Wendell C. and John B. Tombaugh
Limited Printing
Copy No.____of 6
700 Pontiac Street
Rochester, Indiana
This book cannot be reproduced without the express permission of Wendell C. Tombaugh, John B. Tombaugh, their heirs or assigns.
Made in the United States of America.
TABER, GEORGE [Logansport, Indiana]
George Taber, pioneer citizen and veteran member of the Cass County Bar
Association died at his home in Logansport last night after a long illness. He
was 75 years of age. Taber at one time owned large tracts of land in Fulton
county which his father had purchased from the Indians.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 2, 1930]
TABER, STEPHEN C. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Fairview
TABERNACLE - 1908 [Rochester, Indiana]
My grandfather, John G. Hill, helped build the Rochester Tabernacle about 1906
or thereabouts, as a place to hold summer revival meetings, sponsored by all the
churches in Rochester. It was located on the "south commons" on
southeast corner of 7th and Pontiac streets. The town had two commons, each
about one-fourth square block. The "north commons" was vacant and used
for ball games until the high school was built in 1912. The Tabernacle had a
sawdust floor and wood benches and a pulpit. Meetings were held there every
night. People would go forward and join the church of their choice. I joined
church there that summer. In the fall it was torn down. Later Al Fenstermaker
built the three houses that now occupy the site.
[Hill Family, Clarence F. Hill, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1., Willard]
Rochester is to have a tabernacle in the near future, the plans having already
been completed.
Work on the new building, which will be 60x80 feet in dimensions, will be
commenced the first week in September and will be completed in about one week.
It is to be erected on the vacant lot in the rear of the M.E. parsonage and will
be constructed one story high, with a sloping roof on both sides. The sides will
be made so that they may be raised all along for ventilation.
As soon as completed, the new building will be used as a place of worship in a
series of union revival meetings with evangelist Honeywell, of Chicago, as the
principal speaker, along with his two assistants. Evangelist Honeywell is well
known throughout the country as a powerful man and was a right-hand man to Rev.
Billy Sunday for several years. These meetings will continue through September
and include the first week in October.
Another purpose of the building, according to the plans of the builders, will be
the holding of political meetings there during October and first week of
November. This will be a fine place as the building will have a seating capacity
of 1,500 and will be the same as being out doors with the advantage of
protection from the elements.
Before next winter the building will be torn down and the lumber returned to the
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 13, 1908]
Rochester is to be the scene of a modern uptodate religious campaign. Next
Monday morning work will be begun on a tabernacle which will seat about 1800
people. The tabernacle will be located on the lot in front of the Hospital and
of course will be a temporary structure. The meetings will begin Friday evening,
Sept. 11 and will be in charge of the Rev. I. E. Honeywell, a noted evangelist.
He will be assisted by a singer and an assistant. During the meeting Mr.
Honeywell plans to have the Rev. Billy Sunday here and also the Rev. Melvin
Trotter of Grand Rapids, one of the most successful christian workers of the
day. Mr. Sunday and Mr. Trotter are both well known to Winona attendants.
Every christian man and woman in Rochester and surrounding country is invited to
join in this great movement which has for its purpose the conversion of every
person not already a christian.
The meetings will probably continue for a month. The tabernacle will be used
after the meetings are over for the political gatherings of all parties.
Every man in Rochester who can drive a nail or handle a saw is invited to assist
in the building of the tabernacle and a large force of volunteer workers is
requested for Tuesday morning of next week. All who can are requested to be on
hand Monday afternoon. Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock a force of twenty men will
be needed.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 5, 1908]
The new Gospel Tabernacle was started this morning and a force of men are
working hard to have it ready for occupancy by next Sunday morning when the
churches interested in the movement will hold their first service. The plan was
to be ready Friday 11th but the date for the first meeting has been changed to
next Saturday the 13th. Morning, afternoon and evening services will be held on
that day. The expenses of the churches interested in the movement will be kept
up just the same as usual as the envelopes will be brought to the tabernacle
services and the offerings to the different churches will be given to their
respective treasurers at the close of each service.
Next Saturday evening there will be a choir rehearsal of all the singers who
will assist with the meeting at the Tabernacle. Every singer in Rochester is
invited to join the great chorus choir which will number about 250 voices. The
meetings will have as leader of the singing a trained chorus leader and talented
singer, the Rev. M. C. Martin of Minneapolis. A great orchestra will also be
organized and anyone who can play on a musical instrument will be invited to
join it.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 1908]
The building of Gospel Tabernacle just west of the Methodist church is creating
much interest. Climbing over the building and weilding hammer and saw are three
prominent pastors, Dr. Campbell and Revs. Newman and Smith. The former are
excellent mechanics and Mr. Smith is good help, splendid on the lift. Judge
Troutman occasionally comes around to lend a hand or bring a melon for "the
boys" working on the building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 10, 1908]
The Big Meeting planned for by a number of the pastors of Rochester will begin
with a choir rehearsal this evening under the direction of Rev. Martin the
director of music for the meeting. Every singer in Rochester who can help with
the music in any way is invited to join in this rehearsal. Books will be used
appropriate for the services. Persons who can play on musical instruments are
invited to join in the orchestra. All members of churches interested in this
meeting will bring their envelopes and put them in the contribution plates just
as they would at their own churches. The arrangements of the Tabernacle are
surprisingly complete and comfortable. The seats are broad and of dressed lumber
and there are backs to them too. The ventilation has been looked after and there
are plenty of windows and doors to let in fresh air.
Evangelist Honeywell who will have charge of the meeting is a man who has had
large experience in this work and will prove the right man for this campaign.
Services are as follows: Sunday morning 10:45 with sermon by Rev. I. E.
Honeywell. Afternoon service at 3 o'clock. Evening service at 7 o'clock with
sermon by Rev. Honeywell. The tabernacle will accommodate 1,500 people.
Everybody is invited to all the services.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 12, 1908]
The union tabernacle meetings for which the churches of Rochester have been
planning for several weeks, opened yesterday with great congregations, a full
tabernacle greeting Evangelist Honeywell when he stepped inside the door for the
evening service. The morning sermon was devoted to the subject of prayer, and
the evangelist appealed to the Christians to pray earnestly for a great revival,
saying that there had never been a great revival except as the result of much
prayer. He insisted that there must be a whole hearted consecration to God. He
quoted examples from the lives of many of the Bible characters to prove that the
great men, those who had accomplished great things, had been men of prayer. He
also illustrated his point by returning to great men, both preachers and men
outside of the pulpit, who were given to earnest prayer. He defined prayer in
the following language: "Prayer is the confession of our need. It is man's
weakness throwing itself on God's strength. It is man's ignorance throwing
itself on God's wisdom. It is our refuge to trouble, our strength in weakness,
our armor in battle. It is our comfort in sorrow, it is the wings by which we
fly to God, a ladder for our feet in climbing to the sky. It is the first sign
of conversion, it is the birth cry of the soul."
The subject in the evening was "Revivals." Mr. Honeywell introduced
his subject by stating that he wished that he might appear not so much in the
official capacity of a preacher or evangelist, but rather in the character of an
earnest and true friend. He spoke of the great need of a revival and the
conditions which would bring it about. The great revivals mentiond in the Bible
were spoken of, then Mr. Honeywel showed that the Episcopalian, the Lutherans,
the Congregationilists, the Presbytrians, the Quakers, the Methodists and the
Baptists were the results of great revivals. Revivals in business, pleasure,
styles and politics are common, and are thought nothing of, but when the church
talks about a revival some old backslidden official or godless hypocrite in the
church cries "I object." His story of the little girl whose sunshiny
religion had been rebuked by her stern old grandfather and who went out and
stroked the head of the neighbor's donkey, remarking, "Good old donkey,
you've got religion all right for you have a long face just like grandpa,"
caused a great outburst of laughter from the great congregation, which seemed to
appreciate his witty thrusts at the long faced, backslidden church member. He
spoke of quarrels and envy among the churches and church members standing in the
way of the revivals and pleaded with those who professed to be Christians to
line up for God.
The evangelists are very pleasant and agreeable persons. Rev. Honeywell is a
strong and forceful speaker, dealing in facts that are not always as pleasing to
some of his hearers because of the truths he tells. He is argumentative and
convincng in his utterances and it is believed that he will accomplish a great
work in this community.
Rev. A. E. Phelps has not yet been much in evidence as a speaker. Upon him
depends much of the management of the meetings. His work is more in line with
the afternoon meetings and looking after the boys, girls and children. He is
such a pleasant and sociable gentleman that he can not fail in the work he has
in hand.
It is in Prof. M. C. Martin that much interest centers. As a singer evangelist
he is certainly a success. In a very brief time he has organized a chorus and
orchestra that makes the welkin ring and adds inspiration to all hearers. His
management is superb, even the children cheerfully obeying every request made by
him. He sings some beautiful solos as a mester of art. It is a matter of regret
that a picture of this evangelist cannot be given at this time. To see and hear
him will be more satisfactory to determine his merits.
Services this evening at 7:30. Announcements of afternoon meetings will be made
at the evening meeting.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 14, 1908]
A very large and inspiring audience gathered at the Tabernacle Monday night, to
hear the gospel in song and story. Usually that night is an off time for revival
work, was not so in this instance. In the congregation were the representative
people of the city. Prof. Martin led the large chorus which sang the new songs
with enthusiasm. The singing could be heard for many squares. Every one is
beginning to feel that a very great religious campaign has begun. Large success
is predicted on every hand. Evangelist Honeywell preached a sermon full of
truths which he drove home with power.
Mr. Honeywell said in part: "I never stand before an audience of this size
in my evangelistic work without having a number of thoughts crowd in upon me.
One is this. We never met until the other night, so may never meet again after
the close of these services until we meet at the judgment day of God. Another is
that in a few brief years we will all be asleep beneath the sod. Ten twenty,
fifty, seventy-five years from tonight, where will we all be? Our church bells
will be rung from our church spires but they will be rung by other hands for
other worshipers. Our pulpits will be filled with other preachers and our pews
with other listeners. But there is still another and more serious thought which
comes to us and that is this: What an immense power, I mean immense mortal power
there is, even in a congregation of this size. Do you know it is impossible for
us to estimate aright the power that lies latent in the churches of our land
today? Many of our church members, because they can not do everything, are
willing to sit around until they actually mildew, and do nothing. All the great
things of the world have been done little by little, by little agents, by little
persons, by little things. And I want to say that if you ever have a revival
here, the work will not be accomplished by the evangelist and the singer alone.
If I thought that you imagined that this was my work and that the success or
failure depended upon me and that you have no special part in it, I would pack
my trunk at the close of this service and return to Chicago by the first train.
This is your meeting, and mine." Using a common phrase, "It is up to
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 15, 1908]
A large crowd gathered at the Tabernacle last evening. Fine chorus singing and
able preaching are the attractions which bid fair to command the whole attention
of the community for the month. Never in the history of this city has there been
so great a religious campaign planned and never more capable and successful
leaders to direct the movement. Success seems certain. Prof Martin did splendid
work with the large chorus and sang a solo with great acceptability. His work is
very fine. Mr. Honeywell, though a little hoarse from hard speaking, preached a
masterly sermon on "will the old book stand, or nuts for the skeptic to
crack." The large audience listened most intently.
The salient points of Mr. Honeywell's sermon were as follows: "We do not
have to go back to the bible times to determine the truth or falsity of the
Bible. We judge a tree by its fruits, so can we judge Christianity. Some men say
that they cannot believe the whale swallowed Jonah. The Bible does not say that
it was a whale. It says that God prepared a great fish. There is a great shark
in the Museum at London down the throat of which a team and wagn can be driven.
Bad men would not write such a book as the Bible and they could not if they
would. It must have been the work of good men. If it was an imposition bad men
would not hate it and good men love it.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 16, 1908]
Great interest was manifested at the Tabernacle meeting last evening. The
audience was large notwithstanding counter attractions. The chorus was increased
and sang for the first half hour with enthusiasm. Mr. Martin sang "Old
Jordan's Waves I do Not Fear." Mr. Honeywell in voice much improved
preached a telling sermon on "The Home Problem" No one who heard it
will ever forget what was said. The large audience was visibly and deeply moved.
Mr. Honeywell said the longer I live, the more I visit from home to home, the
more I see of the sorrows and cares, the successes and failures of this life,
the more I am impressed that the home problem is the greatest problem of our
civilization. If the home life is pure all is pure. National life never rises
above the home life, and never sinks below it. The prettiest picture earth
furnishes is a whole family on the way to heaven, and the most horrible picture
is a whole family on the way to hell. A child properly trained up to a proper
point will not go astray. The child who does not obey his father will obey
neither social, civil, nor divine laws. The lives of the mothers of Napoleon,
Lord Bacon, Washington, Patrick Henry and of the Wesleys are illustrations of
the influence of the parent on the life of the child. The children are following
in the footstes of the parents. Do not lead them in the wrong way. Gabriel might
come down here and preach and you might have an angel choir to sing, with
heavenly musicians to play the accompaniments, but you will never reach the boys
and girls, you will never save the young men and women, if you have to drag them
in over some old wind broken backslider or some society dame of a mother.
Tonight 7:30 o'clock at the Tabernacle Mr. Honeywell will preach.
Tomorrow 9:40 to 12. Business mens meeting at Democratic headquarters. 2:30 day
meeting at the Tabernacle.
Cottage prayer meetings will be tomorrow morning at 9:30 as follows: At the home
of Daniel Agnew 1326 Main St., A. J. Brockie, 1212 Franklin St.; L. K. Brower,
402 W. 3rd St; C. G. Hoover, 525 Madison St; W. E. Jewell, 1130 Elm St; the
Misses McCaughey, 719 Jefferson St; Frank Dillon, 113 E. 10th St.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 17, 1908]
The largest crowd of the week attended the Tabernacle meeting last night. The
choir and the Evangelist did their best work and the meeting was a success. The
first half hour of song by the choir of a hundred voices added often by the
large audience was an inspiration; Evangelist Honeywell followed with a sermon
of telling force. It was as a great battering ram beating down the walls of
prejudice and sin. The sermon was severe in some parts, but no one could dispute
its truth.
His theme was "No room in the Inn for Jesus." There was no room for
Him when he came into the world and with many no room yet. In some churches he
said little room for the real Christ. In the lives of many professed followers,
little room for the real Christ. It was on this point that the preacher smote
hard the worldliness of the day. He said it was not the low unattractive
gambling room back of the saloon that was the greatest curse but the fashionable
homes, the gilded palaces that with prize parties and wine suppers started young
men and women on the way to ruin. The low down dives are but the last scenes in
a tragedy which began at the prize card parties, the fashionable dance and the
wine suppers. In business he said there was little room for the real Christ.
Here he dwelt severaly upon the cut-throat methods of some in their mad craze
for wealth and praised many stalwart, upright christian business men who stand
for the highest integrity in the business world. It will be hard for the great
audience to forget his words. Speaking of the effect of his sermon he said,
"Throw a stone into a pack of dogs. The dog that is hit will howl."
It's the fellow who is hit that will howl at what others said.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 18, 1908]
The largest indoor congragation ever assembled in Fulton county gathered in the
Tabernacle last night to hear evangelist Honeywell. The huge building was packed
to the limits and hundreds stood outside and heard the service. Never in this
vicinity was there such a religious movement of such gigantic proportions. There
was no doubt in the minds of any there last night of the very great final
outcome of this movement.
The great choir of nearly two hundred voices and many instruments led by Mr.
Martin did splendid service. Their choruses roused great enthusiasm. The
offerings for current expenses for the day ran over $100 thrown loose into the
baskets. The pastors who have the meeting in charge were greatly pleased.
Mr. Honeywell was at his best and preached with telling effect his "Kill or
Cure" sermon and it brought forth frequent bursts of applause. It was a
phillippic which will not soon be forgotten in Rochester. It was entertaining
and heroic. It bristled with truths that needed to be told. He said in part:
"Many men are physical giants and yet they are moral cowards. Fitzsimmons,
Corbet, Jeffries and men of that stamp are physical marvels, but they are moral
cowards. When you enter a campaign like this, you soon learn who the weak-kneed
cowards are. You will soon hear 'Oh, I don't believe in revivals. Too much
excitement for me.' The trouble is the church is afraid of creating a little
opposition or trouble. Talk about sensational preaching. Jesus was a sensational
Tonight in the name of my mother, of my wife, of the children who hear my name,
in the name of the Christ and the church, and all that is noble and virtuous, in
the name of broken hearts, in the name of the drunkard and his family, in the
name of a sinning and lost humanity I declare war! war! war! against sin and
corruption; against damnation and the devil here in Rochester to the bitter end.
What the world needs today is brave men. We need brave men in the pulpit, but we
need more than that, we need brave men who will stand by the preachers.
You ought to forbid your children gadding the streets at nights. Many a poor
girl has lost her name, simply because her fool of a father and mother have
allowed her to gad the streets at night. I like to see a brave girl, one who
will choose her companions right. The average young man is more particular about
his associates than the average young girl. Until the young women take a decided
stand and absolutely refuse to go with young men who are immoral, the young men
will remain bad.
In the Morning, Mr. Honeywell preached a sermon which gripped the hearts of a
large congregation, on 23d Psalm. The tabernacle was filled at the afternoon
service for young people by boys, girls, young men and women, and the older
ones. After a very interesting service over a half hundred accepted Christ,
among them being many adults.
Prof. Martin called upon several of the young ladies to sing verses of the
different songs and the congreagtion were well pleased with the work done. The
different instruments were in evidence and did much to add to the success of the
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 21, 1908]
"What a sermon that was!" was an exclamation on many lips at the close
of last night's tabernacle meeting. It is the opinion of many that so strong an
appeal was never made in this vicinity. It was eloquent, tragic and convincing.
The preacher inspired by his subject and wrought up by the tremendous necessity
of the hour, like a caged lion strode the platform speaking such truths as made
souls tremble. The climax was reached in the touching and impassioned prayer of
Dr. Campbell, leaving a spell over the great audience and many in tears.
The service opened with a half hour of song, the chorus doing excellent work
under Mr. Martin's able direction. With as fine an audience as one would wish to
address, Evangelist Honeywell having just left the bedside of his sick wife to
be at the service, took the platform.
He took for his subject the scene in the garden of Gethsemane just before
Christ's betrayal, and likened the church of today to the three groups found
there. He said that the largest group now, as then were found near the edge of
the garden, close to the world. The great majority of the church today are
living on the border line of the world. It is hard to tell them from the world.
The only way you can tell is to look up their names on the church register. The
nearer you live to Jesus, the more elbow room you will have The nearer the
relationship the greater the obligation. I owe to Mrs. Honeywell and my three
children a duty which I do not owe to any other woman and children upon earth.
By one deed of wrong I could cause Mrs. Honeywell and my three children to hang
their heads in shame You owe to your wife and children what you owe to no others
on earth. And so the christian owes to Christ the love and allegiance of
children. The trouble is that too many church members are down on a level with
the world and the world has no respect for your religion if you do not live up
to it.
The whole worldly crowd of theatre going, card playing and dancing church
members in the church today could not cast a devil out of a boy as big as a
peanut. The way some church members act you would think that they had a through
ticket to Heaven in a pullman palace car, but they will get side-tracked one of
these days with a hot box.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 23, 1908]
The tabernacle meetings still hold the center of interest. Notwithstanding the
band concert and the Republican rally, a great audience gathered to hear the
large chorus choir sing those rousing choruses and the evangelist proclaim the
truths of the gospel in forceful language. "This is probably my last
message to the church," said the preacher after he had finished a strong
sermon to backsliders the cause of whose failure he attributed to indulgence in
the questionable things of the world.
Speaking of the careless backslider he said that "people belonging to that
class would be sure of heaven if some epidemic came and took them before they
get time to backslide. There is too much joining the church and not enough
joining the body of Christ. There are hundreds and thousands of those whose
names are on church books in earth to whom Christ will say "I never knew
you." Many a man backslides because he neglects prayer. Watch and pray are
wonderful words, but thre are times when we need to watch and hustle and pray. A
man stormed at his family one day, spoiling the pleasure of everybody in the
house and after leaving the house his little girl was heard to say "Mama,
we made an awful mistake when we married papa, didn't we?" If you don't
live your religion in your every day life, it doesn't amount to shucks. I tell
you the preacher has as good a right to play cards, go to theatres and dance as
church members and if he does he is no worse than they are.
"The problem of the 20th century is How shall we capture this sin cursed
world for Christ? I'll tell you we will capture this old world for God when the
members of our churches will be loyal and true to their vows and will not sell
out to the devil."
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 24, 1908]
The good work goes on. The revival fires are burning. Quite a number last night
committed themselves to the christian life and many are on the point of
The attendance was large at the tabernacle and the large chorus of nearly 200
voices sang with much enthusiasm. Mr. Hoffman and Miss Newman sang a duet and
the congregation joined in the singing with fervor. Evangelist Honeywell very
seriously and with a message of universal interest spoke with telling effect.
Taking his text from the words "No man careth for my soul" he said in
part, "This is one of the most pathetic plaints that ever issued from a
human soul. The great organ of the human heart not only has its dispason stop,
its vox jubilante and magic flute, but also the tearful tremulo. We live in an
age of haste. Millions are crowded off the track by close competition, victims
of jealousy, malice and hatred. The man whose fortune was dissipated through an
unfortunate marriage but represents a multitude who have awakened to cry out 'No
man careth for my soul.' What about your own boys and girls? Have you ever
spoken to them about their spiritual welfare, or will they meet you at the
judgment and say 'No man cared for my soul?' Mr. Pelton, of Cherokee, Iowa, who
had long championed the cause of infidelity sent for the preacher when his girl
had died. God has been patient with you a long time. It may be that a hearse
backed up to your door is the only thing that will awaken you. To you who are
unsaved I would say that there are those who care for your soul. We care for
your soul or we would not have left our families in their loneliness to bring
this message. These preachers care or they would not have asked us to come; the
christians care, God cares, Jesus cares, or he would not have died for
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 25, 1908]
There was a tug of war at the tabernacle meeting last evening. It was a battle
for men. The evangelist had a mighty conviction that men must be reached. He
delivered one of his ablest philippics against sin. Not in the memory of the
great audience had anyone ever heard a more teriffic arraignment of the subtle
forms of sin which curse the home and society. It was a severe but a necessary
lesson which opened the eyes of many to the conditions which previal in modern
society and which is sapping the spiritual and moral life of the community. At
the close of the great appeal quite a number responded.
The service opened with the usual half-hour of song led by Mr. Martin. A duet
was sung by Miss Smith and Miss Stacy which was greatly enjoyed.
Using the story of the Shunamite woman as a basis for his sermon, Mr. Honeywell
said "I would like to make this message so plain that no one can truthfully
go away and say 'the message was not intended for me.' Is it well with thee? Not
if you are here without Jesus Christ. My heart is profuundly moved as I see men
drifting on in sin. Is it well with the man who takes his occasional glass? You
say, 'but I never get drunk.' That may be true, yet where did the drunkard take
his first step which led to his downfall and ruin? It was with his occasional
glass. It is not well with you if you occasionally sit at a gambling table or
take the name of God in vain or hang lewd pictures on the walls of his memory,
or live a licentious life. Men, what is the matter with you anyway? Jesus Christ
died for you that you might have life everlasting. I do not believe that you
ever held a revival in this town but that some man received his last call. Is it
well with the child? How many here know where their children are tonight? You
apparently don't care where your children go so long as they are in by ten
o'clock. You are much interested in their education, and have great anxiety
about their bodies but you give no thought of their relationship to God."
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 26, 1908]
Sunday was high tide in the religious movement in this community. Never before
has there been a campaign here of such proportions and not in a generation such
interest manifested. The leaders are confident that present results are only a
shadow of what is coming. The great day opened in the morning service when the
large audience gladly pledged funds to pay all the necessary current exenses of
the meeting. Evangelist Honeywell followed the offering with a strong sermon on
"He shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you."
It was a strong argument showing the all conquering power of God in the
individual and the church. It was a sermon which inspired a faith and
The men's meeting in the afternoon was a pronounced success. A large chorus
sang. The Clarion Quartett of Indianapolis also delighted the audience by
singing two numbers, and Mr. Honeywell delivered to the five hundred men present
such a telling address as will not soon be forgotten. The burden of all his
messages has been for men and in this service his interest was intense. The
truths he uttered flashed and scintillated and burned their way into the great
audience which applauded frequently. The meeting over, the long procession of
men marched away, all declaring they had never heard its like before.
The meeting for women at the Evangelical church was also a success. The house
was packed, even the gallery was filled. Evangelist Phelps delivered a special
sermon to women on the "Insence of the home." He dwelt upon the
requirements of a true home and especially emphasized the confidential
relationship that should be kept up between mother and daughters. The sermon was
full of excellent truth and was enthusiastically received.
The evening tabernacle meeting was very large, many coming for miles to be in
the service. The great platform was filled with singers who sang as never
before, eliciting frequent applause. The singing by classes was amusing.
Evangelist Honeywell preached a masterly sermon on "How shall we escape if
we neglect so great salvation." The great audience listened almost
breathlessly to the masterly appeal. His arguments for a hell were strong and
convincing and his call at the close of the service brought a response from a
large number. When the great crowd left for their homes it was with a dee
seriousness and conviction which will result in a better life.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 28, 1908]
The tabernacle meetings were resumed yesterday. Six meetings were held in the
homes at 9:30 o'clock which were well attended. Evangelist Phelps conducted the
tabernacle afternoon meeting. It was a discussion on soul winning followed by a
round table discussion.
The evening attendance was good and the interest excellent. Mr. Honeywell gave a
"heart to heart talk" as he called it, using for his subject the
Father in the parable of the prodigal son. It was a very forceful sermon
illustrating in a way which strongly enforced propositions. The effect of the
sermon was very fine and many responded to the call to accept the christian
The tabernacle is being prepared for the cool weather and moves are being
started so that the building will be comfortably heated for the afternoon and
evening services.
Taking for his text John 3-16 "For God so loved the world that He gave his
only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have
everlasting life." Mr. Honeywell said that the most interesting person in
the story of the prodigal son was not the boy who went away and after a hard
experience with the world, returned to his father's home. Neither was it the
older son, who was like the so-called moral man of today. The most interesting
person is the father who continued to love his son and welcomed him home,
forgave him and made him one of the family again.
Comparing the love of God with His other attributes we get some idea of how
great it is. And yet men spurn it and turn away from it. It is unmanly to spurn
the love of God who made the greatest sacrifice possible, to save men from sin.
He might have made one great world of all the worlds or planets and given that
for the world's redemption, but he could have created other worlds but God
himself could not create another only begotten Son. He gave his only Son. Surely
it is unmanly to reject his gift.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 1908]
The tabernacle has been more tightly closed and comfortably heated. The large
audience last evening found it delightful. Almost all the seats in the great
building were filled. The chorus sang with enthusiasm some excellent choruses.
Mr. Martin sang "The Ninety and Nine," Evangelist Honeywell with his
accustomed force and vigor preached a very strong sermon. It smote very hard and
stamped some practices in society as being crimes. Sabbath desecration, profane
swearing and prenatal murder were denounced in unmeasured terms.
Taking his subject from the story of the feast of Belshazzar, the evangelist
said that many a man like this king disregarded their mothers advice until they
got into trouble and turned away from the preacher until calamity came. The case
of two men who professed to be infidels and the dying works of Tom Paine and
Voltaire were cited as illustrating the fact that even blatant unbelievers are
ready to cry out to God for mercy when death is near. The message to Belshazzar
was "Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting." The
balances in which men are being weighed are the ten commandments. Man's God is
that which he loves most. With some men it would not be necessary to call a
preacher to preach a funeral sermon. You could place a bottle on the casket, or
a pack of cards, or the lives of ruined girls and the story would be told.
With many a woman a card party prize or society would tell the story. As to the
sin of swearing it is evidence that the very foundations of a man's character
and honor are honey-combed and rotten. Man needs the sabbath for a rest day. If
he does not take rest he will break down and die or go to the insane asylum. The
man who keeps his store open on Sunday violates the laws of God and man and is a
bad citizen. How much to you weigh by the law, "Thou shalt not kill?"
Many a boy is killing his mother by his wild and sinful life. Anti-natal
infanticide is a hideous crime and sin now prevalent in society. Some M.D.s
should put their degree D.M. - damnable murderers. Every man who sells a piece
of goods under false pretenses is a thief. On the other hand the man who fails
to do honest work for his wages is a thief. Weighed in these balances every man
finds himself wanting. But as the Czar who found the sleeping soldier with the
sum total of his debts on a sheet of paper before him, paid them all, so Christ
died that we might be justified with God.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 1, 1908]
All who attended the tabernacle meeting last night felt that a crisis in the
meeting had been reached, much work has been done, but will the revival fires
sweep the entire community is the question yet unanswered. The determined words
of evangelists and pastors and the pledge of several hundred christian people to
put themselves wholly into the work bespeak yet greater things. It is
confidently expected that before many days hundreds will respond to the call to
the christian life. Evangelist Honeywell who has always seen great results in
his meetings is expecting such results.
Tonight he will preach his great sermon on questionable amusements, a great
crowd is expected.
In his sermon last night he said: "We can not study sin in its separate
forms, but must study the principal back of all sin, which is rebellion against
God. Sin is not a mistake or weakness but it is a crime. Crime must have its
punishment. Every government has its penalty for crime, and the transgressor
must pay the penalty of his crime. So the transgressor of the law of God is only
receiving justice in being punished for his crime. A friend holding a meeting
spoke to a gambler who said, 'I'll cut out the booze, I'll quit my cussing, I'll
give up gambling, I'll live a pure life and then I wont need to accept Christ as
my saviour.' Is that so? Suppose a man cracks a safe in Rochester tonight and
steals $10,000, goes to Texas and lives an upright life for twenty years. If he
comes back at the end of that time he will be compelled to pay the penalty. So
the man who has lived a life of sin, even though he might quit the sin would
still be liable to punishment for the sin which had been committed. But Chrtist
died as our substitute and suffered death upon the cross that we might not die
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 2, 1908]
Throngs of people attended the tabernacle meetings yesterday. It was high tide
in the history of religious movements in Rochester. Not in the memory of the
oldest citizen have so many people met in one place to hear the gospel. Two
thousand people crowded the tabernacle last night and hundreds coming late
returned to their home, or waited outside to hear the music or to catch a few
earnest words of the preacher. Pastors Campbell, Smith and Newman who
inaugurated the movement and are standing by it so earnestly, expressed their
deep satisfaction in the splendid work already done and predict great things for
this work which will close the campaign.
The day opened with a strong sermon by Evangelist Honeywell at 10:30 o'clock. It
was a sermon on "Power" and was one of the best this master preacher
has given. A great audience of men gathered in the afternoon numbering seven or
eight hundred. It was as fine a crowd of men as one would wish to address. The
song program over, the ladies of the choir departed and Evangelist Honeywell
laid off his coat and other surplus garments, took the platform and for over an
hour held the great audience under the spell of mighty truths driven home with
All were moved by the manly appeals made and saw things in a new light. He spoke
on the subject of "choice," saying that every man has the alternative
of choosing good or bad, weal or woe, heaven or hell, blessing or cursing. Well
may a man tremble at the responsibility, and yet we should rejoice in the high
honor with which God crowns us. By committing such vast and eternal interests to
us, he declares that we are not senseless machines, but immortal spirits in
possession of many God-like attributes. Every man ought to choose God because
all men need Christ. No man is ever truly a man until he is a Christian man. The
manliest men this country has produced have been Christian men and he who thinks
that he loses any of his manliness by surrendering his life to Christ has a
great deal to learn about manhood. The fact of the matter is that the more
manhood a man possesses, the more likely he is to be a Christian. Some present
pledged themselves to lead a new life and all went home with a desire to be
Evangelist Phelps preached an able sermon to the women in mass meeting at the
Methodist Episcopal church at the three o'clock hour. The service was most
At the great evening hour, to the vast throng that crowded the tabernacle,
Evangelist Honeywell preached his powerful sermon on the "Unpardonable
sin." It was an appeal unequaled in the memory of this community and all
were face to face with the appalling fact that the hardened heart made the
return to God less probable - sometimes impossible. It is possible to say no
again and again until it becomes impossible to say yes. The continued rejection
of Jesus Christ has hardened the heart. The man or the woman may be living
without any worry or care whatsoever regarding the future, yet the spirit of God
may have left him or her. It sometimes shows itself in absolute indifference and
sometimes in bitter malignity. It is not any particular sin, it is simply the
constant and prevalent rejection of Christ. At the close of the sermon a score
of people responded to the call to lead a christian life.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 5, 1908]
A large Monday evening audience assembled at the tabernacle. There was a marked
feeling of seriousness resulting from the great Sunday meeting. The congregation
was left in darkness for ten minutes by the blowing of an electric fuse but they
sang familiar hymns till the light was restored. A fine spirit was prevalent and
a faith which foreshadow large results this week. Today was set apart as a day
of fasting and prayer. Little cooking was done and the time given to prayer for
the great work. A dozen prayer meetings were held in the homes this morning and
many assembled at the tabernacle afterward for a further service of prayer. This
afternoon Mr. Honeywell spoke most earnestly at the tabernacle meeting. The
campaign for Christianity is the most carefully flamed and most doggedly fought
of any ever known here. Surely there will be a great victory.
In his sermon last night Mr. Honeywell said that escape from your sin is
impossible. It is absolutely sure that if a man puts his hand in the fire he
will be burned. You may escape the law, but you can not escape the consequences
of your own sins. You may escape the laws of man but you can not escape the laws
of God. No man can hide where his sin will not find him. When a man does not pay
the penalty of his sin before human courts he pays for it in a court where there
is no possibility of bribery, the court of physical retribution for moral
offenses. Not only do certain diseases follow in the train of certain sins, but
in a general way there is the most intimate connection between morality and
health. All sins have physical consequences. Sin also finds you out in your
character. Wherever else the law may seem to fail, her it absolutely never
Your sin will also find you out in your children. That is one of the most awful
things about sin, its curse tells, not upon us, but upon our children. Again
your sin will find you out in your conscience. No physical torments match the
torments of an accusing conscience. Then, lastly, your sin will find you out in
eternity. We shall reap in eternity the consequences of every sin.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 6, 1908]
A fine evening brought another large audience to the tabernacle, many driving
for several miles. One traveling salesman from Chicago remained three days here
to get help and has gone away with light and happy heart. Many from out of town
are here to get help from the meetings while some of her own citizens have not,
even like the ground hog, come out of their holes to see the signs of spring
coming to this community.
The chorus sang with unusual power and enthusiasm. Mr. Martin also sang most
acceptably both in the preliminary and after services. Evangelist Honeywell with
usual vigor and persuasive power delivered another telling message. In the
service which followed many pledged fidelity to Christ. A part of his sermon was
as follows: The question of the age, the question of the ages past, the question
of the ages yet to come is "What think ye of Christ?" Christianity
challenges thought. Addressed to our minds, it calls into play all the faculties
which God gives us. Christianity has saved civilization and been the crowning
benefactor of the world. Greece and Rome in the days of their highest refinement
were reeking in abomination but Christianity threw a purifying element into the
fetid mass. The slave when Christ came was a mere live chattle. The gospel
strikes the shackles off from every slave. See the effects of Christianity upon
science. There is no conflict between science and Christianity. There may be a
conflict between divine truths and many scientific theories but theory is one
thing and scientific fact is another. In christian lands alone science has found
its widest sphere. School houses, academies, seminaries, universities, and
printing presses are found only where christianity is preached. What think he of
Christ, my friend? Where will you spend eternity? Prepare for it. Leave it not
until the last hour. Leave it not until you get sick. You may never be sick. You
may never get more time. This night thy soul may be required of you.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 7, 1908]
The tabernacle meeting had the right-of-way last night. Though "The
Devil" was billed for another place it proved no counter attraction as the
crowd came even in large numbers. The evangelist quoting a remark made by a
woman in the choir said: "It is apparent by this great crowd tonight that
the people of Rochester do not want to go to the 'Devil'. This is a hopeful
sign. I will show you a more excellent way." He then proceeded to deliver a
very strong sermon on eternal punishment. It was so clear and convincing that no
one would think to dispute his position which is that of the thinking
theological world. An impression was made on the great audience that will not
soon be forgotten. It deepened conviction and a number responded at the close of
the meeting to the call to the Christian life.
Mr. Honeywell said in part: "My friend, depend upon it, the doctrine of
eternal punishment is an eternal fact. After this life there comes death, and
after death the judgment, and after that eternal happiness for the redeemed and
eternal damnation for the lost. It is not true that scholars no longer believe
in a hell. But suppose scholars did say there was no hell. The Bible says there
is. Hell is a place of physical suffering. I had a friend who visited a hospital
in which were 1,200 people, all for sin. Hell is God's hospital for the
incurables. Then Hell is a place of memory and remorse. I have seen men fall to
the floor and writhe in agony in memory of their sin. An eternity of memory and
remorse is an awful thing.
Hell is also a place of shame and vile companions.. All murderers, adulterers,
liars, thieves, hold-up men, drunkards and the vile off-scouring of the earth
will be there.
It is no wonder that we are in earnest. God has done everything that He can to
block your way to hell. He has tried to block it with the advice and prayers of
mother and the counsel of father. He offers you pardon from your sins. Will you
take it?
Revival Doings
When the Christian people of this community, with a few exceptions, conceived
the idea of erecting a large tabernacle for the purpose of inaugurating a
religious campaign extending over four weeks, they builded better than they
knew. With a unanimity of sentiment and action and a full confidence of success
they began an undertaking that not a few doubting Thomases declared to be
impracticable. Not daunted by any discouragements a commodious tabernacle
capable of accommodating 2,000 worshipers was quickly erected without any
assurances of where the means were to come from to meet the more than $500
expenses. In union there is strength and by the united effort of the Christian
men and women, liberally assisted by the moral sentiment of the community, all
the financial obligations were quickly and cheerfully met.
With the project of a four weeks' religious campaign fully launched, the
services of the well known evangelist, J. E. Honeywell of Chicago, assisted by
Rev. A. S. Phelps, of the same city, and the noted singing evangelist, Rev. M.
C. Martin, of Minneapolis, the campaign against sin and ungodliness began
September 15th and has been in progress every day from that time to the present.
Numerous meetings have been held, as many as four in a day and night, not
including cottage prayer meetings held nearly every day in homes in various
parts of the city. As valiant workers and prime movers in the building of the
tabernacle and the evangelistic work, Rev. A. M. Smith of the Presbyterian
church, Rev. J. G. Campbell of the Methodist church and Rev. Levi Newman of the
Evangelical church, deserve great praise. They have done all that was possible
for men to do to bring about the success that has attended all the meetings.
Their energy and zeal know no bounds.
Commendatory words for the three evangelists are not necessary. The best
evidence of their worth as workers in the Lord's vineyard is attested by their
power to draw thousands of people from long distances to listen to the powerful
sermons by Mr. Honeywell and the angelic voices of the large chorus choir under
the direction of Mr. Martin, supplemented by the prayers and work of Reverends
Smith, Campbell, Newman and others. All have labored hard and faithfully to
purify the religious atmosphere of Rochester and vicinity and bring sinners to
repentance. Many have sought the better way of life and others are seeking the
way that leads to peace and happiness. No man could work more earnestly and
fervently than has Evangelist Honeywell. His eloquence, logic and sincerity have
endeared him to the hearts of his large congregations and his reward should be
in the harvesting of many sheaves into the Christian fold.
These services will be continued in about the same order that they have been
conducted for the past month and close on the coming Sunday night.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 8, 1908]
Thursday evening was another victory at the tabernacle. The crowd was not
diminished and the fervor has increased. There was an enthusiasm in
congregational singing which foretold victory. Evangelist Honeywell was pleased
with the spirit manifested and said Rochester was a week behind most places in
such a movement. The meeting he said had reached a stage which foreshadowed
great results but this should have been reached a week before. Nevertheless he
said the next three days will count mighty for the kingdom of God in this city.
A number of visiting clergymen from other places were in the audience and some
sat on the platform. Interest in the movement here has gone out to neighboring
towns and cities. All eyes are on Rochester. The week is favrably commented on
by the press of other cities.
Mr. Honeywell preached with usual vigor and confidence and at the conclusion of
the service a number responded to the invitation to profess Christ. A part of
the sermon is as follows: "Excuses are as old as man himself. Now there is
a vast difference between a reason and an excuse. I have never yet been able to
find a man who has had a reasonable excuse why he should not be a Christian. The
fact that you can not understand the entire Bible is the very strongest proof of
its Divine origin. Could you clearly understand everything in the Bible then you
could write a book its equal, and if you could write one its equal, then
thousands of people could write a better one. You can understand enough to start
with. You know that you are sinners and in need of salvation. But some one says
to me, 'I don't know. I am an agnostic.' The Latin word for agnostic is
ignoramus. Why don't you say 'I am an ignoramus?'
"Through the influence of Ingersol, Lou Wallace, was induced to write a
tale of the Christ, exposing the falsities of that life as portrayed in the
gospels, but after a careful study he realized that Jesus was the Christ and
with all his skepticism swept away, he wrote that book, Ben Hur. And when people
say they can not bear to associate with hypocrites, what will you do in eternity
for all those hypocrites are going to hell."
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 9, 1908]
There seems no lack of interest on the part of the multitude as the great
tabernacle meeting nears its close. The great building was filled again last
night with a more serious and thoughtful congregation. There seemed to be but
one feeling among the masses and that was that the gospel as preached is true
and life would be richer and better to accept it and live it. Scores are
hesitating on the point of decision. It is confidently expected that many will
reach a decision tonight and tomorrow. A number of influential thinking people
have declared themselves within the last few days, other have given their
promise to make the start.
The choir sang wth unusual sweetness and fervor last night and the large
audience also sang with enthusiasm. Prof. Martin sang with much feeling "Is
He Yours." Evangelist Honeywell preached on John III 16 "God's
Matchless Love for the World." He said, "The Bible is simply God's
love story, the story of the love of God to a sinful world. This is the most
amazing thing in all the Bible. In all the triumphant power of love why is the
name of Lincoln the best loved in this American Continent? Undoubtedly because
of His great loving and forgiving heart. And friends, this is the power and
attractiveness in the name of Jesus.
There are three great incomprehensibles. The first is eternity, the second is
space and the third is God's great love to a lost and ruined world and your
indifference and scorn and repudiation of that love. I can understand
"eternity" somewhat, I can in a measure, group "space" but I
can not fathom or understand or comprehend the love of God. God loved the world
and gave His Son. The measure of love is sacrifice.
I have an only son; how I love him. Suppose I should see him arrested by the
enemies of Christ, blindfolded and then they spit on his face and smote him on
the cheek, put a cruel crown of thorns on his brow and forced it down until the
blood poured down his face on either side. Suppose they laid the lash on him,
laid a cross down upon the ground and nailed him to it, and then took the cross
to which he was nailed and plunged it into a hole in the rock, and left him
hanging there, the agony getting worse and worse all the time. How do you
suppose I would feel? But, men that is just what God saw. He gave His only
begotten Son to come and suffer and die in our stead as a substitute for us,
that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish but have everlasting
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 10, 1908]
The great tabernacle meetings are a thing of the past. For four weeks day and
night the meetings have been in progress they have occupied the attention of a
large number of our people. They have been the topic of conversation on the
street and in the homes. Not in the history of Rochester has there been such a
strenuous campaign to win men to Christ and to elevate the standard of morale.
The results are apparent to all. Over two hundred have committed themselves
definitely to the christian life. Hundreds of others have been quickened into
new life and the standard of morals throughout the whole community elevated. The
results have many times repaid the labor and expense.
Evangelist Honeywell has proven himself a great preacher, a tireless worker and
has impressed the community with his sterling qualities. Mr. Martin and Mr.
Phelps, his assistants, are efficient men of the best type. They are all a
credit to their profession. They leave with the universal regard of the people.
The meetings yesterday were all large and interesting. The evenng crowd again
out taxed the capacity of the great tabernacle, many not being able to gain
entrance. Evangelist Honeywell preached his final sermon to church at the
morning service. It was a service very helpful and full of power. The afternoon
meeting for men was one of the best of the series. The preacher reached the
climax of his earnestness when he placed two boys on the platform and made such
an appeal for the boys to be saved from the ravages of the saloon as had never
been equaled in this community. The large body of men were visibly moved as the
fiery truths were burned into their hearts.
To the evening congregation he preached on the Judgment. With all the power of
his being he portrayed the great assize in a manner that men trembled and women
wept. When the great sermon was finished a number of people pledged themselves
to the Christian life. The total number of converts whose cards were turned over
to the pastors are as follows: Methodist Episcopal 112; Evangelical 37;
Presbyterian 17; Disciples 16; Baptist 13; United Brethren 5; Brethren 1; no
choice expressed 8; total received 209.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 12, 1908]
A larger or more attentive political gathering than that which assembled at the
tabernacle Monday night has never been seen under cover in Rochester. Out-door
meetings have exceeded it in numbers but never under a roof. The tabernacle,
recently occupied for a religious campaign, with a seating capacity for nearly
2,000 persons, was well filled. - - - -
Hon. Harvey H. Hannah, of Tenn., ex-attorney general and present railroad
commissioner of that state, was introduced by Mr. Ott McMahan, democratic county
chairman. - - - - - - - - - -.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 13, 1908]
Hon. Thomas Marshall, democratic candidate for governor, was scheduled to speak
in Rochester at 1:30 Thursday. Owing to the long distance between his last
speaking point and this place he was a little late in arriving, but when he came
he was received with open arms and shouts of applause from throats of thousands
of democrats and many republicans who will rejoice to have him occupy the
gubernatorial chair for the next four years. He was met at the Erie depot by the
committee, a half dozen bands and a multitude of democrats bearing banners with
appropriate and telling mottoes. After a short parade he was escorted to the
large tabernacle that was found to be full and overflowing with enthusiastic men
and women, all anxious to see and hear the man who is to become the next
governor of Indiana. Hundreds were turned away not being able to get within
hearing or seeing distance.
Mr. Marshall was introduced by Mr. O. F. Montgomery in a few words that were
well chosen and fitting the occasion. Without hesitation Mr. Marshall at once
proceeded with his speech with a force and energy characteristic of the man. His
introductory remarks caught the attention of his large audience at once and held
it in deep interest and silence save for the thunderous applause that greeted
his quaint sayings and strong points in argument. His whole speech was along
lines that received the hearty approval of all who were fortunate enough to hear
Barnhart Rally
Tonight the citizens of Rochester and Fulton county are to show their
appreciation of Henry A. Barnhart, democratic candidate for congress, by one of
the most spectacular and brilliant parades ever witnessed in Rochester. People
without regard to political affiliation will be in attendance to do honor to a
worthy citizen. There will be decorated floats and automobiles, a large number
of bands, horsemen and wagons, a gaily dressed company of ladies on horseback
and many other attractions that will excite the admiration of the multitude. A
special feature of the parade will be the display made by the SENTINEL force and
all the attaches of the telephone company. You will have to see it to appreciate
its gorgeousness and splendor. It will be the most unique and pleasing parade
you have ever seen in this city. It will be a great tribute of respect and
confidence in a fellow citizen well known and highly respected.
After the parade, Mr. Barnhart will speak at the tabernacle and all should go
early if they hope to get within hearing distance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 29, 1908]
The work of tearing down the tabernacle will begin tomorrow and will be done by
contract. The lumber will all be sold or returned to Brandenburg & Co., and
Barrett. There will be roofing and pieces of lumber for sale to any who can use
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 5, 1908]
The tabernacle, which has been such a feature of interest in this community,
will soon be but a memory. The contract for the removal of the building has been
let to Rev. L. Newman and a force of men have been engaged upon the building for
two days. The lumber in the building that was rented, will be returned. The
roofing, siding and short lengths of piece stuff will be sold. It is with regret
to the entire community that the building has to be removed as such a building
is a public necessity, and it is to be hoped that some such building may be
erected in the near future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 7, 1908]
TABERNACLE - 1915 [Rochester, Indiana]
Beginning with next Monday evening, when the first of the cottage prayer
meetings will be held over the city, the preparation for the tabernacle meetings
will begin in earnest.
Prayer meetings will be held the first three evenings of the week, places to be
announced later. On Thursday evening the chorus choir, under the leadership of
Mr. Bray, will hold its first meeting in the tabernacle for organization and
rehearsal. Frday evening will be the dedication of the tabernacle, at which
service it is expected that Dr. C. A. Decker of South Bend will be the speaker.
On Saturday evening, Dr. M. B. Williams will be present and open the campaign.
Tuesday and Wednesday are the days set apart for the building of the tabernacle,
which will be erected on the Sterner lot on Pontiac street and is to be built by
the men of the churches and city. Every man willing to help is asked to come
prepared to drive nails. In order that proper provision be made for dinners to
be served by the women of the churches, it is suggested that all men who will
help give their names to any of the ministers or to the general committee,
composed of Ed Vawter, J. D. Holman, H. W. Wilson, George Faurote, B. F. Fretz
and Omar Smith.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 1, 1915]
A big dinner will be served to all the men who work on the tabernacle tomorrow
and Wednesday. Those dinners will not be made up of ices, whipped creams and
salads, but of roast beef, chicken and all the good things which go with these
Men are asked to bring their hammers, saws and nail aprons to the tabernacle
tomorrow morning and their appetites to the Presbyterian church at noon, when
dinner will be served by the ladies of the U. B., Baptist and Presbyterian
churches. This is one time when church dinners are free.
Prayer meetings will be held tonight at the homes of A. D. Hughes, Mrs. Nancy
Meyer, Oscar Baldwin and Miss McCaughey.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 4, 1915]
Work on the big tabernacle on Pontiac street is proceeding rapidly and the
workmen expect to have the structure completed Thursday evening in time for the
rehearsal of the chorus.
The rafters of the building are now on and the roof will be finished Wednesday,
when 50 more men are needed. The seats and the platform will be installed
Wednesday afternoon and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bray, Dr. Williams' singer and helper, are here now making
preparations for the chorus rehearsal Thursday evening. All of the singers of
the city are urged to help in the chorus work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 5, 1915]
Sixty-four men, workmen on the new tabernacle on Pontiac street, were served
dinner today in the basement of the Presbyterian church. The members of the boys
manual training class of the high school assisted on the building this
afternoon. The structure is now ready for the roof and nearly all of the seats
will be in place by 'Thursday.
It was announced today that Rev. Henry DAVIS of the First Methodist church of
South Bend will deliver the opening address at the tabernacle Friday evening.
Dr. Williams will arrive Saturday and will begin his work Saturday night. The
tabernacle when completed will seat 1,600 people. It is 116 feet longh and 77
feet wide. The building faces on Pontiac street and the platform will be erected
at the east end. It is the largest tabernacle ever built here.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 6, 1915]
Dedication services are to be held in the new tabernacle on Pontiac street, near
8th, this evening, and everything is in readiness for the affair. Finishing
touches were put on the building today for the meeting at 7:30 this evening.
H. J. Bray, Williams' assistant, who is to be in charge of the music, says that
it is one of the best structures he has ever seen. It will be well lighted and
comfortably heated, with accommodations for 1600 people.
The chorus will make its first appearance at the meeting this evening, having
practiced at the Methodist church Thursday night. Mr. Bray is much pleased with
the talent and states that the organization should do good work. Dr. M. B.
Williams, the evangelist, will arrive Saturday and hold his first meeting
Saturday night at 7:30.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 8, 1915]
Rev. M. B. Williams, the evangelist, will open his four weeks campaign in
Rochester at the tabernacle this evening at 7:30 when he will deliver his first
sermon. Rev. Williams comes here from Darlington, Ind., where with his helpers,
he has recently closed one of the most successful revivals ever held in that
town. The evangelist comes to this city confident that he will be able to do the
community much good.
As Rev. Henry L. Davis of South Bend failed to arrive Friday evening the
dedication program was not as expected. The local ministers occupied the
platform, speaking enthusiastically, and about 300 people attended the meeting.
During the meetings at the tabernacle, no services will be held at any of the
local churches, except Sunday school, which will convene at the usual places.
Choir Leader Bray asserts that he has his organization whipped into shape for
the opening meeting this evening. Mrs. Bray, who is the pianist, and women's
worker, is enthusiastic over the prospects here. She is the daughter of a
prominent former South Bend minister, Rev. Peter MOERDYKE.
The tabernacle is strongly built and much credit is due Oscar Baldwin of this
city for the excellency of the structure. His work as contractor assures perfect
safety. The lighting is very good and the seats are built to bring comfort, in
fact the best seats ever seen in a tabernacle. The little discomfort because of
inadequate heating Friday night was overcome today by lining the entire inside
with heavy paper. This keeps the draft away and the building will be as
comfortable as a home parlor.
Dr. Williams preaches tonight at 7:30 and a large audience is expected to hear
him. A Womans Work Committee was appointed last night composed of five women
from each church. The committee met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Bray, who
outlined the work for the coming weeks.
The decorating committee has made the tabernacle beautiful as far as their
material went but wish everyone would bring what they may have to help its
beauty. The pastors expect great things from these meetings, and all seem
willing to lend every effort to make the greatest revival Rochester has ever
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 9, 1915]
An audience of over 700 people greeted Evangelist M. B. Williams Tuesday night
when he delivered a powerful sermon on prayer. A greater interest was manifested
than at any previous gathering.
In discussing prayer, Dr. Williams said that many people are not taught when
young how to pray properly and consequently their faith is destroyed when they
have a chance to prove things for themselves. Dr. Williams said that an infidel
once told him that he was taught when young that God would give anyone
everything which he named in his prayers. Later this man learned that he had
been fooled.
Dr. Williams also accused many people of making selfish prayers, that they want
too much for themselves without thinking now it would affect others. "If we
got what we pray for" said Dr. Williams, "we would not know what to
do. We would act like the colored minister who prayed for an earthquake."
He emphasized the fact that all prayers should end with the words, "Thy
will, not mine, be done."
Mr. Bray had his booster choir on the platform for the first time Tuesday
evening. They received much applause on their first effort.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 13, 1915]
Evangelist Williams delivered his second sermon on prayer Wednesday evening at
the tabernacle to an audience of over 750.
Taking for his subject the text from James 5:16, "The fervent, effectual
prayer of a righteous man availeth much," Dr. Williams made the following
remarks: "True prayer is the reflection of God's thoughts back upon
himself. True eloquence consists in the power of an orator to condense the
thought which the audience breathes upon him in vapor. Thus eloquence demands
two factors, the speaker and the audience. The audience makes the pulpit many
times. Many preachers are dragged down by a cold church, and many mediocre
preachers get in a warm, wide-awake congregation and make strong men. The
preacher will either lift his congregation to his level or they will take him to
theirs. The fervent prayer is the earnest one; the effectual prayer produces,
hence this combination of earnestness and production, always availeth
The evangelist gave the first of his Bible addresses Wednesday afternoon, taking
for his subject "Faith." Many new and helpful thoughts were given and
all were led to see faith in a different light. He said: "Faith is not
feeling or sight, but rather these come by faith. Religious feeling is faith in
action. We should not pray for God can't give faith since he is omniscient.
Faith is for partial knowledge and God has all knowledge, hence cannot impart
what he does not possess. Man has but partial knowledge, hence must have and
exercise faith. Faith is the spiritual eye through which we see God, spirit, the
heavenly hosts, angels, etc. God gives in two ways - creation and impartation.
What we are by creation may be strengthened by keeping what God may impart to us
later, such as knowledge, wisdom, truth, love, justice, etc. But faith depends
on ourselves. We may ask for knowledge to increase faith but not for faith
itself since he has none and has no use for it."
Following the sermon on prayer a number of cottage prayer meetings were held
over the city Thursday morning. The local people plan to hold 20 meetings of
this kind. The meetings are now held at 10 and 10:30 o'clock.
The choir work is proceeding with good results and Mr. Bray announced that the
new hymn books which regularly sold for 45 cents will be given out for 25 cents.
Dr. Williams has suggested that a nursery be established near the tabernacle for
the mothers who wish to attend the meetings.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 14, 1915]
[NOTE: See several succeeding issues of the Rochester Sentinel for lengthy articles concerning use of the new Tabernacle]
Results of Meetings:
Converts, 216
Meeting began Oct 8th; ended Nov. 7th.
Cost of building and incidentals, $880.
Offering to Evangelist (estimated) $500.
The supporters of the tabernacle meetings in Rochester were deeply gratified
Sunday evening when nearly 2,000 people gathered to hear Dr. M. B. Williams
deliver an adress which marked the end of a series of services lasting four
weeks. About 50 people responded, at the close of the sermon, to the invitation
to come forward.
An announcement of interest to local people was made when one of the ministers
said that Pat Emmons, a former well known Rochester man, now of South Bend,
would speak at the tabernacle Monday night. Mr. Emmons, since his conversion
several years ago, has been conducting services in this part of the state and is
heard nearly every Sunday night in his home town. He was present here at the
meeting Sunday evening. Last winter, Mr. Emmons delivered a sermon here to a
large audience at the Presbyterian church.
A large number of men were present Sunday afterrnoon at the tabernacle when Dr.
Williams talked upon the subject, "The Steps in the Life of a Fast Young
Man." It was the opinion of many that the discourse should have been heard
by every man in Rochester. Large audiences were present at the meetings Saturday
night and Sunday morning.
Although Rochester failed to raise as large an offering for Dr. Williams as is
usually given at the close of revival meetings, the people responded quickly
Sunday, when the ministers started to take up the collection. Seven or eight
people gave $10 apiece while over 30 each gave five dollars. A large number gave
from one to five dollars. It is estimated that Dr. Williams received nearly
Dr. Williams will hold his next meeting in Salem, Ill., where he will deliver
his first sermon next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bray left for that city Monday. He
will have charge of the erection of the building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, November 8, 1915]
TABERNACLE - 1922 [Lake Manitou]
Saturday, March 11, 1922]
The old tabernacle in the Colonial Hotel grounds - a landmark in the vicinity
since its erection by the late Colonel Wood in 1892, is to be razed. The scene
of Wood's popular menagerie, where seals were a great attraction, and of many
public gatherings and entertainments which brought to the community such
celebrated personages as Hobson, Albert Beveridge, James Watson and Harry S.
New, will be no more.
The building which long since lost its fine appearance, being used as a stable
and later as a garage, will have to make way for parking space for automobiles,
is the edict. Fred Davis of Jeffersonville, chief owner of the Colonial hotel
and grounds, will donate the lumber to the fair association to be used in
repairing sheds torn down by the cyclone of last March.
To care for his large patronage, Manager Ray Newell will supervise the
construction of a new road north of the present one leading into his grounds and
will open the old road which bordered the lake. The present road will be the
road of ingress to the grounds, while the two roads will provide outlets. The
arrangement will provide nearly treble the present parking space.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 22, 1925]
See: Talbert's Inn
See: Hotels - Talbert Hotel
TALBERT, HARRY [Lake Manitou]
See: Talbert's Inn
See: Hotels - Talbert Hotel
TALBERT'S INN [Lake Manitou]
See: Hotels - Talbert Hotel
By publishing a notice of application for liquor license in the Fulton Leader,
Charley Talbert, the Columbia Park landlord avoided a protest against a Lake
saloon and has been licensed to run a saloon on the Kepler land adjoining the
Akron road, on the north shore of Lake Manitau.
The law requires that an applicant for saloon license show that he is a fit
person to conduct a saloon, and that he is not under conviction for violating
the liquor laws. Cal Hoover and A. B. Chamberlain testified to Talbert's good
character and the license was granted.
The last grand jury returned two indictments against Talbert for selling liquor
without a license.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 7, 1907]
[Adv] To the Basket Ball Boys: - - - Big Fish and Chicken Dinners are
Awaiting YOU!. TALBERT'S INN, Lake Manitou.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 12, 1924]
Charles and Goldie Talbert, who were arrested here on August 27 by a squad of
federal dry agents from South Bend working under the direction of Major Howard
Long, federal prohibition administrator for the Northern Indiana District,
appeared before Judge Slick in the United States Court at South Bend this
afternoon at 3 o'clock for sentence as each had pleaded guilty Monday to liquor
law violation charges filed against them.
Charles Talbert was given a fine of $200 and costs and three years in the
federal prison at Fort Levenworth, Kans., while his wife, Goldie Talbert, was
given a fine of $50 and costs, and a four months sentence in the St. Joseph
county jail at South Bend. The sentence in both cases against the Talberts was
suspended during good behavior.
The case against Walter V. Sipe, who was arrested at the same time as the
Talberts had not been called at 4 o'clock this afternoon and it is hardly
probable judgment will be passed before Wednesday. Mrs. Sipe pleaded not guilty
when arraigned Monday and will stand trial before a jury in the federal court at
South Bend, later in the month of October.
Each of the defandants had been charged with the sale of liquor in two counts,
possession of liquor and with maintaining a public nuisance, in indictments
which had been returned against them by the federal grand jury which functioned
in South Bend in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Talbert are the owners of the Talbert Inn one and half miles east
of this city on the Barrett cement road while Mr. and Mrs. Sipe are the
operators of the Walts Chili Parlor which is located one-half mile east of the
Talbert Hotel on the Barrett road.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 7, 1930]
TALLY, REUBEN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Fairview
See: Rochester, Indiana [Historical Review]
TALLY & MARTIN [Rochester, Indiana]
. . . Planing machine to be run by steam power being installed in new building
located near the steam grist mill, by R. Tally and D. R. Martin. . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 17, 1863]
Planing Mill. Messrs. Tally & Martin are doing good business with their new
Planing Mill. On Tuesday last, they run 4,000 feet of lumber through the
machine, much of which was oak and white ash flooring. Any mechanic who will
dress hard-wood flooring by hand, when he can get it done by machinery, deserves
to suffer with the backache.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, February 12, 1863]
TALLY & PHELPS [Rochester, Indiana]
We hope none of our friends will forget that Messrs Tally & Phelps are
manufacturing excellent flour, at their mill, which they have christened as the
"Union Mills" .
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, February 13, 1862]
Tally & Phelps would respectfully inform the public that they have rented
the Wallace's Steam Mill . . . Rochester.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 10, 1862]
TALLY'S LANDING [Lake Manitou]
[See LAKE MANITOU, LAKE MANITOU'S EARLY HISTORY - Rochester Sentinel, Saturday,
March 11, 1922]
TALMA, INDIANA [Newcastle Township]
Located on SR-25, Section 12, at approximately 500E and 675N.
Formerly called Bloomingsburg.
Established June 13, 1851.
Name changed to Talma in 1895, and name became official Jan. 25, 1896.
Electrified 8:00 p.m., Oct. 1, 1935.
First building, one room dirt floor cabin, about 100 yards S of the present
bridge, built by Asa Coplen.
The telephone company established in 1902, and bought by Rochester Telephone Co.
in 1928.
There is only one town named Talma in the whole United States according to
Rand McNally, publisher of atlases.
Talma originally was known as Bloomingsburg. William Roundtree Kubley, having
found the name Talma in a word puzzle in a farm magazine, petitioned
successfully to have the town's long name changed to Talma. [see Charles Beehler
Family, William Amell Sausaman, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
The dictionary defines Talma as a large cape or short full cloak of the 19th
century, named after the 18th century French actor, Francois Joseph Talma.
Although some disgruntled citizens petitioned the P. O. Department against the
change of name, it became official and permanent January 25, 1896.
Asa Coplen began selling lots in Bloomingsburg as early as 1854. He built a
one-room dirt-floor cabin about 100 yards south of the present Talma bridge. In
1858 he got gold fever and started with his family for California. His wife died
at Fort Riley, Kansas. Before she died, she made Asa promise to return to
Indiana with the children, which he did, and became the founder of Bloomingsburg.
Asa Coplen platted the town of Bloomingsburg January 7, 1862. It had 40 lots and
six streets: River, Race, Main (now SR-25), County (now 650N), North and South.
The lots sold for $10 to $150 each.
When asked why he named it Bloomingsburg, Coplen would reply, "It's the
bloomingiest town I ever saw."
The 1883 Historical Atlas of Fulton County describes Bloomingsburg as having two
general stores, one drug store, a meat market, hotel, two doctors, wagonmaker,
shoemaker, blacksmith, harness maker, saw mill, grist mill, I.O.O.F. lodge,
Grange hall, and a church with 80 members.
Talma reached its greatest prosperity in the early 1900's according to Ralph
Hatfield, lifelong resident and proprietor of Hatfield's store. When Ralph was a
boy, there was Hatfield's general store, Simon Grove's grocery, Pete Kesler's
barbershop, Charles Stansbury's blacksmith shop, Omar Montgomery's restaurant,
bakery, and butcher shop. Montgomery's ice cream parlor was a loafing place for
the younger generation and was known as "Hell's Half Acre."
Other businesses included William Henry Baugher's blacksmith shop, a wool-buying
shop, and Earl Chapman's hardware. Baugher bought the old brick schoolhouse in
1903 and used the bottom floor to sell carriages and wagons, while the second
floor was used by various organizations as a meeting place.
A new school was built in 1903 but it burned down in 1915. The new Newcastle
Township school was completed in 1917 and a gymnasium was added in 1940. This
building was destroyed by tornado April 3, 1974, and the site is now being made
ready for the construction of the Newcastle Township Community Center this year
A telephone company was started by Simon and Lou Grove in 1902. The Rochester
Telephone Company bought the Talma telephone system with nearly 200 subscribers
in 1928.
A three-story grist mill was still in operation until heavy winds blew off the
top in 1908. The present ditch north of El-Ro-Vert campgrounds is the old mill
race but there is no evidence now of the dam which was in the river almost due
north of the mill.
There was a town pump and watering trough on the south side of Main street near
the corner of Race street.
Talma's post office, established June 13, 1851, was discontinued January 2,
1907, the last postmaster being Loring W. Hatfield, and the area became Rural
Route 5, Rochester.
The present SR-25 east out of Rochester was known as the Warsaw road.
[Talma The Blooming Burg, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
In a game of base ball at Bloomingsburg [Talma] last Friday, between the
Maple Leaf club of Argos, and the Clumsies of Bloomingsburg, the score stood 30
to 20 in favor of the Bloomingsburg club. It was an easy victory for the
Clumsies and they are considerably elated over the manner in which they
"done" the brag nine from Argos.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 25, 1886]
Grove & Imler have dissolved their partnership. Imler will take the dry
goods and grocery departments and Grove will take the hardware.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 28, 1904]
Omer Montgomery put in a stock of groceries along with his restaurant and meat
market last week.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 10, 1904]
Mentone Gazette.
Omer Montgomery has sold his bakery and restaurant at Waukarusa and will locate
again at Talma.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 3, 1906]
Samuel Friend has traded his home and lots on West Fourth street, near the
mausoleum, for the McFadden general store at Talma and will move there soon,
having already taken possession of the store. Mr. Friend formerly operated the
grocery now owned by the Frye brothers and prior to that managed a business in
the southwest room at the corner of Main and Seventh streets.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, December 18, 1925]
The celebration and jubilee which was held at Talma Tuesday night over the
electrification of that town was attended by between 500 and 600 persons.
Ceremonies fitting to the occasion were held.
The Northern Indiana Power Company by furnishing electric power to the residents
of Talma has fulfilled the ambition of the residents of that city who have
wanted the service for a great many years.
During the past year the extension was made by the company and now some thirty
residents of Talma who formerly had privately owned electric lighting plants are
now taking power from the company.
Lights On
The lights were turned on at eight o'clock last night and when they first
started to flicker a great shout went up from all present. Officials of the
power company were present and gave addresses.
Other members on the program were selections by the Rochester American Legion
band, vocal and string duet, Blanche Yeazel and Velma Kessler; solo, Leonard
O'Dell, and a short talk by John Haimbaugh, trustee of Newcastle township.
The members of the committee in charge of the celebration Loren Kramer, Ralph
Hatfield and John Haimbaugh were disappointed when a representative of the
Indiana State Department of Conservation failed to make his appearance.
Lower Power Dam
The speaker was to have told about Talma being selected as the site for a low
power dam in the Tippecanoe river and also as the prospective site for a park
along Indiana's most scenic river.
Following the celebration hot dog sandwiches and coffee was furnished free to
all those present.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 1935]
The Newcastle Township Institute committee is holding a special called public
meeting at the Talma High school building Wednesday eveningt, Feb. 21, at 7:30
o'clock, for the purpose of sounding out the commnity on the possibility of
building a community building after the war.
The need for a more spacious building is accentuated every year at institute
time as well as throughout the school season with present space inadequate for
basketball and other school and general community activities.
The Newcastle Farmers Indtitute is and has been one of the outstanding rural
events not only in Fulton county but also in northern Indiana for a number of
years and more spacious and modern "housing" facilities for the
community's programs are imperative.
Charles Jones, Sr., who was born and reared in Newcastle township, will discuss
the plans and all township residents as well as others who are interested in the
proposed building project are requested to attend the meeting.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 20, 1945]
TALMA COLTS [Talma, Indiana]
The Talma Colts met the strong Crystal Lake team Sunday, on the Talma grounds,
in fast game, the score standing 5 to 5 at the end of the 9th inning. It was not
finished on account of the boys catching a train. The Colts will meet the Argos
Grays Saturday and the Etna Green Tigers Sunday on the Talma grounds.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 1, 1908]
TALMA POST OFFICE [Talma, Indiana]
Located approximately 550E and 675N.
The Talma postoffice has been ordered closed taking effect January 1. The mail
will be served to the patrons on route 5 from Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 7, 1907]
Simon Y. Grove, Jan 25, 1896. Loring W. Hatfield, M.O. June 4, 1897.
Loring W. Hatfield, June 4, 1897. Dis. Mail to Rochester Nov 23, 1906. Effective
Jan 2, 1907.
TALMA RUBE BAND [Talma, Indiana]
When Talma High school's basketball team drubbed the Tippecanoe team Friday
night for a second time this season, this time on Tippecanoe's floor, by a score
of 45 to 11, the players were supported by the Taoma Rube band of seven pieces,
a new trick musical organization formed at the Talma school.
Four boys and three girls compose the band, which includes cornet, bugle, bass
horn, trombone, saxaphone, Frisco whistle and drum. The musicians are Helen
Rathfon, Bedelia Byrers, Miles Pash, Joe Thrall, Dorothy Deamer, John Surguy and
Robert Rahfeldt. The band will follow the basketball team to Argos next Friday
night. In time, it is expected, the band will be increased in membership.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, December 8, 1924]
TALMA TELEPHONE CO. [Talma, Indiana]
Started by Simon Grove and Lou Grove in 1902.
Sold to Rochester Telephone Company in 1928. It had nearly 200 subscribers.
Argos Reflector.
The Talma telephone system will be extended one and one-half miles west and one
mile south of Center.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 14, 1905]
The Talma Telephone Co., has re-arranged its business so that all business for
the Whippoorwill, Tiosa and Talma exchanges is now operated at Talma. Some fine,
new apparatus has been installed, an expert electrician has overhauled the
switch boards and put everything in first class condition and the service will
be greatly improved.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 14, 1905]
Mrs. Lee Jamison, formerly of Tiosa, now of Claypool, is now sole owner of the
Whippoorwill Telephone Co., having acquired the half interest held by the Talma
Telephone Company.
The Whippoorwill exchange, which has 145 patrons, is said to be valued at
$4,000, and is a good paying business, but its distance from Talma made it hard
to handle. Mrs. Jamison will continue William Wynn, it is believed, as manager.
S. Y. Grove is president of the Talma company, which is also in a flourishing
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 3, 1915]
See Threshing Rings
TALMA WHITE SOX [Talma, Indiana]
Baseball team.
TAMARACK CORNER [Henry Township]
TAMARACK HOTEL [Leiters Ford, Indiana]
William Jefferson LEITER, pioneer resident of Fulton county, who came here with
his parents in a covered wagon in 1854, died at his home on West Eighth street
Saturday evening following a long illness, which had confined him to his home
for a number of weeks. Death was caused by old age and complications. He was 83
years of age.
Mr. Leiter was born in Seneca county, Ohio, April 17, 1840. Five years later his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John LEITER, Jr., started westward and took up a homestead
on the south bank of the Tippecanoe river near where Leiters now stands. The
ford at the river here was given its name by Mr. Leiter's parents who built a
rude shanty there shortly after arriving. They simply placed four posts in the
ground and nailed the boards on them.
Later they constructed a second and more permanent home, building it of Tamarack
logs. For many years it was known as the Tamarack Hotel and here Mr. Leiter as a
young man worked on the farm helping to clear the land and make it tillable. He
attended the district school and later went to Valparaiso College and upon
returning spent several years teaching school in this vicinity. He was married
on December 27, 1805, to Ellen A. HICKMAN, who was born in 1841 in Fulton
On January 21, 1877, along with Clark HICKMAN he took over the Potawatomie Mills
in Rochester, which stood where the Erie Elevator is now located. Water power
from the old canal was used and the mill soon became one of the best and largest
in Northern Indiana. Frederick PETERSON later on bought out Mr. Hickman and the
mill then went under the firm name of LEITER and PETERSON. In 1896 the building
burned to the ground and for some time afterwards Mr. Leiter was interested in
the bank which grew into the U. S. Bank and Trust Co. In 1898 he erected another
elevator on the site of the old one and since that time has been active in
charge until a few months previous to his death. Altogether he was in the grain
business 46 years. . . . . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 21, 1923]
TASTY MAID COFFEE SHOP [Rochester, Indiana
[Adv] Sunday Dinner - Tomato Soup, Roast Veal with Dressing / Roast Chicken with
Oyster Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Bread Sweet Potatoes, Escalloped Corn,
Asparagus Tips on Toast, Pimento Slaw, Ice Cream and Cake, Coffee/Tea/Milk.
Price 65 Cents. Not the cheapest place in town, but the best. Tassy Maid Coffee
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 25, 1922]
The Tasty Maid Coffee shop has been designated as the local depot for the
Hiner Red Ball Line. Miss Etta Emmons is the agent, who will be glad to furnish
information to travelers as to connections made with other bus lines by the
Hines company.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, March 3, 1925]
TATE, JACOB [Perry Township, Miami County]
Prof. Jacob Tate, teacher in the public schools at Gilead, a native of Rush
County, Indiana, born January 16, 1848, is the eldest in a family of nine
children born to William and Leanna (Mincks) Tate, who were natives of Bedford
and Green Counties, Pennsylvania, respectively. Their parents emigrated to
Indiana in a very early day. Subject's father settled in Miami County about
1853, of which he continued a resident until his death, which occurred March 7,
1871. He was a blacksmith by trade, served his country gallantly during the
entire war, enlisting in 1861 in Company A, 39th Indiana Volunteer Infantry,
which subsequently became the 8th Cavalry. He was with Sherman on his March to
the Sea, and participated in all the engagements incident to that campaign. Our
immediate subject always made his home with his parents, and, upon the death of
his father, became the support of his widowed mother. He received a common
school education. He has always made teaching his occupation, in which
profession he has been eminently successful, ranking as one of the best
instructors of Miami County. Is a member of the M. E. Church. In politics an
ardent Republican.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 735-736]
TATHAM, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
John Tatham is of English stock, born in Halifax, Eng., September 26, 1827, and
when a mere boy he learned the art of manufacturing all kinds of woolen and
cotton fabrics, so common in that country. He received the rudiments of a common
school education in his native country. This education was however more
practical than of a literary character, being chiefly the music of the loom or
the hum of the machinery. He was married in November 1849, to Miss Ellen Taylor,
born in 1827. These parents came to America in 1851, landing at New York, where
they resided for ten years. They then moved to Seymour, Ind., and from thence
settled in Rochester in March, 1881. He purchased the woolen mill where he is
now engaged in his chosen occupation. He has refitted and remodeled the mills,
putting in new and valuable machinery. He has a carder, a spinner and a number
of improved looms, all propelled by a new and powerful engine. He is prepared to
manufacture all kinds of woolen goods, including flannels, cassimeres, jeans and
blankets, and from his long experience is warranted in guaranteeing satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage. His factory furnishes employment
to from twelve to seventy hands, and he proposes to enlarge the facilities as
soon as possible. His family are Henry, born in New York, May 22, 1854; Clara,
born November 20, 1861; Mattie, born November 21, 1863; William, born September
15, 1865; John, born August 4,1867, and Sarah, born February 4, 1869. Mr. Tatham
is a genial gentleman, and has since his residence here made many friends.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 27]
TATHAM'S WOOLEN MILLS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] (Recently the Jessen Flouring Mill) Are now ready to do all kind of work
commonly done at establishments of this kind, such as Carding, Spinning, Dyeing
and Weaving. I also manufacture a good variety of the best woolen goods which
are in every way superior to Eastern stock, being made honestly and without
attempts to deceive buyers as to their actual quality, for Cash or Goods. I
propose to furnish a reliable home market for Wools, and thus greatly stimulate
sheep breeding in this county. Farmers who know their own interests will at
least give me a call before selling their wool to shippers. JOHN TATHAM.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 28, 1881]
TATMAN, CHARLES [Akron, Indiana]
Akron, Ind., June 9 - Charles Tatman announced Thursday that he has sold his
cement industry, located in the north part of Akron, to Fred Walgamuth of Fort
Wayne. It is understood that the deal took place several weeks ago. Mr.
Walgamuth is said to be a man who well understands an industry of this sort,
having had considerable experience in that line. The factory produces a line of
vaults, cement blocks, etc.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, Juna 9, 1928]
TAVERN LOT [Rochester, Indiana]
Located on north side of East Third Street, between Main and Madison Streets.
TAXI BUSINESSES [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Bus Lines
See: See, Russell
Announcement has been made of the opening of taxicab service by the Service
Motor Livery Company. William Maglecic, painter, is the local owner and manager.
The new company has a large enclosed car and several open ones and will answer
calls day or night. Their headquartrs for the present will be the Arlington
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 27, 1921]
A new taxi line has been started in the city by William Wines, former night
police chief who will give 24-hour service.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 17, 1922]
[Adv] NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC . I have taken over the local service heretofore
operated from the Dawson & Coplen Drug Store and will continue the same,
making every effort to please the public. GUY BRYANT, Proprietor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 15, 1922]
As the result of considerable competition on the part of bus men taxi rates went
suddenly downward in the city Sunday and it was possible for lake passengers to
get out to Manitou for ten cents, while the charge to Long Beach was reduced
from a quarter to fifteen cents.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 20, 1922]
TAYLOR, CECIL [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Cecil Taylor)
TAYLOR, CHARLES [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Don't Eat Tough Meat, When you can buy a fine juicy and tender steak,
roast or boil at THE OLD RELIABLE. We handle only the best and always have
plenty of it. Our line of fancy smoked and salted meats can't be beat by anyone.
We deliver meat to your house free of cost and send you just the piece you want.
[Rochester Stneinel, Wednesday, August 28, 1901
A deal was made Wednesday, whereby Chas. F. Taylor became owner of L. C.
Kistler's brick store room and flat building on the corner of Main and Pearl
streets. Taylor will be given possession April 1st, and will move his meat
market from the Arlington block to that room.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 22, 1906]
Ike Emmons will open a short order restaurant in the room formerly occupied by
the American restaurant and the C. F. Taylor meat market. The restaurant will be
on the ala a carte plan and Mr. Emmons says it is going to be the real thing and
that the people will be able to get anything to eat that they desire.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 5, 1906]
[Adv] Christmas Dinner - - - - - TAYLOR'S MARKET, Chas. F. Taylor, 900 Main
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 23, 1908]
The many friends of Charles Taylor of this city will be somewhat surprised to
learn that he is to re-engage in the meat market business in Rochester. Some
time ago he sold his business at the corner of Main and Ninth streets to L. C.
Kistler and went on the road as a traveling salesman for a Chicago meat packing
firm. However, after a few weeks he found that the work did not agree with him
and he resigned. Now he has purchased the Jacob Karn meat shop in the north end
and will move the fixtures to the room south of the court house which was
formerly occupied by the "Bud" Ware wholesale liquor house. Mr. Taylor
is well known in the local business world in the meat business and will, no
doubt, prove as successful this time as he has heretofore.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 13, 1912]
A deal was completed today whereby Charles Taylor again takes possession of the
meat market, now operated by L. C. Kistler. Mr. Taylor formerly owned the meat
market on the corner of Main and Ninth streets and sold to Mr. Kistler about a
year ago, to take a position as traveling salesman. Mr. Kistler is undecided as
to what he will do in the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 17, 1913]
Charles Taylor, who recently moved to this city from Kansas, has leased the site
of the old Rochester College and will go into the chicken raising business on a
large scale. During the past week he has built three large chicken houses with
runs. Mr. Taylor has ordered 2,500 baby chicks. The poultry raiser intends to
market his produce to Lake Manitou summer visitors.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 15, 1926]
TAYLOR, EVERETT [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Everett Taylor)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Everett Taylor)
TAYLOR, HARLEY W., MD. [Rochester, Indiana]
Harley W. Taylor, M.D., was born in Fulton county, Indiana, August 24, 1877, the
son of William and Delilah (Dumbauld) Taylor, the former a native of Indiana and
the latter being the daughter of Peter and Susan (Stockberger) Dumbauld, pioneer
settlers of Fulton county. William Taylor was born in Pulaski county, Indiana.
He removed to Fulton county and worked in a store for a time, and then he went
to Marshall county and began a real estate business. For the last six years, he
and his wife have been living in South Bend, Indiana. They have four children,
all of whom are living, the subject of this review being the oldest. William
Taylor is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows. Harley W. Taylor was reared on a farm in Marshall county and attended
the graded and high schools of his home community. After completing his
elementary studies, he taught school for a time and then attended Rochester
Normal College. Deciding to take up the profession of medicine, he matriculated
in the Medical College of Indianapolis and was graduated from that institution
in 1905. Since that time he has been in active practice in Rochester, Indiana,
with the exception of four months spent in the Medical Corps of the United
States Army during the World war. Before his entrance into the service, he was
examining physician on the draft exemption board. On October 7, 1905, he married
Hazel A. Taylor, of Thorntown, Indiana, and they have one daughter, Marietta
Louise. Dr. Taylor holds membership in American Medical Association and the
State, the Thirteenth District, and the Fulton County Medical Associations. In
fraternal circles, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, and he is a Thirty-second Degree Mason. He takes a deep
interest in all movements for the civic welfare. He served for two years as the
secretary of the school board, and in 1922, he was made president of that board.
He and his wife are devout members of the Baptist church.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 283-284 Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
TAYLOR, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Louderback Garage
John Taylor has purchased the John Becker blacksmith shop on West Seventh
street, and will take possession at once. Mr. Taylor has had ample experience
and will, no doubt, enjoy a good patronage. Mr. Taylor, who has been residing in
Kokomo, will remove to this city.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 31, 1910]
TAYLOR, JOHN S. [Rochester Township]
John S. Taylor, dairyman and farmer, is a native of Center county, Pa., born
Nov. 11, 1831. He is a son of William and Susannah (Roop) Taylor, both natives
of Pennsylvania, where the father died at fifty-two years of age and the mother
now at eighty-one years of age, resides in Westmoreland county of her native
state. By occupation the father of Mr. Taylor was a miller and carried on the
milling business for quite a number of years in Pennsylvania. John S. Taylor
received a common school education and then learned the tanner's trade, at which
he worked for seven years near Ligonier, Pa. In 1854 he came to Indiana and
settled in Miami county, near Peru and there carried on farming for ten years,
or until 1864, when he came to Fulton county and for two years lived in
Rochester and then removed to his present place of residence one-half mile north
of Rochester. In 1868 Mr. Taylor began the dairy business and with the slight
omission of one year has continued this industry ever since. His dairy is one of
the best in northern Indiana. In connection with this interest he has for many
years given considerable attention to stock interests, and now has on his farm
of 107 acres some of the best blooded stock to be found in he county. The
marriage of Mr. Taylor took place in December, 1852, to Miss Susan Ambrose, who
was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., Dec. 17, 1833. She is a daughter of
Killian and Elizabeth Ambrose, who came to Fulton county about the same time
that the Taylor family came. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are these two
children: Madge and Charles F. In politics Mr. Taylor is an ardent republican
and is a K. of H. He is a man of honest motive and he and family are highly
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
p. 135]
TAYLOR, ORBRA [Rochester, Indiana]
The Hub Shoe store, pioneer in its line in this community, today was sold to
Orbra Taylor. Guy Alspach, former proprietor, who is an uncle of Mr. Taylor,
stated today he would continue his residency in this city and engage in a
manufacturing business.
The new proprietor of The Hub has been associated with the store for over 27
years and is thoroughly experienced in the shoe business.
Mr. Alspach started The Hub shoe store over 37 years ago with Robert Marsh,
former resident of this city, as his partner. Later Mr. Marsh retired from
business and moved to New York state. A short time afterward Sylvester Alspach,
father of Guy, became a partner and assisted in the operation of the store until
his death, a number of years ago.
The new proprietor will in the near future announce his plans on the management
and operation of the store.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 12, 1937]
TAYLOR, SUE BELLE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Mitchell, Carol
TAYLOR, W. H. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] DO YOU WANT A FARM in Fulton, Marsahll and adjoining counties? - - - I
also represent the best Life Insurance in the world. - - - W. H. TAYLOR, Office
in Arlington Building. P.S. - Also agent for the famous Caxton School Supplies.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 20, 1901]
What is a present mystery to his family and friends is the whereabouts of W. H.
Taylor, the well known real estate agent, who left Rochester Monday for parts
unknown. He told members of his family that he was going away to look after a
trade but from remarks that he has made in the past they are of the opinion that
he intends to remain.
Mr. Taylor has been in the real estate business in Rochester for many years and
is well known to Fulton county citizens. For two terms he was town councilman
and in his official capacity gave excellent satisfaction. It is much to be
regretted if Mr. Taylor has left the city indefinitely and if he has encountered
financial difficulties, it is hoped that he will be able to meet them and come
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 1, 1913]
TAYLOR, WILKS [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
A. E. Taylor, C. A. Mitchell. We would most respectfully inform the public that
we have opened a Saddle & Harness Shop in the building occupied by A. E.
Taylor as a Store . . . Taylor & Mitchell. Rochester, Feb 16th, 1861.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 16, 1861]
Notice. The firm of Taylor & Mitchell in the Saddle and Harness business,
is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. C. A. Mitchell continuing the
business at the old stand. . . those indebted will please call and settle with
either party at A E. Taylor's Store. A. E. Taylor, C. A. Mitchell. Roch., Aug
19th, 1861.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 24, 1861]
TAYLOR & REEDER [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] TAYLOR & REEDER, Real Estate Brtokers, Arlington Block. - - - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 28, 1903]
The building occupied by Taylor & Reeder's feed store, and owned by A.
Thalman, caught fire, about 10 o'clock, Tuesday night, in some unknown manner.
The department was called out and soon extinguished. [sic !!!!]
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1904]
TAYLOR DAIRY [Rochester Township]
Located one-half mile N of Erie Railroad on W side old US-31.
Founded by John S. Taylor in 1868 and was still in business in 1896.
TAYLOR'S DRY GOODS STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
A. E. Taylor would respectfully inform the Citizens of Fulton County that he has
purchased the interest of Milo R. Smith in the Dry Goods Trade. Rochester, Jan.
26, 1860.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 28, 1860]
Allen E. Taylor, Esq., one of our most estimable citizens, is about to move
from this city to Fulton County in the north part of the State. -- Terre Haute
Evening Journal.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 4, 1860]
All kinds of Family Groceries . . . Charles Becker's . . . two doors north of
Taylor's Dry Goods store, formerly Smith and Bro., on Main street.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, March 1, 1860]
A. E. Taylor. Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Hats, Caps, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. Store formerly occupied
by Milo R. Smith, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, March 8, 1860]
Mr. R. Gould respectfully announces to the citizens of Rochester and vicinity
that he has again opened rooms at the Old Stand, over the store of A. E. Taylor,
and is now prepared to execute in the Highest Style of Photographic Art . . .
Rochester, March 22, 1860.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday March 29, 1860]
Mr. Taylor is now receiving his mammoth Stock of Dry Goods, Hardware Boots
and Shoes, Groceries, etc., etc., to which he would respectfully invite the
public and the rest of man and women kind to call and see. These goods were
bought at the lowest prices possible, -- Mr. Cash being the buyer,-- and we take
it he buys as low as the lowest. Consequently look for bargains.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 31, 1860]
Picture Gallery!! Over A. E. Taylor's Store. Photographs of every variety of
style . . . Robert Gould. Rochester, June 6, 1861.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, June 20, 1861]
Notice! Having purchased the entire stock of goods & merchandise of Mr.
A. E. Taylor, I take this method of informing the citizens of Fulton and
adjoining counties that I shall continue the establishment much after the old
style of Mr. Taylor . . . Mr. Taylor will act as my agent for the present,
assisted by Mr. C. A. Mitchell, in transacting the business . . . . . W. W.
[Rochester Mercuty, Thursday, December 5, 1861]
See Taylor & Mitchell Saddle & Harness Shop.
TAYLOR LODGE [Rochester, Indiana]
See Lodges, I.O.G.T
TAYLOR, McMAHAN, EWING AND WARD [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] HO FOR NORTH WEST TEXAS. Next Excursion April 17th, May 1st, May 15th,
June 19th, 1907. We have the Best Lands in the Panhandle Country. SEE US BEFORE
YOU GO. Parties going from Rochester will have to start one day before their
dates. Agents at Rochester, Indiana TAYLOR, McMAHAN, EWING and WARD.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 23, 1907]
TAYLOR MEAT MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
Few, if any, meat dealers in this section have attained a prominence equal to
that of this Modern Meat Market. Maintaining an up-to-date meat market, they
have an enviable record for cleanliness and sanitation. Insisting that
everything about their place be in accordance with the most scientific ideas
regarding sanitation, they have thus assured the public that meats coming from
their establishment are pure and wholesome. Nor have they seen fit to take
advantage of the general tendency to maintain high prices needlessly, but on the
other hand have been most moderate in their selling.
By reason of their fair dealing with the public their patronage has increased
until today their Market is not only popular in the home city, but in all the
surrounding territory. Whenever in need of anything in their line our readers
could do no better than visit this popular establishment and be convinced and
see meats which they offer in abundance at prices that are extremely reasonable.
We wish to compliment the management of this well known concern for the policies
adopted and to predict for Taylor Meat Market a continued era of prosperity.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 17, 1922]
TAYLOR POULTRY, CHARLES [Rochester, Indiana]
Charles Taylor, who recently moved to this city from Kansas, has leased the site
of the old Rochester College and will go into the chicken raising business on a
large scale. During the past week he has built three large chicken houses with
runs. Mr. Taylor has ordered 2500 baby chicks. The poultry raiser intends to
market his produce to Lake Manitou summer visitors.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, March 15, 1926]
A. E. Taylor, Saddle & Harness shop (also groceries, hides and peltries)
opposite M.E. Church, Rochester, C. A. Mitchell, Clerk.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 4, 1863]
New Firm. A. J. Davidson & A. Milizer, have purchased A. E. Taylor's
Harness Shop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 31, 1863]
Notice. Sold out, left the country, debtors notified to pay Enoch Sturgeon,
Justice of the Peace. A. E. Taylor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 2, 1864]
TEEL & SON [Rochester, Indiana]
Theodore Teel and son will open a meat market in the room on North Main street
in which Fry Brothers operated a grocery store instead of a grocery as was
announced in the News-Sentinel Monday evening. The new market which will
specialize in home killed meats will be opened the latter part of this week. An
ad annnouncing the opening will be carried in this paper.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, March 24, 1927]
[Adv] Meat Specials For This Week - - - - - TEEL & SON, White Front
Market, 608 Main St., Phone 68. We Deliver.
{The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 22, 1927]
TEETER, MAX E. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Max E. Teeter)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Max E. Teeter)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Max E. Teeter)
TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL [Rochester, Indiana]
The school for telegraphers, inaugurated by John Slaybaugh, local Western Union
manager, started Thursday night, with an enrollment of 17, 10 of whom are girls.
Instruction will be given on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to start, lessons
lasting about two hours. R.R. and commercial telegraphy will be taught and later
a radio instrument will be installed for the use of the boys who may contemplate
entering the signal service of the United States.
Following are those who plan to take this work: Miss Florence White, Miss Marie
White, Miss Alma Roseburg, Kenneth Roberts, Miss Ella Emmons, Miss Doris
Slaybaugh, Gerald Horner, Robert Murphy, Miss Cleo Fugate, Miss Alma Fugate,
Florent Sharkey, Robert Moore, Robert Dawe, Claud Chamberlain, Harry Richmond,
Miss Lucile Sheward and Miss Madge Wallace.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 12, 1918]
Fully 40 students have enrolled with John Slaybaugh, Western Union manager, for
his instruction in telegraphy, the second session of the class to be held at
8:00 this evening in the basement under the Western Union office. Several long
tables have been erected and instruments were being installed today.
A member of the city council has been asked to visit the school this evening and
will probably address the students, many of whom are girls. It is entirely
possible that the school may grow into one of importance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 16, 1918]
Rev. A. E. Babcock will lecture on the subject of Temperance at the M.E. Church
on Tuesday evening next December 6, 1859.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 3, 1859]
The Temperance Picnic held last Saturday at the Fair Ground, according to
previous announcement passed off pleasantly. Of the speeches we were unable to
speak not having heard them. The Mexico and Rochester Brass Bands enlivened the
intervals with soul stirring strains, and the Glee Club, under the direction of
Prof. Montgomery, added greatly to the occasion. We do not know that there was
any more than the usual number of quiet strolls through the shady grove, or any
more tender speeches made than on similar occasions, but all seemed happy.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 16, 1860]
Special Notice. The Ministers of Fulton County are requested to preach a
Sermon on the subject of Temperance at their earliest convenience by a
resolution passed by the I.O. of G.T. in this place. R. P. Smith, W. Sec.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January , 1861]
Temperance Pic-Nic. There will be a Temperance Pic-nic at Akron, Fulton
County, Indiana, on Saturday, the 22nd day of June, 1861 The best Speakers of
the County are expected.
All are invited to attend, bring your basket of "grub,' and we will have a
good time. Akron, June 7, 1861.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 8, 1861]
The good people of Akron contemplate holding a two days Temperance Meeting,
to commence on Tuesday, the 18th inst. . . .
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, February 13, 1862]
Notice. Rev. J. B. DeMotte to preach on temperance at I.O.G.T., February 8,
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 7, 1863]
Temperance Picnic. There will be a Temperance Picnic at Akron on Friday the
15th of June. A number of good Speakers will be present . . . The Hoover family
consisting of four Blind Brothers will give one of their highly interesting and
entertaining vocal and instrumental concerts.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, June 14, 1866]
There will be a temperance meeting held at the Mud Creek school house, Friday
evening, for the purpose of organizing a lodge. All are invited to attend. . .
[Rochester Union-Spy, Friday, October 1, 1875]
TEMPLE HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
In 1891 a society of Progressive Thinkers was organized in Lyceum Hall, the
principal promoters being Dr. S. S. Terry, Hon. Milo R. Smith, Editor Major
Bitters, John M. Davis, Robert H. Henkle and a large number of ladies. The first
minister was Prof. Charles W. Peters of Plymouth, England. In the fall of 1892
Temple Hall was constructed for the special use of the society on the second
floor of the Long building, over what is now the Book Store and Walle's Jewelry
TERRY, JAMES A. [Rochester, Indiana]
JAMES A. TERRY (Biography)
James A. TERRY, a native of Tennessee, came to LaPorte with his parents when a
small boy. At the age of 13 he commenced a printer's apprenticeship with C. G.
POWELL and finished it six years afterward at Chicago. Then he went to the
Dakotas and worked at his trade for some time but came back to Indiana, taking
the formanship of the Sentinel early in 1882. Since that time, with the
exception of one year in Peru, he has stood at the head of the mechanical
department of the Sentinel, and patrons of the office will all verify the
statement that he has no superiors as a caterer to the wants of customers. In
additon to his services as foreman he is the advertising manager of the paper,
having an able assistant in Harold VanTRUMP, the tasty young job printer, now
largely in charge of the job department. Mr. Terry married Miss Lolo VanDIEN,
six years ago and they own a pretty home on south Main street, and are the
parents of three children.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
TERRY, LYON [Rochester, Indiana]
I was born in Rochester in 1892, grew up there and graduated from Rochester high
school with the class of 1911.
Our neighbor, Jonathan Dawson, the veteran village druggist, had one of the
first horseless carriages [about 1902]. It was a Pope-Toledo, as I recall, and
we kids followed it on bicycles.
Hugh's father, the Hon. Henry A. Barnhart, was the Congressman from our district
and owned a Studebaker E.M.F. Hugh drove some of us boys to Culver one day just
before election and he cussed those horse and buggy drivers for whom he had to
slow down, saying he hoped his Dad would soon get the election over with so he
wouldn't have to stop for "those voters."
During vacations I kept busy at various jobs. I picked strawberries at Meyer's
farm, west of the Fairgrounds, and worked at the canning factory. I did a little
telephone line work with my schoolmate Roscoe Pontius, who later became
president and manger of the Rochester Telephone Company. I also woorked a couple
of summers at the carpentry trade with Oscar Badwin, an excellent house builder
and an admirable citizen.
One summer I worked for Gresham Bearss on his farm five miles southwest of town.
I took the day off on the 4th of July to go to Fulton with other boys but got
back by bicycle early the next morning and plowed corn. The heat was terrific
and after lunch I told Gresham that my horse was too hot to work; but possibly
thinking that I was the one who was hot and tired, he said go ahead.
After two rows the horse keeled over. Gresham saw this from the barn and came
out with a bucket of water which he doused on the animal's head. It gasped and
expired, and we instantly learned that that wasn't the way to treat heat stroke.
In 1915 I graduated [from University of Michigan] with the degree of bachelor of
civil engineering and soon left for the Oklahoma oil fields.
I took time out for the first World War, became a second lieutenant in the 85th
Field Artillery and was stationed at Camp Sheridan, Ala., when the war ended.
I went on to Texas [his car and possessions all had been stolen in Tulsa], minus
the auto and engineering equipment, and soon went broke in Gorman, Texas. It was
then that my old carpentry apprenticeship in Rochester proved to be a lifesaver.
I was able to earn enough as a carpenter in a booming oil camp to pay my way to
Washington, D.C., where I became an oil and gas valuation engineer for Uncle
In Washington I renewed an Indiana friendship with Miss Edna Brubaker from Peru,
and we were married in 1920.
We moved to New York City in 1921, where I becme associated with consulting
engineers and later with the Satandard Oil company (N.J.). In 1927 I joined the
oil and gas engineering firm of Ralph E. Davis Engineers, of Pittsburgh and New
The consulting engineering business can get pretty rough in hard times. In 1932
during the Depression there were few jobs and Mr. Davis had to let most of the
staff go. But we were retained by the City of Chicago to represent the city
before the Illinois Commerce Commission regarding the project to bring natural
gas from Texas to Chicago.
The city was about broke and we didn't get paid until years later. I worked on
the case daytimes. But Mr. Davis, an excellent bridge player, earned our running
expenses by playing bridge in the evenings in a money game at one of those ritzy
hotels on the north shore.
My most interesting job, perhaps, was building a natural gas pipeline to the
City of Vienna, Austria, in 1933-34.
In 1936 I became engineer for the newly-formed Petroleum Dept. of The Chase
National Bank of New York, now The Chase Manhattan Bank, the largest commercial
bank outside of California.
Over the years we built up a sizeable business of financing and serving the oil
and gas industry throughout the country and the foreign operations of domestic
companies. I ultimately became vice president of the bank. Among other
activities I served on the Board of Directors of the Southern Production
Company, Ft. Worth, Texas.
I was retired by The Chase Manhattan Bank in 1957 and became associated with
Lehan Brothers, an old line firm of investment bankers, as a consultant in their
petroleum department.
In 1963 I was awarded the Anthony F. Lucas Medal by the American Institute of
Mining Engineers "for distinguished achievement in the Petroleum
I retired in 1966 from Lehman Brothers. -Lyon F. Terry.
[Terry & Lyon Families, Sara Terry Shirk, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
[NOTE: much interesting material had to be omitted. -WCT]
A former Rochester young man, Lyon F. Terry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terry
of this city, is named as the supervisor of an important engineering feat in an
article in the July issue of the Scientific American. The article is entitled,
"Underground Arteries for Oil and Gas," and tells at some length of
accomplishments in the way of piping gas from one city to another. That part
dealing with Mr. Terry's work reads as follows:
"An interesting feat of engineering was accomplished in constructing the
Mississippi river crossing when the natural gas pipeline from Monroe, Louisiana
to Memphis, Tennessee, was built. Lyon F. Terry of the Ralph E. Davis
engineering organization supervised the construction of the line, including the
river crossing. Massive concrete headers were built just back of both levees,
where the 18-inch trunk line was subdivided into four 10 inch pipes about 12,000
feet long.
"From the levee, the line had to traverse two thickets, two small lakes, a
swamp, an 800 foot mud flat, and the 3,000 foot main channel of the river, which
was about 80 feet deep at that point. Ten-ton concrete anchors were placed at
intervals across the main channel, and the pipe was joined together and lowered
from barges and pontoons, held in place by the anchors and two big boats. The
joints were screwed together, fitted with collar leak clamps, coated with
bitumastic enamel, and weighted with 1800-pound river clamps. The four-parallel
line lie in a neat up-stream bow, designed to withstand the periodic rampages of
"Old man river."
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 5, 1929]
Lyon Terry, son of Frank Terry, 902 Jefferson St., sailed on the Acquitania
Wednesday night from New York his destination being Vienna, Austria. Terry, who
is an engineer, will go to Europe for the European Gas & Electrical Company,
to supervise some construction work there. He is vice president of Ralph E.
Davis, Inc., of New York City, an engineering firm.
Terry will spend a few days in London following his arrival there May 16th and
then will proceed to Hamburg, Germany, and thence on to Vienna. He expected to
be abroad until August. His wife and children will remain at their home in New
Lyon graduated from Rochester High School in the class of 1911 and then majored
in engineering at the University of Michigan graduating in 1915. Since then he
has been in engineering work and has supervised some large projects in various
places over the country. One of these which received much notice was the laying
of large oil pipe lines across the Mississippi River.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, May 11, 1933]
TERRY, SAMUEL P., DR. [Rochester, Indiana]
Dr. S. P. Terry, Physician and Surgeon. Office with Dr. Rhodes, south side
Public square. Residence two blocks west of Dawson's Drug store, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 1, 1897]
Samuel P. Terry, M.D., a native of this county, born May 15, 1861, son of Dr.
Samuel S. and Sarah (McCloud) Terry. The former was born in Tompkins county,
N.Y., in 1824, and died in Rochester in 1893. He was a son of Samuel and Laura
Terry, natives of New York and of English descent. The late Dr. Terry obtained a
good primary education. In 1840 he began the study of medicine and in 1844
graduated from the medical department of Willoughby university. In 1846 he came
to Fulton county and located at Akron, but two years later removed to Rochester,
where he resided until his death. He represented this and Miami county in the
Indiana general assembly from 1864 to 1868. During the war he was first
assistant surgeon of the seventy-third Indiana regiment. He was a men of
pronounced ability and unquestioned character. The mother of Dr. Samuel P. Terry
was born in Ohio and died in Rochester in 1883 and is yet remembered for her
grace of character and womanly purity. The subject of this review attended the
Rochester schools until September, 1878, when he entered Notre Dame university
and there continued for nearly four years. In 1882 he entered the law office of
Judge J. S. Slick as a law student. Here he continued until 1884, when he was
admitted to practice at the Fulton county bar. He continued the pracrtice of law
for some time and in 1894 began the study of medicine at the medical college of
Ohio. March 23, 1896, he graduated from the college of physicians and surgeons
at Indianapolis and is now engaged in the practice of his profession at
Rochester. Dr. Terry was united in marriage Oct. 12, 1887, to Miss Mary E.
Walker, of Rochester. To this union are these children, viz.: Lillian, Samuel
W., and Frederick P. Politically Dr. Terry is a republican and a member of
Rapier commandery, No. 1 at Indianapolis, and he is the only thirty-second
degree Mason in Fulton county. He gave the name to Fredonia lodge, No. 122, K.
of P., of which he was a charter member and its first chancellor commander.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 135-136]
TERRY, SAMUEL S., DR. [Rochester, Indiana]
The parents of this gentleman, Samuel and Laura Terry, were of English descent
and natives of New York, where they were married. They left their native State
and settled in Norh Fairfield, Ohio, in 1836. He was a miller and engineer and
followed his trade in connection with his interests in agricultural affairs. He
deceased in 1859, but his companion survived him until the year 1880. The Doctor
is a native of Tompkins County, N.Y., where he was born November 10, 1824. He
spent his early years in attending the common district and high schools, where
he received a more than ordinary education. He also assisted his father in his
work, when not otherwise engaged. At the age of seventeen years, he chose
medicine as a profession, and commenced reading in 1840 under Dr. Campbell, of
North Fairfield. He continued reading there for three years, then attended
lectures at the Medical Department of the Willoughby University, where he
graduated in 1844 with the degree of M.D. He immediately commenced practicing in
Huron County, Ohio, but in 1846 immigrated West and located at Akron, Fulton
Co., Ind. Here he soon established a lucrative practice, which he sustained,
with a very slight interruption, for twenty-five years. It is with the medical
profession like all other matters of science, that new discoveries are
constantly being made, and the man who succeeds best must keep pace with
progress in his profession. So in 1848, finding that a great change was being
effected in the development of his profession, he, in company with Dr. Charles
Brackett, of Rochester, attended a special course of lectures for one year at
the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. He returned and continued his
practice with renewed energy and increased success till the year 1871, when his
failing health compelled him to abandon the practice. He then began dealing in
lumber on an extensive scale and with good success; but a few years of active
work was sufficient to prove to him that his energy was greater than his
physical powers. So he abandoned this business and became a resident of
Rochester, and is now interested in railrod affairs, being one of he directors
of the Chicago & Atlantic extension of the Great Erie system of roads. His
wealth enables him to be of much assistance in the various enterprises for the
public good. In August, 1849, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah McCloud, a
native of Ohio, then a resident of Fulton County with her parents, George and
Polly McCloud. Two sons were born to these parents--Franklin H., a promising
young attorney, just admitted to practice at the Fulton County bar; and Samual
P., a very persistent disciple of Blacksone. On February 8, 1883, Mrs. Terry
departed this life, leaving many sorrowing friends and a name of all the womanly
virtues ever given to human being. The Doctor served as State Senator from
Fulton and Miami counties, from 1864 to 1868, with distinction to himself and
credit to his constituency. He also served on the medical staff as First
Assistant Surgeon of the Seventy-third Regiment of Indiana Volunteers during the
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 27]
TERRY DRUG STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
A business deal was transacted late Monday whereby Frank Terry became the owner
of the drug store at the [NW] corner of Main and Seventh Sts., and Marshal
Cotton, of South Bend, most recent proprietor of the stock, became the owner of
a small farm southeast of Rochester. Mr. Terry stated Tuesday that he did not
know what he would do with the store, but that for the present A. J. FARAR, who
has been managing the place, will continue.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 22, 1918]
The drug store at the [NW] corner of Main and 7th Sts., again changed hands
Friday when it was sold by Frank Terry to L. B. Farrar and Foster Hazlett. Mr.
Farrar, who has been clerking in the store for some time, will have charge. He
told a SENTINEL representative that it would be completely restocked.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 14, 1918]
[Adv] OPENING Sat., Jan. 12, '29. TEXACO SERVICE STATION, 417-423 Main St. One
gallon of gas or one quart of oil free with a purchase of 5 gallons of gas. CARL
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 10, 1929]
THACKER, CARL [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Music Machine Agency
THACKER, CARL, MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
See: Mitchell, Carol
THACKER FUNERAL HOME [Rochester, Indiana]
The Barnhart residence, one of the well-known homes of the city, situated 1118
South Main street, today was sold to Milton Thacker of this city by the heirs of
the Henry A. Barnhart estate.
Mr. Thacker, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thacker of this city, plans to
make the residence into modern equipped funeral home and will open the mortuary
in May of 1946.
Milton, who is a graduate of the Rochester High School is now enrolled in the
Indiana College of Mortuary Science, Indianapolis, will complete his training
well in advance of the opening date of the services and received a medical
discharge in March of 1944. [sic]
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Barnhart, who have resided at the Barnhart home for the
past several years will continue their residency there until the coming spring
it was stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 18, 1945]
THACKER MUSIC SERVICE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] NOTICE. We will open our record shop at 115 W. 8th (formerly Maiben's
Laundry) Sat. July 31st. New and Used Records and Supplies. THACKER MUSIC
SERVICE. We need your scrap records in order to get new ones!
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 29, 1943]
Carl Thacker, owner and operator of the Thacker Music Co., of this city, on
Friday announced the purchase of the Logansport Automatic Music Co., owned by
Ernie Powell of that city. Possession is given the local concern today. Thacker
will continue operation of the Cass county routes and Mr. Powell has been
retained to manage that part of the business until next Sept. 1.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 31, 1945]
Carl Thacker, of the Thacker Music Co., today announced that he had purchased
the two-story brick building on the northwest corner of Madison and Eighth
street from Claude "Toy" Chamberlain.
Mr. Thacker will open a retail record and Majestic radio store in this property
within the next few weeks, he stated. The building formerly was occupied by the
Gordon H. Miller plumbing and heating shop. Mr. Miller recently completed a
large one-story building at the rear of 930 Jefferson street which will house
his plumbing and heating business.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 10, 1945]
Carl Thacker, owner of the Thacker Radio and Appliance Store today announces he
has employed Lee Sharpe, of this city, to take over the temporary management of
the store.
Mr. Sharpe, who was formerly associated with Val Zimmerman in the furniture and
undertaking business, has been a resident of this city for 13 years.
The new radio and appliance store which will be located in the Thacker building
on the corner of Eighth and Madison streets will be opened to the public in
about three weeks. Mrs. Dorothy Hagan will be the bookkeeper in this new store.
The upstairs rooms of the two story brick building will be used for radio and
appliance repair work.
In the spring, it was disclosed that Mr. Sharpe will become a partner of Milton
Thacker in the mortury business which will be established in this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 13, 1945]
THALMANN, ANTON [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] GREAT SLAUGHTER! The entire Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
will be closed out within the next 90 days regardless of cost as I desire to
make a change. "This is business." - - - Remember the place, Fromm's
old stand, North Main St., corner room. ANTON THALMANN.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 10, 1885]
[Adv] GREETING! Having purchased the entire stock of Clothing and Gent's
Furnishings of Fred Bosenberg, I am pleased to announce to my friends and
customers that I HAVE REMOVED the same to my store room and will give buyers all
the advantages I secure in saving rents, clerk hire, etc. COMPLETE STOCK.
My stock of General Merchandise is not equaled in Rochester, and my expenses are
so low that customers will save money every time by buying of me. ANTON THALMANN,
North End.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 1, 1891]
Having sold my entire stock of general merchandise to M. Colgan & Co., I
desire to express my sincere thanks to my many customers who have patronized me
for the twenty years I have been in business, and I desire to say that I have
opened a feed, sale and livery business at north Main street and would be glad
to share a part of the public patronage to my new line of business. - - - A.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 26, 1901]
Burglars gained entrance to the railroad saloon owned by A. Thalmann, last
night, and made away with about $75 worth of goods. The thieves chiseled a hole
through the back door and then it was an easy matter to gain access to the
The cash register was relieved of about $18.00 and a gold watch. The owl slot
machine was also touched for about eight or ten dollars. The wine and whiskey
case was not overlooked as could be readily told by the empty shelves, which the
night before, contained some fine liquors. It is estimated that about
twenty-five dollars worth of the liquors were taken.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 17, 1905]
THALMANN, HARRY [Rochester, Indiana]
Harry Thalmann, for years a successful grocer in the north end will open a new
grocery in the Mercer Building Saturday morning. The policy of the store will be
to sell every thing at cut rates and the proprietor hopes to attract trade from
a wide surrounding territory.
The new store is clean and fresh and the stock is entirely new. While it seems
that Rochester is plentifully supplied with groceries there is always room for
one more, and Mr. Thalmann proposes to be a large advertiser and will doubtless
secure a liberal share of the trade.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 14, 1909]
[Adv] Saturday Specials at the NEW CUT RATE GROCERY. - - - Cash Only. HARRY
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 14, 1909]
[Adv] CUT PRICE GROCERY, 830 Main St., Harry Thalmann. For your Thanksgiving
Dinner - - - - .
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 25, 1909]
THATCHMASTER [Rochester, Indiana]
Patent issued in 1973 to Dean O. Neff of Rochester. The machine, Thatchmaster,
to be manufactured and sold by Brinley-Hardy Company in Louisville, Ky.
THEATORIUM [Rochester, Indiana]
John Fieser will move his stock of buggies back into the room occupied by the
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 15, 1907
THEATRE [Rochester, Indiana]
Dramatical. We are informed that the Dramatic Company organized in this place
last winter, have about concluded their arrangements and will give their first
ent ertainment in a week or two. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 4, 1867]
Rochester Dramatic Troupe. This Troupe are taking great pains in fitting
themselves for theatrical entertainments . . . The Glick Brothers of this place
have executd a very fine painting to be used as the curtain. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 11, 1867]
Remember. The Theater to-night. The Renowned Dramatic Troupe make their grand
de-but at the Court House this evening.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, May 2, 1867]
Theatrical. We learn that the Rochester Dramatic Troupe are preparing for the
Theatrical season again.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 15, 1867]
By "Pioneer"
Wilber Mitchell opened Rochester's first moving picture show in the New Miller
building, 624 Main street.
The program, all for five cents, consisted of two short reel picture stories and
a colored illustrated song. The singer making the song sweet and remembered was
May Brockman Touhy.
Next in local motion picture industry came Earle Miller, who opened the
"Moving Picture Palace" of its day in the room now occupied by
Howard's Variety store, 830 Main street. In his neat little theater Earle Miller
introduced America's first "talking motion picture" during the winter
season of 1913. While the effort was crude, the star artist being Black Patti,
it was the beginning of present-day effect and completeness and we counted it
marvelous and good
In later years the Bassett Brothers opened the "My Show" in the north
Heilbrun room, later followed by changed name to "Paramount," which in
late years unoccupied, has been a heavy eye sore of decay and neglect. Then came
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Shanks with motion pictures and a song, which was followed by
Carl Jessen who through advertising and a contest named his picture show the K.G.
Following Jessen's venture came James Masterson and Son, opening a moving
picture show in the old Academy of Music which was of short duration, due to the
fact that "folks" were unwilling to climb stairs. But the venture of
all ventures was made by James L. Kimmel in opening a picture show and
vaudeville north of the public square. It was the "Biggest show and the
most for your money." Two reels of pictures and five vaudeville acts
changing three times weekly, cost Kimmel 200 acres of the very best farm land in
Miami county.
Up to now Krieghbaum Brothers occupy and hold "the center" for the
very best to be shown in pictures. One theater is flashing "The
Char-Bell," while in bright lights is announced "The Rex," the
latest addition to a long list in theatrical and motion picture Rochester
To Earle Miller goes the "Laurel of Entertainment Achievement" of past
or present Rochester history. His Mid-Winter Chautauqua of 1914 held at the old
Academy of Music brought to Rochester Elbert Hubbard, the beloved sage of the
Roycrofters Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the man claiming the discovery of the North
Pole, Louise Dunbar and John A. Preston and a supporting company of professional
artists in "The Light Eternal," Judge Ben Linsey, famous Juvenile
Court Judge, Opie Reed, renowned American novelist and writer and the great
Kilty Band.
An early advocate of the "VERY BEST' in entertainment and enlightenment,
regardless of the fact that high aim proved a heavy financial loss to him and
his associates, Earle Miller carried the banner of true optimism and vital
idealism. He he remained and carried on, both fortune and national reputation
would have been his reward.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 3, 1935]
Rochester people dressed to attend social functions at the Knights of Pythias
Hall, also lost to this community by fire several years ago after the
organization almost ceased to function.
Older citizens will remember such attractions as John Preston in "The Light
Eternal," Otis Skinner in "His Lady Friends," John Haggerty in
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," our own Graham Earl, Ralph Ravencroft,
Harry Holden and a host of local professional actors residing here, before the
days of motion pictures.
Then too Rochester applauded its talented local amateurs as every theatre season
brought them before the footlights.
Outside cultural talent brought to Rochester included the then famous Opie Read,
Dr. Frederick Cook of North Pole fame, Judge Ronald Baggot, Fra Elbert Hubbard
and names of the great too numerous to mention. Rochester really was the center
of cultural entertainers, breaking their jump between Chicago and New York. The
best of the legitimate stage played the old Academy of Music.
Very few teenagers have seen the old favorite plays like "Uncle Tom's
Cabin," East Lynn," "Sid Plunkard," "The Denver
Express," and countless others in the repertoire of the one-night stand
troupes which visited this city.
The Redpath Chautauqua was a regular summer visitor and set up tent on a lot at
415 West Eighth street where the residence built by Postmaster Dean Neff now
stands. The winter months brought the best of lecture course talent year in and
year out. Rochester was really a mecca for high class entertaining.
The first of the outdoor motion picture theatres was established by the late Roy
Shanks at about the same time as Mose Kimmel operated a vaudeville theatre (The
Manitou) north of the public square. This writer nightly packed crowed into the
Earle Theatre, present location of the Kroger market (Knapp Building), and J.
Carl Jessen provided poenty of opposition with his Kai-Gee movie house where now
stands the Arthur Shore building (716 Main).
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 25, 1958]
Gentry's Dog and Pony Show under canvas was also a frequent Rochester
attraction when plenty of vacant lots were available upon which to set up
business. At home here, the Graham Earle Theatrical Company was a permanent
resident on the east shore of Lake Manitou and was followed in later years by
the Holdens. As far as we know, John Ravencroft is the only living direct
descendant of the Holden Companies still active in the entertainment world. John
is a member of the King's Jesters of radio fame.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Tuesday May 12, 1959]
Earle A. Miller listed the following amateur footlight artists in 1905: Omar
B. Smith, Frank E. Bryant, Senator Rome Stephenson, Harry Shields, Dr. W. S.
Shafer, Nobby True, Henry A. Barnhart, Hugh Elliott, Attorney Enoch Myers, Will
Hoffman, Viv Essick, Peter Stingley, William Rannells, W. H. Guthrie, Dr. Perry
Heath, Samuel Essick, Henry Bibler, Clyde Entsminger, Ray Fretz, Tom McMahan,
Dee Reiter, Carl Jessen, Earle Miller and Justice of Peace John Troutman.
THEATRE LUNCH [Rochester, Indiana]
The Willard Battery and Radio Shop owned by Owen and Harold Davisson will on
October 27 be moved from the rear of the Charles Kepler service station to the
city building on Main street occupied by the Theatre Lunch which closes its
doors Saturday night. The Davissons plan to remodel their new quarters and build
an addition to the east end of the building to house machines while battery,
wiring troubles are being adjusted. A radio salesroom will be operated in the
front part of the building. The chevrolet firm will occupy the room vacated by
the Willard shop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 20, 1924]
THEMIS, ALEXANDER [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rainbow Cafe
THIRD REGIMENT BAND [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rannells, William W.
See: Rochester Bands
This band evolved from the Knights of Pythias Band, and was formed in 1889,
with George Van Scoik, director. It was Rochester's first military band.
Members: H. A. (Ad) Reiter, Viv Essick, Alfred (Pipey) Goodrich, Stilla Bailey,
Joe Ault, Bill Dewitt, Fred Stephenson, Walter Stephenson, Val Zimmerman, Paul
Emrick, Frank Crim, Jacob Crim, Henry Meyer, L. B. Walters, Ed Zook Charles
Meyers, and Billy True. Drum majors were Edgar Wallace and Meade Kingery.
They played at Indianapolis, Evansville, South Bend, lodge encampments,
political gatherings, fairs, and numerous events throughout the state, until the
outbreak of the Spanish-American War.
[Adv] Bananas, oranges, potatoes, apples, Cold Meats and Groceries. Open Sunday.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, September 15, 1934]
In a deal closed last week, W. J. Russell sold the Third Street grocery to
Harold Reese. Fred Reese, father of Harold, is managing the store. Mr. Reese was
formerly employed at the Bashore Feed store. No changes are planned for the
Mr. Russell is retiring from the grocery business due to ill health. He had
owned and operated the grocery for five months.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 11, 1944]
A business transfer involving the Third street grocery has been announced, with
Mrs. Bessie DeLand having acquired the stock of groceries and meats from Fred
Reese. The new proprietor has taken possession and plans several improvements in
the business.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, January 22, 1945]
The Third Street Grocery located at 221 West Third street is now under the
ownership and management of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Abbott. They purchased the store
and stock from Mr. and Mrs. Harley Thompson. The new owners intend to carry on
the personal service policy but plan to expand their business and service in the
coming months.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 31, 1945]
THIRTY-ONE CAFE [Rochester, Indiana]
Albert Groves and Jack Jefferies who came to this city from Winamac and opened
the 31 Cafe at 604 North Main street on December 14, 1930, today announced that
they had leased the room in the Barrett Hotel building at 707 Main street of
Abner J. Barrett. Groves and Jefferies will move their cafe to the new location
and plan to have the same in operation on May 22. In their new location Groves
and Jefferies plan to specialize on regular meals.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 5, 1931]
THOMAS, H. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] CLOSING OUT SALE. Beginning at once I will close out my entire stock of
furniture, stoves, tools and cash register at a great saving to you. H. L.
THOMAS, 512 Main St., Rochester, Ind.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 26, 1943]
THOMAS, RICHARD M. [Grass Creek, Indiana]
Richard M. Thomas was born in Pulaski county, Indiana, March 21, 1868, educated
in the common schools and began work for himself at the age of twenty. Until
1902 he farmed, then became manager and owner of a hardwar store in Grass Creek.
He married Miss Minnie Murray and had four children: Lelah, Robert, Floyd and
Alice. Richard Thomas is the son of J. W. and Martha J. (Anders) Thomas, who had
nine children, of whom four are now living. J. W. Thomas was a farmer and served
in the Civil war. He is still living. His wife, the mother of Richard Thomas,
died in 1920, and was buried in Victor Chapel cemetery. As an evidence of
pioneer days, Mrs. Richard Thomas has a woolen blanket which her mother carded,
spun and wove by hand out of the wool from a sheep which she raised herself.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 284-285 Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
To give Topps Garment Company needed space for expansion of their plant
facilities, a committee of local business men, working in cooperation with Fred
Moore, effected a lease of two more rooms in the Moose building, opposite the
Topps plant, on a five year basis effective July 1.
With the Topps Garment Company entering into the lease, they will gain space now
occupied by Thomas Second Hand Store and King Oil Burner Company, to be
converted into a cutting room, thus enabling them to place more sewing machinery
in the factory room formerly used for cutting operations. They will be able to
add at least 25 to their payroll and will be in a position to bid on larger
government contracts than they have heretofore been able to handle.
Carlton Haskett has been appointed trustee by the business men to sell
merchandise in the Thomas Second Hand Store following purchase of the stock by
the business men.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 23, 1941]
Charles S. Overmyer, Rochester, has purchased the Holmes Thomas New and Used
Furniture Store at 500 North Main street from Carlton H. Haskett, appointed
trustee of a group of local business men. Mr. Overmyer stated today that he
would close the stockout in order to make room for the Topps Manufacturing
Company, who will occupy that building and the adjoining one soon.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 25, 1941
Located S side of street just W of the railroad.
In January of 1903, Richard Melvin Thomas and his brother Frank Thomas bought
the hardware store in Grass Creek and it was known as the Thomas Brothers
Hardware. They bought the store from Asa Murray (Mother's brother) and Frank
Kumler (brother to Roy Kumler) who had previously bought the store from Dan Rans
who had built the hardware building about the year of 1890.
Rock-a-by and crank type washing machines, DeLaval cream separators, John Deere
walking plows, and several Studebaker buggies and wagons as well as other
hardware items were sold during those early years.
Mathew Thomas, a third brother, had a section of the store where he had a
jewelry shop and also did watch repairing for several years. William Thomas, a
fourth brother, with Frank Thomas operated a stockyard just south of the present
elevator. Frank Thomas taught the Dewey school near Marshtown, and then was
elected Wayne Township trustee in 1905.
When R. M. Thomas and family moved to Grass Creek, they bought a house and barn
right across the road from the hardware store. The barn had been used as a
livery stable so the Thomases continued to use it as a livery stable. This was
very handy as all travel was by horse and buggy or wagon, and many would feed
their horses while in town. Sometimes we would take salesmen to the next town
with closed buggy, or sleigh, if snow was on the ground.
Thomas Hardware Store had the first telephone in Grass Creek, number 1, which we
kept until the dial system was installed in about 1947.
We just got started selling John Deere equipment when the depression hit in the
early 1930's. In 1938 conditions were starting to improve, and the farmers
needed a lot of farm machinery and tractors. That year we sold 75 new tractors
and 75 used tractors, as the farmers' products had increased in value.
In 1963 we incorporated as the Thomas Hardware, Inc., with me president, Eugene
Thomas vice president, Helen Huffman, who has been working for us since World
War II, as secretary-treasurer. Eugene is the third generation, and with four
sons we may have the fourth generation in the Thomas Hardware.
On March 15, 1972, the post office was moved into Thomas Hardware, Inc. With the
help of the community, the post office sales went from less than $1,000 to over
$5,000 sales in the first year and Grass Creek got two mail deliveries per day.
In 1973, we added a new display building where the John W. Harrison home and
photography shop once stood.
[Thomas Family, Robert D. Thomas, Fulton County Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
See Whence Grass Creek?, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard.
THOMPSON, ABNER [Henry Township]
Mr. Abner Thompson, youngest son of William and Ruth Thompson, was born in Wayne
County, Ind., April 6, 1824. His father was a native of Ireland and his mother
of South Carolina. When young Abner was but a small boy, his father went to
South Carolina with a herd of horses, and after disposing of them started on his
return, burt was never afterward heard from And when he was but ten years old
his mother was taken away, leaving him doubly an orphan; however, a
brother-in-law gave him the protection of his friendly roof, where he remained
performing the duties of a farm hand until he was twenty-one years old. At this
time he rmoved to Henry County and purchased a piece of land, which he at once
set about improving for a home. On the 26th of November, 1846, he was united in
marriage to Miss Mary Adamson, with whom he lived until death removed her from
his side on the 15th of March, 1863. The fruits of this union were six
children--Isaac, William, Margaret, Sarah, Abner M. and Mary E.; of these, Abner
died in his nineteenth year; the others are all married and settled for
themselves in life. Mr. T. remained on his little farm in Henry County until the
autumn of 1863, when he removed to Fulton County, locating in Henry Township,
where he purchased 308 acres of land, on which some improvements had been made,
and to which he has steadily added. Mr. Thompson had no capital and but little
education to start with, but with a large share of courage, energy and business
tact, to which he added "success," as a motto, he has been able to
surround himself with beautiful fields and many modern conveniences. He has
recently purchased another tract of 42 acres of land near the old place, to
which he has removed his family. Mr. Thompson was married a second time, June 7,
1864; this time to Miss Susan Swihart. Of this union were born three
sons--Charles C., John and Frank; of these, John lived but two months; the other
two are yet at home. Though not connected with any church, Mr. T. is a man of
strict integrity and enjoys the esteem of his acquaintances.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 41]
See Akron Feed & Grain
THOMPSON, EARL D. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Earl D. Thompson)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Earl D. Thompson)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Earl D. Thompson)
THOMPSON, ELWOOD [Rochester, Indiana]
Elwood Thompson is putting in a stock of groceries on North Fulton ave. Mr.
Thompson's long connections with this business will enable him to please all
customers and it is expected that he will be quite successful.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 2, 1908]
We are now located on College avenue with a new stock of groceries. We also keep
on hand a supply of Grand Union goods, with which we are giving nice premiums.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 4, 1911]
THOMPSON, GENE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Gene Thompson)
THOMPSON, H. B., DR. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Scientific Optician. Office with Dr. S. P. Terry. - - - Can be consulted
at Dr. Terry's office, in the Long building, on Wednesday and Thursday of each
week. - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 30, 1897]
[Adv] OPTICIAN: Dr. H. B. THOMPSON, over Blue Drug Store, examines your eyes
free. Eight years experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office days, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 11, 1900]
[Adv] Have moved my office to Fieser block over Fair store, where I have
pleasant offices easy of access. Consult me about your eyes. Satisfaction
guaranteed -- Dr. H. B. THOMPSON.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 21, 1900]
THOMPSON, JESSE H. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Jesse Thompson)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Jesse Thompson)
THOMPSON, STANT [Akron, Indiana]
Akron News.
Stant THOMPSON surprised himself the other day, as well as the rest of us by
selling his restaurant stock and fixtures to Bud WARE, of Rochester. The
purchaser took possession Thursday morning and Stant has no job. He retains his
business room and his residence, but has nothing in view for future business
activity, but is alert to any opening that may fall his way. The new owner has
some acquaintance here, but is practically a stranger.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 31, 1913]
Fenie's Cafe, formerly owned by S. C. Fenimore and Son, has been sold to Stanton
Thompson, a former resident of this city and who has been operating a restaurant
in Akron, Ind., for several years. Mr. Thompson took possession of the cafe this
Mr. Fenimore and son Lonnie opened Fenie's Cafe June 17th and ever since have
had a first class patronage. They have not fully decided as to their future
Mr. Thompson has had five years experience in the restaurant business. For three
years he was an employe of R. P. True, of this city. Until June of last summer,
he conducted a restaurant in Akron. Mr. Thompson has the reputation of being a
first class restaurant man and will undoubtedly make a success of his new
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 15, 1913]
THOMPSON, U. D. [Rochester, Indiana]
U. D. Thompson wishes to announce to the citizens of Fulton and adjoining
counties that he has started a first-class restaurant in the building formerly
kept by A. J. Corbet, and will also keep week and day boarders. Meals 20 cents;
board by the week $3.00.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 21, 1882]
THOMPSON, WILLIAM C. [Rochester, Indiana]
Lt. William C. Thompson, 22, will report for spring training with the Pittsburgh
Pirates of the National league, at Hornell, N.Y., next April, provided, of
course, that he is discharged from the Army Air Force before that time.
This fact became known Sunday when a talent scout for the Pirates looked
Thompson over in a game in which Jimtown took the low end of a 2-3 score, and
immediately offered the local youth his contract to crash the big time.
Thompson, home on a rest furlough after 18 months confinement in a Nazi prison
camp, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mac Thompson, owners of the Sunshine
Dairy, this city.
He is a graduate of Hammond high school, and attended Ball State college before
enlisting in the air corps. He was on his 26th mission over Austria when his
ship was shot down with the loss of half the crew. With five other American
airmen, he was chosen to supervise sports activities within the prison camp,
including baseball, football, softball and soccer, with the use of athletic
equipment provided by the Red Cross. He was liberated last May 2 and evacuated,
arriving home on a 60-day furlough June 23. He has since been granted a 30-day
extension, and will be seen in the local linep next Sunday, when the Indians
meet the Chicago Giants, one of th fastest semi-pro teams in the middle west.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 20, 1945]
THOMPSON, WILLIAM MAC [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Sanitary Milk Co.
See: Sunshine Dairy
THOMPSON & SON [Rochester, Indiana]
Drs. W. J. Thompson & Son would respectfully inform the citizens of Fulton
county, that they have commenced the practice of the medical profession . . .
Office two doors South of Holmes & Miller's new building.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 18, 1864]
THOMPSON GARAGE [Akron, Indiana]
The Buick garage in Akron which was built last year by Stanton R. Thompson of
that place has been sold to R. R. Hattery and Dan Secor of the same place. Mr.
Hattery took possession of the business at once. He will abandon the repair shop
which he has been running in Akron for the past several years. Everett Showalter
and Russell Meredith will remain in the employ of the new firm.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 15, 1920]
City Livery and Sale Stables. Mr. James Rannells . . . has purchased the stable
formerly owned by Dr. Thompson, and has moved into the large and spacious stable
at the Continental Couse. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, February 20, 1868]
George Thompson, a former resident of this city and for the last ten years a
resident of Mishawaka, intends to open a shoe repairing shop here next week in
the room back of the American Dry Goods store. Mr. Thompson has brought with him
$900 worth of machinery.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 19, 1914]
THOMSON'S TAVERN [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] ANOTHER TEST for those who eat - 30¢ Plate Lunch - - - - THOMSON'S
TAVERN, 513 Main, phone 160.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 24, 1933]
THORNBURG, HAROLD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Harold Thornburg)
THORSTENSON, PETER O. [Rochester Township]
Peter O. Thorstenson, a progressive farmer of Rochester township, was born in
Sweden, March 10, 1865, the son of Ole and Hannah (Person) Thorstenson, both of
whom lived and died in Sweden. They had nine children two of whom died in
infancy and they are: Elna, Peter O., Nels, Charstie, Thomas, Olaf, and Bertha,
the two who died being born between Elna and Peter. Peter O. Thorstenson
received his education in the public schools of his native country and then
served ninety days in the Swedish army as did his father and grandfather in
accordance with the Swedish law. He came to the United States in 1888 and
located at Paxton, Ford county, Illinois, where he worked on several farms. In
1902 or 1903 he bought the farm in Rochester township, Fulton county, Indiana,
on which he now resides, but returned to Illinois to work for two years. At the
expiration of that time, in the spring of 1905, he moved to his farm, which is a
large one of two hundred acres. He has tiled and improved the property which is
one of the best farms in the township. Although he does general farming in the
main, he devotes considerable attention to stock raising. In 1920, he purchased
fifteen acres at the edge of the city of Rochester. There were excellent
buildings on the tract, yet he further improved them and made the place his home
for nearly three years. On February 15, 1899, he was married to Leda Youngren,
the daughter of Gust Youngren, of Paxton, Illinois, and to this union were born
four children all of whom are living: Mildred, who married Earl Townsend, of
Liberty township, and who has one child, Irene; Julius, who married Seleda
McCarter and lives on his father's fifteen acre farm at the edge of Rochester;
Albert; and Carl. He is a member of the Lutheran church and is highly esteemed
in the township which is his home.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, p. 285, Dayton Historical Publishing
Co., 1923]
THREE BROTHER'S GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Also See Four Brothers Grocery
Three of the sons of John B. McMahan -- Otto, Tom and Will -- all teachers,
have completed arrangements to open a new grocery in the Mercer corner room of
the Odd Fellows building, southwest of the public square. They have all had some
experience as store keepers, all are bright and reliable young men and they are
going to make a success of the business. They will have a splendid location and
will equip the fine, large room with new fixtures and a complete new stock of
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 8, 1904]
[Adv] Clean New Grocery - - - will be opened Saturday, March 14th at the
Mercer Corner. We will sell for Cash ONLY. - - - THREE BROTHER'S GROCERY, Ott,
Tom and Bill McMahan. On the Mercer Corner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 17, 1904]
The McMahan brothers bought the Arnold Burch meat market and will move it and
the Newman market in the rear end of their grocery. Mr. Burch will do the fancy
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 16, 1904]
[Adv] The Fair is Next Week. But Ott, Tom and Bill are not Going! Instead,
they will remain at their grocery store and give all their customers fair and
courteous treatment. They would like to have you come in and tell them about the
Big Pumpkins and Fat Hogs. - - - 3 BROTHERS GROCERY.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 30, 1904]
[Adv] Try 3 BROS Grocery and Meat Market. Not in the Combine. Their motto is
quick service small profit. Ott, Tom and Bill McMAHAN. Mercer corner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 18, 1905]
If we should make an error
On your yellow grocery bill,
Don't go tell your neighbor,
But tell Ott, Tom and Bill.
We are pleased to get your order
And we fill them with a will
We do our best, our very best
Say Ott, Tom and Bill.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 30, 1905]
When your cupboards are very empty
And groceries you haven't got
We would like to fill your order,
Say Tom, Bill and Ott.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 1, 1905]
[Adv] Aut-Tom-o-Bile. They sell Groceries and Meats.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 21, 1905]
The McMahan Bros., Ott, Tom & Bill, who have conducted their grocery under
the title 3 Brothers for the past couple of years, made a trade yesterday with
Otto Caple, for the former Hoffman farm which is located near the fair ground,
and gave Mr. Caple possession of their store this morning. The boys have been
very successful business men and made many friends while in the grocery
business, but are desirous of educating themselves for professional careers and
intend going to school at Ann Arbor, in the near future. They thank their many
friends for their kindly interest and patronage and trust that the people will
extend the same courtesy to the present proprietor, Mr. Caple.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 7, 1905]
The sale of 3 Bros. Grocery to Mr. Lon Lough & Son transfers the business
into hands as reliable and painstaking to please the trade as were the popular
McMahans. The Messrs Lough are widely known as square dealing obliging gentlemen
and the many former patrons of the store will find the new management worthy of
all favors. Mr. Otto McMahan will remain with the new firm for some time and he
invites all of his old customers to come and get acquainted with the new
proprietors and give them a trial.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 29, 1905]
Two business changes were effected in Rochester today, whereby two groceries
changed hands the Messrs Ott, Hugh, Tom and Bill McMahan buying the business
recently owned by the Three Brothers, and Robert S. Lowry buying the Shannon
Mackey stock and business. For the past few months it has been reported that the
McMahan brothers would again engage in business here and it was at one time
their intention to open another store here, but Mr. Lou Lough, who bought the
store founded by the McMahan Brothers, of Otto Caple was not pleased with that
line of business and decided to return to his farm near Leiters, and for that
reason sold the store. The Three Brothers will add another member to the firm --
their brother Hugh -- and it will be known in the future as the Four Brothers.
The intention of the new firm is to at first give a sale to reduce the stock of
groceries, and dispose with the entire stock of meats on hand, and will then add
lines of dry goods, notions, and shoes, which they have bought. The McMahan boys
were very successful in their first business venture and built up a very large
trade. Mr. Lowry who purchased the Mackey grocery will turn it over to his son,
Robert who will manage it in the future. Mr. Mackey had a very good business and
his trade was the largest in that section of Rochester. Mr. Lowry will take
possession Wednesday morning. Mr. Mackey will retire from business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 27, 1906]
THREE-FIFTY STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
Guy Alspach of this city, owner of several shoe stores in northern Indiana, will
soon open another store in Rochester to be known as the "Three-fifty
Store." The stock will consist of an all-leather line of men's and women's
shoes only, to sell for but one price, $3.50. No definite date has been set for
the opening, but it is thought that it will be in the near future. The new store
will occupy the room on E. 8th street recently vacated by H. F. Pierce, and will
be under the competent management of Mr. Mohler Bell who is now connected with
Mr. Alspach's store in Logansport.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 12, 1924]
The members of the Prairie Grove Threshing Co., gathered at the home of Geo. E.
Finney, Sunday and partook of a big dinner given in honor of W. E. Gaskill and
wife. Mr. Gaskill who has done the Company's threshing for two years, is now
going to move to Douglas county, Wash.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 7, 1903]
From the Herald
The Snyder threshing ring inWayne township finished its work last week, having
been engaged six days on threshing oats and six on wheat. Thirteen land owners
belonged to the ring, of which John Costello is president and Chris Lambert,
secretary. - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 22, 1903]
The Leader Threshing Co. are building new sheds for some of their machinery at
the home of Felix Tobey.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 20, 1904]
Kewanna Herald.
The Bruce Lake Station Threshing Company has a membership of 17. They began
threshing at Geo. Garmon's on July 11th and finished at Lee Ramsey's on July
21st, having threshed 6,151 bushels of wheat off of 270 acres in 51 hours and 50
minutes actual working time. This made an average of 118 bushels per hour and a
crop average of 23 bushels per acre.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 3, 1906]
Macy Monitor.
The Shafer machine threshed for Zartman brothers living one-half mile north of
Macy, 110 bushels of wheat from pieces of ground containing just a little less
than two and one-half acres.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 3, 1906]
The Pleasant Valley threshing club threshed 10,000 bushels of grain in seven
days and then the members and their families, in the number of 75 people, met at
Clarence Eshelman's and indulged in eight gallons of ice cream, nine cakes, and
a box of cigars. There are fourteen members of the club.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 17, 1906]
The Big Foot Threshing Ring threshed 3,303 bushels of wheat, 8,711 bushels of
oats in 55 hours. The difference in time among members amounted to $28.45 in
favor of the men with the small jobs.
On the evening of the 20 of August the members of the Ring and their families to
the number of 88 met on W. Horn's lawn and consumed 10 gallons of ice cream and
14 cakes.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 31, 1906]
The Haimbaugh-Mercer threshing company have secured a new husking and shredding
machine that is guaranteed to handle one thousand bushels of corn a day.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 22, 1906]
Kewanna Herald.
The Bruce lake threshing ring met at the lake school house Saturday night and
perfected arrangements for the Season's work. Jerome Harris will furnish the
outfit and work begins next Monday at Harry Moon's. There are 20 farmers in the
ring this season.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 27, 1907]
The Antioch threshing ring held its last meeting at Antioch school house last
evening. Reports of the work done were read adopted after which the crowd
consumed nearly ten gallons of cream and a sufficient number of cakes. "In
fact," John Hagen said, "they ate so much that they nearly froze up.
" All the work is now done except the clover and hulling. The members of
the ring are as follows: John Hagen, Wm. Tetzlaff, Mel Hay, S. E. Gordon, P.
Thorstenson, O. Martindale, D. Martindale, N. Mason, H. Rans, Louis Felder,
Richard Hill and Mart Warner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 21, 1908]
We the threshermen of the State of Indiana, believing in the necessity of an
association for our mutual good, to protect our mutual interests, and to promote
harmony among ourselves; to secure just and equitable laws for the protection of
ourselves, our lives and our property, do hereby unite in an association to be
known as the Fulton County Threshermens' association.
The above paragraph is the preamble adopted by the threshermen of Fulton county,
at their meeting at the court house in this city, Saturday afternoon.
In the past seasons of harvest time the threshermen of the county were all
independent of each other and necessarily there has always been more or less of
a jangle as the result of a cut in prices and other matters that continually
arise in the business. Accordingly, to do away with this state of affairs, the
threshermen decided to get together and form an assocation that there might be
unity among themselves. The table of prices adopted by the association will
readily convince the farmers that it is not the purpose of the union to work any
hardship upon them. Following is the lists of prices: - - - -
As seen by the comparison all sorts of prices were charged heretofore, while now
one farmer will pay the same as another and the threshermen will get the same.
Charter members of the association are, J. H. Baird and sons, Oliver Geier, Lee
Montgomery, Charles R. Coplen, Melvin Jones, J. P. O'Connell, D. A. Wagoner,
Adam Blinn, C. F. Good, T. E. Shelton, Charles Fry and T. J. DuBois.
The officers elected Saturday are: President, T. J. DuBois; vice-president,
Oliver Geier; secretary and treasurer, Lee Montgomery; directors, Charles Coplen,
J. P. O'Connell and Eugene Shelton.
The next meeting of the association will be held at the court house Saturday,
April 30.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 18, 1910]
Mount Nebo's threshing ring closed their program with an outing at Adam's camp
Thursday afternoon, with ice cream for refreshments.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 1, 1910]
The threshing ring of this neighborhood had an ice cream supper at Ed Camerer's
Tuesday evening. All enjoyed a good time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 10, 1911]
The threshing ring at Mt. Olive had an ice cream supper Saturday evening and all
had a fine time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 23, 1911]
Ten farmers of the Talma neighborhood, who recently formed a threshing ring,
have taken out articles of incorporation for $5,000 for their organization under
the name of the Talma Threshing Company. They have elected oficers for their
first year and have purchased a complete threshing outfit including a steam
engine, separator, clover huller, corn shredder and also a buzz saw. Their
purpose in incorporating was to bind the members of the ring more closely
together as a going concern and also to make the company liable in case of any
trouble in place of any one man on whom the blame for a loss might be attached.
They intend to do work for anyone who hires them both inside and outside the
ring. The officers are Charles T. Jones, president; Lloyd Kessler, Sect and
treas; Willard Dick, Frank B. Ward and Charles Holloway, directors.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 11, 1919]
By Shirley Willard
Fulton County, like all counties in Indiana. had several threshing rings. These
were groups of farmers who organized to harvest their grain by hiring a
threshing machine. Each farmer did his own binding by pulling a reaper behind
his horses. The reaper cut the standing grain and tied it into bundles. The
bundles were gathered and stacked standing up in clumps called shocks, each
shock having seven to nine bundles, and two or three bundles were spread across
the top to help shed the rain. You can still see this on Amish farms.
When the threshing machine came, all the farmers in the ring came to each farm
and worked together to do the threshing. There might have been as many as 100
threshing rings in Fulton County. Some owners of threshing machines were Gene
Nafe of western Rochester Township, Isaac Edgington of Delong, Claude Brubaker
and Dan Fry of Richland Center, Delbert Wright of Tiosa, Dave Van Meter and Ike
Rans of Marshtown, Lawrence Rouch of Grass Creek, Emanuel Slaybaugh of Akron,
Dean Neff, Sid Bixler, Ellis and Frank Greer
of Kewanna,
Bill Baldwin recalled a threshing ring West of Rochester in the following story
he wrote for a creative writing class in Florida last winter. The Baldwins lived
on a farm at Germany Station. (the name was changed Loyal in 1918 and later
changed again to Pershing)
"When I wag a teenager, my father and some other farmers owned threshing
equipment consisting of a grain separator (the actual threshing machine) and an
Avery steam engine. Bill Mathias was the separator man and Mr. Dickerson ran the
steam engine. Bill Anderson, John Eash, Ira Butts, and my father William L.
Baldwin were farmers in the ring.
"The separator had knives that cut the string, grain and stalks into
pieces, then the separator shook the grain loose from the husk, and the grain
came out a spout and was put into sacks or a wagon. A blower blew the straw out
of a pipe unto a straw stack. Tractors were used to operate machinery in the
barnyard but not allowed to go through the fields because farmers thought it
would ruin their land by compacting the soil so nothing would ever grow again.
"The steam engine was fired with coal and a number of 55 gallon barrels
were filled with water to make the steam. A large tank mounted on a wagon with a
large pump mounted on its top with a long handle to operate the pump was used to
keep these barrels full of water.
"It was my job to drive this tank wagon to the nearest creek, drop a large
hose in the water and pump the tank full of water. You would seldom get a tank
full of water until you would hear two blasts on the steam whistle which
indicated they were getting low on water. I would then rush back and fill the
barrels, then back to the creek to fill the tank again.
"At noon all the ladies in the neighborhood assembled to prepare the
threshers' dinner which was unbelievable and out of this world.
"These hard-working sweaty men would wash up in the yard around a wash tub
full of water to remove some of the dirt and sweat of the mornings work.
"After that sumptuous meal there was no time for a siesta as everyone went
right back to work.
"After several years of faithful service, the Avery steam engine gave up
and sat in our barnyard for a couple of years before it was cut up for scrap.
"The separator was still used for a couple of years, powered by the more
modern oil-pull tractor run by Ira Butts. The tractor vibrated so much that they
had to bury a 'dead man' which was a five-foot log with cables tied to the
wheels. This buried log kept the tractor from moving around."
To research threshing, I borrowed a book through interlibrary loan: Threshing in
the Midwest 1820-1940 by J. Sanford Pikoon, Indiana University Press. It had in
the appendix a copy of the bylaws of Prairie Grove Threshing Company, Charles E.
Finney, Fulton County Indiana, c. 1920-1945. Finney was the step-father of Helen
Barkman, and she believes that he was the secretary of the ring. Howard Mutchler
had a threshing machine and then beginning in 1927 Murl Zellers, who threshed
for Prairie Grove and Mt. Olive. Murl's son, Fred Zellers, recalled the Prairie
Grove farmers: Art Showley, John Denton, Sam and Jess Charters, Sam Lamb, Bill
Perkins, Joe Clark, John Bigler, Tyke Elsenman, 'Biggie' Grube, and Bill
Harley Denton, grandson of Charles Finney, remembers working in 1942 for Murl
Zeller's threshing ring. A man got $5 a day for himself, team and wagon. His
brother, Charles Denton, San Bernadino, California, has pictures of Zellers'
threshing machine and sent copies to the museum.
In 1950 I (Shirley Ogle) carried water on my pony for what was probably the last
threshing ring in the county. I had a black Shetland pony named Sugar and I rode
her to carry a glass fruit jar of ice water and paper cups to the workers
several times a day. My parents lived on a 100 acre farm west of Mt. Zion. Other
farmers on the threshing ring were Earl Gibson, Fred See, Harley Beck, Joe
Baker, Merl Richter, Denny Smith, Ed Fishback, and Walter Townsend. Earl Gibson
was the last farmer to use horses in our neighborhood. One time one of his
horses reached over and took a big bite out of the seat of my father's truck.
Walter Townsend was quite a joker. Among his many tricks, he put chewed tobacco
on a tractor seat so someone would sit on it and it would look as if they had
dirtied their pants. If I remember right, his daughter Norma (Vedder) sat on it
once and got the dirty pants. She and Helen Beck were farmers' daughters who
drove tractors that year.
Russell Sroufe owned the threshing machine, which was powered by a tractor, not
a steam engine. All the farmers who had wheat or oats traded work to get the
harvest in. About a month after the threshing was done, we had an ice cream
supper at one of the farm houses and the men settled up, that is, divided the
If anyone has memories or photos of threshing rings in Fulton County, please
share them by writing me or calling 223-2352. We would like to compile a list of
all the threshing rings.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 11, 1997]
By Shirley Willard
After my article appeared in the Sentinel, several people responded with fond
memories of threshing rings in Fulton County. We made copies of all their photos
to preserve in the museum. Thank you for helping to preserve this interesting
Sharon and Ben Overmyer in Richland Township had a threshing machine. John
Sheetz, Rochester, recalled running the blower in the 1930s to make a straw
shed. During threshing, the grain is separated from the straw, and a common use
for the straw was to make a shed for cattle shelter. First a frame was made of
wood posts and wire. Then when the threshing machine came, a man was assigned to
handle the pipe that blew the straw. This pipe was moved to spread the straw out
to form the roof of the straw shed.
My father, Charlie Ogle, made a straw shed in about 1950 and it lasted many
years. Unlike the house made of straw in the Three Little Pigs story, these
straw sheds were very sturdy and had a life time of 10 to 20 years.
Paul Weller recalled that his uncle Jess Weller drove a steam engine to Kewanna
to run the creamery in about 1943 or 44. Paul's father, Claude Weller, managed
the creamery. The boiler had broken down , so they used Ira Overmyer's steam
engine to provide steam for the Kewanna Cooperative Creamery for about three
months. Dick Baldwin operated the steam engine. Overmyer used the steam engine
for his sawmill at the Big Woods on the Aubbee-Union township line straight
north of Lake Bruce.
Charles Beard, Fulton, had a threshing machine near the Reed schoolhouse.
Members of the ring included Oth and Ralph Eytcheson, Sherman Reed, Clyde Champ,
Guy Nellans, Sam Dague, Leonard and Sam Kirk.
Dewitt Stafford, Akron, recalled that Wayne Drudge had a threshing machine in
the 1930s. He had a steam engine, thresher seed huller and corn shredder.
Farmers he threshed were Nyle Merley, Fred and Ollie Deardorff, Carl Floor, Odin
Sausaman, Kenneth Luckenbill, Ralph Miller, Harley Rogers, Harvey Long, Verle
Ramsey, and Russell Bacon.
Maxine Nickels Geier St. Clair's picture of the threshing machine owned by her
father, Oliver Geier, Grass Creek, was published In Fulton County Folks Vol. 2.
He operated it from 1904 to 1920, when they moved to South Bend. Farmers in his
threshing ring were Jack Waddups, William Diveley, A. D. and Joe Hizer, Fred
Harsh, Ora Rans, Andrew and Ed Geier, Roy Geier, Carl Bailey, Jim and Decon
Bailey, and Bert Conn. Maxine's aunt Maude Geier's father, William Brower, had a
threshing machine c. 1900.
Lucille Moore's grandfather, Eugene Nafe, had a threshing machine on the Olson
Road near Germany Bridge. Lucille has photos, the note to purchase the machine
in 1891 for $1,175 from Huber Manufacturing Company, Marion, Ohio; receipts
showing payments in November 1898, 1901 and 1902; and notes to purchase wind
blower ($125) and Plover Huller ($350) in August 1898. A booklet of bills for
use by threshermen records work billed to Lest Campbell, Case Hudkins, Elza
Parker, Tom Shafer, G.M. Fisher, J. S. Gilbert, S. Cook, C. R. Frell, William
Pickens, Luther Cough, James Fall, H. A. Moon, Eli Henderson, James Hott, Jake
and W. T. Henderson, B. and J. Bruce, Jasper and Esra Hudkins, Bob Smith,
Charley Kilmer, G. O. Leming, A. D. McBride, Tom Graffis, George Kuhn, Frank and
W. O. Enyart, A. C. Denis, John Rude, L. Johnson, and R. Zellers.
Richard Kistler, North Webster, wrote about threshing remembered from his
boyhood days, "My father, Cecil Kistler, lived two and half miles south of
Fulton and just west of the present Caston School. While we lived there from
1928 to 1944, he participated in a threshing ring which extended east across
state road 25 south into Cass County.
"People included Marion Studebaker who lived on road 25 just north of
Caston, Ernest Studebaker who lived just south of Caston, Ivan Minthorn, Ermal
Riemenschneider, Ed Buchanan, and Charley Rans. The membership of our ring would
change depending on who had wheat, rye, or oats to thresh.
"Our thresher man was George Johnson, who lived two or three miles east of
road 25. George had two threshing machines one each of which were powered by
Rumely Oil Pull tractors. One machine had a 28 inch throat and the other one was
32 inches wide and could accommodate more feeding in of bundles.
"Since George Johnson had two machines he threshed quite a number of rings,
some up to Fulton, and extending on east of town. George himself, plus a hired
man, operated one machine, and Verdell Overmyer operated the other.
'In addition, George was a stock hauler and owned two large trucks for hauling
farmers' hogs and cattle to market. Again one truck was larger than the other
and could haul more livestock. These trucks were used to haul fuel, grease.
tools, etc threshing machines each day.
On the years the big 32 inch machine and the big truck did the threshing of our
ring, it always sent a thrill through my young adolescent body! . .
"After a short hitch in the Army, I felt called to the Christian
ministry and in the fall of 1947, 1 enrolled and attended Indiana Central
College at Indianapolis. During my freshman year, I took Freshman Composition
and was required to write about ten themes. One theme I called a 'Strange
Humming,' in which I tried to recapture the sound of the humming of the
threshing machine and the sound of the Oil Pull with its two cylinder 'pum, pum,
pum" sound. I'm afraid that I was not able to convey to paper the strange
humming or singing which I felt within me, as I tried to recapture the thrill
and excitement a boy felt when the machine and tractor were doing their work. At
least my grade was only a C as I recall, and I also doubt whether my Comp.
teacher had ever fed bundles or hauled grain during threshing.
"We did not have a steam engine in our area, although I can just barely
remember a steam engine with a corn shredder coming up our old dirt road and
getting stuck in a mud hole in the road. My dad took his team of horses with
double trees and log chains and snaked the steam engine and shredder out.
"A few years later, my older brother lived on our old farm and he
participated in a smaller ring which used Cliff Vanator and his outfit. Cliff
had an F-30 Farmall tractor to power the machine, and the F-30 did not have
nearly the power of the Oil Pulls. His machine was no longer than 28 inches
maybe even smaller.
"I wanted to tell you that I appreciated your article and it brought back
memories for me. My next younger brother and I, in our earlier days, had a place
behind our old farm house and did we ever farm that dirt!! We would plant our
wheat, cut it and pile little piles of dirt as shocks, and haul it to thresh it,
all within one day's time, all with our little toys some of which were boughten
toys and some of which we made and improvised. Such memories!"
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 9, 1997]
THRUSH, RUFUS [Rochester, Indiana]
Roy Hill, Monday purchased the Wall Street Barber Shop, locatedin the 30 block
of East Ninth street, from Rufus Thrush. Mr. Hill has taken possession of the
shop and will continue to operate the same. Mr. Hill has been a b arber for the
past four years and has been employed in tonsorial parlors in Logansport, Fulton
and Rochester. Mr. Thrush, whlhas operated the shop for mahy years, is retiring
because of ill health.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, April 8, 1941]
THRUSH'S NORTH END MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Go to Thrush's North End Market for choice cuts of corn-fed and pork
Roasts, Steaks and Boils. . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 6, 1919]
TICE'S MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
See Fruit and Produce Stands
TIMBERS, ARCH [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal was consumated Monday, whereby W. P. Watson becomes the sole owner of the
dry cleaning and pressing establishment on west Ninth street, formerly owned by
Watson and Timbers, Mr. Watson buying Arch Timbers interest. Mr. Timbers decided
that the work was too confining and desired more work in the open. Mr. Watson
the present owner, has had many years of experience in this line of work and is
quite prepared to take charge of a large business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 12, 1913]
Arch Timbers, a substantial merchant of Rochester, was born in Fulton county,
Indiana, September 11, 1888, the son of Oliver and Margaret M. (Anderson)
Timbers, reliable farmers of this county. He received his elementary education
in the graded and high school of his home community and then attended the
Rochester Normal College. His education completed, he began work on the farm,
but finding it unsuited to his tastes, he became a clerk in a store. He followed
this occupation for a time, only to abandon his position to become the manager
of a restaurant. He again changed his line of work, becoming a salesman for the
South Bend Malleable Iron Company. When the war with Germany broke out, he
enlisted in the service of his country as musician in Coast Artillery, serving
from March, 1918, until the signing of the armistice released him from service.
Upon his discharge, which occurred at Chillicothe, Ohio, he returned to his home
in Rochester, Indiana, and established a dry-cleaning business. His success was
almost instantaneous, and he has enlarged his business to include the sale of
mens and boys' clothing. He is known in Rochester as one of its most successful
business men despite the fact that his enterprise is scarcely past the embryonic
stage. His part in the World war made him eligible to membership in the American
Legion, and during the year of 1921, he was the vice-commander of the Leroy C.
Shelton Post No. 36, of that organization in Rochester. In fraternal circles, he
is a popular member of the Knights of Pythias. In politics he supports the
Democratic party, and in 1921 he was the chairman of the city central committee,
doing much to increase the strength of his party in Fulton county.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, p. 286, Dayton Historical Publishing
Co., 1923]
TIMBERS, JOHN [Rochester/Akron, Indiana]
John Timbers is moving his restaurant fixtures to Akron today. Dick Lowman has
the contract and is moving the outfit on wagons. John expects to put in a nice
place at Akron and as he is a good fellow and understands his business he ought
to secure a good trade there.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 27, 1902]
[Adv. full page] For Men - - - -Doors open for business Saturday, May 27 - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 26, 1922]
"I'll Get You Yet". Arlington Block, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 9, 1924]
Arch Timbers, owner of the clothing store bearing his name at 707 Main street
announced Friday morning that he would retire from business and has announced
that he will hold a monster closing-out sale of the $10,000 stock carried. . . .
Mr. Timbers will go into the jobbing business with headquarters in this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, September 10, 1926]
[Adv] Big Clothing and Furnishing Auction at the Arch Timbers Store in the Arlington Block - - - beginning Saturday, Dec. 18, 1926 - - -until the entire stock is closed out.
Morris & Border, operators of several chain stores throughout Indiana and
Ohio, with main offices at Mishawaka, Ind., were in this city Tuesday where they
closed a long-term lease with A. J. Barrett on the store room formerly occupied
by Arch Timbers clothing store.
The branch store of the M. & B. chain will carry a complete stock of Ladies
Ready-to-Wear garments and Men's Furnishings. Mr. Borden when interrogated
concerning the opening of the new business stated he believed they would be
ready by Saturday, Sept. 17th.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 7, 1927]
TIME [Rochester, Indiana]
The Kaders will soon have United States Observatory time at eleven o'clock each
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 11, 1915]
TIMES THEATRE [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 616-622 Main.
Formerly Char-Bell Theatre.
Building constructed of bricks from the Rochester Normal University which was
torn down in 1923. It was first used as a garage.
See: Char-Bell Theatre
See: Moving Picture Theaters
A new word was added to the everyday vocabulary of Rochester and Fulton county
residents today with the official announcement by Lisle Krieghbaum, manager,
that the Char-Bell theatre will from now on be known as the Times theatre.
Citizens got a pre-view of the change in name yesterday when workmen rushed to
complete installation of the large, ultra-modern new marquee on the theatre,
showing the name "Times" in large, Neon-lighted letters above the
marquee proper.
The local movie house has been known as Char-Bell since its establishment in
February, 1924. The change in name is in line with a current extensive
modernization program.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 24, 1942]
TINGLE'S BODY SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Announcement to Auto Owners. I have purchased the B. & B. Body Shop
and will from now on operate it under the name of TINGLE'S BODY SHOP. Body and
fender repairing and auto painting efficiently done. All work guaranteed. S. O.
TINGLE, Prop. Phone 212. 409 No. Main St., rear of Studebaker Agency.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 1929]
TIOSA, INDIANA [Richland Township]
Located on 200E at approximately 675N.
Officially recorded by the county surveyor July 3, 1869.
Streets: Railroad, Walnut, Main, West, First, Second, Third and Fourth.
An additional 37 lots were added on the south in 1888.
The Business Portion of the Town in Ashes
Early Monday morning the report reached here that Tiosa was burning up and early
risers state that the light was so bright that a pin could be picked up on Main
street. A SENTINEL reporter soon procured a conveyance and drove to the scene of
devastation where the worst reports were verified, the entire business portion
of the town having been burned to the ground, and stocks of goods were scattered
about on every corner.
It is the general belief that the fire was communicated from a pile of sawdust
near the Tiosa Lumber Co's. mill, which had been burning for several days and
the high winds of Sunday night made it impossible to check the flames when once
The populace were soon on the ground and fought fire like heroes until it was
found there was no hope of saving the business portion of the town when they
directed their efforts to removing the stocks of goods and preventing the spread
of the conflagration to the residence portion. Everything in the path of the
fire was burned to the ground and the sight presented was one of desolation. The
losses are as follows:
Tiosa Lumber Co's. saw-mills, lumber yards, $40,000, no insurance.
Geo. Perschbacher's elevator, $3,000. Insured $2,500.
Contents of elevator, $600, insurance not known.
Geo. Perschbacher, two store rooms, $1,000, insurance $500.
A. B. Surguy's drug store, $1,200, no insurance.
Shobe & Richard's wagon, carriage and blacksmith shop, $500. Insurance $300.
Machlan's carpenter shop, $400, no insurance.
Palmer's meat market, $350, no insurance.
John Shetterly's harness shop, $350, no insurance.
C. E. Kepler's meat market, $350, no insurance.
Geo. Perschbacher residence, $500, no insurance.
John Shetterly's residence, $300, no insurance.
D. M. Swinehart's building used for depot and postoffice purposes, $150, no
Total loss, $48,700. Total insurance, $3,500.
The above figures do not include damage to goods and losses of same incident to
sudden removal on such occasions, which, in this case will amount to
Mr. Geo. Perschbacher says it is his intention to rebuild the elevator and store
room at once. Dr. A. B. Surguy, C. D. Shobe and Chas. Kepler have also expressed
their intentions strongly in favor of rebuilding. The depot and postoffice are
located in the hotel until suitable quarters are proviced.
The L. E. & W. officials bestow great praise upon station agent Swinehart
for the prompt and efficiant manner in which the movable railroad property was
removed from danger, and upon Mr. Alvah McNeely, who connected an instrument to
the wire and telegraphed the news to Rochester, Peru and other points.
The loss is a serious one to Tiosa as it will entirely close business there
until suitable buildings can be erected. However, it will not be long until a
new town will arise from the ashes.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 27, 1895]
True Bros have purchased LeRoy Smith's restaurant stock at Tiosa and are making
improvements on their Enterprise restaurant here. They will do a lunch counter
business almost exclusively.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 16, 1901]
Will Kestner has purchased the barber shop of Frank Fisher and moved same in the
room formerly occupied by Chas. Wright. Mr. Wright moved in the room over the
post office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 22, 1906]
H. W. Wynn is putting a new gasoline engine in the elevator at this place.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 18, 1909]
Eddie Kissman, the 10-year-old son of Lake Erie Engineer Willard Kissman, was
killed Sunday at Tiosa, while attending a ball game. A foul batted ball struck
him in the chest and he died before medical aid could relieve him.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 14, 1910]
Special to the Sentinel.
The Tiosa Dramatic Club will give "Little Buckshot" at the hall above
Timbaugh's store Saturday evening, February 1st. The club is composed of all
home talent who respectfully solicit the patronage of the entire community.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 1, 1913]
A business deal is being closed this week whereby John R. Starr of Winamac,
trades the former J. R. Conner farm of 240 acres northeast of Winamac for an
elevator and mercantile business at Tiosa. H. W. Winn becomes the owner of the
farm and expects to move onto it from Tiosa.
The elevator business at Tiosa will be under the management of William Hoch, of
Winamac, who was long associated with Mr. Starr.
Dana Starr, son of the new owner, will be in charge of the general store.
Besides shelf merchandise, the stock includes coal, tile, cement and numerous
similar lines. The Tiosa postoffice is also located in the store. J. P.
Gilsinger of Pulaski has been engaged to assist in invoicing the stock.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoch expect to move to Tiosa within a couple of weeks, occupying
another house there before they get possession of the one included in the trade.
Mr. Winn, who becomes owner of the farm, built the elevator which was erected at
Lake Bruce some years ago on a site which was known as Winn Station for a time.
He later located at Tiosa, which is on that branch of the Nickel Plate railway
running from Indianapolis to Michigan City.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 18, 1925]
[Adv] Fair Prices - Courteous Service. Your Patronage solicited. OVERMYER'S
STORE, TIOSA, IND. 2¢ Above Market in Trade for Eggs. - - - -
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 18, 1931]
Joe Bidwell, former Akron grocer and a member of the Fulton County War Price
& Rationing Board, has purchased the Tiosa elevator of Greshem Lough, it was
announced today.
Clarence "Pat" Overmyer, who recently returned from the service will
manage the business for Mr. Bidwell who will take possession Dec. 10, and plans
to remodel the property and to add several new lines of merchandise and supplies
to the present stock.
Overmyer, a past trustee of Richland townip, is well-known in the territory
served by the elevator. The deal was made through the Fred Moore agency of this
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, December 7, 1945]
Town was destroyed by fire September 23, 1895, from fire started in the
sawdust pile at the Tiosa Lumber Company mill.
Tiosa had the first high school in Richland Township. Only two classes
graduated, 1902 and 1903.
It was moved to the County Line School for the next two years, and called
Richland Center High School.
The biggest town in Richland township is Tiosa, named for a Potawatomi Indian
chief who had a reservation there prior to 1838.
The land on which the town was built was owned by Jacob Miller, who apparently
founded the town just after the completion of the Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago
railroad (now Norfold & Western).
Jacob Miller had a general store, a sawmill and a grain elevator by the railroad
tracks. The post office was located in the depot. John Perschbacher operated a
hotel, and there was a blacksmith and harness shop and a resident physician, Dr.
C. J. Loring.
Destroyed in the fire of September 23, 1895 were: the lumber company, grain
elevator, store, meat market, saloon, depot, wagon and blacksmith shop, Surguy's
drug store and home, Wile's dry goods store, carpenter shop and George
Perschbacher's home.
Not many of these buildings were covered by insurance and the town never
recovered its former prosperity.
The morning after the fire Hank Thompson and Delbert Wright bought a sawmill at
Bigfoot and set it up on the south side of Tiosa to provide lumber to rebuild
the town. Delbert's brother, William Wright, was in the sawmill and carpenter
business with Delbert, helping rebuild Tiosa. He also had a general store with a
partner named Emanuel Reed. His daughter, Rena Wright, former RHS teacher, said
that the townsfolk called it "Reed and Wright and Rithmetic."
After the fire the Christian Church, which had been on the NW corner of 200E and
700N at the north edge of Tiosa, was moved into the burned area of town west of
the elevator. It did not grow and was eventually torn down and the lumber made
into a barn and a shed.
The Tiosa grain elevator was rebuilt, still stands, but has not been used since
There was a pickle factory north of the elevator on the railroad tracks around
Today Tiosa has a Brethren church (built in 1884), Strong's store, Fred Oden's
repair, Jim Lewis's mechanical & Welding shop, and several houses.
[Tiosa and Richland Center, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
George Leroy Wolford was a blacksmith at Tiosa.
TIOSA BAND [Tiosa, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
Destroyed by fire September 23, 1895.
[Adv] BUILDING MATERIAL, Pine and Hard Wood Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Doors,
Windowos, Nails, &c. New Planing Mill just started and a large stock of dry
lumber on hand. Call or write for prices. TIOSA LUMBER CO., Tiosa, Indiana.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 25, 1891]
TIOSA POST OFFICE [Tiosa, Indiana]
Located approximately 675N on the Lake Erie & Western Railroad.
[F.C.H.S. Files]
In keeping with Uncle Sam's policy to trim operating expenses of the U. S.
Postal service to a minimum, the Tiosa postoffice and its one rural route will
be taken into the Rochester postoffice department beginning Tuesday a.m., August
16th, and become known as Rural Route 8.
George Wright, former driver of the Tiosa route will be retained as driver on
the new route which serves a total of 140 box holders and with the new change in
the system, all of the patrons will receive their mail at least two hours
earlier, inasmuch as the Tiosa carrier was compelled to wait until 9 o'clock
each morning for the arrival of the star route carrier which brought the mail to
the Tiosa postoffice.
The Tiosa postoffice which was under the supervision of Ruth E. Williams will be
eliminated entirely and the saving thus effected, is estimated to be close to
$800 per year.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 15, 1932]
Jacob Miller, June 12, 1872. Augustine Hisey, Sep 18, 1885.
Banj F. Machlan. M.O. Par 29, 1892. Apr 12, 1889. Milton A. Felts, Apr 7, 1890.
Daniel M. Swinehart.
Neri Swihart, May 6, 1898. Samuel McNeely, Jan 20, 1899.
Samuel McNeely, Jan 30, 1899. ---- 1903, N.B. Aug 16, 1905. Earl W. Wynn, July
13, 1916.
Ruth E. Williams, confirmed Dec. 10, 1926. Remarks 4th Ck.
[Discontd. Oct 14th eff Aug 15, 1932. Mail to Rochester]
[F.C.H.S. Files]
TIOSA TOWN BAND [Tiosa, Indiana]
Directed by Harry C. Clymer, who also played a cornet.
TIPPECANOE, INDIANA [Marshall County, Indiana]
Mentone Gazette.
H. E. Graham, from Tippecanoe, has purchased the Getty & Jones livery stock
at Silver Lake.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 14, 1907]
The little town of Tippecanoe, located about six miles west of Mentone, was
visited by a very bad fire at about 5:30 o'clock on Sunday morning. The fire
started in a small building owned by Walter Armantrout and occupied by a
shoeshop conducted by Isaac Rhodes and a dry cleaning plant operated by Mr.
Dill. This building was burned to the ground, as was also the residence of
Quincy Cram, which was next to it. The Cram livery barn, which was located just
back of the Cram home, was saved with difficulty. The loss is estimated at
several thousand dollars.
As soon as the fire was discovered a call for help was sent out and volunteer
firemen hurried to the scene from Mentone, Argos and Bourbon. The Mentone
firemen did the most effective work and were responsible for checking the spread
of the fire. The origin of the fire is unknown.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 11, 1913]
Electricity was turned through the transmission line to Tippecanoe Saturday
morning for the first time and was found to work splendidly. Work on the project
has been very slow on account of the inclement weather.
Tonight the residents of Tippecanoe will hold a big celebration when the town is
illuminated for the first time by electricity. They have planned to hold an ice
cream supper and a band concert and want the people of this city to help them
celebrate. A large number of persons have planned to go.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 7, 1915]
The whole town of Tippecanoe was threatened by fire which completely
destroyed the business block owned by Earl Sparks at an early hour Thursday
morning, according to word received in Rochester.
In the building which was completely destroyed by the flames were the Sparks'
general store, where dry goods, groceries, meats and other articles are
dispersed, the postoffice and the office of Dr. T. F. RINGLE, who occupied the
upper floor.
The buulding which was burned, was next door to the Tippecanoe State bank, and
the volunteer firemen and the fire departments from Mentone and Bremen, which
were summoned to the scene, it was said, were hard put to save the bank
Practically everything in the Sparks store was destroyed by the flames with the
exception of two pianos, which were moved out before the fire had gained
considerable headway. All of the office, fixtures and other appurtenances in
Dr.Ringle's office were also destroyed, but the workers had time to remove
practically everything of value from the postoffice.
The fire, which got under way at about eight o'clock, is believed to have
started on the roof from an overheated or defective chimney flue. At 10 o'clock
the blaze was practically under control and at that hour it was stated that
there was no danger of further damage. It was impossible to estimate the exact
loss, which will probably run well into the thousands of dollars. Sparks, who
owned both the building and the general store carried but little insurance.
The Northern Indiana Power Company was called from Tippecanoe as the
transmission line was burned thru and danger from the high voltage wire was
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 14, 1922]
J. C. Harmer, general store merchant of Tippecanoe, is very busy these days
building a new two-story business block for his business. The building will be
the first of its kind in the town. The cost will be over $12,000. The business
will occupy the basement and first floor and on the second floor will be
arranged two apartments for living. The front of the building will be finished
in brick and the sides in cement blocks. The site is on one of the four best
corners in the town and will make a very fine place for the conduct of the
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, April 14, 1925]
An exploding oil heater early Saturday caused damage estimated at between $4,000
and $5,000 to the building and department store of Mrs. Rolla Rhodes at
Tippecanoe. The building which was insured for $2,500 is owned by Orval Smith of
Tippecanoe, while Mrs. Rhodes had her loss coverd by insurance.
The building is a two-story structure with the Rhodes store on the ground floor
and three apartments above. Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. Ida Warsham shared one
apartment, Miss Mildred Stuckey, Culver and Miss Joyce Caldwell, Bourbon, school
teachers in the Tippecanoe schools another, and Milo Cormican, an employee of
Mrs. Rhodes the third. The school teachers, luckily, left yesterday for their
Christmas vacation.
The fire started in the apartment of Mr. Cormican shortly after midnight when an
oil stove in his room exploded when he attempted to light it. Cormican attempted
to smother the flames with a rug and when he could not control the flames threw
the stove down the stairs. Cormican received bad burns on his face and hands.
The store had been kept open late last night to accommodate Christmas shoppers.
Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. Worsham who had not retired were able to flee from the
building in safety. Fire departments from Bourbon, Mentone and Etna Green
assisted the Tippecanoe department in battling the fire and kept the flames from
spreading to nearby buildings.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, December 23, 1939]
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Downs, former local residents, but more recently of the
Tippecanoe community, today announced the purchase of the Moriarty grocery store
at Tippecanoe. They took possession of the store as of April 1.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, April 2, 1945]
TIPPECANOE DAIRY [Rochester, Indiana]
C. F. Briles of southeast of Rochester, purchased the Tippecanoe dairy of Mrs.
F. H. Cornelius today. Mr. Briles has rented the Cornelius farm and will
continue to serve the dairy's old customers in first class style.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 1, 1911]
There will be a meeting of Stockholders of the Tippecanoe Oil company at the
office of Attorney F. H. Terry, Thursday evening, at 7:30. CHAS. W. CAFFYN.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 17, 1899]
The Tippecanoe Oil Co., of this city, is out of business. The stockholders met
last night and ratified the sale of the three Peru wells and the last dividend
was declared.
The Tippecanoe Oil Co., was one of the very few which got out whole in the Peru
field. The company owned three wells which paid out and left the stockholders a
little profit. Those in the company were W. H. Deniston, Chas.W. Caffyn, C. C.
Wolf, H. A. Barnhart, Capt. H. C. Long, Milo R. Smith, Jos. A. Myers, Frank H.
Terry, Chas. Jackson, Chas. Brouck, Mrs. Sarah Lyon and A. C. Mitchell.
The three wells and all machinery were recently sold for $1500. During the two
years the wells were operated the company sold oil to the amount of $8,000. But
oil well drilling and pumping costs lots of money and the Tippecanoe Company has
decided to let well enough alone and quit the business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 20, 1899]
Located second floor, approximately 111 to 115 East 9th St, across from Court
The Tippecanoe Petticoat Company, the members of which are Messrs. Cline of
Logansport, Tillman of Burr Oak, Mich., and M. M. Bitters of this city, will be
ready for business about September 1.
The John Smith building south of the public square will be utilized for factory
purposes and work on the remodeling will begin at once.
The firm will manufacture silk petticoats for the most part, but will make some
cheaper grades. About five or six women will be employed at the start and it is
expected many more will be taken on after the industry is well under way.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 11, 1910]
Wabash Plain Dealer.
The officers of the Tippecanoe Petticoat Company, a flourishing industry of
Rochester, are considering a change of location.
Business men of North Manchester are after the plant to take the place of the
Strauss skirt factory which recently went out of business.
As an inducement for their removal from Rochester, citizens of North Manchester
offer them a cash bonus, free rent, and moving expenses. North Manchester has no
factory which will employ women and several expert skirt makers from that place
are now employed in Rochester at the factory.
The proposition of citizens of North Manchester will be given careful
consideration by officers of the company and their decision will be announced
within thirty or sixty days.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 20, 1911]
The Tippecanoe Petticoat Company, which has built up a fine business in
manufacturing petticoats, has added a new line to its business and is now
turning out a fine line of dress skirts. The dress skirt business has just been
started but gives promise of developing into a very popular side line and has
already necessitated the employment of additional help in the factory. The
company first embarked in the skirt business quite by accident, having been
commissioned by a large retail merchant to make up a lot of dress skirts from
piece goods which did not move well. The skirts were made up in the latest style
and the unsalable merchandise was readily turned into a handsome profit by the
shrewd merchant. Since that time many similar orders have been executed and the
making of dress skirts has become a regular feature of the business.
The Tippecanoe Petticoat Company is a Rochester industry, which is rapidly
forging to the front. The business was started in a small way, but is rapidly
growing into a thriving business under the careful management of M. M. Bitters
and Otto Cline.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 26, 1911]
In mentioning the Tippecanoe Petticoat Company Saturday The Sentinel erred in
referring to Otto Cline as one of the proprietors of the business. Ira F.
Tillman purchased Mr. Cline's interest in the company some time ago and is
associated with M. M.Bitters in the management of the plant.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 28, 1911]
The machinery of the old Petticoat factory was moved out, this morning, and
shipped to Auburn, where it will be used in the Auburn Garment Company's
Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 2, 1913]
Word has been received from St. Petersburg, Fla., by Rochester friends of the
death of Otto L. CLINE, formerly of this city, who died at his home there
Saturday evening at 11 o'clock aged 60 years. Mr. Cline, it will be remembered,
was one of the organizers and directors of the Tippecanoe Petticoat factory,
which was run in this city ten or twelve years ago.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, May 25, 1926]
See: Fulton County Rabbit Club
Rabbit breeders of this vicinity are invited to attend the meeting of the
Tippecanoe Rabbit club, to be held Thursday evening, May 11, at 8:00 o'clock, at
the home of E. B. Smith, northeast of Rochester. This club was recently
organized to promote the interests of rabbit breeders and fanciers of this
district. Mr. Smith's home is 5 miles north and 1 mile east of Rochester.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 10, 1944]
Sant Painter, who has spent considerable of his spare moments hunting pearls in
the Tippecanoe river, found a beauty Sunday. The pearl is of uniform shape and
will be mounted in a ring for his daughter, Mrs. Heber Dunlap.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 10, 1908]
On April 26, 1906, Walter Smith and Lyman Brackett, Jr., placed pieces of paper
bearing their names and addresses in bottles and after sealing threw them into
the Tippecanoe river at the Michigan road bridge. Monday Walter received a
letter signed S. S. Abbott which stated that the sender had picked up the bottle
with the message contained in the Wabash river, fourteen miles south of
Vincennes, while fishing. The bottle had traveled hundreds of miles and had
probably lodged at various places for many days while enroute.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 24, 1908]
"On The Banks Of The Tippecanoe," is the title of a most pleasing
popular ballad now being published by two former residents of Warsaw now living
in Chicago. Fred Brower and Mrs. Zella Williams are co-authors of the ballad.
The song depicts the Tippecanoe River, youth, home, mother and memories.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 30, 1929]
A new song, "On the Banks of the Tippecanoe" has recently appeared, it
being written by Zella Williams of Chicago and published by Reub Williams and
Sons of Warsaw. It is a ballad full of melody and swing and gives promise of
becoming a very popular air.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 29, 1929]
TIPPECANOE SHORES [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
A housing and mobile home development west of Delong on the Tippecanoe River.
Paul A. Hockett, Indianapolis, has purchased the independent telephone system at
Tippecanoe and will take charge of the plant on June 15, it was announced today
by Charles Cooper, who has been the manager of the company for the past eight
years. The deal was really consommated April 1.
The Tippecanoe telephone system was founded and operated for 32 years by William
and Sherman Gaskill. It has 90 telephones and the rates are from $1.35 to $1.75
per month. Sherman Gaskill has been dead for several years and Mr. Cooper was
his son-in-law.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 27, 1938]
On March 8, 1842, the name of Tippecanoe Township was changed to Aubbeenaubbee.
Teddy L. and Mary Ann Whittenberger Cox owned and operated the Tippecanoe Valley
Egg Co. in Akron several years.
[Jacob Whittenberger Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
TIPPY EDMOND BERL [Talma, Indiana]
E. B. Tippy, whose residence in Fulton county dates from 1875, is accounted one
of the practical and progressive agriculturists, and belongs to that class of
citizens who have gained for Indiana marked prestige among the agricultural
states of the Union. He was born in Franklin county, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1845. The
family is of Scotch origin, and the father of our subject, Levi Tippy, was born
near Johnstown, Ohio. He married Louie A. Denune, daugher of John Denune, who
was born in Paris, France, and came to America with Gen. LaFayette, serving as a
drummer boy with the French troops in the colonial army. He married a Miss
Barrel, a relative of Gen. Grant's family. Levi Tippy died of cholera in
Louisville, Ky., in 1852, at the age of thirty-five. His children were as
follows: George, who is living near Columbus, Ohio; E. B.; and Lewis, deceased.
Our subject was left an orphan at the age of six years, and was reared by a Mr.
Brown in Delaware county, Ohio, until nineteen years of age. He then bought his
time, and removed to Livingston county, Mo., but returned after eight months and
learned the carpenter's trade in Delaware county, under S. Gorsuch. He afterward
married and then removed to Boone county, Mo., but in a short time again
returned to Delaware county, where he lived for four years. At the expiration of
that period he began farming, which he continued in Ohio until coming to
Indiana, in 1875. His first land was purchased with money that he had earned at
school teaching. He here bought forty acres of land just east of Bloomingsburg,
which he operated for four years, when he sold and purchased a farm adjoining
the village, comprising 115 acres. He is progressive in his methods and at the
same time extremely practical in his work, so that he has won a comfortable
competence. Mr. Tippy was married Jan. 20, 1867, to Emma Fix, daughter of David
Fix, and their home was blessed with six children--Della, wife of Jesse Emmons;
Frank, a popular young man who possesses much mechanical genius; Levi, who
married Ella Ross and resides in Newcastle township; Ida, a teacher; Eva and
Linnie. Mr. Tippy is one of the leaders of the democracy in his township, and is
now serving as trustee, having entered upon the duties of the office on Aug. 5,
1895. His genuine worth has won him the high esteem of all, and he well deserves
rcognition in this volume.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 136-137]
By "Pioneer"
January 20, 1935, Mr. Edmond B. Tippy, a resident of Newcastle township for the
past 50 years, reached "Pier No. 90."
By "Pier No. 90" we mean that Mr. Tippy is 90 years - YOUNG - not that
many years "OLD" - which fact he can easily prove for he drives and
takes pleasure in his automobile, reads and writes without aid of glasses, and
with nimbleness equal to any star on the Talma basketball team, he can kick
higher than his head.
A party of Rochesterites attending the Newcastle Towship Farmer's institute on
last Friday enjoyed a rare visit with this grand and wonderful man. For a man to
have NINETY YEARS checked against him, be as light a-foot, mentally more keen
and active than the average person of forty years - plus - not an ache or pain,
surely all this cannot be a gift - it must be KNOWING HOW TO LIVE.
If there were any oversight whatever in arranging the program of the Newcastle
Township Farmer's Institute for 1935, an annual event for many years regarded as
one of the outstanding institutes in the state of Indiana, it was the omission
of a lecture by Mr. Tippy, subject: "HOW TO BE YOUNG AT NINETY."
If one should read to Mr. Tippy that portion of the 90th Psalm which admonishes:
"The days of our years are three score years and ten, and if by reason of
strength they be four score years, yet there is strength, labor and sorrow; for
it is soon cut off and we fly away," we feel more than sure Mr. Tippy would
jokingly remark, "YOU ARE NOT TALKING TO ME."
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 19, 1935]
Edmond Berl TIPPY, aged 93, for many years a resident of Talma, died at 8:30
o'clock Saturday morning in the Woodlawn Hospital after an illness of six months
due to infirmities of age.
The deceased was born in Franklin county, Ohio, January 20, 1845 and moved to
Newcastle township to reside 62 years ago from Columbus, Ohio. His parents were
Levi and Willie Ann (DeNUNE) TIPPY.
Mr. Tippy early in life was a carpenter and then purchased a farm in Newcastle
township. He has been a resident of Talma since 1913 at which time he retired.
He was a staunch Democrat and served as trustee of Newcastle township from 1895
to 1901.
Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. Della EMMONS, Talma; Mrs. Eva FORE,
Rochester, and Mrs. Ida SCOTT, Lebanon, Mo.; two sons, Frank TIPPY, Rochester
and Lee TIPPY, Talma; 8 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Tippy
died April 10, 1925 and a daughter, Mrs. Linnie TIPPY died March 31, 1933.
The funeral services will be held from the Christian Church in Talma, at 2 p.m.
Monday with Rev. Charles MILLES, pastor of the Rochester Christian Church,
officiating. Burial will be made in the cemetery at Talma.
The body will lie in state in the Foster Funeral Home until the time of the
funeral where the friends may pay their respects.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, February 5, 1938]
TIPPY, FRANK [Rochester, Indiana]
Frank Tippy today purchased the auto laundry building located across from the
City Hall on East Seventh street from Mrs. Frank Ross, of this city. Mr. Tippy
already has taken possession of the building and will operate a radio sales and
repair shop in this location.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 24, 1941]
TIPPY, GENE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Louderback Garage
TIPPY, RAYMOND [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Louderback Garage
A new garage will open in this city on next Wednesday morning in the building at
the rear of the Black and Bailey hardware store. The proprietors Bert Bryant and
Raymond Tippy are thoroly experienced mechanics, the former having been in
charge of the repair department of the Louderback garage for a period of nine
years, while Mr. Tippy has had years of experience in automobile repair work in
this city.
The new garage which will be known as the "Mid-Way" will be equipped
with the most modern machinery and a complete assortment of parts and
accessories for all makes of cars will be carried in stock.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 28, 1931]
TIPTON, GEORGE [Newcastle Township]
George Tipton. - This worthy citizen is a native of Belmont County, Ohio, born
June 10, 1810. He was married June 15, 1837, to Susanna Holmes, a native of
Southern Ohio, born April 22, 1815. His father, Thomas Tipton, was born in
Virginia in 1785, and married Hannah Horn, a native of Germany, born March 11 of
the same year. They settled in Ohio at an early date, where he died in 1850. But
she followed her children to this State, where she deceased about the year 1860.
Mrs. Tipton's father, Samuel Holmes, was born in Maryland in October, 1790. He
married Mary McNabb, and settled in Ohio, where they died. Mr. Tipton, was one
of the earliest settlers of this township, noted for his integrity and
hospitality. He has no children.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 51]
TIPTON, HOLMES [Rochester, Indiana]
County Recorder Holmes TIPTON is a native of Fulton county. Born in Newcastle
township in 1854, he grew up on a farm there, and received his education in the
country schools. He adopted farming as his vocation and followed it until
elected Recorder in 1890. His term of office will expire next December, after
which he expects to engage permanently in the livestock business at which he has
been very successful. He married Etta ASHTON, of this city, and they have four
daughters -- Echo, Lula, Celia and Bessie [TIPTON].
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
Holmes L. Tipton, ex-recorder of Fulton county, and a representative of one of
the old families of the county, was born on his father's farm in Newcastle
township, Nov. 5, 1854. He is the son of Joshua Tipton, a native of Coshocton
county, Ohio, born March 6, 1813. His mother, who bore the maiden name of
Elizabeth Fuller, was born Oct. 2, 1816. They were married in 1835, and in 1838
removed to Kosciusko county, Ind., whence in 1839 they came to Newcastle
township, Fulton county, where the father successfully carried on farming until
his death. He died Aug. 18, 1893, leaving a valuable estate. The children of the
family are: Daniel, of Kosciusko county; Thomas, of Butler county, Kans.; John,
of Marion county, Iowa; James, of Rochester,; Hannah, wife of Obadiah Hopper;
Margaret, deceased wife of Amos Hider; Florence, wife of Perry Hamlet, of Barron
county, Wis., and Alpheus, wife of Charles Baxter. Mr. Tipton, of this review,
spent his childhood as a farmer lad, assisting in the labors of the field and
receiving about the usual training in the district schools. On attaining his
majority he began farming on his own accout, at first renting a tract of land
and afterward purchasing. His youth experience in this line now proved to him of
value and he successfully carried on agricultural pursuits until November, 1891,
when he was elected to the office of county rcorder on the democratic ticket.
His personal popularity and the confidence reposed in him by those who know him
is shown by the fact that he received all but seven votes of his own party and
at least one hundred of the republican party. His prompt and efficient discharge
of the duties of the office fully showed that the trust reposed in him was not
misplaced. On his retirement from public office he resumed grain farming and
stock dealing, and his operations along these lines have proved to him a
profitable source of income. He owns some valuable real estate in Newcastle
township and also in Rochester, where he now resides. On Dec. 1, 1876, Mr.
Tipton married Nancy Ashton, who was born in Mansfield, Ohio, thirty-nine years
ago, a daughter of Charles Ashton. She was left an orphan at a very early age
and was reared by a relative. She has a sister, Annie, now the wife of John Gano,
of Chicago, and two brothers, C. Ashton, of Fostoria, Ohio, and George, of the
state of Washington. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Tipton are Echo, aged
nineteen, who was educated in the Rochester schools, and was her father's able
assistant in the recorders's office; Lula born in 1880; Celia, in 1883; and
Bessie, in 1890. Mr. Tipton is one of the best known men in Fulton county.
Possessed of excellent business and executive ability, he has won success in his
undertakings, and his genial, social manner has made him a popular citizen and
gained him many warm friends.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 137-138]
TIPTON, JAMES C. [Rochester, Indiana]
James C. Tipton, farmer, Rochester, son of Joshua and Elizabeth Tipton; they
were born, reared and married near Mount Vernon, Ohio; married about 1835, and
emigrated to Kosciusko County about 1838, where they remained about one year,
when they settled at their present residence in Newcastle Township, this county.
Father was born March 6, 1813, and mother October 12,1816; she was the daughter
of Daniel Fuller. James C. was born in Newcastle Township February 15, 1857. At
the age of nineteen, James C., in company with his brother Holmes L., made a
trip with covered wagon to Knoxville, Marion County, Iowa, where James C.
remained about one year with two brothers of that place. From there he went to
Judsonia, White County, Ark.; in the fall of 1876, attended the Baptist College
at that place, about four months of the six that he remained at that place,
uniting with the Baptist Church of that village. In the spring of 1877, he
returned to this county, and April 13, 1880, married Sarah Mabel McQuern. They
resided a few months at Big Foot, where Mr. Tipton was keeping store; sold out
the store in September 1880, and soon after settled at their present residence
on Mrs. McQuern's farm. Mrs.Tipton is the daughter of James H. and Martha A.
McQuern, born in this township October 7, 1857. She is a member of the Mt. Zion
Presbyterian Church; Mr. Tipton of the Yellow Creek Baptist Church, of Newcastle
Township. In politics, he is a Democrat.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 31]
[Adv] PIANOS AND ORGANS of any style or make desired, on reasonable terms and
at low prices can be bought of J. C. TIPTON, Successor to CRIM & TIPTON. - -
- Salesroom at Wolf's. Piano and Organ repairing a specialty.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 23, 1889]
JAMES C. TIPTON (Biography)
A well known face among Rochester's galaxy of successful business men is that of
James C. TIPTON, who has been in the musical merchandise business since 1886,
and has built up a successful business by courteous treatment and fair dealing.
His specialty is pianos and organs, and he sells them on small margins and easy
payments, and has sold more instruments than any other one man in this part of
the country, and has always given satisfaction. He was born in Fulton county in
1857, and was married in 1880 to Miss Mabel McQUERN, and they have four children
-- one girl and three boys.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
[Adv] MOVED to the I.O.O.F. building, west of the court house, where you can
find the wonderful and peerless A. B. CHASE PIANOS - - - The Esty Organ - - - J.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 12, 1901]
TIPTON BARBER SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Located basement 112 E 8th.
Later became Westwood Barber Shop, operated by Fred Westwood and his son, Randy
See Rochester High School Basketball.
TIPTON TAXI [Rochester, Indiana]
Raymond Tipton has joined the ranks of the local taxi-cabbists, with a closed
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 8, 1919]
TIPTONVILLE, INDIANA [Rochester Township]
Earliest settlement of Rochester, located at the dam at the outlet of Lake
Named in honor of John Tipton, the Indian agent.
The water-powered mill and two or three other buildings were built in the
summer of 1827 immediately south of the present dam location on Lake Manitou.
The mill was a two-story frame building with one run of stones, adapted
exclusively to grinding corn, that being the only kind of grain raised by the
The government also built a blacksmith shop and homes for the miller and
blacksmith. A privately-owned trading post was established on the site, which
was the first known settlement within Fulton County.
The name of this settlement was Tiptonville, so named by its builder, Samuel
Milroy, in honor of John Tipton, the Indian agent.
Milroy was paid $1,450 for building the mill. About 22 men were employed to help
in the construction work.
The first miller was James Wyman who married an Indian woman and died in
1831. Nathan Rose then became the miller. The trading post was operated by a
Frenchman named DeClaire. The blacksmith was John Lindsey whose wife, Elizabeth,
was the first white woman to die in Fulton County.
As none of these men were deeded land, they are not considered the first
settlers of Fulton County.
Lindsey brought his wife and family in a covered wagon in 1830 or 1831. He had
helped build the mill and log buildings at Tiptonville, having come without his
family in 1827.
At that time there was an Indian trail between the future sites of Akron and
Rochester. This trail crossed Mill Creek at a point a few rods from the place
Elizabeth Lindsey was buried. There was no dam at Lake Manitou hence Mill Creek
was something like a river and quite deep, with a ford near Mrs. Lindsey's
The village of Tiptonville disappeared when the Indians left Fulton County in
1838 because government support was withdrawn
[Potawatomi Treaty of 1826, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
TIRE, WORLD'S LARGEST [Rochester, Indiana]
The largest tire in the world is on its way to Rochester and will be on
exhibition about 3:30 p.m., Nov. 7, at J. W. Brubaker's garage. That intense
interest will be aroused is a foregone conclusion, as this gigantic tire, an
outstanding curiosity, has been an awe-inspiring spectacle wherever it has been
"This massive tire, which has traveled thousands of miles visiting various
sections of the United States and Canada, is an object of wonderment. It
measures 12 feet high and four feet wide; total weight 3,900 lbs., including
tire and yolk - just a fraction under two tons," said Mr. Friedlander of
the Goodyear company. The tire was built by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber
Company, of Akron, Ohio. Three months time was required to construct the rubber
giant, which is, except for size, an exact replica of the regular Goodyear
All-Weather Supertwist cord tire, the measurements being in exact ratio to
measurements and manufacture of the regular size tire. This rubber curiosity is
valued at $5,000.
A prominent aeronautical authority recently prophesied that tires of that size
may be necessary for equipment of the aeroplanes of tomorrow.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, November 6, 1930]
TIVOLI HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
The business men at the north end have employed a nigh watchman. His beat is
from the Tivoli Hall to Farrington's stand.
. . . such harmonious, delightful sounds were made by a Mr. Lipman, of
Cincinnati, and Mr. Williamson of this place. These two musical gentlemen with
their charming instruments entertained and enthused a large attentive crowd at
the Tivoli Hall Thursday night . . . [Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 9,
TOBEY'S ANTIQUES [Rochester, Indiana]
Located W side of street at 612 Main.
TOILETS, OUTDOOR [Fulton County]
[NOTE: Outdoor toilets were nicknamed "Chic Sale" after a then
currently popular talk given on many occasions by its author, Charles (Chic)
Sale, "America's great rural character actor," and later published by
Specialist Publishing Company, Wainwright Building, St. Louis, Mo., copyright
The story is told by one Lem Putt who took unusual pride in every detail of his
chosen profession - specializing in designing and building outhouses. Its humor
rested in the portrayal of "generally-known-but-seldom-mentioned incidents
of every day life," spoken by Lem Putt, a super-serious individual, upon
whose shoulders rested the gigantic task of designing and constructing outhouses
of which he was most proud.
Mr. Sale said that Lem Putt, "that wasn't his real name," the feature
character of the story, "was just as sincere in his work as a great painter
whose heart is in his canvas; and in this little sketch I have simply tried to
bring to you recollections of a man I once knew, who was so rich in odd and
likable traits of character as to make a most lasting impression on my
There must have been at least ninety percent of the population of the United
States who knew Chic Sale as the author of "The Specialist" during the
late Twenties and early Thirties. Mr. Sale also appeared in at least one short
motion picture depicting him as "The Specialist." -- WCT]
* * * * Photo * * * *
Through the co-operation of the United States health service, the Indiana state
division of public health, and the federal emergency relief administration, a
project of major importance has been initiated in approximately all of Indiana.
It is the community sanitation project, designed primarily to eradicate
unwholesome conditions created by insanitary outdoor toilets approved by both
state and federal health authorities.
The project is being inaugurated in Fulton county under the direction of C. Roy
Wilson, county supervisor, and is being sponsored by the local health
authorities and WPA officials. Ten men so far are working in this county.
The sanitation project is one of the few WPA projects under which relief labor
may be used on private property. The arrangements is for the property owner to
furnish all material necessary for the sanitating of his privy, and the WPA to
furnish all labor and supervision for the work required. It has been proven that
this method of sanitating homes not served by sewers is a remarkably inexpensive
and satisfactory one for property owners, as the cost of materials is very
reasonable, and the trouble and worry of securing labor and supervision is
avoided altogether.
Old lumber may be used in reconstructing buildings to conform to the
specifications designated by the state health department, but a complete new
concrete sanitary unit is constructed in each privy built under the sanitation
project. The finished privy for a completely fly-tight and rodent-proof unit set
over a five-foot pit, free from surface drainage. Concrete floor and riser, with
tight fitting seat and self-closing lid, properly adjusted metal vent pipe that
is screened at the top, and proper ventilation for the building are some of the
outstanding sanitary features of the approved sanitary privy. These features
make it uninviting to the common house fly that is regularly visiting the old
germ-breeding privy on so many properties, and then carrying its filth to
thousands of persons by way of food upon which he wipes his feet.
The death rates in Indiana for typhoid fever and diarrhoea are disgracefully
high, and can be materially lowered by concerted efforts in the part of the
citizens in eliminating at this time the source of many cases of these dreaded
If the people here will co-operate with the officials directing the work, Fulton
county can derive great benefits from the project, not only in the way of
putting men back to work, but also in the matter of bettering the public health
of the whole community.
Furthermore, the individual property owner who sanitates his premises now will
profit by the inexpensive arrangement under which the sanitation project is
operating. It is to be sincerely hoped that Fulton County will manifest
community pride and public health interest at this time, and help to make this
important WPA and public health program a seccessful one.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 18, 1935]
See: Erie & Michigan Canal
Plans are now being made by the government for the opening of a gigantic canal
which will connect Toledo and Chicago. Frank Leverett, of Ann Arbor and Mrank B.
Taylor both members of the United States geological survey, are preparing a
joint monograph for the government, the former dealing with the glacial period
in northern Indiana and the southern peninsula of Michigan and the latter giving
a glacial history of the great lakes. Both of these gentlemen are fully prepared
to give accurate information concerning the soil characteristics and altitudes
of the proposed canal route.
Mr. Taylor and Mr. Leverett agree on the following route:
From Toledo to Ft. Wayne using the Maumee. Fort Wayne is 177 feet higher than
Toledo. Several locks would be required in the river.
From Ft. Wayne, passing through Huntington, to Rochester, on a perfect level.
This stretch would be the "summit level" of the canal. Four rivers
would empty into this "summit level," the St. Mary's, the St. Joseph,
the Tippecanoe and Eel rivers.
From Rochestr to Bass lake, with a thirty foot drop in the lock at Rochester.
From Bass lake to Deep river, south of Hobart. Here two locks would be required,
one of forty feet and another of sixty feet.
From Deep river to Calumet river, which empties into the lake at Chicago, with
this great improvement, boat traffic would begin much earlier than it can
commence now -- that is, that portion which must pass by way of the straits of
Mackinaw -- and it would continue much later in the fall. This route would cut
off about 450 miles on the water trip between Toledo and Chicago. It is about
700 miles by water between the cities now. The canal would be about 250 miles in
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 21, 1907]
The following letter from the officers of the Toledo, Ft. Wayne and Chicago
Waterway Association addressed to Beyer Bros. of this city explains itself and
it is worthy the attention of business men:
Fort Wayne, Ind., Jan 27, '08.
Beyer Bros Co., Rochester, Ind.
Gentlemen: There is a movement on foot to build a ship canal from Toledo to
Chicago or perhaps to Michigan City. The gentlemen who have undertaken to locate
the line of the canal have followed the summit level at Ft. Wayne, the lowest
summit level between Toledo and Chicago, and this leads us to Rochester as the
west end of this level.
We feel that the proposition we have in hand is feasible and is practicable. We
have water enough for a ship canal 24 feet deep. This canal will cut off 450
miles between Chicago and Lake Erie. It will be an open waterway practically the
year round. We are at Ft. Wayne 175 feet above Lake Erie and 170 feet above Lake
I want to know who of your citizens would be interested in this undertaking. We
want to hold a meeting at Ft. Wayne within the next few weeks when we can have
delagates from Toledo, Napoleon and Defiance, Ohio, and from Huntington, Wabash
and Rochester, Ind., and Chicago. I will thank you to take this matter up with
some of your enterprising citizens, call a meeting and appoint delegates to
attend our meeting. This will mean much to Rochester and we think her citizens
ought to be wide awake to her possibilities.
Please address our secretary or me so that we may know if there is any interest
there. Thanking you for your action, I am yours,
T. J. Logan, Sec'y.
P. A. Randall, Chairman
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 29, 1908]
In answer to letters received by several of our citizens, from W. P. Hart,
superintendent of the Huntington schools to attend a meeting last night at that
place of representative citizens along the line of the proposed ship canal from
Toledo to Chicago by way of Ft. Wayne, Huntington and Rochester, Enoch Myers,
Arthur Metzler and J. E. Troutman responded. The meeting was an enthusiastic
one, and the gentlemen came home very much enthused over the matter.
Hon. Perry A. Randall, of Ft. Wayne, acting president of the Indiana Branch of
the National Harbor Congress was present and made a very instructive speech in
which he said in part, that President Roosevelt in his speech at Memphis,
Tennessee referred to the importance of our country looking after the
construction of more inland waterways to keep in line with the march of progress
of other countries, England, France, and many other countries which have
profitably spent vast sums of money in canalizing their streams or building
canals and thereby cheapening transportation so much that we could not compete
with them.
Mr. Randall said that Mr. Frank Taylor of Huntington, a practical civil engineer
and secretary of the Harbors congress, had made careful measurements of the
ground between Toledo and Chicago and the only feasible route for the canal
would be up the Maumee river to Ft. Wayne, thence to Huntington and down the
line of the old Wabash canal to near Roann and on down the natural waterway by
way of Gilead and Rochester, to a point on the Tippecanoe river south of Lake
Maxinkuckee and thence to Indiana Harbor or south Chicago and there meet canals
already constructed. Mr. Taylor says that this route would require but three
locks and the summit level would be one hundred and ten miles long.
Mr. Taylor is now preparing a pamphle for general circulation to educate the
people on the whole matter. Ft. Wayne has a branch organization of over six
hundred and Huntington has just perfected a branch organization; and Rochester
is urged to do likewise. The object of these organizations is to educate the
people to the importance of such an enterprise and bring pressure to bear on our
congressmen and candidates for congress to have them use every effort to get the
bill passed now pending in Congress to make the survey of this waterway; and if
there is a goverment survey made and reported favorably, the entire East and
Northwest will join us in seeking a part of the appropriations for such
The State of New York has recently made an appropriation of one hundred million
dollars to deepen and improve the old Erie canal and has asked the Government to
make an additional appropriation to make it a ship canal to the lakes, and it
will take the canal now under consideration to complete an easy watrway to
Chicago and the great Northwest.
While the whole matter looks gigantic and seems almost an impossibility yet the
Rochester delegation who heard the speeches last night are ready to say it is no
"pipe dream," but a reality that may be realized in the near future.
Think of Rochester being a sea-port town and you think of possibilities
There will be meetings in the near future here and an attempt made to effect an
organization to act in conjunction with our sister cities in pushing the good
cause. Along the public is urged to lend a helping hand.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 5, 1908]
The Chicago Tribune has a ship canal story from Fort Wayne which says: "The
Toledo, Fort Wayne and Chicago Deep Waterway association has a grand scheme for
a canal connecting Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. This canal will save 800 miles
of journey up and down the lakes.
"There have been many such schemes before and, of course, each and every
promoter has declared that his own particular scheme has them all beat, but
according to the Toledo, Fort Wayne and Chicago Deep Waterway association 'this
is the only truly feasible one.'
"The reasons given in a pamphlet published by this association sound
plausible. An engineer who has examined this route as well as the others
previously proposed says that the Fort Wayne route will have a lower summit
level than any other that has been planned in the past or that can be discovered
in the future. The highest point on this route will be but 177 feet above the
level of Lake Erie and this summit level will extend for a distance of 100
miles, thus allowing the boats to shoot along for a 100 mile stretch without
being hindered by locks.
'The route worked out by this engineer has a greater supply of water on this
summit level than any other previously proposed canal. This is important, for if
the canal proves a success it will be traveled by a large number of boats every
day, and thus will keep the lock working overtime. Each time the lock is opened
to allow a ship to pass through a certain amount of water will be needed, and
unless this can be supplied by feeders on the highest level of the canal it
would have to be pumped in, thus increasing the cost of operating.
"It is declared by the promoters of this scheme that this particular route
will require fewer locks, owing to the lower summit level. Thus the original
cost of building will be decreased, for the construction of locks is one of the
most important items in the cost of a canal. Besides this point in its favor the
absence of locks will allow boats to make faster time and will decrease the cost
of operating, as each lock adds to the cost of operating the whole canal.
"The country through which this proposed canal will pass presents few
difficulties for the builder. Lyman E. Cooley, the well known engineer of the
Chicago drainage canal, thinks this is the best route which has been planned. He
says that the Maumee river could be used all the way from Toledo to Fort Wayne
and about twenty miles of the Tippecanoe river can be used below Rochester.
"Rock cutting would be necessary in only two or possibly three places, but
there would be no deep rock cutting. There are only two places where deep cuts
would have to be made and both of these cuts would be made through clay drifts
with no rock cutting.
"If a canal were built along this route there could be connected with it
many other lesser canals. The Miami and Erie canal, which connects Cincinnati
with Lake Erie at Toledo, by way of Defiance, O., already is in use and needs
only moderate enlargement to do excellent service as a large route to and from
the middle section of the Ohio river.
"At Wabash the old canal, which has fallen into decay, could be revived and
thus another connection with the Ohio river would be made."
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 1, 1908]
That a preliminary survey of the proposed barge CANAL from Toledo to Chicago via
Fort Wayne, will be ordered by the war department, at a not far distant date and
that the survey will disclose the practicability of such an inland waterway, was
the opinion expressed to a Fort Wayne Journal Gazette representative by General
Bixby, chief of army engineers, to whom the matter will be finally referred
before the secretary of war is asked to authorize the survey, according to an
article published by the Ft. Wayne paper.
The announcement is of great local interest since it is probable that the Fort
Wayne route will put Rochester on the big canal.
Money Appropriated
The special board which several months ago completed the project has submitted
its information to the river and harbor board and this body recommended the
survey. Already $25,000 has been appropriated for the survey and an exhastive
examination of the existant conditions in the country through which the canal
will pass will be made. The river and harbor act of 1912 recommends a survey of
the proposed route and the condition of detailed estimates of cost.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 9, 1913]
A detailed survey of the proposed barge canal from Toledo to Lake Michigan by
way of the Maumee river and Fort Wane has just been ordered by the board of army
engineers, and the sum of $25,000 has been set aside for the purpose. The survey
is ordered to begin immediately, and will include Rochester.
The detailed survey comes as a result of the report submitted some time ago by a
special board of engineers including Colonel Mills, Major Zinn and Major
Brumwell. These men went over the route of the proposed canal and their
statistical report pertaining to the plans and estimates has been approved.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 8, 1913]
Two government engineers, T. M. Churchill and R. W. Sutherland, who have been
going over the two proposed routes of the canal from Lake Erie to Lake Michigan
arrived in Rochester Sunday for the first time and were busy today at the court
house searching the records for data that would help them in their work. They
will leave Rochester Tuesday, but will this evening address a meeting of the
Commercial club at eight o'clock.
The route of the canal, if the project is found feasible, will be determined by
the report that Messrs. Churchill and Southerland give the government. They are
simply ordered by the board of army engineers to go over the two proposed routes
and have specific instructions not to give out any information as to the
progress of their work and the facts developed. They have been working on the
canal project for about two months.
The chance of the canal following the lower route by the way of Rochester is
good; although the distance is longer the grade is not as high and fewer locks
would have to be built. South Bend, Elkhart and other cities on the northern
route are bending every effort to secure the canal as it means cheaper raw
materials and more factories.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 16, 1914]
Frank Scholes and Leonard G. Thomas, two government surveyors, have been busy
for the past few days looking over that part of the proposed southern route of
the Erie-Michigan canal, which lies near Akron.
Mr. Scholes, who has been over part of the northern route, believes that it is
too high to be feasible, and thinks that if the canal is built, it will follow
the southern route, which includes Rochester. The men will return to Ft. Wayne
as soon as they have finished taking desired levels along Sugar creek near
The organization of canal boosters perfected at their meeting, in Fort Wayne,
will be known as the Erie-Michigan Waterways Association. Officers were elected
as follows: President, Perry A. Randall, Fort Wayne; Vice president for Indiana,
J. W. Caswell, Huntington, and Richard Elbell, South Bend; secretary and
treasurer, T. J. Logan, Fort Wayne. The association voted to call a meeting soon
in Toledo or Chicago to promote interest in the proposed Toledo, Fort Wayne
& Chicago canal.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 2, 1914]
Fort Wayne, April 30. (Special) -- Actual work on the two surveys for the
Toledo, Fort Wayne and Chicago barge canal began today. United States Junior
Engineer Malcomb R. Sutherland is in charge of the work here during the absence
of Engineer P. M. Churchill.
Several additional engineers have received their appointments. One party will
start at Michigan City and work east. Two other parties will start from Fort
Wayne, one on the southern, or Huntington-Rochester route, and the other on the
northern or Warsaw-South Bend route.
Three separate crews will begin work on the survey of the southern route from
Fort Wayne to Huntington and Rochester. One crew will be known as the transit
party, another as the level party and the third as the plane table crew.
Engineer Frank Scholes will advance the party and pick out the route
connections. Scholes and Leonard G. Thomas have gone to Dixon, O., and will
establish connecting level lines for Fort Wayne in order to start surveying work
to Fort Wayne. H. B. Sacknus and L. B. Glasgow are in Waterville, O., to
establish gauging stations.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 30, 1914]
It is now quite definitely understood that the reports of the army engineers
engaged in making the surveys of proposed lake-to-lake routes will be favorable
to the southern route which would bring the deep waterway a few miles north of
General interest in the project has not been aroused in this city as yet
although many individuals are evincing a deep interest in the progress of the
movement, the consumation of which will rebound to the great advantage of city
and county.
One of the latest proofs that the United States government is in earnest in its
efforts to promote the project for the construction of the ship canal is the
fact that Capt. Watkins, of Washington, D. C., another engineer, has been
detailed to assist in the work of making the preliminary surveys for the great
waterway. He will be located in the office at the Fort Wayne postoffice building
where Engineers Churchill and Sutherland, well known here, are located.
Col. W. V. Hudson, of Chicago, one of the army officers who is directing the
work, was in Fort Wayne Thursday, conferring with the local men in charge of the
work. Col. Judson [sic] is reported as having expressed the opinion that the
Erie & Michigan canal will most surely be constructed.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 18, 1914]
Alan W. Greene and R. D. Lose of the United States Engineering department
arrived in the city Wednesday evening to work on that part of the proposed
southern route of the lake-to-lake canal, which passes north of Rochester.
The two men have been taking levels near Akron and have covered half the
distance between here and there. The projected route comes down the Chippewanuck
creek, after passing just south of Akron, to the Tippecanoe river, which it
follows until the river bends to the south, the canal then boing off in a
general direction toward Knox.
The men will take levels along this route, making Rochester their headquarters
for several days, land will then move on further west. It was the original
intention to have the canal enter Lake Michigan near Gary, but Chicago is making
such a strong bid for it that Greene believes the proposed Calumet river route
will be taken into the city. Greene is a former deputy surveyor of Marshall
county and has acquaintances here. He also brought word that Churchill and
Sutherland, U. S. engineers in charge, have been superseded by another army
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 20, 1914]
All survey work on the proposed Toledo, Fort Wayne and Chicago barge canal,
which if built, may pass through Rochester, will be completed. When the present
allotment of $25,000 has been exhausted the United States government will
provide more funds. No other routes except the northern and southern will be
surveyed. The survey of the southern route has been practically completed. It
passes through this city.
The above is in a condensed form the information given out by Col. John Mills,
senior member of the board of army engineers which went to Ft. Wayne several
days ago to look over the records and reports of the local engineers. Col. Mills
"I cannot say, you know, which route will be selected. In fact I do not
know. We will determine that after all the surveys have been completed. I have
talked with the northern Indiana representatives in congress and they seem to
favor the canal. Public sentiment will help a great deal and I understand that
some people up this way are doing all they can to have the canal built."
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 17, 1914]
If the board of army engineers approves of the report now being prepared by
Captain Watkins and his subordinates on the Toledo, Fort Wayne and Chicago barge
canal, it will require 105 bridges from Toledo to Chicago on the northern route.
These bridges will cost approximately from $35,000 to $200,000 each.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 1, 1915]
Huntington will take the initiative in getting the towns and cities, among them
Rochester, on the southern route of the Erie-Michigan barge canal, to work
together in presenting evidence to the board of army engineers in proof of the
contention that it is a better route than the north one. This was decided
following receipt of news that the army board has reported that the northern
route is the better one because of fewer engineering difficulties.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 18, 1916]
Located about one mile east of Akron.
Dorothy, daughter of Kenneth and Lena Gearhart Fellers, married Thomas Harger,
son of O. R. and Ethel Bolley Harger, on May 29, 1953. They own and operate Tom
and Dot's Drive-In Restaurant. They purchased the drive-in in 1966, added the
dining room in April 1971 and have operated it ever since.
[Dr. Joseph Sippy Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
TOM THUMB [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Tonight is "Date Night" Take your best girl to see Jack Benny in
"It's In The Air" Everybody is going. - - - After the show bring your
girl to TOM THUMB, for Sandwiches - Beer.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, November 13, 1935]
[Adv] I have bought the TOM THUMB SANDWICH SHOP and will be open for business
this week and after making some repairs. CHARLES FLAGG, Mgr.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 6, 1939]
[Adv] TOM THUMB RESTAURANT. Sandwiches, Lunches, Short Orders. Draft, Bottle
Beer. Chicken Dinners Every Thursday.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 5, 1942]
Charles Flagg today announced he has secured a manager for the Tom Thumb cafe in
order that he may enter the Veterans' hospital at Indianapolis for treatment.
Charles Martin, an experienced restaurant operator of South Bend, will take over
active management of the cafe on Monday, Oct. 16. Mrs. Martin will assist her
husband and their permanent residence will be established in this city as soon
as suitable living quarters are found.
Mr. Flagg, formerly a cook in the U. S. Navy, was injured in action during the
invasion of Salerno, some time ago.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 13, 1944]
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin today announced the sale of the Tom Thumb cafe to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. F. Lightfoot of this city. The Martins came here from South Bend
several months ago, having purchased the local cafe and tavern from Chas. Flagg.
They have returned to South Bend where they will reside. Lightfoot plans several
improvements in the place. He has already taken possession.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 16, 1945]
A deal was reported today whereby Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kofron have purchased from
William Lightfoot the stock, fixtures and good will of the Tom Thumb cafe, at
716 Main street. Mrs. Kofron, who is experienced in restaurant business, will
manage the cafe, it is stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday May 29, 1945]
The Manitou Hotel at the Long Beach Amusement Park which was puchased several
weeks ago from A. J. Barrett by Richard Edwards, of Indianapolis, will be opened
to the public on July Fourth. During the past five weeks Mr. Edwards has
refurnished and re-decorated the hotel. New beds have been installed in each of
the rooms. Meals will be served and a specialty of Italian dinners will be made.
A Tom Thumb golf course has been erected by Mr. Edwards near the hotel for the
amusement of the guests and also the general public. The course is lighted by a
number of large flood lights so that the sport may be enjoyed at night as well
as by day. Tom Thumb golf courses have proved popular everywhere they have been
installed. Mr. Edwards has changed the name of the hotel to the "Edico."
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 30, 1930]
Akron will soon have a miniature golf course as D. A. Pike is now building one
on his property on East Rochester street. The course will be 18 holes and will
contain numerous hazards. It is being built by an expert and it is expected to
be as fine as any in this section of the state when completed. The course will
be opened the first of next week.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, August 16, 1930]
TOM'S AUTO EXCHANGE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Tom's Welcome to the few Auto Owners who have not as yet called at my
store to Save Money on All Auto Accessories, Tires a Specialty - - - Used Fords
on Hands at All Times. TOM'S AUTO EXCHANGE, South of the Court House.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 5, 1918]
Thomas McMahan Saturday sold his automobile shop, south of the court house to L.
B. Walters, of Onward, Ind. The new proprietor took immediate possession. He
intends to put in a complete line of automobiles and accessories, in addition to
a vulcanizing equipment. Mr. McMahan will continue to sell used cars.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, December 16, 1918]
Cambridge, Mass., March 13 - (UP) - Discovery of a new planet beyond the orbit
of Neptune was reported to have been discovered - - - - [not readable] - - - -
The Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Ariz., made the discovery, observatory
officials announced and said it was the outstanding event in recent astronomical
Although the name of the discoverer has not been announced it was believed
Professor Percival Lowell was entitled to most of the credit. It was recalled
that several years ago he attributed certain eccentricities in Neptune's orbit
to the possible existence of a remote planet hitherto unknown.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, March 13, 1930]
Lake Geneva, Wis., March 18. - The new trans-Neptunian planet was sighted and
photographed by University of Chicago astronomers at Yerkes observatory last
The photographs were forwarded to the university today at the direction of Prof.
George Van Blesbroeck, acting director.
"How this planet escaped detection all these years is easily
apparent," the Professor said. "It is so extremely faint that under
the closest observation its movement is scarcely discernible and hence it has
every appearance of a fixed star."
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 18, 1930]
TOMBAUGH, GARNET [CARVEY] [Akron/Culver/Rochester Indiana]
Macy Monitor.
The following Macy high school students have been transferred to the Rochester
college to complete their high school eduation: Blaine and Judd Hurst, Marvin
Briggs, Merrill and Albert Belt, Garnet Snowberger, Ruth Dubois, Garnet Carvey,
Dessa Nicodemus and Rosa Sowers.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 21, 1908]
Mrs. Karl Gast and Mrs. J. L. Tombaugh, representing the mothers' club of Akron,
Monday evening came before a special meeting of the town board of Akron, when
they asked the board to pass an ordinance compelling all men who sell milk in
Akron to have their cows tested for tuberculosis. The board did not take action
on the request, but it is said that several of the milk dealers who supply the
greatest amount of milk to Akron people, are willing to have their cows tested
without any action by the board.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 25, 1922]
TOMBAUGH, HEZEKIAH [Perry Township, Miami County]
Hezekiah Tombaugh, native of Perry Township, was born June 16, 1853, being the
elder of two children born to George and Elizabeth (Thomas) (Swihart) Tombaugh.
George Tombaugh, father of our subject, was born in Pennsylvania, October 28,
1796. He grew to manhood in his native State, and was reared on a farm. He
married there Susanna Myers, by whom he was the father of ten [sic] children, as
follows: Lucinda, born November 22, 1820; Elizabeth, born April 9, 1822; Isaiah,
born May 11, 1824; Levi, born July 7, 1826; Aaron, born November 14, 1828; Mary
Ann, born April 3, 1831; Susanna M., born February 9, 1834; George W., born
December 24, 1837; Jacob M., born May 7, 1840. He, with his family, moved to
Ohio in 1831; one year later he removed to Indiana and Miami County, first
settling near Mexico, living there one year, when he moved to Perry Township, of
which he continued a resident until his death, which occurred in 1880. His first
wife died October 14, 1850. He was subsequently (March 6, 1851) married to
Elizabeth (Thomas) Swihart, widow of Jonathan Swihart. To this marriage two
children were born, Hezekiah, our subject, and Rebecca, February 18, 1856. Mr.
Tombaugh always followed farming, in which he was successful. He was a member of
the Dunkard Church, and always lived a true Christian. He united with that
church in 1831. Our immediate subject has always lived at the old homestead. He
received a good common school education. September 12, 1875, his marriage with
Catherine M. Heddleson was solemnized, and to their union two children were
born, both deceased. April 18, 1879, he suffered the bereavement of losing his
beloved wife. February 21, 1883, his nuptials with Hannah Speck were celebrated,
to whom have been born two children, George E. and Jesse L. He has always made
farming his occupation, and he has been very successful. He now owns 124 acres
of well-improved land. He and wife are members of the Brethren Church. In
politics he is a Republican, and he always manifests a good, live interest in
the political affairs of his community, where he was honored, in 1886, by an
election to the office of Township Trustee.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. p. 736]
TOMBAUGH, JESSE L. [Akron/Culver/Rochester, Indiana]
See: Carvey & Tombaugh
Commencement week of the Rochester College will be ushered in next Sunday at the
Baptist church when Rev. O. P. Miles will preach the baccalaureate sermon to the
class of thirty-five, who have completed the course prescribed by the
institution. On Monday evening Aug 5, Prof. Sims' music class will give a music
recital at the Chapel Hall. Prof Sims has already demonstrated his ability along
musical lines, therefore something very good may be expected. On the day
following the entire class will picnic at the lake and on Wednesday evening the
Alumni and Rochester banquet will be held at the College. This will no doubt be
a pleasant occasion as the Rochester College numbers among its graduates many of
the cities' most promising young people.
The graduating exercises will be held Thursday evening, Aug 8, at the Chapel
Hall at the College. The address of the evening will be made by Hon. Wm. H.
Sanders of Marion. Mr. Sanders is one of the most fluent and deepest thinking
orators of the state and will ably discuss his chosen topic, "A Phase or
two of the Mind Life." This will conclude the exercises incident to the
The class is of the average size, perhaps larger than usual, considering the
fact that there are no music graduates this year. However there will be next
summer. Those who have finished the commercial and shorthand departments are:
Ferne Ault, Ethel Lackey, Ruth Davis, Lenora Rush, Fred Foglesong, Nellie
Hamlett, Vera Krieg, Geo. Aughinbaugh, Raymon Waller, Ua Lewis, Walter Coplen,
Cathren King, Nora King, Elva Heeter, Earnest Hart, Earl Harter, Retha Ross,
Grace Rowie, Edmund Osborne.
The graduates of the high school and teachers' departments are as follows: Hal
P. Bybee, Jesse L. Tombaugh, GoldieTombaugh, Fredrick K. Deardorff, Erret Carvey,
Charles Maple, Ralph Newcomer, Guy Thayer, Glen Louderback, Coma Sommer, Russell
H. Smith, Opha Pletcher, Harley Davis, Henry Robinson, F. J. Ginther, Nana
The young people who have finished the course hail from this city and numerous
other surrounding towns. Indeed northern Indiana is well represented.
Mr. Hal P. Bybee is President of the class, Edmund Osborne, Secretary and Miss
Jessie [sic] Tombaugh, Treasurer. The motto is "Laurels to Those Who
Win," the class flower, the carnation, and the colors, maroon and white.
The class, as a whole, is composed of intellectual and industrious young people,
and their instructors entertain the highest hopes for a successful future for
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 1, 1907]
J. L. Tombaugh, superintendent of schools at Akron, who is a member of the
contracting firm of Tombaugh and Carvey, building a road in Aubbeenaubbee
township, suffered severe injuries several days ago when he fell into a gravel
screen, but is now able to be back at work, according to word from Akron.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 25, 1922]
[NOTE: Dad had built a large box which was hung on the side of a gravel freight
car. The gravel car had come from Million Brothers at Lake Cicot. When no truck
was there, the unloaders could go ahead and shovel gravel into the box. When a
truck arrived to load, the chute was opened, the truck loaded quickly, and
neither the truck nor the men were detained. Dad had cautioned the men about the
danger. He climbed onto the truck to open the chute, and the box being
well-filled, broke loose and pinned him against the side of the Model T Ford
truck bed.
This occurred on a railroad siding at Bruce Lake Station. About every day I was
with my Dad, and this time I was playing at Harrison Crabill's general store at
Bruce Lake Station with their grandson, Chauncy Summers. One of the men came
rushing into the store and used the telephone. I was not listening to the
conversation, but Chauncy said, "Let's go. Your Dad is hurt!" We ran
to the scene where they had just released Dad and had him on a board on which he
was carried to the Crabill store. Dad saw me and said, "Be a good boy,
Wendell." Mr. and Mrs. Crabill had living quarters in the rear rooms of the
store, which they offered as a place for Dad to stay. Mother and I stayed there
with him for a few days, until he was able to be moved to the rented house at
Leiters Ford (owned by Della Steinhiser of near Leiters Ford).
The doctor told Dad that if the injury had occurred only an inch or two in any
other direction it would have been fatal.
The above I recall this 27th day of October, 1997. I am 82 years old. - Wendell
C. Tombaugh.]
Jesse Tombaugh, of Akron, son-in-law of John W. Carvey, of Macy, narrowly
escaped serious injury while procuring gravel for a road near Bruce Lake. The
gravel is shipped in from Lake Cicot and as the gravel was being unloaded from
the chute to the truck, where he was, the chute broke, letting four loads of
gravel fall upon him. - - - MACY ITEMS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 26, 1922]
J. L. Tombaugh and George Secrist have purchased six cylinder touring cars,
Harvey Overmyer, four cylinder touring Mrs. M. O. Enyart, six cylinder sedan,
and Henry Zellers a sport touring car of the Rochester Buick Company. - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 30, 1922]
Jesse L. Tombaugh, A.B., superintendent of Akron High School, is one of the
leading exponents of his profession in northern Indiana, and one whose work in
behalf of the public schools is of a most constructive nature. He was born in
[Perry township] Miami county, Indiana, August 1, 1886, son of Hezekiah and
Hannah (Speck) Tombaugh, the former born in [Perry township] Miami county,
Indiana, and his parents were natives of Pennsylvania and Switzerland,
respectively. A farmer, he owns and operates one hundred and twenty-five acres
of excellent land in Miami county where he and his wife are still living. A
Republican, he is active in his party and he is serving as a township trustee.
Both he and his wife are the products of the common schools. They had three
children: George E., who took two years at high school, is a motorman for the
Winona Interurban Railway; Superintendent Tombaugh, who was the second child;
and Goldie, who was graduated from the Rochester High School in 1907, is taking
a secretarial course in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, Business College.
Superintendent Tombaugh, after completing four terms at the Rochester High
School, had a year at the Rochester College, and then in 1907, received his
teacher's diploma. In 1908 he entered upon his professional career, but since
then has been a constant student, and has done post-graduate work in mathematics
at Indiana University, and with Professor Emory, whom he regards as one of the
most capable educators in the country. In [1915] he took his degree of
[Bachelor] of Arts. In 1916 he was principal of schools at Union City, Indiana,
and during the subsequent year took up some more post-graduate work at the
University of Chicago, completing which in 1917 he accepted the principalship of
the high school at Akron, but in 1918 left it to become superintendent of the
Chester township high school at North Manchester, Indiana, and remained there a
year. Offered the superintendency of the high school of Akron in 1919, he
accepted the offer, returned to Akron, and has since remained in this city to
the satisfaction of his pupils, their parents, the teachers under him, and the
public generally. He exercises the right of franchise in support of the man
rather than to uphold party organization. A Mason, he belongs to the Blue Lodge
of Akron, the chapter at Rochester, and the Commandery at Warsaw, and he is also
a member of the college fraternity of Phi Beta Kappa. He married April 20, 1912,
Miss Garnet Carvey, and they have one son, Wendell C., who is attending the
grade school. Mrs. Tombaugh was born in Miami county, Indiana, September 2,
1888, daughter of John W. and Harriet L. (McGinnis) Carvey. She went through the
grade and high school of her native county, and took three years at Macy
Institute, and one year at Rochester College. Her father was born in [Allen
township] Miami county, is a contractor and agriculturalist, and owns a fine
farm of two hundred and eighty acres in [Allen township] Miami county. He is
independent in politics, his fraternal connections are Masonic and he and his
wife are members of the Church of Christ, to which denomination Mrs. Tombaugh
also belongs. The latter is one of seven children born to her parents, four sons
and three daughters, of whom five survive, and all are residents of Miami
county, with the exception of Mrs. Tombaugh. Her sister, Pauline, is a teacher
in the Miami county public schools. Superintendent Tombaugh is a man whose
interests are centered in his work, and he rejoices in the fact that it is his
privilege to train the plastic minds of the rising generation and fit those
under his supervision for the duties of life. Both he and his wife are very
popular, and are leaders in the cultural life of Fulton county.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 286-288, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
Jesse L. Tombaugh, four years superintendent of the Akron schools, next fall
will take up new work as Culver school superintendent, it has been learned.
From the numerous applicants for the position made vacant by the election of
Culver Superintendent, Deane Waller, as county superintendent, Mr. Tombaugh was
elected superintendent of the Culver schools for the coming year.
Mr. Tombaugh has a splendid record for scholarship, having received an A. B.
degree from Indiana University some years ago and last year received his A. M.
degree from Columbia University. In addition he has completed the major portion
of his Ph. D. degree in Chicago University. In each of the two latter
institutions he has been elected to the Phi Delta Kappa franternity in reception
of superior scholarship.
Besides having had teaching experience in lesser positions, he served as
township principal of Chester township, Wabash county, one year, principal of
Union City schools one year, also principal one year and superintendent four
years of the Akron schools
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, June 18, 1925]
TOMBAUGH FAMILY [Rochester, Indiana]
Wendell C. Tombaugh Jean C. Tombaugh John B. Tombaugh
July 24, 1998
1. The Fulton County Public Library
2. City of Rochester, Indiana
3. Fulton County, Indiana
4. State of Indiana
5. United States of America
Writing this letter is the most awesome task which we ever tackled, for it
concerns something which undoubtedly will be of great historical and economic
importance to our Local, State and National governments.
It is addressed to you - people whom we never will meet, many who will not be
born for hundreds of years.
May we shake your hands across the table of time. We are Wendell C. Tombaugh,
husband; Jean C. Tombaugh, wife; and John B. Tombaugh, son.
Each of us now owns a revocable trust, all three of which are handled by our
Trustee, Norwest Bank Indiana, N.A., (soon to be renamed Wells Fargo), Mr. H.
Phil Tomson, Vice President and Trust Officer. Upon the death of the last of us,
the assets from our three trusts will merge into another trust, called TOMBAUGH
FAMILY TRUST, and the three present trusts will no longer exist.
Without quoting the details of the trust, basically it provides that
distribution be made as follows:
1. Fulton County Public Library, first 50 years of the Trust, 90% of the net
earnings per year.
2. City of Rochester, Indiana, next 50 years of the Trust, 90% of the net
earnings per year.
3. Fulton County, Indiana, next 100 years of the Trust, 90% of the net earnings
per year.
4. State of Indiana, next 200 years of the Trust, 90% of the net earnings per
5. United States of America, thereafter, 100% of the net earnings per year.
Unallocated net earnings are retained in the Trust corpus for growth.
It is our desire that income from the Tombaugh Family Trust go to benefit the
most people over the longest possible period of time, and that it be used
It is our further desire that the purpose of the money which you receive, should
be to reduce taxes - permanently.
The money is of little value, and may be harmful, if it is not used wisely. We
may be unintentionally feeding the government's Gargantuan appetite, encouraging
its further growth and intrusiveness on freedom. Our intentions are good. How
the money is used is your responsibility. It is also your opportunity.
It will be so tempting to spend the money as it comes. Easy come, easy go. To
spend the money as it arrives would only get the community living a life style
which it cannot afford when the money stops.
We suggest that you create a fund into which you deposit all which you receive
from the Tombaugh Family Trust, and at the end of the first year you may spend
90 percent of the net earnings of your fund, leaving ten per cent for further
growth, and repeating this yearly thereafter. The projected estimate of your
fund's growth can be demonstrated by glancing at the projected growth of trust
corpus and net income of the Tombaugh Family Trust, prepared July 22, 1998 by H.
Phil Tomson, Vice President and Trust Officer, Norwest Bank, Indiana, N.A.:
Page 2
July 24, 1998
We hope to leave 2.5 million dollars net, after our deaths.
Estimated growth of the trust corpus over the first fifty years is from 2.5
million to 61.8 million with estimated net annual income from $49,500 to 1.15
Estimated growth of the trust corpus over the next fifty years is from 61.8
million to 1.5 billion with estimated net annual income from 1.15 million to
28.4 million.
Estimated growth of the trust corpus over the next one hundred years is from 1.5
billion to 880 billion, with estimated net annual income from 28.4 million to
16.3 billion.
These estimates cover only the first two hundred years of the trust, after which
the rate of growth is higher.
It is our wish that the Trustee furnish an annual news release, showing the name, TOMBAUGH FAMILY TRUST, the name of the current recipient, total amount of payment made for the year, total payments to date, the number of years payments have been made, and the number of years remaining to be paid to the current recipient, together with such other information as the Trustee deems advisable.
This community and our Government have been good to us. We now wish to pay
some rent.
We honestly believe that this is the reason why we were put on this Earth.
Our job is done.
May God Bless America!
__________________ __________________ __________________
Wendell C. Tombaugh Jean C. Tombaugh John B. Tombaugh
Tombaugh family dedicates fortune
to future permanent tax reduction
By Jack K. Overmyer
Because they wish "to pay some rent" for the good fortune they have
received from their community and their governments, retired Judge Wendell C.
Tombaugh, his wife Jean C. and son John B. have created a financial trust that
is unprecedented in purpose and in length. When implemented some years hence, it
will provide enormous public fundings and reductions in taxes, for centuries to
Each of the Tombaughs presently owns a revocable trust that, upon the death of
the last of them, will merge into another named the Tombaugh Family Trust. At
the time of the last death, the Family Trust is expected to be worth a net $2.5
Beneficiaries of 90 percent of the annual net income from the Trust will be in
* The Fulton County, Indiana, Public Library, for the first 50 years.
* The City of Rochester, Indiana, for the next 50 years.
* Fulton County, Indiana, for the next 100 years.
* The State of Indiana, for the next 200 years.
* The United States of America, thereafter, will retain 100 percent of the
annual net earnings of the Trust, all unallocated earnings having been retained
heretofore for Trust growth.
Amounts of money staggering in their size will be developed over the years for
the governmental units. This is revealed by the following projections provided
by the Trustee of the Tombaugh Family Trust, Norwest Bank of Indiana,
represented by H. Philip Tomson of Peru, vice president and trust officer:
* For the first 50 years the Fulton County Library's estimated annual net income
from the Trust will grow during the period from $49,500 to $1.15 million. The
Trust itself will grow from $2.5 million to $61.8 million.
* For the next 50 years the City of Rochester's estimated annual net income from
the Tust will grow during the period from $1.16 million to $28.4 million. The
Trust itself will grow from $61.8 million to $1.5 billion.
* For the next 100 years Fulton County's estimated annual net income from the
Trust will grow during the period from $28.4 million to $16.3 billion. The trust
itself will grow from $1.5 billion to $880 billion.
Through the following centuries, The Trust grows even more rapidly for the
benefit of the State of Indiana, for 200 years, thereafter for the United States
of America. Trust income and balance amounts reach the trillions by year 300.
Judge Tombaugh, in a letter that each governmental beneficiary will receive when
the Fanily Trust is created by the last family death, expresses his family's
desire that income from the Trust "benefit the most people over the longest
period of time" and that its purpose "should be to reduce taxes -
The Trust will be of little value and may be harmful if not used wisely, he
warns. "We may unintentionally be feeding the government's Gargantuan
appetite, encouraging its further growth and intrusiveness on freedom. Our
intentions are good. How the money is used is your responsibility. It also is
your opportunity."
Judge Tombaugh also suggests in his letter that each governmental agency create
a separate fund for money it receives from the Tombaugh Family Trust and, as the
Trust itself does, retain 10 percent yearly for growth. If begun, this could set
a pattern for succeeding agencies to follow.
By retaining 10 percent of each year's earnings for growth, the judge writes,
each agency will eliminate the temptation to spend all the money as it comes.
To do so "would only get the community living a lifestyle which it cannot
afford when the money stops."
The Trustee, Norwest Bank, should issue an annual statement to the media, states
Judge Tombaugh, detailing how much money has been paid from the Tombaugh Family
Trust the preceding year, total payments to date, number of years payments have
been made and the number of years remaining to be paid to the current recipient.
Addressing the reaon for creating the Trust, Judge Tombaugh writes: "This
community and our government have been good to us. We now wish to pay some rent.
We honestly believe this is the reaon why we were put on this Earth. Our job is
done. May God Bless America!"
Judge Tombaugh, 83, was judge of the Fulton Circuit Court from 1967-78. He has
resided in Fulton County almost 70 years, is a graduate of Rochester High School
and Indiana University School of Law. He was an FBI agent, is a U.S. Navy
veteran and was a retailer before assuming the bench. His wife, Jean, 82, was
involved for 30 years in local genealogical research, joined by her husband
after his retirement. They continue to research local genealogical and
historical material which they issue from their own publishing house. Son John,
56, is compiling books that will describe the origins and daily history of World
War II; he also is associated with his parents in their genealogical endeavors.
Tombaugh gifts
many at library
By Christina M. Seiler
Staff Writer, The Sentinel
The Indiana Room at the Fulton County Public Library has almost too many
Tombaugh-family published books to count.
"We're very, very grateful," library business manager Grace Miller
said of the hardbound gifts given by Wendell and Jean Tombaugh and their family
genealogical publishing business.
She could not comment, she said, on the monetary gift the Tombaugh Family has
given to the library.
"They have a great love for keeping the Fulton County history," Miller
said. "He's always had a great love for the library."
Among the books at the county library that the Tombaughs have researched,
written and published; "School Enumerations, starting at 1896; the index to
Fulton County; an Index to Fulton County Folks; Marshall County Cemetery
inscriptions; Briefs of Indiana Wills 1836 to 1974; Indiana Court Records for
the October term 1836 through an unknown date; Fulton County Cemetery
Inscriptions (with included genealogical notes); The Fulton County, 1880 Census;
FultonCounty Births, 1882-1920; Indiana marriages 1836-1983; Miami County Allen
and Perry Township Cemetery Inscriptions; Fulton County Obituaries from The
Rochester Sentinel; Fulton County Death Records, 1882-1920.
"They are certainly friends of the library," former library board
member and banker Don Groenleer said today.
The Tombaugh gift will mean a lot to the library, he said. Groenleer is a member
of the board of directors of the Northern Indiana Community Foundation.
"Many other libraries have endowments," he said. "We have a small
one, but nothing of this size."
"Of course, the library board is thrilled to death with this, said Lalla
Heyde, a member. "We have been made aware that trust is coming, but we have
not discussed it yet."
The Tombaugh Family's hope is that the governmental entities which receive their
money use it to lower taxes.
The library's current budget - including the Fulton and Leiters Ford branches is
$779,360, Miller said. The current tax rate is 35 cents per each $100 of
assessed valuation.
Fulton County Library director Dave Ewick was out of town today with a sick
child and could not be reached for comment.
'I think we'd have
a new fire station
By Dave Blower, Jr.
Staff Writer, The Sentinel
Rochester Mayor Phil Thompson and Clerk-Treasurer Freda Miller see a city in
proper working order if income from a trust is used wisely.
The city is one of five governmental beneficiaries of the Tombaugh Family Trust,
established by former Fulton Circuit Court Judge Wendell C. Tombaugh, his wife
Jean C. and son John B. The trust is expected to be worth $2.5 million at the
last one's death.
For the City of Rocheter, the estimated annual net income from the trust will
grow during its 50 years from $1.15 million to $28.4 million. TheTrust itself
will grow from $61.8 million to $1.5 billion.
Miller said that money could go a long way towards many ongoing city projects.
"I think we could have a new storm sewer system; I think we'd have a new
fire station; I think we'd have curbs on every street," Miller said.
"Can't you just see all of that?"
Thompson said he was impressed with Tombaugh's generosity.
"It's just a very generous gift," Thompson said. "I'm glad to see
a citizen give back to a community that has really supported him all of his
Tombaugh said that the interest income from the trust should be used for
permanent tax reduction. Thompson and Miller agreed that the Trust should
accomplish that if it is used wisely.
"I'd hope that whoever is in the administration of the city at that time
would adhere to Tombaugh's wishes," Thompson said.
This year, Miller said the city's total budget is approximately $3 million.
Thompson said it is difficult to estimate the Trust's impact many years down the
"Things change so rapidly," Thompson said. "Things have changed
since my first term in office."
County officials:
Gift remarkable
By Dave Blower, Jr.
Staff Writer, The Sentinel
Fulton County givernment officials are praising a "remarkable" gift
from the Tombaugh Family Trust this morning.
Retired Fulton Circuit Court Judge Wendell C. Tombaugh, his wife Jean C. and son
John B. have created a financial trust to generate hundreds of thousands of
dollars for the Fulton County Public Library, the City of Rochester, Fulton
County, the State of Indiana, and the U.S.A.
It is estimated that Trust income and balance amounts reach the trillions by the
end of 300 years.
For the county, the estimated annual net income from the Trust will grow over
100 years from $28.4 million to $16.3 billion. The Trust itself will grow from
$1.5 billion to $880 billion.
"It's a remarkable gift," said Fulton County Council President, Gary
Sriver. "It just goes to show what happens when you compound your
Tombaugh said the money should be used for permanent tax reduction. Fulton
County Commissioner President Steve Hartzler said future generations must spend
the money wisely.
"No matter the size of the gift, it's not beneficial if it's not spent
wisely," Hartzler said. "I'm not going to be around to see it, but the
future generations of Fulton County have an opportunity to reduce taxes and
spend the money wisely. I guess (Tombaugh is) offering a challenge to future
Sriver agreed that the Trust could be a tremendous asset in the centuries to
"I think it's a long-range plan," Sriver said. "This is
something, really, that the people of Fulton County should be grateful
In 1998, the county's general budget is $3,662,860. Hartzler said it is
difficult to estimate future expenses, but that the Trust should have a
significant impact.
"It sounds like an awful lot of money," Hartzler said. "It's
going to generate a lot of money over a long period of time. Until I have it all
explained to me, I'm not sure how much of an impact it will have."
Sriver said it is uncommon for anyone to leave money to government.
"I think (Judge Tombaugh) is truly a man who has a considerable amount of
respect for government," Sriver said. "It's amazing that a couple
would choose to make this gift to government. It shows a lot of faith in
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 28, 1998.
TONER, A. D. [Kewanna, Indiana]
A. D. Toner, one of the most successful citizens of Fulton county, was born in
Fayette county, Ind., June 20, 1834. His parents were Samuel and Anna (Shaffer)
Toner. Unto them were born eleven children, of which the subject of this mention
is the youngest. He was about eight years of age when his parents came to Fulton
county and settled in Wayne township. Mr. Toner grew to manhood on the farm and
gained a fair common school education. He remained on the farm till about 1859,
when he became a resident of Kewanna and about that time began dealing in live
stock, in which business he continued until about 1880. This, his first business
venture, proved successful. In 1880 he became the prime factor in a movement for
the construction of a railroad from Logansport through Kewanna to South Bend,
and was instrumental in the organization of a company of Kewanna citizens for
the construction of the railroad. The movement resulted in inducing the Vandalia
railroad company to propose building a railroad from Logansport to lake
Maxinkuckee, in consideration of the right of way and $20,000. Mr. Toner, P. S.
Troutman, John F. Wilson and Hickman Phillips assumed the responsibility of
securing the right of way and the $20,000, becoming responsible to the Vandalia
railroad company for the named consideration. They were aided in making this
subsidy good by the public, who voted taxation and gave donations. Mr. Toner
built thirteen miles of the road as a contractor and, as soon as the road was
completed he erected a small elevator at Kewanna. Four years later additions
were made to the elevator, and machinery for making flour was placed in it.
Since then this mill and elevator has been owned and operated by the firm of A.
D. Toner and Brunk. Mr. Toner was one of the parties who built the Masonic
temple of Kewanna. In 1886 he erected what is now the Toner house, which hotel
building he owns. Mr. Toner has done much toward the upbuilding of Kewanna. He
has erected several fine brick business houses, as well several residences, and
now owns considerable property in the town. He is progressive and ever ready to
contribute to the improvement of the town. It was mainly due to him that the H.
J. Heinz company was induced to establish a pickle salting house at Kewanna in
1894. July 25, 1893, Mr. Toner established the Kewanna bank, of which he is sole
proprietor, and H. D. Howell cashier. He has always been interested in farming a
now owns in Wayne and Union townships nearly 1,000 acres of highly cultivated
land. He built the second frame barn erected in Union township. He began his
business career without a dollar, but by means of his superior business ability,
energy and enterprise he amassed considerable wealth. In politics he has always
been a democrat. He served as representative of Fulton and Pulaski counties in
the general assembly of Indiana session of 1884-85.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 138-139]
A. D. Toner, of Kewanna who secured the contract for all the grading for the C.
R. & M. Ry. from North Judson to a point about two miles east of Kewanna,
began work at Judson this morning, with seventy teams. The distance he has to
grade is about twenty-five miles.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 1, 1901]
The grading on the C. R. & M. from where A. D. Toner's contract ends two
miles east of Kewanna to Peru is to be done by a Mr. McKinley. A car load of
mules was to arrive in Kewanna last night, and the contractor, with a large
force of men, will begin the work immediately.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 11, 1901]
J. D. [sic] Toner, who had the contract for grading on the C. R. & M.
railroad from North Judson to two miles east of Kewanna, completed his work,
with the exception of that within the corporation of Kewanna, Tuesday evening.
All the right of way has not [?] been secured to Kewanna.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 10, 1901]
From the Herald
A. D. Toner received the contract Monday of grading between 30 and 40 miles of
the C. R. & M. north from North Judson. With the 26 miles he graded from
North Judson to Kewanna he will have pretty close to grading the entire north
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 28, 1902]
TONER, A. D. [Kewanna, Indiana]
Once owned much business property in Kewanna.
He had a plaque put on the front of one building instead of a monument on his
The subject of our sketch is the youngest son of Samuel and Annie Toner, and was
born June 30, 1834, in Ohio.
His father and family came to this county in 1842, and settled in Union
Township, where he resided until the time of his death. Mr. Toner has ten
brothers and sisters, of whom only John, Edward and Andrew are living.
Mr. A. D. Toner commenced business for himself when he was nineteen years old,
by taking charge of his father's farm of eighty acres, providing for his parents
while they lived. In a few years he commenced dealing in stock, and after some
severe reverses of fortune he commenced to rapidly climb the fortune's ladder,
and is now the possessor of some fourteen hundred acres of land, which he has
brought up to a high degree of cultivation, also considerable town property in
Kewanna and in Marmont [Culver], Marshall County. He is a man of much public
spirit, and is doing a great deal for public improvements in the way of
ditching, and putting up buildings, straightening roads, etc. It was mainly
through his representations that the Vandalia Company was induced to extend its
line northward through this part of the county, and for a year has done
everything in his power to assist in the rapid construction of the road. He is
preparing to build the finest hotel in the county, said hotel to be in Kewanna.
Mr. Toner's transactions in live stock have reached, some years, nearly
$100,000. He is unmarried, preferring to live a single life. He is a member of
the Masonic fraternity, Kewanna Lodge, No. 546.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 59]
TONER, AL. D., Jr. [Kewanna, Indiana]
AL. D. TONER, Jr. (Biography)
Attorney Al. D. TONER, Jr., of Kewanna, is a native of Union township, having
been born on a farm there 35 years ago. He received his education in the Kewanna
schools and at Valparaiso Normal. He read law for about six years and opened an
office in Kewanna in February '91. From the beginning Mr. Toner has had a nice
law and collection business and he is considered one of the safest counselors in
the state. He married Miss Jesse PHILLIPS, of Marion, Ohio, and they have a baby
boy, Worth [TONER].
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
TONER, ANDREW J. [Union Township]
Andrew J. Toner, a worthy citizen of Union Township, was born in Shelby County,
Ind., October 18, 1828. His parents were natives of Northumberland County, Penn.
In 1832, Mr. Toner, Sr., moved to Delaware County, Ohio, where they remained ten
years, when they returned to Indiana and settled in Union Township, this county.
Mr. A. J. Toner was married to Mary A. Cavander July 26, 1849. She was born
March 20, 1828; her parents were natives of Delawre. Mr. Toner is the father of
eight children, viz.: James, Isaac S., John, Nancy A., Harriet J., Albert D.,
William E. and Jerry A. Mr. Toner is a farmer, owning the farm on which he
lives; he occasionally deals in stock also. He and his wife are members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 59]
TONER, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
TONER, JOHN HENDERSON [Kewanna, Indiana]
John Henderson Toner is of one of the oldest and best known families in Fulton
county. He was born in Shelby county, Ind., Jan 7, 1826. His parents were Samuel
and Annie (Shafer) Toner. His father was of Irish descent and his mother of
German. They were born and married in Northumberland county, Pa., came to
Indiana in 1832, and first settled in Shelby county. In the fall of 1843 they
settled in Wayne township, Fulton county, where they resided till death. They
had eleven children. The subject of this biographical sketch gained a fair
common school education and very early in life began farming on his own account.
For many years he continued farming and, though he began as a renter, success
followed his efforts and at present he owns a fine farm of 381 acres. In 1889
Mr. Toner removed from his farm into Kewanna, where he has since lived, and in
1891 he and his son-in-law, D. W. Sibert, established the Exchange bank of
Kewanna, which they have since operated. Mr. Toner has been twice married. In
1848, he wedded Elizabeth Updegraff, who died leaving no children, and in 1857
he married Hester A. Graham. Unto the second marriage was born a daughter, Lulah
by name, now the wife of D. W. Sibert. In church faith Mr. and Mrs. Toner are
Methodists. He has been a member of the I.O.O.F. since 1857. Mr. Toner enjoys
the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens, and has always been identified
as a representative citizen of the county. In politics he was formerly a
democrat, but is now a prohibitionist. He has never sought political preferment.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
p. 139]
TONER ELEVATOR [Fulton, Indiana]
L. G. Holz, of Rochester, Saturday bought the elevator plant, lumber yard and
coal business of A. D. Toner at Fulton, valued at $20,000. Possession was given
Monday and J. E. Snepp, formerly of Kewanna, will remain as manager.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 8, 1913]
TONER ELEVATOR [Kewanna, Indiana]
Owned by A. D. Toner, who also owned elevators and Fulton and Lucerne.
Kewanna Herald.
The biggest thing in this section is the new Toner elevator now in process of
construction just east of the Vandalia depot. The grain cleaner will handle
1,600 bushels per hour, and the car loader 60 bushels per minute. The elevator
stands 77 feet high at the highest point and everything about it is as
substantial and neat as it is big.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 2, 1905]
TONER OPERA HOUSE [Kewanna, Indiana]
The democratic meeting, Tuesday evening at Toner's Opera House, was a complete
success in every particular. More people could not have gotten in the hall. Prof
Hering delivered one of those stirring addresses for which he is noted. The
people are more than ever convinced that Hering should go to Congress instead of
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 21, 1904]
TOPPS GARMENT MFG. CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Elin Manufacturing Co.
NEW NAME company president Alan Dorrell announced a new name for Edmonton
Manufacturing Company Wednesday. It is now Topps Safety Apparel Inc. The
business, started in Rochester in 1938 by Jack and Seymour Elin, remained in
their family until last-January, when it was purchased by the British Faithful
Group. Faithful, a European leader in the manufacture of work uniforms and
protective apparel, has operations in England and Holland in addition to the
U.S. Edmonton's corporate headquarters, warehouse and distribution center are at
501-503 Main St., Rochester, and production plants in Edmonton and Greensburg,
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 26, 1997]
TORNADO OF 1974 [Fulton County]
Occurred on Wednesday, April 3, 1974.
See Talma, Indiana
Also See Cyclone, March 10, 1925
See Indiana Metal Products
TOURIST CAMP [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rochester Tourist Camp
TOWN LAKE [Henry Township]
Located approximately 1125E and 175S.
TOWNE, CLYDE E. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Clyde E. Towne)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Clyde E. Towne)
TOWNSEND, JOEL R. [Liberty Township]
Joel R. Townsend, of Liberty township, is a son of the late Joel Townsend, who
was a settler in this township as early as 1834. His log cabin was of the rudest
sort. His bed was supported by pins in the wall and chest or trunk served as his
table. His means were very limited, so much so that at one time he was forced to
dispose of a copper kettle brought from Ohio to get money to pay his taxes. But
he was frugal and industrious and before his death, May 31, 1879, fortune had
put him in possession of over 1,000 acres of land and much personal property. He
was born in England in 1808; came to the United States in 1820, and was reared
near Cleveland. He married Vesta Collins, who shared all his privations and
enjoyed with him the years of his prosperity. Their living children are: Ansel
B., Joel R., Lucy A., Harrison, living in Tabor, Iowa, and John N. Joel R.
Townsend was born in Liberty township, Fulton county, May 12, 1848. He was
educated at the Oliver school house and was engaged in farming till twenty-eight
years old, when he engaged in merchandising in Macy. In three years he retired
from this business and went on the road as traveling salesman for Isaac Stern
& Co., of Kokomo, dealers in cigars. He remained in this business four years
and next engaged with the Alden vinegar company, of St. Louis, and was with
these people four years. His next employers were Huffman & Co.,
Indianapolis, with whom he remained till Dec. 6, 1895. Since that time he has
resided on his farm of 180 acres, keeping up the odds and ends about a well
conducted farm. Mr. Townsend was first married Nov. 26, 1869, to Elizabeth
Stibbs, who died in March, 1875, leaving one child,viz.: Mary, wife of Robert
Miller, Macy, Ind. Nov. 25, 1875, Mr. Townsend married Clarissa, daughter of
George Carter. Mr. Townsend is a republican and is quite active in party
politics in the county.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 139-140]
TOWNSEND, JOHN N. [Liberty Township]
John N. Townsend is the son of Joel and Vesta Townsend, and was born November
16, 1854. His father, a native of England, died May 31, 1879, at the age of
sixty-six. His mother, a native of New York, is still living in Miami County.
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, Sr., came to this county about 1834, and settled where
Nohn N. now lives. Their first work was to build a log cabin sixteen feet
square, in which they spent their first year's experience in the wilds of Fulton
County. They had ten children, of whom but four--Ansel B., Joel B., Lucy A. and
Nohn N., are now living. Mr. T., Sr., a farmer, commenced in the woods and
carved out a handsome and pleasant home for himself and family, having at one
time over a thousand acres of land, and at his death $6,000 in personal
property. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. J.
N. Townsend remained at home until his marriage to Miss Eva Martin, May 4, 1880,
when he established himself in the home place. Mrs. T. was raised in this
county, and is a daughter of Alfred and Hannah Martin, who are both deceased.
Mr. and Mrs. T are the parents of two children--Carrie May and Sallie Dell. He
has received a liberal education and is a genial gentleman and has proved
himself an efficient teacher of penmanship. Two of his relatives were in the
armies of the rebellion, one of whom died and the other rose to the rank of
Lieutenant, and was mustered out under general orders.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 44]
TOWNSEND, SAMUEL [Henry Township]
Samuel Townsend was born in Knox County, Ind., April 8, 1817. He is the eldest
son of William and Sarah Townsend, natives of North Carolina and Virginia
respectively, and of English ancestry. At the age of seven years, he removed
with his parents to Wayne County, where he received an ordinary education in the
common school. At the age of twenty-one, he began laboring for the neighboring
farmers, at which he continued for four years. March 4, 1841, he was married to
Miss Anna Eliason, a native of Wayne County, born March 16, 1823. He afterward
removed to Tipton County, thence to Henry, and finally to this county, in
October, 1864, and purchased the farm on which he now resides, and which
consisted of seventy-one acres, partly improved. Mr. Townsend has since added a
new dwelling and other improvements. He and lady are members of the Christian
Church, and honored and respected citizens. They are the parents of eight
children--Martha E., Sarah J., Mary E., Lucinda M., Merinda A., Thomas D.,
Willard H. and Lawson Elsworth--a part of whom are married; the others are yet
under the parental roof.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 41]
Townsend-Martin Overland Co.
The Townsend-Martin Overland Co., has opened its salesroom at 606 Main St., two
doors south of the Hoover furniture store. Aside from the cars, they will handle
accessories and maintain a service station. C. C. Townsend and Harry Martin are
the proprietors.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 12, 1919]
C. C. Townsend of the Townsend Martin Overland Col, Saturday purchased from H.
M. Martin his interest in the firm. Townsend has taken over all the stock and
will continue here as agent for the Overland cars. Mr. Martin has made no plans
as to what he will do.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 5, 1919]
[Adv] With Three-Point Cantilever Springs New Overland 4 seems to "Sail
Over the Roads" - - - - Townsend Overland Company, 116 East 7th, Phone 28.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 22, 1920]
WAYNE: William N. Vanmeter, Thomas Deckard and Erastus C. Andrews, Justices of
the Peace; George H. Potts, Andrew E. Dukes and James W. Torrence, Constables;
Jacob Showly, Trustee.
UNION: Thomas W. Barnett, James Ritchey and Benneville Stamm, Justices of the
Peace; Rufus B. Lampman, Henry P. Bennett and George Lebo, Constables; Isaiah
Slick, Trustee.
AUBBEENAUBBEE: John Leiter and James Hay (elect), Justices of the Peace; Andrew
Barger, Constable; John Henderson, Trustee.
LIBERTY: Job W. Johnson, Norman L. Stearns and John Aydelotte, Justices of the
Peace; Samuel W. Sellers, Constable; Robert Aitken, Trustee.
ROCHESTER: Thomas H. Howes, Thomas F. Rannells, George W. Truslow and James F.
Wagoner, Justices of the Peace; Ralph R. Smith, Edward B. Chinn, Constables;
William Mackey, Trustee.
RICHLAND: Isaac Hiatt, John Crum, Tolbert C. Shore, Justices of the Peace;
Samuel Wright, John Bonewitz, Constables; Benjamin C. Wilson, Trustee.
HENRY: Robert M. Shields, Levi Burtch, A. L. Bailey, Justices of the Peace;
Aaron Ball, Augustus McIntire, John S. Rannells, Constables; James Dawson,
NEWCASTLE: John C. Dille, Reuben Redman, Kennedy Whitman, Justices of the Peace;
Nicholas King, John Grove, Ellis Strosnider, Constables; Peter C. Dumbauld,
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 4, 1859]
TOWNSHIPS [Fulton County]
See: Fulton County Townships
TRACY, ROBERT [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Robert Tracy)
TRADING POST, THE [Bruce Lake, Indiana]
Store and restaurant operated for many years by a huge man named John Dellinger.
After his death in 1960, Al Speece ran the business but it was closed in the
TRADING POST, THE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Announcing the Reopening of THE TRADING POST, Saturday, July 31asst. We
have remodeled and redecorated the store throughout - - - We have held nothing
over from the fire - - - [Max Blumenthal]
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 29, 1943]
TRAIL OF COURAGE [Fulton County]
See: Trail of Death
Annual event sponsored by Fulton County Historical Society since 1976.
Held on Fulton County Historical Society grounds W side US-31 just N of
Tippecanoe River. to commenorate the taking of the Pottawatomie Indians from
this area to Missouri around 1845.
TRAIL OF DEATH [Fulton County]
Also see Pottawatomie Indian Monument
B. F. Stuart, former Loansport resident, now living in Carroll county, has
delved into the Indian history of this locality and submits the following
account of the deportation of the Menominee Indians, under Gen. John Tipton.
"The last treaty in the United States, made with the Pottowattomie Indians
was a very important one and was made in 1836.
"This treaty gave to our government a clear title to all lands held by them
except twenty-two sections at Twin Lakes, Marshall county, reserved in the
treaty of 1832 by Menominee and his bands.
"Some of these lands were very valuable and were coveted by the whites.
Chief Menominee would not sell or move and the government would not depart from
a fixed policy to buy their lands and a written consent for possession. It
wanted a good title.
"But Governor Wallace assumed the power and responsibility of taking these
lands by force and removing the Indians to Osage county, Kansas. He authorized
Gen. John Tipton to raise an army and proceed to the lakes to preserve the peace
which in reality meant their final removal. Tipton at once made all necessary
arrangements, hastened to the reservation and made known to Menominee the
purpose of his mission. He disarmed them and when rounded up had on roll 859.
"On September 4, 1838, the procession which was about three miles long,
began its march. It consisted of Indians on ponies and afoot; armed guards,
sixty governent wagons drawn by ox teams. On the wagons were loaded the women,
children, sick, aged and feeble. The weather was hot, the roads dry and dusty.
It proved in reality a funeral procession with an average daily death rate of
five and every camping ground a burial ground. They reached the Old Michigan
road and moved down thru Rochester to Logansport, camping on Honey Creek
September 7.
"From here the procession moved to the north bank of the Eel river and then
down on the north bank of the Wabash river to the line between Cass and Carroll
counties. From here they followed the bank of the river one-half mile, and then
at the foot of the bluff to Rattle Snake creek except about one mile which is
east of Lockport, where the road was on the bluff. They followed the above named
creek about 80 rods -- forded it -- and went up the hill through the woods and
then southwest through Conners Reserve, crossed Pleasant Run creek near the
residence of Abner Robison, then up the hill and nearly south to Pittsburg.
"The Delphi Oracle of September 15, 1838, says they passed there on the
west side of the river. That means they followed the old Delphi and Battle
Ground road, fording the Tippecanoe at Mays Point, reaching Battle Ground
September 11, where they camped. It was here that Tipton gave out $3,000 worth
of presents to allay the great discontent among the Indians.
"This is as far as the writer is able to trace the route, except that it
went through Perrysville. They reached Danville, Ill., Sept. 17, 1838.
"One very remarkable feature is that nearly all the route to Battle Ground
is today a public highway. There are events that take place in the history of a
country that the farther away in time the more important they become. Such is
the case with the various treaties with the Miami and Pottowattomie Indians and
this last removal."
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 20, 1921]
The "Trail of Death" removal of the Potawatomies from northern
Indiana was the only case in the entire U.S. history of Indian affairs where
force was used to move the Indians. It is regrettable that the Indiana governor,
David Wallace (father of Lew Wallace, Civil War general who wrote "Ben Hur")
deemed it necessary to send soldiers with guns and bayonets to remove the
Indians from Fulton, Marshall and surrounding counties. So many Indians died on
the forced march to Kansas that it is called the "Trail of Death."
In nine treaties negotiated by Abel C. Pepper, Indian agent, on the banks of the
Tippecanoe River north of Rochester in 1836, the Potawatomies ceded their land
for 50 cents to $1 an acre and agreed to move west in two years. These treaties
were signed by many different Indians with an X mark, including Chief Kewanna,
Aubbeenaubbee and his son Pau-koo-shuck. Sometimes even squaws were allowed to
sign, perhaps because they couldn't get the men to sign.
The two years were up August 5, 1838, but there were many bands of Indians
remaining, the largest of which was Chief Menominee's at Twin Lakes, south of
Plymouth. Anticipating their removal, squatters had already moved onto the
reserve and built cabins.
One of them, a Mr. Watters, made a practice of burning brush next to the
Indians' cornfields that dry summer of 1838 and firing his rifle over the heads
of Indians on the trail near his cabin. The Indians broke down Watters' door and
threatened his life, which was followed by the burning of 12 Indian cabins.
Claiming an uprising, Watters and the other white settlers petitioned the
governor for help. Wallace asked for 100 volunteers and put Gen. John Tipton in
charge of removing the Potawatomies forcibly.
Not all the white men wanted the Indians removed. Menominee did not sign the
treaty selling his land, and lawyers advised him to stay and fight it in the
courts. Meniminee claimed that whiskey was used to induce the Indians to sign
the treaties and that none of the signers were representatives of Potawatomi
property rights.
The traders did not want the Indians to leave until their debts were paid, and
would like for them to stay because the trade with them was so profitable. Some
office seekers were sticking up for the Indians, hoping thereby to get elected.
Many of the white men were genuinely sympathetic with peaceable red men and
urged them to plant corn and become respectable farmers. But the greedy
homesteaders won out and filed claims for 160 acres of free government land.
Gen Tipton sent word that there would be a meeting of all Indians at the
Catholic mission chapel at Twin Lakes. As the Indians arrived, they were
disarmed and many were shackled. On Tuesday, September 4, 1838, Menominee and
nearly 1,000 Indians were lined up and marched away at gunpoint. Their villages
were burned so they would know they had nothing to come back to.
The first night the Indians and soldiers camped at the Tippecanoe River bridge
north of Rochester, near where a DAR historical marker has been erected. That
night 20 escaped and took two horses. The next morning 51 persons were unable to
continue, and so were left to catch up later, most of them sick and the
remainder to care for them.
The second day, September 5, they marched single-file through Rochester,
stretching from one end of town to the other. They traveled only nine miles that
day, stopping at noon to camp at Mud Creek, north of Fulton, in order to have
water. The first death occurred at this camp. An Indian child died in the
evening and was buried under the present SR-25 on the morning of September 7. A
child also was born at this camp, and three Indians joined the emigrating party.
The next day the march continued and they camped at Logansport for three nights,
awaiting more wagons and supplies. From there they headed west.
The order of march was as follows: First the U.S. flag carried by a dragoon
(regular soldier), then one of the principal officers, next the staff baggage
carts, then the carriage for the Indian chiefs, then one or two chiefs on
horseback led a line of 250 to 300 men, women and children in single file. On
the flanks of this line at equal distance from each other were the dragoons and
volunteers hastening the stragglers, often with severe gestures and bitter
After this cavalry, came a file of 40 wagons filled with baggage and Indians.
The sick were lying in them, rudely, jolted under a canvas which far from
protecting them from dust and heat, only deprived them of air and several died.
On every page of the journals kept by Gen. Tipton and Jesse Douglas, the
enrolling agent, are recorded the deaths. The trail is marked by about 150
graves of infants and the elderly and weak.
The weather was hot and dry and water was scarce. White people were also dying
in the villages they passed through. Eye-witnesses recalled that the Indians
cried "Bish, bish" (water) as they went by. Their food consisted of
beef and flour cooked in the evening camps. The procession was as sad as a
funeral march, and many Indians slipped away. They arrived in Illinois with only
859 Indians.
At Danville Ill., the priest Benjamin Petit caught up and was able to uplift the
spirits of the Indians. Gen. Tipton and his militia withdrew, leaving William
Polke and Father Petit in charge. Menominee and two other recalcitrant chiefs
were kept in caged wagon, a jail on wheels, until Father Petit gained their
release in Danville. Petit had baptized Menominee and many others into the
Christian faith.
The trip took 61 days, arriving at the Osage River in Kansas the first week of
November. On the way back to Indiana, Father Petit died in St. Louis from
malaria and fatigue.
The Indians that slipped back to Indiana were conducted west in later
emigrations under Alexis Coquillard, the last one in 1851. But no deaths or
desertions were reported, only trouble with liquor.
[The Trail of Death, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
"It was a sad and mournful sight to see these children of the forest
slowly leaving the home of their childhood, that contained not only the graves
of their revered ancestors, but also many endearing scenes which their memories
would ever recall as sunny spots along their pathway through the wilderness. . .
"As they looked mournfully back toward these loved scenes that were rapidly
fading in the distance, tears fell from the cheeks of the downcast warrior, old
men trembled, women wept, the swarthy maiden's cheek turned pale, and sighs of
half-suppressed sobs escaped from the groups as they passed along, some on foot,
some on horseback and others in wagons. Sad as a funeral procession. . . .
"At times one of the party would start out into the brush and break back to
their encampments on Eel River or on the Tippecanoe, declaring they would rather
die than be driven from their country. Thus, scores of discontented Indians
returned from different points on their journey; and it was several years before
they could be induced to join their tribes west of the Mississippi."
[Moore Family, Reba Moore Shore, Fulton County Folks, Vol. 1, by Shirley
TRAMPS [Rochester, Indiana]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
The 8 1/2 by 14 inch ledger is in remarkably good condition, considering it is
128 years old. Even more remarkable is its existence, for it was snatched from
incineration 35 or so years ago, when county officials cleaned out the
Courthouse attic by quietly burning three truckfuls of old records.
Legally, such an act could not be repeated today without first advising persons
and organizations which preserve irreplaceable historical documents. Saved from
that conflagation was this ledger, which contains a register of county jail
prisoners It was kept by six Fulton County sheriffs from 1869, through 1892,
after which, a larger jail was occupied at Eighth and Madison Streets. Its
entries recall for us late 20th century descendants some less savory aspects of
19th century life in a small rural town, but are no less engaging for all that.
The jail register was lent to me for study by a former sheriff, Laurence Norris.
It was given to him after being pulled from the bonfire by Don Karns, then a
deputy to Sheriff Willard Clark. Norris was Clark's predecessor, having served a
record 12 years after his election in 1946 at age 32 as the county's
youngest-ever sheriff. Clark, by the way, was the third youngest at 34 after
Andrew A. Gast, 33, who was sheriff in 1892 when the register's last entries
were made.
The county hoosegow which was the setting for these long-ago arrests was a small
place of only 34 by 30 feet built in 1851 and located in the public square, east
of the 1847 brick courthouse. A dwelling occupied the second floor.
Although not pretentious, the jail was solid with brick walls 18 inches thick.
The inside walls were covered with a double coating of two-inch oak plank
secured by rows of heavy nails. In the center of the room were small cells that
were surrounded by a corridor into which prisoners were allowed daytime access.
Such a secure lockup would seem impervious to escape and, indeed, during the 23
years covered by the register only two prisoners managed it, both during 1876.
William Cornett, in for grand larceny, took flight July 26, perhaps having
learned how from Abraham White, who had broken out April 22. Sheriff Sidney Moon
lost little sleep over either departure, simply signing out each prisoner as
'discharged.' He considered it good riddance, evidently having better things to
do than ride his horse off on wild goose chases.
Escapee White was fleeing a charge rarely seen now on a court docket:
fornication. In those days, in fact, people were incarcerated for other reasons
not encountered today,: insanity, bastardy. desertion, debt, betting, breaking
of Sabbath, insubordination, blackmail. The Victorian society's strict code of
behavior was in full sway.
Also jailed, however, were the expected horse and chicken thieves, an arsonist
or two, an abortionist, bigamist, embezzler, burglars, four for rape and one for
incest, besides others charged with animal cruelty and quite a few with assault
and battery. One who showed up regularly for county hospitality was William
(sometimes listed as U.S. or Uriah) Weirick. He was a Mexican War veteran with
great affection for the bottle. Others appear regularly, too, some with colorful
names: Irish Johnny, Happy Jack, Shorty, John Goldenhorse and Injin Charley.
Showing up most frequently were arrests for drunkenness and vagrancy, by which
aspects of local public life a century ago are revealed.
Public intoxication was constant and common. Sheriffs and marshals kept busy
seeing that the drunks did not bother proper folks. During 1882, as an example,
184 men were jailed to sober up, each for 1-3 days; mahy were back again soon.
Saloons were numerous, many of their customers idled by widespread unemployment
that had become a scourge on society.
Economic hard times had helped spawn the vagrants, or tramps. After the 1873
Panic hit the nation, thousands of these homeless men wandered the country
begging, stealing, vandalizing and worse. They became a national phenomenon and
as their presence continued into the 1890s Americans had begun to loath them as
hateful outcasts.
Their "filthy, impudent" visits here were a daily occurrence,
according to a Sentinel account in 1885 that called them "barnacles of
creation who purposely appear at homes when husbands are at work to frighten and
annoy women." Authorities were beseeched to "abolish them
Hence many of the ledger's 73 pages are filled with their arrests, most commonly
during winter and spring seasons. Each year it got worse. In 1887-88, Sheriff
Robert Wallace jailed 101 vagrants, but Sheriff Gast locked up 113 in 1888-89
and 136 in 1889-90. Each was kept overnight and fined from 60 to 80 cents.
Not everyone hereabout was jailed for mundane offenses in those ancient days.
Charges of murder cried out for my further investigation.
Details of what turned out to be some surprisingly lurid cases now will be
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 24, 1997]
[Adv] TRANSBARGER & KARN ICE CREAM CO. Use only high test ingredients in the
manufacture of their products. The factory is strictly sanitary. A visit will
satisfy you of this assertion. They will deliver orders to any part of the city
or lake. PHONE, Factory 196-02, House, 66. 425 N. Main St.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 15, 1913]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Why don't we take an auto trip, said Carrie to her sister Oretta. We could visit
relatives in Illinois and Iowa, see the sights and maybe even venture into the
woods of Minnesota. Brother Charley's willing to go along and drive, he has a
new Chevie, it's summertime and the weather is perfect.
Oretta (called Etta) agreed, and the three of them set out from Mishawaka June
28 on a month-long journey of 1,900 miles. Charlie was free to go, having
separated from his wife. Carrie was recently widowed and needed a cheering
change; Etta's husband Robert stayed home.
Their auto tour may seem commonplace but what makes it interesting is that the
trip was made in 1924. Furthermore, Carrie and Etta each kept daily journals
that evoke some of what it was like to travel the interior of these United
States 75 years ago, before Interstate Highways and Holiday Inns.
Carrie's grandson is Ben Severns of Athens, a friend since my RHS days, who
kindly allowed me to copy his transcription of the women's journals. The three
travelers - Charley McMillen, Carrie Oliver and Oretta Wylie - were the children
of Henry McMillen, who with a government grant had established a farm east of
Green Oak when he returned from the Civil War.
The trip was made in Charley's 1924 Chevrolet, a four-door touring model with
cloth top and open sides that could be closed from weather with curtains. It
listed at $495. The cost could be as much as $640 if one added such options as
disc wheels. bumpers, running boards with step plates. nickled radiator shell,
headlamps and a Boyce Moto-Meter, which was a thermometer cap for the radiator.
It was powered by a 22 horsepower motor and ran on hard tires. The softer
balloon tires did not appear until the next year.
By 1924 the automobile fast was becoming the necessity in American life that it
is today. More than 20 million of them existed in a nation of 25 million
families. National traveling was not quite the adventure it had been 10 years
before, yet all roads still were two lanes with long stretches of unpaved dirt.
Only the main highways around cities were being improved to concrete. Many that
remained in gravel had been widened, though, and made less likely to turn into
gluey mud with bad weather.
Speeds averaged 35-40 mph over a day's travel and one rarely tried to drive more
than 200 miles in a day. Numbering of highways did not begin until 1926 and so
major roads had names. That made it difficult at times to understand their
identities and directions in the forest of signs encountered at intersections.
The Lincoln Highway, Ram Bow Trail, Jefferson Highway, A.Y.C. Trail and Glacier
Trail all were recorded by Carrie during her travels.
Motors still tended to be unreliable, although easier to repair than today's.
Blowouts of the hard tires came with resounding explosions. There were few
roadside rooms to let overnight and finding a good meal was not always easy.
We know nothing from brother Charlie, the driver, concerning any of the
breakdowns and frustrations he encountered. His sisters mention just four
mechanical difficulties. One day there were two blowouts and a tire puncture
that kept the trio out until 1 a.m. Another day a "garageman" was
called to repair a faulty starter. The other two pauses were unexplained, the
sisters evidently considering they were Charley's problems to worry about, not
Two other impediments were encountered, though, both on the return trip. A pig
got in the way and was run over, its probable death unconfirmed by the journals.
On another occasion the three of them looked back to find that a 10-car caravan
of Ku Klux Klan members had caught up with them. It followed closely for 20
miles into Rochester, Minnesota; "guess they thought we were part of
it," wrote Etta. That night, 45 miles further east at Winona, the Klan
burned a cross on the hills overlooking the Mississippi that could be seen by
the three Hoosiers from their hotel. The mid-20s were the peak of KKK activity
in the Midwest.
This trip was planned around visits to relatives living at appropriate stops
along the way. When that advantage was not available, overnight stays were in
hotels; the motel was unknown. Hotels were cheap enough, less than $2 a night,
but so was everything else compared to-today.
Breakfast cost 30 cents, noon dinner 55 cents, evening supper 60 cents. Gas was
about 25 cents a gallon and the 22-hp motor didn't, eat it up as quickly as do
today's engines.
The Mishawakans' route took them past Gary to Paw Paw in north central Illinois,
across the Mississippi to Independence, Iowa, and then to the north central
vfllage of Thornton. For two weeks a bevy of relatives entertained them in the
Mason City, Clear Lake and Fort Dodge.area.
None of Charley's daily drives were of more than 200 miles except for a 265-mile
leap into Minnesota's dense woodlands, taken with no apparent concern after the
Iowa visit. The trio spent a week in a relative's log cabin at Mitten Lake,
located near huge Leech Lake in far north central Minnesota. There they loafed,
swam, boated, caught many fish including an 18-incher by Etta and endured rain
leaking onto their beds one night in a storm. All in all, it was a great place,
but "give me the farmland," concluded Carrie, "It's not so
The journals of Carrie and Etta contain few complaints about their motoring
adventure. Surely, the Chevie must have been an uncomfortable ride on its hard
tires and the bumpy gravel roads from which dust constantly drifted through the
open sides during long days at 35-40 mph. No matter. With pluck and enthusiasm,
they played the hand that was dealt them 75 years ago and had a grand time doing
it. Carrie and Etta's diary entries prove it to be so and I choose to believe
that Charlie enjoyed himself as well. If for nothing else, their experience is
worthwhile recalling to reinforce our appreciation of how easy we today have it
on the road.
The threesome did live long enough to experience better traveling conditions
themselves. Carrie lived to age 95, dying in 1973. The other two expired at age
79, Charley in 1948 and Etta in 1955.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 8, 1999]
Treasure Island, located W of the Elks Lodge and E of Wolf's Point Drive.
TRI-COUNTY GAZETTE [Mentone, Indiana]
Bernard Clayton, owner and publisher of the Akron News, completed a deal
Thursday, whereby he became owner of the Tri-County Gazette, at Mentone. Mr.
Clayton will take charge immediately and will continue to publish the paper
along the policy carried out in the past. C. N. Smith has owned and published
the Tri-County Gazette a score of years, and has always put out an up to date
weekly. It is not known whether he intends to retire or not.
Mr. Clayton will continue to live at Akron and publish the News while he
maintains supervison over his other paper. He has not decided who will edit the
Gazette. The plant has long been considered one of the best equipped printing
offices for its size in this district.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 19, 1919]
TRI KAPPAS [Rochester, Indiana]
See Orphans, Children of France
The Tri-Kappa Sorority at their meeting Tuesday night voted to furnish milk for
45 students of the Rochester Public Schools who were found to be underweight in
a recent survey by the school nurse. The children selected by the sorority are
ones whose parents cannot afford to buy them milk. Many other children were
found to be underweight in the examination conducted by the school nurse. Their
parents have been notified of the finding of the school nurse and many have
taken steps to see that their children are more properly fed.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 18, 1928]
TRIMBLE MILLINER SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
New Milliner Shop. The Ladies of Rochester and vicinity will be pleased to learn
that Miss Mattie Trimble has just returned from Chicago with a complete stock of
Millinery and Ladies Dress Trimmings . . . Store at her residence one square
west of the Court House.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, October 25, 1866]
Millinery! Miss Mattie Trimble, having renewed her Millinery Stock at her
former place of business on Jefferson Street, would invite her customers and all
others to call. . . Rochester, Oct. 30, 1867.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, October 31, 1867]
See Maurice Shelton.
TROSTER BAKERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Frederick Troster, late of Logansport, has established a bakery in the north
room of the Mammoth Building.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, July 23 1868]
The happiest man in the national republican convention at Chicago yesterday was
John E. Troutman of Rochester, Indiana, who disposes justice for profit and
original poetry for pleasure. He was happy because he had a seat on the stage
where he could look down on United States senators, millionaires and such and in
the same row of seats with Alice Roosevelt Longworth and her husband Nick. It
happened like this: Two years ago Ed Fitzpatrick of Portland was a candidat for
clerk of the supreme court and sent out letters to republican voters. Troutman
received one and answered it with a dutch poem in which it was set forth that
His Honor didn't like the name Fitz -- it being so Irish like. Fitzpatrick
considered the dutch reply to his letter a gem and the two at once became
At the big republican convention Troutman was without a ticket. But he happened
to see Fitz and the latter now being a state officer, he had a stand in with
National Chairman Harry New and got Troutman a ticket. And imagine his surprise
and rare pleasure when he went to the convention and was ushered to a seat on
the stage within a few feet of the speaker's stand and in the same row of seats
with Alice and Nick. And more than this it is said that when he mounted the
stage some one said: "here's a poet," and there was great clapping of
hands. His Honor had not shaved for several days, his hair was slightly
Chicagoed befrizzle, and the crowd mistook him for Joaquin Miller, the
"Poet of the Sierras."
Local rumor has it that the affair was smoothly planned to put Troutman under
imaginary obligations to the republican party to try to stop him from wearing a
democratic badge the balance of the campaign.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 17, 1908]
This is to certify to the public that I have formed a partnership with Wallace
& Son in the insurance business and moved in with them, over Marsh'a
grocery, where we are ready to give you the best possible insurances at all
times, at the lowest possible rate. Come and see us. Respectfully, J. E.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 12, 1910]
By John E. Troutman
Ye editor has requested me to write something of the pioneer days of Fulton
county. I close my eyes and look at the past, as memory spreads it out before
me. As I turn the pages of time back, one by one, year by year, decade by
decade, score by score, how quickly the scene changes from the present
beautiful, well improved country, dotted with white farm dwellings and red
barns, gravel roads, railroads, telegraph lines, telephone lines, flourishing
cities and towns, to the primeval forests and prairies, with a cultivated patch
here and there on the dry places, in the midst of which stood the rude log
cabin, thatched with clapboards, built up against a huge chimney, daubed inside
and out with red clay, and log stables covered with prairie hay, dirt roads,
winding around the edge of prairies and ponds, crossing streams where it was
shallow enough to ford.
But there is one thing I can see in this picture of half century ago that looks
good to me, that I can't see in the panorama of the present, and that is the
wild game. There was plenty of it here then. Deer in abundance everywhere; wild
turkeys in droves, in the woods; all the big prairie west of Rochester, to
Pleasant Grove (now Kewanna), was alive with wild ducks, wild geese, sandhil
crane, prairie chickens, and quail. Not a patch of wood but you could hear all
kinds of squirrels--red, black and gray, fox barking and pheasants drumming.
Every fall of the year, at mast time, the air was fairly black with wild
pigeons. There was a pigeon-roost in the great willow patch southwest of
Rochester, where now is the beautiful Lovatt farm, where we used to go with
lanterns, clubs and meal-sacks. The willows were breaking with pigeons roosting
there, and we could knock down and kill all we could carry in a little while.
Oh, I liked to hunt pigeons; it was so easy. All you had to do in the morning or
evening, was to stand and shoot into the flocks as they flew past, bringing down
a bunch at every shot, or slip around in the woods on a wet day and find the top
of some tall dead tree black with them, crawl up under it, point your gun up
that way, shut your eyes and pull trigger, then pick up a dozen or more. Oh, it
was fun and such easy fun.
All the streams and lakes were alive with the best varieties of edible fish. So
plenty were they in Lake Manitou, that oftimes the water wheel of the old
gristmill at the outlet would get clogged with them. I remember, when a boy of
eleven years, of seeing a seining party finish up a series of hauls in
Tippecanoe river near the John Leiter farm, where now is the town of Leiters
Ford, and they hauled and carried away eleven two-bushel sacks full of pike,
bass and redhorse. The smaller varieties they threw back into the river. I am
willing to make affidavit in Judge Ewing's court that I have helped haul a
thirty-foot seiner in Mud creek, fifty times or more, and the average haul would
not be less than a bushel of as fine pike, suckers and goggle-eyes as ever
graced a frying pan. Now let Mel Gibbons, Willis Peters and Nels Kirkendall take
the stand if they can beat it. There was no lynx-eyed game law then, and farmers
did not flock to the Sentinel office to buy "No Hunting on These
Premises" signs.
You didn't have to have a license with your photogrph pinned to your
hunting-shirt. The game was free and you could hunt it wherever you pleased and
find plenty of it anywhere. And this natural and bountiful suppy of game and
fish was a Godsend to the pioneer settlers of this country. The wolf of hunger
would have crossed the threshold of many a cabin door had it not been for this.
Well, I never was much of a hunter and I don't want to be the hero in any of the
stories of this article. And besides, the foundation of all the big hunting
yarns date back to a time when I was too young to do more than remember. But I
have an excellent memory, and s stil better imagination. I did though, once kill
a deer. I had been to Bumbarger's orchard to see if the ramboes were ripe, and
on the way home, going through a thicket of hazel brush, I saw one. I could only
see the tips of its ears and long hair on its neck. I ran home and told mother,
and said I wantd to shoot it. She helped me load the old musket with powder and
buck-shot and I went back, crawled through the brush to the spot I had marked by
leaving my cap and sure enough, there it was. I was trembling like a leaf. I
believe Mr. Dawson called it "buck fever". I cocked the musket and
steadied it in the fork of a bush, got a bead, shut both eyes and pulled the
trigger. As soon as I recovered from the shock, I got up and heard a racket
where the deer had been and knew something had happened. I went to the spot and
found it was dead as a herring, half of its head was shot away. Well, as I stood
in the presence of grim death, I didn't feel as good as I thought I would. In
fact, I was ashamed of the deed I had committed. And I made up my mind to just
let it lay and tell no one anything about it, not even my mother. She asked me
about the deer when I returned, and I said it was gone. She asked me what I was
shooting at and I repied "a rabbit." The next day our Dutch neighbor,
John Fishely, was making a great howl about some one shooting his little yelow
calf, but I never mentioned any names.
I killed a wild turkey once, too, but the owner caught me at it. My mother had
to pay for it, and I had to take my meals standing up for a week. Such
experiences were not calculated to encourage one of my age in the pursuit of
wild game.
Late in the fall of 1861, Uncle Jimmy Burton, for whom the school house and
neighborhood thereabout was named, came to our house one afernoon and said to my
stepfather, Willim Mossman, "Say Bill, me and Richard was up to the ridge
for a load of hay, this morning, and the little ridge was covered with deer
tracks. They're feedin' on the acorns." "The D----l you say,"
said Pap, as I called him. Uncle Jimmy and Pap soon had arrangements made to go
to the little ridge that night and watch for deer. The ridge referred to was the
sandhill just west of Mud creek, where is now the farm of Mel Slick. There was a
pole shanty there, where the Milliser boys camped part of the time, to trap and
hunt and feed cattle in the winter time, or make wild hay in the summer. There
was always something there to eat and drink; especially drink. The little ridge
was about a quarter of a mile west of it. I was only ten years old, but I wanted
to go along. Pap was an awful fellow to swear. He could swear by note in all the
meters and ragtime, and he said: "No! What the h--l would a little
snot-nose like you do watchin' for deer?" But Uncle Jimmy said, "Oh,
let the lad go long, he can stay in the shanty and keep fire. We may get cold
towards morning, and want some place to warm." So I went. We reached the
shanty before sundown, and went to the ridge to review the deer signs. Pap and
Uncle Jimmy picked out the trees they would roost in to watch for the deer and
shoot them by moonlight. I heard Pap say: "They'll come about three o'clock
in the morning, just about the time the moon gets up good, and then we'll give'm
h--l. They wont run away when we shoot, unless they see us, and they won't be
apt to look up a tree for us."
We went back to the shanty, started a fire in the old stove, made some coffee
and fried some bacon. Pap removed some straw from one corner of the snanty and
lifted up a board that covered a hole in the ground. He ran his arm in the hole,
then looked up, smiled and said: "She's here all right, Jim!" then he
pulled a black gallon jug out of the hole. No, I dont know what was in it. They
didn't ask me to taste it; I think though, it was something to keep folks warm,
for I heard Pap say to Uncle Jimmy, just before they started: "Better take
a purty good snort of it, Jim, we'll get pretty d---d cold before mornin'."
After we had fed and watered and Uncle Jimmy had told his usual batch of witch
and ghost stories, they left me in the shanty and went to the watch, and a
lonely time I had of it. I heard all kinds of noises in the night, and wished a
hundred times that I had not been so anxious to come along.
The hoot-owls hooted and the screech-owls screeched, and now and then a wolf
would howl a sound that I was perfectly acquainted with. Under ordinary
circumstances it had no terrors, but being alone, in a lonely place, and
thinking of the ghost stories I had recently heard, it had all the tendency to
keep my hair standing up straight.
I barricaded the door with all the furniture I could pile against it and went to
bed in the bunk of straw, covering with the robes and blankets. I went to sleep
and did not waken until I heard pounding on the shanty door and recognized my
stepfather demanding admittance. The first thing he said to me was: "We got
'em Jawny--three of 'em," and I said "bully." Pap and Uncle Jimmy
started me home at once for the old horse. Uncle Jimmy insisted that I better
get his team, but Pap said he thought we could tie them together and swing them
across old Charley and he'd take them home all right. I think I made the three
miles in about thirty minutes. Just as the sun was coming up, I ate a bite of
johnny-cake spread with sorghum molasses, drank a cup of milk and straddled old
Charley and gallopped away, my Uncle Jesse Blandin following as fast as he
could. He was a boy some four years my senior.
I got to the shanty by the time Pap and Uncle Jimmy had their breakfast and got
the jug put away, and we all went to the little ridge for the deer. And there
they were-- three in a row. Old Charley acted like he smelt something and when
he got sight of them he at once went through a complete transformation, from the
gentle old fmily horse that he was to a bucking broncho.
Uncle Jimmy shook his head and said: "He won't carry 'em, Bill." But
Pap said he'd fix him, and took off his wamus and put it over the old horse's
head, completely blindfolding him. That seemed to make him easier and they tied
the legs of two of the deer together and swung them gently across his back, then
laid the other one on top and tied it fast with prairie hay. They hoisted me on
top of it a, gave me the rein, took the bandage from his eyes and told me to go.
I started him, and the holy Saint Peter, when the deer heads began to dangle on
his flanks, he reared, pitched and bucked, knocked over Uncle Jesse, who was
trying to hold him down, and threw me about twenty feet into a briar patch,
kicked the deer gally west and made a bee line for home and there we were. My
stepfather didn't simply swear; he raved, and cussed, and swore he'd shoot old
Charley, soon as he got home--but he didn't. Uncle Jimmy talked him out of it.
Well, there was nothing to do but carry them home. We got two poles and Pap and
Uncle Jimmy took the two smallest and swung them across the pole, and Uncle
Jesse and I took the other, and I being smallest, Uncle Jesse said I might take
the short end of the pole. We had to rest every quarter of a mile, but we got
home along toward noon. Mother said old Charley had been there for three hours
or more.
My stepfather, being a noted deer hunter, venison was as common an article of
food on his table, as liver is on mine now. Charles Brackett, who will be
remembered by many old citizens, was a prominent physicain of this county at
that time, and was also a genial good fellow. Being quite fond of venison and an
occasional chase, he would often call at our primitive cabin and join my
stepfather in a deer hunt, or carry home with him on his buckboard, a saddle of
fat doe-hams for which he would make a liberal credit on his ledger in payment
for pills, quinine and other "Physick." One morning, just few days
before Christmas, 1859, I awoke from my slumbers in the cabin loft and found the
floor as well as the feather-bed I slept under, covered with snow, a thing not
infrequent, as the roof of the cabin was covered with clapboards, through which
there were many cracks and the cracks between the logs, from the loft up, not
being very well chinked and not daubed at all, every time it snowed, the flakes
would sift or blow through the crevices or cracks between the logs and cover the
whole loft. But we children did not mind it much, and I presume were the
healthier for the fresh air we enjoyed. We slept under heavy duck-feather ticks
and a skift of snow on top made it all the warmer, and the snow was always swept
down the hatch hole and out of doors before it melted.
One particular morning when I climbed down the ladder from the loft, about the
time the first beams of old Sol were peeping over the tree tops, I discovered a
visitor already there, in no less a personage than Doctor Charles Brackett. And
I heard him saying to my stepfather: "Say Bill, where's your dimmijohn?"
And then talked about the fine snow, and it being a good day for them, and easy
to track, etc., and that kind of talk continued while Mother fried the bacon and
baked a jonny cake and made the coffee, and then they sat down to breakfast. I
was just a bit bashful in those days, and didn't often go to the table to eat
when we had company. That morning, while they were eating, I went out to the
road to take a look at the Doctor's horse and buck board, and try a wade in the
fresh snow. Just west of the cabin was a cleared patch of ground and then a
dense patch or thicket of white oak grubs. And there at the edge of the thicket,
where some corn rows stood not yet shucked, I saw three deer. I immediately ran
into the house and said: "Pap, there's a hull drove of deers in the clearin',"
indicating which clearing with a gesture. My stefather jumped from the table and
said: "Come on, Doc." He took his rifle and shot-pouch from the rack,
and struck out, and the Doctor said to my mother: "Mandy, where's my
hat?" He put it on and ran to his buck board for his gun and powder horn
and they were off. My stepfather got a shot at the deer and crippled one. I went
out to the place and saw blood on the snow, but no deer and no hunters. I went
back to the house and my mother said: "Jonny, we'd better find some place
or Doc's horse, for if they've crippled a deer they won't come back till they
git it." We unhitched the horse and put him in the smokehouse, that being
the nearest approach to a stable there was on the premises.
Then I heard Mother say, half to herself, "That doctor hain't got a bit of
sense." and I said, "Why ain't he Maam?" for I had always
regarded the doctor as a man of unlimited knowledge. "Why," said she,
"he hain't got no boots on at all, nuthin' but low slippers, and he'll
freeze his feet and catch his death of cold wadin' in this snow that way."
I don't remember what o'clock it was, but it was nearly dark when the hunters
returned, but they had the deer, a fine big fat doe, and were dragging it
between them with a couple of hooked sticks. I remember hearing them tell Mother
how many miles they had run it, across the Tippecanoe river and back again, and
how the Doctor broke through the ice and came near going under, and afterward
lost one of his slipers in the snow and had to dig around in the snow a long
time before he found it.
They were tired, wet and cold but happy, contented and cheerful. The Doctor took
off his slippers nd roasted the reddest pair of feet before the fireplace I ever
saw. After they were warm and dry, they skinned the deer and selected some nice
broiling steak from the loins. Just before I received notice from my mother to
climb the ladder to my bed in the loft, I remember seeing my stefather and the
doctor sitting flat down on the hearth bvefore the old fireplace, each broiling
venison on a "spit" and I am not sure but the famous "dimmijohn"
was near by, for my stepfather could not keep house without it, anyhow I heard
the doctor say: "Say Bill, this is what I call livin'."
And as I crawled under my duck-feather bed and the arms of Morheus wrapped about
me and shut out the conscious world, the prayer I breathed to my maker was:
"Oh Lord, when I get big let me be a doctor or a deer hunter, or both, I
don't care which."
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. I, 1910, pp. 14-20]
The poems written by John Troutman, famous local poet, are going to be published
for the benefit of his relatives and friends. His son, Earl Troutman, is at
present making a collection of all of his father's poems which he has written
during his lifetime and will have them printed in book form.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 29, 1924]
TROUTMAN, JOHN EMORY [Rochester, Indiana]
JOHN E. TROUTMAN (Biography)
A native of Fulton county, John E. TROUTMAN, was born in 1851 and left an orphan
at the age of six months. His youthful life was one of many hardships and he
earned his own living since 10 years old. He secured a good common school
education and began teaching at the age of 20 and has continued in the
profession for 24 years. He moved from his farm to Rochester in 1887 and has
since resided here. For 10 years he has held the farm agency for the Home
Insurance Co., and is now Justice of the Peace. He takes great pride in the
prompt settlement of his insurance losses, and writes deeds, mortgages, etc.,
makes loans and collections and guarantees satisfaction in all of his work. He
married Miss Malina NEFF and they have two children, a son and a daughter. Mr.
Troutman's office is over Dawson's Drug Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
John E. Troutman, born in Fulton county, Ind., April 17, 1851, is a son of John
and Amanda (Blandin) Troutman. The father was born in 1828 in Kentucky. He died
in Fulton county, Ind., in 1851. He was a son of Ambrose Troutman, also a native
of Kentucky, and a son of Michael Troutman, who was born in Germany and
emigrated to America and settled in Pennsylvania, where he died. The mother of
the subject of this sketch was born in 1830, in New york and died in Fulton
county, Ind., in 1875. She was a daughter of Jesse and Maria Blandin, who were
of German lineage. Her parents removed from New York to Ohio, thence to Indiana,
settling in Fulton county, near Leiters Ford, in 1840. Ambrose Troutman, the
paternal grandfather of J. E. Troutman, removed from Kentucky to Attica, Ind.,
in 1828. In 1839 he settled in Fulton county, near Kewanna. The marriage of John
Troutman and Amanda Blandin occurred in Fulton county. The subject of this
mention is their only child. His father died in the same year the son was born.
His mother remained on the farm and the management of the farm was assumed by
John E., when he was but eleven years of age. His mother's second husband was
William Mossman, who served in the civil war for four years. During his absence,
while in the service, John E. took charge of the farm. Hard work and
perseverance, therefore, he shared very early in life. He had but little time
for going to school, but attended the country schools a little and while at home
by the fireside he applied himself to his books, and at the age of twenty years
he became a teacher in the district schools. For twenty-three years he taught in
the schools of Fulton county. He has always had farm interests and lived on the
farm till 1886, when he became a resident of Rochester. He was elected justice
of the peace in 1884, but on removing to Rochester he resigned the office. In
1894 he was elected justice of the peace again and is the present incumbent of
that office. He is a republican in politics, is a member of the Evangelical
church of Rochester, member of the order of Red Men and of the I.O.O.F. In 1884
Mr. Troutman married Malina Neff, of Fulton county. She was born in Pennsylvania
in 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Troutman have two children: Chloe and Earl.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
p. 140]
The poems written by John Troutman, famous local poet, are going to be published
for the benefit of his relatives and friends. His son Earl Troutman is at
present making a collection of all of his father's poems which he has written
during his lifetime and will have them printed in book form.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 29, 1924]
TROUTMAN, PETER S. [Union Township]
Capt. P. S. Troutman. - Peter S. Troutman was born January 4, 1833, in
Bartholomew County, Ind. His father, Greenup Troutman, was born in Kentucky in
1811, and removed with his parents to Bartholomew County, Ind., at the age of
ten years. He was reared in that county, and was married there, in February,
1832, to Miss Mahala Shoemaker. In 1833, he removed to Clinton County, Ind., and
was engaged in agricultural pursuits there for about six years. In 1839, he came
to Fulton County, and located on the farm now occupied by his son, the subject
of this sketch. He was one of the earliest pioneers of Union Township, and
during his life was one of its most energetic citizens. He died on the 9th of
May, 1847. His wife survived until 1859, having, in the meantime, married Joseph
Robinson and returned to Bartholomew County, Ind., where she resided until
Peter, the subject of this sketch, came with his father's family to Fulton
County when six years of age. His early life was passed amid pioneer
surroundings, and at an early age he began to contribute his services in the
labor of clearing and improving the home farm. At intervals in the winter he
attended the district schools, and by diligent study acquired a good common
school education. When twenty-three years of age, he made his first venture in
the commercial world, by shipping a carload of sheep to the Chicago market. This
was the first load of stock ever shipped from this township, but he did not
continue in this line, although his first venture proved very successful. At the
age of twenty-five years, he began teaching school, and continued in this
occupation, during the winter seasons, until the close of the winter term of
1862. In July of that year he enlisted as a private soldier in Company E of the
Eighty-seventh Indiana Regiment, and here began a life that had never been taken
into account in his youthful calculations. For two years and eleven months he
followed the fortunes of war, and although often in the thickest of the fray, he
was never injured, though on two different occasions his clothing was pierced by
bullets. Upon the organization of his regiment, he was chosen First Lieutenant
of his company, and went to the field in that capacity. At South Tunnel, Tenn.,
on the 19th of December, 1862, he was advanced to the office of Captain of his
company, vice Capt. A. T. Jackson, resigned. The regiment was sent to the
defense of Louisville, which was under a threatened attack by Bragg. Their first
active work was in a skirmish with Bragg's rear guard, on the 6th of October,
1862, and on the 8th of the same month they participated in the battle of
Perryville, Ky. From that time until the close of the war, Capt. Troutman was
constantly with his company, taking part in all the battles in which his
regiment was engaged, except the battle of Missionary Ridge, which was fought
while he was sick. These included all the battles of the Atlanta campaign, and,
indeed, from Ringgold to Jonesboro, it was almost a continuous battle-field. On
the "march to the sea," the army was compelled to subsist upon the
country they passed through, and a foraging brigade was organized by selecting
men from each company of the several regiments, who were placed under the
command of a Major. Capt. Troutman was chosen to fill the office of commander of
this party, and on one occasion encountered a large force of the enemy, who
greatly outnumbered his own men. A fight ensued, in which several of his men
were captured, yet they inflicted such heavy loss upon the enemy that he was
glad to quit the field. Once before, on the 4th of August, 1864, Capt. Troutman,
aided by his First Lieutenant, averted a stampede of the regiment by his
coolness and prompt action. On this occasion, they were marching through a dense
thicket, and were surprised by the reserve forces of the enemy's picket, who
opened fire upon them from ambush. The suddenness of the attack demoralized the
Union boys, who began to flee to the rear, but the Captain stepped from his
place, and, intercepting their flight, rallied and re-formed the soldiers,
without the co-operation of the superior officers. During the South Carolina
campaign, the Colonel was absent, and the duty of commanding the regiment
devolved upon the Major. Thereupon Capt. Troutman was appointed to act as Major,
and served in that capacity during all of that campaign. He received a hearty
recommendation from his General to Gov. Morton, for a commission as Colonel, and
but for the termination of the war shortly afterward, would undoubtedly have
been promoted to this office, as new regiments were being organized and the
services of experienced officers were in demand. He served his country well, and
only laid down his sword when there was no further use for it in the field. He
was mustered out with his regiment on the 10th of June, 1865, and returned to
his home. For a few months after his return, he was engaged in mercantile
pursuits at Kewanna, but finding this prejudicial to his health, he sold his
stock and retired to his farm, where he has ever since been engaged in
agricultural pursuits, in connection with the live-stock trade.
In politics he has always been identified with the Republican party, and while a
zealous partisan, he has seldom sought the honors of office. But in 1872 he was
nominated by his party friends as joint Representative from the counties of
Fulton and Kosciusko, and was elected by a flattering majority, serving in the
special session of 1872 and the regular session of 1873. He gave his adhesion
warmly to the temperance legislation of that period, and was one of the zealous
supporters of the Baxter liquor bill. His identity with the temperance cause
proved prejudicial to his own interests, and was probably the secret of his
defeat for re-nomination. But he discharged his duty as his conscience dictated,
and retired with the approbation of a large proortion of his constituency. He
has always been a radical temperance man, and has been prominently identified
with various temperance organizations, including the Sons of Temperance and the
Good Templars. He organized a lodge of the latter order in the Eighty-seventh
Regiment, which produced a marked effect for good upon the morals of the
regiment. He is an active and enthusiastic Mason, having been identified with
Kewana Lodge, No. 546, from its inception. He united with the Masonic order at
Rochester, but withdrew from that lodge to become a charter member of Kewanna
He has always been an enterprising and industrious man, and by a life of energy
has accumulated a comfortable store of worldy wealth, while, by his integrity
and fair dealing with all men, he has won the esteem and good will of all who
know him. He has done as much, perhaps, as any indivdual citizen to encourage
the public improvements of the county, and has been particularly the friend of
railroad enterprises. He was one of the leading spirits in planning for a
railroad through Kewanna, and has labored zealously for the success of this
plan, which is now soon to be realized.
On the 5th of January, 1854, Mr. Troutman was united in marriage with Miss
Martha J. Harvey, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Harvey, who came to Union
Township in 1848, and were among its best citizens while they lived. Mrs.
Troutman is an excellent lady, a devoted wife and mother, and possesses the
affectionate regard of a large circle of friends. Both herself and husband are
consistent members of the Disciples Church at Kewanna. Their wedded life has
been blessed by ten children, seven of whom died in infancy. Those who still
survive are Mahala E., wife of Enoch Myers, Clauda G. and George B.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, pp. 59-60]
By 1850 John Troutman and Joel Davis had built a sawmill to provide lumber for
frame houses.
TROY POST OFFICE [Henry Township]
See: Sidconger
See: Sugar Grove School, Henry Township.
TRUE, BILLY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
TRUE, FRED [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
TRUE, MELVIN [Rochester, Indiana]
Editor News-Sentinel:
This is to remind you that on Sept. 11, 1862 John Robinson Show was in
Rochester. They had 19 wagons and one elephant, that being the largest show.
Well so Dick and I came to town the same day. I liked Rochester, so I quit the
show business and have been here ever since. I was born on Main street where
Louderback's garage is now. It was 74 years ago. I have lived to see Rochester
grow from a small village of 2 stores to a beautiful city. When I was a small
barefoot boy there were no sidewalks, no brick buildings, no automobiles, no
flying machines, no electric lights, no railroads, no paved roads. There were
plenty of ox teams and Huch pin wagons but no buggys. Plenty of Indians. Lots of
wild game. I well remember the first railroad train that came to Rochester.
People came for 25 miles around. Some came on foot, horse back, ox teams. Little
dinky engines, wood burners. They would stop in the country and wood up. My
first school days were the old log school house with slabs for seats. How times
have changed, as well as the people, but the same old world.
Your Everlasting friend,
Melvin True
544 E. Eighth St.
Old Timer
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 11, 1936]
TRUE, NOBBY, MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
TRUE, RENALDO P. "NOBBY" [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rochester Baking Company
Another successful product of Fulton County is Renaldo P. "Nobby"
TRUE, who was born 36 years ago. He acquired a good education in the common
schools and adopted teaching as his profession, following it for fifteen years.
He also learned the trade of painting and decorating but abandoned his school
and paint brush avenues a year ago when he purchased the Eagle bakery. Since
that time he has had a splendid business in the bakery, lunch and confection
line and his place is one of the neatest in the city. He married Miss Estella
MITCHELL and they have two children, a son and a daughter.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
[Adv] NOW JUST LOOK HERE. Come over to Nobby's place and buy your Cakes,
Pies, Cookies, Rolls and Bread, and stop inviting a spell of sickness by stewing
over a hot oven during these sweltering days.
He will treat you fairly and give you your money's worth. NOBBY TRUE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 1, 1899]
Nobby True decided to close his bake shop for an indefinite period and
accordingly the last bake was made yesterday. Mr. True has thought of doing this
for some time on account of the unprofitableness of the business. And now with
flour so high his thoughts were placed in action at once. Jos. Seigfred, who has
done the baking for Mr. True since his buying the business about sixteen years
ago, has not decided what he will do but he will probably be engaged in baking
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 6, 1909]
H. H. Haggerty, of Bunker Hill, has accepted a position as baker at Nobby True's
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 18, 1909]
Rinaldo P. True was born in Fulton county, Indiana, February 18, 1859, the son
of Pulaski and Elizabeth (McClary) True, the latter of whom was a native of
Virginia and came to Fulton county in 1854 with her parents, Ephraim and
Catherine McClary, who were pioneers of this county and died here. Elizabeth
McClary True was born February 14, 1834, and is still living. Pulaski True came
to Fulton county with his parents, Samuel and Arathusa (Stone) True, pioneer
settlers of the county who are buried in Mt. Zion cemetery. He died in October,
1859, at the age of twenty-five years when Rinaldo P. True was seven months old.
The mother of our subject married a second time, taking for her husband David
Hoover, and to this union, five children were born, four of whom died in
childhood, only one, Sidney Hoover, of Bristol, Tennessee, now living. Rinaldo
P. True was educated in the public and high schools of his home community and
then attended the normal school for a time. At the age of seventeen years, he
took up school teaching as a profession, which he followed until he was
thirty-five years of age. At that time he decided to engage in the more
lucrative business of conducting a restaurant, and in conjunction with this, he
has managed a highly successful baking busines known as the Rochester Bakery, of
which he is the sole proprietor, and his business has been an exceedingly
successful venture. In 1887, he married Estelle Mitchell, born in 1861, the
daughter of Charles and Isabel (Collins) Mitchell. Charles Mitchell was born in
Carroll county, Indiana, in 1834, and came to Fulton county with his parents
when he was still a small boy, and his wife was a native of New York. To Mr. and
Mrs. True have been born three children: Max M., Lucy, and Grace. Lucy True was
educated in the graded and high schools of Rochester and in DePauw University,
from which she graduated, having majored in music and English. She then studied
art in Indianapolis and is now a teacher of art and music in Ft. Wayne, Indiana,
having previously taught those subjects in Albion, Montpelier, and Hartford
City, Indiana. Grace True was educated in the graded and high schools of
Rochester. She took an extra year in high school studying typewriting and
shorthand. She was then employed in the office of the Rochester Sentinel until
her marriage to John A. Barrett, which occurred in 1922. In fraternal circles,
Mr. True is a valued member of the Masons, the Knights of Pythias, and the
Modern Woodmen of America. He and his wife are members of the Methodist
Episcopal church.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 288-289, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
Charles Stewart, owner and operator of a bakery at Bremen, has purchased the
Nobby True bakery in this city, according to an announcement by the new owner.
The new proprietor has already taken over management of the bakery. Modern
equipment is now being installed and will be ready for operation Saturday.
Mr. True has been engaged in the restaurant and bakery business in Rochester for
over 30 years. The True bakery is one of the best equipped and most complete
baking units in Northern Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 9 1936]
TRUE & TRUE [Rochester, Indiana]
The firm of True & True, who have been conducting a restaurant on North Main
street, are closing out and will quit business. Walter True and wife will go to
Indianapolis, while William True has fitted up a suite of rooms in the
Commercial block and will lead a retired life.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 21, 1910]
TRUE & WHITTENBERGER [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Easter is Near and so is True & Whittenberger's Grand Millinery
Opening, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 7th, 8th and 9th, '02. - - - TRUE
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 6, 1892]
[Adv] Bazaar Ribbon Sale. Being overstocked with ribbons of all numbers,
shades and qualities, we have inaugurated a cut price sale to continue 30 days.
Half Price for all goods on this counter. TRUE & WHITTENBERGER, Successors
to Mrs. Miller.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 3, 1893]
TRUE & WIGMORE GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 822 Main.
[Adv] ANNOUNCEMENT! The People's Grocery Sells Nothing But Fresh Clean Goods and
Pays the Highest Market Prices for Good Produce. TRUE & WIGMORE, Successors
to Carter Bros., opposite Court House.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 7, 1893]
TRUE & WIGMORE (Biography)
TRUE & WIGMORE enjoy an individuality which places them at the head of
leading grocers of Rochester.
Loyd TRUE was born in this county near Mt. Zion in November, 1860. Raised a
farmer boy and attending the common schools and the schools of Rochester, he
early laid the foundation for the practical education, experience and rugged
health that he today so well enjoys.
George WIGMORE, the junior member of the firm, was born at Monticello, White
county, Ind. Quitting school at an early age on account of ill health he engaged
as clerk in the grocery store of Bennett Bros., of Monticello, with whom he
remained for four years when he came to Rochester with Mr. P. D. BENNETT, in
whose employ he remained until March, 1893. When forming a partnership with Mr.
True, they purchased the Carter Bros. stock and christened the new venture the
"People's Grocery." Without exception they have made the store
everything its name implies. Mr. True's six years of teaching gives him a wide
acquaintance throughout the county which together with Mr. Wigmore's lifelong
experience in the business and his holding the office of City Clerk at once
places this firm of enterprising young men at the head and front of the grocery
business of Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
The People's Grocery, owned by True & Wigmore, was closed, Tuesday, for the
benefit of creditors. Claims amounting to about one thousand dollars embarrassed
the firm and they decided to close up and try to collect enough of their
accounts, which amount to nearly as much as their indebtedness, to enable them
to settle their obligations and go ahead with their business. The firm is a
popular one and it is the universal hope in Rochester that it may be able to
square up and continue business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 29, 1897]
Next, to the north [of the Stanton & Sterner Book Store] Holman &
Onstott sold dry goods and beyond this True & Wigmore conducted a grocery
business, later the operation of Frank Marsh.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
Lloyd TRUE, 62, former resident of Rochester, but for the last seventeen years
of Washington, D.C., died there Saturday morning. This news came in the form of
a telegram to relatives here. No further particulars were given as to the cause
of his death and could not be learned. It was known that he had been ill for a
long time and his condition had been serious for some months.
Mr. True at one time was a well known business man here conducting a grocery
with his partner under the name of True and Wigmore. He was always an active
worker in the Republican party and received an appointment through Senator
Beveridge as a guard in the capital building at Washington. He moved his family
at that time and has resided there since. Later he accepted a position with a
gas company in Washington which he was holding at the time of his death.
[- - - - --]
TRUE BROS. RESTAURANT [Rochester, Indiana]
See Enterprise Restaurant.
TRUE PLANING MILL [Rochester, Indiana]
Following closely on the heels of two fires of Monday came an alarm at 1:45
o'clock Tuesday morning, when the Mel True planing mill at the east end of Sixth
street was discovered on fire. Before the flames could be subdued the building
was almost a total wreck and damge together with the contents is estimated at
more than $5,000.
The fire was discovered by Nightwatchman George CLAYTON, who saw the flames from
Main street and turned in the alarm. When the firemen reached the scene the
whole interior of the building was a mass of flames and when the streams of
water finally conquered the blaze little was left of the contents or the
structure itself.
On the north half of the building, where the fire evidently originated was the
planing mill operated by Mr. True, and there all the valuable machinery probably
worth in the neighborhood of $1,500, together with his hand tools and about $200
worth of lumber stock were burned and rendered useless. On the south side, which
was used as an automobile storage and a garage, the latter operated by Harry
Martin and Lloyd Wissinger, the flames seriously damaged 15 of the 21 cars
stored there. Most of the machines at least suffered burned tops, while most of
them also had tires, upholstery and ignition systems destroyed. The damage to
the storage cars is estimated at close to $1,500. Nine of the cars belonged to
the Finneren Motor Sales Co., they estimating their damage at $400, which is
covered by insurance. The B. & H. Auto Sales Co., formerly of this city, but
now of Monticello, had six cars there, but all were gotten out without being
burned. A. D. Robbins had a Chalmers five passenger car almost ruined, the top,
upholstery and ignition system being burned.
Another to lose heavily through the fire was A. J. Palmer, of Ashland, this
state, who had a full set of wagon makers tools stored there. The outfit which
is valued at $1,500 is a total loss. Mr. Martin, who had a Buick five passenger
stored there also suffered loss through a burned top, upholstery and tires. The
garage also had a loss through the destruction of tools and work that was under
Just what started the fire is a hard matter to tell as the blaze started in the
north part of the building and there had been no fire in there since Monday
The building, which is valued at about $1,500, is owned by a man named Sarber,
in Ohio. Mr. True's loss is partly covered by $1,000 insurance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 16, 1919]
A. E. Serewicz has announced that workmen will begin Wednesday tearing down the
old True Planing mill for the purpose of making way for the new building to be
erected which will house the auto body company, which will start here as soon as
possible. Mr. Serewica has received full instructions from the Chicago
capitalists behind the movement to go ahead as rapidly as possible and work on
the new building should begin within a short time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 3, 1921]
See American Fork & Hoe Co.; See C.K.R. Corporation.
TRUE'S MILL [Rochester Township]
Located at Mount Zion, approximately 500E and 250S.
TRUE'S RESTAURANT, NOBBY [Rochester, Indiana]
Located W side of street at 804 or 806 Main.
Also See True, Renaldo P. "Nobby"
"Nobby's Restaurant," 31 years the property of R. P. "Nobby"
True and the oldest established restaurant in the city, has been sold to John
Hoover of east Rochester, who will continue its operation with the present
employees and who will add Sunday service. Because of his age, Mr. True decided
to sell the popular restaurant, known widely in northern Indiana, in order to
devote his entire time to the conduct of his baking business on East Ninth
street, the Rochester Baking company.
Mr. Hoover, the new proprietor, is an experienced restaurant man, having been in
Mr. True's employ for several years. He went to a farm seven years ago. He will
close at 8 p.m. except in summer.
The deal was closed at noon Thursday, and the change in management was made
effective immediately.
In 1894, Mr. True purchased the restaurant from Mrs. Bertha Coplen and developed
the business to its present peak.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 2, 1925]
In the north half of the 800 block on Main street beginning from the
intersecting alley, B. Levi operated a dry goods store. Next door Charley
Mitchell conducted a card room with, I believe, a billiard table or so. The room
later became "My Show," a popular movie house and now occupied by
Adler's Dress Shop. Then Joe Levi Clothing Store and Charles Plank operated a
shoestore. Ditmire's was next in line to Nobby True's Restaurant. A. C.
Copeland's bank and on the corner occupied by People's Drugs (now Lord's) was
Jonathan Dawson, one of Rochester's earliest dispenser of quinine, Brickle's
linament, Dr. King's New Discovery and prescription and patent medicines long
ago forgotten in this day of sulfa drugs, etc.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
Wonder what Harry Capp, who operated a restaurant on the south side of the
public square back in the gay nineties, would think of today's restaurant take?
And then there was R. P. (Nobby) True who served a good farm meal for less than
a half-dollar. Who remembers when Marion Fultz held forth where the Courthouse
View Restaurant is now the Kiwanis headquarters? In the Fultz restaurant a ham
sandwich cost a nickle and that was before the day of hamburgers.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 6, 1959]
Photo of American Railway Express Agency office, includes Nobby's Restaurant.
[Earle Miller, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
By and by John Hoover took over the Nobby True place and a good plate of flap
jacks could be had for 15 cents, but church suppers held forth for years at 25
to 35 cents a plate for all you could eat.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 6, 1959]
TRUSLOW & CO., G. W. [Rochester, Indiana]
G. W. Truslow & Co. have opened a large Store on Main Street, where they
keep the best quality of Gents Furnishing Goods . . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, September 28, 1865]
Old Line Clothing House, opposite Jesse Shields' New Brick, Corner Main and
South Streets. G. W. Truslow & Co, Merchant Tailors . . . Oct. 28, 1868.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, October 29, 1868]
Carpenter Shop. Willard & Stahl have erected a new carpenter shop on the lot
opposite Truslow's Clothing store which they intend to occupy themselves, and
where they expect to continue to work for their customers.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 12, 1867]
TRUSLOW TAILOR SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
George W. Truslow, Tailor . . . South Room of the Bozarth Building opposite the
Mansion House, Rochester, June 3, 1858.
[Rochester Gazette, Thursday, December 9, 1858]
G. W. Truslow, Tailor. Shop in the Bozarth Building, south room. Rochester,
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, April 26, 1860]
G. W. Truslow, Tailor, Rochester, Indiana. Shop up stairs in the Mammoth
Building. Cutting done at all times.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 10, 1862]
The building now occupied by Mr. Truslow as a merchant tailor's store, is
soon to be moved to the opposite side of South street, to make room for
materials which will be used in the construction of two or three brick store
rooms, next summer. The building contemplated will be occupied in the third
story by the Masonic fraternity.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, October 8, 1868]
TUCKER, ALBERT [Union Township
Albert Tucker. - The subject of this sketch was born in New York May 1, 1831,
and is a son of Seth and Hannah Tucker, natives of New England. Mr. Tucker has
one brother--Edward--living, who resides in Michigan; also one sister--Emily.
Mr. A. Tucker was married to Marcella Nash May 19, 1859. Mrs. Tucker was born
August 5, 1839, her parents being natives of Massachusetts and Connecticut
respectively. Mrs. Tucker's father died in August, 1851, and her mother died in
1878, aged seventy-three years. Mr. Tucker is the father of five children, whose
names are Seth, Kate M., Ellen, Amos R. and Randall. Mr. Tucker, with his
parents, emigrated from New York to LaGrange County, this State, in 1836. After
his marriage, his father gave him eighty acres of land near the old homestead,
on which they resided one year, when they sold out and went to Michigan, and
after residing there awhile, he removed to this county in 1865, where they have
since resided, most of the time upon the place owned formerly by Mr. A. Akens.
He now owns 173 acres of land two miles west of where they live, in Pulaski
County, on which he has built a fine house and which he intends to occupy in the
near future. By energy and industry he has acquired a comfortable home. He is
honored by his neighbors for his integrity and sterling worth as a citizen.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 60]
TUCKER, MERL [Akron, Indiana]
Merl Tucker, proprietor of one of the best-equipped garages of Fulton county, is
accepted as one of the most representative young business men of Akron, who has
risen through his own efforts to a position of affluence and respect. He was
born in Kosciusko county, Indiana, May 15, 1888, and is the fifth child in a
family of six, five sons and one daughter, born to Hollis and Nettie (Alexander)
Tucker. All six of these children survive; two of them are living in Kosciusko
county; Merl Tucker and his sister are residents of Fulton county; another is in
Allen county, and the sixth is in Saint Joseph county. The father was born in
Kosciusko county, and was educated in its common schools. For years a farmer, he
became the owner of 503 acres of valuable land, and for the last few years of
his activity, he was a breeder of Norman horses, but is now living in retirement
at Akron. In political faith he is a Republican. The Tucker family is of English
origin, but has long been established in the United States. The mother was born
in a house that is still standing in Richland county, Ohio, but she was brought
to Indiana by her parents when she was still a child, and she was reard,
educated and married in the latter state. Growing up on his father's farm Merl
Tucker attended the local schools and learned to be a farmer. After following
that vocation for some years, in 1921 he went to Chicago and took a course at an
auto school of that city. In 1922 he put to practical use the instruction he had
received, and opened his present garage with Howard H. Ball as the junior member
of the firm, at Akron. This is one of the most complete in Northern Indiana, the
building being 192x61 feet, and is equipped with the best of heating and
lighting accommodations. Everything about it is strictly modern, and the firm
carries a full line of accessorites. The service compares very favorably with
that offered in the large cities. Both partners are courteous and obliging, and
have built up a successful business. April 23, 1910, Mr. Tucker was married to
Miss Elma, daughter of Horace G. and Phiana (Petry) Thomas. Mrs. Tucker was born
in Kosciusko county, Indiana, February 15, 1896, and the public furnished her
educational training. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker have three children: Thomas Edgar,
Ferrie Josephine, and Annie Marie, and the two older ones are attending the
Akron graded schools. A Republican, Mr. Tucker cast his first vote for Theodore
Roosevelt for president, and he has since continued firm in his support of the
principles the great American advocated. The people of his home county have
proved their confidence in him upon several occasions by sending him as their
delegate to the conventions of his party within the county confines. In addition
to his business interests he owns forty-five acres of excellent farming land
near Burket, Kosciusko county. Both he and his wife are very popular among the
younger married set of their home city.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 290-291, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
TUGENDRICH, JACOB [Kewanna, Indiana]
I. W. Holeman, Rochester and Jacob Tugendrich, Kewanna sell patent medicine.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 4, 1862]
TULEY DRY GOODS STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
Notice! Having purchased the entire stock of goods & merchandise of Mr. A.
E. Taylor, I take this method of informing the citizens of Fulton and adjoining
counties that I shall continue the establishment much after the old style of Mr.
Taylor . . . Mr. Taylor will act as my agent for the present, assisted by Mr. C.
A. Mitchell, in transacting the business . . . . . W. W. Tuley.
[Rochester Mercuty, Thursday, December 5, 1861]
TURNAM, HARRY [Rochester, Indiana]
Harry Turnam, who has been employed at the Swiss Dry Cleaning works for the past
several months, has purchased the H. M. Grubbs dry cleaning establishment on
West Ninth street and has already taken possession. The new owner is an
experienced dry cleaner and tailor and will no doubt prove quite successful in
the venture. Mr. Grubbs has not decided on his future business policy.
The vacancy at the Swiss Dry Cleaning works made vacant by the leaving of Mr.
Turnam has been filled by Charles Corbett of Chicago, who has had a number of
years' experience in one of that city's large dye houses.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 3, 1912]
H. H. Turnam, who conducted the dry cleaning establishment on West Ninth street,
this city, for several months, left Rochestr Monday evening and so far as anyone
knows he did not impart a word as to his probable destination. His young wife
stated this morning that she was at a loss as to how to account for her
husband's actions and that she had not the slightest idea as to where he has
gone. It is an unfortunate state of circumstances that Mr. Turnam left a number
of unpaid bills behind and creditors have been trying to get a line on his
whereabouts so thay they take some sort of action.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 2, 1912]
Ed Hill of this city has launched in business by a deal which was closed several
days ago, when he purchased the Turnam dry cleaning establishment on Ninth
street. Mr. Hill took possession at once and will try and build the business up
to a high standard of efficiency. The business has been allowed to drag by the
former owner and it will be a sort of uphill climb for the new proprietor. Mr.
Hill has been connected with the tailoring business for a good many years and
his wide experience will do much toward making his venture a success.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 2, 1912]
TURNER, F. H. [Tiosa, Indiana]
[Adv] NEW HARNESS SHOP at Tiosa, Ind. F. H. TURNER. This well known harness
maker has again opened a shop at Tiosa, and solicits the patronage of all
citizens. He offers to do the nicest and best work for the least money. Give him
a call.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 31, 1886]
[Adv] WE LEAD, WHO CAN, MAY FOLLOW. The PLANO BINDER another step in advance.
The only Binder made that pulls easily with two hordses. The only Binder having
a fly wheel attachment, which causes the Plano Binder to run one horse lighter
than any other Binder. The Plano Binder remains in motion while turning a
corner, cuts and binds grain while making a right hand turn. We build the light
running JONES MOWER. You get tired backing your team every time you start into
the grass - not so with the Jones Mower. For sale by F. H. TURNER, Prop.,
Central House, Rochester, Indiana. - - - -
[ - - - -]
[Adv] I have my stock of fruit trees, vines, etc., ready for sale just north
of the Arlington hotel. Prices about half what agents ask you. F. H. TURNER.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 20, 1899]
TURNER, J. D. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] FURNITURE TO EXCHANGE. I have new furniture to exchange for old. I want to
buy all kinds of household goods, such as stoves, furniture, carpets, etc. Also
watches, harness and anything of value. - - - You can also get cash for anything
you have to sell at the PEOPLE'S NEW AND SECOND-HAND STORE, three doors south of
Academy of Music. J. D. TURNER, Prop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 9, 1900]
J. D. Turner has sold a half interest in his furniture and second hand business
to Bert Braman. The firm will be known as TURNER & BRAMAN, and are ready to
pay the highest cash price for second hand goods or trade new goods for old.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 3, 1900]
J. E. Braman and son Bert have bought out J. D. Turner's second hand store. The
exchange was made Saturday. Mr. Turner has been proprietor of the store for
three years, and has received a very liberal patronage. The junior partner of
the present owners, Braman & Son, has been with Mr. Turner for some time and
is acquainted with the work. After a week's visit with relatives at Mentone,
Mr.Turner and family will move to Frankfort.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 21, 1901]
TURNER & BRAMAN [Rochester, Indiana]
J. D. Turner has sold a half interest in his furniture and second hand business
to Bert Braman. The firm will be known as TURNER & BRAMAN, and are ready to
pay the highest cash price for second hand goods or trade new goods for old.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 3, 1900]
TURNER MILLINERY SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Millinery Goods, Hats and Caps. . . My Store may be found in the South Room of
the Rannells Hotel. Mrs. S. C. Turner. Rochester Ind., Dec. 5, 1866.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 6, 1866]
Mr. B. F. (Frank) Brown has purchased the Millinery and Furnishing
Establishment, one door South of the Central Hotel, of Mrs. S. C. Turner and
will continue the business at the same place. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, February 21, 1867]
[Adv] THE NEW MILLINERY. We are ready for the women whose demands are the
most exacting in the matter of Millinery, and we are displaying this season the
most attractive hats we have every shown.
Be your preference for flower, bird or velvet trimmed, or the particularly smart
black and white effects, our lines are complete enough to furnish you with the
hat you want. TURNER SISTERS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 23, 1901]
[Adv] Fall and Winter Millinery - - - - TURNER SISTERS, With Holman &
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 24, 1903]
There are two business changes in Rochester, one the selling out of E. B.
Collins to Isom R. New and Lee Miller, and the other, Ike Onstott, buying a half
interest in the J. D. Holman stock of shoes.
Invoicing will begin at the E. B. Collins store the latter part of the week, and
the new proprietors will take charge as soon as that is completed. Messrs New
and Miller were formerly associated in business, having conducted a large
hardware store at Macy for several years. Mr. Miller has had twelve years
experience in the business and had recently been employed at the Stoner &
Black hardware store.
The J. D. Holman shoe store is at the present time being invoiced and upon the
completion of this work Mr. Onstott will become a partner. The new member of the
firm needs no introduction to Rochester people, he having been employed in
different stores for the past eighteen years. The Holman & Onstott stock
will be enlarged and the Turner Sisters will move their millinery store to the
Baker room, two doors south of their present location, in order to make more
room for the shoe store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 13, 1906]
The room in the Arlington block, formerly occupied by Feder & Silberberg, is
being fitted up for the Turner Sisters who will move their millinery store there
about the first of March.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 23, 1906]
[Adv] Millinery Opening, Wednesday, March 18 (one day only) . . . . We shall
be pleased to have you as a visitor on our opening day. TURNER SISTERS,
Arlington Block.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 13, 1914]
The News-Sentinel was reliably informed Wednesday afternoon of several changes
in business houses which will move in this city within the next six weeks which
will include the discontunuance of a store, the opening of another establishment
and the changing of the location of two others.
The store which will be closed is the Styles Furnishing Store in the J. F.
Dysert building operated for five years by Oren Karn and sold by him to M. Wile
and Sons three weeks ago. Mr. Karn, who is the owner of the Coffee Shop and also
the Dysert building, will move his popular cafe into the room vacated by the
Styles Store.
The room which will be vacated in the Fredonia block by the Coffee Shop will be
occupied by the Turner Sisters Millinery store which will be moved from their
present location one door north of the room which they will occupy.
The room vacated by the Turner Sisters and the one which foromerly housed the
postoffice will be the home of a new mercantile establishment which will feature
popular priced ladies ready to wear, men's clothing, shoes, dry goods, and
ladies and gents furnishings.
The owners of the new store the News-Sentinel is not at this time permitted to
make public. This establishment will be opened about September 1 or just as soon
as the store can be equipped and openings made between the two rooms.
Mr. Karn will move the Coffee Shop to its new location sometime within the next
four weeks or just as soon as the room in the Dysert building has been altered
so that it will be ready for occcupancy by the restaurant.
Lyman Brackett, who is the owner of the Fredonia block will start on Friday
morning to make the changes in the rooms wished by his tenants.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, July 21, 1926]
[Adv - Fall Showing . . . ladies' and misses' Millinery . . . . Turner
Sisters, 713 Main
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, September 2, 1926]
Turner Sisters, one of the oldest and most popular millinery establishments, and
a land mark business venture in the Brackett building at 713 Main street are
moving today to a new location at 110 East Eighth street being vacated by Mary's
Beauty 'shop.
The millinery firm, composed of the Misses Nona and Isabelle Turner, plan, it is
understood, to carry on their bueiness at the new location where they will
welcome their old friends and customers.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, December 29, 1945]
TUTTLE, F. B. [Kewanna, Indiana]
The Baske & Sinnott hardware store in Kewanna has been sold to F. B. Tuttle.
The stock is being invoiced and as soon as the inventory is completed. [sic] Mr.
Tuttle, who assumes charge of the store, was a former Kewanna business man but
for the past two years has been in the West.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 20, 1910]
A L. Greist has purchased the general store at Twelve Mile known as the Brown
store. He has taken possession.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, December 12, 1931]
A saw mill owned by Jack Steuber, located on the William Fernald farm three and
one-half miles southwest of Twelve Mile, was burned to the ground at 4 o'clock
Wednesday morning.
The fire was of undetermined origin and was discovered by a man living on a
neighboring farm who notified the fire departments of Fulton, Twelve Mile and
All three departments went to the mill but were unable to save the structure.
The loss is estimated at $1,500.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 24, 1936]
Fire originating from a bolt of lightning Friday night completely razed the
large grain elevator at Twelve Mile with an estimated loss of more than $15,000
after four fire departments fought in vain for a half hour to bring the blaze
under control.
Lightning struck in the grinding room on the lower floor of the structure about
6 o'clock and quickly spread through the building, which was burned to the
ground in almost 30 minutes.
The blaze also spread to the cement room and feed room of the elevator property
and burned the roofs of both buildings but action by firemen kept the fire from
completely destroying the structures.
The tin side covering of the elevator over the frame structure kept the blaze
from breaking out from the building and several minutes after lightning struck,
the blaze had made its way into the grain and feed storage rooms turning the
entire structure into a blazing inferno. Firemen from Denver, Mexico and Fulton
answered the call and aided the Twelve Mile department in keeping the fire under
control. Hoses were strung to the scene from the cistern in the Twelve Mile
department building across the tracks of the C. & O. railroad blocking
traffic along the railroad. The signal system of the railroad also was reported
damaged by the blaze and debris which fell onto the tracks.
The loss of the elevator and its contents is partially covered by insurance, it
was reported Friday night. Hundreds of bushels of grain, mostly wheat and stocks
of feed were lost in the blaze and attempts to save valuable records and scales
from the office of the building were futile.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, October 3, 1942]
TWO BY FOUR SANDWICH SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
A new sandwich shop to be known as the "2 by 4 Sandwich Shop" will be
opened Thursday in the room at 113 East Ninth Street by Mae and Sophia Sparks.
The two women are the owners of the Rainbow Cafe on North Main Street. The food
to be served at the new establishment will be prepared at the Rainbow Cafe and
delivered to the new shop where it will be kept under the strictest sanitary
conditions until served. Several specials will be featured which will include
the famous "Tasty Sandwich", "Farmers Produced Buttermilk"
and sweet milk from Guernsey cows.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, July 20, 1932]
TYRRELL, WILLIAM [Liberty Township]
William Tyrrell is a prosperous Indiana farmer of Irish descent. His father was
James Tyrrell, who came from Ireland to America with his mother in 1862 and
located at Rossville, Vermillion county, Illinois, where his mother eventually
died. For some years the son followed farming in that state and married Maria
Anderson who had also come from Ireland with her parents and settled in the same
vicinity. In February, 1898, the family decided to move to Indiana which they
did and chose as their home a tract of land five miles west of Rochester. In
1903 another move was made, this time to Liberty township where they still live.
Two hundred and thirty-three acres give opportunity for general farming and
stock raising. James Tyrrell has retired from active work but still lives on the
home place. Their family consists of: William; May, now Mrs. Theodore White, of
Grass Creek; Mike; Agnes, Mrs. Omer Richardson, of Liberty township; and John, a
farmer of Rochester township. The eldest son, William, was educated partly in
Illinois and partly in Fulton county, Indiana, has followed farming all his
life, sometimes in one locality, and sometimes in another and has charge of the
home estate where he now lives.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 291-292, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
U. S. BANK & TRUST CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
Located at 729 Main.
Henry A. Barnhart was active in organizing the Rochester Trust and Savings Bank
which was later merged with the U. S. Bank and Trust Company (729 Main) of which
he was director.
Leonard Joshua Newcomb was a cashier at the time of his death, December 6, 1925.
See Farmers & Merchants Bank
This is one of our popular banking institutions in Rochester. Its management at
once found a warm acceptance in the public mind of this locality. And from the
first day's business and its unpretentious beginning it took a deep root and has
made a steady, vigorous growth of its business life and each year outdoing its
previous year until at the present moment it is recognized by the devoted
patronage as one of the soundest banking institutions in this part of the state
of Indiana.
Its capital stock is $75,000 and besides paying its stockholders a dividend each
year it has also accumulated and laid away for the protection of its depositors
a surplus of $25,000. This it did by strict integrity of its officers, closely
watched and guarded by diligent, sturdy, honest, upright board of directors, by
its courteous treatment over the counter and its confidential business methods
with all patrons. It has won an enviable place in the hearts of all the pe0ple
who daily seek its advice and counsel in their private matters as well as to
trust their surplus hard earnings with this banking house.
The building is beautiful in appearance and pleasing to the eye of the transient
man convenient in every point in its interior. This banking institution with
faith pinned to the interest and prosperity of this locality, with fidelity to
all, will push forward on the confidence of the people.
This bank bays 4 per cent interest on time certificates of deposit and savings.
Its officers are: F. E. Bryant, President; A. B. Green Vice President; H. L.
Coplen, Cashier; J. F. Kumler, Assistant; Flo Delp, Assistant; E. C. Mercer,
Secretary, and G. W. Holman, Chairman Board of Directors.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 17, 1922]
Several changes in the personnel of the United States Bank & Trust Company
were made today. George Leonard, who has been assistant cashier for the past two
years, tendered his resignation to accept a position in the National Bank of the
Republic, of Chicago. Miss Lois Fields, stenographer also resigned to accept a
similar position in a South Bend bank.
Howard Wertzberger, member of the '27 R. H. S. class, Misses Josephine Smith and
Margaret Bryant have been employed to take up the duties of the former
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 1, 1927]
Indianapolis, July 17. (U.P.) - A one week extension of the time limit for
completing re-organization of the U. S. Bank & Trust Company, Rochester was
granted by the State department of financial institions here Monday evening.
Efforts are being made to organize a new bank and take over admissable assets of
the U. S. Bank and Trust Co., which has been operating on a restricted basis
since the National moratorium in March 1933.
Representatives of the proposed new bank asked for more time to complete
subscription of stock, Herman Wells, assistant director of the state banking
department explained.
Will Approve New Bank
He said that if the necessary stock is subscribed, his department will approve
the plan formally.
Wells said he did not know what the new bank would be named, explaining that it
could not be incorporated until the money is raised.
Admissable assets of the U. S. Bank & Trust Co. will amount to approximately
40 percent of its deposits Wells estimated.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 17, 1934]
Thomas Yater, Logansport, liquidating agent for the closed United States Bank
and Trust Company, which ceased operation several years ago and in which the
Indiana Department of Financial Institutions has to date recovered 64 per cent
of deposits and asseets, announced yesterday the sale of the remaining assets of
the bank for $7,775.
Carl Quick, local stock buyer, made the purchase taking all real estate,
mortgages and judgments held as assets by the closed bank.
The sale made yesterday is the last move to close the liquidation. The transfer
and payment is subject to the approval of Judge Robert Miller in the circuit
court and the Indiana Department of Financial Institutions.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, February 4, 1939]
Approximately 2,000 depositors of the former United States Bank and Trust
company, now the Farmers and Merchants Bank, received a Christmas present when
Judge Robert Miller in the Fulton circuit court granted the prayer of Thomas
Yater, of Logansport, receiver of the closed bank, to pay the final dividend to
the depositors.
Mr. Yater's petition to the court shows that the final payment will be the
equivalent of a dividend of .016 per cent of the amount each depositor had on
deposit with the bank when it closed in 1933.
The depositors of the United States Bank and Trust company have, during the time
of its liquidation, received six other dividends which totaled about 72 per
Mr. Yater will announce later when and where the depositors of the closed
Rochester bank may receive the final dividend payment, which was authorized to
be paid.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, December 19, 1942]
U. S. TIRE SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
[see Sims' Tire Store]
ULERY & URSCHEL HARDWARE [Rochester, Indiana]
John Shoup has traded his hardware store here to A. L. Ulrey and A. I. Urschel,
North Manchester bankers, for a 160 acre farm south of Roann, it has been
Possession will be granted immediately following the completion of an invoice to
be made this week.
Mr. Shoup, formerly of west of Laketon, acquired the stock of what had been the
Shepherd hardware store from John McClung and his associates less than a year
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, July 29, 1925]
James "Buck" Buchanan, experienced hardware man formerly employed here
by Stehle and Shively, lately of Burnettsville, has purchased the Ulrey and
Urschel hardware store at 721 Main street, and will continue its operation.
The store will be closed for invoice the first of the week.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 25, 1925]
UMBRELLA VILLAGE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Lawn chairs, bridge chairs, beach umbrellas, - - - - baby rocker, awnings
- - - - UMBRELLA VILLAGE, Tim Baker Lot on East Ninth Street. Fred Shobe,
Proprietor. Free Horseshoe Courts in Rear.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, August 5, 1938]
See: Ball, ancil B.
See: Essick, Michael L.
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
A 140-y6ar-old farmhouse south of Rochester is to be demolished any day now and
with it will go a bit of unusual national history.
The main, gabled portion of the house was in the 1850s a station on the famous
Underground Railroad that secretly guided runaway slaves from Southern states to
safety on the free soil of Canada.
In 1925 Henry Sherrard Sr. moved his family into the house that is located just
north of the Green Oak intersection on Old U.S. 31. In homes beside it today
live his daughter, Mrs. Lowell .(Betty) Thousand, and his son Weldon Sherrard.
Henry recorded the house's distinctive histoty in a 1971 memoir. The escaping
slaves were brought under the cover of night and were rested and fed during the
day in the basement. The next night they, were escorted by their Abolitionist
guides to another stop on their way north. This particular trail continued
through Plymouth or sometimes through Mentone.
The leg of their trip to Green Oak started from a daytime sanctuary in a brick
house on the north side of Mexico, wrote Sherrard, quite likely the one that
still is there today.
There was but one entrance to the basement of the Green Oak house and its door
contained a peephole for security against unwanted callers. There also was a
hole bored in the livirig room floor above the basement. It was covered by a rug
during the day, uncovered when owners of the house wanted to communicate with
the fugitives below.
The floorboard containing the hole and the peepholed door are being
retained as valued family artifacts by Henry Sherrard's granddaughter, Maryanna
This Green stopover was one of two known Underground Railroad routes through
Fulton County in those years of sectional agitation over slavery.
The other path reached this area by way of Wabash and Gilead, traversing Fulton
County through Akron. The Gilead station was operated by Samuel Essick, an
avowed Abolitionist who secreted the runaways under straw at the stables of his
tannery. About 11 o'clock at night, Michael Essick later reported, he and father
Samuel led them by a trail in the woods to Akron where they were housed another
day by Dr. Joseph Sippy, founder of that village.
Samuel and Michael Essick were great-grandfathers of Vivian Wagoner Overmyer of
This manner by which slaves could escape their bondage was created by
Abolitionists and Quakers after the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law was passed by
Congress. That statute provided for the return of runaway slaves who moved from
one state to another and imposed heavy penalties on anyone who aided in their
escape or interfered with their recovery.
Abolitionists rejected the law out of hand and determined to oppose it by every
means. Some Northern state legislatures even passed laws to penalize any state
or local offitial who obeyed the fugitive slave decree.
Thus was the stage set for the informal, volunteer Underground Railroad system.
Although estimates vary as to how many slaves reached Canada by this method, it
likely was several thousand. Other major routes on the Railroad were through
Pennsylvania and Ohio.. In those years before Civil War broke out in 1861,
sentiment for runaway slave ran high in Northern states.
Recalling the history of this ancient Green Oak house reveals some of the
character of the pioneer Fulton County citizens who preceded us. Harboring
escaped slaves was both dangerous and illegal but they considered it a moral
imperative and went ahead willingly and with verve. The nation was immeasurably
magnified thereby.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 28, 1997]
The section of land (southwest corner of 400S and 500W) on which Tom and Jane
Mogle lived was considered safe for hiding runaway slaves prior to and during
the Civil War. There was so much wilderness and so many isolated sections. One
of the main routes of the Underground Railroad crossed the southeastern part of
this area. Tom and Jane Mogle kept many a slave hidden in their attick by day,
fed them and started them on by night. When they reached the Michigan line they
were safe. Calvin, Michigan, was the end of the line.
[Rev. Jesse Sparks, Mildred Sparks Tomlinson, Fulton County Folks, Vol. 1,
Dr. Joseph Sippy and John Ball, who lived northwest of Akron, both had
stations in the Underground Railroad and helped Negroes escape north through
Fulton County to Canada.
[Dr. Joseph Sippy Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
Christopher Campbell was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1831 and came to Fulton
County in 1853. He was known as a "Black Republican" because of his
sympathy for the colored people and help with the underground railroad through
Fulton County.
[Christopher Campbell Family, Mary Campbell Gynther, Fulton Co Folks, Vol 2,
Widner & Co. Proprietors of the Union Bakery & Eating Saloon, No. 1
Mammoth Building . . . Rochester, Oct. 7, 1868.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, October 22, 1868]
UNION BAND [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rannells, William W.
The Union Committee of Fulton County is requested to meet at the Chronicle
Office, in Rochester, on Tuesday, Aug 12th, 1862, for the purpose of filling the
vacancy in the Union Ticket occasioned by the declension of John McConnehey . .
. John Elam, Chairman Pro Tem Union Com.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 7, 1862]
Our friends will notice that the Union Committee have placed the name of
Jacob Smith, Esq., of Wayne Township, upon our ticket for the office of
Commissioner . . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 28, 1862]
Union County Convention . . . met in mass convention, in this place, on Saturday
last . . . called to order by Dr. S. S. Terry, and organized by choosing the
following officers: President, Hon. K. G. Shryock. Vice Presidents, Paul
Stockberger, I. Krider, James Palmer, E. M. Jewett, John McConnehey, Jas. Maxey,
Wm. Spencer, Wm. Ream, Jas. Carter, Jacob Smith, D. Irving, Wm. Reid and John
Crum. Secretaries, C. E. Fuller and P. M. Bozarth . . . resolutions committee,
Dr. S. S. Terry, John S. Mow, David Pugh, H. McAfee, C. E. Fuller, O. P. Dillon,
D. C. Buchanan and C. Campbell . . . Messrs Davis, Fuller and Wilson were
appointed a Committee to apportion the relative vote of the several townships in
the Convention . . .
-- The Union, County Convention, held at this place on Saturday last, was a
decided success . . . Mr. Hoppe is entitled to credit for refusing to sell
liquor on the occasion. We have heard of no fights, and drunken men were scarce.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 31, 1862]
Union Convention. Pursuant to the call of the Union Central Committee, a
considerable number of the Union men of the County met, on the 8th inst., in
this place; and organized by appointing Jacob Whittenberger Chairman and C. E.
Fuller Secretary. After remarks as to the objects of the meeting, the following
persons were elected delegates to the Union State Convention: S. S. Terry,
Vernon Gould, C. E. Fuller, Isaiah Hoover, John Elam, Christopher Campbell, B.
Lawhead, Young Ralstin, Dudley H. Wells, Isaac E. Andrus, James Palmer, Robert
Aitken, David Mow and Jacob Whittenberger.
On motion, the following Central Committee was appointed for the present year:
C. E. Fuller, B. Lawhead, K. G. Shryock, Christopher Campbell, I. W. Krider, lI.
E. Andrus, D. H. Wells, J. S. Mow, D. Mow and S. S. Terry. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, January 14, 1864]
Proceedings of the Union Convention, Fulton County.
The assembly was called to order at 11 o'clock a.m. by C. E. Fuller, Chairman of
the Central Committee, and on motion, William Mackey was chosen President, and
P. M. Bozarth, Sec'y.
. . . . a committee of one from each township was appoointed to apportion the
vote in the Convention, which committee reported as follows: . . .
A committee on nominations was then appointed, consisting of three from each
township, as follows: Rochester, D. W. Lyon, Wm. Hill, L. W. Shelton. Richland,
Young Ralstin, David Mow, N. Loomis. New Castle, John Lisle, Wm. Peck, Jefferson
Rhodes. Union, Jesse Sparks, Jas. A. Carter, Robert Allen. Aubbeenaubbee, S. J.
Rarrick, Christopher Campbell, Solomon Miller. Wayne, Isaac Eggman, Almon
Packard, Joseph S. Horn. Henry, S. S. Terry, R. M. Pollock, Jacob Whittenberger.
Liberty, I. W. Krider, Salmon Collins, Richard Reid.
On motion of C. E. Fuller, Sidney Keith, P. G. Kelsey, James Keely and T. J.
Holcomb were appointed a committee on Resolutions . . .
. . . the committee on nominations reported as follows: For Representative
Robert M Pollock. For Sheriff, Capt. David Rader. For Treasurer, Isaiah W.
Krider. For Commissioner, James Keely.
The report of the committee was accepted and concurred in by three rousing
cheers . . . [Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 7, 1864]
Union Convention. The Union Convention of Fulton County met at Rochester, on
the 10th day of February 1866. . . [names mentioned]: John Beeber Esq'r., M. L.
Essick, Hon. Stephen Davidson, E. Calkins Esq'r., Hon Schuyler Colfax, K. G.
Shryock, Pres't., M. L. Essick, Sec'y.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, February 15, 1866
UNION CORNET BAND [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rannells, William W.
The union delivery system, owned by J. S. Dunham and managed by his son, Floyd,
was Monday sold to Ranson Dull of Monroe, Mich., who will arrive here this
evening to take charge.
The Dunhams started the first successful delivery system in Rochester last
January. Floyd Dunham, who has been in charge here, will leave soon for his
former home in Birmingham, Mich. The new owner will be in charge here
personally. He is a young unmarried man and has had two years experience in the
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 20, 1915]
A deal was announced Wednesday whereby E. E. Clary, well known liveryman, next
Monday becomes the owner of the Rochester Union Delivery system, having
purchased the equipment of H. A. Dull, who has had it for some time. Mr. Dull
came to the city from Michigan and has conducted the delivery in a most
satisfactory manner, pleasing both grocers and patrons. He has stated that he
will probably remain in Rochester, engaging in business here.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 31, 1916]
A number of Rochester business men -- Joe Ewing, Arlie Morris, Frank Marsh, E.
V. Sheets, Val Poffenbarger, Cecil Snapp, Ed Smith -- met with Harvey Clary,
owner of the Union Delivery service in this city, Monday evening to map out
plans for the establishment of delivery services to the lake this summer. This
has been a long felt need at the lake and the local men who attended the
meeting, and who will probably be joined by others, plan to establish a regular
delivery service not only for groceries and meats, but also general parcel
service. The service would be similar to that now enjoyed by city residents and
while it has not been definitely decided to go ahead with the project, it
appears to have been tentatively assured.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 27, 1924]
UNION LEAGUE [Fulton County]
Pursuant to public notice, a large number of the citizens of Fulton county, met
at the Court house in Rochester, on Saturday, May 2d, 1863, for the purpose of
organizing a Union League. J. B. Van Dean was chosen Chairman, and Captain P. G.
Kelsey and L. J. Brown, Secretaries.
On motion, C. E. Fuller, P. G. Kelsey and S. Keith were appointed a committee to
report a pledge as a basis of such league . . .
The League then elected the following officers: J. B. Van Dean, President. B.
Lawhead, C. Campbell, A. C. Hickman, Andy Strong, Fred Peterson, I. E. Andrus,
J. S. Mow, Jas. A. Carter, Vice Presidents. C. E. Fuller, Secretary.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, May 7, 1863]
UNION MEETINGS [Fulton County]
The people in mass met at the Court House in Rochester on Monday evening last,
to take into consideration the present condition of our country.
T. H. Howes was chosen President, Wilson Alexander and J. New Vice Presidents,
and J. H. Stailey and J. W. Walker Secretaries (Mr. Walker was not present).
After the object of the meeting being stated by the Chair, Hon. K. G. Shryock
offered the following, which was adopted without a dissenting voice: . . . That
we are for the Union of these States, for the Constitution and the full and
complete enforcement of the laws of the Congress of the United States, in every
part of the Union, North as well as South.
Speeches were made by Shryock, Lawhead, Keith, Rev. Mock and Stailey, after
which the meeting adjourned to meet on Thursday evening , 25th.
---Thursday Evening, April 25 . . . Speeches were made by Lawhead, Brackett, Mr.
Foot, of New York, Rev. Stallard, Calloway, Yost and Stailey.
The following resolutions were adopted unanimously: . . . . That we will use our
best endeavors to support the families of those who are enlisting to defend the
Constitution and the flag of their country. After which three deafening cheers
were given for the Stars and Stripes . . .
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, April 25, 1861]
Union Meetings at Akron . . . held in the school house at Akron on Wednesday
evening May 1st. The object of the meeting being stated, Mr. G. McCloud was
appointed Chairman, and P. F. G. Kelsey Sect. Mr. C. E. Fuller of Rochester then
addressed the meeting with a strong Union speech -- after which C. Brackett also
of Rochester, addressed the meeting on the subject of raising Volunteers.
Akron, May 4th. The people without regard to party, assembled at the Meeting
House in Akron, from all parts of the surrounding vicinity. Dr. S. S. Terry
addressed the meeting. . . The meeting was also addressed by Jacob Whittenberger,
A. B. Ball and others. By request the Glee Club sang the Flag of our Union . . .
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, May 9, 1861]
The Union Men of Fulton County, irrespective of party, will meet in Mass
Convention, at Rochester, on Saturday next (Aug 31st). Ex Gov. J. A. Wright,
Col. Lew Wallace, Hon. R. J. Ryan, Hon A. L. Osborn, lHon. C. W. Cathcart, Hon.
S. L. lMcFadin, Hon D. D. Pratt and Hon R. P. DeHart are expected to be present,
and address the meeting.
All persons, who indorse the sentiment of the immortal Andrew Jackson, "The
Union, it must be preserved," are invited to participate in the convention.
[NOTE: around one hundred local names listed. WCT]
[Rochester Mercuty, Thursday, August 29, 1861]
Union Mass Meeting. Pursuant to the call published by us last week, a large
and harmonious mass meeting was held in this village last Saturday.
On motion of James A. Carter, B. Lawhead, Esq., was called to the chair, and
messrs James A. Carter, William Ream, W. F. Squires and John Crum chosen Vice
Presidents, and C. E. Fuller and P. M. Bozarth, Secretaries.
On motion, Messrs S. Keith, N. C. Hall, Robert Aitken, T. W. Barnett, I. E.
Andress, J. Stockberger, (-----) Spangler, A. C. Hickman and B. Stamm were
appointed a Committee on Resolutions.
The meeting then listened to remarks from the Chairman and K. G. Shryock. . . .
[Rochester Mercuty, Thursday, August 29, 1861]
The "Union" Pow Wow of the 22d held on Thursday of last week,
attended by about 200 wagons of "Lincoln faithful," well filled with
women and children. The speakers of the day were: Hon. James Wilson and Hon.
Schuyler Colfax.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 30, 1864]
UNION SALOON [Rochester, Indiana]
Union Saloon - Austin Bates, . . .under Wallace's Hall. . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 22, 1859]
UNION SPY [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rochester Union Spy; Rochester Sentinel.
UNION STOCK YARDS [Rochester, Indiana]
The Rochester Union Stockyards, located on the Lake Erie right of way off 11th
street, has been condemned by the City Board of Health, according to a statement
issued by Managers Pownall and Gray and will be abandoned. Lee M. Pownall and
Ancil C. Gray, who opened the yards here some time ago, are at present
negotiating with the Erie and Lake Erie for a location just outside the city
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 30, 1922]
UNION STEAM MILL [Rochester, Indiana]
See Wallace's Steam Mill.
UNION TICKET [Fulton County]
For Clerk, Robert Aitken; For Commissioner, 2d District, James Keeley; For
Surveyor, Vernon Gould; For Coroner, William Townsend.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, October 3, 1861]
For Representative, Banner Lawhead. Auditor, Dudley H. Wells. Treasurer,
Jacob Whittenberger. Sheriff, John Rannells. Commissioner, John McConnehey.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 31, 1862]
Union Ticket: For Recorder, John M. Spencer. For Appraiser of Real Estate,
Thomas W. Barnett. For Commissioner, James Wright. For Surveyor, Presley M.
Bozarth. For Coroner, William Hill.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 13, 1863]
UNION TOWNSHIP [Fulton County]
Prior to the year 1837, the territory now constituting this township remained in
possession of the Indians, and no white man had come to invade their hunting
grounds, or sound with an ax or maul the keynote of an advancing army whose
purpose was the improvement of the country, the cultivation of the soil, and the
upbuilding of homes and farms in a region peopled by a race to whom industry and
progress are unknown. That year, however, usherd in the dawn of civilization,
and with it began the era that has borne its fruit in the intervening years, in
fine farms and happy homes. John Troutman was the leader of the pioneer forces.
He purchased a tract of Government land in Section 28, on the 25th of October,
1836, and on the 28th of September, 1837, came with his family to occupy his
land and begin the labor of converting it into a farm. He was accompanied hither
by his elder brother, Michael Troutman, and Thomas Barnett and Isaac Cannon. All
located on land near each other, forming a little neighborhood, and bending
their energies unanimously toward the accomlishment of the purpose that had
lured them higther. Then there were others who came immediately afterward to
join hands with them, or at least to unite with them in a common cause, though
quite unaware, at the time, of the presence of those we have mentioned. These
were Stephen Bruce, Sr., and his sons, Abraham Bruce and Stephen Bruce, Jr.,
with their families. From the confines of the "black swamp" in
Northwestern Ohio, they started westward in the fall of 1837, reaching the
shores of Kewanna Lake in the same season. Here, while building their cabins,
they found shelter under the canvases that had covered their wagons in the
journey from Ohio, having converted them into tents. They were long identified
with the history and progress of the township, and were recognized always as
good citizens.
In the meantime (later in 1837), another citizen took up his abode in the
township. This was Frederick Mohler, who located upon a tract of land about a
mile northeast of the present site of the town of Kewanna. He was ignorant of
the fact that he had neighbors near at hand, and it is hard to guess how long he
might have remained thus ignorant had not the crowing of a rooster arrested the
attention of John Troutman, who detrmined to follow the sound, and by acting
upon this impulse found a neighbor, who was gladly welcomed to the fratrnity of
the pioneers. It is believed these were all who came in 1837, and of this number
all are now deceased save Isaac Cannon, who at a recent date, was linving in the
State of Delaware.
In March, 1839, William Troutman came to the township, and to his accurate
memory we are largely indebted for our data relative to the early settlement. He
now lives in the town of Kewanna, in a hale old age, enjoying the prosperity and
progress for which he and his early associates prepared the way. He first
located a mile and a half northwest of the present site of Kewanna, and at that
time was accompanied by his brother Ambrose. Jesse Barnett came a little later
in the same year, and was identified for a number of years with the history of
the township, but latterly removed to Kansas, where he died. Joel H. Davis and
Junia Lathrop came in 1839, and Greenup Troutman came later in the same year.
William G. Lear, David Lough and Lewis Mitchell came in 1839. Mr. Lear enterd a
tract of land in Section 12, and improved a farm upon which he resided until his
decease. Mr. Lough still resides upon his farm, while Mr. Mitchell died in Ohio.
Jacob Maxey entered a tract of land in Section 3 in 1838, and came to the
township with his family in 1839. He was, like his neighbors, an industrious
citizen, and cleared and improved a farm, upon which he resided until death. In
the township records we find his name mentioned as one of the district school
trustees for 1840.
Closely following the arrival of Mr. Maxey came Vincent McCoy, who was the first
Justice of the Peace elected in the township. He entered a tract of land in
Section 14, from which he developed a good farm, and remained in the township
until death. Joseph Clayton, Jacob Curtner and John Shoup were among the
settlers of 1839, and each served on the board of district school trustees in
1840. Lewis Bailey came in 1840, and located upon a trract of land which he had
entered the preceding year, and James, Joshua and Isaiah Ball came early in the
same year. Mark B. Moore came about the same time, and located in the northern
part of the township, where he cleared and improved a farm, which is now owned
and occupied by his son William. Choral G. Roberts came in 1840, and Hardy Cain
came in the preceding year. Mr. Cain was a local preacher of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and was identified for many years with the history of
Methodism in this township. Mr. Roberts located in Section 9, and cleared and
improved a farm, upon which he resided until his decease. John Kelley came in
1841, and located near William Troutman. In later years, he removed to Winamac,
Ind., where he still resides. Thomas Hogan came in the same year, remaining in
the township until his decease. James Dempsey and family came in 1841, and
resided here a number of years, but finally removed to Kansas. Michael Morrissy
came in 1843, and located upon land that he had entered in 1837. He removed to
another locality after a few years. James A. Carter came in 1841 with his
family, and David Obermyre came in 1843, locating upon the farm where he still
resides. James O'Neill, an unmarried man, came in the same year, and remained on
his farm until death. John Wallace came in the same year, and cleared and
improved a farm, upon which he resided until death, Eli Rodgers came in 1844,
and William Ferguson came in the same year, locating upon land where he still
resides. Thomas Hurst came in 1845, and purchased land in Section 29, upon which
he resided until death. James Heddins came in 1846, but sold his property a
short time afterward and moved away. Hiram Jackson came in 1846, and cleared and
improved a farm, upon which he resided until death. William Bennett and Jacob
Evans were also among the settlers of 1846, and John Young and Julius P. Collins
came in 1847. George W. Horine entered a tract of land in Section 20, in 1840,
but did not come to live in the township until several years later--perhaps
1845. Solomon Jackson came in 1846, and entered land in Section 22, upon which
he still resides. William Williams and Isaiah Slick were among the settlers of
1848, and each entered land from which they developed good farms.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, pp. 53-54]
Mrs. Thomas Reed, Kewanna, township trustee, during the past few days has
disposed of all the country school houses in Union township with the exception
of the Bruce Lake Station building. The buildings are rapidly deteriorating and
it was thought best to dispose of them at this time.
The building at Prairie Grove, which was a frame structure, was bought by Howard
Mutchler for $66.
To Build Home
The Monger school, which was perhaps the best building in the township, being
built of hard brick, was sold to Ray Lough for $85.00. Mr. Lough plans to
remodel the structure and make a dwelling.
The Lake school was sold to Mrs. Mettie Ackerman for $50.00. Mrs. Ackerman has
not fully decided what she will use the brick taken from the building for, but
is considering at this time the rection of a cottage on the north side of Bruce
The Jubilee building went to S. S. Collins for $10.00 and the Russell school on
road 14 was sold to the Sam Smith heirs for $10.00.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, December 14, 1934]
UNION WAGON SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
H. S. Farrington . . . has purchased (Heffley's) Wagon and Carriage Shop. UNION
WAGON SHOP . . . Wagons, Lumber wagons, Spring Carriages, Shovel Plows . . .
Repairing. Rochester, April 9, 1863.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 9, 1863]
Wanted! Two wood Workers and one Blacksmith, at the Wagon & Carriage
Factory of the subscriber. Steady work and good wages. None but good workmen
need apply. H. S. Farrington, Rochester Aug 13, 1863.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 13, 1863]
UNIQUE BAKERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Vincent Mathia of Plymouth, who has announced that he will open a new bakery in
the Robbins room of this city, today was moving a large amount of equipment into
the room he has leased. Mr. Mathia last week opened a new bakery at Plymouth.
This is said to be one of the most modern bakeries in this section of the state.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 23, 1933]
A new business will open in this city next Thursday, it being a modern
up-to-date bakery, owned and operated by Ernest Mathia, an experienced baker of
Plymouth. The new shop which will be known as the Unique Bakery will be located
in the Robbins building in the 700 block of this city.
The new baker, who with his family have already taken up permanent residency in
Rochester, stated that he would make all kinds of pastry and baked goods, freash
daily and would also take orders for special parties, church affairs and
fraternal festivities.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 17, 1933]
[Adv] OPENING, Saturday, March 25 of the Unique Bakery, 708 Main St.- - - -
UNIQUE BAKERY, E. Mathia, Prop.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 24, 1933]
Ernest Mathia, proprietor of the Unique Bakery, this city, has opened an ice
cream department in connection with his bakery. The ice cream service will be
started Saturday morning and over 15 varieties of Fleming ice cream will be
carried at all times. The cream will be served at the counter or also in cones.
A large advertisement announcing the opening of this new and attractive ice
cream parlor appears elsewhere in this issue of The News-Sentinel.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 27, 1934]
[Adv] GRAND OPENING Saturday, April 28th. Fleming's Ice Cream New Department
of Unique Bakery, 708 Main Street. - - - - -.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 27, 1934]
See Rochester Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.
One of the last vestiges of the Rochester E.L.H. & P.Co., disappeared
Thursday, when workmen painted out the huge sign at the power house preparatory
to painting on the new name, United Public Service Co.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 4, 1917]
The Beyer-Brown Co. offices on East Ninth St., are being moved into new quarters
in the creamery building on No. Madison St. To accommodate the large incoming
office force in the creamery building, the present space is being enlarged to
about double the former size.
The United Public Service Co. will move from their present location on Main St.
to the building formerly occupied by Beyer Bros. on Ninth St. The Main St.
building will probably be rented. It is likely that the firms will not be
settled permanently in their new quarters for several weeks.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 21, 1917]
"If the city will agree to look after the interests of the minority
stockholders, I will, without hesitation, sell my controlling interests in the
United Public Service Co.," said J. E. Beyer Tuesday to a SENTINEL
"The impression that I am married to this business is absolutely unfounded.
A am satisfied that I could induce the stockholders to sell and no one would be
more welcome to the property than the city of Rochester. In fact, I will sell my
interest to the city $5,000 cheaper than to any other comany or person. I will
also agree to assist the city in financing the proposition."
Speaking of the fuel situation, Mr. Beyer said, "It is a great problem for
the entire community and everybody should aid in saving coal. Everybody, who
can, should burn wood. The U. P. S. Co. has done everything possible to save
fuel, but we are now entering upon that time of the year when we must use coal
in large quantities. I will welcome any suggestions concerning the saving of
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 6, 1917]
The United Public Service Co., of Rochester, has filed with the Public Service
Commission of Indiana a petition for authority to issue $35,000 par value of
first and refunding mortgage six per cent gold bonds of which $17,500 mature
June 1, 1930 and $17,500 mature June 1, 1935, said bonds to be sold at 90 and
accrued interest, and secured by a mortgage on the company's property.
These bonds are to be issued to reimburse the treasury in part for extensions
and improvements to the company's property which have been made since March 31,
1916 amounting to $36,542.52, and to reimburse the treasury for a bond of the
company which matured on May 1, 1917, $2,500 and to pay an equal amount of first
mortgage six per cent bonds due May 1, 1918.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 22, 1918]
U. P. S. PLANT VALUE $383,062
E. E. Murphy, city attorney, has received a copy of the report just completed by
the engineers employed by the Public Service Commission to appraise the property
of the United Public Service Co., of Rochester in which it is stated that the
present value of all of the company's property is $383,062.
The cost of reproducing the entire plant is placed at $453,773. The present
worth of the Rochester plant is fixed at 337,847, the ice plant at $82,762,
while the Bourbon plant value is $45,215. The commission will fix the local
rates for light, heat and power upon the above values after the hearing in
Indianapolis, March 12th.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 1, 1918]
After July 1st there will no longer be a United States Express company in
Rochester and in its place will come the American Express company. The change
will be made because the American Express company has a contract with all the
divisions of the New York Central System, and the Lake Erie lately became a part
of that system, so the United States Express company was ordered to move out.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 27, 1907]
That Rochester is soon to have a new industry has been made certain by the
signing of agreements between the sales and manufacturing companies for the
Safdicator, an automobile traffic safety device, and the Farmers and Merchants
Assn., of Rochester.
Dr. J. B. Blair, inventor of the contrivance and head of the manufacturing
company, J. W. Hawley, head of the sales company, and C. B. Conn, salesman, with
their wives, are in Rochester and will secure permanent residences at once. As
soon as a factory site is secured, the plant will be moved here from Decatur,
Ill. Several locations are available.
The F. & M. Assn directors have written the following letter for the public:
"The Universal Safety Corporation, at present located in Decatur, Ill., has
furnished this Association complete detailed information relative to its
organization, financial condition, manufacturing plans and capital requirements,
all of which have been carefully investigated by the directors of the
Association, and have been found to be satisfactory in every way.
"The company in question purposes [sic] to locate its manufacturing plant
in Rochester, and to that end, is offering a limited quantity of its capital
stock for sale. The proceeds of this stock are to be used for the purchase of
the manufacturing building, additional machinery, materials, payroll
requirements and other expenses incident to the establishment of this factory in
"This Association does not guarantee nor assume liability for any sum or
sums invested in this or any other enterprise. It does, however, take pleasure
in recommending the Universal Safety Corporation, as being in the opinion of the
officers and directors of this Association, a responsible legitimate enterprise,
organized and conducted along sound business lines, and recommends that the
people of this vicinity extend their cooperation and support to the
establishment of the factory of this company in Rochester.
Farmers & Merchants Assn
J. Gordon Martin, Pres
Jas. R. Moore, Secy
Approved and authorized by Board of Directors
Farmers & Merchants Assn."
Emanuel Joseph Urbin, farmer and citizen of Wayne township, was born in
Fairfield county, Ohio, Dec. 8, 1854. His parents were John and ------ (Poff)
Urbin. They were born in Germany, but married in Ohio. They came to Fulton
county in the spring of 1864, and settled where the subject of this sketch now
resides and owns sixty acres of land. They both died in the year 1876, when she
was sixty-one years of age and he seventy-one. They were members of the German
Reform church, and were highly respected. The subject of this sketch began life
for himself at the age of eighteen, by working out as a farm hand. In 1876, when
twenty-two years of age, he married Harriet J., daughter of A. J. Toner, Esq.
Unto the marriage the following children have been born. Elsie Floyd, Mirtie
Fay, Bessie May, deceased; Toner Lee, Ernest Guy and Victor Joseph. Mr. Urbin is
a progressive and representative citizen; is prosperous and has a fine farm.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 140-141]
URBIN AUTO CO., GUY [Kewanna, Indiana]
Guy Urbin became a Chevrolet dealer in 1927 at Kewanna. His son, John Urbin, was
associated in business with his father for many years. When we were married
[Ruth Nellans and John Urbin] we moved into the apartment above the business
which was then in an old building. The present business building was built in
John was associated with his father in the business until Oct. 5, 1957, when,
after a lengthy illness, Guy Urbin passed away. At that time John became the
dealer, lwhich he continues to be.
John William (Jack) Urbin graduated from Bethel College and taught social
studies at Caston School for three years, 1973-76, and entered the business with
his father, John Urbin.
[John Urbin passed away in 1995, and Jack is now operating Guy Urbin Auto Co.]
[Nellans & Urbin Families, Ruth Nellans Urbin, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2,
UTTER, CEDRIC D. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Cedric D. Utter)
UTTER, RUSSELL D., REV. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Churches - Methodist Church [Rochester, Indiana]
V. F. W. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Veterans of Foreign Wars
Know ye that John W. Delp has purchased and refurnished and refitted the Vampner
restaurant and boarding house, and is prepared to furnish day or week boarders
with the best edibles the market affords. Call on him and you will find the best
of fare and the very lowest prices.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 2, 1885]
VAN DIEN, James [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From James Van Dien)
VAN DIEN BAKERY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester, Indiana [Historical Review]
VAN DUYNE, JOE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Joe Van Duyne)
VAN DUYNE, ROBERT R. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Robert R. Van Duyne)
VAN DUYNE, VIRGIL R. (Rochester, Indiana)
See: Service Men,World War II, Letters (Letter From Virgil R. Van Duyne)
VAN DUYNE BLACKSMITH [Bruce Lake Station, Indiana]
Operated by Donald Van Duyne, a third generation blacksmith, in business for 60
years in Fulton County.
Leroy Joe Van Duyne was a co-founder, with Robert Ray Van Duyne, of the Van
Duyne Block and Gravel Company, located at Mt. Zion, Rochester Township.
Robert Dean Macy, nephew of the above founders, now operates the plant.
At Mt. Zion, where the old church stood serene and stately on the hill, lwith
the big oak trees in the foreground and beside the winding creek, where church
congregations sometimes held baptismal services, we see and hear the hustle and
bustle of present day activity and modern industry.The hill has been dug away by
the Van Duyne Block and Gravel Company.
[Van Duyne - Shelton Families, Fred Van Duyne, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
VAN HOUGHTON, E. P. [Rochester, Indiana]
Although in a small way and, at present, employing only a few hands, the
mattress factory recently located here has begun work and is located in the
Langsdorf building north Main street. The factory is owned and operated by E. P.
Van Houghton. Mr. Van Houghton has moved his family here from Chicago, and
intends to make this city his home. He is a mattress maker by trade and has
followed the business for a number of years.
The capacity of the plant at the present time is about two dozen mattresses a
day, which retail from three to ten dollars each. The mattresses are shipped all
over the state, having a market in Peru, Logansport, South Bend, and a great
many other towns. Local dealers are also handling the mattress and all say they
are a superior article.
It is the intention of Mr. Van Houghton to make his business grow and he hopes
to be able to increase his enterprise into large factory proportions within a
few years.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 14, 1907]
E. J. Van Houghton, formerly of this city, has returned to Rochester from Tampa,
Fla., where he spent the winter with his family. The Van Houghtons have
re-established their home in this city and Mr. Van Houghton has decided to
re-enter the mattress factory business. When he was located in Rochester vbefore
he operated a like industry and for some time made a success of the business.
However, he removed from this city to locate elsewhere and then went to Florida.
He has not decided on a room for his factory, but has several in view and
probably will be at the business within the next couple of weeks.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 1, 1912]
VAN LUE, JERRY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Jerry Van Lue)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Jerry Van Lue)
VAN METER, CHARLES [Kewanna, Indiana]
See Van Meter & Moore
The firm of Van Meter & Moore, farm implement dealers at Rochester and
Kewanna, has been dissolved. Charles Van Meter will continue handling the
International Harvester line in Kewanna and Lon Moore announced today he had
contracted the agency for John Deere tractors, implements and repairs. Mr. Moore
will keep his store in its present location at 828 Main street.
The Van Meter & Moore firm was recognized as one of the biggest implement
dealers in the state in volumee of sales.
Mr. Moore announced today that Carl Harvey would be associatedwith the new firm
as a salesman and D. S. (Ribbie) Rans will be in the repair department.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 3, 1939l]
VAN METER SAWMILL [Grass Creek, Indiana]
Operated by John Van Meter.
VAN METER & MOORE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Announcing Partnership Formation by VAN METER & MOORE, Tractors, Farm
Machinery and Motor Trucks. McCormick Deering Line; International Motor Trucks.
Service and Repairs at Rochester and Kewanna. Rochester business located at 114
West 9th Street. Rochester Phone 47. Kewanna Phone 37.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 11, 1935]
Announcement has just been made of the opening by Van Meter & Moore of their
new store at 828 Main Street. The new location will house one of the most
complete stocks of farm machinery repair parts for McCormick-Deering machines -
over 10,000 items - to be found in the state. The offices of the firm, and
display floor for new machines have also been moved from the old 9th street
Commencing business in Rochester in the Winter of 1935, Van Meter & Moore
has, in three years, gained recognition as one of the largest implement dealers
in northern Indiana. Fulton County farmers are fortunate in having available
such service and repairs facilities as are offered by this concern.
Discussing the move into the new Main Street location W. I. Moore said today,
"In moving our repair department and new machine display into the new
building, we are still maintaining our old 9th street location, in which
building we will carry the used machines and operate our service station.
Familiar to most farmers in this territory, I believe, are D. S. (Ribbie) Rans,
in charge of our repairs stock; our service men, John Crowell and Ed Clay; and
our field men, Carl Harvey, Chas. Jones and Otto Reed."
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 13, 1938]
The firm of Van Meter & Moore, farm implement dealers at Rochester and
Kewanna, has been dissolved. Charles Van Meter will continue handling the
International Harvester line in Kewanna and Lon Moore announced today he had
contracted the agency for John Deere tractors, implements and repairs. Mr. Moore
will keep his store in its present location at 828 Main street.
The Van Meter & Moore firm was recognized as one of the biggest implement
dealers in the state in volumee of sales.
Mr. Moore announced today that Carl Harvey would be associatedwith the new firm
as a salesman and D. S. (Ribbie) Rans will be in the repair department.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 3, 1939l]
VAN STUDDIFORD, GRACE [North Manchester, Wabash County]
Grace Van Studdiford, the opera singer whose home is in North Manchester, has
filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, giving her liabilities as $20,901.10
with assets at $10, which amount is deposited with the Hudson Trust Company.
This sad condition of the state of the star's financial affairs will come as
more or less of a surprise to her many friends and admirers in this city.
She owes John W. Thompson of St. Louis, $16,000, secured by a mortgage on two
acres of land, buildings and live stock, located in St. Louis county, worth
$30,000, and ninety-eight shares of the common stock of the Grace Van Studdiford
Amusement Company; Reginald de Koven, $250.25 balance of royalties due on
"The Golden Butterfly," and Charles Bradley, of Wanatah, L. I., $420
salary as business manager.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 17, 1910]
Grace Van Studdiford, well known in this city, was interviewed in New York
recently, as to the wont of theatrical celebrities, and passed out the following
"knock" for her home town of North Manchester:
"I was born in North Manchester, and my father and mother still reside
"The Wabash runs right by the town," volunteered Miss Van Studdiford's
"If you could see the town you wouldn't blame it," said the acress
with a smile. "Everything else runs right by it, too. I ran right by it as
soon as I was big enough."
"Not very enthusiastic about the sycamore scenery, eh?"
"Yes, I am, but it's such a sleepy little place. Honest, it's so still it
sounds noisy. I spend a week or two there every summer. Along about May I begin
to feel that there is no place like home, and the minute my season closes I take
the first train for North Manchester. After I'm there a few days I begin to feel
that there is no place like New York and back I come."
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 30, 1911]
VAN TRUMP, CALVIN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
VAN TRUMP, HAROLD [Rochester, Indiana]
Announcement has been made in LaPorte that a new republican newspaper will be
started there October 1st, with Harold Van Trump, former editor of the Daily
News here at Rochester, as publisher. Associated with Mr. Van Trump, will be
Stephen Chase and Bert Sheppard of LaPorte who have operated a job plant in that
city for some years. Mr. Sheppard formerly lived here also. The company will do
commercial printing in connection with their newspaper. The name of the
newspaper has not as yet been decided upon. For the last year LaPorte has had
only one newspaper, the Harald-Argus, which came as a result of the Herald
buying the Argus. The new firm bought some of its equipment of The
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 2, 1925]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
When the Ku Klux Klan rose up in ulton County In the early 1920s, the aders of
Rochester society reacted to it in rious ways. Some became active memers-,
others joined but kept their distance, Some refused to join yet tolerated its
existence; others opposed it and kept a susptcious eye on its progress. ,
Among them was Harold Van Trump, known as Herd, a newspaperman who quickly
anointed himself as the Klan's worst enemy and became its constant gadfly. He
instantly recognized the Klan for what it was, an abomination, and he fought its
progress in the columns of his newspaper with relentless vigor and journalistic
The Van Trumps were an old-line Rochester family. Herd and his brother Pete had
been in the publishing and printing business here since their youths. By the
time the Klan appeared, Herd was editor of one of the city's two newspapers. The
Daily News, a Republican organ that then occupied the same Eighth Street
building as does The Sentinel today.
Through his newspaper, Herd pounced upon the Klan as soon as it began to spread
through Indiana. He denounced its evil premises, warned that it was coming to
Fulton County and published the first accounts of its local organizing efforts.
In regular editorials, Van Trump revealed that the Klan was nothing more than an
elaborate scheme to enrich its leaders in Georgia and Indianapolis, condemned
its opposition to Catholics and Jews, many of whom have dwelt long and honorably
among us, and scoffed as absurd and unconstitutional its plans to supply
citizens with better law enforcement than that being provided by legally elected
Thus attacked, the Klan struck back. At the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve
of' 1923, a band of 41 robed and hooded Clansmen marched from the Courthouse
square onto Eighth Street. They formed a circle around an 18-foot cross in front
of the Daily News building, set the cross afire, sang "America," and
offered a loud prayer that the editor would see the error of his ways.
It bothered Herd not at all. He published a story about it at the top of page
one, noting that "few Rochester Kluxers took part. . . .most came from the
western (Kewanna) part of the coun-ty."
As the May 1924 primary elections approached, Van Trump advised his readers that
the Klan was seeking to control both Republican and Democratic parties in the
county. Men never before active in politics were filing for precinct
committeemen and as state convention delegates, he announced.
Suddenly, a means to oppose this insidious plan fell into his hands: a copy of
the Klan's secret local membership list.
It seems that an active member of the Klan, a man named Hiatt who recently had
moved to Rochester, needed money. He offered the list of 583 members for sale at
$1 per name. Herd raised the cash, bought the list and granted Hiatt his request
for a three-hour head start out of town before the sale was made public. Hiatt,
it was said, already had his household goods packed when he got the money. With
this weapon at hand, Editor Van Trump resumed his battle against the Klan in
earnest. He published the primary election ballot and placed a star beside every
candidate he now knew was NOT a Klan member. An unstarred candidate who wished
to gain a star beside his name in subsequent publications had only to make a
public disavowal of the Klan to the editor. A few did just that and were granted
the distinctive emblem
At this time also, a group calling' itself the Citizens' Horse Thief Detective
Association suddenly appeared. Its officers requested that county commisstoners
deputize 70 of its members, granting them police powers and the right to carry
guns. Van Trump expressed his horror at the thought pf officially arming these
men as a kind of vigilante force. He declared almost all them were Klansmen and
published their names. Commissioners never responded to the request.
In the May primaries the Klan scored impressive victories throughout Indiana,
but not in Fulton County. All Klan candidates for state delegates but one were
defeated by decisive votes here; In every contest in which a Klan candidate
sought to be a precinct committeeman, the anti-Klan candidate won.
For his strident opposition to - their attempt at a political takeover, Klansmen
paid Van Trump a second nocturnal visit. Knights of the Invisible Empire
appeared at 9 o'clock the night after election and burned another fiery cross,
this time in a vacant lot across from his. residence at Pontiac and 13th
streets, vanishing quickly afterward. Herd published an account of this event
too, under the heading "Editor Signally Honored." Obviously, he was
enjoying the attention.
Before the general election of November, 1924, Van Trump once more repeatedly
published a copy of the ballot with antiKlan candidates starred. And, once
again, Fulton County voters showed they were not swayed by KKK propaganda. Klan
candidates for treasurer, sheriff and surveyor all lost. In the race for
6oroner, where both hopefuls were identified with the Klan, 553 voters refused
to vote for either man.
Even though the Klan elected its candidate, Ed Jackson, as governor of Indiana,
Jackson could not carry Fulton County, losing here by 63 votes. The Klan and its
racist philosophy had been declared persona non grata at the local polls.
Afterward, Van Trump wrote that he was sorry he did not support the entire
Republican ticket but he believed "the constitutional rights of the people
were more important than party solidarity." He congratulated the people of
Fulton County "on the intelligence and honesty which directed their
Congratulation4 also were due Told Van Trump, along with some admiration. His
was the only newspaper voice raised publicly against the Klan's threat to Fulton
County life and to its government. The Sentinel in general had been content to
cover Klan activities only as ongoing news events. While Herd's editorial voice
sometimes reached fever pitch, it never lost its wisdom, persistence nor
courage. The county's people were well served by his words and obviously agreed
with their fact and logic.
The 1924 election was Herd's valedictory to Rochester. On December 1, 1924, The
Daily News merged with The Sentinel to form The News-Sentinel. Not being a part
of the onsolidation he moved on to newspapers in Marion, Wabash, LaPorte and
Florida before returning to Rochester, where he died in 1932 at age 56.
When D. C. Stephenson, Grand Dragon of the Indiana Klan, entered prison in 1925
as a convicted murderer and when afterward some of the officials. he had elected
were convicted of bribery and corruption, the Indiana Klan he had created was
disgraced, and fell into gradual decline. It existed awhile as a novelty but its
reach for acceptance and political power was ended.
By, the close of the 1920s this second incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan had
disappeared almost everywhere in Indiana, remaining only as a bad memory most
everyone would pr6fer to forget.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 14, 1999]
VAN TRUMP, JACOB [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal has been all but consummated by which Jacob Van Trump disposes of all of
his property holdings in Rochester and becomes the owner of a fine new flouring
mill at Mexico. The papers are being made out and as soon as the present owner
of the mill can move his effects out of a tidy home near the mill site, and
which is a part of the property, Mr. Van Trump will move with his family to his
new home, and take personal control of the mill.
Mr. Van Trump is an old time miller and understands the business thoroughly and
will make a success of the milling business at Mexico if it is possible for any
one to do it. The many friends of Mr. Van Trump and his family will be sorry to
lose them from local social and business circles but will bid them goodby with
the hope that his new environments will be pleasing and profitable to them.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 7, 1903]
A letter from Jacob Van Trump, of Mexico, says the high waters have washed his
mill dam out the third time and he has decided to not put another dollar in
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 6, 1904]
Jacob Van Trump is here from Mexico today, arranging to move his family back to
this place.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 6, 1905]
VAN TRUMP, REUBEN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
If Rochester has any business men who hold the idea that prices on Job printing
in this city are exhorbitant they will welcome the competition which will result
from an over-supply of printing establishments. Carl Van Trump recently resigned
his position with The Sentinel and will soon open an exclusive job shop over the
Hub shoe store and I. C. Meyer is the latest to enter the printing field.
Mr. Meyer has a well established raffle card business and has decided to equip
himself to do his own printing and take such other work as may come his way. Mr.
Meyer will be located over the Wile dry goods store, and Mrs. Meyer, who at one
time, was connected with The Sentinel, will have charge of the printing.
The Sentinel has reason to believe that the printing business is a very
profitable line of work, and anticipates that four job printing establishments
will find plenty of work at profitable prices.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 18, 1912]
[Adv] ANNOUNCEMENT. I herewith announce to the public that I am now fully
prepared to promptly execute all kinds of up-to-date job printing. I have spared
no little expense in equipping my shop with the latest improved machinery and
also a fine assortment job type. If you admire neat and artistic printing, it
will be to your benefit to place your order with the CARL VAN TRUMP COMPANY. Job
Printing. Over the Hub Shoe Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 3, 1912]
A deal was closed today by which J. Carl Jessen disposes of his interest in the
Kewanna Herald, the Van Trump Company, of this city, being the purchasers. Mr.
Jessen has been in charge of the Kewanna Herald for the past three years and
during that time has greatly improved the paper from both the news and business
standpoints. His work attracted the attention of the Logansport Reporter
management and he has accepted a position as business manager of that paper and
will at once take up his residence in Logansport.
Fred A. Taylor will succeed Mr. Jessen as manager and editor of the Herald, and
being a newspaper man of wide experience, will doubtless keep the paper at the
high standard of excellence established by his predecessor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 20, 1912]
On the first of January The Sentinel will pass from the hands of The Van Trump
Company to Dean L. Barnhart, son of Congressman Henry A. Barnhart, who will
become managing editor and sole owner of the business.
Dean Barnhart is a graduate of Indiana University, where he was a student of
journalism, and for the past two years has been engaged in editorial work on
South Bend newspapers, where he has demonstrated marked ability in his chosen
work. He will undoubtedly improve The Sentinel from a journalistic point of view
and the readers will lose nothing by the change. Associated with Mr. Barnhart
will be a business manager of large experience and a force of experienced
newspaper workers.
The Van Trump Company will continue in the printing business in Rochester,
having established a profitable trade in job printing not only among the local
business men but in distant cities. While special attention will be paid to the
printing business from a manufacturing standpoint, an independent weekly
newspaper will be established immediately after the first of the year. The new
paper will not fight the battles of any political organization, but will be
absolutely fair and fearless in the presentation of the news as it happens. The
same policy which has governed The Sentinel during the four years it has been
under the Van Trumps will be followed in the conduct of the new paper, except
that a broader and more liberal editorial policy will be adopted. The Van Trump
Company already own a fine printing plant equipment and to this will be added a
standard linotype and other modern machinery making one of the best newspaper
plants in this section of the state. A competent organization will be secured
and the business will be launched promptly with the opening of the new year.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, November 18, 1912]
[Adv] Just a Newspaper - Not an "Organ" - an Independent Weekly --
THE FULTON COUNTY SUN. "Not afraid of it's Shadow" Out January 9th,
1913 - - - - THE VAN TRUMP COMPANY, Office after January 1st, Corner 8th and
Madison Sts. Northern Corner Public Square.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 18, 1912]
Special to the Sentinel
Indianapolis, Ind., June 6 -- The Van Trump Co., of Rochester has increased its
capital stock from $10,000 to $50,000.
The company recently purchased the defunct Wickizer-McClure plant at Argos at
a price said to be about $7,500.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 6, 1917]
According to an anouncement made this Saturday, the Van Trump Co. will move
their Argos printing plant to Rochester in the near future and install it in an
addition which is now under course of erection at the rear of their present shop
in the Moore Bros. building on East Eighth St.
The building, which is to be 40 by 60 and one story high, will be built of
cement blocks by Marsh Hill. Al Myers has the contract for the wood work. The
Argos plant consists of three Michle presses, a linotype, power cutter, power
binder, power stitcher and other machinery and equipment. It has been used for
the past 10 years to print the National Hardware Bulletin and has recently
printed the Chester White Journal. The change will bring several families to
this city. The high overhead incident to maintaining two plants is the chief
reason for the move.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 23, 1918]
The Sun Publishing Company is moving into its new quarters in the garage
building at the rear of the Clinton Hardware. The office will be retained in the
Van Trump Company building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 26, 1922]
Announcement was made Tuesday of the purchase by Fred Richie of Harold Van
Trump's interest in the Van Trump printing establishment here. This corporation
was organized some time ago by the Van Trump brothers. Harold Van Trump owned 50
per cent of the stock, which has been purchased by his son-in-law, Richie.
Richie takes possession at once. Van Trump, who was out of the city when
announcement of the change in ownership was made, it is said, plans to continue
with the bueiness in a more or less active participation for the next six
months, but his plans after that time are indefinite. He is withdrawing from the
corporation on account of his eyes, which have given him considerable trouble
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 6, 1923]
VAN TRUMP SAWMILL [Rochester Township]
Located approximately SW corner of US-31 bypass and SR-25.
Owned by Reuben and Calvin Van Trump.
The mill was a Muley Mill, invented by a man named Muley and run by a steam
engine. The saw stood upright and was a band or sash saw. In 1869 a new saw was
needed. A circular one, called Wyandott Chief, made at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, was
An employee, William Downs, later bought them out.
[Downs Family, Ruth Downs Richardson, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
Jacob Shafer will preach at the School House near Van Trump's Saw Mill, next
Sabbath (March 16th) at 11 o'clock a.m., and at the School House in town at 3
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, March 13, 1862]
Public Sale. Daniel Van Trump will offer for sale on Friday the 31st day of
March 1865, at the Van Trump saw-mill, one mile and a half south of Rochester
Ind. thirty head of sheep,.. two milch cows, and also his kitchen and household
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, March 23, 1865]
VANATA, DALE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Chance, Archie B.
VANATA, LOFTLEE B. [Kewanna/Rochester, Indiana]
See: Vernon's Grocery
Loftlee B. Vanata has moved his bargain store in Kewanna to Rochester and has
leased the room at 512 North Main street for many years occupied by Ellis Reed
who moved into the "loop" several weeks ago. Mr. Vanata deals in new
and used furniture.
The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 9, 1940]
VANBRIGGLE & BROTHER, IRA [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rochester Machine and Saw Works.
VANDEGRIFT, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
"LAD" - NO. 2818
This fine young horse, an imported Clydesdale, is a dark brown, weighs 1,650
pounds, 16-1/2 hands high, and every inch a grand draft horse - having won the
Silver Medal at the Indiana State Fair.
"LAD" may be seen during the season of 1891, at R. G. Vandegrifts, 1
mile east of Green Oak, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and at the Brick
Livery Barn, in Rochester, on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Terms Ten and
Twelve Dollars. JOHN VANDEGRIFT.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 1, 1891]
VANDERGRIFT, QUINCY A. [Rochester, Indiana]
Bud Ware, who has operated the Rochester pop factory so successfully, has
disposed of half the business to Quincy Vandergrift of this city, and the new
firm will at once begin enlarging their present large trade circle. Both the men
will go to Chicago Sunday morning to inspect several gasoline auto trucks with
the prospect of purchasing one for their pop delivery.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 29, 1911]
The Ware & Vandergrift auto truck has been equipped with a hack top and will
be used each Sunday and other occasions as a hack.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 22, 1911]
The firm of Ware & Vandergrift was dissolved this morning, when Mr.
Vandergrift assumed complete control of the pop business, having purchased his
partner's interests. The new owner will continue in the manufacture of the high
grade soft drinks, which made the firm popular.
Mr. Ware will now devote his entire time to the promotion of his wholesale beer
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 4, 1911]
The Q. A. Vandergrift pop factory has been moved from its old location in the
Robbins building back of the cyucle exchange to the Goss building on North Main
street. The room is one of the best equipped pop factories in the state and
preparations for a big increase in business have been made.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 1, 1914]
Q. A. Vandergrift, who for the past four years has conducted a soft drink
manufacturing plant in Rochester, has sold the business to Calvin Spurlock of
Germany, who will move to this city and take charge of the plant at once. Mr.
Vandergrift did not state what he intended to do in the future, but it is said
that he is thinking of going West. Spurlock is also an automobile agent .
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 27, 1915]
VANDERKARR, JOHN D. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Crime
See: Rannells, WilliamW.
MURDER IN ROCHESTER. Two Men Shot, at a House of Ill-Fame,
Kept by JOHN D. VANDERKARR and his wife SARAH.
Great Excitement.
The perpetrator of the Deed, and his Wife,
Arrested on the Charge of Murder in the First Degree.
The Woman Tried and Acquitted.
The People are Divided in their Opinions as to the Degree of Criminality in the
The Testimony of the Witnesses.
JOHN D. VANDERKARR and his wife, SARAH VANDERKARR, for the past three years,
have been keeping a house of ill-fame in the north-west part of Rochester, which
has been the scene of much wickedness, fighting and shooting. On last Saturday
night, between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, AMOS SELBY, a noted fighting
character, JOHN WALLACE, son of ROBERT WALLACE, proprietor of the Wallace House,
JAMES K. DEBOLT and KEN GREEN, drove around to the above named place, in a
sleigh. So far as we can learn from reports and the following evidence, they
presented themselves at the front door and demanded admittance. Vanderkarr from
within told them that they could not come in, when they threatened to break the
door in, which was done by one or more of the party, at which Vanderkarr became
enraged and discharged one barrel of a double-barrelled shot gun at the group.
Eight or nine buck shot entering the body of JOHN WALLACE, on the left side,
near the region of the heart, and one buck shot penetrated the hip of Amos
Selby. One rumorr says they were all in the sleigh when they were shot, but
there is nothing certain about their exact position or location. The sleigh was
driven to the Wallace House with all possible speed, but John Wallace drew his
last breath just after he was carried into his home. Dr. ROBBINS was called in
the mean time, but no earthly physician could have rendered him any aid. Selby
was taken to his home where he is still confined.
Perhaps nothing ever occurred in the usually quiet town of Rochester that
created so much excitement and consternation as this shooting affray and death
of John Wallace. The word went from mouth to mouth during Saturday night and
Sunday morning until half the people in the county became apprised of the
affray, and a large number of country people came in to learn the particulars in
the case.
Constable STILES, with his posse, proceeded to the scene of the murder, and
arrested John D. Vanderkarr, his wife, Miss HESTER WILSON, and Miss CLARA FUNK
(Alias KATE FOSTER), and brought them before Justice HERMAN, from whence they
all were sent to jail to await the preliminary trial which was set for Monday at
one o'clock at the court house. Threats of lynching were made, and for some time
it was feared violence would be used, but through the care of the officers, all
passed off peaceably.
The following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury, held Sunday morning, E. R.
HERMAN, acting Coroner:
We do find that the deceased came to his death by violence, and that said body
has upon it the following marks and wounds: Eight gunshot wounds in his left
side, and six in his left arm, inflicted by JOHN D. VANDERKARR. ISAAC GOOD, D.
The funeral of JOHN WALLACE took place at the M.E. church, on Monday last, at
ten o'clock, and quite a large concourse of relatives and friends were in
attendance. The deceased was born in Rochester, December 4, 1853, and was aged
21 years, 2 months and 16 days. He was large and portly for one of his age,
generally affable and goodhumored; pretty well educated and considered by all
who knew him to be a jolly good fellow, and usually conducted himself in a
gentlemanly manner. Although he had many good qualities he was not every way an
exemplary young man, but of the dead nothing should be said except that which is
Long before the time set for holding the preliminary trial, the court house was
well filled by citizens of the town and county who were anxious to learn all
they could about the terrible tragedy. At 2 o'clock, His Honor, E. R. HERMAN,
justice of the peace, called the trial and the prisoners were brought in. ENOCH
STURGEON and I. CONNER were engaged as prosecutors on behalf of the State, and
H. B. JAMISON, E. CALKINS and J. S. SLICK on the defense. The attorneys for the
defense put in a plea of not guilty on the part of John D. Vanderkarr and waived
a preliminary examination. The Court remanded him to jail to await the sitting
of the Fulton county Circuit court, which will commence the fourth Monday in
March. Mrs. Sarah Vanderkarr was charged in the affidavit as being an accessory
to the murder, and the court proceeded with the investigation of the case.
Testimony of the Witnesses
Miss KATE FOSTER. My name is KATE FOSTER. I reside part of the time at Kewanna,
in this county. For the past three weeks I have been stopping with Mr. and Mrs.
VANDERKARR. It was at their house Saturday night last in the forepart of the
night. I have not been acquainted with Mrs. V. only for the past three weeks. I
was at V's house when the shooting was done, in the bed room off the dining
room, near the center of the house. The door of my room was closed. I was in the
bed room when the shooting occurred. Did not hear any conversation in front
room, nor in the sitting room. I did not hear Mrs. V. say anything; she was in
bed part of the time, but got up before the shooting, and spoke to the gentlemen
outside and said if they were gentlemen they would leave the yard. I was
listening to what was going on. There were four persons in the house at the
time, Mr. and Mrs. V., Miss WILSON and myself. This was about 10 o'clock. I
heard a person outside swear he would let their heart's blood out if they were
not permitted to come in. V. said they could not come in, the girls were all in
bed. The door was kicked open; the shooting occurred in a second after. Mrs. V.
said nothing at that time. I did not see the man when he kicked the door open. I
did not talk to anyone about what I should testify.
Miss ESTHER WILSON. My name is ESTHER WILSON. I reside at Oxford, Indiana; have
been at V's three weeks to-dav. I am single. Aged 20 years; was acquainted with
V's two years before I came here to live; got acquainted elsewhere. I was at V's
last night. No, after midnight I was in jaill (Laughter) I was at V's from
sundown till after the shooting occurred. Mr. and Mrs. V., Miss Foster and
myself were in the house at the time. There are six rooms in the house - dining
room, bed room, parlor and kitchen. Three beds in the house; one lounge in the
sitting room. One spare bed. I was in bed. All were in bed two hours before the
shooting. I was not asleep. Miss Foster retired at the same time. Neither of us
slept. V. occupied the front room in spare bed, and had retired. The room they
occupied was adjoining the room where the door was broken down. I heard the
first disturbance about 11 o'clock. V. was at the door when they knocked. V.
spoke to them through the hole in the side of the door. The bar was across the
door at the time. V. gave the men a dozen warnings to go away. Mrs. V. came to
the door and said, "boys if you are gentlemen you will go away." They
said, let us in or we will let your heart's blood out. After the door was broken
V. snapped the gun, but it did not go off. The man outside said, shoot, you son
of a b --- h. Mrs. V. was at the window. She could not see out, the window
curtain was dropped. The window blind was not up. V. kept his gun hanging on the
wall near the door. Mrs. V. had nothing in her hands when I saw her. The door
was broken very badly. It was split and swing out at the top. Can't say if bar
and irons were broken. The door was open so that a person could go out and in.
Mrs. V. arose to her feet when the- door was broken, but said nothing to me or
V. I had no acquaintance with John Wallace. I only heard Mr. and Mrs. V. speak
of him. I knew none of the parties on the outside of the house. Mrs. V. was at
the window when the shooting took place, about three yards from Mr. V. There
were no words spoken only what I have mentioned. She did not in any way persuade
him to shoot. Mrs. V. had not time to interpose, all was done in a moment.
(JAMISON - "It was her business to get out of the way." Laughter) I do
not know in what position V. held the gun. He took the gun down when they said
they were coming in. He shot through the open door. I have had no conversation
about this matter with any one.
Through the kindness of Sheriff MOON we were permitted to interview Mr.
Vanderkarr through the grate of his cell.
JOHN D. VANDERKARR'S STORY. -At the time the sleigh drove up we were all in bed.
I got up and looked out of the window and inquired "who is there?"
JOHN WALLACE answered, himself. DEBOLT, GREEN and a traveling man; we want in.
What for? To have a little fun! It is too late, we are all in bed. We are bound
to come in. Get off my premises and go away. Not till we get ready; open up this
door, for if vou don't it will be the worst thing for you. I can't do it. We
will mash the door open and let the heart's blood out of you. They kicked the
door in, and as it was about to fall I reached to my gun on the wall and pulled
it on SELBY, but the first barrel was not discharged because the cap had dropped
off, or was missing. I immediately set the other lock and fired. By this time
they were all in the sleigh but Selby, who was in the act of getting in. I did
not know the result of my shooting. They were directly opposite my gate when I
fired. The bar sometimes put across the door was not in its place that evening.
It is about fourteen feet from my door to the gate.
Tuesday we called on Mr. SELBY, at his residence, and found him in bed. He was
not suffering any pain from his wound. The ball entered the fleshy part below
the point of the hip, and striking the bone it glanced downward, and has not
been extracted.
SELBY'S STORY. We were all in the sleigh taking a ride around the town. The boys
proposed to go over to VAN'S; some objected, but we finally went. JOHN WALLACE
got out of the sleigh and went to the port hole and talked a good bit with V. in
a low tone through the port hole. Then GREEN went also and talked with V. I
asked DEBOLT to go and ask V. for a match to light my pipe, but he didn't want
to go, and I said to him you hold the horse and I will go. When I got within
eight feet of the door V. opened it and stuck his head and shoulders out, but as
I made a step or two more he threw the door wide open and stood in the door with
his gun in his hands, holding it across his bosom. I saw him plainly and
remembered what SHANNON MACKEY had told me about V. being well armed, and would
kill me if I molested him, and I wheeled about and returned to the sleigh. I
said to the boys that V. must want to shoot or scare somebody. John Wallace said
the d ---- d old wh--- master, he wouldn't shoot nothing. I was opposite the
sleigh, and as I got in, the horse started, and V. pointing the gun right at us,
fired. I said, boys, I am shot; how are you all fixed? John Wallace said he was
shot through and through. KEN GREEN said Wallace was dying, for God's sake, what
shall we do? I said drive home to his folks as fast as God will let you go. I
had drank but two glasses of liquor that day, and was not drunk. John Wallace
was not drunk. Green and Debolt had been drinking and were somewhat under the
influence. I did not touch the door, and was not within six feet of it.
[Rochester Union Spy, Friday, February 26, 1875]
Never in the history of Rochester were the citizens of this usually quiet and
peaceful place thrown into such a fever of excitement and confusion as they were
on last Saturday night, when the news, like an electric shock, spread all over
the town that JOHNNY WALLACE had been killed. Such a tragedy as had occurred was
an unusual affair for Rochester, and men ran hither and thither, conveying the
intelligence and making inquiries as to the facts in the case.
It is a fact well known to nearly all the citizens of this county and many of
the traveling public that Rochester has been cursed for several years with a low
grade house of prostitution kept by JOHN D. VANDERKARR and his wife, SARAH
VANDERKARR. In fact, so notorious is the name Vanderkarr that it is known far
and wide among men who are termed "sports." This house, like all of
its kind, invited within its wall all classes of persons, irrespective of age or
other conditions of life, and, naturally enough, many were the scenes of strife
and bloodletting among the motley crews that assembled there night after night.
On the night in question, at about the hour of 10 o'clock, JOHN J. WALLACE, AMOS
SELBY, McKENDRY GREEN and JAMES DEBOLT repaired to that house, (which, by the
way, is situated in the north-western portion of town, just within the corporate
limits,) in a sleigh, to which was attached a single horse. Arriving there, they
asked to be admitted, but were refused by the host. Vanderkarr remained within
the house and communicated to those on the outside through a wicket or hole in
the wall near the door his determination to keep them out. But the party of four
had come for some purpose known best to themselves and did not feel disposed to
return until they had seen the inside of the house. They at last grew desperate,
and Vanderkarr says that one of them remarked that if he did not let them in
that they would batter down the door and take his heart's blood. Nothing
daunted, he still refused them admission, whereupon, it is said, the door was
kicked from its fastening and swung in. When that had been done, and as they
were hurriedly getting into the sleigh to depart, they were fired upon by
Vanderkarr with a double-barrelled shot gun, both barrels heavily charged with
powder and large buckshot. Fortunately, however, one barrel missed fire, the
other taking effect in the bodies of Wallace and Selby. No cry of pain was heard
as the horse bounded away with its load of wounded men. Wallace remarked that he
was shot through and through and asked to be driven home, which was but a few
blocks away. He was carried into his father's house and breathed his last in
less than ten minutes after receiving his wound. Nearly the entire medical
fraternity of the place was immediately summoned, and an examination of his
injuries proved that six balls had nearly rended asunder his left arm just above
the elbow, and that eight had entered his left side between his hip and ribs.
Selby had received one ball in the hip, the other two persons who were in the
sleigh with them miraculously escaping unharmed.
All this occurred in a remarkably short space of time, and it was but a few
minutes thereafter until nearly the whole town was informed that a murder had
been committed. When Sheriff MOON learned of the disaster, he, with Marshal
MACKEY, lost no time in wending their way to the late scene of the disaster,
where they found Vanderkarr unconscious of the crime he had committed. He was
soon informed of it, likewise that he was a prisoner, as well as the other
inmates, which consisted at that time of Mrs. VANDERKARR, KATE FOSTER and HESTER
WILSON. By this time a large number had gathered there to assist in making the
arrests, if necessary. A large crowd of warm and excited friends had gathered at
the WALLACE HOUSE, where lay the dead and mutilated body of JOHN WALLACE. In
going to the office of Esquire HERMAN, where a preliminary examination was to be
held, the criminal and his women passed by the crowd at the Wallace House, and,
as they were passing, fears were entertained that the prisoner would be taken
from the hands of the officers and lynched, but wisdom characterized their
actions, and no violence was offered. The Justice's office was literally packed
with persons long before the prisoners arrived, all eager to gaze upon one who
had taken the life of a fellowman. Vanderkarr was quite nervous and was anxious
to be placed in a place of safety; accordingly he and the three women were
lodged in the county jail until Monday at 1 o'clock, when they were to have a
preliminary examination.
In the meantime a Coroner's jury was empaneled by Esquire HERMAN, acting
Coroner, who returned a verdict in accordance with the facts. The following is
the report of the same jury:
The undersigned jurors, empaneled on the 20th day of February to hold an
inquisition on the body of JOHN J. WALLACE, found dead in the township of
Rochester, Fulton County, in the State of Indiana, do report that the true name
of said person is as above given, to-wit: JOHN J. WALLACE, that at the time of
his death he was about 21 years old, that he had no valuables on his person as
far as we have been able to ascertain.
Given under our hands this 21st day of February, 1875. ISAAC GOOD, D. S. ROSS,
By the time the prisoners had been stored away in their cells, the pulse of
those whose feeling of indignation and excitement ran highest, began to beat
less frequent as the early hours of the Sabbath morn drew on, and many retired
to their homes to reflect upon the atrocity of the crime that had been
On Sunday, all day long every street corner contained a group of men discussing
the proceedings of the past night. It was the all absorbing theme of
conversation and general interest. There was a perceptible falling off of
church-going people, as the many empty pews of the various churches all
testified. A cloud of gloom pervaded every circle, and caused a feeling of
sadness in the hearts of all.
Preparations were made for the funeral of JOHN J. WALLACE, to take place on
Monday at 10 o'clock a.m. Many people in the country had learned of the
calamity, and at an early hour on that morning there was an unusual stir on the
streets, all anxious to see and hear concerning the tragedy. Rev. Mr. SAGE, a
Universalist minister from Logansport, had been engaged to preach the funeral
sermon, and when the hour arrived, the funeral cortege, headed by the Brass
Band, proceeded to the M.E. Church, which was soon filled to overflowing with a
large circle of mourning relatives and sorrowing friends. The sermon was a
masterly effort, full of tenderness and consolation for the broken and bleeding
hearts of a father, mother, three sisters and other relatives, but their tears
would not cease to flow and the anguish of their souls refused to be pent up.
When they came to look for the last time upon the inanimate form of that son and
brother their grief knew no bounds, and the scene beggars description. As the
funeral procession proceeded to the Odd Fellows' Cemetery, the slow, measured
notes from the band impressed the crowds that thronged the streets with the
solemnity of the occasion.
The funeral rites had hardly been performed when the hour set for the
Preliminary Trial of JOHN D. VAIMERKARR, charged with murder in the first
degree, and his wife, KATE FOSTER and HESTER WILSON, as accessories, was called.
The examination took place at the Court House and never was the temple of
justice more densely packed with a living mass of humanity than at that time.
The prisoners were conducted from the jail to the court room through the surging
crowd, and took seats in a position so that the entire audience had a favorable
opportunity of gazing upon them. The attorneys, consisting of I. CONNER, deputy
Prosecutor, and E. STURGEON, for the State, J. S. SLICK, E. CALKINS and H. B.
JAMISON for the defense, arranged themselves on either side of a long table.
Esquire HERMAN occupied the Judge's chair, and the trial began. At this juncture
ROBERT WALLACE, the father of the murdered young man, made his way to the side
of his attorneys, and the withering look he gave the slayer of his son, who sat
on the opposite side of the table, was more indicative of his feeling than
though he had given audible expression to what he felt. VANDERKARR plead Not
Guilty to the charge, waived an examination, and was remanded to jail. KATE
FOSTER and HESTER WILSON were dismissed, while Mrs. VANDERKARR was held to
answer as being an aid and abettor to her husband in the killing of Wallace. The
only witnesses that were examined were the two girls, who had been dismissed.
KATE FOSTER swore that her home was at Kewanna, in this county, and that she had
been at VANDERKARR's but three weeks. HESTER WILSON swore that her home was at
Oxford, Ind., and that she had only been at VANDERKARR's three weeks. The
testimony of both were to the effect that they were present at the time the
shooting took place, but were in bed at the time the four persons made
application to be admitted to the house. According to their testimony there were
no persons within the house at that time but those who properly belonged there.
They heard VANDERKARR tell those without that they could not come in, and they
heard the voice of one from without say that if he did not open the door he
would kick the door down and take his heart's blood. They further testified that
the door was kicked or broken from its fastenings by those without, and that
immediately thereafter VANDERKARR fired upon them. No information could be
elicited from them by which the wife could be implicated as an accessory to the
murderous deed. She was present and a passive spectator to all that occurred,
but did not counsel or advise the act, nor did she remonstrate against it.
After a brief argument by the counsel the Court decided that there had not been
sufficient evidence adduced to warrant him to hold her in custody, and thereupon
she was set at liberty.
The gun used by the defendant was exhibited in court, but there was nothing
remarkable about it to distinguish it from other guns of its class, save that it
was weather-beaten and rusty. Both barrels were well charged at the time, having
been reloaded for further destruction if an occasion offered.
A brief sketch of the principal actors in this blood-curdling tragedy may not
prove entirely uninteresting to our readers:
JOHN D. VANDERKARR was born on the Mohawk River, near Albany, New York, and will
be 39 years old on the 3rd of next June. His parents died while he was a youth,
and soon after he made his home at Kankakee, Ill., where he married his present
wife in 1863. No children have been born unto them, which is truly a blessing.
About six years ago they came to Rochester, and for a time laid some claim to
respectability but after opening a house of prostitution he sunk to his proper
level. He is of medium hight, strong and robust, and weighs not less than 200
pounds. He has a sallow complexion and a physiogonomy that does not impress any
one as being intellectual or at all pleasing.
SARAH VANDERKARR, his wife, is about three years his senior, and possesses a
hard, grim visage that is extremely repulsive. Her maiden name was MILLER, and,
from what we can learn, spent her earlier days in Miami County, where she
married one BENJAMIN JOHNIGAN, who was soon after divorced from her on account
of her persistent loose and unchaste habits.
KATE FOSTER is a large, overgrown girl, of perhaps 22 vears of age, and not ill
looking. Her parents, or her widowed mother rather, lives near Kewanna, and
bears the name of FUNK. FOSTER is an alias assumed by Kate to conceal her true
name. It is well known that a prominent citizen induced her away from her
mother, and placed her at VANDERKARR's to advance his private interests. The
name of this ranting hypocrite, who maintains an air of sanctity, will be
brought prominently before the public in due time.
HESTER WILSON is a stranger here, of lighter build and feebler constitution. She
is young in years but old in vice, and ought to be an inmate of some hospital
rather than to be plying her vocation.
JOHN JACOB WALLACE was born in Rochester, and has ever made his home with his
father, who is the proprietor of the Wallace House. He had just attained his
majority two months ago, and was a young man of good physical proportions and in
the prime of his youth. He was somewhat reckless in some of his habits, yet he
was possessed of noble impulses and a kind, forgiving spirit. His fine social
qualities were admired by all and secured him many friends, who deeply regret
his early demise. His desires and willingness to accommodate and do the bidding
of his friends is what at many times lead him from the path of rectitude. His
transgressions were more of the character of boys' pranks than of a premeditated
desire to do wrong, and had his life been spared a few years he would have
outgrown his boyishness and have become an honored and useful member of society.
He was an only son, loved and cherished by the whole family.
AMOS SELBY's name has appeared so frequently in print in connection with bloody
noses and broken heads, that he requires but little notice at our hand. He
claims the championship of the county for a square knock-down, and we think he
is entitled to the belt. He is perhaps 38 or 40 years of age, and has been
"on his muscle" from our earliest recollection. When sober, he is a
quiet and orderly citizen; but a few drinks makes a demon of him and nothing is
too daring for him to undertake. The buckshot wound received in his hip is quite
a serious one, but he is in a fair way to recover.
McKENDRY GREEN is a resident of Liberty Township in this county. He frequently
visits this place, and when he does so, the company he keeps and the places he
visits has not given him a very enviable reputation among the people of
JAMES DEBOLT is a young man, almost entirely unknown in this community, and from
his gentlemanly appearance we would hardly have thought that he would be found
seeking admission to a house of the character of VANDERKARR'S. ... VANDERKARR is
secure within the county jail, and employs his time in drawing discordant sounds
out of an old violin....
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 27, 1875]
He is Registered for Twenty Years at Michigan City An Appeal to the Supreme
The third and last trial of JOHN D. VANDERKARR, for the killing of JOHN J.
WALLACE on the 20th of February last, was brought to a close on Sunday morning
about 9 o'clock. The jury had retired for deliberation a few minutes before
midnight, with little hope on the part of the general public for a speedy
conclusion of their labors. The announcement that a verdict had been returned
was made by the tolling of the Court House bell at about 8 o'clock in the
morning, and in a few minutes thereafter the streets and courtyard presented a
lively throng of anxious and inquiring faces.
When Judge KEITH arrived and the doors of the court room were thrown open, it
was immediately filled with silent spectators. After the Sheriff called the roll
of jurymen, the foreman handed to his Honor the paper containing the doom of the
defendant. The Court having adjusted his glasses amid the most profound silence,
"We, the jury, find the defendant guilty of manslaughter as charged in the
indictment, and assess his punishment at twenty years imprisonment in the
The jury was immediately interrogated by the attorneys for the defendant, and
each expressed himself satisfied with the verdict as it had been read. A motion
for a new trial was at once entered and time asked to procure affidavits showing
the prior expression of opinions by some of the jurors. Time being granted by
the Court until 9 o'clock on Monday morning, the work of getting affidavits was
commenced by the defense and continued up till that time, when (as some would
have it) eight or nine corrupt documents were presented and read in the hearing
of an astonished audience, creating a manifest surprise. The State then asked
time to procure counter affidavits until Thursday morning, when the court
adjourned until that time.
The court again convened at the appointed hour and listened to the reading of
some sixteen affidavits produced by the State. The principal part of such
affidavits were directed to the impeachment of some of those dare devils who had
sworn for the defendant, the remainder to sustain the impeached jurors. At 1
o'clock on Thursday afternoon, after listening to the argument of counsel, the
Court proceeded to review the facts and circumstances upon which the motion was
founded, concluding by refusing the prisoner a new hearing, pronouncing judgment
on the verdict. and sentencing the defendant to the penitentiary in accordance
with the finding of the jury.
Considerable hot and unnecessary comment has been belched out concerning parties
directly interested in the case, and many harsh words have been uttered in
moments of passion that reflects but little credit on any one, and now, when the
Supreme Court has passed on these questions, John D. Vanderkarr will be tried
again, or Fulton County will know him no more forever.
A BOLD STROKE FOR FREEDOM. The sentence of VANDERKARR to twenty years
imprisonment in the State's prison was an event entirely unlooked for by the
prisoner, and when it became forcibly impressed upon his mind that twenty years
of his life must be spent in solitary confinement, he immediately began making
preparation for his escape from the county jail, where he has been confined
since February last. The JAIL of this county is not very pretentious in
appearance, yet it is quite formidable and requires considerable skill and hard
labor to effect an escape. The walls of the jail are brick, and instead of
plastering on the inside, they are covered with a double coating of two-inch oak
plank, in which heavy nails have been driven so close together that the point of
a knife can scarcely be stuck between them. An excavation of three feet was made
in the ground and filled in with large round stone, on which was placed square
timber lOxl2 inches, and these covered by ordinary flooring. Substantial cells
are constructed in the center of the large room with corridors running entirely
around them. In one of these cells Vanderkarr was kept each night and allowed
the privilege of the corridors during the day.
By some means unknown he had come in possession of a hammer, an iron rod, such
as are used by butchers to pin meat to a block, a butcher's steel, and a long
file. During the day he occupied his time in drawing a staple to his cell door,
so that when locked in at night he could remove it again without difficulty.
On Wednesday night he came out of his cell to the corridor, and after prying up
the floor, proceeded to burn off one of the heavy timbers beneath, which he
accomplished successfully by heating in the stove the iron rod in his
possession. It then only remained for him to remove the stone and dig out under
the foundation. He was making good progress on the way to liberty when he was
discovered by Sheriff MOON, who has kept an eagle eye on him ever since the
verdict of the jury was known. A watch has been kept on the outside of the jail
every night, and while thus watching the sound of tools was heard within. An
investigation of the interior found the prisoner snugly ensconced in bed in the
cell, but the aperture in the floor and his near exit to the outer world was
plainly visible. In another hour or two he would have been at liberty. An extra
guard was then placed around him for the night and succeeding night.
Yesterday noon, manacled and well guarded, the prison doors opened and he
stepped forth and to the depot, to take the train for his Michigan City home. At
the depot a large crowd of people had assembled to witness his departure. Just
previous to the arrival of the train a double seated carriage arrived upon the
scene containing three women, one the prisoner's wife, the others inmates of her
habitation. The farewell was an affecting one, the wife weeping bitterly and
showing a strong attachment for her husband. He (the prisoner) is a man of iron
will and nerve, and although deeply agitated and cast down, betrayed but little
emotion. The train bore him off and the crowd dispersed, and this is the closing
scene of the great tragedy.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 16, 1875]
DIED. -John D. VANDERKARR, known to many of our readers as the keeper of a house
of prostitution in this place for several years, and at whose hands John J.
WALLACE, a promising young man received his death on the night of Feb. 20, 1875,
is dead.
Convicted of manslaughter, he was sentenced to 20 years service in the Northern
prison and began his term in October of the same year. Vanderkarr was nearly 39
years old at the time he entered the prison and was at that time in robust
health, but close confinement soon undermined his constitution and during the
nearly four years that he has been there, he has rendered the State but little
service. Last week he was taken with a congestive chill and died at an early
hour Saturday morning. His wife who still remains at this place was notified of
his death and went to the prison at once but did not remain for his funeral
which occurred on Sunday in consequence of her own sickness. We are informed
that it is her intention to have his remains brought here for permanent
interment. Thus has another one of the evil doers paid the penalty of his bad
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 20, 1879]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
The murder of Johnny Wallace and the subsequent trial and conviction of his
killer, John D. Vanderkarr, has to be the most sensational criminal case ever to
occur in Rochester.
It took place in 1875 and contained all the lurid elements that arouse public
interest in any age: illicit sex, a prominent victim, a cold-blooded, notorious
killer, a threat of lynching, repeated trials to get a verdict and a final
attempt at a jail break.
Today's national media would have eaten it up, just as did the inhabitants of
Rochester and Fulton County during the eight months required to mete out
The principals were well-known citizens of Roe hester, but for quite different
Wallace was the only son of Robert Wallace, the respected proprietor of the
Wallace House hotel and entertainment center at Fifth and Main Streets. Johnny,
who had just turned 21, was a handsome, popular leader among the town's somewhat
reckless young sports.
Vanderkarr, 38, had come to Rochester with wife Sarah about 1869 from Kankakee,
Ill., by way of Albany, N.Y. At first he was respectably employed, but for the
last three years he had been operating a whorehouse on the town's northwest
edge. The Sentinel rated the brothel as "low grade" and wrote of many
scenes of strife and bloodletting among the motley crews that assembled there
night after night.
Prostitution was not uncommon in this place in the 1870s and was tolerated by
the local authorities. Indeed, as early as 1871 The Rochester Union Spy wrote
that the town had become "notorious as a city of refuge for fallen women
who come here to escape the rigors of the law threatened in other places."
About 10 o'clock on Saturday night, February 20, 1875, Wallace was cruising
about town in a one-horse sleigh with friends Amos Selby, a local boxer and
bully; McKendry Green of Liberty Township and James Debolt, a just-arrived
traveler. They pulled up to Vanderkarr's bawdy house, went to the door and
demanded to be admitted. Vanderkarr, speaking through a wicket near the door,
said it was too late and refused them entrance.
The young men insisted and, when still denied, kicked the door from its
fastenings. Then realizing they'd gone too far, they ran for the sleigh.
Vanderkaxr emerged from the house with a doublebarreled shotgun loaded with
large buckshot and fired at the group. Only one barrel discharged, but it was
enough to kill Wallace and slightly wound Selby.
Within a few minutes, the entire town was alerted to these events.
Sheriff Sidney Moon quickly arrested Vanderkarr, who professed ignorance of the
effects of his shooting. Also arrested were Vanderkarr's wife and the two women
of the brothel, Kate Foster and Hester Wilson. By the time of the arrests, a
large number of citizens had gathered at the Vanderkarr house to assist, but
were not needed.
As the party of prisoners was marched by the Wallace House, where Johnny's body
had been taken, mutterings of lynching were heard among the huge number of
citizens assembled there. Wisdom and Sheriff Moon prevailed, however, even as
interested townspeople multiplied at the Wallace House and at the justice court
where the prisoners were arraigned immediately'
Vanderkarr's wife and the two tarts were released without charges. He pleaded
not guilty and was remanded to the county jail. where he began to pass the time
by "drawing discordant sounds" from a violin he had brought along.
The town was transfixed. Church attendance dwindled Sunday as people gathered in
groups to discuss the shocking event. Johnny's funeral procession to the IOOF
cemetery on Monday, which was led by a brass band, passed throngs of citizens
whose number was swelled bv arrivals from the countryside.
Trying the accused for his crime proved no easy matter. The first trial in March
ended in a sentence of six years that was overturned on a technicality.
A second trial, begun in August, had to be canceled when a juror became ill.
Finally. on October 8 a third trial reached a verdict. But before it was
announced, the Courthouse bell was rung and the populace given ample time to
assemble to hear it. Tbe jury found Vanderkarr guilty of homicide and sentenced
him to 20 years in the Michigan City penitentiary.
There he was taken on October 15, just after discovery of the escape tunnel he
had nearly completed under the jail's foundation. At the state prison his health
steadily deteriorated and there he died on September 13, 1879, nearly four years
after his conviction.
Mrs. Vanderkarr soon sold the couple's notorious house of ill fame and left for
other parts. Her departure, wrote The Sentinel, gave the community "a sense
of relief not felt for many years." Perhaps, but the town had yet to meet
Patrick McGuire. You shall, next.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 1, 1997]
See: Patents and Inventions
VANKIRK, JOHN W. [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
John W. Vankirk, a thrifty and enterprising farmer of Aubbeenaubbee township,
Fulton county, Ind., first saw the light of day on March 25, 1854. Mr. Vankirk
was born in Pulaski county, Ind., in which county his father settled at an early
date, removing there from Pennsylvania, his native state. Mr. Vankirk was reared
on the farm and taught the valuable lessons of industry, perseverance and
frugality, and these he has crowded into his life. He remained with his father
until he was twenty-four years of age, and then began life for himself.
Selecting a wife in the person of Mary E. Wagoner, whom he married Dec. 22,
1877, Mr. Vankirk started out in life by moving to one of his father's farms,
where he farmed on the shares for seven years, at the close of which he removed
on a farm of 55 acres, which his wife had inherited. Later he purchased
interests of other heirs in sixty-three adjoining acres, and now Mr. Vankirk
controls both tracts. Here he has resided for a number of years and diligently
applied his talents in the honorable calling of farming, growing prosperous and
highly respected. Though a strong republican in politics, Mr. Vankirk has never
aspired to office. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Vankirk has been blessed by the
birth of three children, George, Etta and Albert.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
p. 141]
VAN SCOIK, GEORGE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
VARIETY STORE, THE [Akron, Indiana]
A new business house is launched in Akron and is known as the Variety Store. S.
A. Strong is proprietor and the stock consists principally of kitchen supplies.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 17, 1915]
VAUCHAN GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] LOOK HERE - Jay Vauchan, at Ward's old stand, is selling GROCERIES at
Rock-Bottom prices. Everything new, fresh and cheaper than the cheapest. Call
and be convinced. Highest Prices paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesay, June 17, 1885]
VAUGHN & BLOK [Rochester, Indiana]
Messrs Vaughn and Blok of Grand Rapids, Mich., have acquired the former
William Maglecic painting plant on east Seventh street and will conduct a
business here. They will do auto painting and furniture refinishing.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, January 25, 1926]
VAWTER, BERT [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Laundry
VAWTER, EDMUND [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hazlett Bros. [fire]
See: Rochester Laundry
The Eagle Steam Laundry has been sold by Fred E. Robbins to J. D. McCoy of
Plymouth, who is interested in a laundry at that place, and Ed. Vawter of
Rochester. These gentlemen are both practical laundrymen and will guarantee
first class work. Have work ready Monday morning, as it will be called for.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 31, 1900]
VEIRS, CLARENCE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Anchor Milling Co.
See: Veirs & Wicks Grist Mill
Clarence Veirs was born in Maryland, October 31, 1855, the son of Samuel Clark
and Hester (Whittaker) Veirs. The grandparents, Samuel Clark and Julia Ann Veirs,
of the subject of this review, lived and died in Maryland. Samuel Veirs was a
very successful miller, a trade which he followed throughout his life. To each
of his eight children he gave ten thousand dollars and to each of his forty-two
grandchildren (seven of his eight children married) he presented twenty-five
dollars and a Bible. Samuel Clark Veirs, the father of our subject, engaged in
the milling and farming business during his entire life. He died in 1898 at the
age of seventy-eight years and his wife died in 1904 at the advanced age of
eighty-four years. They had nine children, of whom two sons and four daughters
are still alive. Clarence Veirs was educated in Rockville, Maryland, attending
the public schools there and the Rockville Academy for four years. He then
followed in the footsteps of his father and engaged in farming and milling. In
1886, he came to Indiana and for four months was at Angola when he removed to
Akron, Fulton county, Indiana. Here he engaged in the milling business with Mark
Wicks and remained in that town until 1907. In that year, he came to Rochester
and built a grist mill which was called the Anchor Milling company, one of the
oldest in Indiana. In 1888, he married Tina Smith, the daughter of Jeremiah
Smith, of Fulton. To this union was born one son, Kenneth, who was educated in
the public schools of Rochester and the University of Wisconsin, from which he
graduated in 1910. At the present time he is working in South America
representing the Swift Company. Mrs. Veirs died in 1893, and in 1896, Mr. Veirs
married Ida Leonard, of Miami county, Indiana, and to them have been born two
daughters, Irene and Anabel-Lee. Irene Veirs was educated in the public schools
of Rochester and then spent two years in Purdue Universit. She is the wife of
Theodore Coplen, the manager of the Woolworth store in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and
she has one child, Jean Veirs, born July 6, 1921. Annabel-Lee Veirs was educated
in the graded and high schools of Rochester and at the present time is attending
Indiana University. In fraternal circles, Mr. Veirs is a member of the Knights
of Pythias, and he is a member of the Baptist church, while his wife accepts the
tenets of the Methodist Episcopal creed.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 292-293, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
See: Anchor Milling Co.
See: Manitau Flouring Mill
See: Veirs, Clarence
Located in old building where the Akron light plant was later located, and it
is now the Akron Locker Plant owned and operated by Byron Leininger since the
death of his father, Ralph Leininger. The Akron grist mill made Lily Four, and
quit operation about 1905 or 1906. They built a new building in Rochester and
continued making the same Lily brand of fine flour.
I remember as a young boy saving empty Lily flour sacks until I had five. The
housewives of that day baked their own bread. I was paid a vice-cent piece for
the five sacks taken to the mill, and this five cents then was good for a sack
of candy at the Emahiser and Russell grocery store on the northwest corner where
the Akron Exchange State Bank was until the new bank was built a half a block
west in 1976.
[Thomas Carpenter Family, Walter F. Carpenter, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
VERNON'S GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
[Adv] VERNON'S GROCERY, 822 Main, Phone 63, successors to Cornell Grocery. -
- - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 19, 1937]
George Fleegle who has been the meat cuttrer at the Berkheiser Grocery for the
past two years today resigned his position and has leased the meat market in the
Vernon Grocery. He has taken charge of the market he leased.
[The News=Sentinel, Tuesday, April 25, 1939]
Judge Robert Miller in the Fulton circuit court Saturday appointed Loftlee
Vanata as receiver of the Vernon market, 822 Main street. He gave bond of $2,000
and is now in charge of the store.
The receivership was asked by Francis Rogers and named Virginia James (Engle) as
defendant. The plaintiff said the market owed him money and that the market was
The defendant gave her a written consent to the appointment of the receiver. The
store will be operated Saturday and will be closed Monday while an inventory is
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, April 26, 1941]
The Vernon Market at 822 South Main street has been sold to Earl R. Townsend by
the receiver of the store, Loftlee Van Atta. The sale was approved in the Fulton
circuit court today by Judge Robert Miller. The Market was thrown into
receivership on a suit filed by Francis Rogers against Virginia James (Engle).
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 7, 1941]
[Adv] CLOSING OUT SALE Starts Wednesday, July 23rd. All Stock MUST be Closed
Out Immediately. - - - - VERNON'S MARKET - - - -.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 21, 1941]
Ike Onstott, owner of the store room which formerly was occupied by the Vernon
Market, 822 Main street, this city, announced today that he had leased the room
to Timothy J. Cronin, of Lake Manitou, for the purpose of operating a package
liquor store.
Mr. Cronin has been a resident of Lake Manitou for the past four years and is
the owner of several cottages on the south shore of the lake. At the present
time he is employed as a salesman for the Kiefer-Stewart Drug Company, of
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 12, 1941]
See: Defense Enrollment
At a meeting held in the city hall Sunday afternoon a Post for Veterans of
Foreign Wars was organized under the supervision of Major H. A. Green. Other
notables of the organization, present for this special meeting, were Capt. Frank
S. Clark, State Commander of the Indiana District of Foreign War Veterans Post,
and Judge Advocate Ralph Green.
The charter papers for the local post will be sent in to National Headwuyarters
on next Saturday, and any Fulton County veteran who desires to join this
organization can have his name included on the original charter list for a fee
of one dollar. Those interested are urged to see R. B. Richards, of this city.
On Thursday evening, 7:30 another meeting of the Foreign War Post will be held
at the City Hall. Anyone interested in this organization is urgently requested
to attend this meeting.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, May 15, 1933]
A Veterans of Foreign Wars post was organized here last night at a meeting which
was held in the City Hall. A number of war veterans who have seen service in
foreign fields have already signed as members of the new post. The charter is
still open to permit any other veterans who so desire to become members of the
post. At the meeting last night it was voted to name the post the John Nicodemus
Post in honor of John Nicodemus, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Nicodemus of this
city. Nicodemus was one of the first enlisted men from Fulton county in the
world war who was killed in action in France. The new post will be installed on
June 4 at a public ceremony. State officers of the organization will have charge
of the work.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 19, 1933]
Local foreign service veterans here decided to name their new post, now being
organized here, Manitou Post, V.F.W., Benny Thomas, local spokesman for the new
organization announced today.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars, have on previous occasions attempted to establish
a post in Fulton county, but to date, have not met with too much success. But at
a meeting held last Monday evening, organization was stepped ahead to the point
of selecting a name. A meeting to follow next Monday evening at the city hall is
designed to make plans for election of officers at a near future date.
These plans, it is understood, will include installation ceremonies for newly
elected officers, ritualistic work and other matters pertinent to organization.
Only men and women who have seen overseas service are eligible to membership,
Thomas says.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 13, 1945]
The newly-organized Manitou Post No. 1343, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will elect
officers and be officially instituted Wednesday evening, August 1 at 8:00
o'clock in the Eagles Hall. Officers from the Department of Indiana headquarters
in Indianapolis, will have charge of the ritualistic and installation
This local unit of the Veterans of Foreign Wars was formed by men of this
community who served overseas in the armed forces of the nation during the
Spanish-American War, World War I and the present global conflict. The post
numbers among its members several recently discharged World War II veterans and
men who are still in active service in various theaters of operation.
In outlining the purposes backof the movement which establishes Manitou Post of
the VFW in Rochester, Mr. Benny Thomas, local chairman, explained that prior to
the present war the number of overseas veterans residing in Fulton county was
too limited to maintain an active, efficient chapter. One of the first aims of
this new post will be to cooperate with all other civic, veteran and patriotic
groups in the development of post-war plans for the rehabilitation of the men
who will come home, according to Mrs. Thomas.
The charter will remain open for a 90-day period following institution of the
post and all honorably discharged veterans and members of the armed forces who
have had overseas service are urged to become charter members. Relatives can
make their father, husband, son or brother a member of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars if he is now overseas or aboard ship.
The public is cordially invited.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 30, 1945]
VETERINARIANS [Rochester, Indiana]
Dr. Henry Ward
Doc King (a fellow from Canada, not related to Dr. Milo King)
Dr. Theodore "Dode" Cook
Dr. Dow Haimbaugh, had his office at Wagoner's stable.
VICTORIA PARK [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Come out Sunday to Victoria Park and see the Most Sensational Real Estate
Proposition Ever Offered in Rochester. - - - - VICTORIA PARK is located on South
Main St., right in the location of Rochester's best growth. The new electric
line will pass this property and these lots are sure to increase in value. - - -
- FULTON LAND COMPANY, Office over Bank of Indiana. N. M. Harrison, C. N. Lodge,
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 28, 1906]
Mrs. Newton True and Mrs. P. M. Buchanan entertained the Victoria Reading circle
at the home of Mrs. True Tuesday evening. Four new members were accepted with
the usual ceremony incident to such occasions. A two course luncheon was served
and the membvers were delighted with the evening's engagement provided by the
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 23, 1907]
VIGILANCE COMMITTEE [Rochester, Indiana]
Thirty-three citizens of Rochester exclusive of the members of the police force,
were vested with full police powers at a meeting of the recently organized
vigilance committee held at the city hall Monday evening.
Each of the 33 men has a specific duty to carry out and the organization is
expected to have a decided effect on the moral status of the community.
An alarm signal has been arranged which consists of one long blast of the siren
whistle. The whistle will be kept blowing for several minutes and there will be
no blast of the waterworks whistle as in the case of fires so that there might
be no confusion.
In the event of the alarm being sounded, the members of the committee are each
assigned to a post to guard the city. Twelve men have been selected to occupy
central stations guarding the main business center of the city. At these
stations rifles, shot guns, revolvers and two riot guns to be purchased by the
city will be kept in readiness at all times.
The balance of the men, three to a post, and each squad of these to be supplied
with a motor car, are to go immediately to the exit from Rochester designated as
their post. Nobody is to be allowed to pass these exits and private citizens are
warned to not attempt to leave the city in the event of an alarm as the guards
mean business and will use any means they deem effective to stop outgoers.
Each of the squads to guard the exits will be equipped with proper arms and
ammunition. High powered rifles are somewhat scarce in a community of this kind
and it has been asked that persons possessing weapons of this nature report them
to the police authorities.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 4, 1921]
Two riot guns of heavy calibre short barreled shot guns that shoot buck shot
have been ordered by the city for use by the local vigilance committee. A number
of high powered rifles have also been ordered, but still there are not enough
guns to supply all members of the organization. It has been asked that any
persons in the county having available arms for this purpose to report to the
police authorities.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 6, 1921]
VILLAGE MARKET [Kewanna, Indiana]
Located -----, at the site of former Ralston Drug Store.
VIN FIZ [Akron, Indiana]
The first airplane to fly over Akron was piloted by Galbreath Perry Rodgers, who
was flying a cross-country flight in 1911. The name of the plane was the Vin Fiz,
to promote a new soft drink put out by Armour & Co., who financed the trip,
at a cost of $180,000, which was acknowledged to have greatly hastened the
advance of aviation.
I was standing with a crowd of people in the road at the Erie Railroad tracks by
the old Akron cemetery as he went past, following the tracks. He was soon
followed by a train traveling at a fast rate of speed. His wife was on this
train as also was the team of mechanics with spare parts, plus two complete
extra planes.
The flight began at Long Island, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1911, and after 49 days with 68
take-offs, 15 crashes and 4,321 miles, he made it. Five months after completing
this journey he lost his life when a sea gull flew into the controls of the
plane, and he crashed into shallow water near Long Beach, Calif.
[Thomas Carpenter Family, Walter F. Carpenter, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
VINEGAR RIDGE [Rochester, Indiana]
Nickname by Michael Luther Essick for the area around 13th and Madison, who
lived on Madison street, next door to Dr. J. C. Spohn home, which was on the NE
corner 13th and Madison.
Since the name, Essig, was of German origin meaning "vinegar," and his
residence being near the top of a small rise in elevation, he called the area
Vinegar Ridge.
A hoodoo has been hanging over that part of southeast Rochester known as
"VINEGAR RIDGE" during the past week, according to residents of that
neighborhood, who point to two deaths and three bad accidents in support of
their contention.
On Sunday, September 14, John ANDERSON, corner Franklin Ave. and 13th street
died; on Monday night, Hugh FOGLESONG, E. 14th street, was seriously, if not
fatally burned; on Wednesday, Mrs. John WHEATLY, E. 14th street, fell and broke
her hip; on Friday, Hon. M. L. ESSICK, S. Madison street, passed away, and on
Saturday, John LEWIS, E. 14th street, fractured his arm.
Residents of that neighborhood are seriously waiting to see if the run of
injuries and deaths will continue this week, and are also looking for someone to
chase away the "hoodoo."
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 22, 1913]
VIRGINIA SHOE STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
Don't fail to take advantage of the closing out of the stock of the boots and
shoes known as the Virginia shoe store. This is not a bait or advertisement, but
plain truth. The Virginia will close up for all time, just as soon as the
present stock is closed out. Come early before the goods are picked over.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 11, 1886]
[Adv] We have but 3 Weeks to stay - - - The goods must go - - - CHICAGO
BANKRUPT CO., Old Virginia Shoe Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 13, 1886]
VOGUE SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
E. Gross, of the firm of Gross and Gross, South Bend, Thursday evening completed
the purchase of the Harley Montgomery Sweet Shop, in the Arlington block, and
announced that he would open a first class ladies ready-to-wear store in the
same location by Feb. 1st. A five year lease has been closed for the room.
Mr. Gross, who is a brother of Joe Gross, Studebaker representative, well known
here, has been in the business for some time in South Bend, but expects to make
Rochester his home. He is a married man, with three children.
He is advertising for sale the stock and fixtures of the Sweet Shop, which he is
said to have bought for $600. Mr. Montgomery has made no announcement of his
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 4, 1918]
[Adv] Grand opening of The Frances Shop in Rochester on Friday, February 22 -
- - - Eugene Gross, Manager. Two doors south of the Post Office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 15, 1918]
Ignorance of the fact that the Frances Shop, of South Bend, is incorporated is
claimed by Herman Gross, also of South Bend, in explaining the fact that he has
given the new Rochester store the same appellation as that of a similar
institution in South Bend.
A representative of Herman Gross Tuesday disclaimed any intention to steal the
South Bend store's reputation, expressed his regret that the impression had been
given that Rochester store was a branch of the South Bend Frances Shop, and
stated that the store here would be renamed at once, altho the new title has not
been decided upon. Norman Gross is the owner of the local business and is also
connected with Gross and Gross of South Bend, whose store was referred to in the
local announcement.
Eugene Gross, a brother, who is the local manager, was in Chicago Tuesday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 26, 1918]
[Adv] Many Thanks! - - - - The Gross Ready-to-Wear Shop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 1918]
It is now "The Vogue Shop."
The new name for the "Frances Shop" recently established here by
Eugene Gross, of South Bend, was selected by the judges Wednesday when Mrs.
Orbra Taylor won the waist for suggesting the best new name. So many good names
were offered that a number were placed in a hat and the first one drawn was
"The Vogue Shop." The name was changed as a result of a protest made
by The Frances Shop, of So. Bend.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 14, 1918]
The Vogue Shop has been sold again. The new owner is a Mr. Deuguid, of Ft.
Wayne, who owns several ready to wear shops in northern Indiana. The former
owner, Marshall Smith, has already left the city and the new proprietor has not
yet reached here so no particulars of the deal could be learned. It is
understood, however, that Mr. Deuguid will continue to operate the store along
the same lines as it has been in the past.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 24, 1920]
A complaint in which creditors of the Vogue Shop seek to have a receiver
appointed for that place has been filed in circuit court and Judge Stevens,
sitting on the bench at Plymouth has issued a summons for the parties interested
and an order turning the stock of the store over to a receiver.
The plaintiffs in the suit and their credits against the stock follow:
Aaron and Sherman, $216.06; Appelbaum and Stern, $416.25; Lilianthal and Berman,
$464.21; E M. Glick and Company, $427.46 and H. D. Wuthowsky, $403.50.
The defendants in the action are Eugene Gross, Marshall Smith and E. C. Duguit.
The latter is the present owner of the store, according to the complaint, having
purchased it of Marshall Smith. Smith in turn purchased of Eugene Gross. Gross,
according to the information filed contracts, the debts at issue and then sold
the store under the name of the "Vogue Shop" contrary to the statutes
governing both sales.
Another point entering into the transaction is the fact that the place was
operated under a name which had never been filed with the county clerk.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 29, 1920]
VonEHRENSTEIN, E. [Rochester, Indiana]
For the best and cheapest driven or tubular wells, be sure and call on E.
VonEhrenstein, who has all the latest improved machinery for putting them down.
Orders by mail promptly filled. Rochester, Indiana.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 23, 1888]
A petition has been filed in the Fulton circuit court by E. vonEhrenstein for
the taking out of naturalization papers. Mr. vonEhrenstein took out his first
papers but these are the second and final ones.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 28, 1912]
VULCANIZING SHOPS [Rochester, Indiana]
See Anderson Vulcanizing Shop
See Alspach Vulcanizing Shop
See Hagan Bros.
See Creamer & Davisson
WCMA RADIO STATION [Culver, Indiana]
See Culver Military Academy
Good results were accorded the first attempt of the Culver Military Academy
broadcasting station. Reports have been received from twenty-five different
states throughout the middle west. Major Eisenhard was well pleased with the
results. Many local radio enthusiasts were listeners-in when the program was
given. It is planned that regular concerts will be given from time to time.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 26, 1925]
Culver, Ind., April 5. - The success of the only Marshall county broadcasting
station is assured by the number of telegrams and communications received by the
station WHBH, located at the Culver Military academy.
A brilliant future for WHBH is assured if the plans to purchase the Mooseheart
station in Illinois, materialize. This plant, rated at 500 watts, would be five
times more powerful than the present plant. With this new broadasting unit and
Culver's wealth of talent, WHBH should soon be among the best stations of the
In order to provide an outlet for the "local talent" which abounds in
the corps, a period from 9:15 p.m. to 10:15 p.m. each Wednesday night has been
set aside for the local artists. This program has been named the "Tattoo
Release" and will always be opened by the bugle call "tattoo," at
9:15 p.m.
The glee club will present a program in connection with the "tattoo
release." Solos on a large set of chimes by Loftus H. Ward, director of the
Glee club, will also make up a portion of the program.
These chimes were originally found in one of the cathedrals of the old world,
and are particularly adapted to sacred music. They consist of a series of one
hundred and seventy-six bell metal tubes plated with aluminum and are played by
shaking the frames to which the tubes are hanging.
Major Eisenhard has rceived favorable reports from fans residing in all states
east of the Rockies, except Florida, South Dakota and Montana. Leading in the
number of requests is New York, followed by Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey,
Indiana and Illinois respectively. The distance record is established by a
report from Portland, Maine -- over 1,000 miles.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, April 5, 1926]
Radio listeners in the middle west will soon hear WCMA over the air, coming in
strong. With the completion of the installation of the new powerful broadcasting
station that is now in progress, the programs from the Marshall county station
will be picked up by stations all over the United States from the Rockies east.
The station will broadcast regularly every Wednesday evening, at which time the
dances of the Summer school students are held. The Bell Hops orchestra of
Plymouth will furnish the music and will be heard over the radio. The new
station will serve as an advertisement putting Culver and Marshall county on the
map throughout the middle west.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, July 3, 1926]
Culver Military Academy has bought the broadcasting outfit of Mooseheart, Ill.,
and will soon have it installed at their place of learning.
The Mooseheart broadcasting outfit was of 500 volts strength and one which was
always easy to get. It will be the strongest in Indiana and will thus be a noted
addition to the academy. Mooseheart is installing a 1,000 volt machine.
Col. Noble is in charge of the broadcasting and it will be perhaps a month
before the station is all ready for work. An invitation was extended by Col.
Noble to Mr. Senour, speaker at the dairy show, to come to Culver and make an
address to the farmers. Mr. Senour indicated that he would probably do this.
Culver Military Academy has a very fine military band which will give many
concerts over the new station, which will be known as WCMA. Col. Noble says they
have devised a plan whereby the drum of the band can be heard over the radio, a
thing which has not so far been accomplished. Indiana fans may expect some fine
entertainment from WCMA this winter.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, August 28, 1926]
A new Indiana radio broadcasting station will go on the air, Monday night, when
station WCMA, at Culver Military Academy, broadcasts its initial program on a
wave length of 258.5 meters.
Thirty numbers have been scheduled for the program which begins at 8:30 p.m.,
Central standard time.
Students and officers at the military academy will furnish the larger part of
the program and George Ade, Meredith Nicholson and Will Rogers have been invited
to speak.
Station WCMA has been under construction for several months, and preliminary
tests have shown remarkable power and clarity of transmission.
Congratulate Culver
Among telegrams received by Col. H. F. Noble, director of the station, was this
from Denver, Colo.:
"Your test coming through. Volume very good. You are the only station able
to clear through the powerful General Electric station, KOA, of Denver.
Other messages of congratulation have been received from Alaska and from
listeners on both sea coasts.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 27, 1926]
Culver Military Academy's radio-casting station, WCMA, which went on the air
November 29, has been heard in Alaska, New Brunswick, Kissamee, Fla., and
Vancouver Island. A Denver fan reported that the program came through with very
great volume and that it was the only station he has been able to clear through
KOA in his home city.
The set has a generator that develops 1,600 volts. The towers are of standard
150 feet type and the ground is through water pipes connecting with Lake
Maxinkuckee, plus deep artesian wells in the immediate vicinity, which are
impregnated with iron.
The wave length is 253.8 meters, or 1,160 kilocycles.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 14, 1926]
The Howard Melody Syncopators announced Monday that they will broadcast Tuesday
night between the hours of 11 and 12:30 from the Culver Military Academy
station. The call numbers for this station are WCMA. This program is known as
the Arctic Circle Program and is given by the academy for the benefit of all
persons living in the Arctic Circle especially those along Yukon River in
Alaska. The Howard Syncopators have often been on the air from the station at
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 14, 1927]
Culver, Ind., Sept. 29. - WCMA has adopted the wave-length of 258.5 meters and
1050 kilocycles by permission of the Federal Radio Commission. During the
winter, the Monday and Wednesday evening programs from 8:00 to 10:30 p.m. will
be continued. Each afternoon during public service hour 3:00 to 4:00, (Sundays
excepted), lectures and various programs will be broadcasted. However, from
11:00 to 12:15 on Sundays, the regular chapel service will be on the air. During
the past year, WCMA obtained a remarkable record in the radio world, many
reports of successful rception having been received from all the United States.
Undoubtedly equally as many favorable reports will be received this year.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, September 29, 1927]
The Manitou quartet, composed of Otto Sherbondy, Estil Rogers, William Hoffman
and Ray B. Fretz, will make their debut "over the air" next Monday
evening, on Station WCMA Culver, at 8 o'clock. This quartet has been singing
together for the past 10 or 12 years and the close harmony which is so essential
in this class of music, is never lacking in its varied selections.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 14, 1927]
Many Rochester and Fulton county radio fans Wednesday night listened to an
excellent program broadcasted from Station WCMA at Culver Military Academy by
the Howard Melody Syncopators who appear each Sunday night at the Colonial
Hotel. The reception was exceedingly good last night as there was little static.
The Howards received many requests for special numbers one from a little girl in
a sanitarium in Tennessee who wanted to hear "My Blue Heaven". This
request was rather touching as the little girl has spinal trouble and has been
securely tied on her back to a board for four years and outside of the white
walls of her little room in the sanitarium the only thing she ever sees is the
blue heavens through the window just above her head.
The Howards played a number of special numbers Wednesday besides some of their
own orchestrations. Several piano solos by Ayrton Howard was a feature. This
local orchestra will broadcast from the Culver Station a number of times during
the coming winter.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, November 17, 1927]
Radio listeners in northern Indiana will be interested in knowing that radio
station WCMA, the Culver Military academy station, has been sold to the General
Broadcasting, Inc. This company is affiliated with the Curtis Radiocasting
Corporation, an organization operating a group of stations in Indiana and
WCMA will very shortly go on the air with a daily schedule from two to five in
the afternoon. For the present time, WCMA will continue to operate in its
present location at Culver Military academy.
The station management is under the direction of Carl B. Watson of Indianpolis.
Mr. Watson is well known in musical circles as a member of the Indianapolis
Military band, the Murat Shrine band and other musical organizations. He has
been engaged in radio broadcasting activities almost from the beginning and has
had the pleasure of seeing many of his proteges rise to fame in the broadcasting
Mr. Watson is desirous of getting in touch with those interested in broadcasting
work, as it is planned to use talent from the surrounding territory on the
Several changes in the transmitter of WCMA, originally built by the Western
Electric Company, are being made which will insure a much wider and better
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, August 7, 1930]
Station WCMA at Culver Academy is again on the air. A regular feature on every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3 to 3:30 p.m. is the Old Time Trio composed
of Alspach, Lough and Alspach of Leiters Ford. Every Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock the editor of the Culver Citizen will give a feature to be entitled
"The Newspaper of the Air". Interesting bits of news from towns in
Fulton, Pulaski, Starke, St. Joseph, Cass, Kosciusko and Marshall counties will
be broadcast. WCMA can be gotten at about 5 on the dial.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 5, 1930]
The owners of radio station WCMA at Culver have received a letter from Myron
Stafford at Peheri, Besborre, New Zealand that he is able to hear clearly the
Culver station with his radio set as well as 60 other stations in the United
States. The Culver station is on a very low wave length.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 24, 1930]
Evansville, Ind., Aug. 6. - A suit asking that the Curtis Radiocasting
corporation, which operates radio stations in Evansville, Terre Haute,
Indianapolis and Culver, Ind., and Decatur, Ill., will be placed in the hands of
a receiver was filed in probate court today by Frank O. Wilkins, of
Indianapolis, a minority stockholder.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, August 6, 1931]
Culver, Ind. - WCMA, Culver's radio station, was discontinued this week after
operating for six years. The station has been sold, along with Station WKBF at
Indianapolis, to a Chicago firm which will combine the time at the two stations.
The Culver station was established by Culver Military Academy and maintained by
it for four years. It was then sold to the Curtis company of Indianapolis, which
moved the equipment from the academy to the Indiana apartment building in the
north part of Culver. Louis Lohr has been manager and engineer of the station.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 19, 1932]
Indianapolis, Oct. 20. - (U.P.) - Acquisition of the Culvr Military Academy
radio station at Culver as northwest unit of the state police radio system was
announced today by Al Feeney, State safety director.
Feeney said use of the station had been donated to the state by academy officals.
Experiments to determine what power will best serve at the station will be
conducted as soon as a transmitter can be obtained, Feeney said.
He said that work on the central station of the system, to be located at the
State Fair Ground here, will be started next week.
[The News-Sentinel, Satureday, October 20, 1934]
WLS HOME TALENT [Rochester, Indiana]
Fulton County will be on the air at 11 a.m. Saturday, September 24.
Five local people have been invited to broadcast as a part of the WLS Home
Talent program on that day. These people are: Patsy Good of the Burton
neighborhood, Jane and Ellen Heater, Wayne township and Charles and Kenneth
Wilhelm of Argos.
They were selected as representative talent from the WLS amateur barn dance held
in connection with the Fulton County 4-H Fair.
In addition to appearing on the radio program, the Fulton County folks will be
guests at the WLS National Barn Dance show at the Eighth Street Theatre,
Saturday night.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, September 22, 1938]
W.P.A. [Fulton County]
See Toilets, Outdoor
A proposed line that never was built.
See Railroads
WADE, R. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Fix-It Shop
WADE, RUSSELL (BUD) [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Dyche Blue Drug Store
See: Baxter Drugs
WAGNER, GEORGE [Kewanna, Indiana]
[Adv] FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING. I have opened a new furniture and undertaking
establishment in Kewanna, opposite the grist mill - - - New furniture always on
hand and old work repaired. FUNERALS attended promptly, and prices very
reasonable. GEORGE WAGNER.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 7, 1879]
WAGNER, JACKSON [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
Jackson Wagner, the son of Jacob and Rebecca (Hendricks) Wagner was born in
Sandusky county, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1843. Jacob Wagner was born in Perry county,
Ohio, in 1812. Rebecca, was born in Sandusky, Ohio, in 1823. The parents were
married in Ohio and came to Indiana in 1850, and settled in Aubbeenaubbee
township, Fulton county, Ind. The father was through life a very hard and
diligent worker and at the time of his death owned 139 acres of valuable land.
He died July 20, 1880. The mother still survives and resides with her
son-in-law, John Cohler. Unto Jacob and Rebecca Wagner were born the following
children: Jackson, Elizabeth, Noah, Emanuel, Mary, deceased; Jacob, deceased;
Sarah, deceased; John, Ellen, deceased; Jonas and Jacob F. Jackson, the subject
of this sketch, remained with his parents until the age of twenty-one years. He
then worked out as a farm hand for two years, was then a renter for two years,
and finally, March 5, 1868, was married to Miss Mary Hood, the daughter of
Frederick and Mary Hood. To the marriage were born the following children:
Arthur N., Ida, Captola, Elnora, Jacob F. and Lulu May, twins, one of the twins,
Lulu May, is dead; George, deceased; Etta and Nanetta, twins. Mr. Wagner has
always farmed, and at the present time owns some 187 acres of good land. He
received a small amount from home in 1888. He and his wife are members of the
Methodist Episcopal church. He has always been a staunch democrat. He has been a
hard and diligent laborer throughout his life.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 141-142]
WAGNER, NOAH [Fulton County]
Noah Wagner, the son of Jacob and Rebecca Wagner, and a brother of Jackson
Wagner, mentioned elsewhere in this work, was born in Sandusky county, Ohio,
Jan. 14, 1847. He remained with his parents until the age of twenty-one, having
in the meantime received a common school education. Dec. 30, 1869, he was
married to Elizabeth Coon. At the time of his marriage he owned one horse and
possessed $15 in money. He began farming on the farm he now owns. The farm was
then the property of his father-in-law. From time to time he purchased the
rights of his wife's brothers and sisters until now he is the owner of 160 acres
of valuable land. He has been interested in stock-raising in connection with his
farming. Unto him and his wife have been born eight children: Sarah Aletta,
William Lee, Lizzie Jeanette, Rebecca Viola, deceased; Noah Harvey, Nellie Edna,
Hetta Alma, and Netta Leona. He has always supported the democratic party. He
and his wife are members of the Methodist church, and are leaders in their
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
p. 142]
WAGONER, BILL [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Louderback Garage
WAGONER, E. M., MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] ANNOUNCEMENT. I am pleased to announce a complete Fall showing of the
famous Talk-O-Town Dresses - - - - Mrs. E. M. WAGONER, 119 West 9th St.,
Rochester, Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 18, 1929]
[Adv] Announcing a One Day Extraordinary Display of the Well Known
"Talk-O-Town" Dresses at my home, Friday, November 22nd - - - - MRS.
ELLSWORTH WAGONER, 119 W. 9th Street.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, November 21, 1929]
WAGONER, FRANK L. [Rochester, Indiana]
FRANK L. WAGONER (Biography)
A selfmade lawyer of the county is Mr. Frank L. WAGONER, of Kewanna. He came
here from his birth place in Starke county, Ohio, in 1874 and was principal of
the Kewanna schools for two years. He then turned his attention to insurance,
collections, etc., until ten years ago when he was admitted to the bar and has
ever since been in the active practice of law. He has always been identified
with the progressive interests of Kewanna and is one of the substantial men of
that excellent town. He married Miss Ida MURRAY in 1877 and their home is
blessed with two children.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
WAGONER, FREDERICK [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Frederick Wagoner)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Frederick Wagoner]
WAGONER, JACKSON [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
Jackson Wagoner. - The subject of this sketch was born in Sandusky County, Ohio,
January 2, 1843. He is the son of Jacob and Rebecca Wagoner. The former was born
in Perry County, Ohio, where he married and lived until he moved to Fulton
County, Ind. He deceased July, 1880, aged sixty-eight years. His wife still
survives him, and resides on the old home farm, in Section 9 of the above-named
township. Their family consisted of eleven children, of whom the subject is the
oldest. He was united in marriage to Mary E. Hood, March 5, 1868. She was born
in Ohio June 21, 1845, and is the daughter of Frederick and Mary Hood. The
former was born in Virginia in 1815, and deceased in August, 1855; the latter
was born in Ohio, and deceased March 3, 1866. Mr. and Mrs.Wagoner have eight
children, as follows: Arthur N., born Fevbruary 13, 1869; Ida E., born May 26,
1870; Captolia H., born February 7,1872; Rebecca A., July 30, 1874; Jacob F. and
Lula M., born March 22, 1876; Minnie D., born July 6, 1878; George, born
September 17, 1880, died December 25, 1880. Mr. Wagoner came to Fulton County
with his parents in 1849. He attended the common district school, from which he
received a moderate education. By his industry and frugality he has been able to
purchase a farm of 167 acres, and now has it under a good state of cultivation;
all of which is he result of his own efforts. He enjoys the respect and
confidence of his neighbors, and is, in every way, a worthy man in his
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 35]
WAGONER, P. H. [Monterey, Pulaski County]
[Adv] CHANGE OF FIRM. Having purchased the Undertaking business at Monterey,
Ind., of Mr. Follman, I desire to announce that the store is better prepared
than ever to please all customers. Good Hearse, fine and medium Caskets and
Robes and everything in the line of a complete Undertaking Establishment. Prices
Reasonable. P. H. WAGONER. Wm. ALLEN, Funeral Director. P. S. - All calls
promptly attended to day or night.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 2, 1893]
WAGONER, ROBERT [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Robert Wagoner)
WAGONER, SOLOMON B. [Rochester, Indiana]
Solomon B. Wagoner, farmer, P.O. Rochester, born in Sandusky County, Ohio, March
11, 1830. He is a son of Solomon and Elizabeth (Stockbarger) Wagoner, who were
natives of Perry County, Ohio. Mr. Wagoner became a resident of Fulton County in
1854. He was married May 18, 1856, to Sarah A. Gregson, who was born in Owen
County, Ind., July 8, 1832. She was the daughter of William and Mary (Myers)
Gregson, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Kentucky. This
union was blessed with four children, viz.: Mary J., born July 10, 1857; Kalista
C., March 21, 1860; Harriet E., December 11, 1862, and Margaret R., August 10,
1865. Mrs. Wagoner deceased April 16, 1872, and the subject of our sketch was
again married December 10, 1879, to Mrs. Lydia Wiley, a native of Ohio, born
December 11, 1851. She is the daughter of Milton and Sarah (Lipencott) West, who
were also natives of Ohio. Mrs. Wagoner has two sons by her first husband, viz.:
William H. Wiley, born September 19, 1869, and Charles T. Wiley, born September
25, 1876. Mr. Wagoner resides in Section 34. His farm consists of 101 acres of
land, and is well improved.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, pp. 31-32]
WAGONER, W. S. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rouch & Wagoner
See Shobe & Wagoner
W. S. Wagoner is now the sole owner of the Studebaker and Maxwell agencies as
well as proprietor of the Studebaker garage, his partner William ROUCH having
sold out his interests to him. The deal was completed Monday morning. Mr. Rouch
who made Wagoner a partner shortly after Ed Shobe went out of the firm, will no
longer have any connection with the business but intends to devote all of his
time to his private interests which will be mostly in wood and lumber of which
he has large holdings. Mr. Wagoner will continue the agency along the same lines
as it has been conducted in the past.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 18, 1922]
WAGONER, WALLACE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 17, 1913]
WAGONER & ALSPACH [Rochester, Indiana]
Thirty per cent saved by grinding your feed. We grind corn, oats and rye. Mixed
feed for sale constantly on hand. We take toll or cash for grinding. Come and
see us. WAGONER & ALSPACH, East of L .E. & W. R.R. at Cider Mill.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 12, 1888]
WAGONER & CO., S. [Rochester, Indiana]
S. Wagoner & Co. will pay cash for corn at the Distillery in Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 8, 1862]
WAGONER LIVERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 1010 Main
Walter Wagoner, south Main street liveryman, has received three cabs from
Toledo, O., and is now fully prepared to handle anything in his line of
business. With the vehicles came full driver's livery, which will be an
innovation in the city.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 12, 1914]
WAGONER LIVERY & FEED BARN [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv} New livery & feed barn. I have moved nearly all of my horses to the
feed barn on east 9th st. formerly conducted by Charles Sisson. . . . Special
attention given to cab service for funerals, weddings, receptions and dances.
Doctor Dow Haimbaugh will have an office at the new location. . . . WALLACE
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 25, 1915]
WAGONER STATION [Wagoner, Indiana]
Consisted of the following no longer standing: John Jackson, Jake Petty log
cabinWagoner Station ice house; Sam O. Wagoner's store with post office and
grange hall; Ira Hurst; Clint Strong store and residence - Shropshire moved
building to Green Oak in 1927 for Henry Michael's store; residence of log
hauler, Arley Gilliland, Ed Lowe, Joe Shadel; Frank Van Duyne, Burkett Andrews;
Frank Van Duyne blacksmith shop; Sam Oliver Wagoner farm home, Levi Baker;
William Wagoner home; Hopewell school; LE&W freight office and mail bag
platform; Levi Baker house; Levi Baker's sawmill; Stockyards for shipping hogs,
cattle, and sheep to Indianapolis and Buffalo, N.Y. [NOTE: see map Fulton Co
Folks,Vol. 2, Willard, p. 593]
[Van Duyne - Shelton Families, Fred Van Duyne, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
Mr. Jesse Grimes an enterprising young man of Wagoners, has begun work on a
two-story building. He will occupy the ground floor with his store and the
Grangers will have the second floor for a lodge room. A new blacksmith shop has
been built and Wagoners residents are looking forward to the stockyards, which
the rail road company has promised to build in the near future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 20, 1902]
I. D. Hurst has been appointed ticket agent at Wagoner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 16, 1904]
Mr. Carvey has added a barber shop to his store and will also shoe shop in a few
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 13, 1904]
Macy Monitor.
Ira A. Hurst purchased the general store at Wagoner last Thursday of A. E.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 21, 1906]
The passing of the cross roads store is already history in most cases, but it
has been within the last month that the one at Wagoner Station has closed its
doors for good. The owner recently moved to Wabash and took his stock of goods
with him. The store had been closed at times before, but always reopened in time
with a new manager. It was a well known shop on the old Lake Erie and Western
Railroad for years.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 13, 1926]
H. M. Michael owner of the Green Oak store, has purchased the building at
Wagoner Station owned by Dr. C. Y. Andrews, of Peru, which for 22 years housed a
general store there. Mr. Michael will move the structure, which is two stories
high and measures 50 by 24, overland by means of tractors from Wagoners Station
to Green Oak a distance of 2 miles. Mr. Michael will erect the new store on
ground which he purchased of Ed Faurote six years ago in what is known as the
Green Oak schoolyard just north of the building which he will vacate.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, January 27, 1927]
WAIF, THE [Lake Manitou]
Should time drag heavily on your hands, try what virtue there is in a sail on
Lake Manitou, in that staunch little craft "Waif." Mr. Van Dean, the
Accommodating proprietor, will be ready to do the honors at any time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 4, 1861]
The young folks of Rochester propose to have a Basket Picnic party, on the
Island in Lake Manitou, on Saturday next, (May 10). The Brass Band will be
present. Mr. Vandean's sail boat "Waif" will be on hand to convey
excursionists . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 3, 1862]
A new implement store will hold its formal opening at 120 East 8th street, this
city on Saturday, March 20th. This new business house, which will be known as
the Wainscott Implement Store, carries a complete line of farm machinery
equipent and supplies.
G. C. Wainscott, the proprietor, is thoroughly experienced in this line of
business, he having operated a farm equipment store in Royal Center for a long
number of years. The main feature for the opening will be a complete showing of
Oliver machinery.
Factory representatives from South Bend will be here to assist Mr. Wainscott in
demonstrating the latest models of machinery
Special music, entertainment and lunches and coffee will be available to all
guests throughout the entire day.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 28, 1935]
WAITE, ABNER C. [Macy, Allen Township, Miami County]
Abner C. Waite, member of the firm of Clendenning & Waite, of Macy, is a
native of Union (now Allen) Township and was born November 15, 1840. He was the
second son born to Sullivan and Margaret A. (Woods) Waite, natives of New York
and Ohio respectively. Our subject spent his early life working upon a farm. He
received in the district school a good common school education. In September,
1861, he entered the service of the Union Army in Company A, 26th Indiana
Regiment, from which he received an honorable discharge in March, 1864. He
participatd in the Siege of Vicksburg, and the battle of Prairie Grove, Ark. His
premature discharge was occasioned by an injury received while in active
service. He returned to the farm in this county, where he worked upon the same
in smmer and taught school in winter, until 1871. He then quit teaching, but
continued farming until 1879. At that time he removedf to a farm in Washington
Township. In the fall of 1882 he located at Macy and engaged in the dry goods
and grocery business. This has rceived his attention ever since. April 5, 1866,
he was married to Rebecca E. Edwards, a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, and
daughter of Elias and Maria (Duevelbyss) Edwards, natives of Virginia and
Maryland respectively. Their marriage has resulted in the birth of six children.
They are Laura L., Charles E., Mary B., Lewis E., Thomas E. and Margaret M., of
whom Charles E. and Lewis E. died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Waite are members of
the M. E. Church. Mr. Waite is a member of the F. & A. M. and G.A.R. Lodges
and a Republican in politics. He has held the office of township Trustee in Alen
Township one term. He also was honored with the office of President of the first
board of Trustees ever in the town of Macy. Mr. Waite is one of the leading and
reliable busiess men of the town of Macy and one of her most influential
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 530-533]
WAITE, EARL, DR. [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester has a new physician in the person of Dr. Earl Waite, who has opened up
an office in the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. I. L. Babcock, over the American
dry goods store. Dr. Waite, who is a brother of Harry Waite of this city, came
here from Gilead, where he has been practicing for the past several years and
comes highly recommended as a physician and citizen. He already has a wide
acquaintance in this city and surrounding country and it is expected that he
will enjoy a lucrative patronage.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 7, 1912]
WAITE, JOSEPH H. [Perry Township, Miami County]
Joseph H. Waite, a prominent citizen of Perry Township, was born in what is now
Allen Township, March 6, 1839. He is the eldest of six children born to Sullivan
and Margaret A. (Woods) Waite, who were natives of New York and Kentucky,
respectively. They emigrated to Indiana and Miami County in 1838, settling on
the farm where our subject was born, and on which he was reared to manhood,
receiving a common school education sufficient to enable him to teach. At the
age of tweny-two, July 2, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, 26th Indiana Regiment
of Volunteer Infantry, where he served with distinction until January 15, 1866,
during which time he participated in a number of hard-fought engagements. May 2,
1864, he was united in marriage to Marietta H. Wright, by whom he became the
father of the following named children: William S., Margaret, Joetta, Anna A.,
Frank H., Henry E., Earle, Emma, Laura E., Carrie M., and Marietta. Mr. Waite
made farming his occupation until 1870. He then, for several years, divided his
attention between that pursuit and selling sewing machines. From 1876 until
1885, he was engaged in saw-milling; at the latter date he embarked in the
mercantile business, and is now the proprietor of a fine store in the village of
Gilead enjoying a thriving and remunerative business. November 28, 1881, he met
with the misfortune of losing his beloved wife. He is a member of the Masonic
fraternity. Although not belonging to any church, he is a believer in the hopes
of a Christian religion, and may always be found a faithful worker in the
Sunday-school. In politcs he is an ardent Republican, and was twice the
successful candidate of his party for the position of Township Trustee, filling
that office in a very creditable manner, and to the entire satisfaction of his
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 736-737]
WAITE, O. P., DR. [Rochester, Indiana]
The contract for building the new residence of Dr. and Mrs. O. P. Waite, on the
northwest corner of Center and Jefferson streets, has been let to O. A. Baldwin,
and the old house occupying that site is now being torn down ready for the
erection of the new structure.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 24, 1905]
WAITE, SULLIVAN T. [Allen Township, Miami County]
Sullivan T. Waite, one of the prominent farmers of Allen Township, is a native
of the township in which he now resides and was born August 14, 1850. He was the
youngest son born to Sullivan and Margaret A. (Woods) Waite, who emigrated to
this county from Champaign County, Ohio, in the fall of 1838. He located upon a
farm in Allen Township upon which our subject was born. He attended the district
school in which he received a good common school education. At the age of
nineteen he took up the vocation of a teacher and was thus successfully engaged
for eleven years. His vacations were generally spent working upon the farm. His
success in the school room is evidenced by the fact that, during his whole
career as a teacher, he taught in about four school houses. He located where he
now resides November 14, 1876. September 28, 1876, he was married to Maria
Baker, a native of Perry Township, this county, born February 28, 1855. She was
the daughter of Timothy and Susan A. (Messinger) Baker, who were among the most
highly respected citizens of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Waite have four childrn.
Their names are Lillie M., Timothy B., Deborah E. and Charles F., all of whom
are living. Our subject and his wife are both members of the M. E. Church.
Politically, Mr.Waite is a Republican. They own a handsome farm of 240 acres,
over half of which is in cultivation. Mr. Waite is an industrious and successful
farmer and a first-class citizen.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. p. 533]
WAITE & WEILLS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] CLOSING OUT! For the purpose of closing out our entire stock of summer
Goods, we will sell Ladies' and Misses Walking Shoes and Toe Slippers AT COST!
Boots and shoes will be sold at greatly reduced prices for the next Thirty Days.
We insure [sic] you bargains, WAITE & WEILLS, Shoe Emporium in Citizens'
Block, South of Court House.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 19, 1885]
WALBURN, JEAN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Jean Walburn)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Jean Walburn)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Jean Walburn)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Fourth Letter From Jean Walburn)
Akron, Ind., June 9 - Charles Tatman announced Thursday that he has sold his
cement industry, located in the north part of Akron, to Fred Walgamuth of Fort
Wayne. It is understood that the deal took place several weeks ago. Mr.
Walgamuth is said to be a man who well understands an industry of this sort,
having had considerable experience in that line. The factory produces a line of
vaults, cement blocks, etc.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, Juna 9, 1928]
Although but few Rochester people got a glimpse of him, John Borger, a
25-year-old young man of Seattle, Wash., passed through this city about 7
o'clock this morning on a cross-country hike, which he intends shall end at the
city hall in New York city at noon on Jan. 15.
Borger, who is of medium build, has light hair and wore a navy blue suit not so
much the worse for wear, arrived in this city Monday evening and not being
allowed to spend any money for anything but food, sought the shelter of a
protecting barn in the vicinity of the Lake Erie yards and there spent the
night. He was up bright and early this morning ready for the day's journey and
before leaving gave a brief history of his cross-continent trip to eager
listeners at the depot. Borger is doing the 4,000 mile hike from Seattle to New
York city on a wager and left the starting point on Sept. 12. The 3,000 miles to
this city were covered in just three months and every mile of the distance was
followed down a railroad track, as he showed credentials to that effect from
mayors of many of the cities through which he passed. He aims to make about
thirty miles a day and at present is about two days ahead of his schedule. When
he left this city shortly before 7 o'clock he told his audience he expected to
walk from here to LaPorte and there follow the Lake Shore tracks to his
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 12, 1911]
Maxwell Minnear, a resident of Claypool, arrived in Akron Tuesday evening after
walking the entire distance from Deland, Florida. Mr. Minnear left Friday on
February 5.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, February 25, 1928]
Mrs. Marie Caster, of Middletown, N.Y., mother of ten children, three of whom
accompanied her, has finished in Minneapolis, a 1,500 mile walk. She left New
York city on July 31, and spent fifty-three days on the road. A number of
business men of Middletown agreed to rebuild Mrs. Chester's [sic] burned home at
an expense of $4,000, provided she made the trip in sixty-five days. Mrs. Carter
[sic] and three children, a girl and two boys, carried knapsacks with food and
blankets. They passed through here some time ago.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 1, 1913]
Edward Payson Weston, the famous pedestrian, now 75 years of age, will pass
through Rochester, Friday, July 4, on his great New York-Minneapolis walk of
1,500 miles in 60 days, during which he will follow the routes of the Erie and
C. & N. W. railroads.
Weston, who left the College of the City of New York at noon, Monday, June 2, is
today walking in New York state and will spend the night in Goshen, N. Y. He
expects to arrive in Minneapolis, Saturday, August 2, after having averaged
better than 25 miles a day. He does not walk on Sundays and will spend Sunday
following the Friday he passes through here, in North Judson.
Purpose of Walk
He has covered thousands of miles on foot over the roads both in this country
and in England, but he has never engaged in a task exceeding thirty days in
time, that the expenses that had to be met by his friends, and self, did not
exceed over one $1,000 each month. His walks across the continent cost upwards
of $6,000 and he still owes nearly $4,000 of that amount. To repay that sum, and
immediately to earn a trifling amount to purchase a small farm, where he can
rest for the remaining years of his life, and help others to maintain good
health, as well as give practical evidence of the value of walking as the best
exercise, he now proposes to walk 1,500 miles in sixty days.
The Route
Weston chose the Erie route, following a personal invitation from President
Underwood, who assured him that he would meet with the most courteous treatment
all along the way. Upon arriving at Minneapolis, he will officiate at the laying
of the cornerstone of the new Minneapolis Athletic club home.
It is not yet known at what time he will pass through here, but it is thought
that some sort of a reception will be tendered him.
Another Walker
Weston has a competitor, according to a New York dispatch, Tuesday, which reads:
"Cheered by a big crowd John Ennis, aged 71, of Stamford, Conn., set out
from City college at noon today to walk the 1,446 miles to Minneapolis. Ennis
made the start one day later than did Edward Payson Weston, his ancient
pedestrian enemy, in the hope of giving Weston a 24 hour handicap and still
beating him into Minneapolis which is also Weston's goal."
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 4, 1913]
Edward Payson Weston, the aged pedestrian now walking along the Erie railroad
may not be a guest of this city on July 4, after all. Word has reached
Huntington that he is twenty-four hours behind his schedule, the delay being
caused by the extreme heat.
Weston was scheduled to cross the Indiana-Ohio line Wednesday and to reach
Huntington some time late in the Evening, but if the pedestrian has been
delayed, it is probable that he will not reach Indiana until Thursday, putting
him into Huntington on the 4th and here on the 5th.
When he reaches Rochester, he will have covered 899 miles of his 1,500 mile
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 1, 1913]
Edward Payson Weston is doing most of his walking at night, according to
dispatches from the east, is more than 24 hours behind his schedule and will
probably not reach Rochester until late Saturday night or early Sunday morning.
It is probable that he will remain here over Sunday, in such an event. The heat
is the chief cause of his delay.
Weston left Marion, O., which is 169 miles east of here, at 12:30 Wednesday
morning, due to reach Lima late the same day. According to his schedule he
should have left Marion last Monday morning. It is probable that he crossed the
Indiana line today, and that he will reach Huntington late Friday, if the
extreme heat does not interfere.
A dispatch indicates that Weston, who is now well advanced in years, is being
"outhiked" in his memorable trip from New York to Minnesota by a young
rival named Samuel E. Debbs. Debbs left New York twenty-four hours behind Weston
and now has forged to the front. He reached Lima, O., Tuesday night, fifty-two
miles ahead of E. Payson and declared he would be in Chicago in four days. He is
due here Friday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 3, 1913]
Huntington, Ind., July 7 -- Edward P. Weston, veteran hiker, who arrived here
early this morning, left for Rochester and points west at 3:30 this afternoon.
He will probably arrive in Rochester Tuesday morning and spend the day there,
although his plans are not definitely known.
Charles Debs, better known as "Hiker" Debs, who is trying to beat
Weston's walking record from New York to Minnesota, arrived in Rochester Sunday,
and claims that he left New York one week later than Weston who is now near
Debs was met Sunday by Marshal Chamberlain and a member of the local Commercial
club. He was first seen by Charles Hunneshagen, who saw the man coming into
Rochester from the east. He informed the marshal that he wanted signed papers
from some local men to the effect that he left Rochester Sunday at 12 o'clock as
he expects to be in Chicago today at one o'clock. Debs says that he expects to
break the walking record from Rochester to Chicago, a distance of 100 miles.
Debs was given a suit of underwear by Sol Allman. Mr. Allman offered him a
dollar suit, but he said that a 25 cent one was good enough.
Weston Here Tuesday
Edward Payson Weston, the veteran walker, will probably be in Rochester Tuesday.
According to Mr. Weston's daughter, who travels ahead in an automobile, he will
arrive in Huntington Monday evening, between 8 and 9 o'clock. He expects to
spend the night there. There was no walking yesterday, Sunday being tabooed by
the veteran hiker.
When informed that "Hiker" Debs of New York, had been in the city
yesterday, crowing of his superior walking accomplishments, Miss Weston remarked
merely that "there are many such so-called competitors of whom we know
nothing. So far as Debs is concerned, we never heartd of him."
Weston now occupies a regular position on the train sheets in the dispatcher's
office. He is reported as having passed sections exactly as all trains are
[Rochester, Monday, July 7, 1913]
Edward Payson WESTON, veteran pedestrian now on a tramp from New York to
Minneapolis, is expected to arrive in Rochester not before eight o'clock this
evening, and probably later. At two o'clock this afternoon he was at Disko, 15
miles east of here, and had averaged about three miles per hour since leaving
At 5:30 this morning he was at Bippus, 33 miles east of here and two hours
later, he was at Servia, 26 miles east. According to reports he is not much
fatigued and seems to be holding up well despite the weather. No formal
preparations have been made to receive him here, but he will be well cared for,
and will probably leave again early in the morning.
Four Days Late
Weston was due here July 4, and is consequently four days behind his schedule.
When he reaches Rochester, he will have tramped 890 miles, and have three-fifths
of his 1,500 mile walk completed. He left Decatur early Sunday morning.
Weston is accompanied by representatives of the Hudson Motor Car company and his
daughter, who travel in the auto.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 8, 1913]
Accompanied by Mayor SMITH, who bade him good bye and God speed at the north
city limits, Edward Payson WESTON, the 75 year old PEDESTRIAN now on his way
from New York to Minneapolis, where he will lay the corner stone of the
Minneapolis Athletic Association, on August 2, left Rochester at 10 o'clock
Wednesday morning going west via the river road. He rested nearly three hours in
this city.
Weston expected to reach North Judson, 31 miles west, by nightfall, his daughter
getting there by train to meet him. As he issued from the hotel, he was met by a
crowd which demanded and heard a short speech, in which he paid tribute to
Fulton County and Rochester people. Dressed in a white cap and shirt, and khaki
trousers and carrying a cane, he presented a unique figure, as he moved off down
Main street, with his peculiar halting gait. He is now three days behind his
schedule, but expects to make it all up before he reaches Minneapolis. He will
follow the Northwestern route after leaving Chicago.
Arrives at 7:20
Mr. Weston tramped into the city at 7:20 oclock, and went directly to the
Arlington hotel, where he rested until he resumed his journey. While at the
local hostelry, he was met by a Sentinel reporter.
"I used to think," said the walker, "that the most hospitable
people in the world were to be found in New York and Ohio, but I find I must add
Indiana to that list. Never have I been treated better. Last night, just before
the storm came up, I stopped at the home of James Curtis, just this side of
Akron. He insisted that I stay all night, and I did. Never have I been treated
better, and I want you to say to the public that the Curtis family is of the
right kind."
Four Miles Hourly
"I left the farm about 20 minutes of five, and reached here at seven
twenty, taking about two and three quarters hours for the nine miles walk. I can
average about four miles on a country road while on the railroad, I can only go
about three miles. That is the reason I avoid the right-of-way as much as
"Your farms in this county are great. Seldom have I seen better land and
better crops. The people appear to be industrious and frugal. There is only one
objection I have to them, that is those of them who ride motorcycles. Just at
the edge of the city, I was nearly run down by a reckless rider. Had it not been
against my principles to strike children, I surely would have struck that boy.
He ought to be prosecuted."
Appeared Fresh
Weston appeared fresh, and ascribed his delay to the hot weather, saying that
before this week, he had been unable to travel between 10 and four o'clock in
the day. He was accompanied here by J. F. Schuman, who drives the Hudson car,
which accompanies the walker, and by O. L. Enos, traveling passenger agent of
the Erie, who is well known here. Weston eats only the food fed him by Mr.
Schuman, from the car, and his fare includes eggs, beef, tea, cherry pop, and
breakfast food. Weston's daughter, Anna, who travels ahead of him by train,
arrived in the city Tuesday night, and cared for her father while he was here.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 9, 1913]
Edward P. Weston, who left here about 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, arrived at
North Judson near midnight, and remained there until six this morning, when he
resumed his journey. Shortly before noon, he was reported at Kouts. He expects
to remain tonight at Crown Point.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 10, 1913]
According to a dispatch from Merrillan, Wis., Edward Payson Weston limped into
that village Thursday with a wrenched knee. He encountered bad roads for some
distance after leaving Black River Falls this morning, having been misdirected
at the latter point. The pedestrian went to bed upon reaching Merrillan, and
after a two hours rest resumed his journey. He is due in Minneapolis a week from
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 25, 1913]
Edward Payson Weston rested at Menomonie over Sunday, after completing all but
seventy-seven miles of his trip of nearly 1,500 miles from New York to
Minneapolis. Weston was annoyed when he read in the newspapers that a man who
claimed to have walked with Weston years ago, would walk with him from St. Paul
to Minneapolis. The veteran said he had never heard of the man. No one will walk
with him from St. Paul to Minneapolis, he announces, unless it be Governor
Eberhart, if he wishes.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 29, 1913]
Edward Payson Weston, lthe 75-year-old pedestrian on his way from New York to
Minneapolis, Tuesday, was given an official greeting by Minnesota when he
crossed the Minnesota state line at Hudson,Wis., 10 miles from Minneapolis.
Among those who greeted Weston were Governor Eberhart and members of his
executive staff and George P. Douglas and Charles H. Gerslinger, representing
the Minnesota Athletic Association. Weston probably will remain at Stillwater
for a day or two.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 31, 1913]
Amid the roar of cannon, the clanging of bells and the tooting of whistles,
Edward Payson Weston completed his tramp of more than one thousand five hundred
miles from New York City to Minneapolis, Sunday. The aged pedestrian by changing
his plans, after leaving the metropolis, has added one hundred miles to his
original schedule and has walked 1,546 miles. Leaving New York on June 2, Weston
was due to reach Minneapolis on August 2, but when he reached Stillwater, Minn.,
July 29, he was four days ahead of his scheduled time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 5, 1913]
New York, June 10. - Edward Payson Weston, who first won fame as a long distance
pedestrian by walking from Boston to Washington to attend Lincoln's first
innauguration, was found on the streets here early today in a dazed condition
and sent to Bellevue hospital.
Weston, who is 88, is poorly clad and unable to explain his presence to a
patrolman who found him.
Clippings found in his pocket and dating back a half century identified him as
Weston said he could not remember anything that had happened to him since
leaving his home in Philadelphia.
Notification was sent to Mrs. Anna Curtis, a sister in Provicence, R.I.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, June 10, 1926]
Lyle Pletcher walked to Athens last evening in fifty-one minutes, thus winning
his wager that he could do it in an hour. This is an average speed of six miles
an hour and is a good gait for a pedestrian. Lyle was accompanied by several
boys on wheels.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 1, 1908]
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Smith Monday afternoon received a letter from their son Fred
who left this city on Nov. 26 on a hike to Boston, Massachusetts with Clyde
"Red" Eytcheson. The two lads are working in a Goshen, N. Y. lamp
works. It had taken them just 10 days to walk that distance. Mr. Smith stated in
his letter that he and his companion had never slept in a building while on the
hike but had found refuge in haystacks and hay mows. The young men were forced
to stop their hike because of the snow which at Goshen is 30 inches deep on the
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 13, 1927]
Howard Sterner and Donald Ruh, who left Rochester Tuesday morning on a walking
trip to Indianapolis and Franklin, arrived in the Capitol city Friday morning at
10 o'clock, according to a card received by Sterner's father. Of all the
distance to Indianapolis the lads only rode four miles and their largest day of
walking was Thursday, when they covered thirty-two miles. The boys are feeling
fine and in the best of spirits. They left today on the last lap of their
journey to Franklin, where they will visit several days.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 10, 1911]
Howard Sterner and Donald Ruh, who walked from this city to Franklin, have left
that city for a hike over Brown county, which is considered one of the most
beautiful spots in the state.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 13, 1911]
Howard Sterner, who, in company with Donald Ruh, left Rochester one week ago
Tuesday for a "hike" to Indianapolis and Brown county, arrived home
Tuesday evening. Donald stopped off in Indianapolis for a short visit with his
sister, Miss Lucy, who is attending summer school in that city.
The boys made the walk in record time and enjoyed the time of their lives
although several times they "roughed it." Most of the time they sought
shelter in friendly straw stacks and once spent the night in a box car with the
floor for a pillow. After leaving Franklin they walked to Brown county, where
they enjoyed the natural beauty of the unsettled country. While there they
visited Bear Wallow, which is a cup shaped hollow on the summit of a high hill,
where bears were at one time supposed to have wallowed. While wandering around
in the thickets they became lost, but finally managed to right themselves and
started for Martinsville, where they vbisited Fred Ruh, who is there at a
sanitarium taking treatment for rheumatism. The boys kept a diary and took many
pictures, which will serve in after years to remind them of a joyous boyhood
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 14, 1911]
If present plans are carried out several Rochester young men will walk to Brown
County and return, a distance of almost 400 miles starting about August 1st. The
present agitators of this endurance test are Vernie Plough, Walter Caffyn, S. M.
Newby, Lyle Pletcher, and Hubert Douglas.
All who go must carry their blanket as the party will sleep out doors throughout
the trip and will get their meals at hotels and restaurants along the way.
Arriving in Brown county the party expects to visit all the principal places of
that unfavored hilly region, and spend one night in the jail at the county seat.
At this time the party has not decided how many miles they will try to make but
will decide to walk about thirty a day.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 22, 1908]
A character of no little interest was in Rochester today in the person of one
John Walsh, of New York City, who is now on the greatest walk ever recorded.
On September 23d of last year Mr. Walsh left New York City on a wager of $25,000
to walk to San Francisco and return which trip was to be completed in 180 days.
The conditions of the trip were that he got the official stamp of the postmaster
in every town which he passed through, that he return with $200, which he was to
earn on the trip and that he get married enroute. A complete set of memorandum
books show many stamps and signatures of postmasters as well as newspaper men
and others. The $200 question could not be settled in this city as Mr. Walsh was
unwilling to talk on that subject. The third condition, that of being married
enroute was accomplished at Hammond, when he made a Miss Eckert, of that city,
who is the daughter of Erie Engineer Eckert his bride.
The pedestrian has already been to San Francisco and back this far having gone
the distance in 74 days and is now 23 days ahead of time. He arrived in
Rochester early this morning having walked from Crown Point to this city, a
distance of 65 miles, Thursday evening. When he passed in front of the court
house this morning he lifted his hat in reverence to Old Glory that waved from
the G.A.R. flag pole.
Mr. Walsh is 52 years old and a grizzled veteran of Indian and Philippine wars.
When the government was trying various mail routes in 1882, he carried 15 pounds
of mail on his back from New York City to San Francisco in 72 days beating both
bicycles and horses, neither of which finished.
Speaking of his habits, Mr. Walsh stated, "I sleep only six hours each
night, am in perfect health, smoke a pipe when resting and take a drink when I
feel like it."
Mr. Walsh left Rochester this morning for Huntington, a distance of 40 miles,
which trip he expected to accomplish in six hours.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 17, 1908]
WALKER, HARRISON [Richland Township]
Harrison Walker. - This esteemed citizen is a native of Erie County, Penn., born
April 26, 1838. He came to this county, December, 1840, with his parents. He was
united in marriage, November 16, 1866, to Amanda A. Runnells, who was born
November 4, 1842. Their children are Missouri, born January 2, 1869, and
Harriet, born June 12, 1870. He was called upon to lose his beloved wife January
2, 1878 [1879], and has since traveled life's rugged pathway alone. He also
served in the Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, but was discharged on account
of disability. Mr. W. is a worthy member of I.O.O.F., of Center Lodge, No. 435.
Dean B. Walker, the father of H., was a native of Crawford County, Penn. He
married Anna T. Sterling, a native of New York. He held the office of Captain in
the Pennsylvania Militia. He came here in the year 1840, and was one of the
first Justices of the Peace in this county, being commissioned by Gov. James
Whitcomb April 18, 1845. He was born July 28, 1800; deceased September 2, 1851.
His wife was a most worthy woman. She was born May 4, 1802; deceased July 11,
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 53]
WALKER, ISAIAH [Rochester, Indiana]
Isaiah Walker. Unobtrusiveness becomes a part of the make-up of some men, not
from necessity so much as by the influence of circumstances. Forced into
activity by surroundings, compelled to meet the demands of present need by
honest, hard labor of hand and brain they have gone beyond the medium of human
exertion and achieved some excellence above the ordinary. Thus situated in life
and borne through long years of toil with none other than an honest purpose,
Isaiah Walker has perhaps achieved success in one thing which places him above
ordinary men in that particular. He was born January 7, 1821, in Montville,
Waldo Co., Me. He is he son of James and Lucinda Walker, natives of Marshfield,
Mass. They moved from Maine to Richland County, Ohio, in 1834, and here the
subect of this sketch began his labors in higher education at the
"Bellville High School," and afterward attended the Ashland Academy,
during the years 1846, 1847 and 1848. He chose the study of law and read with
John W. Rankin, of Ashland, for two years, and with Burnes & Dickey, of
Mansfield, for some time, but was not admitted to the bar until in April, 1858.
He was also a teacher in the schools of Ohio more or less from 1840 to 1856, in
which work he was very successful. On the 5th day of June, 1849, he was united
in marriage to Hulda Montgomery, a native of Richland County, Ohio, and born
March 7, 1829. She was the daughter of Jonathan and ----- Montgomery. Her mother
deceased many years ago, but her father finds a quiet home in his old age with
her, and is numbered among the old men of Rochester. They have two children
living--Clara, born September 1, 1852, and Mary, born May 8, 1878. Soon after
being admitted to the bar, Mr. Walker concluded to move West, and he located at
Rochester, May 6, 1859, and in November of the same year he purchased the
Rochester Sentinel printing office, and published the Sentinel for nearly three
years, during which time he took an active part in the politics of the county,
district and State, attending many conventions, both Congressional and State.
Having disposed of the Sentinel office, he was elected Trustee of Rochester
Township, in April, 1863, and in October of the same year was elected County
Surveyor, and re-elected in 1865 and 1867. He served as Deputy Clerk in 1874 and
1875, and was appointed County Surveyor by the Commissioners, in March, 1876,
and elected to fill the office in October of that year. It was in this position
that he distingished himself and won the reputation of being a very efficient
surveyor and most careful and congenial business man. He waded swamps and
traversed streams, established lines and located corners, and to do his work he
traveled over nearly every section of the county and many parts of adjoining
counties, and in all manifested his willingness to do his whole duty without
complaint. His reputation as a surveyor was not confined to his own county. He
was at one time appointed by Judge Osborne, of the Marshall Circuit Court, to
make a survey in that county on an appeal from the County Surveyor's work. He
surveyed five sections in such a manner as to forever settle a long controversy
about corners and lines. He was also appointed by Judge Stanfield, of Lake
County Circuit Court, for the survey of two sections, after two other experts
had spent several days and had failed in fixing any corners or lines. This he
did in such a manner as to settle all dispute. While serving as Deputy Clerk
under William Newcomb, he was nominaed by his party as Clerk of the Fulton
Circuit Court, and in October election of 1882 was chosen to fill that position,
which he is now doing in a most efficient and masterly manner. He is a
descendant of old English stock, and, true to his line of ancestry, possesses
sterling integrity and a disposition to do his duty in whatever position he may
occupy. He and his most estimable lady are widey known and enjoy the full
confidence and respect justly due them from so large circle of friends. He is a
member of the F. & A. M., and received the degrees in Lodge No. 79, in 1865,
and at different times has held the position in said lodge of W. M., for several
years. He was exalted to the degree of R. A. M., in Rochester Chapter, May 11,
1875, and as M. E. H. P. represented said Chapter in the Grand Royal Arch
Chapter of the State of Indiana, and received the degree of H. Priesthood in
October, 1876.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 27]
WALKER & FORD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Dawson, George V.
Drug Store
This is Rochester's oldest drug house, having been established in the year 1855
by A. K. PLANK. Dr. Plank successfully carried on the business until his death
which occurred in March '87. The business was then conducted by his wife and son
until October when the stock and goodwill of the old firm was purchased by the
gentlemen whose names head this article.
Mr. WALKER has been identified with our city's interests for the past
twenty-eight years and has proven himself a worthy citizen in every respect. Mr.
FORD moved to our county two years ago. He is an old physician having graduated
from the Weston Reserve Medical College of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1863. We speak
without fear of contradiction when we say: That the old time honored drug house
of Dr. Plank could not have fallen into hands that were better calculated to
maintain its commercial honor than the gentlemen of whom we have made mention.
This house carries everything in the way of drugs, fine tinctures and a large
list of patent compounds, of standard and reliable makes is always in stock. The
selection of notions and druggists sundries is complete, while the paint and oil
department shows everything in that line, including a large assortment of dye
stuffs. Among the many brands of mixed paints carried by this house, we will
make mention of a few of the most prominent. Woodworth Howl & Co., Pratt
& Lambert, Neals "Eureka" Carriage Paints, Chicago White Lead and
Oil Co's. paints. These paints have an enviable reputation, repeated tests have
proven them to be among the best on the market.
In compounding prescriptions this house uses the utmost caution and anyone
taking a prescription to the CENTRAL DRUG STORE to be filled can rely upon
getting just what he calls for. They carry a fine line of tobaccos and cigars,
the best brands always being kept in stock. In fact everything to be found in a
first class drug store. We ask our readers when visiting Rochester to give this
house a call, you will be waited upon in the most genteel manner and receive
value for value.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 29, 1888]
WALL, RICHARD [Rochester, Indiana]
Richard Wall, resident of this city, yesterday was appointed superintendent of
industries at the Indiana prison at Michigan City. Warden L. E. Kunkle of the
state prison, announced the appointment. Wall will fill the position made vacant
through the death of Lawrence F. Mutch, of Michigan City, who died in 1935.
The new superintendent, who is the son-in-law of State Senator A. L. Deniston,
of this city, has a wide acquaintance in the business field thruout central and
northern Indiana. Mr. Wall has been in the sales department of the state's penal
institutions since 1930. Mr. Deniston served on the board of prison trustees for
a number of years.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 26, 1937]
Richard W. (Dick) Wall, son-in-law of State Senator A. L. Deniston, and a former
resident of this city has been appointed superintendent of industrial production
for the state's three penal institutions. The announcement of Mr. Wall's
promotion was made late Thursday by Thurman A. Gottschalk, of Indianapolis. Mr.
Gottschalk is supervisor of state institutions and is also the public welfare
administrator for the State of Indiana.
The appointment completes centralization for co-ordinated state management of
prison industries and sales, Mr. Gottschalk stated in making the announcement of
Wall's promotion.
The former Rochester citizen, who for the past several months has been
superintendent of the State Prison industries at Michigan City, will have
offices at 141 South Meridian street, Indianapois. Mr. Wall will have complete
supervision of the production of industries at the prison, the Indiana
Reformatory at Pendleton and the State Farm at Putnamville.
The welfare administrator also announced that E. Tom Hannagan has been appointed
as head of the industrial sales organization for the three institutions. No
successor has as yet been selected to Mr. Wall's former position at the prison,
but it was understood that for the next several months Mr. Wall will retain the
duties of production manager of the institution as well as officiating in his
new duties.
The former Rochester man, is a graduate of the Indiana University, and resides
at Long Beach, Michigan City. For a number of years he was employed in the sales
division of institution made products, during which time he resided in
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 4, 1938]
Indianapolis, Oct. 1. (INS) - Richard A. Wall, 32, was appointed to take charge
of production and planning at Indiana state institutions.
Wall is the son of Claude Wall, Boone county farmer. He was graduated from
Indiana University in 1930 and married Dorothy Deniston, daughter of State
Senator A. L. Deniston, Rochester.
"The planning of truck garden production and canning plant schedules to
meet the food needs of the institutions will be one of Mr. Wall's
responsibilities," said Thomas A. Gottschalk, supervisor of state
State institutions have more than 10,000 acres of farm land and more than a
score of occupational industries.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, October 1, 1938]
Indianapolis, March 14. - Richard A. Wall, assistant supevisor of state
institutions since 1938, yesterday was named supervisor of penal industries
under a law created by the rcent General Assembly.
Appointment was made by a five-member committee chosen by superintendents of the
state's penal and benevolent institutions. They met yesterday in the office of
Governor Henry F. Schricker.
The new law sets up a separate division of supervision of state farms and penal
industrial sales which will operate under the executive department of state
government. Thus it does not come under Republican control.
Will Serve Until July, 1942
Members of the five-men committee, who will serve until July 1, 1942, are Dr. W.
C. Van Nuys of the Village for Epileptics at New Castle, Leslie A. Cortner of
the Knightstown Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home at Knightswown, Warden
Alfred Dowd of the Indiana State Prison, A. E. Miles, superintendent of the
Indiana reformatory at Pendleton, and Floyd Hemmer, superintendent of the
Indiana State Farm at Putnamville.
Mr. Wall as director will receive a salary of not to exceed $4,000 a year. He
has authority to employ subordinates, but their salaries are to be fixed by the
committee. The committee also has general supervision over sales of prison-made
Mr. Wall, who is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. A. L.Deniston, resided in
Rochester a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Wall maintain a summer home on the East
Shore of Lake Manitou. The Walls have a wide acquaintance of friends in this
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 14, 1941]
Richard Wall, of Indianapolis, has recently been appointed Principal Consultant
of Prison Industrial Operations Headquarters, with offices in Washington, D.C.
and Indianapolis. The office carries no salary, other than traveling expenses
and the former local man's duties will take him to all parts of the United
States, it was stated.
The appointment was made by Maury Mavernick, of Washington, D.C., a member of
the War Board, and Chief of State and Local Government Requirement Division. The
appointment to the U.S. government position will not affect Mr. Wall's state
position as supervisor of state farm and prison industrial sales. Wall is a
son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Deniston of this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 17, 1942]
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 23. - Gov. Henry F. Schricker announced today he had
been informed that Richard A. Wall, of Indianapolis, supervisor of the division
of state farms and penal industries, was elected president of the penal
industries association.
Mr. Wall, a former resident of this city, is the son-in-law of Mrs. A. L.
Deniston and maintains a summer home at Lake Manitou. He has a wide acquaintance
of friends here.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 23, 1943]
Richard A. (Dick) Wall, former resident of this city, returned to his home in
Indianapolis late Wednesday from attending a nation-wide conference of the Penal
Industries Association which was held in New York City. Mr. Wall, who is
supervisor of the Indiana state farms and penal industrial sales was elected
president of the Penal Institution association of America.
Mr. Wall became a member of the Indiana State Prison in 1931, where he was in
charge of sales and in 1936 he was appointed superintendent of the penal
industries. In 1938 he was named assistant to Thurman Gottschalk, state welfare
administrator and placed in charge of the state's penal insitutional production;
later Gov. Schricker appointed Wall supervisor of state farms and penal
industrial sales.
In addition to these duties the former Rochester resident has served since the
fall of 1941 as consultant to the prison industries branch of the U. S. War
Production Board. He in company with Lewis B. Laws, former warden of Sing Sing
prison made a survey of prison industries through the mid-west area. The former
Sing Sing warden is also a member of the War Production Board.
Mr. Wall is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Deniston of this city. Mr. and
Mrs. Wall and their three children maintain their summer home on the east shore
of Lake Manitou and have many friends throughout this locality.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 26, 1943]
Indianapolis, April 18 - Richard A. Wall has resigned, effective May 15, as
supervisor of the division of state farms and penal industrial sales, a position
he has held since 1941.
A past president of the American Penal Industries Association, he now is
chairman of the association's executive committee. He also is a member of the
board of directors of the American Prison Association.
He was graduted from Indiana university in 1930 and in April of that year was
appointed superintendent in charge of manufacturing and sales at the Indiana
State prison. In 1936 he was named superintendent of industries at the prison.
In 1938 T. A. Gottschalk, administrator of the State Department of Public
Welfare, appointed Mr. Wall assistant supervisor of state institutions. He held
this position until June, 1941, when Henry F. Schricker, then governor, named
him supervisor of the new division created by the General Assembly, the Division
of State Farms and Penal Industrial Sales. His offices have been in
Mr. Wall is married and the father of three children. His home is in
Mr. Wall is a former resident of this city and for a few years resided at 302
West Eleventh street. For the past several years the Walls have spent their
summers at Lake Manitou where they maintained their summer home. He is the
son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Deniston of this city, and has a host of friends
throughout the county.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 18, 1945]
WALL STREET [Rochester, Indiana]
Nickname for small business area on E 9th street, from Monroe street ?? to the
Nickle Plate Railroad track.
See: Rochester, Indiana [Historical Review]
By the Sage of Wall Street
No city ordinance has ever provided for it and no august body of municipal Pa's
or Grandpa's have ever sanctioned it, but we have it - have had it for many,
many years, and although the time may come when it will be only a name in limn
the memory of the aged, that day has not yet arrived.
It's Wall Street!
Sometime in the musty past, before the "Monster" of Manitou was known
to be a myth, somebody changed the map of this fair city; filched a block off
the ten broad expanse of Pearl street and called it Wall.
And when so referred to, even in this late day, nobody who even professes to
know his or her Rochester need think twice to locate it, although Pearl street
has long since disappeared into the limbo of the lost or forgotten.
Wall street, then as now, officially begins at Monroe and streaks eastward,
across the old Lake Erie tracks. Or in the memory of the old-timers, at Bill
Rose's blacksmith shop to the east line of the Alexander's 'Last Chance" .
. . unless one happened to be coming from the lake, in which case, the sign
read: 'First Chance."
And between those two sentinels to the Alpha and Omega of the street, he no
doubt recalls the eating emporium of the late Jess Burns, where delicious and
sundry viands were served at a quarter the throw; of Lew Davidson and his
grocery, or Bill Curtis and his boy Charlie, who furnished the brooms that kept
Fulton county spotless.
London's Piccadilly Circus, New York's Broadway, Berlin's Under den Linden all
may have produced bigger merchants, but none ever knew men of greater compassion
or the joy of truer companions than Bill Demont and Columbus Richardson the
grocers, Jim Kepler and John Swartwood, dispensers of choice cuts of lamb, ram,
sheep and mutton; nor would they boast of greater tonsorial prowess than the
hand of John Dodge, the barber.
And they never knew better transportation service than that purveyed by Tyne
Adamson, the drayman.
Yes, it was a great street - the gateway to the east down which Elliott Bailey
and Posey Johnson, Peter Weisener and a host of others who made colloquial
history were familiar figures.
It's changed now, of course. Is soggy mud-holes are covered with the respiring
surface of paving bricks. Bill Ross's smithy shop is now the site of the Ewing
Grocery. The Demont Grocery, broom factory and Kepler's market locations being
at present preempted by the Miller Bros. Garage. The Burns eating emporium has
long since made way for Virgil Becker's filling station. The Snapp Grocery Co.
sign now hangs where once the name of Lew Davidson held forth and the Swartwood
Market, later rebuilt and operated by Vine Curtis, is known today as Johnson's
Market. The Adamson barn, once the rendezvous of countless drays and nickering
hosses, later manicured by our fellow townsman Jimmy Coplen, houses the Johnson
poultry market, while beyond the old established limits are the Carlton Ice and
Coal Company yards, the Farm Bureau yards and warehouses, the fish hatchery,
airport and the mercurial outline of the North Shore, familiar for its dining
and dancing and the summer residence of many of our citizens.
The tonsorial honors of the street now go to Reuben (Bony) Thrush, who has
efficiently removed the never ending crops of hirstute 'embellishments, while
the lusty appetites of the vicinity now find appeasement at the Manitou Cafe.
Only one landmark of the golden yesterdays towers its imposing prominence, not
here-to-fore mentioned - the Deniston Elevator, now the Wilson Grain and Coal
Company, without which Wall street might be known by the unromantic numeral it
really is - East Ninth.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 14]
WALL STREET BARBER SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Roy Hill, Monday purchased the Wall Street Barber Shop, locatedin the 30 block
of East Ninth street, from Rufus Thrush. Mr. Hill has taken possession of the
shop and will continue to operate the same. Mr. Hill has been a b arber for the
past four years and has been employed in tonsorial parlors in Logansport, Fulton
and Rochester. Mr. Thrush, whlhas operated the shop for mahy years, is retiring
because of ill health.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, April 8, 1941]
Robert Mills, formerly employed at the Wall Street Barber Shop here, has
purchased the Raleigh Bailey barber shop in Fulton and took possession this
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 24, 1941]
{Adv} An Unbelievable Dollar Bargain! 2 Gallons Enarco Separator Oil for $1.00
Wednesday. Don't forget our $20 reduction on Climax Separators. Wall Street
Cream Station, Clyde Towne.
[Rochester Sentinal, Monday, February 27, 1922]
WALL STREET MEAT MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 14, 1906]
Vine Curtis has resigned his position with Yoder's north end meat market and
will open a market of his own at John Swartwood's old stand on Wall Street. Mr.
Curtis is an experienced meat cutter and will doubtless build up a nice business
at his new stand.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 12, 1909]
There are two less butcher shops in the city today than there were last week,
Vine Curtis and Frushour having closed their shops. Mr. Curtis was not in the
city today, but the Sentinel was informed that he closed u in order to go into
some other business, though exactly what he does not say.
Mr. Frushour stated that the business was so poor that he did not make enough
money to meet his obligations due mostly to the high cost of meat. A
representative of a Chicago concern came here Saturday and took back all the
good meat which was left.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 7, 1913]
John B. Swartood has opened the butcher shop owned by Vine Curtis who closed up
Monday, and is ready for business. Mr. Swartwood's long suit is cleanliness, a
fact which makes his restaurant so popular.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 10, 1913]
[Adv] Fish - Fish. First of the season. Strictly fresh from the icy waters of
the lake to your table. Cleaned - ready for the pan.. . . Wall St. Meat Market.
East Ninth Street.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 1, 1924]
Lawrence Remley of Logansport has leased the Vine Curtis Meat Market on Wall
street. Mr. Remley is a butcher of 15 years experience both at outside killing
and at fancy meat cutting. He will specialize in handling home killed meats. The
initial add of the lessee appears in another column of the News-Sentinel. Mr.
Remley has changed the name of the market from Wall Street to "The Quality
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, February 22, 1927]
Lawrence Remley suspended operations of the Wall Street meat market Tuesday
evening, and with his wife and two sons, departed immediately for the home of
her parents, 0Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, of Royal Center. The Remleys, who moved to
this city from Flora the latter part of last February and leased the Wall Street
market from Mrs. Vine Curtis, are alleged to have been slightly involved in
financial matters. Mrs. Curtis has several applications for the leasing of the
market and an announcement of the reopening of the business may be expected
within the next few days.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, August 10, 1927]
Walter McGuire, owner of a meat market, 316 East Ninth Street bearing the name
which was formerly known as the Wall Street Meat Market was closed by its owner
Saturday night. Reporters for the News-Sentinel were unable to get in touch with
Mr. McGuire today.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, January 21, 1929]
Mrs. Frances Curtis this morning stated that the meat market on Wall Street was
owned by her and had been under lease to Walter McGuire.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 22, 1929]
WALLACE, BENJ. [Peru, Indiana]
See: Flood of 1913
See: Wallace Livery Stable
The Hagenbeck Wallace show has been bought by the United States Amusement
Company. John O. Talbott, formerly of Indianapolis, is president of the new
company, and Chas. S. Corey, of Peru, secretary-treasurer, a nephew of B. F.
Wallace, now sole owner of the show, are the principal stockholders of the new
corporation. They will own half the stock. Cory is now manager of the show, and
he and Mr. Talbott wil have charge under the new ownership.
Among the other stockholders of the company, in addition to Talbott and Corey,
are E. M. Ballard, of Chicago, who will be vice-president of the new
corporation; J. B. Warren, of Chicago, who is interested in Chicago theaters and
an amusement park; Chas. Hagaman, of Kansas City, and W. H. Harrison, of
Was Newsboy
Talbott formerly was a newsboy in Indianapolis. Twenty-one years ago he first
went out with a show, starting as a ticket seller with the McMahon show, a small
organization that has long been out of existence. For ten years he was with the
Wallace shows as legal adjuster and business manager.
Mr. Talbott said the retirement of B. F. Wallace from the show business, after
thirty-one years, was not due to ill health on the part of Wallace, but was due
to Wallace's other business affairs. Wallace is the president of the Wabash
Valley Trust Company, three-fourths of whose stock he owns, and is also the
owner of 2,400 acres of farming land near Peru.
Wishes Name Perpetuated
It is Wallace's desire, said Mr. Talbott, that the Wallace shows continue to be
operated as in the past, and that his name be perpetuated in connection with the
shows, hence his acceptance of an offer to buy from men who have long been
closely connected with him in the past. The new corporation will take charge of
the show in New York, June 30. Headquarters may be moved from Peru to
0 [Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 10, 1913]
The contract and bill of sale whereby Colonel B. E. Wallace for the sum of one
hundred thousand dollars releases all his future connections with the big circus
to the Carl Hagenbeck and Great Wallace Show Company for a period of five years,
has been filed with the Miami county recorder. In the bill of sale Mr. Wallace
agrees not to go into the circus business or to allow any other circus to use
his name for fifteen years.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 18, 1913]
The body of Benjamin F. WALLACE, 73 years old, pioneer circus man, who died
early Friday morning at a hospital in Rochester, Minn., where he had been
undergoing treatment for six weeks, undergoing several operations, was brought
to Peru today and the funeral services and burial probably will be held next
At his bedside when death came were Mrs. Wallace, the widow; Charles E. CORY, of
Lafayette, a nephew, and Al MARTIN, a well known circus man, who hurried home
from China when he learned of Mr. Wallace's illness. Mrs. Charles MURDOCK of
Lafayette, a sister, and Bernard WALLACE, of Kokomo, a nephew, also survive.
Mr. Wallace was a native of Pennsylvania. After serving in the civil war, he
came to Peru, where he engaged in the livery business. in 1883 he entered the
circus business with William ANDERSON. They conducted an overland show for two
years. Fire destroyed their menagerie in 1884 and they encountered many
difficulties during the first years of the business.
After two years a railroad show was put out and from then until five years ago,
Col. WALLACE, as he was familiarly known, continued in the show business,
becoming the greatest single owner of circuses in the country.
With the sale of the Wallace-Hagenback shows five years ago, Mr. Wallace turned
his energies to banking and farming. His farms aggregate 3,600 acres of river
bottom land, and he has improved and beautified them until they are included in
the show places of this part of the state. He was president of the Wabash Valley
Trust Company, owner of the Wallace theater here and a heavy stockholder in the
Senger Dry Goods Company.
Mr. Wallace was well known by many Rochester people and the following residents
of this city, George DAWSON, John SWARTWOOD, Foster HAZLETT, Robert WALLACE,
George WALLACE and several others were related to him. According to some of the
old residents here Mr. Wallace lived in Rochester before he settled permanently
at Peru and conducted a livery barn here.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 9, 1921]
WALLACE, DAVE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] I am Saddest when I Sing - - - the Prices on my new Spring suits were so
low that it made me sad. DAVE WALLACE, The Clothing man.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 25, 1904]
WALLACE, EDGAR [Rochester, Indiana
See: Hotels - Arlington
See: Rochester Bands
WALLACE, GEORGE H. [Rochester, Indiana]
LOOK HERE! As the old year is drawing to a close I would like to reduce my stock
before invoicing - - - Package Coffee 22 cents; - - - - White sugar 7-1/2 cents;
Prunes 5 cents; Raisins 10 cents - - - and all other goods in proportion. G. H.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 19, 1888]
[Adv] CLEARANCE SALE. Having purchased Talbert Shore's big stock of groceries
I now have a double stock on hand and can't afford to pay rent for two rooms. -
- - - GEORGE H. WALLACE, The Cheap Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 6, 1890]
[Adv] CHANGE OF FIRM! - - - - Having purchased the old reliable grocery
business of G. H. Wallace, I intend to sell groceries as cheap and even cheaper
than before. - - - - L. B. WALTERS, Successor to Geo. H. Wallace.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 10, 1890]
[Adv] GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - Owing to my numerous farming interests I have
decided to retire from the mercantile business and hereby announce a quit
business Sale of Sweeping Reductions in Prices - - - - GEO. H. WALLACE, South
Side Court House.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 15, 1893]
[Adv] - - - - Prices on goods are as low as if closing out. For instance - -
- - - - Come in and see WILL LOOMIS, Successor to Geo. Wallace.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 16, 1894]
[Adv] FARMERS STORE. We want your trade and will give you Bargains to hold
it. - - - WILL LOOMIS, Successor to Geo. Wallace.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 30, 1894]
Geo. H. WALLACE is a native of Fulton county, having been born in Rochester
township 45 years ago. He worked on a farm until he reached his majority when he
engaged in teaching and followed that vocation for seven years. Then he engaged
as a traveling merchant, driving over the country for ten years with a general
store on a wagon. He then engaged in the grocery business for several years,
changing from that to general merchandise and from that to a clothing merchant
which line of trade he is very much infatuated with. His store is in the
Sentinel block and he has a trade which any man may be proud of. His long
business experience in town and country has given him a wide acquaintance and he
enjoys universal confidence of the public as a business man and citizen. He owns
a beautiful home and some fine farm property and is one of the self-made
citizens Rochester may be proud of. He is married and has a family of four
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
{Adv] Here I am Again. - - - I have sold thousands of dollars worth of goods
in Rochester at bargain prices and I am going to do it again. Come and see the
Big Store of Rochester, get my prices and you will buy of me. GEORGE H. WALLACE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 24, 1906]
It was somewhat of a surprise when it became known that George H. Wallace had
bought out the 4 Brothers general merchandise store. The transaction was closed
within an hour, and the McMahan boys had no thought of selling out before. Mr.
Wallace made them a good offer and it was taken up at once. The store is closed
while they invoice. Mr. Wallace will conduct a sale to reduce the stock, and
then will move the rest of the goods to his big store north of the court house.
Tom McMahan will move to Peru, where he will take a position on the electric car
line. Hugh McMahan, who is teaching school in Delong at present, will move on a
farm in the summer. Ott and William, the other two members of the firm, have not
yet decided what they will do.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 13, 1907]
George Wallace has purchased the cash carrier apparatus of E. H. Murray and will
install it in his big store north of the court house.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 11, 1907]
The Big Store owned by Geo. H. Wallace & Sons, has changed hands and Mr. Max
Eichberg, formerly of South Bend who has invoiced the stock will open up
tomorrow morning.
The Big Store has always done a big business. Mr. Eichberg is said to be a
hustler, and with Harry and Charley Wallace remaining with him to help him get
acquainted he will, no doubt, do a large business.
The transaction which gave Mr. Eichberg the store also gave him the building and
Mr. Wallace takes 720 acres of land near North Judson. Both men are highly
pleased with their trade as Eichberg is at his best as a merchant and Wallace
makes lots of easy money in the land business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 1, 1907]
[Adv] The Leavitt Co, PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE, has purchased the building
and stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Carpets, Linoleums, Crockery, Tinware, Shoes
and Clothing of the well-known firm of Geo. H. Wallace & Sons, THE BIG
STORE, North Side Public Square, Rochester. - - - PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE, The
Leavitt Co., R. A. Leavitt, Manager. North Side Public Square - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 24, 1908]
WALLACE, GEORGE H. & SON [Rochester, Indiana]
George H. Wallace & Son is the name of a new real estate and insurance
concern, which has opened offices in the Wallace building over Marsh's grocery.
The firm is composed of George H. Wallace and son, Charles, and is well equipped
to build up a prosperous business. George Wallace has the confidence and esteem
of the community and is one of the best posted men in the community on real
estate and real estate values. This knowledge and his large acquaintance in the
county will be important factors in building up the business. The junior member
of the firm is a hustler and will doubtless do his share toward the success of
the business.
0 [Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 11, 1909]
This is to certify to the public that I have formed a partnership with Wallace
& Son in the insurance business and moved in with them, over Marsh'a
grocery, where we are ready to give you the best possible insurances at all
times, at the lowest possible rate. Come and see us. Respectfully, J. E.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 12, 1910]
WALLACE, HARRY [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] - - - - The recent decision of a Chicago manufacturer to retire permits me
to own a choice fall stock of correctly tailored men's and young men's suits and
overcoats to be sold - - - - Best Bargains in Clothing and Shoes. HARRY WALLACE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 7, 1912]
Two business changes have taken place in this city during the past few days
which involve the changing of ownership of a variety store and a garage.
The Star Garage at 623-625 North Main Street, has been sold by Herb Shobe to W.
E. Russell of Star City. Mr. Russell will change the name of the garage to that
of the Russell Garage and will maintain day and night service. A complete repair
shop will also be operated in connection with the garage. Mr Shobe has leased
the room at 610 Main Street and has moved his stock of auto acccessories there.
Harry Wallace has purchased the variety store at 816 Main Street operated for
the past year by Frank White. He will reopen the store next Saturday with a new
stock of goods. Mr. Wallace has engaged the serviced of Cy Davis who is an
experienced operator of variety stores.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 2, 1930]
Harry Wallace Saturday sold his variety store at 818 Main street to J. M. Wilson
and L. P. Clamrock, of Logansport. The purchasers have taken possession and will
dispose of the stock of goods.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 14, 1931]
WALLACE, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
HARNESS. If you want Hand Made Harness, or good substantial Robes, Whips, Etc.,
go to JAMES WALLACE, the harness man who has few expenses and sells the best of
everything the cheapest of any store in Rochester. Mann Building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 14, 1906]
WALLACE, JOHNNY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rannells, William W.
See: Vanderkarr, John D.
WALLACE, R. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] - - - - STATE SEAL FLOUR - - - - MANITAU MILLS, R. C. Wallace, Prop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 17, 1901]
WALLACE, SYLVIA MAY [Rochester, Indiana]
The city papers have the following New York special which will be of interest to
Rochester where one of the party shot at was once a well known woman:
"Two pistol shots fired from a box toward the players on the stage, caused
a scene of panic in the American Theater, New York.
"The cause of the shooting is a mystery. The play, a melodrama, "Out
of the Fold," had reached an intense situation. Theodore Babcock, as the
hero, Nolan Crane, Sylvia Bidwell, as the heroine, Helen Grey, and Harold
Hartsell, as the villain, John Lothrop, were in a group at the center of the
"Suddenly and without warning a man in stage box C jumped up and leveled a
revolver to the group. He cried out: "That's him," and fired twice.
Then he ran from the box.
"Edward Cain, treasurer of the house, attempted to stop him, but was
knocked down. The fleeing man fired at him but missed. He then ran from the
theater and disappeared. The performers on the stage fled at first shot.
"Actor Babcock's wife, who is Lowetta McCaffery in the "Out of the
Fold" company, thought her husband had been shot and she fainted. Miss
Bidwell and several other young women in the company were on the verge of
hysteria. Sixteen women in the audience fainted and a panic was narrowly
Miss Bidwell will be remembered by many Rochester friends as Sylvia May Wallace,
who formerly resided in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Bidwell.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 16, 1904]
WALLACE & BRO., J. [Rochester, Indiana]
Saddle & Harness Shop . . . in the building formerly occupied by J. Wallace
& Bro., opposite Chamberlain's Hotel, on Main street . . . A. Renbarger,
Rochester, March 1, 1860.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, March 1, 1860]
Wallace & Chapin. . . Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,
Queensware, Groceries, Millinery Goods. . . Country produce taken in exchange
for goods. . . Rochester, November 3d, 1868.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, November 5, 1868]
WALLACE & CHAPIN STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
New Store. Mr. Grey formerly from Plymouth, has opened a very fine stock of Dry
Goods and Groceries in second room south of Wallace and Chapins Store in
Wallace's Block . . . [Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, March 8, 1866]
We have neglected heretofore to announce that our enterprising business men,
Messrs. Wallace & Chapin are erecting a large Steam Flouring Mill in our
place, which will give us three large Mills of this kind: more than can be said
of any other town the size of Rochester North of the Wabash. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, November 29, 1866]
Enterprise. Mr. I. T. Van Duzer, with the services of a number of workmen, is
busily engaged remodeling and fitting up his building commonly known as the
"Mansion House," for the purpose of starting a hotel. With the
prospects of our Railroads, and the central location of the house, we cannot see
why the business could not be made a very profitable one. Rochester will then
have three hotels, and three Flouring Mills; one (Wallace & Chapin) however,
is not yet completed, but will be running in a few weeks. Fred Fromm, Sam Keeley
and the Cornelius Bro's intend erecting new buildings this summer. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 4, 1867]
WALLACE & COMPANY [Rochester, Indiana]
D. O. WALLACE, P. H. GRELLE, THE CLOTHIERS believe that people read their adds.
You are doing it now and if you have a boy from 7 to 14 who needs a new suit of
clothes bring him to us and we'll fit him out with a nice double breasted
two-piece suit for only 90c. WALLACE & COMPANY
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 17, 1899]
[Adv] - - - Wednesday, May 24th - - - $25,000 worth of Clothing, Hats and
Furnishing Goods, to be sold at 33 per cent less than their actual cost to
manufacture. Wallace & Co., Rochester's Greatest Clothiers entire stock - -
- at retail - - - in our large building, Main Street, opposite the Court House,
and will be sold at retail in 10 days. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.
0 [Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 22, 1905]
WALLACE & GRELLE [Rochester, Indiana]
On next Monday the clothing store operated by Cy Davis for a year or more will
be invoiced to Wallace & Grelle who have bought it and will move it to their
present large quarters west of Court House.
"Cy" as he is widely known, has been in the clothing business in
Rochester since 1883 and he has made a fine record as a reliable, obliging, and
energetic business man. For a time he will be engaged in making some
improvements on his home but it is not likely that he will be out of the
clothing business very long.
[Rochester Sentinel Tuesday, March 17, 1903]
WALLACE & RANNELLS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] New Firm! WALLACE & RANNELLS, Successors to P. F. Sarver in the North
End and P.O. Book Stores.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 8, 1889]
WALLACE'S CHEAP GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] G. H. WALLACE'S - - - - and all kinds of Country Produce. WALLACE'S CHEAP
GROCERY, Main Street, opposit the Court House, Sergeant Building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 7, 1888]
WALLACE CLOTHING & SHOES [Rochester, Indiana]
Harry Wallace has purchased a stock of shoes valued at $1,500 of the Howe
General Merchandise store, of Denver, Ind. Mr. Wallace will add the new purchase
to his large stock of clothing and shoes in Rochester. Mr. Howe closed out his
store in Denver to go into the dairy business. It is said that Mr. Wallace
secured a bargin in the goods which he bought.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 16, 1914]
The purchase of the Wallace clothing store by Lee Wile puts a very progressive
young man into Rochester business circles. The new merchant is a son of M. Wile
and his business schooling has been of the kind that guarantees straightforward
and progressive methods in all his business transactions. He is a young man of
good taste in the clothing line, he is polite and affable, and his success is
only a question of time necessary to show the public his up-to-date ideas in the
clothing and gents' furnishing line.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 29, 1906]
N. G. Shaffer send you greeting, Having just returned from buying . . . At the
Hall of Robert Wallace . . . Dry Goods, Hardware and Groceries . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 25, 1858]
WALLACE GARAGE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Louderback Garage
WALLACE GROCERY, GEORGE [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 816 Main.
On the alley where now stands the Stinson Clinic (816 Main), the long-since
departed George Wallace sold groceries and a bit of general merchandise. It was
first and last a country store such as existed in that early day. Nobody helped
themselves as now is the practice in food markets. George knew where every small
item was located on the store's shelves and could pick it up in the dark without
resorting to lighting the coal-oil lamp, the store's only means of illumination.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
The location was used by Drs. Dick and Dean Stinson when they constructed their
WALLACE'S GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
300 pounds of sugar is sold at Wallace's grocery daily. Low prices, fair dealing
and the purest and freshest brands of sugars gives the house these unprecedented
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 25, 1886]
WALLACE'S HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
Christmas Ball at Wallace's Hall, December 24, 1858. Floor Managers, John H.
Stailey, K. G. Shryock. Music by the Rochester Cotilion Band . . . $2.00 . . .
R. Wallace, Proprietor.
[Rochester Gazette, December 9, 1858
Rev. A. Gorman, Universalist, will preach tomorrow, (Sunday) morning, at
10-1/2 o'clock, in Wallace's Hall.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 8, 1859]
Miss C. E. Dinsmoor will open a Select School Monday Sept 5th next in
Wallace's Hall. . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 13, 1859]
Christmas Ball. There will be a Cotillion party given on Monday, Eve., December
the 26th, at WAllace's Hall.
All are solicited to attend. Supper at the Western House. Tickets $2.00. R.
Wallace, A. Chamberlain, Proprietors.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 17, 1859]
New Years Ball at Wallaces Hall, Friday evening, December 30, 1859. Music by
the Logan String Band! An oyster Supper at th Hall! Fare - $1.50.
---The scholars composing Prof. Kelley's Dancing School, will meet at Wallace's
Hall tonight at 7 o'clock p.m.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 24, 1859]
Leap Year Cotillion Party, Thursday evening next, at Wallace's Hall. By
Professor Kelly & Co. Fare: Fifty Cents.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 4, 1860]
The Rochester Brass Band. The members of this Band having at no small expense
purchased instruments, and devoted a considerable portion of their time and
patience to their practice, propose giving A Cotillion Party and Oyster Supper
at Wallace Hall for the purpose of defraying a portion of their expenses and
purchasing new music &c. . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 25, 1860]
Prof. Baker will open a writing school in Wallace's Hall on Monday evening.
The public are invited to attend. We have examined specimens and consider them
highly meritorious.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 17, 1860]
There is to be a grand Ball at Wallace's Hall on Monday Eve., which promises
to be the ball of the season. It is to be an affair in which all may
participate, without regard to political proclivities. The Peru String Band will
furnish the music and Prof. Barnett "does" the supper . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 1, 1860]
Fourth Annual Fair Ball Given at Wallace's Hall on the evening of the First
Day of the County Fair, Friday, October 12, 1860. Music by Reed's Band . . . R.
Wallace, Proprietor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 29, 1860]
Select School. Miss L. Fairbank will open a Select School in Wallace's Hall
in Rochester, on Monday, December 17th, 1860 . . .
--- Teachers' Convention, at Wallace's Hall in Rochester, on Saturday, the 29th
day of December, 1860 . . . Teachers: James Wagner, Burr Oak, Roch'r Tp., F. B.
Ernsperger, Mud Creek, Roch'r Tp., J. S. Rannells, Walton, Roch'r Tp., F. M.
Ernsperger, Sand Ridge, Roch'r Tp., Rufus McClung, (-----), Roch'r Tp., J.
McClung, Mt. Zion, Roch'r Tp., E. R.
Rannells, Centre, Newcastle Tp.\
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 15, 1860]
Social Hop! There will be a Hop at Wallace's Hall on Wednesday Eve., Jan 9th,
1861. All are respectfully invited to attend. Music by the "Orpheonists."
Committee: A. H. McDonald, John Beeber, V. O'Donnell, Jim A. Smith, A. Sheppard,
John Elam, Jr., George E. Smith, Wm. Osgood.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 5, 1861]
Firemen's Dance. The First Annual Ball of the P.H. and L. Company, will take
place at Wallace's Hall on Thursday Eve, July 4th, 1861 . . Music by the
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 29, 1861]
Notice. German Ball. Dance to be given at Wallace's Hall, Thursday, Jan. 9,
1862. Dances to include: cotillions, schottishes, and contra dances. Music by
the "Orpheonests."
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 4, 1862]
Notice. Social Hop. We would say to those who love to trip the "light
fantastic toe" that there will be a "Social Hop" at Wallace's
Hall, next Thursday Eve.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 25, 1862]
There will be a masquerade Ball given on Friday evening, the 21st inst., at
Wallace's Hall . . . Admittance 25 cents. Floor Ticket (including refreshments)
75 cents. R. Wallace, Prop'r.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, February 13, 1862]
J. H. Kelly has started a dancing school at Wallace's Hall, twenty-five cents
each evening.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 13, 1864]
We understand that a Military Ball will be given at Wallace's Hall next
Wednesday Eve.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 23, 1864]
Firemens Dance! There will be a Firemen's Dance given at Wallace's Hall, on
Thursday eve., Jan. 12th, for the benefit of the Fire, & Hook and Ladder
Company . . . Managers: E. B. Chinn, S. C. Jewel, Charles Cavin, A. J. Davidson,
Rolla Phelps, A. D. Hoppe. Floor Managers: M. R. Smith, J. H. Beeber.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, January 12, 1865]
Fourth of July Ball! There will be a dance given at Wallace's Hall,
Rochester, Indiana, on Tuesday Evening, July 4th, 1865 . . . R. Wallace, Prop'r.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, June 29, 1865]
WALLACE LIVERY STABLE [Rochester, Indiana]
Livery Stable. J. C. & B. E. Wallace formerly from Peru, have opened a very
fine Livery Stable in this place, they are promising young men. . They keep the
best of riding and driving horses and have just received a splendid lot of
buggies you can always find them at their Stable East of the Rail Road office. .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, May 24, 1866]
Livery & Sale Stables, J. C. & B. E. Wallace . . . 1st door East of
Post Office, on Washington st . . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, May 24, 1866]
The body of Benjamin F. WALLACE, 73 years old, pioneer circus man, who died
early Friday morning at a hospital in Rochester, Minn., where he had been
undergoing treatment for six weeks, undergoing several operations, was brought
to Peru today and the funeral services and burial probably will be held next
At his bedside when death came were Mrs. Wallace, the widow; Charles E. CORY, of
Lafayette, a nephew, and Al MARTIN, a well known circus man, who hurried home
from China when he learned of Mr. Wallace's illness. Mrs. Charles MURDOCK of
Lafayette, a sister, and Bernard WALLACE, of Kokomo, a nephew, also survive.
Mr. Wallace was a native of Pennsylvania. After serving in the civil war, he
came to Peru, where he engaged in the livery business. in 1883 he entered the
circus business with William ANDERSON. They conducted an overland show for two
years. Fire destroyed their menagerie in 1884 and they encountered many
difficulties during the first years of the business.
After two years a railroad show was put out and from then until five years ago,
Col. WALLACE, as he was familiarly known, continued in the show business,
becoming the greatest single owner of circuses in the country.
With the sale of the Wallace-Hagenback shows five years ago, Mr. Wallace turned
his energies to banking and farming. His farms aggregate 3,600 acres of river
bottom land, and he has improved and beautified them until they are included in
the show places of this part of the state. He was president of the Wabash Valley
Trust Company, owner of the Wallace theater here and a heavy stockholder in the
Senger Dry Goods Company.
Mr. Wallace was well known by many Rochester people and the following residents
of this city, George DAWSON, John SWARTWOOD, Foster HAZLETT, Robert WALLACE,
George WALLACE and several others were related to him. According to some of the
old residents here Mr. Wallace lived in Rochester before he settled permanently
at Peru and conducted a livery barn here.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 9, 1921]
The William T. Wallace Manufacturing Company, of Peru, has opened a plant in
Rochester that will manufacture radio crystals and do assembly work, it was
announced today. The plant is the second one of the company. The concern is
using the Kepler building, 120 East Eighth street, where they will do 100% war
Mr. Wallace has been engaged in manufacturing and production for many years and
is well known in the middlewest as one of the leading manufacturers of radio
parts. Manager of the new bsiness will be Harry Ward.
Any women between the ages of 18 and 35 interested in this type of work are
asked to contact the local U. S. Employment Office or Mr. Ward.
Any further information regarding the employment, or other details, may be
obtained by calling Harry Ward at 35.
The plant will begin operation tomorrow Ward stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, August 4, 1943]
The William Wallace Manufacturing Co., which recently opened up a branch of the
Peru, Ind., factor in the Kepler building, 122-24 East 8th street, this city,
has leased the entire first floor of the I.O.O.F. building [NW] corner Main and
9th streets, for the duration.
The company plans to begin the manufacture of crystal discs for government radio
sets on or before September 7th. An official of the company stated that
employment would be given to approximately 140 girls or women and a few men. It
is the desire of the management that no applications be made from anyone already
employed in essential war defense work, in the city or immedite vicinity.
Transfer of machinery and equipment for the new industry was being made today
from Peru.
New Families To Reside Here
The new plant will be under the supervision of Merrill Personett, an official of
the main factory at Peru, Ind., at least for the duration and possibly longer.
Four or five families from Peru will take up their permanent residency in this
It was learned today that the payroll of the East 8th street branch of the
factory is now exceeding $4,000 per month, and it was estimated that when the
new industry is in full swing in the Main street location, the payroll will
average around $12,000 per month.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 31, 1943]
WALLACE MENSWEAR, H. O. [Rochester, Indiana]
H. O. Wallace, one of Rochester's well known merchants who has been in business
in various locations in this city for years announced today that he was
preparing to close his store. He is advertising a gigantic sell out sale and
will dispose of all merchandise on his shelves as well as all of the fixtures
His sale which is being widely advertised will start Saturday morning and will
be handled by an expert from Chicago who is directing the work. Mr Wallace did
not state just what he expected to do after closing up his present line of
business. His store is located in the north end just across the street from the
Fulton County Motor Company.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 15, 1927]
[Adv] CLOSE-OUT Quitting Business SALE. Starts Tomorrow, Saturday, 9:00 a.m.
sharp. - - - - - H. O. WALLACE, Menswear. 502 Main St. - Formerly 702 Main St.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 15, 1927]
WALLACE MILLINERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Mrs. E. M. Wallace oppened new Millinery Establishment in this place and invites
the ladies to view her entirely new stock of Spring & Summer goods. Bonnets
made to order.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday May 21, 1864]
WALLACE'S STEAM MILL [Rochester, Indiana]
Union Steam Mills. Rochester, Ind. John Wallace informs the citizens of Fulton
Co. that he is now ready to do all kinds of milling.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 7, 1860]
The engine &c., having undergone a thorough repairing, the Mill is now in
the best of order to do all kinds of Grinding . . . John Wallace, Rochester,
August 9, 1860.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, August 23, 1860]
Wallace's Steam Mill. New Arrangement. Falls & Phelps would respectfully
inform the public that they have rented the above mill, where they will at all
times be prepared to serve customers.
Grinding of all kinds done on short notice, or grain taken in exchange for Flour
or Meal. We warrant satisfaction to our customers. Rochester, May 9th, 1861.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, May 9, 1861]
Tally & Phelps would respectfully inform the public that they have rented
the Wallace's Steam Mill . . . Rochester.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 10, 1862]
Wanted! I will pay $3.00 per cord for timber suitable to make shingles out
of. Apply at my planing mill in Rochester, just west of Wallace's steam grist
mill. D. R. Martin.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 23, 1864]
Steam Mill. William Wallace is putting into his mill a new and excellent
engine and boiler, all of the most approved style, and from this cause the mill
has not been running for a few days past, but we believe he expects to be ready
for business again next week.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 21, 1864]
Martin & Wagner the Rochester Furniture men, have moved their splendid
Furniture Store into their own new building, immediately west of the Wallace
Steam Mills . . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 28, 1865]
WALLE, GERALD F. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Walle the Jeweler
WALLE, THE JEWELER [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv} Christmas Gifts That Last, Elgin, Waltham and Hamilton Watches. Watch and
Jewelery Repairing. Quick Service Reasonable Prices. WALLE, THE JEWELER, Corner
Main and 9th Sts., Rochester, Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 18, 1940]
G. F. Walle, local jeweler, announced today that he has leased the Ike Onstott
building, 824 Main street, formerly occupied by the Hill Hardware. Walle is now
located at the Rochester 5 and 10 Cent Store, 830 Main street, owned by Alden
Lichtenwalter, and it was stated that both firms will move into the new building
within the next rtwo weeks. The building now occupied by the two firms is owned
by the local I.O.O.F. lodge.
The Onstott room is now being redecorated, preparatory to occupation.
Lichtenwalter announced that he plans to expand his stock after moving to the
new building. Walle has been at his present location for five years, while the
Rochester 5 and 10 Cent Store has been in existence for the past year.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 14, 1941]
Mrs. Gerald Walle, this city, has purchased the Lichtenwalter Variety Store, 824
Main street.
The store will not be open for business until Saturday, according to Indiana
bulk law. However, the jewelry shop in the front of the establishment will be
open as usual.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, July 21, 1943]
WALLER, GRANT [Rochester, Indiana]
Grant Waller, of this city, is the founder of a fraternal and social order known
as the "Companion Circle" and is meeting with success in launching the
enterprise. The plan embraces fraternal principles, with many improvements, and
provides for a club room with various amusements. He has been successful in
establishing a chapter at Logansport.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 23, 1909]
WALLING, FRANK [Rochester, Indiana]
Frank Walling, for the past ten years associated with Phelps-Dodge Company, Ft.
Wayne, as a construction electrician and trouble-shooter, announces the opening
of his new Hotpoint Store on the south side of the courthouse square.
The new store will feature a full line of electrical appliances, including
electric refrigerators, ranges, washers, kitchen sanitary units, sweepers, water
heaters, and scores of small appliances. Mr. Walling plans to do electrical
contracting work and will give day or night service on all kinds of electrical
He has had a wide experience in farm power and light wiring and he carries an
endorsement of Carl Evans, REMC inspector and deputy fire marshal.
Paul Hayden will assist Mr. Walling in the operation of the store. Mr. Hayden
and Mr. Walling will move their families to Rochester soon, to make their homes.
In the past several months, Mr. Walling has done considerable wiring in
Rochester and Fulton county.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 21, 1939]
WALNUT, INDIANA [Marshall County]
Argos Reflector.
00 The postoffice at Walnut, Marshall county, will be discontinued on March 15,
and superceded by rural free delivery service. Mail goes to Argos.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 24, 1906]
A. H. Albright has sold his restaurant at Walnut to Mrs. Ona Hagenbush, who
has taken immediate possession.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 19, 1921]
WALNUT GENERAL STORE [Walnut, Marshall County, Indiana]
The general store at Walnut has passed into the hands of Reuben McKesson, for
some time of Plymouth and formerly of Tyner. E. W. Washburn of Plymouth took the
store over on a trade some time ago and has been running it since. He traded it
to Mr. McKesson and will return to Plymouth to make his home.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 5, 1921]
See: Walk Round Trip New York/San Francisco
WALSH, KYRAN [Wayne Township]
Kyran Walsh, son of James and Margaret Walsh, was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, in
November 1829; sailed for New Orleans November 7, 1848, landing there January
14, 1849. He came over on the ship Thames, which started with a passenger crew
of 900, of whom but fourteen landed alive, owing to ship fever and other
diseases originated at sea. Mr. Walsh started from New Orleans to Cincinnati,
where he arrived in the midst of the cholera, from which there were 100 deaths
per day at that time. He there went into dairying, which he faithfully followed
for six years, when his property was destroyed by fire, making him incur a loss
of $3,000; but determined on success, he removed to Dayton, where he commenced
life again as a farmer, at which occupation he had been raised, and remained
there until January, 1859, when he moved to Fulton County, locating on the farm
of William Dickey, in sight of where he now resides. He worked as a renter until
1862, when he purchased eighty acres for a home in future years, to which, by
industry and integrity, he has added 320 acres, making him at present 400 acres
of land, finely located in Wayne Township, and which will be one of the
handsomest farms in the northern part of the township when he has completed the
fine residence, barn and other farm buildings upon which he is at work at
present. Mr. Walsh is the father of eight children, the fruit of his marriage to
Nancy Hoynes, the oldest daughter of Patrick and Margaret Hoynes. Of these
children, named respectively Margaret, James, Patrick E., Mary Ann, John J.,
William W., Joanna and Edward, all are living but Patrick E. Mr. Walsh states
that 10 cents would liquidate each and all of his and his five sons' tobacco and
whisky bills from their cradles up to the present time. This is something that
not every family of that size can say, and is a compliment to Mr. Walsh's
sterling good sense. In politics, he has always indorsed Democratic principles,
and was elected Justice of the Peace two different times by an overwhelming
majority. He received but a limited education, and was strictly raised in the
Roman Catholic faith, of which church he is still a member.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 62]
Kyran Walsh, one of the most successful farmers and one of the highly respected
citizens of Fulton county, was born in county Kilkenny, Ireland, Nov. 7, 1830.
His parents were James and Margaret (Gaul) Walsh, both of whom were natives of
county Kilkenny, Ireland. Mr. Walsh's paternal grandfather was Kyran Walsh, and
for him Mr. Walsh was named. The Walsh family, like many other Anglo-Normans,
adopted an Irish surname and title, and was known for ages as "Branach,"
which signifies in Irish a Welchman. At an early period it had extensive
possessions in Waterford and Kilkenny. For four centuries it was only inferior
in estate and power to the Butlers and Graces. Thus the subject of this personal
mention is a descendant of one of Ireland's oldest and most prominent families.
In the schools of Ireland he gained the rudiments of a common school education.
Throughout life he has been a close observer and an extensive reader. Hence he
is a well informed man, and being a man of foresight and wisdom he stands as a
leader among his fellow-citizens. He came to America on the ship Thames, landing
in New Orleans Jan. 14, 1849. His ship set sail for America with a passenger
crew of 900, of whom but about sixty landed alive, owing to ship fever and other
diseases which originated at sea. From New Orleans Mr. Walsh went to Cincinnati,
where he arrived in the midst of the cholera, from which there were many deaths
daily at that time. Mr. Walsh landed in Cincinnati May 13, 1849, and there
engaged in the dairy business. Six years later he removed to Dayton, Ohio, where
he took up farming, at which occupation he had been reared. In January, 1859,
Mr. Walsh landed in Wayne township, Fulton county. Here he has since resided. On
coming to the county, he was a very poor man, but, determined on success, he
began farming as a renter, and continued as such until 1862, when he purchased
eighty acres for a home in future years, to which, by industry and integrity, he
added other acreage, until he has become the owner of nearly 400 acres, a part
of which has been divided among his children. He has improved his farm and made
it one of the best in the county. He has a good and substantial frame residence,
which he built. A few years ago a very fine barn of his was burned, causing him
a loss of about $2,900. In 1854, Mr. Walsh was fortunate in securing in holy
matrimony the hand of Ann Hoynes, a native of Ireland, also. She is the oldest
daughter of Patrick and Margaret Hoynes. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Walsh has been
blessed by the birth of the following children: Margaret, James, Patrick,
deceased; Edward, deceased; Mary Ann, deceased; Mary Ann deceased [sic]; John
J., William W. and Hannah, deceased. Mrs. Walsh is a most excellent lady, a
faithful wife and loving mother. The entire family belong to the Roman Catholic
church, and is one of the leading families of the community. In politics Mr.
Walsh has always been a staunch democrat, and was twice elected justice of the
peace with overwhelming majorities. He has led a consistent life, dealt honestly
and kindly with his fellow-man, reared a respectable family, gained the esteem
of his neighbors, and won from reluctant fortune a good estate, and today stands
as a representative and progressive citizen.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 142-143]
By "Pioneer"
The biggest farmer of his day in Fulton County, was the late Kyran Walsh. Born
in County Cork, Ireland, Mr. Walsh retained a brogue both interesting and
Aside from farming, raising one of the largest families in Wayne Township, to
whom every member was given a large tract of rich farming land, Mr. Walsh took
an active part in politics. He was a Democrat of the old school.
Time came when Mr. Walsh decided that the Democrat party owed him some reward
for long service and donations to campaign funds. So he asked that his name
appear on the ticket as a candidate for the office of Joint Representative.
"It is not for the money," he backed his demand to the party leaders.
"It's for the honor."
During the period of this story, mass meetings, selected and filled the party
tickets. Mr. Walsh was nominated by a large majority. The meeting was held in
the Academy of Music. Immediately following Mr. Walsh's nomination, some one
from the gallery shouted, "Speech-Speech", and the obliging Kyran
Walsh, strode down the aisle to the front of the theatre.
"I am no speech maker, gentlemen, but I want to thank yeese all, for the
great honor you have conferred on a humble Irishman from County Cork. Mind youse
this - if I am elected next November, and I take me place in the legislature of
the great state of Indiana, if anything comes up for the welfare of the most of
the people, I will fight for it with the ta-nacity of a bull dog."
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, February 16, 1935]
WALTERS, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
This estimable gentleman is the son of John and Magdaline Walters, the former a
native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Virginia. He was born in Fairfield
County, Ohio, February 14, 1820. He received a very ordinary education, in the
common schools of his native State, and at a very early age chose the trade of
carpentering, which he has followed more or less all his life.
In 1850, he moved to Muncie,Ind., and was there engaged in the work of his trade
for four years. From there he moved to Clinton County, where he engaged in
farming for nine years, then went to South Bend, wher he resided till 1867, when
he became a resident of Fulton County, residing in Rochester for two years and
engaging in the work as carpenter; then he purchased a farm a short distance
south of town, on the Michigan road, in Section 34, where he now resides.
He was married December 14, 1844, to Catharine Lamb, daughter of William and
Catharine (Cupp) Lamb. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, December 10,
1827. This union has been blessed with seven children, viz.: Minerva A., born
December 18, 1846; Leander, born February 27, 1849, and deceased March 23, of
the same year; William, born April 30, 1850, and deceased August 6, 1851; Belle,
born October 29, 1853; Francis M., born April 24, 1860; Lovell B., August 25,
1862, and Estelle G., September 5, 1865. Minerva was married to Sidney R. Moore
August 13, 1867, and Belle to Burt H. Slusser, March 18, 1875.
Mr. and Mrs. Walters are both worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
and are highly respected by all who know them. They have long since passed the
meridian of life, and in the decline have an abundance of this world's goods,
and the well-wishes of many friends, and justly deserve the well-earned position
they hold in the social circle.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 31]
WALTERS, L. B. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
[Adv] CHANGE OF FIRM! - - - - Having purchased the old reliable grocery
business of G. H. Wallace, I intend to sell groceries as cheap and even cheaper
than before. - - - - L. B. WALTERS, Successor to Geo. H. Wallace.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 10, 1890]
[Adv] COMPELLED TO SELL. On account of having to close up my store and move
my goods in order to repair the room, I am forced to sell my entire stock of
Queensware, Glassware, Wood and Tinware, knives and spoons, etc., and we will
sell the whole outfit for cost for the next 60 days. GROCERIES TOO MUST BE SOLD.
- - - Come early and get first choice. Produce taken at market prices.
Positively no credit. L. B. WALTERS..
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 18, 1895]
[Adv] INTRODUCTORY! I have come to Rochester to do a first-class business and
this is my formal bow to the people of Rochester and Fulton County. I have
purchased the Walters' Grocery - - - F. M. JAQUES. P.S. Special Low Prices on
SHOES to close them out.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 1, 1896]
[Adv] FORCED SALE. As the room has been sold I am compelled to close out my
entire stock of shoes. - - - - L. B. Walters, South Side Court House Square.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 27, 1922]
Rochester has a new grocery store located on West Fourth street under the
ownership of Henry Walters. Mr. Walters has a complete stock of all staple and
fancy groceries and also has a delivery system. He moved to Rochester from the
country about a year ago.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 25, 1921]
[Adv] 40c to 75c ON THE DOLLAR SHOE SALE - - - - L. B. WALTERS, South Side
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 17, 1925]
[Adv] GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. L. B. Walters Shoe Store to be Closed Out Starting Saturday Morning, Mar. 9 at 8 o'clock - - - - L. B. WALTERS SHOE STOCK AND FIXTURES, - - - - - - South Side of Squart
WALTERS, NORMAN [Rochester, Indiana]
* * * * Photo of Norman Walters * * * *
Through the courtesy of the National Kiwanis Magazine, The News-Sentinel is
given permission to publish an interesting article and picture concerning the
city's youngest business man. The following story with the accompanying
illustration also appeared in a recent issue of the Hoosier Kiwanian.
"Norman Walters, a popular and mentally alert youth, physically handicapped
all his life, is now the sole owner and manager of 'Norman's Carmelcrisp Shop'
in Rochester. The plan used to establish him in business was something like this
- A velosipede had been presented to Norman so that he might better get about.
Members of the Rochester club then went his securityy for the purchase of modern
carmelcrisp equipment, his mother making the carmelcrisp and Norman, using his
velosipede, selling it on the streets. Winter came on and the growth of Norman's
business gave the club's Child Welfare Committee the idea of a little business
room for him. This plan became a reality, as the accompanying photograph
reveals. Again some of the Kiwanians went his security for the construction of
his place of business.
"The people of Rochester and the adjoining community are justly proud of
Norman's determination to make good in his business venture and are enthusiastic
in his behalf. In addition to the carmelcrisp which his mother makes and sacks
for him daily, Norman sells candies, chewing gum, etc. The Rochester club writes
that Norman's keen interest in civic enterprises and high school activities, his
enthusiasm for all kinds of athletics even though he is unable to take an active
part in them, and his genuine optimistic outlook on life are something that
should be a challenge to all good Kiwanians. The club invites all Kiwanians
going through or visiting Rochester to get acquainted with Norman at his place
of business, located in the [NW] corner of Seventh and Main."
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 13, 1937]
Norman W. Walters
June 5, 1919 - Feb. 29, 2000
Norman W. WALTERS, 80, formerly of 1701 Madison St., died at ExtendaCare at 5
a.m. today.
Born June , 1919, in Indianapolis, to Alvah A. and Lenna E. WILSON WALTERS, he
married Lydia ANDRADE on April 9, 1955 in Rochester. She survives, at
Walters, born with cerebral palsy, started his business career in 1934, at the
age of 13, when Kiwanis Club members convinced Rochester businesses to donate
merchandise for him to sell. Within two days he had earned enough to purchase a
tricycle and began selling caramel corn door-to-door. He opened Norman's Tiny
Shop at Seventh and Main Streets and sold ice cream and sundries. With a
specially built motor scooter he sold ice cream products throughout town,
eventually opening Norman's Catering Service. In 1970 he and Lydia, also
handicapped, opened Nor-Wal Sales in their home, selling Bibles, book marks and
other religious items until their retirement.
He was a member of Grace United Methodist Church, the Rochester and Lake Manitou
Chamber of Commerce, the Lions Club and the Rochester I.O.O.F. Lodge.
Surviving with his wife are several cousins.
Funeral service is at 2 p.m. Thursday at Zimmerman Brothers Funeral Home with
Rev. Rick TAYLOR officiating. Burial will be in the Rochester I.O.O.F. Cemetery.
Visitation is from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home.
Memorials may be made to Grace United Methodist Church or the Cerebral Palsy
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 29, 2000]
WALTERS, RAYMOND D. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Raymond Walters)
WALTERS, SAM [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
WALT'S PLACE [Lake Manitou]
Also, and better, known as Walt's Chili Parlor
[Adv] Bar-B-Q Eats. Sandwiches of all kinds. Best Chili in the State. Ice
Cold Drinks. WALT'S PLACE. North Shore Drive.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 17, 1929]
Charles and Goldie Talbert, who were arrested here on August 27 by a squad of
federal dry agents from South Bend working under the direction of Major Howard
Long, federal prohibition administrator for the Northern Indiana District,
appeared before Judge Slick in the United States Court at South Bend this
afternoon at 3 o'clock for sentence as each had pleaded guilty Monday to liquor
law violation charges filed against them.
Charles Talbert was given a fine of $200 and costs and three years in the
federal prison at Fort Levenworth, Kans., while his wife, Goldie Talbert, was
given a fine of $50 and costs, and a four months sentence in the St. Joseph
county jail at South Bend. The sentence in both cases against the Talberts was
suspended during good behavior.
The case against Walter V. Sipe, who was arrested at the same time as the
Talberts had not been called at 4 o'clock this afternoon and it is hardly
probable judgment will be passed before Wednesday. Mrs. Sipe pleaded not guilty
when arraigned Monday and will stand trial before a jury in the federal court at
South Bend, later in the month of October.
Each of the defandants had been charged with the sale of liquor in two counts,
possession of liquor and with maintaining a public nuisance, in indictments
which had been returned against them by the federal grand jury which functioned
in South Bend in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Talbert are the owners of the Talbert Inn one and half miles east
of this city on the Barrett cement road while Mr. and Mrs. Sipe are the
operators of the Walts Chili Parlor which is located one-half mile east of the
Talbert Hotel on the Barrett road.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 7, 1930]
Walter Sipe, owner of Walt's Chili Parlor, one mile east of this city on the
Barrett cement road is moving the stand from its present location to a lot which
he recently purchased near his home which is east and south of the site formerly
occupied by the barbeque stand.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, March 4, 1931]
[Adv] New Years' Eve Opening. WALT'S CHILI PARLOR. Free Dancing. The home of
good Bar-B-Q Sandwiches, Hamburg, Country Sausage and Hot Shots. Best Chili and
Vegetable Soup in the State. Dance and Eat. Two nights a week for private card
and dance parties. Call 689-W for dates. W. Sipe, Proprietor. On N. Shore of
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 30, 1931]
Lawrence Babcock has announced that he has purchased the building which was
formerly on the north shore of Lake Manitou, known as Walt's Chili Parlor and is
intending to move it to the Babcock boat landing. The building, which was
purchased from George Pollock, is to undergo redecoration and will be opened
this summer on the new site, Mr. Babcock stated today.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 7, 1943]
WALTERS BARBER SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Good Barbering at low prices is hard to get -- but that is just what you
get here. Hair cut, 15 cents. Why not save on you bill. WALTERS BARBER SHOP. G.
Garner, Mgr., D. Kilmer, Asst.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1910]
WALTERS & GOSS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Cheap Notion Store, North of Central Hotel.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 13, 1893]
WALTON, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From James Walton)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From James Walton)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From James Walton)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Fourth Letter From James Walton)
A delegation of twelve members of the Rochester Izaak Walton league chapter went
to Akron Friday night, where an Akron chapter of the sportsmen-conservationists'
league was organized. The meeting was in the Akron library. Harvey Arter was
chosen president of the chapter.
The purpose of the league is to stock the lakes, protect the farmers during
hunting season and save the vanishing out-of-doors.
Senator L. G. Bradford, of South Bend, president of the Izaak Walton League of
Indiana, was one of the main speakers of the evening together with Cal Johnson,
president of the South Bend Belt company and noted writer for out-door
magazines. The Akron chapter considered itself fortunate in having been able to
obtain these men. Other speakers were Andrew E. Bowden of Marion, Indiana, and
Grover Walters of Bremen, Indiana.
Nearby chapters, including Rochester, Mentone, Silver Lake and Tippecanoe, were
invited to Akron.
This is the first chapter organized in Akron.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, April 3, 1926]
WALTON ORCHARD [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] The time for buying your APPLES is here right now - - - - BILLY WALTON'S
BIG ORCHARD on the Winamac road, Rochester, Ind.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 14, 1925]
A real estate transaction completed two weeks ago was made public Monday. The
William Walton orchard west of this city has become the property of Dal Black
and Pat McMahan. Mr. Black has been the manager of the orchard for the past
three years.
The purchasers intend to operate the orchard in the same manner as has Mr.
The Walton orchard is the south 35 acres of the old Spohn orchard. Some of the
finest apples in the state of Indiana re picked from the trees in the Walton
orchard. Mr. Walton will devote his entire time to the management of another
orchard which he owns near LaPorte.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, February 8, 1926]
"Walt's Chili Parlor," well known eating and dancing place on the
concrete road at Lake Manitou, which seems to be enjoying an increasing
popularity among residents and visitors has just had installed an expensive
Seeburg Electric Piano which will be run in connection with his dance floor.
Walter Sipe, the owner, claims that he has the "best small dance floor in
the state" and invites the public to come out and try his sandwiches and
chili. Whenever anyone drops a dime in the piano everyone is invited to dance as
there is no charge. Mr. Sipe says his place will be kept open at all hours and
will cater to parties very highly after the dancing pavilions close. His parlor
is open the "year around."
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, April 22, 1927]
WALTZ, MERRILL [Fulton, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Merrill Waltz)
WALTZ GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Robert "Bob" Waltz, former salesman for Armour & Co., has
purchased his fathr', Ort Waltz, grocery on East Fourth street, this city, and
has already taken possession of the business. Mr. and Mrs. Waltz will reside
inEast Rochester.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 8, 1945]
WALTZ REAL ESTATE, ORT [Rochester, Indiana]
In this day and age when conservative men are constantly seeking investments
where they are not only assured a permanent source of income but a reasonable
certainty of increase in value, the real estate dealer is doing more than his
share to meet the demands of such men. This locality is indeed fortunate in
having in its midst such a man as this which is wideawake and not only
advertises the property and farms listed with him for sale, but goes out and
gets the prospective purchasers, brings them in and shows them what he has in
the above line to offer.
He has for years been closely affiliated with the growth and expansion of this
section and has made a close study of real estate conditions so that he can
offer both the buying and selling public the very best of service. He has on his
books a large list of most desirable farms and city property at prices and terms
that cannot fail to be attractive to the intending purchaser.
He has made it a point to not list farms or city property for more than their
true value, and this is where the close study of local conditions makes him
authority on values, for he knows what true values are in all transactions his
word is as good as his bond, and people have come to look to him when seeking a
desirable medium through which they may dispose of their farms and property. He
will be pleased to talk real estate to you.
We take great pleasure in the "Business Review" of referring this man
to all our readers. Such a person as this aids materially in the growth and
expansion of the community.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 17, 1922]
See: Civil War
See: Revolutionary Soldiers
See: Spanish-American War
See: War of 1812 Veterans
See: World War I
See: World War II
Civil War - 150
World War I - 22
World War II - 63
Korea - 11
Vietnam - 14
TOTAL - 260
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 2000]
WAR OF 1812, 1812-1815
MEXICAN WAR, 1846-1848
CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865
* - Killed in Georgia at the Battle of Chichamauga, September 19-20, 1863.
** - Killed in action elsewhere.
Others died of disease, from battle wounds or in Confederate captivity.
David J. Barrett
J. R. Bell
*Franklin Bennett
Louis Berry
John Biggs
Thomas Blacketer
**Henry Blosser
William Brockers
John Burton
Jewell Califf
Daniel Cannon
Greenup Cannon
**William Cannon
Oliver Carpenter
Alfred Carter
Isaiah Carter
James Carter
John Carter
William Cherry
**Jonas Clark
James Clayton
Daniel Clise
Elijah Clise
William Cole
Allen Collins
Joseph Collins
**Josephus Collins
Marinius Collins
Parke Collins
Jesse Coon
David Craft
John Cripe
Dennis Cuberly
Eli Detrick
Jacob Dipert
William Dixon
James Duff
Benjamin Evans
*Jacob Evans
*William Ewer
*Simon Fall
John Ferrell
James Foudray
John George
Christopher Gould
Charles Groat
Milton Hall
Franklin Hamlet
David Marsh
**Henry Hazen
Henry Hecathorn
John Heckert
John Hendricks
William Herrill
Daniel Herrold
Alfred Hizer
Newton Hoak
William Hoover
*John House
Henry Hudkins
*Lewis Hughes
**William Irvin
Asbury Johnson
**William Johnson
Nathan Julian
John Keel
John Kelly
Peter Kreighbaum
Christian Krider
John Mackey
Absalom Macy
**John McClung
Benjamin McKelfresh
Benjamin Miller
George Miller
John Minton
James Moore
William Moore
James Mou
Simon Myers
John Newby
John Oakman
Phillip Obermayer
Jeremiah Ormsby
*James Osborne
Charles Pearson
William Pentz
William Polke
Daniel Porter
George Pownell
*Amos Prince
William Prince
James Quigg
J. P. Ream
Otho Rhodes
Andrew Richardson
H. S. Ritchey
Jacob Robbins
Harper Rodgers
Frederick Rowe
*Fredus Ryland
Edward Sanders
**T. W. Scott
**David Shelton
John Sherman
George Sherwood
William Shields
Jasper Shore
**Orton Shore
Rufus Shores
Nelson Sippy
Carrington Slight
*Aaron Smith
Dennis Smith
*Ellison Smith
*Franklin Smith
Jesse Smith
*John Smith
Robert Smith
Stephen Sparks
Adam Spotts
I. W. Stringham
William Strong
William Sutton
William Swartz
**Carson Swisher
Isaac Townsend
*Robert Tribbett
Darius Troutman
Orlando Troutman
Newton Wade
John Walts
Sylvester Warkinger
Ephriam Warrick
George Washington
**Isaiah Webb
John Weidner
**Seymour Wertz
John Whittenberger
Bruce Whittington
Timothy Williams
Cline Wilson
William Worden
Henry Yoke
David Zartman
**Elias Zolman
[The News-Sentinel,
Saturday, May 27, 2000]
Fulton County was represented by Company B of the 156th Indiana Infantry during
the Spanish-American War.
Two officers and 102 men were inducted at Indianapolis and spent the duration of
the war at Chickamauga Park, Georgia.
No deaths were reported in the Company
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 2000]
WORLD WAR I, 1917-1918
Clarence Oren Benge, 24, Akron, died September 19, 1918, of pneumonia in France.
John Black, 24, died November 25, 1918, of spinal meningitis while in camp.
Ernest Burns, 20, Grass Creek, killed while serving aboard USS Delaware, no
cause or date known.
Claud Everett Clymer, 21, Talma, died October 7, 1918, at Camp Taylor, Ky.
Jacob Golub, 25, Rochester, killed in action July 18, 1918.
Benjamin Hartz, 28, Delong, died of wounds in France, October 15, 1918.
Fred Hartz, 21, Delong, died of pneumonia October 23, 1918, at Fort Benjamin
Harrison, Indianapolis.
Frank William Huffman, 21, Grass Creek, died October 1, 1918, of pneumonia.
Martin Irvine, 24, Rochester, died of pneumonia October 18, 1918, at Fort Wood,
New York City.
Earl Koester, 21, Wayne township, died May 11, 1919, in hospital at Camp
Sheridan, Ill., following appendectomy.
Clarence Verl Madary, 22, Rochester, killed in action, no date.
[NOTE: Jean C. & Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County Cemeteries, Fulton
Cemetery, Liberty Township: Verl Madary, d. in Service, Oct. 14, 1918, ae 22y]
Otto Medary, 27, born in Fulton county, died of wounds in Argonne offensive,
November 5, 1918.
Adolph Merley, 21, Akron, died of pneumonia in France, December 25, 1918.
Dean Wilbur Mikesell, 21, Rochester, died September 22, 1918, of pneumonia.
Raymond George Murphy, 20, Rochester, died at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, May 21,
John Nicodemus, 17, Rochester, killed in Battle of Argonne, October, 1918
[NOTE: Jean C. & Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County Cemeteries, Rochester,
I.O.O.F.: John A. Nicodemus, Ind. Pvt 26 Inf 1 Div, 1900 - Oct. 6, 1918]
George Parrish, 22, Rochester, killed while giving medical aid to wounded in
France, October 15, 1918.
Omer Guy Reish, 30, Leiters Ford, died of pneumonia at Camp Jackson, S.C.,
October 27, 1918.
Leroy Shelton, 32, Rochester, killed in action in France, August 10, 1918.
Jesse Leroy Snyder, 21, Rochester, died at Camp Taylor, Ky., no date.
Frank Van Meter, 20, Kewanna, died of influenza at Columbus, N.M., 1918.
William Van Valer, 21, born in Akron, died of pneumonia in France, September 29,
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 2000]
WORLD WAR II, 1941-1945
Eldon Abbott, 24, Fulton, killed in action in France, June 23, 1944
Norman Baldwin Jr., Talma, pilot of troop transport shot down over Groesbeck,
Holland, September 17, 1944.
Louis Ball, 26, Rochester, killed in action over Southwest Pacific April 9,
Norval Ball, 28, Rochester, killed in action over Guadalcanal January 6, 1943.
Paul Baumgartner, 22, Kewanna, killed in action at sea, Battle of Leyte Gulf,
Nov. 29, 1944.
Jack Beall, 27, Rochester, killed in action over Italy, October 1, 1943.
John Bell, 28, Rochester, killed in action in France, November 19, 1944.
Ora Bolinger, 20, Argos, killed in action in Belgium, January 14, 1945.
Harry Button Jr., 21, Kewanna, killed in action at Okinawa, June 16, 1945.
Willard Chamberlain, 34, Rochester, killed near Strasbourg, Lorraine, France,
November 20, 1944.
Dale Clark, Leiters Ford, killed in action in France, November 8, 1944.
Charles Coplen, 21, Rochester, killed in airplane accident while in training in
Georgia, July 16, 1943.
Oscar Corsaut, 26, Kewanna, died of wounds in Germany, May, 1945.
Devon Crabb, 23, Kewanna, killed in action in Italy, May 12, 1944.
Kenneth Craig, 19, Rochester, killed in action in Germany, February 17, 1945.
Robert Dague, 21, Fulton, killed in action in Germany, April 14, 1945.
Ben DuBois, 27, Rochester, killed in action over Germany, November 21, 1944.
Chester Freel, Kewanna, killed in action in Italy, March 7, 1945.
George Gault, killed in action in France, September 6, 1944.
Joseph Gilbert, 25, Rochester, killed in action at sea, December 7, 1944.
William Gilliland, Plane lost while flying hump with supplies to China, early
Clifford Gray, 24, Akron, killed in action in France, September, 1944.
Raymond Gunter, 19, Marshtown, killed in action in Germany, April 1, 1945.
Edward Hardin, 41, Kewanna, killed in plane crash near Kewanna, May 14, 1943.
Cecil Harman, 19, Akron, killed in action in France, December 25, 1944.
Norris Harshbarger, Kewanna, killed in action over Germany, April 11, 1944.
Raymond Hartle, Leiters Ford, killed off Leyte in Battle of Philippine Sea,
October 24, 1944.
Walter Hauser, 21, Grass Creek, killed in air crash in North Africa, December 8,
Louis Heckathorn, 20, Fulton, killed in action in Germany, February 4, 1945.
Edgar Herrell, Rochester, died of wounds in Army hospital in Germany, 1944.
Howard Hoge, 21, Rochester, killed in action in Normandy, August 12, 1944.
Joseph Huffman, 27, Kewanna, killed in action in Germany, November 16, 1944.
Merle Hunt, 22, Grass Creek, killed in action in Leyte, Philippines, November
19, 1944.
Raymond Jones, Akron, died in Battle Creek, Michigan, May 21, 1945.
George Kahler, 22, Kewanna, died of wounds in Germany, April 18, 1945.
John Klise, Akron, killed in Germany, September 11, 1944.
Frank Kralis, 20, Rochester, killed in action in France, November 14, 1944.
Richard Long, Kewanna, died of wounds in New Guinea, September, 1944.
Clyde Lownes, 29, Rochester, died of natural causes in Texas, March, 1943.
Norman McColley, 25, Akron, killed in action in Germany, December 11, 1944.
Omer Eugene McIntyre, 24, Rochester, killed in action over Italy, July 16, 1943.
Rolland Meyer, 23, Rochester, killed in action in Belgium, January 15, 1945.
Guy Murfitt, 24, Leiters Ford, died of wounds in Luxembourg, January 5, 1945.
Theodore Myers, Rochester, died of wounds received in action in English Channel,
June 9, 1944.
Dwight Pollock, 20, Rochester, died of wounds in Italy, April 19, 1945.
Ralph Potter Jr., Rochester, died of wounds in Italy, August 27, 1944.
Leland Reynolds, 46, Rochester, killed in aircraft accident at Clinton, Ill.,
January 6, 1943.
Robert Robbins, 25, Rochester, killed in action over Pacific Ocean, April 1,
Robert Rose, 20, Rochester, killed in plane crash in Africa, January 26, 1943.
Wilbur Rouch, 26, Fulton, killed in action in France, December, 1944.
Wayne Scott, 22, Rochester, killed in action in Belgium, December 17, 1944.
Wendell Sedam, 20, Grass Creek, killed in action in Belgium, December 29, 1944.
L. V. Teeter, Fulton, killed when fighter plane shot down in China, early 1945.
Clarence Thomas, 27, Rochester, killed in action in France, June 6, 1944.
Norman Paul Thomas, 25, Delong, killed in action in Luzon, Philippines, January
13, 1945.
Harold Thornburgh, Rochester, killed in action at sea, September 21, 1944.
Emerson Towne, 23, Rochester, killed in action in France, October 2, 1944.
Earl Townsend, 21, Rochester, killed in action over English Channel, March 16,
Frederick Van Dien, 23, Rochester, killed in action over Italy, September 23,
Arthur Wentzel, 23, Rochester, killed in action over Pacific Ocean, April 21,
Robert Whybrew, 23, Fulton, killed in action in France, November 16, 1944.
William Willard, 20, Rochester, killed in action at Leyte, Philippines, November
4, 1944.
Raymond Wise, 22, Leiters Ford, killed in action in Germany, April 17, 1945.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 2000]
KOREAN WAR, 1950-1953
Wilbur Abbott, Fulton, killed November, 1951.
Lloyd Alderfer, Richland Center, killed December 30, 1951.
Paul Burns Jr., Rochester, killed January 22, 1951.
Freddie Campbell, Leiters Ford, killed March 27, 1951.
Dean Crabb, Bruce Lake, date of death not listed.
[NOTE: Jean C. & Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County Indiana Cemeteries,
Bruce Lake Cemetery, Union Twp.: Dean Crabb, 1929-1952, Korea.]
Robert Helt, died June 4, 1951.
William Marshall, Rochester, died May 17, 1953.
James Palmer, Richland Center, killed November 13, 1951.
Jack Schindler, Rochester, killed October 9, 1951.
Paul Spice, Akron, killed August 18, 1952.
Obed Nelson Steininger, Rochester, killed December 30, 1950.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 2000]
VIETNAM WAR, 1964-1975
James Ameigh, 26, of near Akron, killed while piloting helicopter, Junee 24,
James Bellinger, 21, Rochester, killed by mortar fire, January 31, 1968.
Dennis Fairchild, 20, Akron, killed in action, January 20, 1969.
Lawrence Gibson, 31, Rochester, died of wounds, February 14, 1968.
Robert Jernigan, 41, Rochester, died January 20, 1974, of heart illness
contracted in Vietnam.
Carl David Johnson, 20, Kewanna, killed in military truck crash, February 11,
Neil McKinney, 30, Akron, lost on air reconnaissance mission, September 2, 1963
Audley (Bill) Mills, 36, Rochester, killed by booby trap, Ocober 11, 1971.
Joe Nunn, 21, Leiters Ford, killed on combat mission, April 25, 1970.
George Packard, 22, Rochester, died of wounds from land mine explosion, June 1,
Timothy Roe, 18, Rochester, died of injuries received while working on tank,
February 26, 1970.
James Talbott, 21, Kewanna, killed in action, August 6, 1969.
James Utter, 21, Talma, killed while on patrol, April 15, 1967.
Marvin White, 20, Newcastle township, died from grenade wounds, April 29, 1967.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 2000]
WAR OF 1812 VETERANS [Fulton County]
See: Civil War
See: Revolutionary Soldiers
See: Spanish-American War
See: War Casualties Fulton County
See: World War I
See: World War II
Constant Bowen, 1850-1928, bur Omega Cem, Henry Twp.
David Bright, d. Mar. 19, 1870, ae 74y-6m-10d, bur Citizens Cem, Akron.
Alexander Chamberlain, d. Jan 9, 1869, ae 80y-9m-11d, bur Citizens Cem,
Rochester Twp.
Jacob Hoffman, , bur Mr. Zion Cem, Rochester Twp.
Daniel Hughes, d. Dec 16, 1860, ae 33y-3m6d, bur Mt. Zion Cem, Rochester Twp.
James Porter, d. June 5, 1858, ae 63y-5m-10d, bur Mt. Zion Cem, Rochester Twp.
William Reid, Sr., d. Jan 5, 1856, bur Citizens Cem, Rochester Twp.
Jacob Sippy, d. May 29, 1855, ae 52y-8m-7d, bur Citizens Cem, Akron.
Samuel St. Clair, d. Dec. 28, 1939, bur Citizens Cem, Akron.
Asher Welton, d. Aug 1838, bur Whittenberger Cemetery, Akron.
Christopher S. Wood, d. Nov. 19, 1855, ae 83y-7m-1d, bur Hoover's Cem, Athens.
WARD, ALBERT [Peru, Miami County, Indiana]
Indianapolis, March 2 -- (By I.N.S.) -- Albert Ward, former judge of the Miami
circuit court, today took over the reins in the U. S. District attorney's
office, having been appointed to succeed Homer Elliott, who resigned several
months ago.
Mr. Ward was at his office in the state house early, welcoming attaches and
receiving their congratulations. Alexander Havens will continue as assistant
district attorney.
Governor Jackson appointed Hurd J. Hurst, of Peru, to fill the vacancy in the
Miami circuit court. Hurst, attorney, was to take the oath of office today.
Hurst took the oath of office Monday morning, and was on the bench today.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 2, 1925]
Indianapolis, Mar. 10. (I.N.S.) - U.S. District Attorney Albert Ward appointed
by President Coolidge Mar 1st, 1924, has sent his resignation to Attorney
General Sargent it became known here today. The resignation is effective May
Ward confirmed the news by stating he wished to enter the general practice of
law in Indianapolis.
During his incumbrance he prosecuted several famous cases including the Hawkins
Mortgage Co. Mail fraud and the Jack Daniels distillery bankruptcy case.
Ward formerly was judge of the Miami county circuit court.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, March 10, 1927]
Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 21. - Albert Ward, United States district attorney for
the last four years, will become associated with the law firm of Slaymaker,
Turner, Merrel, Adams & Locke, at the close of his term March 1, it was
announced yesterday. The new firm will be known as Slaymaker, Merrel, Ward &
Locke and will maintain offices at 751 Consolidated building. Mr. Ward forwarded
his formal resignation to the United States attorney general's office Tuesday
evening. He served as judge of the Miami Circuit court at Peru several years
before resigning to take the Federal appointment, and spends his summers at his
cottage near the West Side Hotel at Lake Manitou.
Appointment of a successor to Mr. Ward is said to be under consideration at
Washington. Leading contenders are understood to be John K. Ruckelshaus,
Indianapolis attorney, and Judge Cleon W. Mount of the Tipton Circuit court at
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 21, 1929]
WARD, HENRY H. [Rochester, Indiana]
HENRY H. WARD (Biography)
Among the natives of Fulton county few men are more widely known than Dr. Henry
H. WARD. Born in Rochester, the only son of Del. WARD, in 1856, he was given the
advantage of a city school education. On reaching his majority he served as
Deputy Sheriff for four years, two under his father and two under Sidney MOON.
Then he entered mercantile life and followed it for five years. But he loved
horses and decided to turn his attention to Veterinary Surgery. Accordingly he
took up the study and graduated from Toronto Veterinary College in 1886. He at
once commenced the practice of his profession here in partnership with his
father and has been very successful. A natural politician, he came within a very
few votes of being nominated for county Clerk two years ago and yet was in the
race but a few days. He is now also half owner of the brick livery barn and has
a nice business. He married Miss Ray SAMUELS and they have one son, Del. [WARD].
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
A transaction was completed Wednesday evening whereby Dr. H. H. Ward, ex-county
clerk, became sole owner of the John A. Braman & Son furnitue store, on
North Main street, and took possession at once.
Mr. Ward at present, proposes to conduct the store in the room it occupies at
the present time. Although not an old experienced man at the business Mr. Ward
will undoubtedly make a great success of it. He is genteel and accommodating,
and it is safe to predict that his army of loyal friends throughout Rochester
and the county will give him their patronage. He expects to carry a full line of
furniture, carpets, stoves and general furnishings.
[Rochester Sentinel,Thursday, February 16, 1905]
L. R. Linkenhelt has returned from the Toronto Veterinary College where he has
just graduated, and has formed a parnership with Dr. H. H. Ward for the practice
of Veterinary work. The firm will have an office at the Ward & Huffer livery
barn, where one of its members can always be found ready to give intelligent
help to the suffering members of the animal kingdom.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 21, 1905]
Through a deal which was completed this morning, Leo Zimmerman, late of the V.
Zimmerman's Sons' furniture establishment, became the sole owner of the H. H.
Ward furniture store, this city. Mr. Zimmerman took possession of his new
business this morning and at once set about the task of rearranging the stock to
his taste. The new owner is a well known and industrious business man and
through his long association with the furniture business is admirably fitted to
build up a most lucrative patronage.
Mr. Ward, the retiring owner, has not fully decided on his future course of
business, but at present will probably follow his profession as a veterinary.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, December 18, 1911]
Henry H. Ward, who recently sold his furniture business to Leo Zimmerman, has
rented the business room south of the court house recently vacated by Hedge
Bros., and will fit it up nicely as an office, where he will continue his
practice as a veterinary surgeon.
Mr. Ward is one of the most successful veterinarys in northern Indiana, and has
kept in touch with his profession during the years he served as county clerk and
while engaged in business. Mr. Ward retains his furniture lease accounts, all of
which may be settled as they come due at his office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 20, 1911]
WARD, HOMER [Perrysburg, Miami County, Indiana]
See Fruit and Produce Stands
WARD, WILLIAM ADELMAN "DEL" [Rochester, Indiana]
William A. Ward. - This gentleman, better known as "Del Ward," is the
son of Ebenezer and Rachel Ward, and a native of New York, born February 26,
1829. He immigrated to Fulton County in 1831 with his parents, and received a
common school education in the rural schools of his adopted county, and by his
industry and fidelity soon won the respect of his fellow-citizens. On January 3,
1853, he was united in marriage to Miss Adaline H. Howes, who was born at
Madison, Ind., January 21, 1835. One child survives this union, Henry H., who
was born April 17, 1856. Mr. Ward labored on a farm for a number of years, and
in 1876 he was nominated by he Democratic party for Sheriff and was triumphantly
elected at the following October election. He served two years in that capacity
and retired from the office with the good will and approbation of his numerous
friends. His father, Ebenezer Ward, is of Scotch descent, born in New York in
1785. He married Rachel Spencer of his native State. They came to this county in
1831, when the Indian wigwam was the only sign of civilization, and the pathless
wilderness was the abode of the wild, untutored savage. The companiuon of his
joys and sorrows not being accustomed to the hardships of pioneer live, found an
early grave near her Western home, August 20, 1838. Not discouraged by his early
bereavement, he toiled on in his endeavors to sustain himself, and rear the
little family which had been intrusted to his care. On March 18, 1847, at the
age of sixty-two years he slept the sleep that knows no waking, surrounded by
numerous friends and acquaintances. He was one of the Associate Judges of the
County, when these were acting, and took sick while on the bench, dying after an
illness of five days. He was the father of eleven children, four sons and seven
daughters. Thomas H. Howes was the father of Mrs. Ward. He was a native of New
York, and born December 5, 1805. He was a physicain of some note and came to
this county in 1847. He was married twice, and left two daughters and one son.
He deceased March 19, 1864.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 27]
William A. Ward, Rochester, Ind. - To have lived in Fulton county continuously
since 1832 and to have been twice honored with the office of sheriff and now,
March 11, 1896, to be only one of two living persons who came here in that early
year, is sufficient to make a man honored. "Del" Ward, as he is
familiarly known, was born in the state of New York, Feb. 26, 1829, and is the
son of Ebenezer and Rachael (Spencer) Ward, who were natives of the same state
and who came to Fulton county, Ind., in 1832, bringing with them their family of
seven children, of whom the subject of this review is the only one living. The
mother died in 1841, and the father in 1847. The father was a farmer by
occupation. He was a man of good education and in the early part of his manhood
he gave some of his time to the ministry. Upon coming here he taught the first
school in Fulton county, and this school was attended by "Del" Ward.
His brother, John B. Ward, was the first lawyer to hang out his shingle for the
practice of law in Rochester. The earlier years of Mr. Ward were devoted to
farming, but later he turned his attention to the business of veterinary surgeon
and livery. For nearly fifty years he has been known as a reliable surgeon in
this line. He was engaged continously in the livery business in this city for
more than eighteen years or until 1871. In politics he has always been
identified with the democratic party and in 1876 was elected sheriff of Fulton
county and re-elected in 1878 by the magnificent majority of 465. He was one of
the best sheriffs the county ever had. In 1895 he again engaged in the livery
business and now, with his son, Dr. Henry Ward, continues the same. Mr. Ward was
married in 1853 to Miss Adeline H. Howes, who was born in Johnson county, Ind.,
and died in Rochester in 1890, at about fifty-seven years of age. Mr. Ward is a
member of the Masonic fraternity and is a man of unquestioned character and one
of the best known men in Fulton county. Of three children born to the subject of
this sketch only Dr. Henry Ward is living. He was born in Rochester in 1856, was
educated at the schools of Rochester and in 1887 graduated from the Ontario
veterinary college at Toronto, Canada, and since that time has been engaged in
the practice of his profession. He was married in 1878 to Miss Ray Samuels, a
native of Ohio. To this union is one child, Adelman. He is a democrat in
politics, a Mason, a member of the I.O.O.F. and K. of P.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 143-144]
Uncle Del Ward is surely the pioneer liveryman in this section, if not in the
state. He was running a livery stable in Rochester 46 years ago and is still in
the same business. And, by the way, he is one of the most reliable men in the
business and has a wide acquaintance among horsemen.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 23, 1901]
Today is the 75th birthday of ex-Sheriff William Adelman Ward, known to almost
everybody as "Del" Ward. And notwithstanding his age he was at his
place of business apparently the liveliest and most interested man of all of
Del Ward came to Fulton county in 1831. He was but a little child then but he
distinctly remembers that the settlers were all Indians and half breeds except
two, viz: George Bozarth and Wm. Ramsey, both long since dead. At that time
there was no suggestion of a town where Rochester now stands. But later the
Martins, Shields and other families came in and when Del was twelve years old he
helped to carry the surveyors chain in "laying out" Rochester, deer
being as plentiful then as cattle were later.
When twenty-four years old Mr. Ward opened a sort of combined livery stable and
combined long distance hack line which did not operate on exact schedule time.
They traveled then when the roads were passable and there was anyone who wanted
to go.
In 1871 he moved on a farm and four years later, he was sent back to town as
Sheriff of the County, which office he held most popularly for two terms. Later
he was elected town Marshal, was in the grocery business a few years and then
drifted into the business he liked best -- liveryman and veterinary surgeon, and
in which he is still engaged.
Therefore Del Ward is the earliest settler of Fulton County now living and it is
not extravagant to say that he has been the most widely known and popular man
that ever lived in the county. At one time it is said he could recognize and
call by name 90 per cent of the residents of the county and there is not another
man living in the county, today, so widely known as "Uncle Del Ward."
And he made his hosts of friends by honesty and good fellowship. Although a
horseman all of his life he never deceived in selling or tradng horses, and as a
public officer and business man, no man could ever say that Del Ward did not
treat him square.
He is now making his home with his son, Dr. H. H. Ward, and the shower of
congratulations and presents which he received in honor of his birthday made him
a deservedly happy old man. May he live and enjoy life many years yet.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 26, 1904]
By William A. Ward
As I go back in memory, over my long and somewhat eventful life, it is almost
impossible to realize that it has been my good fortune to see this part of
Indiana change from unbroken forest, filled with wild game and inhabited by
Indians, to a highly civilized land of cities, fertile farms and comfortable
homes. Neither can our boys and girls in this thriving age of education and
competition in the affairs of men, understand anything of the hardships endured
by the brave men and women who left their kith and kin in other states, came to
a strange country, built homes and blazed a way for coming generations to find
comfort and competence.
It is not my intention to relate any historical data of those early days, when
Rochester did not exist, even in fancy, but to tell some of the incidents which
are indelibly stamped on my memory, and acquaint a modern public with matters
that are of importance to me.
When a mere babe, two and one-half years of age, my parents, Ebenezer and Rachel
Ward, with their seven children, left their home in New York, and journeyed, by
slow degrees, to Indiana, arriving here in about four months. I was too young to
remember incidents in the overland trip, but recall that my parents frequently
talked of the journey, and said that not far distant from this place, we staid
three nights at one house, yet traveled every day, the ground being so soft that
our teams and horses were nearly lost in the mire. It was hitch and unhitch, the
advance being slow indeed. After a long and patient struggle we reached our
destination and became citizens of the Hoosier state.
To go into the details of constructing a home, clearing land and the many
privations sustained by my people, would lengthen this effort too much. Suffice
it to say that the only whites here in those days, which I think was in 1831,
were George Bozarth, William Lindsey, Joseph Truckey, Thomas Robb, DeClair, a
half Frenchman, and "Friend" Johnson, who was the Indian gunsmith. We
soon made friends with the red men, and as I grew in size and age, I became the
interpreter for the whites. As time went on, the pale faces became more
numerous, and stores and houses were built. Among those early store keepers, I
recall the names of Johns and Dave Holland, the store standing on what is now
the corner of Main and Third streets. James Moore was also a store keeper and
held forth in a log building, where he sold whiskey by the barrel, receiving
$125 per barrel, the same being purchased by the Indians. The story went that
Moore sold the liquor straight until the Indians were drunk, then watered the
whiskey, and they would drink until they were sober. Discovering the deception,
they would pour the remainder on the fire with the comment, "Too much
About this time Benjamin Benjamin put in an appearance and erected the first
frame house of any consequence. It still stands, a monument to the enterprise of
the builder, and may be inspected by any citizen. I refer to the first house
south of the Barcus lime house on Main street. It was in this house that the
first tragedy occurred among the white settlers. Margaret Reese, who lived there
with her husband, decided that she wanted to get rid of her spouse, and daily
administered broken doses of arsnic, the man dying in two weeks. Dr. Howes and
Dr. Chas. Brackett removed the stomach of the dead man and took it to LaPorte,
where it was analyzed by Dr. Meeker, who could not tell whether the poison had
been administered before death or had been dropped in the bottle containing the
stomach on the way to LaPorte. Mrs. Reese was acquitted and allowed to go her
Another incident that may be of interest now comes to my mind. A band of thieves
began to make life miserable for the settlers. Houses, stores, mills and stock
received visits from the band, the territory of their operations reaching as far
as Ft. Wyne, Lafayette and Logansport, Forrest mills, near the latter place
losing heavily. The headquarters of the band was an old house which stood a mile
south of what is now Fulton, on land owned by William Wright. The band was
composed of two Murdock brothers, Wright boys, Kingsley and Stotenburger. All
efforts to capture the thieves and bring them to justice seemed of no avail.
I have passed over the time when the settlement had attained to the dignity of a
village, and Fulton county had been organized. James Gregory had been elected
sheriff, and had left nothing undone to bring about the arrest of the offenders
of the law, accomplishing but little. The following men then decided they would
capure the outlaws and laid plans which were successfully carried out: Dr. Lyman
Brackett, Eli Clifford, Luke Ward and William Spencer. Men were stationed at the
south end of the village, others at the north end, where the stage, which was
driven by Henry Barcus, always stopped. When all was ready the above named men
rode boldly to the rendexvous of the robbers, which they surrounded. Wm.
Spencer, who was the leader, knocked at the back door, and was met by a cross
dog, which he promptly dispatched with a club, then hearing some one within,
without further ceremony, broke in the door, coming face to face with
Stotenburger, the most desperate of the gang. It was a hand to hand fight, and
Spencer surely would have lost his life had he not called for the others to come
to his aid, for Stotenburger, who was a strong man, was slowly, step by step,
forcing Spencer backward to a table on which laid a long knife. The front door
was soon demolished, others of the band captured and Spencer freed from his
dangerous position. A search was made of the upper floor. Here a bed was found
that seemed empty and smooth. A grab at the cover though, revealed another of
the thieves, who was soon tied to the rest and the coterie marched to town. As
an example to the rest, Stotenburger was tied to a tree and lashed until his
body was a mass of cuts and bruises. The thieves were then put in safe keeping,
tried before Judge Wright and sentenced to prison. The prisoners were to be
taken to Jeffersonville, the journey being made in an open wagon. Is there any
cause for astonishment when I say all escaped save one, and he was too sick to
make the attempt? He died soon after reaching prison. For several years after
breaking up this band, dress goods, silks, satins, groceries, flour and money
were found in hollow trees and various places where the thieves had concealed
their spoils.
Another tragedy that occurred at a somewhat later day, but still an incident of
those primitive times, was a cold-blooded murder east of town, and the
circumstances may be remembered by one or two still living. Arnold Perry, an old
bachelor, resided on a farm with his sister and nephew, Jackson Clemens. The lad
wanted to secure the farm and marry a girl of the neighborhood, so followed his
uncle to the woods where he was clearing the land, and deliberately shot him in
the back, killing him instantly. All night neighbors searched for the missing
man, finally finding the body and gave it burial, then turned their attention to
locating the murderer. Old Man VanLue openly accused the boy of killing his
uncle and he confessed to the crime and the motive The criminal was brought to
town, a preliminary hearing given him and he was bound over to circuit court.
Rochester could not boast of a jail, so Clemens was kept in the County Auditor's
office in the old court house, during the day, and taken to the court room at
night, where he was chained to the floor. Abel Greenwood was sheriff and he and
I watched Clemens night about. The night before the trial, Greenwood suggested
that he stay with the prisoner while I take a rest. I am not prepared to say the
sheriff planned the escape of the murderer, but the facts are that when daybreak
came the bird had flown, no one knew where. He had broken his chains, burned the
boards from the windows and departed for parts unknown. Long afterward, I heard
that he had settled in Nebraska, changed his name to Jackson Burse, married and
prospered. I offered to bring him back, on learning his whereabouts, but the
authorities seemed to think the expense would be greater than the benefit
derived to the county, so Clemens died a free man as far as that crime is
concerned. I realize these crimes I have related, are nothing compared to the
awful tragedies occurring all about us in these modern times, but coming in
those early days, when every man was a law unto himself and each feeling the
responsibility of the well being of the community, they struck the inhabitants
with horror, which was only appeased when we felt that justice had been meted to
the law breaker.
One of the most pleasing things I recall of my early experience, was my
association with the Indians. Perhaps the readers of this sketch will be
interested in knowing something of the customs of those children of nature. The
burial of the dead was in some respecrts peculiar. The deceased was tied in a
sitting posture against a tree, all his personal belongings, tomahawk, arrows,
gun and blankets were laid around him. A screen of brush was then put around the
corpse, and he was visited each day by members of the tribe until the law of
disintegration resolved the form back to nature. The tribe were honest with each
other, and had great respect for their dead, touching nothing that belonged to
them lest when they came to die the Great Spirit would refuse them entrance to
the Happy Hunting Ground. I saw the remains of two Indians receive the last
rites as above described. Only once to my knowledge did they go on the war path
during my association with them. That was when they refused to accept the amount
of money agreed upon in the treaty with the government, in exchange for their
land. So unruly did they become, a message was sent to Logansport for the troops
stationed there. Well do I remember what an imposing sight I thought the
soldiers presented in their uniforms, brass buttons and stripes, as they came in
and wheeled into line. The Indians were gathered at Pottawattomie mills, near
the lake, where a wagon laden with silver money stood to pay each red man his
claim. The interpreter for the government spoke, explaining the meaning of the
presence of the sodiers, after which each Indian speedily took his money and the
troops returned to Logansport. Not a shot was fired on either side.
Tradition says the red men buried money at different points in the county. I
belive this is true. Indians owned the land which is now the farm of Mrs. Edith
Cowgill-Bryant, north of town. I am almost positive money is buried on that
land, and in large quantities. Some day it will be discovered, buried in an iron
kettle, and the coin in gold. Years after the Indians had gone from among us, a
young brave returned, staid at the Wallace house several months and employed
Andy Edwards to turn over the soil on that land. He said that the oldest man in
the tribe had told of the buried gold, and said it was hidden so many feet under
ground, between three trees. The ground had been cleared, however, the trees
removed and the soil under cultivation, so the search was fruitless. I also
believe money is buried in the field east of what was the Duke Kilmer farm. It
was here DeClair, the half-breed lived many years in a little cabin, burying his
money after the custom of his tribe, and died with the secret untold.
As a general thing the red men were peacable, although they had a fondness for
the white men's "fire water." We-we-see was very firm with the tribe
and demanded fair conduct of his subjects. It was no uncommon thing for Poor Lo
to imbibe freely, lose his blanket and have to buy it back from some
nimble-fingered white man, after sobering, always paying a good big price for
that which was already his own property. Several of these shtewd fellows piled
up a nice competence as a result of the red man's ignorance. It was not often
that my people had trouble with them, but my mother, who was a slender little
woman, once whipped one until he was glad to cry for mercy. He had been
drinking, and answered her rudely. She knocked him over with a stick, then used
a small whip. He finally crawled off into the bushes and sobered up. He then
returned and begged mother to keep the matter secret from the chief, who surely
would have put him to death. We raised corn, turnips and other vegetables for
the Indians, they refusing to take anything with paying well for the same.
Living was very cheap. We need not go one hundred rods from our door to bring
down a deer or squirrel. I have seen deer in herds of great numbers, but strange
as it may seem, when the Indians went away, they also disappeared, none knowing
where they went.
I could go on with many legends of the lake and river, but will only relate one
that came under my personal observation. DeClair was paddling about the lake in
his log canoe, one eveing, when he observed something he thought to be a log. He
gave it a push with his paddle, when, to his astonishment, it turned, gave a
swish with a mighty tail, which nearly spilled the Indian-Frenchman into the
water. It did not take him long to put for shore, relate the facts to the
Indians, who at once built big fires, danced around it and called to the Great
Spirit for protection from Manitou. For many years Lake Manitou was called
"Devil's Lake," because DeClair had seen the "Evil Spirit."
I shall never forget with what deep regret I witnessed my red brethren bunched
together and driven like cattle from their native land, to a place selected for
them by the Government, beyond the "Father of Waters." Among them were
my boyhood playmates and staunch friends, whom I regarded with brotherly
affection, and who held a friendship for me equal to kinship. Out of their
kindly disposed feeling for me, they had offered me gold and enough land to make
me a wealthy man, had I taken advantage of them, which I am glad to say I
refused to do, notwithstandind that I was repeatedly urged to accept their
generous offers. They were gathered together, --the chief, braves, sqwaws and
old men--some walking, some on ponies, some in wagons because too old to walk,
and started westward on their long journey. For more than a mile I followed them
out of town fully determined that I would go with them, my mother folowing and
as much determined that I should return home. She won the victory, but after
several years I had still further proof of their loyalty to me, as they sent
word that if I would pay them a visit they would agree to give me large tracts
of land.
Lot M. Bozarth at one time held three county offices,--clerk, auditor and
treasurer. John Davidson was the first sheriff of the county. My father was the
first justice of the peace, and held a number of responsible positions. He also
delivered the first 4th of July oration in Rochester and Fulton county. In fact,
to read the history of the county, and of Rochester, is to read the history of
Ebenezer Ward and several of his children. My brother John was the first man to
prctice law in the town, and my sister Mary Jane was first school teacher. To my
knowledge, there are but two persons still living who are connected with the
period I have given some history of, and those persons re C. A. Mitchell and his
mother, Mrs. Jane Smith, the latter being ninety-four years of age. Two others,
now deceased, were Jesse Shields and James Martin. There is not one person
living who attended my wedding, when I married Adaline Howes. I remember three
young ladies who were present,--Ann, Eliza and Amanda Burroughs, but these too,
no doubt, are numbered with the dead.
I was elected sheriff of Fulton county in 1876 and served two terms (four
years). It was during this time that I helped to break up a gang of
counterfeiters which were operating in the county. I became acquainted with the
facts of their existence, through an attempt to locate a band of horse thieves,
who were stationed some place in Marshall county. Letters began to come, hinting
that spurious money was in circulation and they put me on the trail of the
counterfeiters, who occupied a house beyond Glaze Hill, north of town. I spent
many a night in the woods, near the house occupied by Langdon and Ferdone, and
after some time succeeded in getting some of the dies they used. George W.
Holman and I then sent a letter to the United States Secret Service Commission,
to send a detective, but heard nothing in reply for a long time afterward. On
day, during court, I was told that a stranger wished to speak to me, and to me
alone. I went into the corridor of the old court house and found a large man,
who introduced himself by name of Brooks, and that he had been sent by the
Secret Service Commission. I appointed a time to meet him in my office, and
after satisfying myself that he was all that he represented himself to be, I
showed him the dies and told him what I knew. Shortly afterward the house was
surrounded, the outlaws captured, taken to Logansport, then to Indianapois,
where they were tried in Federal Court and sentenced to prison. The
counterfeiters were located at different points in the county, one at Fulton,
who was arrested at Logansport. In all, seven men were made to feel the iron
hand of the law. There were several man in Rochester at that time, who might
have told what they knew of the circulating of the money made by the
counterfeiters, but they kept quiet, and having no positive proof, thought best
to let the matter drop.
I am eighty years of age, still in reasonably good health, and enjoy life and
the pursuit of business. The past years have been actively spent, much of the
time out doors, to which I believe is largely due the ripe age I have attained.
On the whole the world has been exceedingly kind to me, and while the
experiences have been varied and such as falls to the lot of many who are reared
in a new country, still I am thankful that it has been my privilege to help make
"the desert blossom as the rose," and out of the semi-savage state I
have lived to enjoy the blessings of refined civilization, the acquaintance of
countless friends, and retain the memory of the days which were the
history-makers of Fulton county, for hard as those days were, they contained
much of pleasure, of loyal friendship and constant devotion to the principles
which denominate this country as the grandest exponent of freedom on the blobe.
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. I, 1910, pp. 1-7]
WARD & HUFFER LIVERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Located N side E 7th, E of alley.
WARD LIVERY STABLE [Rochester, Indiana]
Bill Holeman has purchased Del. Ward's Livery Stable.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, December 24, 1868]
WARE, "BUD" [Rochester, Indiana]
The many friends of Charles Taylor of this city will be somewhat surprised to
learn that he is to re-engage in the meat market business in Rochester. Some
time ago he sold his business at the corner of Main and Ninth streets to L. C.
Kistler and went on the road as a traveling salesman for a Chicago meat packing
firm. However, after a few weeks he found that the work did not agree with him
and he resigned. Now he has purchased the Jacob Karn meat shop in the north end
and will move the fixtures to the room south of the court house which was
formerly occupied by the "Bud" Ware wholesale liquor house. Mr. Taylor
is well known in the local business world in the meat business and will, no
doubt, prove as successful this time as he has heretofore.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 13, 1912]
Akron News.
Stant THOMPSON surprised himself the other day, as well as the rest of us by
selling his restaurant stock and fixtures to Bud WARE, of Rochester. The
purchaser took possession Thursday morning and Stant has no job. He retains his
business room and his residence, but has nothing in view for future business
activity, but is alert to any opening that may fall his way. The new owner has
some acquaintance here, but is practically a stranger.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 31, 1913]
The old saying that it is always darkest before the dawn was demonstrated fully
to the West and LaPearl Stock company this morning when they found that they
were stranded in this city without money to pay hotel bills or even car fare to
another town. But they found a friend in "Bud" Ware, bartender for
Jesse Chamberlain, who advanced enough money to pay hotel bills and carry the
troupe to South Whitley, where they are billed for three nights. Mr. Ware will
accompany the show and take charge of the receipts for a few days.
The troupe appeared at the Academy of Music for three nights in melodramas and
gave just fair entertainments. But the box receipts met but a few of the bills
and this morning they were short about $40 with the baggage in the hands of the
drayman whom they had failed to pay.
Eleven people are in the troupe, including a woman with a baby seven months old.
Many telegrams were sent by the company Wednesday night asking for assistance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 11, 1913]
WARE, JAMES [Wayne Township]
This man is the son of Samuel and Mary Ware, both of whom were natives of
Virginia, the former born in the year 1801, and deceased while a resident of
this county in 1858; the latter was born in 1808 and deceased in Warren County,
Ind., in 1846. The father was a school teacher most of his life, being prevented
from doing manual labor owing to an injury rceived early in life. His labors
were confined to the pioneer life and the log schoolhouse, with meager
appliances common to that time. James was the second of a family of five
children. He was born in Johnson County, Ind., January 21, 1828, and with a very
limited education, he early began the struggle of life upon his own
responsibility, going with his parents from one place to another until finally,
in 1851, he located in this county, where he has since resided. He purchased a
small tract of land, and began life as a farmer. From time to time, by industry
and economy, he has added to his original purchase of land until now he has 320
acres, over two hundred of which are under cultivation. It is situated in the
northern part of Wayne Township, and the manner in which it is cultivated
reflects the sturdy character of the owner. On the 27th dy of January, 1853, he
was married to Mary Bowman, a native of Somerset County, Penn. She was the
daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Bowman, both natives of Pennsylvania, but at the
time of the above-mentioned marriage were residents of this county, where they
had settled in 1842. To Mr. and Mrs. Ware have been born twelve children, six
sons and six daughters--Louisa J. (deceased), Greenville, Henry M., George W.,
James F., Mary E., Martha A., Samuel (deceased), Ezara L., Ada E., Nettie M. and
Dora E. Mr. Ware, though a farmer most of his life, and taking an active part in
every enterprise for the development of the county and the welfare of all good
enterprises, yet, like all such men of sterling qualities, has been sought by
his people to fill positions of trust. He has been honored by the people of his
township by being elected Trustee for a number of years, and, in the election of
1882 was chosen as Treasurer of the county, which position he will take in
October, 1883. He is universally respected, and widely known as one of God's
honest men, and certainly the title does not fall amiss. Himself and wife are
worthy members of the Presbyterian Church, and the good people of Rochester may
well welcome the day when they shall become residents of the town.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 62]
WARE, LON [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
WARE & PERSCHBACHER [Rochester, Indiana]
The Ware & Perschbacher firm, pop manufacturer, who have been occupying the
Cornelius building on north Main St., are getting ready to move into new
quarters. The Robbins Garage in the rear of Elliott & Bailey's Cycle
exchange is being fitted up with all modern improvements of the pop making
business and the firm will continue to make their famous brands of soft drinks.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 24, 1909]
WARE & VANDERGRIFT [Rochester, Indiana]
Bud Ware, who has operated the Rochester pop factory so successfully, has
disposed of half the business to Quincy Vandergrift of this city, and the new
firm will at once begin enlarging their present large trade circle. Both the men
will go to Chicago Sunday morning to inspect several gasoline auto trucks with
the prospect of purchasing one for their pop delivery.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 29, 1911]
The Ware & Vandergrift auto truck has been equipped with a hack top and will
be used each Sunday and other occasions as a hack.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 22, 1911]
The firm of Ware & Vandergrift was dissolved this morning, when Mr.
Vandergrift assumed complete control of the pop business, having purchased his
partner's interests. The new owner will continue in the manufacture of the high
grade soft drinks, which made the firm popular.
Mr. Ware will now devote his entire time to the promotion of his wholesale beer
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 4, 1911]
WARING GLOVE CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 120 E 8th.
See: Culver Manufacturing Co.
See: Rochester Commercial Club
See: Rochester Glove Corporation
The final steps in the procuring of a glove factory for Rochester was taken
Thursday afternoon, when a contract was entered into with Messrs. Warring and
Lafferty of the Huntington and Decatur glove factories, for the establishment of
a like institution in this city.
The Commercial club committee, who dealt with the visitors found them fair and
reasonable in every respect and at the same time were able to get terms that
insures the city absolutely against any chance of loss.
The matter of a proper location for the factory was taken up at once after the
contract was signed and after looking the ground over thoroughly the Deniston
building on East Eighth street, known as the Manitou hall was decided upon.
Sufficient money to purchase the building will be collected at once and work on
the remodeling will follow immediately. The cost of remodeling the building into
a factory will cost about $1,500 to $2,000, which will be paid by Messrs.
Warring and Lafferty.
The concern will occupy both the first and second floors and the basement will
also be utilized. At the present time the building will be extended to the north
over the entire plat of the lot which space will be needed to take care of the
The factory will be in operation July 5 and on the opening day all the women and
girls of Rochester and surrounding towns and country, who apply will be given
positions. Not only will this be done on the opening day but every day
thereafter as all the women and girls who apply can be readily used. The
managers of the factory and the Commercial club members stand united in the
statement that any woman or girl who works in the factory may do so in perfect
assurance that she will be treated and respected as every lady should be and
that there will not be the slightest disruption in their present social standing
for having been a worker in the factory.
Concerning the wages to be paid there is little to say excepting that after
working a couple of months those employed will be able to make $7 to $8 per
week. Of course, when they first start in they will not be able to earn much but
their wages will advance according to their work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 6, 1910]
The sound of hammer and saw in the Centennial block each day tells its own story
of the rushing to completion of the Deniston building for the new glove factory.
A force of carpenters have been busy remodeling the interior of the building for
the past ten days and a vast change has been made over the former appearance.
The second floor has been removed and a number of skylights installed now
furnish light from above. The building will be laid off in handy and commodious
rooms and when finished will be a first class factory building. All conveniences
are being planned as well as the safety of the employes.
It is thought that the carpenters will finish their work in about one week and
then all will be readiness for the installation of machinery.
The glove company expects to have the factory running by July 5, if nothing
unforeseen happens and they will need a large force of girls to begin with.
However, it may be that the factory will not open promptly on July 5 as the
company's contract calls for the factory to be in operation by July 31. But the
firm wants to begin work as soon as possible. And, no doubt, it will be running
as near the fifth as possible.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 7, 1910]
This is to inform the women and girls of Rochester and vicinity who wish
employment in the Waring glove factory, that the forelady, Miss Alta Dibble, is
at the factory ready to assign machines for you to begin work Monday morning,
July 11. Call at the factory this week for all particulars. WARING GLOVE CO.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 6, 1910]
It has been reported by various parties that the Waring Glove Company was
discouraged with their plant in this city and thought of closing it. Nothing
could be further from the truth.
D. E. Lauferty states that the business is necessarily slow at the start, and
that the company is in no way discouraged with the prospects here. He feels
certain that as soon as the girls now employed become more proficient in their
work and are able to earn good salaries there will be no difficulty in securing
help, on which the success of the industry depends.
Twenty-five girls are now employed and those who are sticking to the business
are already making from $2.50 to $5.50 per week. It requires from three to six
months to become proficient at mitten making, and proficient operators average
from $7 to $7.50 per week, while experts at the other plants of the company
often draw as high as $12 working at the same scale of wages paid here.
Mr. Lauferty says that the difficulty here has been that many of the girls
expected to make big money right from the first day, a thing which is obviously
impossible, but which has been experienced at the start of every other plant
owned by his concern. He says that they will employ as many girls as can be
secured here, and believes that before many months the force will gradually
increase until a full 100 girls are at work at wages which will be highly
satisfactory to themselves.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 16, 1910]
Miss Minnie Alexander, who has held the record for one day's work at the glove
factory, made an increase, Friday, from thirty-one and one-half dozen to
thirty-three dozen pair, or a total of seven hundred and nine-two gloves. This
meant an average of about one and one-third gloves per minute for ten hours, and
only lacking three cents of making three dollars for her day's wages. In making
one complete glove, four different pieces of material are used, palm, thumb,
finger and hand, and each glove is handled six times.
The usual method is sew thumbs in a dozen pair and clip apart, then the fingers
and clip apart. Then two other seams make two more clippings, which are broken
apart as banded and finally packed. Add to this an occasional thread break, a
change of bobbin from two to three times each dozen and changing and counting of
boxes which never contain more than twenty-two dozen (and many less) and you can
get some idea of the skill, accuracy and speed required to accomplish such a
day's work. For in the thirty-three dozen pair are 792 gloves, 3,168 pieces of
material, and by actual measurement 52 inches of stitching in each glove or
1,144 yards in all.
Many of the girls can make thirty dozen pair in a day and but very few who have
sewed any length of time fall below twenty.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 21, 1913]
The Glove factory now employs near to one hundred persons. Recently all the
machines, sixty in number, were filled, but some have dropped out since. The
turning and stretching is all done by hand and the girls soon become very
skillful. One girl in the past week turned 146 dozen pair or 3360 gloves, and
stretching made a total of 6720 gloves handled.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 9, 1914]
Another enterprise in Rochester which deserves mention is the Glove factory
which was established through the efforts of the Commercial Club about five
years ago. It is owned by a Mr. Leffel, of Decatur. The institution employs
about eighty people, seventy of whom are women and many are highly efficient.
Mrs. Minnie Barger and Mrs. Cecil Hart hold the record as stitchers, and their
speed at the buzzing machines is not much short of wonderful. Fred B. Jones is
The output is approximately 700 dozen pairs of gloves per day. Several million
pairs will be manufactured during the summer and stored for the winter season.
-- Adv.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 17, 1914] [sic]
After a shut-down of over five months the Waring Glove factory is again to
resume work with a force of about forty employes and will increase the number to
75 or more as fast as help applies.
D. E. Lefferty, who is one of the owners, has just returned from Chicago where
he has been looking after purchasing of materials and supplies, says that the
outlook for the future of the concern is now brighter than at any time in the
history of the organization.
The growing popularity of the Waring Glove has inspired the manufacturers to put
into them the best material that can be had. A large shipment of the material
has already been received and under the charge of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burrell,
the factory will be opened Monday, June 5th - - another big step in the
direction back to normalcy in Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 29, 1922]
Who doubts that business in Rochester is looking up? A look at the Waring Glove
Factory's ad on another page of this issue of the Sentinel will effectively
remove all such doubt and show that at least one concern in this city is
experiencing the greatest prosperity it has enjoyed since the World War.
The owner of the factory, L. C. Waring and D. E. Lauferty were in the city
Friday evening going over the situation with the local managers of the plant,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burell, and imparted the information that they were totaly
swamped with orders and that it would be necessary to take on all the help they
could get at once. The augmented help will necessitate more floor space which
Waring and Lauferty declare they must have even if it is necessary to build an
addition to the present factory, or perhaps another building in which to house
the additional machinery and help to cope with the situation.
Employment in the glove factory is of the most desirable sort, as the working
conditions are most ideal and women are able to earn good wages after a brief
period of apprenticeship. Moral conditions are also of the highest order, each
employe being under the watchful care and supervision of Mrs. Burell, who has
won an enviable place in the hearts of the local factory girls. Within the next
30 days Rochester will see a real awakening in the industrial field and the
glove factory will be prominent if not first among the local industries if
Rochesterites will only rally to the call and lend the support, in the form of
working girls and women, this organization deserves and has every right to
It is stated on good authority that if this support is forthcoming, the Waring
Co. will furnish employment for many more than the 300 asked for in their
today's advertisement. "Get me the girls," said Mr. Lauferty,
"and I will furnish room and work for them."
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 15, 1923]
The sewer in the basement of the Waring Glove Factory on East Eighth street
became clogged in some unknown manner late Saturday night the water backing up
and flooding the basement causing damages to material and stored gloves
estimated by Manager Richard Burrell at $1,000. The gloves will have to be sold
as seconds by the company. The plant has been closed until after repairs can be
made to the sewer. A large shipment of material to replace the damaged goods was
received Tuesday at the plant. D. E. Lafferty, of Huntington, president of the
company, was in this city Tuesday inspecting the damge done by the water and
making provision for the shipment of the gloves.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, December 9, 1924]
Rochester residents are probably unaware of what an industry the Rochester Glove
Factory, owned by Waring & Lafferty of Huntington and Decatur, has grown to
be during its several years existence here. A Sentinel representative who was
recently shown through the factory on West 8th street, was surprised to find
such a busy and going institution right in the downtown district.
About 40 girls and three men are employed in the factory. Up until the present
time these workers have been kept exceedingly busy at the machines turning out
cotton gloves. The plant is now closed for the holiday vacation. However, there
are forty more machines in the place that the management hopes to have in
operation when it opens up again about the middle of January.
The wholesome condition all thru the factory is well worthy of mention. As a
result the employees are found to be happy and satisfied with their work which
is not at all irksome. The pay roll of these people runs over $500 each week,
all of which goes to people living in this city.
Dick Burrell is the manager of the plant, while the girls in the plant are under
the supervision of Mrs. Burrell, and they have developed the plant and
individuals to a high state of efficiency so that the speed with which the work
is carried on is really amazing. A visit to the factory on the part of local
people would be well worth while.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 24, 1924]
David Edward Lauferty, aged 56, formerly associated with L. C. Waring of Decatur
in the ownership and management of glove manufacturing plants of the Waring
Glove Company at Rochester, Decatur and Huntington, died at 1:20 p.m. Sunday at
the Huntington county hospital after an illness of 48 hours of hemorrhagic
pancreatitis. He was taken ill at the Huntington Elks Club rooms Friday
As the result of his death, the local factory will remain closed until Thursday
morning. Mr. Lauferty had much of the responsibility of the buying and general
management of the factories.
Mr. Lauferty was born March 16, 1876 to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lauferty at Auburn,
Ind., and 15 years ago came to Huntington from Fort Wayne.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Lou Manhiem of Santa Monica, Cal., and three
cousins who live in Boston. The sister is confined to a hospital at Santa Monica
and will be unable to attend the funeral services.
Mr. Lauferty was a prominent member of the Elks lodge in Huntington and was
widely known thruout the state and in wider business circles. His partner, Mr.
Waring, said Monday, that he felt the loss of Mr. Lauferty very keenly.
The body will lie in state at the residence, 200 Oak St., until the hour of
funeral services to be conducted there by the Elks Tuesday morning at 10:30. The
funeral party will leave the residence at 11:30 for Fort Wayne, where services
will be held at the Achduch Voshiem temple at 2 o'clock by Rabbi Markovitz.
Burial will be made in Lindenwood cemetery at Fort Wayne.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, July 28, 1925]
The Waring Glove Factory which employs 50 women will be closed down indefinitely
Thursday evening. Superintendent Richard Burrell received the order to close the
plant Tuesday from the Decatur office of the concern. Mr. Burrell stated
Wednesday that he did not believe the plant would be closed for a very long
A story was circulated in this city Wednesday, probably based on the suspension
order, that the Waring company had gone into the hands of a receiver. This story
was declared false.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, February 24, 1926]
After being closed down for several months the Waring Glove Factory gave notice
Monday morning that it would resume work again and has advertised for girls to
report for work. There are enough orders on hand now Manager Dick Burril said to
require work about three days a week but that gradually they would work back to
the full week's time.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, October 18, 1926]
The local branch of the Waring Glove Company resumed operation this morning with
40 girls being given employment. The plant has been shut down for the past seven
months due to an over supply of gloves on the market. Manager Richard Burell
stated today that he believed steady employment would now be given throughout
the coming year. The greater number of girls who were hired today had been
previous employees of the company.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, October 17, 1927]
A notice was posted Friday morning at the Waring Glove Factory on East Ninth
Street that just as soon as materials now on hand were worked into gloves the
plant would be closed down. The reason for the closing of the plant at this time
Manager Richard Burell stated is because of the loss in transit of a shipment of
canvas which is used in making gloves. Every effort has been made by the company
and by railroad tracers to locate the canvas shipment but all efforts have
proved unavailing. The glove factory here has been in operation for the past
three months during which period steady employment has been furnished to 40
women and men. At the present time 25,000 dozens of gloves are in storage at the
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, January 6, 1928]
Stock, machinery and equipment of the Waring Glove Company of Decatur was sold
yesterday by L. C. Waring, the owner of the company, to J. C. Bernstein, Gary
and H. H. Sobol, Indianapolis. Mr. Waring is the owner of the glove factory on
East Eighth Street in this city bearing his hame. No word has been received here
as to whether the local glove factory was included in the transaction. The new
manufacturers have announced that they will continue to operate the plant in
Decatur which gives employment to 75 people. Mr. Waring established the plant in
Decatur in 1903. He will continue to reside in that city.
[The News-Sent inel, Wednesday, April 6, 1932]
L. C. Waring, of Decatur, has informed business men of this city that the local
plant of the Waring Glove Company was not included in a transaction last week
whereby Mr. Waring leased his plant at Decatur to Indianapolis and Gary men. Mr.
Waring stated that he tried to have these men lease the Rochester plant and
operate it but they stated that they did not feel that they were in a position
at present to do so.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, April 12, 1932]
Here's a bit of news that should be most pleasing to the people of this
Twenty-five Rochester girls were given active employment today at the Waring
Glove factory located on East Eighth street this city. This business which was
closed a little over four years ago by the same management, resumed operations
early today with an abundance of orders on hands which will assure plenty of
work for the local people for some time to come.
The factory is under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burrell, of this
city who supervised the work during the operation of the company several years
ago. The re-opening of the factory by the owners, Messrs. J. S. Bernstein, of
Gary, and H. H. Sobel, of Indianapolis, came voluntarily on their part and no
outside financial assistance was given.
All of the employees which were given work today were thoroughly experienced and
if orders for the canvas and jersey gloves keep pouring in like they have for
the past five weeks another group of girls will undoubtedly be given employment.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1932]
The Rochester Glove Corporation was granted papers to incorporate by Secretary
of State Frank Mayr Monday. The capital stock is to be 100 shares at $10 each.
The object of the company is to manufacture gloves. The incorporators are H.
Sobel, Jacob S. Bernstein and M. Clyde Brown. The company several weeks ago took
over the assets and equipment of the Waring Glove Factory plant on East Eighth
street in this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 12, 1932]
WARNER, HENRY [Rochester, Indiana]
Let me fix up your buggies and wagons. Prices are as low as good work can be
done, and all work guaranteed. Horseshoeing a specialty. Our Buggy trimming
department is in charge of an experienced workman. HENRY WARNER.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 15, 1904]
WARNER, J. H. [Rochester, Indiana]
Call at my shop on North Main street for blacksmithing and wagon making and
repairing. lJ. H. WARNER.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 21, 1899]
WARREN, ADRIEL M. [Richland Township]
Adriel M. Warren, born September 11, 1863, was schooled in this county, and,
although a young man, has managed the farm well since the death of his father.
His mother, Jennette Warren, was born in New York City January 11, 1824. She was
married to Mr. A. M. Warren April 10, 1843. He was born September 15, 1816.
Their children are Rheuamma S., born February 22, 1844; Margaret J., born June
28, 1846; Julia E., born March 19, 1849; Mary L., born Ocober 6, 1850; Agnes M.,
born January 7, 1858; Eldora J., born August 23, 1860; and Lura T., born May 24,
1867. The father of Mrs. Warren was Thomas Shake, a native of Scotland. He
married Margaret Foot. They came to America in 1823, and finally settled in this
county. Mr. P. Warren, the father of A. M. Warren, Sr., was a native of New
York. He married Miss B. Benson. They settled in Noble County at an early date.
He deceased there 1844; she deceased in this county April, 1863.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 53]
WARRINER, ALFRED S., REV. [Rochesrter, Indiana]
See: Churches - Methodist Church [Rochester, Indiana]
Presently SR-25 from Rochester toward Mentone and Warsaw.
WASHAM, JOHN [Mentone, Indiana]
Special to the Sentinel:
Mentone, Aug 8, 4 p.m. -- This town is in the throes of a most deplorable
sensation -- a social scandal that has resulted in a murder. Sometime ago
liveryman Jim COX, who is a married man, met John MILLER's wife, of this town,
at Alexandria, where they registered at a hotel as man and wife. Their conduct
arounsed suspicion and they were arrested and fined $35 each for adultry. This
scandalous news reached Mrs. Miller's brothers, the WASHAMS, who are farmers,
living near here, and they made threats of dire vengeance against Cox. In turn
Cox publicly stated that he had $50 to "put up" that he could whip any
Washam that ever lived. Jim WASHAM accepted the challenge and came to town
Sunday evening, accompanied by his brothers, John and Lewis [WASHAM]. Jim Cox
denied making the challenge when Lew Washam called him a liar and Cox struck
him. John and Bob COX, brothers of Jim, here came up and took a hand. John COX
thumped Lew Washam and then went to the aid of his brother Jim Cox, striking Jim
Washam with a pair of "knucks" and knocking him down. Here the deadly
work began. Jim Washam jumped up, drew his revolver and commenced firing. Bob
Cox also pulled his gun and seven or eight shots were exchanged, as the fist
fight waged horribly.
Jim Cox was struck by two bullets, one in the muscle of the arm and the other in
the fleshy part of the breast neither wound being necessarily dangerous. John
Washam received one ball in the abdomen from Bob Cox's gun and the doctors say
he must die. Bob Cox had a ball lodged in his hip and thigh which makes him
quite lame but he says he doesn't care so much for that as for the damage to his
Sunday breeches. When John Washam fell the firing ceased and he was carried into
a room where he lay in a dying condition when his wife and mother arrived. John
Cox skipped and has not yet been apprehended. Bob Cox is held without bail. Jim
Washam is under $1000 bond and the Prosecuting Attorney is working on other
indictments. Bob and John Cox are single men while all the others implicated are
married and the heads of families. Some of the men had the reputation of being a
"little tough," but none were thought to be vicious or capable of such
LATER: Authentic reports from Mentone announce that John Washam died of his
wounds Monday evening.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 10, 1892]
WASHBURN, E. P., M.D. [Kewanna, Indiana]
E. P. Washburn, M.D., one of the prominent physicians of Fulton county, is a
native of Cass county, Ind. He was born Jan. 24, 1842. His parents were William
W. Washburn and Jane Calvin, both of whom were born and reared in Brown county,
Ohio. They were married in Cass county, Ind., but soon afterward moved into
Pulaski county, where they reared their family of six children, of which the
subject of this biography is the eldest. Dr. Washburn gained a fair common
school education, and was nineteen years of age when the civil war broke out.
October, 1861, he enlisted as a private in company H, Forty-sixth Indiana
infantry. In February, 1863, he re-enlisted in the same company. With his
company he aided in the work of opening the Mississippi river from Columbus
south. He participated in the siege of Vicksburg, and was on the Red river
expedition, a difficult and disastrous one, in which his regiment was reduced to
about 200 soldiers. The doctor was discharged Sept. 10, 1865, at the close of
the war. Then his return home followed, and for five years thereafter the doctor
was engaged in farming, a calling never in keeping with his choice. The practice
of medicine he wished to follow, and first preparing for the profession by
studying under a practicing physician as preceptor, he then took a course in
medicine in the medical college of Indiana at Indianapolis. Locating at Linden,
Ind., he took up the practice of the profession. Subsequently he returned to the
medical college of Indiana, whence he graduated March 3, 1881. He continued in
active and successful practice at Linden till 1890, in which year he removed to
Kewanna, Fulton county, where he now resides and has a large and remunerative
practice. In the year 1859, Dr. Washburn was united in marriage with Rebecca
Reichard, of Pulaski county, Ind. Mrs. Washburn was born in Darke county, Ohio,
Nov. 16, 1839. The union has been blessed by the birth of the following
children: Isabella J.; Newton E., deceased; John M.; Blanche A.; and Burt H. The
doctor is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternal organization, the Grand
Army of the Republic and Knights of the Maccabees and a republican in politics.
John M. Washburn, M.D., a son of Dr. E. P. Washburn, and associatd with his
father in the practice of medicine, was born in Marion county, Ind., Dec. 6,
1867. He was given a good common school education. He learned telegraphy and was
a railroad operator for five or six years; then studied medicine under the
guidance of his father. He then spent three years in the medical college of
Indiana, whence he graduated March 29, 1895, since which time he has practiced
his profession in association with his father. He was married June 11, 1894, to
Miss Matie Sears. He is a member of the Masonic order; of the Sons of Veterans,
and Knights of the Maccabees.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 144-145]
WASHBURN, JOHN M., M.D. [Kewanna, Indiana]
John M. Washburn, M.D., a prominent physician and surgeon of Kewanna, was born
in Augusta, Marion county, Indiana, December 6, 1867, the son of Dr. E. P. and
Rebecca (Reichard) Washburn, both natives of Ohio. Dr. E. P. Washburn was born
in Ohio, January 24, 1842, and studied for the profession of medicine. He was in
active practice for forty years. He died on April 1, 1922, and he is buried in
Clark cemetery, his wife being buried in the I.O.O.F. cemetery of Kewanna, she,
who was born on November 16, 1839, having died April 16, 1915. John M. Washburn
received his early education in the public schools of his home community, and he
then took up the study of medicine at the Indiana Medical College, of
Indianapolis, being graduated from that institution in 1895 with the degree of
Doctor of Medicine. He began active practice immediately upon the completion of
his studies and his work has been accompanied by marked success. He was married
to Mary Sears, and to this union have been born four children: Marjorie, Helen,
Harold, and Herbert. Dr. Washburn holds membership in the Indiana State Medical
Association to better keep in touch with the important medical and scientific
questions of the day and to insure himself and his clients against mal-practice.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, p. 293, Dayton Historical Publishing
Co., 1923]
WASHBURN CAFE [Kewanna, Indiana]
Thursday of last week the Washburn Cafe was purchased by Ralph V. Johnston, who
is now in charge. Mr. Johnston contemplates making some changes in the service
and we hope will meet with success. Mr. Washburn at present is in Rochester with
his wife, but what his future plans are we are not advised.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, February 2, 1926]
The Washburn Cafe at Kewanna has been sold by Ralph V. Johnston to E. J.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, April 3, 1926]
The undersigned has been appointed County Treasurer of the "Ladies'
Washington National Monument Society," for the County of Fulton . . . Mrs.
A. F. Smith, Rochester, June 22, 1860.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 23, 1860]
WATSON, W. P. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] LADIES TAILORING. - - - W. P. Watson has opened a Ladies' Tailoring Parlor
in rooms Five and Six over Stockberger & Hisey's Store. - - - W. P. WATSON,
The Tailor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 4, 1902]
[Adv] Trousers that Fit. Trousers that Wear. - - - W. P. WATSON, The Tailor.
Over Keith's Drug Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 3, 1903]
A deal was consumated Monday, whereby W. P. Watson becomes the sole owner of the
dry cleaning and pressing establishment on west Ninth street, formerly owned by
Watson and Timbers, Mr. Watson buying Arch Timbers interest. Mr. Timbers decided
that the work was too confining and desired more work in the open. Mr. Watson
the present owner, has had many years of experience in this line of work and is
quite prepared to take charge of a large business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 12, 1913]
WATSON & STAHL, MISSES [Rochester, Indiana]
We want to sell at cost our large stock of millinery goods, all ladies that are
in need of a Bonnet, Hat or childrens' Hats, Caps, and babies' Lace Bonnets,
will get a bargain by giving us an early call. We must and will sell out by the
first of June. MISSES WATSON & STAHL, Opposite Central House.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 1882]
WAY GROCERY, B. M. [Rochester, Indiana]
S. M. Friend, manager of the B. M. Way grocery store in this city, received a
telegram Monday morning from the main offices of the company at Chicago
instructing him to lock the doors of the store and turn the keys over to the
United States Bank & Trust Company.. There was no word of explanation with
the telegram, and the local man has no idea as to what may be happening as
regards the groceteria.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 16, 1921]
The chain of nine grocery stores, one of them in this city, operated by the B.
M. Way Stores Company, an Illinois corporation, have been ordered sold in
district court in Chicago, the location of the central headquarters of the
company. The Rochester store has been closed for several weeks and indications
point to bankruptcy. The other stores are located at Chicago, Dixon, Amboy,
Polo, Mt. Carroll, Geneseo and Ohio Illinois and Argos, Indiana.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 2, 1921]
WAYMIRE, HARVEY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
WAYMIRE, MADGE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Heath & Waymire
WAYMIRE, NELSON B. [Rochester, Indiana]
By Nelson B. Waymire
I do not know as there is anything out of the ordinary in my life that will
interest the public so very much, as hundreds had about the same experiences
that come to every one born in the pioneer days, but some incidents come to me
now that are a heap of interest to me and might help to pass away an hour or so
for the readers thereof.
Will say in the beginning, that I was born in the time when lickin' and learnin'
went hand in hand, and the boy who did not get his pantaloons dusted at least
once a day, was dull indeed.
I first saw the light of day December 18, 1845, and the event took place twelve
miles west of Frankfort, Clinton county, Ind., my parents being Enoch and
Henrietta Waymire. They were the parents of six children, I being the fourth,
the oldest a girl, who burned to death at the age of six years.
Our home was like those of other settlers, a log cabin; and like all other
children we climbed a ladder to bed, slept between feather beds, ate bread that
mother baked in the fire place, and crowded more real happiness into each hour,
than children of the present time have in a day. My brother John and I were
inseparable, and what he did I imitated, and if one was trounced the other was
tickled with the same switch.
How well I remember the way that old home place looked, with the spring branch
between the house and barn, where we played, swam and enjoyed ourselves, frisky
as untamed colts.
Once having the privilege of a spring house, who could ever forget the pleasure
a boy got from seeing the long rows of crocks, pails and pans of rich milk, wih
their floating islands of yellow cream, set in a stream of cool, rnning water.
To slip in on a hot, sultry day, with a big chunk of warm bread, dip it up and
down until it was soaked with cream, then eat until your waist band was so tight
you felt like another bite and it must part company. Ah! That was a pleasure to
which the town dude with his standup collar, green trousers and pickadilly
shoes, will ever be a stranger, since the late fad of a cream separator and
selling milk straight from the cow to the creamery has put the spring house out
of business.
As I hinted in the beginning, my father was handy with a gad, so when John and I
took the partitions out of the watering trough, to make a toboggan slide, it is
no stretch of imagination to say we got a dose of hickory oil that left an
impression for days to come. Pap was a very strict man, and wanted to raise his
children to be models of goodness, therefore, I never heard him use profanity in
any form and he lambasted me more for that one thing than anything else, for as
all know I would work off a few furbelows by way of embellishment to my speech,
and sometimes add a frill or two yet, which comes from long practice.
I began my education at four years of age, my first teacher a German who also
taught English. I did not learn very much of him, but became an expert in
throwing paper wads and doing other deviltry, giving him an opportunity to
develop the muscles in his good right arm.
That same year, my parents sold their home and moved three miles east of
Perrysburg, Miami county, the transfer being made in wagons, four horses hitched
to each of them. We moved again into a log house and set about making a
permanent home. The country was very wild, and game plentiful, bear, venison,
wild turkey and rabbit seeming to await the hunter's rifle. I recall one Sunday
morning when I stepped into the yard and found four deer browsing. I called Pap
and he ran out, killing one, and later succeeded in bringing home the other
Grandpap Kline, mother's father, lived with us and Pap and mother left us
children in his care, while they went back to Clinton county aftr a supply of
applebutter and other things we did not have in our new home. Grandpap was quite
a timid man and very easily frightened, so it did us a world of good to scare
the old man. One night I heard him put his head out of a loft window, then call
to John and Will, who slept with him, to get up, there was a fox after the
chickens, but they pretended not to hear him. Then he called me. I was sleeping
down stairs in the trunnel bed. Oh how I snored, fairly shook the house, and he
called in vain. As he was afraid to go out himself, and the boys were too sound
asleep (?) to waken, the fox got the chickens. Shortly afterward I killed my
first deer.
One evening I was sent to the field to get corn for the cattle, and took a rifle
with me. Parting a shock, I saw the ears of a deer not far away. I raised the
gun and fired, and found I had made a good shot, for after a kick or two, Mr.
deer shuffled off. The next thing was to get him home. I pulled and tugged, but
could not budge him an inch. Knowing I would be laughed at and disbelieved, if I
went back home and said I had killed a deer, I took out my jack knife and cut
off an ear, and like Joshua and Caleb, took something back to prove the truth of
my story. Pap hurried out, after seeing the ear and dragged the deer to the
house. When weighed, we found it tipped the scales at one hundred pounds. For
days I walked on air, for had I not done a big thing for a kid?
One of our duties was to keep the wood box replenished. My sister and I carried
wood about forty rods from the house. I had heard a good deal about the devil,
how I was likely to be nabbed without time for argument, and had considerable
fear as well as curiosity concerning him. One evening at dusk, we made our usual
trip, and there in a tree, saw two big round eyes and heard a mournful hoot. My
first thought was, that I was the next candidate of the place I had heard so
much about, and Sister and I fell over each other seeing who could get into the
door first. I dold Mother "the devil is out there," but she sent us
right back. I grew bolder, investigated, and found the "Devil" was
only a hoot owl. Since then I have not taken much stock in such stories.
Pap prospered and after a time built a new house, a little south of where the
old one stood. It had several rooms and unlike other houses in that vicinity,
was plasterd. When completed we moved in. I asked my brother if he thought
Heaven was anything like that, for it was the finest house I had ever seen.
We went to school in the winter time. One of the teachers was Oscar Piper, who
boarded around among the patrons of the school. He passed for a scholar, was a
reader of Tom Paine. He and Pap often set up at night to argue whether we were
or were not free moral agents. Finally he became spiteful and took his anger out
on Sister and I, in the school. After an unusually strong tilt with Pap, he
called Sister and I up for imaginary offense, put a cap on her head and a
sunbonnet on me and told us to stand up before the school. I jerked the cap off
her head and the bonnet off my own cranium, and started for home at a lively
pace, with Piper close to my heels. We ran across the field as if possessed by
the "old Harry," I reaching the stake and rider fence a little in
advance of the teacher, who was puffing like an engine, his long hair flying in
the wind. I ran in the house, got Pap's gun and met the schoolmster with it
cocked. Well I did not shoot, just put up a bluff and what I said was not read
in the scriptures. That night he and Pap had an understanding which ended by him
taking a summersault out the door and his Sunday clothes flying out after him.
My next teacher was Miss Jane Hill, sister of Dr. William Hill of this city. I
got along better with her and, by the way, it might be well to say that she
figured as a prominent party in the first wedding I ever attended, being a
The couple married were my cousin, Mary Ann Waymire, and Henry Ream, Rev. J. H.
Lacy officiating, Jane Hill bridesmaid and John Hoover best man. The wedding
took place at our house in the presence of many people. Such a lot of cooking
and fixing as went on for days before the wedding, but the day came at last, the
folks began to arrive and at the time appointed, the bridal party walked out,
all in their fine toggery. You bet that was a sight for Nelson. Brother and I
got in the corner and I whispered: "John, does a fellow have to go through
all that tom foolin' to get married?" "Of course, you fool you,"
he answered. "Then," said I, "danged if I will ever get
married." "Yes you will," he insisted, and we argued the point
until time to eat. He proved to be a prophet, for I committed matrimony twice as
all know, and if single would be on the market again.
There was not much style in the days of which I write. Of course we were taught
to have company manners, and behave a trifle better on those occasions, but if a
boy wanted to lick his knife from the handle to the "pint," pour his
coffee into the saucer, drink clear around the rim and smack his mouth like a
pig drinking buttermilk, there was no particular damage done and he was not apt
to get a lickin'. The table was long and broad, not built for beauty, but to
hold the "grub," for every thing was put on at one time, and a fellow
could sit up and help himself to what he liked best. In place of serving the
dinner in courses, each course only enough to smear the mouth of a katydid, the
whole family sit down at once, the food passed and by the time we were ready to
eat, each plate looked like it was filled with the leavings of a charity supper.
Meal time was the hour of good cheer, and the way us boys stored the things
away, cracked jokes and laughed, was conducive to good health if not to good
Our house was headquarters for preachers, those traveling the circuit and
visiting each neighborhood about once in three or four weeks. As my parents were
very religious, and I might add tried to live what they believed was right, they
always welcomed those of their faith and gave them the best their means
afforded. My mother was an excellent cook, and prided herself in providing the
most toothsome food for her family, and doubly so when the man of God put in an
appearance, for she had learned that a man's appetite was not disturbed by his
religion, in fact the more religion he had the bigger his appetite seemed to be.
One man, Elder Lakin, came every three weeks. His home was in Peru. That man
could eat everything in sight, then look hungry. He never failed to compliment
mother on her splendid cooking and he also usually passed some remark about me.
One day, at the dinner table, he looked up at my mother and said, as he helped
himself to another piece of pie: "Sister Waymire, I like to stop at your
house, you are such a good cook, and I tell you what, your boy Nelson is going
to make a mighty good preacher some day." It riled me some, and I answered:
"Not by a darn sight. But if I could hug the sisters as well as you, I
would be one now." The meal was finished in silence, for I had hit the
bull's eye.
Previous to this time, however, the first sermon I remember of ever hearing
preached, was by Rev. Sam McCarter, who was on Mexico circuit. He was the kind
of a preacher who took a fellow by the seat of the pantaloons and the hair of
his head and held him over the firey pit until the congregtion smelled smoke.
After one of these sermons, I would be afraid to go to bed, and would jump into
bed and pull the cover over my head. Father got religion in one of those
meetings, and after that we had family prayer twice a day. Those were the days
when people got the "power" and would run, jump, and shout until you
could hear the converted a mile. One woman, Maria Davis, who was of excitable
nature, would jump up and down and shout, was especially pleased with Jake
Rannells when he "received the blessing," for she came teetering down
the middle of the meeting house on the tips of her toes, until she reached
Jacob, brought a brawney hand down on his back like a sledge hammer as she
hallooed: "Praise God, the biggest rascal in the country is on the Lord's
Preachers were not paid much money. Rev. Samuel Woolpert got the magnificent sum
of $100 per year, and whatever else the members of the church wished to give
him, in the way of provisions--sidemeat, ham, sausage, flour or meal. None of
them parted their hair in the middle, or put perfume on their 'kerchief to make
them smell good. Times have changed, and perhaps it is well that they have.
As a general thing, the early minister was an honest, earnest man, and was not
afraid to soil his hands with hard work. So, when they happened around and there
was extra work, they pitched in and made a "hand," especially at the
There is another thing, connected with those early days, that ligers in my
memory and I hope never to forget, and that is hearing my mother pray for me as
she kneeled by her bed in he loft. I would lay in my bed and listen as she asked
a special blessing for her wayward boy Nelson, and alhough I was full of
mischief, at other times, I never felt like laughing, for those gentle prayers
were fraught with a solemn meaning to my young mind, although that meaning I did
not understand. The years have passed, and I have experienced some of the
misfortunes common to the lot of man, I have had much pleasure and not a little
success in worldly things, but there are times, even yet, when I would give all
I have or hope to have, to go back to that little bed under the clapboard roof
and hear my dear old mother say, "God bless my boy."
As I grew in size, I also learned a few things that still stick to me like a
porous plaster, one of them being to learn how to spell. I went to all the
spelling schools in Union township, and earned the reputation of being the best
speller in the neighborhood. I knew every word in the Elementary spelling book,
and they could not stump me, try as they would. One time, all the schools in the
township gathered at the Weesaw church, to contest for a prize, a nicely bound
Webster's dictionary. Two of the best spellers in each school were selected, and
I was one of them out of the Weesaw school. We were to be given but one trial at
each word and a girl and I were fnally left to face the music alone. We spelled
everything pronounced, and when there was no hope of losing out, the judge said:
"Give them a word out of the dictionary." The chosen word was
Scheneedochee. The girl missed and I spelled it by the skin of my teeth and got
the prize.
I will now pass on to the time when the war began and I with my brothers
enlisted, I going much against the wishes of my father. I belonged to the state
militia two years and thought it nice to be a soldier. Joined Company L, 12th
Ind. Cavalry and staid in service until Nov. 10, 1865.
Never will I forget the day we started to the war. Mother followed as far as the
bend in the road, and after kissing us goodby, said, between sobs, as the tears
ran down her cheeks: "Be good soldiers, and obey orders and if shot in
battle, let it be with your faces toward the flag." That advice followed me
through many a conflict, and helped to put courage into my heart.
The first battle I was in was at Murfreesboro and the first man I saw wounded
had his chin shot off. I am free to confess that my hair stood up stiff on my
koko, and when the comrade by my side lost his arm, I thought things were
getting pretty d---d hot in my vicinity. But then I was only eighteen years of
age and felt a little squeemish. I soon got over that, and took to shootin' like
a duck to water.
My father wrote us letters from home each week and that helped us immensely, for
we were always glad to hear from the old folks at home. Our family, Waymire and
Staley, sent twelve soldiers to the front. Two lost their lives on southern
battle fields and all the rest were wounded.
I might go on and tell of the battles I was in and the many privations endured
for my country, but what's the use, the war is over, the last gun fired and hope
it will never again be my lot to see our glorious flag wave in another bloody
strife. Therefore will only relate an incident or two that occurred while I lay
sick in Cumberland Hospital, Nashville, Tenn.
There were many men in the hospital who had lost limbs, and some who would never
again see the light of a northern sky. Consequently, the place was not as lively
as a German Sunday school picnic, in fact it was a place of gloom most of the
time. There were a few soldiers who could see the funny side to every thing, and
they were ones who kept life in the poor homesick lads, who wanted nothing so
much as to see their mothers and eat some of the food prepared as only a mother
knows how.
One fellow we called Jimmy, because we did not know his other name, had both
legs off at the knees and the right arm off at the elbow. Even that could not
dampen his spirits, and as soon as he could get out of bed, he fastened leather
stumps on his legs, then with the aid of a board, came stumping into our ward
and would go through such antics and say such comical things, the boys would
laugh until they cried. I often said "If that dern fool could be happy with
his legs and an arm off, I ought to be with mine all on."
I was so sick my father came to see me and it was a proud moment when I heard
Captain Thornton say I was a brave soldier and had not flinched when on the
firing line.
I was fearfully afflicted with stomach trouble, so all I was given to eat, in
the hospital, was toast and blue milk. I grew to dispise toast and begged for
fruit. Shortly after, I was sent home on a furlough. When I got off the train at
Peru, and started home, my legs wabbled so from weakness that I could only walk
a short distance, then rest. It was ten o'clock at night when I reached my
father's door. Mother did not know me, for I was so poor there was but little
left but bones with the skin drawn over them. The hospital doctor had sent a
letter to Pap, telling him what I should and should not eat. One of the things
to eat was toast. I kept asking for fruit, and they kept wanting to give me
toast, so I had about concluded to go back to the army, when the country doctor
offered me half of a peach. Finding that did me no injury, I went out to the
orchard, filled my hat with apples, peaches and pears, ate as long as I could
hold, waited, then ate some more. For three weeks I lived on fruit, followed my
brother around the field as he plowed, eating as I walked. That convinced me
that nature knew more about what I needed than the doctors who looked so wise
and tried to stuff me on baby food.
I went to the front a Republican and came out more firm in that political faith
than when I went, grew stronger as I increased in age, and, I trust, in wisdom.
I cast my first vote for Gen. U. S. Grant for president, and every ballot since
then has been for the Grand Old Party.
In those days I would fight at the drop of the hat, and gave a trouncing to a
Democrat I once met in the road, who first insulted me, then wanted me to halloo
"hurrah for Hell," meaning the Republican ticket. I said "All
right; every man for his own country," and by that time I had him in the
dust and left the print of my fist on his anatomy until he looked like a spotted
pup. His name was Eugene Benedict and, if living, I warrant he feels sore in
spots to this day. Those were hot times and I had my share of the fun both going
and coming.
I was twenty-four years of age when I married Mary Ann Stubbs, a Fulton county
girl, and we lived together sixteen years on the old home place, and then moved
to Liberty township, Fulton county, where she died. Later, Miss Mary Ann Burns
became my wife, and for the first two years lived on the John Gottschalk place,
in Rocheser township. One day my wife said she would buy ten acres of ground if
I would put up a house and in this way have our own home. I agreed. We put up a
house, built a barn, put in a well, and about Christmas time moved in. That year
we cut eighty cords of wood and fence posts, planted a good orchard, had a
garden and numerous other things. In this she helped me, working faithfully by
my side.
The greatest surprise of my life came while I was working on the John McKinney
farm. I had heard that my uncle, John Kline, of Kentucky, my mother's brother,
had become a wealthy man, but never thought about his money doing me any good.
When my cousin, Harrison Kline, came out to the McKinney farm and told me that I
was one of my uncle's heirs, I did not say much but kept up a devil of a
thinking and felt good all over. I only about half believed that anything so
good could come to me, and concluded to keep mum and wait. When the estate was
finally settled, my share was a little over eight thousand dollars, but it did
not give me the big head, for money or no money, was still "Old Dad
Waymire," plain and homespun, like my daddy before me, yet honest with my
fellow man.
I did not buy diamonds, or finery for my wife, or fool money away, but I did buy
a comfortable home and a good buggy, and try to take a little pleasure and do a
little good as we pass along toward the sunset of our journey, which can't be so
many years to come. I have been a hard worker, so has my faihful companion, and
we hope to spend our remaining days in peace with the world and all mankind.
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. I, 1910, pp. 77-84]
WAYMIRE GARAGE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv. - Open for Business - The Waymire Garage - Located One Mile North of
Rochester, on Michigan Road. We make a specialty of repairing cars of any and
all makes, will call for and deliver them without extra charge. Gasoline - Oil -
Accessories. Low Overhead Means Moderate Prices. Harvey Waymire.]
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 25, 1923]
WAYNE TOWNSHIP [Fulton County]
At this late day, and in view of the meager data we have been able to obtain, we
are not prepared to state positively who was the first white settler within the
present townsip of Wayne. It is believed, however, that John Fetcher was one of
the first. He located in the southeast part of the township, near the lake that
still bears his name, as early as 1832 or 1833. Although he was a cripple, he
did a large amount of work, clearing and cultivating a small farm and devoting a
large share of his time to the pursuit of the wild game then so abundant. John
G. Treen located at the east end of the lake, on land adjoining Fletcher, some
time between 1833 and 1835. He cleared and improved a portion of his land, and
was prominently identified with the earlier history of the township. In later
years, however, he removed with his family to Cass County, where he remained
till his death. Thomas Whalen, Felix McLaughlin, "Jack" Smith and
Jacob Smith were also among the advance guard of the pioneers. They settled in
the southern part of the township within the period intervening between 1834 and
1837, and bore well their parts in the develoment and improvement of the
township. Michael Troutman came in 1837, and in February, 1838, David Marsh
entered the farm which he still occupies, in Sections 19 and 30. Shortly
afterward, however, he returned to Ohio, and came back to live upon his farm in
the spring of 1844. His wife, it is believed, was the first white girl who
settled in the township. Her father, John Hall, settled in Cass County, Ind., in
1827, and died there, and in 1835 his wife removed with her family to this
township, locating near the lake. Mrs. Marsh was then a girl, eleven years old,
and has a distinct rcollection of the Indians, who were almost her only
neighbors, and the pleasure she experinced when white peope would visit that
region in quest of land.
In the fall of 1841, Jacob Hendrickson came with his family from Ohio and
located upon the farm where he now resides, in Section 16. "At the time of
my arrival here," said Mr. Hendrickson, "There were seventeen or
eighteen families living within the present bounds of Wayne Township. There were
Nathan McCumber and family, Elias Gandy and family, Peter F. Brunck and family,
Robert and William Torrence and their families, Frederick Long and family, James
Callahan and family, Cornelius Coovert and family, Frank Huff and family, Jacob
Smith and family, Jack Smith and family, Moses McElhany and family, Thomas
Whalen and family, Felix McLaughlin and family, Samuel Custer and family,
Benjamin Adair and family, Maurice Fitzgerald and family, Abraham Sutphen and
family, Joseph Horn and family, Michael Wilson and family, and others."
Aaron and John Heiser, Mr. Nicholls, Thomas Burk, James Lamb and Michael Wilson
came during the year 1840. Samuel Stroub, Henry Bowman, Joseph Hendrickson and
others came in the year 1841. William Van Meter came in the spring of 1842, and
John R. Schenck, ----- Camlin and others came later in the same year. Frederick
Huffman and Robert Holliday were among the settlers of 1843, and John Teegarden,
Isaac Egman, John Matthews, Samuel Lyon, James Van Blaricum, William Phillips
and Thomas Phillips were among those who came in 1844. John Hume came in 1845,
and during that year the settlement received the addition of several other
families, whose names cannot now be obtained. John R. Smalley came in 1847, and
located on the land where he still resides, in Section 20. James Thrush came
about two weeks later, and located about a mile west of Mrs. Smalley. Jacob
Pownall came in the same year, and located about a mile north of the Smalley
farm; he now lives in Liberty Township. Between the years 1847 and 1851, new
families came to the settlement with greater frequency than in the earlier days,
and it would not be possible to give a complete list of all who came within that
period. Among this number, however, we may mention the names of Martin Friedner,
Daniel Bishop, Ephraim Bishop, Robert McLaughlin, David McGaughey, Robert
Beattie, Samuel Beattie, Daniel Rush, Samuel Ware, Peter and Abraham Lane,
Alfred McDonald, and others. From this time on, the settlement of the township
progressed rapidly.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 60]
See Grass Creek Fire House.
WAYSIDE INN [Akron, Indiana]
Located on Rochester Street in Akron, owned and operated by Sterling Crosby. It
was a log cabin.
Sterling Crosby and wife Lucinda Sippy Crosby married in Medina County, Ohio,
Sept. 15, 1833. The Crosby family was supposed to have come to Akron in 1837
from Medina County, Ohio. He was the first shoemaker in the settlement. In 1837
the Crosbys erected a cabin on Rochester Street where the old Palace Garage is
now located a block west of the stoplight. They kept open house and many weary
travelers found comfortable lodging and a good meal at this Wayside Inn which
was the first boarding house of the village.
[Dr. Joseph Sippy Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
Located on SW corner of SR-14 at the entrance to Colonial Condominiums.
Started by Walter House.
WEASNER, PETER [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester, Indiana [Historical Review]
Peter Weasner has rented the old Langsdorf meat market stand on north Main
street. Mr. Weasner is now proprietor of two meat shops, one being on Wall
street. Frank Rannells will have charge of the new shop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 5, 1901]
WEATHER WARNING FLAGS [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester is to be provided with a Signal Service station. A wire stretched
across Main street from the Central Block to Shields' building was put in
position yesterday on which to display the signal flags. When you see the flag
indicating that an able-bodied cyclone is coming, it will be time to hunt your
holes. Joking aside, the service, if properly conducted, will be of incalculable
benefit to the public. Mr. J. W. F. Smth will receive the reports and display
the signals.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 21, 1886]
WEATHERFORD, FRANK [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
WEBER, CHARLES F. [Rochester, Indiana]
Charles F. Weber, farmer, P.O. Rochester, son of Nathaniel and Susan (Downey)
Weber, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Indiana. The subject of our
sketch was born on the farm where he now resides, September 12, 1856, and was
educated in the schools of the county. His farm consists of 116 acres, and is
well improved. He resides in Section 24, and is a young man of energy and
ability, with a good prospect of long years of usefulness before him.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 32]
WEEKS, SELDON [Akron, Indiana]
See: Home Bakery
WEILLS & PETERSON [Rochester, Indiana]
{Adv] NEW HARDWARE STORE by a new firm. - - - - Hardware - - -Building Material
and Agricultural Implements - - - Prices Low. - - - WEILLS & PETERSON,
Commercial Block, on North Main Street.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 23, 1881]
WEILLS, PETERSON & WEBBER [Rochester, Indiana]
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between
Weills, Peterson & Webber, in the hardware trade, has been dissolved by
mutual consent, M. S. Weills retiring from the firm. The books and accounts are
in the hands of the remaining partners for settlement. WEILLS, PETERSON &
WEBBER, Dec 24th, '84.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 27, 1884]
WEISE, CHAS., MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
WELCH, CON [Rochester, Indiana]
Another business change is the north end livery stable. Enoch Mow has sold out
to Con Welch, the well known Newcastle township farmer, and, in part payment,
took the showy team of heavy draft dapple greys heretofore driven by Mr. Welch.
Con will sell his personal property at public sale and then move to town.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 5, 1897]
WELCOME INN [Grass Creek, Indiana]
Restaurant operated in building just north of the elevator, by Mrs. Sommers, the
wife of the elevator owner.
WELLS AND WIND MILLS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] FARMERS, ATTENTION! Wells and Wind-mills. Having over ten years experience
in the Well and Wind Mill business we are now selling the old reliable Perkins
Wind Mill, and respectfully solicit your orders for wells and wind mills in
Marshall and Fulton counties. Prices on application. Orders left with P. M.
Shore will receive prompt attention. Work warranted. J. A. MATHENY, Argos, Ind.
LEVI STAHL, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 2, 1890]
The local Wells Fargo agency has been furnished a new horse to replace "Old
Joe" that dropped dead several days ago after a good many years of faithful
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 20, 1908]
Rochester friends are in receipt of word of the death Saturday at Ashland,
Ohio of C. B. WHITE a former resident of this city. Whe he lived in Rochester,
White was the local agent for the then Wells Fargo Express Company. He was the
express agent at Ashland, where death occurred.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 29, 1923]
Beginning June 1st, the two express companies of this city, the American and the
Wells Fargo, will consolidate their business in this city. Two wagons will be
operated, as in the past, but the office work will be in charge of W. C. Smith,
the present Wells Fargo agent.
Offices of the two companies have consolidated in many other cities for years.
It is the present plan to make the action effective over the United States.
It is not known what E. H Mattice, the American agent, will do, but it is
possible that he will be transferred to some other ciy.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 15, 1914]
The Rochester Wells Fargo and American Express agencies were united today
(Monday) the offices of the companies to be in the room on west 8th street
formerly occupied by the latter. W. C. Smith, Fargo agent, is now agent for both
The business of the two companies will be kept entirely separate, two sets of
books being maintained for that purpose. Both wagons will run as formerly. E. H.
Mattice, former American agent, will not continue in the service. Several men
have applied for the place as driver of the American wagon. Will Delp will
continue on the Fargo wagon.
This change has been made in many places to reduce office expenses and does not
mean that the companies are merged. In many cities the United States Co., is
merging with one or the other of these companies.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 1, 1914]
WENTZEL, EDWARD [Union Township]
Edward Wentzel was born in Northumberland county, Pa., Nov. 21, 1830. His
parents were Christophal and Leah (Adams) Wentzel. They were natives of
Pennsylvania and of German parentage. They had twelve children, all of whom grew
to manhood and womanhood. The subject of this sketch remained at home with his
parents until 1855, when he was married to Elizabeth Schwartz, a native of
Pennsylvania, of German origin. In the spring of 1858 Mr. Wentzel came to Fulton
county and settled on his present farm in Union township, where he now owns 340
acres of land. He has been a successful farmer, and has reared a good family.
Unto him and his wife the following children have been born: Nathaniel, who
married Ida Bitterling, and is now a farmer; Julia Ann, who is the wife of Rev.
A. E. Gift; and Jesse, who married Ruth M. Singer, and is now a farmer. Nov. 29,
1864, Mr. Wentzel became a private in company E, Ninth Indiana infantry. He was
discharged by reason of the close of the war, Oct. 18, 1865. He is a member of
the Grand Army of the Republic. He and his sons are republicans in politics. The
whole family are members of the Evangelical Lutheran church.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
p. 145]
WENTZEL, NATHANIEL S. [Union Township]
Nathaniel S. Wentzel was born in Sunbury, Northumberland county, [Pennsylvania],
February 27, 1856, the son of Edward and Elizabeth (Swartz) Wentzel. Edward
Wentzel came from Pennsylvania to Logansport, Indiana, by train, and from there
he came to Union township, Fulton county, Indiana. He bought land here and
farmed it, increasing his possessions until at the time of his death he had
three hundred acres of land. He made his home on this farm for over forty years,
and died in 1917, his wife having preceded him in death in 1910. They had three
children: Julia, Jesse and N. S. Nathaniel S. Wentzel was educated in the public
schools of his home community and since the completion of his studies, he has
engaged in farming. He inherited one hundred acres from his father and seventy
acres which he earned himself. He has never cared to confine his attention to
any particular branch of agriculture, preferring to carry on general farming. He
was married to Ida Bitterling and to them have been born five children: Bertha,
Edna, Esther, Charles, and Arthur.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 293-294, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
WERNER, J. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
Prof. J. C. Werner, former county superintendent, has accepted a position as
director of corresnpondence in the extension department of the Kansas State
Agricultural college at Manhattan, Kan., and will leave the first of the week to
take up his new work. His family will go later.
Mr. Werner began his teaching in Aubbeenaubbee township and later changed to
Gilead. In 1905, he finished a course at Indiana univdersity and was given an
A.B. degree. In 1906, he was made county superintendent, an office he held for
six years, making a splendid record. At the close of his term, he had charge of
the Rochester college for one year, then went to Chicago university, where he
this year received his Master's degree.
The Kansas college has an annual attendance of about 3,000, with a faculty
numbering 200, and as Prof. Werner has always been ambitious to attain a college
position, he is to be congratulated on securing such an enviable place.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 20, 1913]
WERNER, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
John J. Werner, who is manager of the Rochester Co-Operative Elevator, was
re-elected president of the Farmers Grain Dealers Association at their annual
meeting which was held at Purdue University Thursday.
Mr. Werner has served as president of the association during the past year and
was very reluctant to accept the presidency for another year.
Other officers of the association who have served with Mr. Werner during the
past year were re-elected.
These officers are: H. O. Rice, Huntington, first vice president; Walter Penrod,
Medaryville, second vice president; W. L. Woodfield, Lafayette, secretary and
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 1, 1935]
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rochester Farmers Mutual Insurance
Co. held in this city today, John Werner was elected as Secretary to fill the
vacancy in this office which was incurred by the death of Edwin C. Mercer. Mr.
Werner will serve until next October.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 4, 1935]
WERNER, MARVEL E. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Marvel E. Werner)
WERT BROS. [Rochester, Indiana]
Wert Bros. has a full line of cigars and Tobacco, candies and fruits. One door
south of Emrick and Metcalf's millinery store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 3, 1904]
The Wert Bros. billiard and cigar business will move into the room now
occupied by the Ditmires.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 30, 1904]
Ira Wert has disposed of his interest in the firm of Wert Bros. and will go to
Peru Monday, where he has accepted a postion in the shoe department of Hale's
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 13, 1904]
WERTS' CASH SHOE STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
{Adv] TAN SHOES! Our line of Tan Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Men, surpasses any
and all lines in this market in style, quality and price, and we sell them at
greatly reduced prices. Call and see them. WERTS' CASH SHOE STORE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 30, 1897]
[Adv] WAIT FOR US! WATCH FOR US! Stock is on the Road. - - - I have bought
the Big Cooper stock at North Manchester, the heavy Smith stock of Dunkirk and
the F. J. Fowler stock at Logansport. Think of it! Three big stocks added to my
store. More shoes than all the rest together and at prices that talk. - - -
Don't buy shoes until we open, Friday, April 29. - - - - S. I. WERT, The Cash
Shoe Store Man, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 29, 1898]
[Adv] CLOSING OUT SALE of Boots and Shoes. Sale opens Saturday, March 9th,
everything must be sold by March 27th. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS - - - WERT'S CASH
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 8, 1901]
S. I. Wert, who is now closing out his stock of shoes, will go to Delphi, the
latter part of next week. He will engage in the same business there, and already
has a store nicely arranged.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 18, 1901]
Wert's Shoe store was closed yesterday evening by an order of the bankruptcy
court. For several days rumors have been out that the store would be closed by
creditors and the action came yesterday evening when the store was full of
people buying the bargains in shoes the store has been giving for several days.
While nothing definite is given out all kinds of rumors are afloat as to the
liabilities of Mr. Wert. Some say his debts will not exceed $5,000 and others
estimate them as high as $14,000. But whatever the amount, by the time the
attorneys fees and court costs are settled there will be little left for the
creditors all of whom are out of town wholesale firms. Mr.Wert failed some years
ago in Bluffton or Decatur.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 25, 1903]
WERTZ, MISS M. E. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] LADIES, The place to get all the late style MILLINERY, at the lowest
prices, is at the millinery establishment of MISS M. E. WERTZ - - - Shop 1st
door south of Commercial block, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 28, 1885]
WERTZBERGER, HOWARD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Howard's Variety Store
WERTZBERGER, MEL [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Howard's Variety Store
In a business transaction consummated today, Mrs. Mel Wertzberger, proprietor of
the Howard's Variety store, located on the corner of Main and 9th streets,
became the owner of the C. E. Renbarger Grocery, which is adjacent to the
Variety Store.
According to Mrs. Wertzberger the store will continue to operate under the name
of "Renbarger's Grocery." The new owner also stated today that Fred
Shobe will be retained as manager and Ernest Bonine as his assistant. This
transaction was incurred through the death of C. E. Renbarger. Mrs. Renbarger
plans to reside in Galien, Mich., and will remove to that city in the near
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 29, 1936]
WERTZBERGER, W. J. "BILL" [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Bill Wertzberger)
WESLEY, INDIANA [Henry Township]
See: Akron, Indiana
Alfred T. Welton, Aug 9, 1837, William Culver, Sep 30, 18 [??]
Hiram L. Welton, - - - - - - [?], Jacob Whittenberger, Jan 28, 1846.
[Name changed to Akron, Jan 6, 1853.
[F.C.H.S. Files]
WEST, BENJAMIN ODEN [Rochester, Indiana]
B. O. WEST (Biography)
For thirteen years the traveling public has met B. O. (Ben) WEST at the ticket
window of the C. & A. Ry. depot. Mr. West was born and raised at Washington,
D.C., where he was educated in the city schools and at Maryland Agricultural
college. He came west in 1880 as civil engineer for the Mutual Union Telephone
Co. and the C. & A. Ry. construction company. In all of the thirteen years
of his railway agency here he has taken but three vacations from office duty and
he has always been an enthusiast for the interests of his road. He married Miss
Jennie HELVIN, of North Carolina, and their family consists of two children,
Irene and Charley [WEST].
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
Benjamin Oden West. - This gentleman is a representative of the Chicago &
Erie railway, and agent for the Wells-Fargo express company, at Rochester, Ind.
He is a native of Washington, D.C., born Jan. 9, 1858. He is a son of Benjamin
Oden and Helen West, whose maiden name was Williams. The father of Mr. West was
born in Maryland and his death occurred in Washington, D.C., in 1858. The mother
of our subject with her daughter (Helen Oden) now resides with her son in
Rochester. Mr. West first attended a private school in the city of his nativity,
and later was for four years a student at the Maryland agricultural college,
where he succeeded in acquiring a good education. In 1881 he entered the employ
of what was then the Mutual Union telegraph company of New York city, but which
has since been absorbed by the Western Union company. Here Mr. West continued
until June, 1882, when he entered the employ of what was then the Chicago &
Atlantic railway company, now the Chicago & Erie line, in the capacity of
civil engineer and this trust he held until the completion of the line to
Chicago. Mr. West came to Rochester March 27, 1883, and since that time he has
been the Chicago & Erie's agent at this place. He has been the agent for the
Wells-Fargo express company here since 1886. He is a man in whom the companies
he represents and the people of his adopted city have implicit faith and
confidence. In 1879 he was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Helvin, a native
of North Carolina. They have two children, viz.: Irene O. and Charles W. In
politics Mr. West is a democrat and cast his first presidential vote for
Hancock. He is a memberr of Fredonia lodge, No. 122, K. of P., and Mrs. West is
a member of the Episcopal church. They are among the highly respected citizens
of Rochester.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 145-146]
An interesting letter was received at the News-Sentinel office today from B. O.
West, of this city, who is spending the winter season at Winter Haven, Fla. Mr.
West having read the recent articles appearing in the paper about those who had
seen the dead Abraham Lincoln was living in Washington at the time the Civil War
president was assassinated and relates the following facts concerning the
"I was living in Washington, D. C. at the time President Lincoln was
killed. We lived only two blocks from Fords theatre when Mr. Lincoln was shot.
We kept a horse and carriage in the same alley where Booth came in at the rear
of the theatre. I also knew at that time the boy who held Booth's horse while he
went into the play house to kill the president."
The former Chicago & Erie ticket agent added that the weather had been ideal
at Winter Haven and at the present time Mr. Geo. W. Holman and daughter,
Lucille, Mrs. Katherine Brackett, all of this city, and Mrs. Rome Stephenson of
South Bend were guests at his home.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 20, 1930]
WEST, HELEN O. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Watch this space for special bargains in art needle work and supplies.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1910]
WEST & CO., IRENE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Saturday, Sept. 19, the 5 & 10 Cent Store WILL OPEN. - - - No article
in stock will be paid for more than ten cents or less than five. - - - IRENE
WEST & CO., Opposite Zimmerman's Furniture Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 19, 1903]
WEST SIDE, THE [Lake Manitou]
See Lake Manitou Boats
See: Dawson, George V.
WESTERN OIL COMPANY [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester will now have another filling station. This became true Thursday when
the Western Oil and Refining Company, 310 North Meridian street, Indianapolis,
purchased the old Reece property at 318-320 North Main street of the Reece
heirs. C. V. Kindig and Sons contractors were given a contract Friday for the
erection of a modern filling and service station, which will be housed in a 22
by 60 brick structure which will have crushed rock approaches. The Western Oil
Company has as their trade mark the work "Target" on all their
products. No local manager has as yet been named by the company.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, July 9, 1927]
See: West, Benjamin Oden
The Western Union telegraph company will abandon the old B. & O. telegraph
line which runs along the Michigan road in the near future, and the wires and
poles will then be removed.
Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 18, 1902]
Newt Canaday, the Western Union telegraph agent who has had charge of the
business here for two or three years, has been promoted to a better position in
the main office of the company at Indianapolis where he will commence work next
Monday. He will be succeeded by Willis Coplen, and Mrs. Canaday will remain here
a couple of months and assist in the business of the office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 2, 1903]
A gang of fifteen men in the employ of the Western Union Telegraph Company, came
to Rochester, yesterday evening, to commence the work of moving the through
wires, running from Chicago to Indianapolis, from the Michigan road to the
Vandalia right of way, and to remove the poles from Main street and place them
in the alleys.
The work of removing the poles in Rochester will not be commenced until the
latter part of next week and at present it is not known whether an underground
cable will be laid or the poles put up again.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 25, 1904]
From the Leader.
A gang of men passed through this place the first of the week and removed the
wires from the old Western Uion poles and placed them on the Vandalia railroad
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 31, 1904]
The Western Union Telegraph Co. will run a line into Chas Mitchell's cigar store
election night and bulletins will be received there.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 4, 1904]
The old telegraph line along the Michigan road is now a thing of the past.
Linemen are now taking down the poles and the gang passed through Rochester
today, going north and lowering the poles as they went.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 15, 1904]
The Western Union Telegraph company is erecting a new line from the Lake Erie
depot to their office on Washington street. When the poles were removed from the
Michigan road it left their office cut off from the service and it became
necessary that they should connect with the Lake Erie wires.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 8, 1904]
After making out his monthly report, buying an express money order for the
amount due the company, and taking care of the work of the office up to 6
o'clock last Friday evening, Willis Coplen, the operator at the local Western
Union Telegraph Co's office, suddenly disappeared, and dispite telephone,
telegraph, and special delivery mail efforts to find him, all the attempts have
been futile.
Coplen has not been feeling well for several weeks, and has eaten very little.
At times he has acted very strange, and United States Express Agent A. C.
Mitchell, who has his office with Coplen, says he acted very queer Friday
evening. Mitchell was the last man to see Coplen, who attempted to converse with
him at their office at six o'clock. Mr. Mitchell says he did not talk distinctly
and would only utter sylables of words; that he could operate the wire all
right, and that he was perfectly sober.
After supper Friday evening, as Coplen could not be found, Floyd Mattice took
care of the business. On the desk of the office was found a number of letters
written by Coplen. They were written in a good hand, but like his speech had
been while talking to Mr. Mitchell, were unintelligent. In the notes, which were
all addressed to Cashier O. B. Smith, of the First National Bank, who is one of
Coplen's bondsmen for the position held with the Western Union, Coplen had tried
to thank Mr. Omar Smith for the kindness shown him.
At 6:30 o'clock Coplen called up Miss Grace Harrison, a hello girl of the
Rochester Telephone company, and telling her that he was going north, bid her
boodbye. Since then it has been learned that he was at Elkhart Sunday morning,
but had left there. It is now thought that he is in Chicago where he has a
sister, Mrs. Nora Draper, and where he formerly worked.
An examination of all his books show that he did not take any of the company's
money. He had made out his report, signed it, collected all that was due for
last month's messages and purchased an express money order for the amount due
the Western Union people. He had also paid the rent for his office, and all
other expenses.
Up until this morning, an attempt had been made to keep the news of Coplen's
disappearance from the officers of the Western Union, but this morning, the
Superintendent was written concerning the matter. An attempt was made to
persuade that official to allow Floyd Mattice to continue in charge of the
office until Coplen could be found. The fact that his whereabouts were not known
here was not revealed, but instead the officer was told that Coplen was sick at
the home of his sister in Chicago.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 9, 1906]
It is rumored that Willis Coplen, the mysteriously missing telegraph operator
has been located in Chicago where he is reported very sick. It is expected that
he will return to his work here if he recovers and Floyd Mattice has been given
temporary charge of the Western Union office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 10, 1906]
Relatives have received word from Mrs. Frank Draper, of Chicago, who writes that
her brother, Willis Coplen who disappeared mysteriously from here over a week
ago, is at her home and may be able to come to Rochester the latter part of this
The letter did not say what he was sick with or what was the cause of his
illness. Neither did it say that his mind was allright, or what had been the
cause of his sudden disappearance. it did, however, say that he would be
allright, and there was no danger, and that if he continued to improve, this
week as he did last, he would be well enough to come to Rochester Saturday.
There are other rumors to be heard about Rochester, to the effect that Coplen
will not return to his old position, but these the relatives say, have no
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 15, 1906]
Diestrict Supt. J. F. Wallick of the Western Union Telegraph Co., came to
Rochester, last evening, to investigate the mysterious disappearance of former
manager Willis Coplen. After learning the particulars of the entire case the
Superintendent, this morning, said, "The Rochester office will continue to
be conducted by the present manager, Floyd Mattice, and Mr. Coplen will go to
Indianapolis to work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 25, 1906]
The new observatory time electric clocks installed in connection with the
Western Union telegraph service are now in several Rochester business places.
The places possessing one of these clocks are the postoffice, Gilliland's cigar
store, Dawson's, Brackett & Co., Newby's and Wolf & Howard. Each day at
eleven o'clock the time flashes over the Western Union wire and if the clocks
are off the least bit the minute hand jumps to exactly eleven o'clock. They are
also self winding and are all in all a very handy and reliable time piece.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 5, 1908]
The office of the Western Union Telegraph Company will be a very busy scene
Tuesday evening, and all men who can operate the telegraph key will be pressed
into duty. Special wires will be installed to the Armory hall, where the
republicans will hold forth, the democratic headwuarters at the Kai Gee theatre
and Rochester Cigar store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 3, 1908]
Commencing at 6 o'clock this evening, the Western Union Telegraph Company will
inaugurate a new service which will be of great benefit to the public. Messages
of fifty words can now be sent for the usual day rate for ten words, which
messages will be sent after 6 o'clock p.m., for delivery the next morning at
destination. These messages are known as "Night Letters," and are
expected to prove very popular with the public. Over and above fifty words the
rate is to be one-fifth of day rate for each additional ten words or fraction
thereof. These "Night Letters" may be telephoned to the company's
office, or collected by messenger, and will be delivered by messenger as
ordinary telegrams now are, and may be sent either paid or collect.
A telegram of fifty words to Chicago , to New York, or other Eastern points,
fifty cents.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 7, 1910]
Commencing Wednesday morning the Western Union Telegraph Company will inaugurate
another service similar to the now popular "night letter" plan. The
new service is known as "day letters," and under this system messages
of fifty words can be sent anywhere in the United States for one and one-half
times the amount formerly charged for ten words. For each ten words or fraction
thereof over fifty words an additional charge of one-fifth the initial charge is
made. One can now send fifty words to Chicago or to any point in Indiana, except
the southern end of the state, for 38 cents, whereas at the old rates such a
message would cost $1.05. Fifty words to New York and other Eastern cities may
be sent for 75 cents. The only distinction made between this service and the
usual day rate telegrams is that regular day messages have the first
right-of-way over the wires, but no considerable delay will occur to any
"day letter." This in connection with their "night letter"
and "ocean mail" service will, no doubt, prove quite convenient to the
public. Special blanks printed in blue for the new service have been received
for use at the local office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 28, 1911]
The vacancy in the management of the local office of the Western Union Telegraph
Company made by the resignation of F. J. Mattice, has been filled by Fred
Scholder, who resigned his position with the Lake Erie to take up his new
duties. Mr. Scholder is an experienced operator, having worked in that capacity
for the Western Union and, although the duties of the management are intricate
and many, it is presumed he will be able to master them.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 22, 1911]
Another occupant-to-be of the new A. J. Dillon building now under construction,
became known this morning when it was announced the Western Union Telegraph
Company will have its office in the front section of the second story.
For many years the company has occupied the brick building on East Seventh
street and besides the inconvenience of being located on a side street, the
business has so increased as to demand more commodious quarters.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 16, 1911]
The new building being erected by A. J. Dillon is nearing completion and it is
now announced that it will be ready for occupancy by March 1. The work of
plastering is finished with the exception of a small part on the second floor
and the interior decorations will be a matter of small consideration. The big
drawback has been the absence of the flooring and word has been received that
that material is on the way from Michigan. At the same time the plate glass for
the front windows will arrive and be installed at once.
The main floor will be taken over by Stoner & Black for their hardware stock
and the display of automobiles. This firm will also use the third floor, where
they will exhibit farm machinery and other hardware. The second floor will be
partially occupied by the office of the Western Union Telegraph Company, and the
remaining rooms will be rented to professional men. The basement will be turned
over to Hartung's tailor shop and a barber shop, the latter proprietors not
being named.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 10, 1912]
Owing to the fact that Fred Scholder of this city, who has had charge of the
local office of the Western Union Company, has resigned, Special Agent Nusam of
the company is here and he has selected Harvey Waymire as Mr. Scholder's
successor. Mr. Waymire has been in the employ of the company at the
Crawfordsville office and formerly was employed as operator in the Rochester
office. He is a capable operator and it is thought he will succeed as manager.
The retiring manager will hereafter devote his entire time to the plumbing
business with which he has been associated for some time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 28, 1912]
The Western Union Telegraph Co., announces another innovation for the benefit of
its patrons. Heretofore, the senders of money by wire have not been permitted to
include in the transfers any communication of a business or personal character
to the payee, such information being req uired to be sent by separate message.
Under the new arrangements, however, transfers between points in the United
States may include such information and the same will be delivered to the payee
at the time the transfer is paid.
Thru this service, people will be enabled to transmit money quickly with proper
instructions to meet banking obligations, pay insurance policies, guarantee
purchases, accompany bids, purchase railroad, steamship and theater tickets, pay
taxes, assessments and bills of all descriptions, make remittances to traveling
salesmen and pupils attending distant schools, etc. There is practically no
limit to the purposes for which this service is available.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 15, 1916]
The large room, opening on Eighth St., formerly occupied by the Racket clothing
store, has been rented by the Western Union Telegraph Co., for a new local
office. The change will be made from the present location December 1st. Agent
Harvey Waymire says that the new office will be modern in every way, new
fixtures having been ordered which will give the public better service.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 8, 1917]
J. G. Hunter and J. W. Meek, of the Plant Dept. of the Western Union
headquarters at Chicago, are in the city installing the fixtures for the new
office on 8th St., just east of Main. The men state they expect to finish their
work within two weeks, when the city will have a complete and modern telegraph
office, of the W. U. type, standard all over the U. S. It is said that more than
$600 is being spent in the improvement.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 17, 1918]
Harvey Waymire, recently discharged from the service, who had charge of the
Rochester office of the Western Union Telegraph Co. for years, has once more
taken over the managership in this city. W. L. Emerick, who recently replaced
John Slaybaugh, left Tuesday for Kokomo where he will remain for a short time
before taking over the office at North Manchester. Mrs. Emerick accompanied her
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 11, 1919]
Western Union wire repairing gang which has been operating along the Erie
railroad from Rochester, west to North Judston for the last three months, last
Frday moved from this city to North Judson and will operate from there west.
This outfit had four cars in which they lived. Two of the cars contained their
supplies, one was constructed very much like a modern dining car and the other
contained the sleeping quarters of the crew. A Victrola was in evidence here
which according to the boss served to liven up the long winter evenings spent in
towns. This is the second Western Union gang which has operated in this county
within the past six months, the other working out of Fulton county following the
C. & O. railroad.
The Western Union men along the Erie have lowered every pole with the lowest of
the thirty different wires thru this city is not more than six feet off the
ground at any point, except where there is a road crossing.
The poles were formerly set 120 feet apart but are now twenty feet closer
because of the increased number of wires which they are supposed to carry. By
setting the poles closer to the ground the men say that it will enable repair
men to save much time which formerly was taken in climbing. The reason for
lowering the poles was the fact that they are very hard to obtain. By cutting
off the part of the pole that has been in the earth at the grass line they were
able to use the upper parts. These were first treated with a preparation of
creosote to keep them from rotting and also to keep insects from them.
All of the wires from the city have been repaired and the two lead wires have
been restrung and copper ones installed. The lead wires were strengthened so as
to enable them to conduct electricity better. This will enable the operators
along the line to send faster and clearer. Less maintenance will be the result
of this improvement it is said.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 23, 1920]
The Western Union Telegraph Company in Rochester has been compelled to reduce
its force to one man by orders from headquarters, according to Harvey Waymire,
in charge of the local office. Beginning Monday noon the services of the
messenger boy, Rue McKee were dispensed with and hereafter there will be no
calling for messages. They will have to be brought to the office by the sender.
Messages will still continue to be delivered but those far from the office will
be sent by taxicabs for which expense the local office is allotted $5.00 per
month. Telegrams sent by individuals over the telephone and told to be charged
will no longer be received as the agent will not have time to collect for them.
Charge accounts and telephone service will still be continued for business
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 16, 1922]
The Western Union Telegraph office in this city is now under the management of
Miss Wilma Rehard who comes here from Lebanon to fill the vacancy left by the
resignation of Mrs. E. A. Caldwell.
Miss Rehard, who is twenty years old, was transferred here from the Western
Union offices at Lebanon. She has been a certified operator for the past two
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 26, 1924]
The Western Union Telegraph work crew which is installing new poles and lines
between Indianapolis and Michigan City, are now as far north as Rochester. The
crew, comprising eighteen men, live in three Pullman type cars, a work car, a
combined cooking and dining car and a sleeping car which has also an office for
the road foreman. They expect to remain here for about two weeks before moving
to Plymouth. The living conditions provided for the Western Union men are ideal.
In fact, the W. U. is the only company that employs Pullman cars for housing
traveling work crews.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 6, 1924]
Harvey Waymire, local manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company, this
morning announced that his company had leased the A. D. Robbins room at 717 Main
street for a term of 10 years and would move the company's office from its
present location at 110 East Eight Street to the new location by December 1. The
move is in line with the policy of the Western Union Company that of placing
their offices on the principal streets of every city in whch they engage in
business. The new local office will be the finest telegraph office in this
section of the state, Mr. Waymire stated, and will include a ladies rest room.
The new furniture for the office has already arrived. The Western Union Company
has occupied the room in the Holman and Stephenson building for the past 15
years. Only the front 40 feet of the Robbins room was leased. A partition will
be built dividing the Robbins room.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, October 26, 1929]
An agreement has been completed here it was announced today between the Western
Union Telegraph Company and the Rochester Telephone Company whereby telegrams
can be sent and received by telephone. The new arrangement will be effective
January 1st. This will be a big benefit to business men and others who wish to
send and receive telegrams at hours when the telegraph office is closed.
All patrons of the Rochester Telephone Company can phone in their telegrams and
have the charge added to their monthly phone bills. Such charges, itemized, will
be included with the statements sent out by the phone company at the end of each
During Closed Hours
During the hours of day and night, Sundays and holidays when the telegraph
office is closed, subscribers can phone in their message and give it to the long
distance operators. The message will be immediately transmitted assuring rapid
service. Incoming messages received at hours the telegraph office is closed will
be telephoned to the addressee without delay and on the following day a
confirming typewritten message will be delivered from the telegraph office.
This agreement will end the inconvenience undergone in Rochester for years by
persons wishing to send telegrams at odd hours as they were forced to go in
person to the railroad crossing switch tower in East Rochester. Also previously
telegrams coming in to Rochester were never delivered until the following
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, December 9, 1933]
The Rochester Telephone Company business office is being moved today into the
new telephone building on [West] Eighth street, Roscoe Pontius, manager,
announced today. Long distance booths in the new building will also be in
Beginning Nov. 1 the Telephone Company will act as sole agent for Western Union
Telegraph Company in Rochester. During business hours, telegraph business will
be handled through the commercial office by means of a teletypewriter. After
business hours and on Sundays and holidays the long distance operator will
handle telegrams through the switchboard.
Better Service
"By a unification of the telephone and telegraph services we will be better
able to serve people of this vicinity," said Mr. Pontius regarding the
combination of the two services.
"We're realizing a dream of many years in operating in a new building. We
will be in a position to give better service to patrons and we will feel more
secure when our equipment is housed in a thoroughly modern, fireproof
building," he added.
To Hold Formal Opening
Installation of new equipment will begin soon under the direction of expert
engineers from the Stromberg Carlson Company, of Rochester, N. Y. In about two
months work will be completed.
As soon as every piece of equipment is in its place the company will hold a
formal opening and open house for interested persons. Until that time workmen
will be busy with installation work, and will not have time to show people
through the plant even though they'd like to.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 28, 1938]
Operation of the local office of the Western Union Telegraph Company jointly
with the Rochester Telephone Company was begun today. R. D. Pontius, general
manager of the telephone company, will be joint manager of both the telephone
and telegraph service here.
The Western Union office on Main Street was closed last night. William
Leischman, manager, had been transferred to another assignment.
A modern telegraph typewriter, working direct with the Chicago office of the
telegraph company, has been installed at the telephone building, 117 West Eighth
Street. This, according to Western Union, brings to Rochester the most modern
facilities the communication field has to offer.
Complete Wire Service
A complete telegraph service will be continued in the community, including all
classes of day and night messages, telegraphic money orders, time service and
messenger service. Standard delivery service will also be available.
To assist during the transition period, Roger P. Graybiel, instructor for the
telegraph company, will be assigned at the new quarters for a period of several
weeks. He will instruct the personnel of the telephone company in all phases of
Western Union's work and routine.
How Machine Works
The telegraph messages which will be received at the telephone building, either
over the counter or by telephone, will be transmitted by an automatic telegraph
typewriter printer. This is a long-distance typewriting machine, resembling a
typewriter in appearance and weighing 70 pounds. The impulses produced as the
words are written by depressing the keys, record the words upon the dry side of
gummed paper tape in the office in Chicago. At the same time, a duplicate of the
message is typed upon paper emerging from the machine here.
The process will be reversed when incoming messages are received here. To
prepare messages for delivery, all that must be done by the local operator is
paste the gummed tape upon which the telegram is printed upon a telegram blank.
The message is then ready for delivery by messenger.
24 Hour Service
Residents of Rochester will be provided with telegraph service 24 hours each day
through the telephone company.
Western Union and the Rochester Telephone Company today issued an invitation to
all persons interested, to call at the telephone building and see the telegraph
typewriter in operation.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, November 2, 1938]
WESTFALL, MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] New Goods! - - - - Hats & Bonnets, handsome ribbons, feathers, also a
full line of laces, veils, ties, ruching, collars, cuffs, combs, canvas,
zephyrs, fancy card board, floss, and everything pertaining to Needle Work.
South Room, Danziger's Block.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 20, 1879]
WESTRICK, K. [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal was closed yesterday by which Crate Anderson became the owner of the
Rochester bottling works, formerly owned by K. Westrick.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 16, 1905]
WESTWOOD BARBER SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Located basement 112 E 8th.
Formerly the Tipton barber shop.
See Rochester High School Basketball.
WEWISSA RESERVE [Newcastle Township]
See: Goss, Emanuel
See: Swonger, David C.
WHALEN, THOMAS [Wayne Township]
Thomas Whalen, of Irish descent, was born in Pennsylvania August 7, 1833, and
was but six years of age when his parents settled on the place where he now
resides. His sister, Joanna, married William Kelley, of Union Township, while he
was married, January 27, 1875, to Bridget Hoson, a native of Ireland. This
couple have but one living child. Mr. Whalen owns 100 acres of land, and has
been elected Township Assessor once. He and his whole family are members of the
Catholic Church.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 62]
WHARTON, BESSE EMRICK [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester people may not generally be aware of the fact that Mrs. Leo D.
Wharton, wife of the man who is now producing the famous serial "Romance of
Elaine," in his studio at Ithaca, N.Y., is Besse Emrick, daughter of Mrs.
Alice Emrick of Rochester, and formerly of this city.
Some photographs of her and her home, now on display at the SENTINEL, have been
received by Mrs. Emrick, together with a newspaper clipping which says in part:
"Fifty Ithacans participated in a "Lawn fete" given by the
Whartons near the moving picture studios at Renwich Park yesterday afternoon.
The local talent that participated in the affairs, which will be a scene in the
"Romance of Elaine" series, seemed prone to be in the same picture
with Lionel Barrymore, Pearl White, Craighton Hale and other screen favorites.
"The character work of Bessie Wharton, wife of Leo D. Wharton, one of the
producers, is one of the most interesting features of the picture taking, from
the spectator's viewpoint. Mrs. Wharton yesterday took the part of a gypsy
fortune-teller and she had 'some' makeup. In fact, her character makeups are
very well done."
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 30, 1915]
Mrs. Leo D. (Bess Emrick) WHARTON, of Ithaca, N.Y., who is now the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Alice Emrick, and who plays big parts with the Wharton Film Co.,
says that the moving picture game is a life of constant hardships and does not
advise girls to enter into this work, unless they have plenty of endurance, and
patience and are sure that they are fitted in every respect.
Mr. and Mrs. Wharton, who have been in the game eight and six years
respectively, have succeeded to such an extent that, together with Mr. Wharton's
brother and brother-in-law, they own and operate one of the largest and best
film producing plants in the country. They are employing at the present time
such stars as Burr McIntosh, Max Pigeman, Lolita Robertson, Bruce McRay, Reilly
Hatch, Creighton Hale, Pearl White, Kate Kathew, Harry Robinson, Dorothy Morton,
Miss Edney, Thurlow Bergen, Elsie Esmond, Lottie Alter and Miss Winthrop. These
players are all drawing salaries from $1,000 to $5,000 weekly. Besides the
artists mentioned, 100 people are employed on the regular staff. The grounds
owned by the company cover an area of 43 acres and on them are two immense
studios, which are in use at the present time, and another under construction, a
large carpenter shop, offices, dressing rooms and work rooms of all
descriptions. All the scenery used is built on the grounds by the company's own
workmen, who are so efficient that they build boats, cars, etc. Only stars are
used in the pictures produced by the Whartons and the films are contracted for
by the Pathe Feres people, who release one feature film, consisting of from
three to six reels and one episode of a serial, which consists of two reels,
each week. The Whartons have been producers for the past two years but have only
had the complete immense plant they now own for a year. They are influential
enough to be able to use large railroads' fast trains and government troops,
stations and forts, in return for which no money is asked, as these things
cannot be bought. The plant is located at beautiful Cayuga lake near Ithaca and
is situated in one of New York's wonderful scenic districts.
Mrs. Wharton does not do any directing herself, but her husband is the managing
director and has under him several assistant managers. She was employed by the
Pathe people six years ago, when she broke into the movie game, where she met
Mr. Wharton. After a strenuous courtship, she married him about two years ago.
She has played, in six years, in 25 different parts and in one part she appeared
in 72 reels. She has written several scenarios, which were produced by the Pathe
Co., and has one complete now which her husband will produce soon. She is not
playing in the Wallingford serial, now being shown here, as she was ill when the
piece was started, but has just finished parts in two feature films, "The
City" and "The Lottery Man," in which she starred. Mr. Wharton
will arrive in the city Saturday and will be only too glad to tell people of his
work. It is very interesting and but few understand how the films they see every
night are produced.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 18, 1915]
Among the film celebrities who passed in Chicago with Mrs. Vernon Castle, dancer
and movie star, was Mrs. Bessie Wharton, wife of the Pathe director and daughter
of Mrs. Alice Emrick of this city. Mrs. Wharton has a prominent part in Mrs.
Castle's new vehicle "Patria," now being taken in California.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 1, 1916]
The first installment of the serial picture, "Patria," shown at the
Paramount Monday evening, was well received by several capacity crowds. A
feature of the picture, which is produced by the Whartons of New York, is the
appearance of Mrs. Vernon Castle with the former local girl, Mrs. Bess Emrick
Wharton. The four Ravencrofts, an added feature, were highly entertaining in
their singing act and received numerous encores. They rendered classical as well
as popular selections. Special mention is made of the ukulele imitation.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 3, 1917]
WHARTON, ESTHER [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Miniature Dress Shoppe
New Picture Gallery. John Wharton, formerly from Wabash, this State, has rented
the new rooms up stairs in Doctor Hill's Building and is now ready to take
Pictures. It must be recollected that Mr. Wharton received the Premium at the
State Fair as the best artist in the state.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 19, 1867]
WHEADON, VOLNEY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Volney Wheadon)
WHEATLEY, EARL EDWARD [Leiters Ford, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters [Letter From Earl Edward Wheatley)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Earl Edward
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Earl Edward Wheatley)
See Berthiesville
See Rochester Telephone Company
Mrs. Lee Jamison, formerly of Tiosa, now of Claypool, is now sole owner of the
Whippoorwill Telephone Co., having acquired the half interest held by the Talma
Telephone Company.
The Whippoorwill exchange, which has 145 patrons, is said to be valued at
$4,000, and is a good paying business, but its distance from Talma made it hard
to handle. Mrs. Jamison will continue William Wynn, it is believed, as manager.
S. Y. Grove is president of the Talma company, which is also in a flourishing
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 3, 1915]
The Whippoorwill rural telephone plant has been sold by "Billy" Foster
to Charles and Chauncy Hiatt. The new owners will rebuild the plant into a
modern exchange and hope to enlarge the business by improving the service. The
plant is located about seven miles northwest of Rochester and has a hundred
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 16, 1922]
WHITCOMB, PAUL [Rochester, Indiana]
See: World War II
Police Officer Paul Whitcomb received considerable of a thrill Wednesday when
the Fifth Division troops passed through Rochester, for he directed traffic at
Seventh and Main and assisted in the passing of his old regiment, the 21st Field
Whitcomb joined the division at San Antonio in February, 1918, and accompanied
it to France where, equipped with 4.7 in. guns the regiment participated in many
of the battles of the World war.
A division normally at that time consisted of 28,000 men but due to the
necessity of losses required replacements in France the Fifth division, the very
organizsation passing through this city, lost 2,120 men killed and 6,996 died of
This is in itself a testimonial of the combat record of the division. Whitcomb
was discharged from the organization at Camp Sherman, Ohio, after its return to
the United States. This is the first time he has seen the organization since
that time.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 1941]
WHITE, DR. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester, Indiana [Historical Review]
WHITE, FRANK W. [Rochester, Indiana]
The Cy Davis Variety Store at 816 Main Street was sold today to Frank W. White
of Fairmount, an experienced variety store man who will reopen the store within
a few days. Several months ago Ostinell A. Davis, brother of Cy Davis founder of
the store petitioned the court in a friendly suit asking the appointment of a
receiver for the store stating his brother because of his ill-health could no
longer manage. The request was granted by Judge Hiram Miller who appointed
Ostinell Davis as receiver. The sale of the store to Mr. White was approved this
morning by Judge Miller. The sale price was $525 in cash.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 17, 1929]
Two business changes have taken place in this city during the past few days
which involve the changing of ownership of a variety store and a garage.
The Star Garage at 623-625 North Main Street, has been sold by Herb Shobe to W.
E. Russell of Star City. Mr. Russell will change the name of the garage to that
of the Russell Garage and will maintain day and night service. A complete repair
shop will also be operated in connection with the garage. Mr Shobe has leased
the room at 610 Main Street and has moved his stock of auto acccessories there.
Harry Wallace has purchased the variety store at 816 Main Street operated for
the past year by Frank White. He will reopen the store next Saturday with a new
stock of goods. Mr. Wallace has engaged the serviced of Cy Davis who is an
experienced operator of variety stores.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 2, 1930]
WHITE, JACK [Lake Manitou]
See: Hotels - Fairview
See: Howard & White
WHITE, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From James White)
WHITE, JOHN [Fulton, Indiana]
For good second class lumber at $7.00 per thousand go to John White, at Fulton.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 10, 1897]
WHITE, LESTER [Rochester, Indiana]
Lester White, who has been employed at the Armour plant in east Rochester for
the past two years, Tuesday purchased the J. C. Johnson grocery at 517 East
Fourteenth St. Mr. White is well qualified to operate the grocery as he has had
many years experience in this line of work. Mr. White, who will operate his
store on a cash and carry basis, has already assumed management. He will carry
only standard brands of foods.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 20, 1928]
[Adv] PUBLIC SALE OF GROCERIES. I will sell at auction at my store at 517 E.
14th Street Rochester, Ind., on Thursday 24th at 12 o'clock, all of my stock of
groceries, showcases, paperracks and refrigerators. This is your opportunity to
lay in your groceries at your own price. LESTER WHITE, Owner. Ira Bastow, Auct.,
H. L. Coplen, Clerk
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 22, 1929]
WHITE, RALPH [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Leter From Ralph White)
Printed at the office of The Fulton County Sun, 130 E 8th.
See Chester White Journal
Moore Bros. Co., of this city, have announced that beginning with the July
issue, the White Breeders' Companion, their monthly publication, will be known
as the Chester White Journal. The issue will bear a cover design by Russell
Parker, of this city.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 11, 1918]
WHITE CITY [Lake Manitou}
Located at the NE corner of the lake on the last bend in the Barrett Road.
A group of Indianapolis people built White City with swimming pier and slides,
also concessions, at the northeast corner of the lake on the last bend in the
Barrett Road. This was somewhat popular with visitors for a while but
profit-wise it was not self-sustaining and after the marathon dancing craze was
over in the late 1920's, it fell into discard.
[Hill Family, Clarence F. Hill, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1, Willard
Lora Tharp, who has promoted the dances given by the Moose Lodge during the past
winter, announces that next Sunday evening there will be a dance at the White
City pavilion at the lake. The music will be furnished by the Lang orchestra of
Peru. They play for both round and square dancing.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 2, 1924]
Arrangements were completed Tuesday afternoon whereby the White City site will
be made suitable for the Camp Gridley sailors who will come to Lake Manitou next
Sunday for a week's stay. Workmen are now busy getting the grounds in shape and
when the 110 youngsters and their instructors arrive they will find a large,
clean camp ground with big airy frame buildings ready to house them.
Captain Burton and Lieut. Knackle, naval heads of the camp, were in Rochester
Tuesday accompanied hy two of their youthful sailor students, and after making a
number of suggestions as to changes and improvements put their O. K. on the
location and site.
They announced that their outfit will arrive on the Nickle Plate next Sunday
morning and that they will go to the camp grounds at once to get all located and
everything in shape at once. They will depart the following Sunday afternoon.
They are bringing one large sea going boat with them for use in drills and
pleasure sailing.
Charles Allen, who is operating the skating rink at White City, very generously
agreed to close his place for the week so that the entire grounds could be under
the jurisdiction of naval officers and so that outside influences would not
interfere with the schedules which are never deviated. The rink will be closed
after next Sunday afternoon and will open again the following Sunday night for
the remainder of the summer.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, July 17, 1928]
E. C. Mesle, proprietor of the Saginaw, Mich. Amusement park, who recently took
over the White City Park, Lake Manitou, is making some extensive improvements
which should make this location one of the busiest spots around the lake this
season. A gang of workmen have been busily engaged for the past three weeks
putting the park in shape for the big opening on Sunday, June 14th.
Among the major improvements made by Mr. Mesle was the remodeling and
refurnishing of the large bath house; the installation of a Safe-T rail toboggan
slide, 128 feet in length and 40 feet high; the building of a sand play beach
for the bathers and a large number of outboard motor boats, fishing boats and
sail boats. A new departure for anglers will be found at this resort, where an
enormous stock of gold fish minnows will be available for use in bass fishing.
Marathon Starts Sunday
The large dance hall is being re-arranged with box seats, bleachers, dressing
rooms preparatory to the starting of a Marathon dance on Sunday. Ten couples
from nearby cities and possibly two or three local couples will start on the
grilling grind. Glen Norris and his "Rhythm Boys" music-makers from
the Ohio State University will furnish the music for the dancers.
The contestants in the Marathon dance 40 minutes out of each hour and rest 20
minutes. During the rest period special feature numbers will be presented and
the audience may have the use of the dance floor. Dick Edwards, co-partner with
Mr. Watson, of the Edico Hotel and miniature golf course, whose property joins
the park will have charge of the marathon. Edwards has conducted these endurance
dances throughout many of the larger cities in the midwest states throughout the
past two years.
The park will be open to the public at all times and the management especially
urges picnicers, fraternal organizations and family groups to make use of the
bathing beach, picnic tables and the thousand and one little conveniences which
are erected for the use of the public, free of any charge.
High Powered Speed Boars
Two Criss-Craft speed boats, equipped with the high powered motors will be
available for taxi and pleasure use at all hours of the day and night. These
craft are said to be the very last word in speed boat construction and are
capable of doing 40 miles per hour.
All of the stands shooting gallery, power plant, fencing, in fact every building
in the park have been repainted and re-furnished throughout, presenting a most
attractive appearance. The Edwards property immediately south of the park has
also undergone several improvements. The hotel which was repainted this spring
has been equipped with attractively striped awnings, hot and cold water system
installed and all rooms furnished with Simmons beds and furnishings.
The Edico miniature 18 hole golf course is now equipped with original Texas
cotton seed greens and will undoubtedly receive a big play from the many put-put
fans who will visit the amusement park. All in all, the new White City Amusement
Spot adds greatly to the assets of the lake resort and it is believed the new
forms of amusement will be instrumental in bringing a new group of visitors to
the lake.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, June 11, 1931]
The White City Marathon dance contest came to an end at 12:30 Tuesday a.m. when
Dennis York was disqualified for getting out of position with his partner, Mrs.
Elmer "Spark Plug" Dupree. This automatically gave first place to
Larry DeCaredeo and his partner Hilda Ludwig.
The contest which started on June 14th was nearing the 2,100 hour mark when the
marathon judge brought it to a close. The winning couple who are professional
dancers appeared to be in excellent condition and could have probably lasted
several days. Gilford Bowers of this city and Peggy O'Day of Kokomo who dropped
out several days ago finished in third position.
Dick Edwards who managed the marathon will soon start another such contest at
Milwaukee and practically all of those who took part in the White City Park
Marathon have signed up for the Milwaukee grind.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 8, 1931]
WHITE CITY BAR [Rochester, Indiana]
Carpenters were at work today on the P. M. Shore building formerly occupied by
the White City bar, putting in a stairway so that the upper rooms may be reached
from the street.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 21, 1908]
WHITE HOUSE INN [Lake Manitou]
[Adv] The White House Inn, North Shore Drive - Chicken, steak and fish dinners.
Parties a specialty. Also board and room by week, day or meal. Phone 1186-W.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 15, 1931]
WHITED, RODERICK [Argos, Indiana]
Argos Reflector:
Roderick Whited, a graduate of Argos high school, who left here 10 years ago, is
the developer of a plastic art novelty industry in Escondido, Calif., according
to word received here.
The industry employs nine persons in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Whited. He is his
own representative to retailers, and approximately 600 stores in southern
California handle the novelties.
The articles are made of art plastic, which is less brittle than
plaster-of-paris and takes less time for setting. Ash trays and wall plaques are
among the principal items. A plaque illustrating the song "South of the
Border" was so much in demand that the plant could not keep up with orders.
Mr. Whited creates most of the designs himself, and the plant produces between
40 and 50 items.
Most of the numbers are copyrighted. Three men operate the moulder, which is
capable of turning out approximately 2,000 pireces before it needs to be
replaced. The design is cast and set in five minutes, after which it must dry
for five days before it is shellacked and painted.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 29, 1940]
WHITMER, ABRAHAM L. [Rochester, Indiana]
Since it was definitely determined that Prof D. P. Powers would retire from the
superintendency of the Rochester schools, the school board has been diligent in
investigating the standing and qualifications of the fifty or more applicants
for the position. Great pains were taken in the matter by the board to get the
right man, and it is believed that it has been eminently successful. At its
meeting, held last evening, Prof. A. L. Whitmer was chosen as the one believed
to be the best fitted for the place.
Mr. Whitmer is a native of South Bend and comes to us highly recommended by men
of exalted rank in educational matters. He has been the Principal of the
Walkerton schools and served six years as the Superintendent of the schools at
Spencer. He has been given two degrees by the Indiana University and for the
past year he has been at the Harvard University where he will continue his
studies until near the time for engaging in his work here. Mr. Whitmer is in
town at present and will remain for a few days forming acquaintances and assist
in the selection of teachers and organization of the schools for the coming
school year. He is a gentleman of fine appearance, is 37 years of age, married,
and has a son five years of age. It is hoped that he will receive a cordial
welcome from our citizens and second his efforts to keep our schools at their
present high standard of excellence.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 26, 1907]
Abraham L. Whitmer, the superintendent of the Rochester schools, was born in St.
Joseph county, Indiana, April 1, 1869. He received his elementary education in
the graded and high schools of his home community, and he then attended the
Central Normal College and Indiana University, being graduated from the latter
institution and receiving the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts.
After leaving Indiana University, he served as the principal of several high
schools and later as the superintendent of schools at Spencer, Indiana. He then
took a post graduate course at Harvard University, and since the year 1906, he
has been the superintendent of schools of Rochester. Under his efficient
management, the Rochester school system has been greatly developed, many new
courses being instituted and the new high school building being erected. Mr.
Whitmer was married in 1898 to Maude Fulmer, of Mishawaka, Indiana, and to this
union one son, Orville F., has been born. Orville F. Whitmer was grduated from
Purdue University in Mechanical Engineering in June, 1923. He participated in
college athletics and was a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 294-295, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
* * * * Photos * * * *
Nearing the completion of his 31st year as Superintendent of the Rochester City
schools, Prof. A. L. Whitmer, on April 9th, submitted his official resignation
to Dr. Chas. L. Richardson, president of the Rochester City School Board.
Meeting in special session late Wednesday, the School Board accepted Mr.
Whitmer's resignation and selected Prof. Fred W. Rankin as Mr. Whitmer's
successor, with duties of his new office becoming effective as of June 1st, this
Efficient Record
Prof. Whitmer's long tenure of office sets a new record in the school
superintendency regime in the Rochester City schools and perhaps may also be a
state record. The retiring superintendent came to Rochester in the year of 1907
from the Spencer, Ind. schools. In his long tenure as head of the city schools
Mr. Whitmer was responsible for many marked improvements, both educationally and
materially in the school system. The retiring superintendent who was seriously
injured in an auto accident in Ohio last winter, has not as yet, definitely
decided on his plans for the future, it was stated today.
Prof. Rankin, the newly appointed superintendent, came to Rochester in the fall
of 1922 and was employed as an instructor of physics and mathematics. In the
year of 1929 he was advanced to the principalship of the Rochester High school,
in which capacity he has served most efficiently.
The new superintendent is a graduate of Hanover Colleg. He holds master degrees
in Mathematics, Science and Education from Hanover, and in October of 1933, he
received his master degrees of Science and Education with a first grade
administrative's license from Indiana University.
Prof. Rankin is a member of the Rocheser Kiwanis Club, the Northern Indiana
Principals Club, the National Educational Association, the Athletic Council of
the I.H.S.A.A. and is president of the Athletic Conference of the Central
Indiana H. S. Conference. Mr. Rankin is a member and elder of the First
Presbyterian Church of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Rankin reside in their own property at 418 West 7th street. They
are the parents of two children, Suzanne,aged 8, and David, aged three.
A. Vernon Purdue was appointed by the Board to succeed Prof. Rankin to the
principalship of the Rochester High school. Mr. Purdue has been the assistant
principal of the High school for the past nine years.
Prof. A. V. Purdue, the new principal, became associated in the Rochester
schools in the year of 1925. He obtained an A. B. degree from Central Normal
College in 1929 and his M.S. degree from Purdue University in January, 1938.
Upon completion of his college course, Prof. Purdue taught for five years in
rural schools in central Indiana. He was principal of the Columbia grade school,
this city, for four years and became assistant principal of the R.H.S. in 1929.
The new R.H.S. principal is a member of Rocheser Masonic Order, the Methodist
Church and the Kiwanis Club. Mr. and Mrs. Purdue reside at 500 West 9th street.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, May 12, 1938]
(front page editorial)
Irrespective of the fact that Professor Abraham L. Whitmer, through his 31 years
of continuous service as the guiding director of the Rochester City Schools has
unquestionably well merited retirement from the multi-duties of this important
post, the citizens of Rochester and his legion of friends throughout the entire
county will sincerely regret his withdrawal from the activities of the city's
educational field.
Professor Whitmer assumed his duties as head of the city schools at a time when
there was much work to be done. The older citizens who have followed the
retiring school head's remarkable career, will well remember that while the
staff of instructors were on a par with those in adjoining county centers, the
buildings, their accommodations, the range of educational facilities, in those
earlier years, were indeed limited.
Regardless of how great the task may have appeared to the then young Professor
Whitmer, he proceeded quietly, gradually and methodically to build up a modern
and highly efficient educational system from which graduates of today are on a
par scholastically with those from any city in the state.
At no time during the continuous progress which was being made in the city's
school system, did Mr. Whitmer bid for a fanfare of praise for these
achievements. He serenely pursued his ideals until they were formed into
realisms. His judgment in decisions for the general welfare of his school
children was as infallible as the law of gravity itself; and, it may be said
that at no time during his record-breaking span of tenure in the office of
Superintendent were there any factional disturbances in the city's educational
governing branches, nor any signs of discord or discontent among the hundreds of
students and teachers who were under the supervision of Professor Whitmer.
Such an official, a friend and truly worth-while man, is in reality an
institution within himself, and his retirement, though well earned, must be
sincerely deplored.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 13, 1938]
WHITMER GYMNASIUM [Rochester, Indiana]
Assurance of the erection of an addition to the Central school building to be
used not only for a gymnasium for physical training for the school children of
the city, but also as an auditorium and community building, was given following
action of the city council in session Tuesday evening in endorsing a resolution
of the school board to build.
The members of the school board, A. L. Deniston, Dr. Harley W. Taylor and Harry
Wilson, appeared before the council with the resolution to build, and after the
entire proposition had been presented the council, on motion of Councilman
Barcus, unanimously placed its stamp of approval on the project, thus removing
the last semblance of an obstacle, a number of which had already been
encountered and overcome by the board.
The building is to be of brick of one-story height and 83 by 124 feet on the
outside, to be erected on the northwest corner of the Central school building
lot [SE corner of Sixth and Fulton]. Facing north is the entrance with a small
lobby and ticket selling booth. On the inside on the north, east and west sides
are bleachers with a capacity of 1,000 and on the south side is a stage 43 feet
in width and 20 feet deep. This stage also can be used for seating capacity
during athletic contests. The gymnasium floor is 54 by 80 feet with a 22 foot
overhead clearance.
At the rear of the stage and on each side are locker rooms, toilets and showers
for the men on one side and for the women on the other and space is also
provided for a furnace room, coal bins and ash bins. The building is of
fireproof construction with metal sashes thruout and is to be heated by hot-air
factory type furnace, the latest approved method for open buildings of this
Used as an auditorium for public meetings or stage productions such as that
staged by the high school each year, the building offers a seating capacity of
2,500 persons.
As a gymnasium for physical training the floor space offers adequate provision
for the classes of the common schools and high school pupils, and the board
stressed the fact that while physical training was instituted in the schools
here last fall, it was found necessary to give it up at least for the time being
because of lack of proper facilities.
Besides the previously mentioned advantages to be secured by the building,
additional room in the high school building is thus provided. The high school
building is no longer entirely adequate there being a lack of space for proper
manual training, domestic science, typewriting and bookkeeping class rooms and
laboratories, to say nothing of lack of space in the assembly room.
The old high school gymnasium [located basement Joint High School] would
consequently be converted into manual training class rooms, profiding additional
space for iron working, which is in demand and will be instituted in another
This gives more assembly room space up stairs and also provides facilities for
larger domestic science laboratories. Already the class has outgrown the
facilities offered and many pupils have been turned down for lack of facilities
to handle larger classes.
The school board estimates the cost of the building at $23,000. Other schools
over the state have built even more costly structure of this nature and by
taking over the handling of funds derived from them have made the buildings
self-supporting. One feature of the proposed building is contained in the
announcement that it would be rented out for public gatherings, thus filling a
long felt want of the community in this respect.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 26, 1922]
The contract for the construction work of the new high school gymnasium and
auditorium to be erected on the north school building lot during the summer so
as to be ready for the opening of the school season in September, was let
Thursday afternoon by the city school board to the Rochester Construction
Company, with a low bid of $18,074. The plumbing contract was let to James
DARRAH for $3,500 and the electric wiring and fixtures to the Hawkins-Myers
Electric Company, of Wabash, for $354. This brings the total cost of the
building to $22,528. On the two smaller items there were but the one bidder
Other bidders for the construction work were E. A. Carson, of Logansport,
$22,444; Stephen Parcell,Rochester $29,404; Milo Cutschall, Akron, $25,682;
Wabash Construction Company, Wabash, $25,362 and Ertle and Wolf, Logansport,
$27,000. The latter bid was not considered, having been delayed past the hour of
two o'clock. The firm that secured the contract is composed of Ben Hatfield,
Heber Dunlap and Carl Keel. It is expected that actual construction work will go
forward as soon as the bonds are sold.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 1, 1922]
Just as the point was reached by the city school board where all was believed
clear sailing for the construction of the proposed city school auditorium and
gymnasium, the Rochester Construction Company threw a monkey wrench into the
wheels of the smoothly revolving machinery and turned the whole affair topsy
turvey by refusing to enter into the contract with the board to start
The local contractors refused to complete the contract according to their bids
on the grounds that they had made an error in estimating the cost of
construction and would lose money if they built the structure at the bid price
of $18,674.
Just what this action on the part of the contractors means is a matter yet to be
determined. There are several means of solving the difficulties precipitated,
but the school board has not yet decided which course to pursue. If it is
possible under the law, the board may accept the next highest bid offered at the
letting several weeks ago. This bid, which [is] approximately $22,000, is but
very little higher than the bid offered by the local people. In the event that
this cannot be done, it is possible that the job will be re-advertised and the
whole procedure repeated.
The Rochester contractors may be forced to forfeit their good will bond, which
was in the form of a certified check for five per cent of the contract price,
altho it was not stated definietly that this would be the case.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 14, 1922]
McClay and Brady, general contractos of Hammond, were awarded the contract for
erecting the new high school auditorium and gymnasium when the bids were opened
by the school board at the high school building Thursday afternoon. Their bid of
$22,658 was the lowest of the four made for the building.
James J. Darrah, plumber of Rochester, was awarded the work for the plumbing
fixtures and installation at $3,299.26 the specifications calling for Clow
The Lige Heating and Ventilating Company of Auburn had the low bid for heating
and ventilating installation at $2,860.
There were more bids on all of the work than at the former letting which was
awarded to the Rochester Construction Company, which defaulted making second
letting necessary. The bids were somewhat lower and much closer than at the
first awarding.
Other bidders on the building were Milo Cutshaw, Akron, $25,565; G. O. Sharp,
Camden, $23,637, and E. A. Carson, Logansport, $31,894. The Carson bid included
all of the fixtures, plumbing, lighting and heating. There were eight firms bid
on the plumbing, heating and ventilating while only one firm, the Levitt Mfg.
Co., bid on the bleachers alone.
While the school board was in session a telephone message was received
announcing that the Fletcher Trust and Savings Bank of Indianapolis had approved
the sale of the bonds for the buiding. They were bought through the agency of
the U. S. Bank and Trust Co. This insures the construction of the gymnasium
starting at once.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 13, 1922]
Work on the foundation of the new high school gymnasium and auditorium on the
north school building lot has been completed and masons are already at work
laying the walls. The supplies for the new structure, however, have been delayed
to such an extent that it is now believed that instead of the building being
finished by October 15, according to contract, it will take at least a month
longer. The building, however, will be ready for the opening of the 1922-23
basketball season, it is confidently expected.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 17, 1922]
Work on the new high school gymnasium and auditorium is rapidly nearing
completion and there is now no doubt whatever that the building will be ready
for occupancy in time for the Tipton-Rochester game here.
A visit to the new structure is a delight and revelation to the athletic fans as
there will not be a better building of its kind in any city of near the size of
Rochester in the state, and for the purpose for which it is intended, no city
regardless of size can boast of a better building.
The basketball floor, of hardwood laid on concrete, is 50 x 74 feet with each
side for out-of-bounds playing. The beams are 22 feet from the floor and 12 feet
above the baskets, which gives sufficient space for an arc shot from any place
on the floor. This has been the big factor, it is believed, that has held
Rochester back in basketball championship matches.
The bleachers, which have a seating capacity of 1,500 persons, are being
installed by the manual training class of the high school and will be ready by
Friday. Besides the 1,500 that can be seated in the bleachers there will be
space on the stage which altogether will permit 2,000 people to witness athletic
events in the building.
There are three entrances, the main entrance facing the north. A wing has been
built out here providing a ticket booth and small lobby. From this point the
person entering the building steps through a second door, where tickets are
taken, immediately into the hall. The other two entrances are on the east and
west sides. Besides the three entrances, there are two other exits at the rear,
one on each side of the stage.
The building is absolutely fire-proof in its structure and all inside wood work
is being painted so that a pleasing color scheme will be presented.
At the south end of the building is a 30 foot stage, also with a hard-wood
floor, laid on concrete. There are two doors, one at either side of the stage,
one leading to the girls' and the other to the boys' locker, shower and toilet
rooms on each side of the building. At each side of the stage are drinking
fountans, one of the popular finishing touches that have been added to the whole
structure and its equipment.
The building is heated by two large hot air furnnaces which are now installed
and in operation. The heat is sent out over the building by a mammoth hot air
circulating fan, which throws fresh hot air on one side and draws out the old
air on the other, thus providing the finest kind of ventilation.
Taken as a whole the building is very complete and when the general public has
been admitted to see and admire, the already numerous compliments received by
the school board which made it possible is expected to be buried under a deluge
of congratulations.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 29, 1922]
Since it has been in use three or four years, the gymnasium of the schools here
should no longer be called the "new gym," sport fans of the city are
saying and a movement is on foot to have it given another name. "Whitmer
Gymnasium," honoring Mr. Whitmer, 19 years superintendent of the city
schools, has been suggested and has many proponents. It is expected the fans and
citizens will consider the matter and take some action shortly.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, October 12, 1925]
Rochester for the first time in basketball history will be the seat of a
regional tourney this year. As usual it will also have the sectional tourney.
Announcement of the assignments was made last night by A. L. Trester,
commissioner of the Indiana High School Athletic Association.
The national tournament will be played here in the Whitmer gymnasium on March 6
and 7 and the regional will follow a week later in the same place on march 14.
The same dates will prevail for all 64 sectionals and 16 regionals to be held in
Indiana. The final state tourney will be held in the Butler University field
house at Indianapolis on March 20 and 21.
Four Teams to Be Here
The winners of four section tourneys will come to Rochester for the regional.
They will be the victors from Elkhart, Mishawaka, North Judson and Rochester.
This region contains a number of strong teams and Rochester fans will see some
basketball at this tourney.
In the section there will be eight teams from Fulton county which includes
Kewanna, Akron, Fulton, Grass Creek, Leiters Ford, Talma, Richland Center,
Rochester and four teams from Marshall county including Culver, Argos,
Tippecanoe and Bourbon.
Tech of Indianapolis lost the local regional to Anderson, where winners from
Danville and Tipton also will compete. The East side school, however, again is
host to the sectional tourney.
Washington, Gary, Frankfort, Martinsville and Mishawaka also lost regional meets
but in each instance were awarded sectionals.
Evansville, Valparaiso, Lafayette, Bloomington and Rochester are the other new
regional centers in addition to Anderson. All staged sectional meets last year.
Ticket Information
Commissioner Trester also announced that for the final tourney at Indianapolis
all schools will be limited to tickets for only 6 per cent of their enrollment
as filed with the inspection office of the state department of public
instruction last September for the school years 9, 10, 11 and 12.
If all tickets are not sold in this manner they will be offered to schools
asking for more than their allotment and if some still remain unsold they will
be available at the fieldhouse on the days of the games.
High school principals will be in charge of the ticket sales at their respective
schools and they must mail their orders to Commissioner Trester after Monday,
March 9 and before Tuesday, March 17. Sixteen blocks of "ringside"
seats with 280 in each block, will be reserved for regional winners.
The board of control has designated the association co mmissioner as manager of
the final tourney with Fred Gorman of Tech and K. V. Ammerman of Broad Ripple as
his assistants.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, January 17, 1931]
Allison Scott Whittenberger has the distinction of belonging to one of the
oldest of the pioneer families of Fulton county whose advent into this region
occurred long before Akron was anything more than a part of the wilderness, and
the most primitive of conditions prevailed. It was in 1836 when the grandfather
of Mr. Whittenberger crossed from Pennsylvania into Indiana, and brought his
family with him in the historic "covered wagon" of the pioneer. The
little party settled on one hundred and sixty acres of land secured from the
government, and put up a log house, as did the other pioneers for there was not
then a single frame building in the county. This continued the home of the
grandfather until his death. His son, Daniel, was born in Pennsylvania, April
24, 1825, and was eleven years old at the time of the family migration to Fulton
county. Here he was reared, educated, and taught to be a farmer. In politics he
was first a Whig, and later a Republican, although his father was a Democrat,
and he was a stanch supporter of Abraham Lincoln. For a number of years he was a
justice of the peace. He and his wife were devout members of the Methodist
Episcopal church. She was born in Medina county, Ohio, February 2, 1836, and she
died March 7, 1907. Prior to her marriage she was Fannie McCloud, and her family
is of Scotch origin. Both she and her husband are buried in the Akron cemetery.
They had three children born to them, of whom two survive: Allison Scott, who
was born almost on the site of his present residence at Akron, December 15,
1853; and Laura, who is the wife of Charles Vickrey, a painter and farmer. They
have two sons. Allison Scott Whittenberger has spent his life in Indiana, but
his active years were lived in Kosciusko county and he still owns his valuable
farm of one hundred and sixty acres there, on which he lived for forty years. He
also owns his portion of the old Whittenberger estate at Akron, and is a man of
ample means. Casting his first presidential vote for Rutherford B. Hayes, he has
since continued a Republican. Both he and his wife are consistent members of the
Methodist Episcopal church, and are honored in it as they are elsewhere in their
home community. He takes a deep pride in his family, and its connection with the
progress of Fulton county, and cherishes various heirlooms, and mementoes of the
days that are gone, all of which are interesting, and some are very valuable
from a historical standpoint. One of these is a letter written home by his
maternal uncle, George McCloud, who with five companions, started for California
in 1849, after gold was discovered in that state. They made the long and
dangerous trip overland with ox teams, but he died enroute. This letter was
written when he reached the Missouri River. In 1905 Mr. Whittenberger traveled
westward under very different conditions, as far as Pike's Peak, which he
climbed on the back of a burro. October 5, 1876, he married Miss Anna Slaybaugh,
born in Fulton county, October 7, 1857, and they became the parents of three
children: Theodosia, who is a graduate of the high school of Akron, is a
Methodist, and married William Stout, their children being two sons and three
daghters: John Otis, who is an agriculturalist of Kosciusko county, married Miss
Pearl Hart, and they have two sons, he is a Republican, and a member of the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America, and his wife
belongs to the Royal Neighbors; and Daniel Asa, who is connected with Saint
Joseph's Savings Bank as cashier, is a resident of South Bend, Indiana. He is a
Republican and belongs to the Knights of Pythias. In addition to his high school
training at Akron, he had a commercial course in a bsiness college of South
Bend. He married Miss Edith Stine, and they have a son and daughter. The parents
of Mrs. Whittenberger were John and Eliza (Gamble) Slaybaugh, pioneers of Fulton
county, both of whom are deceased. The father was a German by birth, but he came
to the United States when young. He was a Republican, an Odd Fellow, and he and
his wife were devout Lutherans.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 295-297, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
Daniel Whittenberger. - Daniel Whittenberger, the fifth son of William, Sr., and
Joanna Whittenberger, was born in Beaver County, Penn., April 24, 1825, and with
his parents immigratd to Indiana, and arrived in the vicinity of Akron July 1,
1836. His educational advantages were of a necessity very meager, there being no
school at all for a year and a half after their settlement in this county; The
first schoolhouse in their vicinity, and perhaps the first in the township, was
erected in the autumn of 1838, and during the following winter the first school
was taught by William Culver, at which the subject of this sketch was an
attendant; and where he used his best energies to obtain an education. He
afterward worked on the farm in summer seasons and went to school in winters,
improving his time so that he became one of the foremost teachers of his day,
and which occupation he followed for a number of winters. In his early manhood,
he served an apprenticeship at carpentry, and for a number of years followed the
occupation of builder, erecting many of the buildings in and around Akron. For
many years, however, he has confined himself exclusively to farming. By his
industry, economy and good management, he has succeeded in accumulating
consideravble wealth, owning at present some 400 acres of land in the vicinity
of his home, and 320 acres in Arkansas, and one of the most pleasant homes in
the county. On the 2d of February, 1850, Mr. W. was united in marriage to Miss
Fannie McCloud, a native of Ohio, born in 1833. Of this union were born three
children--Charles A., Allison S. and Laura B., all of whom are living. Mr. and
Mrs. W. have for many years been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at
Akron, and are highly esteemed as upright and exemplary citizens. Mr.
Whittenberger having for many years filled the positions of class leader and
Sabbath School Superintendent.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 41]
Daniel Whittenberger is one of Fulton county's most honored pioneers, having for
more than sixty years been identified with its interests. He was born in
Pennsylvania, April 24, 1825, a son of William Whittenberger, deceased, the
first settler of Akron. Daniel was a lad of eleven years when his parents
started for the then far West, in company with nine families, who sought homes
on the frontier. They traveled from the 1st of June until the 4th of July, when
they pitched their tent on the present site of Akron, about where the town pump
now stands. During the last ten miles of their trip they had to cut their way
through the forest. The father entered a quarter section of timber land, two
miles southwest of the village, and there made his home for forty-two years,
when in 1878 his life labors were ended and he was called to the home beyond.
Daniel Whittenberger spent his minority with his parents and acquired sufficient
education to enable him to teach a district school, so that for several years he
was the "master" in a little log school house, located on the farm now
belonging to Reuben Whittenberger. Going to Warren county, Ohio, he began
learning the carpenter's trade, which he completed in Cincinnati, and on his
return he followed that business in Henry township for thirty years, erecting
all of the more substantial buildings in Akron in that early day. Success
attended his efforts and on his marriage he bought a small tract of land
adjoining Akron and began farming. Today he is the owner of 557 acres of rich
land near the town, besides other valuable property, which has been sdecured
entirely through his own labors, guided by sound judgment. Mr. Whittenberger was
married Feb. 2, 1850, to Fannie McCloud. Her father, George McCloud, was born in
Ontario county, New York, Dec. 18, 1801, and wedded Polly Lowe, by whom he had
four children--Mrs. Jacob Whittenberger; George, who died of cholera on the
plains; Sarah, deceased wife of Dr. S. S. Terry; and Mrs. Daniel Whittenberger.
Our subject and his wife have three children--Charles A., born in 1850, married
Nancy Gatrel, and has a son, Merrill; Allison S., born in 1853, and now a farmer
of Kosciusko county, married Annie Slaybaugh, and their children are Theodosia,
John O. and Asy, aged respectively seventeen, twelve and two years; Laura B. is
the wife of Charles Vickery, a farmer of Kosciusko county, and has two sons,
Walter and Earl. Mr. Whittenberger is a staunch republican in politics and as a
citizen seeks to advance the interests of good government and to promote the
welfare of his resident community. He and his wife are highly esteemed for their
genuine worth and their long residence in the county thoroughly entitles them to
personal mention in this volume.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 146-147]
George H. Whittenberger, the son of Reuben and Esther (Miller) Whittenberger,
was born on his father's farm in Henry township on June 30, 1866. He was
educated in the home schools and has spent the major part of his life in the
same place. At present his residence is in the fine brick house which is father
built in 1877. He has greatly improved the place, being a carpenter by trade,
built new buildings and calls it "Homestead Dairy Farm." His specialty
as farmer is the raising of full blood Holstein cattle and is also in the dairy
business. He has a hundred and thirty-three acres in pasture and fields. In 1890
he married Miss Martha Personett, of Kosciusko county. Mr. and Mrs.
Whittenberger have a daughter, Hazel, whose husband, Harley L. Rodgers, helps
his father-in-law with the farm. Samuel W. Miller, the maternal grandfather of
our subject, was an early settler in Henry township. He was at one time an
officerin the state militia and his sword is still in the possession of his
grandson, the subject of this sketch. On the paternal side of the family we find
that Daniel and Mary (Davis) Whittenberger came to Fulton county from Ohio as
early as 1837, when the father of George Whittenberger was only four years old,
cleared eighty acres and built his home. He was a prominent man for the times
and we learn that the first township election was held at his house. He died in
1844 and his widow married twice afterward, always living in the same community.
The subject's father lived in several places but eventually settled down on the
farm his son now occupies. He paid $400 for it in the beginning. It is now worth
many times that amount. The children in this family were: Laura and an infant
son who died; Miller H.; Amanda; George H.; Luella; and Samuel R.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, p. 297, Dayton Historical Publishing
Co., 1923]
WHITTENBERGER, H. J. [Rochester, Indiana]
H. J. Whittenberger today announced opening Saturday of his O'Brien Paint
Company agency at 508 North Main street in connection with the Major Zimmerman
Furniture Store.
Mr. Whittenberger will feature a full line of inside and outside paints, and
varnishes. In the future he plans to have a full line of wallpaper and glass.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 14, 1939]
As the Whittenberger family were among the first to make settlement in Henry
Township, and as they have ever been a prominent and well-known family in the
history of the township, the writer thinks proper in this connection to give a
short history of their ancestry. The paternal grandfather's name was also Jacob
Whittenberger, born of German ancestry in Eastern Pennsylvania, about the year
1759. Was one of the sturdy yeomen who went forth in the revolution to battle
for those rights so dear to all freemen. Shortly after the war, he was united in
marriage to Miss Catharine Engle, in Southeastern Pennsylvania, where they
resided until about the year 1803, when they removed and located in Beaver
County, in Western Pennsylvania, about fifty miles from Pittsburgh. This journey
was made in wagons over the mountains, and to accomplish it required weeks of
constant traveling and incessant toil. This gentleman was twice married, and was
the fathr of eighteen children, of whom William, the ninth, was born in Bedford
County, Penn., March 28, 1795, and at the age of eight years removed with his
parents to Beaver County where his father had purchased a large tract of land.
Here, on the 12th of Sepember, 1816, he was united in marriage to Joanna Sippy,
daughter of Joseph Sippy. Mr. Sippy was born in France in the year 1754, and
when the American colonies were struggling for freedom, he was one of
LaFayette's number that participated in that great strggle, obtaining for us
that priceless boon of which we are so proud. In 1786, Mr. Sippy was united in
marriage to Lucretia Johnson, a native of Virginia, born June 20, 1769. To this
union were born eighteen children, of whom Joanna was the fourth born, December
23, 1793. William Whittenberger remained in Beaver County, Penn., until 1831,
when he removed to Medina County, Ohio, where he remained until 1836, when he
removed to Fulton County, Ind., in company with the families of Joseph Sippy,
Asher Welton, Henry Bristol, Uriel Bragg, Nathaniel Cogswell and Moses Worden,
consisting in all of forty-seven persons. They drove with them their cattle,
hogs, sheep and other domestic animals, and the journey required one month to
accomplish it. William and Joanna Whittenberger were the parents of ten sons and
one daughter, all of whom are yet living, and are respected and influential
citizens. Of these, Jacob, the subject of this sketch, was the second, born in
Beaver County, Penn., April 5, 1819. He worked with his father on the farm until
he was seventeen years of age. Living on the frontier, his educational
advantages were limited and his education was, to use his own language, very
common. In 1836, at the age of seventeen, he began an apprenticeship at the
cabinet trade in Cleveland, Ohio. After some time, he went to Muskingum County,
where he was occupied at his trade, and where, on the 30th of June 1840, he was
united in marriage to Mary Supinger, a native of Virginia, born in 1820. Fifteen
days after this event, he loaded his tools and other effects in a one-horse
wagon, and with his wife turned his face toward the setting sun, determined to
stake his fortune with that of the now great State of Indiana. He came by way of
Lebanon, Ohio, from which place he went on horseback to Cincinnati. Thence on
his return from Lebanon to Indianapolis, and finally to Akron, in this county,
where he landed on the 6th of August, 1840. Here he at once began his trade on a
cash capital of $3. In the following year, Mr. W. purchased eight acres of land,
where his present residence is located, and built himself a cabin. Now he could
say that he had a home of his own, and here he reared his fmily. Of the union of
himself and lady were born six children, three of whom lived to reach manhood
and womanhood, but two of these have since passed away, leaving but one
son--Charles L., the youngest. The names of these children are Harriet J., John
Bruce, Mary Joanna, Laura L., James W. and Charles L. Bruce served as Sergeant
in Company K, Forty-sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was a gallant,
efficient officer and soldier, but was stricken down by disease and died at
Memphis, Tenn., October 7, 1862. Mrs. W. was a dutiful wife, a kind and
affectionate mother and a faithful Christian woman, a member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, highly esteemed by her acquaintances. She departed this life
November 27, 1855. Mr. Whittenberger was again married April 10, 1856, to Mrs.
Mary Shelt. Of this union were born two daughters--Ella A. and Ina M., the elder
of whom is married, but the younger is yet enlivening the home circle. Mr. W.
has added to his first purchase of land, and by hard labor has steadily grown in
wealth, until he is at present the owner of more than four hundred acres of fine
land and much other valuable property. He is a man of much influence and great
integrity. He served for many years as Justice of the Peace in his neighborhood;
was Postmaster in his adopted village for about eight years. In 1874, he was
appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of Township Trustee, to which office
he was elected in 1876 and re-elected in 1878. He filled this position with
honor to the people that placed him there and with great credit to himself. In
1837, at the age of eighteen, he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, to
which he has ever since belonged. He has always been one of the foremost men in
the church of his choice, and for near a quarter of a century has been a
minister of the Gospel. On the 8th day of April, 1866, he was ordained as
Deacon, and by his administration of the office has shown that the confidence of
his brethren in the church was not misplaced. While the writer speaks highly of
him and his many good qualities, he does not pretend to say that he is perfect,
for all human beings have their faults; but his life has been one that will bear
inspection, and in which there have been many acts worthy of imitation. One to
which the rising generation can look for an example that they can safely follow.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, pp. 41-42]
Rev. Jacob Whittenberger. - A long and honord identification with the history of
Fulton county has connected the name of our subject inseparably with its
history. He has been prominent in business life and has been an earnest laborer
in those interests calculated to advance the general welfare and over the record
of his long residence here there falls no shadow of wrong. Mr. Whittenberger was
born in Beaver county, Pa., April 5, 1819. His grandfather, also named Jacob,
was of German lineage, and was born in Eastern Pennsylvania, in 1859. Having
aided the colonies in their struggle for independence, he was married in
southeastern Pennsylvania to Catherine Engle, and in 1803 removed to Beaver
county. He had eighteen children by two marriages. William Whittenberger, the
father of our subject, being the ninth. The latter was born in Bedford county,
Pa., March 28, 1795, and was married in Beaver county, Sept. 12, 1816, to
Joanna, daughter of Joseph and Lucretia (Johnson) Sippy. Her father was born in
France, in 1754, and with Gen. LaFayette's forces aided in the establishment of
the American republic. In 1831 William Whittenberger removed with his family to
Medina county, Ohio, and five years later came to Fulton county. His children
were William, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, Stephen and Thomas, in Fulton county; John
of LaCrosse, Kan.; Abraham, of Kosciusko county; Isaac, of South Whitley, Ind.;
Hiram, of Whitley county; and Mrs. Dr. Harter, of Akron. At the age of seventeen
Jacob Whittenberger began an apprenticeship to a cabinet maker in Cleveland,
Ohio, and later worked as a mechanic in Muskingum county, Ohio, until 1840, when
on June 31 [sic] he wedded Mary Supinger, who was born in Virginia, in 1820.
Fifteen days later they started by wagon for Fulton county, reaching Akron on
Aug.6. Mr. Whittenberger bought a small tract of land and erected a cabin, where
a few years later he built his present residence, the only Indiana home he has
ever known. From 1855 until 1870 he was a prosperous merchant of Akron, and
since has been successfully engaged in farming. Mrs. Whittenberger died Nov. 27,
1855, and her six children are all now deceased. On April 10, 1856, Mr.
Whittenberger married Mrs. Mary Shelt, and they have two daughters--Ella A.,
wife of L. M. Noyer, of Akron, and Ina M., wife of George K. Brundige, county
recorder. For twenty-three years the father has been an Odd Fellow, and has
several times been a representative in the grand lodge. For many years he served
as justice of the peace, was postmaster of Akron for eight years, and for a
number of years was township trustee, discharging all his public duties with
marked fidelity and promptness. In politics he is a stalwart republican. He
united with the Methodist church in 1837, was ordained a deacon in 1866, served
as secretary of the quarterly conference for twenty-five years, and for
thirty-five years has been actively engaged in the work of ministry.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 147-148]
WHITTENBERGER, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
The Rochester flouring mills, which for a number of years, have been under the
proprietorship of John Whittenberger, have passed into other hands. The firm of
Caffyn & Deniston has leased them and will take possession December 1st. Mr.
Caffyn and Roy Deniston will be the managers and the force of workers now there
will be retained. The lease is for a period of three years.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 21, 1902]
In 1897 John Whittenberger sold the farm, bought a half interest in the
Rochester Flour Mill and the family moved to Rochester. John was so worn out
with grief [sickness and death in the family] and worry over his business, which
had gone sadly downhill during his illness, that he became deeply in debt.
Things were so bad that John sold the mill and went to North Dakota and
[Leininger-Krause Family, Charles Daniel Smith, Faye Leininger Smith, Kate
Morris Jennens, and Violet Titterton, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
Mrs. Mary Whittenberger. - The subject of this sketch was born in Medina County,
Ohio, February 25, 1827, oldest daughter of George and Mary B. McCloud. Her
advantages of school were not very great, but through industry she obtained a
fair education and became a great reader, from which art she has constantly
gained knowledge. Being naturally of a religious turn, her great delight has
been to keep well-posted in the history of the church and what has been
accomplised by the religion of Jesus Christ. On the 11th day of September, 1842,
she was united in marriage with William Shelt, in Summit County, Ohio, of which
union were born four children--Elmore, Elbridge, Mary E. and Sarah E. Five years
after her marriage, she, with her fmily removed to this county and located in
Akron, where, in 1853, death deprived her of the companion of her youth. Again
she was united in marriage April 10, 1856, to Jacob Whittenberger, of which
union two children were born--Ella A. and Ina M. Her father, George McCloud, was
born of Irish parentage in Ontario County, N.Y., December 18, 1801. Emigrated to
Ohio in 1819, and was united in marriage in Medina County in 1820, to Mary B.
Low, a native of New York, born October, 19, 1805. Came to this State in 1847,
where Mrs. McCloud died September 24, 1870, followed by her husband January 3,
1882. Elmore Shelt (the eldest son of Mrs. W.) served four years and seven
months in Company K, Forty-sixth Indiana Volunteer Infantry and participated in
many hard-fought battles, and was taken prisoner on the 8th of April, 1864, on
Bank's expedition up Red River, and suffered for several months at Tyler, Tex.,
and other rebel stockades. Elbridge, the second son, served in the One Hundred
and Twenty-eighth Indiana from its organization to the close of the war. Mrs. W.
is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an exemplary
Christian lady.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 41]
Merrill Whittenberger is one of the men of Fulton county who has devoted his
efforts to the improvement and cultivation of the soil, with excellent results,
and at the same time he has invested heavily in different financial and
industrial enterprises of Akron, where he maintains his residence. A man of
public spirit he has served the public capably, and is recognized as one of the
representative citizens. He was born on the site of his present home in Fulton
county, July 13, 1884, son of Charles A. and Nancy Whittenberger, the former a
native of Fulton county, the latter of Wabash county, where she was born
September 27, 1859. She died January 27, 1913, having been a devoted wife and
mother, and a devout member of the Christian church, to which her husband also
belonged. He, too, is deceased, and they are interred in the Odd Fellows
cemetery, a monument of appropriate design marking their last resting place.
When he was seventeen years old he went to Sevastapool, Indiana, and was there
engaged in clerking, but his health was poor, and with the hope of bettering it
went to Kansas, where, in the vicinity of Great Bend, he entered one hundred and
sixty acres of land from the government on which he remained long enough to
secure his title, and then returned to Indiana. Subsequently he traded that farm
for fifty-two acres of land in Fulton county, now owned by his son, and on it he
erected a dwelling. While he was a stanch Republican, and an ardent admirer of
Abraham Lincoln and James G. Blaine, he never was an office seeker. A man of
high moral character, he exerted a good influence in his community, and was
generous in his benefactions, especially to churches. Merrill Whittenberger had
two years' work at the Akron High School before he began the serious work of
life. That he displayed wisdom in adopting agriculture as his calling, his
present prosperity proved, for he owns one hundred and seventeen acres of very
valuable land in Fulton and Kosciusko counties, and stock in the Akron State
Bank and the basket factory, both of which concerns he is serving as a director,
and the Akron Co-operative Supply Company. For eight years he has served on the
township advisory board. April 12, 1905, he was married to Miss Ada Thompson,
and they have five children, two sons and three daughters: James E., who is
attending the local high school, class 1924; Charles B., who is in the eighth
grade; and Helen, Georgie and Joanna, all of whom are bright, intelligent young
people, and a credit to their parents. Mrs. Whittenberger was born in Fulton
county, July 5, 1886, daughter of Isaac and Rosetta (Halderman) Thompson,
natives of Henry and Fulton counties, resspectively. A successful agriculturist,
he is still living on his fine farm in Fulton county. The Republican party has
his support. His wife died when Mrs. Whittenberger was eight [sic] years old,
and her grave is marked by a monument that is an ornament to Omega cemetery
where she lies. The Progressive Brethren church had in her a devout member. Both
the Whittenberger and Thompson families are well known and honored in Northern
Indiana, and their members are numbered among the constructive citizens of the
different communities in which they are now found.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 298-299, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
WHITTENBERGER, MILTON [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Louderback Garage
William Whittenberger, Jr. - The gentleman whose name appears as the subject of
this sketch, was born in Beaver County, Penn, June 7, 1817, and was the eldest
son and first child of William, Sr., and Joanna Whittenberger, a sketch of whose
lives appears elsewhere in this work. In the early part of the year 1836, Mr. W.
came with his parents to this county, which was then a wilderness. Having been
brought up as a farmer in he wilds of Pennsylvania and Ohio, he was well
calculated to battle with the hardships common to the pioneers of Indiana; and,
together with those that came with them, he went to work with a will that is
characteristic of the Whittenberger family, and assisted in the erection of the
cabins in which those pioneers began life in this new country. In the year 1837,
these pioneers did not raise corn on which their animals and themselves could
subsist for a year. So in January, 1838, Mr. W., in company with one McFarland,
went to Leesburg, a distance of some thirty-five miles, to purchase corn. While
there, the Tippecanoe River rose and the water spread out over a prairie of some
twenty-five rods extent. Upon their return, the water being frozen, they
attempted to cross on the ice; after proceeding about twenty rods, the horses
and sled which Mr. W. was driving broke through and precipitated him into the
water to his waist. Here they were compelled to unhitch their teams and unload
their corn on the ice in order to get the sled out of the water. While at this,
three other men came with six yoke of oxen, which were not shod. These men all
assisted in getting Mr. W. and companion out of their trouble, after which they
assisted them across the ice and were compelled to pull the oxen and sleds, one
at a time, across by hand, because the ice was so smooth that the oxen could not
stand up. This kept them hard at work until dark, their accident having occurred
about sunrise, before they had eaten their breakfast. During this day they
suffered much, it being so severely cold that there was frost continually in the
air. They were compelled to leave their corn here and walk some two and a half
miles to obtain lodging for the night. The writer relates this that the reader
may know what the pioneer had sometimes to endure to obrtain the necessaries of
life. Mr. Whittenberger was at the first prayer meeting held in Henry Township,
held in July, 1836, at the residence of Asher Welton, who presided. Those who
participated were Asher Welton and wife, Joseph Sippy and wife, Joseph Terrel
and wife, Josiah Terrel and Susan Stradley, William Whittenberger, Sr., H.
Bristol and wife and Adaline Welton. In the autumn of the same year, Rev.
William Fraley, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, preached the first sermon in
the township and organized a society at the same residence. On the 8th of April,
1838, the subject of this sketch became a member of this society, of which he is
yet a member, having been a communicant for more than forty-five years. Mr.
Whittenberger was present and assisted in the organization of Henry Township at
the first election held in it on the 2d day of April, 1838, at which there were
eighteen votes cast. There are but three of the men who votes there now
living--Charles J. Stradley, Isaiah Hoover and Mr. Whittenberger. On the 7th of
December, 1837, Lot N. Bozarth was married to Miss Melissa Welton in the house
of which which Mr. W. afterward became the owner, and in which he yet resides.
He yet has in his possession the written invitation to the wedding. Mr.
Whittenberger has been twice married; first to Mrs. Elsie M. Welton, February
18, 1845, with whom he lived for more than twenty-two years, when she was taken
from his side by death. The second marriage occurred on the 11th of May, 1868,
to Miss Hannah Strong, a native of Ohio, born May 28, 1836. Of this union was
born one daughter--Orla, June 26, 1873. Mrs. W. with her husband, is a member of
the Methodist Episcopal Church at Akron. Mr. Whittenberger is highly esteemed as
a gentleman of integrity and a man of many sterling qualities.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 41]
In October 1979 Sylvia Noyer, widow of Don Noyer a grandson of Jacob
Whittenberger, gave a chair to the Fulton County Historical Society museum that
was brought to Akron by the Whittenberger family. George Washington sat in the
chair when he came to visit Joanna Whittenberger in Pennsylvania sometime before
[Jacob Whittenberger Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
See Winona Interurban; Erie Railroad.
The new 20x40 story addition to the old Whittenberger flour mill on East 8th
street is being rapidly pushed to completion and when finished Mr. Boelter, the
new proprietor expects to enlarge his business to such an extent as to meet all
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 16, 1908]
Located N side of street at 328 West 13th.
Operated by Victoria Chastain [Mrs. Milton] Whittenberger, 1937-50.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Whittenberger have purchased the Reub Hendrickson grocery
store in East Thirteenth street and have taken possession. The Whittenbergers
will live in the Mackey property at Thirteenth and Monroe street which is on the
same lot with the grocery store building.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 21, 1937]
Lottie Whittenberger, daughter of Thomas and Ollie Herendeen Whittenberger, was
a milliner in Akron for 60 years. Her first millinery store was with her sister
Mabel and was located across the street west of the present Methodist Church.
The location of the store changed from time to time. Often they would have the
store in the front of the house and they would live in the back. Mabel did much
of the making of the hats. Mabel later moved away and Lottie continued the
business. Lottie never married. She died in 1960, the last one of her family.
[Jacob Whittenberger Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
WHO-DA-THOT-IT [Lake Manitou]
[Adv] Fried Chicken Dinners $1.00 Plate. Stewed Chicken Dinners 75¢ Plate.
WHO-DA-THOT-IT. "Fish and Chicken Dinners". North Shore Lake Manitou.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 14, 1924]
WICKS, MARK [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Anchor Milling Co.
See: Veirs & Wicks
See: Viers, Clarence
Mark Wicks was born in Penbrook, Niagara county, New York, August 7, 1844, the
son of George W. and Susan (Brayley) Wicks, the former being born in
Massachusetts. Baobour Wicks, the paternal grandfather of our subject, was a
native of that state and served during the entire Revolutionary war, being
wounded in action. After the cessation of hostilities he removed to a farm in
western New York and remained there for the rest of his life. It was on this
farm that George W. Wicks was reared, and he left it to learn the milling trade,
which he pursued at Lockport, New York; Middleport, New York; and Toronto,
Canada. He then went to Niles, Michigan, where he made his residence for nine
years and left there to enter the John Carlisle mill at Indianapolis. In 1860,
he removed to Madison county, Indiana, and from there he went to Tuscola,
Douglas county, Illinois. He and his wife, who was three years his junior, both
died in 1895 at the ages of seventy-six and seventy-three years, respectively.
They left five children: Mark, the subject of this review; Madora; Luke; and
Jennie, the wife of Charles Hewitt, of Los Angeles, California, and John, who
died in infancy. Mark Wicks came to Fulton county in 1887 and settled at Akron
where he formed a partnership with Clarence Veirs. In 1905, he removed to
Rochester and bought out the milling business of Robert C. Wallace. His mill was
completely destroyed by fire in 1910, but undaunted by this misfortune, he
rebuilt it immediately and since then has continued to operate the mill. On
September 22, 1868, he was married to Elenora Pugh, the daughter of Meads and
Mary A. Pugh, of Tuscole, Illinois. To this union were born two sons: Earl and
Seth, the latter of whom died in 1920. Mr. Wicks supports the Republican party
and during Lincoln's second term of administration was postmaster. He served in
Co. K, 14th Illinois Infantry, during the Civil war and since the organization
of the Grand Army of the Republic he has been a member of that body.
Fraternally, he holds membership in Masonic Lodge No. 79, the Plymouth
Commandery at Plymouth, Indiana, and the chapter at Rochester.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 299-300, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
WIDEMAN, EDWARD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Edward Wideman
WIDEMAN, HENRY [Henry Township]
Henry Wideman. - This industrious gentleman was born in Canada A. D. 1818. His
ancestors are mentioned elsewhere in this work. He immigrated to Ohio in 1826,
where he obtained a limited education in the rural schools of that early day. In
1843, he was united in holy wedlock with Miss Elizabeth Lowe, also a native of
Canada. In the autumn of 1846, he came to Fulton County, Ind., and located in
the northwestern part of Henry Township, where he began in the woods and cleared
a farm. In 1867, he disposed of this property and purchased his present home,
where he erected a residence in 1871. His farm consists of 90 acres, which, with
his personal property, have all been secured by his own industry. He is an
acceptable member of the Church of God, as was also his wife until her death,
which occurred in 1878. To Mr. and Mrs. Wideman were born nine children, of whom
five daughters and two sons are living--Barbara L, Julia A., Sarah, Mary,
Almeda, William and Alexander, all of whom reside in Fulton and adjoining
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 42]
WIDEMAN, JOSEPH [Henry Township]
Joseph Wideman was born in Canada Aughst 29, 1823. His father, John Wideman, was
united in marriage with Barbara Kisinger. Both were natives of Pennsylvania and
of German descent. They immigrated to Ohio in 1826, where Joseph was united in
marriage with Barbra Fritz, December 9, 1846, this lady having been born in
1827. They came to Indiana in 1867, and located on their present homeastead, a
farm of 105 acres of land. To the wedded life of this couple have been born
twelve children, ten of whom are living--Barbara, Philip E., Thomas C., William
H., Mary L., Henry E., Joseph C., James T., Elmer E. and Sarah, all of whom
remain at home but Barbara, who is now the wife of George Bryant. Mr. W. is a
successful farmer and a genial gentleman. He served in the One Hundred and
Forty-fourth Ohio Infantry.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 42]
Joseph Wideman was born in Canada in 1829, the son of John and Barbara
(Geisinger) Wideman, both natives of Pennsylvania who moved to Canada and thence
to Ohio, where they remained until their death. He was educated in Ohio, and in
1865, he came to Henry township, Fulton county, Indiana. He had been preceded to
this section of the country by two brothers, Henry and Jacob, who in the early
forties came to Indiana either on foot or on horseback and settled in the
wilderness that then existed. In 1866, Joseph Wideman bought eighty acres of
land in Henry township, and this farm is now the home farm of the Wideman
brothers. He, with the aid of his sons, cleared most of this land in addition to
another eighty-acre tract which he had acquired later, situated across the road
from the original farm. He lived here until his death. To him and his wife were
born twelve children: Philip E., deceased; Thomas C., deceased; Barbara E., Mrs.
George Bryant; W. H.; Frank, deceased; Mary Ida; Frances E., deceased; Henry E.;
Joseph C.; James T. S.; Elmer E.; and Sarah Evelyn. Henry E., W. H., Joseph C.,
James T. S., and Elmer E. operate the home farm under the style of Wideman
Brothers, and their industry and application have enabled them to increase the
size of the farm to two hundred and fifty-nine acres. They have improved the
land by the construction of modern homes on both farms and by the erection of
two circular barns, seventy feet and sixty feet in diameter, the latter being
placed on the property across the road from the original farm. Elmer E. Wideman
was married to Lola Kindig, of Henry township, and they make their home on the
last mentioned farm. To Mr. and Mrs.Wideman have been born three children:
Russell, Ruth, and Marie. Mr. Wideman takes an active interest in politics and
has served on the township advisory board. The Wideman brothers are widely known
throughout the county for their pure Poled Durham cattle, to the raising of
which they have confined their attentions for some time, and in this they have
been eminently successful.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 300-301, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
WIDNER & CO. [Rochester City]
Widner & Co. Proprietors of the Union Bakery & Eating Saloon, No. 1
Mammoth Building . . . Rochester, Oct. 7, 1868.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, October 22, 1868]
WIKEL & RICE [Akron, Indiana]
Akron News.
We are pleased to note that the Akron creamery is re-opening. John Wikel and a
Mr. Rice of Logansport, will be the new firm and it will be styled Wikel &
Rice. New butter machinery has been installed, and a little later one, if the
sweet milk can be had, cheese will be manufactured.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 9, 1910]
WILBURN, ALICE [Rochester, Indiana]
Florian Dovichi today purchased the City Social Club, 711 Main Street, of Mrs.
Alice Wilburn. The purchaser has taken possession and will continue the club in
operation. Mr. Dovichi has named Otto Weimer manager.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, October 14, 1935]
WILBURN, ED [Rochester, Indiana]
Ed Wilburn, Tuesday announced the establishment of a broom factory and up to
date auto laundry at the rear of the Kilmer and Son filling station at the
corner of Franklin and Ninths.
Mr. Wilburn has had 25 years experience as a broom maker and for many years was
the head of the broom making department of the Progress Wholesale House. Brooms
made by him have taken many prizes in shows. Mr. Wilburn's new venture will make
the second auto laundry in the city and the only broom making establishment.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 25, 1925]
Ed Wilburn has purchased the fixtures of the Gilliland poolroom at 502 Main
street of the heirs of the late Reuben Gilliland. He will reopen the
establishment after he has redecorated it.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, July 12, 1930]
Ed Wilburn today opened the billiard parlor and soft drink place at 502 North
Main street which he purchased several days ago from the heirs of the late Reub
Gilliland. James Wilburn, a son of Mr. Wilburn, will be in charge of the place.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 17, 1930]
WILDER, FRANK [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
WILDER, JAMES S. [Rochester, Indiana]
James S. Wilder, who for the past twenty-five years has been a successful farmer
of this county, was born in Monroe county, Mich., Oct. 21, 1846. He was educated
sparingly in the country schools of his county, and before reaching the age to
begin civil pursuits independent of parental sanction, he allowed his patriotism
to draw him into the struggle of the United States to put down the southern
rebellion. He enlisted at Toledo, Ohio, in company F, Fourteenth Ohio volunteer
infantry, before he was eighteen years old. He was mustered in at Cleveland and
was sent to Chattanooga, through Nashville and on to Ringgold, Ga., where he was
doing guard duty until he was taken down with the measles. He was not able for
duty again for some weeks. When he became convalescent he returned to Nashville
and was furloughed home. He returned to the field in twenty-eight days and at
Nashville was attached to the First Tennessee light artillery for a short time
and later to the Forty-fifth New York. He was assigned to a detachment of the
Fourteenth corps at Chattanooga and participated with it in annihuilating Hood's
army at Nashville. The second day he was ordered to report at Gen. Steadman's
headquarters and for the following two weeks acted as an escort to that officer.
He left this service at Chattanooga and took boat at Nashville for Parkersburg
on the way to Washington, D.C. He was ordered South and went by boat from
Alexandria, Va., to North Carolina, and joined his regiment ner Goldsboro. When
Johnston had surrendered all were joined to Sherman's army and set out for
Washington to participate in the grand review. The war being over, Mr. Wilder
was mustered out of the service at Louisville, Ky. On his return home he was
occupied on the farm one or two seasons, and then secured work in a sawmill. Two
years later he came to Indiana and to Rochester, and learned the baker's trade
with an uncle, J. W. Wilder. He followed this two years and then began his
career as a farmer in this county. He owns a farm of 100 acres near Rochester,
besides two smaller tracts near town. He has just completed a cozy and handsome
residence in Rochester. Mr. Wilder was married Feb. 14, 1871, to Hester A.
Mackey, a sister of H. C. Mackey, of Rochester. Their children are: Frank, born
August, 1872, and Mary, born May 21, 1881. Mr. Wilder is a republican in
politics, a successful man in business, and an exemplary citizen.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 148-149]
WILDER & MACKEY [Rochester, Indiana]
The partnership of Wilder and Mackey has been this day dissolved by mutual
consent. Mr. Wilder will continue business at the old stand. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to the firm will please call and settle before August 6th.
After this date all accounts not settled will go into the hands of a collector.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 26, 1899]
WILDERMUTH, JOSEPH M. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Joseph Wildermuth)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Joseph Wildermuth)
WILDERMUTH, WILLIAM [Liberty Township]
William Wildermuth was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, on the 7th of October,
1844. In February, 1864, he enlisted as a volunteer in the Seventeenth Ohio
Infantry, and was mustered out of the service in August, 1865. His parents, in
the meanwhile, having come to this county, he followed them, and became engaged
in the profession of teaching, which he followed for four years. April 23, 1806,
he married Miss Lucinda Zabst. This union was blessed with two children, of whom
Edith is still living. Mr. W. when young united with the Evangelical
Association, and in 1871 was licenced a minister, in which relation to the
church he served about seven years in the itinerancy, after which he located.
Lucinda, his wife, was born October 7, 1845, in Fairfield County, Ohio, and came
to this county with her parents in 1846. She is at present a cripple, from the
effects of being thrown out of a buggy by a runaway team, which broke her left
arm and injured her hand.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 44]
WILDMAN, JAMES [Perry Township, Miami County]
James Wildman, an old and respected citizen oif Perry Township, was born in
Jefferson County, Indiana, April 15, 1817, the eldest in a family of eight
children born to Joseph and Mary (Underwood) Wildman, who were natives of
Virginia and Kentucky, respectively. They emigrated to Miami County in 1838. Two
years later they pre-empted a tract of land in Perry Township, where they lived
until their deaths. The immediate subject of our sketch has always lived at the
old homestead. The opportunities for acquiring an education were in those days
very limited, and his help, which was needed in clearing away the forest and
putting the land in a state to cultivate, kept him from taking advantage of the
facilities that were afforded, hence he obtained no education. October 25, 1866,
his marriage with Anna E. Carlisle was solemnized. To their union these three
children have been born: Carey, born August 6, 1868; Leroy, born October 20,
1870, and Alta, born November 23, 1872. Mr. Wildman is a successful farmer, and
the owner of 120 acres of land in good condition. He and wife are members of the
Baptist Church. Politically he is a Republican.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. p. 737]
Located S side of W. Rochester Street (site of David Kruger residence in 1974)
Business was operating in 1910 when Jay Emahiser was employed there. [probably
out of business in mid-twenties. WCT]
WILE, ARTHUR [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
Plymouth Independent.
Art Wile, of the Bee Hive, has gone to Rochester to manage the store of M. Wile
& Son at that place for a week, during the absence of his brother, who is in
New York buying goods for the store at Rochester and also the Bee Hive at
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 13, 1907]
Bourbon News-Mirror.
The A. L. Turner store in Bourbon has been sold, the new proprietors being M.
Wile and son Arthur, the latter of whom has been with the Bee Hive in Plymouth
until his interest was recently purchased by Mr. Glass. The senior Mr. Wile is a
business man in Rochester, having quite a large store and a good business there.
The son, desiring to enter into business at Bourbon, chose the Turner stock and
the deal was consummated last week, the invoice taking place this week. The new
proprietors have the reputation of being business getters, and as the field is
large about Bourbon, we trust they may find things as they desire and that they
may be permanent citizens. In the deal Mr. Turner comes into possession of land
near Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 18, 1909]
WILE, BLANCHE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
WILE, IKE M. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: First National Bank
See: Hotels - Fairview
See: Louderback Garage
See: Wile Department Store
WILE, LEE [Rochester, Indiana]
The purchase of the Wallace clothing store by Lee Wile puts a very progressive
young man into Rochester business circles. The new merchant is a son of M. Wile
and his business schooling has been of the kind that guarantees straightforward
and progressive methods in all his business transactions. He is a young man of
good taste in the clothing line, he is polite and affable, and his success is
only a question of time necessary to show the public his up-to-date ideas in the
clothing and gents' furnishing line.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 29, 1906]
[Adv] Invitation to New Store of The Wile Clothing Company - - - - West side
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 27, 1906]
On another page of this issue will be found an advertisement by the Wile
Clothing Co., announcing a gigantic sale previous to their going out of
business, word of which created considerable surprise in business circles today.
The move means a discontinuance of business by one of the largest and best firms
of the city and is brought about by several considerations, chiefly, the failing
health and desire to cease active business of Joseph Levi, the senior member of
the firm, and the plans of Lee Wile, the junior member to go into business with
eastern capitalists. The sale will commence next Wednesday, and continue
indefinitely. It's close means that the city loses a live business concern. The
exact future plans of the owners has not been divulged.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 17, 1913]
WILE, MATTIE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
WILE, MEYER [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
WILE, ROSE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
WILE DEPARTMENT STORE, [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 820 Main.
Founded by M. Wile. Store known as M. Wile & Sons.
M. Wile, a name of long and respected standing in the annals of Rochester
business, proudly exchanged general merchandise for the coin of the realm with
perhaps a trade arrangement for a load of country sawed fire wood.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
Sold to Fred Senger, owner of Senger Dry Goods Co., at Peru.
Later moved to Arlington Hotel building [701 Main].
Building destroyed by fire in 1975.
[Adv] Stop and See Us - - - Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Capts, Boots and
Shoes and Groceries - - - Bring your Produce to the Balcony Building. M. WILE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 17, 1877]
[Adv] A new departure at the store of Myer Wile - THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED! -
- - - Next door to Mercer's Hardware Store. MYER WILE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 12, 1879]
[Adv] NOTICE THIS DROP! Having decided to do a strictly cash business in the
future, I have marked all goods down to Farmer's Alliance rates, and quote the
following sample prices - - - - M. WILE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 18, 1891]
[Adv] WILE'S QUIT BUSINESS SALE. - - - - I am going to quit business. M.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 18, 1895]
A writer of this paper caught an old citizen in a reminescent mood the other
day, and talk drifted to business men and business methods, past and present.
The citizen was Myer Wile, who located in Rochester in 1869, just 34 years ago,
and embarked in the grocery business in an old frame building where the Academy
of Music now stands. Of the various men in business here then Mr. Wile is the
only one remaining who is still actively engaged in commercial pursuits, and his
recollections of the past would make an interesting story. The room in which Mr.
Wile started his business career was lacking in many conveniences, but boasted
of good ventilation at least, having holes in the floors through which a
careless shop keeper might easily have fallen into the cellar beneath.
The Cornelius Block, in the north end, was the most imposing business structure
in this section of the country at that day, and in it the Cornelius Brothers -
Gus and Henry - Flourished as the merchant princes of pioneer Rochester - - -
Jesse Shields erected the first brick building and for years conducted a general
merchandise business in the room now occupied by the Bank of Indiana. Prominent
among the commercial pioneers of Rochester were Lyon & Kendrick, the Gould
Brothers, Marion Ernsperger, L. Holman, J. Holtzman, Mercer & Shepherd, Will
Deniston, Cal Van Trump, Fred Fromm, Dr. Plank, Ches. Chamberlain, E. Kirtland
and others, but the only one who has remained in business ever since, and is
still among us is Myer Wile, who developed and grew with the town until now it
is doubtful if any store in Rochester can boast of larger trade or sounder
financial standing.
Mr. Wile says the chief reason for his success, is the fact that he always tried
to do what was right by his customers and as proof that he has succeeded, he
says that among the throng of people who come to his store are many who traded
with him when he first located here, and have given him a large share of
patronage ever since. This he considers an excellent testimonial as to his
business methods and as a substantial token of the confidence of the people.
Mr.Wile recently established a store in Battle Creek, Mich., where his son Lee
represents his interests, and this was an important move in the interests of his
patrons, for the reason that the Battle Creek store is one of a chain of sixteen
large stores that buy their goods in common, enabling them often to take the
entire output of a factory, and securing prices that an ordinary firm cannot
compete with. The Battle Creek store handles house furnishings and buys for the
store here such goods as carpets, curtains, window shades, etc., at such prices
as to defy competition in these lines.
While Mr. Wile may safely lay claim to being the pioneer merchant of Rochester,
he is not a back number and no business methods of the past cling to him; he is
progressive, and alive to the wants of the people, as his steadily increasing
trade will testify.
In order to celebrate the 34th anniversary of his business career, the Wile
store will commence a great sale on Monday, April 20th, to continue one week,
during which profits will be reduced to the minimum and in many cases entirely
wiped out. Mr. Wile wants to make this the banner week of business history, and
you can save money by helping him do it.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 16, 1903]
Omer Ross has resigned his position at Marsh's dry goods store, and has accepted
a position as stock keeper and salesman with M. Wile & Son, where he will
have entire charge of the stock. Mr. Ross has a well earned reputation as one of
the best stock keepers in Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 3, 1905]
Rochester's big store, owned by M. Wile & Son, is again to be improved and
enlarged -- this time the basement will be put in the best condition and several
new departments added to the already mammoth stock. The present plan is to put a
concrete floor in the basement and there have the linoleums, mattings, and other
When the basement is completed it will make three floors to the store. The
present ones are now completely filled and in each case crowded shelves reach to
the ceiling. The stock is without a doubt the largest in the county and the firm
attributes their mammoth business to their low prices and the SENTINEL
advertising columns.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 5, 1905]
Miss Claudie Kirkendall has moved her milliner shop to the Wile Dry Goods store
where she and Luella Mackey will be found with a full line of up-to-date and
fashionable hats etc.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 3, 1908]
An important business deal, which has been pending for the last few days, was
closed this morning and as a result the Fair store is now the property of M.
Wile & Sons, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Franklin retiring.
The business has grown from a small beginning into one of the best local
business institutions, and enjoyed a large patronage. On account of Mrs.
Franklin's ill health, and a desire to change their place of residence, the
Franklins decided to dispose of the business.
In acquiring the business, the Wiles have not definitely decided as to whether
they will continue the Fair store as a separate business or combine it with the
present Wile store. At any rate, the Franklin stock will be placed on sale as
soon as an invoice is taken and after the stock is reduced the future policy of
the business will be disclosed. The stock is one of the best in the city and the
sale will afford buyers an unusually good opportunity to buy goods cheap.
Mr. Franklin has not decided upon his future business program.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 4, 1912]
M. Wile & Sons have disposed of The Fair Store, which they recently
purchased from Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Franklin. J. E. Hall of Knox is the new owner,
having traded lands in Starke county for the store and fixtures. Mr. Hall is an
experienced merchant and will continue the business. He will replenish the stock
and promises the citizens of Rochester an up-to-date mercantile establishment.
The Fair Store has always enjoyed a splendid business and will doubtless
continue to do well under the new management.
Arthur Wile, who has had charge of The Fair Store, will devote his attention to
the Wile store in the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 29, 1912]
Ike WILE, representing the M. Wile and Sons department store on Monday purchased
the Harrold Department store at Bourbon at a receivers sale. The Harrold store
in Bourbon is one of the oldest dry goods and general merchandise establishments
in Marshall county. It was forced into the hands of a receiver several months
ago because of new management, it is said. Over 30 buyers were present to bid
for the store. Mr. Wile stated today that he would re-open the store within a
week and continue it in operation.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, November 2, 1926]
M. Wile & Sons announced today that they closed a deal last week whereby
they are now sole owners of the Wile-Cassady ready-to-wear and dry goods store
at Franklin, Ind.
The business change was made necessary through the illness of Mr. Cassady. The
firm of Wile and Cassady has been in operation at Franklin for over 14 years.
Mr. Wile stated today that he already had employed an experienced manager, who
is now in charge of the store and several improvements would be made in the
building and in the merchandise stock.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, April 23, 1928]
"Every honest business man will make a success unless he develops a costly
"Work never killed anybody - it's what you do after working hours that
makes or breaks you."
These two axioms originated over three score years ago by Meyer Wile, founder
of the M. Wile & Sons department store, of this city, we believe, will prove
just as effective today as guide posts to a successful business career as they
have done for the Wiles.
To obtain a more or less authentic resume of the early history of M. Wile &
Sons, the writer solicited the aid of Ike M. Wile, senior member of the firm.
While Ike frankly admits his faculty of remembering exact dates is a bit faulty
the following narrative is, in essence, a true summary of one of the community's
oldest business firms.
Sailed For U.S. In 1853
Born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, in the year of 1838, Meyer Weill, a lad of 15
years sailed for the United States in the year 1853. The destination of the
sailing vessel was Boston, however, the ship encountred such heavy storms during
the voyage that its course was altered to the southward, and it made dock at New
Orleans. Young Weill, who made the trip alone, was nine weeks in crossing the
Soon after his arrival in New Orleans, Mr. Weill was forced to change his name
to Wile as there was a confliction with the names of Weill in that city. He was
employed in the southern city until he was conscripted into the service of the
Confederate army. In the latter years of the Civil war he was taken prisoner and
was confined in a southern prison until the close of the conflict.
Gets Work In Cincinnati
Following the war, Mr. Wile went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he found employment
in a clothing store. While there he was united in marriage with Miss Amelia
Rosenburg. Several months later Mr. and Mrs. Wile took up their residency in
Plymouth, Ind., where Mr. Wile was given employment by a Mr. Lauer, who was a
cousin of Mrs. Wile's.
The next business move brought the Wiles to Rochester, where Meyer was employed
in the Levi Heilbrun general store. This business was located in a frame
building where the Evergreen Sandwich shop is now located. In a brief time he
was taken in as a partner in the business. In 1870, the partnership with Mr.
Heilbrun was dissolved and Mr. Wile opened a store of his own. The stock
consisted of groceries, boots and shoes, dry goods, ladies' and mens's wear. The
store was lighted with coal oil lamps and heated by wood burning stoves.
In the summer months Mr. Wile would make trips to various parts of the county on
horseback, where he made trades for beans, tallow, dried apples, hides, wool and
furs. The final deals were consummated when the farmers had completed their
harvest and summer work.
Ike well recalls his father telling him about one of these horse-back trips he
made in the vicinity of Leiters Ford, in which he experienced one of the worst
"scares" of his career. The elder Wile had completed a day's trading
in that community and started on his return ride to Rochester around eight or
nine o'clock in the evening. He had traveled but a couple of miles when the
horse became sick and laid down. The narrow dirt road at this point was banked
by heavy woods. While Meyer was ministering to the sick animal he heard a
wailing and moaning noise which caused his hair to stand on end. These weird
noises became more audible, and as they did so, the merchant abandoned his sick
mount and hid in the woods.
Interspersing the moaning and groaning were occasional shouts of
"Hallelulah" and a moment or so later he saw the tall form of a man
plodding along the road, who was the cause of the weird noises. Later, Mr. Wile
learned the shouting and moaning was done by a well-meaning religious fanatic of
that area.
After the "scare" was over the merchant smmoned help from nearby
farmers and it was well after daylight of the following day before either Meyer
or the horse could resume their homeward trek.
Former Employees
Among the clerks who were employed by Mr. Wile during the operation of the store
in the southern section of the town were Henry Morrison, Cal Knaupp, Jake
Rosenburg, Sam Aikens and Albert Richter.
In the late '70s the store was moved into new brick building which was erected
by a Mr. Moore. The south half of the store today still utilizes this same
building. Duringthe same period of improvement, Dr. Hecktor built the building
which now is tenanted by the Vernon Grocery and the building to the south of the
Moore's was built by Henry Meyer, Sr.
Upon resuming the business, in the new home, Mr. Wile discontinued the handling
of groceries, shoes and men's clothing and carried a most replete stock of dry
goods, floor coverings, and ladies' and children's ready-to-wear garments.
I. Wile Starts Career
It was along in this period that Ike Wile, then 16 years of age, went to Chicago
to obtain his business experience. He was employed in the Carson, Pirie, Scott
store for a few months. After losing this job Ike accepted work in the French
building at the old World's Fair and remained there until the close of the
exposition. He then returned home for a brief period and later left for Chicago
where he spent a year in the study of a business course.
Meyer Wile, it was stated, was a personal friend of Robert Scott, of the Carson,
Pirie, Scott firm and also of Marshall Field the 1st of Chicago.
Completing his course, the younger Wile returned to Rochester where he was
employed by his father. After a few months' tutelage Ike ws promoted to a
managerial position in the store and made frequent buying trips to the New York
markets. (This practice he is still continuing today; in addition he is also the
representative buyer of a chain of Indiana mercantile firms.)
During the busiest years of Meyer Wile's career he established other department
stores in northern and central Indiana. Stores were located in Plymouth, Tiosa,
Bourbon and Franklin, Ind.
A. Wile Starts In Plymouth
Arthur Wile, the junior member of the firm of M. Wile & Sons began his
business career in the Plymouth store which was operated under a partnership
with Albert Richter. Prior to the establishment of the Plymouth business Mr.
Richter was associated with Meyer Wile in a store which was located in the
corner room of the old Academy of Music building, [SW] corner of Main and Fifth
street. The sign "Wile & Richter" is still visible today on the
northern side of the building.
Arthur Wile and Mr. Richter's store was successfully operated for several years.
A number of years ago, however, the partnership was dissolved and Arthur Wile
went to Buffalo, N.Y. where he opened up a Kay Jewelry store and several branch
In the meantime, the Rochester store and the branch stores were experiencing a
decided step-up in business. The main home store had purchased the Moore
building and secured a long-time lease on the Meyer property, thereby doubling
the space of the business. It was during this boom era that Arthur Wile returned
to Rochester to take over co-managerial duties in the business.
Although the founder of the Wile store lived to see his establishment become one
of the foremost business firms in the county, he did not survive to experience
the accelerated business expansion which came for his firm during the war and
post-war periods. Meyer Wile passed away at his home here in Rochester on March
7th, 1912.
One Son In East
Another son, Lee Wile, although receiving early training in his father's store,
selected the East for his field of business acrtivity. Lee is engaged in the Kay
Jewelry store chain and is managing the main store of this chain at Springfield,
Mass., today. Prior to his entry into the jewelry business Mr. Wile was
associated in the Hadley Furniture business for several years. Lee Wile also
served in the World war, and at the close of the conflict was a lieutenant.
On the feminine side of the Wile family, two daughters of the store's founder
survive: Mrs. Mattie Radel, of Vincennes, Ind., and Mrs. Maurice (Blanche)
Yuster of Columbus, Ohio.
The first lady clerks employed by the local firm were the daughter, Blanche
Wile, Almetta Reed, of Tiosa; Mrs. Ross Metzler and Mrs. Ella Hoover. Rose Wile
(now deceased), another daughter of Meyer Wile, also assisted at the store in
the earlier days.
The owners during the interview stressed the importance of Lake Manitou trade
and stated that in thair estimation the sales during the summer months are
steped up between 25 and 30 per cent of what they were before the resort was so
thickly poplated.
Present Day Personnel
The personnel of the Wile store today is comprised of the following: Virginia
Pleasants, Betty Bryant, Miriam Kennell, Hattie Parcel, Bess Shelton, Geraldine
Day, Frances Haggerty, Kathryn Riley, Frances Van Deren, Golda Ambler, Erdine
O'Blenis, Bess Keel, Eva Smith, Ferris Hatfield, Eva Quackenbush, Lillian
Fenstermaker, Agnes Kimmell, Belle Fenstermaker, Lottie Jennens, Rhea Dielman,
Floyd Kindig and Clem Bowen.
Both Ike and Arthur Wile have taken a most active interest in the community's
civic, industrial and charitable projects, and the business establishment of M.
Wile & Sons is held in highest esteem throughout the mercantile field of the
state. Ike Wile resides in the home place, a two-story brick residence situated
at the [NE] corner of Main and Eleventh, and Mr.and Mrs. Arthur Wile are
comfortably located in a two-story bungalow type residence on the southwest
corner of Main and Thirteenth streets.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 18, 1941]
WILE & RICHTER [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! Low PRICES! WILE & RICHTER, would respectfully
inform the public that they have purchased the stock of goods known as
"CHAPIN'S STORE," kept in the corner room of Davidsons Academy of
Music. They have made large additions to STAPLE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES,
BOOTS AND SHOES - - - Produce taken in exchange for goods.
PS - To all my friends who have so liberally patronized me during the past five
years, I beg leave to state that I will be found at the old stand, as I have
been employed by Messrs. Wile & Richter - - - -J. S. CHAPIN.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 12, 1883]
[Adv] CLOSE OUT AND QUIT BUSINESS SALE. Wile & Richter's Farewell
Bargains! Owing to the fact that the junior member of our firm has decided to
locate in the West our entire stock of general merchandise - - - - Dry Goods,
Ladies' Wraps, Carpets, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Glass and Queensware, &c.
will be closed out, commencing Monday Feb. 13th - - - -WILE & RICHTER,
Academy of Music Building, North End.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 10, 1893]
WIL-WOOD CAFE [Leiters Ford, Indiana]
Located W side of 750W across from the triangular lot.
The old Overmyer-Anderson store building was abandoned, and in 1954 was razed by
Fred and Paul Stayton and some material from it was used in construction of the
present restaurant building at the same location.
In 1955 Woodie and Wilma McGlothin from Rochester purchased the restaurant and
building and opened Wil-Wood Cafe. Being friendly, likeable people, and the
cordial welcome and friendly atmosphere created by them, together with their
obvious hard work preparing and serving delicious home cooking and baking,
brought the restaurant good business. In 1966 they completed and opened an
additional, beautiful and well furnished larger dining room where they were then
able to serve groups, special meetings and parties.
They sold out and the new owners converted the business into a tavern.
WILHOIT [Akron/Rochester, Indiana]
See Madeford & Wilhoit
WILHOIT, JOE [Akron, Indiana]
A business transaction took place at Akron Tuesday night, when the Hattery and
Secor garage owned by Ralph Hattery and Daniel Secor was sold to Roy Sheets, who
is, at the present time, employed at the Palace garage.
Mr. Sheets wil take possession Monday. The garage will be known as the
Hudson-Essex garage and Joe Wilhoit will have charge of the sales dapartment.
Mr. Sheets has had 14 years of experience in the garage business and he is also
preparing to do welding in connection with the garage work. Floyd Fitton, who
has been employed by Hattery and Secor will remain as an employee under the new
Mr. Hattery and Mr. Secor state they have no plans for the future.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 19, 1927]
Joseph B. Wilhoit, operator of the Hudson-Terraplane Sales Agency, 116 East
Ninth Street, on the south side of the public square today announced that he was
going to close the auto agency and retire from business.
Mr. Wilhoit has had the local agency of the Hudson, Terraplane and Oldsmobile
automobiles for several years. He came to this city from Akron where he also
operated an auto agency.
Mr. Wilhoit stated today that he has no immediate plans for the future.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 7, 1936]
Joseph Wilhoit stated today that he will continue in the auto business in
Rochester and will operate his sales room on the south side of the public square
at 116 East Ninth Street.
Mr. Wilhoit in the past has operated his auto agency under the name of the
Hudson-Terraplane Sales. He has been the agent for not only Hudson and
Terraplane autos but also Oldsmobiles.
Mr. Wilhoit has operated an auto sales agency in Rochester for the past five
years moving here from Akron where he was engaged in a similar line of business.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 8, 1936
One of the early businesses in Akron was the Wilhoit and Hoffman Meat Market,
located on the street north from the Emahiser and Russell Grocery. They built
the new brick building that went from the corner north for a whole half block.
[Thomas Carpenter Family, Walter F. Carpenter, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
"Owned by Bill Wilhoit and his brother-in-law, Joseph Hoffman. It was a
great place for stockbuyers to congregate. They'd select someone to go to
Chicago to buy cattle and sheep and divided up the shipment. Men and boys came
to town in their buggies to drive their stock home. It sometimes took all day,
but no one minded. If it was dinner time, you didn't hesitate to sit down at
anyone's table. There was always enough food for one or two extras.
"They never sold shipped-in meat in the shop. It was all butchered here.
They used to kill the pigs in a barn that stood out back. Dad always gave away
the heart, liver and cracklings.
"There were several ice houses in town. Dad and Uncle Bill had their own
for the shop. They'd cut ice out of Town Lake in the winter and store it in
sawdust for use in the summer. But later they were the first ones in town to
have their own refrigeration system."
[Ruby Dawson Remembers Akron, Ann Kindig Sheetz, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2,
Joseph Wilhoit has sold his butcher shop and Meat Market to Chris Fleck of
Mentone. Mr. Fleck formerly resided in this community and is well known, and of
late has been operating a meat market in Mentone. This is the first time the
Wilhoit Meat Market has changed names for approximately sixty years, having been
run by William Wilhoit and Joseph Hoffman, and later by Joe Wilhoit, who bout
Mr. Hoffman's share. -- Akron News.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, June 26, 1926]
WILKINSON, ANDERSON [Allen Township, Miami County]
Anderson Wilkinson, one of the old pioneers of the county, and one among the
first settlers of Union Township, was born in Ross County, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1813.
He was the second son born to John and Delila (Stinson) Wilkinson, both natives
of North Carolina. Our subject spent his boyhood and youth in his native county
working upon a farm. He, in company with his wife, father, mother, three
brothers and two sisters, came to this county in 1836, and located in that part
of Union Township that has since been changed to Allen Township. He was then a
married man, so, on arriving here, he immediately set up for himself. He located
upon a tract of fifty-six acres just north of the present site of Macy. Here he
has resided ever since. During his entire life his occupation has been that of a
farmer. He has since added to his farm eighty acres more, making in all one
hundred and thirty-six acres. He has since, however, sold from his farm some
town lots, so that his farm, at present, consists of but one hundrd and twelve
acres. When he came to the county he located in the woods, and to develop a farm
out of the wilderness naturally devolved upon him a great deal of hard work. He
chopped, grubbed, burned brush, rolled logs, plowed and, in fact, did all kinds
of hard work which the development of a new country necessitates. He had erected
a log cabin in the summer of 1837, and the structure, with additions, though
nearly fifty years old, still stands to shelter its occupants. Sept.1, 1836, he
was married to Hannah Rains, who died April 24, 1854. Dec. 14, 1854, he was
married to Mrs. Martha Sutton. She died March 1, 1876, and, on the 25th of
January following, he was married to Mrs. Hannah Baker. In all, Mr. Wilkinson is
the father of ten children: George, John D., Andrew J., Charles A., William F.,
Allen S., Margaret J., Benjamin F.; the next was an infant son that died in
infancy unnamed; then Azro H. and Mary C. The first eight were by his first wife
and the last two by his second wife. Of those named, Charles A. and Benjamin F.
are deceased. Mr. Wilkinson is a member of the Church of God and a Democrat in
politics. He has held the office of Township Trustee three terms. As such, he
discharged his duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public. On
the 24th of March, 1886, he had the misfortune to lose his left hand--the result
of an amputation caused by a cancer that had afflicted him three years. He is
now in the 74th year of his age and is enjoying good health. He has been a
resident of Miami County over fifty years, and is one of her most highly
respected citizens.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 533-534]
WILKINSON, LEWIS C. [Kewanna, Indiana]
Lewis C. Wilkinson was born in Kosciusko county, Indiana, August 24, 1880, the
son of Joel and Lydia Ann (Wolf) Wilkinson, both natives of Indiana. The parents
of our subject had four children, of whom two, William and Lewis, are still
living. Joel Wilkinson was at one time the marshal of the town of Leesburg,
Indiana. He died in 1920, his wife having preceded him in death in 1915, both
being buried in the old Pioneer cemetery near Kewanna. Lewis C. Wilkinson was
educated in the graded and high schools, and he then decided to follow the
carpenters' trade, and he accordingly became engaged in this occupation which he
pursued for fifteen years. In 1911, he opened a moving picture theater in
Kewanna and has the distinction of being the first man to operate such a theater
in Kewanna. He later went into the garage business, a concern which he conducted
till June, 1922. Since March 1, 1923, Mr. Wilkinson has conducted the Toner
Hotel. He was married on August 24, 1902, to Minnie B. Rhodes, and to Mr. and
Mrs. Wilkinson has been born one child, Lulu May. In fraternal circles, he is a
member of Lodge 69 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 301-302, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
WILLARD, WM. AND LON [Rochester, Indiana]
Wm and Lon Willard have bought out Mart Richter, the well driver, and are
prepared to promptly look after all business given them. Work guaranteed.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 5, 1905]
This is to inform the public that the undersigned have entered a co-partnership
in the tubular and driven well business and the firm will be known as Shelton
& Willard. All our work will be guaranteed to give satisfaction and all
orders will receive prompt attention. Patronage respectfully solicited.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 30, 1908]
Horace Shelton has disposed of his interest in the Shelton & Willard well
driving business to Lon Willard. Hereafter the firm will be known as Willard
& Willard. Mr. Shelton will now pay his entire attention to his plastering
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 26, 1910]
[Adv] ROCHESTER TUBULAR WELL WORKS, Successors to Willard Bros. Phone 296-01.
1201 Bancroft Ave. H. H. MUTCHLER, S. S. MUTCHLER. Wells, Wind Mills, Tanks,
Pumps and Supplies. All kind of wind mill and pump repairing.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 14, 1911]
WILLARD, WILLIAM C. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From William C.Willard)
The Willard Battery and Radio Shop owned by Owen and Harold Davisson will on
October 27 be moved from the rear of the Charles Kepler service station to the
city building on Main street occupied by the Theatre Lunch which closes its
doors Saturday night. The Davissons plan to remodel their new quarters and build
an addition to the east end of the building to house machines while battery,
wiring troubles are being adjusted. A radio salesroom will be operated in the
front part of the building. The chevrolet firm will occupy the room vacated by
the Willard shop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 20, 1924]
WILLARD & STAHL [Rochester, Indiana]
Willard & Stahl, Carpenters and Builders. Shop opposite the Bank, on Main
Street, Rochester, Ind. Will furnish material and do all kinds of work in the
best manner on short notice.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, June 27, 1867]
Carpenter Shop. Willard & Stahl have erected a new carpenter shop on the
lot opposite Truslow's Clothing store which they intend to occupy themselves,
and where they expect to continue to work for their customers.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 12, 1867]
WILLIAMS, DAVID [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Fairview
See: Patents and Inventions
WILLIAMS, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From James Williams)
WILLIAMS, JIM [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Jim Williams)
WILLIAMS, LORIN "LARRY" [Rochester, Indiana]
See Larry's Furniture-Appliances
WILLIAMS, MARJORIE [Rochester, Indiana]
Miss Marjorie Williams, who for the past two years has been connected with the
Y.W.C.A. in New York City, and is now Asst. Educational Secretary of the Central
branch there, left today (Wednesday) for a short stay in Gotham, after which she
will take up her new work as General Secretary of the Springfield (O.) Y.W.C.A.
the last week in January. Miss Williams, whose home is really here, was highly
recommended by the national headquarters, and her new position is one of
considerable importance. She has probably had the most interesting career of any
Rochester young woman, having taught in Porto Rico, as well as here. Her work in
New York has been most fascinating.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 30, 1914]
Miss Marjorie Williams, formerly of Rochester, and for several years secretary
of the Springfield, O., Y.W.C.A, has been granted a six weeks leave of absence
to help raise Ohio's $36,000 war work quota, with headquarters at Cincinnati. A
Springfield paper contains a striking picture of Miss Williams, together with a
flattering article concerning her work there. Miss Williams is a sister of Mrs.
Fred Ruh, of this city.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 29, 1917]
Miss Marjorie Williams, formerly of this city, and who is at the head of the
Y.M.C.A. at Springfield, Ohio, is now the general manager of a newspaper
published by the above organization in that city. The paper is a four page one
and is full of good news, well written and has plenty of "pep." Among
the stories carried is one about Miss Williams, which tells of her giving an
address in which she stated among other things that "the Y.M.C.A. is a very
democratic organization." When the findings of the conference were being
read this item appeared: "Miss Williams said the Y.W.C.A. was first adopted
in Boston and it came from the Democratic party."
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 10, 1921]
Miss Clara Mae Robbins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins of this city,
who has moved to California, writes to Rochester friends that she recently
attended a luncheon for eight at Hollywood, where she makes her home. Included
among the guests at the luncheon were Mary Pickford Fairbanks, famous motion
picture star, whom Miss Robbins describes as being exceedingly brilliant as well
as beautiful. Miss Robbins has come to know many of the big people in the motion
picture work thru her association with Miss Marjorie Williams, also a former
Rochester resident.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 9, 1923]
Radio fans will have an opportunity to hear Miss Marjorie Williams, formerly of
this city and now of Hollywood, California, give a talk on the Y.W.C.A. if they
will tune up their instruments to the proper distance. Miss Williams is in
charge of the Hollywood Studio Club, the Y.W.C.A for motion picture actresses.
She will speak tonight from the Los Angeles Herald broadcasting station K.F.I.
between the hours of eight and nine, Western time, which will be between ten and
eleven o'clock here. Miss Williams will talk in connection with a campaign to
raise $150,000 for the Y.W.C.A. on the western coast. She is being assisted in
the drive by Miss Clara Mae Robbins of this city.
When the campaign was opened the main speakers of the evening were Douglas
Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, Rujert Hugres [sic] and the mayor of Los Angeles, and
Miss Williams. To date the drive has been a wonderful success and gives every
indication that the quota will be raised.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 14, 1923]
Miss Clara Mae Robbins, formerly of this city, who is now aiding Miss Marjorie
Williams, of Hollywood, Calif., in a $50,000 Y.W.C.A. drive on the western
coast, plans to open a tea room in Hollywood, according to word received by
friends in this city.
While complete details of her plans have not been received in this city, Miss
Robbins intends to enter a partnership with another California girl, lwho is now
employed in another enterprise, and who would continue with her present
occupation, lwhile Miss Robbins would act as manager in the new venture.
It is also understood that Miss Robbins has sent for Miss Ida Anderson f this
city, to take charge of the kitchen in the new shop. It is not believed that the
tea room will be opened immediately, kas it is understood that Miss Robbins will
continue her assistance in the Y.W.C.A. drive now in progress until it has been
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 20, 1923]
The announcement coming from New York that Will H. Hays, movie czar, has raised
$102,000 from producers to help erect a new gigantic Y.W.C.A. in Hollywood as a
home for movie struck girls will be of particular interest to local people in
that this new building is the result of the work of a former Rochester girl,
Miss Marjorie Williams, now in charge of the Studio Club, the Y.W.C.A. of
Miss Williams by leading a drive during the early part of the year raised
$90,000 about Los Angeles which was $40,000 higher than the quota set for her
organization, which will be added to the Hays fund and all of it be used to
enlarge the present building which will be called the Greater Studio Club. Miss
Williams will be the director of the large building and will be in charge of
those who stay there. She is coming to Rochester to visit next week.
The new home will this summer care for thousands of filmstruck girls who are now
making a concerted march on the movie center of the world. Mr. Edward M.
Townsend, business head of the Y.W.C.A. said that when the enlargement is made
100 girls will be cared for every two weeks, while they wait for funds to take
them back home. The place will be more of a roundhouse than a boarding house,
she said.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 9, 1923]
An audience that filled the First Baptist Church last evening received much
direct information concerning Hollywood, the movie center of the world, from
Miss Marjorie Williams, director of the Studio club, the Y.W.C.A. of the
California city, who is now on vacation in Rochester, her former home.
While Miss Williams devoted most of her time in the Studio Club, a home for
girls ambitious to appear on the screen, she was warm in her defense of
Hollywood which she said is a city of 76,000, much like other communities of
similar size, in spite of the fact that fully half of the population is engaged
in the movie industry. She praised the churches, the school system, the art
centers, the library system, the community plays and choruses and various other
civic enterprises. She set forth that all of Hollywood's notables are not motion
picture people, naming Carrie Jacobs Bond, Charles Wakefield Cadman,
"K.A.H." and others whose names are household words the nation over.
She devted some time to a description of the city, paying particular attention
to the score or more of studios, the homes of the famous players, the beauty of
the town, located within sight of mountains and ocean and the other attributes
that make Hollywood attractive.
Miss Williams' remarks concerning her own work made up the most interesting part
of her talk. The Studio club, which she directs, houses about 20 girls at
present, all in movie work or anxious to get there. The influx of screen-struck
girls into the city has made imperative the need for larger quarters - - hence a
campaign for $150,000 to build an addition to accommodate 80 or 100 persons.
Most of this amount has been raised, $50,000 by Hollywood and the remainder by
the picture interests, who are being asked for $120,000. In connection with the
city campaign, Miss Williams was lavish in her praise of the work being done by
Miss Clara Mae Robbins, another Rochester girl who now has a tea room in Culver
City. Miss Robbins was in charge of the office work during the drive and
according to Miss Williams, was so successful in handling the temperamental
campaigners that all trouble was averted, the $30,000 quota was nearly doubled
and a banker has offered Miss Robbins an attractive position. Mrs. Carl Jessen
and Mrs. W. A. Banta, former Rochesterites, were also workers in the campaign.
With the enlarged facilities for housing, Miss Williams is anxious to widen the
scope of her work especially along the lines of securing employment for girls,
some of which work she has already done. Her remarks concerning the movie
notables whom she met during the campaign and her experience with her own girls
were most interesting. Her board of directors, she said, includes among others,
Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks (Mary Pickford) and Mrs. Cecil de Mille and her work has
thrown her into contact with scores of other notables, well known on the silver
screen to every Rochester fan.
In concluding, the speaker expressed her appreciation of the opportunity to help
in any activity of the church which has meant so much to her. The appreciation
of her hearers was indicated by the enthusiasm of their applause. A collection
taken after the lecture was for the purpose of helping defray expenses of two
girls recently sent by the church to Atlantic City convention. A total of $30.50
was given.
H. A. Barnhart, presided at the gathering and vocal numbers were rendered by
Mrs. Maria J. Souers and a quartette composed of Mrs. Howard Shafer, Mrs.
Charles Pyle, Mrs. Effie Brackett and Miss Edith Chestnut, with Miss Margaret
Bryant at the piano.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 10, 1923]
Betty [YOUNG], small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry YOUNG, former residents of
this city but now of Logansport, may soon be taken to California for a try out
in the movies according to the word reaching here. Miss Marjorie WILLIAMS,
secretary of the Studio Club at Hollywood, also a former resident who has known
the little Miss in Rochester since infancy, has written Mrs. Young that her
talented daughter is a perfect screen type. Betty is quite accomplished as a
dancer and has all of the talents necessary to succeed on the screen.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 11, 1924]
In this week's issue of the Saturday Evening Post appears a picture of
"extra girls" in the movies at Hollywood which is taken in front of
the Studio Club there. In the center of the group is Miss Marjorie Williams, of
this city, who is at the head of the club, and at the right hand side stands
Miss Clara Mae ROBBINS, also of Rochester, who assists Miss Williams. The
picture appears in connection with an article on the movies and life about the
Los Angeles studios.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, September 24, 1926]
Miss Marjorie Williams, former resident and high school teacher of Rochester and
a sister of Mrs. Fred RUH of this city, is one of the leading characters in a
feature story appearing in this month's Photoplay magazine.
The authoress in her story goes from New York to Hollywood to break into the
movies as an extra girl and secures a room at The Studio Club there which is
operated by the Y. W. C. A. and is presided over by Miss Williams. Naturally the
story includes much of Miss Williams and her work and also the studio club and
the girls who live there.
A large picture is carried of Miss Williams as well as smaller ones of The
Studio Club and the surroundings. The article will be continued in following
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, November 16, 1926]
Miss Marjorie Williams, former resident of this city and sister of Mrs. Fred
Ruh, once more takes a prominent place in a story on Hollywood, the world's
movie center, when Mrs. Frederick Parkinson Keyes glowingly described "A
Holiday in Hollywood" for the Delineator magazine in its January issue. The
authoress told of visiting with the motion picture stars and of her visit to the
Studio Club where Miss Williams presides. Incidentally she made an error as to
some of the facts in Miss Williams' life such as her birthplace and where she
obtained her schooling, but local people will be interested in the description
of the work of the former Rochester girl. The part of the story covering the
visit to the Studio Club follows:
The first invitation which reached me after my arrival was one for dinner at
the Studio Club. I have always felt the deepest interest in this organization
since I first heard a report of its activities, given, a number of years ago, at
a meeting of the World Service Council of the Y. W. C. A. in New York. The
Studio Club is owned by the "Y", but it is managed by a local board of
Hollywood women which the "Y" appoints, and this committee includes in
its leadership such well known persons as Mrs. Cecil B. DeMille, Miss Louise
Dresser, Mrs. Samuel Goldwyn, Mrs. Jesse Lasky, and Miss Mary Pickford. It
serves as a residence and home center for girls working in the moving picture
industry in any capacity which means a great many more than those acting in the
movies; and while it was formed primarily for them, girls with other allied
interests such as music, painting, literature, dancing and the drama, are
extremely welcome.
The Studio Club so rapidly proved its usefulness in the community that it has
long since outgrown its original headquarters - a large house with white
pillars, more Virginian than California in appearance; and it is now established
in a spacious, beautiful building of the Spanish type, with patio and loggia,
which provides not only "the four C's necessary to the happiness of every
normal girl - comforts, convenience, counsel and comradship," as one member
has cleverly put it - but an atmosphere of culture and loveliness.
The predominating colors used in its decoration are soft green, coral rose, and
tan; and these restful tones are brightened here and there by touches of lighter
shades. Many of the rooms have been built by famous actors and directors, by
Douglas Fairbanks, for instance, who gave a suite in memory of his mother, by
Mary Pickford and Harold Lloyd and Gloria Swanson and Cecil De Mille - to
mention only a few. Other rooms have been furnished by Marion Davies, Irene
Rich, Frances Marion, Hope Loring, and Louise Dresser - place has a studio, a
stage and a gymnasium; rest rooms and writing rooms and make-up rooms. And the
Club is the scene of all sorts of festivities - Sunday teas and "stunt
nights" (when amateur talent develops in startling ways!) and bridge
parties and dinners; in short, it fulfills in every way the ideal expressed by
Mrs. Cecil De Mille, vice-chairman of the governing committee, when she says,
"We with it to be a place where all meet on an equal footing - where those
who have come to Hollywood and hope to succeed may meet those who have
succeeded. I am sure it will become a powerful institution and assist in the
development of all the arts. But above all, we earnestly desire to supply the
charm of a real home to those girls again to mention only a few. The [sic] in
the motion picture industry and out of it who have a longing for the beauty and
cultural phases of life."
Arriving at this pleasant place for dinner, I was cordially greeted by a number
of friends, among them Miss Marjorie Williams, the resident director. She was
born in Indiana, chose teaching as her profession and went to Porto Rico, and
now is thoroughly acclimated to Hollywood. Her present duties are not only
executive, diplomatic and sympathetic; she also instructs the club members in
costuming and make-up, stage-setting, fine quilting, and many other things. She
is a delightful person, as merry and attractive as she is understanding and
experienced; and as I took my place beside her in the charming dining room, I
knew that the most agreable meal imaginable was ahead of me.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 24, 1929]
Mrs. Edith Ruh today received a telegram which will be of interest to the many
friendsof Miss Marjorie Williams, former Rochester high school teacher. The
message follows:
"This is to let you know that Marjorie Williams is to be on the Lux Radio
Theatre hour on Monday, November 29th at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Coast Time.
Interviewed by Cecil B. DeMille at the end of the hour."
The Lux program is broadcast over a national hook-up and may be heard over most
any of the larger stations.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, November 29, 1937]
Miss Marjorie Williams, supervisor of the Hollywood Studio Club, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Edith B. Ruh in this city, was one of the featured
speakers on the program of the National Y. W. C. A. Convention which was held in
Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
Another lady sharing the lecture platform honors with Miss Williams was Miss
Margaret Bonfield, a member of the British Parliament, of London. Miss Williams
told the convention members of her work at the Hollywood Club. Over 3000 Y. W.
C. A. members were in attendance.
Mrs. Ruh, who accompanied her sister to Columbus, returned home yesterday, while
Miss Williams well remain in the East for several days, before starting on her
return trip to the west coast.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, April 23, 1938]
A former Rochester lady and her unique work provided the foundation of a
two-page, illustrated featured article which appears in the October issue of the
American Magazine.
The former local person is Marjorie Williams, of Hollywood, Calif., a sister of
Mrs. Edith B. Ruh, of this city.
The article deals with Miss Williams' work as House Mother of the Y.W.C.A.
Studio Club of Hollywood. Miss Williams, who was placed in charge of the studio
club a score of years ago has served as chaperon to over 3,000 girls between the
ages of 18 and 35 years.
Among some of the club girls who have made good in the movie world are Linda
Darnell, Janet Blair, Maureen O'Sullivan, Phyllis Brooks, Zaza Pitts and many
others. The illustrations accompanying the article shows the various forms of
recreation which the Studio Club provides for the scores and scores of ambitious
movie-struck young ladies and also an attractive likeness of Miss Williams.
The Studio Club hostess who was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Ruh, for a week or
so a little over a month ago, was a former member of the RHS faculty.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 8, 1942]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Today concludes your introduction to six Fulton County women who achieved
prominence far afield but mostly have been forgotten in their homeland.
Marjorie Williams
A native of Rochester and onetime German and Latin teacher at RHS, Marjorie
found herself in Hollywood in 1922. Although she never appeared in a movie, in
the next 24 years she became a prominent and respected figure there.
From 1922 to 1946 Miss Williams was director of The Hollywood Studio Club,
sponsored by the National YWCA as a home for aspiring young actresses between
the ages.of 18 and 30. While trying to break into the movies, these women for a
modest fee received secure housing and two meals daily, Hundreds took advantage
of the offer during Marjorie's 24 years as director and although only a few
reached stardom, some who did were Maureen O'Sullivan, Donna Reed, Janet Blair,
Barbara Hale, Marilyn Monroe, Linda Darnell and Gale Storm.
When Marjorie arrived in Hollywood, the club could house but 22 women. She was
put in charge of fund raising that in 1926 brought into being a three-stoty
Mediterranean villa with space for 94. For the next 20 years Marjorie ruled the
club as its beloved overseer, displaying talents of "diplomacy, financial
wizardry, impeccable poise and grooming, worldly wisdom, sincere spirituality,
tirelessness, sympathy and humor," to paraphrase one newspaper's account.
Among her Studio Club board members were director Cecil B. DeMille's wife and
Mary Pickford Fairbanks.
This teacher turned social worker was an RHS and Denison (O.) University
graduate. She left the RHS faculty after six years to teach history and civics
in Puerto Rico, then entered YWCA work in 1912 at New York City. Two years later
she became director of the YWCA in Springfield, Ohio, directing another
successful expansion. Her father, William, had been superintendent of Rochester
schools; her mother was Rosanna Brackett. A sister, Edith, was the write of
local druggist Frederick Ruh.
Retirement from the Studio club did little to slow down Marjorie. She remained
in Hollywood and until her death was much sought after as speaker, as social and
civic agency board member and for emergency service as director of the actors'
retirement fund and the Oakland (Cal.) YWCA.
Marjorie never lost touch with her Rochester relatives and friends. She once
returned to tell of her Hollywood experiences before an overflow crowd at the
First Baptist Church.
Last week: Margaret Ernsperger, Bess, Emrick, Freeda Sullivan.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 19, 1999]
I came to Los Angeles on a visit; I fell in love with the state and became a
resident. Marjorie Williams, my Latin teacher in the Rochester High School, was
director of the Hollywood Studio Club, a home for girls in motion pictures and
through her I was hired to help raise money for the new Studio Club residence.
At the end of three months I had met everyone in motion pictures from Douglas
Faairbanks and Mary Pickford, the Hollywood's king and queen, to Charlie
Chaplin. -- Clara Mae Robbins.
[Daniel Robbins Family, Ervan Mark Robbins, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
WILLIAMS, MEL [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
WILLIAMS, RUSSELL F. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Russell Williams)
WILLIAMS GARAGE [Leiters Ford, Indiana]
[Adv] Why Firestone Tire Dealers Serve You Better - - - - JESSE WILLIAMS GARAGE,
Leiters, Ford, Indiana.
[The News-Sent inel, Monday, May 10, 1926]
WILLIAMS GROCERY & MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
See South Side Grocery.
P. O. Cornell and son have sold their South Side grocery to Roy Williams, who
will take possession soon. The meat market, formerly operated by Wm. Cornell,
has been purchased by Berlin Paschall, who will be open Saturday, ready to do
business. Mr. Williams will move from his farm, near Rochester. The Cornells
have not stated what they intend to do in the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 26, 1921]
[Adv} Saturday Bargains - - - - Williams' Grocery, Phone 122 - Union
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 20, 1922]
[Adv] Demonstration of Pillsbury Flour, Pancake Flour, Health Flour - Get 'em
while they're hot! ---- R. H. Williams Grocery and Meat Market. Phone 122.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 6, 1922]
Ora Clayton, who came here from Roann some time ago and purchased the Earl Adams
grocery store on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, which he later sold to
Ray Williams, has purchased the Lautzenhiser grocery store at Akron. Clayton has
already taken possession of the store at Akron, where he plans to make his
future home.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 10, 1922]
[Adv. - Easter Specials, For Your Saturday Shopping They'll All Save You
Money . . . . . . . Williams Grocery, Phone 122 - Union Delivery]
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 30, 1923]
[Adv. - . . . . Fruits and Vegetables. . . . Staple and Fancy Groceries, R.
H. Williams...]
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 27, 1923]
[Adv] SOME OF OUR CLOSING OUT PRICES!! - - - - Everything in the Store Marked
Down. R. H. WILLIAMS, (Corner Main and Fifth Streets)
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 4, 1924]
WILLIAMSON, RON [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM "BILLY" [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
See: Rochester Bands
William Williamson has resumed his work of piano tuning in this city, and is
ready to respond to all calls in a prompt and satisfactory manner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 27, 1899]
Wm. W. Williamson, the well known piano dealer, of this city, who is a native of
Norway has revealed a most interesting story of his youthful days in his home
country, since it has direct connection with the childhood history of the woman
who later was destined to startle the whole world in the role of Mrs. Gunness,
of the LaPorte murder farm.
Mr. Williamson was born in Christiana, Norway and when about sixteen years of
age removed to Frederickstad, a small city of that country. While there he was a
member of an orchestra that played in public and while so engaged was employed
by one Peter Poulson, who owned a small show. The show appeared in that place
about twice a year and each time Mr. Williamson played in the orchestra. One of
the features of the show was Poulson's daughter, a ten years old miss who done
the tight and slack wire walking. At each performance the large crowds, who
attended wildly applauded this young and daring Miss, who often had the wire
stretched far above the ground.
The same girl came to America after her father retired a few years later from
the show business and developed into the Mrs. Gunness, who set the universe
talking of her awful, bloodthirsty murders, the victims of which were then
buried on her farm near LaPorte.
Mr. Williamson recalls the scenes of that little show in far off Norway nearly
forty years ago quite vividly and wonders how one so young and attractive could
develope into such a human tigress.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 19, 1908]
See: Hotels - Arlington
See: Williamson, William "Billy"
WILLIARD SALOON [Grass Creek, Indiana]
Operated in 1897 by John Williard.
WILSON, BENJAMIN C. [Fulton County, Indiana]
See: Myers, Jonas
Benjamin C. Wilson. - It often happens in the scope of human experience that
circumstandes and surroundings favor some men, and others must exist seemingly
by greatest effort. But the man whose name heads this sketch, was not a creature
of circumstances nor was he bowed down by the force of fate. He passed through
the years of his life with a smile for every one, and appropriated from the vast
stores of the world's goods sufficient to make life worth the living. He was a
native of Indiana, born in Fayette County, January 28, 1809. His father, James
Wilson, was a native of Virginia, born January 16, 1779. He was a carpenter and
ship-builder by trade, and died February 5, 1824, from the effect of a bite of a
copperhead snake. Nancy Wilson, his wife, and the mother of Benjamin, was a
native of Kentucky, born February 24, 1785, and died in the winter of 1878, at
the remarkable age of ninety-two years. "Uncle Ben," as he was called
by every one who knew him, passed his early years in acquiring a very common
education along with his labors on the farm, and when not otherwise engaged he
assisted his father in the work of his trade. He was a pioneer by birth and his
whole life was mainly given to the labor of clearing the forest and making a
mark from which civilization took its name. He was united in marriage, January
12, 1832, to Rose Ormsbee, a native of Indiana, and came to Fulton County in
April, 1835. Every one who is conversant with the history of the county will
know that this was one year prior to organization of the county, and with its
subsequent history he had much to do. Being of a thoroughly wide-awake nature,
he eagerly grasped every opportunity to further the prosperity of his adopted
home. He settled in the district now known as Richland Township, where the
Indians far outnumbered the whites, and began life in a house made of poles. But
the energy and industry, which always characterized his every act, led him on in
the line of improvement, while the forest gave way under the stroke of the
woodman's ax and the Indian found his happy hunting ground transformed into
fields of beauiful waving grain. Other settlers came and new farms were made.
The county must have officers, the people must have leaders. In the community he
was the man to whom others came for advice. In the county he served his people
as an efficient officer. He was chosen Sheriff of Fulton County August 20, 1845,
being the sixth sheriff of the county, and the successor of Gilbert Bozarth. Of
course the business of the office was not so extensive as now, but the limited
facilities, coupled with the wildness of the country, made it very tedious
labor. The prisoners under his charge were confined in a jail made of logs, and
nearly every school boy knew something of the more than practical tricks played
on him by some of the prisoners. After the division of the county into
townships, he was chosen and re-chosen as Justice of the Peace of his township;
he also served as Trustee of the same. We must not neglect to speak of his
family, which consisted of five children--Lucretia A., now marrieed to Hugh
Lucas, and living in Missouri; Horace O., married to Caroline Hoover, February
24, 1868; Kline S., died December 6, 1864, near Savannah, Ga., while on
Sherman's march to the sea; Marietta; and Fredius C, now Recorder-elect of
Fulton County. While he was a farmer and one of the old settlers of the county,
he was a constant reader, thoroughly alive to the interests of every good
movement, generous and kind, courteous and affable, an inveterate joker, the
life of every gathering of the people, whether a log-rolling, a public speaking,
or a gathering of the church people. In the later days of his life, ill-health
and age debarred him from hard manual labor, but his interest in the welfare of
his community never waned. He was a local writer of some note. In March, 1875,
he began a series of articles under the title, "Fulton County--What I know
about its early settlements." This series continued through twelve issues
of the Rochester Union Spy, and contain much valuable information to every
resident of the county. He died October 29, 1878, from injuries received by
falling from a wagon loaded with hay, thus ending a life made bright and
glorious by deeds long to be remembered by those who came after him. He will
always be remembered as no one but Uncle Ben Wilson, and as having lived to see
the bow and spear of the red man supplanted by the plow and reaper; and more, he
lived to see education and progress made the watchword of his people. Those left
of his family are now numbered among the good people of Rochester, where they
are greeted by many friends, not alone for their true worth, but for the honor
of him who added luster to the name of the Wilson family.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 27]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Benjamin C.. Wilson was one of Fulton County's earliest settlers, became the
county's sixth sheriff and lived in the Mt. Nebo neighborhood of Richland
Township, north of the present Historical Society museum.
B.C. or Uncle Ben, as the locals knew him, first ventured into Fulton County
when it was little more than a wilderness. He had vivid memories of those early
days and three years before his death he recalled some of them in a series of
articles published by The Rochester Union Spy, the, town's Republican-oriented
weekly newspaper.
His recollections, rediscovered after being forgotten for over a century, are
worthy of retelling.
In the spring of 1835, at age 26, Wilson decided he would have a better future
by claiming land in the thinly-settled northern part of Indiana. So he packed up
what little worldly goods his family possessed and left Shelby County with four
other families. They headed for northern Cass County and that brought them up in
what would become Fulton County when it was created the next year by the
The journey was a frightful one on a road that often disappeared into swamps.
quagmires, marshes, ponds and running streams. Twelve miles was considered a
good day's progress.
The Wilson party was traveling on the three-year-old Michigan Road extending
from Indianapolis to Michigan City and when they arrived here, they found mainly
Indians. These were the indigenous Potawatomi, most of whom in another three
years would be removed to
Kansas. At the time of Wilson's appearance, he found the natives plagued by the
whiskey provided by incoming whites who then shamelessly cheated them out of
their valuables. "Alcohol," wrote B.C., "was the cause of more
crimes, murders, wickedness generally than all other agencies combined."
Three of the four families accompanying Wilson on this arduous trek remained
here: those of James and Robert Ormsbee and of Jonah Bassett. The fourth
continued on to LaPorte County.
The. land they found was deep woods; not a foot had becn clcarcd. They lived in
floorless pole cabins, until September when they finally got better log houses
built from the surrounding trees. In the following spring they began the tiring
task of clearing for their crops. B.C. remembered that 11 days were spent
rolling logs and brush into piles for burning; he wished he had the money
represented in those fires.
Often large droves of hogs would appear on the Michigan Road, being driven from
southern Indiana to market in Michigan. Wilson bought some for stock or
slaughtering for $10 per hundred, the same high price then being asked for flour
and other necessities.
Emigration picked up rapidly in all parts of the county after the Wilsons
arrived and B.C. remembered it as a good time. Society still was devoid of
churches, but settlers' families coming led frequently in peace and harmony. One
such gathering, he recalled, was for the county's first wedding of David Shore
and Susan Ormsbee, held just south of Rochester.
Upon the county's organization in 1836 Wilson gave up the sheriff's job which he
had held for four months until John Davidson won the first election for the job.
But in August, 1845, B.C. returned to the post after his own election, being the
sixth so chosen. And thereby hangs a tale: how he became a prisoner in his own
log jail.
It seems that In 1848 he incarcerated horse thief Richard Eno in the underground
cell used for such desperadoes in the county's first hoosegow. Eno was let out
for meals, however, and one day while unattended he found the prison door ajar
during the sheriff s meal preparation. Eno walked out, locking the door behind
him and taking the key.
Wilson said he "yelled like an Indian to arouse the neighbors." Eno
hiked for the woods, quickly leaving behind his only pursuer, a barefoot one at
that. The sheriff finally had to be chopped free by townfolk. With a $100 reward
posted, Eno eventually was captured. The key, strangely enough, turned up 24
years later and was returned to B.C. as a keepsake of his one-time
embarrassment. Know where the key is now? It's in the cornerstone of the
Rochester postoffice, having been placed there in 1925.
Uncle Ben remained a prominent citizen of these parts until Oct. 31, 1878, when
a wagon load of hay tipped over and killed him. He was 69.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 23, 1997]
WILSON, CHARLES A. [Rochester, Indiana]
C. A. WILSON, M.D., Northwest corner South and Jefferson Streets, Rochester,
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 20, 1893]
Although not a native of Fulton county, Dr. Charles A. WILSON resided in
Rochester long enough to gain a wide circle of friends and still regards it as
home. Dr. Wilson is now proprietor of the Wilson Surgical Institute, an
orthopedic hospital located at 81 West Ohio street, Indianapolis, and is meeting
with merited success. He has had years of experience in this specialty, his
connection with surgical institute work beginning in 1871. In 1879 he was
awarded the Faculty prize, a gold medal, by the Medical College of Ohio. Since
then he has been associated with his father, Dr. C. L. WILSON, in the management
of the Surgical Institute of Atlanta, Ga., and Indianapolis, and has earned the
gratitude and confidence of his patients by his skill and devotion to his work,
the cure of deformities and diseases causing deformity.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
WILSON, DAVID A. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From David A. Wilson)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From David A. Wilson)
WILSON, E., MISS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] MILLINERY OPENING April 4, 5 and 6, '95. MISS E. WILSON, South of Hoover's
furniture store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 29, 1895]
[Adv] BARGAIN SALE OF MILLINERY. Having purchased the millinery store of Miss
Wilson I have concluded to sell the goods in stock at prices never before quoted
in Rochester. - - - - LILIAN CRAWLEY.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 6, 1895]
Mrs. Hughston will remove her millinary store to the room recently occupied by
Miss Wilson, one door south of Hoover's furniture store, next Monday. All old
patrons and many new ones are invited to call and see me in the new quarters.
Mrs E. A. Hughston.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 17, 1896]
WILSON, ED [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Ed Wilson)
WILSON, F. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] THE BEST! That expresses the line of goods we carry. - - - - The best
riding plow is the J. I. Case, which has always been the Standard. The Best corn
planter--check-rower and drill combined is the Evans. The Best spring tooth and
shovel cultivator is the Malta. - - - F. C. WILSON, Mercer's old stand.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 21, 1893]
WILSON, FREDA [Rochester, Indiana]
Former Rochester Girl Has Joined Company - To Go on Keith Circuit
Tipton friends and admirers of Mrs. Freda Wilson, wife of Clyde Wilson, manager
of the Martz theater at Tipton, who is a former resident of Rochester and the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, of this city, will be pleased to know
that this favorite soprano singer has been accepted as a member of the
"Maryland Singers," a high class vaudeville company which will be
headed by Otis Mitchell, the banjo wizard of this city, and which will play the
Keith circuit in the New England states this winter.
Mrs. Wilson has a high soprano voice of extraordinary ability and she has been a
favorite singer at churches, public recitals and at the Martz, where she has
appeared to great advantage. Her friends have predicted that her voce would have
secured her a position and this prediction has come true.
The "Maryland Singers" is an act written by Ralph Dunbar, a Louisville
producer, and is a high grade vaudeville musical turn which Otis Mitchell, who
has been in high time vaudeville for the past ten years, says is a winner. Five
people are in the act, which is headed by Mr. Mitchell himself, there being
three ladies in addition to Mrs. Wilson. The company is composed of people with
finished musical educations and who come from the best homes and Mrs. Wilson
will find herself in congenial company.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 10, 1923]
According to a press clipping taken from a Camden, N.J. newspaper of recent
date, Mrs. Clyde Wilson, referred to in the clipping as Miss Freda Sullivan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan of this city, is making good in her
recently taken up vaudeville career. The clipping follows:
Four pretty girls and a clever boy, known as the Maryland Singers, offered one
of the "sweetest" acts seen at the Towers in a decade. The singing of
the Misses Freda Sullivan, Desmonda Roiman, Hazel Carelton and Mildred Davis was
exceptionally fine, while Otis Mitchell offered banjo selections that earned him
applause. Not since the days of the Dolce Sisters has a better girl singing
aggregation been offered in a local playhouse.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 26, 1923]
Miss Freda Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan of this city, will
sing over station WOWO at Fort Wayne, at three o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 17, 1929]
WILSON, FREED [Rochester, Indiana]
FREED WILSON (Biography)
Everybody knows Freed WILSON. During a residence of 41 years in the county,
in which time he has held the position of deputy and county Recorder for twelve
years, and has been a member of the city Council for two terms, he has become
thoroughly acquainted with everybody. In 1891 he formed a partnership with A. J.
DILLON and purchased the Levi MERCER hardware store and in less than a year
bought Mr. Dillon's interest in the business. Mr. Wilson combines all the
elements which make up a reliable hardware man and while he handles the highest
grade of all kinds of hardware and building material he particularly calls the
attention of his friends to the Jewett Cook Stove and the Standard Lighting
Gasoline Stove, always kept on hand and guaranteed to be exactly right.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
WILSON, HAROLD W. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Harold W. Wilson)
WILSON, HUGH D. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Hugh D. Wilson)
WILSON, JAMES H. [Union Township]
James H. Wilson, a brother of John F. Wilson, was born in this county October
27, 1848. He is the possessor of a fair education, and taught school two or
three winters before attaining his majority. He was married to Catharine Killmer
February 13, 1870. She was a native of Pennsylvania, and was born February 21,
1850. She died January 8, 1871. Mr. Wilson, after the death of his wife, engaged
in the stock business, which he followed with varying success for several years,
but on February 24, 1876, he was again married, to Etta Vankirk. She was born
October 27, 1857. By this union Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have one child, born March
4, 1881. They call him Harry Garfield. After his second marriage, Mr. W. settled
down to farming on his brother's place, which he afterward bought,
three-quarters of a mile east of Kewanna. His farm consists of eighty acres of
well-improved land. Mr. W. is out of debt, and fairly on the road to prosperity.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 60]
James H. Wilson, a representative farmer and business man, was born in Union
township, Fulton county, Ind., Oct. 27, 1848. Mr. Wilson is a son of Thomas and
Agnes (Wallace) Wilson. His father was born in Glasgow, Scotland, March 23,
1814, and with his parents emigrated to Canada in 1820, later to Oneida county,
N.Y., where Thomas learned the weaver's trade. In Oneida county Thomas met and
married (1839) Agnes Wallace, whose parents had settled there in 1833. She was
born in Renfrewshire, Scotland, April 14, 1815. Our subject's parents came to
Fulton county in 1842, settling in Union township, where they lived many years
and reared a family of three sons and two daughters, namely, John F., James H.,
William F., Mary A. and Margaret. James H. was given a good common school
education, and he taught several terms of school. He was married to Catherine
Killmer, Feb. 13, 1870. She was born in Pennsylvania, Feb. 21, 1850. She died
Jan. 8, 1871. Just after his marriage Mr. Wilson began farming as a renter. His
wife lived but one year after the marriage. After her death he engaged in the
stock business, in which he has since been more or less extensively engaged. In
1876, Feb. 24, he married a second wife, wedding Etta Vankirk, daughter of
George Vankirk, Esq., of Aubbeenaubbee township, where Mrs. Wilson was born Oct.
27, 1857. She has borne him three children, viz.: Harry, Belle and Frances.
After his marriage, Mr. Wilson again took up farming, which he has since
continued. He now owns a good farm of 145 acres, on which he resides just east
of Kewanna. In 1890 Mr. Wilson became a stockholder in the Citizens' State bank,
of which bank he has been president since 1892. Politically he has always been a
staunch republican. In 1887 he was elected trustee for Union township, in which
office he served one term.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
p. 149]
WILSON, JOHN F. [Union Township]
John F. Wilson is the third son of Thomas and Agnes Wilson, and was born in
Union Township May 7, 1846. His father was born in Glasgow, Scotland, March 23,
1814, and emigrated with his parents to Canada in 1820, and remained there only
a few years, removing to the States, and settled in Oneida County, N.Y., where
Thomas learned the weaver's trade. His mother, a descendant of the Campbells and
McGruders of the Highlands, was born in Renfrewshire, Scotland, April 14, 1815,
and emigrated to New York with her parents in 1833, and settled in Oneida
County, N.Y., where she worked in the factories, having learned the weaver's
trade in the old country, and was married to Mr. Wilson, Sr., April 18, 1839.
They moved to this county in 1842, and entered eighty acres of land in Section
35, Union Township, to which they added, from time to time, until they owned
about four hundred and fifty acres. John F. Wilson, the subject of this sketch,
has two brothers and two sisters living, viz., James, William F., Mary A. and
Margaret, who are all married and living near him. Mr. Wilson had fair
educational advantages, and improved the same, so that at the age of eighteen he
was licensed to teach in the common schools, and employed the winter months for
several years teaching, and farming in the summer, until March, 1870, when he
went to the V. M. & F. College at Valparaiso, where he remained until June
1871, when, owing to the poor health of his brother Thomas (now deceased) he
came home, and took charge of the farm which they owned together. He was married
to Miss Martha E. Horn December 28, 1871. She was born June 8, 1851, in Wayne
Township. One child--Charles H.--was born to them November 11, 1872. Mrs. Wilson
died November 16, 1875. J. F. was married a second time to Emma Carter, December
20, 1877. His wife was born June 1, 1858, in Iowa. Her father and mother, John
J. and Sarah E. Carter, reside in Wayne Township, and are the parents of eight
children, six girls and two boys. By this marriage they have three
children--Thomas R., Maggie E. and Francis A. (the baby). Mr. Wilson owns the
farm on which he lives, one mile east of Kewanna, which contains eighty acres.
He, with four others, has been instrumental in securing the extension of the
Vandalia Railroad through this county, which adds much to the public wealth and
convenience of this part of the county. He was elected Township Trustee in
April, 1880, and re-elected in 1882. He is a zealous Republican in politics, but
he is not without friends in the other parties. He belongs to the Methodist
Episcopal Church, also is a member of the I.O.O.F.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 60]
WILSON, JOHN S. [Macy, Allen Township, Miami County]
John S. Wilson, M.D., at Macy, is a native of West Virginia, and was born
January 12, 1852. He was the third son born to Peter and Louisia (Hurd) Wilson,
both natives of West Virginia, of English descent. When our subject was eight
years old he accompanied his parents to Clark County, Ohio, where his youth was
spent, working on his father's farm. During this time he attended the district
school in which he received a good common school education. This was supplementd
by a course in a commercial school at Springfild, Ohio. He graduatd from that at
the age of eighten. After he had attained his majority he took up the vocation
of a teacher, and was thus successfully engaged for seven years. His vacations
were generally spent attending normal schools. In 1878 he came to this State and
located in Fulton County. During the winter which followed he taught school. In
the fall of '79 he began the study of medicine with Dr. C. Hector, of Rochester.
He entered upon the practice of medicine at Millark, Fulton County, in the fall
of 1880. He came to this county in the fall of 1882, and located at Macy, where
he continues to practice his profession. In the meantime in December, 1882, he
entered the Eclectic Medical Institute at Cincinnati, where he attended two
courses of lectures. June 13, 1882, he was married to Mary E., daughter of
Israel and Maria (Hoover) Johnson. She was born in Fulton County, this State,
May 29, 1862. To them two children have been born--Beatrice and Ulysses
Scudder--born respectively May 1, 1883, and January 10, 1886. In politics Dr.
Wilson is a Republican. Though young in his profession, he is a very successful
practitioner. He has already built up quite an extnsive practice at Macy, and he
promises to become one of the leading physicians of Miami County. His portrait
appears in this volume.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 534-535]
WILSON, M., DR. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Dr. M. Wilson, Dentist. Office in Fieser Block. All work warranted
[Rochester Setninel, Friday, January 1, 1897]
Dr. Crosby has moved his office to the room lately occupied by Dr. M. Wilson in
the Fieser building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 17, 1906]
WILSON, WILLIAM F. [Union Township]
William F. Wilson, the youngest son of Thomas and Agnes Wilson, was born
September 25, 1854, in Union Township, Fulton County, on his father's farm,
which he now owns, consisting of 120 acres of the old homestead and 160 acres
formerly owned by Isaiah Slick. He was married in Illinois, February 7, 1878, to
Charlotte Doan. She was born September 13, 1856, and is the daughter of John and
Margaret Doan, and had three children, viz.: Francis, Melvin and Charlotte. Her
father is a native of this State, and her mother is a native of Ohio. Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson have two children--Myrtle, born November 16, 1878, and Ernest D.,
born June 13, 1881. Mrs. Wilson is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mr. Wilson is taking great pains in the breeding of hogs, sheep and cattle,
resolved in a few years to own as good herds as there are in the country. For a
young man, he is accumulating considerable of this world's goods.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 60]
WILSON & McCLURE [Rochester, Indiana]
WILSON & McCLURE'S HARDWARE STORE. - - - make a specialty of vehicles
manufactured by the Bourbon Carriage Works. - - - - WILSON & McCLURE,
Mercer's old stand.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 4, 1897]
[Adv] Carter & Onstott's SUMMER HARDWARE BARGAINS [full page ad] - - -
CARTER & ONSTOTT, Successors to Wilson & McClure. Odd Fellows Building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 12, 1903]
WILSON BRICKYARD [Kewanna, Indiana]
Begun in 1880 by John F. "Brick" Wilson.
On Nov. 6, 1867, John F. "Brick" Wilson was united in marriage to
Rebecca Ann Hummel. They went to Missouri where they lived for five years. Upon
returning to Rochester, Ind., in 1872, he worked in a brick manufacturing
process owned and operated by George Norris. Here he learned the brickmaking
trade. In 1880 Mr. Wilson purchased land at the north edge of Kewanna, Ind.,
where the soil was suitable for brickmaking. Here he established a brick
"yard" where he manufactured brick until the early 1900's, when the
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad purchased right-of-way through the land and laid
its tracks dividing the brickyard. The brick for the original buildings for
Kewanna and the surrounding area were made in this brickyard.
[John F. "Brick" Wilson, Margaret Wilson and Darlene Wilson Long,
Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
See Hudkins General Store.
Mr. J. F. Wilson, of Kewanna, a practical brickmaker, has leased the Mackey
brickyard and will manufacture a fine grade of brick, commending with the
opening of spring.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 16, 1894]
WILSON'S BAKERY [Rochester, Indiana]
C. F. Steiglitz, Manufacturer and Dealer in Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes,
Ladies' Gaiters and Children's shoes, Main St., first door South of Wilson's
Bakery, Rochester, Ind. . . Leather of all kinds kept for sale. Rochester,
October 1, 1868]
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, October 8, 1868]
WILSON CORN PRODUCTS [Rochester, Indiana]
Located SE of intersection 4th & Nickel Plate Railroad.
WILSON FERTILIZER & GRAIN, INC. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Deniston Elevator, William H.
Located 408 E. 9th, NE corner 9th & Franklin, W side of Nickle Plate
Also known as Wilson Coal & Grain.
Through a business deal consummated Tuesday afternoon The Deniston Elevator and
Grain Company operated by James Brooke, of this city, was sold to Glen Wilson,
of Monterey. The new proprietor took immediate charge of the business, which is
located on East 9th street this city.
Mr. Wilson, who is employed as a representative of the Smith Agriculture
Chemical Co., of Indianapolis, is thoroughly acquainted with the elevator and
coal business, having held an interest in the large elevator at Monterey for
several years. While Mr. Wilson's business connections with the Indianapolis
firm will require much of his time being spent out of this city, he will be
assisted in the management of the local elevator by his son, Russell.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, November 29, 1933]
[photo] Wilson Elevator
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 14]
Wilson Coal & Grain Co., is a comparatively new name associated with an old
established and highly reputed business name.
In November 1933, the firm purchased the Deniston Elevator at East Ninth street
and the Nickle Plate tracks and since that date have operated the elevator and
coal business to a constantly growing clientele of satisfied customers and
Much new equipment has been added by Mr. Wilson including a new hammer mill
mixer and corn cracker and new scales with a weighing capacity of twenty-eight
tons. These scales are equipped with a weight-o-graph, which automatically
registers the exact weight and insures full, unquestionable record of every coal
or grain purchase.
Assisting Mr. Wilson are his son, Russell, the manager, Miss May Kern,
bookkeeper, Herman Ysberg, feed-man, and Tom Wilson and Mat Zartman,
Mr. Wilson takes advantage of this opportunity to express his appreciation to
his many friends and patrons who have helped make a growing and successful
business life for the Wilson Coal & Grain Company and invites all others to
try Wilson service that they may judge it solely on the yardstick of quality,
courtesy, service and price. The phone number is number 32. A ring will bring
you all wanted information.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 14]
Announcement was made today of the sale of the Rochester Co-operative Elevator
to the Wilson Coal and Grain Company. The transaction will be effective Tuesday
morning when both establishments will be operated under the management of Glen
The Rochester Co-operative was established here in 1919 with a group of farmers
owning the stock of the corporation. In recent years a number of the
stockholders have died and those who guided the business have developed other
interests. The manager, John Werner, is now in the insurance business which
takes all of his time.
Mr. Wilson states that both establishments will continue to be operated under
the name of the Wilson Coal and Grain Company and that at the Rochester
Co-operative the same service and policy will be continued as before. He also
said that the consolidation of the two firms under one ownership would give
certain advantages to customers in price and service.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, August 31, 1935]
WILSON HARDWARE, FRED [Rochester, Indiana]
Located corner room Odd Fellows Building, NW corner 9th & Main.
In the corner room of the Odd Fellows Building, Fred Wilson operated a hardware
store and the location later housed the Earle Theatre, one of Rochester's
earliest movie houses where you could see a "feature" for a five-cent
piece. The Earle Theatre brought Rochester its first mechanical talking
pictures. Adjoining the theatre, Al Fristoe operated Rochester's earliest
"five and 10 cent" store in what is now the north half of the Kroger
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
WILSON-McCLURE HARDWARE [Rochester, Indiana]
The Willson [sic] -McClure hardware stock was sold to Marion Carter and James
Onstott, this afternoon for $1,800. The invoice had fixed the price at $2,250
which was thought to be very low but there was no competition in bidding and
hence the low price. The new firm will open up for business next Monday morning
and they will keep an up-to-date stock.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 20, 1903]
WILSON'S SUNDRIES [Fulton, Indiana]
New building replacing the previous building which burned.
Located W side of SR-25, which is the main street in Fulton.
It was formerly the site of Felder drug store on the north side of the building
and Harry McCarter's grocery store on the south side of the building. That
building burned.
Owned and operated by Don and Eldonna May Showley Wilson from Mar. 15, 1965 to
Jan. 1, 1979, when they sold it to Morris Sutton.
[George Spotts Family, Marjorie Spotts Jones, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
WINEBRENNER BUS LINE [Rochester-Akron, Indiana]
Thru the efforts of J. E. Beyer of Rochester, the Winona Interurban Railway Co.
has consented to publish in their official time card the schedule of the auto
bus line now in operation between Rochester and Akron. Such an arrangement will
stimulate travel to this city. At the present time, the Winebrenner bus line
makes the main cars on the interurban, bringing a number of people to this city
each day. If a regular schedule is maintained, traffic on the line will
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 13, 1916]
WINONA CAFE [Akron, Indiana]
Located E side of N. Mishawaka Street.
Operated by Arthur and his wife Daisy (Strong) Slaybaugh in the early 1900's.
The Winona Cafe, at Akron, has been sold by A. B. Slaybaugh to E. K. Britton of
Peru, the new owner taking possession Wednesday. As a part of the consideration
Mr. Slaybaugh acquires title to a ten-room residence property in Walton,
Indiana. Mr. Britton is from Peru. He expects to move his family here by the
first of the month.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, April 25, 1925]
Thomas Judd, Wednesday evening purchased the Winona Cafe at Akron of E. K.
Britton, and has taken immediate possession. Mr. Britton has operated the
restaurant for approximately two years with much success. He is undecided as to
his future business undertakings.
Mr. Judd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Judd of near Akron and is well known in
that community.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, July 17, 1926]
E. K. Britton, former owner of the Winona Cafe at Akron, has purchased a
restaurant in Niles, Mich. He will move to that city about the first of Aug., at
which time he will take possession of the restaurant.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, July 24, 1926]
Mrs. Ruth Davis has purchased half interest in the Winona Cafe at Akron of Merl
Cook. Thomas Judd who owned the other share in the cafe is a nephew of Mrs.
Davis. Mrs. Davis had been employed at the Winona Cafe for a considerable length
of time prior to becoming a co-partner in the business.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, August 4, 1928]
Mr. and Mrs. Ford Johnson have announced the purchase of the Winona cafe on
North Mishawaka street, Akron. They plan an expansion of service in connection
with their present ice cream and fountain service, and will provide an excellent
meal and short order service. The Johnson's formerly operated the dairy service
in this city which bore their name.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 17, 1945]
WINONA CREAMERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Workmen at the Rochester Electric Light, Heat and Power plant are busy at the
present time installing two 200 horse power boilers to take the place of others
which are deemed too small to carry the load.
Within the last six months the local plant has been compelled to carry an
increased load to accommodate many more patrons. Men have been working all
winter re-arranging the power room and a large amount of new machinery has been
installed. The room has been painted white and presents a fine appearance.
The ice plant at the rear of the creamery is nearly completed and it is thought
that it will be in operation within four weeks. The work has given employment to
a large number of men throughout the winter.
The creamery receipts at the Winona Creamery have been growing every week and at
the present time are much larger than the previous time last year. Within three
weeks the output will exceed 26,000 pounds of butter per week.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 7, 1914]
The Winona Telephone Co., owning exchanges at Winamac, Kewanna, Plymouth, Knox,
Hamlet, Grass Creek and Monterey, decided to increase the capital stock to
$100,000. Of this $65,000 will be common and $35,000 will be 7 per cent,
semi-annual preferred.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 30, 1908]
WIRELESS TELEGRAPH [Rochester, Indiana]
Eldon Mow and Arthur Miller, two young men of this city, are now furthering
experiments in wireless telegraphy and are doing some interesting things along
that line.
Permission of the county commissioners was granted to erect wires for the
instruments on top of the court house and they were strung Wednesday afternoon
while crowds of people in the street stood wondering what was going on. The
receiving instrument has been installed in the hall on the third floor of the
building where the operator may be all to himself.
Mr. Miller has a similar apparatus at his home in northwest Rochester and the
young men will soon be sending air wave messages to one another in the same
manner as the large stations employ.
As soon as the instrument is perfected the boys may open communication with the
government station at Michigan City as that station has agreed to talk to them
after six o'clock in the evening.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 12, 1909]
WISCHMEIER, Rev. ARTHUR C. [Akron, Indiana]
Rev. Arthur C. Wischmeier, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Akron,
is one of the scholarly divines of Fulton county, and a man who enjoys the
respect of his fellow citizens. He was born at Burlington, Iowa, September 23,
1883, son of Christian and Lizzie (Bachenberg) Wischmeier, who had ten children,
six sons and four daughters, of whom Reverend Wischmeier was the seventh in
order of birth. Nine of these children are living, and another of the sons, Rev.
Chester Wischmeier, is a Methodist clergyman, who was graduated from the
Nebraska Wesleyan University, and the Barber School of Theology. Christian
Wischmeier was born in Westphpalia, Germany, January 17, 1841, and died August
7, 1916. He came to the United States on a sailing vessel from Hamburg, Germany
to New Orleans, Louisiana, the voyage consuming thirteen weeks. From New Orleans
he traveled up the Mississippi River and located at Burlington, Iowa. The major
portion of his life he was an agriculturalist, and owned land in Iowa until
1891, when he moved to Nebraska, where he resided until his death. Both he and
his wife were Methodists, and he always voted the Democratic ticket. His wife
was born in Pennsylvania, August 17, 1861, but was reared in Iowa. She survives
her husband, and is living at University Place, Nebraska. Growing up in Pawnee
county, Nebraska, Rev. Arthur C. Wischmeier attended the local schools, the
business college at Beatrice, Nebraska, and the Nebraska Wesleyan Academy, where
he took the full course, and from which he was graduated in 1909. In 1912 he was
graduated from the Nebraska Wesleyan University, following which he took the
full course at the Boston University School of Theology, which he completed in
1915, having spent ten years in acquiring his educational training. His first
charge was at Hagerstown, Indiana, and after a two-years' pastorate he was sent
to the Gas City Methodist Episcopal church for four years and was there during
the period of the World war, and served as chairman of various committees having
in charge the local war work. In 1920 he came to Akron, and since his taking
charge of his present church, its progress has been very marked. A man of great
intellectuality, a constant reader and fine scholar, he owns a large library and
keeps abreast with the latest thought in Methodism and current events, and is a
dominating figure in his home city. He married Miss Goldie E. Peterson, April
14, 1915, and they have a son and a daughter: A. C. Chester, who was born
February 4, 1916; and Janet Ann, who was born September 20, 1917. Mrs.
Wischmeier was born in Hall county, Nebraska, January 1, 1889, daughter of
Christ and Winona (Bleakney) Peterson. Christ Peterson was born in Denmark, but
was brought to the United States when he was six years of age, and was reared in
Iowa. All his life he was a farmer, and became the owner of 1,200 acres of land
in Nebraska to which he moved after reaching maturity. In politics he was a
Republican, and he and his wife were Methodists. She was born in Illinois in
1864, was reared in Iowa, and is now residing in Nebraska. Mrs. Wischmeier was
graduated from the Nebraska Wesleyan Academy in 1911, and then took a semester
course at the University of Nebraska, and one at the Nebraska Agricultural
College. For three years prior to her marriage she was a teacher of Latin in the
Fairbury High School. Her thorough scholastic training renders her an efficient
aid to her husband in his ministerial labors. Casting his first presidential
vote for Col. Theodore Roosevelt, he has continued to be a Republican. He is a
Mason, and he and his wife belong to the Eastern Star, and she also belongs to
the Daughters of the American Revolution.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 302-304, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
WOHLGEMUTH, LOUIS [Rochester, Indiana]
One of Rochester's leading enterprisers who has won his own spurs in social and
financial circles is Lou WOHLGEMUTH, the widely known manager of the celebrated
Feder & Silberberg Clothing House. Born of humble parentage in Germany 45
years ago he worked his way through college and then embarked for America
landing at New York in 1867 with plenty of courage, a good appetite, but a puny
exchequer. He soon found a position but two years later decided to go west and
located in Cincinnati. There he engaged at bookkeeping and newspaper work for
ten years when he went to Topeka, Kansas, and engaged in business for himself.
Two years later he sold out and came to Rochester, in 1881, to assume the
management of the extensive clothing business he still controls. His business
energy and accuracy readily brought him to the front and he is secretary and
general manager of the Rochester Electric Light Co., treasurer of the Rochester
Building & Loan Association and, was one of the prime movers in the
organization of the Rochester Improvement Association. Mr. Wohlgemuth knows the
value of printers ink in all of the phases and is widely known as a successful
advertiser. He is one of the city's most forceful and industrious enterprisers
and possesses the happy faculty of giving his surroundings a merry hum whether
it be in business or the social circle. He married Miss Ida HOLZMAN in 1880 and
they own a nice home on South Main street.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
Louis Wohlgemuth. - This enterprising and progressive citizen, who has won his
own success in social and financial affairs, was born in Prussia some forty-five
years ago. Working his way through college, Mr. Wohlgemuth graduated in 1867
from a German gymnasium and the same year embarked for America. He landed in New
York city with plenty of courage and zeal and little money. He soon found
employment, and after remaining in that city about one year, decided to go West,
locating at Cincinnati, where he was engaged at book-keeping and newspaper work
for ten years. He then went to Topeka, Kan., and there engaged in business for
himself. Two years later he sold out the business and came to Rochester in 1881,
to assume management of the extensive clothing business he still controls.
During his stay in Cincinnati Mr. Wohlgemuth was employed for three years by the
Block publishing and printing company as a correspondent, writer and translator.
He is well informed on many subjects. He has made a special study of the
languages and is a linguist of no mean pretensions. On coming to Rochester Mr.
Wohlgemuth assumed management of the well known Feder & Silberberg clothing
house, and since that time has been the sole manager of this successful business
institution, which was established in 1868 by Louis Feder and Max Silberberg.
The firm of Feder & Silberberg, through its thrift and industry, soon
discovered that, instead of purchasing goods from manufacturers, they could make
them and supply their retail stores, which they afterward established at
original cost and thus save the profits of middle-men. The firm moved to
Cincinnati in 1880, where they began to manufacture goods, opened a wholesale
clothing house. Success has followed the business course of this firm, which is
now known far and wide. Their Rochester store was placed in the hands of Mr. L.
Wohlgemuth in 1881. As manager of this store Mr. Wohlgemuth has given evidence
of his superior business ability, energy and enterprise. He holds several
important business positions, among which is the secretary-ship and general
management of the Rochester electric light company, of which he was a promoter.
He is treasurer of the Rochester Building and Loan association, and was one of
the promoters in the organization of the Rochester Improvement association. He
is one of Rochester's most forceful and industrious enterprisers and possesses
the happy faculty of giving his surroundings a merry hum whether it be in
business or the social circle. In political sentiment he adheres to the
democratic party. He has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
since 1871 and also belongs to the K. of P. order. In 1880 Mr. Wohlgemuth and
Miss Ida Holzman were united in marriage. They are among the leading families of
Rochester and enjoy he esteem and respect of many friends.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 149-150]
WOLF, LESLIE E. [Delong, Indiana]
Leslie E. Wolf was born in Union township, Fulton county, February 11, 1883, the
son of Isaac and Christine (Dipert) Wolf, the father born in Union township and
the mother in Pulaski county. The grandparents of Leslie Wolf were, on his
father's side, Joseph and Catherine (Faust) Wolf, Pennsylvania Dutch people who
came to Rochester about 1850 where he followed his trade of wagon making. Later
they moved to Union township and there farmed. The country was new and deer
abounded on the land which he cleared. On his mother's side of the family the
grandparents of Leslie Wolf were George and Caroline Dipert. He was a large land
owner and a cooper by vocation. The father of the subject of our sketch worked
for twenty-nine years, thirteen years consecutively, for Benjamin Bruce, a
prominent farmer and now is actively at work for the Erie Railroad on a section
located at Delong. To the parents of Leslie Wolf were born: Dora B., Mrs. Leslie
Stubbs, of Aubbeenaubbee township; Leslie Wolf, and Clarence, deceased. Leslie
Wolf was educated in the local schools and early in life lost a leg in a
railroad accident which incapacitated him for manual labor. In 1907 he
established a barber shop at Delong and later went into busines owning a good
general store. He became postmaster July 1, 1922. His wife was Geneva Gray whose
maternal grandfather was Adam Heeter, an early settler in this vicinity, and
highly respected citizens. Mr. Wolf has always been acive in Republican party
politics, serving as precinct committeeman. He has also had considerable
newspaper experience, having been reporter for Rochester and Culver papers for
many years.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 304-305, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
WOLF DRIVE [Fulton County]
Between 125 and 150 hunters engaged in a wolf hunt south of Kewanna Thursday
morning starting from Kewanna and ending up on the Willoughby farm. While
unsuccessful, the hunders did get sight of two wolves, but they broke thru the
side line of the ring that was formed and escaped.
Wolves have been raiding the farms in the southwestern part of the county and
several have been killed and a few captured alive in that district.
Willoughby and others planned a drive that was calculated to eclipse any ever
staged there before and Thursday morning at nine o'clock, the time for the hunt
to start, nearly 150 men were gathered from all over the country to take part.
Between four and five miles east and more than three north and south was covered
in the drive. The huntsmen were divided into two groups forming a short of ring
and centering on the Willoughby farm. One side of the line became weakened,
however, and it was thru this that the two wolves seen were permitted to escape.
Robert Tomlinson, who was one of the directors in the affair, stated that he
believed anotheer drive would be made in the near future. It is probable,
however, that the same territory will not be covered again in spite of the fact
that two wolves were seen in that particular area but the next time the hunters
will work west of Kewanna.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 22, 1923]
Another big wolf drive is to be conducted in Fulton county Saturday, March 3, in
the territory between Star City and Kewanna. Posters announcing the drive have
been distributed throughout the northern part of Cass county, Fulton county and
Pulaski county. A general invitation to the public to take part is extended by
the promoters.
The Hawn pasture, three-fourths of a mile south of Star City, has been chosen as
the center, toward which all four lines will move. The inward movement of the
lines will start promptly at 9 o'clock.
The four lines established as the starting points follow:
North Line - Vanburen and Indian Creek ktownship line, west from Fulton county
line to three miles west of Vanburen township line.
East Line - Fulton county line south to east and west road running through
South Line - East and west road, running through Thornhope from Fulton county
line to three miles west of Vanburen township line.
West Line - Road running north and south three miles west of Vanburen Township
The captains chosen for each line are:
North line, Chas. Skillen, H. C. Blinn, C. H. Streval and Harry Brown; east
line, Bill Leho, John Rafferty, Glen Durkes and Hi Allen; south line, Chas.
Lidgard, Joe Liming, Bill Burke and Joe Moyer; west line, Tony Shaffer. The
number of guns to each line shall be governed by the captain.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 1, 1923]
The big wolf hunt staged in the western part of this county and around Star City
was a failure despite the large number of men that entered for the event. Only
one wolf was seen and that animal got through the south line before it was
discovered. About 300 men formed the four lines and by two o'clock they had quit
and found no game had been surrounded.
Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 3, 1923]
WOLF JEWELRY STORE, C. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Wolf & Howard
William Howard later became a partner, the firm name being Wolf & Howard,
and located W side of street at 726 Main.
William Howard became full owner, remaining at 726 Main.
[Adv] Wake Up - Alarm Clarks, School Clocks, Church Clocks, Office Clocks - -
- C. C. WOLF'S Jewelry and Music Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 24, 1877]
[Adv] Home Again. It affords me great pleasure to announce to my numerous
patrons that I am again established at my old stand, in the new room, ONE DOOR
NORTH OF THE MASONIC BUILDING, - - - Jewelry Goods - - - Musical Instruments - -
- -. C. C. WOLF.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 19, 1878]
C. C. Wolf is the jeweler of Rochester. He was born December 20, 1841, in
Montgomery County, Ohio. He learned the trade as jeweler and watch-maker when
quite young, and established in his business in Rochester in the year 1872, and
has the largest stock of goods in Northern Indiana. He is a thorough business
man, a perfect gentleman, kind as a friend and courteous in the social circle.
By his honesty and industry he has established himself firmly, and is noted as
doing a larger retail business than any other man in this part of the State. He
carries a large stock of notions in connection with the fine line of watches,
clocks, jewelry and silverware. He was also agent for all kinds of musical
instruments, but makes a specialty of organs, a complete stock of which he
always keeps on hand. He does all kinds of repairing with neatness and dispatch,
and everything is warranted to give complete satisfaction.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, pp. 27-28]
Jewelry Store
The prominence which has been given to trade in articles of adornment for the
person, as well as elegant objects of virtue for household use and display in
our city, during the last few years, is something remarkable. Any merchant or
manufacturer who can produce something that will please the eye, and at the same
time render it of use to his fellow citizens, is a public benefactor. The name
of C. C. WOLF often comes under this head.
This gentleman has been the means of laying before the citizens of this section
of the country, some of the most elegant works of art, in watches, clocks,
jewelry and silver ware, that the eye has delightedly rested upon; and he is
meeting with corresponding reward. Mr. Wolf has had an extended experience in
the jewelry business having been actively engaged in the business for the past
twenty years and has been carrying on the business for himself in Rochester for
over fifteen years. This house is well known to the people and is located on
Main Street in the Central Block.
The stock of goods carried is one of the finest in the country, and all goods
are new and of the latest designs, only such goods as can be recommended to his
patrons are kept in stock. Everything is made of fine material, in the highest
style of the art. Mr. Wolf, unlike most dealers gives a guarantee with every
article sold and every guarantee is made good if the article is not just as
represented in every way. He never misrepresents anything but sells all articles
for just what they are. These facts are well known to our people and have had
the result of largely increasing the patronage of this house.
The counters extending the length of the store are covered by walnut and silver
plate show cases, the contents of which embrade a "thousand and one"
articles. Back of the counters and arranged along the walls are standing cases
of most elegant design chiefly devoted to the display of silver ware.
Mr. Wolf has a very large burglar proof safe for the deposit of his most
valuable goods, also for the use of his customers who may wish to deposit
valuables for safe keeping.
He makes a fine showing of watches, clocks, necklaces, chains, bracelets, etc.
The stock of rings is large and unique, showing everything in all the latest
styles from the cheapest to the most expensive. This firm carries a very fine
assortment of silver, and plated ware, also a large line of optical goods. Mr.
Wolf has quite a reputation for success in fitting persons with glasses, and
guarantees satisfaction.
Certainly he displays for the season of 1888 a line of goods more extensive and
complete than can be found in this section of the country.
A specialty is made of the repair department, particular attention being paid to
repairing fine watches and jewelry, for which this gentleman has established a
high reputation for reliable and first class work. This establishment ranks
among the leading business houses in our city, and the proprietor is a man of
acknowledged integrity. He is honorable and upright in all his dealings, and is
ready at all times to further any project that will advance the interests of
Rochester. He is active and energetic, thoroughly conversant with the details
and requirements of the business in which he is engaged, and is universally
respected by his large list of patrons and the people generally.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 29, 1888]
C. C. Wolf unpacked a fine new graphaphone this morning, that is very
attractive, both in appearance and sound. It is the largest one Rochester has
ever been in possession of, and is the kind that will make its own records.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 8, 1905]
WOLF & HOWARD [Rochester, Indiana]
Also see Howard, W. A.
It was August 18, 1872, when Mr. C. C. Wolf, then a young man, dropped into
Rochester and established himself in business as a jeweler. He did it in the
face of strong competition, but by energy, honesty and strict appreciation to
business, he has continued in trade and today is the leader in his branch of
trade. His wonderful and continued success has been largely due to his fair
dealing with all his patrons and making his word good upon all occasions. In his
thirty-five years of business career in Rochester he has had an increasing
patronage until with growing age he wisely accepts as a full partner Mr. William
A. Howard, who has been associated with him for sixteen years as an employe and
general assistant and is a thoroughly competent and reliable business man.
Entering the Wolf store when but a boy he has grown up in the business and is an
invaluable adjunct to the institution. All guarantees heretofore made by Mr.
Wolf of work or quality of goods will be made good by the new firm, and a
continuouance of public favors by the new firm will be as greatly appreciated in
the future as in the past.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 15, 1907]
WOLF'S COURT [Lake Manitou]
Located SW side of Lake Manitou E of and adjoining Wolf's Point.
WOLF'S POINT [Lake Manitou]
Located SW side of Lake Manitou W of and adjoining Wolf's Court.
Kenneth Overstreet, owner of the Carmelcrisp shop on 8th street, today announced
establishment of a grocery and confectionery store at Wolff's Point on Lake
Manitou. Mr. Overstreet announced free swimming spot, free picnic grounds and
free parking.
He has completed installation of a 32 ft. pier and plans many other improvements
in the property.
The grocery will be operated by Mrs. Oversteet.
"We want to have a cool, comfortable spot at the lake's edge where
organizations can have a picnic," said Mr. Overstreet. "We're going to
make the sandy, clean bathing beach at Wolf's Point available to all," he
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 25, 1938]
New Book Store. Mrs. S. J. Wolford has opened a news and book store in the room
south of the Central House. . .
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, October 29, 1868]
WOMANS' CLUB [Rochester, Indiana]
See Womans Improvement Club.
The Woman's Improvement Club of East Rochester are working very hard to secure a
couple of rest rooms for the use of the country ladies, and at present are
making a quilt, which they will sell for the above benefit. All the help that
the public shows toward this improvement will be greatly appreciated by the
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 12, 1909]
Last week a committee of women interested in civic improvement, representatives
from the Womans' Improvement club of Fulton county, the Womans' club of
Rochester, and the Daughters of the American Revolution, met with the county
commissioners and presented a petition signed by three hundred women of Fulton
county, petitioning this honorable body to grant a room in the court house for
the purpose of a rest room for the women of Fulton county. The request was
granted and there is now a canvas being made by patronesses among club women and
business women for a sum to maintain and equip the rooms. The sum of one dollar
per year, fifty cents payable every six months in advance, is the fee for
joining the Womans' Improvement club of Fulton county. Every woman in Fulton
county is invited to join this club, which is being promoted by Miss Jennie
Thompson, who was the founder of the first neighborhood club in East Rochester.
The East Rochester club is composed of twenty-one members, which will continue
its activity in the neighborhood, having accomplished much good in the last
year. They created and maintained a park, planting trees and flowers, and
induced many to beautify lawns and clean up in that section. Improvement about
the homes is of the first importance and if a half dozen members of an
organization agree to uniformly clean up and plant and make sightly, others will
see and imitate. Neighborhood clubs will be founded in all parts of our city and
country for civic improvement and betterment and Rochester will have an annual
house cleaning under auspices of these clubs.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 11, 1910]
F. Marie Slaybaugh Bright is currently president of the Akron WCTU.
[Jacob Whittenberger Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
See Youth Temperance Council.
Three petitions were filed in the Fulton circuit court today by the State of
Indiana on relation of Omer S. Jackson, attorney general to dissolve
The suits were filed under a new state law which was passed by the last
legislature which empowers the attorney general to dissolve any corporation
which does not make an annual report to the state during the preceding two
The suits here were filed to dissolve the following corporations: Quality Fur
Farms, National Pure Bred Swine Association and the Wonder Rug Cleaning Machine
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 8, 1937]
WOOD, L. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] AUCTIONEERING. Any one needing the services of a first-class auctioneer
will do well to call on or write to me at Rochester or leave orders at P. M.
Shore's store. L. L. WOOD.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 10, 1896]
WOOD, NANCY M. [Henry Township]
Mrs. Nancy M. Wood, the daughter of William and Susan Rannells, was born May 1,
1832, and attended the public school in Henry Township, where she received a
good primary education.
After completing this course of study, Mrs. Wood was sent by her parents to a
seminary at Ft. Wayne to finish her education. Upon her return from school, she
remained at home until her marriage with Mr. William H. Wood, April 9, 1851. Mr.
Wood was born in Allen County, Ohio, in 1819, and was a farmer by occupation. He
came to Indiana in 1850, and they located on the site of the present homestead
in 1850. Mr. Wood enlisted and served as Captain in the Union armies of the late
war, until discharged on account of physical disabilities. He died in 1866,
respected and regretted by all who knew him; for he was well known as a
successful farmer and enterprising citizen. Mrs. Wood still conducts the farm,
which consists of 160 acres of excellent improved land with good buildings. She
is a member of the United Brethren Church. To her marriage were born five
children, of whom Mrs. Celistia A. Brouilette, S. Jessie Vanlew and Evelyn C.
Harter are still living.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 42]
WOOD, WILLIAM [Henry Township]
See: Brackett, John E.
WOOD, WILLIAM [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] BUILDERS, Will you need any Tin Roofing, Spouting, Galvanized or
Sheet-iron Work this year? If so, don't fail to call on me before letting your
work, as my prices and experienced workmanship will please you. WM. WOOD, Rear
of Mercer's hardware.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 1891]
WILLIAM WOOD (Biography)
Wm. "Billy" WOOD, well known resident of Rochester, was born in Canada
50 years ago. At the age of six he came to this country and lived at Rochester,
N.Y., thence to Logansport and then to Rochester in 1867. He learned the tinners
trade at an early age and has followed it successfully all of his life. He
married Miss Belle TRIMBLE in 1872 and they own a pretty home on Main Street as
well as the south tier of rooms in the Sentinel block. Mr. Wood's father, Thomas
[WOOD], is still living, being a resident of Kewanna, and he has two brothers
and two sisters.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
[Adv] LOOK HERE BUILDERS. Wm. Wood want to quote you a price on your
tin-roofing and spouting before you let the contract. He also does all kind of
tin work. Rear of Wilson's Hardware.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 19, 1897]
See Akron, Indiana
WOODLAWN HOSPITAL [Rochester, Indiana]
Located NW corner Seventh and Pontiac Streets.
See Ambulance Service
See Public Health Service
See Physicians
Originally the home of Judge Sidney S. Keith.
Hospital founded by Dr. Winfield Scott Shafer in November 1905.
In early years, Dr. Shafer and his family occupied the downstairs rooms as a
residence while the upper floor was for surgery and patients.
At the death of Dr. Winfield Shafer on January 22, 1916, his son, Dr. Howard
Shafer, who was on the staff of Henrotin Hospital in Chicago, returned to
Rochester and took over the duties of his father.
He utilized the entire basement and first floor for hospital services and
patients, thereby practically doubling the patient capacity.
He performed the first Caesarean operation in Fulton County on Mrs. Harley Fultz
of near Athens. Both mother and baby lived. This was heralded as quite a feat
because at that time only 14 Caesarean operations had been performed at Johns
Hopkins Medical Center and only half of those suceeded.
Dr. Howard Shafer, weakening under the strain, secured the services of Dr.
Milton E. Leckrone as head surgeon in the fall of 1928. Dr. Shafer died July 21,
1931, and his heirs sold their interests in Woodlawn Hospital to Dr. Leckrone
New addition in 1935 by Dr. Milton B. Lecrone, owner.
Acquired by Fulton County.
Second new addition in 1955 by Fulton County.
Building demolished and new hospital built at 1400 E. 9th St., by Fulton County.
The Fulton County Public Library was then built on the old hospital site.
An important real estate transfer was made Monday, when Dr. Winfield S. Shafer
purchased the beautiful colonial home of the late Judge Keith, at the corner of
Washington and Pontiac streets. The building will soon be vacated and as soon as
some necessary changes can be made Rochester can boast of a modern hospital. The
residence, situated in the center of a quarter square of beautiful shade trees,
is sufficiently isolated from noise and dust, to make the location an ideal one
for the purpose.
The institution will be a private one, being the exclusive property of Dr.
Shafer, who will give his personal attention to the management of the
enterprise, but the staff of physicians will include all Rochester physicians,
as well as a corps of Chicago specialists, whose presence can be secured in
Rochester at short notice. Dr. Will Hector and Dr. Howard Shafer, both of whom
have had a large city hospital experience, are included in the staff.
A competent superintendent and trained nurses will be secured. Modern surgical
appliances will be installed, and every equipment required of the modern
hospital will be supplied, so that diseases that can not be successfully
combatted in the home can have the advantage of the most approved present day
The importance of hospital treatment for the more serious ills is becoming more
and more apparent, and the fact that many Fulton county cases are annually
subjected to the risk of removal to city hospitals by tiresome railway journeys,
suggested to the promoter the necessity of a home institution of this kind. It
is also thought that city cases that require pure air and quiet can be handled
better here than in larger places, and a considerable patronage of this kind is
Dr. Shafer has always been alert in his efforts for the betterment of Rochester,
and it is confidently expected that his present enterprise will not only prove
beneficial to town, but will bring him some financial reward.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 28, 1905]
Workmen are now engaged in building a ten foot two story colonial porch around
the east and south sides of Woodlawn Hospital.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 18, 1906]
Messrs Omar B. Smith, J. M. Ott, Ike Wile, LeRoy Deniston and Frank E. Bryant,
the committee selected by the citizens at the recent hospital meeting, to
consider the ways and means of continuing Woodlawn Hospital as a permanent
institution, have formulated a plan that seems practical and should have the
support of every citizen who has the interest of Rochester at heart.
The plan is to incorporate a company to operate the hospital the building and
equipment being leased from Dr. Shafer on very favorable terms, stock in the
operating company will be sold at $100.00 per share. The stock will be paid in
as funds are needed and the first assessment will not exceed 25 per cent. As the
hospital is a growing concern and has a little more than paid expenses since its
opening it is thought that additional assessments will not be necessary, and the
promoters of the plan believe that the stock will pay dividends regularly.
It is proposed to sell stock all over the county and in neighboring towns,
believing that the greater number of stockholders will increase interest in the
institution and widen its popularity and usefulness.
Every citizen who can possibly afford to do so, should take at least one share
of the stock and help insure the permanency of this splendid institution for
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 12, 1909]
A firm composed of Miss Mary J. Sparks of this city and Mrs. Wopodrow King of
Toronto, Canada, have leased Woodlawn hospital for a term of years and will take
charge of the institution on September first.
Miss Sparks has been head nurse at Woodlawn for several years and has been
active in the management. She has had years of hospital experience in the larger
cities and thoroughly understands the business.
Mrs. King was connected with Woodlawn for a short time several years ago, and
like Miss Sparks, has had years of experience in the work.
Dr. Shafer has been anxious to solve some sort of plan by which he could retire
from the management of the institution, and earlier in the year an effort was
made to organize a stock company to take over the business. The plan failed, and
for a time it was feared that the institution would be closed.
The hospital has been almost, if not quite, self supporting since its opening
and has been of inestimable value to the community.
It is said that the institution has never enjoyed the support of the local
physicians, on account of a feeling which existed between Dr. Shafer and other
members of the medical profession in this city, but the new management will
overcome this difficulty and there is no reason why Woodlawn should not prosper
Dr. Shafer will devote his energies to his large private practice.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 9, 1909]
Woodlawn hosptal of this city is now an incorporated concern with a capital of
$20,000 made up of 400 shares of $50 each. The incorporation papers were filed
with Recorder Thomas DuBois Friday afternoon by Attorney E. E. Murphy.
The object of the association is to establish a hospital for the treatment of
the sick, wounded and injured persons and for the care of the aged and infirm.
Contracts for a period of not exceeding one year will be entered into for the
existing or future illness. In other words, the hospital will insure, for a
specified amount, care during any ailment which might befall the contracting
party. In addition to this a school for the education and training of nurses
will be established.
Members of the association are Dr. W. S. Shafer, Sarah L. Shafer and Charles C.
Brackett, this city, and Dr. Howard O. Shafer, Chicago. The directors chosen for
the first year are W. S. Shafer, H. O. Shafer and Charles C. Brackett.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 6, 1911]
As will be noted by an advertisement in this issue of The Sentinel, common stock
in Woodlawn hospital is being offered to the general public in shares of $50
Woodlawn hospital is owned by the Woodlawn Hospital Corporation, and practically
all of the stock except a few shares owned by members of his family, is held by
Dr. W. S. Shafer, the founder of the institution. On account of failing health
Dr. Shafer desires to dispose of the controlling interest in the hospital, not
only because it will relieve him of the active management of the business of the
institution, but because the new plan will insure the permanency of the hospital
under any and all conditions.
The hospital is leased at a profitable rental, has an endowment fund, and is
bringing in a fair return on the investment, but it is thought that under a
capable board of directors the institution can be made a splendid investment
property as well as permanent benefit to the community.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 15, 1911]
A complete Frigidaire refrigeration system has been installed at the Woodlawn
hospital by the local agency.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 5, 1928]
Rochester and Community will soon have one of the most modern hospitals in this
section of the state, according to an announcement made today by Dr. Milton E.
Leckrone, who is to be the sole owner of the new institution. Bids for the
construction of the new building have already been filed and the awarding of the
contract will be made during the present week.
The new building which will be constructed with a modernistic design of
architecture, was designed by LeRoy Bradley, architect of Fort Wayne, Indiana,
along the plans outlined by the Rochester surgeon. The new structure which will
be built of brick, stone, steel and all fire-proof materials, will cost
approximately $50,000 when completed.
Dr. Leckrone purchased the Woodlawn hospital which is situated on the northwest
corner of 7th and Pontiac streets, from the Shafer estate on April 6th, 1935. He
had been superintendent of the institution since 1928.
Prior to Dr. Leckrone's residency in Rochester he resided in Cleveland, Ohio,
where he finished a Fellowship in Surgery in one of the leading hospitals in
that city.
The present Woodlawn hospital was founded in the year of 1905 by the late Dr. W.
S. Shafer. The records of the institution showing the list of officers for the
city's first hospital: Dr. W. S. Shafer, president, Dr. H. O. Shafer, vice
president, C. C. Brackett, secretary and Ada Leonard, superintendent of nurses.
At the death of the founder, Dr. H. O. Shafer operated the institution for a
long number of years and when ill health forced his retirement Dr. Leckrone was
secured as manager and superintendent. Following the death of H. O. Shafer, Dr.
Leckrone leased the institution and later became owner of buildings and grounds.
Fireproof Construction
The new hospital will be annexed to the present one, after the removal of the
eastern or front wing of the old structure. The dimensions of the new building
will be 105 feet in length, 28 feet in height and 38 feet in depth. Fireproof
corridors will annex the new building with the remaining rooms of the old
The arrangement for the new Woodlawn hospital as revealed from the architect's
plans, will be as follows:
The first floor in the center of the building will be a spacious waiting room 20
by 18 feet, and from this room to the south will be the recording room, an
information room, the private office of Dr. Leckrone's, a solarium, stairway and
elevator, and public rest rooms. To the north of the waiting room will be the
dieticians kitchen, utility room and receiving room. Also on the first floor
will be six extra large rooms for patients. These rooms are arranged with
connecting lavatories and baths, and built in closets. Four other patients rooms
slightly smaller in dimensions are also embraced in the first floor plans.
DeLuxe Equipment
The second story of the building will be comprised of a large nursery room,
equipped with special sound-proof walls, a sun porch on the top of the solarium;
elevan spacious patient rooms, with connecting lavatories and baths, equipped
throughout with deluxe accessories, making as elegantly furnished rooms as may
be found in any institution; a general utility room, a dietician's room, a
duplicate of the one on the main floor; the main surgery room, size 16 by 20
feet, with the latest lighting and modern equipment throughout; a sterlizing
room adjacent to the surgery, with all new appliances. Across the hall from the
emergency room is the anesthetizing room and situated in close proximity to the
surgery room is a compartment which is known as the surgeon's
"scrub-up" room; a smaller surgery room, for minor operations will
also be located on the top floor as well as two other regularly equipped patient
rooms, rest rooms, elevator, corridors and stock rooms.
The basement of the new Woodlawn hospital, may be reached by either an outside
or interior stairway. It will contain a large ward room at one end and a general
meeting room at the other. The nurses' dining room, the janitor's quarters, the
storage rooms, public rest rooms, elevators and other minor compartments,
comprise the sub-floor plans of the structure.
The entire new building which will be built from brick, stone steel and cement,
will be entirely fireproof and each of the floors will be connected to the
remaining rooms of the old hospital with fireproof corridors and doors.
30 Room Capacity
Dr. Leckrone stated that the present capacity of Woodlawn is 14 rooms, while
with the completion of the new building and the annexation of the remaining
rooms, the new Woodlawn will have 30 patient rooms. This will give Rocester a
strictly modern hospital and one which will compare most favorably with
hospitals in cities several times the size of Rochester.
The surgeon also stated that with the inauguration of the new institution all
classes of either medical or surgical treatments would be available to the
people of this community, whereas, heretofore only surgical patients were
Upon the opening of the new Woodlawn, the entire personnel of the surgical,
medical and nursing staff will be at least trebled. The entire staff of regular
nurses are to be provided with living quarters in several of the remaining rooms
of the old hospital. Through this arrangement a more efficient service should
A wide range in the rates for hospital service will be available to all patients
as the rooms will consist of the simple, though conveniently arranged smaller
ones, in the old building up to the deluxe equipped, spacious rooms, situated on
the second floor of the new structure.
Receives $2,500 Gift
While the new hospital project is being carried through in its entirety by Dr.
Leckrone, he takes this opportunity to acknowledge a gift of $2,500 from Mr.
George R. Rentschler of Fulton. This is to be used at his discretion in the
construction of the new building. Dr. Leckrone states there will be no public
solicitations for gifts or donations of any kind, but at the same time, anyone
wishing to make a contribution, can be assured of its acceptance and
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 18, 1935]
Actual work on the construction of the new Woodlawn hospital which is being
built by Dr. Milton E. Leckrone of this city, will begin Wednesday morning,
according to an announcement made today.
The contract for the erection of the new fireproof brick, cement and steel
building was awarded to the firm of Gast and Carey, of Akron today. The
personnel of the contracting firm is comprised of Karl Gast of Akron and Fred
Carey of South Whitley, Ind.
In an interview with Mr. Gast, today, he stated the first work would be the
razing of the east wing of the old Woodlawn Hospital and the removal of a few
trees which are within the site on which the new building is to be built.
Although the construction work will hamper the routine of the hospital, Dr.
Leckrone stated they would carry on in the best manner possible and take care of
all emergency cases which may come up during the period of construction.
Finished by October
Dr. Leckrone stated he hoped to have the new Woodlawn completed and fully
equipped by October. When finished the new Woodlawn hospital will practically
treble the capacity of the old institution and it will be one of the most modern
in this section of the state.
Stipulations in the contract call for the employment of as many local laborers
as possible in the construction of the new hospital and Mr. Gast stated that
when work was in full swing, over a score of skilled and common laborers would
be on their payroll. The Gast & Carey Construction Co. are at the present
time erecting a $26,000 State Highway Garage at Winamac.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 24, 1935]
Fulton County's new and modernized Woodlawn provides this community with
complete hospitalization facilities, as a resume of building and equipment
For many years the problem confronting the management was consistently public
patronage, but as time went on, and the public gradually mustered confidence,
the condition changed from waiting room to waiting lists. This was undoubtedly
the finest tribute to be accorded both Doctor W. S. Shafer and his son Howard,
for the excellent service rendered during the earlier period of hospital service
in Rochester.
With the passing of the institution into the hands of Doctor M. E. Leckrone, and
the continued successful surgical record, the waiting list grew, until, faced by
necessity, and the desire to render a full portion of civic service, plans were
evolved for the construction of a new building, which would increase the bed
capacity from 15 rooms in the old building to a total of 33 in the newly
arranged institution. But even with the addition of 18 beds, or an increase of
more than 100 percent in capacity, the new hospital is still overtaxed for room.
Certainly, nothing could be more symbolic of popular acclaim than the fact that
at this writing there are many chronic cases patiently waiting admission.
May Add More Rooms
Under original plans, a considerable part of the old building was set apart for
nurse quarters. In line with that program, workmen have been busy remodeling and
decorating. However, the need for this room for the care of patients was not
visualized. While not officially determined as yet, it is believed that this
additional room will be assigned to hospitalization, and other arrangements will
be made for the nursing staff.
The New Building
The new building which includes reception, office, dining and rest rooms,
provides also for surgical requisites. In this building, and in addition to the
19 private guest rooms, seven of have double beds, are the operating room
"OB" (obstetrics) delivery room and nursery laboratory, oxygen
room"GU" (genito urinary) room, solarium (sun parlor) and orthopedic
The old hospital was equipped only for the care and treatment of surgical cases.
The new building offers every phase of hospitalization to be found in any
general hospital, with the single exception of contagious diseases.
The change necessitated the installation of the following equipment: All
necessary appurtenances for the care of obstetric cases. A completely equipped
nursery for the cure of infants, furnished by the local chapter, Tri Kappa, all
necessary equipment to handle every type of orthopedic (limb and arm) fractures;
a laboratory so equipped as to provide scope for any test required; oxygen tents
and tanks, invaluable in cases of pneumonia, heart failure, and similar
ailments, donated by Mentone chapter, Psi Iota Sorority; general operating room;
X-ray and other modern equipment; and genito urinary room for the special care
and treatment of diseases classified under this head.
Many Donors
The new building is fireproof in every detail. It is of brick and Indiana
limestone in modern architectural design. It numbers donors by the score,
including several rooms furnished by individuas and organizations. A bronze
plaque in the reception bears this inscription:
In Appreciation
Elizabeth C. Marmon
George Rentschler, Sr.,
Otto McMahan
Whose generosity assisted
in making our new Hospital
Surgical and administrative: Milton E. Leckrone, surgeon; Mrs. M. E. Leckrone,
manager; Miss Helen Day, secretary.
Technical and Supervisory: Miss Fullmar, supervisor first floor; Miss Hambidge,
supervisor second floor; Miss LaBaw, night supervisor; Miss Parker, laboratory
and surgical nurse; Miss Long, surgical nurse; Mrs. Effie Brackett, X-ray. Miss
Herrick, who has been for the past year and a half the supervisor of second
floor nurses, is now confined to her home on account of illness.
Practical nurses: Misses Cook, Carl, Ecker, Brandt, Ambler, Blakely, Becker and
Heckman, and Mrs. Hassler and Mrs. Staley. Of this corps, Mrs. Hassler and the
Misses Carr, Heckman and Becker were on duty at the old hospital.
Kitchen: Mrs. Braham and Mrs. Cloud.
Laundry: Mrs Baldwin and Mrs. Coplen.
Cleaning: Mrs. Purdue, Albert Cliff and Russell See.
That Fulton County may claim a new, complete and thoroughly appointed hospital
of which it can be rightfully proud is the consensus both in city and
surrounding territory. Certainly no city of this size in the entire country is
better equipped, either in building or personnel for the treatment of diseases
or surgical operation.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 25, 1936]
On Thursday, November 2nd, 1905, the doors of Rochester's first hospital were
swing open for the purpose of administering medical and surgical aid to all who
desired hospitalization services. This hospital, which was known as The
Woodlawn, was founded by the late Dr. Winfield Scott Schafer. It became a
reality only after years of planning and personal sacrifices made by the Shafer
During the first few years of its existence, numerous obstacles and hardships
were encountered and surmounted, as a dubious public was reluctant to take
advantage of the services of the small institution. However, under the founder's
economic management and through his unflatering faith in belief that the
hospital had an important duty to perform in this community, public confidence
was established and the clientele of the institution extended into the rural
areas as well as the city. From those earlier years, on through the regimes of
the founder and his son, the late, Dr. Howard O. Shafer, the old Woodlawn
hospital kept pace with the public demands, undergoing an ever constant process
of improvement.
Servdd Wide Area
At no time in the history of the old institution was the medical or surgical
facilities overshadowed in any respect by those proffered in the stately and
more magnificent institutions in the larger cities. In truth, scores and scores
of afflicted sufferers came to the Rochester hospital from distant cities to be
under the supervision of the Drs. Shafer.
In the embryo days of Woodlawn, Dr. W. S. Shafer and his family resided in the
down stairs section of the stately old frame building while the facilities of
the hospital were confined solely to the upper floor of the structure. The
building, which was once the private residence of the late Judge Sidney Keith,
was situated in a beautiful grove of stately oaks and maples, with an abundance
of lawn which made the setting most ideal for the convalescents.
The Dr. W. S. Shafer while privately being wrapped up in the interests of
Woodlawn, possessed that home-spun friendliness which kept him in close touch
with all his patients and friends, whether their calls for service came from the
city or from far corners of the county. This humanitarian trait in the
physician's make-up made his duties double arduous and finally brought about a
general break down of his rugged constitution.
In reviewing briefly, the interesting career of Dr. W. S. Shafer, it may be
stated he possessed a keen sense of humor and was never too busy to converse on
the vaious topics of interest to his patients, and before departing from a
professional call he would invariably leave his patient in a most cheerful
mental attitude through the administration of a goodly dose of dry subtle humor.
He was a most proficient and skilled M. D. and D. S. in every phase of the
terms, but his professional ethics were never allowed to overshadow his sincere
love for fellowiship with "those who had and those who hadn't." The
founder of Woodlawn was a "commoner" in the truest meaning of the
One of First Auto Owners
Many of his older friends can without any overtaxing of their imagination,
picture Dr. "W.S." coming down Main street behind the steering rod of
his old Brush auto, one of the first "horseless carriages" ever to
chug down the business district of the then "all-horse" town. The
physician's interests and progressiveness were never confined solely to his
profession. He was one of the founders of the Rochester Normal College, an
enthusiastic worker for the Carnegie Library and a supporter of all worth-while
civic projects.
These dynamic traits together with an ever increasing demand for his services in
surgery were dominantly instrumental in closing the career of one of Rochester's
foremost citizens and benefactors. On January 23rd, 1916, Dr. Winfield Scott
Shafer, founder of Woodlawn hospital, passed away.
Following the death of Dr. Shafer, his son, Dr. Howard O. Shafer, at the time
house surgeon for the Marion Sims hospital of Chicago, forsaking a brilliant
professional career in one of the nation's largest cities, returned to Rochester
and became head of Woodlawn.
Son Continued Program
Possessed with those same sterling characteristics which so forcefully
accentuated the interesting career of his father, Dr. Howard Shafer took up the
work which was so deeply cherished by the founder. Inasmuch as the younger Dr.
Shafer had had the advantages ofg obtaining his medical and surgical training a
score or more years later than his father, he gradually introduced many
innovations which broadened the surgical scope of the institution.
Through the younger physician's several years of experience in the Chicago
hospitals, he had built up a most extensive clientele and consequently many of
those Chicago people came to the Rochester institution for medical advice or
surgical treatment. Thus, the prestige and reputation of Woodlawn hospital was
not held within the confines of the immediate community but extended over a
radius of a hundred miles or more.
The younger surgeon, who was not possessed with as rugged a physical make-up as
that of his father, began to weaken under the terrific strain of countless
operations and management and in the fall of 1928 he secured the services of Dr.
Milton E. Leckrone, as head surgeon of the institution. That this step, in the
way of forestalling his failing health, was taken too late, was manifested when
a few years later Dr. Howard O. Shafer succumbed, on July 21, 1931. At the time
of his demise, Dr. Shafer was but a few years past the middle span of life. No
less loved than his father, but mayhap, with a bit more leaning toward the
conventional side of his profession, the life and works of Dr. Howard O. Shafer
will endure forever in chronicles of this community.
A short time following the death of Dr. H. O. Shafer, the heirs of his and his
father's estates sold their interests in Woodlawn to Dr. Milton E. Leckrone.
The official board of the old Woodlawn hospital was comprised of the following:
Dr. Winfield Scott Shafer, president; Dr. Howard O. Shafer, vice president;
Charles C. Brackett, secretary and Miss Ada Leonard, superintendent. Of this
original board all are deceased with the exception of Miss Leonard, who at the
preset time is superintendent of a hospital in Middleton, Ohio.
The personnel of the nursing staff during the earlier years of the institution
included Miss Ada Leonard, Miss Polly Sparks, Miss Sadie Oliver, a Miss Woodrow,
who was later to become Mrs. Stephen Newby, and Miss Carrier (Kammerer) Ginther.
During the time Woodlawn was under the supervision of Dr. Howard O. Shafer, Miss
Caroline Hogue, was the superintendent of nurses. Miss Hogue also served in the
capacity of superintendent for Dr. Leckrone for some time.
Mrs. Effie (Shafer) Brackett, daughter of the founder of Woodlawn is in the
employee in a professional capacity of the new institution. Mrs. Sarah Shafer,
widow of Dr. W. S. resides with her daughter, Mrs. Brackett at 1017 South Main
street. Mrs. Howard O. Shafer, a daughter-in-law and County Auditor Robert W.
Shafer, a son of the late Dr. W. S. Shafer, are also residents fo Rochester.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 25, 1936]
Definite information which up-to-date has been in the rumor stage regarding the
future of Woodlawn Hospital in Rochester, came to light here today following an
informal conference held between Dr. Milton E. Leckrone, owner of the local
institution and the Board of County Commissioners and the County Council. Dr.
Leckrone met with the council members in an informal and unofficial discussion
last Tuesday afternoon and conferred with the commissioners during the last two
The hospital owner informed the two county boards that it would be impossible
for him to operate and manage the hospital any longer under present conditions
and that he desired to sell it to Fulton County so that it could be carried on
in an efficient manner for the benefit of the local people. He said that if this
were done he would establish an office in Rochester and continue to perform
operations here whenever his services were desired. If the hospital is closed he
said he plans to accept an offer made to him and move to another city.
Offered to County First
Dr. Leckrone said that the work and responsibility of operating was sufficient
in itself, and that the management of the hospital should be in the hands of the
county under a capable superintendent that he said was the reason for offering
the hospital to the county before he considered selling it to individual owners.
The task of running a hospital with all the employees, food and maintenance
problems is a full time job in itself, he said, and it would be to the advantage
of the people of the community to have it under county management.
Finally he stated the State Fire Marshal had made recommendations for certain
improvements on the frame part of the hospital. These are of a minor nature and
do not constitute a condemning action. Dr. Leckrone further added that he had
been granted an extension of time to make these repairs which would cost
approximately $3,000 to $8,000. He stated that the new or front part contained
20 rooms but that this community needed a 60-room hospital and that it would be
filled constantly but further added that he would not undertake the making of
the repairs.
The members of the commission and the council were all interested in the cost of
operation of the hospital and why the doctor wished to sell or close the
institution. Through general discussion these facts were all brought out.
Has Operated At Profit
Woodlawn Hospital has shown an operation profit constantly and Dr. Leckrone
said, he saw no reason why it should not continue to do so under capable
management. He admitted that county hospitals elsewhere had run in the red, but
he felt that these had been put on an efficicient and business-like basis. He
pointed out that if the county purchased the hospital the law required that the
commissioners appoint a bi-partisan board (two Republicans and two Democrats)
who would employ a superintendent and then supervise the business just like a
board of directors. If the right type of board with business ability and
foresight are appointed then the hospital will stay in the black, the surgeon
When asked as to the price he would ask the doctor stated that while he had
invested much more than this over the years he would sell to Fulton County for
$50,000. This to include the building and all room and regular equipment being
everything with the exception of the surgeon's private surgical instruments. He
stated further that the county would be forced to decide whether to improve the
back wing and install required safety devices or to plan to build a new,
fireproof wing in keeping with the main building following the war. If the
latter were done, he said Fulton County would have one of the most modern and
best equipped hospitals in Indiana. Complete treatment in almost any normal
field could be rendered here. He further stated that there was a definite need
for such a hospital in the county and that it would more than pay for itself.
Members of the council and commissioners while not expressing any official
opinion seemed to feel that the citizens of Fulton County should be fully
educated to what it would for the hospital to be purchased and operated by the
county and how this all could be brought about.
Petition or Election
The machinery for purchasing the hospital it was explained can be set in motion
either by a petition or by election. If a petition were signed by 30 per cent of
the resident freeholders of the county and presented bo the county
commissioners, then the law says they "may" purchase or build an
institution--but it is not mandatory. Furthermore the law states that the
commissioners can purchase the hospital "with the consent of the county
council" and following this the council would necessarily be required to
make the appropriation of funds in sufficient amount.
If an election is to be held and every citizen given a chance to vote this can
be brought about by 200 resident freeholders of the county signing a petition
with 150 of them living outside the city where the hospital is to be built, then
it is mandatory that the commissioners call the election and the council
appropriate the funds to pay the cost. If a majority of the voters favor the
purchase of the hospital then it is mandatory that the commissioners buy it and
the council appropriate the money.
Hospital Will Close
Up to today no statements have been made by members of either board as to
whether any action was contemplated or whether they would welcome receiving a
petition. However members expressed themselves individually that they favored
the election method of determining what course should be followed as it would
show whether the taxpayers wanted the county to operate the hospital and it
would settle any dispute about it once and for all.
Dr. Leckrone when seen had nothing further to say beyond the fact that the
hospital would be closed if the county did not make the purchase.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, June 8, 1945]
The County Council voted at 2:45 o'clock this afternoon to purchase Woodlawn
hospital and to operate the same as a county project. Approbation by the council
means that appropriations will be authorized in accordance with the provisions
of the petitions signed by the required freeholders, local officials stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 5, 1945]
See: Howard & White
See: Hotels - Fairview
See: Hotels - Fairview
See: Sibert, Alfred B.
See: Sibert, Alfred B.
See: Hotels - Fairview
The flowing spring discovered at Manitau Park Place, east bank of Lake Manitau,
promises to be a bonanza for its owner. Many who have drunk of the water
experienced exhilerating effects and it was decided to have it analyzed. A
quantity of it was sent to Capt. Swadley, a Wabash druggist, and he found it
impregnated with several health giving minerals and, best of all, with magnetic
properties. Pieces of steel, after being laid in the water a while, are so
thoroughly magnetized they will pick up needles and other pieces of metal just
like a highly charged magnet.
Capt. Swadley was here over Sunday and in a talk with the SENTINEL, gave it as
his opinion that drinking the water from the Woodworth spring will effect the
same cure of rheumatic, kidney and liver trouble that they get at French Lick,
Martinsville and other Indiana mineral springs.
People who have rheumatic trouble are invited to send to the spring and get
water and drink it. It will cost them nothing and in that way the medicinal
quality of the water may be fully proven.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 13, 1902]
It may be a matter of surprise to some of our readers and to others a source of
gratification, to know that the water from the magnetic spring on the east bank
of Lake Manitau has almost cured one patient of a severe case of rheumatism of
long standing, and is helping others.
Capt. G. W. Swadley, of Wabash, who first became attracted to the spring by
reason of its strong megnetic properties, caused an analysis of the water to be
made some time ago. This analysis demonstrated that the water contained
medicinal properties which would dissolve uric acid poison. This acid is said to
be the basis of what is called rheumatism. Capt Swadley then induced Amon
Entsminger, who was at that time confined to his bed with rheumatism, to try
this water. Today Capt Swadley and Mr. Entsminger walked into the SENTINEL
office, and the latter was loud in his praises of the efficacy of the watr in
his case. He says he is nearer free from disease than he has been for years, and
feels assured that the water will eventually bring him renewed youth. Several
other afflicted ones in Rochester are drinking this water with gratifying
Capt. Swadley and the owners of the land on which the spring is located desire
that all who are afflicted shall come out and use all the water they want. Capt.
Swadley says he would like to have it thoroughly tested locally, and if it
proves what he thinks it will, a big sanitarium, with baths, etc., will be built
there. He claims the water to be the best natural system renovator, blood
purifiet and tonic in the world, and believes it will make well people of the
sick if they will use it.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 25, 1902]
WOOLEN MILL [Rochester, Indiana]
Located on the SE corner of Sixth and Madison streets.
WOOLEN MILL [Rochester Township]
See Johnson Woolen Mill; Hanna & Co. Woolen Mill
WOOLEN MILLS STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
has been sprung and we are bound to reduce our stock of Blankets, Yarns,
Flannels, Jeans, &c., and for the next thirty days we will give greatly
reduced bargains in this line at the Wollen Mills Store, first door east of
Shepherd, Deniston & Co's hardware store. RADER & VAN TRUMP.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 22, 1884]
WOOLINGTON, ARTHUR [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Arthur Woolington)
WOOLLEY, WILLIAM E. [Perry Township, Miami County]
William E. Woolley (farmer), of Perry Township, was born in Alleghany County,
Pennsylvania, October 20, 1816, the son and third of twelve children born to
Amos and Anna (Ellis) Woolley, both natives of New Jersey, of German descent.
They emigrated to and settled in Indiana about 1846. The subject of our sketch
learned the wagon making trade with his father, and followed that business until
he came to Indiana. In early life he received a common education, one in keeping
with the facilities afforded in those days. June 29, 1839, he was united in
marriage with Jane Cassel. To their union three children were born, Mary A.,
wife of Levi Carn, being the only surviving one. John N., a son by this
marriage, lost his life in the service of his country at the battle of Kenesaw
Mountain, June 27, 1864. Mrs. Woolley died January 29, 1845. January 28, 1847,
Sarah T. Lewis became his wife. By her he is the father of ten children, these
eight now living: Jennie C., wife of Brazil Fagan; Alexander H., who married
Allie Paxton; Gilbert L., Alice, consort of Burch Doud; Cora B., now Mrs.
Charles Cool; Clara M., wife of Milo VanLeer; William E. and Elizabeth. January
21, 1879, Mr. Woolley again suffered the bereavement of losing his wife. His
vocation, since coming to Indiana, has been farming, in which he has been
uniformly successful. He is the proprietor of 122 acres of improved land in
Miami County and 64 acres located in Henry County, Ohio. In politics he is a
Republican, and has been honord with an election to the offices of Township
Assessor and Trustee.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. p. 738]
WOOLPERT & THOMPSON [Athens, Indiana]
Woolpert & Thompson is the firm name of the new butcher shop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 1, 1904]
WORK TRAINING SCHOOL, JULIA [Plymouth, Marshall County]
Mrs. Julia Work, former resident of Plymouth, died at her home in Los Angeles,
Calif., Saturday, according to word which friends received in Plymouth. Mrs.
Work in 1899 established the Julia Work training school two miles north of
Plymouth on Road 31. The school is now known as Brightsides. The ashes of Mrs.
Work will be returned to Plymouth for burial.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, January 11, 1932]
Clyde "Dick" Steen, who was injured Tuesday when he fell 20 feet from
a pole while working for the local electric light company, will be the first
Rochester man to benefit by the recent workmen's compensation act passed by the
state legislature. The Rochester Electric Light, Heat and Power Company accepted
the provisions of the bill and consequently Mr. Steen will receive 55 per cent
of his wages as long as he is unable to work. The money will be paid by the
insurance company which accepted the risk as provided for by the state law.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 15, 1915]
WORLD WAR I [Fulton County]
See: Rochester Bridge Co.
See: Spanish-American War
See: War Casualties Fulton County
See: War of 1812 Veterans
See: World War II
Whereas Raymond MURPHY is the FIRST SOLDIER of this county to lay down his life
in the service of his Country during the PRESENT WAR, and has offered and given
his all for "your flag and my flag."
Now, therefore, I William BRINKMAN, Mayor of the City of Rochester, Indiana, do
order and request that the flags in the city be lowered to half mast, and that
all business in the City be suspended during the hours of the funeral services.
Given under my hand this 22nd day of May, 1917.
W. Brinkman
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 22, 1917]
[complete list - see microfilm Rochester Sentinel, July thru December 1917]
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 9, 1917]
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 20, 1917]
196 MEN
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, Aug 1, 1917]
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 11, 1917]
WORLD WAR II [Fulton County]
See: American Red Cross
See: Rationing, Sugar
See: Rationing, Tires
See: Crabbs, Lester
See: Defense Enrollment
See: Draft Registration
See: Elin Manufacturing Co.
See: Fulton County Draft Board
See: Selective Service World War II
See: Spanish-American War
See: Service Men World War II
See: Service Men World War II, Letters
See: War Casualties Fulton County
See: Whitcomb, Paul
Physicians called: Dr. Elbie V. Herendeen, July 31, 1942 - Feb. 19, 1946; Dr.
Charles L. Herrick, July 1942 - March, 1946; Dr. Charles L. Richardson, Jan. 2,
1943 - Nov. 10, 1945.
Ration Stamps: An immense Ration Stamp Program for necessities was instituted
during the war. It was an involved system and everyone must sign up for stamps.
I had B gasoline stamps, food (canned), and shoe stamps for each in the family -
four members in our case. Sugar was also rationed. We always had enough except
for shoes. One could apply for extra stamps. I had to ask for extras for the
children. I always got them.
Canned food - vegetables and fruits - were no problem because my parents raised
beautiful vegetables. I canned tomatoes, green beans, and succotash as well as
peaches, some other fruits such as grape juice and grape jelly, also squash
which made wonderful "pumpkin pie." I processed the canned goods in a
pressure outfit Charley had used years before to sterilize equipment at his
office. The home-canned foods always kept and were delicious.
Meat was something else. My butcher, Ned Hart, always had some meat for me, a
few cuts of beef, a few pounds of ground beef. I always got my share for my
family. Our favorite protein food stretcher was tuna and egg casserole. I made a
white sauce, added the tuna, chopped hard-cooked eggs, some cooked peas and put
it in individual brown pottery casseroles with buttered crumbs on top and into
the oven to heat and brown. Adding some fresh vegetables, fruit, cookies and
milk made a satisfying and balanced meal. We were never hungry or without having
a well-balanced meal in store.
Gasoline rationing was no problem. As head of a household I was eligible for B
stamps which gave me all the gasoline I needed.
[Dr. Charles Richardson Family, Ruth Downs Richardson, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2,
Kokomo, Ind., March 18. - U. S. Highway 31, north of Kokomo, will be converted
into a key military road rapidly with the coming of spring, construction
engineers said today. Preliminary work for widening the road, including the
moving of utility poles and fences back from the highway line and the widening
of several bridges, is under way.
The road is to connect munitions-making plants in the northern part of the state
with similar factories in the souhern area and to lead to army training camps in
Kentucky and farther south.
Between Kokomo and Peru the highway is to become a twenty-four foot surface that
will conform to army specifications. Bridges are to be widened to twenty-eight
The Gast Construction Company of Warsaw, has the general contract and Sweet
Brothers, of Woodburn, are contractors for the bridge work. Men employed on the
project are housed in a trailer camp on a farm north of Kokomo.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 18, 1941]
Rochester and Fulton county residents today saw a portion of America's new
military might when a portion of the Fifth Army Division including the 21st
and46th Field Artillery corps with all their powerful equipment passed through
this city en route from Camp Custer, Mich. to Camp Forrest, Tenn.
A body of 5,200 soldiers passed through Rochester today and 4,100 will move
through here tomorrow. The contingents make two trips in their 700 trucks. One
trip passed through Rochester around 8 o'clock this morning en route to Peru
where a bivouac was made for Wednesday night.
Second Trip
The second trip came through Rochester over Road 31 around 11 a.m. and the
evening southbound trip was scheduled for around 3 p.m. The same time schedule
will be followed tomorrow.
The first troops arrived in Rochestertoday earlier than expected as permission
was given for the detail to pass over Road 31 from Plyumouth to Rochester.
Under the original schedule a detour was to be made over this portion of Road 31
due to repairs which are b eing made to the highway. Entrance was to have been
made into Rochesterover East Ninth street.
Two Columns
The Fifth Division is making the trip from Camp Custer to Camp Forrest as a part
of their military maneuvers for the year. One column is movingalong the eastern
part of the state while the western column is traveling over Road 31 across
Indiana. The entire movement will take nine days.
The troops left Camp Custer Tuesday morning. The infantry will march from seven
to 15 miles daily. It is hardly possible that any soldiers will march through
Rochester. Some of the marching was done today on Road 31 south of South Bend.
Tomorrow the 11th Infantry which was stationed at Fot Benjamin Harrison for so
many years will pass through Rochester. A number of Rochester men served with
this outfit and will be on hand to renew acquaintances with their buddies.
Given Right of Way
The troops which went through Rochester today were given the right of way over
Main street. Chief of Police Fred Carr was stationed at Main and Eighth streets
and Officer Paul Witcomb at Main and Seventh. A military policeman directed
traffic at Main and Ninth streets. Col. Mathew W. Gunner was in charge of the
troops which passed through here today and Lt. Col. C. K. Fales will be in
command of the 4,100 men who travel across Fulton county tomorrow.
Rochester citizens displayed the colors from in front of their homes in honor of
the soldiers and their officers. The Rochester city schools were dismissed this
morning so that pupils might see the army units.
Following are the army units of the Fifth Division who visited Rochester today:
Headquarters and military police company, Fifth division; Fifth signal corps;
Fifth reconnaissance troop made up of armored scout cars, 21st field artillery
battalion, using six-inch howitzers and 155 mm. and 75 mm. anti-tank guns, 10th
infantry, 3,000 men; 46th field artillery battery, using 75mm. guns; a
detachment from the Fifth medical battalion, and company B.seventh engineer
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 21, 1941]
Mayor O. I. Minter, who was in charge of shipment of aluminum collected in
Fulton county to concentration point at South Bend, stated today that three
large truckloads of the metal, a total of 2,600 pounds, has been transported to
South Bend. Aluminum collecting activity for the county is thus ended for
present, and the request was made that no more of the metal be turned in at City
A reduction was noted in total aluminum poundage, as considerable tin, pewter,
and other metals were included in the citizen's turn-in. Trucks moving the metal
were weighed both in Rochester and South Bend. Report of the collection will be
made both to State Defense Council and Federal authorities in Washington by
Mayor Minter.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, August 1, 1941]
"Razor blades are steel. Gun barrels are steel. Collections of old razor
blades are being made in many places now, and although our blades have not been
asked for as yet, it is time to start the collection. Therefore, a receptacle
will be kept in the Police Station at City Hall where used razor blades may be
deposited so that when we are asked for them, we will have a supply."
This statement was made by Mayor O. I. Minter, and since nobody seems to know
exactly what to do with their old blades, why not take them to the Police
Station for contribution? It is all in the interest of National Defense.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, August 2, 1941]
About 200 new U. S. Army vehicles passed through the city this morning at 9:30
o'clock, en route from Pontiac, Mich., for service at Camp Forrest, Tenn.
Majority of the trucks were of the 122nd Field Artillery, and carried no equip
[NOTE: Persons applying for jobs in defense industries were compelled to obtain
birth certificates. Many people, however, found that their births were not
recorded., and had to go to court and establish legally the time and place of
their births. There had to be legal notice of a hearing published in the local
paper. The Fulton County Bar Association handled these hearings without any
charge. The younger lawyers, including this compiler, performed this as a
contribution to the War effort.- WCT]
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 9, 1941]
The Fulton County USDA defense board today announced the names of local persons
to serve on the various township USDA defense committees.
Instructions as to the members' duties will be sent to each person soon, it was
stated. Following ar those selected by the county board:
Aubbeenaubbee Township
John V. Schmidt, Omer E. Reichard, Frank B. Moon, Charles E. Murfitt, Everett
Roscoe J. Burkett, Frank N. Dawson, Cleotus G. Smith, W. K. Gast, Ralph T.
Cloyd B. Zartman, Ray Zartman, Charles A. Janery, George Duey, Clayson Bailey.
Harry W. Wenger, Wallace D. Morris, Clyde E. Towne, Milton Kesler, J. H.
Thomas W. Beck, Herbert A. Warner, Dennis H. Foor, Ralph B. Hittle, Charles E.
Riddle, Harry J. Overmyer.
Otto F. Cessna, William F. Hudkins, William B. Myers, W. Steele Ewing, Floyd E.
Deardorff and Robert Zellers.
Lowell L. Myers, Fred M. Graffis, Clyde D. Garner, Clyde S. Collins, Robert M.
Theodore H. White, Roy Geier, Thomas Herd, Rex E. Murray, George M. Sommers.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 9, 1941]
Robert W. Shafer, who served on the Liberty Bond campaign in Fulton county
during the last war, has been named executive chairman of the Defense Bond and
Stamp campaign committee, William H. Deniston, executive chairman, announced
today as plans are being completed for launching a county-wide drive to acquaint
people with the need and worth of "Buying a Share In America."
Shafer and Deniston will attend a meeting of county organization heads in
Indianapolis Friday at which time Will H. Smith, state administrator, and Eugene
Pulliam, state chairman, will explain workings of the Defense Bond and Stamp
Sale organization. They will meet with representatives from 118 groups over the
state to work out plans for promotion of the sale of Defense Bonds.
Deniston announced today that local merchants are gaining interest in the plan
to sell stamps and that one merchant, Paul Eiler, is giving a defense bond with
each electrical appliance sold before Christmas. Other merchants are making
plans for tieing in their merchandise with the sale of Defense Bonds and Stamps.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 17, 1941]
The editor of the News-Sentinel recently received a most interesting letter from
Mrs. Gladys Gordon Burn, who is spending the winter months with friends at
Seaview, Washington. As this section of the northwest coast is potential
territory for a Jap air raid attack excerpts from Mrs. Burn's letter will be of
interest to her many friends in this locality:
"As you perhaps know by now, I was invited here to spend the winter with
old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeMuth, whom Joe and I knew 30 years ago in
Pasco, where we then resided.
" . . . as we are situated on one of the nearest points to Japan and
between two harbors where ships come in, we find ourselves in the midst of much
preparedness activity.
"Our house is right on the Pacific shore where the tide comes in to within
500 feet of its foundation. It is four stories high and the view of the beach
for miles around - to the north and "North Head" lighthouse on a point
high up on the cliff where the great Columbia river empties into the ocean is
three miles from the house here.
Three Forts Nearby
"Right there at 'North Head,' is Fort Canby, 3 miles from here; then 8
miles from here on the north side (Washington side) of the river is Fort
Columbia - then just across the river at Astoria, Ore. is Fort Stevens. There
are many soldiers in all the forts.
"This is a peninsula, one mile wide, 25 miles long and on the north point
is Wallapa harbor. This north point is not developed in any way. In fact the
whole peninsula has black bears, elk, deer and wild creatures which have always
been here.
"Many places are very jungle-like. One cannot see into the heavy timber
more than 20 feet. It is all so green and beautiful. Calla lillies grow outside
the weeds and roses in the yards are blooming now. The air is rather snappy, yet
Armored Cars Patrol Beach
"Sunday (Dec. 7) the news came to us at two o'clock our time that Japan was
bombing the Philippine islands. A meeting was called by Fort Stevens officers.
Lighters were placed at Wallapa harbor point of the peninsula and armored red
cars began patrolling the long beach which holds up a car very nicely. At night
the lighters from the forts searched the sky constantly.
"Last night I had the experience of my first blackout. The Astoria
broadcasting station came on the air and told us there must not be a light on
the peninsula and these are the exact words: 'Not a light on the peninsula for
it is imminent that Fort Stevens will be bombed.' Of course, I felt a little
chilly with these three forts so close and not knowing just how good a shot the
Japs might prove.
"However, while Mr. DeMuth went to a town meeting (in the dark) Mrs. DeMuth
and I were here at home in the dark. We lighted a candle and then went out to
look at the windows and although it was a small candle, it showed a dim light
through the closed, light colored blinds. We came in and put the candle in the
fire place and then hung an Indian blanket over the fire screen, leaving a small
ray of light along the floor. This way we could see to move about the living
"When Mr. DeMuth came home he told us they had appointed different
committee heads. His is a pioneer of Washington, so he will be director of
supplies. There will be committees for transportation in case we evacuate and
every bus, auto, truck, etc. is listed for service. The sheriff here attended
the meeting and appointed a number of deputies. Mrs. DeMuth was a trained nurse
before her marriage and she has been listed with those of the medical
profession. The army men are busy putting up all sorts of lines on poles and of
course we do not know what this is all about.
"North Head lighthouse is OUT, for the first time in 50 years and also the
lighship 20 miles at sea. It is the lightship which guides the ships to the
mouth of the Columbia river. The Columbia is mined we are told, and orders to
the soldiers is 'shoot to kill' if anything turns up there. So folks do not go
about much. No meetings are to be held at night, except defense meetings.
Business houses are boarding up their plate glass windows.
"Mr DeMuth and a friend are on the top floor now covering windows with
black building paper over the blinds, for his friends come over nights to play
pool. As they cannot go other places they do not want to give up their games
here in the recreation room. Mrs. DeMuth and I are going to fix up three cots,
card tables and some easy chairs, a radio in the corner of the basement tomorrow
so if we need to we can all sleep there.
"I forgot to tell you that on the Columbia river also is 'Tungle Point' the
naval and air base. This is about 10 miles from us. We cannot hear airplanes for
the roar of the sea sound exactly like a plane.
"A scouting plane, I suppose from the air base, came so close to the top of
the house that we thought it would knock the bricks out of our chimney. We
watched the plane for as far as we cold see as it headed straight west out to
"With best wishes to you and my Rochester friends for the Christmas days, I
"Gladys Gordon Burn,
"Seaview, Wash."
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 18, 1941]
[NOTE: Mrs. Burn is the lady who, in 1939, arranged to introduce me to Jean Cragun, my future wife. -Wendell C. Tombaugh]
Orvan Van Lue, local Scout Commissioner, today announced that a clean-up waste
paper collection will be held here Tuesday, December 30th. Rochester Boy Scouts
are to canvass the entire city in a final drive to collect old newspapers,
magazines, cardboard boxes, and all waste paper from homes in the city. The
collection is made in the interest of National Defense.
Scouts will assemble in the business district at eight o'clock Tuesday morning,
working both east and west from there. Van Lue asked that residents tie their
paper into bundles and leave it on the porch, to insure qyick completion of the
In last Friday's collection of paper from the city's east side residents, $27.45
worth of paper was contributed to the Scouts, it was stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 29, 1941]
Fulton county farmers were today urged by William B. Hizer, local county
agricultural defense board chairman, to sell their scrap iron to local dealers.
The Federal government has an urgent need for this iron, Hizer stated, and all
farmers should salvage as much scrap as possible and sell it at once. The iron
will bring between 40c and 55c per hundredweight. Farmers who have a large load
of scrap metal to sell should notify the nearest county scrap iron buyer, who
will provide for the transportation of the iron from the farm.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 30, 1941]
In line with the government's appeal for the conservation of gsoline and rubber,
M. Wile & Sons department store on and after January 1st, 1942, will suspend
its delivery service on all small parcels and packages.
The management stated, however, that their delivery service on all bulky and
cumbersome packages or bundles would, of course, be made as usual.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 30, 1941]
To cooperate with the U. S. government in its nation-wide drive for the sale of
National defense Stamps and Bonds, The News-Sentinel will within the next two or
three days have a full supply of the Defense Stamps for sale.
These Defense Stamps will be sold direct by The News-Sentinel's carrier boys
under the supervision of Kenneth E. Overstreet, circulation manager. Purchasers
of the Stamps will be given a special album which contains space for 187 of the
10c Stamps. Upon completion of the album the Stamps may be transferred for the
purchase of a $25.00 Bond. Further details concerning the sale of the Defense
Stamps will be carried in an early edition of The News-Sentinel.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 31, 1941]
Mrs. Helen Outcelt of the Rochester Flying Service, was today notified of her
appointment as Squadron Commander, Squadron No. 5, Rochester Airport, Civil Air
Patrol, Group No. 2. Mrs. Outcelt's appointment came from Wing Commander Karl G.
King, of the South Bend Civil Air Patrol.
The Civil Air Patrol are part of a nation-wide defense set-up and are organized
for the purpose of training licensed pilots in precision and formation flying,
more of the brand used by the Army Air Corps. The patrols are to regularly
patrol railroads, power lines and will act in the case of emergency.
Select Flight Leaders
The local squadron is to consist of 20 planes and 60 pilots. A. J. Weimer, North
Manchester; Jake Menzie and Bill Snyder, Warsaw; Joe Cox, Knox; and Noble
Harness, Hamlet, have been appointed as flight leaders. Each leader is to have
five planes and 15 pilots in his flight.
The local airport will draw ships and pilots from Kosciusko, Marshall, Fulton,
Starke and Pulaski counties. The organization is to be put into operation as
soon as possible, it was stated
Anyone wishing to assist in air patrol duties, either in ground work or office,
are requested to call at the local airport office where they will be issued
certified application blanks.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, January 24, 1942]
W. R. "Doc" Snyder, former resident of this city, is at present
employed by the Standard Oil Company at Aruba, Netherlands West Indies, whose
refinery there was shelled by a German U-boat today. Mrs. Snyder, who formerly
resided with her husband on the island, recently returned to Rochester and is
now living here. No word has been received concerning Mr. Snyder's safety.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 16, 1942]
"Vegetables for Vitality and Victory" might well be used as the
keynote of the Fulton county "Victory Garden" campaign which is just
now getting under way in this county. The aim of this "Victory Garden"
campaign is to establish not only more, but better home gardens, on each of the
more than 2,000 farms in Fulton county. If this goal of more than 2,000 good
farm home gardens is accomplished it will achieve the following important,
worth-while results: - - - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 18, 1942]
Indianapolis, Feb. 23. - Indiana motorists will have only one license plate in
1943 and 1944, it was learned today, because the defense emergency rquires a
sharp curtailment in the use of steel for this purpose. - - - - - -.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 23, 1942]
Plans and specifications for local cooperation in a national program to build
500,000 solid scale model airplanes for the Navy were received today from the U.
S. Office of Education it was announced by L. B. Perry, who has been appointed
local director for this project.
Under the program local high school youth and men of the community will be given
an opportunity to contribute directly to the Nation's war effort. The quote for
Rochester and community is 250 model planes. - - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 3, 1942]
An eye-witness story of the Japanese bombing of Honolulu, Hawaii, last December
7th, was recounted today to a News-Sentinel reporter by Mrs. Dalton W. Riggs, of
Chicago, who with her husband and a friend, Mrs. H. D. Fisher, also of Chicago,
were vacationing in Honolulu at the time of the treacherous attack on the
Mrs. Riggs is now visiting in this city with her son, Rex. R. Riggs, 328 West
Tenth street.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Riggs are widely-traveled and Mr. Riggs has for many years
kept a detailed account of each of their foreign vacations. Following are
excepts from Mr. Riggs' account of that fateful day in December and following
events, as they affected three vacationing Americans.
Sounds Like Maneuvers
" . . . Sunday morning, about eight a.m. . . . we were getting ready to go
to breakfast when I heard the first bombs over the ridge to the northeast and I
said to the landlord, 'It sounds like some maneuvers over in Kaneohe Bay.'
(submarine base) We were then surprised they had started it Sunday morning
without notice as to practice.
"We went to breakfast without turning on the radio.
If we had, we of course, would have heeded the warning that the Japs were
bombing and to stay indoors where we were less apt to be hurt by shrapnel or
spent pellets of the anti-aircraft fire. 'Innocents Abroad," we went to our
fovorite eating place on Waikiki Beach and ordered our usual orders . . . the
waitresses were all nervous . . . We did not know then that these waitresses
were the wives of Navy men who were at sea and not known if alive or dead. . . .
"We went to see the old coral black church built in 1843 and called
Hawaii's Westminister Abbey . . . . A little girl met us at the front gate and
told us they were going to have services in the basement that morning . . . .
The pastor met us and said, 'We are not going to use the main upstairs church
this morning as the bombing has started and already some shrapnel has fallen on
the roof.'
". . . The service started . . . All the time the songs were being sung the
distant roar of cannon and anti-aircraft fire was heard and it was not until a
big bomb hit across the corner from the church, did I think it too realistic to
ignore. Mrs. Riggs broke into tears as the terrific blasts seemed to rock the
church and the concussions nearly broke the wall in.
"The sirens were now sounding and the ambulances were racing down the
avenue in front of the church. . . .
"The anti-aircraft and machine guns and also the large guns of Pearl Harbor
were now in action and we went outside to see the last battle, about 12:05 p.m.,
with the enemy craft going high northewast over Fort Armstrong, which was in
front of us a few blocks. We were sure we saw one of the enemy craft come down.
Soldiers Guard Street
"About 12:15 p.m. we walked down the street to find a restaurant. . . . .
The streets were now free of most all vehicles, and there was a Legionnaire at
each corner and a soldier here and there along several blocks.
"No one stopped or asked us any questions as to why we were out and would
not know even yet we should be at home
"On the trolley back to the apartments, we three tourists were with the
carload of returning workmen of Pearl Harbor and they were all excited and had
lots to tell . . . . Showed a pocket full of shrapnel and shell casings . . . .
We could see the smoke from the sunken battleship Arizona and the U. S.
destroyer Shaw pouring forth smoke, resembling oil tanks on fire.
"The Japanese drug store and a number of other buildings in close to same,
on King's street, were burned to the ground. There was a bomb crater a few
blocks from our hotel in the middle of the street. . . . We made a tour of Oahu
and saw the destructive damage done to Pearl Harbor, Hickam field, and Wheeler
field. . . . Civilian and military dead were buried as best they could and plans
were rushed for blood banks and transfusions. The Red Cross was active at once
as were the civilian defense volunteers and of course martial law was declared
and a blackout ordered that night and for the duration. . . .
"Stores closed at 4:30 p.m., as did all other places of business. . . . The
many stores and restaurants opened as usual Monday morning, but all were
bewildered. . . . Far be it, however, military law ws declared and the FBI
rounded up the aliens of Japanese extraction and also the German and Italian
aliens. . . Plantations depend so much on Japanese labor for harvesting of the
pineapples and sugar cane. This war will have to take less sugar. . . .
"We had estimated the Nipponse planes to be about 22 if not 24, the report,
however, says 150. . . . If the army and navy had heeded the warning of Private
Joseph L. Lockard, who detected Japanese planes long before they arrived, it
might have been a different story. . . . The report says the percentage of
weekend passes was not unusual nor any greater percentage were arrested for
drunkenness, as a matter of fact the Japs found us napping. . . And we got a
good spanking. . . .
We soon were ordered to be aboard the boat from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Christmas Day.
We were one of the first ones aboard, but we did not leave the harbor until the
next day about 10 a.m. . . . . We were ordered to don life preservers for the
duration of the trip. . . The crew was shorthanded and when they asked for
volunteers I was one of the 18 who volunteered for watch duty. . . . My duties
were to watch for cigarette smokers and open portholes. We were running nights
all blacked out from six p.m. to six a.m. We were escorted by two destroyers and
one cruiser, as we had three large liners converted into transports. . . . We
zig-zagged for the six days and nights and when we came under the bay bridge in
San Francisco a great shout went up."
[The News-Sent inel, Tuesday, March 10, 1942]
Resignation of George P. Buchanan, local attorney, as chairman of the Fulton
County Rationing Board and appointment of Earl Sisson, of this city, to that
position was announced today by H. J. Halstead, Fulton County Defense Council
Director. Sisson, who was serving as full-time secretary for the Defense
Council, will also retain that post, it was stated.
Pressure of personal business necessitated Buchanan's resignation, Halstead
Also appointed today, as stenographer of the rationing board, was Mrs. Nobeline
Spencer, 1300 South Monroe street. This appointment was made under Civil Service
requirements. Both appointees assumed their new duties today
Rationing Board offices are located with the defense council at 712 1/2 Main
street. Other members of the rationing board are Joseph W. Bidwell, Akron, and
Ermal N. Shine, Kewanna.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 1, 1942]
The following is from a letter written to Mrs. Rose Knight from Mrs. Robert
Fyvie of Oakland, Calif. It contains interesting news from the war zones of the
western coast. Mrs. Fyvie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. "Oce" Kilmer
of this city:
"I'm sure I told you in my last letter that I had given up my trip home
this summer. Just as well now though that I did, because we have been placed
under a strict rule with the Red Cross service as the boys are that are in the
armed forces. We have to get permission now for a leave of absence from duty,
and they would not give us that long a leave for anything except serious
"All women have had to register out here for the draft, between the ages of
18 and 64, and if they are not already volunteers in some branch of the war
effort, they are to be placed wherever they are fit to place them in the various
defense plants. I foresaw that coming long ago, that's why I volunteered for the
Red Cross Ambulance Corps, and am glad now that I did, for I am doing the work
I'd rather do, than to be put into one of the plants. My bum back would never in
the world stand up under that heavy labor.
"Last week they took 1,000 men from the shipyards out here for the armed
forces, and they were replaced by women. My husband comes up for the next draft
which is the 27th of April, and of course, if he is taken into the service, I'll
have to take some kind of work where I will get a salary, for after all, I'd
still have to earn a living, and Red Cross work I'm doing now is volunteer work,
with no compensation for it whatever. I don't think they will take my husband
though, as he had one of his ear drums bursted in the last war, and doesn't hear
a thing in that ear, and not very good in the other ear either. However, nothing
would please him any more than to get right into the thick of things. He is just
itching to be right over there and get a direct crack at a few of those little
yellow devils.
"I don't believe you see as much actual preparation for war back there as
we do here, since of course this is a great industrial center, with the hundreds
of ship yards and ammunition plants, etc. and they are all operating 24 hours a
day. They work in relays of three shifts of 8 hours each, so you can see the
workers going and coming all hours of the day, with their steel helmets on their
"The big Treasure Island, which lays out in the center of the bay between
Oakland and San Francisco, and at which place the Exposition was held during
1930 and 1940, has been converted into a U.S. naval base, and if you could see
the activity that goes on over there all the time, you would really think it was
the main war front. If the Japs try to land around any of these shores, let me
tell you they are going to find it somewhat more difficult than they found it at
Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7th, for we are prepared for them here, and me thinks that
the fish in the waters surrounding these shores are going to get some good
feeds, providing they like yellow meat.
"Up until the outbreak of the War, this coast had about 9,000 inhabitants
of Japanese, both aliens and American born Japs, but they have all been rounded
up and seized for internment in concentration camps, and are all being hauled in
U.S. Army trucks and taken inland to different places away from the coast, for
the duration of the war. Some of them owned laundries, and some fruit and
vegetable markets, etc., but the U.S. government has taken over all of their
buildings and frozen them,and they are all left penniless when they are
interned. Even so, we are treating them far better than they are treating our
prisoners of war over in Japan, for they are actually using our men of war taken
over there for human target practice, and our American nurses and women
prisoners are being raped by the Japs and burning them alive afterwards. That
has actually by verified.
"So I think anything we do to them over here is all too good for them
really. If all these things are happening now, in just four short months that we
have been at war, just try and imagine what we are in for before the end of it
all comes, and it really makes your blood run cold.
"All of this horror just because of three men, or beasts I should say, want
to run the whole world. Too late now to cry over spilled milk, but isn't it too
bad we didn't finish the job in 1918 instead of stopping in mid air? All this
could have been avoided, but we are a peace loving people, and we were only too
glad to accept peace at that time, when they were willing to quit.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, April 11, 1942]
"Fulton county is 100% behind the President in gathering scrap rubber for
the war effort," James Newcomb, chairman of the Fulton County Peetroleum
Scrap Rubber committee, said today. "During the first three days of the
drive, which started with opening of business last Monday morning, 10,000 pounds
of scrap rubber have been turned in at the filling stations in our county,"
he said.
The bulk of this rubber scrap consists of old automobile tire casings. At many
stations 85% or more of the total tonnage received is in this form, Mr. Newcomb
He also pointed out that all forms of rubber articles are acceptable including
garden hose, hot water bottles, rubber overshoes, rubber mason jar rings, rubber
washers and gaskets, rubber mats, inner tubes, rubber belting, and a host of
other items. All of this material will be paid for at the gross weight of 1c per
pound, accoding to the chairman. If a worn out casing weighs 23 pounds, it is
worth 23c; 400 pounds of old rubber heels and old crepe soles are worth $4.00.
Scrap rubber that cannot be accepted includes hard rubber battery boxes and
covers, removed beads from automobile tires, rubber soles and heels that have
not been removed from leather shoes, solid rubber tires which have not had the
central wire removed, all hard or vulcanized rubber materials such as ash trays
and combs, and all other rubber items that have wood or steel attached that can
be removed. All rubber covered wire will be accepted and paid for at its gross
Mr. Newcomb urged every citizen to consider himself a part of America's scrap
rubber army, and work tirelessly to help to gather in the scrap rubber.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, June 19, 1942]
Officials of the Fulton County Rationing Board announced this morning that they
have received a telegram from James D. Strickland, State OPA director, asking
them to inform all retailers that all price lists of cost of living commodities
must be filed with the War Price and Rationing Board by July 1. Instructions for
filing these lists of commodity prices are defined in Bulletin No. 2.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 20, 1942]
June 20, 1942
Editor News-Sentinel
Rochester, Ind.
Dear Editor:
I thought you might be interested in what a Rochester boy is doing.
I hold the job of Geological Supervisor of the Strategic and Critical Minerals
Prospecting Project sponsored by the Federal government and Alabama Geological
survey. The ores of tin, iron, aluminum and manganese are being sought.
At present I have just discovered a bed of limonite (iron ore) five feet thick
with only several feet of overburden and covering an area of some square miles.
Mining will begin as soon as I have the area mapped and surveyed.
A large reserve of iron ore is expected to be discovered in the southern part of
Formerly I have been attending Indiana university and working on the Indiana
Geological Survey. I resigned to accept this job.
Yours very truly
Dan Kralis, Jr.
Strategic and Critical Minerals,
305 Church St.,
Troy, Ala.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 23, 1942]
County Defense Director H. J. Halstead today announced the resignation of Earl
Sisson as chairman of the local rationing board, effective as of last June 24,
and his appointment as executive secretary of the board.
Heavy rationing duties in connection with the sugar, tire, auto, bicycle and
typewriter programs and the recently added price ceiling administration, and
issuance of new personnel regulations by the OPA are given as the reasons for
shifting in rationing board staffs, Halstead said.
This change includes the appointment of Joe W. Bidwell, of Akron, as the new
chairman, and Carlton H. Haskett, as a new board member. Ermal N. Shine of
Kewanna, is the third member of the local board.
No change is announced in the clerical staff, composed of Mrs. Nobelen Spencer
and Mrs. Virginia Horton, stenographers. Sisson will continue to act also as the
administrative secretary of the Defense Council.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, July 11, 1942]
Application for the purchase of new adult bicycles will be received at the local
rationing board beginning tomorrow, July 15, officials say.
Under the July quota, only seven bikes can be purchased in Fulton county. Only
persons who fall within the eligible fiat will be considered.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 14, 1942]
Boyd Peterson, county USO chairman, today announced the appointment of the
several township and city chairmen who will assist in meeting the county quota
of $1,000 for the service men's organization.
Those appointed, and now busy with the organization of their various townships
Rev. John Walton, Aubbeenaubbee; Rev. Danial Slaybaugh, Henry; Gene Ditmire,
Liberty; Mrs. Kermit Biddinger, Newcastle; Mrs. Walter Burkett, Richland; Mrs.
George Callahan, Rochester township; Tri Kappa Society, Mrs. C. E. Gilger,
Pres., Rochester City; Mrs. Warren Gillespie, Union, and Mrs. Rex Murray, Wayne.
Fulton county's USO drive was started on July 4th with a celebration, program
and dance at Lake Bruce, followed by a percentage performance last Saturday by
King Bros. Circus in this city. While both events were of great assistance in
launching this worthy cause, which provides our boys with added comforts on the
war fronts of the world, the quota is still far short of the goal and local USO
officials will be expected to put forth every effort to put their respective
townships over the top with flying colors, Peterson stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 16, 1942]
County Defense Director H. J. Halstead today announced the appointment of Mrs.
Golda A. Baum of Akron to be chairman of the all-important kitchen fats campaign
which is designed to reclaim the grease drippings from the 4,000 Fulton county
Kitchen fats are of vital importance in the war effort, and the salvage is
necessary for the glycerine content now so badly needed in the manufacture of
high explosives.
Plans are now being made, under Mrs. Baum's direction to organize the county by
townships. Meat markets and other reclamation points will be authorized to pay
housewives five cents per pound for grease from kitchens. This in turn will be
delivered to the Rochester Fertilizer plant for rendering and shipment to
eastern explosives plants.
House wives are cautioned to deliver all kitchen fats or drippings in open mouth
containers. Your nearest butcher or market will be authorized to accept and pay
for same on delivery.
"This is a program," Mrs. Baum explains, "in which every
housekeeper can help materially to win the war. Glycerine is vital for victory,
and the kitchen fats we all throw away are the source of large quantities of
glycerine. We can perform no greater patriotic service at this time than to save
meat fryings and deliver them to the butcher."
All fats should be strained before delivery, Mrs. Baum points out. Open cans,
such as lard or coffee cans, are ideal containers for this important salvage
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 16, 1942]
The Leroy Shelton Post American Legion axuiliary today is launching a city and
county-wide drive for the collection of old phonograph records and discarded
record players to be sent to the USO department.
Such records and players have little or no value for their present owners, it is
pointed out. Disposed of as scrap and material for making new records, however,
will provide popular records for the training camps, the hospitals, the boys
overseas, in fact, every branch of the military and naval service of the U. S.
Members of the auxiliary will immediately start canvassing this area for records
and in event anyone who has records for this cause is missed they should phone
either Mrs. Harley Zolman, or Mrs. Aubra Emmons, of this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 24, 1942]
At the meeting yesterday of the Fulton county commissioners, it was decided to
file a new request for priorities with the War Production Board in connection
with the court house heating plant.
County Attorney Wendell Tombaugh will go to Washington next week to confer with
WPB officials on the question. City Attorney Hiram G. Miller will also go to
Washington next week to try to secure action on a similar priority request made
by the City of Rochester.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, July 25, 1942]
County Attorney Wendell C. Tombaugh and City Attorney Hiram G. Miller left
Wednesday morning for Washington, D.C., to consult the War Production Board.
The county attorney will petition for a priority order for a heating plant for
the county court house and jail. Attorney Miller will make a similar appeal with
WPB officials in the interest of the City Hall heating plant.
Such action was made necessary by the recent cessation of steam heating service
in Rochester by order of the Public Service Commission of Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, July 29, 1942]
Officials of the Fulton county rationing board this morning announced that since
July 15, when bicycle rationing was begun in this county, seven bicycle purchase
certificates have been issued. Those who received purchase certificates were
Stellavon Fultz, Imogene Williams, Charles Good, Jr., and Charlotte D. Severns,
all of Rochester; Clark W. Foor, Bonnie Shafer, and Leroy Merley, all of Akron.
For the month of Agust, a quota of 14 bicycles has been received for rationing
in this county to eligible applicants.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, August 1, 1942]
Peru, Ind., Aug. 20.- First of the cadets to receive primary flight training at
Peru Naval Reserve Aviation Base will arrive Sept. 10, it was announced
officially today. Actual training operations will begin within a few weeks,
according to the announcement issued by Lt. Comm. P. T. Stonemetz, base
A large staff of instructors already is on hand, and a number of training planes
are now based at the local field. A detachment of pilots left today to bring
back more planes.
The first group of cadets to be assigned here will come from the University of
North Carolina where they have undergone three months of intensive physical
conditioning and ground schooling. Others are being given pre-flight training at
the university of Georgia, University of Iowa and St. Mary's University, Calif.
Work was reported progressing on the concrete landing mat, which will be 2,500
feet square. Meanwhile, fields have been prepared for landing and taking off.
Several auxiliary landing fields already have been established within a radius
of 25 miles of the base. A total of 12 of these auxiliary fields are expected to
be used.
No announcement was made as to the number of cadets who will be here when
training starts, but officers of the base previously had stated that the maximum
number will be 800. They will be trained here for three months before
progressing to fields offering advanced courses.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, August 26, 1942]
Indianapolis, Sept. 26. - National regulations governing tire rationing prevent
the use of school buses to carry high school athletic teams or any other
students when engaged in extracurricular activities, James D. Strickland, state
director of the Office of Price Administration, announced yesterday. - - - - - -
- .
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, September 26, 1942]
Enlargement of the Fulton County War Price and Rationing Board from three to six
members was announced Saturday by H. J. Halstead, county defense director, with
the appointment of D. M. Pyle and Frederick Perschbacher, Rochester, and Robert
L. Rannells, Fulton.
"With prospects of much heavier rationing in view," Halstead said,
"the need for a larger board is obvious. In the appointment of the new
members, it is believed the board will profit by the added experience which
three men will lend to the local allocation program."
Joe W. Bidwell, Akron, will continue as the board chairman, with Earl Sisson,
Rochester, as the exective secretary. Other members are: Ermal N. Shine,
Kewanna, and Carlton H. Haskett, Rochester. No change is contemplated at this
time in the clerical staff. As it now stands, the board is politically
non-partisan, with three Democrats and three Republicans.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 28, 1942]
H, J. Halstead, county defense director, has announced the appointment of Lyman
E. Brackett as defense coordinator for Fulton county and Roscoe Pontius as
chairman of the communications committee. Both of these appointments aree very
important in the county defense set-up.
Plans are now being made to establish a control center from which all activities
will be supervised in case of black-outs or emergencies. Mr. Brackett will be in
charge of this center.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 7, 1942]
A group of ladies met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carl Hurtung where
initial steps were taken to form a club of Mothers of World War No. 2. Mrs. Hugh
B. Holman was selected to become the first president of the local organization
and 30 mothers have signed applications for membership.
These applications will be held open for the next few days and other mothers who
have sons in the service, desiring to become charter members of the local
lorganization are requested to call or see Mrs. Holman. The complete list of
applications will be sent to the national headquartes of Mothers of World War
No. 2 at Indiasnapolis on Monday, October 19th, for issuance of a charter.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 14, 1942]
Final plans and preparations were being made today in the schools of the state
to conduct the registration for the nation-wide gasoline rationing program
starting Wednesday.
School To Be Dismissed
In the local city schools it was announced that school is to be dismissed all
day Friday for the purpose of completing the task of registering some twelve to
fifteen hundred applicants who are expected to appear at the school buildings in
Rochester. School is to continue as usual Wednesday and Thursday and no
applications are to be received during school hours but the teachers, acting as
registrars, will receive applications between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 8:00
p.m. on these two days. On Friday the hours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. are to
be used.
Obtain Blanks at Gas Stations
Applicants may obtain the necessary R-534 blanks at any filling station and are
expected to take them to their nearest school building properly filled out. All
three of the city school buildings - Columbia, Lincoln and the high school, are
to be open for registration during the hours decided upon. A reprint of detailed
instructions to those applying for a gas ration which appeared in a recent issue
of The News-Sentinel will be found on page three.
Gasoline registration at the Richland Center school will be held Wednesday
evening from 6:00 to 9:00 o'clock; Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., and
from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Friday.
The Grass Creek school will have gasoline rationing registration on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday afternoons.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 17, 1942]
H. J. Halstead, county director of civilian defense, today announced the
addition of a price ceiling panel of three members to the local rationing board.
Those appointed are:
Howard Wertzberger, local banker, Margaret Keys, telephone employee, and A. L.
Deniston, contractor.
These appointments will bring to nine the number of persons who will serve the
several price ceiling and rationing programs now in operation in Fulton county.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 21, 1942]
An auxiliary board which will have charge of all gasoline rationing, including
supplemental allowance for passenger cars as well as trucks, tractors and all
non-highway reqirements will begin operations in the County Assessor's office at
the court house Monday morning, Nov. 23rd. Office hours for each day next week,
except Thursday, will be from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
A special staff of workers has been selected to expedite this program. Persons
who feel that basic rations of four gallons per week is not sfficient for their
occupational needs, may present supplemental application blanks form 535-A for
consideration of the board. Persons asking for truck rations will be governed
entirely by the recommendation of O.D.T. as indicated by the certificate of war
necessity. The local board will have no authority to deviate from the O.D.T.
recommendation, officials say.
Applicants are requested not to apply at the local board office as no provisions
will be made to care for their needs at that place. A competent staff will be at
the courthouse branch and this is the only point in the county where gasoline
rationing will be made.
County school registrants report that approximately two-thirds of the county's
registered motorists were issued "A" books in the three-day
registration period which closed Friday evening. About one-third of the car
owners failed to apply. These persons must now await their turns following
supplemental rationing before "A" books are available, local OPA
officials say.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 21, 1942]
Some new dishes will appear on the menus of local restaurants as owners do their
part in the national "Share the Meat" program. Restaurants of
Rochester are cooperating fully with the county defense nutrition committee
campaign to limit consumption of restricted meats to 2 1/2 pounds a week,
according to Mrs. Charles Richardson, county nutrition chairman.
Assurances of compliance with the voluntary rationing program were given at a
meeting of the nutrition committee and restarant owners Tuesday afternoon.
Since this is "Share the Meat Week" in Indiana, restaurants in this
city are offering on Fridays special menus comprised of fish, fowl or other meat
substitutes. All of the restaurants in the city have voluntarily entered this
The restaurant owners and managers have agreed that the meat sharing program
could be put into effect without reducing in any way the variety, nutritional
value or taste approval of their foods.
Also, they agree to reduce the number of restricted meat dishes served; to
emphasize unrestricted meat dishes on menus; to serve only one meat at a meal to
a customer; and to provide more variety meat dishes and poultry, fish and other
meat alternates such as cheese and beans.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 10, 1942]
It was announced today that Woodlawn hospital is cooperating in the "Save
the Meat" program by observing "meatless Fridays" the same as is
being practiced bg the local restaurants.
Mrs. Nora Baldwin, who is in charge of the cuisine department, stated that
today's menu featured cheese and macaroni instea of meat. Othe rFriday menus
will have chicken or fish in lieu of the scarce cuts of beef, veal,pork and
mutton, it was stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, December 11, 1942]
Rochester and Fulton county residents have turned in a total of 789 passenger
car tires during the past 3 months, Floyd Christman, local Railway Express agent
stated today.
Some of the tires were obsolete and badly worn, but others were practically new.
The government decree that only five tires may be owned by any one car owner and
the inability to get gas ration books resulted in the surge of rubber.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 24, 1942]
Chief of Police Fred Carr said today that anyone having worn out safety razor
blades should bring them to the Police Station where they will be accumulated in
sufficient quantity to make a reasonable turn-in. These blades are made of steel
and will be useful for remelting and aiding in the war effort.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 13, 1943]
The first group of surgical dressing classes will begin work Wednesday evening
7:30 o'clock, in the basement of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of this city.
Twenty-six women have enrolled for the Wednesday night class and everyone is
urged to be present.
Like classes will be conducted in the same location Thursday evening, Friday
afternoon and Saturday afternoon of each week. The bank has donated the entire
basement room which has been completely outfitted for the making of bandages,
etc. Any lady who has spare time to donate in this worthy proect is requested to
call any of the following instructors who will be in charge of the various
Mrs. Guy Alspach, Mrs. Lyman Brackett, Mrs. Guy R. Barr, Mrs. A. L. Deniston,
Mrs. C. E. Gilger, Mrs. Max Hardin, Mrs. M. E. Leckrone, Mrs. Harry Louderback,
Mrs. Grant Miller, Mrs. Ray Roy, Mrs. Edith Ruh, Miss Edna Sheets, Mrs. Percy
Smith, Mrs. Dean Stinson, Miss Marie Turner, Miss Rena Wright, Mrs. Robert King
and Miss Ruth Sutherland.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 1, 1943]
A recent check-up reveals that The News-Sentinel is now being distributed to
practically all of the various war centers and training camps throughout the
world. Never in the history of the Rochester Fulton county newspaper business
has such an extensive foreign coverage been experienced, and the peak has not
yet been attained as the subscription list to the men in service is increasing
almost daily.
Well over 200 Fulton county youths and men in the armed services of the United
States are now receiving the home-county newspaper. While no doubt the major
portion of this number of subscriptions is being mailed to points within the
United States, there are still well over three score of copies going out to
foreign ports and bases.
Home News to Distant Ports
The bulk of this foreign mail leaves the United States either at San Francisco,
Cal. or New York. By the letters received by the publishers from friends and
relatives of these foreign subscribers, it is safe to assume that the Rochester
daily newspaper is being read in Australia, New Guinea, Guadalcanal, Hawaii,
Alaska, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, England, Panama Canal Zone, north Africa,
China, remote bases in the Caribbean and possibly a few other distant outposts
in foreign lands.
During World War I a number of United States soldiers were daily subscribers to
The News-Sentinel but the bulk of these papers were sent to France or England
and home bases in the United States.
From letters written to the relatives of these subscribers in foreign lands, it
is learned that newspaper mail arrives in remarkably efficient and even in the
more distant point the delivery is believed to be completed in less than three
weeks, in most instances.
Half Rate to Service Men
The publishers of the News-Sentinel are giving special attention to all service
men mail, both in the United States and that destined for delivery abroad. For
the past several weeks the service men's newspapers have been wrapped in a
tough, yellow wrapping paper, thrice as strong as the usual white news quality
paper, which is used for the usual run of mail.
The subscription rate to all men in the service has been reduced to exactly half
price, or $2.00 per year. This includes men within the confines of the United
States or on any foreign soil throughout the world.
Next to a letter from home there's no substitute for the "home-town"
paper. There are still scores and scores of service men from Fulton county who
are dependent on an occasional letter from home as their only means in keeping
contact with friends and loved ones. Why not send daily copies of The
News-Sentinel and also plenty of V-mail. They'll appeciate it.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 3, 1943]
Washington, Feb. 8. - The government suddenly put shoes under rationing Sunday.
Sales are prohibited today, the rationing starts Tuesday.
The ration is three pairs a year for every man, woman and child, but members of
a family may pool their coupons so that some may buy more if others buy less. -
- - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 8, 1943]
The rationing of heavy farm machinery, tractors, plows and discs will be started
on Friday, February 12th, by the Fulton county farm machinery and equipment
rationing board. This board will meet at the AAA office in Rochester - - - - - -
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 10, 1943]
A call was made to Rochester and Fulton county from the U. S. Army for Dogs for
War Work. The request was made to the Izaak Walton League of Fulton county, and
Charles M. Quackenbush, Erie R.R. agent, of this city has been named as the
"Recruiting agent" for the war dogs.
Any city or rural resident, who has a dog or dogs which they could spare for war
service is requested to notify Mr. Quackenbush at phones 24 or 4565-M, or call
any member of the Izaak Walton club. - - - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 29, 1943]
Merle Craig, chairman of the Fulton County Air Raid Wardens today announces that
there will be a meeting of all county Civilian Defense workers at the Rochester
high school assembly room, Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
First aid demonstrations will be given by Dr. Dean Stinson and moving pictures
of war and air raids will be shown. Civilian, police and Boy Scout troops are
especially requested to attend this important meeting.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, April 10, 1943]
Charles Quackenbush, Erie railroad agent, recruiter for Fulton county
"dogs-for-war," today received a telegram from the U.S.A.
quartermasters department, Front Royal, Va., that seven shipping crates were
enroute to Rochester.
Quackenbush said today that members of his committee were planning a formal
"induction ceremony" for the local canines either on Thursday or
Friday morning at 11 o'clock. Photos of the war-dogs-to-be and their owners will
be taken and a general air of military pomp will feature this occasion. The
exact time for this ceremony is dependent upon the arrival of the shipping
The Rochester dogs which will be trained in the Virginia camp, consist of
several fine species of German police, collies and English Shephards. The local
rcruiter stated today he was not entirely satisfied with the response given to
the call for "war dogs" and urged other local and Fulton county people
to loan their animals for services in U.S.A. patrol duty.
All dogs under five years of age, weighing 50 pounds or over, are acceptable for
this service, with the exception of Chows.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 28, 1943]
Charles Quackenbush, Erie railroad agent and local recruiter for "Dogs for
defense," said today that he has received shipping crates from the army dog
training center at Fort Royal, Va., and will be used to send Rochester pets to
the training center.
The dogs will be shipped to Fort Royal as soon as forwarding orders are
received, Quackenbush said.
Fulton county people who have donated their dogs to the government are Mrs.
Charles Flagg Jr., Mrs. Robert Stahl, Lewis Murray, Fred Batz and Jack Pickens,
all of Rochester, Arthur J. Kuhn of Akron and Sam Horn, of Fulton.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 1, 1943]
To the accompanimen of occasional growls and sharp staccato barking, Fulton
county's first group of "Wags" (war dogs to the less military minded)
were "inducted" into the services of the U. S. in a ceremony at the
Erie depot Tuesday a.m. with County Recruiter Chas. Quackenbush in charge of the
crating and shipping.
The dogs departed on the east-bound Erie R.R. passenger at 11 a.m. for the great
dog training camp at Front Royal, Va., where they will receive special training
for guard and messenger duty in the U.S. and in foreign service. A group of
nearly a hundred people comprising dog owners and Rochester citizens and
officials were present to witness the induction.
"Shots" of the dogs and their owners were taken by Charles Lockridge
and these photos will be placed on display in the downtown area within a few
days. The Wags posed for their pictures atop their shipping crates, while their
owners kept a tight leash on their pets to avoid any free-for-all melee, which
could have placed them on a prematre injury list.
"Dempsey," a beautiful and powerfully built, fawn-colored German
Police dog, donated by Mrs. Cecil R. Stahl, proved a tough hombre to handle and
one of the shipping clerks dryly remarked, "I hope Dempsey gets one good
lunge at Adolf."
While the photographer was busily engaged attempting to get the canines to
"watch the birdie," a pen of four yellow Cocker Spaniels, belonging to
Mrs. Lydia Patrick, just south of the Erie property started to "kip"
thei rtiny dog farewells to the war-dogs-to-be and a Persian kitty perched atop
the cockers' kennel bespoke of their peace-loving tendencies.
The dogs departing today were:
Fritz, a two-year-old German Police, donated by Mrs. Charles Flagg, Rochester;
King, 18-months-old Collie, belonging to Jack Perkins, Rochester;
Dempsey, 4-year-old fawn-colored German Police, property of Mrs. C. R. Stahl, of
Billy, 2-year-old English Shepherd, given by L. S. Murray, of Newcastle
Lady, 14-months-old German Police, presented by Fred Batz, of Richland township;
Pat, 3-year-old cross between German Police and Shepherd, belonging to Arthur J.
Kuhn, of Akron; and
Skipper, 18-month-old English Shepherd-Collie, given by Sam T. Horn of near
Fulton, Ind.
Mr. Quackenbush stated today that he has 10 more dogs volunteered for the
service and these will be examined and shipped out at an early date. The local
recruiter is exceptionally well pleased with the high quality of the dogs
donated and believes that Fulton county will be one of the first in Indiana to
supply its quota of Wags.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 4, 1943]
The salvage scrap drive committee announced today that everything is in
readiness for the county-wide collection of scrap and junk material on Sunday,
May 23.
Under a special called meeting by Fulton County Scrap Committee Chairman Charles
T. Jones Jr., which was held in the basement of the First National Bank Monday
evening, plans were drafted for a thorough canvassing of every farm home in the
county on this coming Sunday.
The committee has requested that farmers make a thorough search of the barns,
sheds and their entire property for every available piece of scrap and have it
placed in a most convenient place for pick-up by the salvage trucks and crews
which will be in operation all day May 23. Due to the flooded condition of many
rural lanes and by-roads in the lowland areas of the county, it is of utmost
importance that the scrap be placed in close proximity to a firm based higthway
or road.
Those attending the scrap collection planning meeting last evening were Herbert
A. Warner, M. E. Zellers, Otto Cessna, Charles Van Meter, James H. Newcomb, Dean
Neff, Fred Grsaffis, Will Shanley, Omer Hook, Florence Hendrickson, Lorin
Stucker, Jack Stucker, Robert M. Walters, Orland Sturgeon, Robert L. Wilson,
Lawrence H. Sidem, Harley L. Carr, Clyde Leavell, LaMont Gilbert, John H.Dawald,
William I. Nixon, M. J. Huxley and Charles T. Jones Jr.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 18, 1943]
In preparation for probable blackout trials, members of the county defense staff
met Monday evening to complete plans for the local control center which is
located in the basement of the Rochester telephone exchange.
Fulton is one of the few counties in northern Indiana where test blackouts have
not been made, local defense officials point out, and state officials are
expected to call at any time for a trial here. With the exception of a few
scattered appointments, the local organization has been completed and names of
those who have finished the prescribed training courses have been certified,
according to H. J. Halstead, county director.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 18, 1943]
Harry Cooper, president of the Rochester Lions club, announced today that the
organization desires to obain the name of every man or woman who has enlisted in
any of the various branches of service in World War II.
The appeal is being made, Cooper said, in order that the names may be placed on
a large "Roll of Honor" board which is to be unvelied in the Rochester
business district Sunday, May 30.
Cooper said it is an easy matter to secure the names of Fulton county men who
entered the service through the selective service board, but it has proved most
difficult to secure a list of men or women who have enlisted in the various
branches of service. Anyone having relatives who enlisted in any branches of the
army, navy or air service has been urged to send the name or names of the
enlistees to Harry Cooper, Rochester, Ind.
An announcement concerning the unveiling and dedication of the Lions'
"Honor Roll" board will appear shortly in The News-Sentinel.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 19, 1943]
Hundreds of Fulton county motorists today joined other automobile and truck
operators in Indiana in assuring the availability of license plates for all
Hoosier vehicles in 1944 by contributing their front 1942 plates.
The county's drive to collect 7,000 automobile and truck tags began officially
today. Tags were collected at official tire inspection stations in the county
and at the Fulton county ration board office in Rochester.
The campaign is part of a state-wide drive, ordered by Governor Schricker, which
is being conducted by civilian defense organizations. The collection program
will end May 29.
Hundreds of cars throughout the county today were operating in full compliance
with the law, with only one plate - the rear tag.
It was pointed out today that no receipts or records of any kind will be kept in
connection with the surrendering of automobile and truck plates. The only record
that will be kept is the total number turned in, and motorists will have no
occasion to request a receipt in exchange for plates.
The 1942 plate, it was explained, is without value to an automobile or truck
operator, except where the small validating tag has been attached. Thus, no good
purpose could be served by issuing a receipt for plates turned in. The task of
issuing receipts would slow up collections.
The plates collected in the campaign will be delivered by local civilian defense
officials to the automobile license plate manufacturing division of the Indiana
state prison to be made into new 1944 plates for automobiles and trucks.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, May 24, 1943]
The United Press reported today from Indianapolis that two Rochester men were
able to more than meet Governor Henry F. Schricker's request that Hoosier
motorists give up front license plates to provide metal for the 1944 tags.
William Jurgensmyer and Omar Steffey between them contributed 101 plates,
including some plates 30 years old.
Jurgensmyer had complete sets of passenger plates from 1913 until 1943, plus
some truck plates - 64 in all. Steffey contributed passenger plates from 1919
onwards with the exception of three years.
Both men had saved the plates as a sort of "wallpaper" for their
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 25, 1943]
H. J. Halstead, civilian defense director for Fulton county, today announced the
appointment of 36 members of Boy Scout troops 18 and 19 as defense corps
messengers for Rochester and vicinity to act in case of emergency for the
Certificates of membership in Indiana Civilian defense as qualified members of
the Messenger Corps have been delivered for distribution to Scout leaders Lee
Sharpe and George Riddle for the following boys:
Carl Beehler, Joe Cook, John Fultz, Robert Garber, Robert Glassley, Francis
Jones, Tad Louderback, Arnold Murray, John Nelson, Jerry Overmyer, Wilson
Sadowsky, Louis Schroer, John Sheets, Jack Tippy, John Dick Van Lue, Ned
Bemenderfer, Glen Bryant.
Richard Cook, Richard Clay, Robert Delp, Gerald Damas, Arland Hammond, Russell
Heyde, Lynn Iler, Ted Olson, Jack Pickens, David Taylor, Richard Rogers, Carl
Hedges, Gordon Hedges, John Sparks, Don Roy, Claude Atkinson, Dale Drudge,
Walter Brown, Robert Rouch.
In addition to certificates, each messenger receives an arm band bearing the
official OCD insignia and identification card.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 25, 1943]
Mrs. H. J. Halstead, county chairman for the tin can collection program, has
arranged for the first collection in Rochester during the fornoon of Saturday,
May 29, it was announced today by Mayor O. I. Minter.
Mayor Minter will be in charge of the collection. He said today that only cans
which are properly processed - with paper removed, cleaned, ends cut out and
flattened - will be picked up. The cans, he said, should be placed at he curbs
for the convenience of collectors.
The Mayor also said that he is in need of storage space for the cans as it will
be some time before they are transported to Logansport. Anyone having available
storage space has been requested to contact the Mayor.
Another truck also will be needed to make the collection efficiently and
quickly. Two city trucks and one from the Bailey Beverage Company will be used
to pick up the cans. Trucks and personnel have been requested to be at the city
hall not later than 8 o'clock Saturday morning, where collection operations will
be divided into four phases.
The next collection of cans will be made one month later.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 25, 1943]
Organization and plans for the recruitment, training and placement of
year-around and seasonal farm help or labor, as now arranged under the new
emergency farm labor program, were discussed in detail at a district meeting of
county agricultural agents, held at LaPorte County. Agricultural Agent M. J.
Huxley of Fulton county was present.
The county agricultural agent's office in each county will be the headquarters
for the locating, training, and placing of farm workers, it was explained by J.
B. Kohlmeyer, of Purdue University, state supervisor of the emergency program,
enacted by Congress only last month. The Purdue Agricultural Extension Service,
functioning through the county agents in the 92 counties in Indiana, has been
designated by law as the official organization to determine the Hoosier farm
labor needs and to take the necessary action for getting the job done.
Both Kohlmeyer and H. S. Heckard, assistant county agent leader, also from
Purdue, pointed out that the new responsibility of farm labor is the "No. 1
job" of county agricultural agents. Farmers actually needing extra help in
planting and harvesting crops or to do other farm work were urged to contact the
county agent's office well in advance of the time when such assistance is
It was explained that the Purdue Agricultural Extension Service, including the
county agents, would work closely with other government agencies, such as the U.
S. Employment service on recruiting farm labor from areas outside Indiana and
the Farm Security Administration on transportation of workers to Indiana. The
Extension Service's responsibility will definitely be that of making labor
available where needed on farms.
All farm labor under the new emergency program will be known as "U. S.
Crops Corps" workers, including the Victory Farm Volunteers or in school
youth, part-time workers of business and urban people.
Three committees were recently appointed to assist the county agent's office in
recruiting and placing farm workers in Fulton county. These committees and
members were as follows:
Executive committee for adult workers - E. L. Mitchell, chairman; Richard
Graves, secretary; Carlton Haskett, Charles Spohn and Robert R. Miller.
Victory Farm Volunteers (in school youth) - Fred Rankin, chairman; George
Riddle, Lee Sharpe, and Irving Haug.
Women's Land Army - Mrs. Carl Newcomb, Mrs. Harley Zolman, and Mrs. Florence
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 25, 1943]
Paul Myers, Rochester hardware merchant, today became Fulton county chairman of
the war finance committee and will direct monthly campaigns to achieve war bond
quotas assigned by the U. S. Treasury Department.
Myers succeeded H. Lisle Krieghbaum who resigned the post recently because of
the press of other duties. Krieghbaum however, will continue to assist the bond
program in an advisory capacity.
Pulliam Announces Appointment
Announcement of the appointment of Myers was made by Eugene C. Pulliam, state
chairman of the war finance committee in Indiana. - - - - - -.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, June 25, 1943]
Another contingent of Fulton county WAGS, seven to be exact, were shipped out of
Rochester Tuesday afternoon over the Erie railroad by Charles Quackenbush,
county recruiter for war service dogs. The WAGS were enroute to Fort Robinson,
Neb., where they will receive special training for service in the U. S. and
This was the second shipment of canines to be shipped out of this county. Early
in May, seven were sent to Front Royal, Va., for training.
Owners who gave or assigned their dogs for the shipment today were:
Francis Partridge, Route 5 - Police Shepherd cross;
Warren Gohn, Route 4 - English Shepherd
Edgar Montgomery, Kewanna - English Shepherd;
Loy Shriver, 1517 Bancroft, Rochester - German Shepherd-Collie cross;
Mrs. Maude Gordon, Route 2 - English Shepherd;
Cecil Patterson, 602 Monroe street - German Shepherd;
Amos S. Kester, Rochester - Thoroughbred Pointer.
Mr. Quackenbush stated that he has four more dogs ready for the next shipment
and a number of others to be presented for examination for shipment in August.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 29, 1943]
Charles Quackenbush, Erie railroad agent, reported that six dogs were received
today to be shipped to Front Royal, Va., where they will be trained for service
with the U. S. Army. The dogs will leave Monday morning at 11:00 o'clock for
Contributors and their dogs are:
Charles Gow, Monterey, a two-yhear-old English Shepherd named "Shep";
Daniel Rose, 1008 Jefferson street, a 15-months-old Doberman Pinscher named
"Fritz"; William Kennell, R.R. 3, Rochester, an 18-months-old English
Shepherd named "Rover"; Rev. Grant Blackwood, 1003 Madison street, a
Pointer-cross named "Brownie"; Charles Morgan, R.R. 3, Rochester, a
three-year-old Doberman-Pounter cross, called "King"; and Arthur
Copeland, 1028 Main street, a German-cross three-year-old, named
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 23, 1943]
Charles Quackenbush, Fulton county recruiter for WAGS, today received word from
U. S. army officials at Front Royal, Va., that six shipping crates are now
enroute to Rochester to receive another quota of Fulton county war dogs.
Mr. Quackenbush stated that he has just enough dogs to fill this quota, but will
need another group of canines within the next couple of weeks. Anyone having a
dog weighing 50 pounds or over and between 18 months and five years of age they
desire to enter in the WAG service may notify Mr. Quackenbush at the Erie R.R.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 21, 1943]
Another local canine troop movement was completed today with the shipping of six
more Fulton county dogs to the war dog training and reception center at Front
Royal, Va.
The dogs left this morning at 10:42 for Front Royal on the Erie railroad. Dogs
and their former owners are as follows:
19-month-old German Shepherd named "Uhl," owned by Mrs. Edith Hagen,
3-year-old Doberman Pinscher called "Lady," owned by J. D. Dowens,
2-year-old German Shepherd cross called "Victor," owned by Mrs.
Clarence Shriver, Rochester.
2-year-old Dane-cross called "Jack," owned by Mrs. John Haimbaugh.
4-year-old German Police named "Ted," owned by George Moyer, Fulton.
2-year-old German Shepherd named "Legs," owned by David Duey, Macy.
Charles Quackenbush, local recruiting officer for the "Wags" stated
today that many more dogs are needed for army duty and any dogs able to pass the
examination will be accepted.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 29, 1943]
H. J. Halstead, county defense director today announced the resignation of Joe
E. Bidwell as chairman of the Fulton County War Price & Rationing Board,
effective Oct. 16.
Bidwell gives as a reason for his resignation at this time the pressure of
business at his Akron market and grocery and other intrests which take all of
his time. He has been a member of the local board since it was formed and has
served as chairman of the board since June 1942.
In commenting, Halstead said: "It is with real regret that I must accept
Joe Bidwell's resignation. His loyalty, fairness and impartiality in all matters
affecting the rationing program have been of the greatest assistance in the
successful operation of the local board."
Pending further developments District Director James D. Strickland has named H.
J. Halstead to succeed Bidwell. The new chairman, who is well and favorably
known for civic and defense leadership will assume his new post on Oct. 18.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 13, 1943]
H. J. Halstead, county defense director, has announced the resignation of Ermal
N. Shine, Kewanna hardware merchant, as a member of the Fulton County War Price
and Rationing Board, effective at once. Mr. Shine, who has been a member of the
board since its creation back in 1941, gave pressure of private bsiness as a
reason for his retirement from the board.
At the same time Halstead announced the appointment of Carlton H. Haskett, local
insurance man as chairman of the board to succeed Joe W. Bidwell, Akron grocer,
resigned. Other appointments announced in a general reorganization program
include, Carl W. Thacker to be executive vice chairman, Mrs. Miriam Mitchell,
volunteer procurement officer, Mrs. Elizabeth Lichtenwalter, publicity officer,
and Orbra Taylor, Vere S. Calvin, Ancil R. Beall, Ed R. Clay, Brant McKee and
Lowell E. Long as new board members.
Creation of a new fuel oil and stove panel with three board members will be
effected soon, Halstead says. Fuel oil and stoves were previously held under
control of the gasoline and oil panel. A shortage of paid personnel and the ever
increasing work-load upon the board makes necessary the addition of more
volunteer members, Halstead explained. Assignment of new members to the several
operating panels and schedules for weekly meetings of the panels will be made
soon. No change in the paid personnel of the board is anticipated at this time,
Halstead said.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, November 8, 1943]
Fulton county's first shell-shocked WAG, "Lady," a beautiful
fawn-colored female German shepherd, arrived in Rochester Saturday, and was
taken to her home by the owner, Fred Batz, a farmer who resides about six miles
northwest of this city.
"Lady" was in the first shipment of WAGS to be sent out of Fulton
county by Recruiter Charles Quackenbus early last spring. She was sent to Front
Royal, Va. After receiving 8 weeks of special training, "Lady" was out
on active duty in the service of the U.S.A.
Officials of the Front Royal WAG training center did not give any details
concerning where "Lady" had been in service, but merely informed her
owner that she had become nervous and gun-shy and was no longer able to perform
her duties in the service.
Mr. Quackenbush, who was present when Mr. Batz came to take "Lady"
home Saturday, stated the dog readily rcognized her old master and appeared most
friendly. "Lady" was in the pink of condition, and it is believed she
will soon recover from her nervous condition.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, November 29, 1943]
Charles Quackenbush rvealed that six dogs were sent from here on the Erie
Railroad at 3:53 o'clock this afternoon enroute to Ft. Robinson, Nebraska for
training for duty in the K-9 division of the U. S. Army.
Dogs and owners were:
George H. Culver, 818 E. 17th St., Rochester - German Shepherd, 3 years old.
Merrill E. Waltz, R.R. 3, Rochester - English Shephered cross, 22 mos. old.
Mrs. Wayne Outcelt, R. 2, Rochester - English Shephere cross, 2 years old.
William H. Deniston, 315 W. 9th St., Springer Spaniel - 3 yrs. old.
Mrs. Winnie Bixler, R. 1, Rochester - German Shepherd, 18 mos.old.
Verdie Brockey, R. 5, Rochester - English Shepherd, 14 mos. old.
Fort Robinson is one of the largest dog recruiting centers in the country, and
anyone sending their canine to the army is assured that it will receive
excellent treatment at the training center.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 19, 1944]
In an article appearing in a South Bend newspaper, the name of Leroy Medary was
included in a list of Indiana war prisoners who are returning to the United
States aboard the liner Gripsholm.
Medary, former Rochester citizen, was engaged in teaching in Germany at the time
of the United States' entry into the world conflict. The Medarys left Rochester
a number of years ago to reside in South Bend. Later Leroy, who possessed a
remarkable tenor voice, studied voice abroad and taught in foreign schools. His
brother, DeVerl, was one of Fulton county's first victims in World War I.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 13, 1944]
"Brownie," No. IND-915, Brand No. A33, a large Pointer-Shepherd cross
WAG has been honorably discharged from service in the WAG and is enroute home to
his owner, Rev. Grant Blackwood, of this city.
"Brownie" is being returned from Front Royal, Va., after undergoing
deprocessing training at that training center for the past few weeks.
Col. T. B. Apgar of Front Royal center, in his letter to Mr. Blackwood, stated:
"Your dog is in excellent health and has been handled and petted by several
soldiers at this depot for the past few weeks, and is in our opinion safe to
return to you.
"'Brownie' has been trained in obedience--to heel (stand or walk at your
left side), lie down, and stay at the commands 'heel,' 'sit,' 'down' and 'stay.'
He has also been trained to attack at the command 'Get Him,' and is also likely
to attack if anyone teases him.
"In accordance with a recent War department directive, your dog will be
given a Certificate of Honorable Discharge from the Army . . . . . . "
In an interview with local WAG Recruiter Charles Quackenbush today, he stated
"Brownie" undoubtedly had been used in coast patrol duty either on the
East or West coast and inasmuch as acts of sabotage are on the wane in both
areas, numerous patrols have been decreased or abolished altogether.
Blackwood's dog is the second WAG to be returned to this area. "Lady,"
a trim-looking, fawn-colored German Shepherd was returned to her owner, Fred
Batz, a few months ago. "Lady" after several weeks of training could
not be broken from "gunshyness" and was ineligible for WAG duty. Since
returning to the Batz farm northwest of this city "Lady" has
completely recovered from her timidity and is proving to be a most valuable farm
The Blackwood WAG is expected to arrive home sometime during the coming week. He
is being shipped from Front Royed depot.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 19, 1944]
"Brownie," the first Rochester WAG to receive an honorable discharge
from the U. S. Army, arrived home over the Erie this morning. His owner, Rev.
Grant Blackwood was at the depot to welcome the returning WAG.
Grant stated the dog knew him and was exceptionally friendly. However, a
stranger who approached "Brownie's" cage with the intention of petting
him was greeted with a growl and a flash of menacing fangs.
"Brownie" entered service last July and received his training at Front
Royal, Va. Just where the local pointer-setter cross WAG was in service for his
country is not known. It is believed, however, that he was on patrol duty either
on the east or west coast of the United States.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 27, 1944]
Another Rochester member of the WAG received an honorable discharge it was
learned today from Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hagen, route 3, who revealed that their
canine "Gal" was being dismissed from army duty.
Army K-9 authorities at Front Royal, Va., will transport the dog back to Mr. and
Mrs. Hagen. The notice from Front Royal officials stated that "Gal"
had been undergoing a rehabilitation course at the army training center there
for several weeks but she would still attack on given command.
The large German police dog was snt to the K-9 army training center ten months
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 12, 1944]
B.D., a mild mannered springer spaniel canine, returned Wednesday to her owners,
Mr. and Mrs. William Deniston, of this city, after over a five months sojourn at
WAG training headquarters at Crawford, Neb.
The owners report today that B.D., aged four, is now just as docile as when she
left for K-9 camp in January of this year.
Her gentle nature, in fact, was the prime reason for her honorable discharge
according to Crawford authorities who stated in a letter to Mr. and Mrs.
Deniston that because of her disposition they were unable to use her as a sentry
dog and at that time "there was no further use for her."
Crawford officials stated in the letter that she was shipped from that training
center June 19 via the Erie railroad.
B.D. is only one of many Rochester and Fulton county WAGs recently discharged
from service. The most recent is "Brownie" who was returned from K-9
training station at Front Royal, Va., to her owner, Rev. Grant Blackwood.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, June 23, 1944]
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pickens of 1215 Madison street, this city, have received word
from the War department that their dog, King, is being dischargd from the WAGs
and will be returned home shortly.
King, a Collie, has retained his name all through his army service of over a
year. He received his training at Norfolk, Va., and is there now after seeing
active duty overseas with the armed forces.
The letter stated that King would be shipped to Mr. and Mrs. Pickens within 20
days and that his record would also be sent to the owners. Mr. and Mrs. Pickens
do not know, as yet, where the dog has served, but all the information will be
in King's record when he arrives.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 15, 1944]
"King," discharged WAG who has been serving overseas with the U. S.
Army, was returned today to his owner, Jack Pickens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Pickens, Rochester. The dog, according to the Pickens family, obeys like a
battle-hardened veteran and unlike many other discharged WAGs, is not vicious.
King's record has not been returned by the War department but is expected within
the next few days.
The dog has retained his name throughout his army career of over a year. He
trained at Norfolk, Va., and was returned to that city following his service
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, August 23, 1944]
Vere S. Calvin, local hardware merchant, today announced his resignation from
the Fulton County War Price and Rationing Board.
Calvin has served on the tire panel of the local board for the past year and
gave as a reason for his resignation the need for full-time attention to his
private business. His successor will be named soon.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 11, 1944]
A collie-shepherd dog, belonging to Mrs. Merrill Waltz of Fulton, who was loaned
to the army a year ago, has now been returned to this country after active
service in the WAGs. He will soon be ready to be returned to his home.
Since the dog entered the WAGs his master has been called to service and the
family has moved to town, where it is impossible to keep a large dog. The dog
has been trained to do aggressive work so would need to be handled carefully for
a while, but if anyone could give him a home, he is a worthwhile pet and would
be invaluable as a watchdog or a cattle-dog.
If anyone wants this dog, Mrs. WAltz will be glad to turn over the papers for
his return. Write to Mrs. Merrill Waltz, Box 195, Fulton, Ind.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 15, 1944.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flagg, Jr., have received word from the War department,
stating that their German Shepherd dog "Fritz" has been returned to
the states after serving with the armed forces overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Flagg have
written to the War department asking that the dog be returned here.
"Fritz" was donated to the K-9 corps two years ago by Mr. and Mrs.
Flagg. After the dog is returned here his war record will be sent to the owners.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 18, 1944]
The Office of Price Administration today announced the appointment of J. G.
(Doc) Newcomb as chairman of the local board, and Max P. Bailey as a member of
the tire panel.
Newcomb succeeds Carlton H. Haskett, resigned, and Bailey replaced Vere S.
Calvin, resigned. Newcomb has been the manager of the local Farm Bureau for
several years, and Bailey is the senior partner of the local hardware store
bearing his name. Both men are well qualified for the duties of their respective
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 18, 1944]
In a recent issue of The News-Sentinel, a story was published concerning a WAG
whose owner was trying to find a suitable home for him, so that he might be
released by the War department. The dog, belonging to Mrs. Merril Waltz, has
served overseas and is now in this country. The dog's master is also in the
service and as Mrs. Waltz has moved to town she could no longer keep the dog.
Following the appearance of the story, Mrs. Waltz had five offers of a home for
the dog.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, September 21, 1944]
"Fritz," the German Shepherd dog belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Flagg, Jr., arrived home this morning after serving with the WAGs for 16 months.
"Fritz" has been on sentry duty in the South Pacific islands for over
a year. He was very glad to greet his owners and seemed to be in excellent
"Fritz" was the first dog, in this county, whose services were offered
to the WAG recruiter, and is one of the most outstanding dogs to serve his
country from this vicinity.
"Fritz," who has a certificate of honorable discharge, which arrived
with him this morning, was trained at Front Royal, Va., and upon his return to
this country from the South Pacific, was stationed at Redwood, Calif.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 27, 1944]
Lewis Murray, of route 4, received word that his registered English Shepherd dog
"Billy" is being returned to him by the War Department. Billy was in
the first contingent of dogs sent from this county two years ago for the Army
K-9 Corps.
Billy received his training at Port Royal, Va., but is being returned to his
owner from the dog receiving center at Fort Robinson, Neb. The dog has been on
duty in the South Pacific theatre of war for a number of months.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 11, 1944]
Resignation of George P. Buchanan, local attorney, as chairman of the Fulton
County Rationing Board and appointment of Earl Sisson, of this city, to that
position was announced today by H. J. Halstead, Fulton County Defense Council
Director. Sisson, who was serving as full-time secretary for the Defense
Council, will also retain that post, it was stated.
Pressure of personal business necessitated Buchanan's resignation, Halstead
Also appointed today, as stenographer of the rationing board, was Mrs. Nobeline
Spencer, 1300 South Monroe street. This appointment was made under Civil Service
requirements. Both appointees assumed their new duties today
Rationing Board offices are located with the defense council at 712 1/2 Main
street. Other members of the rationing board are Joseph W. Bidwell, Akron, and
Ermal N. Shine, Kewanna.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 1, 1942]
H. J. (Hal) Halstead, Fulton county defense director, today announced the
appointment of Richard Graves, 600 West Ninth street, as chairman of the Fulton
County War Price and Rationing Board to succeed James G. (Doc) Newcomb, who
recently resigned.
The new OPA chairman is a retired farmer and has been active in Farm Bureau
affairs for several years. He will assume the duties of his appointment as soon
as confirmation is received from the Indianapolis office, OPA, it was stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 19, 1944]
Fulton county's goal in the Sixth War Loan will be $492,600, it was announced
today by Roscoe D. Pontius, chairman of the county war finance committee.
"These will be the dollars we will lend together during November and
December, dollars that will be ear-marked for the big smash to finish the
Japs," the chairman said.
The quota is approximately the same as that assigned the county in the Fourth
War Loan drive nearly a year ago, when the national goal was the same,
The state's quota, $239,000,000 also is approximately the same percentage of the
national goal as it was in the January-February campaign of this year.
"All of us must remember that the war loan is not a drive. It is a
campaign to increase our savings . . . to help us build a reserve that will
carry us through when the first day of peace dawns," said the chairman.
"Not only do we not donate during a war loan, we invest our dollars at good
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 20, 1944]
Although it was stated in the local press, prior to the receipt of the official
order U-9, that it was thought the "brown-out" order did not apply to
Rochester, it is now definitely established that it applies to all communities
alike, it was announced today by Maurice C. Barr, district manager of the Public
Service Company of Indiana, Inc.
All consumers of electricity who have service that may be affected were notified
by mail today as to what type and portion of their electric service must be
discontinued, effective Feb. 1, 1945. A copy of the official order U-9 together
with the plan of enforcement that must be carried out by the utility was also
included with the letter, Mr. Barr stated.
While the order does not become compulsory until Feb. 1, many surrounding
communities have had it in effect for some time, and in a conference of the city
officials and representatives of the county, Mayor Minter expressed his
confidence in a full compliance of the "brown-out" order among the
stores and business establishments of the city.
The order will affect all outdoor signs and the interior of store windows, it
was stated. Likewise, church bulletin boards will be blacked out. Hotels,
hospitals or physicians' offices may use 60-watt lights to identify themselves.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 30, 1945]
Notice. Adolph Wormser, Harness & Saddle Shop, one door north of Becker's
Grocery, Main Street, Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 8, 1862]
A. Wormser, Harness & Saddle Shop, 1 door north of Davidson & Co.
Grocery, Main street, Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 4, 1863]
A. Wormser, Harness & Saddle Shop, 1 door south of M. Danziger's Drug Store,
Main street, Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 15, 1863]
WORTHWHILE CLUB [Kewanna, Indiana]
About 30 ladies of Union Township met at the home of Mrs. Cora Showley at Lake
Bruce on May 17, 1929, and organized a Home Economics Club. Twenty-four ladies
joined at this meeting. The name chosen for the organization was Worthwile Club,
which was suggested by Lorena Sheridan Johnson. It was agreed to wear print
dresses to the meetings.
[Kewanna, Thelma Johnston, Wade Bussert, Jan Cessna, and Tammy Evans, Fulton Co
Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
WRIGHT, JAMES [Tiosa, Indiana]
James Wright was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1832. His advent to
the county dates back to the year 1847. He was a youth of fifteen years then and
still under parental care. His father, Samuel Wright, was born in the same
county. The boy was sent to the primitive subscription school during his
childhood, but for only a few months in the year for a few years. Samuel Wright
was a poor man, emigrating to a new country to get a cheap home, so that he
might rear his family under his own roof, though it be that of a cabin. He
settled near Tiosa and at once began the task of clearing for the first crop.
His sons were brought into service in this work and James was found doing his
share. Samuel Wright died in 1873, aged sixty-nine years. He was descended from
the Wrights of Virginia, Jacob Wright, his father, being a son of the Old
Dominion state. The mother of our subject was Ruth Lowry. Her children are:
Sarah, wife of Christian Carter, of Argos; James, Jacob, Samuel, John and
Esther, wife of Samuel Reed, all in Fulton county. James Wright was married in
this county in 1855 to Elmyra, daughter of Alexander Harmon, who came to the
county early from Columbia county, N.Y., and died the next year. The children of
this union are: Carrie, wife of Peter Zerby, of Tiosa, and William, trustee of
Richland township. He was born Sept. 11, 1858, has been an active business man
of Tiosa for the past dozen years and is now manager of the elevator for Mercer
& Neal, of Peru, at Tiosa. He married Amanda Swinehart Sept. 24, 1884, and
has five children. Delbert is James Wright's third child. He is engaged in the
lumber business at Tiosa. Lydia, wife of A. C. Fuser, Mentone, is the fourth
child. Then followed Mollie and Mattie, twins. The latter died in 1894. Mr.
Wright owns 130 acres near Tiosa, much of which he has been the means of
converting from heavy woodland into productive fields. He and his descendants
are republicans, and are mentioned when reference is made to the best citizens
of the township.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 150-151]
WRIGHT, MARCUS [Rochester, Indiana]
Marcus Wright, a student in the Rochester high school is the author of two
scenarios which have been accepted and paid for by the American Film Company. He
is probably the first person in this city to make good as a writer of moving
picture plots although many have tried.
The local youth did not achieve success on his first attempt. He wrote two
scenarios entitled "The Call of the Mountains" and "He Married
His Sister." After sending them in to various concerns and after having
re-written them numerous times, the American Film Company asked him what he
wanted for the manuscripts. Mr. Wright told them that he would take six dollars
apiece and soon after received a check for the amount. It is said that the young
man made the attempt on a dare that a companion made, remarking that no concern
would ever accept any of his material.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 30, 1915]
[NOTE: Marcus H. Wright is listed as a 1915 graduate of Rochester High School.
Wendell C. & John B. Tombaugh, Fulton County Indiana Handbook, Schools]
WRIGHT, TOM [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Tom Wright)
WRIGHT GRIST MILL [Fulton, Indiana]
Judge John W. Wright built a grist mill in 1856 on the site where Zartman Farm
Service is now. He later moved the mill and machinery to Rochester and the
building was torn down.
On the same site in 1873, Fred Peterson and Theodore White built another mill.
WRIGHT'S SALOON, TOM [Rochester, Indiana]
Around the old courthouse square it was possible for a person to rent a room for
sleeping purposes over Tom Wright's saloon or the Josie Barret Restaurant.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 25, 1956]
WURTZBERGER, HOWARD [Rochester, Indiana
See Howard's Variety Store
Through a deal transacted late yesterday Howard Wurtzberger, of this city,
becomes the new proprietor of the Fristoe Variety store which is located on the
[NW] corner of Main and 9th street.
The new proprietor who is one of Rochester's young business men will assume
active control of business Monday morning, December 5th. Mr. Wurtzberger was a
former employee of the United States Bank & Trust Co. and also officiated in
a like capacity in one of the larger Toledo, Ohio banks for some time. The
transaction was made necessary through the recent demise of H. A. Fristoe,
proprietor of the store.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, December 3, 1932]
WYNN, H. W. [Tiosa, Indiana]
[Adv] THE ALLEN. More Than You Expect. - - - - factory address, The Allen Motor
Co., Fostoria, O. H. W. WYNN
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 16, 1915]
WYNN SEED & FEED STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 214 E 8th.
B. F. NOFTSGER, one of the oldest active business men in the city, has announced
that he will retire from the grain and feed business and that Arlie S. Winn, who
has been his assistant for many years will be his successor. Papers have been
drawn whereby Mr. Wynn will take possession of the business the first of next
week. He has purchased in addition the lot, building, stock and fixtures of the
property of [214] East Eighth street, where the business has been conducted for
Mr. Wynn is well acquainted with the grain and seed business, having been in it
for some time and is also well acquainted with the many customers that have
bought and sold grain of B. F. Noftsger. He will continue to conduct the
business along conservative lines but also intends to add several new features
in connection, which will be attractive to the farmers and grain buyers and
sellers of the community.
B. F. Noftsger is one of the pioneer grain dealers of the county and has been in
the business here continuously for a great number of years. He plans to retire
entirely from all business cares in the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 9, 1922]
[photo] Arlie S. Wynn Store.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 16]
An Exclusive Store
Arlie S. Wynn, proprietor of the wholesale and retail seed and feed store
bearing his name, has been identified with that business since 1914 when he
started work for the late Benj. Noftsger in the present location on East Eighth
In 1922 Mr. Wynn purchased the business and has since conducted it.
As the local wholesaler and retailer of R. & R and Diamond Crystal salt,
Nappanee flour and meal, Dickinson Pine Tree seeds and Domino feeds, his
business is well and favorably known, especially among rural residents who find
at his store consistency in quality, courtesy and price that bespeaks a never
failing adherence to the policy of fairness and honesty at all times.
In Domino feeds for poultry, cattle and hogs, Mr. Wynn offers the feeder the
very highest quality product procurable and at prices reasonably fixed. The line
includes starting and growing and laying mash for chicks, as well as a balanced
feed for cattle, insuring the finest milk production for dairy feeders.
The picture shows the front of the Wynn store, a friendly place to meet and
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 16]
Y.M.B.A. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Young Men's Business Association.
Y.M.C.A. [Rochester, Indiana]
The committee appointed some weeks ago to devise means for raising funds to pay
the expense of keeping the Y.M.C.A. rooms open has failed to find any way that
the much desired result may be accomlished. When the organization of this
excellent assciation was effected a few years ago generous citizens contributed
the necessary amount to equip the rooms with comfortable furniture, to fit up
the gymnasium and provide a creditable library. It was then hoped by the friends
of the organization that after this was done some plan could be adopted whereby
the running expenses, which wre not large, could be provided, but after a
struggle lasting two years it has been found impossible to pay either a janitor
or a secretary, and in consequence the rooms are closed the most of the time.
Meanwhile the rent bill is growing larger with no means to meet it, an it is
feared that it will be a question of but a short time until it will be necessary
to close the rooms permanently.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 11, 1896]
YEAGLEY & DAVIS [Akron, Indiana]
Notice is hereby given that the firm doing a general merchandise business at
Akron, Ind., under the name of Yeagley & Davis, has been dissolved. All
notes and accounts for settlements are in the hands of Mr. Yeagley, and those
knowing themselves to be indebted to the firm will please call upon Mr. Yeagley
at once and save costs and trouble. YEAGLEY & DAVIS, Akron, Ind., May 18th,
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 28, 1881]
Located N side of W. Rochester Street, in building formerly the Hoover Hotel,
and later American Legion.
YODER, C. W. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] If you want good, fresh or cured meats call 426 North Main or fing phone
55 and we will deliver what you want. We keep our shop in a clean, sanitary
condition. Thus protecting your health and at the same time our business. All
orders promptly delivered. C. W. YODER, hone 55, 426 North Main.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1910]
YODER, RICHARD [Rochester, Indiana]
The John Day meat market in the North end has been sold to Richard Yoder and the
purchaser will take immediate possession.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 21, 1908]
YODER'S MEAT MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Dressed Chicken. The very best fresh and cured Meats. C. W. YODER Meat
Market. Phone 55. Telephone Delivery A Specialty.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 3, 1913]
[Adv] Modern and up-to-date Meat Market. Since buying the C. W. Yoder Meat
Market on Main Street, it has been thoroly cleaned and decorated, not only
giving it a good appearance but making it perfectly sanitary. - - - - A. W.
SMITH, Prop. J. M. HIATT, Mgr.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 25, 1916]
YOUNG, CLARA KIMBALL [Rochester, Indiana]
Few people in Rochester know that Clara Kimball Young, the famous moving picture
star, made her first appearance on the stage in Rochester in 1899 with the
Holden Comedy Co., playing a child's part. Her parents, Edward and Pauline
Kimball, had been with the Holdens for a number of years when the future screen
actress was given an opportunity to work. At the time of her daughter's birth,
Mrs. Kimball was with the company, according to C. A. Holden, who then managed
the troupe. He is well acquainted with the star, having met her frequently.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 6, 1916]
[Adv] PARAMOUNT THEATRE, Monday, Sept. 2nd, Clara Kimball Young in "The
Claw" - - - - -.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 31, 1918]
YOUNG, FRANK [Rochester/Logansport, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
YOUNG, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
The many Rochester friends of John Young, familiarly known as
"Brigham," will be pleased to know that he is now president and a
heavy stockholder in a Hammond corporation, known as Young's Elastic Roof Paint
Copany. The company has an extensive plant at Hammond and ships its product to
all parts of the world. Mr. Young not only draws a large salary as president of
the corporation, but his share of the profits of the business are rapidly making
him a very rich man.
Mr. Young, with his father, Marion Young, of this city, began experimenting with
a roof paint here nearly fifteen years ago and as a result of their study
perfected a very superior product, which they applied themselves in various
neighboring cities. The splendid wearing quality of the paint won for it a
splendid reputation and a concern was organized at Liberty, Ind., to manufacture
the paint, Mr. Young receiving a royalty on every barrel sold. The Liberty
company, through bad business management, failed and capitalists at Hammond
became interested in the paint and assisted Mr. Young to establish a small plant
to carry on the manufacturing end of the business. The company has been
re-organized several times and the capital increased until the concern is now a
$100,000 corporation, doing a very profitable business in all sections of the
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 11, 1912]
YOUNG, LEVI [Rochester, Indiana]
The Central meat market was sold Monday, by Levi Young, to Messrs Henry Schott
and Wm. A. Miller, two gentlemanly young men of Chicago. Both have had years of
experience in the Chicago meat trade, from stock pens to chopping blocks, and
the come with the experience, the capital and the determination to keep a meat
market which will be able to please its patrons every day.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 5, 1897]
YOUNG, MARION [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal was made the latter part of last week in which Marion Young, of this
place, who has been manufacturing a brand of roof paint, known as "Young's
Elastic Roof Paint" and selling it to the wholesale and retail trade
through the central states for more than twenty years, sells his interest to the
Crescent Paper Company, of Indianapolis, who will employ Mr. Young to
superintend a factory where the paint will be manufactured.
The company was desirous of establishing the factory at Indianapolis but as it
can be manufactured here at less expense the factory will be located here. Mr.
Young has rented a building near the Lake Erie & Western stockyards and will
begin at once to prepare the paint for market. At first the factory will be
quite small but it is the hope of the Crescent people to enlarge it until the
list of the employed will number about twenty. Mr. Young received a very liberal
compensation for his receipt and business the amount being in the thousands and
is given a life position in superintending the making of the paint.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 13, 1906]
YOUNG ELECTRIC SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
M. O. Jamison, for several years proprietor of the Electric Shop here and lately
the Willard Storage Battery agent, has sold his agency to Parry Young of Akron,
who has had many years of experience in this line.
Mr. Young is the son of J. F. Young and the brother of H. G. Young, both of the
Central Lumber Co. of this city. Mr. Jamison has sold out his business here
because he has bought a similar one in Goshen, his former home, and wishes to
live near relatives. He will leave in two weeks. Besides the storage battery
work, Mr. Young will do house wiring and other electric fixture work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 10, 1916]
The Young Men's Business Association became a real organization at its meeting
Monday night when articles of incorporation and by-laws were adopted. About
forty members were present and all voted enthusiastically for the new rules
which establish dues of $3.00 per member a year and provides for a board of
seven directors to guide the affairs of the organization.
The Y.M.B.A. now has 112 members on its roster and it is thought by the officers
of the organization that this number will be decreased by the above financial
requirements of the by-laws, but it is estimated that about 50 "live
wires" will remain to form a nucleous for a real home and lake boosting
The committee on traffic dummies reported that it has been informed by the city
council that that bofdy is now investigating the "manhole type" dummy
with the electric lights inside and that one would be installed at the corner of
Main and Ninth streets very shortly and if it proved satisfactory the city would
install them at all of the prominent corners.
A sample road sign with the words, "Rochester Tourist Camp" was
exhibited by Ray Newell, chairman of the sign committee, and received the
approval of the organization. The sign committee was instructed to appear before
the council, when that body is ready, for the purpose of asking the city to
purchase similar signs. The cost of eighty signs with eight foot creosote posts
would be approximately $100. These would be erected on each of the eight main
roads leading into Rochester, one at every mile, for ten miles out.
Endorsement was made of the LONG BEACH HOTEL which is now being promoted in the
city and a committee was appointed to see what could be done regarding the
starting of operations of the TRUCK CAB FACTORY which was built by A. E.
Scerwitz, on east Sixth street.
There was some discussion of the present fire fighting apparatus owned by the
city, and lake boosters were anxious for Rochester to increase the department so
that an auto could be purchased which would be able to make runs to the lake and
fight conflagrations anywhere around that body of water. A committee, headed by
John Swartwood was appointed to investigate this.
A committee composed of Clyde Entsminger, James Darrah and Lon Zimmerman was
appointed to act with the city park committee to select a site for the tourists
camp which will be opened this spring.
It was decided that hereafter the regular meetings of the organization will be
held on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the basement of the First
National Bank.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 14, 1922]
O. R. Carlson was elected Thursday noon to head the Young Men's Business
Association for the next twelve months when the seven new directors chose
officers of the organization. H. F. Pierce was named Vice President, Dwight
Green, secretary, and Joseph Ewing treasurer.
The newly elected officers will take charge of the Association at the next
meeting on the night of March 6th. They will succeed Hugh A. Barnhart,
President, R. C. Johnson, Vice President, Alf Carter, Secretary, and Charles
Babcock, Treasurer. The other former directors were Guy R. Barr, Charles MacVean
and Ray Newell.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 22, 1923]
Six new directors were elected to head the affairs of the Young Men's Business
Association for the next twelve months at a meeting of that organization
following a dinner at the American restaurant, Thursday evening. Those chosen
were Roscoe Pontius, Floyd Christman, Dr. C. E. Gilger, Robert Engles, H. E.
Coplen and Charles Kreighbaum. O. R. Carlson, retiring president, retains a
place on the board according to the by-laws of the organization.
Plans were outlined for the coming year and there was a general discussion of
accomplishments of the Y.M.B.A. A report showed that collections on the fund for
purchasing the old Gauge Valve building were sufficient to meet the payments as
they fell due, but that additional effort would have to be made to get some of
the subscribers to complete their agreement to pay.
The directors will meet next Wednesday night to choose the officers for new
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 8, 1924]
Robert Shafer was elected president of the Young Men's Business Association at a
luncheon of the directors Monday noon. Joseph Ewing was elected vice-president,
Lisle Kreighbaum, secretary and Herman Coplen treasurer. The officers assumed
their places at once and will be in control for the next twelve months. Retiring
officers and directors were O. R. Carlson, president, Robert Engles,
vice-president and Roscoe Pontius secretary. Directors who retired were Dr. C.
E. Gilger, Charles Kreighbaum and Floyd Christman.
Plans were launched for the program on Bull Day here March 11 and for the
entertainment of the visiting Erie officials. Probably a luncheon will be given
the visitors by the business men and farmers, President Underwood of the Erie
being the guest of honor.
A membership drive will be made shortly in an effort to get the paid up number
over 100. The first meeting of the association under the new First Nation bank
on next Monday night.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 16, 1925]
The Young Men's Business Association at their meeting held Monday night in the
basement of the First National Bank voted to again hold noon luncheons one day
of each week, beginning with the first week in February. This plan was followed
for several years but was abandoned three months ago. The American Legion
Auxiliary will provide the luncheons which will be served in the Holman room at
704 Main street.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, January 19, 1926]
See Rochester Chamber of Commerce
The Young Men's Republican Club met persuant to adjournment; J. H. Beeber in the
Upon ballot Messrs Porter, Chinn, Aldrous and Jewell were declared the nominees.
The meeting was then addressed by Messrs. Shryock and Keith.
[Rochester Merciry, Thursday, March 22, 1860]
See Marion Young.
YOUNT, ANDREW [Rochester, Indiana]
The wire picket fence manufactured by Andrew Yount is just what you want. It is
the only reliable portable and stationary fence combined, made. Pickets are of
good sound, clear, white oak and the best grade of galvanized wire only is used.
This fence will be manufactured in any quantity you may desire.
Call at the factory near the City Hotel and see the fence and get prices that
will surprise you. ANDREW YOUNT.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 25, 1887]
F. Marie Slaybaugh Bright was the adult sponsor of the YTC in Akron for 16 years
(1942-1958) This was a very active youth organization composed of young people
from all of the churches in the community and was the youth branch of the
Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). The membership numbered around 100
members during the 1940's. She was also president of the Henry Township Sunday
School Convention for a number of years in the 1950's. She is currently
president of the Akron WCTU. Marie Slaybaugh Bright resides in Akron and her
daughter, Velma Bright, is the Head Librarian at the Akron Carnegie Public
[Slaybaugh Family, Velma Bright, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
YUSTER, BLANCHE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
YUSTER, MAURICE L. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
[concerning merger in South Bend of The Clover Leaf Machine Company and Yuster
Axle & Transmission Company, were merged under the name of Clover Leaf &
Axle Company. Arthur E. Wile and Maurice L. Yuster, with others, founders of the
Yuster Axle & Transmission Company]
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 17, 1910]
"That is the kind of business the Yuster Manufacturing Co. is doing,"
said Ike Wile, as he displayed a big bunch of letters just taken from the
Rochester postoffice.
"The Yuster Manufacturing Co., what is that?" was the question put in
response, and then Mr. Wile told of a patent lace rack used to display laces,
which had been invented by M. L. Yuster, of New York City, a traveling man who
"makes" Rochester, and that a company composed of Mr. Yuster, Pres.,
Omer Ross, Supt. and Ike Wile Sec. and Treas., had been organized to manufacture
the racks.
The rack is placed upon a base two feet square, and is a revolving cylinder made
up of ten perpendicular columns, on which columns are ten large spools, with
cranks attached to each to be used to wind the lace upon. The rack is to be made
entirely of oak and handsomely finished with an oxidized figure on top.
The company is yet in its infancy but already about fifty orders have been
received and by the middle of next week the rack will be in the hands of a half
a dozen traveling men who will sell them as a side line. Mr. Yuster is now the
only salesman the company has, but the others will go to work as soon as they
are given sample racks.
Mr. Yuster says he has little difficulty in taking orders for the rack, and as
the price is placed as low as fifteen dollars, and the invention is such a
compact, convenient arrangement for the merchant to show a hundred different
kinds of lace the sales are readily made.
Superintendent Omer Ross says at the present the racks are being made by the
Myers planing mill workmen, and the entire force of that place is now extremely
busy getting out the first order, which must be ready for the shipment the
fifteenth of this month.
"In the near future," Mr. Ross said, "the company expects to open
a factory. This will take about ten men to start with, and if the business
continues to increase as the outlook now indicates that it will, the force will
be increased. The factory will have about ten or fifteen machines."
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 6, 1906]
Located on E corner one block S of the stoplight on SR-25 in Fulton.
In business for many years.
Later the building was used as the Sam Allen drug store.
Finally, Louis Felder and his brother Charles Felder purchased the building.
ZARTMAN, MICHAEL [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Michael Zartman)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Michael Zartman)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Michael Zartman)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Fourth Letter From Michael Zartman)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Fifth Letter From Michael Zartman)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Sixth Letter From Michael Zartman)
ZARTMAN HARDWARE [Kewanna, Indiana]
Mrs. Luella Zartman of Kewanna has sold her hardware store in that town to Oscar
Enyart and Arthur Showley. Mr. Enyart has been employed at the store for years.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 27, 1916]
See Zoppe-Zavatta
See Cole Bros.-Clyde Beatty
ZEIGLER, WILLIAM, MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
ZELLARS DRUG STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester has a new drug store -- at an old stand. You will find Zellars at
Miller & Keith's former location, south of the court house, with a most
complete line.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 22, 1913]
ZELLER, WILL [Rochester, Indiana]
WILL ZELLER (Biography)
Another of our hustling young townsmen is Will ZELLER, who was born 33 years
ago, on a Fulton county farm, where he lived until early manhood. After moving
to Rochester he went into the clothing business as salesman, and three years
later accepted a position in Geo. H. WALLACE's grocery where he remained for two
years. He then took the agency for the Continental Insurance Co., and has,
during the past three years, written a large amount of business for this
company. He writes policies especially on farm property, and is rapidly coming
to the front as an active insurance agent in which vocation he has a bright
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
ZELLERS, JAMES A. [Rochester/Bruce Lake, Indiana]
James A. Zellers, who formerly conducted a store south of the court house and
who is now located in Bruce Lake, filed papers in bankruptcy in Indianapolis
Saturday. Mr. Zellers claims that his debts aggregate $4,500 and his assets
$4,000. Zellers, before he went into business in Kewanna, owned a fine farm near
there. He conducted a store in Rochester for several months, but was unable to
make the venture a success.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 12, 1913]
Do you believe in luck?
Many men, most generally those who have made a success, claim that luck does not
enter into the game of life, but the past history of James Zellers, who rectntly
filed papers in bankruptcy may lead you to believe that fate deals some men a
hand that cannot be played successfully.
James Zellers, better known ito his friends as "Jip" once owned a nice
farm near Kewanna. He was prosperous, married, and the father of nine children.
He had everything that made life worthwhile and was perfectly happy. But it was
only for a short few years. Then a friend in trouble asked him to go on his note
for a substantial sum.
Took Charge of Store
Zellers secured the note, and in a short time, was compelled to pay a certain
portion of the sum and received in return an interest in a hardware store in
Kewanna. Two other men, who had secured the note with Zellers, then owned the
balance of the store.
Although on the face of the deal, Zellers did not lose a cent, he was compelled
to give up his farm and go into the hardware business with which he was
absolutely unacquainted.
Sole Owner
His partners saw how things were progressing and sold out their shares to
him. Business did not pick up so he installed a stock of groceries. But this did
not pay, so he sold out his hardware and moved the stock of groceries to
Rochester, where he remained for about two months. He was again compelled to
move and located in Bruce Lake. Here his accumulating debts overtook him and he
was forced into bankruptcy.
Not Exceptional
The result of James Zellers business experience is not exceptional. At least
ninety-five per cent of the men who go into business fail for the same reason
that he did, lack of experience. The other phase of his experience is that he
did not seek a business career, but rather was compelled to go into business in
order to save his income. He was a victim of circumstances.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 1913]
John Zellars, who formerly had a drug store and grocerry store on the South Side
and recently was declared bankrupt in court, has again opened a general store at
Bruce Lake.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 6, 1913]
ZELLERS BLACKSMITH [Bruce Lake Station, Indiana]
Operated by Henry Zellers.
ZERBE, GEORGE W. [Tiosa, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
ZIEGLER TANNERY [Fulton, Indiana]
The second tannery in Fulton. Established by Ben Ziegler.
Fulton had two tanneries in the 1850's, the first the Haslett Tannery.
ZIMMERMAN, CLAIR [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Brown Bobby
ZIMMERMAN, HERBERT {Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Herbert Zimmerman)
ZIMMERMAN, JAMES W. (Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From James Zimmerman)
ZIMMERMAN, LEO [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal was closed this morning by which Val Zimmerman becomes the sole owner of
the old established Zimmerman furniture and undertaking business, having
purchased the interest of his brother, Leo. The transfer includes the real
estate as well as the stock.
The Zimmerman store is one of the old established institutions of this city and
was founded many years ago by the late Valentine Zimmerman. After his death the
business was taken over from his estate by the two sons, Val and Leo, who by
progressive methods and a close adherence to the strict business policy laid
down by their father, have added greatly to the volume of trade.
Val Zimmerman is one of Rochester's most progressive business men and will
doubtless further increase the popularity of this firmly established
institution. Leo Zimmerman, the retiring partner, has not announced his future
business plans.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 12, 1911]
Through a deal which was completed this morning, Leo Zimmerman, late of the V.
Zimmerman's Sons' furniture establishment, became the sole owner of the H. H.
Ward furniture store, this city. Mr. Zimmerman took possession of his new
business this morning and at once set about the task of rearranging the stock to
his taste. The new owner is a well known and industrious business man and
through his long association with the furniture business is admirably fitted to
build up a most lucrative patronage.
Mr. Ward, the retiring owner, has not fully decided on his future course of
business, but at present will probably follow his profession as a veterinary.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, December 18, 1911]
Leo Zimmerman, the new owner of the Ward furniture store, has placed his order
for a new funeral car which will be here in about three weeks. The new car is of
the latest design, black body trimmed in ebony and rubber tired. As soon as the
car arrives Mr. Zimmerman will be ready to take care of any and all business
that comes his way. He has had considerable experience in undertaking and will
no doubt meet with approval in that respect.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 23, 1911]
ZIMMERMAN, LEO D. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Leo D. Zimmerman)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Leo D. Zimmerman)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Leo D.Zimmerman)
ZIMMERMAN, MAJOR [Rochester, Indiana]
Major Zimmerman announces the opening of his new upholstery and furniture repair
shop at 508 N. Main street. Mr. Zimmerman has been engaged in this type of work
for the past eight years. He operated his own shop in Chicago for some time.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 31, 1939]
H. J. Whittenberger today announced opening Saturday of his O'Brien Paint
Company agency at 508 North Main street in connection with the Major Zimmerman
Furniture Store.
Mr. Whittenberger will feature a full line of inside and outside paints, and
varnishes. In the future he plans to have a full line of wallpaper and glass.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 14, 1939]
ZIMMERMAN, R. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From R. L. Zimmerman)
ZIMMERMAN, VALENTINE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Lodges - Knights of Pythias
[Adv] New Furniture and Undertaking establishment. A large stock of fancy and
common parlor and bedroom furniture at prices corresponding with the times.
Strict attention given to UNDERTAKING. Low Prices - Low Prices. Funerals
conducted in all parts of this and adjoining counties. Charges less than it has
been customery heretofore. V. ZIMMERMAN.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 7, 1879]
[Adv] In connection with my furniture and undertaking business I sell the
following first-class agricultural implements - - - - - A complete line of
repairs for all of the above implements kept on hand - - - - Warehouse at the
rear of my furniture and undertaking establishment, Main Street, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 7, 1881]
Valentine Zimmerman. - The man whose name heads this sketch has just passed the
half-way point in life and looks back over a career unsurpassed for energy,
integrity and consistency by none, while few if any equal him in the firmness of
his friendship. He was born August 2, 1844, at the village of Ilbenstadt, Grand
Duchy of Hessen Darmstadt, near Frankfort on the Main, Germany. His father,
during the summer season, tilled sixty acres of land, for which he had a life
lease, and during the winter months followed turning as a trade, the
manufacturing of spinning wheels being a specialty. The family consisted of five
children, three daughtters and two sons, the younger of whom is the subject of
this sketch. At the death of his father, he was only five years old, and owing
to the very limited pecuniary condition of his mother, who was the victim of a
long and loathsome disease, he was compelled to spend the greater portion of his
time laboring in the fields; yet under the German system of compulsory
education, and possessing a strong desire for knowledge, the young lad managed
at the age of fourteen to be the possessor of a fair common school education.
Like all young man in Germany, he was compelled to learn some mechanical trade,
and thus his mother entered into an agreement, binding her son to the proprietor
of a shoe shop to serve an apprenticeship of three years, in consideration of
which she paid the proprietor $50 and furnished her son clothing, and medicine,
in case of sickness, during that time. After the exspiration of the time of his
apprenticeship, the new-fledged mechanic resolved to make a tour down the Rhine
to Switzerland and France. On this tour, which was made on foot, he carried a
full set of shoemakers tools, weighig 100 pounds. He stopped at intervals to
work and earn money to pay expenses. The places he visited were Mayence, Basel,
Bern, Paris, and other important cities. But youthful aspiration was high in his
soul and the fatherland grew diminutive compared with the hospitality offered by
America. Therefore, on September 12, 1865, at the age of twenty-one years, he
left Germany en route for America, landing at New York November 8, of the same
year, and at Rochester, Ind., January 8, 1866, where he permanently located. The
trade learned in his native country was vigorously prosecuted by him for a
number of years after he became a resident of Rochester, and by his usual energy
and industry, with strict adherence to sound business principles he soon became
the propeirtor of the largest and most popular boot and shoe establishment in
this section of the country. Nor did the fact of his being proprietor raise him
above the use of tools, for when not otherwise engaged he busied himself at the
bench with custom work. On November 6, 1866, he was united in marriage to Martha
Newhart, a native of New York City. Five children have been born to them, of
whom one is dead. The four living, two daughters, Martha and Minnie, and two
sons, Valentine and Leo. In 1878, he disposed of his entire stock of boots and
shoes and abandoned his trade, and in 1879 he entered the furniture and
undertaker's business, to which he added the agencies for the sale of
agricultural and mechanical implements. In all these branches of business he has
been abundantly successful. While he is a German by birth, his allegiance to the
United States and his support of her institutions are as pure and true as though
he was a native-born son. Though he holds tenaciously to his business affairs,
his interest in the welfare and improvement of the town has been exceeded by
none. He occupied the position of Town Councilman for one term, and during the
time he was the earnest advocate of general improvement. He is also intersted in
the Fulton County Agricultural Society, of which he served as Secretary for one
year, laboring diligently, and as every one who knows him knows that none could
have done more, he retired from the position with plaudits and praise of all. In
his present business, we leave him the constant advocate of American thought and
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 28]
Having purchased the entire stock of furniture and undertaking of V. Zimmerman,
we have remodeled the entire building and are making one of the most attractive
furniture rooms in the country. Knowing the business thoroughly in its fullest
details, we are able to please our customers both in prices and quality of
goods. - - - -
Our undivided and special attention given to funeral calls day or night. No
extra charge for embalming and preserving of bodies. KELLAR & SELLERS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 13, 1884]
[Adv] Maltby's Furniture and Undertaking Store, Noftsger's Block, Rochester,
Ind., Offers special bargains - - - - A. F. MALTBY, Successor to V. Zimmerman
and Kellar & Sellers.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 26, 1886]
Val Zimmerman returned Friday evening from Chicago with his new auto funeral car
which has been under course of construction for some time. The handsome body is
mounted on a Winston chassis. It is understod the Hoover undertaking
establishment has also ordered a car.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 22, 1888 ?]
V. Zimmerman has just received an ice Casket for preserving the dead by
currents of cold air. It is the latest improved and most scientific and
beautifully constructed Ice Casket known. When waiting for relatives from a
distance for attending funeral, Mr. Z. guarantees the life-like preservation of
the dead for any reasonable length of time. Constatly prepared to serve city and
country patrons alike.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 17, 1888]
Monday morning another important transaction was perfected which will prove of
material benefit to the City. Ex-Senator Zimmerman purchased of the Baptist
church trustees their church property just south of the Central House for
$3,000, and will, at once, fit up the same for a furniture room, while the
church will immediately arrange to build a new brick building in a more quiet
part of the city. The church building will, when arranged according to Mr.
Zimmerman's plans, make a magnificent room for his business and he has surely
secured a bargain, while the church people are highly satisfied with the sale,
as it affords them the opportunity of securing a much more desirable location
for their church building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 20, 1889]
Among the popular and widely known citizens of our county is our distinguished
fellow townsman, the Hon. Valentine ZIMMERMAN. For thirty years a resident of
Rochester, he has made his impress as a progressive and successful business man,
an honored and public spirited citizen, and a gentleman of such prominence as to
make him State Senator and to give him the nomination for Congress twice, in
both of which races he encountered reverse political tidal waves which submerged
the hopes of his thousands of friends. But every public trust confided to him
from town councilman to State Senator has been faithfully and honorably
discharged and whether on the tidal wave of popular preferment or caught in the
periodical storms of adversity, he clings tenaciously to his honest convictions
and continues a close student of vital questions of public concern. Mr.
Zimmerman stands at the head of a family consisting of a wife, formerly Martha
NEWHART, and four children, namely, Mattie, Minnie, Val. and Leo [ZIMMERMAN],
and is surrounded by a large and growing circle of personal friends, whose
confidence he loves to retain. He is engaged in the furniture, undertaking and
implement business and has a splendid patronage.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
Hon. Valentine Zimmerman, who has, through his private and public exertions,
become favorably known to a large number of people, is a German-American of the
very highest and best type. Mr. Zimmerman was born at Ilbenstadt, near
Frankfort, Germany, on Aug. 21, 1844. His parents were Peter and Margaret (Weil)
Zimmerman. They had eight children, of which Valentine is the youngest. He was
given a good German education, and then served an apprenticeship of three years
at the shoemaker's trade. At the age of sixteen years he became a journeyman at
his trade, and traveled all throughout Europe. In 1865 he came to America, and
for a short time resided in New York city, thence came to Rochester. For fifteen
years thereafter Mr. Zimmerman was engaged in the shoe business, both as a
manufacturer and retail merchant. In 1879 he closed out that form of business
and engaged in the furniture business, in which he has been very successful. He
carries a large stock of furniture and agricultural implements. In connection
with the business he does undertaking. In 1866, soon after coming to Rochester,
Mr. Zimmerman married Martha Newhart, who was then residing in Fulton county,
but was a native of New York and of German parentage. Unto the marriage have
been born the following children: Martha, the wife of D. D. Ginther, of
Rochester; Ida, deceased; Valentine; Minnie and Leo. Some thirty years ago Mr.
Zimmerman began his career in America with limited means, but he was a skilled
mechanic and worked patiently and intelligently at his trade until, by his
industry, wise economy and strict adherence to correct business principles and
methods, he has won from reluctant fortune considerable wealth. It may be said
of him with perfect truth that he is pre-eminently a self-made man. His business
sagacity and ready ability in applying means to ends have made him a prominent
figure in the business circles of Rochester. In politics he has always been a
staunch democrat. He was elected state senator for the district of Fulton and
Marshall counties in the fall of 1884. His public career was state senator
during the sessions of 1885 and 1887 is a part of the state's history. His
course in the Indiana state senate indicates that his sympathies are with the
laboring classes, from which he himself has sprung. He introduced several bills
in behalf of the laborers of all classes, but space cannot be afforded in this
connection to describe them. Senator Zimmerman has always been a staunch friend
of education. In the legislative session of 1887, he introduced a resolution
calling public attention to the large and increasing demand for school text
books, and that school book trusts so manipulated the supplying of the same to
the parents of school children that exhorbitant prices had to be paid for the
books. Thereby many poor children were practically debarred from school
advantages because of the inability of their parents to supply them books. Then
followed the enactment of a bill introduced by Mr. Zimmerman which provided for
the publishing and distributing of text books for the common schools at cost by
the state. He has twice been honored by the nomination for congress by his
political party. In each candidacy for congress his party met with reverse tidal
waves, which submerged the hopes of his thousandes of friends. But every public
trust confided to him from town councilman to state senator has been faithfully
and honorably discharged and whether on the tidal wave of popular preferment or
caught in the periodical storm of adversity, Mr. Zimmerman has clung tenaciously
to his honest convictions and continues a close student of vital questions of
public concern.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 151-152]
I received a car load of binder twine direct from the factory at Plymouth, Mass.
For strength and eveness it is the best quality of twine manufactured in
America. I guarantee every ball to be perfect in every particular. This superior
quality of twine I will sell as low in price as other inferior grades of twine
are sold. It will be to the interest of every farmer to see me before purchasing
twine. V. ZIMMERMAN.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 12, 1896]
[photo] Since 1866, Valentine Zimmerman]
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 12]
The subject of this sketch, Valentine Zimmerman, dates business history in
Rochester back to the year 1866, when he opened a boot and shoe store in a frame
building located in the 100 block on North Main street and started what has come
to be recognized as the oldest commercial name on Main street.
The vicissitudes of business promotion in the reconstruction days of the
mid-Sixties were many and Mr. Zimmerman encountered them daily, but with the
grim determination of the true pioneer. In a few years he had firmly established
himself in the commercial life of Rochester and laid the foundation for a
mercantile career that reflects with honor and credit the high status of his
business acumen and his sincerity of purpose.
In 1889 Mr. Zimmerman recognized the need for a modern Furniture store and
Funeral service and purchased the old First Baptist church building which he
remodeled into an up to date store and funeral parlor. He continued this
business until 1901, when upon retirement his son Val assumed managerial
Following Mr. Zimmerman's death in 1904, Val Zimmerman purchased the business
and has since conducted it.
Thus it is, that since the late Eighties, the Zimmerman name has been synonimous
with Honor Furniture and Sterling Funeral Service. Always the slogan has been
Progressiveness, modern appurtenances, the finest equipment and sympathetic,
economical and friendly service.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 12; and
repeated in The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 16, 1935]
ZIMMERMAN, VALENTINE, II [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
See: Rochester Bands
A deal was closed this morning by which Val Zimmerman becomes the sole owner
of the old established Zimmerman furniture and undertaking business, having
purchased the interest of his brother, Leo. The transfer includes the real
estate as well as the stock.
The Zimmerman store is one of the old established institutions of this city and
was founded many years ago by the late Valentine Zimmerman. After his death the
business was taken over from his estate by the two sons, Val and Leo, who by
progressive methods and a close adherence to the strict business policy laid
down by their father, have added greatly to the volume of trade.
Val Zimmerman is one of Rochester's most progressive business men and will
doubtless further increase the popularity of this firmly established
institution. Leo Zimmerman, the retiring partner, has not announced his future
business plans.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 12, 1911]
In this and subsequent narratives concerning pioneer and prominent business
concerns in Rochester, it is fitting that the initial article should deal with
the Val Zimmerman funiture and undertaking establishment, which is, we believe,
the oldest business firm in the city.
Val Zimmerman accepted a managerial position in the firm in the year of 1893
following the completion of his schooling at Notre Dame university. He was
employed in that capacity until the death of his father, Valentine Zimmerman,
which occurred in the fall of 1904. From that date to the present, Mr.
Zimmerman's undertaking establishment has been in continuous operation and
undergoing business improvements.
The elder Zimmerman came to Rochester from Germany in the year of 18-- [not
readable]. A short time afterward he opened business in a frame buulding in the
location now occupied by the Robert Babcock meat market. The business was a boot
and shoe store. All footwear at that time was hand-made and this had been
Valentine's trade in Germany. The store operated with a marked measure of
success until the depression of 1873 swept the country and likewise swept almost
every business concern in this small trading center out of business.
No Railroads
At that time there were no railroads through Rochester and the two main arteries
of highway travel were the north and south Michigan road and the east and west
artery was known as the Anthony Wayne or Ft. Wayne route. This latter highway
ran west from Ft. Wayne to Rochester, thence north on the Michigan road route to
Plymouth and westward to Valparaiso and Ft. Dearborn.
Recuperating his holdings, Mr. Zimmerman again embarked in business in the year
1879. He founded the Zimmerman furniture and undertaking business in the same
frame building which once housed his boot and shoe store. The venture proved a
successful one and the business was carried on there until 1889 when Mr.
Zimmerman purchased the two-story frame building, 611-615 Main street, present
site of the business.
First Ambulance in 1908
In reminiscing of the early days, the present owner states that the first
horse-drawn ambulance was inaugurated into service in the year of 1908. During
the few years of the "dobbin" drawn ambulance service, two children
were born enroute to the old Woodlawn hospital and to offset this credit to the
service there were two deaths to occur while the patients were being taken to
the hospital.
The first rubber-tired hearse, Mr. Zimmerman recalls, was brought into use in
the year of 1912. It was not until the year of 1916 that the motorized hearse
was placed in service in Rochester by Mr. Zimmerman. At that time the local
motorized hearse was the only one in use in the territory lying north of
Indianapolis. The motorized ambulance came into service two years later.
Designs Home-Made Casket
Mr. Zimmerman in recalling some of the unusual episodes in his long tenure of
business, stated he was called upon to design a casket for Jonas Myers. Mr.
Myers, at that time was operating a planing mill and was one of the town's
foremost citizens. Val designed the casket along mission lines and Mr. Myers had
his cabinet maker Sam Walters make the casket. The casket was of solid oak.
Mr. Zimmerman states that while the casket was in the process of designing,
building and trimming Mr. Myers took the keenest interest in the progress,
however, when the job was completed and the casket stored away in the store, its
owner lost all interest and could not be induced to view the handiwork of his
craftsmen. Mr. Myers, who was the father of Mrs. Essie Bailey, of this city, did
not have use for the casket for almost 10 years after it was completed.
When questioned as to the periods that death made the heaviest inroads on Fulton
county's populace, Val stated that the years of 1918 and 1919 had by far the
heaviest mortality rate. This was due to the influenza epidemic which swept the
country and the various training camps where the young men were preparing to
enter the first World War.
Smallpox Epidemic
The other highest period in death rate was registered in the years of 1894 and
1895 when an epidemic of small pox took an exceptional heavy death toll in Wayne
township and other points in the county.
Mr. Zimmerman states that a large farm house served as an isolation place for
the smallpox sufferers in Wayne townsip, and that he and his father would take
their load of caskets to an arranged delivery point a half-mile away from the
quarantined, isolation house, unload their caskets and pick them up, loaded for
burial the following day. At that time Mr. Zimmerman states there was an old
cigar-maker by the name of Harry Miller, who some years previous had survived
the dread disease and he was in charge of all the sick and dying at the Wayne
township farm home that housed the small-pox sufferers.
Shelton Funeral Largest
The largest funeral ever held by Mr. Zimmerman was that of LeRoy Shelton, who
was killed in action in France and for whom the Rochester Post of the American
Legion was named. Mr. Shelton, of course, was accorded a full military burial. .
. . .
[ - - - - -end of story and reference lost in computer - - - - -]
Val. Zimmerman, well known furniture dealer and undertaker of Rochester, was
born in that town January 18, 1873, the son of Valentine and Martha (Newhart)
Zimmerman, the former being born in Germany August 4, 1824, and the latter a
native of New York City. Valentine Zimmerman emigrated from Germany and came to
the United States, settling in Rochester, where he followed his trade of
shoemaker, operating a shoe store. In 1879, he decided to give up the shoe
business, and he accordingly opened a furniture store in conjunction with which
he conducted an undertaking establishment. He continued in this line of work
until his death, which occurred October 1, 1904, his wife dying June 12, 1917.
He was elected State senator in 1884 on the Democratic ticket and served in this
capacity until 1887. To him and his wife were born four children: Val., our
subject; Martha, the wife of D. D. Ginther, of Rochester; Philimina A., the wife
of Howard H. Hood, of Edinburg, Indiana; and Leo G., of Rochester. Val Zimmerman
received his elementary education in the graded and high schools of Rochester,
and from 1889 to 1893 he attended Notre Dame University, taking a commercial
course. When his course of study in the university had been completed, he
returned to Rochester to assist his father in his business, and at the latter's
death, he took charge of the concern which he continued to direct since that
time. On December 20, 1900, he was united in marriage with Clara J. Young, the
daughter of Martin and Susanna Young, pioneer settlers of Crown Point, Indiana.
In fraternal circles, Mr. Zimmerman is a popular member of the Knoghts of
Pythias, the Masons, the Improved Order of Red Men, the Fraternal Order of
Eagles, and the Loyal Order of Moose. He also holds membership in the Rochester
Country Club and takes an active part on behalf of any movement instituted for
the public good.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, p. 305, Dayton Historical Publishing
Co., 1923]
ZIMMERMAN BOOT & SHOE SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
. . . 3 doors north of Cornelius' Dry Goods Store . . . Mending of all kinds. .
. Valentine Zimmerman, Rochester, Ind., Dec. 5th, 1866.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 6, 1866]
Located SE corner 11th & Jefferson.
Owned and operated by Herbert, Major and James Zimmerman.
See Ditmire Undertaking.
[Adv] - - - Our Second Annual Hoover Sweeper Campaign - - - - ZIMMERMAN BROS.
(Leo Zimmerman's Sons - Former Zimmerman Funiture House) - - - -.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 23, 1924]
Zimmerman Brothers have leased the Hoover building, [SW] corner of Main and
Sixth Streets, and will move their furniture and undertaking establishment to
that location within the next few days. They plan to be in their new quarters by
Saturday, but will not hold their formal opening until the following Saturday,
October fifth.
The Hoover building, one of the finest store rooms in the city, is being
thoroughly cleaned and re-decorated and will present a very attractive
appearance when finished. This concern has a complete new line of merchandise as
their old stock was sold completely out at auction a few weeks ago. The new
merchandise was selected at the furniture style show held a month ago in
They plan to handle the same line of merchandise as in the past, carrying a
complete selection of furniture, radios, stoves, electric refrigerators and
floor coverings of all kind. Donald Brower will continue to be in charge of the
radio department.
An up-to-date funeral parlor will also be established at the new location.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, September 26, 1929]
An informal opening of The Zimmerman Bros. new funeral home, located at 1420
South Main street, will be held from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The
entire first floor of the elegant residence, familiarly known as the Ostie Davis
home, will be devoted exclusively to mortuary use.
Two spacious and artistically furnished rooms connected with a larger entrance
hall will be used as the funeral parlors while music, slumber, and casket
display rooms utilize the remaining first floor space. The funeral parlors which
are furnished with living room suites of rich dark colored upholstery with deep
pile Wilton carpeting are given a touch of artistic colorings thru the use of
stand lamps and other appropriate embellishments. The decorative arrangement
being made under the supervision of Paul McCarty, of Plymouth.
During the opening days a delightful musical program will be presented by local
musicians and souvenirs will be given to all guests by the management.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, January 16, 1931]
The Zimmerman Brothers who have been engaged in the furniture and undertaking
business in this city for the past ten years carry a two-page advertisement in
this issue of the News-Sentinel for their final Closing-Out Sale of the
furniture business. The brothers, Emerson and Herbert, recently opened a most
imposing funeral home, located on South Main street and have decided to devote
all of the time to undertaking and their funeral home.
Their furniture sale, which starts Friday morning, will afford the people of
this community one of the greatest opportunities to secure high-quality
furniture and home furnishings at savings ever offered in this section of the
In speaking of the inducements Emerson Zimmerman stated today that original
prices on both furniture and household goods were completely forgotten when
price tags were marked for this sale and that in no instance was any article
being offered above actual cost and hundreds and hundreds of elegant pieces of
furnishings were being put on sale for under cost price.
Everything in the large two-story business room is priced, and priced to move;
additional clerks have been secured to render prompt service to the hundreds and
hundreds of thrifty shoppers who will throng the Zimmerman Brothers store
throughout Friday. The sale will continue from day-to-day until the entire
$40,000 stock has been sold.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 30, 1931]
[photo] Zimmerman Bros. Funeral Car
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 20]
Since 1879, the name Zimmerman has stood for funeral service of the highest
order in Fulton County. It was in that year that Valentine Zimmerman, paternal
grandfather of the Zimmerman Brothers began his career of helpful, sympathetic
service, the policies of which are still the objects sought by the Zimmerman
boys even unto the third generation.
Zimmerman Brothers, under the management of Herbert, have operated under that
name at their modern funeral home at 1420 Main street since early in 1929 when
they were permitted to carry on a business founded by their father, the late Leo
G. Zimmerman back in 1912.
A striving desire to render a constantly improved service has impelled them to
meet the changing requirements of the Funeral Director's mission with new and
modern facilities. The accompanying picture depicts their up-to-the-minute
funeral coach, one of the finest cars of the kind procurable.
A lady attendant, always on duty at the home which is open at all hours, thereby
permitting relatives or friends of loved one an opportunity to visit the home at
any time, lends a measure of understanding to those intimate cares and
attentions not otherwise obtainable.
A telephone call to number 304 will bring you complete, restful and thoroughly
reliable service at any time, relieve you in times of sorrow of all unnecessary
worry and give you every desired help and courtesy.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 20]
According to an announcement made today by Herbert Zimmerman of Zimmerman
Brothers Mortuary, their new Funeral Home, located on the [SE] corner of
Jefferson and West 11th street is now nearing completion. While services are
already being confducted there, Mr. Zimmerman stated the formal opening of the
new institution would not be held for a week or ten days.
The new home which is known as the Pfiel residence, is a large two-story brick
structure, situated on a spacious corner lot away from the heavy run of Main
street traffic, which Mr. Zimmerman stated always hindered the formation of
funeral processions at their former home on South Main street.
The Zimmerman Bros. Mortuary, which is comprised of Herbert and Emerson
Zimmerman, purchased their new home from Solomon Ackerman, of Ft. Wayne. The
entire home has been repaired and redecorated thruout. A modern embalming room
has been arranged in the basement of the home, and a new brick structure, five
car garage connecting with the home proper has also been erected.
The date for the formal opening of the new funeral home will be announced within
a few days, Mr. Zimmerman stated today.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 12, 1935]
Located 611 Main Street.
Owned and operated by Val Zimmerman, II.
See Baptist Church; See American Legion; See Ditmire Undertaking
See Zimmerman, Valentine II
John Hisey, proprietor of Hisey's Bargain Store on north Main street, sold his
business Friday to Orville Zimmerman, who takes possession two weeks from
Monday. Mr. Hisey sold the store, which he purchased from George Hayward three
years ago, because of the hard work connected with the business. Mr. and Mrs.
Hisey are past 70 years old. They will spend the winter with their daughter,
Mrs. Minta Richardson, in East Rochester. Mr. Zimmerman, the new owner, has had
considerable experience in the retail business and for some time worked at the
Big Store north of the court house, which was closed recently by Ray Babcock.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 13, 1915]
ZIMMERMAN'S SONS, V. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Use this machine while paying for it. We sell sewing machine on such easy
terms - - - - V. ZIMMERMAN'S SONS "Honor Furniture" Fulton County's
Largest Furniture Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 1, 1909]
ZIMPLEMAN, JACOB [Wayne Township]
Jacob Zimpleman was born in Shelby County, Ind., September 20, 1844; came to
this county with his parents, John George, Sr., and Marguerite Zimpleman, in the
spring of 1856. Jacob is one among a family of eight children, viz., Valentine,
John George, Jr., Margaret, Michael, Elizabeth, Jacob, Anna Mary and Rosina, all
living in the county except Margaret, who is in Dubuque, Iowa. Jacob married
Katie Bechtold June 5, 1879, in Chester Township, Wabash Co., Ind., at the
residence of the bride's parents, Christian and Elizabeth Bechtold. They have
one child--Alvin--and both are members of the German Reform Church.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 62]
John George Zimpleman, the son of John George, Sr., and Marguerite Zimpleman,
was born in Shelby County December 9, 1837, and came to this township with his
parents in the spring of 1856, where he married Mary Jane Rush August 19, 1869,
and immediately settled at their present residence. Mrs. Zimpleman is the
daughter of Daniel and Elvina Rush, residents of Mount Vernon. Mr. Z.'s have an
adopted son--Ernest (Clinger) Zimpleman, who was born in Cass County about 1875.
Mr. Z. and all his brothers are Democrats. He is also a member of the German
Reform Church and his wife of the Lutheran Church. He owns 120 acres of good
land, which he bought in the green woods, and has cleared the most of it with
his own hands. He is a temperate, industrious and successful farmer.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 62]
Michael Zimpleman, the son of John G., Sr., and Marguerite Zimpleman, who were
born, raised and married in New Bavaria, on the west side of the Rhine, and came
to New Orleans in 1835; thence to Cincinnati, where they remained two years;
thence to Shelby County, Ind.; thence to this county in the spring of 1856, and
settled where they now live in Wayne Township. Michael was born in Shelby County
June 22, 1841; came to this township with his parents, and, July 4, 1877,
married Margaret Ann Thrush, and soon after settled at his present abode. They
have two children--Birdie and Ida. Mrs. Zimpleman is the daughter of Robert
Thrush and lady, residents of this township; was born December 4, 1857, and is a
member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They have a pleasant home.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 62]
ZINGO SERVICE STATION [Rochester, Indiana]
Clyde Ball, who recently closed his Zingo gas station, has accepted a position
at the Jackson Standard Service station.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 3, 1945]
ZINK, EVERETT T. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Everett T. Zink)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Everett T. Zink)
ZINKS LAKE [Richland Township]
Located in Section 14, approximately 575N at 125W.
Word has been received here of the death Saturday at his home in Huntington of
John ZINK, for many years a prominent farmer of Richland township in the
neighborhood of Zink's lake which was named in his honor. Mr. Zink had been in
ill health for some time and death came as the result of increasing age. The
body was brought to Richland Center where the funeral services are to be held
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 8, 1921]
Recent building activities at Zink's lake, about six miles northwest of
Rochester, recently have excited the curiosity of the entire neighborhood.
Various investigations were made, but questioners could get but little
satisfaction out of those who professed to know, having every theory advanced
agreed with in a most pleasant manner.
But now it has been definitely established that the land in question, about 18
acres, has been purchased by A. J. Shad, a Chicago multi-millionaire, who is
planning the erection of a palatial country home on the 18 acres.
At the present time, a part of the land is being cleared and there is now
under course of construction a keeper's lodge and a barn, which will cost in
excess of $6,000. In clearing the land fully 2,500 pounds of dynamite have been
used and a beautiful park with modern landscape gardening will be the ultimate
In the rear center of the property, Mr. Shad plans to build his home at a cost
of approximately $25,000, it is said, and plans for the structure have already
been completed and approved.
Mr. Shad, who is a resident of Humboldt Park, a suburb of Chicago, was one of
the pioneer cottagers of Lake Maxinkuckee, but now desires to get away from
there because of crowded conditions. He selected the site at Zink's lake because
of its utter seclusion and privacy and the beautiful scenic efforts that can be
obtained there. The home will not be built until next spring, it was stated.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 21, 1922]
A. E. Schad, of Chicago, owner of the Forest Farm at Zinks Lake, has presented
the Izaak Walton League of this city with a snug sum of money to be used in the
construction of the new fish hatcheries at the lake. Mr. Schad visited the new
hatcheries a few days ago and was so impressed with the work the League is doing
that he donated to be instrumental in the construction and maintenance of the
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 3, 1929]
Funeral services were held in Chicago today for Albert E. SCHAD, aged 52, owner
of a beautiful summer home at Zink's Lake six miles northwest of this city who
died in Chicago last Sunday. Little could be learned of Mr. Schad's life in this
city as during the time he spent here he confided in few people. He is survived
by his mother, two brothers and a sister. He was never married.
Mr. Schad had been ill for the past two years his sickness having resulted from
an auto accident in which he figured at Chicago. He was employed for many years
by the Power's Regulator Company of Chicago and was reputed several times a
Mr. Schad purchased the ZINK'S LAKE farm five years ago and started to develop
it. It was Mr. Schad's hobby. It is estimated that he spent between $50,000 and
$60,000 in the development so far and he had planned to spend many more
thousands before he had his dream completed.
It is not known as to whether his mother and sister will carry on the project
which had reached a point of development where it was considered one of the show
places of Northern Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, March 19, 1930]
See: Cole Bros.
See: Zoppe-Zavatta
ZOLMAN, AMOS [Newcastle Township]
Amos Zolman (also Zollman). - Mr. Zolman is one of the most industrious farmers
of this country, and by his industry and frugality has been enabled, from a
small pittance of a few years ago, to become the owner of 100 acres of the most
valuable land in his vicinity, and to surround himself with a great many modern
conveniences. He was born in Knox County, Ohio, November 30, 1819, where he
rceived a common school education. On the 21st of January, 1844, he was united
in marriage to Jemima Baker, of his own county, and who was born Decemvber 14,
1829. After making a number of changes, Mr. Zolman locate in this county in
December, 1863. To him were born the following children: Susannah, Emmeline,
Joseph L., Florence, Elias B., Bellzora and Rosa; of whom Susanna is married to
Albert Crft, and resides in Ohio, and Emmeline to J. Drudge, who is, perhaps,
the wealthiest man in Newcastle Township; and Bellzora has passed on before to
the better land. Mr. and Mrs. Zolman are worthy members of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, living in anticipation of a final reward. Mr. Ze. served in
Company G, One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio Infantry, and was taken prisonerr
at the vbattle of Perryville. Shortly after this, he was discharged from the
service, but bvefore the war closed he re-enlisted in the One Hundred and
Fifty-fifth Indiana Infantry, serving till th close of the war.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 51]
ZOLMAN, NATHAN [Newcastle Township]
Nathan Zolman (also Zollman). - This esteemed citizen is a native of Maryland,
born February 16, 1814. In his childhood his parents emigrated to Knox County,
Ohio, where he labored on the farm until his twenty-first year. He received a
limited education in the common schools of his adopted county. On July 4, 1839,
he was united in marriage to Jane Craft, who was born in Pennsylvania August 20,
1821. After marriage, Mr. Zolman remained a number of years in Ohio, then
removed, and located where he now lives, in about 1854 or 1855. John Zolman, the
father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Maryland in the year 1785, and
was married, in the early part of this century, to Catharine Passy, of the same
State, who was born about the year 1789. He died in Ohio in March, 1857; his
consort in this State in 1862. Pierce Craft, the father of Mrs. Zolman, was a
native of Pennsylvania, born in 1795. His wife, Nancy (Thompson), of the same
State, was born in 1793. After losing her husband, she came to this State in
1856, and deceased here in August, 1877. To Mr. and Mrs. Zolman were born Elias,
Rachel A., Sanford, George W., John W., Nancy A., Malinda A., Joseph C., Albert
and Almira E. Elias served in the Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and
died at Bowling Green, Ky., in 1865. Of the others, Rachel, George, Malinda and
Albert have passed on before. Mr. and Mrs. Zolman are living, acceptable members
of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 51]
ZOLMAN, RICHARD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Richard Zolman)
ZOLMAN & SAWYER [Rochester, Indiana]
Harley E. Zolman has taken charge of the Sawyer Ice Cream factory on north Main
and the firm in the future will be known as Zolman and Sawyer.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 23, 1915]
ZOOK, EDWARD [Rochester, Indiana]
Edward Zook, a leading tinner and plumber of Rochester, was born inWayne county,
Ind., June 5, 1848. His father, John Zook, a tinner by trade, was born in
Pennsylvania, came to the Hoosier state in the days of Indian trading and
trapping. He was engaged in the stove and tinware business in Hagerstown,Wayne
county, for a time, but in later life settled on a farm in Wayne township,
Fulton county, where he died in 1880. John Zook, our subject's grandfather, was
born in Europe. His young and vigorous manhood was passed in Pennsylvania.
Edward Zook's mother was Mary Mogle, whose father, Solomon Mogle, was a
Pennsylvania German and farmer. Edward is the third of four children. The first,
Harry Zook, was last known of in Kansas, some eighteen years ago. The other
living ones are: William, residing at Fulton, Ind., and Emma, wife of Joseph
Studebaker. Edward Zook was given only a meager education, from the country
schools. He began the battles of life at the age of fourteen years, as a farm
hand. In 1865 he tired of this life that promised nothing but endless toil and
secured a situation with Johnson & Bro. at Logansport to learn his trade.
With the exception of one year spent in Camden, Ind., he remained in Logansport
till 1872, when he came to Rochester. His only capital was his industry and
perseverance. For ten years he was employed continuously by one firm of
Rochester, and was then elected to the office of town marshal, in which office
he served one year. He then opened a small tin-shop in the rear of Weil &
Peterson's hardware store. In 1892 he moved into his present storeroom, where he
has successfully continued in business. Mr. Zook was married while in Camden,
Ind., in January, 1873, to Louisa, a daughter of W. D. Eidson, a miller of
Wabash, Ind. The only child of this marriage is Venina, wife of John W. McMahan,
of Rochester, whose only child is Edwin L., aged eighteen months. Mr. Zook owns
a nice home on Main street; is chief of the fire department; is an Odd Fellow,
Mason, and K.O.T.M. He is a republican and is now county coroner, elected with
no effort on his part and by a large majority.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co., Chicago 1896,
pp. 152-153]
[Adv] Stoves at ED ZOOK'S HARDWARE STORE - - - - ED ZOOK, Opposite Arlington.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 8, 1900]
ZOOK & AULT [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] NEW GOODS - NEW PRICES - NEW MEN. Messrs. Ed Zook and Jud Ault have opened
up a new line of Hardware, Tinware, etc. in Zook's old stand, opposite
Zimmerman's furniture store. - - - Sanitary plumbing a specialty. - - - ZOOK
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 22, 1897]
ZOOK & FINNEMORE [Fulton, Indiana]
UNDERTAKING! Having Purchased an Undertaking supply of Coffins, Caskets and
Burial Robes, and being prepared to do first-class Embalming, we solicit your
Patronage. Funerals attended with or without Hearse. ZOOK & FINNEMORE,
Fulton, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 8, 1892]
ZOOK & SHANKS [Rochester, Indiana]
]Adv] Roud Oak Chief Range Exhibit All This Week. - - - ZOOK & SHANKS,
headquarters for Round Oaks.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 1, 1907]
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Zook & Shanks has contracted for the
sale of their hardware stock and fixtures and all book accounts and notes have
been delivered to their attorney, O. A. Davis, for payment, and all persons
knowing themselves to be indebted to said firm will please call on him and
settle at once. MARY L. ZOOK, VENA SHANKS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 25, 1911]
Les Reed, who for many years has been with Zook & Shanks as head of the
tinning department, is opening up a shop of his own in the rear of Newby's drug
store. James Masterson has sold his stock and will accept a position with the
Richardson Hardware Company as head tinner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 11, 1911]
[Adv] NEW HARDWARE FIRM. We have purchased the Zook & Shanks Hardware
stock, and have added a complete stock of new goods. - - - - builders materials,
tools, general hardware, paints, oil, varnishes, brujshes, glass, putay, etc. -
- - RICHARDSON HARDWARE CO., Successors to Zook & Shanks. Opp Post Office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 27, 1911]
ZOOK TIN SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Operated by Ed Zook.