brass and string) go to Ralstin's tonight, to attend a ball.

Dr. A. C. ORR, will attend promptly all Professional calls, either day or night. Office on second floor of Jesse SHIELDS' BRICK store BUILDING. Dr. Orr may be found at the Office day and night, when not professionally absent. May 1, 1878.

LIKENS RICHARDSON's boys seem to be unfortunate in their experiments with fire-arms. Last winter one of them shot himself in the face while fooling with an old pistol; and, more recently, another shot himself through the hand with the same weapon. The wound is painful, but not serious.
TALLY & SHIELDS have taken possession of their new Butcher Shop, on the corner south of Balcony Hall ...
The spotted fever has appeared at LINCOLN, and two deaths have ensued from the disease in that vicinity.

CHANGE OF BUSINESS. I have disposed of my business property known as the BAZAR, and the entire stock of Goods and furniture to my father, Wm. ASHTON,. . .. I have purchased the FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP from F. GILLMAN, near the depot, and hereafter will devote my time to the various branches of that business... F. M. ASHTON.

New Boot and Shoe Shop... for the manufacture of Boots and Shoes in the room two doors south of the Wallace House ... engaged the services of Mr. ISAAC NICODEMUS ... J. SIDMORE.

Don't forget the new firm of BARNES & MITCHELL, when you want Furniture at low prices. .... 'Undertaking ...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, May 8, 1873

CORPORATION ELECTION. Those elected: Trustee, First Ward, J. F. FROMM; Trustee, Second Ward, CALVIN VAN TRUMP; Trustee, Third Ward, E. E. COWGILL; Clerk, T. J. McCLARY and C. E. REYNOLDS (tied); Assessor, JOHN L. BLANCHARD; Treasurer, J. W. ROSS; Marshal, SHANNON MACKEY.

One day last week, JAMES RICHARDSON, of Henry Township, became involved in a quarrel that led to a fight with his wife, in which the woman proved herself to be the better man. His father was called in to settle the difficulty, and also became involved therein.... the woman prosecuted both for assault and battery, before Esq. REES. The husband plead guilty and was fined $1.00 and costs; the old gentleman was acquitted. An outside party named KTNDIG, who interfered in behalf of the woman, was fined by Esq. BURCH for assault and battery upon the person of the husband.
Subsequently the younger Richardson was held to answer a charge of drunkenness under the new law, and an additional fine of $5.00 was imposed upon him... An appeal was taken to the Circuit Court.

BROKE JAIL. - ADAM NETCHER, a well-known resident of this county, who has languished in jail for several weeks, awaiting the advent of some friend who would enter into bonds with him to keep the peace, struck for liberty last Friday morning, and left for parts unknown. He escaped after breakfast and before dinner, but as he did not go through the formality of leave-taking with the Sheriff, that officer is at a loss to understand how he got out. It is very likelv, however, that the door was left unlocked, as no one supposed that the prisoner had any desire to leave until he could find a bondsman. The suit for surety of the peace was brought by his wife, who is now seeking a divorce. Everybody but the Sheriff is glad that Adam has escaped, as his confinement was entailing an expense upon the county. It is to be hoped that he has gone West, resolved to grow up with the country, and become a sober, useful man.

A strange animal, probably a catamount, was slain in Liberty Township, a few days ago, by AMOS SMITH, Esq. The creature is described as being large enough to carry off a shoat, but our informant could give no further description than that it had a ring about its neck. Mr. Smith's dogs started it up and brought it to bay, when it was killed with an ax. The hide has been stuffed, and is in the possession of Mr. JOHN POORMAN.
Mrs. OSBORN, widow of the late THOS. OSBORN, had eight lambs killed by dogs last week.
Mrs. LAWRENCE, living near town, has been suffering for some time with sore eyes. She is almost wholly blind now, and it is feared will lose her eye sight altogether.
Mrs. S. G. SPERRY left for Indianapolis yesterday with her little crippled boy, who is being treated at the Surgical Institute ... He has considerably improved ...
PETER and SAM CONGER have each a new baby born to them...
Two weeks ago the remains of a lady, daughter of Mr. HARDY PARKER. which were tenderly laid away in the old grave yard, near town, about two years ago, were exhumed for the purpose of being buried at another place in the same enclosure. The coffin was in a good state of preservation, the mold which covered it in spots not having rotted the wood. And more wonderful still, the corpse appeared natural, the features being well preserved. Her shroud looked just as it did when she was dressed for the grave....... The lady died of quick consumption.

Dr. H. B. BOSWELL will extract teeth FREE OF CHARGE for all persons who will call at his Dental Office, over Dawson's Drug Store, on show day, Monday, May 12.

JAMES SNODGRASS has created quite a sensation by announcing his intention of going to that far-off country, Nevada. He says he is going there to start life anew and grow up with the country ...
Mr. D. GOLDSMITH, formerly of Rochester, has located here with a large assortment of dry goods, ready made clothing, etc.
Mr. H. C. EWING's hotel is now opened to the traveling public.
Thousands of bushels of wheat and other grains are exported annually from this point as well as large quantities of produce the past year, ending April 15, 1873: No. of bushels of wheat shipped, 16,000; corn, 10,000; potatoes, 6,000 bushels. In addition to these shipments a large number of hogs were shipped last winter; $21,000 were paid for hogs during one week...
The M.E. CHURCH has a large, substantial building, and the members of the Christian CHURCH are erecting a magnificent edifice which is being built of brick. It will be finished in the Gothic style and will probably cost $2,000.
The LINCOLN FLOURING MILL is rapidly approaching completion. It will be in running order in a week or ten days ...
Lincoln, in its present flourishing condition, offers splendid inducements to invest.

Dr. JACKSON, of Lazette, Kansas, lost his youngest child recently. Spotted fever was the cause.
GEO. REEDER, of Cass County, has purchased JOSEPH J. HILL's farm at Fletcher's Lake, for $5,500.
Rev. J. R. DECKARD, pastor in charge of a Baptist church at Bradford Junction, has been visiting his friends near Marshtown.
D. McCAUGHEY was elected Superintendent and W. H. HOOBER assistant and Secretary of Lake Union Sunday School ...
A Mr. CUNNINGHAM, nephew of ROBERT BEATTIE, arrived at Marshtown a few days since, bringing with him from the Canadian Dominion a fine blooded horse.
Doc. CLELAND has painted his barn ...
A few days ago one of JOHN RACAS' children had two of its fingers cut off by a little boy who was playing with an ax, but learn it is doing well.
Mr. JOHN HENDERSON had his hand very seriously hurt a few days ago while at work on Mr. BRUNK's saw mill, in Wayne Township.
Mr. R. MINTON came to us the other day and told us that we had written an error concerning his arrest, &c., and that he wished us to rectify it, which we take pleasure in doing. He says he was not arrested for breach of promise and bastardy, but that Mr. MURRAY came to him and they settled the matter between themselves; that he had not thought of going away, neither was Mr. Murray afraid of him doing so; that the girl was 20 years old, and not 15. as we had stated. We are sorry that we misstated things, but we wrote just as it flowed from mouth to mouth and reached our ears. ... We will add that Mr. Minton and Miss MURRAY have since been married.

KRATHWOHL & MOON are doing an active business in the manufacture of wagons.
JOSEPH SELLERS, Esq., of our town, has been dangerously ill for some time, but is now convalescent.
The many friends of Rev. E. J. DELP will be sorry to learn that he has sold his farm south of Fulton, with the intention of emigrating to Kansas. He will start soon to look out a situation ...
DIED. -April 30th, 1873, of consumption, DAVID P. ALLEN, of Fulton, aged about 22.
-April 30th, 1873, of apoplexy, GEO. TIPTON, of Logansport, aged 45. He was the oldest inhabitant of Cass Co.
POWNALL BRO'S & CO., have purchased a lot of timber land in the south part of this county, and intend locating a saw mill.

There was a meeting held at CENTER school house on Saturday evening week, among the ODD FELLOWS ... for the purpose of raising means to build a hall at that place. Mr. J. L. MARTINDALE was appointed President...
Quite an improvement is being made around our grave yard by building a new fence. Mr. JOHN LONG is doing the work.
Our Sabbath school was organized on Sabbath week, at Center Church. L. VAMPNER is Superintendent...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, Mav 15, 1873

BOWERS & McCLARY, brick and stone masons... have contracted for the construction of four BRICK BUILDINGS in Rochester during the coming season.
The largest one of the four will be erected on Pontiac street, in the north part of town, for Mr. DANIEL FINLEY... the next in size... will be the property of Mr. JACOB GERSON, and is to be erected on the east side of Jefferson street, north of Plumb. The third is to be identical in size and appearance with the second, and will occupy a portion of the same lot. The ownership will vest in JOSEPH LAUER, Esq. The fourth will be erected on Jefferson street, south of Plumb... It will be the property of BOWERS & McCLARY...

We take pleasure in announcing that Mr. BITTERS is once more ".Monarch of all he surveys" in the SENTINEL office, Mr. CONNER having retired from the chair editorial. The paper will probably be enlarged soon, and no effort will be spared to restore it to its wonted place in the confidence and esteem of the party it represents. Mr. Bitters has ever had our best wishes for his prosperity, and we take occasion to congratulate him upon the termination of the difficulties that have latterly beset his pathway. He is a courteous and manly opponent, as well as an able and discreet editor.

J. H. SHELTON has removed his stock of Groceries and Provisions to the center room of the MAMMOTH BUILDING ...
We learn from the MIRROR that Mr. B. A. EIDSON, of this county, and Mrs. BREWER, of Argos, were married in Bourbon a few davs ago ...
A majority of the voters of Allen Township, Miami County, have signed H. C. EWING's petition for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at LINCOLN.
Messrs. VAN DIEN and McCOY are about to establish a Bakery on Pearl street, one door east of the SPY office ...

(Notice of Election) ... Annual Election of the MUD CREEK DRAINING COMPANY will be held at the Carriage Shop of THOMAS GARLINGHOUSE, in the town of Perrysburg, Miami County, Indiana, on Tuesday, June 10th, 1873...

GRAND OPENING (general merchandise - listed) The 2 Stores, One and two doors North of First National Bank, Rochester, Indiana, ERNSPERGER, JACKSON & CO.
New Firm. ... Ex-Sheriff DAVIS has purchased an interest in ELAM'S Dry Goods and Clothing Store ...
Prof. WOLFF SAMUELS, the fashionable Cutter at FEDER & SILBERBERG'S, is now at Indianapolis, engaging the services of a corps of tailors to execute the flood of orders that have been received at that establishment...
An elegant monument, which will mark the final resting place of the late JOHN DRUDGE, has just been completed at LINE's MARBLE SHOP, in Rochester. It stands about ten feet high, and weighs 2,500 lbs ... pure American Marble ...
I was misinformed as to SAM. CONGER having a baby born to him... Nevertheless, "coming events cast their shadows before."
It affords me pleasure to state that my young friend, ARMSTRONG, the debater, is again an attache to the SENTINEL office
PRAIRIE UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL, organized onlY a few weeks ago, disbanded last Sunday...
Capt. LONG is now foreman at V. ZIMMERMAN's shoe shop.

8th, 1873: (names mentioned): W. P. BALL, S. MACKEY, WM. REESE,

The lumber trade is carried on by Messrs WAGONER, HAYES & CO., who are doing an honest and lively business.
Our merchant, Mr. T. J. HOLCOMB, has moved into his new store room...
Messrs. WEAVER & CLARK, of Rochester, are buying large quantities of timber in this locality...
Mr. YOST WHEATLY wishes to inform ladies of Fulton and adjoining counties, that he wishes correspondence with some good looking lady...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, May 22, 1873

SHALL ROCHESTER BE MADE A CITY? More than railroads, more than fine business houses, and more than improved streets, ROCHESTER needs manufactories. Railroads seek flourishing localities, fine business houses and residences are the natural offspring of wealth, and improved streets are only necessary for the accommodation of traffic and travel. Manufacturing establishments give employment to labor, and attract foreign capital to favorable investments. And there is a time in the history of aspiring communities, when they must decide whether they will have or reject these means of producing wealth. What do the people of Rochester say? Shall we go year after year holding down store boxes and scandalizing passersby, or shall we awake and behave like men of energy and spirit? Fortunately several enterprises have struggled into existence in our midst that only require a proper degree of encouragement to become in a few years mines of wealth.
The capital and labor now engaged in the manufacture of wagons in Rochester, if aggregated, and out under the control of a superintendent, would turn out many more vehicles than it now produces. The CHAMPION WAGON, manufactured bv Mr. SAMUEL HEFFLEY, finds ready sale wherever put upon the market. Now what's to hinder the formation of a company for the manufacture of wagons in Rochester? The timber can all be drawn from adjacent forests, and the skill, if not already on the ground, could be quickly supplied by thrifty emigrants whose presence would add to the population and trade of our town.
MYERS & GAINER are making commendable efforts to manufacture FURNITURE in Rochester. They have not complained to us, but we know that they need capital to increase the capacity of their shops. Why can't a company be formed to engage in the manufacture of furniture here? There will be no abatement in the demand for such wares, and such a venture would undoubtedly prove profitable. Suitable timber may be found at our very doors, at prices that would have a broad margin for profit on the manufactured article.
BARKDOLL & KENNEDY have attempted the manufacture of SASH AND DOORS, but they, too, have been cramped for lack of capital. The business is abundantly profitable, and a large interest therein could be built up here as well as at any place under the sun.
GILMAN'S FOUNDRY. together with the right to manufacture the celebrated RED BIRD PLOW, has fallen into the hands of F. M. ASHTON, Esq. Mack is an enterprising fellow, and should be encouraged and assisted to manufacture ten thousand of these plows during the coming season.
... All that we need is the spirit among our people that will say, these things shall be done. An association should be immediately formed that will put these ideas into practical operation.

NEW FIRM ... Millinery... is under the superintendence of Mrs. MORROW ... Jewelry Department ... Dry Goods ... ASHTON'S BAZER, One door South of the Farmers' National Deposit Bank, opposite the Public Souare, Rochester, Ind. WM. ASHTON, May 10th, 1873.

Full Line of Gent's Furnishing Goods, for summer wear, just received at FEDER & SILBERBERG.

DIED. - Mrs. MARY SHIELDS, sister of Mrs. Dr. ROBBINS, died in Peru, recently.
- The wife of Lieut. JACOB H. LEITER, formerly of this county, died in Logansport, on the 7th.
- May lst, of whooping cough, SAMUEL WALTER, son of ALFRED B. and CLARA H. SIBERT, aged 8 months and 17 days.
- On the 30th of April, 1873, IDA, daughter of L. and CAROLINE CARL, aged five years, four months and one day.
The deceased fell a victim to that dreadful disease, the spotted fever, and lived but a few days.
- On Sunday, 18th inst., Mrs. ANN E. BARNES, wife of E. S. BARNES of this place. The deceased was a native of New York, having been born at East Mendon in 1825. She was a member of the M.E. Church in good standing for over thirty years.
MARRIED. - At the residence of the bride's father in Rochester, by Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, on Sunday, May 18, 1873, CARLOS EDSON, of Hamilton County, and Miss ALICE S. MILLER.

The town authorities have compromised the suit instituted by ELISHA MILLER for damages for dirt and gravel used in grading Main street. at a cost of $60.
Rev. N. L. LORD has been appointed to fill the vacancy in the Board of School Trustees caused by the resignation of ISAIAH WALKER, Esq...
ISAIAH WALKER, of Rochester, is understood to be a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Schools. The election takes place the first Monday in June, when the Township Trustees will meet and elect a Superintendent...
The SENTINEL is our authority for stating that Mr. ISAIAH CONNER contemplates a change of residence, and will remove to Cambridge City, Ind., soon. Mr. Conner isn't much of an editor, but his social qualities have rendered him quite popular in Rochester. He is the life and soul of the festive board, where weak tea is the principal beverage.
ANDY EDWARDS, while putting up an awning in front of his saloon Tuesday morning, was unfortunate enough to fall from a step-ladder on which he was standing. He alighted head first on some rocks in the gutter, and was picked up stunned and bleeding... His injuries, though severe, are not serious.

DEATH OF JOHN ELAM, ESQ. It is our painful duty to announce the death of JOHN ELAM, Esq.. which occurred at his residence in this place on Friday last, Mav 16. 1873, at 3:30 p.m.
John Elam was born in Switzerland Co., Indiana, March 4th, 1819, and was, consequently. at the time of his death, aged 54 vears, 2 months, and 12 days. . He came to this county in i832, with his father, who had been appointed government overseer of the original POTTOWATOMIE MILLS. After remaining here some time, the son was sent back to Southern Indiana after the family, and brought them through the then almost trackless wilderness, arriving here in the summer of 1834. Riding ahead to apprise his father of the approach of the family, the youth was informed by the Indians that his parent had died some months before, and had been buried by them at a spot adjacent to the present site of the mill race. The family then consisted of the mother, three sons and five daughters, and with the shadow of this great sorrow resting upon them, they began life in a new country, settling on a tract of land one mile south of Rochester. The subject of this sketch remained a member of his mother's family until he arrived at the age of 20 vears, when he was married to Miss ELIZABETH SMITH, who survives him. His mother having remarried and removed to Winamac, he took charge of the farm, of which he finally became sole possessor. He assisted in the removal of the Pottowatomie Indians, driving an ox wagon loaded with women and children to the Mississippi river. Subsequently he engaged in the hotel business, as landlord of the MANSION HOUSE, since the CONTINENTAL, which was then a RELAY STATION on the STAGE LINE then running from Indianapolis to Michigan City. Afterwards, he became proprietor of what is now known as the CENTRAL HOUSE. In the meantime, however, he helped build and equip the steam SAW MILL now owned by WM. DOWNS. From time to time he engaged in mercantile pursuits, at various stands and locations in Rochester. In 1838 he obtained the contract for carrying the MAILS from Logansport to Plymouth, holding it four vears. He was twice a candidate for County Treasurer, but was defeated both times. He held the office of Justice of the Peace eight years, and was Township Trustee several times.
The above are the main facts in the history of deceased, and to elaborate them would be to write the history of Fulton County, with whose growth and settlement he was so intimately connected. He witnessed the erection of every house now standing in Rochester, and participated in the struggles that always mark the pathway of the pioneer. In all the relations of life he was recognized and respected as a man of force and character. Younger men and men of his own age, sought his counsel frequently, and he was noted as a man of rare good judgment. In politics he was an ardent Republican, and wielded great influence in the councils of the party. The universal esteem in which he was held was testified by the immense throng that paid the last tribute of respect to his remains, filling the large audience room of the M.E. Church to its utmost capacity. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss, and the entire communitv sympathize with their grief. Peace to his ashes.

Saloon licenses issued by the Board of County Commissioners, under the old law, expire as follows: SCHOLDER & BOSENBERG, C. A. HAWLEY and JOSEPH WIDENER, in June; JOHN P. URBIN, Kewanna, and ELLIOT BAILEY, Rochester, in September; A. MEISCH, A. J. EDWARDS, JOHN A. EDWARDS, THOS. A. BEALL, NICKLOW & ROGERS, BROADSWORD & DITTON, in December. All attempts to obtain permits under the new law have ceased, and none are likely to succeed. If the law is sustained by the courts, January 1, 1874 will find Fulton County without a solitary saloon within her borders.
MARRIAGE LICENSES issued from the Clerk's office: Henry MILLER and Henrietta R. McBRIDE, George R. LOWERY and Nancy J. LADD, Daniel R. GURGON and Gertrude THAYER, Christian T. MURRAY and Harriet E. BISHOP, Henry RINGLE and Louisa PETER, Wilson T. CUTSHALL and Margaret E. PARKER, Carlos EDSON and Alice MILLER, George K. OWENS and Alice COMMINGS, James BENNETT and Mary J. THOMPSON.

The health of Mrs. Dr. SPOHN, we are glad to learn, is so nearly restored that her husband has once more resumed the practice of his profession.
MYERS & GAINER paid $30.40 for the old FENCE around the PUBLIC SQUARE, and it will be removed piecemeal, as fast as the new fence is constructed. A portion of the material for the new fence is expected this week ...
DIED. -The wife of ELIAS MAXWELL, residing in Liberty Township, died recently.
-SAMUEL RHODES, father of Mrs. HORTON and Mrs. WM. WALLACE, died at the residence of the latter, in this place, on Monday evening last.

SAMMY PICKETT, son of a well-known barber of this place, has achieved the height of a boy's ambition, having been placed in a circus with his father's consent. He is about seven years old, and displays considerable talent as an acrobat. He is with Brady's circus, now traveling in Michigan.

JAMES SNODGRASS has gone - not to Nevada, but to Rochester. He says it don't pay to live in these little one-horse towns.
Mr. W. H. HATCH has moved into his spacious storehouse, with an extensive stock of dry goods, all of which are new and of the best quality...
Mr. D. GOLDSMITH is doing a rushing business in the ready-made clothing line. He has also announced that he is ready to buy wool at this place, thus giving us a wool market. DAVE evidently means business ...
Mr. LOUIS CUFFEL is doing a vast amount of business in the cabinet trade ...
Doc. OGDEN runs the shoe shop ...

GEORGE HOLMAN has gone to Rochester to show the people what he knows about law.

Father HOLCOMB has at last moved into his new store room...
HANK EWING gave a grand ball last Friday night week, resulting in the spoiling of lots of bad whiskey ...

Mr. SAMUEL THOMPSON, a citizen of Georgetown, shouldered a black walnut saw log, ten feet long and eight inches through, and carried it ten rods recently. Show me another man fifty-four years of age that can do the like, if you can.
The GEORGETOWN MILL sawed 303 feet in twelve minutes ...

WM. P. SMITH has sold his share of the SAW mMILLill at this place. It is now run under the supervision of Mr. EZRA NEECE, and is doing a fair business.
R. A. NEW is not married yet, but has moved into his new store, and contemplates bringing on the largest stock of goods ever brought to Green Oak.
WILL CAROTHERS has re-organized a SINGING SCHOOL at this place, which is attended with interest.
Young JOHN SMITH, of our vicinity, has got to be quite a jester, and can laugh as loud at his own jokes as a grown person ...
The Green Oak M.E. CHURCH is about completed.
Mr. VANDINE's gun bursted in his hands last Saturday week, which scared JACK nearly to death. Otherwise he came off unharmed.
Rev. Mr. LEE preached his first sermon at this place last Sunday... seems to be a man of learning.
The proprietors of the saw mill have been whooping things up lively this Spring, but came pretty near having a "smashup" last week. - JOHN DAY, engineer, got his hand smashed.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, May 29, 1873

F. M ASHTON's steamboat is nearly or quite finished and ready to launch. She will ply to and fro on the waters of Lake Manitau...
Our friend, JOHN TAYLOR, has enlarged his DAIRY and embarked in the manufacture of CHEESE. The business is a paying one... He will still continue to furnish the citizens of Rochester with milk.
VAN DIEN & McCOY's new bakery, in the BEEBER BLOCK, is almost ready for occupancy. It will be a favorable location for their business, as a large share of the population of town lives south of them...
THOMAS CLARK, proprietor of the HAWLEY SALOON, contemplates the erection of a large brick LIVERY in Rochester as soon as his license expires, which will occur next month. The building will be 30xlOO feet... and fourteen feet high. It will be erected on the premises now occupied by JUD INGRAHAM.

APPRAISEMENT of a few of the principal tax-payers of (Wayne) Township: PETER F. BRUNK, 480 acres, value $8,240, personal, $2,044; LINDLEY MOORE, 480 acres, value $7,502, personal $2,554; DAVID MARSH, 356 acres, value $5,874, personal, $1,553; JAMES D. CALAHAN, 240 acres, value $5,184, personal, $1,929; JAMES WARE, 320 acres, value $4,922, personal, $1,446; JOSEPH and P. BRUNK 160 acres, value $2,450, personal $2,223. ... KYRAN WALSH, Deputy Appraiser of Wayne and Liberty Townships.

Twin boys at JIM GIBBON's this time...
MARTINDALE is about to sell his farm to W. C. APPLE, of Bourbon.
HOLMAN is feeding one hundred and fifty hogs ...
Miss HATTIE ZINK has been seriously sick for a few davs, but is now better.
Mrs. REBECCA GAINER is visiting friends in this vicinity this week.
C. W. HOLMAN presented Rev. A. E. BABCOCK with a fine saddle and a set of harrow teeth, one day last week.
L. LEWELLYN McCLURE got the job of building Center and Edison school houses - CENTER at $980, and EDISON at $650. WORLEY got the WHIPPOORWILL at $680.
Miss MAGGIE MILLER has had no trouble with her school since she put a tin ear on some of the boys. She is well liked by all, both as a teacher and a lady.

The Optorama, held at the school house Saturday evening, was a grand affair. The entertainer was a crippled soldier, formerly belonging to the 78th Regt Ind Vols.
Quite an accident happened here last week. CHARLEY VANDINE, son JACK VANDINE, got his arm broken.

Mr. ALICK CURTIS is doing a great deal toward beautifying his farm and dwelling, one mile west of town...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, June 5, 1873

The will of the late JOHN ELAM has been admitted to probate. His surviving wife is made sole legatee... and JOHN W. ELAM is appointed executor... about $20,000.
MARRIED -On Wednesday, June 2, 1873, by Elder P. ROWDEN, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Rochester, Mr. DANIEL WHITEHEAD, of Laporte Co., and Miss ANNETTE MARTIN, daughter of D. R. MARTIN, Esq.
-At the same time and place, and by the same, Mr. ASA LELAND, of Etna Green, Ind., and Miss WEALTHY E. MARTIN.

Dr. A. C. ORR has removed from this place to LINCOLN, Miami County.
The family of Mr. C. F. STEIGLITZ are at Chicago, attending the Jubilee in honor of the rebuilding of the city.
Get your shovel ready and go to work on the streets, or hand the Marshal $3 in lieu of two days' service.
During the month of May 4,200 cross-ties were gotten out on the line of the CONTINENTAL RAILROAD in this county.
Dr. HILL's aged father, residing near Perrysburg, Miami Co., is lying at the point of death. He is afflicted with asthma in a severe form.
The long-pending suit between Dr. HARPER, of Lima, O., and OLIVER A. KEYS, of Rochester, was heard and determined in the U. S. District Court, at Indianapolis, last week. Judgment was obtained against Keys for about $1,900, the whole amount claimed.
About 200 excursionists from Peru visited Rochester yesterday, and picnicked on the banks of Lake Manitau ...
The controversy between Messrs, LONG & MILLER and F. W. STOCK was settled at Logansport on Monday, according to law, the jury returning a verdict for defendant. The suit grew out of the condition in which the POTTOWATTOMIE MILLS were left at the expiration of Stock's lease, in 1869 ...
The Township Trustees met last Monday to choose a COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT of Schools. Their choice fell udon Mr. W. H. GREEN, and we can only say that in our opinion it was one eminently unfit to be made. Mr. Green has been School Examiner for several years, and ought by this time to understand his duties. But he does not, and never can have an intelligent appreciation of them, in our judgment, lacking as he does those inherent qualities of mind necessary to be possessed by one in his position. ... The choice has been made, and it is irrevocable for two years to come. We shall endeavor to bury our prejudices against the Superintendent, and render him all the aid in our power. We freely acknowledge that he is a man of good intentions, and strictly upright and moral in all the relations of life....

KICKED TO DEATH. A little boy, aged about four years, a son of JOSEPH WIDENER, of this place, was kicked and mortally injured by a horse last Saturday evening... The boy died on Monday morning at 2 o'clock, and his body was taken to Peru for interment next day...
A similar, though not fatal, accident occured on Sunday, a mile east of town. SAM FARNER's little boy got too close to a horse's heels ... doing well.

LIST OF LETTERS in the Post Office at Rochester for the month ending May 31st: E. R. ADAMS, Tucecey BERHAM, Wm. BRUGH, Thos. S. Brown, W. W. BOOHER, J. H. FRARY, Joseph FRENCH, M. T. GAINES, D. B. GUNYAR, Frank HAWK, Mrs. Sarah HOFFMAN, A. O. HAMILTON, G. W. McKINSEY, D. R. MARSH., Miss Lucie J. MILLER, Mrs. Jane McKEY, William McGARIET, Nath NYE, Otto D. ROBINSON, Miss Jocie REED, Geo. W. TAYLOR, L. H. WATKINS, Miss Emma WILT, W. H. Wood. - - - -Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

We had the pleasure last Saturday of forming an acquaintanship with Mr. SAMUEL WOODFILL, of Indianapolis, who is visiting his son WASHINGTON in this county. Mr. W. has reached the boundaries of extreme old age, yet is as genial as if in his prime. Some of his organs are dimmed and dulled by time, but his intellect is unimpaired. He loves to talk of the wonderful growth and prosperity of Indianapolis, having known and resided in the city for a number of years.

HUNTINGTON LIME FOR SALE. The undersigned has established a Lime Shed near the depot, where a competent person will always be found ready to wait on customers ... Calcine Plastering Cement and Plastering Hair kept constantly on hand. JAS. M. BEEBER.

(Executor's Notice) JOHN W. ELAM, Jr., appointed Executor of estate of JOHN ELAM, Sr., late of Fulton County, Indiana, deceased. Rochester, Ind., June 3, 1873.

Rev. G. M. CAILIFF has organized a Sunday School at the COLLINS SCHOOL House.
Miss JENNIE CAROTHERS has gone to town to learn the milliner trade...
We are pleased to note the fact that Miss LUCY SMITH is teaching at the COLLINS SCHOOL House ...
JOHN CALAWAY keeps himself scarce about Green Oak, of late.

Mr. RADER, from Rochester, was in our vicinity last week selling sewing machines. Also, Mr. MOONSHOWER, who sold two in our neighborhood...
Mr. CURTIS raised a large barn last Friday.
Major McCLOUD ... is calling his little flock together for the purpose of working the roads.

Miss HATTIE HAYES is suffering with an attack of billious-typhoid fever ...
Mr. J. F. WAGONER, after whom this station [WAGONER'S STATION] was named, has built a residence for his family and re-located here ...
We wish to correct the report that a majority of voters of Allen Township, Miami Co., have signed a petition to sell whiskey in LINCOLN. Ewing has not obtained a majority yet, and never will; therefore the report is false.

SAMUEL THOMPSON, of this place, aged about 55 years, says that any young man who can throw him down or outlift him can have his remaining daughter ...
MARRIED. - May 15th, 1873, at the residence of the bride's father, by Esq. F. M. DAY, Mr. JAMES BENNETT, of Cass County, and Miss MARY THOMPSON, of this town and county ...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursdav, June 12, 1873


The SCHOOL is being taught by Mr. S. H FRY, who, with the majority of good teachers, believes in flogging. Mr. Fry is a competent teacher and well qualified for his business.
JOHN SWISHER says this town will never prosper unless we all pull together.
Dr. A. C. ORR, late of Rochester, and formerlv of Millark, has located here ...
Mrs. L. CRAVENS, of Rochester, has engaged in the millinery business ...
JIM SNODGRASS is repairing the I. P. & C. R.R.

RUSSELL & STEMEN are sawing and hauling off lumber by the wagon load.
JIM WISNER started west last Sunday evening, but didn't stay long ...
POWNALL BROS. & CO. are making speedy preparations for removing their mill.
Preaching at LOUDERBACK SCHOOL House Sabbath evening, by Rev. E. J. DELP.

FOR SALE... 80 acres ... Some timber taken off ... twenty-three acres cleared, part having been cultivated two years. Inquire of the FENNIMORE'S, adjoining, or of Mr. SLATER, who has a saw mill on the land - in south part of Liberty Township, two and one-half miles southeast of the town of Fulton.

JACOB S. SLICK, Attorney at Law ... second floor of Dawson's building, opposite the Court House, Rochester.
ENOCH STURGEON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law... east side Main street, on second floor of SHIELDS BRICK BLOCK, Rochester, Ind.
J. H. SHELTON has removed his stock of goods one door north of Plank's Drug Store...

SAM O. BEEBER has the contract for painting the court house fence. It will be painted light brown.
A saloon fight furnished food for some little gossip Saturday afternoon. JIM GANDY contributed $3.00 to the School fund for the fun of whaling a barkeeper.
Having purchased a fine property on Pearl street, GRAND LONG will hereafter be neighbor to the SPY office.
STAHL & CO., carpenters and joiners, are prompt men as well as good workmen...
The Ice Cream Rooms kept by A. F. ANTHONY are elegantly furnished...
FRED FROMM's little boy, a lad of six years, was kicked by a colt on Saturday, last, and severely hurt ...
The proprietor of the SENTINEL has purchased the EXCELSIOR JOB OFFICE, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of plain and fancy printing ...

MAN DROWNED. A man named CLAY MONTGOMERY, a cousin of the Montgomerys of this county, was drowned in the Tippecanoe River, at Tippecanoetown on Saturday last. He had been fishing, and his hook got entangled in some brush in the water. Deceased was an expert swimmer, and rather than break the hook, he stripped off his clothes and dived down to unfasten it. The spectators present saw that he did not rise again, and went to his aid. He was found in ten feet of water, sitting or squatting on the bottom, every muscle rigid, and evidently the victim of cramp. Every effort was made to recuscitate him, but all in vain. No water was found in the body a remarkable circumstance, truly - and one that should have encouraged long-continued efforts to restore life. The efforts made warmed the body and relaxed the muscles, but were otherwise unsuccessful. Deceased was about 27 years of age.

DIED. -ROBERT T. BEATTIE, an old citizen of Wayne Township, died on Tuesday morning, the 3d inst., aged 63 years. Deceased was born in Canada, settled in Marshall Co. in 1835, and removed to Wayne Township, this county, in 1839. He served one term as County Commissioner, from 1862 to 1865, and was widely known and universally respected. He was a member of the Baptist Church in which faith he had lived and died. The funeral sermon was preached at Fletcher Lake Church, bv Rev. E. J. DELP.

The UNION BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE, north room of the MAMMOTH BLOCK, formerly owned by JOSEPH WIDENER, has been purchased by Mr. GEO. W. LUCAS, a well-known farmer and citizen of this vicinity. The saloon license has expired, and the decks have been cleared for action and legitimate business...

JAMES PYLE realized fifty dollars on a sale of fifteen head of sheep, last week.
Mrs. LAWRENCE, who was nearly blind from sore eyes, is much better.
AMOS QUITO was killed west of town last night.
NORMAN ADAMS is remodeling his residence, putting on a new roof, and adding a half story to the building.
J. B. NILES, a non-resident, owns five several tracts of land in Rochester Township, aggregating one thousand three hundred and sixty acres.
WM. CARTER is supplying our citizens with a superior article of Lake ice...
Root beer is becoming a popular beverage in Rochester ... retail at 30 cents per bottle. If you return the bottle, you are allowed a reduction of ten cents ...
Last Saturday Mrs. CHRISTOPHER LAWRENCE was gathering potato bugs ... Meantime her babe ... ate some... grew very sick and came near dying. Whisky, sweet milk and some other articles were given it, which probably saved its life.
Little MINTY SPERRY, son of S. G. SPERRY, who was thrown from a horse some two months ago - the animal stepping on the child's leg - is in critical condition. His leg was lanced some weeks ago, and a large amount of matter was discharged. Since then the sore has been running constantly ... The child is a mere skeleton now.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY. Thursday, June 19, 1873

JEWELRY STORE ROBBED. On Friday last Mr. C. C. WOLF, of this place, discovered that his jewelry establishment had been robbed, and circumstances led him to suspect a jeweler who had been in his employ a few days. Learning that the man, who gave his name as HARRY EDWARDS, had gone north on the Thursday afternoon train, Mr. Wolf sent ex-Marshal MYERS and Sheriff MOON in pursuit. The thief was overhauled at Plymouth, after an exciting chase, and just as he stepped on an eastward-bound train. ... The stolen property was all found on Edwards' person, except some articles which he had disposed of at Walnut and Plymouth. He was returned here Saturday noon, and bound over to await the pleasure of the Judge of the Circuit Court at the present term... the young man's chances for a a quick trip to Michigan City are exceedingly brilliant. ... Edwards is a tall, shrewd-looking fellow, about 29 years old, and an Englishman by birth. He is a first-class workman, but very much dissipated in his habits.

BOY DROWNED. On Sunday last, at about 2 o'clock p.m., WARREN GILMAN, son of F. GILMAN, Esq., of this place, was drowned in the Tippecanoe River, near the old Forge Dam. Deceased was in bathing, in company with a number of smaller boys, and venturing beyond his depth, sank to rise no more before assistance could reach him. His companions were too terrified to render him any aid, but their shouting attracted the attention of some parties engaged in fishing near by. The body remained under water three-fourths of an hour, and was finally recovered by Mr. WILLIS GLAZE. An hour more elapsed before medical aid arrived at the scene, and it was then too late for a lingering hope of restoration to life.
Warren Gilman was born at Peru, Indiana, September 15, 1857, and was, conseqltently, at the time of his death, 15 vears and 9 months
old. He was quite tall for his age, and had the bearing and appearance of a much older boy. His mind was unusually bright, and he was possessed of a wide range of useful information. He worked in the SPY office three or four weeks last winter, and though not suited to the printer's trade, we regarded him as a young man of great promise. He was ingenious, intelligent and ambitious, and bid fair to become a useful member of society. His faults were those common to boys of his age, while his virtues bore the kingly stamp of manhood. A shadow is cast over his memory by the fact that he met his fate on the Sabbath, but we opine that no one day is more fatal or freer from accidents than another. Warren was a regular attendant of Sabbath Schools, and last Sunday was the first day he had missed for several months. Tired and wearied by his unremitting duties on the railroad, he sought the cool shade and soft waters of the stream on the day of rest. The news of his untimely death reached Rochester about 3 o'clock, Sabbath afternoon, casting a shadow of deep gloom over every heart. and especially that of the griefstricken father, who, in this hour of paternal woe, has the prayers and sympathy of the entire community. The boy's remains, lovely in death as he was noble in life, rest by the side of his mother, who preceded him to the grave but a few brief months ago.

TWO MEN SUFFOCATED IN A WELL. We learn from Mr. THOMAS MEREDITH that on Saturday last, at BORTON'S MILL, 15 miles east of Rochester, in Kosciusko county, two men were suffocated by damp in a well ... Mr. ELLIS BORTON, one of the proprietors ... The engineer, whose name we did not learn ...

DIED. -On Monday last the infant daughter of JAMES HARVEY, brother-in-law of the Hon. P. S. TROUTMAN, died of cerebro spinal menengitis, and on last Wednesday while the friends were returning from the funeral, Mr. Troutman's team became frightened and ran away, precipitating all within the conveyance to the ground, including the captain, his wife and daughter. Mr. Troutman's wounds were fortunately but slight. His wife received severe internal injuries, while the daughter, aged about 17, had both the bones in one of her limbs broken. We learn that the recovery of Mrs. Troutman is doubtful. and that the daughter is suffering intensely. In this sad misfortune the captain has our heartfelt svmathy. -SENTINEL.
We have it from a very reliable source that the bridge over the Tippecanoe river, near Mr. FRANK LEITER's and commonly known as the GERMANY BRIDGE, had its foundation swept from under it and fell into the water one day last week ... What is remarkable about the story is that a boy about 14 years of age was crossing the bridge at the time the structure gave way. He had been sent by his parents to the store of Mr. WALTER's near by ... He was not injured beyond a good wetting . . . -SENTINEL

Hon M. L. ESSICK has been tendered and has accepted an appointment as Deputy Circuit Prosecutor, in and for Fulton Co.
The SENTINEL has resumed the quarto form, and has enlarged to the size of the SPY, of which it is now a very fair imitation ...
The GREEN OAK M.E. CHURCH building will be formally dedicated to the service of God, on Sunday next, at 10:30 O'clock. Presiding Elder MONSON will officiate ...
The trial of FLETCHER, charged with incendiarism, is now in progress at the Court House ... GIBBONS, prosecuting witness

DROWNED IN THE WABASH. Last Monday evening, at 9 o'clock, JOHN LOHSON. a German, aged 23 years, was drowned in the Wabash at Peru. Deceased was in bathing with a companion, and fell out of a boat backwards. Being unable to swim he was drowned in fifteen feet of water. He was a native of the Kingdom of Hanover, and a relative of FRED FROMM, of this place. He came to this country in 1867, and lived in Rochester until about three months ago. His remains were brought to this place for interment, and were attended to the grave by a large concourse of his fellow-countrymen. The corpse was prepared for burial by Mr. FROMM. and his distant friends may rest assured that the ashes of their kinsman were committed to earth with every semblance of respect and in due conformity with the rites of Christianity. [NOTE: JOHN LASON ? - see Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County, Indiana 1870 Census]

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursdav, June 26, 1873

CITY MEAT MARKET ... CHAS. F. BROWN would respectfully inform the public that he has removed his Meat Market to the stand formerly occupied by CHAS. LANGSDORF, one door south of REED & RALSTIN'S BAKERY ... Rochester, Ind., June 12, 1873.

MARRIED. -On Saturday, June 21, 1873, at the residence of the bride's father, in Akron, by Rev. JACOB WHITTENBERGER, Mr. GEORGE M. SMITH, of Miami County, and Miss CATHERINE ONSTOTT.
Work has commenced on the two brick houses which are to be the future residences of JOSEPH LAUER, Esq., and Mr. JACOB GERSON.
J. M. BALDWIN got his right thumb disjointed and mangled in the rip saw at BARKDOLL & KENNEDY'S PLANING MILL, yesterday. Dr. HILL dressed the wounded member, and says that amputation will not be necessary.
The grading of the Time Track at the FAIR GROUNDS has been completed, and the work reflects credit upon Mr. POST, the contractor ...
A printer named ELMER DUNHAM, and an Irish boy named GEHRING, got into a fight, in front of Anthonv's Restaurant, last Saturday night, when Gehring threw a stone that struck JIMMY MILLER, a bystander, on the cheek, inflicting a painful bruise.
ED. F. CHINN returned last Tuesday from Chicago, where he has been for the past three months, attending Commercial College. KIRG RANNELLS, WILL HEFFLEY, SHERMAN CHANDLER and FRANK TERRY, are expected home from Crawfordsville, to-day or to-morrow. They have been attending college at that place.

FLETCHER SENTENCED. The cause entitled The State of Indiana vs WILLIAM FLETCHER, occupied the attention of the Circuit Court last week, and was terminated on Saturday night by the jury bringing in a verdict of guilty. The accused was sentenced to two years confinement at hard labor in the penitentiary, and a fine of $23 was assessed against him.
Fietcher's crime was arson. On the night of the 7th of September last, he set fire to a neighbor's wheat stacks ... His motive for the act was revenge. The wheat belonged to JAMES B. GIBBONS, Esq., between whom and Fletcher a feud had arisen in regard to the boundaries of their fences ... The most damaging testimony was furnished by the defence itself, at a trial before a Justice of the Peace, wherein Fletcher sued a certain attorney to recover a fee which he swore he had paid for the purpose of bribing the Grand Jury not to find a bill against him.
In the trial the State was represented by Messrs. ESSICK and STURGEON; the defence by Messrs. SHRYOCK, JAMISON and DARNELL...

MALBEFF ACQUITTED. -JO. MALBEFF, accused of burglariously entering a freight car on the track of the I. P. & C. R.R., was tried and acquitted in the Circuit Court, yesterday. He was defended by Hon. ED. CALKINS, who exhausted the vocabulary of the Farmers' Grange in denunciation of railroad monopolies.

ASHTON'S FOUNDRY BURNED. -On Friday night last, at or near 10 o'clock, flames were discovered issuing from ASHTON'S FOUNDRY, and soon the entire structure was enveloped in fire. Our citizens rallied in great strength, but were powerless to stay the progress of the destroying element, but rendered valuable service in saving other buildings from a like fate. The books of the establishment, and those of the Justice's office adjoining, were rescued, as was also a valuable lathe - the latter in a somewhat damaged condition.
The loss falls heavily upon Mr. Ashton, who is a young man, and had recently purchased the foundry of F. GILMAN, Esq. It is also a blow upon the prospects of Rochester, but one that will be happily turned aside. we trust. The actual money loss is about $5,000. not a dollar of which was covered by insurance. We learn that Mr. Ashton intends to resume business if he can obtain the necessary power and room, but that he does not see his way clear to rebuild immediately. If our citizens were disposed to share the loss with him, he would doubtless at once proceed to the erection of new and more commodious shops. A brick-walled and fire-proof roofed establishment should take the place of the wooden structure destroyed, and the loss of Friday night could be made up by the profits arising from a more extensive business.

ASSAULT AND BATTERY. -JACOB LEITER. a wealthy farmer living about nine miles north-west of Rochester, recently lost several sheep by the ravages of dogs. ... he spread poison on one of the carvases ... Among the number that ate the poison was a valuable Newfoundland dog belonging to a man named LOUDERBECK, a tenant living on the farm of JNO. NAFE, Sen. Louderback swore revenge... Leiter is a small, weakly man, with one hand disabled and nearly useless ... quarrel ... Leiter was severely but not permanently injured ... trial last Monday in Circuit Court ... Jury verdict fine of $30 and costs... against Louderback. The defendant is a poor man, and the above punishment was reckoned sufficiently heavy for the offence of which he was found guilty.

HARRY EDWARDS, the young man who robbed Wolf's Jewelry Store, was tried for the offence, in the Fulton Circuit Court, last Tuesday. He was found guilty of grand larceny, and sentenced to two years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. Accused was ably defended by JACOB S. SLICK, Esq...

Mr. SIMEON WEBER: has been very sick for some time, but is now convalescent.
BENJ. PATTON buried a child last Wednesday. It was five months old and died of whooping cough.
BENJ. PATTON met with a serious accident last Thursday night ... When between the residences of SIMEON WEBER and Mr. BASTOW, he was thrown out of the wagon ...
The family of WM. DOWNS, together with all his hired hands, have been having a serious time with the sore eyes. So bad were they all that Mr. D was compelled to stop his mill for a few days last week, the men being so much afflicted that they were unable to work. All better now.

(Railroad Election) Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the FORT WAYNE AND ROCHESTER RAILROAD CO., that there will be a meeting of said stockholders held at Silver Lake, in Kosciusko County, Indiana, on the first Tuesday, being the 5th day of August, '73, at one o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of electing nine Directors for said Companv, to serve from the date of election. And also to consider the propriety of extending the line from Rochester west viaWinamac to the Illinois State line at some point east of Kankakee City,, in Illinois ... WM. STURGEON, Pres't

Work on the CHRISTIAN CHURCH building has been suspended for some time, but will be resumed again some time this week. Mr. STUART BAILY, of Bourbon, is superintending the bricklaying.
The loose horses around town are in the habit of thrusting their heads through the cracks of SILAS HORTON's blacksmith shop...

A few weeks ago, I. M. SHAFER and another man, whose name modesty forbids us to state, joined the I.O.O.F's.
DIED. -Two weeks ago Mr. JOSEPH MURPHY's wife, daughter of A. T. JACKSON, died. She leaves a child two years old, and another one only a few days old. Also last week, Mr. P. CALVIN's child. Also JAS. HARVEY's child.


CROQUET is the favorite game at this place at present.
DIED. -On Saturday, 14th inst., JACOB PERRY, of dropsy. He was about 60 years of age.

Our neighbor, SILAS BOWMAN, complains that the assessor slighted him in his rounds by not calling on him...
JIM WISNER still continues to make an occasional visit west ...
Mr. SAMUEL THOMPSON has been convalescent for a few days. He thinks he sprained his back at a log rolling which he attended in this vicinity, and ED. McDONALD claims that he did it when he (Ed) was lifting at the other end of the spike.
Mr. and Mrs. SILAS BOWMAN have adopted a baby.
SOUTH LIBERTY UNION SCHOOL is again in a flourishing condition under the management of J. W. McDOUGAL...
DAVID ALLEN was badly, but not seriously, hurt by a falling brace, while assisting in raising a barn on the premises of AARON TILTON.
MARRIED. -June 15, 1873, Mr. JACOB CONOYER and Miss ELLEN BENNETT, formerly of this town. This happy couple are now here visiting old friends and relatives.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, July 3, 1873

TREATMENT OF THE INSANE. -Only the other day we sat and listened to a recital that fell from the lips of MARK MOORE, Esq., the keeper of the COUNTY ASYLUM, that convinced us that a reform in this particular is needed in that institution...
It seems that there are three insane men at the County Asylum who have been pronounced incurable. Their names are LAWRENCE, SMITH and BOWMAN. The two latter are sometimes violent and have to be confined. The confinement takes place in a narrow apartment containing but one window and a door, the latter opening into another room, and both barred with iron. Nor is this all. Corporal punishment is sometimes inflicted on the insane. Smith tells a disgusting story, the details of which are too shocking for publication. Some months ago Moore ordered him not to repeat it, but Smith persisted, whereupon the keeper threw a stick at him, the end of which struck the ceiling, knocking off a piece of plastering. Smith was very much terrified at this exhibition of wrath, and exclaimed: "You wouldn't kill me! would vou?" "Yes," said Moore. "I would as soon kill you as not. I would like the job of burying you this morning." ... Smith... recently got into a quarrel with Bowman, when the latter raised a chair to brain him. Moore rushed between the crazv pair, and ordered Bowman to his room. The command was duly obeved, but Smith was not so easily quelled, and insisted that Bowman ought to be killed, accusing the keeper of cowardice for not killing him. The taunt, though coming from a lunatic, incensed Moore highly, and he ordered his wife to bring him a horsewhip, and then and there he flogged the poor wretch severely.
It must be remembered that this is not hearsay, but a confession voluntarily made by the man who inflicted this cruel, unlawful and unwarrantable punishment upon a helpless lunatic. ... (Moore) did not seem to feel that he had done wrong, but told the story of his severity rather boastinglv.....
STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. -Mr. JOHN McBRIDE, a well known resident of this county, had a narrow escape from death by lightning last Sunday. He was visiting at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. HENRY MILLER, one mile north of Rochester ... sitting beneath a tree ... Both were stunned ...
On the same day a bolt of lightning struck a tree thirty paces distant from the residence of Mr. SAMUEL CONGER, and the shock prostrated a child that was playing near by. The child was rendered unconscious for a time, but soon recovered.

WHISKEY AND DEATH ... This community was horrified to learn last Sabbath morning that on the night previous, two young men had been run over and killed by a freight train on the line of the 1. P. & C. R.R. The accident occurred near Tiosa, ... two neighbor boys, named respectively, GEORGE MECHLING and HENRY BRUMM. (Mechling) induced Brumm to accompany him to Walnut (where they stayed several hours) .... Mechling was aged 18 years; Brumm, 18 years and six months. The parents of both are well-known residents of this county....

(Notice to Non-Residents) BENJAMIN T. POWERS and CHARLES C. SMITH vs J. M. WARD & CO.. attachment... WILLIAM FEESE.. J.P., Rochester, Ind., July 2, 1873.

(Administrator's Notice) P. M. BOZARTH appointed Administrator de bonis non of the estate of FRANCIS BURNS, late of Fulton Countv, deceased... Julv 1, 1873.

(Dissolution Notice) ... the partnership between Drs. Rex and Burket in the practice of Dentistry. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dr. M. M. Rex will carry on the business ... at the old stand. M. M. REX, F. M. BURKET, Rochester, Ind.. Julv 1, 1873.

BALLOON ASCENSION. -Prof. EUGENE DAVENPORT, of Springfield, O., assisted by Messrs. WM. HARVEY SHIELDS and BENJ. F. SHIELDS, of Rochester, will despatch a balloon to the upper regions to-morrow, at 7 p.m., or thereabouts.
The colored people of Rochester are talking about holding a pic nic soon.
Mr. JAMES B. ELLIOTT started last Monday on a visit to Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York.
Religious services next Sunday at the Catholic Church at 10 a.m. The public are invited.
The walls of the new brick LIVERY STABLE are rising rapidly, and will soon be ready for the roof.
FLETCHER and EDWARDS were formally sentenced last Saturday, and, on Monday, were taken to the penitentiary at Michigan City.
BARNES & MITCHELL have sold their stock of furniture to MILT. REES. The latter is a young man, well and favorably known in this community. Success to him.
Doc. BURKET desires to inform his old customers and the public generally that he has removed his quarters to Dr. BOSWELL's office, having entered into partnership with that gentleman.
JOHN DAVIS has been appointed Receiver of the BOWMAN & WILSON flouring mill ...
FIRE. - The dwelling house on the farm of D. P. CARR, in Newcastle Township, together with its contents, -was destroyed by fire last Sunday. It was occupied by JOS. DEWITT, but as the family were absent at the time, the origin of the fire is unknown.
Dr. HILL has been compelled to move his two-story frame building, on Main street, six feet south, as that much of the structure stood on ground belonging to another party. As soon as the removal is effected, Dr. J. C. SPOHN will erect a frame building, for business purposes, immediately north of Dr. Hill's office.

WANTED. -Fifteen or twenty good men can find steady employment as Laborers by applying at this office, or at G. W. NORRIS' BRICK YARD. Wages good.

We have a good Sunday School every Sunday at 9 o'clock, at the M.E. Church, Bro. SHACKLEFORD is superintendent. Immediately after Sunday School, every two weeks, we listen to an elegant discourse, delivered by Bro. LEE.
E. A. GUYER and J. LOREE are starting a hardware store here...

We take pride in saying that we are having the best Sunday School at this place we have ever had. With Mr. LEMUEL SHELTON as Superintendent it could not be otherwise. Mr. Shelton is a man that speaks well of everybody,
and is liked by all.
The Green Oak M.E. CHURCH was dedicated on the 22d, and the attendance was large. Over $350 was made up by subscriptions.
DIED. -On the 22d, of whooping cough, infant daughter of MARION and EMMA SMITH, of this place.
WILBER SQUIRES has returned from Minnesota with the rose-tint of health on his cheek.
THOMAS BROWN and family, from Mishawaka, are here visiting friends and relatives.

Two mistakes occurred in the last news written from this point, which we will this week endeavor to correct. LEOMAN should have been inserted in place of BOWMAN, and McDOUGAL for McDONALD...
B. F. LOUDERBECK will start west to-morrow.

The teamsters of this vicinity are reaping quite a harvest at the present time, hauling lumber from RUGH'S SAW MILL to Rochester. Mr. COWGILL is doing a good and generous business for this community.
Drs. SUTTON and JOHNSTON are our physicians ...
Your readers have been duly informed of the marriage of Mr. GEO. M. SMITH and Miss CATHERINE ONSTOTT, which occurred in this place on the 21st. Rev. JACOB WHITTENBERGER... performed the ceremony ...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursdav, Julv 10, 1873

DEDICATION OF THE GREEN OAK METHODIST CHURCH... Sunday, June 22nd ... It was the time of the First Quarterly Meeting for LINCOLN CIRCUIT, and of the dedication of the new and beautiful Methodist Episcopal Church, near Green Oak .... (building described) . . . The house is an honor to the neighborhood, and the architect, J. R. MILLER, deserves great credit... dedicatory services were conducted by Rev. L. W. MONSON... Rev. J. GREER, of Perrysburg, preached...

We heard SAM BRINEY a few evenings ago discoursing sweet music on an accordeon or jewsharp, we don't know which.
W. G. OSBORN goes west about every two weeks to look for we don't know what.
SAM O. BEEBER is painting Esq. NEWCOMB's new house.
C. W. HOLMAN has had an offer to clerk for a mason, which was disdainfully refused.
Mr. STRUNK and Miss WARNER were married on the 30th of June, by Rev. A. E. BABCOCK.

DIED. -The family of Mr. L. HEILBURN, of this place, suffered a deep bereavement last Monday, in the loss by death of an infant child. It was taken to Laporte for interment, where it was buried in due conformity with the rites and ceremonies of the Jewish faith.

Dr. GEO MEREDITH has located at Union Mills, Laporte County.
DENNIS BARRETT got the ends of 3 fingers chipped off at the Stave Factory, last Tuesday.
D. L. BECK is building a story and a half frame residence, in the northwest part of town.
WM. CHINN is running the butcher shop in the BEEBER BLOCK, and proposes to keep on hand a full supply of meats at all times.
The balloon sent up from Rochester on the Fourth, took its flight toward the northeast, and was lost in the clouds that hung over that quarter of the heavens. As a ballonist, Prof. DAVENPORT is a success.
All who want to see the Spy enlarged and printed on a power press will send us in at least one new subscriber ...

LIST OF LETTERS in the Post Office at Rochester for the month ending June 30: W. B. ALEXANDER, Mrs. M. J. BARD, Amy Ann CUMMINS, Herman CARBOTZKE, Frank CLARK, Rev. S. V. R. COON, J. DAGLERS. Wm. B. DAVIS, Oscar DURHAM, D. D. DANA, Geo. DAUGHERTY, Timothy ELLESON, J. S. EDINGTON, Paul FIKE, J. Walton FITCH, James GILBERT, M. M. GRAY, Daniel GALTON, D. GORDON, E. F. GILES, George W. GIDLEY,. M. A. HAMMER, L. H. HANSON, Miss J. HAZLE, Samuel HUNTER, Prescilla JOHNSON, Henry KYLINGER, Anthony KOHN, Geo. W. LINDSEY, Geo. S. LAKE, Mrs Durs LEYSEE, A. MONEYSMITH, Charlotte McKEE, J. C. MILTON, R. P. McCLARY, C. D. MILLER, R. A. McDonald, W. H. REED, J. W. SAUNDERS, Frank D. TOLERTON, Mrs. Nancy VANDERGRIFT, Washington VALENTINE, John WALMER, Aaron WOLF, Ed WELDEN, John WOLF, Lina WOOD, A. S. WARD, Georsze ZABST. - - - - Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P. M.
MARRIAGE LICENSES since May 21: Wm. CROSSGROVE and Phebe E. J. QUALLS, John M. MILLER and Panthier BLACKETOR, Asa N. POLAND and Wealthy E. MARTIN, Daniel WHITEHEAD and Annetta HARRIS, Loren G. KILMER and Margaret C. STETSON, George M. SMITH and Catherine ONSTOTT, James C. McQUADE and Isabella NICODEMUS, James W. STRUNKS and Julia E. WARREN, Solomon DENNY and Libby DEARDORFF, Joseph GAERTE and Alice A. SMITH, Scott RHENO and Caroline FRANKSTINE.

DOC. COLLINS is building up a fine trade in the Restaurant business ... Strange to say, Doc wants to sell out and go West, in the hope that his health would be benefitted by change of climate ...

The RAILROAD MEETING held at the office of JAMISON & CALKINS, one night last week, had for its object the appointment of a committee to correspond with the projectors of the ATLANTIC & CHICAGO Railroad. and discover whether there is yet a chance to secure the location of the route through this place...

Mr. L. J. BROWN, of Davenport, Iowa, who will be remembered as a former resident of Rochester, called at our office the other day...

Mr. SAMUEL WAGONER has traded his interest in the SAW MILL at this place for real estate in Iowa, whither he has gone to look for the property. Mr. ISREAL RIGGLE takes his place in the mill.
Mr. EZRA NEES, of Green Oak, paid a visit to the Station the other day...
WESS JACKSON started West last Sunday. Hope he will have a pleasant trip.
JIM SWINNEY's feet grow so fast he has to buy rubber shoes so they will stretch as his feet expand.

We must now make mention of the (Sunday) school at the COLLINS SCHOOL HOUSE .... Mr. CALIFF as Superintendent.
JOHN DAY has sold his interest in the mill at this place, and has left Green Oak.
Rev. DIXON, traveling minister, preached at the new church Monday evening, 30th ult ...

Mr. T. W. GREEN is supposed to be near the point of death, with the cancer ...
Two weeks ago J. COOK's child died, after a very severe and lingering disease of near six months, aged about 24 months.

Our week day school is being taught by Miss ELLIOTT, from near Fletcher's Lake.
Mr. TILTON's ash house burned down recently from an unknown cause. Insurance will probably cover the loss, as it is but slight.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, Julv 17, 1873

RAILROAD CONSOLIDATION .... Articles of consolidation of the CHICAGO & ATLANTIC and the CHICAGO & ATLANTIC EXTENSION Railway Companies into a company to be known as the CHICAGO & ATLANTIC RAILROAD COMPANY, were filed with the Secretary of State yesterday. The latter named road, which is now under process of construction, will extend from a point on the Ohio State line in Adams county, through the counties of Adams, Wells, Huntington, Wabash, Kosciusko, Fulton, Marshall, Starke, Laporte, Porter and Lake to a point on the Illinois State line in the last named county, where it connects with a route known as the Chicago and Atlantic Extension Railroad, running from the termination of the other to the city of Chicago. It is also the purpose of the company to consolidate with a line extending from the eastern termination of the road in Adams county to the eastern boundary of Ohio, at a point at no great distance from the city of Pittsburgh, which will be the terminous of the complete route.

[Letter to the Editor - Fulton Co. Poor House, Julv 12 - defending his treatment of the insane, and inviting the editor to visit the poor farm for a personal inspection. signed MARK MOORE - - - -]

FRED PETERSON has nearly completed his new dwelling.
ANDY ROCK is also building a new dwelling ...
Doc. WAITE has a new buggy, of Fulton manufacture, which we think would compare with any made in Rochester.
FRED KROTHWOHL turns out a new wagon every few days, which finds a ready sale.
The many friends of Doc. FAIRBANK regret that he is going to Minnesota soon, and will not return.

It is rumored that JIM BUCHANAN cut 13 dozen sheaves of wheat in one-half day...
Esq. F. M. DAY says he cut and put up 25 dozen sheaves of wheat inside of five hours, but don't wonder at this, as he has lately been called upon to provide for another young squire.
HENRY HOWER killed his dog this spring, thinking he would save paying tax on him... but the Assessor came along and caught him at his game, and of course the dog was assessed.

We are sorry to have to correct an item in our last. We have learned since that JACKSON did not go West, but was up North, playing seven up ... Beg your pardon, WESLEY.

On the night of the 3d July a tree fell on the premises of THOS. MERCER, Esq., killing and wounding 27 valuable sheep.
Seven rattlesnakes have been killed on the TAYLOR farm this season, and it hasn't been the right kind of weather for snakes, either.
BEEBER, SHELTON & SHIELDS, plasterers, have dissolved partnership, but the business will be carried on by the two last-named gentlemen.
WM. SURGUY, a blind man, was married in Rochester on Tuesday, to a lady named BEAGLE. Esq REES performed the ceremony.
Dr. S. W. GOULD and Capt. M. L. SMITH, of Argos, spent a few hours in Rochester last Saturday afternoon. Both are looking prosperous.
JOSEPH RICHARDSON, of Henry Township, owns a Lincolnshire lamb from which, at the age of three months, four lbs. of wool were shorn ...
The foundation of the GERMAN LUTHERAN SCHOOL building is finished, a considerable portion of the lumber is on the ground, and the builders are only waiting for brick.
Mr. JACOB GERSON's new brick residence, on Jefferson street, has been enclosed and roofed, and carpenters are at work on the interior. The walls of Mr. JOSEPH LAUER's residence, on the same street, are rising rapidly.
WILLIAM W. WILLIAMS ... of Granville, O., has been employed as Principal of the Rochester Public Graded School for the ensuing year. He taught two years in Winamac, Ind.,
S. M. BISHOP, of Richland Township, has left at our office several stalks of the finest wheat we ever saw ...
A tenant on JOHN ROBBINS' farm, named FEEZIER, sowed five acres of wheat three years ago, from which he realized ... 45 bushels per acre. Last vear he reaped 35 bushels per acre ... and this year will have 25 bushels ...
Rev. CLARK SKINNER is setting a good example to parents in putting his boys to useful trades... FRANK, the oldest, is now completing his education as a printer, and CLARK, next in years, is learning to be a baker with VAN DIEN & McCOY ...
SCOTT SHIELDS goes to California. Reason: California wouldn't come to Scott.
The ELLSWORTH SCHOOL, near WILLIAM DOWNS' saw mill, Miss THORNTON, teacher, closed last Friday.
Mr. A. BUCKINGHAM is the happy owner of thirteen tracts of land in Wayne Township, this county, amounting in all to two thousand and ninety-one acres ...
Miss SARAH WORDEN fell from a cherry tree at the house of Mr. LEWIS CONGER, one day last week, and was somewhat "stove up." ... sore for several days afterwards.
PRAIRIE UNION SCHOOL, over which Miss SARAH LAWRENCE presides as teacher, closes tomorrow...

A series of prosecutions, instigated by JESSE R. JULIAN, against three boys named POWELL, the sons of WM. and JEPTHA, of Wayne Township. The boys were charged with indecently exposing their persons while bathing in Fletcher's Lake ... (each fined) ... Two of the boys are the same parties who were arrested last summer under an indictment for a similar offence, and fined at the February Term of the Circuit Court.
JOHN EDWARDS was fined and costed for selling liquor to WM. WHITEFORD, while the latter was in a state of intoxication. As "sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," it was no more than fair that Whiteford should be fined for getting drunk.
LAFAYETTE NEFF, a boy of 12 or 13 years, was fined one dollar and costs for assault and battery on the person of CHARLES REID, also a boy.
ELIJAH NEFF was fined for attempting to provoke an assault from G. W. REID, while Mrs. RUTH REID charged with an attempt to provoke Neff to commit an assault, was acquitted.

Among other accomplishments Dr. SPOHN has acquired considerable knowledge and skill as an apiarist. His apiary is situated within a stone's throw of the SPY office ...

SNAKE BITTEN. -A child six or eight vears old, the daughter of EMANUEL GOSS, Esq., was bitten by a rattlesnake last Friday, in Liberty Township. ... For a time the little sufferer's life was despaired of, but, thanks to the skill of Dr. J. W. BRACKETT, she is now in a fair way to recover.

SCOTT SHIELDS starts for Utah this week to see the country and seek a field of labor. Scott possesses business qualifications that cannot fail to win a high place ...
ABRAHAM CLARK, a compositor on the South Bend DAILY TRIBUNE, is visiting friends in Rochester. Abe learned his trade here, and is well known and highly esteemed in this vicinity...

Mr. E. GOSS, of Liberty Township, is building a $1,400 residence on his farm.

Editor spy: You will find enclosed with these chips $6.00, for which please send one copy of the SPY to Mr. JOHN DAY, of Fulton, and one copy to Mr. HIRAM CARITHERS and GARTEN CALAWAY, of this place...

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, Julv 24, 1873

RAILROAD PROSPECTS. We would be glad to adopt the hopeful tone of the SENTINEL in regard to railroad prospects, but fear that it is not best to be too confident. Of one thing, however, we are certain - - that is that the present year will witness the final location of the line of the CHICAGO & ATLANTIC RAILROAD in and through Fulton county, but whether that line will touch Rochester is an open question. A straight line from Huntington to Chicago would cross the I. P. & C. north of this place, and the people along that route are working like beavers for the road. ... It seems to us that some plan might be adopted to transfer the donation voted to the CONTINENTAL to the Atlantic & Chicago, or put it in such a shape that the first road that reaches Rochester may claim it...

OBITUARY. -Mr. GEORGE HILL died July 17th, 1873, at 4 o'clock, a.m., after a long and severe illness of 135 days, with asthma and dropsy, aged 75 vears, 5 months and 3 days. Deceased emigrated to the Western country from Ontario county, New York, in the year 1839; settled in Union township, Miami county, one mile and a half north-east of Perrysburgh, where he opened up and improved in the wilderness a farm and homestead; resided on the same until his death. He was known for his honesty and integrity of character. Before his emigration to this country he held the office of Captain for a number of years in the New York State militia. Since his residence in this country he has held various offices in the township in which he resided, particularly the office of Township Trustee for a number of years, discharging the duties of the position to the satisfaction of his fellow citizens. His remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse of kindred, friends and acquaintances. He died at peace with all, and fully reconciled to pass into the hands of a just God.

DEATH OF JOHN LEITER, Esq. -JOHN LEITER, an old and highly respected citizen of this county, departed this life at his residence in Aubbeenaubbee Township, on Fridav last, July 18, 1873. Deceased was a native of Pennsylvania. and removed to this county in 1845. He was the father of a large family, whom he raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord, who have grown up and settled around him. and have obtained general recognition as high-minded and honorable men and women. Deceased has always enjoyed high repute among his fellow-men, as was testified on Sunday at his funeral, which was the largest ever witnessed in this county, more than a thousand people following him to the grave. His life was spent on the farm, and in the modest pursttits of agriculture. He was never a candidate for office, though freqtiently solicited to allow the use of his name, but held the office of Township trustee for a series of years. He was a model citizen in every respect, and a man of unimpeachable integrity. His age was about 60 years.

MARRIED. -On Wednesday, July 16, 1873, at the residence of, and by Rev. N. L. LORD, Mr. TOBIAS TALLY and Miss ANNIE RITTER.

Rev. Mr. HYAT, of Indianapolis, is holding a series of meetings at Lincoln ...
The storm of the Fourth of July seemed to have a particular spite at WILL SAVAGE. It unroofed two barns for him, and also destroyed a large amount of good timber for Mr. IRA WHARTON, who lives half a mile west of the Station...

Rev. E. J. DELP has returned from his trip westward, having purchased a farm in the State of Arkansas. He is to start with his family Sept. 1st.
Fulton is without an Attorney, JOSEPH SELLERS, Esq., having removed to Logansport recently.
A. MARRS, Esq., has sold his fine English cow., realizing a handsome profit.
DIED. -On the 5th inst., Miss TERRISA REESE, daughter of FREDRICK and MARTHA REESE, aged about 17 vears. The deceased was a very pious and estimable young lady, and her demise makes many a heart sad. She died of Consumption.

IMPORTANT BUILDING ENTERPRISE. An important building project, that can scarcely fail to take substantial shape next season, is on foot in Rochester. It is proposed to build a BRICK BLOCK, to extend from Shields' corner north to the alley. on the east side of Main street. The Odd Fellows own 40 feet adjacent to the alley, which will be covered with a magnificent three-story structure, the upper rooms of which will be set apart for a Lodge Hall. The remainder of the block will be two stories in height, and will be erected and owned by Drs. SPORN and HILL, Messrs. JAMISON & CALKINS. and Mr. JESSE SHIELDS. These gentlemen are all amply able to build, and will take a just price in putting up a block that will be an honor to the town. The Odd Fellows have not yet settled the details of their portion of the enterprise., but have determined to build at all events. The residue of the present season will be devoted to the collection of materials by the several parties interested in the enterprise.

(Notice to Contractors) ... that the Trustees of the MT. ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, five miles south-east of Rochester, will receive sealed proposals for the erection of their Church up to August 9th, 12 o'clock. The propositions to be left at Dawson's Drug Store, were a draft, description and specifications of said building may be seen ....
J. A. McCLUNG. Clerk. Julv 24, 1873.

EAGLE BAKERY, Salesroom on Pearl St., Three Doors East of Main, Rochester, Ind. VAN DIEN & McCOY .... Rochester ' Ind., Julv 24, 1873.

EXCURSIONS, Pic Nics, Fishing Parties and Duck Hunters on Lake Manitau ... reliable boats ... Landing 112 miles southeast of Rochester ... R. S. JEWELL, July 10, 1873.

Our thanks are due to Mr. HARDY PARKER for a basket of ripe apples.
I. W. BROWN is the champion billiardist of Rochester.
Mr. WM. RANNELS and bride, of Logansport, have been visiting their Rochester relatives this week.
VAN TRUMP & BRO. have leased the EMPIRE MILLS, and are putting them in thorough repair.
An Irishman named JALLEY was convicted of a plain drunk, and boarded out fine and costs in jail last week.
We have trustworthy information to the effect that the ROCHESTER BREWERY is now making a first-rate article of beer.
DOC. DOWNEY contributed $5 to the school fund, and costs to the constable and Justice, for the privilege of cursing D. L. POST, last Monday.
SAM. HEFFLEY sent off eight wagons and buggies last Monday to the south part of this State, where he finds an eager market for vehicles of all kinds.
Mr. JOHN M. BROWN, whom we take to be a fair-square Republican, left at our office last Saturday a basketful of nice potatoes, raised by himself on the farm of his son-in-law, WM. DOWNS, Esq...
Moved and instigated by the spirit of malt, WM. WHITEFORD undertook to ride an unbroken colt, without a saddle or bridle, Monday morning. He was pitched over the animal's head ... kicked and tramped on, but not much hurt.

BLOOMINGSBURG ... Mr. F. P. WAUGH has just completed a spacious two-story building, the lower room of which is destined for a store. Several others are building smaller houses ... (Bloomingsburg) contains one of the best FLOURING MILLS ... also a good SAW MILL

The ORR and LIBERTY schools will unite in a pic nic dinner in the grove near THOS. MERCER's residence, next Saturday.
PRAIRIE UNION school house is to have a new floor, and will be replastered and otherwise fixed up...

DIED. -Last Sunday brought deep sorrow to the hearts of many persons. The Angel of Death spread his dusky wings over a little family group of two, a soul took its flight.. and the bride of eighteen months-ago now lies speechless and cold in her grave. Mrs. MAGGIE ORR, wife of CHAS. ORR. and daughter of Mr. JOHN McBRIDE, a lady well and favorably known, and highly esteemed for her amiable disposition and goodness of heart, departed this life about 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Friday night last she retired to her bed in usual health and spirits, but awoke Saturday morning screaming, and went into spasms, a number of which followed in quick succession. From this time on her sufferings became intense. She never spoke or recognized a friend after the first attack. Her tongue was dreadfully lacerated in the throes of her spasmodic moments, and so much swollen and distended that it protruded from her mouth, and the only way that medicine could be given to her was by opening the skin and inserting it with an instrument. It may not be improper to say that Mrs. Orr was an expectant mother, and that the period of confinement could not have been more than six weeks or two months removed. As a dernier resort, and with the hope that her life might be saved, instruments were used, but without avail. The grief-stricken relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the public in the bereavement which has befallen them .... The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church.

Somewhat of a curiosity, and possessing much historical interest, is the SILVER MEDAL found on the banks of the CHIPPEWANOC, in this county, some time ago ... In size the medal is 3 inches in diameter ... 1/16 of an inch in thickness. On one side ... picture of King George III On the reverse side is the coat of arms of Great Britain. It is supposed to have been presented by some officer of the Crown to an Indian brave in the war of 1812 .... WM. ASHTON, Esq., now owns this medal ...

Burial robes and shrouds of all kinds kept constantly on hand at M. O. REESE'S Furniture and Undertaking Rooms, Barnes & Mitchell's old stand, opposite Masonic Building.

JACOB OBERMYER, of Union Township, was found guilty ... of malicious trespass . . . . bull belonging to one COQUENOUR, resulted in the death of the animal... Esq. REESE assessed a fine ... A civil suit for damages is likely to grow out of the affair, and before the end is reached the defendant will have paid dear for his unlawful act ... Mr. Obermyer took a wrong method of getting rid of a nuisance.

DIED. -FRANKLIN HARSH, aged about 32 years, died at his residence, one mile south of Akron, on the 19th inst. He died of wounds received at the battle of Antietam, from which he never recovered. He was a member of the 29th Regiment of Ohio volunteers.

JOHN BEEBER has purchased a tract of fine timber land in the vicinity of Green Oak, upon which he will immediately erect a SAW MILL ...

T. J. HOLCOMB, of Wagoner's Station, and formerly of this place, was here yesterday.
R. A. NEW and JACK NARDINE came near having a fight over a game of checkers yesterday. They spoiled a good item for us by not having it.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, Julv 31, 1873

[letter from former resident, JOHN G. STRADLEY, dated July 26, from Osage, Iowa]

[letter from LEW SPOTTS, Box 769, Palmyra, Wayne Co., N.Y - - - -
"All "O.K." Am on the N.Y. Central R.R...."]

It may not generally be known that there is a place in Fulton Co. bearing the name of DANVILLE, yet such is the case.
Our little burg is situated in the south part of the county, and one-fourth mile west of the Michigan road, and although but a few weeks old, contains a saw mill and a number of buildings.
ED. McDOUGLE is cultivating a new variety of potatoes ...

(Notice of Dissolution]... partnership... between JOSEPH BIBLER & CO. in the Dry Goods business ... dissolved by mutual consent ... Joseph Bibler will continue the Dry Goods business at their old stand. JOSEPH BIBLER, J. M. REITER, Rochester, Ind., July 31, 1873.

(FRAUD! FRAUD!) ... two promissory notes... payable at the First National of Rochester... have been obtained from me by one BAIRD, a pretended agent for the sale of a certain Patent Elevator Pump... I will not pay them unless compelled by law. SOLOMON WILDERMUTH, Fulton, Ind, July 3, 1873.

SPECTACLES . New Improvements. C. C. WOLF, Practical Optician... July 31, 1873.

JUD. AULT and S. W. TRACY have embarked in the glassware trade ...
CLARK & WELCH's new brick livery stable is almost completed...
Rev. DUNLAP, of Springfield, Missouri, preached to a large and attentive audience, at the Presbyterian Church, in this place, last Sunday... He is a relative of the Dunlap family of this county.

SABBATH SCHOOL FESTIVAL. Presbyterian Sabbath School Festival at Balcony Hall last Saturday evening... (names mentioned): Miss RILLA BEEBER, aged 5 vears, adopted daughter of JOHN H. BEEBER, Esa., Master ALF MONTGOMERY, aged 12 vears, son of L. M. MONTGOMERY, Esq, Miss JENNIE HILTON, the able instructress of these little ones, Prof. J. G. PEARSON's STRING BAND ...

The ROCHESTER BRASS BAND discoursed excellent music in the court house square last Monday evening.
Miss ELLA LONG, of Rochester, has been teaching school at the BIDWELL school house, in Richland Township ...

The following teachers have been selected by the Trustees for the Rochester Public School for the ensuing year, which opens September Ist, 1873: Principal, Mr. WM. J. WILLIAMS; Sixth Grade, Mr. W. H. SICKMAN; Fifth, Miss S. E. GREEN; Fourth, Mr. ED. HORTON; Third, Miss MAGGIE KELLY; Second, Mrs. E. M. POND; First, Miss ALICE BARB...

Soap thieves have been committing depredations on the stores of housekeepers in the south part of town. Mrs. JOHN HISEY estimates her loss at nine gallons, and Mrs. HENRY HISEY mourns the disappearance of a smaller quantity...
ROB'T SHELTMAN and a man named MURPHY got into a row last Sunday... each was fined and costed to the amount of $20.
ELOPEMENT. -FINLEY, Jr., son of Mr. JOHN EMMONS, of Newcastle Township, eloped with Miss LYDIA WAGNER, last Monday. The pair went to Michigan, where they were made one, returning to Rochester Tuesday evening... opposition of the bridegroom's father... The boy has not yet attained the age of 21 years...
Mr. CHAS. NIX and wife of Huntington, Ind., relatives of Mrs. A. MEISCH, who spent a week in Rochester recently, are now in Duluth, where they will remain the balance of the season. Mrs. MAGGIE KINTZ and Miss MARY BOWERS, also relatives of Mrs. Meisch, are now in Rochester ...
There will be a Sunday school pic nic held at Germany, eight miles west of Rochester, and one-half mile west of the Germany store, on Thursday, 14th of August...
WILLARD, GOULD, the popular salesman at the STAR STORE has gone back to New England to seek a wife...
MARRIED. -On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Liberty Township, by Esq. C. R. GREEN, Mr. JAMES WILHELM and Miss SARA C. YOUNT.
The scholars of LIBERTY SCHOOL, near Fulton, Miss COON, teacher, held a pic nic last Saturday...

The young folks of Green Oak all went to an ice cream supper at Mr. SIMEON FREAR'S, Thursday evening...
JOHN NEW was left in charge of R. A. NEW's store the other day. (lost his keys, but later found them in the door)
JOHN McCARTER is building a pair of bob-sleds.

WILLIAM BULL, of this township, has been working on a patent right for several years, namely: Perpetual motion, and he has now accomplished it, but it is in the shape of a wife 21 years of age. Instead of going to Washington City for the patent, he went to Michigan ...
RICHARD N. REED has purchased the property of GRANVILLE VENIS, in the suburbs of SMOKY ROW.
The UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH at this place will soon be ready for services. PETER ZABST did a good job of plastering.
S. M. BEATTY and C. LAMBERT, the village blacksmiths at Marshtown, came together one day last week, from which they both got bloody noses.
JOHN COOPER, while binding wheat for J. V. POWNALL, bound up a blue racer ... You may guess how far he jumped.
The school at this place, taught by Miss ELLIOTT, closed last Friday.

Mr. T. W. GREEN, whom we stated a few weeks ago was at the point of death with cancer, was buried yesterday ... He was buried by the I.O.O.F's.
Drs. SHATTO & WHITE have moved their drug store to the building of Zuck, Street & Co., on Main street. They have also purchased the drugs owned and kept by J. W. CARTER... Mr. Carter has also moved the post office to the drug store of S. & W., and F. H. GRAHAM has moved his tin shop up stairs in the same building.
JOHN MYERS has purchased the old post office building from Mr. CANNON, and has moved his harness shop into it.
We forgot to mention in due time of the death and burial of the KEWANNA DISPATCH...
One day last week Mr. WALLACE's barn was struck by lightning, damaging the frame some and shattering the wall slightly, but doing no other damage, we learn.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, August 1. 1873

ASHTON's NEW FOUNDRY. . . . The new building will have a front of 80 feet, 70 feet of which will be two stories in height. The office will be situated on the north end, and the engine room on the south, as formerly. The former will occupy a space of lOx2O feet, and the latter lOx3O feet. The intermediate room will be set apart for machinery, such as lathes, planes, &c. This room will be 30 feet deep. The second story will be 70 feet long by 30 feet deep, and will be used for a pattern room, and for the making of patterns. A work shop of 3Ox35 feet will be situated in the rear of the main structure, and will be devoted to repairs and miscellaneous work. The foundry proper will occupy a separate building, 35x35 and one story high, twenty feet distant from the main structure. Both buildings will be brick, and of the most substantial character. Mr. Ashton expects to invest $10,000 in buildings and machinery, and embark largely in the manufacture of various kinds of implements, but more especially the famous RED BIRD PLOW. He is now negotiating with parties in Ohio for the right to manufacture fencing, and should he succeed in obtaining his wishes, the investment here will be doubled.

ISAIAH FISHER was fined $25 yesterday, for an assault and battery with brass knuckles on the person of CLAY STEINER...

[very lengthy article relating that CYRUS McCARTER, son of LAWRENCE McCARTER, shot, in the public road in front of the residence of Mr. Lawrence McCarter ... Mrs. WRIGHT, the wife's foster mother, took effect in her left side... Cyrus McCarter attempted suicide ... The ball broke away a part of the skull and nose, passed down the face, into the victim's mouth and down his throat. He is dangerously, but not fatally wounded, and will probably recover.]
CYRUS McCARTER, is a son of LAWRENCE McCARTER, Esq. His age is about 21 years. He is a hard working young farmer, and has always borne a good character.
Mrs. ALWILDA McCARTER, wife of the above, is aged about 19 years. Her maiden name was MANN, and she was the daughter of P. A. MANN, Esq., who died in Rochester some vears ago. Being left an orphan at a tender age, Mr. F. K. KENDRICK was appointed her guardian, and she was bound to Mr. JAS. WRIGHT, Sen., at the age of eight years. ... She was inarried to McCARTER this spring...
Mrs. WRIGHT is the widow of JAS. WRIGHT, Sen., who died about two yearso ago. Her age is about sixty years, and her residence is in Newcastle Township, one and one-half miles east of Sturgeon. She is a member of the Baptist Church...The McCarters say that to her interference is due all the trouble that has occurred between Cyrus and his wife.
The whole difficulty between the married pair grew out of a scandalous report that obtained circulation in the neighborhood where they resided, to the effect that the voung man was afflicted with venereal disease at the time of his marriage. ... probably not one word of truth.. The story came to the wife's ears, and she was advised to leave her husband, which advice she followed ... instituted suit against the husband for the recovery of the wife's property...
[lengthv statement of eye-witness, Mr. W. CRAVEN - - - - ]
McCarter was arrested on Friday, and gave bail in the sum of $3,000 ...

YOST WHEATLY. who has been engaged in making bolts for Messrs. CLARK & WEAVER, of Rochester, for the last four years, is now engaged in nursing his foot ... [struck it with an ax] .. .
We are happy to learn that our old friend, FRED WERTZ, who has been dangerously ill, is now convalescent ...
We learn that the work train ran over a cow belonging to WILL SAVAGE the other day, which caused her death. We sympathize with Mr. Savage in his loss, which will fall heavy on him as he has a large family..
ASA BURKET has some fine hogs on hand, which took a premium at the county fair last fall ...

a lad of ten years, was kicked to death by a colt last Friday. The boy came up behind the animal, which was only seven weeks old, and made a demonstration to scare it out of his way, when it kicked and killed him. The accident was witnessed by the boy's mother and uncle, who ran to his assistance, but he only gasped four or five times after they reached him. Strange to say, there was no mark on his person to show where the fatal blow had been delivered, but it is supposed that it struck him in the pit of the stomach. Orian was a good, industrious boy, and quite bright for his age. His loss will be keenly felt by his bereaved parents.

TONY KEELEY, of Indianapolis, is visiting his pa and ma, in Rochester. Tony has grown to be a man in appearance and deportment.
BUD. MATTINGLY and SUSIE SHEETS, together with Mr. ED. WILLIAMS and Miss MAGGIE McLAUGHLIN, all of Bourbon, visited friends in Rochester last Sunday.
The MILL CREEK BAPTIST SABATH SCHOOL will hold a pic nic, one mile west of Marshtown, Wayne Township, on Saturday, August 23 ...
Prof. BRYAN and lady left Rochester last week, carrying with them the good wishes of many friends. Their present destination is Grand Island, Neb., where the wife's parents reside.
SCOTT SHIELDS returned home, last Monday night, from a trip across the Continent as far as Salt Lake...
SAM HOOVER, a subscriber to the Spy, living six miles east of Rochester, fell from a load of wheat, his back striking on a fence, and was nearly broken in twain... one day last week ... will have recovered from the shock before this item meets the public eye.
POLK and CLAY STEINER are in jail, working out fine and costs amounting to $14.50 each, inflicted for indecent exposure of their persons while bathing in the Tippecanoe river, at Bloomingsburg. CHAUNCEY COPLIN, one of the same swimming party, paid a fine of $1 and costs, for using indecent language toward a lady who had objected to the actions of the bathers.
Mrs. BIDDLE and son, of Western Pennsvlvania, are visiting their relatives - Mr. J. DAWSON and Mrs. D. RADER, of this place ... It has been about seven years since they were here ... Mrs. Biddle is 76 vears of age...
Mrs. NORMAN ADAMS is on the sick list.
Hon. SIDNEY KEITH is building an addition to his handsome residence.
A Mr. THORNTON, living one mile south-west of Rochester, lost about thirty chickens by cholera last week.
Aside from the two thousand acres and over of land that Mr. A. BUCKINGHAM owns in Wayne Township, he is also the owner of one thousand two hundred and forty acres in Rochester Township...
Mr. JOHN H. PYLE leaves home next week and enters a telegraph office at Etna Green, with Mr. A. LELAND, formerly of Rochester ...

LIST OF LETTERS in the post office at Rochester for the month ending Julv 31: Thos ALMACK, Andrew ALSBARGER, Mrs. Jennie A. BEALL, Mrs. Minerva BEALL, Geo. H. BRIGHT, Wm. T. BUTLER, Jas. BRUETTE, Thos. R. BOLLES, W. S. BOLLES, Isaac COPELEN, Orrie CANTWELL, Wm. W. CLIFTON, David CORBEN, Mrs. Nettie DENNEY, G. F. ERSON, A. B. FAIRBANK, Christopher FITZ, Wm. FLETCHER, Thos A. GAINT, Mrs. H. J. HOMMEL, James HESS, Samuel HUSTON, A. K. HOOVER, Svlvester HEETER, E. J. KING, Rufus B. KRIST, Miss Lucy MILLER, Thos. McQUENY, Catherine McCOY, Adam MANS, Peter MARS, T. K. McELHENY, D. L. McKEE, Thos. McQUINLIN, Miss Emma NYE, Mr. PLUNKETT, Fredric PETERSON, Schuyler C. RUGH, Miss J. ROBERTSON, Wm. RILEY, Mrs. MarY RICHARDSON, Mrs. Harriet RHINESMITH, George SPOTTS, Lyman SHORE, Levi STARR, Miss Angie SHOWLEY, Samuel B. TOWN, Wm. TAYLOR, J. B. VINSON, Luella WHITTENBERGER, Eva WOLF, Henry WAGONER. - - - -Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

DIED. -On the 15th ult., the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BUMSTEAD, all of this place, aged one year, 11 months and 15 days. Deceased was buried in the cemetery near Marmont, Marshall Co., by the side of an infant sister, who had been sleeping there alone for a few years.

Rev. A. E. BABCOCK has purchased an interest in the establishment heretofore owned by Mr. J. BIBLER. The new firm will be known as BIBLER & BABCOCK, general dealers and merchants...

NOTICE. -Dr. H. B. BOSWELL, of the firm of BOSWELL & BURKET, surgeon Dentists, Rochester, Ind., will visit LINCOLN, Miami Co., on Monday, August 15th, 1873, and on the 2d Monday in each month thereafter, for the purpose of doing all kinds of dental work. All operations warranted, or no pay required. Please call and examine specimens of Artificial Teeth. room in Dr. A. C. ORR's office.

Two new dwellings almost completed and several others to be built this summer, and a SPOKE AND BENT TIMBER FACTORY to be commenced soon, which will add to the business of our town very much.
There was an increase in the family of WM. MOORE, a few days since, which William says is the nineteenth child that he is father of. I think he had better be shipped.

Mr. EZRA NEESE got under the awning of R. N. NEW's store, the other day, and after putting a quid of tobacco in his mouth as large as a hulled walnut, and getting the slobbers started freely, he told some of the boys that it was a d --- d pity that folks couldn't have a little family fight without it coming out in the newspapers.

A young man of our vicinity whom it was discovered about two weeks ago showed visible signs of insanity, which increased until he became a raving maniac... caused by being overheated in a harvest field... FREDERIC WERTS ... is his name, is about twenty years of age, a good-hearted, sensible young man, and esteemed by all ...
We had a little fight... SWANK and FOUTS ... Swank got the worst end of the bargain. Sorry for him truly.

DEATH OF ALBERT F. SMITH... son of ANTHONY SMITH, of Logansport, and nephew of Hon. MILO R. SMITH, of Rochester, died at Kearney Junction, Neb.,. on Sunday, July 20th, 1873, of bronchial consumption.
Deceased was a good Christian young man, bore his afflictions patiently, and died happy... He was born in Rochester, and was well known by all here.

(notice of Administration) JOHN BUSH appointed Administrator of the Estate of DAVID GROVE, late of Newcastle Township, Fulton County... July 24, 1873.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY. Thursdav, August 14, 1873

ANOTHER HORROR. MOSES KING and son, the latter a lad of eleven years, were suffocated in a well, on the premises of the former in Aubbeenaubbee Township on Saturday last... A young man named TRIMBLE, whose residence is in Ohio, descended to the rescue ...
MOSES KING was thirty-four years of age, and a farmer in moderate circumstances. He stood well with his neighbors, who had honored him with the office of Justice of the Peace. He leaves a wife and three children, on whom this double calamity imposes a crushing weight of woe. The joint funeral of father and son was largely attended, and the sympathizing assembly manifested every token of sincerest grief and respect as their remains were committed to the cold embraces of the grave.

Dr. HECTOR, D. W. LYON and the Marshal were appointed a Board of Health, recently, by the town trustees.

MARRIED. -At the residence of the bride, by Rev. N. L. LORD, on Monday, August 11th, 1873, Mr. THOMAS CLARK and Mrs. MARY HORTON, all of Rochester.

The usual resolutions of respect and condolence were adopted by the Kewanna Lodge of Odd Fellows, recently, upon the demise of THOS. W. GREEN, of that vicinity.
The dedication of the new M.E. Church at Germany, in Fulton Co., will take place on Sabbath, Aug. 24 ...
Substantial HITCHING POSTS, connected by a strong chain, are being placed on the north and south sides of the public square. Those on the shady south side are intended for subscribers to the spy , while the SENTINEL folks have been assigned the north.

The trenches for the foundation walls of ASHTON'S new FOUNDRY have been dug, and the work of laying stone commenced ... The foundations will be laid with limestone, which have been obtained from Peru. Capt. G. W. NORRIS will furnish the brick.

SNAKE BITTEN. -WILLIE, son of Mr. JACOB STAHL, of this place, was bitten by a snake on the little toe, last Sunday week. The mishap occurred on the farm of his uncle, seven miles east of Rochester, where the boy was visiting ... Under the skillful treatment of Dr. HILL, the patient is now convalescent, but his foot will probably pain him for weeks to come. It is not known what kind of a snake bit him.

It was POLK and DICK STARNER, instead of Polk and CLAY STEINER, who boarded out their fines and costs in jail last week. Clay was not prosecuted for his share in the swimming scrape, but seffered a severe beating at the hands of ISAIAH FISHER, who, it is alleged, used brass knuckles...

(Notice to Debtors) Having determined to leave Rochester, I have placed all my accounts in the hands of Hon. M. L. ESSICK for collection.- - - - Dr. R. DEPPELLER.

ABEL BOWERS is nursing a sore finger. Bone felon.
CLINT JONES raises crab apples, yet Clint is by no means a sour man.
JOHN W. ELAM mourns the absence of his wife and babies, who have been on a visit to Valparaiso for several weeks.
FRANK P., son of WM. DAVIDSON, inflicted a deep wound on his right forearm with a scythe, yesterday. No arteries or leaders were cut, but the arm bled profusely, nevertheless. Dr. SPOHN dressed the hurt.
Laborers are now engaged in digging the cellar for Dr. SPOHN's new building, on Main street, but whether the structure will be a brick or frame depends upon the movements of adjacent property-holders, the Odd Fellows especially...
CYRUS McCARTER, the man who shot at his wife and her foster mother, and then attempted suicide, was in town Friday, just eight days after the affair.

A fight took place at the LAKE SCHOOL house between two young men, PHIPS and MATHEWS, recentlv ... bloody noses ...
Doc. WAITE's horse became frightened .. ran off ... buggy was utterly ruined ...
DAVID STUDEBAKER and TOMMY purchased a reaper and mower combined, recently, for the trifling amount of one thousand feet of oak fencing, and we learn the machine does good work. A good bargain, truly.
A few days ago, WM. CONRAD, a young gent employed on the saw mill owned by Pownall, Fetter & Co., was engaged in chopping logs, ... struck an awkward lick ... wound on his left foot, which will probably put an end to his labor for awhile. A few days later, JOHN McDOUGLE tried the same experiment on one of his feet, though not seriously injuring his clodsmasher ...
The baby we made mention of in recent news from this place as having been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. LEOMAN, took suddenly ill July 30, and died shortly after.

JOHN and FREMONT SMITH have killed five rattle snakes this week.
Mr. BEEBER, of Rochester, has bought a fine tract of timber land a quarter of a mile east of this place, and is putting a SAW MILL thereon ...
All happy at MARION PORTER'S. Fine big boy there.
JOEL BRUBAKER raised over seven hundred bushels of wheat on forty acres.

POWNALL, FETTER & CO., have located their SAW MILL on the lot of timbered land recently purchased by them...

On last Wednesday a little boy 4 vears old, son of D. W. SHAFER, took a match and went to the straw stack, lit the match and set the straw on fire, which almost instantly communicated to his wheat stacks, entirely consuming them, burning up about 300 bushels of wheat ... Fate appears to be against the SHAFER BROS., as it is only a few vears since they had a store consumed by fire.

RICHARD SUTLIFF, conductor on the gravel train on the I. P. & C. R.R.... was thrown from his train ... He was not hurt much.
Mr. FREDRIC STAIR, of Marshall Co., visited us one evening last week. Uncle Fred is as lively and full of jokes as ever. Call again and stay longer.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, August '21, 1873

Miss ELLA REX, of Rochester, is winning golden opinions and greenback rewards as a teacher of music in Winamac.

Fulton Co. figures on the books of the Auditor of State as follows: No. of acres rated for taxation, 224,793.50. Value of lands, $2,639,565. Value of improvements, $694,940. Value of lands and improvements, $3,454,535. Average value of lands, $11.86. Average value of lands and improvements, $15.36. No. of town lots. 1,194. Value of lots, $172,780. Value of improvements, $183,135. Value of lots and improvements, $365,915. Average value of lots, $144.65. Average value of lots and improvements, $306.46. Value of personal Property, $1,265,335. Total taxables, $5,085,785. No. of polls, 1,940.

J. HURST has resigned his position as Postmaster, and MILT. ENYART has been appointed to fill the vacancy. ...
L. CARL and M. ENYART have formed a partnership, and have engaged in the dry goods business.
Work on the CHRISTIAN CHAPEL has been progressing in fine order, but has been suspended again.
W. A. HORTON ... has been devoting his time and attention to bee keeping this summer. He has upwards of five hundred hives, we learn.

DIED. -JACOB BRUGH, of Aubbeenaubbee Township, lost a babe by cholera infantum last week.
-The infant child of RICHARD SURGUY, Esq., of Richland Township, died of cholera infantum, Monday morning.
-H. F. WOLF, son of GIDEON and LUCY ANN WOLF, died at Grand Rapids, Mich., on the 17th, and was buried at this place on Tuesday last. His age was 28 years, six months and eight days.

The dirt from the cellar of Dr. SPOHN's new building is being used to fill up low places in the public square...
Mr. A. C. BEARSS, Mail Agent on the I. P. & C. R.R., has removed from this place to Michigan Citv...
NEWT. WILEY left a monster watermelon at the SPY office...
Rev. JEFFERSON BISHOP will make sale of his personal property, at his residence on THOS. MERCER's farm, on Tuesday, the 2d prox. He intends to emigrate to Arkansas.
WM. P. BALL, ex-Treasurer of Fulton county, has purchased a farm near Tiosa, Richland Township, and will remove thither as soon as he can erect a residence for his family thereon.
Mrs. MAGGIE LOY, of this place, removed to Indianapolis some six weeks ago, but after a severe tussel with the cholera (from which she barely escaped with her life), concluded to return to Rochester.
LEROY ARMSTRONG, a young printer of this place, has thrown up his situation in the SENTINEL office in order to take up the pen of a writer of romance. He is now engaged on a serial, designed for the columns of one of the popular story papers.
CLARK & WELCH's livery stable ... are now occupying their new and extensive brick stables, and are adding largely to their stock of teams and vehicles.

BOY SHOT - MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR. CECIL, oldest son of FRANK B. ERNSPERGER, was shot in the hand and leg, Tuesday, with a load of glass, in a very mysterious manner. The lad and two other boys were playing together in the grove, when a shot was heard, and Cecil came to the house wounded as described. The boys all deny having a weapon among them, but one of them has been seen with an old pistol ... The fact that the weapon was loaded with glass is another proof that it was the work of boys ... The lad's injuries are not serious.

JAMES ROBBINS and son, together with the tenant who occupies his farm, were loading a calf in a wagon, when the team became frightened and started to run. The two men were standing between the wheels, and were dragged down by the axles, but not much hurt....
The total number of children of school age in Rochester, last year, was 635. Attended school, males, 249, females, 271; total, 520; but of this number thirty were foreign pupils ... The number, 145, who remained out of school may be easilv accounted for as young mechanics, clerks, laborers and loafers, voung ladies between the ages of 16 and 21, who seldom if ever attend minor schools, working girls, domestics, and those who expect to get married soon.

RUNAWAY. Tuesday afternoon, old Mr. LOY and his wife went down on
the prairie west of town after a load of hay, and had got the wagon loaded, and were on top of the load, when the horses ran away, throwing the old lady off and hurting her badly ... there are some doubts about her recovery.

The ELLSWORTH SABBATH SCHOOL will hold a pic nic on Saturday, Aug 30 ... receive bids for one refreshment stand ... Apply to THOS. NEWHOUSE, Esq.
DICK VAN DIEN now makes ugly faces under the tortures of erysipelas in the hand.
JOHN WORDEN was thrown out of a swing last Sunday, and falling about fifteen feet, ... breath knocked out of him...

Mrs. OSBORN and PETER and SAM CONGER have lost many chickens during the last eight or ten days, by cholera...
VALENTINE LAWRENCE and NORMAN ADAMS will begin gathering their hops in a few days ...
OLIVER PYLE, while engaged in loading some cord wood, one day last week, found under the pile three rattlesnakes, one of which had eight rattles, the other seven, and the last five... This appears to be a good year for snakes.
G. W. LUCAS has removed his stock of goods to Walnut. JACOB BECK now occupies the north room of the MAMMOTH BUILDING.

ELIAS MAXWELL has changed his buggy box three times in the last two months, we believe. We think you had better work on the running gears awhile now.
JOHN CALLOWAY has bought a new reaper. He says it is better late than never.
ROSS GOULD and TOM DUBOIS clubbed some little girls out of their grandfather's orchard, the other day.
WILL SMITH has found a very curious stone. He thinks it is a ruby.
JO. ROBBINS got stripped of two shirts in less than no time, the other day, by getting them caught in a threshing machine ... no other damage was done.
CHARLES CALAWAY has got a mule that can turn summersaults; with a little assistance from the old mare ...

CHEAPEST REAL ESTATE in Fulton County, 57 acres 1 mile from Rochester, 35 acres cleared, Frame house and young orchard, for $1,800, on Good Terms ... JOHN W. SMITH, Real Estate Agent, Rochester, Ind.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, August 28, 1873

DOC DOWNEY was fined 50 cents last week for provoking HAVEY SPENCER to commit an assault.
JOHN P. MYERS has been appointed Collector of Delinquent Taxes in and for Rochester Township.
We are under obligations to M. LEW ENYART, Attorney at Law, Allen, Ind. , for favors received. [NOTE: Probably should be Lincoln, Allen Township, Miami County, Ind. -Ed.]
WILLIE, son of LEVI MERCER, was thrown from a horse last evening, and had an arm dislocated at the elbow.
Our old friend, JOHN JOHNSON, of Salina P.O., sends us a new subscriber once in awhile. Thanks.
One of SAMMY SHIELDS' little chaps was severely scalded about the face and arms with hot coffee, on Tuesday.
A freight conductor on the I. P. & C. R.R., named ARMSTRONG, got his foot badly mashed by the cars last night. It is thought that amputation will be necessary.
SAM RICHARDSON was fined, on Monday, $2.40 for tresvassing on the premises of a neighbor. Appeal taken to the Circuit Court.
ORTON MITCHELL, son of ASA, was thrown out of a swing and knocked breathless, at a pic nic, last Friday. He recovered in time to go to Laporte and see Barnum, Monday.
A colt belonging to JOHN RANK, who lives near the Liberty and Rochester township line, was killed by lightning ...
We neglected to mention last week that our old friend, Rev. JESSE SPARKS, had taken unto himself a wife..
On Monday last, lightning struck a tree on the farm of FRED REES, in Liberty township, frightening a number of horses, which were attached to the power of a threshing machine...(which) belonged to JACK RICHARDSON.
Last Friday, at a pic nic on the banks of Lake Manitau, a party of young men were fooling with a revolver, when it was discharged, the ball lodging in GEO. METZ's toe ...
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. SHEPHERD contemplate a trip East, for the purpose of placing their little daughter in an institution for the education of the deaf and dumb. This bright little girl was a victim of that dreadful malady, cerebra spinal meningitis, from which she escaped with the loss of the sense of hearing ...
ANDY LAWRENCE, an insane pauper at the Fulton Co. Asylum, attempted to emasculate himself, one day last week ... He was laboring under religious excitement, and claimed that he was commanded by a higher power to commit the act.
The WHIPPOORWILL and MT. PLEASANT SABBATH SCHOOLS, of Richland township, will pic nic on the banks of the Tippecanoe river, one-half mile south of RILEY ADAMSON's residence, on Saturday, September 20, 1873. McCOY'S STRING AND MARTIAL BAND, of Rochester, has been engaged for the occasion...

MARRIAGE LICENSES issued: W. H. SURGUY and Emma BEGLE, Alvin TALLY and Emma RITTER, Jacob J. ROUCH and Mary A. CLARK, James WILHELM and Sarah C. YOUNT, H. O. WILSON and M. A. LOUDERBACK, Jesse McKEE and Louisa BALDWIN, John CORRIL and Elizabeth A. YAGLE, David WORDEN and Ella VINSON, Will M. McNAMEE and Alida Morrow, W. W. DREW and M. A. PERSCHBAUGHER, Tliomas CLARK and Mary HORTON, Jesse SPARKS and Lydia POLING, Michael CANE and Rosa KELLY, E. D. BROWN and Jane S. BARNES, R. P. OWENS and Almira CAROTHERS.

JOHN BLACKBURN and others are making preparations to erect a steam SAW MILL here. The greater part of the machinery is now on the ground and the remainder will be here in a few days ....
A BRASS BAND has been organized here, and is under the leadership of JOHN GROTE, Esq. The members are nearly all new hands at the business, but they are bound to learn how to play if patience and practice will accomplish it. Their instruments are second-hand, having been bought of the Argos silver band.
LEWIS CUFFEL has moved his cabinet shop, furniture and tools, to W. H. HATCH's vacant store house, on Main street. This is in the business part of town, and will necessarily afford him better facilities for displaying his goods than his former shop ....

A. MARRS ... not at all discouraged by the loss of his colts and fine hogs, he is now, we believe, turning his attention to cattle raising.
JIM WISNER, in trying to stand on his head the other day, got tangled and fell, cutting an ugly gash above his eye.
DAVID STUDEBAKER had a finger almost severed from his hand, a few days ago, by a mowing machine...

RICHARD REED, Esq., has got his buggy remodeled, and it is in fine running order. The fair sex had better look sharp.
JAMES DEWEESE's horses ran off last Sabbath, whilst returning from Sabbath school, throwing Miss DIDAMA DEWEESE out of the wagon, and it was thought for several days she wouldn't live, is recovering slowly.
RICHARD N. REED is carrying his big toe in a sling. Richard, be careful how you use your ax.
JAMES F. KLINE, a boy eleven years old, was digging in the ground a few days ago for a rabbit, as he supposed, but it happened to prove to be a ground hog and Jimmy came very near losing a finger.
I understand that stock hogs are a ready sale at Pleasant Grove at $1.70 per hundred.
Mrs. JANE POWNALL ... caught a young calf ... and lost her bonnet.
The Sabbath school at the Reed school house is carried on by R. B. REED, Superintendent, and has a large attendance.
E. R. NICHOLS is putting up a nice frame dwelling. He thinks he has lived in an old log hut long enough.
Mr. AUSMUN's daughters and sons-in-law are here from Lafayette and Russleville, Ky., paying the old folks a visit.

JAMES GOULD is building a new house.
We are sorry to learn that some unprincipled thief went into WM. KLOSTER's watermelon patch the other night, and, finding none ripe, they destroyed the vines ...
YOST WHEATLY has gone into the life insurance business.

Mr. A. T. JACKSON has just completed his fine residence and moved into it. Says his home cost him $3,000.
Mr. RUFUS BLAIR sold his house and lot to the widow LEITER; consideration $950. T. W. PATTY sold his house and lot for $410 to the widow HUMES, and CHAS. KILMER bought the FRED LIZIE lot for $175 ...
MARRIED. -On Thursday, August 14, 1873, Rev. JESSE SPARKS and Mrs. POLING...
On Thursday of last week Mr. C. S. GRAHAM sent his boy, HAMMIE, to the field for his horses . . . . finding his son near the field weltering in a pond of blood . . . . kicked by a horse on the forehead, directly above the lefteye. There was a hole about one by two inches . . . . . (had difficulty finding piece of lost bone) ... Dr. FITCH, of Logansport found the missing fragment ... on the inside of the skull. The boy is now doing well, and there is a fair prospect of his recovery.

Another girl at I. R. NEW'S.
SYLVESTER McCARTER inflicted a severe wound on his right knee with a broad axe, a few days ago, which will probably lay him up for awhile.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, September 4, 1873

(Notice) The undersigned hereby notifies the public generally that his wife, LOUISA RINGLE, has left his bed and board without any provocation whatever, and still refuses to return. All are, therefore, notified that he will not be responsible for any debts that she may contract... - - - - HENRY RINGLE. Plvmouth, Ind., Sept 2, 1873.

DIED. -On Wednesday, Sep 3d., 1873, MINNIE ALICE, infant daughter of Mrs. WILSON CHERRY, aged about three years.
Funeral at the residence. 2 o'clock, this p.m.
Miss ELLA REX, who has been teaching several music classes in Pulaski Co., is now enjoying a short vacation at the home of her parents, in this place.
WM. D. MOORE, Trustee of Aubbeenaubbee township, left at our office a basketful of ... crab apples ...
A steady stream of wheat flows through HARTER & WHITTENBERGER'S ELEVATOR, on its way to the markets of the world...
Dr. ROBBINS was called, one evening last week, to attend a young man named GEO. ASHLEMAN, at the residence of WASH. WILEY. The patient had been thrown from a horse, the animal rearing and falling back upon him. He was pretty badly bruised, but able to be removed to his home, in Henry township, next day.
Prof. J. G. PEARSON, the youthful leader of the ROCHESTER STRING BAND, has accepted a place in the band that accompanies Queen's Circus. He joined them at Peru on Saturdav last .... returned home on Tuesday, thoroughly disgusted with the show business ...
The sporting fraternity, of Rochester pay no heed to the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Agricultural Society, forbidding horse racing. They gain access to the Fair Grounds by some means, and crack up a race every dav or two ... What's the good of a track if you don't use it?
FRANK ARMSTRONG, was struck by a broken belt, while working near a threshing machine, in Richland township, last Friday. The blow fell on his right side and face, knocking him breathless for a time ... injuries were not serious.
The Rochester Public Graded School opened last Monday with an enrollment of four hundred pupils ...
Mr. C. P. HINMAN has been awarded the contract for bouldering the GUTTER in front of the square facing the Court House, on Main street. The stone is to be six inches in thickness and six feet wide, faced on both sides with curbing, and will extend ten feet beyond the square each wav. The contract price is 75 cents per lineal foot ...

Mrs. WILBUR TRUSLOW, of this place, [had accident in Richland township ... riding in a buggy with her husband ... horse ran away... one rib broken, shoulder blade fractured - - - - -]
Mr. WASH. E. CAROTHERS ... who has been in our employ for two years past, has finally left us for a better situation in Illinois. He is a first-class printer and a ready writer, possessing an inexhaustible fund of true wit ... He ought to stand in the front rank of the editorial profession, instead of occupying the place of a poorly-paid journeyman printer. But one thing stands between him and success in life - and that is the one bad habit to which too many printers are addicted ...

HORRIBLE DEATH - PROBABLE SUICIDE. - On Friday last a woman named MARGARET WALTZ, the wife of a tenant on the farm of SEBASTIAN GOSS, Esq., in Liberty township, met her death in the following horrible manner. About 9 p.m., she lighted a shaving, with which to start a fire in the cook stove, and the flame communicated itself to her clothing, which was soon in a blaze. She ran around the house a time or two, stopping at the swill barrel, where one of the children threw water upon her till the flames were extinguished. The woman then went to the well, and lowered herself to the bottom, where she drowned in four feet of water... Her husband was in town at the time, attending Queen's Circus, and the story of the disaster is gathered from the statements of two little girls, children of the deceased, aged respectively 8 and 5 vears. They say that their mother, after the fire was put out and while standing in the gum that forms the well-curb, told them to go into the house and lay down. They obeyed her, and went to sleep, awaking in the afternoon, when they informed a neighbor of what had happened....
The husband, whose name is JAMES WALTZ, did not return home until after dark. He seemed greatly shocked when informed of the calamity that had befallen his wife, but said that he had been expecting something of the kind. On the Sunday previous his wife had asked him to throw her into the well and end her miseries ... The family were quite poor, and the wife rather simple minded.

Now is the time for you to get your Feather Beds renovated. Messrs. WELTY & WEST have commenced operations one block north of the Wallace House. They come from Plymouth, with the highest of recommendations. They guarantee satisfaction, or make no charges.

The old order in regard to the arrival and departure of MAIL trains at this place has been restored. Both trains reach here at or near noon.

LIST OF LETTERS, month ending Aug. 31.: S. R. BOARDMAN, Stutelv BIDWELL, D. O. BEEMAN, Nathan CLARK, Jesse CLARK, Mr. CLOSSER, Miss Jennie CONNER, Miss Nettie DENNY, Samuel DAWSON, John DAVIDSON, S. S. EATON, Frank EDWARDS, John C. EVANS, Geo. H. EGGLESTON, John EILER, Mr. L. FORD, Miss Addie FALL, M. FRENCH, William GREENE, C. W. HOLEMAN, John T. HOLEMAN, Phillip LEWIS, Lawrence MURRY, C. H. MORRILL, Samuel MILLER, James ORCHARD, Mrs. Eliza PHELPS, Miss Ella RHEN, Miss REBECCA, C. T. RICE, John ROW, S. E. REDINGLEY, Joseph SMITH, Marshall STONE, Oliver P. SMITH, Miss Jennie SHOEMAKER, Miss Maud StCLARE, Chas. STANLEY, Joseph SIRENES, Fred STRIBY, Orson TUTTLE, Jos TERRILL, Jacob YOUNG;, Miss Alice WALLACE, R. WHITE, Miss Ella WILHELM, James B. WALLACE. - - - - Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

The young men of Rochester are requested to meet at the School building on to-morrow, Friday evening, for the purpose of forming a LITERARY SOCIETY.

Prof. HYDE gave a musical entertainment last Saturday night, which was well attended.
Rev. S. H. JAMISON, of Indianapolis, delivered a fine discourse at the school house, on Friday night. He is visiting friends at the Station.
JAMES GOULD has built a new house, and his wife presented him a new heir. Prettv good for one week.

Mr. G. M. CONN has recently returned from Minnesota, where he has been since April 1st. GEORGE is well known by all as a well-behaved and intelligent voung man ...
Rev. E. J. DELP preached his farewell sermon at the Spring Creek Church on last Sabbath... Upwards of five hundred people congregated on this occasion ... Mr. Delp will start Westward, Sep. 8th.

TELL. COLLINS raised 124 bushels of wheat on five acres.
HIRAM CARITHERS took a chill in Sunday School last Sunday.
T. J. HOLCOMB has a cousin visiting him from Indianapolis.
WM. FREAR went to an ice-cream supper recently, and when he got ready to go home, found out that some cowardly villain had tied his harness all full of knots ....
The pic nic, on the 13th, will be held in the grove, one-half mile north of Green Oak, at the new church.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, September 11, 1873

SUICIDE OF THE REV. WILEY P. WATKINS. -People who lived in Rochester during the years 1856-7 will remember Rev. W. P. WATKINS, then pastor of the M.E. Church at this place. He was known as a good man of pleasant manners, but subject at times to fits of deep mental dejection.
On Tuesday night of last week, at Waterloo, Iowa, he drowned himself in the Cedar River. He was pastor of the M.E. Church at the place named. His wife was dangerously ill, and this is supposed to have depressed and deranged his mind, and led to the fatal step. He left the following letter to his wife: "..... Tell JIMMIE to be a good boy. All the money I had I gave to CLARENCE just before I went to the river..."

FULTON is preparing to have a jolly time at the Soldiers' and Citizens' Pic Nic, to be held at that place on the 20th inst. ...
G. R. JONES amused himself recently, at the close of a religious meeting, by firing a revolver several times, just to make people jump. Look out, RICHARD; that practice may lead you into trouble.

JOSEPH GAINER, Esq., of Western Illinois, is visiting friends in this vicinity. He is a brother of Mrs. NEWT WILEY and Mr. JAMES GAINER.
JIM GAINER was wounded in the foot the other day by a hatchet that flew off the handle while he was using it. Will get well before he's married.
WM. CHINN, Esq., left on our table the other day two large bunches of Concord grapes...
We are indebted to Mr. JOHN H. GELLER for a fine specimen of the California Twin muskmelon ...
HAVEY SPENCER and ENOCH STURGEON indulged in a fight last week, for which violation of the peace and dignity of the State of Indiana, each made a small contribution to the Common School Fund.
BILLY WALLACE got out of a pair of shirts at MYERS & GAINER'S FURNITURE FACTORY very suddenly the other day. He was trying a new lathe, when the "chuck" caught his sleeve, and twisted both shirts clear off of him...
A German named HOOVER, and a carriage finisher named SMITH, engaged in a disgraceful fight, last Sabbath, in rear of the Cornelius block. Both were intoxicated ... Both men were duly fined.
We learn that Mr. PHILLIP COOK, of this county, claims that he has discovered a stone quarry on the land of JOSEPH ARNOLD, Esq. The quarry is situated on the east bank of Lake Manitau...
FRANK SHRYOCK has returned from the Far West, bringing with him a wife.
Mrs. CORY, of this place, herself an elderly lady, has been called to the bedside of her aged mother, who is dying with cancer, at her home in the town of Italy Hill, New York. The sufferer, if she lives until next spring, will be 100 years old, and but for the disease with which she is now struggling, might live several years longer. Mrs. Cory's father died at the age of 115 years.
Tuesday morning last, on Main St., in Rochester, CHARLES CARR, a lad of 19 summers, leaped from his father's wagon with all the buoyancy and elasticity of youth. But sad to relate, the little pistol in his breeches pocket exploded, lodging a ball in the fleshy part of his rump, about two inches from the spinal column. Charles will take his meals off the mantle-piece for the next week or two.

QUICK WORK. -Mr. AUSTIN BATES, of Richmond, Ind., sat down in Dr. M. REX's dental chair, at 4 p.m., one day last week, and had five teeth pulled. As soon as possible thereafter, a cast of his mouth was taken, and at 10 p.m., on the same day, Mr. Bates departed on the train with a set of artificial teeth in his mouth ....
SUDDEN DEATH . -DIED- On Tuesday morning, Sept. 9th., at the residence of her parents, one mile south of Rochester, of cerebro spinal meningitis, DORA, daughter of THOMAS and LEVINA NEWHOUSE, aged seven years.
The death of this little girl illustrates the awful suddenness with which the above-named disease seizes its victims. She attended school on Monday, and started home, at 4:30 p.m., in apparent good health. When she passed the residence of Dr. BRACKETT, one-fourth of a mile from home, she spoke to a man who addressed her, and at that time seemed as well as usual, yet when she reached home, such was the swift progress of the disease, she was speechless. Her death occurred next morning about 9 o'clock.

MYERS & NEAL are now getting up the finest and handsomest set of double-harness ever manufactured in this town. ... [will be exhibited] at the County Fair ... It is valued at $150, and has already found a purchaser, who is none other than F. B. ERNSPERGER, of the firm of Ernsperger, Jackson & Co. FRANK is bound to cut a dash this fall and winter, and, having ordered a $450 carriage, is determined to have a harness to match.

1st, 1873 ... [names mentioned]:

(Notice of Dissolution) ... partnership existing between the undersigned has been dissolved by mutual consent... business... will be conducted at the old stand by Mr. Ferguson, but as Mr. Miller desires to leave the country, all outstanding accounts must be immediately settled... W. A. FERGUSON, I. W. MILLER, Rochester, Ind., Sept 11, 1873.

JACK VANDUYNE has a habit of going to sleep. While the horsetamer was lecturing on last Friday night, he went to sleep and forgot to wake up, and consequently, was locked up in the old store room and kept there till morning.
In drawing dirt out of the well at the new mill, Saturday week, the box came unhooked when within four feet of the top, falling to the bottom - a distance of about thirty feet. ROBERT McMILLEN was in the well at the time, but fortunately was not hurt.
The proprietors of the new mill, after giving Mr. POST, of Rochester, $20 for about three hours work, have found an abundance of water, and fired up on Thursday ...

Mr. JOHN CHAMP has already sown nine acres of wheat, and intends to finish sowing some 25 or 30 acres more the present week, after which he intends taking a grand fishing and hunting spree out at English Lake...
Mr. FRANK WADE, of this place, in falling from a load of hay, ran one of the tines of the pitchfork into his leg, which laid him by for several days ...
Some unprincipled persons went into JOSEPH CHAMP's melon patch, and finding no ripe melons, proceeded to destroy the green ones, making sad havoc among the vines.
Mr. LEVI W. POWNALL, of Liberty township, has growing on his premises a fine grapery, consisting of some sixty-odd bearing vines ....
JACOB E. STARBUCK will leave here pretty soon. He is going to the West part of the State, where he has rented a farm. Jake thinks no person can make money here, as he can't.

DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. on Tuesday morning of last week a little daughter of BENJAMIN RUNKLE, of Allen township, was scalded to death. The mother was preparing to wash and had filled a tub with boiling water; the child pulled over the tub, which rested on a box or stool, emptying the hot water on the lower part of its body and limbs. It suffered intense pain for about one hour, until its grandfather, by some sort of sorcery, removed the fire and gave it relief. The child lived until Friday. The case is a sad one, and appeals to mothers and others having care of children to watch everv step of the little ones and keep them from danger as much as possible. -PERU SENTINEL.

OBITUARY. -JOHN GROVES died on Sabbath, August 31st, 1873, in Newcastle township, Fulton cotmty, Indiana, of old age, he being eighty-three vears and sixteen days old - much respected and loved. He was born in Pennsvlvania Cumberland county, lived in Ohio for a number of years, came to this State about five years ago. Has been a member of the Christian Church about fifty years; died in hope of heaven. He leaves two sons, one daughter, grandchildren and numerous friends to mourn his loss, but not as those who have no hope. Sermon by the writer,WM. MANVILLE.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, September 18, 1873

The saw mill will be ready for business in a few days.
Mr. HOOVER is buying grain at the red warehouse, and J. HURST at the new warehouse. Hurst informs me that he shipped upwards 10,000 bus. within the last month, and, we presume, Hoover has done equally as well.
Mr. DAVID ENYART, whose farm adjoins this town, recently laid off ten acres in TOWN LOTS, of which he has sold quite a number.
SAM ENYART says that a wagon-load of boys from Green Oak, while on their way to a singing school at Five Corners, borrowed his seat board without his knowledge or consent, and have failed to return it. He wishes they would return it, as he stands sorely in need of it.
DIED. -An infant child of Mr. NICHOLAS CLEMENS, of Henry township, died yesterday.
-Mr. YOUNG RALSTIN, a well known and prominent citizen of this county, was seized with a congestive chill this morning, and died this (Thursday) afternoon. He was among the earliest settlers of this region, and one of those to whose energy we are indebted for its prosperity. His loss will be universally lamented in this and surrounding counties. His age was about 60 years. A more extended obituary will appear next week.
Prof. WILLIAMS is organizing a German class at the public school building.
They are painting and finishing the new GERMAN LUTHERAN SCHOOL building.
Mr. JOSEPH LAUER has moved into his new brick residence, on Jefferson street.
CHARLEY CAFFYN is now ready to receive the congratulations of his friends. Girl.
Mr. E. S. BARNES is about to open a FURNITURE STORE in the room one door north of the post office.
HARRY LEAGUE, an old time resident of Rochester, who used to ply the vocation of a harness-maker here, turns up as a flourishing Illinois farmer, and is back on a visit to friends in this vicinity.

Mr. BARNEY COREY, of the firm of MILLER & COREY, carriage builders, is suffering from a malignant attack of erysipelas. It began with a felon on one of his fingers, and has extended to the arm, and it is feared it will be necessary to amputate the hand in order to save his life.
The scaffolding over the arch in the wall of the moulding room at ASHTON'S FOUNDRY, fell Tuesday, precipitating WM. SHELTON and another bricklayer to the ground, a distance of eleven feet. Neither was much hurt ...
JIM RICHARDSON went to jail Saturday, on a charge of drunk and disorderly, but finally concluded to pay his fine and go home ...
Mr. NAAMAN DAWSON, a Fulton Co. boy who is making his pile as a speculator in Indianapolis real estate, is visiting his old home at this time ...

The proprietors of the GREEN OAK MILL are preparing to tear down the old frame.
Some petty thief, in stealing his dinner the day of the pic nic, carried off a nice honey dish belonging to Miss LUCY SMITH.

Will give as complete a list as we can of the births within the last three weeks: E. E. TUCKER, boy; S. BROWN, child's sex unknown to the writer; WM. HAMILTON, boy; J. G. TROUTMAN, child's sex not reported; ELI LEITER, boy; I. KERSEY, boy; R. MINTON, girl; and last but not least, SOL JACKSON, a boy, which is his 20th child, we learn. The command, "Multiply and replenish the earth," has been strictly obeyed by Mr. Jackson.
Mr. T. M. SHAFFER sold off, and is going to California in a short time. He is now in Ohio, visiting friends previous to leaving for the Golden State.
Mr. C. W. WEIRICK has sold out, and is going to Illinois soon.
Mr. ELI CLARK has also sold out, and removed to near Rochester.
SAM ODAFFER will make sale of his personal effects next Saturday.
T. W. PATTY has removed to Rochester, where he intends to set up in the HARNESS BUSINESS.
We understand that a FARMERS' GRANGE has been organized at the SMITH SCHOOL House, three miles west of this place, and is already in successful running order. Some 30 or 40 persons have already joined, and their numbers are receiving daily accessions.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, September 25, 1873

REPUBLICAN JUDICIAL CONVENTION, for Fulton, Kosciusko and Marshall counties, met at Plymouth, on Saturday, Sept. 20, 1873 ... WM. H. MATTINGLY, of Fulton Co., Secretary... Nominations: Col. K. G. SHRYOCK, of Fulton, and EDGAR HAYMOND, of Kosciusko ... Mr. Haymond [was nominated] . . .

MARRIED. -On the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. WM. REEDER, Mr. CYRUS S. HARRISON, of Taber, Fremont Co., Iowa, and Miss LUCY A. TOWNSEND, daughter of JOEL TOWNSEND, Esq., of Liberty township, Fulton Co., Ind.

Miss LIBBIE HAUK, of Topeka, Kansas, is at the Wallace House, visiting pa and ma.
Our old friend, JOHN WALLACE, of Peru, is attending the Fulton Co. Fair. He brings with him a splendid team of grays.
ANDY EDWARDS was fined $15 yesterday for striking one KAUFMAN, an Indianapolis wholesale liquor dealer. Appeal taken to the Circuit Court.

OBITUARY. -We have been unable to gather full particulars touching the life and career of the late YOUNG RALSTIN, Esq. This much we have learned, that he was raised on Eel River, near what is now called Stockwell, then Goudytown, where he married Miss ELIZA GOUDY, daughter of the place. He settled in this county, on the farm where he died, in 1837, purchasing the land of Mr. WILEY, father of the Wiley brothers of this vicinity. Here he labored and prospered as a farmer, his gains being augmented by the pursuit of tavern-keeping, which he followed for a number of years. He was known far and wide as a genial host and a pleasant companion, while his house gained a reputation co-extensive with Northern Indiana. He was everybody's friend, and had not an enemy in the world that we know of. The aged respected him as a worthy citizen, and the voung liked him for his fun-loving and hospitable disposition. He was the picture of health, and was the possessor of a robust frame and an iron constitution. Yet his death was terribly sudden, and should be a warning to all who are without preparation for the grave. He leaves a stricken family, and a wide circle of friends and relations to mourn his loss.

SHOP LIFTING. -MARY JANE, wife of CHARLES HIATT, of Aubbeenaubbee township, gained the unenviable reputation of a shop lifter by her operations in this place Tuesday. She came to town with her husband that day, and visited several stores in succession, from each of which she abstracted articles of value. ... from BIBLER & BABCOCK... JESSE SHIELDS ... D. S. GOULD... ERNSPERGER, JACKSON & CO. ... She was permitted to go home, and there the matter will rest, we presume, until the next session of the grand jury.
The fair culprit is respectably connected, and has hitherto borne a good character. The same remark will apply to her husband, for whom much sympathy is felt in this hour of grief and trial ... Her husband, if still disposed to cling to her, should take advantage of the law's delay, and strike out for a new country, where his wife's crimes are unknown, and where repentance and forgetfulness may wipe out the stigma on her name.

Sprinkleburg is on the east side of Lake Manitau...
That "little revolver" that made CHARLEY CARR take his meals on the mantle-piece, is the same one that shot GEO. METZ in the toe. George is having a bad time of it, as erysipelas has set in, and he has a painful foot.
That revolver would be a nice present to give to some lightning-rod man or insurance agent.

RUSSELL & STEMEN talk about moving their mill this fall ...
The THOMPSON family calculate to emigrate to the Western country this fall.
We learn that ALLEN LOUDERBACK has taken our advice and subscribed for the spy. Bully for you, Allen.
'Squire DAY is, according to contract, going to build a dwelling on the premises of Mr. CARLIN, of Cass county.
Mr. JOHN GORDON has completed his new dwelling and moved into it.
THOS. POWNALL is journeying with Mr. DELP to Arkansas.
JAMES THOMPSON and family are visiting friends in Carroll county.
Mr JAS. BUCHANAN, Sr., has been suffering seriously from an attack of typhoid fever, but is convalescent now, we learn.
TONY KESLER informs us that he has killed twenty rattlesnakes during the present season.
DIED. -On the 15th inst., SAMUEL LOWMAN, aged about 35 years.

ALLEN LOUDERBACK has laid aside his old straw hat and donned his woolen cap.
ED McDOUGLE, while plowing recently, had a lively time amongst the yellow jackets ...
An interesting law suit came off before Esq. DAY on the 16th inst. The suit grew out of a horse trade between J. F. CAMPBELL, plaintiff, and I. HIPPLE, defendant. Campbell sued for one hundred dollars damage, on the ground of fraud and misrepresentation, and the result of the trial was a judgment in favor of Campbell for $10 together with $23 for costs.

DIED. -LYDIA ELLEN, daughter of JOHN and MARY J. SAMPSEL, of this vicinity, aged four years, died of flux, Tuesday morning, Sept. 15th.
RICHARD ROBBINS met with a sad accident on last Friday, which will probably lay him up for some time. In trying to load a log on his wagon the chain broke, letting the log roll over him, fracturing his collar bone and bruising him otherwise.
HENRY KEEL, whilst cutting corn the other day, near the woods, noticed his dog with some odd looking thing, and on going up to him found it to be a chink of sweetcake. He took the cake away from the dog, and ... found out where some petty thieves had left LUCY SMITH's honey-dish and a lot of sweetcake.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, October 2, 1873

DIED. -WM. FARNER, a citizen of this county, who had been working in a brickyard at Logansport, accidentally shot himself with a revolver last Saturday. Death resulted from the wound on Tuesday, and his body was brought here for interment on the following day. Deceased 'was a son-in-law of PRESLEY BOZARTH, Esq., and a very worthy young man. His age was about 24 vears.

MARRIED. -On the 18th inst., at the Central House, in Rochester, by Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, Mr. DANIEL WHITMORE, of Toledo, O., and Miss CATHERINE C. KRIPLIVER, of this county.
-On the same day, by the same, at the residence of the pastor, Mr. ENOS SHOEMAKER and Miss MAHALA JOHNSON, all of this county.
-On the 30th, by the same, at the residence of Hon. S. DAVIDSON, Mr. NEWTON A. McCLUNG and Miss ELNORA DAVIDSON.

FRANK SHRYOCK and wife started to their home in Dakota yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. HEFFLEY will celebrate their Silver Wedding to-morrow evening.
Mr. W. R. MARSHALL has removed to Lincoln, Ind., where he will carry on the blacksmith trade.
Col. K. G. SHRYOCK is entitled to a large share of the praise due to those who drove the gamblers and swindlers off the Fair ground. The Col. got on his high horse and told the authorities that the thing had to be did.
TALLEY & SHIELDS have purchased the NORTH END BUTCHER SHOP, and are running it in conjunction with their old stand. Our old friend TRACY has taken a place behind the counter at the south shop.
ELAM & DAVIS, North Room of Fromm's Block, keep the only exclusive stock of Dry Goods and Clothing in Rochester ...
CLAY STARNER has been in trouble again - this time with a man named BOWMAN. The affair happened at Bloomingsburg. ... Bowman will answer to a charge of assault and battery before Esq. REES to-morrow.

FINE HOGS FOR SALE ... Berkshire... For full particulars, call at J. H. SHELTON's store and see me. E. R. BOYER.

WM. SMITH has moved out of Green Oak.
Mr. WM. KEEL started to Iowa about two weeks ago.
MARION SMITH has a horse 23 years old that is as spry as a cricket.
Mr. I. A. BALON is just recovering from an attack of typhoid fever.
Miss VANDA FENNIMORE, and sister, of Illinois, are visiting friends and relatives in this community.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, October 9, 1873

GOOD-BYE. -With this issue our business relationship with the readers of the SPY will cease. The office has been sold to Mr. T. MAJOR BITTERS, late foreman of the Peru REPUBLICAN office, who will hereafter edit and publish this paper. ... We go to California, but to what particular part of the State we do not now know.
"Farewell, farewell forever,
And if forever, fare thee well."

The new SAW MILL is now in full blast. The proprietors are buying slathers of timber in this vicinity, and are whooping up things lively.
Since our last writing, Mr. DAVID ENYART has sold nineteen lots, and the purchasers are making speedy preparations to erect buildings.
A school meeting was held at this place last Saturday night, which resulted in the choice of Mrs. Dr. ORR for teacher for the winter term...
Insurance agents, patent medicine venders, and lightning rod men are tolerable plenty just now.
DAVID COVER, of Birmingham, and Miss BETTIE WILKENSON, of this town, were married last Thursday evening, but as soon as the ceremony was over the groom picked up his hat and eloped for parts unknown. The people are terribly excited, and besides this the constable claims a fee of about five dollars. This is a bad case of misplaced confidence.

V. S. LOUDERBACK met with a serious accident a few days ago. While working about a threshing machine, two of his fingers were caught in some part of the machinery and dreadfully mangled.
DAVID and THOMAS STUDEBAKER are operating a molasses factory near our town.
OLIVER ALLEN, WEBB WHIP and JIM WISNER, have started a boarding house here.

(Notice of Administration) ELIZABETH RALSTIN, JAMES M. BEEBER, appointed Administrators of the Estate of YOUNG RALSTIN, late of Fulton county, deceased. Rochester, Ind., Oct 8, 1873

HIDES & PELTS WANTED ... We will also pay current prices for Wheat, cash on delivery. We keep constantly on hand a pure article of Huntington Lime, Plaster Paris and Plastering Hair ... Warehouse in the north part of town. J. B. ELLIOTT., Rochester, Ind., October 3d, 1873.
THE WORLD'S FEVER & AGUE CURE. A sure remedy.... Manufactured by SHELTON & RULE, Rochester, Ind.
SHELTON'S PULMONARY BALSAM, has no equal for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, and in fact all Diseases of the Respiratory Organs ... For sale at SHELTON'S GROCERY STORE, Rochester, Ind.
SHELTON'S SURE CURE for Billious and cramp cholic, pain in the stomach, &c ... For sale at SHELTON'S GROCERY STORE, Rochester, Ind.
SliELTON'S INSTANT CURE. for Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Symptoms, Flux and kindred maladies ... For sale at SHELTON'S GROCER STORE, Rochester, Ind.
Messrs. ANCIL BALL and W. B. FUNK, of Warsaw, visited Rochester on Tuesday.
Mr. JAMES VAN LEW will please accept our thanks for a sack of fine eating apples.
H. W. HOOBER, our old "Blue Grass" correspondent, has removed to Logansport.
WILL HEFFLEY and SAMMY WRIGHT, of this county, are in Cincinnati, attending medical lectures.
DICK SMITH, at Ernsperger, Jackson & Co.s, pays the highest market prices in cash for wild game.
Mr. A. C. SHEPHERD reached home last Monday. His wife and daughter remain at the East.
Mr. A. BRUCE, of Bruce's Lake, this county, is, we regret to learn, lying at the point of death.
Mr. A. L. BOWMAN got his thumb crushed between a pair of cog wheels, at the EMPIRE MILLS the other day.
The SHRIVER and DAVIS families, of Henry township, have been monopolizing the time and attention of Rochester lawyers and Justices of the Peace this week. They have been fighting out an old bend, the origin of which is as unimportant as its recital would be tedious.
ELMER DUNHAM, an irrepressible printer, who works at the SENTINEL office when his hands are well, whipped the ICE family Saturday afternoon, beginning with one of the boys and winding up with the old man. A balf-dozen prosecutions grew out of the affair, in the course of which all parties were fined in various amounts ...

Dr. SPOHN's new BUILDING, the walls of which were nearly completed, fell last Saturday morning, during a heavy rain. It is alleged that the water from an adjacent building undermined the wall and caused the disaster. But as a lawsuit is likely to grow out of the matter, we express no opinion concerning it. The debris has been removed, and work has recommenced on the structure. The damage resulting from the crash is estimated at about $600.

SILVER WEDDTNG. -on Friday evening last, the 3d inst., a brilliant party of invited guests assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. SAMUEL HEFFLEY, to celebrate the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of that couple. ... The occasion was one of rare enjoyment. The host and hostess, still in the bloom of middle age, were surrounded by a troop of merrv children, and were the recipients of manv tokens of neighborly friendship...
At 9 o'clock a presentation speech was made by Rev. CLARK SKINNER, after which Dr. HILL, on behalf of the bride and groom, returned thanks to the assembled guests for their presence and gifts. Hon. M. L. ESSICK then read an original poem, which is herewith published: [ - - - - - -]
Mr. SAMUEL HEFFLEY and Miss SARAH PENCE were married, at the residence of the bride's father, in Fulton county, October 3d, 1848. The whole period of their married life, except about two and a half years, has been spent in Fulton county. They began life with small means, but have acquired a comfortable competency.... Both look young, and a stranger would scarcely believe that they had been married a quarter of a century. Nine children have blessed their union, six of whom are still living.

ALLEGED ARSON. ... Ever since the burning of KELLY & RHINEHART's FLAX FACTORY, last winter, there has been a suspicion lurking in the minds of our citizens that the deed was committed by hired incendiaries .... The proprietors were both absent from town at the time, but made their appearance shortly after the fire and claimed the insurance money... The insurance agents, DOWNEY & JONES, resisted the claim, and began searching for evidence of incendiarism. KELLY & RHINERART, on the other hand, began suit against the Phoenix Insurance Co., for the amount of the policy ....
Matters stood as above until a few days ago, when it began to be whispered around that the insurance agents had proof that the flax mill was set on fire. On yesterday two men, named FRANKLIN DOWNS and ORRIN TUTTLE, appeared before Esq. ASHTON., and confessed that they had applied the torch. Their story is that they, together with a man named DAVIS, were hired by Rhinehart to fire the mill, the consideration being a watch and $50 in money. Downs and Davis divided the money, and Tuttle kept the watch which he sold for $10 to ASA MITCHELL, Esq., in whose possession it now is ... Rhinehart will be arrested and brought hither as soon as his whereabouts are ascertained.

MARRIAGE LICENSES issued since last report: Alexander GREEN and Jennie EVEY, Gotleib SCHNEIB and Sarah BARGER, Jacob ESHLEMAN and Mary E. PUTNAM, John E. MATZGER and Isabelle HICKMAN, Cyrus S. HARRISON and Lucy A. TOWNSEND, John FITZGERALD and Ann McLAUGHLIN, Judson C. BABCOCK and Nancy C. LONG, Enos R. SHOEMAKER and Mahala JOHNON, Daniel WHITMORE and Catherine C. KRIPLIVER, John N. BRYANT and Nancy J. MOORE, Wm. M. KRIDER and Angeline STEWART, Albert A. SMITH and Eveline M. MOORE, Wilson BURNS and Sarah M. APT, Joshua TUCKER and Barbara BAILEY, Wm. E. FOY and Mary E. SMITH, Sanford N. CLARK and Nancy J. WOODRUFF, Lafayette MOORE and Hannah ELKINS, Newton A. McCLUNG and Elnora DAVIDSON, John J. VICKERY and Lucinda RICHTER, John Murphv and Samantha TRUE, Samuel EAKINS and Margaret LOY, Joseph H. NELSON ana Sarah E. RADER.

OBITUARY. DIED. -At the residence of Mrs. DAVID MOW, in Richland township, on Friday, October 3d, 1873, Mrs. EUNICE H., wife of Rev. JOHN NEWHOUSE, aged 35 years. Deceased was a daughter of the late JAMES P. and MARGARET HOLSTOCK, and was born, raised and married in this county. Her home was at Clinton, Vermillion Co., and she was on a visit to her sister, at whose house she died, when attacked with typhoid fever. She joined the M.E. Church at the age of eleven years, since which time her trust in the Savior has never faltered. Her life was a conspicuous example of the influences of Christian hope and faith, being wholly devoted to the cause of her Redeemer. She leaves an interesting family of three boys, and a grief-stricken husband, to mourn her loss.

LIST OF LETTERS in the post office for the month ending Oct 30: Mrs. Susan ALSPACH, Mrs. R. J. BOOR, George M. BUSH, Wm. B. CLARK, Peter CRAMER, Thos. CARTER, Dr. F. H. CHASE, A. DORSH, Geo. W. DAWSON, Miss Belle DAVIS, Susan EMMONS, Peter FREINSTEIN, Mrs. Eliza FRAZER, Miss Mary FLORY, Chas H. GIBSON, Miss Ella GREEN, David GRAHAM, Sarah HAMLIN, C. L. HANDY, John JOHNSON, Henry P. KIZER, Reynold LUNDLON, Mrs. Lucy A. LEVAW, Thomas LANNEN, John LEHMON, Mathaes LANGER, Mrs. Emeline McCANN, Abraham MILLER, Wm. M. RUGH, Mrs. G. T. RIDDLE, A. T. SELBY, John W. THOMPSON, Jacob VanTRUMP, Henry WALMER, Elliot WALKER, George WALSCH, Wm. S. YELTS, Elizabeth YAZEL. - - - - Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.

A few days ago a son of SAMUEL SMITH, aged about 16 years, residing near Bruce's Lake, while crossing a fence with a shot gun in his hands, slipped, the gun accidently going off, lodging the contents in the boy's side, the shot coming out at his shoulder. The wound, it is feared, will prove fatal ...
Mr. ISAAC CANNON and lady started lately for Delaware their native State - to visit friends and for the improvement of Mrs. C's health, who has become feeble, being now about 75 years old.
Rev. M. B. McKENZIE has left this place and removed to Hamilton Co., ...
Mr. E. B. BUCHANAN will move into the house vacated bY Rev. McKenzie.
Last week Mr. D. PERKINS came from Ohio bringing with him a helpmeet. Some years ago, when he lived in Ohio, Mr. P. came here and got a wife...
Mrs. AARON HUYSER, of Wayne township is, we learn, fast traveling to her long home, being seriously afflicted with cancer of the breast.
Mrs. SALATHIEL BROWN, of Wayne, is seriously afflicted with the dropsy.

TELL COLLINS gave $250 for a house and lot of acre in the city of Green Oak.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, October 16, 1873

The UNION SPY published every Thursday by T. MAJOR BITTERS, office up stairs in the Beeber Block, corner south of the Court House...

With this week's issue of the SPY, our neighbor, WM. H. MATTINGLY, who has presided over the columns of that paper for five years or more as editor-in-chief, says good-bye to his readers, and retires from the chair editorial. We regret that the pleasant relations which have ever existed between us as competitors in the newspaper business are to be interrupted by his withdrawal. ... T. MAJOR BITTERS, late foreman of the PERU REPUBLICAN office, succeeds to the proprietorship of the SPY. He is our brother, a few years our senior, and may be put on the "heavy editors"' list, his weight being over 200 lbs avoirdupois. It is a singular circumstance in journalism, and one not often happening, that brothers are pitted against each other in the publication of opposition papers in the same town. Mr. BITTERS is a party man of the Republican persuasion, and as such will advocate the principles of the party to which he belongs. Peculiarily we wish the new editor all merited success, but in politics we will use our best efforts to defeat the rise to power in this county of the party which he represents. -ROCHESTER SENTINEL.


SARAH E. WILKINSON, of Allen township, made a complaint before M. LEW ENYART, Esq., of seduction and promise to marry, by one DAVID COVER. A warrant was issued and Cover arrested ... he expressed a desire to atone for his misdeeds by having the ceremony of marriage performed, and the couple were duly joined in the bonds of wedlock. No sooner, however, had the ceremony taken place, than Cover took up his hat and walked out, and as he did so, cooly bid the company good evening. The girl, Sarah, is connected with one of the first families in the north part of the county. Her mother died when only two years old, and she was brought up in the family of Rev. GEORGE WILKINSON, who was her uncle ....

A musical mass-meeting was held at the M.E. Church Monday evening. [names mentioned]: J. E. CLARK, EUGENE RITENOUR, Dr. M. M. REX, Miss ANNA KEITH. Mrs. NORA CALKINS, Miss MINNIE SHRYOCK, WILLIAM SHELTON, F. P. BITTERS, WILLIAM CARUTHERS, N. E. BENNETT ...

It is probably useless to say that RUSSELL & STEMEN have made sale of their mill as this is probably pretty generally known amongst the citizens of Fulton county.
JOSEPH STUDEBAKER, a lad residing one mile west of this place, recently strolling the public highway, fortunately found a beautiful pocket diary, which contained S50 in money, also $40 in notes... In the front part was written in full the name of THOMAS TONEY, Logansport, Ind. We write this hoping it may be restored to the owner.

[MARY L. CLAYTON and ALEXANDER C. COOK] ... CAMPBELL, they cali him... They were married Thursday evening, and on Friday morning started on their wedding tour to Peru...
"BILLY" BESTER has another boy...

(Notice of Survey) ... County Surveyor of Fulton county, will, on November 6th, 1973, ... establish the lines and corners in Section No 8, Township No. 29 north, Range 1 east. LINDLEY MOORE, SILAS J. MILLER., Survevor. Rochester, Oct 16, 1873.

GEO. WHITESIDE drives a splendid span of bays, and hauls fine apples.
JOHN S. EDGINGTON, of Richland township, brought in several stocks of prairie grass, the tallest of which measures eight feet ...
Rev. J. MILLER, local minister at Green Oak, called in our sanctum for a few minutes ...
Mr. O. C. SMITH, conductor on the two-mile dray, transported our household effects from the depot in good style.
Mr. J. M. CLIFFORD, freight and ticket agent, is a genial fellow, and is well deserving the position.
Mr. R. A. CALVERT, of Liberty township, paid us the first money on subscription and job work. He talks like a business man. His sale will take place the 25 inst.
Bro. WM. ASHTON lost his over-coat on the north bound caboose. He offers no reward.
A BASE BALL club has been recently formed in Rochester, and taken unto itself a name, viz: "STRAIGHOUTS."
Mr. J. E. CLARK is a delegate to the Presbyterian Synod to be held in Peru, next week.
SAMUEL SHOWLEY, Esq., of Liberty township has just returned from a two-weeks' visit in Fairfield county, Ohio.
Mr. J. R. ASHTON, of Tennessee, is visiting his brother, the banker, and other friends in this place.

ARM BROKEN. -Grandma ERNSPERGER, and her daughter, Mrs. JACKSON, started in an open buggy, last Saturday afternoon, to visit Mrs. Dr. NAFE, also a daughter to Mother Ernsperger, at Big Indian, in Miami county. When about two miles out of Rochester their horse frightened at some covered wagons, and became unmanageable, and in turning very short, grandma was thrown out, breaking her left arm about two inches above the wrist. She was removed to a farm residence, a physician being present, the arm was carefully set, and the patient brought back to her home in this city.

MARRIED. -On Thursday, October 9th, at the residence of the bride's parents, two miles east of Akron, by Rev. Mrs. McCOLLEY, Mr. JOSEPH NELSON and Miss SARAH E. RADER, all of Fulton county.

ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, October 23, 1873

RUNAWAY. -On Tuesday last, DAVID RADER borrowed his father-in-law's team and proceeded to AL. GOODRICH's cooper shop after some apple barrels... barrels rolled ... frightened the horses... The runaway will only cost Dave a little pain in walking, and about $10 in cash ....

[letter from Kewanna, Ind., Oct 18, 1873 signed P. S. TROUTMAN]
Dear Sir: Inclosed I send two dollars for which please send paper to JOHN ZELLERS, Kewanna, Fulton county, Ind ...

(Notice of Dissolution) ... co-partnership... is this day dissolved by mutual consent.... S. W. SHIELDS, REUBEN TALLY. Oct. 18, 1873.

P. A. HOFFMAN came down with a four-dollar-bill for subscription and sale bills, last Friday. His sale will be on the 6th of November.
Miss MINNIE SHRYOCK besides singing church songs with a devotional voice and mien, is an excellent organist.
Mr. THOS. W. BARNETT, County Commissioner for the second district, and his son, Mr. J. A. BARNETT, gave us a very pleasant call Monday evening. The Commissioner left a greenback with instructions to send the UNION-SPY to a son in Howard, Kansas ...
BRADLEY SEIBERT has our best thanks for a lot of nice turnips...
Mr. J. C. STRADLY, the present Superintendent of the M.E. Sunday school, has honorably filled that position for twenty-two years ...
Prof. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, the efficient Superintendent of the Rochester Graded School, also superintends the Baptist Sabbath School.
Our old friend, ANDREW STRONG, of Henry township, dropped in on Tuesday... He contemplates selling or renting his farm and return to Akron for the purpose of manufacturing all kinds of wagons and carriages ...
J. W. SHIELDS, Esq., of Peru, Howe Machine agent, for Peru, Rochester, Wabash and Logansport, illuminated our sanctum Wednesday morning. He is a jolly good fellow possessing excellent business qualifications. He subscribed.

(Notice) ... to the members of the Mt. Zion Presbyterian church to assemble in school house, No.1, Rochester township... November 3d... to elect five trustees... Oct 21, 1873.

DIED. -At the residence of G. W. ROBBINS, Esq., near Berlin, Clinton county, Indiana. on the 25th day of September, 1873, JOIES ROBBINS, aged 84 years, 18 months and 18 days.
The subject of this member was born in Randolph county, North Carolina, January 7, 1789. He was married August 9th, 1810, to MIRIAM DAVIS, who all life long was a worthy and estimable woman, and preceded him only a little over four years to the Unknown Land.
With a familv of three children, in the year 1816, he emigrated to the State of Indiana, and settled on White Water, 7 miles below Richmond, in Wayne county; was one of the pioneers of this rich and populous county; he felled the tall sugar, beech, and buckeye, and planted, sowed and reaped while the cities of Richmond and Indianapolis were roamed over by the Indian and panther; he hauled with his team the first load of goods ever sold in Centreville. In 1838 he again emigrated and settled in Fulton county, Indiana, 6 miles east of Rochester, when said county had less than 100 inhabitants. He entered 400 acres of land in Henry township, and remained a citizen of the same until the year 1864, when he sold his farm and has been living with his three sons since that time.
Five out of his nine children, with the companion of his youth, preceded him to that land "beyond Death's dark river," and all are buried in Fulton county. The weight of years and affliction had been bearing heavily upon him for two or three years, and on the 20th of September he was taken with cholera morbus, which ended his sufferings at about 4 o'clock, September 25th. He was buried near Hillsburough, on the evening of September 30th.
He was one of those industrious, thorough-going, independent men, that always have enemies but never regard them. His death was characteristic of his whole life, and when he saw his friends gathering about his bed, he seemed at once to realize that he was passing away. He placed one hand upon his wrist to examine the state of his circulation, and finding that he had none, he handed a fan he had been using to his son, crossed his hands upon his breast, closed his eyes and lips and breathed his last so calmly that his friends could not tell the exact moment.
He had been a member of the M.E. Church for nearly 50 years, and, as was said of his brother, the Rev. HARLAN ROBBINS (,who fell at his post in 1840), he had not conferred with flesh and blood, for the faith that supported him through life did not fail him in death.

The COOK boys are getting along finely with their SAW MILL ...
JOHN BOZARTH has returned from Kansas where he has been for a couple of years and is visiting friends in this county. John looks well.

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursday, October 30, 1873

Dr. SUTTON has erected a very fine dwelling house, which is a credit to the place.
Daddy KUHN, the jolly old host, is still unwilling to believe that the earth is round and revolves, but the hostess, Mrs. TUCKER, sits sumptous tables, and entertains the guests in superb style.
YEAGLEY's new wagon shop ... is nearly completed.
A new blacksmith firm has started in the east end of town.

SYLVANUS POWNALL and lady have just returned from Wabash where they have been visiting friends.
Mrs. E. S. GOOD, of Winchester, Franklin county, Ohio, and Miss LYDIA GOOD, of Bremen, Fairfield county, Ohio, are visiting the McDOUGLES in this vicinity.
A little son of N. A. LOUDERBACK was badly scalded a few days ago by a cup of hot coffee being overturned upon him.
Mr. JAMES WILLIAMS lost his pocket book the other day containing several dollars in money which he can ill afford to lose, having worked hard to obtain it.

Miss JENNIE CARROTHERS is dangerously ill with typhoid fever.
Mr. WILLIAM KEEL returned from Iowa some two weeks ago, bringing with him his daughter, who moved to Iowa four years ago.

Perhaps the readers of the UNION-SPY would like to know where our city is located, and for their benefit we will say that it is seven miles south of Rochester, in Henry township. It is a village with all the modern improvements (street cars excepted). It has a Doctor, a blacksmith, a grist mill and saw mill ... good looking ladies and fast horses ...

State vs. A. J. EDWARDS, assault and battery, fine $15 and costs.
State vs. DANIEL BRUCE, assault and battery, fine $5 and cost.
State vs. ROBERT N. BERRIER, attempt to commit abortion, found guilty, punishment of 8 days in county jail and fined $15 and cost. This case was warmly contested. ESSICK, SLICK and CALKINS for State and SHRYOCK and STURGEON for defence. In the course of this trial it was developed that some unfair means by use of money, had been resorted to, to acquit the defendant.
In a case wherein CALVIN VAN TRUMP was charged with contempt of Court for offering an Attornev $10 if he would "go easy" in the prosecution of the Berrier suit, the defendant was fined $50 and costs.
There was a change of venue granted to Marshall county in the ... State ex rel WHTTTENBERGER vs WILHOIT...

REVIEW OF ROCHESTER. Its Improvements, Manufactories and Business ....
- - - - - - This review will doubtless run through several issues of the Union-Spy, and will be interesting reading to all who feel an interest in the welfare of Rochester, at home and abroad. - - - - - -
C. F. HARTER & CO's GRAIN ELEVATORS - - - -Just west of the I. P. & C. R.R. depot. . . owned by Messrs. HARTER, MONTGOMERY and WHITTENBERGER - - -
[See Wendell C. and John B. Tombaugh, Fulton County Indiana Handbook]

Mr. STEPHEN DAVIDSON is not blessed with a road at his door, like many of us, but has concluded to extend his house out to the road. We think about two more such additions as he put up last Saturday will reach the Ft. Wayne road.
We have no new marriages to report, but Madame Rumor has it that Miss PAULINA McQUERN and Miss MARRY VAN METER are each about to commit matrimony. Happy, happy fellows, who are lucky enough to possess so much Sprinkleburg sweetness.
JNO. CLAYTON, it is said, has been thinking of entering the matrimonial yoke too, but John has been unable, thus far, to get his courage screwed up to the sticking point.
Miss MAY METZ leaves us this week to "seek her fortune in distant lands."...

EMPIRE HOUSE - GEORGE W. REED, Proprietor. Pearl Street, near the Depot, Rochester, Indiana. Mr. Reed has just opened a first-class HOTEL and BOARDING HOUSE ... in addition he is proprietor of a neat little GROCERY STORE ...

ENOCH McCOY, the jolly fellow who makes pies-n-cakes on the south side of the square, treated this office to sweet cider last week. Come again.
SOLOMON MILLER, Esq., of Aubbeenaubbee township presented us with a radish, one day last week, that measured two feet in length and two feet in circumference ...
FRANK SKINNER, son of Rev. SKINNER, gave us a short visit last week. He is learning job printing at Indianapolis, and is a very intelligent and sprightly young man.
SOLOMON JONES, the millionaire of Birmingham, Indiana, promised to send us a fifty pound sack of fiour. We are getting fearful hungry, Sol.
A. L. HUDSON and wife of Lincoln, Indiana, have been visiting at Bourbon, Indiana.
LOT METZ has been on a flying visit to Fort Wayne.
JOSEPH BEEBER is recovering from his severe illness.
Master STRONG, of Akron, tried his hand as an Italian street performer, last Thursday. The fiddling was good, but the collection was not a success.
JOHN LAMB, Esq., and two other citizens of this county, returned last week from a season of circumambulating in Virginia.
Mr. J. BABCOCK, of Michigan, formerly a resident of this place, is here visiting friends.
We find Mr. JOSEPH A. MYERS, Deputy County Treasurer, genteel and obliging in every particular.
Miss LOU BRACKETT, assistant scribe in the Recorder's office, fills that position gracefully and well.
Miss RICHTER is an accomplished clerk in her father's store. She is good-looking and of pleasing address.
MARTHA J. LANDES, of New Market, Missouri, sends us two dollars for the UNION-SPY , and says she can't get along without it. Martha is right.
ROBERT GOULD is now the happy father of three children. The youngest, a daughter, is but a few days old.

CLOSING OUT SALE. L. M. MONTGOMERY & CO.. Having taken the entire control of the ROCHESTER ELEVATORS... we have determined to close out.... our entire stock... Rochester, Oct. 30, 1873.

CONNOR & BROWN, Attorneys at Law. Office in second story of Masonic building, west side of Main street, Rochester, Ind. I. CONNOR, I. W. BROWN.

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursdav, November 6, 1873

Doc. J. A. SUTTON has purchased a lot opposite the M.E. church and erected a fine dwelling thereon, which is really an ornament to the town. He intends moving in-a few days.
Mr. YEAGLY has erected a fine two-story building west of the Montour House. The lower room he occupies as a WAGON AND CARRIAGE SHOP. The upper room is to be occupied by G. F. DILLON as a paint shop. F. DILLON, the blacksmith, is also improving his shop property. He is building another forge so as to run four fires.
SAGERS & GAST have built a smith shop in the east part. of town ...
We also understand that our old friend, A. STRONG, is making arrangements to move back to town, as soon as he can get a place to store away his family and other dry goods...
F. DILLON has purchased the CUTSHALL property and is building an addition to the house, and also a henry...
Our old friend, I. N. WHITTENBERGER, has moved to North Manchester. Success go with him.
Doc JOHNSON has sold his property to T. BRADSHAW; both are occupying the same house - the Doc in the front room...
A. J. ANDERSON intends moving to town as soon as Mr. SUTTON vacates his house. Anderson has rented his SAW MILL to his two sons-in-law; their names are respectfully STRONG & STRONG...

JAMES O. MILLER is just finishing a very neat residence on the southwest corner of Pearl and Madison streets, containing seven rooms. ...
D. FINLEY is erecting a large dwelling in the northwest part of the city ...
The German Lutheran people have just completed a very fine brick school building, in the north-west part of the city ...
DAVID L. BECK, the hardware man, has under course of construction a fine frame dwelling house also in the north-west part of town...
JAMES DAWSON has completed and is now occupying a frame house, erected this summer, on Pearl street, east of the railroad...
The beautiful brick block erected by Dr. J. C. SPOHN, on Main street, cost in the neighborhood of $4,000 ... A stairway with front entrance leads to the second story, which will be occupied by Mr. CRAVEN as a photograph gallery...
JACOB GERSON is now living in an elegant brick dwelling, on Jefferson street, erected by himself this season ...
JOSEPH LAUER has also completed and is now occupying a brick dwelling, on Jefferson street, constructed similar to the one mentioned above, and costing about the same.
JOSEPH and JOHN BEEBER, enterprising citizens and builders, have added one to their list this year. We refer to the grocery store and bakery occupied by Van Dien & McCoy, on Pearl street, south side of public square ...
A large number of dwellings erected this summer are still not reported, and we will have to pass them by for the present. Among the number are the following: Mr. STERNER, Mrs. ROSE, GEORGE WALLACE, Mr. McKEE, Mr. HENDRICK, Mr. KEITH, Mr. BAKER and Mr. HARTMAN...

CRYSTAL WEDDING. -On Friday evening last, October 31st, M. L. ESSICK and ELLEN L. ESSICK, celebrated their 15th marital anniversary.... [names mentioned]: Judge E. V. LONG and wife, Col. SHRYOCK and wife, Dr. ROBBINS and wife, D. AGNEW and wife, Hon. E. CALKINS and J. S. SLICK, Esq., Rev. Mr. ELLIOT, Rev. CLARK SKINNER...

OBITUARY. -On Friday Oct 24th Mrs. LAURA L. ROBBINS departed this life in the 40th year of her age.
She came to Rochester immediately upon her marriage with ALVIN ROBBINS (her now bereaved husband), April 15th, 1851, and has since resided in the place.
She embraced religion and united with the M.E. Church at the age of 13 years, and has lived since that time a faithful and constant christian. Sprightly and earnest in her disposition she was awake to all the interests of the church, and was deeply devoted to the Sabbath School work.
Her attachments were naturally very strong, and in relation to her family she was a devoted wife and mother. A daughter and little son with the husband and four affectionate sisters mourn her loss.
The sweetness of the Gospel hope is mingled with their sorrow, and through the blinding, tears, they may see the brightness of the future as with her, they awake in the likeness of the Master.
A large circle of friends tender their heartfelt sympathies. We weep and hope together. -Rev. C. SKINNER.

MEMORIAL. -REBECCA SMITH, the subject of this memorial.. was born in Scotland, in the year 1789 or 1790. and so had reached the great age of 83 or 84 years. Her maiden name was IRVIN. She was married to ROBERT SMITH. After residing a short time in Scotland, thev removed to North Ireland, probably to escape the religious intolerance which was then making an effort to crush the life of Presbyterian Scotland.
Mother Smith has stated to her daughter repeatedly, that she had lived in constant fear, that her husband would be apprehended for his opinions, and thus fall a victim to the bigotry of his age. They resided in Ireland only a few years, when they concluded to emigrate to America. Accompanied by a brother of Mrs. Smith and their two children, they came to Quebec, landing there fifty-two years ago. since which she has resided for a brief period at Salina and Jordan, in the State of New York; also Ohio, Cincinnati, Iowa and Indiana. Most of her life, since coming to this continent, has been spent in this State. She resided in Logansport 26 or 27 vears, and came to this place last Monday to make this her last earthly residence.
Her life has been made up of a great diversity of experience. She buried her husband forty-one years ago, since which time she has had life's struggles and burdens to bear alone. She has wept compassionately by the side of the resting places of three of her children and now leaves two to embalm her memory in their hearts. More than once has she been apparently very near the journey's end. I think we may say, possibly, her life has been eventful,... She united with the church when she was but a.mere child, only twelve years old....
In her younger days she was a member of the Seceder Church, but coming to Logansport she united with the 1st Presbyterian Church of that place, which has been her home ever since. ... For years she has been unable to attend the means of grace, by reason of h@r infirmity.... She has been waiting for the call of the Master, and praying that he might come. And he did come Thursday at midnight. -Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT.

CHAMPION BUGGIES & CARRIAGES. SAM HEFFLEY... As a Wagon, Carriage and Buggy Manufacturer he has but few equals ... Spring Wagons, Sulkies and other Wheeled Vehicles kept on hand and made to order ... BLACKSMITHING ... Rochester, Oct 16, 1873.

J. F. ANGERMAN is putting some pretty paint on the front of his saloon building.
W. H. MATTINGLY, formerly editor of this paper, started happy on his way to California, last Tuesday night.
The steam whistle on F. M. ASHTON's NEW FOUNDRY gave its maiden squall Tuesday evening ...
Mr. DIO HAUK, whom we have known from his boyhood, and favorably known in this county, will return next Tuesday to his new home in Topeka.
Mr. M. E. PYLE, a worthy lady of this place, is making a successful canvas for a very readable book...
Mr. J. F. COLLINS, the restaurant and confectionery man, showed us through his establishment ...
We neglected to mention at the proper time that Mr. C. E. RAYNOLDS, the efficient manager of the telegraph office at this place was ADMITTED TO THE BAR at the commencement of the present session of court. He is preparing to hang out his office "shingle."
JOSEPH MALBEFF trundled a wheel-barrow loaded with cabbage in front of Merrick & Co's butcher shop, and went in to warm. Two friendly cows seeking what they may devour espied the cabbage and cabbaged a good share of the cabbages before the cabbage man came to the rescue of his nice load of cabbage.
Little Miss ELLA KIRTLAND, eleven years old, was the first one to hand us a correct solution of the problem given last week ...

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursday, November 13, 1873

Mr. LOWERY and wife having shaken the dust of Rochester off their feet, built a rail pen in Sprinkleburg, covered it with boards, and have been living in it during the "cold smal," while erecting a house ...
WM. BAKER is happy, and Sprinkleburg rejoices over an eleven and a half pound boy. Our side ahead.
DAVID EARNST and wife are visiting friends in our place; they are from Allen county, Ohio ...

Mr. ALLEN SINGER, a few weeks ago, left his farm and moved to town, as we presume he got tired of farming, as farmers are, under the present state of things, the most imposed upon of any class of men now in existence. The combined monopolies are ruining this country . . . .
There was quite a traffic in real estate a few days ago. LEW MILLS traded 26 acres of land to ED. TONER for a barn and lot and $500. Then Mills traded said barn and lot and six acres of timber to C. S. GRAHAM, for a house and lot in town, and a white mule.
Mr. CANNON and lady have returned home from their visit to Delaware.

Mr. POST, of Rochester [drove a well for] POWNALL, FETTER & CO...
ED. McDOUGLE has gone to Fairfield county, Ohio, where he will spend a few weeks visiting friends, and reviewing his old stamping ground.
We learn that G. R. JONES returned from Carroll county the other day bringing with him a wife, an article that he has been searching after for several years.
Mr. T. J. POWNALL, who accompanied Rev. E. J. DELP and family to Arkansas, has returned.

J. F. WAGONER, of Wagoner's Station, has traded his interest in the LINCOLN FLOURING MILL to D. SWIHART, of Mexico.
J. W. SWOPE has just started a grocery here.
Lincoln is a town of 150 houses, and claims a population of 250...
It is feared that the CHRISTIAN CHAPEL will not be completed this fall, unless the weather (gets) more favorable.

A HISTORY OF MT ZION CHURCH. -The METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH established an organization in this community about 35 vears ago. The organization continued with various successes until about one vear ago, ... it was discontinued. The last minister serving the M.E. Church was the Rev. R. J. SMITH.... The old church became dilapidated, was taken away about two years ago... The pastor of the Presbyterian church of Rochester, at the solicitation of JOSEPH WHITTENBERGER, commenced preaching for them in December, 1872 ... He poured out his spirit, and over two score were added to the church... These new converts... wanted a home in the church, and in order to so accommodate them a section of Rochester Presbyterian Church was organized March 7, 1873, under the title "Mt Zion Section of Rochester Presbyterian Church." ... The session of Rochester church met in Mt. Zion school house March 7, 1873, and received into the church twenty-two members.
The church remained in this relation up to October 14th, 1873. when, at their own request and consent of Rochester church, Presbytery of Logansport, constituted them an independent organization under the title of "Mt Zion Presbyterian Church.'' And in this capacity were gathered together to-day in the ceremony of laying the corner stone of a new Temple of worship to stand on the lot formerly occupied by the Mt Zion M.E. Church, but recently transferred to this organization by them. ...
Written by F. M. ELLIOTT, under whose supervision this church was organized. Nov. 3, 1873.

BARKDOLL & KENNEDY's PLANING MILL, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY... [detailed description of the premises, machines and operations] - - - -
They have just secured, at considerable expense, a machine to cut the groove for the manufacture of Heffley's Patent Quilter ....
CLARK & WEAVER's STAVE AND HEADING MANUFACTORY... [lengthy description of the premises and the products] - - - -

Dr. WAITE has torn down the old log structure on the corner of Broadway and Sycamore streets, and is going to erect a substantial office building ...
The store of ROBERT AITKIN was entered by burglars one day last week ... and $23 taken from the drawer ...
H. N. POWNALL, wife and child and aged father, have all been sick for about eight weeks with a fair prospect for recovery.
JOHN POWNALL and lady are visiting friends in Ohio.
H. F. DAY and A. MARRS have purchased an interest in Starbuck's patent bee-hive.
South Liberty Union Sabbath School closed for the season on the 9th... J. W. McDOUGLE, Sup't.
DAVID RUSSELL & CO., of Georgetown, have sold their SAW MILL at that place. The mill will be moved ...
MARRIED. -GEORGE JONES, of this county, to Miss LAKE, of Carroll county. It is said of the bride that she has some means; is good looking and only weighs 240 avoirdupois.

TEACHERS' INSTITUTE... will be Monday, November 24, 1873, at the Rochester Graded School Building and continue in session five days, closing with an examination of teachers on Saturday, Nov. 29th. [names mentioned]: Prof. D. E. WILLIAMS, of Granville, Ohio, Prof. W. J. WILLIAMS, principal of the Rochester Graded Schools, W. D. SICKMAN, E. L. YARLOT, Principal of the Kewanna Graded School, F. M. ELLIOTT, E. R. HERMAN.

Mr. R. C. OWENS moves to Wabash this week.
Dr. J. W. HEFFLEY, has just returned from Medical College, in Cincinnati.
Mr. C. J. STRADLEY has been making some valuable improvements to his residence.
Capt. O. C. SMITH rejoices in the possession of a new four wheel dray, painted red.
BALCONY HALL, with its twenty-two large windows, makes a very fine appearance when lighted up.
Miss JOSIE REED and Miss ANNIE GEERING do the honors in the dining room of the EMPIRE HOUSE.
What is the use of crying for a sewing machine when you can buy one of W. F. TRUSLOW, the gentlemanly Howe agent, for $2.
Among the number of subscribers taken in Peru, during our last visit, are Mrs. J. H. FETTER and Dr. HIGGINS, formerly residents of this place.
DAVID STERNER, Esq., the gentleman who received injuries nearly two years ago by a runaway team, is still going on crutches, and most likely will be a cripple for life.
J. N. BITTERS, our largest nephew, a druggist at Walnut, in company with Mr. W. H. BUNNEL, called on us last week and made a small deposit to insure regular visits by the UNION SPY.
Mrs. L. D. ADKISON is spending the winter at Bellwood, Tennessee.
H. S. FARRINGTON is repairing the small dwelling on the north side of Columbia street which was rendered unfit to live in by fire on or about the 20th of January, 1872 ...
Mrs. CATHERINE MASTELLER, our venerated sister ... kindly sent us a supply of superior apple butter to insure the weekly visits of the UNION-SPY.
A fat man's convention... one day last week... WILLIAM WALLACE, 290 pounds, JOHN NEAL, 212 pounds, Marshal MACKEY, 196 pounds, Ed. UNTON-SPY, 192 pounds.
N. CLEMENS, Esq., of Henry township, has been a resident of this county for thirty years, and has supported the Republican party from their infancy. He says there were more Indians than whites in Rochester when he came here, with a good supply of hungry dogs, one liquor shop and one store.

MARRIED. -In Rochester, November 13, 1873, at the residence of Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, Mr. H. D. MASTELLER and Miss LOTTIE CLARK, all of this county...

On the evening of the 6th... ladies and gentlemen met at the school house... being the close of H. G. HUNTER's writing school ... Most improvement, Miss HATTIE REITER and JOHN L. HENRY. Best writing, FRANK MONTGOMERY.


Mr. JOHN ASHTON, formerly of Tennessee, has concluded to remain in this place during the coming winter ...

RESOLUTIONS adopted by the M.E. Sabbath School... [death of] our beloved Sister, LAURA L. ROBBINS ... Mrs. COPELAND, Mrs. MERCER, C. SKINNER, Committee.

Mr. J. F. WAGONER has sold his interest in the LINCOLN GRIST MILL to Mr. DANIEL SWIHART, of Deedsville. WAGONER and HAYSE are about purchasing a tract of land near their saw mill, owned by J. GOULD. Mr. Gould contemplates going west in the spring.

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursday, November 20, 1873

J. A. HOWLAND who resides upon his farm in Fulton county, three and a half miles west of Lincoln, in this county, called at our office on Monday last. He was in search of Col. FARRAR whom he wanted to come to his place [and shoot prairie chickens and quail].

HATTIE ANDERSON has gone to Indianapolis to make it her future home.

BOWMAN & WILSON'S STEAM FLOURING MILLS... Engine and boiler old style; runs and drives the machinery with apparent ease, but requires too much wood to be profitable. Engine 40 horse power ...It is claimed they can grind $40,000 worth of grain per year...
POTTOWATOMIE FLOURING MILLS... it is a water mill ... Worth $20,000, five stories high ... can grind five hundred bushels daily ... manufacture all grades of flour ...
JOHN KEWNEY'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS... The principal manufacture is plows, plow points, mould-boards, land-sides, iron beams... Several different patterns of plows are made, the principal manufacture being the Kewney...

The Methodist Quarterly Meeting commenced here last Friday and continued over Sunday... The new Minister, Rev. R. RANDOLPH, is a worker, and is generally liked by all.

Mr. ROBERT WALLACE, of Rochester, has agreed to teach our winter school ...
Sometime ago Mr. ENOCH McCOY, of Rochester, made us a visit and displayed to us some of the finest violin music ... Enoch knows how to swing the bow, as well as feed the hungry ...
The I.O.O.F. and I.O.G.T. are still gaining strength. Both lodges meet in the same hall.
The loafers' lodge still hold their sessions at MILO BRIGHT'S, every evening.
Akron is to have a concert next Saturday evening, at the M.E. Church, conducted by CHARLES and WILLIAM HOOVER...

MARRIAGE LICENSES issued since last report, October 8th: Alexander C. COOK and Mary L. CLAYTON, William H. OVERMIRE and Lavina HISER, Jesse M. SPENCER and Elizabeth A. THOMPSON, George W. FULTZ and Mary E. ANDERSON, Sylvester POFFENBARGER and Delith HARDING, John T. BURNS and Nettie BRYANT, Daniel HENRICKS and Margaret CROSSGROVE, Benjamin HARTMAN and Ellen MOONSHOWER, William H. SAUSAMAN and Celia A. CLARK, Andrew BIGGS and Maria ANDERSON, Newton IZZARD and Mary RUSH, James WILHOIT and Katee MITCHELL, John H. PATTERSON and Mary E. THORNTON, Anthony W. BURGE and Louisa J. WARE, Aaron D. HISER and Louisa SUMMERS, Herbert D. MASTELLER and Lottie CLARK, C. C. DAVIS and Nancy BIDDLE, Oscar F. SNOOK and Mary B. CORBET, David S. GOOD and Catherine L. HARROLD, John EWICK and Rosilla NIXON, William C. ROSSMAN and Sarah E. BAINTER, Rufus B. CRIST and Elizabeth EDDINGER.

Miss MAY COPELAND is the leading alto singer of Rochester.
O. P. OSGOOD, the well known harness maker, enlarged his work shop by taking down a partition ...
There is some hope of the ROCHESTER SILVER BAND being resurrected...
J. L. McMAHAN, a brave, veteran soldier, receives twenty-four dollars per month pension, for a severe wound in his forehead and hand.
Mr. A. C. ELLIOTT has been confined to his home for two weeks with a severe attack of asthma, and although he is again at the store, he is still feeble.
Mr. ANDREW V. HOUSE, county Treasurer, has made some improvements to his residence...
J. B. WILSON, Esq., has been a resident of Fulton county for thirty-four years; always active and energetic, he is of incalculable benefit to an enterprising community.
Prof. D. E. WILLIAMS, of Granville, Ohio, brother to the Superintendent of the Rochester Graded Schools, is here visiting ...
In our judgement it is a very great mistake to have several fine shade trees in the court house yard chopped down. It was no doubt done by authority, but upon what pretext we are unable to decipher.
Mr. MOORE RALSTIN, a grocer of this place, has been a resident of this State since 1834, and of this county since 1839. Helped his brothers cut a road through the woods in places from Mexico to Fulton county; and packed their provision on horseback from Logansport. He is truly a pioneer.
DAVID IRWIN, whom we have known for several years as an experienced butcher, at Peru, has been employed by MERRICK & CO., of this place to conduct the north-end meat market ...

MARRIED. -At the residence of the bride's father, HENRY R. CORBET, by the Rev. R. RANDOLPH, Mr. OSCAR F. SNOOK, of Larwell, Whitley county, Indiana, and Miss MARY B. CORBET, of Fulton, Fulton county, Ind.
-At the residence of the bride's father, JOHN THORNTON. by the Rev. Mr. BABCOCK, Mr. JOHN H. PATTERSON and Miss MARY E. THORNTON, all of this county.

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY. Thursdav, November 27, 1873


THE DEPOT [editorial condemning the I.P. & C., R.R. depot in

GEORGE ONSTOTT has returned to visit his pa and ma, he has been absent several years.
F. DILLON and M. YEAGLEY have gone to Ft. Wayne to lay in a stock for their shops...
The Akron school commences next Monday. ROBERT WALLACE,
of Rochester, Principal, and Miss MAGGIE DAVIS, of this
city, assistant.
DIED. - THOMAS WEAVER departed this life to-day (Monday). The deceased was enjoying good health until within a few hours of his death. He was attacked with the spotted or brain fever, Saturday evening, about 10 o'clock. The attack was so severe that he was insensible from the first, and died to-day at 1 o'clock. The funeral will be on Wednesday. It has cast quite a gloom over Akron and we sustain a loss that can not be replaced.
-We also learn that THOMAS BUTLER, near Gilead, Ind., fell from his hay mow and received internal injuries that he died in a few hours. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity and the funeral will be conducted by the Gilead Lodge, tomorrow, Nov. 25th.

Farmers' Granges is the all-absorbing topic of conversation at the present time. We expect to have one organized here soon. JNO. CLAYTON is decidedly in favor of a Grange ...

P. ROWDEN, M.D .... has permanently established at Rochester what is known as the ROCHESTER INFIRMARY....

CHEAP CHEAPER, CHEAPEST! Since I inaugurated the CASH system I am prepared to sell goods right down at bottom prices, as I have no expensive clerks or rents to pay... Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, Queens-ware, Glass-ware, Tin-ware, Hardware, SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, &c .... Store in the country, four miles west of Akron, now known as TAMARACK CORNERS. BENJAMIN NOFTSGER.

ENOCH McCOY, the jolly baker man has sacrificed his good looks by shaving off his mustache.
P. A. BAKER is the name of the gentleman that does the fine cabinet work at Chris Hoover's Furniture Store.
We neglected to record in our last issue ... S. W. TRACY steps high... It's a boy.

Perhaps it is not generally known that Rochester, has the largest and most complete public hall in Indiana, north of the Wabash valley. BALCONY HALL is one hundred feet long and forty-one feet wide, with all the appliances, large airy stage and dressing rooms, ticket box, double entrance, wide stairways, well lighted, seated with easy chairs, &c.,, and will accommodate over five hundred persons ....

MARRIED. -On Thursday, Nov. 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, three miles east of Rochester, by Rev. Mr. BELL, of Akron, Mr. C. C. DAVIS to Miss NANCY BIDDLE, all of Fulton county.
Although the blooming bride was obtained under trying and crying difficulties, she is now no doubt very happy in her wedded state.
-At the residence of Dr. BARR, Argos, Marshall county, on Thursday evening, Nov. 20th, by Rev. Mr. DICKSON, Mr. W. G. OSBORN and Miss REBECCA COX.
This is the second time Mr. Osborn has taken the yoke ...

STEAM FLOURING MILL FOR SALE. WILLIAM ASHTON offers for sale at very low figures, the STEAM FLOURING MILLS, formerly known as the WALLACE & CHAPIN MILLS. These mills will be sold for nearly one-half their original cost. This will certainly be a good investment for some one who understands the business.

OPBITUARY. -HENRY HOOVER was born January 17th, 1807, and died of typhus fever, November 9th, 1873, aged 66 years 9 months and 22 days.
Mr. Hoover was one of the pioneers of this county; he moved here from Miami county, Ohio, in 1836, and has since made this his home.
Not having received the particulars of his life, we are unable to write a very extended obituary, but have reason to believe from what we have learned incidentally, that he was an industrious, temperate, and religious man, a kind, devoted husband and a loving, exemplary father, and died in high hope of heaven.
The wife, children and relatives of the deceased desire us to express their thankfulness to the neighbors and friends for their kindness and assistance during his illness and burial.

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursday, December 4, 1873


Last week Sheriff MOON was here all week auctioneering off Mr. CORNELIUS' Rochester dry goods at Sheriff's sale ...
DIED. -A few weeks ago, wife of Elder E. M. McGRAW, of congestion of the lungs. Elder McGraw moved away from here two years ago last Spring, but moved back here again just two weeks before his wife died. She left a husband and six children to mourn her loss ...
-We were also informed this morning, that Mrs. AARON HUYSER, of Wayne township, died last night, of cancer. Her sufferings were severe and protracted.
We are also informed that SALATHIEL BROWN's wife is not expected to recover; she is afflicted with the dropsy.
The wife of our worthy P.M., JESSE CARTER, is also very poorly; afflicted with consumption.

THE DEPOT. "It is given as a reason, by the Railroad Company, for not providing better accommodations, that the present buildings are as good as we deserve for the manner in which the County treated them in the payment of the $3,500 appropriated for their use in building the road. Instead of paying the amount as agreed upon, by some technicality they were kept out the use of it for several years, and finally paid only $2,400. The Company still remembers these things against us, and will give us no better buildings until their passion subsides, or they become ashamed of their old rickety depot." -SENTINEL.
...We have it from good authority that the I. P. & C. companv contemplated putting up a depot building here this fall, and would have done so had it not been for the panic and the early winter weather, which is an evidence that they entertain no ill feeling towards the people of Fulton county. But we want a depot and shall have one.

BARNES & MILLER'S FURNITURE FACTORY, on east Pearl street ... tables, beds, lounges, bureaus, cupboards, safes ... various kinds of machinery for cutting moulding, morticing... The sales room is on Main street... Their sales now average about $350 per week.
MYERS & GAINER'S PLANING MILL, is directly in the rear of the above named furniture manufactory, which gentlemen are owners of both buildings and furnish the power for both with their forty-horse power engine which seems to play with this multiplicity of belting and machinery. The chief business... is to plane boards, plane and match flooring, plane and bevel siding, manufacture moulding for house furnishing, &c. Cost of the building and machinery $9,000.
It is possible that in the spring they will build a large addition in front of their present buildings for the manufacture of all kinds of chairs...

Miss JENNIE DAVIS is teaching the MOUNT NEBO School.
Mr. R. C. WALLACE is principal of the AKRON schools.
Mr. J. Q. HENRY has charge of the PRAIRIE UNION school.
Mr. J. F. ROBBINS wields the scepter at the SAND HILL school.
Mr. J. N. ORR holds sway at the ORR school house.
A. F. BOWERS is master of the situation, at present, at the SAW MILL school house.
J. W. HEFFLEY will teach the young ideas how to shoot, at MILLARK, this winter.
J. A. SICKMAN is teaching at the BLACK OAK school house, two and a half miles north east of Rochester.


CHARLES A. H. BATES has moved from Richmond to Indianapolis.
J. O. MILLER is making a protracted visit among his friends in Ohio.
Prof. W. J. WILLIAMS is spending vacation in White county, Indiana.
Dr. BOSWELL has moved into Mr. J. O. MILLER's new residence, on Pearl street.
ENOCH McCOY draws a bow very sweetly. He played a few tunes for our especial benefit.
CLINT JONES, Esq., can now well be called one of the fathers of our country, however the boy weighs but 5 pounds.
MILTON FARNHAM, an excellent young man, and CIGAR MAKER, from Peru, is now in the employ of Mr. L. S. EMERICK.
THOMAS H. SATTERTHWAIT is the name of an excellent young man employed at ASHTON'S BAZER to do fine work in the jewelry department.
EUGENE RITENOUR has lately turned milliner, and trimmed a bonnet to his own liking. We advise the ladies to call at the Bazar and take pattern.
EMANUEL GOSS, an enterprising, well-to-do farmer, who resides six and a half miles south-west of Rochester, has just completed a $2,000 country residence.
WILBUR, youngest son of ROBERT JEWELL, who resides near lake Manitou, came near being drowned on Mondav last. ... the ice gave way ...
This is the correct way to spell the name of our lake, M-a-n-i-t-o-u. It is an Indian word and means "a spirit, god or devil."
We are the happy recipient of a nice roll of sweet, fresh butter, kindly donated by DAVID SHEETS, Esq...

MARRIED. -At the M.E. Church parsonage, in this city, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. C. SKINNER, Mr. JOHN DAY and Miss MARY STEPPE ...

LIST OF LETTERS in the post office at Rochester, month ending Nov. 30, 1873: Miss Lizzie ALLEMAN, Mr. ASHMAN, Delphinia ANDERSON, David M. ALLEN, Sanford BECK, William BENDER, G. H. BEEBER, W. C. CUSTER, Miss Jennie CORPER, R. M. DELKER, R. DARRAH, W. H. EDSON, Jno. H. FOLEY, J. FRED, Jacob FAHNSTER, Eliza J. FRASIER, James GALBARALT. Sidney B. GREEN, Lida HOOVER, Mollie HOLDERMAN, Joseph JaJACKSONckson, Mason JAQUA, Samuel KISE, Calvin McCARTY, L. D. MUFFET, Miss Juda MYERS, Ira W. POLING, Samuel ROUCH, E. W. SHERWIN, Capt. J. J. SANFORD, Benjamin SAPP, Frederic STAIR, Lyman SHORE, Mrs. Hester SMITH, Lewis SMITH, SILVERMAN & CO.,, Reuben VanTRUMP, Isaac WILEY, Abraham YODER. - - - - Mrs. E. J. RYLAND, P.M.
Doc WAITE's new office is progressing very slowly.
We learn that the wife of D. JONES sustained quite a severe injury by falling, last Saturday evening, at the M.E. Church door.
There is talk of forming a Masonic lodge here - why not?

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursdav. December 11, 1873

Lincoln is situated on the west side of the I. P. & C. R.R., fifteen miles north of Peru, and nine miles south of Rochester.
This village was laid out in the year of 1859, by GEORGE WILKINSON and A. WILKINSON, both of whom are now as they were then, citizens of this place. The original plat of this village embraced only six and one-half acres, five and one-half of which were surveyed from the farm of GEORGE WILKINSON, and one acre from A. WILKINSON's farm.
The lots were ninety-nine feet square and twenty in number, and the streets were First, Second, Cooper and Main. It was filed for record on the 14th day of June, 1860 ...
Previous to this time, the only building that was ever erected on the site of this town, was a log cabin, and was used by Methodists as a church. ...in course of time, it fell into decay, and all traces of where the building once stood, have been obliterated.
When the town was originally laid out, no one predicted that it would ever become a place of any importance. There was no railroads in this vicinity, nor were there any prospect of one being made through this part of the country.
In order to accommodate the neighboring farmers, GEORGE WILKINSON procured a supply of goods and groceries, W. J. CORDELL a supply of iron, and the necessary tools for blacksmithing, and the little settlement began its career. Some time during the ensuing year, a COOPER SHOP was put in operation by WILLIAM CARVEY, and these formed the only branches of business at this place for several vears. The surrounding country was sparsely settled, and the result was, these branches of business failed to be self sustaining, and the proprietors were compelled to suspend operations.
The embrio town was almost deserted until the vear of 1868, when the I. P. & C. R.R. being in process of construction, it received a new impetus, and since then the work of improvement has advanced rapidly and steadily.
Some time during the latter part of the month of June, in the year of 1869, the first train of cars on the Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago railroad, passed through the town. It was hailed with delight by the citizens of this place as the harbinger of the good time coming, when they should rank as a town of no mean importance on its line.
The first house that was built in this village after the railroad was completed, was the depot, and was built by the citizens of this place, the railroad company refused to build one on account of their limited means and the insignificance of the town.
During the late war, in 1862, a number of the citizens of this locality formed themselves into a company of what was then called ... LINCOLN HOME GUARDS. Subsequently, the locality was called Lincoln, and has retained this name ever since. When the POST OFFICE was established, it was christened ALLEN in consequence of there being one or two other Lincoln post-offices in the State. Hence the postoffice is Allen and the name of the town Lincoln.
On the 6th day of August, 1869, the services of SAMUEL E. HA-CKEN (the then county surveyor) were called into requisition, who surveyed and reversed [sic] the original plat, and a description of it was filed for record on the 9th day of August, 1869. On the same day, a plat of a new addition by GEORGE WILKINSON and J. M. POWELL, embracing fifteen acres was filed for record. This was laid out east of the original plat, and adjoining the railroad. The town went on improving rapidly. The lots of this plat having been sold, another addition became necessary. Accordingly on the 3d day of May, 1873, DAVID ENYART, filed a description of his addition of eight acres, on the west side of the original town.

THOMAS HARE and family . . . . now occupy their new and substantial dwelling erected this fall.
JOHN POWNALL and his wife have returned from a visit to Brown and Montgomery counties in the Buckeye state.
Mr. M. JAKEWAY will teach the SOUTH LIBERTY school this winter.
Mrs. JANE POWNALL is suffering from a serious attack of typhoid fever.


We visited the M.E. Sabbath school, and although the room was cold, there was a goodly number present ... The singing, conducted by Mr. F. P. BITTERS, was very creditable...
After calling on Mr. and Mrs. KUHN, host and hostess of the MONTURE HOUSE, and a few other friends, we repaired to the residence of Mr. WILLIAM BITTERS. a short distance east of town...
Our stay being short, we were unable to look up very many of our old acquaintances, but incidentally met Rev. J. WHITTENBERGER, Dr. JOHNSON, Mr. DAN. DANIELS, and a few others.

MILLER & NEFF'S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, on East Washington street... trimming department... containing a mammoth Weed sewing machine... paint shop ... The fine painting is done by Mr. Miller's son... The wood work is done on the first floor, where we found Mr. A. F. McFARLAND ... The wheels used are the new improved Warner, which have the dove-tailed spokes.
From the wood department we entered the show room where spring wagons, carriages, buggies, phaetons, sleighs, &c. are kept on exhibition for sale...
The HUNTER SPRING WAGON is something new, and is just the thing for farmers. Here is also the heavv spring wagon, round back Phaeton, double and single seated Barouche, trotting buggy, and the Jenny Lind, painted in cherry, orange, black, and all the beautiful high colors usuallv seen in kirst-class manufactories.
This firm is now turning out work at prices to suit all customers, ranging from $125 to $300 ....

LOWERY, our pioneer, has no roof on his house yet, nor is there likely to be one unless some energy is instilled into his slow movements. A few boards over one end of the building is the only covering. His wife "went and runned away" a few days ago, and declared that she would no longer share his bed and board, for, as she has it, the bed is mighty thin, and as to the board she thinks she was bored when she married him, has been bored by living with him, and would be bored no longer. His earnest entreaties however, prevailed on her to come back, and she came. And now all is well in Sprinkleburg.

F. P. BITTERS is teaching at Beaver Dam this winter ...
Henry Township Institute convened at the school building in Akron, on Saturday, Dec. 6th, 1873. [names mentioned]: J. C. WALLACE, LON RANNELLS, FRANK BITTERS, Miss ELLA BARB, CALVIN BITTERS, Mr. MASTELLER, Mr. BEMENDERFER.

Be sure to visit A. L. SHORE's grocery and confectionery ...

DAVID CLEMENS pays his subscription far in advance ...
ED. HORTON is daddy, Dr. HECTOR has another grandchild, and all are happy.
THOS. W. BARNETT, Esq., county commissioner, stops at the Central House for grub.
Mrs. CLINT JONES has been dangerously ill for several days, though she is now recovering slowly.
Mr. A. C. ELLIOTT has just completed an $800 improvement on his $2,500 residence, corner West and Carroll streets, in the south-west part of town.
The SIDEWALK on the south side of York street, from Main to the Graded School building is in a fearful condition, and should be graveled or planked immediately.
Two large droves of fresh pork moved toward the depot Monday afternoon. Two or three porkers became as stubborn as hogs and refused to go in the right direction.
Little Miss RILLA BEEBER happily presented us with four large golden pears ... Mrs. J. H. BEEBER will also accept our thanks ...
SAMUEL SHOWLEY, of Liberty township, pays for two papers - one for his own family and one for a friend in Ohio...
The wind storm, last Wednesday evening aweek, blew down the smoke stacks of the Stave factory and Barkdoll & Kennedy's planing mills, damaged the observatory banasters of Mr. CHRIS. HOOVER's residence...
Mr. SIMEON WEBBER called at our office, Saturday last, and paid his subscription in advance... Mr. Webber is one of the pioneers of this county ...
Mrs. JONATHAN DAWSON has kindly supplied our table with about ten pounds of sausage...

DIED -JULIA C. KEITH, wife of SIDNEY KEITH, Esq., of this place, on Sunday evening, December 7, 1873, aged 51 years, 4 months and 2 days.
Mrs. Keith was born at Brandon, Vermont, August 8, 1822, and was married to her now stricken husband, September 19, 1849. Three children and an aged mother also survive her. She was converted at the age of twelve years, and leaves bright testimony in her life and in her last hour that Heaven is her home. Her long residence in this community created for her a large circle of friends who deeply mourn her loss, and extend to the family their heartfelt sympathies. Her life was pure, peaceable and happy, and all who knew her loved and esteemed her as a worthy friend. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. SKINNER.
-In this city, November 23, 1873, Mrs. MARY J. DAWSON, aged 34 years, 8 months and 7 days.
Mrs. Dawson was born in Piqua, Ohio, March 16, 1839, and was married to her now bereaved husband, Mr. M. J. DAWSON, September 20, 1857, in Tippecanoe county, Indiana. She united with the United Brethren church when but fifteen years old, and has since that time lived a devoted Christian life. Always peacable and kind towards all, she was beloved by all who knew her, and she leaves a vacancy in her fainily that can be filled by none other. She died as she had lived, full of faith and hope of an abundant entrance into the kingdom of rest. She passed away in her right mind, fully aware of all her surrounding, leaving a will which disposes of her property according to her wish.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. SKINNER, and the remains were laid away in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, near this place.

Richland should occupy a prominent position in the columns of your paper. It has, like all other townships, a village, viz: STRINGTOWN, which is the second town in length in the county, being one mile and a half long. It contains a saw mill formerly owned by YOUNG RALSTIN, but at present by heirs. And also a wagon and blacksmith shop run by the ROGERS brothers.
Mr. ELI ROGERS received his PATENT yesterday. It is a corn and plaster dropper.
The SAND HILL school opened the 1st of December with an enrollment of 35. The teacher, JEFFERSON ROBBINS, is exciting an interest in all.
The CENTER school opened the 1st of December with DAVID MACKEY as teacher.
Mr. JOHN H. ROBBINS sold a hog for $10.60, he got 3-1/2 cents per pound...
The tallest man in our place is WARD CHAMBERS, he is over seven feet ...
JACOB MILLER is the busiest man around here. He runs a saw mill, a warehouse, a store, a cabinet shop and a farm, also postmaster at Tiosa. He means business.
The building that is being erected at Tiosa is to be owned by WILLIAM VANVALKENBURG...
Rumor has it that CLARK HICKMAN is grandpa.
Health generally good. Mrs. RALSTIN has been very sick but is recovering under the treatment of Dr. SHULTZ, of Logansport.

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursday, December 18, 1873

HEFFLEY'S WAGON AND CARRIAGE FACTORY.... Mr. Heffley commenced here several vears ago, and by industry, frugality and enterprise has worked his way up from a small beginning to the fourth wagon manufactory in size and importance in northern Indiana.
Four large buildings are now used... wood work and paint shop, two stories; the blacksmith and trimming department, two stories; and two large out buildings used for the storage of seasoned lumber, spokes, &c., and for completed farm wagons on exhibition and for sale.
... The principal business is the manufacture of farm and lumber wagons, and yet a large number of fine carriages, buggies, spring wagons, sleighs, sleds, &c., are turned off annually.... The $500 Lancaster Phaeton, lately turned out for Mr. FRED FROMM may be considered a fair sample of the fine carriage work done at this establishment.
... nearlv all the workmen employed at this establishment served their apprenticeship in Europe...
M. O. REES FURNITURE DEALER AND MANUFACTURER. .. His rooms are on Main street, east side, first door north of Shields dry goods store.... Bedsteads, bureaus, chairs, lounges, sofas, center tables, extension tables, wash stands, what-nots, cupboards, safes, brackets, dining tables, marble top tables, mattresses, bed-springs, looking glasses, picture frames, mouldings, secretaries, library cases, wardrobes. and coffins of all styles, kinds and prices... Mr. Rees has now about two thousand dollars worth of furniture on hand...

Mrs. Dr. ORR is teaching the Lincoln school, which already numbers eighty-five scholars. Mrs. Orr is an experienced teacher, having taught two terms at the Graded Schools in Peru and also at various other places.

Mr. WM. TRACY has located in this place, and is desirous of doing something for the "understanding" of the people. He is a good workman.

J. R. SMALLEY, Esq., of Blue Grass, takes three copies of the UNION-SPY.
ANDREW HATTERY, a firm friend of the UNION-SPY , called on us Monday.
ANDREW STRONG, of Akron, drops us a two-dollar subscription every few days.
SOLOMON MILLER, of Leiters Ford, gave us a very profitable call, last Tuesday.
We learn that Mr. DIO HAUK and lady contemplate returning to Indiana. Rochester will be a good place for them to locate.
We acknowledge the receipt of $2 from FRANK DILLON, of the firm of DILLON & STRONG, of Akron, for the UNION-SPY.
Rev. J. MILLER, of Green Oak, ... comes again with a bushel of fine large apples.
B. C. WILSON, Esq., left at our office last week, a land grant on parchment, which was issued to JEREMIAH ORMSBEE, on the first day of April, 1829, and signed by Andrew Johnson, then President of the United States ....
B. B. PATTEN, an enterprising farmer, residing just southwest of town... leaving us a bushel of large apples. He takes two copies of our paper ... the one for Mr. W. MOORE, at California, Missouri, does not expire till the 7th of May, 1875 ...
(Notice of Dissolution) ... firm heretofore known as MILLER & CORY, carriage makers, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent ... W. B. MILLER, B. J. CORY.
The new firm of MILLER & NEFF will continue the business... at the old stand on Washington street, Rochester, Indiana...

FIRE. -On last Friday, the residence of ROBERT GOULD was discovered to be on fire... Mr. Gould's father-in-law, who was present, was requested to build a fire in the room stove, this he did... became very hot... curtains were burned... It was then discovered ... Had the fire remained undiscovered five minutes longer, the house could not have been saved.

W. W. ANDERSON & BRO. have charge of the AKRON FLOURING MILLS ...
DILLON & STRONG have formed a partnership... have built a ware-room for iron and coal and put up another fire, and have lots of iron and buggy material.
GEORGE ONSTOTT is lying sick with typhoid fever.

Health good, with the exceptions of JANE, wife of JOSIAH BOWER, who has been lying very low for some time of typhoid fever, but is now on the mend.
MARTINDALE is teaching school at the BIDWELL SCHOOL House as usual.
JOE WINN has left his wife again for the seventh time. More rope.
JIM McCOY, who has been visiting friends at Farmington, Ill., for some time will return in a few days.
Pork is in good demand in this neighborhood, as we saw JIM GIBBONS and FRANK WALKER with a drove last Sunday.
JONATHAN McCLURE, the gentleman who traded his farm, "sight unseen" for a farm in Missouri, some time ago, returned last week, disgusted with the country, and acknowledged that he was badly sold.

ROCHESTER UNION-SPY, Thursday, December 25, 1873

MARSHAL & PULMER'S BLACKSMITH SHOPS. -Messrs. Marshal & Pulver engaged in business about three months ago and have permanently located here. They are occupying a large spacious building in the north-west part of the village. They manufacture wagons, buggies, sleighs, and in fact everything in their line of business. They are old, experienced workmen, and the wagons and buggies they have manufactured since they came here, are a credit to themselves and an honor to the place. .... In addition to their wagon business they carry on blacksmithing in all its various branches ...
LOUIS CUFFELL'S CABINET SHOPS. -Mr. Cuffell has been engaged in the cabinet business about three years... now enjoys a large portion of public patronage. ... He keeps bureaus, tables, chairs, and everything else (in the cabinet line) of all styles and prices... Undertaking forms a part of his business, and all orders in this line of business will be executed with promptness. He also keeps on hand coffins of all styles, prices and sizes, and will deliver coffins if desired.
C. S. HORTON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP. -Mr. Horton is a young hand at the business, but notwithstanding this, he has thoroughly learned his trade, and is an excellent workman.... He has in his employ one of the most efficient horseshoers that has ever worked in this town. In addition to blacksmithing Mr. Horton is prepared to manufacture all kinds of edge tools, and will repair the same on short notice. Mr. Horton is an enterprising young man and is certainly deserving of success.

A few days since Mr. A. BRUCE, of Bruce Lake, was very poorly; he is afflicted with inward piles.
... improvements, in the way of building only, which were put up this season... A. T. JACKSON, residence, cost $3,300; J. W. BRANTHOFFER, residence; WILLIAM ZUCK, residence; J. C. HUDKINS, residence; E. V. HUDKINS, residence; P. S. TROUTMAN, barn; A. E. TROUTMAN, barn; I. N. McCOY, barn; S. ZELLERS, blacksmith shop; J. ROBBINS, wagon shop, commenced; Mr. MORSE, barn ...
MANITOU GRANGE. Deputy G. D. CUSTER, of Logansport, organized a Grange of P. of H., Dec. 10th, at the residence of S. C. DAVIDSON, Rochester township, to be known as the MANITOU GRANGE. [officers installed]: JAMES STINSON, JAMES VAN METER, SAMUEL HOOVER, ISAAC ALLEN, HUGH VAN METER, RILEY RICHARDSON, S. C. DAVIDSON, A. C. COOK, M. J. STINSON, Mrs. E. K. STINSON, Miss JOSIE DAVIDSON, Miss MARY VAN METER.

Rev. Mr. HYATT, of Indianapolis, is holding a series of meetings at LINCOLN, also Rev. Mr. LEE, the Circuit preacher, is holding forth at the M.E. Church.

The enumeration of school children in this county is as follows: White males, 2,562; white females, 2,252; colored males, 3; colored females, 1; total, 4,819 ....
WILLIAM CARROTHERS is teaching vocal music at the following places in Fulton county: Green Oak, M.E. Church, Olive Branch Church, U. B. Zion Church, Champ's School House, Fulton, and in Birmingham and Perrysburg, in Miami county.
Newcastle Township Teachers' Institute ... Bloomingsburg, December 14th [names mentioned]: A. L. SHAFER, J. A. WOOD, SALLIE McMAHAN, Miss L. HUNTER, Miss MATTIE BRYAN, J. B. NELLANS, F. C. MONTGOMERY and F. J. McCLARY.
Teachers' Institute, of Liberty township ... [names mentioned]: FREDRICK PETERSON, C. R. GREEN, MARY M. COONS, M. JAQUA, PETER STURGEON, PARK TOWNSEND, E. ELLIOT, M. M. COONS, G. SORIN, P. STRIGLEY.

Last week was one of the most eventful weeks in the history of Kewanna. On Monday the fuss between Mr. STREET and I. ZUCK occurred, which we hinted at last week, but now feel more at liberty to expose, as it is no more a secret here. SAMUEL ZUCK, of the firm of ZUCK, STREET & CO., was killed by the premature discharge of a cannon, on the 4th of July, 1872. I. ZUCK, brother to deceased, succeeded him, and being a young single man, boarded with Mr. Street, his brother-in-law. So all passed off well, until two weeks ago he moved his bed and board to the Hotel. On Monday following, Mr. Street told him he would give him just twenty-four hours to leave the state or he would take the law on him. Obedient to the command, he left immediately, for parts unknown. He was accused for a desire to form too close an intimacy with Miss STREET, his niece. The Mill is now for sale, and several parties have been figuring heavy on it. Mr. A. T. JACKSON came within a few hundred of getting it....
On the same day LEW MILLS (threatened) Doc WHITE, who had a few days previous "raised a club" [and threatened the former] ... Doc White was fined...
S. & W. ZELLERS bought the blacksmith shop that Mr. HEIMBERGER worked in for $450, thereby leaving no vacant place for Mr. H. to work.
DIED. -On last Sabbath morning, THOMAS WILSON, of that slow, but horrid disease, Consumption. The deceased was a promising young man, of more than ordinary talents, and was well liked by all his associates. We could not attend the funeral, sorry to say, but are informed that it was very largely attended, thus manifesting the sympathy of the public feeling. He leaves both parents, three brothers and two sisters, to mourn his untimely loss. Did not learn his age, but presume it was about 28 or 30 years.

The young orators of this community are holding debates at the Tiosa school house.
We understand that Mr. J. MILLER butchered seven hogs, from which he rendered ninety gallons of lard ...
Mr. T. J. McCLARY, the teacher of KING'S SCHOOL, passes through our village every two weeks and always haults at Mrs. RALSTIN's ...
Mr. ELI ROGERS, the patent right man, intends starting for Indianapolis in a few days, to see about getting the necessary castings ...
The WHIPPOORWILL SCHOOL house will be completed and ready for school on Monday the 22d. Mr. CAVENDER is their teacher ...
Mrs. RALSTIN, of whom we spoke at our last writing as getting better, has taken a relapse ... in critical condition.
Mr. CHARLES BUSH has gone East to visit his papa and mamma, but we suppose the lady living across the road has heard from him. Cheer up, Miss MOLLIE, when the spring time comes he will return.
Mr. HARRISON DUDGEON has been visiting friends in Ohio; he came back feeling better than when he started. Judging from the looks of his pocket book.

Dr. A. JOHNSON, of Akron, gave us a very pleasant call on Tuesday.
We have heard tell of fathers being tickled over the birth of a boy, but JAKE GERSON beats them all.
Captain CHAMBERLAIN, County Recorder, is well pleased with the late accession to his happy family.
CHARLES CAFFYN, clerk at Montgomery's store, had a tooth pulled Saturday, and nearly bled to death on Sunday.
Miss TELLA LYONS is an accomplished organist. She played... with the string band, at the festival, Friday evening.
Miss BELL MYERS, of Peru, an estimable young lady, of no little musical celebrity, is spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. JOHN MYERS, in this city.
J. E. CLARK is one of the leading musical spirits of this place...
Mrs. WALLACE TRUE... called on Tuesdav, and renewed her subscription ...
A. C. COPELAND, Esq., is a member Prof. PEARSON's string band, a bachelor and banker, he plays quite well on a flute, base vile, baritone, and in fact almost any instrument except the diapason and diaper.
J. ROUCH, Esq., of Fulton, and GEO. ROUCH, of some other place, happened in on the same day to pay their subscription a year in advance ...
KAY & MARSHMAN, champion pensman, are teaching writing school at Walnut station, and propose getting up classes in various towns in this county...
BOYD H. KIZER takes two copies of our paper, one for himself, at this place, and one for his step-father in Valparaiso. Boyd is a good young man and although a little bashful, is deserving the attention of young ladies.
And now comes Mr. HARDY PARKER, with two fine, fat, young, dressed chickens, for our Christmas dinner ...

LOST. Between the residence of Mrs. M. A. SHELTON and VAN DIEN & McCOY's bakery, on Dec. 22d, one bill book, containing $30 ... WM. H. SHELTON.

DOG LOST. The undersigned will pay a liberal reward for the return, or information that will lead to the recovery of a small terrier dog. G. W. BATES, Singer agent. Rochester, Dec. 21, '73.

ALBERT WILSON has moved his GROCERY from the east side of Main street to the west side, just two doors north of Beck and Bro's hardware store, and is now running in connection with his former business, a confectionery, oyster saloon and boarding house ... Jurvmen, witnesses and all persons attending court will find WILSON's a good place to board and lodge, at reasonable rates ...

Highest price paid in cash for old Cast Iron, at F. M ASHTON's new Foundry and Machine shops.

Wax dolls that cry and go to sleep, at PLANK's drug store.



ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Satursday, JJune 14, 1873

Published every Saturday by A. T. BITTERS. Office on second floor of Dawson's Building, opposite the Public Square.

J. S. SLICK, Attorney at Law. One door north of the Farmers National Deposit Bank, Rochester, Indiana.
H. B. JAMISON & E. CALKINS, Attorneys, office opposite court house in
Holman & Miller building.
E. R. HERMAN, Attorney at Law. Office in 2d story of Masonic Building,
west side main street, Rochester, Ind.
SIDNEY KEITH & MILO R. SMITH, Attorneys at Law. Office in south east room, second floor, Masonic Building, Rochester, Ind.
I. CONNER & JNO. W. SMITH, Attorneys at Law, Real Estate, Insurance and Collecting Agents. Office 2d floor Masonic Building, Rochester, Ind.
G. W. HOLMAN, Attorney at Law and general Collecting Agent Office with K. G. SHRYOCK, over Shield's Store, Rochester, Indiana.
WM. HILL, M.D. Phvsician and Surgeon, also Examining Surgeon for the Pension Bureau... Office Hill's Building, Main street, Rochester, Indiana.
W. BRACKETT, M.D. ... office is at his residence a half mile south of Rochester, on the Michigan road...
Dr. J. C. SPOHN, Phvsician and Surgeon... Office on Main street one door south of the Public Square. Residence first door south of the office.
Dr. ANGUS BROWN, Homeopathic Physician... Office in the Book Store of Kirtland & Co., opposite Gould's dry goods store, Rochester, Ind.
Dr. A. H. ROBBINS... Office and residence on Main Street, Rochester, Indiana.
CENTRAL HOUSE, Rochester. Ind., R. N. RANNELLS, Proprietor. This house being located in the central part of the town, and having been recently furnished throughout, is able to give first class accommodations to all. Free bus to and from night trains.
Dr. H. B. BOSWELL, Surgeon Dentist, Rochester, Indiana. Rooms over Dawson's new Drug Store, opposite the Court House.
REX & BURKET, Surgeon Dentists, Rochester, Ind ... Office one door north of Ernsperger's Store, up stairs.
A. L. GOODRICH, at his shop on the Akron road, near the Depot, will supply the people with barrels and casks of every kind. Custom work done promptly. Highest market price in cash paid for timber and poles ...
G. H. BEEBER, W. H. SHELTON & B. F. SHIELDS - BEEBER, SHELTON & SHIELDS ... Bricklaying, Plastering and Cementing ... Orders left at J. H. SHELTON's Grocery Store will receive prompt attention.
CRAVEN's New Art Gallery .... Specimen and rooms in Mrs. MANN's building, over Kirtland's book store. BEN. CRAVEN, Photographer.
FARMERS NATIONAL DEPOSIT BANK, Opposite Public Square ... WM. ASHTON, Cashier.
ERNSPERGER & JKCKSON'S STORE ... Dress Goods Men's and Boys' Readymade Clothing ... Gents' Furnishing Goods Merchant Tailoring ... Family Groceries ... Boots and Shoes ...

At a recent term of the Commissioner's court, Dr. JAMES W. BRACKETT was employed as county physician

JOSEPH SCHAAF [has filed complaint against the Commissioners alleging that while he was driving a span of horses attached to a wagon, lightly loaded with wood, and while crossing Chippewanook bridge in Newcastle township, about February 7, 1873, the bridge gave way, and he was precipitated into the stream, thereby breaking both bones of his right leg... that the commissioners had failed to post notice of unsafe condition of the bridge... he therefore asked $5,000 in Circuit Court.]

COMMISSIONER'S COURT [terms of compromise for the payment of orders for $35,000 issued by the county to the C. C. & L. R.R. some three years or more ago - set forth in detail]
Ordered that JACOB S. SLICK be employed as attorney for the county in the case of JOSEPH SCHAAF vs The Board of Commissioners.

CITY MEAT MARKET. CHAS. F. BROWN would respectfully inform the Public that he has removed his meat market to the stand formerly occupied by CHARLES LANGSDORF, one door south of REID & RALSTIN BAKERY. Rochester, June 12, 1873.

(Sheriff's Sale) Saturday, the 28th day of June, 1873... real estate (described) Taken as the property of WILLIAM STURGEON at the suit of S. R. HOSMER vs William Sturgeon... SIDNEY R. MOON, Sheriff...
KEITH & SMITH, Att'y for Pilff.

BIBLER & CO.... Successors to Feder & Silberberg's. Opposite the Court House. Rochester, Ind., April 19, 1873.

J. H. SHELTON has removed his large stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, etc., to the room formerly occupied by J. DAWSON, and one door north of Plank's Drug Store ... Rochester, Ind., May 17, 1873.

ASHTON'S BAZAR. Our millinery variety and Stock was purchased a few days ago and is now ... under the superintendence of Mrs. MORROW, a lady of experience who understands her business ... One door south of the Farmers National Deposit Bank, opposite the Public Square, Rochester, Ind. May 10th, 1873.

(Sheriff's Sale) Saturday the 28th day of June, 1873... real estate (described) ... Taken as the property of ELLIS WILSON and AARON L. BOWMAN at the suit of HENRY C. WRIGHT vs ELLIS WILSON and A. L. BOWMAN... S. R. MOON, Sheriff.

(Sheriff's Sale) Saturday the 28th day of June, 1873 ... real estate (described) ... Taken as the property of AUGUSTUS D. CORNELIUS at the suit of WILLIAM ASHTON vs AUGUSTUS D. CORNELIUS... SIDNEY R. MOON, Sheriff...

Dr. A. C. ORR ... Office and residence first floor west of M.E. Church, Lincoln, Miami county, Ind... May 3, 1873.

MATTIE REES is enjoying a spell of sickness.
For fresh strawberries call on ED. CHINN every morning at his grocery.
Rochester has a ROOR BEER MANUFACTORY which supplies home trade and several neighboring towns.
FRED FROMM's little boy, a lad of about six years, was severely kicked on the face by a colt last Saturday.
CHARLEY BROWN has removed his MEAT MARKET to the room formerly occupied by CHARLES LANGSDORF...
The members of the M.E. church at GREEN OAK, assisted by the friends of the Gospel in that vicinity, have erected a fine church edifice, which, we are informed, will be dedicated on Sunday the 22d inst.
The liquor license of THOMAS CLARK expired last week, since which time he has been running a strictly temperance saloon, and is doing a thriving business ... He still keeps his billiard tables for the accommodation of his patrons...
The livery stable of W. H. DAVIDSON is an institution of Rochester, of which all her many citizens may well feel proud ...
J. SIDMORE... has opened a shop for the manufacture of Boots and Shoes in the room two doors south of the Wallace House... Having engaged the services of Mr. ISAAC NICODEMUS ...

A sad case of drowning occurred in the Tippecanoe river near Tippecanoetown on Saturday evening last. Mr. HENRY C. MONTGOMERY, after the labor of the week was over, in company with a comrade or two, went to the river to engage in fishing. While thus engaged, the hook with which Montgomery was fishing got caught on something on the bed of the river, and rather than lose it, being an expert diver, he divested himself of his clothing and dived down into the water, a depth of ten feet for the purpose of disengaging it. Strange to say he never rose again until recovered by his friends - a corpse. What is still more remarkable, no water was found in the body, which demonstrated the fact that he was seized with a cramp and died without strangulation. The deceased was a man of about thirty years of age, and leaves a wife and two children. He was a member of the Odd Fellows fraternity, and by them was buried on Monday, a large concourse of mourning friends and relatives following in sorrow his remains to the grave.

JOHNY WALLACE, of Rochester, came up here last evening, and having claimed to have stolen his mother's carriage, is now enjoying a cheap ride; but just before he arrived at this place, one of the wheels ... became very tired and laid down. The spokes withdrew from the hub ... and left Johny with twelve beer bottles, six of which were filled, to carry to the Argos House..
WILLIAM RUFE is now issuing root beer to a thirsty public..
Cap. ADKINSON, formerly of Rochester, is doing a fair business in the Boot, Shoe and Clothing business.
Six M.D.s may be found here with a fair prospect of starving.

Dr. W. T. CLELAND and family just returned from Chicago where they have been spending a week... visiting relatives.
DIED. -June 6th, 1873, Mrs. MARGRET MURPHY, daughter of A. T. JACKSON, aged 24 years. The funeral services were conducted by E. M. McGRAW at the M.E. Church on last Saturday at 10 o'clock a.m. Mrs. Murphy was a member of the Baptist church, and a kind and affectionate companion, a Christian mother, and kind neighbor, much loved and esteemed by all who knew her. Her loss is deeply felt by a dear husband and many mourning friends. She seemed to have presentiment of her death for some time past and talked to her friends about it; but they thought it was only a spirit of despondency, and tried to relieve her mind of such thoughts, but could not. Previous to her death she gave her two children, an infant child and a little boy, to her sister, talked to her friends of her hope in Christ, and then calmly resigned herself to her fate in the hands of a just God... -ELI LEITER.

ROCHESTER FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP... Shop near C. C. & L. railroad track near the depot. F. M. ASHTON, Rochester, Ind... March 30.

Mutual Life Insurance Co., WM. ASHTON, Agent, at the Farmers National Deposit Bank, Rochester. March 27, 1873.

CHRIS HOOVER, dealer in Furniture... 2 Doors South of Central House ... Undertaking promptly attended to with a neat HEARSE to attend funerals in the town or country. Coffins of all styles and sizes constantly on hand...

Harness & Saddlery, MYERS & NEAL,... Shop on Main street, 2d door north of the Central House. Rochester, Ind.

City Hardware Store, D. L. BECK & BRO'S ....

The GIANT PLANING MILL, Sash & Door Factory... on the north side of South street, near the railroad... BARKDOLL & KENNEDY., Rochester, Ind., June 1, '72.

SAMUEL HEFFLEY, at his new Wagon & Carriage Shop, manufactures the Champion Road and Farm Wagon. Established in 1848. Shop in the two-story brick building, west side of Main street, south of the Court House, Rochester.
DENISTON & VANTRUMP ... Agricultural Implements ... Stoves & Tinware ... Reapers & Mowers ... Threshing Machines... Self propelled Steam Engines, STUDEBAKER WAGONS ...

DOWNEY & JONES, General Insurance and Real Estate Agents, Rochester, Indiana.... Office up stairs opposite court house.

KEWNEY PLOWS, Manufactured and Sold by JOHN KEWNEY,... The Old Foundry on Main street, Rochester, Ind.

New Firm... HEILBRUN & WILE... Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, &c, &c... Ready Made Clothing... All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange... We buy hides, pelts, furs, beeswax, tallow, &c.... three doors north of Mercer & Shepherd's, opposite the Court House, Rochester, Ind. Nov. 9, '72

Cocquilard's Farm Wagon, South Bend, Indiana... call on or address A. J. DAVIDSON, Rochester, Ind.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, June 21, 1873

JACOB PERRY, who resided four miles east of this place died on the evening of the 14th inst.
MILO BRIGHT claims to have the best and coldest soda water this side of Lapland.

RAILROADS. -We are informed that G. J. BIPPUS, of Huntington, President of the Indiana division of the ATLANTIC & CHCAGO Railroad, in company with parties from the East passed through Rochester on Tuesday on their way to Chicago to be in attendance on a meeting... its object the consolidation of the Illinois and Indiana divisions of the Road... when you give us positive assurance that you are going to build your road, now in embryo, through Akron and Rochester, your demand for the amount of money agreed upon will be promptly met. Our people are generous and enterprising but they do not propose to be made dolts of any longer ....

LEITER FAMILY REUNION at Bellevue, Ohio, May 16th, 1873. Eight Orphan Children.
JOHN LEITER, Sen, was born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 2d , 1784. His wife BARBARA WHITMORE, was born in the same year, and both died in the same year, leaving eight orphan children.
THE CHILDREN. -ELIZABETH was born April 4th, 1808, was married to Mr. JACOB BURM, and now lives in Bellevue, Ohio. She is the mother of five children, has had thirty-nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. BARBARA was born December 4th, 1809, and lived to be what might be termed a very old maid, but being tired of living a single life, and having "no one to love her, and none to caress," she married a Mr. SPICHER in the 57th year of her age. She now lives in Pennsvlvania. ABRAHAM was born April 6th, 1812, and now lives in Bellevue, Ohio. He is a tanner by trade, and as a tradesman, perhaps far excells the President of the United States. He has occupied stations of honor, and at present is Mayor of the city in which he lives. He is the father of twelve children and fifteen grandchildren. JOHN was born October 25th, 1813. He moved to this state in 1845, where he has lived ever since. He is well known to most of the readers of the SENTINEL, and of his life and honors we need not speak. He is the father of fifteen children, and six grandchildren. MARY was born September 15th, 1815, and now lives in Seneca county, Ohio. She is married to Mr. DAVID ARNOLD, and is the mother of ten children. MATTIE was born July 23d, 1817; was married to Mr. ISAAC SHELLENBERGER, and now lives near Kingston, DeKalb county, Ills. She is the mother of nine children and six grandchildren. ANNA was born April 6th, 1820, was married to a Mr. BASEOVER who is now dead, and she was married a second time to Mr. MYERS, and now lives in Pennsylvania. She is the mother of 8 children and 3 grandchildren. JACOB was born Feb. 4th, 1824, being the youngest of the family. He now resides in this county, where he is well known by many citizens of the same. He is the father of fifteen children.
The family of eight children now live in four different states, two in Pennsylvania, three in Ohio, two in Indiana and one in Illinois. Previous to their meeting on the 16th and 17th of May, they had not all met at one time for forty-five years. The aggregate of their ages at the time of the family meeting, was 465 years, making an average of 58 years. We cannot say that they are enjoying good health, but for a family of that age and number, we might consider it exceedingly good. They are all in good circumstances in life, being worth from five to twenty-five thousand dollars each, but what is far better, they have all sustained good characters, and none have formed a taste for strong drinks, and but one uses tobacco in any form. This family of eight and their companions, and children, sixty-nine in number, seventy-five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, comprise the Leiter family, making in all 164 including the number that are now sleeping in the grave.-ELI LEITER.

You were wrongly informed in regard to the accident that befell P. S. TROUTMAN's family. The daughter and little sister of about 12 months, were thrown to the earth but their injuries were but slight. Miss DILLA HERVY, sister-in-law of P. S. Troutman, had a limb fractured and it is hoped that nothing more serious will result. -ELI LEITER.

Just Discovered, a purely Vegetable CANCER CURE ... addressing me at Rochester, Ind., or by calling on me at Dawson's Drug Store on Monday of each week. JOHN BLANCHARD.

(Contractors) Sealed proposals will be received... for the erection of HITCHING POSTS and laying a pavement of Boulders along the north and south side of the Public Square,... DAN AGNEW, Auditor, Fulton County.

Another sad case of drowning occurred in the Tippecanoe river last Sunday afternoon at about 2 o'clock. Quite a number of town boys, one of the number being WARREN GILMAN, for a little recreation, strolled out to the river, and while there engaged in the pleasant pastime of bathing. Warren was the oldest and largest of the number and was not an expert swimmer. Once in the current he was carried beyond his depth, and was drowned, notwithstanding his loud cries to his companions for help, who, horrified at the impending fate of their companion, were rendered unfit to aid him. A number of fishermen some distance away, hearing the cries of distress, hastened to the rescue, but too late - he had gone down to rise no more. The sad intelligence was immediately conveyed to the bereaved father, who, in company with Dr. P. ROWDEN, repaired to the scene. He had, however, before their arrival, been recovered from the water and every effort was made for his recusitation, but the spark of life had fled, and Warren Gilman's name was added to the already long list of Tippecanoe's victims. He was 15 years, and 9 months old, and a very exemplary young man. He was an especial favorite among his associates and the pride and hope of his father. He had for many months been punctual in his attendance at Sabbath school and was not given to Sabbath desecration. His funeral took place from the residence of his father on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the large attendance attested the sympathy of the community for the grief stricken family.

The brick work for the dwelling of JACOB GERSON was commenced yesterday.
The dedicatory services of the new M.E. church at GREEN OAK will take place tomorrow. Rev. MONSON, presiding elder of the district, will officiate.
HENRY EDWARDS, the fellow who got as far as Plymouth with a lot of fine Jewelry belonging to C. C. WOLF, now languisheth in our county jail, and anticipates a trip to Michigan City next week. .
There will be a railroad meeting at Silver Lake to-day, to make arrangements for the election of officers for the FT. WAYNE & ROCHESTER RAILROAD, and for the extension of the line westward from Rochester.
The case of the State of Indiana vs FLETCHER, charged with burning a wheat stack belonging to JAMES GIBBENS, has consumed the time of the court since Tuesday and is not yet concluded...
ADAM NETCHER, one of the old residents of this township, was arrested some months ago on an affidavit filed by his wife charging him with assault and battery.... In default of a bondsman he was committed to jail from whence he made his escape and evaded the vigilance of Sheriff MOON until Wednesday of this week. Learning of his being at Wabash, Mr. Moon, quietly proceeded there and "took him in," and now has him again behind bars. The county has already been at considerable expense over a matter of but small importance, and the general wish of the people was that Adam would steer clear of Fulton county.

JOHN LOSHON, a German and cousin of our fellow-townsman, FRED FROMM was drowned in the Wabash river at Peru on Monday evening last. The deceased was a young man and had been a resident of Rochester for some years prior to his removal to Peru three months since to engage in work at the Howe Sewing Machine factory. On the evening mentioned, he went with a friend to the river to bathe, fell into deep water and was drowned. As soon as his German friends of this place heard of his decease, a goodly number of them proceeded there and had his remains brought to this place for interment. Our German friends are a hospitable people, and every possible mark of respect was paid the deceased in his burial.

DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. We stop the press at 11 o'clock p.m. to-night (Friday) to say that the ROCHESTER FOUNDRY & MACHINE SHOP owned by F. M. ASHTON, was discovered to be on fire at about 10 o'clock, and with all the contents including machinery, totally destroyed. Full particulars will be given next week.

Dry goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Ready Made Clothing. Very Lowest Prices ... Produce taken in exchange for goods. ELAM & DAVIS, North Room Fromm's Building, Rochester, Ind. May 17, 1873.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, JUne 28, 1873

On Tuesday of last week the case of the State of Indiana vs WM. FLETCHER was called for trial ... The trial consumed the time of the court during the week and was determined late on Saturday night, by a verdict of the jury of guilty. He was fined $25 and sentenced to two years hard labor in the Penitentiary ... Mr. Fletcher is a man probably about 50 years old, and the infliction of two years servitude upon a man of his age, awakens a feeling of sympathy for him, notwithstanding the enormity of his crime.
The case of State vs LOUDERBACK... assault and battery upon the person of JACOB LEITER, a farmer living in the western portion of the county ... Leiter's sheep fold had been preyed upon at sundry times by dogs ... poison was spread on the carcases ... and left for the dogs to feed upon... Louderback's Newfoundland fell a victim. Vengeance was sworn on Leiter by the defendant (who) pounced upon him and beat him... Louderback being a large man, Leiter quite small... jury... fined him $30, and costs...
State vs HARRY EDWARDS - charge, grand larceny...who stole jewelry belonging to C. C. &OLF... Jury... two years imprisonment in the Michigan City prison...
State vs MALBEFF ... about the 10th of last November, [while under the influence of liquor, defendant stole] box of dry goods which were left in a freight car on the track of the
I. P. & C. railway, near the depot... discharged [on a technicality] ...

[case against MAT. HILEMAN] one of our townsmen [had attacked Supt. BRYAN for punishing his son] ... Jury... found him guilty, [fined him one cent] .. .

MARY E. BRUGH asked the court that one MILLIZER be made to contribute to the support of an illegitimate child, of which he was proved to be the father. Judgment unknown.
[divorces granted] Mrs. C. NEWHOUSE and Mrs. ADAM NETCHER. The application of Mrs. HENRY PLATT has not yet been determined.

We noticed Mr. G. W. LYON, of Iowa, formerly of this place in town this week.
J. M. BALDWIN will use his fingers until his thumb gets well. Barkdoll & Kennedy's buzz saw did it.
Several new brick buildings will be constructed in this place soon. The dwelling houses of Messrs JOSEPH LAUER and JACOB GERSON, and the brick livery stable for THOMAS CLARK, are now in progress of construction and will soon be completed.
BARNES & MITCHELL have wholesaled their entire stock of furniture to Mr. MILT. REES, or, in other words they have sold their entire furniture establishment to the gentleman named....


DIED. -June 25th, 1873, ROSA, daughter of JAHIEL and AGNES COOK, aged about two years. She was taken with brain fever about the 10th of February, and has been suffering very much ever since, until she was released from the pains and ills of this life this morning.

FIRE IN ROCHESTER [lengthy article in detail concerning the fire which destroyed the ROCHESTER FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOPS of F. M ASHTON] on Friday evening last .... A low estimate of the loss is $5,000, upon which there was no insurance.

LABORERS WANTED. A number of laborers can find employment by calling at the BRICK YARDS of GEORGE NORRIS, two miles south of town, near the Michigan Road.
MARRIED. -On Saturday, June 21, 1873, at the residence of the bride's father in Akron, by Rev. JACOB WHITTENBERGER, Mr. GEORGE M. SMITH, of Miami County, and Miss CATHERINE ONSTOTT.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Friday, July 4, 1873

The necessary papers for a new POST OFFICE at TAMARACK CORNERS, in Henry township, have been received, and as soon as they are properly filed and returned, Mr. WM. H. CURTIS will be duly installed as P.M. The post office at STURGEON will be discontinued unless some one can be found to take charge of it. Esq. DAVIS has resigned.

KILLED BY THE TRAIN. The mangled remains of two young men aged 18 years each and named respectively HENRY BROMME and GEORGE MECHLING, both residents of Richland township, of this county, were found on Sunday morning on the track of the Indianapolis, Peru & Chicago railway. It is said that one of the young men had been in town on Saturday afternoon and had been drinking heavily. He returned home in the evening, and thence in the company of his unfortunate companion, went to the town of Walnut, where they both indulged freely for some time, after which each supplied himself with bottle of whiskey, and started south on the track very much intoxicated. When within a half a mile of Miller's station, it is supposed they laid down upon the track, where the northern bound freight train passed over their bodies. The engineer discovered an object on the track, but not in time to stop the train. As soon as possible after the bodies were discovered, a jury was impannelled and an inquest held which resulted in a verdict that death was caused by the locomotive and train above named, and exhonorating the company from all blame. Our Sturgeon correspondent has stated the facts more in detail, and to his communication the reader is referred for particulars. It is, perhaps, useless to moralize upon this sad event, as a recital of the facts points to the lesson ...

Last Sunday afternoon one Mr. McBRIDE was making a pleasant call upon his son-in-law, Mr. HENRY MILLER, at the residence of one J. S. TAYLOR, just north of the town. While he and Mr. Miller were quietly seated, conversing, a tree near which they were was struck by lightning. The current passing down the stem, struck Mr. McBride midway between the knee and the ankle, coursing downward, passing diagonally across the foot, making a complete wreck of the boot, and so stunning him as to render him insensible for several hours. He however revived during the day and at last accounts was in a fair way to recover. Mr. Miller who was with him, was also seriously shocked, but sustained no particular injury beyond a temporary fright...
About the same time the residence of JOHN O'CONNELL, in Green township, Marshall county, was struck... The house was ignited by the current, but Mrs. O'CONNELL recovered in time to extinguish the flames, so that no damage was done beyond the shattering of two walls.

WM. P. BALL desires to meet all the children in town under 15 years of age, in the court house square to-day at 11 O'clock a.m.
Dr. HILL is moving his building south six feet to make room for J. C. SPOHN to occupy the space for building purposes.
We have a new Superintendent on the I. P. & C. R.R., Mr. SOUTHARD having resigned and accepted the Superintendency of the Detroit & Eel River road.
Dr. REX & BURKET have dissolved partnership in the dental business. Dr. Burket has associated himself with Dr. BOSWELL...
The wall of the new barn for livery purposes are nearing completion. Since the dissolution of partnership between WELCH & TRACY in the livery business we understand that Mr. Welch will add his stock to that to be furnished by Mr. CLARKE and they together will occupy the new barn.
All who desire genuine pleasure should go with MACK ASHTON, to lake Manitau, and take a trip over the beautiful waters in his gay little steamer ...
EUGENE RITTENHOUR has gone to Ohio to spend a few weeks among his friends and relatives.
The boys of Rochester have organized a gymnasium. Under ED. CHINN's leadership, we don't believe they will fail in anything they undertake.
We are under many obligations to Mr. J. S. SLICK for his valuable services with the pen in assisting us to get out this week's issue.

The first CHEESE from the FACTORY of J. S. TAYLOR was put in the market this week and a very good one it was. It was left at J. H. SHELTON's grocery, and was sold out in a remarkably short time. Mr. Shelton has the exclusive trade in all the cheese made at the factory of Mr. Taylor, and will hereafter keep a supply on hand to accommodate his customers...

STURGEON, IND, June 29th, 1873
Last evening about 9 o'clock, two young men named GEORGE MECHLING and HENRY BROMM, each aged 18 years, purchased some whiskey at CLINT. NOLAN's saloon, in Walnut, Marshall county, and then started for home. They traveled on the I. P. & C. R.R. a distance of half a mile south of Miller's station, where they sat down and fell into a sleep caused by intoxication. The northern bound freight train passed that place about midnight, running over the boys, severed the body of Henry Bromm at the waist, and cut off a leg and an arm of George Mechling, and otherwise mangled his body. The engineer saw a white object on the track, but supposed it to be a white fowl of some kind, until the person was struck by the cowcatcher, and then the body was recognized and the train stopped. Some citizens at Tiosa were called to take charge of the bodies, and requested to display a light to mark the spot and prevent the south bound train from moving the bodies until a coroner could be brought, but just before the train arrived, the light went out and the train passed without a signal, moving one of the bodies about six feet without changing its condition. Information was received this morning that D. W. JONES, our coroner elect had neglected to qualify. W. T. LEONARD, J.P., was then summoned, who upon arrival, caused a jury of fifteen men to be summoned, who, upon hearing the evidence, and an examination of the bodies, returned their verdict as above stated. A broken bottle was found in the pocket of each person, which satisfied the jury and all present that whiskey was the original cause of these two sudden deaths. It is hoped the brothers and associates of these two young men may see the error of their way and repent before it is everlastingly too late. The burial took place this evening at 4 o'clock, at the Lutheran grave yard, Richland township. Two broken hearted mothers have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood.
Dr. G. W. MEREDITH has gone to Union Mills, Laporte county, to engage in the practice of medicine... -i.M.D.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturdav, July 12, 1873

Mr. MARK MOORE, the superintendent and keeper of the farm [POOR FARM, located south on the Michigan Road] ... kindly volunteered to show us around. There are, at this time, but three males and one female pauper on the place. The three males, HENRY BOWMAN, CHARLES SMITH and ANDREW LAWRENCE, have all been pronounced incurably insane, and for their own good and safety, and that of others, they have been confined in comfortable and commodious quarters ... We do not approve of corporal punishment in the treatment of the insane, yet the scathing remarks of our neighbor in last week's Spy, in relation to the treatment by Mr. Moore of the paupers under his control, leaving the reader to infer that he is excessively cruel to them, is not a fair statement of the facts.
(Sheriff's Sale) ... On Saturday the 9th day of August, A.D., 1873,... real estate (described) ... in a cause wherein FINLEY EMMONS is plaintiff, MARTIN V. COPELAND, Admrs. and SARAH A. LOVE is defendant... S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton county.

CAL. VANTRUMP & BRO. would say to the Public that they have leased the BOWMAN & WILSON FLOURING MILL, and will take charge of the same on the 28th day of July...

JOHN G. HILL has opened in the north end of town at Craven's old stand, a first-class BLACKSMITH SHOP ... He builds the lightest and finest CARRIAGES and BUGGIES and the most DURABLE WAGONS, Mill Picks sharpened and Custom work ... Horse Shoer ...

WM. STURGEON and family returned this week from a trip to Illinois and Iowa.
SCOTT RENO and CAROLINE FRANKSTINE were married on Saturday evening at the Empire House, by Esq. F. M. ASHTON.
If the weather should be favorable, a great many of our citizens will attend the basket meeting at Mt Zion, near True's Mill, tomorrow... conducted by the Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT of the Presbyterian church of this place... Rev. CLARK SKINNER of the M.E. church will officiate during the afternoon services.

WILL ARNOLD and MILO BRIGHT are the champion fishermen here...
JOE DAY lost his pocket-book last week, containing several dollars. He says he don't care for the money, but the pocket-book he hates to part with.
FRANK TERRY has returned home from college. He is spending the vacation among his numerous friends. Judging from his appearance, college life must agree with him.
LEVI MIDDLETON has just purchased a lot of lumber for coffins. He says that he expects the cholera around soon.

On last Monday, in company of the venerable Father SPARKS, we visited Mr. T. W. GREEN, of whom we gave notice some time ago, as having suffered a long time with a cancer on the face. He is still suffering and sinking very fast, and it is not probable that he can last much longer. He told us that he is ready and willing to die and be free from the suffering of this life.
On Tuesday we visited the family of our old friend, OLIVER C. POLLY, who treated us with great kindness; we return our thanks to Mrs. Polly for some very nice apples of last year's crop, which were in a perfect state of preservation,....
We also visited the STEVENS old farm, and found a sister enjoying her new state and home. She believes that there is no place like home.
The Fourth was celebrated by two very hard showers of rain and wind; also the Hamilton Brothers' Indian show exhibited in the evening.... there was music and dancing and streams of laughter on the very ground that one year previous was stained with the blood of our fellow townsman, Mr. SAMUEL ZOOK, who lost his life by the discharge of a cannon on that morning ...

SCOTT SHIELDS has quit the dry goods counter of JESSE SHIELDS, and is going on a trip to California.
We met VINT. O'DONNEL on the street this week. Vint formerly made Rochester his headquarters, but now holds forth at Peru.
BARNES & MITCHELL having sold their furniture establishment to MILT. REES, Mr. B. is going to Topeka, Kan., and other cities in the west to look up a new location to engage in business.
DIED. -A daughter of LEVI HEILBRUN, aged about 8 months, died on Monday, and was taken to Laporte on Tuesday where it was buried according to the peculiar rites of the Jewish faith.
The robber who stole JOHN PYLE's watch and agreed to return it during this month, did so on the morning of the Fourth. The watch was in good condition and Mr. Pyle is thankful for its return.

Something unheard of in the history of Fulton county will take place on the banks of Lake Manitau, on Tuesday next, July 15th. The colored people of Rochester and their invited guests from neighboring towns and cities will hold a grand picnic at the time and place above stated. We are informed that the exercises will conclude with a grand Ball at Balcony Hall in the evening, at which "Virginia break downs" will be in order....
ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, July 19, 1873

(Notice of Administration) HENRY HAINBAUGH appointed Executor of the last will of ISRAEL DEBOLT, late of Fulton county, deceased. Julv 15, 1873.

(Railroad Election) ... FT. WAYNE AND ROCHESTER RAILROAD CO.... meeting of the said stockholders at Silver Lake, Kosciusko county, Indiana, on the 1st Tuesday, and the 5th day of August, 1873... purpose of electing nine directors... and also to consider the propriety of extending the line from Rochester west, via Winamac to the Illinois state line at some point east of Kankakee City, in the State of Illinois... WM. STURGEON, Pres., JOHN B. ALLEMAN, Sec., Rochester, June 23d, 1873.

(Sheriff's Sale) Saturday, the 16th of August, 1873... real estate (described) Taken as the property of ELLIS WILSON at the suit of JOHN F. FROMM and WILLIAM DOWNEY... SIDNEY R. MOON, Sheriff, Fulton Co.

(Sheriff's Sale) Saturday, August 16th, 1873, real estate (described) in the cause wherein WILLIAM C. BARNETT is plaintiff and ADOLPffUS LATHAM and EDWARD VAIL are defendants. S. R. MOON, Sheriff, Fulton County.

There isn't a BASE BALL club in Rochester. There are a great many clubs which are worse.
Postal cards have been ordered for the Rochester P.O., but as yet none has been received.
JOHN SCHOULDER, a hod carrier on the new livery stable building was sun struck on Monday. He recovered.
The Presbvterians of MT. ZION are preparing to build their new brick CHURCH. We are informed that it will be put up and completed this fall.
Our young friend SCOTT SHIELDS started for Salt Lake city and California on Wednesday. He is going on a pleasure excursion and if he likes the country and surroundings he may conclude to stay for some time.
A daughter of EMANUEL GOSS was bitten on the foot by a rattlesnake this week. The swelling extended from her foot to half way up her body and for a time her recovery was considered doubtful, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. BRACKETT she is rapidly recovering.
Mr. J. B. ELLIOTT has just returned from a visit to Pennsylvania where he has been spending a few weeks very pleasantly. It has been seventeen years since he left his old home and this has been his first return...
WM. SHAFER showed us two American half dollars which he found while plowing in a field two miles west of town. The field is that in which the Indians used to congregate to receive their pay from the government. Pieces of money have been found in the neighborhood of that field at various times and it is supposed that large quantities has been buried there which remains undiscovered.
ROBERT GOULD is attending a Photographers convention at Buffalo, N.Y. this week.
MARRIED. -On Wednesday, July 16th, 1873, by Rev. N. L. LORD, Mr. ALVIN TALLEY and Miss ANNA RITTER, all of this place.
The partnership between BEEBER, SHELTON & SHIELDS, in the bricklaying and plastering business, has been dissolved, Mr. Beeber retiring ...
A. C. COPELAND started yesterday on a visit to friends in Ohio, New York and Boston ...
EUGENE RITENOUR returned from a visit to his friends in Ohio, on Tuesday. On the evening of the same day he was taken with a congestive chill and for a time his life was despaired of. He has so far recovered as to be on the street again.

The spinal disease which raged in this community with such violence some time since, left traces of its ravages upon two bright little children, a daughter of A. C. SHEPHERD., and a son of Dr. ROBBINS, aged respectively about five and three years. After long and severe suffering they recovered, but with the sense of hearing of each entirely destroyed. Dr. Robbins has been to Chicago this week with his little boy, to have him properly, and we hope successfully treated. Mr. Shepherd will take his little daughter to New York and Boston where, if her hearing cannot be restored, she will be placed in a school and taught to articulate...

The past has been a very notable week for the punishment of crime, and our only justice, WM. REES, smiles placidly as he mentally calculates the costs accruing, while Constable STILES chuckles inwardly at the increased emoluments of his office. Monday morning at 10 o'clock the gray haired Justice takes the bench and having carefully adjusted his glasses, announces that the first case for trial is the State of Indiana vs VIRGIL POWELL, JOSIAH POWELL and WM. POWELL, Jr. This is a trial for the indecent exposure of their persons by the defendants while bathing in Fletcher's Lake. The defendants are all residents of Cass county, but sought the waters of Fulton to perform their diurnal ablutions. They appear by WM., Sr., and JEPTHA POWELL and move for separate trials. Josiah is now placed upon his trial and with a jury of ten good and lawful men, the fight commences and continues until the jury returned into court the following verdict: "We find the defendant guilty as charged, and assess his fine at $20." When the costs are added we have the good, round sum of $68.98. When we consider that bathing is the purest exercise of health and the thermometer 99 in the shade, the price is certainly not exhorbitant. Josiah having gone through the ordeal and being displeased with the result of the trial, now prays for an appeal to the circuit court and files the proper bond.
VIRGIL warned by the fate of his brother, pleads guilty and is ordered to pay a fine of ten dollars, which with the costs makes his obligation $31.48.
And now the attorneys for the defendants become discouraged, a thing which it is supposed they never did before, and upon full consultation, advise WM., Jr., to do as his brother Virgil did, and upon a plea of guilty, he finds his bills payable augmented by $31.18.
Then followed the case of WILLIAM POWELL, Sen... attempting to provoke one JESSE JULIAN to commit an assault and battery. This cause was submitted to a full jury, the evidence and argument heard, resulting in a fine of one dollar, which with costs added, fools up $43.20.
Now comes the state vs VIRGIL POWELL this time for attempting to provoke an assault and battery, and upon his plea of guilty, he is fined $5. Costs added increases his indebtedness to $40.
The Powell family will leave in all $215.14 with the justice. Bathing is a costly but a healthful exercise.
WM. WHITEFORD was arrested and fined five dollars for drunkenness on plea of guilty. He now owes $15.90. In answer to the usual question he informed them that he had procured his liquor at the saloon of JOHN EDWARDS. Edwards was then brought before the court on charge of having sold spirituous liquors to Whiteford, a person in the habit of becoming intoxicated. The trial was submitted to the court on the statement made by Whiteford on his own trial, and the defendant was fined $5 and costs, in all $14.45.
In the case of the town of Rochester vs SAMUEL FARNER, on charge of "Drunk and Disorderly," the defendant was fined seven dollars and ninety cents, and upon failing to replevy, he was committed to jail. His wife afterward found a kindred spirit, the judgment was replevied and Sam now breathes the pure air of heaven, of which there is at present but a small quantity.
BUTLER REIMENSCHNEIDER was arrested and brought before his Honor, for fast driving on Main street, contrary to ordinance. He came down with two dollars and eighty cents.
On Wednesday night one ROBT. JALLEY was arrested for drunk and disorderly, was found indebted in the sum of four dollars and fifty cents, and failing to pay or replevy the judgment, was sent to board with Sheriff Moon.
LAFAYETTE NEFF, a boy 12 years old committed an assault and battery on a boy named CHARLES REID, two years his junior, for which he was fined one dollar and costs; in all twelve dollars sixty-five cents. ELIJAH NEFF was fined five dollars and costs for attempting to provoke G. W. REID to commit an assault and battery. He owes twenty dollars.
The cases of the State vs RUTH REID and the State vs CHAS. REID, attempt to provoke an assault, were dismissed.

Our townsman D. R. MARTIN is manufacturing medicines for Diarrhea and Flux, Goitre or Thick Neck, and an excellent linament for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Headache &c which he is selling in large quantities and is giving universal satisfaction...
The ATLANTIC & CHICAGO RAILROAD ... The building of this line of road has become a fixed fact line located, and active work being done on it between Huntington, Ind., and Marion, Ohio. The only portion of the line not yet located, and on which there is a spirit of rivalry, is between Huntington and a point on the banks of Maxinkuckee lake, called Marmount. It is generally understood by our readers that the rival lines between these points are known as the Laketon, Akron and Rochester, and the Liberty Mills, Silver Lake, Sevastopol and Bloomingsburg lines.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, Julv 26, 1873

(Notice of Dissolution) ... partnership heretofore existing between JOSEPH BIBLER & CO., in the Dry Goods business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent... books and accounts will be left in the hands of JOSEPH BIBLER... who will also continue the Dry Goods business at their old stand.

(Notice to Contractors) ... Trustees of the MT. ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, five miles south-east of Rochester, will receive sealed proposals for the erection of their church... propositions to be left at Dawson's Drug Store... J. A. McCLUNG, Clerk. Julv 26, 1873.

Rev. DUNLAP of Springfield, Mo., will preach at the Presbyterian church to-morrow morning at 1012 o'clock. Mr Dunlap was formerly of this county, is a fine speaker ...

DIED . -Mr. FRANKLIN HARSH died at his residence in Henry township, one and a half miles south-east of Akron, on Saturday, the 19th, aged 32 years. The deceased was a private in the 29th Ind. Volunteers, and during the terrible battle of Antietam, was shot through the body. He was a faithful soldier, and though a cripple by reason of the wounds received while in the line of duty, he struggled manfully against the waves of adversity, and by honesty, industry and frugality, he lived comfortably in the bosom of his little family, who mourn his loss, and will cherish his memory for his faithfulness and valor in all things.
-on Sunday last, after a short but severe illness, Mrs. MAGGIE ORR, wife of CHARLES ORR.
The deceased was a daughter of Mr. JOHN McBRIDE, and by her genial nature had endeared herself to her relatives and all of her acquaintances. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and a consistent Christian. She leaves a grief stricken husband and a host of mourning friends.

The school trustees of Rochester have secured the services of W. J. WILLIAMS, as principal of the graded school at that place. They are to be congratulated upon securing the services of a teacher so eminently qualified to fill the place. -WINAMAC DEMOCRAT.
Mr. Williams has been for a number of years, Principal of the Winamac Graded school ....

A. T. JACKSON has a fine large dwelling about completed. The post office has had its annual move. It is now in the Drug store of SHATTO & WHITE on Main street. JOHN MYERS has purchased the Post office building of Mr. CANNON where he has moved his harness shop ... -ELI LEITER
DIED. -July 18th, JOHN LEITER, aged 59 years, 8 months and 23 days. The deceased has suffered for many years with a severe cough, which finally resulted in consumption and death. He was born in Union county, Penn., October 25th, 1813, and lived with his parents until their death in 1828, leaving him with seven brothers and sisters upon the cold charities of the world, to provide for themselves. A few years after the death of his parents, he moved to Seneca county, Ohio, where he was married to Miss SARAH BARGER, living in peace and quietude until the fall of 1845 when, with a family of six children, a few hundred dollars and his team, he emigrated to this county, where he has lived ever since.
He bought land and settled on the south bank of the Tippecanoe river, where he commenced the work of clearing up a farm and farming, which occupation he has continued ever since. With honesty, industry and frugality he accumulated property to the amount of twelve or fifteen thousand dollars. During this time he filled the office of Justice of the Peace for many years, was trustee of Aubbeenaubbee township several terms. Being modest and unassuming he never sought an office.
The many years he was a member of the M.E. church, he lived a faithful and consistent Christian life, his loss to the church will be deeply felt. His companion was called from his family and his embrace on the 13th of February, 1851, leaving him in care of a large family, some of which were quite young and required much care from a bereaved father. His companion was buried on his farm, being the commencement of a new grave yard, where the underbrush had to be cleared away to make a road to the grave. Since that time, many bodies have been buried there. And now he lies by her side, the two graves being the first and the last in that yard. What events have transpired since that time! How many have passed away in 22 years! Our country has passed through war and blood-shed, and again peace has passed over our land, but time passes and it all goes to make up history.
He was married a second time to MARTHA KING of this county, who now survives him with a large family of children to mourn his loss. As a neighbor he was kind and obliging and gave much of his money to benevolent purposes, the rich and poor all sharing his hospitality. That he was esteemed and loved was proven by the large number that attended his funeral and bestowed the last kind act that they could upon his remains. The funeral took place from his residence at 10 o'clock on last Sunday morning, conducted by Rev. CLARK SKINNER, Rev. JESSE SPARKS and Rev. A. V. HOUSE. In him we have lost a kind father, a loved neighbor and a good citizen.

FARMERS' LOAN AND DEPOSIT BANK. This is the new name under which the FARMER'S NATIONAL DEPOSIT BANK will sail after the 1st of August ... The change is not made by the consent of Mr. ASHTON, but to comply with an act of congress

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, August 2, 1873

SHOCKING TRAGEDY. A Man attempts to Shoot his wife, Shoots his wife's Foster Mother and then Shoots himself.
Not to be behind all other towns and communities of much less note and importance, Rochester and vicinity has, and is enjoying a first-class sensation -- a genuine shooting affair. On Thursday morning a messenger from the scene of blood and carnage arrived in town and reported the fact that CYRUS McCARTER, a son of LAWRENCE McCARTER living three miles northeast from town had attempted to murder his wife, her foster mother and to destroy his own life with a revolver. The fever excitement which appears to have taken hold of the entire community, and the contradictory reports which have been put in circulation in relation to the affair, precludes a very authentic report at this time even from the statements elicited from parties who claim to be thoroughly acquainted with the facts as they occurred. From the best information which we have been able to obtain we learn that the trouble all originated in a little matrimonial infelicity between Cyrus McCarter and ALWILDA, his wife. Cyrus McCarter, as has already been stated, is a son of Lawrence McCarter, a respectable and well-to-do pioneer farmer, and has just attained his majority. His reputation in the cormnunity in which he lived is that of an upright and industrious young man.
Alwilda, his wife, was left an orphan in tender years by the death of her father, P. A. MANN who died in this place years ago. At the death of her father she became the ward of the masonic fraternity of this place and by them was placed in charge of Mrs. JAMES WRIGHT a widow woman living in Richland township who adopted her into the family as an own child. She had lived in the family for a period of at least ten years when she became enamored of Cyrus McCarter whom she subsequently married about four months ago. It is but proper for a fair understanding of after events to state here that when the alliance between the two parties was first formed that it was sanctioned and encouraged by the foster mother, Mrs. Wright; but just prior to the consumation of the marriage vows, neighborhood gossip circulated the report that the young man was the victim of venearel disease. This report coming to the ears of Mrs. Wright she directed her best efforts to dissolve the marriage contract, but in this she failed and the couple were joined in wedlock. How much truth there was in the reports about the young man's infirmities, we are unable to state, but at all events the insatiate desire of news mongrels to speak ill of their neighbors failed to be appeased even after they were married and started on life's journey together. With feeling akin to motherly love and devotion, Mrs. Wright prevailed upon her adopted daughter to leave the partner of her joys and sorrows and return to her old home. She did leave her husband and go with Mrs. Wright to her home where she remained for a short time and returned to her husband. In a little while she was again induced to leave her husband and sought the home of her youth.
It is said that these vacillating movements was made a number of times during the four months of their married life and that it was finally ascertained by Mrs. Wright that she was enceinte and was thereupon quickly returned to her husband who received her with outstretched arms and confidently hoped that his trouble in that direction was at an end. Either by accident or design a miscarriage occurred when she was again prevailed upon and again consented to leave her husband and live with her foster mother. Matters had now reached the culminating point and a final separation was agreed upon. A difficulty, however, arose in the division of property. The wife obtained a writ of replevin but the constable could not find the goods. After some parlaying McCarter agreed to surrender the goods and his wife and Mrs. Wright were to come and get them on Thursday, the day on which the tragedy occurred. The whole circumstance of his domestic troubles so preyed upon his mind that he came to town on Wednesday and it is supposed procured a revolver with which to wreak his vengeance upon his wife and Mrs. Wright. The whole of Wednesday night he acted more like an insane or mad man than like a rational being. He was suspicioned of having a weapon concealed upon his person on Wednesday night, but an investigation proved the contrary. On Thursday morning the time agreed upon for the surrender of the goods, his wife and Mrs. Wright were seen approaching the house in a carriage. He remarked to a number of gentlemen who were present in the yard with him that he would go and invite them in. He met them near the gate before they alighted, and only saying as a salutation, "The settlement has been made, now for the death," he drew from about his person a small Sharp's revolver and fired three shots at the ladies, only one of which took effect. Mrs. Wright was hit in the left side the ball striking a rib and glancing around toward the spine. The two shots fired at his wife passed through her clothing in close proximity to her body but her person sustained no injury. When the firing began his wife in jumping from the carriage fell at full length and he, no doubt, thought his bloody work was done. He then retreated a few paces and placed the muzzle of the revolver to his forehead and fired. The ball entered near the middle of the forehead, a little to the left of the base of the nose, passing over the superciliary ridge and breaking through the ungle, nasal and turbinated bones of the ethmoid bone and thence following the ethmoid bone cutting through the soft palate and down into the esophagus a little to the left of the uvula. The scene which followed can be imagined better than it can be described. The frantic screams of the women, and the excitement of the gentlemen present are indescribable. McCarter was conveyed into the house and Mrs. Wright was brought to town for treatment and is now at the residence of Mr. L. CRAVEN. Her wound is but a slight one from which she will recover as soon as the mental anxiety and excitement subsides.
McCarter's wounds are of a more serious character, yet it is expected that he will survive them. It is evident that his intention was to take the life of his wife, Mrs. Wright and himself and probably would have succeeded if the weapon used had been of a more forcible character. It was by the merest accident that his own life was spared. When he placed the revolver at his forehead he bowed his head and the ball took a downward inclination instead of through his brain as he intended it should. The circumstances as we have related them are such as we have been enabled to gather from the most reliable sources. They may vary in detail but the facts are substantially as stated. It is a sad occurrence and one which draws out the hearts of our citizens in sympathy for the grief stricken families.
Since writing the above we have interviewed Mrs. Wright one of the principals in the tragic scene, and her statements as to the cause of their repeated separation is quite different from those made by us. She emphatically denies ever persuading the wife of McCarter to leave her husband and affirms that she always insisted and prevailed upon her to live with him. Her statement to us is entitled to as much credit as that of floating gossip.
Yesterday afternoon McCarter was arrested and put under bonds of $3,000 for his appearance in court on the 29 of August.

(Administrator's Sale) ... at public auction at the residence of JOHN GROVE, in Newcastle township... personal property of the estate of DAVID GROVE, deceased... JOHN BUSH, Administrator.

(Notice to Non-Resident) ... GEORGE McLAUGHLIN and MARGRET McLAUGHLIN vs JOSEPH TREEN, et al... plaintiffs, by SIDNEY KEITH, their attorney.... defendants JOSEPH C. THOMPSON, LEVI DUNHAM, SARAH J. LEWIS, JOHN L. THOMPSON, MARY JANE THOMPSON and BENJAMIN L. THOMPSON are not residents of the State of Indiana... this 1st day of August, 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

(Notice to Non-Resident) ELIZABETH VANTRUMP vs JOSEPH VANTRUMP, et al. plaintiff, by S. KEITH, her attorney... defendants, JOSEPH VANTRUMP, DANIEL VANTRUMP and ABRAHAM VANTRUMP are not residents of the State of Indiana.. this 1st day of August, A.D., 1873. SAMUEL KEELEY., Clerk.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... in a cause wherein NOAH H. LAROSE, guardian of GEORGE BOWSER, is plaintiff and GEORGE B. SCOTT is defendant...
Saturday, August 23, A.D. 1873 ... real estate (described) .. S. R. MOON, Sheriff, Fulton County.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... in a cause wherein JACOB WAGONER is plaintiff and ISAAC PHILLIPS and ( ----- ) PHILLIPS, his wife, are defendants ... Saturday, the 23d day of August, 1873... real estate (described) ... S. R. MOON Sheriff, . Fulton County.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... in a cause wherein NEWTON ENO is plaintiff and ANDREW BAINTER and JEMIMAH BAINTER are defendants... Saturday, the 23d day of August, 1873... real estate (described) ... S. R. MOON, Sheriff, Fulton County

(Sheriff's Sale) ... in a cause wherein ABSALOM DAVIS is plaintiff, and JOHN B. DAVIS, is defendant... Saturday, the 23d day of August, 1873 ... real estate (described) ... S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton county.

E. S. BARNES is visiting Topeka and other points west looking up a location to engage in the furniture trade.
SAMUEL HOOVER, living six miles east of town, fell on his back across a fence from a load of hay and was nearly broken in twain.
The installation of a new priest will take place at the Catholic Church tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Father WAKEMAN will be present and officiate.
Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT and family started west this week on a pleasure excursion. They went by private conveyance and will be absent a month or more...
CHARLES NIX and wife together with Mrs. MAGGIE KINTZ and Miss MARY BOWERS all of Huntington, Ind., have been the guests of our German friend A. MEISCH for some days ...

The following persons were elected as officers of Taylor Lodge No. 36 I.O. of G.T., at their meeting on the 25th... L. M. BRACKET, AMANDA MECHLING, W. H. SHELTON, H. P. SNYDER, LYDIA PEARSON, S. A. TRUSLOW, ETTIE ASHTON, CHARLES NEWHOUSE.
Taylor Lodge as its number indicates, is among the oldest lodges of the Good Templars in the State. It was instituted, we believe in 1859 and during the fifteen years since its organization the numbers initiated in this lodge have been thousands.

DIED. -ALBERT F. SMITH, from Logansport, Indiana, brother of JAMES A. and GEO. E. SMITH, aged 21 years.
His disease was bronchial consumption. He came here the 1st of July, 1872; was considerably benefitted by the pure air of Nebraska. Was a good Christian young man; bore his affliction patiently, and died happy on Saturday afternoon, Julv 20th, at half past two. ... It seemed for a time that he would improve and perhaps get entirely well, but he was too far gone when arriving in this country.... Rev. NATHAM GOULD preached his funeral discourse Monday afternoon at the residence of Mr. JAMES A. SMITH... - - - - -KEARNEY JUNCTION TIMES.
Albert F. Smith was well and favorably known by many of our citizens as a young man of noble qualities. He was a son of ANTHONY F. SMITH of Logansport and a nephew of Hon. MILO R. SMITH of this place. While a resident of this place he was engaged in this office as a compositor and former associates will grieve to learn of his premature death.

Rev. REUBEN SPARKS, of the M.E. Church of Logansport, preached an excellent sermon in this place last Sunday.
Grandfather WALLACE, now 86 years old, is still able to walk to town from his son-in-law's Mr. THOMAS WILSON, a distance of over two miles.
T. M. SHAFFER and family intend moving to California this fall.
L. C. MILLS intends moving to Logansport this week.

(Executor's Notice) .. DAN AGNEW appointed executor of the Will of EVERLY BLACKETOR.. late of Fulton county, Indiana, deceased. August 9, 1873.

(Public Sale) ... Admr's of the estate of JOHN LEITER deceased, will sell at public auction, at the residence of the decedent near Leiter's ford ... personal property (described) ... and all the personal property not taken by the widow... JEREMIAH LEITER, WILLIAM J. LEITER, Admr's.

(Notice to Non-Resident) ... HENRY WALMER vs LYDIA WALMER... Plaintiff by J. S. SLICK attorney... said Defendant, Lydia Walmer, is not a resident of the State of Indiana... this 4th day of August, A.D., 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

(Notice of Administration) ... JEREMIAH LEITER. WILLIAM LEITER appointed Administrators of the estate of JOHN LEITER late of Fulton county, deceased...

JOHN RANNELLS has been appointed as overseer of the chicken and duck department at the State fair. He has a very fowl department.
Preparations for the rebuilding of the ROCHESTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS by F. M. ASHTON are being made. The plans are all drawn and the work will commence immediately.
SCOTT SHIELDS started for California some time since, but after getting as far as Salt Lake city, bad health induced him to return...
DAVID MACY, WM. CUTTING, HAYWOOD CUTTING, J. S. LEON, V. T. MALLOTT, ALBERT SOUTHARD and H. H. WALKER were elected Directors of the I. P. & C. Railroad...
Prof. BRYAN, late Principal of our Graded school, and lady started for the far west last week... His destination is Grand Island, Neb ...
A son of ADAM MOW had his index finger dislocated and broken on Thursday.
JOS. BEEBER has been suffering severely for a week or two past with neuralgia. He is yet unable to leave his room.

Quite a number of accidents have already been recorded this summer by the kicking proclivities of young colts. The latest and most serious that has come to our knowledge occurred in Henry Township, on the Akron road about seven miles east of Rochester, on Friday of last week. ORIAN ALSPAUGH, a youth of about ten years, and son of JOHN ALSPAUGH, Esq., was but a short distance from his uncle and mother when he was kicked and fell upon his face and was picked up by them and carried to the house when he died in a few minutes. What is peculiar about the case there was no abrasion of the skin or bruises upon his person...

At a meeting of the Town Trustees on Thursday evening, a committee consisting of Dr. C. HECTOR, D. W. LYON and the Marshal was appointed to look after the sanitary conditions of the town and empowered to order the removal of all filth found within the corporate limits and the purification of noxious and filthy places ....
Mr. E. S. BARNES, our townsman left Rochester on the 18th of July to find a home in the west ... he writes us... "Topeka looks quite differently from what I expected and am very favorably impressed... I have met quite a number of old acquaintances, some from Rochester ... O. B. HOLMAN, and DEO. HAUK and lady. Deo is in the jewelry business and doing well ... LIBBIE, his wife retains the bloom of youth ... We attended the Presbyterian church ... very able discourse by Rev. McCABE, a well known Divine, formerly of Peru..."


(FOUND) ... on the Warsaw road between the residence of WILLIAM SPENCER and SOLOMON WAGONER, a lady's woolen shawl. The owner can have the same by calling on B. F. MONTGOMERY and paying for this notice.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, August 16, 1873

On last Saturday afternoon MOSES KING, Esq., and his oldest son were both killed by damps while working in a well. The facts as near as we can learn them are as follows:
In the forenoon of the day mentioned he was working in a well, trying to fix an iron pump which had been drove in a dug well which is about 20 feet deep. Not being able to take the pump apart he went to Monterey to get a wrench and returned in the afternoon and not suspecting any danger went into the well and had scarcely commenced work when they noticed him to be in a reclining position in the bottom of the well, and when called to, was not able to speak, but moaned which frightened the wife and children at the top of the well. Not knowing what was the matter the oldest boy, a lad of about ten or eleven years, told his mother to let him down and he would fasten a rope to him and draw him up. The boy had not reached the father when he called to his mother and said "Mother I am sick" when she quickly commenced drawing him up and when near the top the rope broke and precipitated him to the bottom of the well, where he died with one hand cleaving to his father and the other holding fast to the rope. The scene that followed can only be imagined. The dying father and son within twenty feet of pure air, home, and friends. The frantic wife wild with excitement, could behold the father and son in the agonies of death, almost within reach, yet no help could be devised or was within her reach to relieve them until the last spark of life had fled.
The bodies of the dead were not rescued until about 10 o'clock of the same night. One young man was lowered in the well who attempted to rescue the bodies but was drawn up insensible.
The funeral took place from his residence on last Sunday afternoon; and through the kindness of A. D. TONER and brother, in procuring their team and carriage we were permitted to attend the same, and we can truly say outside of family bereavement, we have never witnessed such a sad and melancholy scene. One large double grave was dug for their last resting place, and at the head were the coffins, the father on the right and the son on the left, with an aisle between them for the gazing multitude to pass and take a last lingering look at the lifeless remains.
A heart-broken wife with three orphan children, an aged father and mother, brothers and sisters with numerous friends, gazed upon the remains of two that twenty-four hours previous were in the vigor of life. All this should be a warning to remind us of the shortness of life and the certainty of death. -ELI LEITER.
[NOTE: See Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County, Indiana Cemeteries, Leiters Ford Cemetery, Aubbeenaubbee Twp. MOSES KING, Apr. 11, 1837 - Aug. 9, 1873, MELVIN V. KING, May 14, 1863 - Aug. 9. 1873]

(Notice of Administration) THOMAS WEAVER appointed Administrator of the estate of FRANKLIN HARSH late of Fulton county, deceased. August 15, 1873.

(Petition to Sell Real Estate) CIMON GOLDTHAIT Administrator of OLIVER GOLDTHAIT. deceased,... petition to sell the real estate... M. S. MARSH, Clerk. July 31, 1873 (Grant county, Indiana, Circuit Court)

(Notice of Administration) C. S. GRAHAM, H. B. APT appointed Administrators of the estate of THOMAS W. GREEN, late of Fulton county, deceased. August i2, 1873.

(Notice to Non-Residents) ... LOUISA PETER... Plaintiff, by JAMISON & CALKINS attorney... that said Defendants JOHN SLUSMAN and FRAN SLUSMAN are not residents of the State of Indiana... this 13th day of August, A.D. 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

(Notice to Non-Resident) STEPHEN C. TABER Administrator of the estate of HUMPHREY TABER, deceased vs JAMES T. LONG and LOUIS R. FOUTZ... Plaintiff, by NATHAN O. ROSS attorney... that said LEWIS R. FOUTZ is not a resident of the State of Indiana... this 9th day of August, A.D. 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

(Guardian's Sale) JOHN F. STEWART, Guardian of the minor heirs of NAOMI STEWART, deceased, will sell... pursuant to the order of the Marshall Circuit Court ... real estate (described) ... at the law office of CAPRON & CAPRON, Plvmouth, Indiana...

(Executor's Notice) DAN. AGNEW appointed executor of the Will of EVERLY BLACKETOR, late of Fulton county, Indiana, deceased... August 9, 1873.

Hon. T. C. WHITESIDE is practicing law in Chicago.
CYRUS McCARTER has been in town several times since his attempt to murder and commit suicide.
Elder MONSON will conduct a quarterly meeting at Center school house in Newcastle township on Saturday and Sunday, Aug 30th and 31st.
R. N. RANNELLS, proprieter of the CENTRAL HOUSE, and lady, who have been spending a week or two visiting in Ohio, returned on Thursday.
"Uncle JIMMY" MARTIN always remembers the printer... This week he brought us in a basketful of ... apples...
CON. WELCH has gone to Wabash and will bring home with him to-day a very fine carriage which will be added to the stock of the new livery.
The specifications and conditions for the building of the new PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at MT. ZION were such that mechanics refused to bid and the letting was not made.
CLAY STARNER says that he was not put in jaii for swimming as reported by the SPY, but it is a fact that one FISHER gave Clay the most unmerciful pummelings that ever a man received, for which offense said Fisher increased the common School fund $25, and paid the costs of the suit.

MARRIED. -At the residence of the bride, by Rev. N. L. LORD, on Monday, August11th, 1873, Mr. THOMAS CLARK and Mrs. MARY HORTON, all of Rochester.
-On Thursday at the residence of the bride's mother in Rochester, by Rev. CLARK SKINNER, WILL. M. McNAMEE, of Kankakee, Ills., and Miss ALIDA MORROW of this place.
-On the same day, by the same, at the residence of ADAM AULT, Rev. JESSE SPARKS and Mrs. [LYDIA POLING] of Kewanna, Ind.
-On last Sabbath, by Rev. A. V. HOUSE, WM. W. DREW and MARANDA A.
PERSCHBAUCHER, all of this county.

One of the most enterprising men in Rochester is V. ZIMMERMAN. He will not be confined to a small business room... He has recently removed his sale room to the corner formerly occupied by BOWMAN & WILSON... Boots & shoes, Gaiters and slippers ...
Mr. J. BIBLER thanks the citizens of Rochester and Fulton County for their liberal patronage during his short career in the mercantile business, and now informs them that he has entered into a co-partnership with A. E. BABCOCK. and will continue in business at the old stand of FEDER & SILBERBERG, opposite the Court House, under the name and firm of BIBLER & BABCOCK...

SAD ACCIDENT. We learn from Mr. ANDREW JACKSON that a son of CYRUS GRAHAM aged 13 vears was kicked by an unruly horse on Thursday evening and seriously if not fatallv injured. He went to the pasture field to bring the horses home and whether he was kicked in the effort to catch them or was thrown and received the injury on the way home we are not advised. He was found in about one hour from the time he started to the field near the gate in an unconscious state. He was carried to the house and up to Friday morning his case was considered doubtful. The hoof struck him immediately over the left eye indenting the skull. He was attended by Dr. FITCH, of Logansport, and resident physicians of Kewanna.

Last Tuesday was a gala day for the "sports" of Rochester and vicinity. A "fast" horse was brought here from Laporte and pitted against a favorite horse belonging to H. L. POST. A purse of $25 was raised ... took place on the time track at the fair grounds ... the Laporte horse came out ahead ...

T. M. PATTY has sold his residence, a house and two lots to Mrs. DUKES.
One day last week a son of D. W. SHAFFER, a lad of about four years old set fire to an old straw stack to make the cattle run, the fire caught in his wheat stacks and burned his entire corp, probably 300 bushels of wheat were burned. So says the neighbors.
Since writing the above we learn of Mr. Shaffer that the cause of the fire is not known.
A new Jewelry store in Kewanna. A Mr. HANES, of Peru, opened a jewelry store and repair shop in this place on last Saturday.
J. C. HUDKINS is building a new house, the carpenter work is about completed.
Hon. P. S. TROUTMAN is building a new barn.

Cheapest Real Estate in Fulton County. Fifty-Seven Acres, Thirty-Five cleared, 1 mile from Rochester... $1,800 ... Enquire of JNO. W. SMITH, Real Estate Agent, Rochester, Ind.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturdav. August 23, 1873

The night trains have been put on the road again. The train going South passes Rochester at 10:56 P.M. and the one North, at 1:05 A.M.
A. V. HOUSE, County Treasurer, has appointed the following collectors to collect delinquent taxes. For the townships of Wayne, Union and Aubbeenaubbee, BENT. ERNSPERGER; Rochester, JOHN P. MYERS; Henry and Liberty, URIAH McCLOUD; Newcastle and Richland, MICHAEL PERSCHBAUCHER...
An excursion train on the I. P. & C. Railroad will leave Rochester on Monday morning at 6:30 for Laporte arriving at 9:25 A.M. This will be a good opportunity to see Barnum's great show at cheap rates, the round trip fare being $1.90. Returning, the train will leave Laporte at 6 o'clock P.M.

ACCIDENT. -Mrs. LOY, a lady about 50 years of age was seriously injured by falling off a load of hay on Tuesday. In company with her husband she went to the prairie west of town and assisted in putting on a load of hay. After it was on and boomed the team, being restive started off at full speed and in attempting to check them the bridle bits broke. At this juncture the old lady fell from the load and received such injuries that her recovery is deemed doubtful. The team ran a distance of nearly three miles without injury to themselves.

MARRIED. -August 14th. This morning at early dawn, while the zephyr breezes wafted gently over our pleasant homes, and the lark began to sing his merry lay, one JESSE SPARKS, a lad of 66 summers, eloped with LYDIA POLING, a lady of this city, who has enjoyed fifty seasons or more. It is supposed they journeyed to Rochester, where they were joined in the bonds of matrimony.
SAD ACCIDENT. -A son of C. S. GRAHAM was kicked by a horse and probably killed. This morning about seven o'clock the boy, a lad of about thirteen years, was sent to the field to bring the horses, and not returning in due time the father went to the field and found the boy lying insensible on the ground, a deep wound in his forehead from which the brains were oozing. He was immediately taken to the house and medical aid summoned. He lay unconscious the most of the day. In the afternoon he was more sensible than at any other time. He said that the nag pranced around and fell down, falling upon his leg, and when she raised to her feet, he received the probably fatal blow.
The above was written last week but failed to get an opportunity of sending it to the office. Since writing, Dr. FITCH of Logansport, performed a surgical operation on the boy, taking out about two square inches of the front or skull bone just over the left eye. The brains were not as much injured as it was at first thought, as the membrane was broken and the brains oozed out in two different places. At present writing the boy is doing well and hopes are entertained of his recovery.
Mrs. HARRIET BALL who has been visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity for the past two months, started this morning for Grand Island, Nebraska.
A. T. JACKSON moved to his new house this week.
RUFUS BLAIR has sold his house and lot in this place to Mrs. LEITER of Aubbeenaubbee.

The New livery of CLARK & WELCH is now in good running order ....

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, August 30, 1873

FRED STAIR talks nothing but Granger.
We interviewed Esq. NEWCOMB's new dwelling house. It is finished in fine taste.
Builders are at work on the EIDSON SCHOOL house.
DIED. -Buried, on last Saturday, LOUISA OVERMIRE, a young lady of high respectability. She had been sick for the last six months from the effects of brain fever.
The fine M.E. CHURCH in GERMANY was dedicated yesterday.

A son of ABRAHAM BRUCE was kicked by a horse on yesterday, breaking a rib and receiving severe bruises but not seriously hurt, being too close to the horse when he received the blow. Dr. J. Q. HOWELL of this place waited on him.
The Kewanna Graded school will open under the supervision of Mr. YARLOT, of Logansport, on Monday September 8th, 1873 ...
Over $2,500.00 worth of boots and shoes just received at the store of PHILLIPS & LEITER.
C. S. GRAHAM's son is still improving.
A. D. TONER, A. T. JACKSON and DAVID PERKINS have gone to Pittsburgh with a number of car loads of stock.

Notice is hereby given that the Rochester Public Graded School will open September 1st (tuition listed) ... WM. J. WILLIAMS, Supt. N. L. LORD, A. BROWN, J. DAWSON, Trustees.

(Administrator's Sale) SARAH J. DAUGHERTY, Administrator of the estate of ANDREW J. DAUGHERTY, deceased, will sell... (real estate, described) ... at the law office of E. R. HERMAN in Rochester, Indinnn...

(Executor's Notice) ... HENRY HAIMBAUGH, executor of the estate of ISRAEL D. DEBOLT, deceased, has filed his petition to sell real estate... SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

(Notice to Non-Resident) ... CHARLES W. CAFFYN, Administrator vs the heirs of JOHN VANTRUMP deceased... Plaintiff, by J. S. SLICK attorney... that said Defendants JOSIAH VANTRUMP, DANIEL VANTRUMP and ABRAHAM VANTRUMP are not residents of the State of Indiana... this 29th day of August, A.D. 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

We are indebted to WILLIAM D. MOORE, Trustee of Aubbeenaubbee township for a lot of the finest and largest siberian apples we ever saw.
The grocery firm of FERGUSON & MILLER has been dissolved, Mr. MILLER retiring. Mr. FERGUSON will continue in the grocery trade at their old stand.
A. C. SHEPHERD and family will visit Chicago this week from whence they will proceed to New York and Boston where they hope to have successfully treated their little daughter who was made deaf by severe illness a year or more ago.
An exciting race took place at the fair ground on Saturday afternoon between horses owned respectively by Mr. CHARLES HOLMAN and a young Mr. SIBERT, the latter coming out ahead ...
Two boys, one belonging to L. M. MONTGOMERY, the other to LEVI MERCER were both riding the same horse on Thursday evening. The horse got to going faster than the boys cared to ride and young Mercer either jumped, or fell off behind. In the fall his arm at the elbow ws dislocated.
All the injured parties in the McCARTER-WRIGHT tragedy have so far recovered as to be able to visit town. We met Mr. McCarter on the street a day or two since and see no perceptible marks on his countenance except a few grains of powder which seem to be securely imbedded in his nose. Some of the boys think he did wrong in not shooting himself first.
Our friend, MON. ZOOK, is engaged at the shop of MYERS & NEAL making a set of harness intended for exhibition at the coming county fair ... He has no intention of forsaking the profession of dentistry, but as no other competent person could be procured he kindly consented ...
The gutter on the west side of Main street from DAWSON's to MERCER. & SHEPHERD's corner is to be paved after the fashion of that on the north side of the public square ... Mr. J. DAWSON is the moving spirit in the matter ... When all the gutters on either side of Main street are paved, the hogs will be driven to some other wallow.
DIED. - At Akron, on Saturday, August 23d, 1873, Mrs. PHEBE BRIGHT, wife of MILO BRIGHT.
A chapter of ROYAL ARCH MASONS was instituted at this place on Thursday evening ...
SIDNEY KEITH, Esq., is building quite an extensive addition to his already capacious dwelling house ...
The members of the EXCELSIOR LITERARY SOCIETY will meet at the school house on next Tuesday evening to re-organize their club...
THEODORE MONTGOMERY, who lives about a half mile west of town, has filed an affidavit against CHARLES BROWN, the butcher, and is now prosecuting him for maintaining a nuisance. Some time since a small piece of ground was purchased from Rev. Mr. LORD and a slaughter house erected thereon. Of this Mr. Brown has at present control. The building is in close proximity to Montgomery's dwelling, and he complains that by not keeping it more cleanly, the air is rendered impure and the health of himself and family greatly endangered ...

GRAND PICNIC. The Whipporwill and Mount Pleasant Sabbath Schools, of Richland township will pic-nic on the banks of the Tippecanoe river one-half mile south of RILEY ADAMSON's residence on Saturday, September 20th, 1873. E. M. McCoy's String and Martial Band of Rochester has been engaged for the occasion... DAVID MILLER, Supt.

One of the incidents of the pic-nic here on Wednesday last, was the attempted balloon ascension. A balloon about twenty-five feet in length had been constructed of tissue paper, and arrangements made to prepare it for its aeriel flight from the North East [sic] corner of the public square. A rope was stretched from the top of Dawson's building across Main street and fastened to a tree on the opposite side. To this another rope was fastened near the center, from which the balloon was suspended for inflation. While in this condition the frail material gave way, severing the whole structure in twain about three feet from the top. It was, however, soon repaired and after two or three unsuccessful attempts, gradually arose and moved slowly, and steadily away until it came in contact with one of the trees in the Court House yard, where it ignited and was consumed amid the shouts of the shildren, who seemed to enjoy it more than if the effort had proved successful.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL-, Saturday, September 6, 1873

Wagoner's Station was revived by a grand panoramic and MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT on Saturday night of last week, conducted by Professor HYDE...
YOST WHEATLEY has a severe rising on his face, caused by a decaying tooth, and is not able to be out at all. Sorry for him; he has just recovered from a wound on his foot inflicted with an axe.

[lengthy letter from Fairburg, Ill., Aug. 31. 1873, signed LEROY ARMSTRONG, detailing his trip from Rochester. - - - - - - ]
Leaving the grand depot at Rochester, after sundry hand-shakings with JOHN WALLACE and SAM SWARTWOOD, and friendly leavetakings of LON. RANNELLS, I reached Peru....

(Notice) The undersigned hereby notifies the public generally that his wife, LOUISA RINGLE, has left his bed and board... HENRY RINGLE, Plvmouth, Sept. 2, 1873.

(Petition to Sell Real Estate) ... JAMES WARE, administrator of GEORGE SNYDER, deceased, has filed his petition to sell the real estate of the decedent... SAM KEELY, Clerk. J. S. SLICK, Att'y.

(Petition to Sell Real Estate) CHARLES W. CAFFYN, administrator of the estate of JOHN VANTRUMP, deceased, has filed his petition to sell the real estate of the decedent... this 1st day of September, 1813.

(Administrators' Sale) C. S. GRAHAM, H. B. APT, Administrators of the estate of THOMAS W. GREEN, deceased, will sell at the late residence of the decedent, in Union Township... Wheat in the bushel, set of blacksmith tools, cows, hogs, sheep, and all other property not taken by the widow...

A child of Mrs. CHERRY and one of CLARK HOLDER'S, of Plymouth, died in this place on Wednesday.
If you have any feather beds now is the time to have them renovated. WELTY & WEST have commenced operations one block north of the Wallace House...
MAX SILBERBERG is off on a visit to Cincinnati, New York and Boston. While at these points it is his purpose to purchase and superintend the making of the largest stock of ready-made clothing for this market ever exhibited in Rochester. While he is absent, his partner, LOU FEDER, is having a large addition built to their already large business rooms in which to carry on the merchant tailoring business in an extensive and city-like style...

A chapter of Royal Arch Masons was organized at this place on Tuesday last. (names mentioned): WM. HACKER, Dr. PHILIP ROWDEN, Dr. C. F. HARTER, Dr. H. B. BOSWELL, JOHN H. BEEBER, JOHN W. SMITH, R. P. SMITH, E. R. HERMAN, Dr. A. K. PLANK, MELVILLE ORR,EDMUND GREENE.

TERRIBLE DEATH. Accident or Suicide?
The sickening details of the horrible death of MARGARET WALTZ was furnished us by SEBASTIAN GOSS, who lives in Liberty township near where the occurrence took place, and are about as follows:
JAMES WALTZ together with his wife and two little children aged respectively four and six years, live upon and occupy one of the farms of Mr. Goss as tenants. For a few months past Mrs. Waltz has been in very poor health and her conduct at times has been such as to leave no doubt upon the minds of those who were most intimately acquainted with her that her mind was somewhat deranged. The fact that she had at various times asked her husband to throw her into the well and end her sufferings is sufficient evidence of a disordered mind. Early last Friday morning her husband left her for the purpose of coming to town and attending Queen's show. Just how long it was after he left home that the clothing upon her person got on fire and she jumped into the well, is not known, the children being the only persons about the house and too young to make a clear statement of the case. At all events the alarm was not given until one o'clock p.m., and when parties arrived they found her in the bottom of a twenty foot well -- dead, with nearly every particle of her clothing consumed and the flesh upon her body burned to a crisp and falling from the bones. The premises were searched for a clue as to the manner in which the fire was communicated to her clothing but no fire was found and the statement of the eldest child that she lighted a shaving to start a fire in the cooking stove is perhaps correct. The matter is shrowded in mystery and perhaps will ever be so. The feelings of the husband can be imagined better than described upon returning home late in the evening and finding affairs about as related above.

The FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION met at the Court House, September 1st ... The Board was called to order by the President, Prof. W. H. GREEN, J. DAWSON was chosen Secretary. The following Trustees, representing the several Townships and Corporations, were found to be present: Liberty Township, F. PETERSON. Wayne, JAS. WARE. Union, J. BARNETT. Aubbeenaubbee, W. D. MOORE. Richland, ELI RODGERS. Newcastle, C. HEINBAUGH. Henry, E. A. ARNOLD. Rochester, L. B. CONGER. Rochester Corporation, A. BROWN, N. L. LORD and J. DAWSON, Kewanna Corporation, Dr. THOMPSON and J. PHILIPS.
Mr. E. KIRTLAND read a communication on the subject of "School Books,"

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session at the Court House on Monday, September 1st... Petition was presented asking ... an especial election in Newcastle township for the purpose of voting upon the question of giving aid for the building of the CHICAGO & ATLANTIC R.R. The petition was not granted (unsufficient number of signers to petition)
A donation of $200 was made to assist in repairing the BRIDGE over the Tippecanoe River at PLANT's ford, known as the GERMANY ford ...
[for ALLOWANCES, see ROCHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, September 11, 1873. -Ed]

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, September 13, 1873

Arrangements have been made for the trial of the case of JOHN T. MUSSELMAN vs DAVID D. DYKEMAN et al, immediately after the conclusion of the next regular term of the Fulton Circuit Court.
This is an action for libel ... Musselman claims damages in the sum of fifty thousand dollars ...

(Notice of Dissolution)... the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned has been dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be carried on at the old stand by Mr. FERGUSON, but as Mr. MILLER desires to leave the country, all outstanding accounts must be immediately settled... W. A. FERGUSON, I. W. MILLER. Rochester, Ind., Sept. 11, 1873.

(Notice of Administration) ... JOHN BUSH appointed Executor of the estate of JOHN GROVE, Sr., late of Fulton County, deceased. September, 10, 1873.

(Notice to Non-Residents) JACOB MILLER vs LEVI PETER... plaintiff, by ENOCH STURGEON, Attorney... that said defendant, Levi Peter, is not a resident of the State of Indiana... 10th day of September, A.D., 1873.

CITY RESTAURANT. This well known eating house, kept by A. F. ANTHONY, on Main street, 2 doors north of the Star store... The OYSTER TRADE has now opened, and he is prepared to furnish them by the DISH or CAN at all times... Large parties can be accommodated...

New GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. JACOB BECK has opened at the old stand of JOE WEIDNER, two doors south of the Post Office, in the MAMMOTH BUILDING.

GEORGE BEEBER says it looks like its pa, and will be one week old to-morrow. It will take a feminine name.
HORACE W. MASON, for many years proprietor of the River House, at Mexico, Ind., died at his residence at that place on Thursday last.
DORA, daughter of THOMAS and LEVINA NEWHOUSE, aged seven years, died very suddenly on Tuesday morning.
A boy's good coat was found on the Michigan road near the old Stock farm, by MARTHA REED. ...
Rev. T. C. STRINGER has been visiting his numerous friends at this place, and preached to his old congregation over which he presided for two years, on last Sabbath...
ASHTON & FERGUSON is the name of a new firm just established. ASHTON'S BAZAR and FERGUSON'S GROCERY store has been consolidated...
JOSEPH BEEBER has been in very poor health for several months. He had just recovered from a severe illness sufficiently to be able to be on the streets again, when he was taken down on Tuesday morning and is now seriously ill.
We saw Dr. REX carrying along the street, one day this week, a half bushel basket nearly full of human teeth, the result, he said, of twelve years' labor in dentistry in Rochester. We lifted them and judged their weight to be about 40 pounds. To gaze upon them and contemplate the suffering caused by their extraction, made us shudder.
The walls of AHTON's new FOUNDRY are rising rapidly. All the bricklayers that could be secured are engaged upon them and it is expected they will be completed in another week. The brick work on SPOHN's new building will be commenced in earnest on Monday morning.

KEWANNA, Sept. 10, 1873
The picnic at this place on the 4th inst. passed off with the best feeling and success.
A shower of rain, the night before laid the dust, and the day was very pleasant. About 10 o'clock the scholars met at the school house, and were formed in procession by Capt. P. S. TROUTMAN and J. F. WILSON, marshals of the day, assisted by the marshals of the different schools. They then marched through town around two squares, and thence to the ground, a very beautiful grove on the farm of AMBROSE TROUTMAN, adjoining town.
[program included singing and prayer by Rev. M. McKENSIE, and speeches by Revs. WM. REEDER and M. McKENSIE.]
The population of Union township increases almost daily. Among the number is a 9 pound boy that put in an appearance at our home last Monday morning, also one at SOLOMON JACKSON'S, which makes their nineteenth child.
The KEWANNA GRADED SCHOOL opened last Monday morning, under the care of E. L. YARLOT, Principal, and Miss L. TAYLOR, of Rochester, assistant.
J. W. CARTER should move off Logan street, or come up to time. He has been married long enough. -E.L. [ELI LEITER ?]

It is the talk to organize a GRANGER'S CLUB, which we think would be proper and right ...
SAMUEL McCLURE, Esq., is finishing his new dwelling house, - when completed will make a fine appearance - by the way Sam is one of our best citizens.
Carpenters will commence work on CENTER SCHOOL HOUSE next week. It will be a two story house. The upper room will be used for a I.O.O.F. hall.

(Executor's Notice) ... HENRY HAIMBAUGH, executor of the estate of ISRAEL
D. DEBOLT deceased, has filed his petition to sell the real estate...

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, Sei)tember 20, 1873

A telegram just received from Plymouth is to the effect that E. V. LONG of Warsaw was unanimously nominated as candidate for Judge of the 33d Judicial District. Now for victory.

GREEN OAK ITEMS'. September 15, 1873
We have two SAW MILLS at this place, one lately from Michigan, cuts on an average 6,000 feet of lumber per day...
WILSON DENISTON and lady from Logansport, formerly of this place are here visiting relatives and friends.
WILLIAM KEEL started for Kansas on Tuesday to see a son and daughter living in that State.

In the first place I will tell you about a Sabbath School pic-nic which I attended on Saturday of last week. The pic-nic was at the grove half a mile north of Green Oak, near the Methodist church. There was four Sabbath Schools represented - Union, Five Corners, Green Oak, and Hopewell. We met at the church at eleven o'clock, formed a procession, and marched to the stand erected for the speakers and musicians, led by a martial band from Rochester, where we were entertained by speeches from several speakers, and music by Miss EMMA HATCH, of Five Corners, also by the four schools present, after which we partook of a good dinner, then more music and speeches. -J. YOST WHEATLEY.

(Notice of Dissolution) ... partnership heretofore existing between E. S. BARNES and C. A. MIICHELL in the furniture business, has been dissolved by mutual consent... Rochester, Ind., Sept. 19, 1873.

JOHN RANNELLS is going to open a BLACKSMITH SHOP for the exclusive work of horse shoeing.
Another large building has been put up on the Fair Grounds for the accommodation of exhibitors.
CHARLEY CAFFYN is the proudest man in town just now. He will have no more hired girls since he has one of his own.
A fine lot of wool bought at Kewanna during the season, by PHILLIPS & LEITER, was brought to town and sold to LAUER, DEICHMAN & CO.
Dr. DURR, of Marmount, has made arrangements with the President of the ATLANTIC & CHICAGO RAILWAY to survey and locate the road through Starke county.
Rev. SKINNER will remain with us at least another year, and Rev. MIKELS continue as Presiding Elder of this district according to the appointments of the M.E. Conference made at South Bend.
JIM RICHARDSON, of Henry township, came to town last Saturday and imbibed a little too freely. In driving down Main street the Marshal thought his speed was greater than the ordinances allow, and brought him up before Esquire REES who fined him a nominal sum, in default of which he went to jail, when he furnished music for all living within a square or two by loud singing and dancing.
E. S. BARNES, has concluded, at the urgent solicitation of almost the entire community to remain in Rochester. He has opened in the room one door north of the post office, where he can be found at all hours day and night.
After going west two or three different times, GEORGE RALSTIN says that Fulton County is good enough for him, and intends to remain here. He and his family started from Nebraska with a team and wagon, but the horses died on the way, and they came in on the train last Monday.
JOHN BOCKOVER and family started for Nebraska last Saturday. John had been West once before, but becoming dissatisfied, he returned to his old home in Henry township. Again the promptings of Greeley to "go west" overcame him, and he is now wending his way toward the setting sun. He goes by private conveyance and will have a long, tedious trip ...

DIED. -WM. ROWAN, a gentleman well known by many of the citizens of
Rochester as a plasterer, who did some fine work here, died in Ottawa Co., Kansas, on the 22nd ult.
-This community was startled on Thursday evening by the reported death of Mr. YOUNG RALSTIN, a prominent and well known citizen of Richland township. The deceased was a man about sixtv years of age though his portly and healthful appearance would indicate him to be much younger. He was in town during the first of the week, though not in the best of health. On Thursday morning he was taken with a congestive chill and died at 4 p.m. of the same day. He was an old pioneer of this country, having settled here in an early day. He has raised a large family and done much for the prosperity and advancement of this county. His funeral took place from his residence on yesterday at 3 o'clock p.m. and was attended by a large concourse of mourning friends and relatives.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, September 27, 1873

JOHNY SCHOOLCRAFT returned to-day from the State fair, and reports business lively at the city.
WILL CARUTHERS started to-day on a visit to friends in Illinois, will be gone some time, about two weeks as the dutchman says.
JOSHUA and DAVID COFFING start to-morrow to hear BRICK POMEROY speak at Defiance, Ohio. May they have a pleasant journey. - - - - J. YOST WHEATLEY.

We learned to-day that RICHARD ROBBINS met with a serious accident by a log rolling over him and crushing his shoulder blade. It occurred near the new mill. We did not learn the particulars.

A fine trotting horse, belonging to Dr. SMITH, of Kewanna, severely injured himself, on Thursday, while being exercised on the track, by corking.
We are largely indebted to J. S. SLICK for much of what appears of interest in this week's paper. A tremendous rush of job work occupied much of our time.
Lack of material is delaying the construction of ASHTON's FOUNDRY and SPOHN's new BUILDING. The former awaits timber from Michigan and the latter stone from Logansport.
The income of our farmers is decreased this year by the destruction of the flax mill by fire...

JURORS. -The following persons have been selected... for the October term of the Circuit Court, commencing on the 20th:

SHE STEALS. -A Mrs. JANE HIATT, who lives somewhere in the northwestern portion of the county, visited Rochester in company with her husband, on Thursday last, and did a good days work in the way of shop lifting.
... She was not detected until quite late in the afternoon... Her last act of theft was undertaken at the store of Mr. GOULD, and would, undoubtedly, have proved successful had it not been that Miss ELLA HOLMES chanced to see her hurridly secrete a string of beads in her pocket... She went from thence to the north side of the building occupied by ERNSPERGER & JACKSON, where she was seen secreting something beneath a pile of shingles stacked up at that point. No steps were, however, taken until she and her husband started for home when they were stopped by the parties interested, and interrogated by Mr. GOULD, JACKSON, and others .... confessed the various crimes committed during the day... BIBLER & BABCOCK, JESSE SHIELDS, D. S. GOULD., ERNSPERGER & JACKSON... After telling the whole story so far as the day's doings went, she was permitted to return to her home.
We learn from merchants here that she has been in the habit of visiting stores frequently, scarcely ever buying any thing..

Last Saturday afternoon the old carpet was removed from the floor of the COURT ROOM preparatory to cleaning and renovating the temple of justice.
The floor is covered with about nine inches of sand and dirt the accumulations of several years. Mixed with this, it is roughly estimated, is not less than seventeen bushels of fine fat fleas (not fees) which have enjoyed life undisturbed for many, many years. These are of the very finest kind and unlike the proverbial church mouse, they are not poor. In addition to this it is thought the bare floor will not be reached until at least two dray loads of exhausted tobacco quids have been shoveled out.
The carpet as it was, needed no tacking, for it was firmly cemented to the whole mass by mortar of the most enduring kind, composed of the finest sand duly saturated with pure juice of the weed and thoroughly dried by the heat of a dozen stoves from above and below.....
The plastering which was in many places cracked and falling will be thoroughly repaired and covered with two coats of white wash. This will greatly improve the appearance of the room as well as its sanitary condition. What we need, really, is either a new Court House or an addition of several feet to the upper story of the old structure.

AL. GOODRICH is on hand this fall with a full stock of cider BARRELS, flour barrels, meat casks, and all kind of cooperage ... Remember the place, near the depot on the south side of the Akron road and the south shop.

Try the Puff and the Bon Ton cigars. A. L. SHORE keeps them.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, October 4, 1873

Messrs. WAGONER and HAYES have purchased Mr. RIGEL's share in the SAW MILL, and have also purchased a tract of fine timbered land joining their mill...
Mr. ISRAEL RIGEL is absent, visiting friends in Ohio...

RUFUS BLAIR moved to Rochester on Monday last.
Rev. MORDICA McKENSIE left our place on Tuesday last. He moved to Franklin County, his old residence.
Mr. ALLEN LINGER, of Pulaski, moved to our place last week, and Mrs. LEITER, of Aubbeenaubbee, will move here in a few weeks.
C. S. GRAHAM's son is getting along well, and is now able to be around.
DAVID PERKINS has returned from Ohio with a pleasant looking woman. He calls her "Mrs. Perkins."...
Mr. H. WHEATLY, of Pulaski County, has joined himself to a Miss SMITH of Star City, and he is glad ...
A young man, a son of SAMUEL SMITH of Bruce's Lake, accidently shot himself last Monday. He was sitting on a board fence with the gun in his hands, the muzzle upward, when the hammer hit the fence, discharging the contents of the gun in his breast, and wounding him severely, but it is thought it will not prove fatal.
Rev. WILLIAM READER has charge of the Kewanna circuit for the coming year. He preached his first sermon at this place last Sunday...
PETER H. POTTS has moved from Illinois to his friends in this county. - - - - ELI LEITER.

We are indebted and thankful to Miss S. E. GREEN for the following account of the accident and death of a son of JACOB STARBUCK. ..
JACOB STARBUCK, while visiting his prairie home, in the western part of this State, and making preparations for moving his family to the same, met with a sad bereavement. His little son eleven years of age was returning home from a field where they had been working, and to oblige his parent by performing an errand previous to his arrival, rode in advance of him several furlongs accompanied by another little boy. Being an expert rider, the father had no solicitude as to his safety. The horse, however, that he was riding, stumbled and fell, throwing the boy several feet from him, dislocating his neck. The little companion hastily returned with the intelligence, but before the father could arrive the spark of life had gone from those bright eyes which but a short time before sparkled in mirthfulness. He was an obedient and dutiful child and a favorite among his school mates. The parents have the svmpathy of many friends in their loss.

An ordinance of the incorporated town of Rochester, Indiana, providing for establishing the grade and bouldering or paving the GUTTERS on Main street... on the west side thereof, and between South street on the south, and Washington street on the north....... Passed October 2, 1873. E. E. COWGILL, President of the Board of Trustees ... Attest: S. J. McCLARY, Clerk.

Dr. PLANK and lady have been visiting for a week at South Bend, and attending the County Fair at that place.
Preaching at the Court House tomorrow evening, by Rev. A. Z. BEAN, German Reformed.
It is probable that A. F. ANTHONY, the popular restaurant man, will remove his establishment soon to SARGENT's brick building, opposite the Court House.
JACOB BECK is going to establish a candy manufactory at this place as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made ...
T. M. BITTERS, a brother of ours, from Peru, is in town negotiating for the purchase of the SPY office. The trade will probably be completed today.
Mr. and Mrs. SAMUEL HEFFLEY celebrated their twenty-fifth, or silver wedding, at their residence last evening in grand style. Many of the elite of the city were present, and mirth and joy knew no bounds.
PERRY DUNCAN was tried for larceny before Esq. ASHTON, yesterday.
JACOB MILLER, of Tiosa, has associated himself with E. S. BARNES in the furniture business. They expect to manufacture extensively, and do a wholesale and retail business ...
[at the county fair] Several entries were made. . . but when it was time to "go," but few went. H. L. POST's horse "Billy Patten," and "Flora," Dr. SMITH's mare of Kewanna... by a disagreement among the judges and owners of the horses, no premium was awarded...
MARRIED. -On Thursday, Sept. 18, 1873, at the Presbyterian parsonage, by Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, ENOS R. SHOEMAKER and MAHALA JOHNSON.
-On same day and by the same, at the Central House, DANIEL WHITMORE, of Toledo, O., and CATHARINE C. CRIPLIVER, of this county.
-On Sunday, Sept. 23d, at the residence of Hon. STEPHEN DAVIDSON, the bride's father, by the same, NEWTON N. McCLUNG and ELNORA O. DAVIDSON.

DIED. -LEWIS CONGER, aged 21 years, died yesterday morning and will be buried to-day at 10 o'clock a.m.
-Mrs. JOHN NEWHOUSE died yesterday in Richland township. The funeral services of the deceased will take place to-day at 2 o'clock p.m., at the M.E. Church.

LIST OF PREMIUMS AWARDED (Fulton County Fair)... [see ROCRESTER UNION SPY, Thursday, October 2, 1873]

GEORGETOWN ITEMS, October 6, 1873
The wheat crop of this vicinity was good, ranging as high was 27 bushels per acre. Mr. D. STUDEBAKER raised 11 bushels on his entire farm. Mr. M. FREELAND, raised 10 bushels on only half of his farm.
RUSSELL & STEMEN have sold their MILL, and, we understand, are going west after a while...

DIED. -We are sorry to record the death of a little daughter of W. T. McDOUGLE. She died on the 30th ult; the parents have the warmest sympathies of many friends for their bereavement.

TERRIBLE DOWNFALL [detailing fall of building under construction for Dr. SPOHN... see RICHESTER UNION SPY, Thursday October 9, 1873]

DIED. -We neglected to note last week the death of WM. FARNER, a very worthy young man, who for years had been engaged on the brickyards of GEORGE NORRIS, but at the time of the accident engaged on a brickyard in the vicinity of Logansport. His death was brought about by the careless handling of a revolver, the contents of which were discharged and entered his abdomen. He was a son-in-law of PRESLEY BOZARTH, and as soon as the intelligence of the accident was received, he repaired to his bedside, where he arrived just in time to see him expire. His remains were brought to this place for interment. The friends of the deceased desire to express their thanks to ELIJAH THOMAS, JAMES THOMAS, Dr. TAYLOR and members of the Fire Company, of which he was a member, for their kindness and attention during his illness.

(Notice to Non-Residents) WILLIAM ASHTON vs PETER KELLEY and HENRY RINEHART... plaintiff by JAMISON & CALKINS, attorney... that said defendants, PETER KELLEY and HENRY RINEHART, are not residents of the State of Indinnn ... this 9th day of October A.D. 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clark.

D. W. LYON and wife are visiting in Pennsylvania.
Our thanks are due Mr. GEORGE PERSCHBAUCHER for a lot of fine apples.
A. B. BALL and Mr. FUNK of Warsaw were in town one day this week.
Mrs. MARGARET BATES, of Richmond, Ind., is visiting relatives and friends at this place.
Mrs. DAN AGNEW was taken suddenly and severely ill a few days since. The symptoms of the disease are those of typhoid fever.
Mr. MATTINGLY having sold his printing establishment, with a view to going to California, offers the house and lot now occupied by him for sale, at a bargain. Also a lot of household and kitchen furniture.
... you should go to E. E. COWGILL for your seasoned lumber, shingles, lath, and every thing you want in the lumber line ...

MARRIED. -On Sunday, Oct. 5th, 1873, by Rev. ANDREW BABCOCK, JOHN MURPHY and SAMANTHA TRUE, all of this place.

(For Sale) One full blooded Berkshire sow with eight pigs... can be seen at my residence in Rochester. For full particulars call at J. H. SHELTON's store and see me. E. R. BOYER, Rochester, Sept. 30, 1873.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, October 18, 1873

The official vote of the late Judicial election has not yet been received, but we have reports from the several counties composing the district to warrant the statement that E. V. LONG has carried each and every one of them, by handsome majorities, which will foot up at least 1,000 ...

Uncle ISAAC CANNON and wife are now visiting in the eastern States..
B. F. RITCHEY, of Monticello, Ind., paid us a visit last week. Eighteen years ago he was a resident of Kewanna, and at the present time there is but one family in town that lived here when he did. That family is Dr. W. T. CLELAND'S.
MARSHAL PHILLIPS, HENRY SINGER, and another person, had their pockets picked at the Winamac Fair. Marshal was minus about $80, and Singer $14; the person whose name we did not learn lost near a $100.
WILLIAM OVERMYER, of Pulaski, and Miss HUYSER, of Wayne, [were married bv Father SPARKS] . .. - - - - .ELI LEITER.

WAGONER & HAYES have not been running their SAW MILL for some days, on account of a small break in their machinery...
S. O. WAGONER is making preparations to erect a HEADING AND TABLE LEG FACTORY at this point. May success attend his efforts. - - - - J. YOST WHEATLEY.

UNION, IND., October 15, 1873
Perhaps all the readers of your paper will not know where Union is situated... it derives its name from the UNION CHURCH, which is situated two miles and a half south-east of Rochester on the Wabashtown road. We might say 'tis one of the oldest churches in the county, and is now undergoing a thorough repair by Mr. JOHN YOUNT, under the supervision of A. G. SINKS and others.
Mr. WASHINGTON WOODFILL has a brother-in-law from Indianapolis visiting; he is also buying a car load of apples to ship to that city.
Mrs. THOMAS M. WILSON has been seriously ill for some weeks, but is now recovering under the skillful treatment of Dr. BRACKETT.
Mr. G. B. GROVE is contemplating a visit to Castalla, O., and will not return till spring. I fear some of the young ladies of this place will be sadly disappointed over his departure.
Mr. JAKE and SAM MILLER are building a barn for WM. McMAHAN.
E. H. WILSON returned home last week; has been visiting relatives in Columbus, Ind; also WILLIS CARTER returned from Missouri, and is now busily engaged making cider.
Mrs. WM. CARTER [while at the exposition at Indianapolis lost] a valuable gold pin.
JACOB CAMERER and wife are visiting friends in Rush County, Ind.

The Justice's court was in session nearly the whole of last week trying a series of criminal cases in which the SHRIVER family constituted the central figure.
About two weeks since, while five members of the family above mentioned and a like number of the DAVIS family were on their way from Omega church in Henry township, a difficulty arose between JAMES SHRIVER and JAMES DAVIS, which resulted in a fisticuff between the two. When once fairly commenced, the fight soon became general, involving the whole crowd, with perhaps a single exception.
No one was seriously injured, and at the time of trial no marks of any kind were observable upon the persons of any of the contestants.
Mr. NATHAN DAVIS, the father of the Davis family, came to town early after the engagement, and commenced six prosecutions against the Shriver boys for assault and battery. These cases were either tried or otherwise disposed of before Justice ASHTON, who fined OLIVER SHRIVER five dollars after a trial lasting two days. There were no witnesses except the members of the two families, and judging from the testimony we heard, we suppose that the prospect of a home in heaven for these witnesses is not at present very flattering. In four of the cases the Shrivers plead guilty, and were fined one dollar each. One case was dismissed by the State.
In the meantime the Shrivers had commenced three prosecutions against the Davis family, which were tried on Thursday and Friday of last week before Esquire REESE. The first was tried by the Justice, the second by a jury, while the third was abandoned by the State. The verdict in each of the above cases is, "not guilty."
There were just five witnesses on each side, and said all the best possible for their respective families. Then came a number of impeaching witnesses to prove the Shrivers unworthy of belief.
We are not able to give the exact cost of these prosecutions to the convicted defendants, but suppose it will not be less than two hundred dollars.
An appeal has been taken in the case of Oliver Shriver, but will probably be abandoned.

An impromptu meeting of the musically inclined citizens of Rochester met at the M.E. church last Monday evening ... taking into consideration ... holding a musical convention ... Prof. SUFFREN (led singing), after which an organization was effected by electing J. E. CLARKE, Chairman, and EUGENE RITENOUR, Sec'y. It was then determined that a MUSICAL CONVENTION be held at this place, opening on Monday, November 10th, and continuing four davs ...

JONAS MYERS is off on a visit to Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Dr. E. H. SUTTON, of Kosciusko County, was in town on Thursday.
Commissioners EIDSON and GRAHAM retire from their office as such, and will be succeeded by JOHN W. BLACK and J. P. BARNHART, at the December term.
Two weeks ago Dr. SPOHN's new building was a total wreck. To-day the first and second stories are up again ready for roofing timbers ...

DIED. -An infant child of G. W. BATES, living in the south-west portion of town, died on Monday night, and was buried on Tuesday.

Some good STREET WORK is being done. The bouldering on Main Street has been completed, that is, the portion that was contracted. Parties interested should see that the work is extended to the creek, on both sides of the street, and our town will be very much improved in appearance. The guttering that has been done is conceded by all to be a good job. A little energy and money would make Main Street a very fine one.

MERRICK & CO. have purchased two meat markets, one in the north part of town, near the Wallace House, the other on the corner south of Balcony Hall....

The cheapest and best assortment of millinery goods in town at PLANK & AUSTIN'S, one door north of ERNSPERGER, JACKSON & CO's.

(Notice to School Teachers) ... examinations for certificates to teach will be made ... please call at my office in the Miller Block, with Downey & JOnes, ... W. H. GREEN, Co. Superintendent.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL Saturday, October 25, 1873

The SENTINEL finds its way to the highest mountains and lowest valleys of the Union, and is complimented and appreciated by all. The BORAX MINER, a very neat little paper, published at Columbus, Nevada, says: "We are indebted to Mr. R. C. MOORE (brother of MARK MOORE of this place) for a copy of the Rochester SENTINEL, published at Rochester, Indiana. The paper is a large and well printed quarto, showing an extensive advertising business, and is an excellent newspaper."

Our Sabbath School closed on last Sabbath a week ago with the most encouraging results. The juvenile class of females recited during the school 1019 verses from the New Testament. This class was in charge of Miss SUSIE BREECE. The Superintendent, Mr. T. N. WHEATLEY, tells us that she is the best Sabbath School teacher he ever met ...
The singing class, under the leadership of Mr. JOSHUA COFFING, is still holding its regular meetings each week ... - - - -J. YOST WHEATLEY

Miss JENNIE CAROTHERS is just recovering from a severe and dangerous attack of typhoid fever.
DIED. -Mistress VANDEGRIFF died at her son's residence, three-quarters of a mile east of Green Oak, on the 19th inst. Did not learn of what sickness, but presume it was old age, as she was quite old and infirm.
I am sorry to say our old superintendent, Mr. LEMUEL SHELTON, declines ever acting as our superintendent in the future...
The term of the daily school at this place expired on Saturday, the 18th inst., which was taught by Miss DAVIS from Rochester, and who have good satisfaction, as far as we have learned.
ROBERT NEW is learning the blacksmith trade under the instruction of JACK VANDINE. Jack will devote his attention mostly to farming.

CHAS. E. REYNOLDS, Attorney at Law, Practices in all the Federal and inferior Courts...

(Administrator's Notice) ENOS BUTLER has been appointed administrator of the estate of LYDIA JOHNSON...

(Notice of Administration) ELIZABETH RALSTIN. JAMES M. BEEBER appointed administrators of the estate of YOUNG RALSTIN, deceased... Oct 25, '73

Constable STILES has been carrying his eye in a sling. He says it is neuralgia.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. ESSICK will celebrate their crystal wedding next Friday evening. A brilliant party is expected to be in attendance.
CHAS. E. REYNOLDS, manager of the Western Union Telegraph office at this place was admitted to the bar yesterday morning to practice in the Courts of Fulton County. Charley is full of life and energy...
Last week the spy announced the organization of a Base Ball club. We presume they intend playing with snow balls.
LEROY ARMSTRONG, a young man who graduated from this office as a first-class devil, has forsaken the profession and enlisted in the regular army. Farewell to Roy.
Master FRANK SKINNER, formerly a typo in this office, but now in a job office at Indianapolis, called on us yesterday. Frank has grown some and is fast attaining man's proportions.
About two years ago Mr. WILLIAM BEARSS, with a view to improving his health, betook himself and family to Minnesota. They returned yesterday and meeting Mr. B. on the street, it was quite plain to us that the pure air of Minnesota has made a marked change in his health and appearance for the better.

DIED. -Yesterday morning about one o'clock, Mrs. REBECCA SMITH, aged 84 years.
The deceased was a mother of Mrs. Esquire REES, at whose residence she died. She had just come from Logansport on Monday last with the intention of making her home with her daughter during her sojourn on earth which unfortunately was of short duration. She had lived a long and useful life and passed away peacefully and resigned. The funeral services will
take place to-morrow at the Presbyterian church at 10-1/2 o'clock a.m.

We understand that I. WALKER has sold a portion of the town property on which he lives to a Mr. WALLACE, who has already some of the material on the ground for the construction of a dwelling ....

It was currently reported on the street yesterday morning that JOSEPH CARR, formerly a resident of this place, but more recently of Indianapolis, would pass through on the noon train on his way to Michigan City, to serve a term of four years in the penitentiary. It has been said that Joseph's fingers have alwavs been too long, and that loose things adhered to them too closely. At the close of the Indianapolis Exposition, a large wall tent owned by some parties at Laporte was missing from the Exposition building, and suspicion pointed to Carr, whereupon he was arrested and found guilty. That is why he was northward bound. Mr. Carr is very respectably connected in this place, and was not a bad man, excepting his one vice which wrought his ruin.

(Public Sale) All the personal property of YOUNG RALSTIN, deceased, will be sold at public auction at his late residence on the Michigan road, six miles north of Rochester, on Saturday, Nov. 15, 1873... farming implements, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, wagons, buggies, corn, hay, oats, wheat, &c., together with household and kitchen furniture...

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, November 1, 1873

KEWANNA ITEMS , October 22, 1873
On Friday morning of last week Mrs. A. T. JACKSON got up before daylight, and in passing a flight of stairs made a misstep, and fell to the foot of the stairs, breaking her arm near the wrist joint and bruising herself in several places. The wounds have been very painful, but at present she is doing well.
Our old friend, J. N. INGRIM, a former resident of this place, and then of Cincinnati, O., has located for the winter at Lincoln, Cass Co., Ind. JOHN loves to move.
E. B. BUCHANAN has moved to Logan Street.
Mrs. LEITER moved to Kewanna this week.
The following are improvements in Union Township: P. S. TROUTMAN has his new barn painted and finished in good style. J. C. HUDKINS has completed a good and substantial dwelling house. I. N. McCOY has built a new barn. VAN HUDKINS has built an addition to his house. A. T. JACKSON has built the finest dwelling house in the township, and is now putting up a new fence. Father SPARKS has built a small stable. J. A. BARNETT (trustee) has had several school-houses re-painted, ...
(The above items were written last week, but failed to take them to the Post Office for Wednesday's mail)

KEWANNA ITEMS , October 28, 1873
On last Saturday morning, FRANK and HENRY HOWELL, started for Rochester, but did not get but a few rods when the horse (a colt belonging to JOHN LEITER, Jr.) ran away, throwing the boys out of the buggy, and passed through town at lightning speed, then north about three miles, when it was halted by running between two trees, the buggy being badly broken, and the legs of the horse badly cut. The boys were not hurt. -- - - - ELI LEITER

DIED. -A sad accident occurred in our vicinity last week, which caused the death of one of J. B. MULLIGAN's children. The facts in the case are as follows: Mrs. MULLIGAN was doing the week's washing, and having just filled her tub with hot water, left the room for a moment. When she returned she beheld her child immersed in the scalding hot water. She removed the child, and sent for aid, but the wounds were so severe that death put an end to its suffering the next day. We tender the grief-stricken parents our heartfelt sympathy.

W. A. HORTON, of Millark, has obtained a claronet, with which he makes the nights hideous. We heard him practicing, and by close calculation we found that at tne present rate of progression, he could play Sweet Home in about seven years. - - - - J. YOST WHEATLEY

(Notice of Survey) ... the County Surveyor of Fulton County, Indiana, survey and establish the lines and corners in Section No 26, Township 29, North Range one East. JACOB SHOWLEY.

(Notice of Survey) ... the County Surveyor of Fulton County, Indiana, survey and establish the lines and corners in Section No. 1, Township 30, Range one East. DAVID LOUGH.

(Administrator's Notice) ... ENOS BUTLER appointed Administrator of the estate of LYDIA JOHNSON, deceased...

(Found) By the undersigned, on Sunday, October 19, 1873, within the corporate limits of Rochester, a Silver Watch and Chain. The owner can obtain the same by proving property and paying costs. Inquire of W. N. OLNEY, or at this Office.

Mrs. DAN AGNEW is slowly recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever.
W. H. MATTINGLY sells his household effects to-day, at public auction, in front of the Court House.
DEO HAUK is here from Topeka, visiting old time friends and associates ....
A charter was granted the ROYAL ARCH MASONS of this place, and their lodge will hereafter be known as Rochester Chapter No. 90.
We have a new route agent on the I. P. & C. Railroad. He is a colored gentleman, and his name is McCAREY, with a prefix of Rev.
DIED. -We did not learn of the death of little EDDIE MACKEY, which occurred on Thursday of last week, until too late for publication. He was four years of age, an only son, and the pride and joy of our City Marshal.
-We just learned a few minutes prior to going to press of the death of LAURA, wife of Mr. ALVIN ROBBINS of this place, which occurred yesterday afternoon about two o'clock. We have learned no particulars, save that she died in childbirth, and that her funeral will take place from the M.E. Church to-morrow morning at half-past ten o'clock.
A census taken of Rochester to-day would show an increase of the colored population of one, the first one ever born in the place. GEORGE REILY is so tickled over it that we believe that if you call on him he will give you a free shave, and tell you all about it.
At the Odd Fellows' fair and festival at Peru last week.... Dr. C. B. HIGGINS, formerly of this place, was voted a handsome cane.... as the most popular physician.
The cornerstone for the New PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AT MT. ZION will be laid on Monday next with appropriate ceremonies by Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, assisted by Rev. N. L. LORD and Rev. CLARKE SKINNER. The bricklayers will commence work on that day, and the work pushed through to an early completion...
Mrs. NEWHOUSE, whose place of business is in the old CONTINENTAL BUILDING, is on hand with a full stock of the latest Millinery and Fancy Goods for ladies ...

CLOSING OUT SALE. Having taken the entire control of the ROCHESTER ELEVATORS.... we have determined to close out ... our Entire Stock... L. M. MONTGOMERY & CO.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, November 8, 1873

We next deposit in this stone a history of this church up to date, together with a history of the organization and life of the society (M.E.C.) which preceded it ...
We next deposit in this stone a list of the names of all the members of this church up to date; also the names of the officers of the church: Pastor, J. M. ELLIOTT; Ruling Elders, JOSEPH WHITTENBERGER, JAMES C. THOMPSON and JAMES CALLAWAY, and Trustees; also names of master workmen up to date; stone mason, brick mason, carpenters, and brick makers; and names of subscribers to the building fund..
We also deposit in this stone a likeness of OTTO HANNABAL TRUE, the first and only member of this church up to the present date who has gone to the saints' sweet rest above. He died March 23d, A.D. 1873, aged 11 years, 6 months, and 2 days ...
At this juncture the Pastor gave way for the mason, JACOB HARTMAN, to seal the box down in its place with a beautiful marble slab, furnished by WILLIS LINES.

GREEN OAK NOTES, Nov. 6, 1873
Mr. WILLIAM KEEL's daughter that came back from the west with him recently, returned to her new home in Iowa last Monday.
We have SINGING SCHOOL at the church every second Sabbath by WILLIAM CAROTHERS; also meeting on the same days by the local minister, Mr. LEE.
We wish to organize a Grange at this place...

JOHN ROBBINS has the frame up for a new BUGGY AND WAGON SHOP. The second story to be finished for a picture gallery.
SAMUEL ZELLERS has a new BLACKSMITH SHOP under headway.
We were at Rochester on Monday, and assisted in bringing a safe to Kewanna for the firm of PHILLIPS & LEITER. It is a fire and burglar proof safe, approximate weight 2,500 pounds. Dr. HOWELL was the first one to deposit money in this new safe, the amount being five cents. Dr. SMITH also deposited the same amount ...
JOHN KEWNEY says that there will at least be one week of nice weather before winter commences again...
HENRY APT and family, of Marion, Ohio, are visiting relatives at this place.
MARRIED. -On last Thursday evening, by Rev. JESSE SPARKS, Mr. DANIEL HENDRICKS and Miss MARGARET CROSSGROVE. Both of Bruce's Lake.
DIED. -At two o'clock, Wednesday morning, with congestion of the lungs, Mrs. McGRAW, wife of Elder E. M. McGRAW, of this place. The deceased has lived for a number of years in this community. As a Christian she has been steadfast, having been a member of the Baptist church for several years. She endured her affliction with Christian patience, always expressing a firm hope in God. She was a kind and dutiful companion, a loving and affectionate mother, a peaceful and obliging neighbor. A short time before she passed away she called her companion and children to her bedsides and in a calm and earnest manner bade them farewell. She has left her bereaved husband, six children, and many dear friends to mourn her departure. - - - - J. C. PHILLIPS. [See: Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County Indiana Cemeteries, Shaffer Cemetery, Union Twp.- Rev. EDWARD M. McGRAW., father, 1826 - 1886, FRANCES E. McGRAW, mother, 1830 - 1873.]

Mr. DAVID COFFIN contemplates engaging in the pork trade this winter to a large extent ... - - - - YOST WHEATLEY.

(Notice to Non-Residents) ... HARRIET M. VANDUSER vs ISAAC T. VANDUSER, ... plaintiff, by ENOCH STURGEON, attorney... that said defendant... is not a resident of the State of Indiana... this 5th day of November, A.D. 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

DIED. -The venerable JAMES ROBBINS, one of the pioneer residents of eastern Indiana, and latterly a citizen of Fulton County, from which he removed in 1864, died at the residence of his son, G. W. ROBBINS, in Clinton County, September 25th. He was 84 years of age, was born in North Carolina, but emigrated to this State in 1816. The wife of his youth and five children are buried in Fulton County. - - - - PERU REPUBLICAN.
-We briefly announced last week the very unexpected death of LAURA L. ROBBINS, wife of ALVIN ROBBINS. No event that has occurred for a long time cast such a gloom of sorrow over the community as that occasioned by her demise. She had lived at this place for 22 years, and was known, respected, and loved by all for her many Christian virtues, fine social qualities, and motherly affection. She was an ornament to the church and society, and her loss is deeply felt and regretted. Her funeral took place last Sabbath, and notwithstanding the very inclemency of the weather, the large church was densely filled with sympathizing friends, which plainly showed her firm hold upon the affection of the people. The husband and friends have the sympathy of the entire commnity. The deceased was 40 years of age.
A slight change in the running time of mail trains on the I. P. & C. railroad has taken place. Both trains stop at this place twenty minutes for dinner.
The skylight on SPOHN's new building, designed to give light to the Photograph gallery below, looks like a monstrous chicken coop, and destroys the good appearance of the building.
JOHN ASHTON from Tennessee, brother of WM. ASHTON, will remain in the Dry Goods and Grocery house of FERGUSON & ASHTON this winter, and in the spring may engage in some business and remain with us permanently...
W. T. CUTSHALL has been in town a day or two this week, introducing the Simmons & Clough Organs for which he is General Agent ... Having had some experience in the printing business, he thoroughly understands the value of printer's ink, and his advertisement will appear in these columns next week.
JOSEPH WEIDNER was arrested and brought before Esq. REES, charged with having kept his saloon open after nine o'clock p.m., contrary to the provisions of the late Temperance law. A change of venue was taken to Justice ASHTON, where the case was tried on Thursday last on an agreed state of facts. The only question was, does the law apply to persons holding license? This Mr. Ashton decided in the negative, and of course the defendant was acquitted. This leaves all the saloons open as long as the proprietors desire.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, November 15, 1873

The names herewith appended are those mostly of ladies and gentlemen who have had charge of schools in this county within the last one or two years, while a few names of persons appear who will just begin the work of teaching during the coming winter.
There is a large number of names of teachers on the record who have embarked in other enterprises, and a few have gone to their long homes. Among those to whom reference is made are JOHN GRAFFIS and GEORGE W. HENDERSON...

Our village was cheered and our minister's purse made heavier by the appearance of a young gent and lady the other day who wished to be joined in the bonds of matrimony, which our minister, J. F. WAGONER, cheerfully did. They then departed, and were as happy as mortals can be. The names of the parties were Mr. ANDREW BIGGS and Miss MARIA ANDERSON, of Fulton County...
Our school opened this week with a good attendance, and under the skillful management of Miss EMMA ROBBINS [who] has won for herself the approbation of most of the people in our district, having taught three terms of school here before...

Work has already commenced at the newFOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP of F. M. ASHTON. The first "heat" was taken off on Wednesday last with the most satisfactory result. Every thing is new and works like a charm....

GEORGETOWN NEWS. Nov. 10, 1873
The farmers in the neighborhood of UNION SCHOOL HOUSE on the Michigan road are trying to establish a GRANGE; we believe it has proved a failure so far.
RUSSELL & STEMEN of this place are about done sawing ... We believe the MILL will be moved to New Carlisle, St. Joseph Co., Ind.
E. H. McDOUGLE has gone to Ohio to visit some relatives or some female, we don't know which; if the latter be correct, ED., be careful of your heart, and don't let it get away with you.

E. L. YARLOT and Miss TAYLOR have been selected for the winter term of the KEWANNA GRADED SCHOOL.
The quarterly meeting on last Saturday and Sunday was well attended and the best interest prevailed. Rev. CLARKE SKINNER filled the place of Elder in every sense of the word, and his sermons were complimented by all. We invite him to come again. - - - - ELI LEITER

F. P. WAUGH, our enterprising merchant has built a very fine store-house, 22x8O feet, two stories high, the upper room to be used as a FREE MASONS' HALL.
We also have a new bridge at this place across the Tippecanoe river...
The CHRISTIANS are building a NEW CHURCH on the west bank of the river, opposite our burg. It is now ready for plastering, and will be a fine structure when completed.
Mr. PAUL STOCKBERGER has been bored considerable with his steamSAW MILL. He now proposes to wait until MACK ASHTON gets his machine shops running, then he will have Mack to bore his cylinder.
The railroad fever is still raging hereabouts. When the road is finished we can come to Rochester by rail via Walnut to pay our taxes, or have the capital moved to suit US.
Messrs. NELLANS & BOWMAN have given their FLOURING MILLS a thorough overhauling, costing them for repairs and new machinery about $3,000 ...
Mr. CHARLES FISH has moved here from Argos, and is doing a lively business in the harness trade ...

(Estray Notice) Taken up by the undersigned, living in Union Township, Fulton County, Indiana, on the 15th day of October, 1873, and reported to H. B. APT, Justice of the Peace, a brown mare, with some saddle and collar marks, gray on forehead, shod all around, about 15 hands high, and supposed to be about 15 years old. Appraised at $25. CALVIN NEWTON.

SIMMONS & CLOUGH'S Improved CABINET ORGANS ... W. T. CUTSHALL, Special Agent, North Manchester, Ind. M. M. REX, Agent, Rochester, Ind.

DIED. -A child of Mr. and Mrs. GUS. CORNELIUS, aged two months, died on Wednesday evening.
MARRIED. -On Thursday, November 13th, 1873, by Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT, at the parsonage, HERBERT D. MASTELLER and CHARLOTTE CLARK.
The dry goods stock of GUS. CORNELIUS is being sold at public auction by the Sheriff.
JACOB BECK has opened an OUSTER SALOON and will supply you with the best bivalves by the can or dish. He also keeps on hand at all times a supply of fresh trout, just from the lakes.
DIED. Mr. HENRY HOOVER, an old pioneer of this country, well and favorably known to most of the citizens of the county, died at his residence, six miles east of Rochester, on the Akron road, on Sunday last, and was buried on Tuesday.
RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE M.E. SABBATH SCHOOL... Whereas, God in his providence has taken from our corps of Sabbath School Teachers, our beloved sister, LAURA L. ROBBINS.... Mrs. COPELAND, Mrs. MERCER, C. SKINNER, Com.

An interesting case was brought before Esquire ASHTON on a change of venue from Esquire REES this week. EUGENE RITENOUR was arraigned before his Honor, charged with having shot and mortally wounded an English coach dog belonging to KURG. RANNELLS. The defendant was found guilty of dog slaughter by a jury of twelve of his countrymen, and fined in the sum of $10, the costs being added made the snug sum of $60. An appeal has been taken and will be re-tried in a higher court.

JOHN D. BROWN will pay cash for all the pork there is in the county ... Yesterday the price was $3 gross, and $3.50 net. Don't sell without consulting him about prices.
The highest market price paid for wild game. R. P. SMITH.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, November 22, 1873

It will be remembered that in our last issue some account was given of the exhumation of the body of a woman by her husband for the purpose of removing a rag from her throat, and that it was intimated that some foul means had been used for the purpose of sending the unfortunate woman to her present resting-piace.
It was also intimated that the authorities were investigating the affair with intent to bring the guilty parties to justice, if a full knowledge of the facts should justify the belief that a crime had been committed.
It is the business of the SENTINEL to aid in the discovery of all offenses by every fair and legitimate inquiry., and assist in bringing the guilty to justice. It is no less its duty to make a fair and impartial statement of facts as well upon the one side as the other, to the end that no one shall be unjustly dealt with in any given instance, whatever the general character of the parties involved may be.
The SENTINEL claims the honor of having first discovered this strange and remarkable case, and has taken some pains to make its investigation impartial and complete. A little over four years ago, the wife of one SAMUEL FARNER, who was then a resident of Richland Township, died after a short and not very severe illness, in the absence of all her relatives except her husband.
Her remains were taken to the burying ground near the residence of Mr. WM. MOON, father of the Sheriff, and there interred, with the other members of her father's family previously deceased. About the first of October, her husband, who was then living with his second wife, proceeded to the burying ground, in company with one or two of his own relatives, and there personally exhumed the body, and extracted, as he claims, a handkerchief or other rag from the throat.
We are informed that this was done in the day time without any apparent effort at concealment, the parties stating at the time that there was, or they believed there was, a rag in her throat, and, according to a prevalent superstition, one member of the family would die each year until the same was removed. A few weeks before the exhumation, one WILLIAbt FARNER, a brother of the husband, had died at Logansport, from the effects of an accidental pistol shot, and was brought here for interment. Whether any other member of the family died since the unfortunate demise of the wife, we are not informed; but if so, it might have the effect to somewhat confirm the superstition in the minds of the family, as they are all ignorant to an almost inexcusable degree.
For the purpose of ascertaining whether such a foolish superstition as that already alluded to does, in fact exist, the SENTINEL has made diligent inquiry, and has been rewarded by the information that among certain classes the belief is quite prevalent. A certain physician of Fulton County informed us of a parallel case, with the exception that in the instance he related no rag was found in the throat. But here it is said the handkerchief was actually found, and if that be true, the question of how it came there is a very important one. We are told that the parties most interested in this affair claim that by mistake the body was interred before life was extinct, and that by breathing after burial, a handkerchief, which was spread over the face, was drawn into the mouth, and passed into the throat. It is granted that this statement is somewhat remarkable, and smacks slightly of the impossible, and yet we will allow our readers to draw their own conclusions.
Credible persons who were present at the burial say that there was no handkerchief about the body at the time of interment, and hence believe that the husband's object was to conceal the fact that he had caused the death of his wife by forcing the handkerchief into her throat while she was sick and weak. What the object was we know not; we simply inform our readers of the statements made to us, and they may believe as the information may seem to warrant. The SENTINEL desires only that justice be done, and if a crime has been committed, that the offender be duly and appropriately punished.

(Estray Notice) Taken up (by) the undersigned, living in Aubbeenaubbee Township. Fulton County, Indiana, on the first day of November, 1873, one estray red and white cow... wearing a large bell,, and marked with a smooth crop off each ear... Supposed to be seven years old, and appraised at $18, and reported to JAMES HAY, Justice of said township, on the 14th of November, 1873. LEVI HEETER.

(Slieriff's Sale) ... Saturday, the 13th day of December, 1873... (real estate, described)... in the town of Rochester, Fulton County, Indiana, taken as the property of JABIES ROBBINS at the suit of WILLIAM ASHTON vs JAMES ROBBINS ... S. R. MOON. Sheriff of Fulton County.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... Saturday, the 13th day of December, 1873 ... (real estate, described)... in the case where'JAMES L. MASON is plaintiff, and WILLIAM STURGEON is defendant... S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton County.

(Sheriff's Sale') ... Saturday, the 13th day of December, 1873 ... (.real estate, described)... in a cause wherein BALONA BUCK is plaintiff. and MARY A. BUCK and HENRY BUCK, et al, are defendants ... S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton County.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... Saturday, the 13th day of December, 1873... (real estate, described) ... in a cause wherein PHILIP LUDWIG is Plaintiff, and HESTER BOWMAN and ELLIS DAVIS are defendants. S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton County.

ENOCH McCOY is happy. He has a new step-'ma.
S. W. TRACY is the happiest man in town. A big boy these hard times would make any body happy.
ROBERT W. WALLACE has engaged to teach a district school at Akron this winter.
Mrs. F. M. ASHTON being in very poor health, has gone to Ohio to visit among her friends, with a hope of regaining her strength.
WM. P. BALL has lost a good overcoat, and he thinks he knows where it is, and if the party returns it soon there will be no questions asked.
Dr. BOSWELL has got tired of living in the suburbs of the city which extend toward Chicago, and has removed to a fine residence, built by JAMES O. MILLER, on Pearl street.
GUS MIESCH, one of the prominent saloon keepers of this place, thinks that the Baxter law is too rigid for him to sell liquor under even if he should be granted a permit, and is turning his attention to the purchase of Butter, Eggs, Poultry, &c., and is doing a thriving business in that line.
DIED, -A son of ANDREW ONSTOTT was buried at this place yesterday. The deceased was about 25 years of age, and lived with his father, five miles south of Rochester. [See Jean C. and Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County, Indiana, Cemetery Inscriptions, Rochester I.O.O.F. Cemetery: IRA T. ONSTOTT, son of A!IDREW and AGNES ONSTOTT, died Nov. 19, 1873, age 24yr-2mo-1da.)
MARRIED. -His Hon. F. M. ASHTON was called upon at a late hour on Thursday evening to perform the ceremony matrimonial with a view to joining in holy wedlock STEPHEN NORTH and CATHARINE M. CRUMM, which he did in his usual terse manner in the law office of JAMISON & CALKINS. These narties we are told are "all of Rochester," and if so, it does not contain very many inhabitants. The SENTINEL tenders its congratulations to the happy couple and expresses the hope that, when the North wind blows it may bear numerous small Crumms to the table of the newly wedded pair.

On Sunday last three or four reckless young men were drinking too much of gin, whisky and such, and so got exceedingly tight, and were quite what we would entitle, a fright. They were promptly arrested and fined as well as required to tell where they procured the delectable juices which so demoralized them. This caused an indictment against AUGUSTIN MEISCH, PERRY MEHRLING and GEORGE McGUIRE. All were tried by Esq. REES, and resulted in acquital in each case. Before Esq. ASHTON, THOMAS A BEAL was dismissed, and LEWIS and JOHN KREIGH were each acquitted.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturdav November 29, 1873


We learn that Miss ROBBINS is opposed to the SINGING CLUB holding their meetings in the school house, but we can hardly believe it, for we have entertained a very high opinion of her heretofore, and do not think she would be so selfish as to grumble about having to sweep the floor once a week when she gets $2.40 per day for doing it. - - - - J. YOST WHEATLEY.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by the subscriber, living in Rochester Township, near True's Mill, on the 18th of November, 1873, two hiefers, both white, with red ears, one with red feet, and the other with hip knocked down. The owner can have the same by proving property and paving costs. DAVID OWENS.

(Notice to Non-Resident)... JAMES WARE, Administrator, vs ROSANNA SNYDER and HENRY SNYDER, et al... Plaintiff by J. S. SLICK, Attorney,... that said defendant, HENRY SNYDER., is not a resident of the State of Indiana... this 22d day of November A.D. 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

SAMUEL RUSSELL departs with his family for Kansas next week.
Miss LIDA STRADLEY is going to be a school marm.
LOU. FEDER has been on a visit this week to Cincinnati, attending the wedding of his brother GUS.
JAMES O. MILLER, the efficient teller of the Farmers' Loan and Deposit Bank, is on a visit to the south part of the State.
We are indebted to Mr. JESSE SHIELDS for a choice lot of celery. Uncle Jesse knows how to raise it ...
JOSEPH A. MYERS, the deputy County Treasurer, has been seriously indisposed for a few days, but is now improving in health.
Miss MAGGIE KELLEY was very unfortunate in losing a twenty dollar William last Saturday, but was more fortunate in finding it again at the Star Store, where she had dropped it.
CLINT. JONES is naturally a very pleasant and jolly fellow. Yesterday morning we met him on the street at a very early hour, his every feature beaming with joy at some happy event. Without giving us time to inquire the cause of his hilarity, says he, "It's a boy. A thanksgiving present."
Peru may well he proud of such musical talent as that found in Mr. JOHN SHIELDS and FRANK LINDSEY. We had the pleasure of listening to their dulcet strains, in connection with some of our home talent, at the residence of Dr. REX, on Tuesday evening. Frank's bass is equal to the bursting forth of a young volcano, while Mr. Shields' tenor can hardly be excelled. Their voices, combined with those of Mr. J. E. CLARKE, Miss MINNIE SHRYOCK and Miss ELLA REX, makes music that would transport you to the elysium of immortal bliss.

DIED. -JESSE BUTLER, an old citizen. living near Gilead, Ind., fell from his hayloft on last Sunday morning, killing him instantly. He was a member of the Masonic lodge of that place, and was buried by the fraternity on Tuesday. Gilead Lodge is a young lodge, and has had six of its members die since its organization, five of which was the result of accident.
-At his residence in Akron of this County on Monday, November 24th,. 1873, at 10 o'clock, a.m., THOMAS WEAVER, aged 53 years.
The deceased imigrated to this county from Williams county, Ohio, and has resided in Akron and vicinity for about seven years. Upon his arrival at Akron he embarked in the mercantile business in which he was engaged as partner of Mr. DANIELS at the time of his death. His sickness was of short duration, lasting only about forty-eight hours. His disease was the fatal cerebra spinal meniiengitis, which prevailed to an alarming extent in this County about one year ago. Mr.Weaver was a member of the old school Baptist denomination, was extensively known and universally respected. He leaves a wife and five children.

WANTED. - A student at the Western Union Telegraph Office. Applications must be made in writing. CHARLES E. REYNOLDS, Manager, Rochester, Ind.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturdav, December 6, 1873

We stand in need very much of a graded school in this Township ...
FRANK DILLON, our wagon and carriage finisher, who has been running three hands for some time, will, this week, add two more. Frank says his success lies in his putting up only first-class work.
M. YEAGLY, the WAGON AND CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, has built himself a large shop, the old one being too small to accommodate the increase of trade.
MILO BRIGHT has had such a run of business that he has been obliged to add a clerk to his department.
LEVI MIDDLETON is going to sell furniture at cost for the next twenty days, not on account of any pressure, but to make room for a larger stock.

The RAILROAD ELECTION in Newcastle Township, last Tuesday, resulted in a victory for the friends of the appropriation by a majority of 19 ... The ill-feeling which generally follows an election prevails among them.

The use of tobacco, in any form, within the schoolroom, is strictly prohibited, unless those using it have spittoons to use and keep them clean. [one of 14 Rules and Regulations of the Fulton Countv Common Schools, Recommended by Trustees and Co. Supt.]

The Auditor was directed to institute suit on bond of ABSOLOM NELLANS,
PAUL STOCKBERGER, F. P. WAUGH, JOHN E. CATES and M. V. COPLEN, for payment of balance of cost in the construction of the BLOOMINGSBURG BRIDGE, provided the amount is not paid to the Treasurer before the 20th inst.
MARK MOORE was retained as tenant on the POOR FARM.


Health has been good. One death since our last (of cancer), Mrs. AARON HUYSER of Wayne Township.
Mr. CALEB BOOTS and lady, of Marion, Ind., paid a flying visit to some of their old friends in this part of the County, the past few days.
Miss LEAR SHELTON, of Hebron, and Mr. POMEROY, of Valparaiso, had great reason to return thanks on thanksgiving day. They two now are one...
MARRIED. -Miss WARE (daughter of JAMES WARE) and ANTHONY BURDGE, both of Wayne Township.
-Miss BAINTER, of Rochester and WM. ROSSMAND, of Union Township.
-Miss SUMMERS and one Mr. HUYSER, of Wayne Township.
Messers. ZUCK, STREET & CO. have added considerable improvements to their mill ...
School commenced in most of the districts of this Township on last Monday. E. L. YARLOT and Miss L. TAYLOR, has charge of the KEWANNA GRADED SCHOOL. Miss EMMA BARNETT, COLLEGE CORNER; SAMUEL BARGER, SCOTLAND; Miss EGGMAN, FROGTOWN; REUBEN MINTON, BARRETTS schoolhouse, or "POLECAT"; RUFUS COX, DAVIS; D. LOUGH, MONGERS; Miss WRIGHT, BRUCE'S LAKE Lake; JOSEPH SLICK, IRELAND.
S. R. MOON, while in the mercantile business at this place, in company with HOGAN brothers, kindly serenaded us and discoursed some excellent music.

MARRIED. -JOHN DAY, formerly of this place, now residing two miles south of Fulton, was married to Miss MOLLIE STEFFEY, near this place on the 25th of November...
Deputy GEO. W. JULIAN, of Cass County, organized a GRANGE of Patrons of Husbandry, at the GREEN OAK School House, on Thursday, Nov 27th, with a membership of thirty. It will be known by the name of GREEN OAK GRANGE ... officers installed:

(Notice of Dissolution) ... partnership heretofore existing between JOSEPH LAUER, AUGUSTUS DEICHMAN and JACOB GERSON, in the clothing and merchant tailoring business, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Gerson having sold his entire interest to his partners, who will continue the business under the firm name of LAUER & DEICHMAN. Mr. Gerson will superintend the merchant tailoring department with the same care as heretofore... Rochester, Ind., Dec. 5, '73.

(Proceedings in Attachment) ROBERT WALLACE vs JAMES RODDEN... this 5th day of December, 1873. WILLIAM REES, Justice of the Peace.

(Notice to Non-Residents) JOHN D. BROWN vs ALBERT G. BROWN... plaintiff, by T. W. BROWN, attorney... that said defendant is not a resident of the State of Indiana... this 2d day of December, A.D. 1873. SAMUEL KEELY, Clerk.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... Saturday, the 27th day of December. 1873 ... (real estate, described) ... taken as the property of WILLIAM STURGEON at the suit of MILTON SHIRK vs WILLIAM STURGEON, et al. SIDNEY R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton County.

DAVID P. McDONALD will assist in furnishing the music for the masquerade ball on Christmas eve.
We are informed that the wife of our townsman, SIDNEY KEITH, Esq., is suffering from a severe attack of the lung fever.
An accomplished workman in the person of THOMAS X. SATTERTHWAIT has been obtained to take charge of the jewelry department of ASHTON'S BAZAR AND FARMERS' STORE.
By an arrangement between Rev. F. M. ELLIOTT and Rev. D. M. WILLIAMSON, of Perrysburg, an exchange of pulpits will be made for to-morrow...
SQUALLS. -We have had squally weather this week. It commenced raining on Monday morning, and continued with short intervals until Wednesday evening, when old Boreas arose in his might and played havoc with things generally. It blew the observatory off Mr. C. HOOVER's fine residence, and the smoke stacks down of nearly all the manufacturing establishments in town. The First National Bank was only prevented from being blown away by its firm and solid financial standing. The night was terrible. The wind howled and so did the dogs. It was a bad night for doctors to be out, yet one did visit ED. HORTON'S, another JOHNNY SHELTON'S, and yet another EMI KENNEDY'S, and a little heir adorns the home circle of each of the above named parties. Wednesday night was the squaliest of the season.

TEACHERS' INSTITUTE (concluded from last week) Friday, November 25, 1873. (names mentioned)- Rev. CLARK SKINNER, Prof. W. J. WILLIAMS, M. S. WILES, Mr. SHAFER, Miss TAYLOR, D. E. WILLIAMS, N. G. HUNTER, R. B. MINTON, Mr. WOOD, T. J. McCLARY, C. R. GREEN, Rev. N. L. LORD, WILLIAM LOUGH, Mr. YARLOT, Miss E. J. REX, R. C. WALLACE, Miss LIZZIE GREEN, Miss KELLEY, W. H. SICKMAN, WILLIAM RILEY, W. R. GREEN.

We learn that W. A. HORTON, of Mill Ark, intends engaging in the poultry business, as he was seen along the road to Rochester trying to trade a chicken of the feminine gender for one of the masculine.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturdav, December 13, 1873

AKRON NEWS, December 8, 1873
Mr. ANDREW ONSTOTT, one of the hardy yeomen of this township, came to town a few days ago, and procured the use of Mr. ARNOLD's horse and buggy to drive into the country. As he was proceeding leisurely along upon the public highway, the old horse expressed a strange desire to shake hands over the dash-board. To this Mr. Onstott objected, and so expressed himself by giving the animal a severe cut with the whip. This excited the old horse's ire, and he presented to the gentleman portions of the dash-board in small particles.
The Montour House, under the special supervision of Mother KUHN, would do credit to a much larger place than Akron.
Dr. SUTTON has recently moved into his new and elegant house, and we are told his little wife presides over the duties of the household with true womanly dignity.

WILLIAM HUDKINS and Miss GARBISON went on their way rejoicing yesterday to get married, and we hope they were married and are still rejoicing.
One wedding we forgot to mention last week, viz: ETHAN COLLINS and Miss SHERIDAN. It may be a little old to your readers, but not to them. We mean the news.
On Monday night a raffling match took place at BENEVIL GUISE'S. Not having change enough, his son rode on a horse of Mr. KERSE'Y's to a neighbor to get some, and on his way he unluckily drove the horse into a hole by the roadside which was full of water. The horse lived but a short time after being taken out of the pit.

A remarkable operation was performed by Dr. FITCH, of Logansport, upon Mr. J. L. McMAHAN of this place. McMahan, or POLK as he is known by all of our citizens, was one of those unfortunate persons who was wounded severly at the battle of Chickamauga. In that memorable fight he received a rifle shot in the forehead, or rather a glancing shot entering near the outer corner of the eye, carrying away the eyebrow and fracturing the skull. For two years it was a running sore from which he suffered no serious inconveniences. After it had grown up there appears to have been a pressure upon the brain by the new matter formed, which caused him much distress, and finally produced spasms or fits which grew more frequent and violent with each returning day. A year or more ago he went to Chicago and was operated upon and portions of the skull bone taken out. He received no relief, however, and his affliction grew worse and worse. He consulted Dr. Fitch and received encouragement from him. With a true heroism that characterized him on the field, he resolved to do or die. Life had become a burden to him and he consented to endure the painful operation, at the hands of a man in whom he had implicit confidence, of removing that portion of the skull bone causing him so much distress. He visited Logansport two weeks ago for that purpose, when the work was skillfully performed by Dr. Fitch, assisted by Dr. COLEMAN, since which time he has been improving in health, and no symptoms of returning fits. He has the best wishes of all who know him as a worthy young man for his speedy and permanent recovery.

(Strayed) From the subscriber. living in Liberty Township, 10 head of two-year old past steers. They were all branded "S.G." on the right horn, in front, and the same on the left horn, on the back. A liberal reward will be paid for any information leading to their recovery. SEBASTIAN GOSS.

(Administrator's Land Sale) SIMON GOLDTHAIT, Administrator of the estate of OLIVER GOLDTHAIT, deceased will sell at public sale (real estate, described) ...

BILLY OLNEY, a worthy young man of this place, has embarked in the mercantile trade at Tiosa.
Old SAM SIMONS and his son SAM still stay in town, notwithstanding the Baxter bill.
The completion of the EXCELSIOR FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS was celebrated by a grand ball on Wednesday evening.
O. C. SMITH has been suffering for the last three weeks with a very bad catarrh on his hand. He looks as though he just recovered from a severe spell of sickness, so great has been his agony.
JAKE RANNELLS has sold out his MEAT MARKET and BOARDING HOUSE. We don't know who runs it now, nor will any body know unless the proprietor advertises ...
The finest team we have seen on the streets lately belongs to JACOB VANTRUMP. He has purchased an entire new outfit, and is going to farm the old Vantrump homestead. Jake is a reader of the SENTINEL, has a good farm, and only needs a good wife to pail the cows and share his joys to make him happy for life.
We saw a fine drove of hogs pass through town, belonging to BEARSS & MERRICK. There were 550 in the drove, and among the number we saw one that weighed 610 pounds. It was raised and fattened by Uncle SOL. WAGNER...
For twenty years or more, GEORGE McGUIRE has worn the belt as being the tallest man in Fulton County, his perpendicularity being six feet and three inches, stocking footed. He stood treat and turned over the belt to LAMBERT PILKINTON, a recent accession to the tall men's club of Rochester, who beats him just an inch. Pilkinton is yet young, and when he gets his growth will be tall enough for a telegraph pole.
THOMAS BEAL has erected a shanty, 7x9, on east Pearl Street, from which, we understand, he intends to pass out the ardent to thirsty travelers who pass his door ...

DIED. -The messenger of death has again visited our city and taken from society one of its most cherished and respected members. Mrs. JULIA C. KEITH, wife of Hon. SIDNEY KEITH., after a short illness was called from her home and friends below to join the society of the blest above. She was born in the Green Mountain State, and had attained the age of 51 years. Although she had resided in this place for many years, she never lost her attachment for the home of her childhood and conformed to its customs by living rather retired and secluded from the gayeties of the world, preferring to shed her smiles and the light of her countenance over her own hearthstone to indulging in the company of friends abroad. She was an estimable, Christian lady, and her loss is felt and regretted by all.

The FULTON COUNTY HORSE COMPANY Regular Meeting on Saturday, December 27, 1873, at the Court House, at 10 O'clock, a.m. All the members are requested to be present. C. H. ROBBINS, Sec'y.

(Lost) -On Saturday, December 6, 1873, in Rochester, Ind., between Camerer's blacksmith shop and the Court House, a small pocket-book, containing one $10 gold niece and one $5 gold niece, also one $1 bill and a small amount of scrip. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning it to this office, or to SEBASTIAN GOSS.

Mr. JOSEPH ALLMAN, the popular north end merchant, has removed his immense stock of dry goods, groceries, &c., from his old stand to the CORNELIUS BUILDING, first door north of the Wallace House ...

A recent examination of the First National Bank of this place, by Judge BUNDY, the examiner, reveals the fact that it is the strongest of any Bank in the State, amount of capital considered.

J. W. JACKSON has been confined to his room for the past week with a felon on his hand, but it is getting better now.
We have a DEBATING SOCIETY at the Station. We met and organized Tuesday night ...
The saw mill here is not running now on account of a difficulty between the proprietors.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, December 20, 1873

Our town is still improving. Mr. A. STRONG moved to our village last week. He is now a partner with FRANK DILLON in the wagon and carriage business.
FRANK TERRY has returned from college, to spend a short time with his numerous friends.
Our school at this place has been in progress for two weeks, under the management of ROBERT WALLACE and Miss MAGGIE DAVIS ...
JOSEPH WILHOIT has contracted to deliver three hundred cords of wood to the AKRON FLOURING MILLS. If Joe turns all of his boys out in to woods with an axe apiece, they will knock out that much wood in a few days.
GEORGE ONSTOTT is lying sick with typhoid fever.

DIED. -On the 14th inst., THOMAS WILSON, Jr., aged 29 years. Mr. Wilson was an industrious, intelligent and promising young man. He was reserved in manners, though loved and respected by many friends. He has been afflicted for the past two years with that deceiving disease, consumption, which always makes sure work of its victims. He did not suffer much with his affliction, and like every patient of that disease, was alwavs hopeful of recovery; but that expectation was never realized, but on last Sunday morning the icy arms of death relieved him from the cares, afflictions and anxieties of this world. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. READER, at his father's residence on Thursday last at 10 a.m., attended by a large concourse of people. This is but another evidence of the certainty of death, and that the young must die as well as the old. May we all heed the warning voice.

Mr. ABRAHAM BRUCE, of this Township, has been afflicted for some time, and for the past few weeks his friends have given up all hopes of his recovery.

(Notice) is hereby given that whereas my wife, MARY HIZER, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, that I will pay no debts of her contracting from and after this date. JOHN HIZER. Rochester, Ind., Dec. 19, 1873

THE FARMERS' LOAN and DEPOSIT BANK, of Rochester, Indiana... Established August lst, 1873 .... WM. ASHTON, Cashier, JAS. O. MILLER, Ass't Cashier.

(Notice of Administration) ... ALEX. CURTIS appointed administrator of the estate of THOMAS WEAVER, late of Fulton County, deceased... December 16, 1873.

(Notice of Dissolution) ... the partnership heretofore existing between W. B. MILLER and B. J. CORRY in the WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKING business, under the firm name of MILLER & CORRY, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 4th day of December, 1873. All claims of said firm are due W. B. MILLER and ELIJAH NEFF, who have formed a new partnership ... MILLER & NEFF...

Capt. SHIELDS, of Akron, sold his town property in this place to JACOB REITER this week.
Mr. C. CORNELIUS has just returned from a visit to Kentucky, his old native home.
Our Israelitish friend, JACOB GERSON, and his Gentile wife, rejoice and make merry over the advent of a bouncing boy -- of what religious faith?
Mr. and Mrs. CHAS. JACKSON will celebrate their china wedding on next Tuesday evening. The occasion will be one of grandeur, no doubt.
MILT. REES will have one of the finest rooms in town for a FURNITURE STORE when he moves into the new building just finished by Dr. SPOHN.
JOSEPH WILHOIT was arrested this week on an affidavit of I. W. BROWN, charging him with perjury. Malice is said to be the cause of the action.
Prof. WILLIAMS, of the Rochester Graded School, has recently been ordained minister, and will preach his first sermon at the M.E. Church tomorrow evening.
SAM. KEELY, our County Clerk, sold the lot north of where he lives to GEORGE SERGEANT, who has already some of the material on the ground for building a handsome residence in the spring.
DAVE RANNELLS has at last found the best location for a MEAT MARKET there is in town. You will find him opposite the Post Office ...

GOOD BARGAIN. A valuable farm of 160 acres, well improved with good buildings and fine orchard, lying one and a half miles south of Rochester, an the Peru road, will be sold at a great bargain. Call on THOMAS WILSON, or at this office.

Mr. EUGENE RITENOUR, at the Bazar and Farmer's Store, is one of the most agreeable clerks in the State, and loves to show goods to customers and treat them kindly.

ROCHESTER SENTINEL, Saturday, December 27, 1873

Our citizens have subscribed liberally to the fund for the relief of the poor of Rochester, but very little interest is manifested by them in the mode of distributing it to those who are needy. A meeting of the donors was called at the Court House last Tuesday evening, but very few put in an appearance. Those who were present proceeded to appoint the proper committees to inquire after the wants of the needy and report at a meeting to be held at the same place to-night. The town was divided into wards and a committees appointed in each. Said committees are as follows: First ward, Rev. ROWDEN, Mrs. FRED FROMM and Mrs. D. S. ROSS; second ward, Rev. SKINNER, Mrs. E. P. COPELAND and Mrs. CHARLES JACKSON; third ward, Rev. LORD, Mrs. E. E. COWGILL, Mrs. J. P. MYERS and Mrs.
A. T. BITTERS ....

GEORGE ONSTOTT is still in a very critical condition. His friends have little hope of his recovery.
SHIELDS & ADAMSON are closing out their entire stock of harness, &c., at cost.
The firm of ARNOLD & SON are "driving" a good business.
Mr. DANIELS continues to carry on business at the old stand of WEAVER & DANIELS.
Dr. SUTTON is quite a vocalist. He is leader of the singing class at this place. FRANK BITTERS also ranks second to none in this capacity.

Deputy G. D. CUSTER, of Logansport, organized a Grange of Patrons of Husbandry at the residence of S. DAVIDSON, Rochester Township, on the evening of December 10th. It will be known by the name of MANITAU GRANGE. (names mentioned.): STEPHEN DAVIDSON, JAMES K. STINSON, JAS. VANMETER, SAM. A. HOOVER, ISAAC ALLEN, HUGH VANMETER, RILEY RICHARDSON, S. C. DAVIDSON, Mrs. M. J. STINSON, ELIZABETH K. STINSON, Miss JOSIE DAVIDSON, Miss MAY VANMETER.

On the 28th of November, 1873, Deputy G. W. JULIAN organized a Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry at the residence of JOSHUA COFFING, in what is known as the Hopewell neighborhood, Allen Township, Miami Co., Ind. They have a membership of about 15 persons, and have now received their charter ... This Grange will be known as

The first session of the Newcastle Township Institute met at the school house in Bloomingsburg on Saturday, Dec. 14, 1873 ... (names mentioned): J. A. WOOD, A. L. SHAFER, T. J. McCLARY, Miss SALLIE McMAHAN, J. B. NELLANS, F. C. MONTGOMERY, Miss L. HUNTER, Miss MATTIE BRYON.

(Estray Notice) Taken up by HARRISON ROBBINS, of Liberty Township, one red and white spotted heifer, one year old last spring, marked with a smooth crop off the left ear, and a hole in the right ear. Appraised at $10 by WILLIAM MILLER and GEORGE CARTER before 'Squire OLIVER, December 15, 1873.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... Saturday, the 24th day of January, 1874... in a cause wherein NELSON R. DOOLITTLE and HENRY BROWN are plaintiffs, and ELIZABETH WHITE is defendant... (real estate. described).. S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton County.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... Saturday, the 24th day of January, 1874... in a cause wherein JAMES L. McCAY is plaintiff, and JOHNSON McCLURE, et al, is defendant... (real estate, described) ... S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton County.

(Sheriff's Sale) ... Saturday, the 24th day of January, 1874 ... in a cause wherein WILLIAM TRIBBETT is plaintiff, and SETH HENRICK and BARBARA HENRICKS are defendants ... (real estate, described) ... S. R. MOON, Sheriff of Fulton County.

The citizens of Walnut and vicinity are going to form a large circle on Tuesday next, and attempt to catch all the foxes that may be within it.
MARRIED. -On Christmas morning, at the residence of the bride's father, in Newcastle Township, by Rev. A. V. HOUSE, AMOS B. GORDON and ALMANARY DUMBAULD.
DIED. -Mrs. MOW, widow of DAVID MOW, deceased, died at her residence in Richland Township on Tuesday last. She leaves a large family of small children to the mercies and cold charitv of the world.
-IDA MATILDA, daughter of Mrs. and Mr. V. ZIMMERMAN, aged 3 vears, died on Monday last, and was buried on Tuesday, the funeral services being conducted by Father WEICHMAN at the Catholic church.
The ODD FELLOWS residing in the neighborhood of Center School House, in Richland Township, have erected a large and commodious hall, which they intend to use for lodge purposes as soon as the new lodge is instituted, which will be on Wednesday evening next. Among those who have borne a liberal share of the burdens in defraying the expense of putting up and finishing the building, is Mr. CHARLES W. HOLMAN.
We took occasion a short time since to compliment FERGUSON & ASHTON in securing the services of a competent workman in their jewelry department, they having in their employ Mr. T. X. SATTERTHWAIT, of Lima, Ohio. The DEMOCRAT of that place, of a recent date, says of him: "TOM is not only an accomplished workman, but a young man who will always be found to be steady, honest and obliging, and of whom his employers may ever be proud."

W. W. STICKLES has been spending a few days in Rochester among his old associates. He will soon return to his "case" on the South Bend daily TRIBUNE .
Mr. GEORGE W. GROW, formerly of this place, but now doing a thriving farming business in Illinois, is visiting uncle DAN. JONES, his father-in-law, and other friends here. George's shadow has not grown any less since he went to the Sucker State...

Elections held by the Masonic bodies of this place resulted as follows: Rochester Chapter, No. 90, PHILIP ROWDEN, E. R. HERMAN, H. B. BOSWELL. Fulton Lodge No. 79, JAMES T. GAINER, WILLIAM WOOD. Rochester Lodge, No. 4A6, J. H. BEEBER, E. R. HERMAN, F. B. ERNSPERGER....

To be less than a week old, CHES. CHAMBERLAIN has the largest boy in town.

A new BASKERY AND CRACKER FACTORY has been opened near the depot, over which JOE WEIDNER presides as baker and Droprietor. His long connection with that business eminently fits him for that position. He has long since established his reputation as one of the best bakers of the city, and his many old customers will be glad to learn that they can get bread, cakes, pies, and all kind of pastries from his hand again. Bread tickets are for sale at Collins' restaurant, and all orders left there will be promptly filled and delivered at your door.

BARGAINS IN TOWN LOTS. The undersigned offers for sale, at a bargain, lot No. 259 in Robbins and Harter's addition, and the south half of lot No. 67 in new plat of Rochester. Said lots are beautifully located, and will be sold cheap. Inquire of W. H. CURTIS, or at this office.