Wendell C. and John B. Tombaugh
Limited Printing
Copy No.____of 6
700 Pontiac Street
Rochester, Indiana
This book cannot be reproduced without the express permission of Wendell C. Tombaugh, John B. Tombaugh, their heirs or assigns.
Made in the United States of America.
M.-B. STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
Morris & Border, operators of several chain stores throughout Indiana and
Ohio, with main offices at Mishawaka, Ind., were in this city Tuesday where they
closed a long-term lease with A. J. Barrett on the store room formerly occupied
by Arch Timbers clothing store.
The branch store of the M. & B. chain will carry a complete stock of Ladies
Ready-to-Wear garments and Men's Furnishings. Mr. Borden when interrogated
concerning the opening of the new business stated he believed they would be
ready by Saturday, Sept. 17th.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 7, 1927]
[Adv] GRAND OPENING of the M.-B. Chain Store, 707 Main Street, Rochester,
Ind., Tomorrow, Thursday, September 15. Doors Open at 9 a.m. - - - -
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 14, 1927]
M-Z FURNITURE HOME [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester has a new furniture and radio store already in operation at [Goss
Homestead] 1611 South Main Street. The new business which is known as the M-Z
Furniture Home, will be under the direct supervision of Emerson Zimmerman of
this city.
Mr. Zimmerman who has had many years of experience in the furniture business has
secured the services of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner who will act as custodians of
the furniture home which will be open for patronage both day and evening. The
manager stated the overhead costs of the furniture home had been cut to a
minimum and through operating on a strictly cash basis the public would be
offered truly worth-while savings in both furniture and radios.
The Zimmerman Bros. Funeral home will continue in operation as before at 1410
South Main Street. An advertisement carrying an announcement of the new
furniture home appears elsewhere in this issue of the News-Sentinel.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, November 4, 1931]
M. & M. 5 and 10¢ STORES [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] NOTICE! The old Compton Variety Store will be open Wednesday Morning at 10
o'clock. A Big Removal Sale. - - - - New Owners in Charge. M. & M. 5 and
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 29, 1925]
Indianapolis, July 2. - The M. & M. 5¢ and 10¢ Store company has filed
articles of incorporation with the secretary of the state of Indiana with a
capital stock of $30,000. Half of the stock is comon and half preferred.
The incorporators are Virgil Morgan and Ray Meredith of Plymouth and Lloyd S
Crouch of Columbia City.
The concern recently opened a store in Plymouth in the Hill building and
established company headquarters for the control of their stores and the
conducting of wholesale business. They then purchased the J. W. Compton store
here. They will continue operating in the Holeman building at Main and Seventh
A store also is operated by the men at Fort Wayne.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 2, 1925]
A business deal of considerable import was transacted today between Messrs.
Morgan and Meredith, of Plymouth, owners of the local M. & M. Variety store
and the Schultz Brothers Co., of Chicago, whereby the latter concern becomes
owner of the Rochester store and four other variety stores in the M. & M.
group which are located at Plymouth, Columbia City, Winamac and Hobart.
The new owners now control 26 variety stores situated in various cities
throughout the mid-western states. Two of the above group of stores are located
at Rensselaer and Monon, Ind. The new owners assumed control of their purchases
today. Mr. Morgan, who has been operating the Rochester M. & M. store for
the past few weeks, has not announced his plans for the future.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 6, 1930]
MABIE CAFE [Rochester, Indiana]
The Mabie Cafe has been moved from the Robbins room on the south side of the
public square to the room at 612 North Main Street.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, April 22, 1933]
William Mabie, owner of the Mabie Cafe, wishes to announce that he is joining
the other Rochester cafe owners in the closing of their places of business one
day each week. Mr. Mabie will close his restaurant, which is located on the
corner of Main and Sixth streets, every Tuesday.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, April 5, 1943]
Mr. and Mrs. William Mabie, operators of a restaurant at 530 North Main street
for the past 12 years, announced today they have sold the cafe to George Fleegle,
owner of the Fleegle Market at 526 Main street.
Fleegle has taken possession and will continue to operate the restaurant, which
has been in business at the same location for almost 50 years. Fleegle will be
assisted in operation of the business by his son-in-law, Jack Reyome.
Mr. and Mrs. Mabie said they would retire from the restaurant business because
of poor health.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 5, 1943]
Destroyed by fire September 23, 1895.
MACKEY [Rochester, Indiana]
See Kirkendall & Mackey
MACKEY, HORACE C. [Rochester, Indiana]
Horace C. Mackey, of Rochester, is a son of one of Fulton county's first
settlers. William Mackey, who lived for years just on the outskirts of
Rochester, and was a prominent character, was born in Virginia, near Natural
Bridge, Rockbridge county, being a descendant of one of the first white families
to settle that county. His birth occurred about eighty-five years ago. In 1835
he rode on horseback from there to Fulton county and entered land in Newcastle
township. He did not settle on it, but returned to Virginia and remained five
yers longer. He cast his lot with this state in 1840 and took up his residence
in Henry county. In 1849 he came to Fulton and bought a seventy-six-acre tract
on the Michigan road of Riley Spencer. He was a prosperous farmer and a popular
citizen. He was a strong union man and furnished two sons for the Union army. He
married at Natural Bridge, Va., Rachel, a daughter of Joseph McClung. Rachel
died in 1852, aged forty-one, leaving seven children. Joseph, deceased, was a
prominent citizen of Wabash, Ind. Recruited One Hundred and First Indiana
volunteers and was offered major's command, but declined to serve. Lizzie,
deceased; Mrs. Mary Loomis, John C., died at Louisville, Ky., in Twenty-ninth
Indiana regiment; Hester, wife of James Wilder; Horace C., born April 6, 1843;
William, died 1882. Horace C. Mackey graduated from the Rochester public schools
at thirteen years of age. Aug. 9, 1862, he enlisted in company D, Eighty-seventh
Indiana volunteers, Capt Ward's and later Capt. Hughes' and lastly Capt. Elam's
company. The regiment was mustered into service at Indianapolis and was ordered
to Louisville, Ky., to aid in checking Gen. Bragg's army. It struck the enemy at
Perryville and followed him up to Triune, Tenn.; was in the Chickamauga fight;
went with Sherman to the sea and on their return through the Carolinas to attend
the grand review at Washington. During all his service Mr. Mackey was never
absent from his regiment. He was mustered out of the service at Indianapolis
July 23, 1865, sergeant of his company. On returning to civil pursuits Mr.
Mackey engaged in farming, which of late years has given place to a
miscellaneous and diversified vocation. Mr. Mackey sold his farm, the old Mackey
homestead, to Dr. W. S. Shafer, in 1895, to be devoted to the use of the
Rochester Normal university and on this tract the college building has been
erected. To this enterprise Mr. Mackey lent not only his sympathy but of his
substance and while the public are not acquainted with the extent of his
donation the history of the consummation of the deal will reveal his connection
with it. Mr. Mackey is the owner of several well improved properties in
Rochester and laid out Mackey's addition to Rochester. In politics he is a
republican and was once elected assessor, but a change in the law prevented his
taking the office. April 6, 1868, Mr. Mackey married Lucy Dunlap, a daughter of
James Dunlap, from Pennsylvania, who died here in 1855, one year after his
advent to the state. He married Clara Stoughton, a cousin of Daniel Voorhees.
Their children are: Rev. C. H. Dunlap, Philadelphia, Pa.; Alpheus, St. Louis,
Mo.; Julia, wife of Michael Orr, Plymouth; Dr. W., Sedalia, Mo.; Lucy, and Mary,
wife of Richard Van Dien, of this county. Mr. Mackey's children are: George M.,
twenty-six; Orrin S, twenty-two; Mary, twenty; Lottie, sixteen, and Colonel
Gleason, six. The family are of the Presbyterian faith.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co,. Chicago 1896,
pp. 107-108]
[Adv] FARMERS When you want your grocery supplies for threshing days call at
the Arlington Grocery. Horace Mackey and Sam Miller are both old farmers and
know what you want and will have it, and will make you threshers prices on such
bills. Call and see us. We pay best market prices for produce. HORACE MACKEY,
Arlington Grocery.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 10, 1896]
[Adv] NEW FIRM and NEW GOODS! Having purchased the stock of groceries
formerly owned by H. C. Mackey, known as the Arlington Grocery, we are now
prepared to furnish the trade with first glass goods at LOWEST PRICES possible.
- - - We also pay top prices for country produce. - - - ROBBINS & ROBBINS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 12, 1897]
MACKEY, SHANNON [Rochester, Indiana]
Grocery & Restaurant
The above named gentleman started in the grocery and restaurant business in this
city six months ago. There are many well conducted and popular grocery houses in
Rochester, but we are free to confess along with hundreds of our citizens that
there is not one more popular or deserving of its growing success than that of
the gentleman whose name heads this article.
The stock of goods is full at all times, and they carry only such goods as the
trade demands, everything that the most advanced grocery and provision dealers
keep is kept at this house, and the public can always rely upon honest weight,
fresh goods, and low prices.
In the management of the Restaurant Mr. Mackey is ably assisted by his wife.
This lady takes great pride in seeing that all patrons are properly waited upon,
and ladies without attendants can go there with the assurance of receiving
respectful attention and of being treated in a manner due to all ladies. At this
restaurant can be had as good a meal as one could wish for at any reasonable
hour on short notice, or board by the day or week.
Everything about this house is kept in the neatest possible manner, and the
trade is supplied with the best the market affords. A specialty is made of
oysters during the winter and in the summer of ice cream. They carry a fine line
of confections, also tropical and domestic fruits during their season. We
unreservedly commend Mr. Mackey and his house to the public as in every way
worthy of its confidence and patronage.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 29, 1888]
[Adv] A Popular Grocery is one where all people are treated alike, where all
goods are guaranteed to be just as represented and where you can, with perfect
confidence, send your order by Telehpone or by your Children, and get just what
you want. Such a place is my NORTH END GROCERY. - - - -SHANNON MACKEY.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 7, 1899]
Two business changes were effected in Rochester today, whereby two groceries
changed hands the Messrs Ott, Hugh, Tom and Bill McMahan buying the business
recently owned by the Three Brothers, and Robert S. Lowry buying the Shannon
Mackey stock and business.
For the past few months it has been reported that the McMahan brothers would
again engage in business here and it was at one time their intention to open
another store here, but Mr. Lou Lough, who bought the store founded by the
McMahan Brothers, of Otto Caple was not pleased with that line of business and
decided to return to his farm near Leiters, and for that reason sold the store.
The Three Brothers will add another member to the firm -- their brother Hugh --
and it will be known in the future as the Four Brothers.
The intention of the new firm is to at first give a sale to reduce the stock of
groceries, and dispose with the entire stock of meats on hand, and will then add
lines of dry goods, notions, and shoes, which they have bought. The McMahan boys
were very successful in their first business venture and built up a very large
Mr. Lowry who purchased the Mackey grocery will turn it over to his son, Robert
who will manage it in the future. Mr. Mackey had a very good business and his
trade was the largest in that section of Rochester. Mr. Lowry will take
possession Wednesday morning. Mr. Mackey will retire from business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 27, 1906]
On or about April 10th a brand new stock of staple and fancy groceries will be
opened by J. W. Millice in the room formerly occupied by Shannon Mackey. This
will be a spic and span store and a fine addition to Rochester business
interests. Everything in the line of fresh and up-to-date groceries will be
carried and special inducements will be given to both city and country trade.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 5, 1906]
MACKEY & SONS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] 400,000 BRICK! We have four hundred thousand brick in our ROCHESTER KILN
ready for delivery at $6 per 1,000 delivered or $5.50 at the yard. Buy now and
save delay in the building season. MACKEY & SONS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 13, 1893]
Mr. J. F. Wilson, of Kewanna, a practical brickmaker, has leased the Mackey
brickyard and will manufacture a fine grade of brick, commending with the
opening of spring.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 16, 1894]
MACKEY GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
The Mackey grocery, on East 13th St., was bought yesterday by Pat and Ott
McMahan, of Fulton. John and James McMahan, brothers of the owners, will have
charge of the store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 25, 1909]
MACKEY POND [Rochester, Indiana]
Mackey pond is quite an attraction now for the boys and girls who skate, and it
is a very favorable opportunity for older people to see young America in action.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, December 11, 1905]
MACY, INDIANA [Allen Township, Miami County]
See: Allen Township
See: Carl, Louden
See: Case, Onis
See: Champ, John
See: Churches, Macy Christian Church
See: Clendenning, Ephraim B.
See: Duey, Phillip
See: Five Corners, Indiana
See: Hurst, Ira B.
See: Hurst, James W.
See: Hurst, Levi J.
See: Lane Sisters
See: Marshall, William R.
See: Patents and Inventions
See: Savage, Lyman J.
See: Waite, Abner C.
See: Wilkinson, Anderson
See: Wilson, John S.
Lincoln is situated on the west side of the I. P. & C. R.R., fifteen miles
north of Peru, and nine miles south of Rochester.
This village was laid out in the year of 1859, by GEORGE WILKINSON and A.
WILKINSON, both of whom are now as they were then, citizens of this place. The
original plat of this village embraced only six and one-half acres, five and
one-half of which were surveyed from the farm of GEORGE WILKINSON, and one acre
from A. WILKINSON's farm.
The lots were ninety-nine feet square and twenty in number, and the streets were
First, Second, Cooper and Main. It was filed for record on the 14th day of June,
1860 ...
Previous to this time, the only building that was ever erected on the site of
this town, was a log cabin, and was used by Methodists as a church. ...in course
of time, it fell into decay, and all traces of where the building once stood,
have been obliterated.
When the town was originally laid out, no one predicted that it would ever
become a place of any importance. There was no railroads in this vicinity, nor
were there any prospect of one being made through this part of the country.
In order to accommodate the neighboring farmers, GEORGE WILKINSON procured a
supply of goods and groceries, W. J. CORDELL a supply of iron, and the necessary
tools for blacksmithing, and the little settlement began its career. Some time
during the ensuing year, a COOPER SHOP was put in operation by WILLIAM CARVEY,
and these formed the only branches of business at this place for several vears.
The surrounding country was sparsely settled, and the result was, these branches
of business failed to be self sustaining, and the proprietors were compelled to
suspend operations.
The embrio town was almost deserted until the vear of 1868, when the I. P. &
C. R.R. being in process of construction, it received a new impetus, and since
then the work of improvement has advanced rapidly and steadily.
Some time during the latter part of the month of June, in the year of 1869, the
first train of cars on the Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago railroad, passed
through the town. It was hailed with delight by the citizens of this place as
the harbinger of the good time coming, when they should rank as a town of no
mean importance on its line.
The first house that was built in this village after the railroad was completed,
was the depot, and was built by the citizens of this place, the railroad company
refused to build one on account of their limited means and the insignificance of
the town.
During the late war, in 1862, a number of the citizens of this locality formed
themselves into a company of what was then called ... LINCOLN HOME GUARDS.
Subsequently, the locality was called Lincoln, and has retained this name ever
since. When the POST OFFICE was established, it was christened ALLEN in
consequence of there being one or two other Lincoln post-offices in the State.
Hence the postoffice is Allen and the name of the town Lincoln.
On the 6th day of August, 1869, the services of SAMUEL E. HA-CKEN (the then
county surveyor) were called into requisition, who surveyed and reversed [sic]
the original plat, and a description of it was filed for record on the 9th day
of August, 1869. On the same day, a plat of a new addition by GEORGE WILKINSON
and J. M. POWELL, embracing fifteen acres was filed for record. This was laid
out east of the original plat, and adjoining the railroad. The town went on
improving rapidly. The lots of this plat having been sold, another addition
became necessary. Accordingly on the 3d day of May, 1873, DAVID ENYART, filed a
description of his addition of eight acres, on the west side of the original
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday. December 11, 1873]
MARSHAL & PULMER'S BLACKSMITH SHOPS. -Messrs. Marshal & Pulver [sic]
engaged in business about three months ago and have permanently located here.
They are occupying a large spacious building in the north-west part of the
village. They manufacture wagons, buggies, sleighs, and in fact everything in
their line of business. They are old, experienced workmen, and the wagons and
buggies they have manufactured since they came here, are a credit to themselves
and an honor to the place. .... In addition to their wagon business they carry
on blacksmithing in all its various branches ...
LOUIS CUFFELL'S CABINET SHOPS. -Mr. Cuffell has been engaged in the cabinet
business about three years... now enjoys a large portion of public patronage.
... He keeps bureaus, tables, chairs, and everything else (in the cabinet line)
of all styles and prices... Undertaking forms a part of his business, and all
orders in this line of business will be executed with promptness. He also keeps
on hand coffins of all styles, prices and sizes, and will deliver coffins if
C. S. HORTON'S BLACKSMITH SHOP. -Mr. Horton is a young hand at the business, but
notwithstanding this, he has thoroughly learned his trade, and is an excellent
workman.... He has in his employ one of the most efficient horseshoers that has
ever worked in this town. In addition to blacksmithing Mr. Horton is prepared to
manufacture all kinds of edge tools, and will repair the same on short notice.
Mr. Horton is an enterprising young man and is certainly deserving of success.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, December 25, 1873]
The town of Macy was surveyed on Tuesday and will be incorporated. Macy is
putting on its Sunday clothes.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 18, 1883]
As locals are a little scarce I took a walk through town to see what the boys
were doing and this is the result:
Commencing at the east end the first was M. Lew ENYART, of the Monitor, who was
seated at his table sweating and writing and we concluded he must be writing a
leader which was to doom some great man to oblivion or lift him to the pinnacle
of fame.
Merchant COOK and Bill DAY, his clerk, were busily engaged in waiting for
customers yet they both looked happy.
Dr. BOGGS was compounding a remedy for Republican hysteria, which is sure cure
or no pay. We would advise Lew ENYART, Major BITTERS and W. I. HOWARD to take a
Frank SKINNER was busy handing out mail and using cusswords because all
publishers do not fold their papers as nicely as the Sentinel is folded. He says
if they would a great burden would be lifted off his shoulders.
Al DAVIS was trying to coax Yost WHEATLY to drink some sweet cider, but Swabby
wouldn't indulge. Al spends his odd moments in writing love poetry for his best
Eph CLENDENING was waiting on his many customers while his clerk, Billy BELT,
was calculating how much profit there was in paying sixteen cents for butter and
selling it out at fifteen.
John CLOUD was trying to fit a lady who had a number seven foot with a pair of
number five shoes, while Geo. was just overdoing himself waiting on some other
ladies who were trying to make ten cents buy a dollars worth of good. Geo. is a
ladies' man and of course he succeeded in pleasing his customers.
John GROAT was picking his teeth with a spike nail and figuring on how to catch
the fellow who got his pocket book.
Dock OGDEN was starting to peg around Jack ZARTMAN's boot and said he would get
back next week one day.
George FARRAR was currying one of his horses with a club and studying up a plan
to get rid of those fellows who always went to trade horses with him when they
know he never trades.
Hank PULVER was shoeing a horse and wondering who made the most cash, the
Justice or the saloon keeper as one furnishes work for the other.
John KELLER and Tom Maginis [McGINNIS] were arguing scripture. John believed in
hell fire and baptism and Tom favored the revised translation and Universal
Lyman SAVAGE was making models for Bill's patent fence and wondering who would
die next, and if he would get his measure.
Arthur McCARTER was making a tin bucket and whistling to keep from searing.
Elias BILLS was loafing and talking patent rights with Yost WHEATLY and a Green
Oak green horn.
Ben HIGHT was wishing somebody would get drunk and give him a chance to exercise
a little.
Onis CASE was at his old stand selling hardware cheap for cash.
Schyle FINNIMORE was escorting a dude drummer from the hotel to the depot.
Jerry HATCH was getting fresh beef to feed a large crowd of hungry men who were
waiting at his hotel for dinner.
Dave COP was looking up his chances for being elected constable and planning
what he would do with the cash four years from now.
Cal FOOR was building a kitchen so as to be even with all his neighbors, as
everybody is building in Macy now.
Jim BRIGGS was looking for something to force a rapid growth of Mustache on his
lip as he was going to get married Sunday and wants to look manly. . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 9, 1887]
Col. I. W. Brown will address the citizens of Miami county at Bogg's Hall at
Macy, tomorrow night on the subject of "Birds and Bees." The usual
admission fee -- one yard of smoked sausage will be received at the conclusion
of the lecture from each gentleman in attandance. Ladies free.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 1, 1900]
The attorney general has sent an official opinion to Macy to the effect that
when a remonstrance in legal form and signed by the required number of people is
filed against any person three days before the session of the county
commissioners no liquor license can be granted to the man if the remonstrance is
proved to be good, for two years, according to the law. This decision disposes
of the case of Moses Robbins of Macy, who had a remonstrance against him at the
last session of the commissioners, but did not file his application then. He
intended to file it at the July session, but the decision counts him out for two
years as the remonstrance was in proper form. Macy will therefore be without a
saloon again.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 25, 1901]
Peru Journal. M. Lew Enyart, of Macy, is removing to Peru and in conjunction
with his son Ora will go into the real estate business. They will make things
hum in that line. Both are experienced and know how to conduct the business
successfully. Enyart, the Elder, though of late years located at the little town
of Macy, has been conducting one of the most active real estate agencies in the
state. Ora was recently in business in the same line at Indianapolis.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 15, 1901]
Mr. F. D. Musselman and Miss Maud Zortman were married at the bride's home near
Macy yesterday evening. Mr. Musselman is the Macy druggist and is a progressive
citizen, and the SENTINEL joins the many friends in best wishes.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 22, 1901]
A pickle factory meeting will be held in the Monitor office at Macy, May 11, at
7:30 o'clock. All farmers, citizens and business men are cordially invited to
this meeting.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 9, 1903]
Macy is hard at work securing the necessary acreage to secure a branch of the
big Stafford & Goldsmith pickle industry. They know a good thing when they
see it coming up the lane.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 11, 1903]
Macy Monitor: Miss May Hurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hurst, has
received quite an honor from the citizens of Wolcott, Ind. Miss Hurst was
instructor of the Latin, English and composition classes of the Wolcott High
School last year and while there completed her work so satisfactorily that the
citizens this year have made up a purse of ten dollars additional per month for
her service if she will come back again this year.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 28, 1903]
The Peru Journal says last week the citizens of Macy were considerably excited
over the prospects of securing a furniture factory which would employ eighty
persons, but this week the same old routine of affairs continue, the hopes of
the people having been blasted by the sudden disappearance of A. D. Carter, the
man who was going to start the new industry. Carter appeared at the hotel in the
town about ten days ago and was not very slow about giving the people his idea
of starting a furniture factory there, the concern to be a branch of the Valley
Manufacturing Company of Grand Rapids, Mich. Some of the level headed people of
the down did not take well to the proposition, but the majority began to feel
good over the prospects. He agreed to buy 100 acres of land and pay for it when
his checks came. Two drafts came last Friday morning, one calling for $200 and
the other for $150. Carter went to Snepp's bank to have the drafts cashed but
the banker was suspicious and would not exchange his money. Carter got mad and
went away, arguing that he would go down to Peru and get them cashed. He left on
the noon train and that was the last seen or heard of him in Macy.
It is supposed that his little scheme was to get the $350 and then get away. He
paid no board bill and when the proprietor of the hotel went to his room all
that he found was a valise containing a couple of old shirts and a few dirty
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 2, 1903]
The business men of Macy are jubilant over the fact that their town is to get a
Stafford & Goldsmith pickle salting plant, they having succeeded in getting
the necessary acreage subscribed by the farmers in that vicinity.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 15, 1904]
J. E. Yocum and C. E. Jones, of Roann, recently purchased the blacksmith shop
owned by Pulver & Smith. Pulver will have employment there for a year.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 17, 1904]
Jesse Ewing, who has a position in Carvey's barber shop, moved his family from
Chicago, Tuesday and are living in the house vacated by Harvey Day and wife.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 10, 1904]
The Macy Monitor says the Pickle Factory promoters have the plant completed, and
are now engaged in putting up the salting tanks. There will be fourteen of these
tanks, and they are to hold 900 bushels each. Besides this the company has put
in a deep water well and erected a windmill to supply the works with good fresh
water. It now looks like business in and around the plant.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 22, 1904]
Lee Miller, the well known Macy hardware and implement dealer, will move to
Rochester and have charge of the implement department at Stoner's hardware
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 28, 1904]
A. L. Browning, sale manager for Bennett & Bennett, of Chicago, is here this
week selling the entire stock of goods for C. W. Bell, successor to Snepp &
Arnold, at greatly reduced prices. Some of the stock is sold at auction every
evening continuing for ten days.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 9, 1905]
Macy Monitor.
Macy has a new marshal. George Williams resigned and Matt Ewer, better known as
Pat Hogan, was sworn in last Tuesday. Now will you be good.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 24, 1905]
Macy, nine miles south of Rochester, on the Lake Erie, in Allen township, Miami
county, which for convenience sake to the inhabitants should belong to Fulton
county, is a prosperous town. Many of the residents have pretty homes with well
kept lawns, the streets are well shaded and graded, the store buildings are
exceptionally good for a place of its size. It has two churches, each with large
congregations, the Methodist being a fine brick edifice. The school building is
a substantial brick, and the mill, elevator, pickle factory, creamery, and the
rich agriculture valley surrounding, all go to make the place a good one to live
in, both from a commercial as well as pleasant standpoint.
The town can truly boast of a good newspaper, with M. Lew Enyart as its stalwart
editor. He has for many years been identified with the pushers of the town and
has done many good things for it. His paper, the Monitor, is a newsy one, and
his plant turns out job work.
Cloud Brothers
The thriving village of Macy has a store that is a winner in every respect, and
in size and stock is not to be equaled in Fulton county. This emporium is owned
and successfully managed by Messrs George and John Cloud. The store is located
in a fine brick block 60 x 85 feet, and is the outcome of a small beginning and
the most courteous and honest treatment on the part of its proprietors.
It is difficult to describe their stock on account of its greatness. In the east
room on the east side is the dress goods of hundreds of patterns in silks, wool
and cotton; ladies' furnishing goods, dress trimmings, ribbons in all shades,
laces, embroideries, lace curtains, etc. In the north end is the ladies'
ready-made suits, skirts, shirt-waist suits, etc. On the west is the carpet and
linoleum department where many designs ingrains or brussells are shown. Toward
the front, on the west is the shoe department, where shoes of the best makes and
good wearing qualities, for men, women and children, can be bought. The west
side of the west room is devoted to a great showing of queensware, tinware and
kitchen furnishings. In the center and on the east side of this room are the
men's furnishing goods, composed of hats, shirts, trousers, overalls, neckwear
and a hundred other articles. In the rear of the west room is the grocery with a
large stock of staple and fancy canned goods, etc.
The Cloud Brothers have been in this business for about seven years, and the
large patronage they have bespeaks the continuation of their big business.
Lucien Savage
In the Duroc hog way, Lucien Savage, who resides just south of Wagoners, is one
of the prominent breeders in the Central States, and at present has about sixty
head of fine ones at his place.
Mr. Savage has been a breeder of duroc hogs for the past eight years and has
always been very careful to handle nothing but the best and high scoring
pedigreed hogs of that breed. Of the sixty head he now has, seven are brood
sows, five boars, and the other spring pigs he is getting ready for his annual
sale in November. His hogs are of the best families to be found in the United
States: - Sensation, Can't Be Beat, and Top Notcher.
Mr. Savage has given his entire attention to his hogs since entering the
business, and his efforts have been manifested in a surprising manner. His
annual sales are largely attended by breeders from all over the central states
and his hogs bring high prices.
Devonshire Stock Farm
With twenty years experience in the cattle and hog business, during which time
he has made a careful study of his stock and kept but one breed of either, makes
Mr. J. Coffing, proprietor of the Devonshire Stock farm, one mile southwest of
Wagoners, the best posted man on pedigreed registered stock in this section. Mr.
Coffing is a breeder of the Devon cattle and Berkshire hogs. In the former he
has twenty head -- as fine a herd as ever broused a pasture -- with a 1,900
pound bull, "Look Out M.7651," which he purchased of U. B. Moyer, of
Mt. Corey, Ohio, December, 1904. This bull was awarded the first premium at the
Ohio State Fair, the Michigan State and the West Michigan District Fair. Four
cows -- three with long horns, the others dehorned -- are to be seen at his
place, and they will tip the scales all the way from twelve to sixteen hundred,
and not only are they right in weight and make tender and juicy meat, but have
good qualities for dairy use. For two years Mr. Coffing sold milk from
thoroughbred Devon cows, to the Macy creamery and for that time the milk test
averaged 3.9. With this test as grounds for his belief, he says the Devons are
the "Farmers' Cattle," being a combination excellent for dairy and as
good for market. The bull formerly owned by this stock man, is now being
exhibited at the Lewis & Clark exposition by a Washington man, who purchased
him last fall.
The thirteen head of Berkshire pedigreed hogs to be seen on this farm are as
fine as are to be found. They are of good build and perfect features and will
score high.
Mr. Coffing is not a big avertiser of his stock, letting them advertise
themselves on their merits, and this they have well done, as he has sold all the
cattle he could conveniently raise.
Dr. M. M. Boggs
A gentleman who is well and favorably known throughout the southern part of the
county as well as northern Cass and Miami, is Dr. M. M. Boggs, who has for years
been located in Macy, engaged in the drug business. His store is well stocked
with all kinds of pure drugs, roots, herbs, etc., patent medicines of the best
manufacture, drug sundries, cigars, tobaccos, etc. Dr. Boggs being a physician
is a thoroughly capable compounder of all kinds of drugs, as he knows them all
by smell or sight, and is exceedingly careful in filling prescriptions.
Dr. Boggs is one of the pioneer citizens of Macy and it is greatly through his
progressiveness that the town is now what it is, he having built two large brick
blocks, numerous residences, and always gave liberally to help build churches,
secure industries, etc. He can, always be counted on for his assistance in any
public movement.
Dr. Boggs is well liked and, professionally, has a large practice.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 14, 1905]
Macy Monitor
Having sold his drug store to Frank Skinner, of Peru, Dr. Boggs retires from an
active business life. He is now in his 76th year, and with the exception of a
few months over two years which he served in the civil war, he has been a
practitioner of medicine for the past 54 years.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 5, 1905]
Macy Monitor.
Macy day at Williams Park last Sunday was well attended. The Macy band favored
all present with their music and as manager Bailey had anticipated the coming of
a large number of people, arrangements were made for their comfort. All had a
good time and speak highly of the accommodations at Williams Park under Mr.
Bailey's management.
[Rochester Sentinal, Friday, August 25, 1905]
A petition is being circulated for names for the organization of a horse thief
detective association at Macy. The organization, which will be the sixth in
Miami county, will be perfect as soon as the necessary number of names are
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 2, 1905]
There was a hot time in Macy Thursday night when two non-partisan tickets were
nominated for the town election to be held November 7th. While politics did not
enter into the nominations, there were two opposing factions, growing out of the
telephone war which has existed there for some time. Dr. Swift was a candidate
for trustee from the middle district, as a member of the telephone company which
wants into the town, but he did not get on either ticket, a blacksmith defeating
him in one instance and a barber in another. The convention was a victory for
the anti-telephone faction, as a majority of the candidates on each ticket is
opposed to granting a franchise on the terms asked by the telephone company.
Following this Dr. Swift and T. J. Ewer had a fight on the street, and this
resulted in a big legal scrap which has put the town in an uproar.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 18, 1905]
Special to the Sentinel.
Macy, Nov. 27th: -- A case of bigamy was brought to light here Saturday, the
bigamist being John Everard, an Advent, living west of town on his farm known as
the old Fair ground. Forty-five years ago he married Miss Malissa Belt, a sister
to Raymond Belt, of this place, and Wm. Belt of Rochester. It is charged by a
daughter that he had a wife and two children in Michigan, and passed here as a
single man, no one knowing anything to the contrary until Saturday, when this
daughter came from Michigan and exposed the affair. Her mother had also
remarried, without obtaining a divorce. Her supposed husband recently died,
leaving her destitute with eleven children to care for, besides the two by her
first marriage. Mr. Everard's last wife is a good christian woman and entirely
innocent. When she asked him if it was true, he abused her promptly and ordered
her to leave his home. The county sheriff took him to Peru Monday noon. He and
his supposed wife have no children. A good many people will be involved, as he
and his second wife had signed deeds to property which they had bought and sold.
Everard is the inventor of the celebrated Macy mole trap and has always been
recognized as an upright citizen.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 28, 1905]
The little town of Macy has another sensation and again the town is agog. While
digging a hole to get water for stock, says the Monitor, workmen on Wm. Savage's
farm, one-half mile north of here made a peculiar discovery. They were digging a
well in the muck just west of the L. E. & W. RR. at what has been known as a
sink hole, and when they had reached a depth of twelve feet they came to a hard
substance, which at first was thought to be glass, but on close examination was
found to be ice.
The ground above was not frozen, and it is a mystery how ice could be deposited
twelve feet under ground.
Using a pick the workmen dug through the strata and found it to be nine feet in
thickness. In one of the blocks taken out a large green frog was found. The cake
was broken and the frog carefully taken out, and when placed near a fire it
hopped off as nimbly as though it had just awakened from a night's repose.
The ice is of a yellow hue; when exposed to the light it shows that it was
filled with grass and weeds. It is hard to tell just how long or when it was
frozen, but old settlers in this locality say that it probably occurred during
what is known as the cold New Years more than forty years ago. There are
instances on record where the ground never thaws out only a few inches each
year, but that is in extremely northern latitudes. This is the first instance in
a temperate climate where frozen ground or ice has been found except in the
winter time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 8, 1906]
Macy Monitor.
There is but one survivor of the Mexican War in Miami county. That is Dr. M. M.
Boggs, of Macy, and he is hale and hearty for one of his age. He receives
regularly notices of the annual reunion of the boys who marched away at the call
of the government to do battle with the country on the south. The Doctor was a
member of the 16th regiment U. S. troop, Company H, Joseph P. Smith.
[Rochester Sentinal, Friday, February 16, 1906]
Macy Monitor.
Hon Frederick Landis spoke Tuesday evening at the Pavilion to a good sized
audience of republican voters of Allen township. It is difficult for the ran and
file at least to see why he should not be nominated. We are in favor of
returning him and of course that settles it.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 23, 1906]
John Palmer purchased the meat market of Chas. Reser last week and has taken
possession. Mr. Reser bought a farm west of Mud Lake where he and his family
expect to move soon.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 19, 1906]
Macy Monitor.
Daniel B. Palmer is giving notice in a Peru paper that he is going to make
application to the board of commissioners at the June term, to sell liquor in
Macy in a room on Commerce street just east of the McCarter drug store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 25, 1906]
Macy Monitor.
The town board at its regular meeting Monday night purchased 5,000 brick for use
in constructing street crossings. The board also instructed the marshal to see
that all slot machines of chance be taken out at once.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 17, 1906]
The tomato factory opened here Monday with Chas. Mullican, O. M. Caulk and Miss
Goldie See as employees.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 24, 1906]
Macy Monitor.
The public Highway west of town commencing at the county line has been graded to
the Peru road and is just the same as a boulevard.
[Rochester, Sentinel, Friday, September 14, 1906]
The Peru Chronicle says pretty much of a scene took place in the circuit court
there, Monday morning, when Dr. E. D. Swift, of Macy, appeared and asked for the
dismissal of several criminal cases in which he was the complaining witness. One
was for an assault committed upon him by Tot Ewer; a second against Mat Ewer,
marshal of Macy, for aiding a prisoner to escape, and a third against Charles
Palmer and Mat Ewer for aiding a prisoner to escape and resisting an officer.
Dr. Swift had learned in some manner that prosecuting attorney Shunk intended
holding up these cases to his own personal advantage and went into court and of
his own motion as prosecuting witness asked Judge Tillett to dismiss the cases,
which was done. An angry colloquy ensued between the physician and the
prosecutor, during which the doctor accused the prosecutor of being paid to hold
up the cases and cause him inconvenience, which was answered by the prosecutor
that he knew how to take care of himself. At any rate the doctor had the cases
dismissed on his own motion.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 18, 1906]
C. W. Belt has sold his store to a Mr. Barrett, of Indianapolis.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 21, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Miss Junette Evans, the milliner, has rented the John Palmer building and is
fitting it up nicely for millinery parlors.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 8, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Macy and vicinity lost heavily Tuesday by having several of its best families
"skip" out for Canada under the guidance of John Calloway, of
Davidson, Canada. Mr. Calloway is very enthusiastic about Canada and has induced
the following people to locate there: Clayton Shaw and family, Cora Calloway and
wife, Howard Calloway, Charles A. Calloway and son Howard, Orton Olds, John
Stofer, Sid Miller and family, Otto Olds and wife having preceded them about one
month ago.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 22, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Monday morning Milton Hoover disposed of his half interest in the barber shop to
James Hatch, who has been working in the place for some time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 5, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Clarence Fenters has opened up a barber shop in the building formerly occupied
by Milton Hoover just in the rear of Dr. E. D. Swift's residence.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 17, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Ollie Leonard and Rollie Case have purchased a new, eighteen horse power,
two-seated Rambler auto. This is the first auto bought in town and was delivered
to them Wednesday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 22, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Sylvanus See is at present considering organizing an electric light company to
furnish light for Macy. Mr. See would erect a new cement block building on the
saw mill grounds and place his engine and boiler in the building.
The contract for building the new Methodist parsonage has been let to O. P.
Enyart, who expects to have the stone work commenced this week. Mr. Enyart went
to Peru Monday to secure carpenters to assist on the building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 12, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Tuesday morning the pickle factory at this place opened up for its season's
business with Al Slusser in charge. Mr. Slusser has had much experience in this
work, and it is doubtful if a man better fitted for the place could have been
found. So far the pickles have been coming in slowly.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 2, 1907]
John Berryman, of Lincoln, has started a 1907 "soup house" in the
Graff barber shop in the Cass county town. He says he has erased the figures
"1903" and substituted "1907," and asks all his friends to
bring all the bones they can spare to help him in the project. He says he
desires to serve a hot brand and has decided on Chilo Con Carne. The "soup
house" was opened last Sunday and was fairly well patronized, and Mr.
Berryman says it will again be open next Sunday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 30, 1907]
Ancil E. Pill has purchased the photo gallery of William Alspach and will move
the same to the vacant lot west of Dr. Swift's office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 13, 1907]
Macy Monitor.
Thomas Powell, the carpet weaver, has been quite busy at his little shop in the
north part of town during the year 1907. During the year he has woven by hand a
mile and a third of rag carpet.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 3, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Harry J. See, of Deedsville, opened up his new skating rink and hall to the
public last Saturday evneing. The hall is 30x60 and has a quarter sawed hard
maple floor, highly polished. Good crowds have been in attendance all week and
are surely having a good time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 10, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Ed Jones, the butter maker employed by the Deedsville Creamery Co., expects to
leave here February 15, to take charge of his own creamery at Tipton.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 17, 1908]
Hurd J. Hurst, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hurst, of Macy, who has been attending
law school in Indianapolis during the past year, has accepted a position in the
law office of Hon. Albert J. Beveridge at Indianapolis. Being associated with
such an able attorney as Indiana's senior senator, is a rare opportunity and
will give Mr. Hurst a knowledge and a prestige which come but to few young men.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 14, 1908]
Miss Zoa Oliver and Elmer Jordan were united in marriage, Saturday, in Peru.
They visited Jordan's parents at Sharpsville before returning home. Both are
well known here, Miss Oliver having clerked in J. O. Barrett's store for some
time, and Mr. Jordan is station agent.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 23, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Clarence Fenters has closed up his barber shop and moved out of the Palmer
building. Two barber shops in Macy are not a paying investment.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 10, 1908]
The best colored ball team of Indianapolis will play the Macy Blues at Macy,
Sunday afternoon. Game called at 2:30.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 20, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Severe fires are burning in this section on the farms of Dr. J. S. Wilson,
William Savage and J. W. Hurst. Perhaps the most serious is that on Mr. Hurst's
place, about tn acres of ground have so far been destroyed. These lands are
destroyed for years to come and will be a positive detriment to the owners.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 16, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Tuesday Levi McMillen, with the assistance of several of his old neighbors from
the vicinity of Birmingham, moved his restaurant and meat market to Gilead. Mr.
McMillen found that competition in the meat business was entirely too sharp in
Macy and so decided to move where a place of his kind was really needed. We hope
that he will meet with success in this new field.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 4, 1908]
Kewanna Herald.
Chas. Fields, of Macy, who is well known to many Kewanna people, and has
frequently been here doing special photography, has bought the Sam Powell barber
shop at Rochester and moved to that city.
[Rochester Sentinel, Satudday, December 5, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Macy now has another physician, Dr. M. H. Taylor, of Denver, Colorado, having
decided to swing his shingle to the breeze in this town. After carefully looking
over the field in several other towns, he finally decided to locate here, as the
most prosperous place for a doctor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 16, 1909]
See Crime - Mel McCarter
One of the bloodiest fights ever pulled off in Macy stirred that town up Tuesday
evening when M. J. McCarter, the druggist, and Wesley Fellers, a painter,
indulged in an encounter that resulted seriously. As the story goes there has
been the rankest of ill feelings between the two men for the past three or four
years. Mr. McCarter was in Rochester Tuesday, and as he left the train at Macy
and was on his way to his place of business he met Mr. Fellers. An altercation
followed and after many hot words Mr. McCarter went on downtown to his store.
Later Fellers came along and it is said McCarter came out of the drug store with
a ball bat in his hand. A fight was started at once and in the fray McCarter
swung the bat so vigorously that his opponent was soon sprawling on the walk
with four deep scalp wounds, an injured spine and his left leg broken in two
places below the knee.
The injured man was taken to a physician's office where the wounds were
McCarter went to Peru Wednesday and gave himself up to the officers but as no
warrant had been issued no action was taken.
As to what action, if any, Fellers will take is at the present unknown.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 27, 1909]
Macy Monitor.
A. D. Guyer has purchased a canning factory plant with a capacity of 2,000 cans
per day and will be ready for business the first of the coming month. Mr Guyer
will can all kinds of fruits and will either buy or can on the shares.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 28, 1909]
Macy Monitor.
Walter McHenry, of Denver, and brother-in-law Teelford Keel, of near Athens,
purchased the Macy barber shop of Charles Ambler Tuesday and will be given
possession Monday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 26, 1909]
Fred Berger, aged seventeen, a young man residing near Macy, was arrested and
taken to Peru Friday to answer to the serious charge of poisoning about five
hundred dollars worth of cattle belonging to W. H. Berger, a well known and
prominent farmer living in the vicinity of Macy. Later in the same day Waldo
Berger was arrested on the same charge, and it is said that several other boys
are complicated in the case and will soon be placed under arrest.
W. H. Berger, who happens to be a cousin to the boy, taught school last year,
and among his students were his cousin and the other two boys. One day, it is
said, Fred Berger became unruly, and it was up to the teacher to use the rod.
The rod used in a most athletic like manner, and for several days afterward the
student was sore. This, it is said, instead of teaching the scholar a lesson,
only caused him to grow mean, and in a short time it was necessary for the
teacher to handle him again.
Young Berger swore vengeance on his teacher and cousin, so the story goes, and
it is said that he told several he would get even. There were two other boys in
the room who also held a grudge against the teacher and the three conferred
together. This was some time in February, and in March Mr. Berger lost several
head of cattle. They died suddenly, and an investigation proved that their death
was caused by poisoning. Later on some sheep were lost, about two hundred
chickens and turkeys, a colt and a lot of other live stock. The Detective
Association was notified, and for the past four months has been working on the
It is alleged that the boys have confessed to poisoning the cattle, because of
an old grudge they hold against Mr Berger.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 7, 1909]
Macy Monitor.
Lemuel Fields has torn down his old green house and is having one of larger
dimension erected on the site of the old one. The old building was inadequate to
care for his growing business, and so he is having one erected with more than
twice the capacity of the old.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 10, 1909]
Wallace Murphy has purchased an interest in the Runkle, Secor & Co. hardware
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 9, 1909]
John E. Woolpert has moved his stock of hardware into the building recently
vacated by the Runkle, Secor hardware company.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 3, 1910]
John Wolpert has sold his interest in his hardware store here to Quick Brothers,
who now have sole possession.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 25, 1910]
Macy was the scene of a large and very destructive fire Thursday evening at 8
o'clock, when the George Farrar livery barn and a room used by Quick Brothers as
a hardware storage, were completely destroyed.
The fire originated in a building owned by Mr. Farrar on McKee street, where he
kept a number of livery buggies and a race horse. When discovered the fire had
gained such headway that it was with difficulty the rigs and horse were saved.
The attention of the volunteers was next turned to the adjoining building owned
by Quick Brothers and used by them as a storage room for hardware. The machinery
was all saved, but the building was completely destroyed. For a time Cloud
Brothers' general store was in great danger of destruction, but the flames were
brought under control before they could reach the building. The I.O.O.F. hall is
over Cloud Brothers' store and considerable concern was felt lest it should be
The fire is of unknown origin and no insurance was carried in either building
destroyed. Macy has no fire department and it is a marvel that a more serious
fire did not result. Among those who worked so heroically were Messrs George
Schoen, Leo Ambler, and Oscar Field, these young men working on the Cloud
Brothers' building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 16, 1910]
Macy Monitor.
"October 1, John Woolpert will open a meat market in the building now
occupied by T. J. Ewer as a piano and clothing store."
Mr. Woolpert formerly resided in this city [Rochester], being employed at
Stoner's hardware, and his many friends here with him success in his new
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 22, 1910]
Earl and Orville Quick bought a half interest in the D. M. Secor hardware store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 21, 1911]
Wednesday morning Sheriff Hostetler of Miami county received a message from the
chief of police at Lima, Ohio, informing him that William and J. B. Rutledge,
alleged kidnappers of Jennie Rutledge, from Macy about two weeks ago, have been
arrested at that place and are being held in custody awaiting his arrival.
Deputy Sheriff Doss immediately made preparations to go to Lima and bring the
men to Peru.
The abduction created no little excitement at Macy, where the 15-year-old girl
was taken from. She was living with a woman by the name of Hakins, who, it is
understood, secured her from the orphans' home at Mexico, legally adopting her.
One of the men claims to be the father of the girl.
Immediately after the disappearance of the girl suspicion centered on J. B. and
William Rutledge. It was known that their home was in Lima, Ohio, and Sheriff
Hostetler immediately notified the chief of police of that place. Shortly
afterward a communication was received from the Lima police stating that the
girl was in that city, but the men were not there. However the police kept an
eye on the Rutledge home and when the men turned up Tuesday they were arrested.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 27, 1911]
William and J. B. Rutledge, alleged kidnappers of Jennie Rutledge, and the
Rutledge girl were brought to Peru Thursday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Doss and
Hostetler and are being held at the Miami county jail.
The mystery of the girl's sudden disappearance was cleared to some extent by the
explanation given as to the exact means of the get-away used a couple of weeks
ago from the Macy home.
William Rutledge, supposed father of the girl, said that he met his daughter and
son, J. B. Rutledge, at Rochester and that the girl willingly accompanied them
to Lima, Ohio. He said that his intention was to go housekeeping and that the
girl was going to keep house for him and his son. A dispatch from the Lima
officers to Sheriff Hostetler stated that the reputation of Rutledge was not of
the best, and this may be the means of considerable trouble for him.
Before Messrs. Doss and Hostetler started for Lima, Superintendent Fisher of the
Mexico orphans' home filed charges of kidnapping against the men.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 28, 1911]
Peru Journal.
Not many of the present inhabitants of Miami and adjoining counties are aware of
the fact that the Pottawatomie Indians had a large village in Allen township
near Macy at the time the whites began to locate in that region some sixty-five
or seventy years ago. This is of interest now on account of a reminiscent mood
brought about by the old-time items with which the papers abound.
The village was located at the extreme southern portion of the farm owned for
many years by the late William Powell, who lived on the Gilead and Rochester
road, just east of the swinging bridge and near Pleasant Hill church. The spot
for many years, if not now, was marked by a thicket of wild plum trees and the
grounds about it were strewn with the bones of numerous animals, which the
Indians had killed for food.
Near the site of the village across the line and on what was known as the James
Alspach farm in the woods were to be seen Indian graves which had been dug up by
some white men in a search for relics, which were buried with the owners. The
digging brought to the surface hundreds of tiny red, green and white beads that
had been used in the moccasins and ornaments of the dead occupants of the graves
and the rains would wash the bare surface so that the beads could easily be
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 18, 1911]
The Carey & Alexander Co. are in Macy this week giving a first class
medicine show on the vacant lot of Secor's hardware store. A large crowd is in
attendance every evening.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 25, 1911]
Lewis Rutledge of Lima, Ohio, lwho is held in the Miami county jail on the
charge of kidnapping his sister, Miss Gernie Rutledge from her home in Macy, has
made a sworn affidavit of his guilt.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 30, 1911]
The Rutledges, father and son, who have been held at Peru on different charges
in connection with the kidnapping of their daughter and sister, Miss Gernie
Rutledge, of Macy, have finally admitted their guilt.
States Attorney Merley had made all preparations to summon several witnesses in
the kidnapping case, but desiring to save Miami county as much expense as
possible he held another consultation with the Rutledges and arranged with them
for a plea of guilty. Lewis, the boy, has offered to plead guilty all along if
Mr. Merley would agree to dismiss the case as to his father, but the attorney
knew the father to be as guilty as the son and was finally successful in
convincing the pair that the best thing to do was to "fess up." Judge
Tillett fined each of them $10 and costs. The costs in each case is about $61,
so 'tis said, and at $1 a day for their time they will continue with Sheriff
Hostetler seventy-one days.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 6, 1911]
Macy Monitor.
U. E. Slifer of this place is preparing to open up a new restaurant at Fulton in
about ten days. Earl Sowers will have the management of the place, while Mr.
Slifer will remain in Macy and operate the barber shop. Ermy is a hustler and an
experienced restaurant man and will give Fulton the best place to eat they have
ever had.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 15, 1911]
C. H. Mullican, marshal of Macy, was in Peru Tuesday morning in consultation
with Sheriff Hostetler with a view to arranging to care for any rough element
which might seek to run things during the big Fourth of July celebration, which
is to be held there Thursday. Mr. Mullican hopes he will have no occasion to use
harsh means to control the crowd, or the pugnatious portions of it, but if
anything is started he is determined to see that it is nipped in the bud.
Arrangements have been made for the accommodations of all those who may need a
lodging place and one will be treated as well as another when it comes to free
hotel accommodations. If drunks attempt to take possession of Macy Thursday,
they will find a whole battalion of policemen who will see that the keys of the
town are presented to them with formality and impressiveness.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 3, 1912]
One hundred and sixty-three tickets were sold over the Lake Erie out of this
city Thursday for Macy. There was also several truck loads and auto parties to
that place from here.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 5, 1912]
Special to the Sentinel.
Macy, Ind., Feb. 1 -- It has been learned here today that Marvin BRIGGS, teacher
at the Five Corners school near here, and son of Albert BRIGGS, has during the
past week, kept himself and pupils locked in school, fearing to face his
sweetheart, whom it is said, is determined to marry him. The girl in the case is
Miss Garnett SNOWBERGER, daughter of Lee SNOWBERGER, who lives east of here.
Briggs and Miss Snowberger have been seen in each other's company for several
years and a marriage announcement has long been expected. Briggs, however,
denies that he ever bound himself in any way and is evidently much annoyed by
the attentions paid him by the young lady. Last Friday he went to Peru, to take
a teacher's examination, catching the train at Wagoner's as he had learned that
the girl intended to meet him here. She discovered his ruse the next morning,
went to Peru, and came home with him after creating a scene there, it is said.
They were met at the train by Briggs' brother and Mrs. SNOWBERGER, each in
separate rigs. After an argument, Briggs decided to accompany the girl and her
mother to their home, telling his brother to ask his parents to come after him.
When Mr. & Mrs. Briggs arrived at the Snowberger home later in the evening
they found difficulty in getting their son. During the course of the argument,
it is said, the girl struck Mrs. Briggs, blacking her eye. Then when the three
Briggs attempted to drive away, the elder Snowberger thrust the girl into their
buggy. The result was that she hit the father on his hand and scratched Marvin's
face, before she was put out of the vehicle. The Briggs then left.
The young man resumed his teaching Monday, but on Tuesday morning found his
school house locked, and the key gone. He had difficulty in getting in, and
since has kept the door securely locked, whether he was there or not, evidently
thinking the girl had been there on Tuesday.
It is rumored that each family has made advances for settlement, but nothing as
yet has transpired. Briggs, it is said, is firm in denying that he is bound in
any way to marry the girl and declares he won't.
Miss Snowberger is well known in Rochester, having been a student at Rochester
college some years ago.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 1, 1913]
Macy now has a brand new bakery which commenced operations in the room recently
vacated by J. W. Clymer.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 8, 1913]
Special to Sentinel.
Macy Ind., April 2 -- News from Macy is scarce this week, as the visitors here
are mostly refugees of the flood. Macy was quick to respond to the appeal for
aid from Peru, and for the size of our town, we had more heroes than any of the
surrounding towns. However, our heroes are modest and their desire is not to let
their left hand know what their right hand doeth. Suffice it to say that the
Lieutenant Governor appreciated their efforts and took especial notice of one of
our heroes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carl, and Mrs. Carl's mother, Mrs. J. Carrothers, were rowed in
a boat to the train at Peru, Wednesday, and have since been the guests of Mrs.
Caroline Carl.
State and Band Room
S. A. Carvey was in Peru at the time of the flood and stayed in the band room
until Thursday, when he got home. Miss Lucia Wiltshire was another victim, who
arrived home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hyriem and Miss Rhoda Nicodemus were
taken from Flax Hill to the train, Wednesday afternoon, and have since been at
the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.G. V. Nicodemus.
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Carl and daughter, Goldie, came out from Peru Thursday, and
are now the guests of relatives here.
Earl Hicks, of Peru, is spending the week with his mother, Mrs. Anna Hicks.
Perry Minter and Charles Mullican went to Peru Thursday morning of last week and
returned home Friday evening.
Visits in Peru
Miss Marie Lockridge, of Peru, spent the latter part of the week with Dr. and
Mrs. J. B. Peters.
Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 2, 1913]
Dr. & Mrs. S. A. MULLICAN, of Indianola, Iowa, who formerly lived here, were
visited by the stork last week, who left them their fourth girl baby, whom they
have named Rosemary [MULLICAN]. [Note: Rosemary Mullican became a motion picture
star, known as Rosemary LANE. Two of her sisters also were stars, known as Lola
LANE and Priscilla LANE]
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 16, 1913]
The desire for libraries seems to be striking various towns in this community at
the same time, Macy, Kewanna and Akron all being affected.
At Akron, the Carnegie commission has assured the town of a $10,000 donation.
The big question is the site, which is expected to be settled satisfactorily in
a few days. The matter of a Carnegie library for Kewanna is gradualy coming to a
focus and the local board has this week filled out and mailed certain blanks
required of the Carnegie Commission.
The firm of Cloud and Son, at Macy, realizing the need of some sort of a free
library, has secured through Senator J. W. Kern a complete set of the bulletins
issued by the Department of Agriculture and have purchased a number of books of
special interest to the people about Macy. All of them are for the free use of
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 18, 1913]
Special to Sentinel.
L. C. Sroufe, son Scott and grandson Russell, left Monday for Ft. Benton,
Montana, where they will reside until the time has expired to settle for their
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 11, 1913]
Macy Monitor
A number of Macy young people met last week at the school building and organized
a society to be known as the Macy Culture Club. They expect to do work in
conjunction with the State University at Bloomington and they expect to take up
the study of parliamentary law, literature and debating.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 10, 1913]
Rev. J. H. GERVIN was before the Macy town board Monday night and asked the
board for a franchise to operate an ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT in MACY and for
permission to use the streets and alleys in putting up poles and wires. The
request for a franchise is being favorably considered by the board, and it now
looks as if Macy was in a fair way to have some light on the subject.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 11, 1913]
About December 1st Colonel Whybrew, of Fulton, will open a cream station in
Macy. He will buy cream on Fridays and Saturdays and will pay the Elgin market
price for butter fat.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 20, 1913]
Special to Sentinel
A transaction was closed Friday, whereby the Farrar livery barn became the
property of Quick Bros., who conduct a hardware store here. They are wide awake,
hustling young men and success is predicted for them.
Frank Skinner is moving his stock of drugs to Peru, where he will conduct a
store in the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 20, 1913]
The general complexion of the Macy business map was considerably altered this
week by a sale of the Farrar livery barn to Quick Bros., the removal of Frank
Skinner's drug store to Peru, the dissolution of the drug partnership existing
between Mel McCarter and Jacob Miller and T. J. Ewer and T. Y. Savage, music
dealers. Savage and Miller will both retire.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 21, 1913]
Melvin McCarter, durggist at Macy, was called on the judge's carpet at Peru the
other day to give a $100 bond for unlawfully selling a half pint of booze to
Fremont Whitten without a physician's license. This makes twice he has been on
the capet for alleged bootlegging in the past year. The case will be called this
term of court and heard.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 28, 1913]
Special to the Sentinel
Macy, Ind., July 30 -- Allen Wilson, who owns a small farm near Macy, and - - -
- Clark, said to hail from near Warsaw, are refraining from appearing on the
streets of this village since they were egged out of town Wednesday night.
Wilson and Clark, it is said, have been carrying on liasons with women of shady
character, until the citizens rebelled. Wilson accused John Parmer, a butcher,
of talking about him, the story goes, and Parmer knocked Wilson down, after a
short altercation. A mob gathered, and the two men were soon made targets for
much decayed fruit and numeous eggs of uncertain age. They fled, only to be
caught and threatened with lynching. It is believed here that the lesson taught
will be remembered.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 31, 1914]
The war spirit of the Teutons now fighting in Europe against the allies may be
judged from the shooting affray which took place Saturday evening in Macy
between Officer George Shay [Schoen ?], a former subject of the Kaiser, and Al
Smith, a well known farmer. The German won the battle and Mr. Smith is now in
bed with a bullet in his leg.
Al Smith and Frank Ross, two laborers, had hitched their buggies across an
alley. Al Miller, a blind man, ran into the horses. He reported the matter to
officer Shay, who placed the rigs in a livery barn, telling the liveryman,
Benton Gray, to charge the owners 50 cents extra when they came after the
Smith, several hours later, went after his horse. He was in the midst of an
argument with Gray when Shay entered. Hot words followed. Smith, it is said,
grabbed Shay by the throat. Shay yelled that he would shoot if Smith did not let
go. Smith replied, "Shoot, dam you." Shay pulled the trigger and the
bullet struck Smith in the knee. Physicians were called at once, but were unable
to get the bullet. Sunday, Smith was in bad condition. He may lose his leg.
The fight caused much excitement in Macy Saturday night. Much jest was made - -
- [not readable] - - -, a young man who was called by Office Shay to assist. He
ran down an alley and has not been seen since.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 28, 1914]
Melvin McCarter, druggist at Macy, against whom the grand jury returned eighteen
indictments for operating a gambling device and the illegal sale of intoxicants,
was before Judge Cole, of the Miami court, Monday and plead guilty. He was fined
$50 and costs.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 9, 1914]
The Macy Farmers Institute will be held Monday, January 18. This will be the
14th annual meeting of the institute.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 12, 1914]
Macy, Ind., Jan 14. -- The twelfth annual farmers' institute will be held at the
Christian church here, Monday, Jan. 18. The program is as follows: - - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 14, 1915]
Si Palmer of Peru is about to open up an up-to-date motion picture house in
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 12, 1915]
Harry Waite of this city has purchased the Quick hardware at Macy of Patterson
and Secor of Akron, who had owned the store for a few days. Waite has quit the
road and will manage the business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 1, 1915]
J. M. Bland has sold the Macy Mill to George Doller and son, of Westport, Ind.
The new management will take possession November 22nd.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 19, 1915]
William Cooper returned Monday evening from Macy where he secured the contract
on the addition to the school there against six other bidders at a price of
$9,652. Altho there was another lower bid, the men in charge did not deem it
complete and let the work to Mr. Cooper, who plans to begin work next week. The
heating and plumbing went to the Lige Heating Co., of Ft. Wayne, for $1,950. Mr.
Cooper plans to bid on a similar sized school job on Thursday at Winamac.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 30, 1916]
A crowd of people was at the depot, Saturday afternoon, and saw the soldier boys
go through on the special train. Harry Owens' brother, Foster Owens, of
Rochester, was among them. As the soldiers were cheered, there were many tears
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 28, 1916]
Mel McCarter has disposed of his drug store, to John Bookwalter. Mr. McCarter
has been in the drug business in Macy for nearly 30 years, and will be missed by
his many friends. Mr. Bookwalter is a graduate of the Indiana School of Pharmacy
and we wish him success.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 27, 1916]
Macy received the order from the State Board of Health, Monday afternoon, that
the schools and churches should be closed to prevent the spread of Spanish
Influenza. There are a number of severe cases of grip both in the city and
country, which is thought to be the influenza.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 11, 1918]
The electric light plant went out of commission Monday evening when the cylinder
head blew out and it may be a week or ten days before it can be repaired.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 29, 1920]
The entire town of Macy was endangered Tuesday afternoon, when the grist mill
owned by E. Wood, located on the south side of the village, caught fire about
one o'clock and the flames fanned by a forty mile an hour wind, soon spread to
several residences nearby. At two o'clock the woman telephone operator at Macy
reported to the Sentinel that the fires in the homes had been put out but that
all furniture and other property was being removed as it looked as if they could
no longer prevent the increasing flames from spreading.
Telephone calls were immediately put in for Peru, Denver, Fulton and Rochester
and they received word that the fire departments from the above towns would
start at once for Macy. Mayor Miller ordered the Rochester Fire Department to
leave at once and give all assistance possible.
The grist mill was a mass of flames, so the telephone operator said, and the
roof was ready to fall in. The high wind was carrying the flames and large
pieces of burning wood all over the town and that the telephone exchange which
is just a block north of the mill was growing warmer every minute and she feared
she would soon be forced to leave. The fires which had started in the various
dwellings were put out by quick work of several bucket squads but as the flames
grew more intense the work of the men was turned towards removing the home
No attempt was made to save the mill as it was a mass of flames when it was
discovered. All attention was given to the surrounding property. It is not known
how the fire started, but it is thought it caught as the result of the large
mill smokestack being blown down Monday night by the high wind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 14, 1920]
The big fire at Macy Tuesday afternoon in which the grist mill owned by E. Wood
was completely destroyed did not assume the serious proportions indicated by
first reports reaching Rochester shortly after the blaze had gotten under way.
But there was grave danger and only the foresight of the citizens of the little
village and their desperate efforts coupled with the assistance of the Rochester
and Peru fire departments and the rain of the day before is responsible for the
fact that the town still stands comparitively undamaged.
The high winds blowing Tuesday came from the southwest and it was in this
section of the town that fire of unknown origin broke out in the mill. In just a
few minutes the wind had whipped the first creeeping flames into a roaring
furnace and sparks were flying everywhere. Houses in the neighborhood were
immediately evacuated and furniture was thrown about the streets where it had
been hurridly deposited after being taken out of the homes for protection.
In the meantime numerout bucket brigades were established and water was hauled
to the scene in watering troughs loaded on trucks. The Rochester fire department
arrived on the scene and the big chemical tank together with the chemical owned
by Macy did valiant service in quenching the first big blaze and the sparks that
were flying in all directions threatening other buildings.
The Peru fire department sent a pump, but this could not be used as there was
not a sufficient supply of water anyplace in the village that would feed the big
pump. But the men that came worked hard and their ladders and other equipment
came in handy. Ladders were thrown upon all adjacent buildings so small balzes
could be quickly reached and after hours of hard work there was nothing left to
be feared but a smouldering mass of what had once been the grist mill and the
household effects of those who had moved out to remind the people of their
narrow escape.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 15, 1920]
A protest from Macy residents to officials of the Lake Erie resulted in the
opening of the depot waiting room so that passengers would not have to wait out
in the cold and inclement weather for early morning or late evening trains.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 31, 1920]
Orbie Bryant, our genial station agent, and Lloyd KESSLER, of Talma, will launch
a new hardware store in Macy February 1st, and are in Chicago this week buying
their stork. We predict for them success. During Mr. Bryant's absence his place
at the station is being filled by Herrall A. Gratner, a relief agent whose home
is at Castleton.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 4, 1922]
Bryant and Kessler's grand opening of their new hardware store last Saturday was
a great success. The crowd in attendance was very large and many from a distance
were present, including Talma and Rochester. A ticket was given with each fifty
cents purchase and after the program in the evening a drawing was held and
prizes were given to the first three lucky numbers. The winners were Scudder
Wilson, Sylvanus See and George Southerton. A consolation prize was offered by
the Hanna Paint representative, which was set of andirons, and was won by Mrs.
S. B. Musselman. Over $1,000 worth of goods was sold by the firm that day.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 9, 1922]
The story of a shooting affair indulged in by a crowd of young boys of the Macy
neithborhood has just become publicly known, but the facts in the case have been
so covered up by different accounts of the affair that it is impossible to say
just what exactly did occur. However, a few of the details have been worked out
of the many reports which have come out of the community.
One story is that two young Macy boys started ill feeling by "taking
home" two girls, one of whom lives near Macy and the other a Rochester Miss
who was visiting there. It seems that these girls had been keeping steady
company with some fellows. The four young people left Macy in two buggies and
drove northwest of the town. Meanwhile the "steadies" got a crowd of
fellows together and followed, and when a short distance out someone in the
crowd fired a shot gun over the two buggies and their occupants.
This frightened the two couples and one of them drove to the girl's home where a
shot gun was secured and then went down the road. When the gang of followers
came close someone in the front buggy fired a volley at the pursuers. While it
is not definitely known how many were hit, it is reported that Ned Bartlett,
Walter Banks and Homer Fenters all were taken to a Macy doctor to have their
injuries dressed and that one of the youngsters had fourteen shot removed from
his head.
Another story given out was that a boy following the two buggies claimed that
one of the fellows had his shotgun and would not return it and that he shot just
to scare them, but there has been such an earnest attempt on the part of those
involved and their friends to cover up the facts and this made it practically
impossible to get correct or complete details.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 29 1922]
Macy's electric light plant has been out of commission for nearly two weeks, the
result of a broken coil. The needed repairs are expected some time this week and
the patrons will rejoice.
[Rochester Sentinel, - - - -, 1922]
Work will be started Tuesday morning on an electric transmission line to extend
from the power line established around the lake last spring, according to
announcement made Monday by officials of the United Public Service Company.The
extensions will reach Athens and serve farm houses along the route, in one
direction and in the other will branch off south thru Mt. Zion and to Macy.
These two extensions have been planned for many months but it was only within
the past few days that the hopes of the local utility of doing the work became a
In speaking of the latest extension of the local utility it was stated Monday
that some day, probably not in the near future, but on the other hand not very
many yeas away, practically all small communities of Indiana will be served by
central power houses, which in all probability will be located in the mining
districts. The idea of this proposed change is to cut the cost of service by
reducing the overhead of a number of small offices and the shipping of coal.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 9, 1922]
The Cloud & Sons' department store at Macy was entered some time early
Tuesday morning and robbed of $1,600, about 600 in cash, $900 in negotiable
coupon Liberty Bonds, and the balance in merchandise and damage to the store,
according to word received from Macy.
Entrance was gained to the store by jimmying the door and the safe, a three inch
walled fire-proof affair was knocked open with a sledge hammer. It is believed
that local talent is responsible for the theft, as Otto Cloud, proprietor of the
store since the recent death of his father, said that he seldom keeps such large
sums of cash or bonds on hand, and several people might have known of the amount
of money available for burglars.
Mr. Cloud said that he or the Macy officials have as yet been unable to discover
the slightest clue as to the identity of the thieves. A baker, going to work at
an early hour Tuesday morning said that he thought he heard noises in the store
as he passed it at about three o'clock, which leads to the belief that the
robberty took place at about that hour.
The sledge hammer methods employed in opening the safe must have caused
considerable noise, and Cloud is at a loss to understand why the racket was not
heard and the robbers apprehended.
The $1,600 loss is not a total loss as Cloud carried burglary insurance, which
cuts down the loss about fifty per cent.
This is the first robbery that has occurred in Macy for some time, it was
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 7, 1922]
Eighteen citizens of Macy and vicinity appeared before the county commissioners
at Peru Wednesday morning petitioning them for the granting of a hard surface
road, leading from the railroad south of Macy through the main street of the
town and west to the Peru and Rochester road, and received their promise for the
granting of same if the Council will permit the building of any road. This will
be very pleasing to the people of this community as the road had been petitioned
before, but owing to another road considered in worse condition was given up.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 14, 1923]
William Powell has a radio set which he made himself and is installed in Powell
& Love's store. Musical programs have been heard quite distinctly from
Schenectedy, New York, Missouri and other points over this radio and it is
better than the average.
[Rochester Sentinal, Friday, August 17, 1923]
[adv. - When in Macy, call at the Goodie Goodie Ice Cream Parlor for ice
cream and lunches.]
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, July 20, 1925]
[adv - Goodie Goodie Ice Cream Parlor . . . . H. E. Belding, Prop., Macy,
[adv - See & Son, dealers in Builders hardware, Lumber and Hard and Soft
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, August 27, 1925]
Deedsville and Mud Lake will have electric lights this summer if plans of F. L.
LONGSTRETH of the Deedsville Electric Co., do not miscarry. Mr. Longstreth will
start work about May 1 constructing a line from Macy to Deedsville, a distance
of five miles, and one from Macy to Mud Lake, a distance of three and one-half
miles. Power will be obtained from the Northern Indiana Power Co. It is expected
that the lines will be ready for use by June 1. Eighty homes will be benefited
by the project, according to Mr. Longstreth.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, April 9, 1926]
The stock buying firm of Quick & Davis which for the past several weeks has
been operating at Akron was dissolved Monday of this week. Mr. Quick announced
today he would continue in this line of business at the Macy stockyards.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 28, 1928]
The Ladies Aid Society of the Macy Methodist church will present "The
Kitchen Kabinet Orchestra" at the Woodrow school house three miles south of
the city on Federal Road 31 Friday evening, April 13th.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 12, 1928]
The intersection of the Macy-Nyona Lake Road, on State Road 31, south of
Rochester, is taking on the appearance of a small village suddenly springing
into existence, with work commenced for the erection of two new garages.
One of the garages is being erected by Harvey "Speck" Smith, who for
many years has operated a garage in Macy. The building, a 20 by 60 sized
structure, is being built on the east side of the road on land owned by Russell
Smith. The other is being built by Losher and Runkle on the west side of the
road at the side of the filling station now operated by the above firm. Both
garages will soon be ready for operation.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, May 7, 1928]
The Fribley Grocery Store at Bourbon was sold yesterday to Cloud and Sons of
Macy, who own stores both at Macy and at Fulton.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, March 27, 1930]
A preliminary census report received yesterday in Peru showed that Macy now has
a population of 279.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 17, 1930]
A petition was filed in the circuit court this morning by Pauline R. Losher
asking the appointment of a receiver for the filling station at the Macy Corner,
eight miles south of Rochester on Federal Road 31, by Jane Runkle. The plaintiff
and the defendant are joint owners of the filling station and barbeque stand.
The plaintiff says the station is indebted to the amount of $2,000 and that the
assets are not to exceed $1,000. Mrs. Losher asks the dissolution of the
partnership and for an accounting and for the appointment of a receiver.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 10, 1930]
John W. Bookwalter, a licensed pharmacist, has opened a new drug store in the U.
E. Slifer building in Macy. Mr. Bookwalter formerly was in the drug business in
[The News-Sent inel Wednesday, October 15, 1930]
Frank Palmer has leased the Macy meat market to Marcellus Herron, who recently
resigned his position as the Macy Nickle Plate station agent. Mr. Herron's place
at the station will be taken by H. W. Landers, of Bunker Hill.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, December 19, 1930]
Fire believed to have been caused by a chimney spark damaged the roof of the H.
E. Belding restaurant building in Macy at 11:30 o'clock yesterday morning. The
Macy fire department was called out and extinguished the blaze before it had
time to make much headway.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 31, 1931]
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Frobish and family, of Rochester, are moving their
household goods this week from Rochester into the Ramsey property. We are very
glad to welcome these fine people into our midst. Mr. Frobish is a partner in
the Bryant Pickle factory.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, August 5, 1931]
The Business and Professionel men of Macy met Monday night and organized a men's
club to be held every two weeks. The name of the club has not been named yet.
There were twenty men present and the dinner was served at the Skinner Hotel.
Those present were Otto Cloud, Sam Musselman, C. B. Read, Ed Fennimore, E. P.
White, Howard See, Darius Jenkins, Ollie Leonard, Shore Taylor, Orbie Bryant,
Charles Frobish, H. I. Turner, Ed Sutton, Glen Powell, Dr. P. B. Carter, Russell
Enyeart, Ronald Shaw, Hershal Dove, John Bookwalter and Ross Sowers.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 17, 1931]
A new scout troop has been formed at Macy, Ind., sponsored by the residents of
the community, A. F. Drompp, of Logansport, scout executive, announces. The
troop is to be known as No. 7 of the Logansport area.
The troop committee is comprised of Harry O. Karn, chairman, Earl V. Roberts and
Roy Collins. Ernest E. Loughlin is the scoutmaster. Scouts rgistered include
Donald V. Andrews, Junior Bryant, Lester D. Carvey, Herbert Collins, Robert
Faurote, George Jenkins, Samuel P. Love, Warren McCarter, John R. Palmer, Cecil
Powell, Junior Roberts, Richard Stahl, Harold G. Wiltshire and Joe Quick.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 27, 1934]
The Cozy-Nook, owned and operated by Mrs. Myrtle Shields, at Macy, was
victimized by thieves Monday night, and as a result the proprietor is the loser
of $12 in cash and $15.00 worth of cigarettes. Sheriff Burke, of Peru, was
called to the scene of the robbery [sic] early today and is working on the case.
Entrance was gained by slitting a screen at the rear door of the establishment
and then removing a bolt which locked the inside door. Suspicion is directod at
two strange men who had been eating occasional meals at the Cozy-Nook throughout
Sunday and Monday. The strangers who drove a small dark-green coupe were missing
from that vicinity today it was stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 31, 1934]
Mrs. Albert Briggs has sold the Co Z Nook Cafe to Mr. and Mrs. Paulson. The new
owners took possession Monday, Feb. 11th. Mrs. Briggs was formerly Mrs. Mertie
Shields and has operated the cafe here for about two years and has made many
friends here who regret to see her leave. However, Mr. and Mrs. Paulson come
here highly recommended and we all wish them success in their business.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 13, 1935]
Dr. William Sennett of Monterey, will locate in Macy within a few days to
establish a practice there. He is moving into the S. A. Carvey property. Macy
has been without a physician since the death of Dr. P. B. Carter in November.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, June 4, 1936]
Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Slifer have purchased the Co-Z Nook Cafe from Mrs. Albert
Briggs. The transaction was made last week and the Slifers are now operating the
cafe. Both Mr. and Mrs. Slifer are veterans in the restaurant business as they
owned a restaurant here several years ago and also in Logansport. We are very
glad to have these fine people in business again.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 16, 1936]
Miss Rozella Ewer of Macy was chosen "Miss Indiana" in a beauty
contest sponsored by the Hudson Motor Car Company, which was held in Michigan
City, Friday.
Miss Ewer was given the title of "Miss Elkhart" in a contest a few
weeks ago and was sent to Michigan City with seventeen girls from various cities
of Indiana to compete for the state prize.
Besides the title, she was awarded a new Terraplane sedan as first prize and was
presented with wearing apparel from Elkhart stores.
Her picture appeared in Chicago, Fort Wayne and Elkhart newspapers. Miss Ewer is
19 years of age and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ewer of Macy.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, August 13, 1936]
"Miss Indiana" formerly of Macy no longer is a"miss".
The marriage of Miss Rosella Ewer crowned "Miss Indiana" last August
in the annual Dunes water carnival at Michigan City to Richard C. Wilson of New
Orleans has been announced.
Both Miss Ewer and her husband attended and were graduated from the Macy high
school. They were schooltime sweethearts.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Ewer and the groom is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson, north of Macy.
Miss Ewer, when she won her crown as "Miss Indiana", represented the
City of Elkhart in which city she was visiting relatives at the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were married in New Orleans several weeks ago. Mr. Wilson is
the manager of an A. & P. store in New Orleans where the couple will reside.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, December 11, 1936]
Urcel Duane Miller, aged 12, only son of Mrs. Florence Miller, who resides near
Macy, received word today that he was one of the prize winners in the contest
conducted by "Amos and Andy" famous radio team. Miller will receive
$1,000 for his efforts.
The lad who is a student in the sixth grade in the Macy school, entered a
contest sponsored by Amos and Andy to name the new baby of Amos Jones, one of
the team members. Thousands of names were submitted.
Came to Him
Urshel submitted the name of "Ladicia Ann." Asked why he coined the
name the lad stated he did not know but that it just came to him as he listened
one night to the blackfaced comedians over the air.
Amos and Andy are sponsored over the air by the Pepsodent Tooth Paste Company.
The company offered $32,000 in prizes for the best names submitted for Andy's
new baby. The capital prize was $5,000.
Mrs. Miller received a telegram today from the Pepsodent Company stating that
her son would receive his $1,000 in prize money in United States government baby
bonds and that they would be paid to him on December 21.
Money Appreciated.
The money will be greatly appreciated by the lad and his mother who is an
invalid. They make their home with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon
Clemens on a farm south of Macy. The lad's father is dead.
The $1,000 is to be placed in a fund which will be used to further the education
of Urshel when he graduates from the Macy schools. The lad is a nephew of Phil
Duey, well known radio tenor who is a member of the Ramblers lquartette who have
been heard in a number of radio programs.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 16, 1936]
Urcel Duane Miller, 12-year-old farm lad residing with his mother, Mrs. Florence
Miller, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Solly Clemans, one-half mile south of
Macy, is one of the happiest boys in the United States today.
Tucked away in the safety deposit box of the Macy bank are U. S. government
bonds in the value of $1,000 received by the Macy school boy as second prize in
the nation-wide Baby Naming contest of the Amos and Andy broadcasting program.
Ladicia Ann
Urcel won the award on the suggested name, "Ladicia Ann." An anxiously
awaiting radio public was told last night that Mrs. Isabelle Smith of
Springfield, Ohio, had been given first honors on the suggestion, "Arbadella"
and that the Macy school boy was placed second.
Early in the contest Urcel announced to his mother and grandparents that he was
entering the event and turned to his grandmother for a suggestion. At the time
Mrs. Clemans had a newspaper in her hands and had just read announcement of the
birth of a child in Dukes hospital, Peru, that had been given the name Ladicia
She called the boy's attention to the unusual spelling of the first name. The
lad was impressed with the name and sent it in as his only entry.
Winning Suggestion
Members of the family do not recall the name of the parents of the child whose
name gave the winning suggestion.
Urcel is a member of the seventh grade of the Macy schools and is especially
interested in sports. Just now his ambition is to be a school teacher.
The prize winning bonds will remain in the bank untouched until Urcel has
completed his high school course and then will be used in furthering his
education, he states.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 24, 1936]
Chicago, Sept. 18. - Gray soldier's field, whose columns have reverberated the
roar of the prize ring and the touchdown shriek of the gridiron, echoed a new
cry yesterday.
"Pigeee, sooeee" went the hog callers and "Jimmie, supperr"
the husband callers as Chicagoans battled farmers from four states in a nation
farm Olympid.
And the champion hog caller, Frank F. Funk, of Ottawa, Ill, never owned a pig in
his life. But Frank's "pig, pig, sooee" was judged clearer and louder
than the calls of 18 other contestants, all of whom owned pigs.
Mrs. Mary Berger of Macy, Ind., Miami county, had a higher "O" and her
"supper's ready" outcarried the largest field of entrants of the day.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, September 18, 1937]
Peru, Ind., July 29. - A year ago, Urcel D. Miller, 14, of Macy, was announced
as the winner of the second prize in a nation-wide radio contest. The prize was
a $1,000 "Baby Bond."
Ever since Urcel had been thinking how fine it would be to see the world before
starting as a freshman in Macy high school next fall. But he lives with his
grandfather, Solomon Clemens, in Macy, who had different ideas about how the
$1,000 bond should be invested. So the plans for a world tour were deferred
until last night.
Early today police picked up Urcel and his cousin, Dean Clemens, also 14, who
also lives at the Clemens home. They had walked to Peru. At daybreak they were
released to return home. But the police didn't know they had the $1,000 bond in
their possession. Instead of going home, the lads waited until the postoffice
opened, and there calmly presented the bond to be cashed.
W. V. Palmer, a postal employee who knew the boys, "stalled" them
until he notified their grandfather who came to Peru and took them home.
Today the bond remained uncashed, and the world tour again had been postponed.
The boys indicated that they intended to buy a new automobile for their trip.
Urcel won the bond in an Amos & Andy contest. He won second place with the
name, "Ladicia Ann," in nation-wide competition in naming Amos' baby.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 29, 1938]
Macy's only physician, Dr. W. K. Sennett, Wednesday, gave up his office and
practice to join another physician in operating a private hospital in Winamac.
Dr. Sennett located in Macy two years ago after completing his internship at the
City hospital in Indianapolis. He located there following the death of Dr. P. B.
Carter, who had been the Macy doctor for more than twenty years.
It was reported that two or three physicians have visited Macy during the past
week or ten days with a view to locating there.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 15, 1938]
Several days ago George Washington, farmer residing a mile and a quarter north
of Macy, who thought he had a rat proof hen house, killed a total of 25 rats on
his farm.
He was cleaning out the hen house when he discovered the rats were in the wall
between the decking and the lining of the building. While working he noticed
that quite a number of the pests ran into a hole in the wall between the walls.
He enlisted the help of a neighbor, Ray Bash, and the two of them devised the
following method of their capture:
They took a short piece of 4-inch pipe, tied a sack over the end and put the
other end of the pipe over the rat hole. One of them cut into the wall and ran
the rats out into the pipe and into the sack. After all were in the sack, a few
swings against the floor stunned the group and they were killed and counted. The
sack contained 19 rats.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 6, 1941]
There were two big hardware stores - Case's and Quick Brothers, and two general
stores - Cloud & Son, and Powell's store. There were two drug stores - Mel
McCarter and Mr. Bogg's store, and two hotels. Ermy Slifer had a nice restaurant
with a candy and homemade ice cream store. Pete Ambler had a bakery. There were
two barber shops - Charley Ambler's, and Rose Brothers. Clyde Ogden had a shoe
repair shop. There was a furniture store and funeral parlor. Mr. Sylvanis See
had a lumber yard and also sold coal.
There was a very busy depot: four passenger and a couple of freight trains
daily. There was a large livery stable with plenty of horses and buggies for
transportation out of town. There was a meat market. Bill Brothers drilled wells
and sold pumps. There was the Macy Monitor, a weekly newspaper. Maggie Ault ran
a cream station. There was a grain elevator, also a nice grist mill. Howard Belt
had a dentist's office. Oh yes, there was a very busy blacksmith shop, a bank
and two churches.
There were four doctors: Dr. Wilson, Dr. Boggs, Dr. Carter and another whose
name I cannot recall. They made house calls in a buggy any place and anytime
they were sent for.
There was a fire station with a hand-pulled fire engine. There was also a cheese
factory and a pickle factory.
There was a Masonic Lodge, also an Odd Fellows Lodge and a Modern Woodman Lodge.
That is a good description of the Utopia that Macy was to the people who spent
their lives there at the beginning of the century. -- William F. Powell.
[Thomas Powell Family, Maxine Heckathorn et al, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2,
MACY BAND [Macy, Miami County]
See: Rochester Bands
MACY BASKET FACTORY [Macy, Miami County]
The Macy Basket factory, which moved away last week is accused by the Macy
Monitor of ignorance, incompetence, mismanagement and unfair treatment of
[Rochester Sentinal, Saturday, February 26, 1921]
MACY CASH LUMBER CO. [Macy, Miami County]
See See & Son
The Macy Cash Lumber Co., closed their business here last week and sold all
their buildings to Sylvanus See. D. W. Butz, the manager, returned to his home
at Galveston Tuesday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 9, 1905]
Harvey Snepp, who is interested in the Commercial bank at Macy, was at his home
in Kewanna when he received a message of the attempted robbery, early this
morning, and he reached Macy one hour and forty-five minutes later by driving
across country, a distance of twenty miles.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 18, 1902]
None of the men who attempted to rob the bank at Macy, Friday night, have been
caught. The hand car found south of Rochester at first supposed to be the one on
which the burglars escaped has been found to be an old abandoned car. The family
at a farm house about a mile south of Denver heard a hand car pass during the
night, but further than that there is no trace whatever of rascals.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 18, 1902]
D. H. Snepp went to Macy, Tuesday, to settle with the Insurance company for the
damge done to the bank safe by the burglars. He received $740.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 18, 1902]
The Peru Chronicle says the Lake Erie handcar which was stolen a few weeks ago
by bank robbers, who attempted to burglarize the Commercial bank at Macy, has at
last been located. Superintendent Deniston received word this morning, from
officials of the Grand Rapids & Indiana road that the car had been found in
an empty Illinois Central box car on their road at Conklin. The car was detected
by a shipping tag with the name of the foreman of the section gang of the Lake
Erie, at Macy, written on it, and by a note from road master Correll to the
foreman, which was found in the tool box of the car. The robbers evidently found
the car standing empty and a handy place to conceal the hand car.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 2, 1902]
Macy Monitor.
C. M. Snepp will remain in business in Macy, and give his undivided attention to
his Banking and Telephone business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 4, 1905]
Peru Journal.
It is understood that Charles Snepp, who has been conducting a private banking
business at Macy, north of here, for a number of years, is closing up the
business as rapidly as possible and that shortly he will move to Kewanna, where
he will open a bank.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 25, 1905]
Macy Monitor.
The much needed and talked of bank for Macy is now a reality. After some delay
on account of the room not being in readiness, the new bank opened its doors to
the public Tuesday afternoon.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 13, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Town board of Macy is having a large sewer constructed on the south side of
Commerce street from Dr. Swift's corner to the big tile drain two squares west.
The new sewer is being put down to a depth sufficient to carry the water from
cellars and is made of 12 inch tile.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 28, 1908]
D. M. Secor sold his half interest in the hardware business to his partners, the
Quick Brothers. Mr. Secor nas not yet decided what he will do.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 16, 1912]
A new 22x56 bank building at Macy will be constructed of water proof cement
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 4, 1916]
The Macy Citizens Bank will probably be moved from its present location to
quarters in the new building on Christmas day.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 22, 1916]
The Citizens State Bank of Macy was closed Wednesday afternoon by the directors
of the bank, according to an announcement which was posted on the door of the
financial institution. Ross H. Wallace, state director of financial
institutions, is in charge and two state bank examiners today were making an
audit of the books.
Samuel Musselman, president of the bank, stated that the closing was voluntary
and that every depositor would be paid in full. Mr. Musselman says that as soon
as few more collections are made the bank will be able to make an initial
payment of fifty per cent of their total deposits and that this payment would be
made in the near future.
"Nobody will lose a nickel in the bank," Mr. Musselman said.
Capital Stock
The Citizens State Bank of Macy had capital stock of $10,000, surplus of $4,800,
undivided profits $4,900, deposits of $180,000 and loans $120,000. The bank had
been in operation since 1908. The bank was not a member of the Federal
Depositors Insurance Corporation, a government institution. All other banks in
Fulton, Cass and Miami counties are members of the FDIC, in which the United
States government guarantees deposits to $5,000. The banks in Rochester, Akron,
Fulton, Kewanna and Leiters Ford are members of the FDIC.
Until a secret meeting of the bank's board of directors, June 5, Otto Cloud was
president and chairman of the board of directors of the Citizens State Bank at
Macy. At that time Mr. Cloud resigned and Samuel Musselman, who had been
cashier, was named president, and his son, O. E. Musselman, who had been the
assistant cashier, was promoted to the cashiership. Plans for reorganizing the
bank were made at that time.
Followed Receivership
The closing of the Citizens State Bank at Macy followed close on the
receivership proceedings which were brought in the Fulton circuit court against
stores owned by Otto Cloud, which he operated in Rochester, Fulton and Bourbon.
Boyd Peterson, former sheriff, was named receiver of three stores by Judge
Robert Milller and he last week filed his report showing that the stock of goods
in the three stores had an appraised value of $12,201.64. Mr. Peterson was
attempting to sell the store at Bourbon today.
Mr. Cloud in addition to operating the three stores at Rochester, Fulton and
Bourbon, also sold electrical appliances not only in the three stores, but also
at offices in Indianapolis and Detroit. The Cloud's often took notes for
balances due on electrical appliances and then sold them to financial
institutions. Among the banks where they sold these notes was the Citizens State
Bank at Macy.
Gave Bonds
Following the closing of the stores Paul Cloud was arrested for forgery after
charges had been filed against him by a banker at Etna Green. He is now at
liberty under bond on this charge. Otto Cloud is under $5,000 bond at South Bend
on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. This charge was filed by a
South Bend investment company. The charges against the Clouds were filed by the
financial institutions, it is said, because they had purchased some of the Cloud
notes and found them not as represented.
Willard V. Waltz, South Bend, prosecutor of St. Joseph county today told
International News Service that the Clouds had defrauded 21 financial
institutions through irregularities in their contracts. "It is the worst
case of its kind I ever heard of," said Mr. Waltz who stated a St. Joseph
county grand jury would begin an inquiry into the case Friday.
County Grand Jury
In the meantime, the Fulton county grand jury, it is said, is also conducting an
inquiry into the Cloud financial matters. Today after making their routine
inspection of the county jail, court house and county infirmary as they are
required to do under the law, the grand jurors started their deliberations.
It is said that heads and employees of financial institutions from various parts
of Indiana were among those who went into the grand jury room this afternoon.
The grand jurors will be in session for several days before they conclude their
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, June 30, 1938]
The Fulton county grand jury today resumed its deliberations at the court house
in what is believed an investigation into the alleged tangled financial affairs
of Otto Cloud.
More bankers and heads of financial institutions in Fulton and surrounding
counties were seen to enter the grand jury room which is on the second floor of
the court house. It is believed the grand jurors will be in session for several
more days.
Thomas Y. Yater, Logansport, who is the receiver of the United States Bank and
Trust Company, has been named receiver of the Citizens State Bank of Macy.
Mr. Yater assumed his new duties at Macy today. He was named receiver by Ross
Wallace, chief examiner of the Department of Financial institutions of Indiana.
Efforts are being made at Macy today to reorganize the Citizens State Bank. It
is said that the old bank is solvent as it had only $4,000 worth of loans which
could be classed as questionable and has undivided profits which would more than
cover this amount.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 5, 1938]
Macy, Sept. 30. - Former officials of the Citizens' Bank of Macy closed since
June 29 with arrest of Otto Cloud, Sr., official forced to resign June 5,
revealed today that Thomas Yater, liquidating agent for the state, will ask
Circuit Court Judge Hal Phelps to approve a 45 per cent disbursement to
depositors of the closed bank.
The 45 per cent disbursement to the bank's estimated 1,000 depositors will
amount to about $75,200 on an estimated $168,000 in deposits.
To date the liquidation administration under Yater has paid off $7,000 in
preferred claims. Most of these claims were in the form of drafts against the
bank which were protested on the day that the bank was closed.
Samuel Musselman, elected president by a meeting of the board of directors June
5 on the day that Otto Cloud, Sr., was ousted from leadership, and in charge of
a frantic effort to straighten up affairs at the time criminal action was filed
in Fulton and St. Joseph counties against the Cloud family members, said today
that 48 stockholders have already signed up in an effort to organize a bank to
replace the present closed institution, but with state regulation, instead of as
a private institution. It would be capitalized at $30,000.
Action against the Cloud cases still pends in the courts, but officials here
believe the bank will pay off 100 per cent in liquidation.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 30, 1938]
Macy, Ind., Oct. 4. - Six hundred checks totaling more than $70,000 and
representing a dividend of 45 per cent were distributed Monday to depositors in
the Citizens Bank of Macy by Thomas Yater, receiver for the closed institution.
Approval of the dividend, the first since the bank closed June 29, 1938, was
granted Saturday in Miami circuit court. A total of approximately $168,000 was
on deposit in the institution at the time it was closed.
Otto Cloud, Sr., former president of the bank who was forced to resign June 5,
now awaits trial in federal court, disposition of the case still pending.
Plans are now under way to reopen the Citizens Bank of Macy in the near future
under state regulation. Samuel Musselman, who succeeded Cloud as president is
heading the group which expects to reopen the bank at a capitalization of
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 4, 1938]
Checks totaling approximately $1,200 still remain to be paid out to depositors
in the now closed Citizens bank of Macy as part of the 45 per cent dividend
issued recently it was announced by Thomas Yater receiver for the closed
These 45 per cent dividend checks which have not as yet been called for by
depositors will be available to them on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week at
Macy, Mr. Yater stated. Checks can be called for at any time on these days.
Logansport, March 4 - A 25 per cent dividend totaling $39,555.23 will be paid
Monday, March 13, to the 500 depositors in the closed Citizens Bank of Macy,
subject to the approval of the Miami circuit court, it was announced here by
Thomas Yater, special representative of the liquidation division of the State
Dept. of Financial Institutions.
The dividend to be paid March 13 will bring the total amount paid by the
liquidation department to depositors to 70 per cent. The institution was closed
on June 29 and the state department took charge July 5.
Depositors may call for their checks at the bank in Macy on March 13, providing
court approval has been granted by that time.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 4, 1939]
Peru, Ind., April 4. - A suit to collect a $17,193.12 assessment from four
share-holders of the Citizens Bank of Macy was filed in Miami circuit court
Monday by the state department of financial institutions, which took over the
institution when it was declared insolvent last June.
The shareholders named in the suit are Samuel H. Musselman, John F. Dawalt, John
Breece and Ira C. Smith.
The complaint, prepared by Attorney Philip E. Byron, states that deposits, debts
and liabilities of the institution total $97,456.22 while assets will not exceed
$80,272.10, which leaves, including interest $17,193.12 to be collected by
assessing the shareholders.
Any sum collected through the court action will be placed in the fund being
accumulated for the next dividend payment to depositors of the defunct
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, April 4, 1939]
Thomas Yeater, Logansport state bank receiver, announced today that effective
Monday, February 10, a seven per cent dividend totaling $11,062.07 will be
distributed to depositors of the Cirizens bank at Macy, Ind.
Mr. Yeater who has been serving as receiver of the Macy bank in addition to
several other closed banks in this vicinity, stated that this is the fourth
dividend payment to be made to Macy depositors and brings total payments to date
to 87 per cent. The Citizens bank at Macy was closed June 28, 1938.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, February 8, 1941]
MACY ELECTRIC PLANT [Macy, Miami County]
It now begins to look as though Macy would have an electric light plant. Scudder
Wilson and Rev. J. H. Gervin have announced their intention to establish such an
institution and have been granted a franchise which will be in effect after its
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 2, 1914]
[NOTE: Rev. J. H. Gervin was minister of the Macy Christian Church, 1912-1924,
according to History of Macy Christian Church, 1873-1913-1972]
Electric lighting of the streets and houses in Macy is now assured. The plant
installed by Messrs. Gevin and Wilson will give satisfactory service it is
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 10, 1914]
The promoters of the Macy electric light plant announced that the power station
will be ready to supply the "juice" to the subscribers on June 1. The
plant is the last thing in small power houses and will undoubtedly be well
patronized. Scudder Wilson and Rev. Garvin are the owners and managers.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 29, 1914]
MACY ELEVATOR [Macy, Miami County]
Also see Macy Milling Company
Macy Monitor.
John F. Crouder and Company, of Sulphur Springs, Ind., have purchased of J. W.
Hurst the Macy Elevator and will continue the business with increased vigor.
Jas. W. Hurst, who retires from the business, has earned a vacation. He has made
the business a success and has accumulated a good bit of money and is entitled
to retire.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 13, 1906]
A new grain elevator is in the process of construction on the north [sic]
side of the track and south of See and Son's lumber yard at Macy. Six men are
working on the building which is the property of the lumber firm. Howard See,
manager said: "The elevator will have a capacity of 7,500 bushels and we
will be able to handle this year's grain crop although I do not believe the
elevator will be finished by that time."
[Rochester Sentinel ???? 1914 or 1920 ????]
The Macy elevator burned down Sunday morning at about 10:30 o'clock. Flames are
believed to have started through spontaneous combustion, as the elevator was
full of grain - containing 3,000 bushels. The Peru fire service arrived too late
and Macy's two small fire engines proved futile as the fire had too great a
headway when discovered. The Standard Oil gasoline tanks were just across the
street from the elevator and burning brands fell from the roof onto the tanks
but were quickly thrown off by men.
It is considered almost a miracle that the tanks were saved, as the heat from
the fire was intense and the grass burned up to the tanks.
The owner of the elevator was Don See, a young married man who just started in
business for himself a year or two ago. His wife was Miss Ruth Babcock of
Insurance carried was for only about $7,500. At the time the fire was discovered
Mr. See was at Millark, but was summoned home.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, January 4, 1926]
A new grain elevator is in the progress of construction on the north [sic] side
of the track and south of See & Son's lumber yard at Macy. Six men are
working on the building which is the property of the lumber firm. Howard See,
manager, said: "The elevator will have a capacity of 7,500 bushels and we
will be able to handle this year's grain crop although I do not believe the
elevator will be finished by that time."
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 16, 1926]
MACY FAIR [Macy, Miami County]
[Adv] THREE DAYS' RACES on the fastest and best Half Mile Track in Indiana.
Wednesday, Oct 8, Colt Race, horses under three years old, two best in three
half mile heats - $30.00.
Thursday, Oct 9, Three Minute Trot, 3 best in 5 mile heats - $100.00.
2:40 Trot, 2 best in 5 one mile heats - $100.00
Friday, Oct 10, Mixed Race, trot or pace, free for all, 3 best in 5 one mile
heats - $200.00
Running Race, free for all, 2 best in 3 half mile heats $50.00.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 1, 1890]
The Inaugural Fox Chase, of the Macy Fox and Coon Hunters Club, will be held at
Macy, Saturday, March 4th, 1904. [sic]
The Club has spared no pains to make this, their first chase, the most
interesting of any yet held in Indiana this year.
The lines will be formed at 12 o'clock noon. All desiring to take part in the
chase will report to Captain Silas Clemans.
Those who have attended other fox drives and failed to get a glimpse at a fox
will not be disappointed, as the club guarantees a fox to be in the ring at the
round up.
William Bush, of Youngstown, Ohio, a noted sprinter, in full uniform, will
attempt to catch reynard in twenty minutes from the time it appears in the ring.
After the chase, amusements will be given as follows: Girls race, to which all
under fourteen years of age may enter. Women's race for all fourteen years or
over. Boy's race for all under fourteen. Men's race for all fourteen or over.
Tug of War, six on a side, Frank Hoover captain. Many challenges any other town
in the Tug of War contest. Fat man's race, weight 200 pounds or over.
Free-for-all barrel race. Free-for-all potato race. Wheelbarrow race. Pie eating
contest. A valuable prize will be awarded to all winners of first and second
place in each of the above contests.
Everybody come out to this drive and have the time of your life.
Dinner will be served to all by the Ladies Aid societies of the Macy churches.
By order of com.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 2, 1905]
MACY HOTEL [Macy, Miami County]
John CHAMP, a pioneer resident and for several years proprietor of Macy hotel,
passed away at 3 o'clock Sunday morning, after a short illness from paralysis.
He was for many years a prominent Mason. Funeral will be conducted by that
order, to which Rochester Masons are invited to attend Funeral services at Macy
at 10:30 Tuesday morning. [April 8, 1830 - October 11, 1903; bur Plainview cem,
Macy, Miami Co Ind]
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 12, 1903]
During the winter, John Hatch purchased the Macy Hotel and his daughter, Mrs.
Frank Palmer and family, will soon make prparation to move across the alley, as
they have been living in the back part of the post office. Mr. Palmer will also
move the post office and they will convert the hotel into a rooming house. The
post office has the new furniture and fixtures, many of the lock boxes having
the combination locks, and is a great improvement. - - - MACY ITEMS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 20, 1916]
The Macy Insulator Co. was granted incorporation papers by the secretary of
state at Indianapolis Monday. The company is capitalized for $500 and the
purpose given for the incorporation is the promotion of the sale of insulators.
The directors are John Hatch, Thomas Ewer and Jennes Alspach.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, December 24, 1924]
Articles of incorporation of the Macy Insulator company were filed for record in
the office of the Miami county recorder Friday morning. The capital stock is
placed at $500, divided into 50 shares of $10 each. The object of the
corporation, as stated, is to promote the use, manufacture and sale, as well as
the sale of territorial rights of sale, for patented insulators for use in
telephone, telegraph, electric light and power wiring and all kinds of wiring
requiring insulation.
The incorporators are John M. Hatch, Thomas J. Ewer and Jenness Alspach, who are
also directors. The principal place of business is Macy, Indiana, and the term
of existence 25 years.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, February 28, 1925]
* * * * * Photo * * * * *
UNKNOWNS IDENTIFIED. The ladies in the Macy Kitchen Cabinet Orchestre,
performing with only kitchen utensils in the late 20s, early 30s, have been
identified as follows:
Rear, left to right: Goldie Baber, Gretchen Smith, Mary Powell, Hazel Carter,
Mrs. Leonard, Zoa Smith, Vern Enyart, Ida Combs, Anna Savage, Margaret Savage,
Mrs. Bookwalter, Mrs. Ezekial, Evelyn Zartman, Georgia Schoen, Hazel Bookwalter;
Middle, left to right: Otha Owens, Nellie Musselman, Daisy Washington, Mary
Musselman, Mrs. Cora Heckathorn, Renie Slusser, Aretha Slusser, Nora Palmer,
Carrie Jenkins, Mrs. McDowell, Marjorie Bryant, Sally Cloud, Tessie Harding,
Cora Edwards, Mrs. E. P. White, Bess McCarter, Ruth Carter, Mae Cloud;
Front, left to right: Ruth Leonard, Virginia Cloud, Fern Powell, Toots Skinner,
Edna Pratt, Mollie Clemans, Mrs. Halterman, Mary Powell, Cassie Wiltshire.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 25, 1999]
Macy Monitor.
The Macy Milling company purchased all of the old wheat at the Twelve Mile
elevator last week and this week are hauling wheat from Akron, having bought all
of the old wheat of Stoner & Haldeman.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 16, 1909]
MACY MONITOR [Macy, Miami County]
See: Enyart, M. Lew
An unexpected visitor to our table this week was the Macy Monitor, a new
paper just launched with David O. HOFFMAN as Captain, or proprietor, and M. Lew.
ENYART as mate or editor. The Monitor is a neat sheet and shows evidence of
mechanical skill and editorial ability. The Sentinel wishes it a long and
prosperous voyage, but when we view the wrecks of thousands of newspaper crafts
that have gone down within the past few months, it looks like folly to launch
more barks upon the turbulent sea of journalism.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 23, 1885]
Editor Geo. Hicks, of the Macy Monitor, was in Rochester, yesterday evening.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 2, 1901]
At a recent meeting of the Official Board of the Indiana State Christian
Conference it was decided to establish a state paper for the church, the matter
having been placed in the hands of the Board before the meeting by the
conference at its recent session at Middletown. The paper will be started
sometime in June. It will be edited and published by Geo. E. Hicks, assisted by
an efficient staff of department editors chosen by the state conference. The
Monitor office will be fitted up with new machinery and thoroughly equipped for
the new enterprise. The new paper will start on a five column quarto and will be
enlarged as occasion demands. This new venture is an assured success as the
church has contemplated starting the paper for several years and Macy is to be
congratulated on the outlook for such a worthy enterprise.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 16, 1903]
The first issue of the Macy Monitor under the editorial management of Carl
Jessen is out and it is a great improvement on its recent news features. The
first article on the first page is a burglary writeup and it starts out like
this: "Wednesday night, or early Thursday morning, as Macy peacefully
slumbered and the moon bathed mother earth with its silvery rays, there was a
crash, a falling of broken glass, and burglars gained entrance to Cloud
Brothers' large store through the front window." Carl is evidently playing
for both the parquet and the gallery. And he'll get them too if he can costume
his burglary and other sensations so as to blend them with the peaceful picture
of mother earth slumbering in a bath of the silvery rays of the moon.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 17, 1903]
There is a rumor afloat that Carl Jessen has sold the Macy Monitor to M. Lew
Enyart, and that D.O. Hoffman will quit the Leader at Fulton and take charge of
the Monitor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 8, 1903]
Rev. Geo. E. Hicks has sold the Macy Monitor to Dr. J. B. Peters and Chas.W.
Palmer, both fo Macy, and they took possession this morning. Mr. Palmer is an
attorney and will edit and publish the paper in the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 8, 1903]
Peru Sentinel: Ora Enyart of the firm of Enyart & Sons, has purchased the
Sharpsville Record and will take possession of the plant in February. The Record
is an independent sheet and the only one in the town. Mr. Enyart will not alter
its policy. The new proprietor has had considerable newspaper experience on the
Macy Monitor and is an able young man.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 13, 1904]
The Macy Monitor owners have dissolved partnership, and Dr. J. B. Peters is sole
proprietor. We understand that Ed Enyart and wife will have charge of the paper.
The Monitor has been a flourishing paper and boon to our town under the firm of
Palmer & Peters, and we are in hopes that with the new proprietor at the
helm, the Monitor will still sail on.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 29, 1904]
The Peru Journal says the Macy Monitor is again the property of Lew Enyart, who,
for a few years was a real estate agent in that city. Mr. Enyart during the last
few months, has been engaged in the real estate business at Denver. Yesterday,
he and his son, Edward Enyart, of Macy, purchased the Monitor from Peters &
Son, who have owned it for a while. The paper was sold several years ago by Mr.
Enyart to Rev. Geo. Hicks and since then it has changed hands several times.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 30, 1904]
From the Leader.
H. M. Brooke, formerly proprietor of the Kewanna Herald has purchased the Banner
Times a local paper at Casey, Ill., a small town of 800 near Terre Haute, and
formerly edited by B. G. Whitehead who published the Macy Monitor in 1892.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 6, 1904]
The Macy Monitor comes out this week with George Hicks proprietor and Charles
Palmer publisher. It is reported that M. Lew Enyart has possession of the front
room and Hicks and Palmer the press room and a pad lock as big as a skinned cow
fastens the door between them.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 16, 1905]
The Macy Monitor has been sold to W. H. Myers, who has been foreman of the Peru
Sentinel and publisher of the Converse Journal. He is a practical newspaper man
and a hustler.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 11, 1906]
Macy Monitor.
Ben G. Whitehead formerly of the Macy Monitor in 1892, and now editor of the
Democratic organ at Williston, N. D., is slated for the Democratic nomination
for Secretary of State in North Dakota. Since removing to the far West he has
become a factor in the politics of his new home.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 10, 1908]
The Macy Monitor is to become the mouthpiece of the Miami County progressives,
with John Lawrence of Peru, as editor. Later the paper may be removed to Peru
and become a daily.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 25, 1914]
The Macy Monitor has been sold to a progressive party stock company for $1200
and will become the Miami county organ. It may later be made a daily and will
meanwhile seek its share of the county advertising the Moose having polled more
votes than the republicans in the last election. Dave Rhodes is to be the
editor. W. H. Myers, retiring owner, will farm.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 31, 1914]
Articles of incorporation for the Monitor Co. have recently been filed with the
secretary of state and the certificate has just been received by the Publishing
company by whom the Macy Monitor is published. The incorporators are as follows:
William McElwee, T. J. Ewer and David F. Rhodes.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 1, 1914]
Will McDowell of Peru has leased the Macy Monitor with the privilege of buying
it. R. Duderstadt, a socialist, ran the paper for the progressives during the
campaign. His success was limited.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 13, 1914]
The Macy Monitor has been published by Wm. McDowell of Bunker Hill the past two
years, but he has resigned his position here to accept a more lucrative one with
the Peru Chronicle. This week's Monitor will be published by Scudder Wilson,
assisted by Miss Maude Ault.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 4, 1917]
J. F. Ferry, formerly of Carlisle, Ill., is the new editor of the Macy Monitor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 10, 1918]
Editor J. F. Ferry, of the Macy Monitor, has found several pieces of money in
his coal bin. Each time he goes after a bucket of coal he finds nickels, dimes
or quarters, which have amounted in all to several dollars. He is willing to
turn the money over to the owner who can prove his property and explain how it
got mixed in with his coal.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 20, 1920]
Editor Ferry, of the Macy Monitor, in describing the visit of a commercial
aviator to his village, concludes by telling his fellow townsmen that when
airplane rides are lowered to two bits he will go up and if somebody will loan
him a Kodak, he will take a snap of the town to be printed in his publication.
In other words if he had some ham, he'd have some ham and eggs if he had some
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 26, 1920]
The Macy Monitor has ceased publication, according to an article carried in this
week's issue. J. F. Ferry, who has published the paper for the past three years,
says that after 36 years, the people have failed to support it and that he
believed that the condition would become worse instead of better, so he has
ceased publication and turned over the paid in advance subscribers to the Peru
Republican. He does not state what he expects to do himself.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 25, 1921]
The Andrews Signal, which died soon after being taken over by the editors of the
Lagro Reviewer, has been revived and the first issue under the new editor, J. F.
Ferry, made its appearance on Saturday.
Mr. Ferry, an experienced newspaper man and formerly editor of the Macy Monitor
is issuing an eight page six column sheet and has the support of every one in
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 7, 1921]
The Monterey Herald, a weekly newspaper that has been published in the town west
of here for so many years has discontinued publication. A. L. Treasize, the
editor has sold all of the equipment and it will be taken to Medaryville print
shop. The Herald was always a creditable paper but like the case of the Macy
Monitor and the Star City News, the publisher says that he could not keep up
with increasing costs and decreasing advertising and subscribers.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 25, 1922]
J. F. Ferry, former editor of the Macy Monitor, has again launched into the
newspaper field, and is editor and publisher of the Wabash County Truth, a
weekly established at Wabash. Its first issue made appearance last Friday, Dec.
14th, and a number of copies were received by friends at Macy. In his
introduction, Mr. Ferry states that "its purpose is to expound the
doctrines and principles of the Ku Klux Klan and to protect it against the
assaults of the enemies of that splendid organization, who stoop to anything in
order to fight it and to cloud the issues, which it represents."
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 19, 1923]
Fisher Ferry, former editor of the Macy Monitor and more lately of the Wabash
County Truth, a weekly that was devoted to the interests of the Ku Klux Klan,
will start a newspaper in Lagro, the first issue to come out the latter part of
this week.
He has moved his printing equipment into the basement of the Egnew Hotel and
will get out his paper from that place. The last newspaper gotten out in Lagro
was the "Lagro Press," published for a time by Ed Gumert and later by
D. E. Purviance.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 19, 1925]
Fisher Ferry, former editor of the Macy Monitor, who two weeks ago started the
Lagro Independent, on Monday sold the paper to Mervin Frushour and Lamonte
Moore, two young men of Wabash who have had experience in newspaper work.
Mr. Ferry got out the first issue of the paper and the second one was published
by the new owners. Mr. Fisher announces that he will start another paper in the
near future in another locality.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, June 10, 1925]
Fisher Ferry, [who] for a number of years operated the Macy Monitor and who
is one of the pioneer journalists of Northern Indiana, was stricken with
paralysis at Carlysle, Illinois last week. The stroke was rather light and he
was able to come to the home of his daughter in Wabash, last Saturday. Since
then he has been quite ill and his advanced age stands against speedy recovery.
Mr. Ferry is one of the few of the old time newspaper men left. In recent years
he had published newspapers in some of the smaller towns in this locality,
moving his paper from Macy to Andrews, and then to Wabash where he published for
a short time a Klan paper known as the Truth.
Then he moved his equipment to Lagro where he published a paper for a few weeks,
and then disposed of it. Since then Mr. Ferry has worked on various newspapers
in Illinois and North Dakota.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, October 14, 1927]
MACY NURSERY [Macy, Miami County]
This is the time of the year for transplanting trees and small fruits and the
best place to secure them fresh and at rock bottom prices is at W. L. Minter's,
2-1/2 miles west of Macy, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 6, 1892]
MACY PICKLE COMPANY [Macy, Miami County]
Suit for $300 damages was filed in Miami circuit court today by Harry R. Brake
against Orbie G. Bryant and Charles L. Frobish, owners of the Bryant Pickle Co.,
near Macy. The suit is the result of an automobile accident near Plymouth Aug.
30, 1930 in which Brake alleges that James Smith driver of one of the company's
trucks, fell asleep and a collision occurred.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 9, 1931]
MACY POST OFFICE [Macy, Miami County]
Postmaster I. N. Eurit, of Macy, has been four $1200 short in his accounts and
his bondsmen, E. B. Clendenning, Jacob Miller and Wm. Musselman have taken
charge of the office and assumed the pressure. Eurit is a bankrupt and was made
such by the crush of the prosperity we have been suffering for several years. He
operated a store and was always considered an honest and careful merchant, but
his business showed that he became involved in debt and he probably used post
office funds to keep himself clear of pressing obligations.
Wesley [sic] Eurit was always an honorable man. He was for years a school
teacher and a good man. He is a member of one of the first families of Cass
county, and his misfortune and disgrace will be deplored by all who know him and
his excellent people.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, November 9, 1899]
Macy Monitor: With the first of March Miami county will have complete rural mail
service. Macy will at least get two more routes and will serve the people of
Fulton county as far west as the Freerer school house.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 28, 1904]
Republicans in Macy and Allen township, Miami county, are in the midst of a
postoffice controversy, which may lead to a division of the ranks before it is
settled. The fight came as the result of one member of the township committee,
Lee Snowberger attempting to take control of the republican patronage for the
township entirely into his own hands, it is said, but the opposition which came
rather unexpected has caused the situation to be considerably in doubt.
Mr. Snowberger according to some of the voters from that community who oppose
him, suddenly made up his mind to boost his friend Ed Sutton to be the next
postmaster and without consulting the two women members of the township
committee told the other member Ollie Leonard what he was going to do and then
sent in the name to Congressman Milton Krause as the man recommended by the
Thereupon the female members of the said committee arose in righteous wrath and
called the republican voters to their colors, explained what had been done and
immediately a petition was started recommending A. E. Horton for the
postmastership. This was signed by over 300 voters, was then sent onto Mr.
Krause who forwarded it to the Postmaster General.
According to the indignant voters, Snowberger made an attempt to control affairs
in Allen township without the advice of anyone and they are set to get his
scalp. The present postmaster, Frank Palmer, democrat, meanwhile calmly holds
his office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 29, 1921]
Coming as the climax of a long political fight in which civil service played its
usual leading part, Hugh A. Fenters, a farmer living out of Macy, has been
appointed postmaster of that town to succeed Frank Palmer, present democratic
postmaster. As the result of the appointment of Fenters there is considerable
hard feeling among the republicans at Macy, particularly by those in the Ed B.
Sutton crowd who once had the office in their group.
Fenters, who is about 40 years old, and a life long republican, obtained the
appointment, it is understood, as the result of a long standing quarrel between
Ed Sutton and Ad Horton and as neither one of these men could get the office the
republican powers that be, led by John Hatch of Macy and Hurd Hurst of Peru,
finally decided on Fenters as the compromise man.
Last fall Ed Sutton let it be known about Macy that Congressman Milton Krause,
of Peru, had promised that he would be the next postmaster, and had a letter to
that effect. Thereupon Ad Horton got busy and the republicans of the community
signed a petition asking that Horton be appointed. It is understood that Krause
then withdrew his promise to Sutton but later when approached by Hurst, said
that he could not appoint Horton for fear of losing the support of Sutton's
Meanwhile the civil service examination was held and Mrs. Carrie Burkett, and Ed
Sutton stood at the head of the list. Frank Belt was third, Fenters, John Shadle,
an ex-service man and Horton were understood to be lowest on the list. When this
standing became known, it is said that Congressman Krause, Hurst and Hatch
finally agreed on Fenters.
Then the civil service examination papers were conveniently re-graded. The
grades of the high three were learned and that of Fenters was raised so that he
displaced one of them on the list and thus became eligible for selection by
Postmaster General Work on the recommendation of Congressman Krause.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 5, 1922]
Hugh Fenters assumed the duties of Postmaster at Macy Wednesday, succeeding
Frank Palmer, who has held that position exactly eight years to a day, and has
given splendid satisfaction. Mrs. Glen Edwards has been assisting in the work at
the postoffice, but her place will be filled by the new postmaster's daughter,
Miss Miriam Fenters, as soon as she becomes acquainted with those duties. Mrs.
Edwards has accepted a position at the Macy telephone office.
Mr. Fenters has been a successful farmer for a number of years, but he expects
to sell his life stock and other personal property on the farm August 29, when
he will devote his time entirely to the postoffice.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 5, 1922]
Sam Foor has been appointed acting postmaster at Macy to replace Hugh Fenters,
whose term expired recently. Mr. Foor assumed his new duties last week. Miss
Helen Schoen has been appointed assistant.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 26, 1934]
The safe in the postoffice at Macy was blown sometime Sunday night and money and
stamps valued at $500 were taken. Robbery was discovered by Postmaster Sam Foor
when he opened the postoffice today. Postal inspectors from Indianapolis and
state police are making an investigation.
Thieves gained entrance to the postoffice by using picks which had been stolen
from the Nickel Plate railroad section foreman's shack at Macy. The picks were
found on the desk in the postoffice.
Nitro-glycerine was used in opening the safe and blankets were used to muffle
the sound of the explosion. A large car, it is believed, was used by the thieves
because of tire tracks which were left in the road in front of the postoffice
which is located on Main street next to the Glen Powell store. In addition to
the $500 in cash and stamps the thieves took $1,687.50 in savings bonds which
are non-negotiable and from $80 to $100 in money orders. The entire stamp supply
of the Macy postoffice was taken.
State Policeman Eldon Tucker of Peru and Estil Bemenderfer of this city were in
Macy as was Deputy Sheriff Walter Anderson of Peru. The state policemen called a
fingerprint expert from state police barracks at Ligonier who obtained
fingerprints from the safe and from the picks as did the postal inspectors.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 18, 1939]
Springfield, Ill., Sept. 27. (INS) - Gerald Welsh, 27, Evansville, Ind., has
denied complicity in a recent postoffice robbery at Macy, Ind., Indiana
authorities who questioned him in Springfield said today. Welsh, they said, will
not be taken to Indiana to face charges.
Welsh said he obtained $50 and the pistol which authorities found on him from a
companion, whom the authorities believe to have been the man who blasted the
postal safe at Macy. Welsh was arrested Saturday.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 27, 1939]
Peru, Ind., Nov. 14. - Sheriff Robert Tillett and Deputy Sheriff Walter Anderson
late Monday afternoon recovered more than $1,800 in bonds which were stolen from
the Macy postoffice during a robbery that occurred about a month ago. The bonds
were found scattered along the Nickel Plate railway right-of-way just north of
The bonds were first discovered by Henry See who lives in that vicinity. See
immediately notified Tillett and Anderson.
Included in the bonds were one $1,000, one $500, four $100, three $50 and four
$20 bonds. Sheriff Tillett said there was no clue to the identity of the
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 14, 1939]
MACY SCHOOL [Macy, Miami County]
See: Schools - Macy School
Mr. Savage representing the Macy Telephone Co., was in Akron Tuesday, and
consummated arrangements with the Akron Telephone Co. to build a joint telephone
line connecting Akron and Macy.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 30, 1903]
Macy Monitor.
C. M. Snepp will remain in business in Macy, and give his undivided attention to
his Banking and Telephone business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 4, 1905]
Macy Monitor
The new Independent Telephone Co., of which Dr. E. D. Swift is the manager, was
granted a franchise by the town board of Macy at their last meeting to operate
an exchange and to erect poles on any street or alley in the town excepting
Commerce street. The new company expects to put in an exchange and do a general
telephone business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 16, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
T. Y. Savage is now secretary and manager of the Macy Telephone Co.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 12, 1909]
The Home Telephone Company has sold to Argos parties, who will take charge soon.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 15, 1910]
Macy Monitor.
Austin O. Yarrick and Claude Warner, two prominent young men of Argos, have
contracted with the Macy Telephone Company for the purchase of their entire
plant, possession to be given Sept. 20.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 16, 1910]
Articles of incorporation have been filed at Peru for the new Macy Telephone
Co., with Thomas Savage, Mary Cloud and Otto Cloud as the incorporators. One
hundred and fifty shares of stock will be issued at the rate of $100 per share;
75 preferred and 75 common. The corporation is pledged to pay a per cent
dividend on the preferred stock. The Macy system was formerly owned by L. E.
Greenwood, who operated under the name of the Macy Telephone Exchange.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 25, 1915]
Petition to purchase the Citizens' Telephone Company, of Macy, valued at between
$20,000 and $30,000, and which is the pioneer telephone exchange of Miami
county, has been filed with the public service commission by the Northern
Indiana Telephone Company.
The company also asks the right to purchase the Fulton Telephone Company, which
is owned by the same interests, who are Otto Cloud, Macy, and the estate of T.
Y. Savage. Mr. Savage was one of the founders of the Macy exchange in 1902.
Purchase price for the two exchanges is listed with the commission at $48,000.
The Macy exchange is larger than the one at Fulton.
Ruling on the petition will be made by the commission about a week from today.
The Northern Indiana Telephone Company operates forty-two exchanges, the largest
being at North Manchester.
The hearing on the petition was conducted by Frank T. Singleton, chairman of the
commission. The Macy exchange serves between 350 and 400 homes and the Fulton
company, 300. Mr. Cloud, who obtained an interest in the concern in 1915, is
manager of the Macy and Fulton office and is president of the two companies. C.
D. Savage, Macy, son of the founder and administrator of his estate, is
secretary of the company.
Besides petitioning for the right to purchase the two exchanges, the Northern
Indiana company seeks authority to issue $48,000 in securities o finance the
proposed transaction.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 25, 1929]
Patrons of the Macy telephone exchange report a meeting that was held in the
gymnasium at Macy last Tuesday night in which about 300 persons met to talk over
the telephone situation. The discussion came as the result of the new proposed
rates recently published by Carl H. MOTE, president of the Northern Indiana
Telephone Company. O. R. LEONARD was chairman of the meeting and E. B. SUTTON
was appointed secretary.
The letter which contained the proposal of new rates and regulations was read
and various sections were re-read and discussed. Mr. Leonard gave an interesting
talk in which he related experiences in recent meetings at other exchanges. He
also explained the new proposal as he understood it and compared it with rates
and regulations now in effect at the Macy exchange.
Talks were given by Mr. RANNELLS of Fulton, Ray WILDERMUTH, Carl QUICK, Garland
KLINE and E. B. SUTTON, in which they related certain experiences relative to
their exchanges.
After some discussion a motion was made for the chairman to appoint a committee
to draw up a resolution. Carl QUICK, John HATCH and Dr. CARTER were appointed on
this committee and the following resolution was drawn up which was unanimously
"Restore service as existed on date of puchase, with other telephone
companies. Replace all telephones free of charge, forced out by taking service
away, and continue at our present rate of rentals."
The resolution was presented to the company.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, December 13, 1929]
MACY THEATER [Macy, Miami County]
U. E. Slifer, business man of Macy, has purchased the Temple theater from Mrs.
Cy Palmer, of Peru. Slifer took possession at once.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 23, 1915]
MADARY, AMOS [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
MADEFORD, FRANK [Akron, Indiana]
Frank Madeford, proprietor of the cafe which bears his name at Akron, is one of
the enterprising business men of Fulton county, whose progress in life is
entirely due to his own efforts. He was born in Miami county, Indiana, May 9,
1886, youngest child in a family of nine, five sons and four daughters, of whom
seven survive, although he and a brother, Charles, are the only ones living in
Fulton county. They are the sons of Alvin K. and Sarah (Yoder) Madeford, natives
of Pennsylvania, he born February 14, 1839, and she, March 25, 1952, and both
attended the common schools. He has always been interested in agriculture, but
he and his wife are now living retired at Cando, North Dakota. He is a
republican, and both are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Fraternally
he is an Odd Fellow and Mason, and is zealous in behalf of the last named order.
Frank Madeford grew to manhood in his native county and after he had completed
the studies in the common schools he took the four-year course in the Gilead
High School. His first connection with the business world came when he entered
the Miller Hardware Company as a clerk at a wage of $3 per week, in 1907, and
continued with this substantial house of Akron for fourteen years, during which
period his responsibilites and remuneration were considerably augmented. During
this time he was thrifty, saved his money, and in 1920 was able to buy his
present business, then a small concern. From the start he began to inaugurate
changes of importance, and now has one of the best cafes in the county. The
service is most excellent, and he also carries a fine line of cigars, tobacco
and confectionery. He owns the building in which his cafe is located, which he
erected in 1921, his residence, a modern bungalow, and he is interested in 131
acres of land in Wabash county that is devoted to stockraising. While he has
been so steadily advancing in material prosperity he has at the same time been
gaining the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens. July 13, 1913 he was
married to Trude Tracy, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Edwards) Tracy, and
they have one son, Joseph, who is attending the graded schools of Akron. Joseph
Tracy was born in Ohio, and his wife in Illinois, and both are now residents of
Fulton county. He is a republican, and both he and his wife are devout
Methodists. Mrs. Madeford attended the Gilead High School. In all of his work
her husband has had her support and encouragement, and he feels that he could
not have achieved his present success alone. Fraternally he belongs to the
Masonic order, and to Cordelia Lodge No. 329, K. of P., at Akron.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 236-237, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
Willis (Doc) Cook, who has resigned his position as salesman for the Finneren
Motor Sales Company of this city, has purchased the Madeford Restaurant of Frank
Medeford of Akron.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 16, 1923]
MADEFORD & WILHOIT [Akron/Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] NOTICE To The Public. It has been rumored that Madeford and Wilhoit of
Akron, Ind., have discontinued selling the Chrysler automobile. This report is
untrue. We will continue the agency and will have sales headquarters and service
station at Brubaker's Garage, Rochester for the Hudson, Essex and Chrysler cars.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, August 1, 1928]
The firm of Madeford and Wilhoit of Akron, who have held the agency for Hudson
and Essex cars in Henry township for several years, on Tuesday signed a contract
to become agents for Hudson Motor Car company products in Rochester. The Akron
men have leased the Robbins room at 115 East Ninth Street on the south side of
the public square where they will open a modern salesroom and parts department.
The new agents will carry a complete display of Hudson and Essex cars. The
Hudson company a few weeks ago announced a new line of cars listing 14 models.
Madeford and Wilhoit for several years have maintained a service department in
the Brubaker Garage.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 16, 1929]
MADRID THREATRE [Akron, Indiana]
See: Argonne Theatre
See: Moving Picture Theaters
See: Swastika Theatre
[Adv] SEE OUR NEW PLAY HOUSE. The Biggest Pictures of the Year. Wed. &
Thurs. Jan. 7-8, 7:00 and 9:00. The Big Trail. MADRID THEATRE, Akron.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 6, 1931]
Announcement was made in Akron yesterday of the sale of the Madrid Theater by
Karl Gast to Mark Gates of Indianapolis. Mr. Gates will assume management of the
show on January 1.
Mr. Gast has owned the theater for over twenty-three years and will devote his
time to his other interests. He is the postmaster at Akron.
Mr. Gates is an experienced moving picture man and for a number of years was
ermployed by the MGM company.
Mr. Gates will continue a modernization program which has been under way at the
Madrid for the past year.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 29, 1940]
Indianapolis, Dec. 30. - Purchase of a motion picture theater in Akron, Ind., to
be operated by Theaters, Inc., 902 Security Trust building, was announced
Saturday by Isidore Feibleman, a member of the newly formed corporation.
Mr. Feibleman said the new corporation would operate theaters in small cities
over the state. Two hundred shares of $50 par value common stock have been
Incorporators, in addition to Mr. Feibleman, are Mark M. Gates and Charles B.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 30, 1940]
Swastika Theatre located in 1919, at 110 W. Rochester St., next to hardware.
Theatre owned by Clarence Erb and Horace LaRue, who sold it in 1919 to Karl
B.Gast, who moved it to the E side of Mishawaka St., middle of first block N of
Rochester St., and renamed it Argonne Theatre. During the thirties, name was
changed to Madrid Theatre. Closed in 1957.
Furniture store opened same location in 1959.
Akron, Ind., Aug. 7. - The Madrid theatre at Akron has been under new management
since Sunday night, Mark Gates selling his interest in the show to Bruce Wright
of Wabash.
Mr. Wright purchased the theatre for his nephew, Roger Wright, who will manage
the theatre. He has been in the show business for a number of years, and at
present operates a free show at Utter's Filling Station west of town every
Sunday night. He also operates free shows in other towns the rest of the week.
Personnel of the new management will be: George Swope, operator; Jerry Hill,
ticket window; Betty Fellers, pop corn machine, and Mrs. Gerald Bemenderfer,
ticket taker.
Mr. Gates purchased the Madrid from Karl Gast in January, 1941. He is returning
to Indianapolis, and has not announced any definite plans for the future.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, August 7, 1942]
MAGLECIC, ARTHUR [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Arthur Maglecic)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Arthur Maglecic)
MAGLECIC, WILLIAM [Rochester, Indiana]
See Maglecic & Keel
Wm. Maglecic, an automobile painter of Chicago, is moving into the business
building on the corne of Madison and Eighth Sts. He will live upstairs and open
a paint shop below.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 8, 1919]
William Maglecic, the well known automobile painter and furniture refinisher
will soon move to larger quarters to take care of his increasing business so
that he may have a better place to do his high grade work.
Mr. Maglecic has just finished his second year in this city and the quality of
his work during that time has been his best asset. This is probably due to the
fact that he has had 23 years experience at carriage and automobile painting
both in this country and in Europe. He served his apprenticeship across the sea,
under artists who did the coach work for the nobility.
Fifteen years ago he came to the United States, and has since served in the
employ of coach and automobile builders including the Locomobile Co., Pierce
Arrow Co., and the Packard Motor Car Co. He also finished pianos for Kimball.
Mr. Maglecic came to Rochester because he liked the town and will make this his
future abode. He has purchased a home here and according to his statement he
will continue to serve the people of the community to the highest style of his
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 10, 1921]
[Adv] Announcement. After Monday, March 14th, William Maglecic, the Auto
expert painter, will be located in his new studio on East 7th street, two blocks
east of the Arlington Hotel. Bring in your automobile and let him give you
prices on refinishing.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 10, 1921]
Messrs Vaughn and Blok of Grand Rapids, Mich., have acquired the former William
Maglecic painting plant on east Seventh street and will conduct a business here.
They will do auto painting and furniture refinishing.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, January 25, 1926]
William Maglecic has leased the east room in the city building on Seventh
street, formerly occupied by the street department, and has opened an automobile
paint shop. In addition to flat painting Maglecic will also do Duco painting.
Mr. Maglecic for several years operated an automobile paint shop in the Barrett
building on East Seventh street.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday March 15, 1926]
William Maglecic has reopened his automobile paint shop on East Seventh street
in a building just opposite the Farmers Elevator. Mr. Maglecic in addition to
doing flat automobile painting will also operate a Duco shop.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, March 24, 1927]
MAGLECIC & KEEL [Rochester, Indiana]
William Maglecic, who for the past several years has been engaged in repainting
of autos in this city and Burl Keel, auto body repair expert who has had several
years of experience in the Studebaker factory at South Bend have formed a
partnership and are now established in the old planing mill building on North
Monroe street.
This firm will engage only in the repair of auto bodies, fenders, upholstery and
repaint jobs. The latest improved machinery for this class of work has been
installed by the owners.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, September 8, 1928]
Located at 226 E 7th.
Owned by Charles Tyra (Casey) Jones.
Later renamed Advance Magnetics, Incorporated.
See Woodworth Spring
MAHLER, D. R. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] - - - I have purchased the Downey Restaurant and Bakery- - - - D. R.
MAHLER, Opp. Arlington, Telephone 165.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 16, 1897]
MAHLER, GIDEON E. [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
This man is of German descent; being the son of Gideon and Estania Mahler, who
were born in Germany and married near Flat Rock, Seneca County, Ohio, and came
to this county in 1839, where the mother deceased April 5, 1875, and the father
Decemer 17, 1880. The man of whom we write was born on the home farm in this
county March 11, 1842. He received a fair common school education, yet spent the
greater portion of his time at work on the farm. He was united in marriage to
Martha Slonaker, March 25, 1864, and one year later settled on his present farm
in the green woods, and by his industry and energy has made a beautiful home and
one of the best farms of that township, and has added many acres to his original
farm. Mrs. Mahler is the daughter of Jacob and Margarette Slonaker, and was born
in Preble County, Ohio, May 24, 1846. Her parents are still living and are
residents of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Mahler are the parents of eight [sic]
children--William E., born September 20, 1867, and deceased October 13, 1867;
Frank A., born October 7, 1868; Daniel R., born June 15, 1870; Catharine, born
February 19, 1872; John M., born May 30, 1873; Sarah A., born January 31, 1875;
Estania M., born October 25, 1876; Joseph E., born May 3, 1878; Melvin E., born
December 18, 1880. The family take an active part in all good work and occupy a
high place in the social circle of their community.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 34]
MAHLER, LESTER [Delong, Indiana]
Lester Mahler has contracted a mile and a half of the new double-track grading
on the Erie, just east of Leiters. A force of Austrians and Americans will be
used to do the work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 7, 1912]
MAIN BARBER SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Jesse Shelton, one of the well known barbers of this city, who for the past
number of years has been employed in the Main barber shop, announced today that
he had purchased a half interest in this modern shop from Bruce Morrett. The
business will continue under the same name, it was stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, August 14, 1930]
Frank Justus has announced the sale of the Main Barber shop, 720 Main street, to
Luther Keel, who will take possession Jan. 1.
Mr. Keel also announced that Bruce Morrett, well-known local barber, will have
charge of the tonsorial department, while Keel will manage the newspaper
distribution department.
Keel, for several years the circulation manager for The News-Sentinel and
Indianapolis News in this territory, has the background and experience necessary
to care adequately for the distribution of the several out-of-town publications
which clear through the local agency.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 27, 1945]
James Wilburn has opened a billiard parlor and card room at 709 Main Street,
which he has named the Main Recreation Parlor. Mr. Wilburn has operated a
billiard parlor at 502 Main Street for several years. He moved this equipment to
the new parlor. The room in which the new billiard parlor is located is the same
one in which the late Reuben Gilliland operated a similar business for so many
years. In addition to card and billiard tables Mr. Wilburn will operate a lunch
counter and also sell soft drinks, confectionaries and tobaccos.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 19, 1933]
MAIN STREET BAZAAR [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv - half page] Grand Opening MAIN STREET BAZAAR, Saturday, May 27, 8:00 a.m.
- - - - "Walk a block and save a lot." B. E. Thompson, Prop. 604 Main
Street, Phone 151.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 26, 1922]
The Main Street Bazaar is showing conclusive evidence of growing business in the
fact that they are adding a line of groceries to their stock of merchandise.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 29, 1922]
MAIN STREET TAVERN [Rochester, Indiana]
Located at 721 Main.
Owned and operated by Otis A. Burkett for 26 years until his death in 1970.
[Burkett Genealogy, Janet Rae Urbin Burkett, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
MAIZENA MILLS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] MANITAU FLOURING MILLS. Hereafter the Maizena Mills will be known as the
Manitau Flouring Milles. - - - - HUCKINS BROS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 11, 1898]
The Majestic Conservatory of Music has opened its studio in the rooms over the
Howard Jewelry store. Those in charge of the school for instruction on all kinds
of stringed instrument stated today they had an enrollment of over 40 students.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 16, 1936]
MALETA'S BEAUTY SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Announcing Opening of MALETA'S BEAUTY SHOP (over Black & Bailey's
Hardware), Thurs., Dec. 8th - - - - Phone 238. MALETA BARKMAN, Proprietor.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 5, 1938]
MALLORY BUS LINE [Rochester, Indiana]
Miss Ruth Kern, Thursday, purchased a Studebaker bus of a Mr. Winegardner, of
Logansport. It has been rumored this automobile will be used on a new bus line
between Rochester, Athens and Akron. One other company now runs between the
three towns that of Ira Mallory.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 16, 1920]
[Adv] Maltby's Furniture and Undertaking Store, Noftsger's Block, Rochester,
Ind., Offers special bargains - - - - A. F. MALTBY, Successor to V. Zimmerman
and Kellar & Sellers.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 26, 1886]
MAMMOTH GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] GREAT BANKRUPT SALE. Having purchased what is known as the Chas. A. Kilmer
or Mammoth Grocery, at two-thirds its value from the assignee, in the Sentinel
block, on Saturday 27, June 1908 we will open the doors of this store for
business with a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also a fine line of
fresh Vegetables and Fruits with prices that should interest the closest buyers.
Yours for trade, K. W. SHORE, Proprietor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 26, 1908]
MAMMOTH HARDWARE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] A FEW FARM WAGONS! At Less Than Cost, at the MAMMOTH HARDWARE STORE. - - -
- JONAS GOSS., Successor to A. C. SHEPHERD.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 6, 1893]
[Adv] - - - - We have a full line of fancy and staple hardware, stoves,
tinware, building material, paints, oils and varnishes, garden hose and
connections. Studebaker Wagons and Buggies - best made. The famous Oliver
walking and riding plows and repairs. Solid Comfort riding plows. The renouned
Crown Cultivator. Deering Binders and Mowers. In fact everything that a farmer
needs. THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE STORE, John R. Barr, Prop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 10, 1896]
MANCHESTER COLLEGE [North Manchester, Wabash County]
The North Manchester college of the Church of the Brethren is rapidly increasing
its capacity, and while there is only accommodation for 250 or 300 students at
the present time, changes are being effected which will allow the administration
to care for approximately 400 students by next year.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 2, 1913]
MANDLECO STUDIO [Rochester, Indiana]
L. L. Manning announced Monday morning that he had leased his studio on Main
street to James Mandleco, of Indianapolis. Mr. Manning has no immediate plans
for the future, but intends to visit with relatives in Illinois and Montana. The
change was made because of Mr. Manning's desire to be in the open air.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 11, 1920]
James E. Mandleco has assumed ownership of the Manning Studio and will at once
start plans for remodeling and making a modern photography shop. Mr. Mandleco
had leased the studio from W. L. Manning since the latter left this city last
year to go South for the benefit of his health, and the transaction was
completed Tuesday, whereby the former becomes sole owner. Mr. Mandleco has made
a reputation for himself as an artist in his line since he has been in the city
and he intends to improve his place of business accordingly. If permission can
be secured from the city to allow him to move the building where he is now
located out about fifteen feet, he will remodel the structure and make it over
anew. If this cannot be done he probably will seek a new location at an early
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 25, 1921]
James Mandleco announced today he had sold his studio at 720 Main street to
Charles Lockridge, an experienced photographer of Mishawaka, who has taken
Mr. Lockridge has been connected with the Kaylor Studio in Mishawaka for the
past eight years. He is a graduate of the Winona School of Photography.
At the present time Mr. Lockridge is remodeling and redecorating the studio. He
will also enlarge the mechanical equipment in the studio.
Mr. Mandleco has been a resident of this city for 19 years, coming here from
Oklahoma City, Okla. He says he has no immediate plans for the future.
Mr. Mandleco stated that he is retiring from business because of ill health.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 22, 1936]
MANDOLIN CLUB [Kewanna, Indiana]
Was sponsored about 1896 by Rev. Jonas Bair, who ministered to the Baptist
Church for five years.
Members in 1896 included: Hugh Sparks, Roy McCoy, Rev. Bair, Myrtle McCoy, Jesse
Zook, Pearl Mutchler, Hugh McCoy, Ola Zook, Louise McCoy, Mrs. Jonas Bair, Clyde
Henderson, Albie Patty, Earl Working, Floyd Bair
MANHEIM & CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
The best is always the cheapest and it also the safest so far as the purchase of
coal oil is concerned. At the new China store in the north end of town you can
get pure oil, 175 test, that burns longer, gives a brighter light than common
oil and is absolutely safe from explosion. It costs but 25 cents per gallon and
one gallon is worth two of the common kind. Call at MANHEIM & SON, for it.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 29, 1879]
I wish to announce to the citizens of Rochester and the public generally, that I
will close out my large and fine stock of Queensware, Glassware, Earthenware and
all the goods composing my stock at COST PRICES. The recent death of my wife
makes a change in my business necessary and to all who wish to get goods at a
bargain, now is the time. Everything I have will positively be sold at cost. I
would sell the entire stock in bulk at a sacrifice and upon easy terms if any
one comes forward and wants to take my extensive trade. I cannot wait for such a
customer and now is the time to call and get bargains at retail. M. Manhaim
& Co., North Rochester China Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 26, 1881]
MANITOU/MANITAU, THE [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rochester Baseball.
See Lake Manitou - Anybody Remember These Old Times? - Rochester Sentinel,
Thursday, March 23, 1922.
MANITOU AUTO SPEEDWAY [Rochester, Indiana]
Harry Bricker, general manager, his son, who is assistant manager of the Bricker
Auto Race Association, and C. Ross Lindemuth, surveyor and civil engineer,
arrived in Rochester Monday morning. They have started work on the track with
men, trucks and tractor. Mr. Bricker will spare no expense in reconditioning the
track and grounds.
Mr. Lindemuth has had much experience in designing and building speedways and
has said that the Manitou Speedway can be made one of the fastest half-mile
tracks in the middle west.
The Manitou Speedway is the only dirt track in this part of the country that has
the full length according to regulation rules, which measure 2640 feet at a
distance of 4 feet out from the inside line.
Several thousand gallons of oil will be put on the track which will be ready for
the next race which is scheduled for Sunday, June 28.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 10, 1931]
MANITOU BAND [Rochester, Indiana]
Organized around 1910 by Prof. Samuel Davidson, former director of Citizens
Members: William Williamson, Ben Brandenburg, Jack Irwin, Charles Kilmer, Herman
Weir, Fred Deardorf, Harry Nellans, Ayrton Howard, Clarence Hill, Harry Karn,
Brant McKee, George Buchanan, Harold Weir, Ancil Thompson, Arthur Miller, Dean
Newcomb, Charles Myers, Walter Miller, Fred Felty, Guy Pontius, William Foor,
Verl Foor, Emmet Tranbarger, Ermal Smith, Art Shirmen, John Belcher, Bert Braman,
Joe Masterson, James Masterson, Harold Masterson, Baker Kilmer, Harold
Performed Saturday nights on four-wheeled band stand set in the middle of street
intersections of 4th & Main and alternating 5th & Main.
The band was sponsored by the north end merchants, while the Citizens Band was
sponsored by the south end merchants.
The band lasted until 1917 when Prof. Davidson moved to Plymouth.
The members then joined the Citizens Band.
See Rochester Citizens Band.
MANITOU BARBER SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] A guarantee of Cleanliness goes with every shave or bit of work done - - -
Clean towels for every customer - - - THE MANITOU BARBER SHOP, Bert Van Dien,
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 15, 1904]
Martin McINTIRE, a well known barber of this city, died at his home on North
Jefferson street this morning at 12:30 o'clock. Death was due to a complication
of diseases. He has been seriously ill since the middle of March. Several times
he rallied and was able to be on the street, but he gradually grew worse.
Martin McIntire was born January 3, 1872 in this county, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Elliot McINTIRE. He was married to Ethel LEWIS and to this union two children
were born, Deverle [McINTIRE] and Carmen [McINTIRE], both of whom are living.
Mr. McIntire was in the barber business in this city for many years, being a
partner in the Arlington Hotel barber shop at the time of his death. He also had
been interested in the Manitou barber shop. He was a member of the Moose lodge
and of the Barbers union. He has many relatives in this part of the country. The
funeral arrangementds have not been completed, but will be announced Tuesday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 18, 1914]
Claude Brubaker, of the Arlington barber shop, has purchased the Manitou barber
shop of Mrs. Dan Bussert, taking possession this morning.
Mrs. Bussert parted with the business because her husband who formerly conducted
it ran away to California several weeks [ago]. Mr. Brubaker has had a number of
years of experience as a barber and for the last year has been employed at the
Arlington shop. The Manitou is fully equipped in every respect with baths and
shine stand. Three barbers are employed.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 17, 1915]
Thomas McMahan Friday purchased of Rex Geyer, thru the latter's father, the
Manitou barber shop on Main St.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 25, 1917]
[Adv] Bring Your SHOE REPAIRING to JOHN G. DOWNS, 718 Main Street (Old
Manitou Barber Shop) - - - - Work Done While You Wait.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 6, 1918]
MANITOU BEAUTY SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Miss Helen Gaumer, who has been associated with the Val Zimmerman Furniture
Store for several years, has announced that she has purchased the Manitou Beauty
Shop, located in the Dillon Building.
Miss Gaumer has taken immediate possession of the shop, which has been operated
by Mrs. Edythe Heeter and Mrs. Robert House. Mrs. Heeter will continue as
operator of the shop for several months.
The same high policy of workmanship will be continued under Miss Gaumer's
ownership. She will assume active operation and management of the beauty parlor
at the first of the year.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 25, 1936]
MANITOU BLUES [Rochester, Indiana]
See National Guard
In a military way Rochester stands right at the front of the Ind. Nt'l. G'ds.
Co. B, of the 2nd Regt., is one of the oldest and strongest companies in the
State and the efficiency and stability of the organization is largely due to our
townsman, A. H. Skinner, present captain of the comany and to Capt. H. C. Long,
its organizer and, for several years, promoter.
Capt. Skinner has been a resident of Rochester for 12 years, during which time
he has been constantly associated with the Blues in an official capacity. He
entered the service at Peru, in 1882 as a Sargeant and served in that capacity
until his transfer to Co. G., 3d Regt., now Co. B, 2d Infantry. He was 1st
Lieutenant of the company until Capt. Long's promotion to Major, when, by a
unanimous vote, he was elected Captain and has stood at the head of the company
ever since. With his company Capt. Skinner has attended all state Encampments,
participated in the dedication exercises of the World's Fair, answered the call
of the Governor to prevent riots in the southern Indiana coal fields and at
Hammond, and to suppress prize fighting at Roby.
The following named officers and privates constitute the company:
Captain, A. H. Skinner
1st Lieut, H. M. Goodwin
2d Lieut, A. H. McCarter
Sgt Major, Peter C. Meredith.
C. Maier, F. Davis, H. M. McCarter, Q.M., S. McCarter, H. Kingery.
M. Burns, F. Jones, Alf McCarter, Henry Newcomb, Tom Day, Edgar Wallace,
musician, A. Burgett.
Wm. Alspach, Mitchel Baker, Ben Rutz, Ot. Barcus, Lee Beck, George Barkdoll, E.
Clinger, Wm. Campbell, Oscar Bolliver, A. C. Conrad, Alf Day, E. Day, Alpert
Day, Sam, Dawson, Rheuben Elkins, Wm. Ewing, Chas. Faurote, Chas. Ginn, Jno.
Haimbaugh, Frank Holman, J. Jones, E. Jones, Jacob Karns, Wm. Kimes, Harvey
Kimes, Milo King, Lee Montgomery, Lorn Montgomery, Alf McLean, Esta Moonshower,
Bruce McHenry, Jay Phillips, Otto Pettit, Nate Spencer, W. A. Squires, H.
Tuttle, F. Tuttle, C. True, Mel True, Fred True, Chas. Wines, Joseph Ziegler.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
MANITOU CLEANERS & DYERS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Extra!!! - - - Suit or Top Coat Free with each suit ordered - to introduce
our new line of Western Woolens. - - - Two suits $36.50 or Suit and Top Coat.
MANITOU CLEANERS & DYERS, 707 MAIN STREET, Rochester, Indiana. Cleaning,
pressing, repairing. We call for and deliver.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, June 14, 1929]
See: Hotels - Fairview
A copper mining company has been organized in Rochester, the officers being: D.
M. Swinehart, Pres.; Chas. Jackson, Secy and Treas; and T. R. Smith, of Grand
Encampment, Wyoming, general manager. It is known as the Manitau Copper Mining
company and is organized under the laws of Wyoming. Grand Encampment is located
in the richest copper mining section of the United States and considerable stock
in mines there is already held by Rochester people.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 6, 1902]
The Grand Encampment (Col.) Herald, contains the following story which may be of
interest to Fulton county readers:
P. J. Winters has taken a 200-foot contract on a new tunnel on the property of
the Manitau Copper Mining company in the Beaver Creek section of the camp. Work
was commenced this week. The company owns a group of three claims, formerly
known as the Platte property, which endline, the lead being traceable over the
length of the three claims. The property lies about one mile west of the Evening
Star, on the same lead, and presents a very flatterng surface showing. A shaft
has been sunk thirty feet in a decomposed iron capping, and considerable good
ore has been found. Specimens of ore assayed twenty-two per cent copper, while
the vein matter at the surface averaged two per cent copper. During the past
week, a trench was completd, and both walls of the vein was located. The trench
is 200 feet from the shaft, showing that the lead is continuous. The contact is
granite and diorite, and the copper ore in the iron is black and red oxides with
carbonates. A camp will be constructed on the property and work on the tunnel
pushed with all possible speed. The contractor is one of the best known miners
in the camp. In addition to the prospects of developing a mine, the Manitau
property has fine facilities for water power with good timber in abundance. The
trustees of the Manitau company, with one exception, reside in Rochester, Ind.
They are: D. M. Swinehart, Recorder of Fulton county; R. S. Lowry, Auditor of
Fulton county; Jos. A Myers, Secretary and Treasurer of the Rochester Normal
University; Chas. Jackson, Township trustee; M. Wilson, dentist; W. S. Crosby,
physician; B. O. West, agent for the Erie Ry; and C. Hoover, furniture dealer.
D. M. Swinehart is president; W. S. Crosby, vice president; and Chas Jackson,
secretary and treasurer. Hon. T. R. Smith of Grand Encampment is a trustee and
the general manager of the Manitau company.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 1, 1902]
The Manitou Copper Mining company have an opportunity to sell their property at
Grand Encampment, Wyoming, but having recently received some very flattering
reports of the finding of a fine grade of mineral ore on their claims, the
Company will not sell out, but will push development work on their property. A
recent assay of ore taken out of the Manitou claim gives $390 in gold, some
silver and 30 percent copper to the ton, which is a very fine showing for their
property, and places the Manitou claim among the best prospective mines on the
Encampment District.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 10, 1902]
About 30 of the charter members of the Manitou Country Club met in their first
meeting Thursday evening and perfected their organization. They also drew up
tentative plans for their new club house. It was decided to limit the charter
members to those who have already subscribed for stock and to those members of
the Rochester Golf Club, who have not been solicited and who care to purchase
stock. With these members as a unit the club will incorporate for the purpose of
buying ground, building a club house, and leasing and improving ground for a
golf links.
President J. Gordon Martin of the Rochester Golf Club, who was in charge of the
meeting, appointed a committee and called upon them to meet at once to nominate
seven members who would act as board of directors for the first year. The
committee nominated A. L. Deniston, Dr. Perry Heath, Dr. M. O. King, Guy Barr,
Charles Emmons, Floyd Van Trump and Gordon Martin. The members elected them
unanimously to serve as directors until Jan, 1921. A committee to draw up the
constitution and by laws of the Manitou Country Club was also appointed by the
president. Arthur Metzler, Chas. Emmons and Chas. Campbell made up the personnel
of this board and they will submit the proposed regulations at the next regular
meeting of the club.
The directors held a short conference after the regular meeting and outlined
their plans for incorporation. A selection of a club house site was discussed
and other plans gone into. They will meet again within a few days and elect
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 12, 1919]
MANITOU DAIRY [Rochester, Indiana]
The Manitou Dairy will be discontinued after Wednesday of this week. All holding
tickets are reuested to present them to the wagon for redemption before that day
if possible.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 18, 1912]
The Manitou Dry Cleaning shop located at 707 Main Street, this city, was
purchased Wednesday by Clyde HICKMAN from Howard BUNN. The new owner assumed the
management of the establishment Thursday morning. Mr. Bunn, who started the
business a little over a year ago has not as yet announced his future business
Hickman, who is a local young man, has had several months experience in the
business. He plans to operate the business along the same methods of efficiency
and service as the former proprietor.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, March 7, 1929]
Located on Tim Baker farm between city limits and Lake Manitou. [area later
developed and called Manitou Heights]
See Lake Manitou Fair & Athletic Club.
See Manitou Speedway
The refinanced Lake Manitou Fair and Athletic Association in a further endeavor
to recoup its depleted treasury, has leased the fair grounds for the summer and
early fall season to the Interstate Racing Association for $1,200 and a series
of auto and motorcycle races will be held here this summer, beginning Sunday May
17. The local track is called by H. A. Marow, himself a racer, president of the
leasing company and Doc Essex, track manager, as the fastest half-mile dirt
track in the world, and the best adapted for auto racing, with the exception
possibly of that at Winchester, Ind., in this section.
The men who have leased the local track also operate this season tracks at
Elkhart, Valparaiso and LaPorte, having been last season at Benton Harbor, Mich.
The qualities of the local track, which the men said were particularly good were
the slopes and the widening at just the right points.
Mr. Marow has been in touch with his agent at Indianapolis and is roundung up a
field of six of the best dirt track racers in the country for the opening race
here. Twenty entries will be in the first race. A feature driver of the race
will be Fuzzy Davison of Dayton, O., piloting a Barber-Warnock special. Davison
has been in California the past winter. He want through the last 500-mile
Memorial Day race at Indianapolis, finishing with an average of 88 miles an
Good policing of the grounds and track is promised by the race promoters. All
admissions to the grounds will be $1.10 including cars.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, May 6, 1925]
A "home town boy", Harold Bill Masterson, will mingle with the best
dirt track race driving talent on the Fair grounds track here next Sunday
afternoon. 'Bill,' known as a tinkerer with mechanical contravances and builder
of other special cars, will drive a Fronty Ford.
The program at Rochester to begin at 2:30 p.m. has been arranged to afford the
most excitement possible and with entry list running over 20 cars plenty of
thrills are assured. Program consists of a three mile match race for the three
fastest cars, 10 miles dash for nine cars and the main event of 25 miles, for 14
cars. The time trials will start at noon and will furnish plenty of
entertainment up until 2:30.
A partial list of the entries follows: Joe Huff, Huff Special, Indianapolis;
Chance Kinsley, Frontenac, Indianapolis, Dutch Bowman, Frontenac, Indianapolis,
Jay Brook, Fronty Ford, Chicago; L. L. Dean, Dean Special, Dayton; Harry
Nichols, Frontenac, Chicago; A. Domlay, Isotta Franchini, Chicago; Hal Morine,
Fronty Ford, South Bend; A. Burns, Burns Special, Plymouth, Ind.; Bill Platner,
Platner Special, South Bend; Charles Valenski, Chevrolet Special, South Bend;
Bill Masterson, Fronty Ford, Rochester, and a number of others.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, May 15, 1925]
Wilbur Shaw, Harry Nichols, Fuzzy Davidson, Joe Huff, L. Dean, Bill Planter,
Speed Crouch, Howdy Wilcox, Floyd Shawhan and Curley Young compose the list of
premier drivers who will compete on the Manitou oval tomorrow in three auto
dashes of 5, 10 and 20 miles, piloting an assortment of Fronty Fords, a Barber-Warnock
special and special creations. They should provide plenty of entertainment,
through the qualifications beginning at 12 noon and the races beginning at 2:30.
In addition to the racing program, the aerial attraction promises to be
interesting. A double parachute drop to be made by J. M. Stewart of South Bend
is in itself sufficient cause for one to hold one's breath. Besides Stewart, a
second aeronaut, Shorty Davis of Chicago, will make also a descent. In just what
manner this daring performer will return to the earth is being kept a secret, as
he is anxious to treat the crowds to surprises as well as thrills. While he
refuses to divulge just what his new stunt will be he has assured the promoter
that it will be the most thrilling of its kind ever attempted.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, June 13, 1925]
A sheer drop of 2,200 feet, when the container bag of his parachute came untied
from a balloon crossbar, caused the death of James M. Stewart, 26 years old, 221
Mishawaka avenue, Mishawaka, near the Lake Manitou Fair and Athletic Club
grounds at 6:30 p.m., Sunday, Jack Trumbull, South Bend, making his first drop,
who cut loose just before Stewart in the double descent that closed an auto
racing program, reached ground safely.
Many spectators followed the greater part of Stewart's descent, and watched the
veteran aviator, who got into aerial work in 1914 and served 19 months in the U.
S. air service overseas, struggle nearly all of the way to extricate the
parachute from the deadly containing sheaths.
Stewart struck feet first, and then his body crumpled, in the mud at the edge of
the lake just west of the Colonial Hotel. His left leg was broken between the
knee and the thigh, the ribs on the right side were crushed, and his neck was
broken. He was lying on his back when found.
The doomed aeronaut passed Trumbull in his dizzy fall, Trumbull being
approximately 200 feet aloft when Stewart reached the ground.
A report was current that the parachute had opened approximately 100 feet above
the earth, but this was unfounded. The edges of the cloth flapped as though it
would open, but came down merely fluttering.
S. B. STEWART, father of Stewart, was the first to his son's side and dragged
him from the soft earth into which he had plunged to a depth of two feet or
more. Through heavy traffic, Stewart was taken in an automobile to Woodlawn
hosptal, but died almost immediately. Dr. RINGLE of Tippecanoe, who was found
some minutes later, said the man was dead. County Coroner C. B. HIATT at an
undertaking parlor here determined the nature of Stewart's injuries.
Stewart is survived by his parents and two younger brothers, Arthur [STEWART]
and Frederick [STEWART]. Until four months ago the aerialist had lived in South
Bend where he was born Dec. 26, 1898. The deceased's wife died a year ago.
Some persons, at a distance, mistook the human plummet for a trail of smoke such
as would be left by a bomb, as the balloonists prefaced their drops by shooting
off bombs.
Trumbull first took off through a shower of smoke. It was a matter of perhaps
three seconds after which Stewart followed through another veil of gas.
Through a third of his descent the throng watched as the bag did not open,
taking it as a part of a daredevil, thrilling drop. Then the spirit of all
changed to sickening awe as they realized the man's fate.
Only a few persons were near the spot where the birdman fell. The high-powered
automobile into which he was placed, had difficulty in getting through the heavy
traffic. Six or eight men were riding on the car, several on the running board,
flagging down cars and inquiring for a doctor. Someone directed the car to the
Four years ago Stewart came from time to time to Long Beach Amusement park and
gave parachute drops from a balloon.
Trumbull, who was fortunate enough to escape death, said afterwards that he
would not attempt the feat again.
In the hospital yard, a brother of the dead aeronaut drew a revolver from a hip
pocket and some thought he was going to commit suicide. He was disarmed and the
weapon was given to the other brother.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, June 15, 1925]
Death of Arthur (Fuzzy) DAVIDSON, 28 years old, a dirt track automobile race
driver, near the Hoosier motor speedway, Thirty-eighth street and Pendleton
pike, Indianapolis, was due to congestion of the heart, hastened by alcoholism,
according to a verdict given by Marion County Coroner Paul F. Robinson Thursday.
Davidson was found by companions near a shack in which he had been living with
other auto drivers near the motor track, and died before medical aid could be
Funeral services will be held at the home of his mother, Mrs.G. T. DAVIDSON, 824
North Oxford street, at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Burial will be in Crown
Hill cemetery.
Davidson had been a driver in practically all of the larger dirt track races in
the state for the past five years, appearing several times on the Manitou track
this season. He was involved in the Memorial day tragedy at Elkhart, in which
three persons were killed and twelve injured. The car he drove sideswiped one
driven by Floyd Mathews and plunged through the fence, stricking a crowd of
spectators. Mathews charged that Davidson and another driver, Floyd Shawhan,
intentionally caused the accident. A grand jury investigated and reported it
found no evidence on which to base an indictment.
Davidson is survived by his mother and a sister, Miss Elsa DAVIDSON, of the
Oxford street address, and a brother, A. A. DAVIDSON, 3517 Balsam avenue.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, July 24, 1925]
Howdy Wilcox will again be seen in action in the one hundred mile national
championship race at the Lake Manitou Fair Grounds on Labor Day. Wilcox already
has two victories to his credit on this particular track and has a large
following of fans in this part of the state. He at present holds the record on
the Rochester track having turned it in thirty and two-fifth seconds on June
14th of this year.
In competition with a number of the fastest cars in the country, at Crown Point
last Sunday, Wilcox won first place in the main event of the day. His sudden
burst of speed in the last event, after making a rather mediocre showing in the
first three races was quite a surprise and places him among the favorites in the
Labor Day go. His car is being carefully gone over and prepared for the one
hundred mile grind which carries with it the championship honors.
His mount will arrive Saturday night and will be given a thorough try out Sunday
afternoon in preparation for the event. Wilcox is confident that he will be able
to hold his own against such stars as Bugs Allen and Ralph Ormsby, the two est
[sic] point winners of the season.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, September 5, 1925]
The press of neighboring cities has much to say of the Labor Day auto races here
Some of the best follow:
The Peru Tribune editor, "red-hot," referred to the affair as
"the farce which was advertised as an auto race."
The Goshen Democrat said, "Several score of Goshen and other Elkhart county
residents who went to Rochester to witness widely advertised automobile races
yesterday were in the vernacular, "stung."
The Huntington Herald said, "Edward Sperr of Roanoke, who paid $2 Monday to
see forty-four sporting automobiles in a 100-mile race at Rochester and actually
saw four alleged speed machines take the track, became so disgusted that he
filed a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses against Herbert A.
Marrow of South Bend, promoter of the races."
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, September 9, 1925]
Harry Bricker, of the Bricker Auto Race Promotion Co., of Ft. Wayne, was in
Rochester today and announced that he had secured the Manitou Fair race track
for the summer season, during which time Bricker plans to hold at least five
auto races. Work of repairing and oiling the half mile oval will be started
Monday morning.
The first event will be held on Sunday, June 10 with at least from 12 to 15 of
the best dirt-track speed demons entered for the opening day's program. Wild
Chuck Valinski who needs no introduction to the local auto race fans will be
among the headliners with "Streak" Day, of Columbus, Ohio holder of a
score or more of dirt-track first prize monies in his state is also booked to
race for the Ft. Wayne promoters.
This same company promoted a speed classic here last fall which gave the
spectators their money's worth in both speed and thrills. A complete list of the
entrants will be carried a few days prior to the race.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, June 1, 1928]
Through a transaction made a few weeks ago The Manitou fair grounds is being
purchased by Harry Bricker, race promoter for the purpose of giving the public
high class auto racing events and other forms of amusement throughout the summer
Mr. and Mrs. Bricker and son Harry, who assists his father in the management of
the races and publicity work, are taking up their permanent residence in this
city in order to supervise the continuous improvement work which is being made
at the Manitou speedway.
To numerous ideal business men Mr. Bricker has been well and favorably known for
the past five years, he having had supervision of racing events at the local
speedway for that period of time with the exception of two years when his
services were centered almost exclusively in the management of races at Ft.
Wayne. Through his long years of co-operating with the leading dirt track auto
racers in the Mid-West states he has made a host of friends through his
"square dealing" and as a result these star performers of the
"roaring" track are always ready to turn out and give their best for
Promoter Bricker.
On next Sunday, July 19th one of the largest field of auto racers ever to
assemble on an Indiana track will be at the local speedway to risk life and limb
in furnishing a realistic background for Bricker's slogan of speed, thrills and
spills. A list of these drivers will appear in an early issue of this newspaper.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, July 11, 1931]
MANITOU FISH MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] MANITOU FISH MARKET Opens For Business Saturday, January 22, '27. - - - -
515 Main Street.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, January 22, 1927]
[Adv] MANITAU FLOURING MILLS. Hereafter the Maizena Mills will be known as the
Manitau Flouring Milles. - - - - HUCKINS BROS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 11, 1898]
[Adv] A New Grist Mill. We wish to announce to the farmers of Fulton county
that THE MANITOU FLOURING MILLS, located in the northeast part of Rochester, on
the Ft. Wayne road has been remodeled and an entire outfit of new and improved
machinery placed in position, and we are now parpared to receive your grit. We
do all kinds of feed grinding. Our now flour is "STATE SEAL." Give it
a trial. HUCKINS BROS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 22, 1898]
[Adv] Ask Your Grocer - "STATE SEAL" FLOUR. The Flower of all
Flours. Use it once and you will use no other. Made by MANITAU FLOURING MILLS,
O. N. Secrist, Prop., Rochester, Indiana.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 25, 1899]
[Adv] - - - - STATE SEAL FLOUR - - - - MANITAU MILLS, R. C. Wallace, Prop.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 17, 1901]
A deal was consummated, Tuesday afternoon, whereby Viers & Wicks, of Akron,
become owners of the Manitau Mills in this city which has been operated for a
number of years by Robt. Wallace. The new proprietors are mill men of
experiences having run a flouring mill at Akron for years and come to this place
with the best of Recommendations.
Mr. Wallace, the retiring owner, has built up a good business and much
friendship by his honest and steady application to business while running the
industry and his many friends are sorry to see him leave the business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 3, 1905]
Don't forget the big shooting match given by the Manitau Gun Club, at the West
Side grounds on Friday. It will be an all day event and participated in by a
large number of shooters.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, August 10, 1903]
MANITOU HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
Located East 8th Street
See Waring Glove Co.
MANITOU HEIGHTS [Rochester, Indiana]
Subdivision created by Arthur and Dorothy Fansler, owners of Fansler Lumber Co.,
just following WW2, when they visualized a need for housing.
The area extends along E 9th street from about 900 E 9th to near the dam at Lake
Manitou, and S to Division Road. It was previously the property of Tim Baker,
dealer in horses and mules. At the E end of the area a dirt automobile race
track was used for several years. Wilbur Shaw was injured twice on this track
and was taken to Woodlawn hospital for treatment.
The field to the west was where the circus and carnivals had stopped many times.
On occasion, parachutists would land in that field.
The Fanslers built streets, sewers and water mains, and the area grew each year
since it was created.
Manitou Heights, Rochester's new residential housing project, is now under
development and construction, A. R. Fansler of the Fansler Lumber &
Construction Co. stated today.
As proof for the statement Mr. Fansler pointed to four basements now excavated
facing road 14, just east of the city limits where erection of modern homes will
begin soon.
These homes, Fansler reveals, will be strictly modern in style, construction and
appointments. Each home will be different in design from any built in the
addition. There will be no home with less than five rooms and most of them will
have six. The completed price, including lot and landscaping will start at
$5,500 and go up, altough there will be no trend adopted toward ostentatious
construction or surroundings.
All lots in the new addition are 60 by 165 feet. All alleys will be 15 instead
of the usual 10 foot width. A street starting at road 14 and connecting with the
Wabash road to the south, and another beginning at the north and south
thoroughfare, will run eastward to connect with the Damlanding road which skirts
the west shore of Lake Manitou.
The four basements now excavated will be part of the first unit of ten houses to
be erected this autumn, and as all housing limitations are expected to be lifted
by Oct. 1, the local contractor hopes to have the unit completed by the first of
the year.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 28, 1945]
The construction of new homes got underway today in the Manitou Heights addition
at the eastern edge of Rochester. Mr. A. R. Fansler, head of the Fansler Lumber
and Construction Co., which is erecting the new residences, announced today that
contracts called for the building of at least 25 new residences.
The contractor, outlining the features of these new homes, stated no two homes
would be identical in either floor plan or exterior design. Some of the homes
will be wood frame with garage attached; homes entirely double constructed,
having sub floors and hardwood pre-finished oak floors throughout house,
bathroom and kitchen having inlaid linoleum. Walls will be double constructed;
outside finished with 8 or 10-inch lap siding and painted. Interior walls will
be lathed and plastered; plaster will be tinted attractive colors. Some of these
homes in the price range will also be brick veneer.
All homes will have expertly planned arrangement with roomy wardrobes, linen
closets, built-in kitchen cabinets, and equipped bathrooms. All heating,
electric and plumbing installed.
Cost of these new two, three and four bedroom homes, including the 60x165 foot
lot, will range from $4,000 to $7,000, Mr. Fansler stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 20, 1945]
MANITOU LUMBER CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] - - - - - MANITOU LUMBER CO., 217 East 7th Street, Phone 146.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, May 24, 1934]
R. S. McCord Tuesday sold his interest in the Manitou Lumber Company to his
partner, Wallace Haworth of Atica, Indiana, and will be associated with his
brother W. R. McCord in the Logansport Lumber Co., where he bought Mr. Haworth's
Mr. McCord would like to take this opportunity to thank his friends and
customers for their patronage.
Mr. and Mrs. McCord have been residents of this city since April 1, 1933, and
have made many friends here. They will move to Logansport in the near future to
make their home.
Mr. Haworth announced today that he will continue the lumber yard in operation.
For many years the yard was operated under the name of the Barrett Lumber
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 27, 1937]
William Haworth, his son, William H. and Lewis H. Stewart, who yesterday
purchased the R. S. McCord interest in the Manitou Lumber Co., of this city,
announced today that on and after August 1st, the firm would operate under the
name of The Rochester Lumber Co.
Barrett Irvine, who has been connected with the Manitou Lumber Co., since its
organization, will continue in the employ of the new organization, it was
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, July 28, 1937]
MANITOU MANOR [Rochester, Indiana]
Located S side of street at 1109 E 9th.
Ten members of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce financed and built the Oakwood
Later renamed Manitou Manor.
[Adv] SPECIAL! Saturday, July 20th Only, to introduce Garretts Wines - - -
-MANITOU PACKAGE LIQUOR STORE, 627 Main St. Phone 375. We Deliver.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 19, 1935]
[Adv] WHISKEY 100 Proof Bourbon. Sat. Only 75 cents pint. MANITOU PACKAGE
LIQUOR STORE. 627 Main St.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 26, 1937]
The flowing spring discovered at Manitau Park Place, east bank of Lake Manitau,
promises to be a bonanza for its owner. Many who have drunk of the water
experienced exhilerating effects and it was decided to have it analyzed. A
quantity of it was sent to Capt. Swadley, a Wabash druggist, and he found it
impregnated with several health giving minerals and, best of all, with magnetic
properties. Pieces of steel, after being laid in the water a while, are so
thoroughly magnetized they will pick up needles and other pieces of metal just
like a highly charged magnet.
Capt. Swadley was here over Sunday and in a talk with the SENTINEL, gave it as
his opinion that drinking the water from the Woodworth spring will effect the
same cure of rheumatic, kidney and liver trouble that they get at French Lick,
Martinsville and other Indiana mineral springs.
People who have rheumatic trouble are invited to send to the spring and get
water and drink it. It will cost them nothing and in that way the medicinal
quality of the water may be fully proven.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 13, 1902]
The stockholders of the Manitou Producing and Refining Co., who have oil claims
near Smith's Grove, Ky., following arrival at the conclusion that their wells
are going to pay out well, met Tuesday evening and appointed the following
directors, preliminary to the incorporation of their company: Harold Van Trump,
A. L. Deniston, O. B. Smith, Fred Leiter, Howard Reed, Frank Durkes and Fred
Moore and John Hoover.
The incorporation of the company will be accomplished at as early a date as
possible. Chas. Bailey, of this city, is and has been for some time, in Kentucky
where the wells are being drilled, looking after the interests of his fellow
stockholders. Every indication points to big money in the local men's claim,
which is completely surrounded by paying wells.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 12, 1919]
Whether the Manitou Oil Co., a Rochester corporation, is to reap very extensive
financial benefits from their oil holdings near Smith's Grove, Ky., will soon be
ascertained, for preparations are now under way to get the pumps going on the
finished wells.
The policy of the company has been to go ahead with the drilling of new wells
just as soon as one was finished, without stopping to think of pumping them.
This was done in order that when the pumping started there might be enough oil
to pay for the expensive equipment of pumps, pipe line and tanks neeeded to get
the oil and store it.
There are now four wells ready to pump and all but one of them have a strong
showing of oil. The one exception is now filled with salt water, but as in many
cases the strongest wells follow the pumping out of the salt water, the
Rochester corporation feels this may be their banner well.
Manager Charles Bailey is on the ground and is now getting plans laid for the
purchase and installation of the necessary equipment for the pushing of the last
stages of the work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 10, 1919]
At a called meeting of the stockholders of the Manitou Oil and Producing
Company, last Friday night, it was decided to dispose of the leases, drills,
pumps and other property of the company, at Smiths Grove, Ky., and to distribute
the money which was obtained from the sale to the stockholders. It is thought
they will received about 25 to 30 cents for every dollar invested.
The company was organized about two years ago and took out a lease on some
ground near Smiths Grove, Kentucky. Since that time the company has leased in
all 170 acres nearly all of which is in Berrien county. The company purchased a
Star Drilling Machine and drove several wells which gave prospects of being
winners, the oil raising high in the casings. These wells when pumped did not
produce enough oil to pay the men a good return on their investment.
Geologists who have studied the formation of the ground under the Rochester
lease believe there is oil to be had, but would have to go about 2,500 feet to
get it which would cost a great sum of money. The stockholders did not believe
that they wished to take the chance on this proposition. About thirty-five men
were interested in the proposition, from Rochester and Fulton county. Charles
Bailey, of this city, who had been in the field for the Rochester men as manager
has accepted a position with an Indianapolis oil company and will leave for
Kentucky in about ten days.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 19, 1920]
The final chapter in the Manitou Refining and Producing Company, a local oil
corporation formed for the purpose of promoting a venture in Warren and Barren
counties in Kentucky, was written just a week ago Tuesday by Ed Jackson,
secretary of state, who passed on certificate of dissolution filed by the
Like many another similar venture, this was believed by the promoters and
investors to be a sure fire money maker, and as a matter of fact, according to
Charles Bailey, field manager for the company, three wells were brought in, all
of which eventually proved to be little more than "boom" wells and
failed to produce.
The corporation, a $10,000 project, was formed by Rochester men in 1918 and
operations were halted a little more than a year ago. The company had purchased
rights in the Kentucky oil fields and their propety was adjacent to big
producing wells. Many other similar organizations were formed and drilling
operations were more than lively for a long period, but all the wells that were
brot in in this particular locality failed as did those of the Rochester
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 14, 1922]
Sand Cave, near Cave City, Kentucky, in which Floyd Collins, the young explorer,
is entombed, is but 10 miles from where local men who composed the Manitou Oil
and Refining company drilled several wells five years ago with little success.
City Water Works Superintendent Charles Bailey, who was the field manager for
the Manitou company and who spent two years drilling for the local concern, had
often visited the cave country.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, February 10, 1925]
MANITOU QUARTET [Rochester, Indiana]
The Manitou quartet, composed of Otto Sherbondy, Estil Rogers, William Hoffman
and Ray B. Fretz, will make their debut "over the air" next Monday
evening, on Station WCMA Culver, at 8 o'clock. This quartet has been singing
together for the past 10 or 12 years and the close harmony which is so essential
in this class of music, is never lacking in its varied selections.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 14, 1927]
See Roller Rink
See Manitou Theatre
MANITOU RIPPLES [Rochester, Indiana]
The name of the Rochester high school annual.
The first Manitou Ripples published with student initiative was published in the
spring of 1907.
Raymond Campbell DAWSON, son of Geo. and Effie DAWSON, was born at Rochester,
Ind., September 22, 1887, and departed this life November 28, 1908, at Madison,
Wisconsin, being 21 years, 2 months and 6 days old, leaving father, mother,
sister, grandfather, grandmother and many relatives and friends to mourn their
Raymond was a strong, sterling, lovable character, weilding an influence over
all who came in contact with him. Raymond, with his ever companion, Harry, and
other boy friends, united with the Baptist church in the winter of 1901 and '02
under the pastorate of Rev. G. L. CONLEY, always giving his talent to the
church, in the choir and other ways, leading the B.Y.P.U. meeting the last
Sunday night of his summer vacation. Raymond was ambitious and very desirous of
making much of his way. He graduated from high school in 1906 with good grades,
was president of the class and editor of the first high school annual, Manitau
Ripples. By making his credits the first year in Madison, the University of
Wisconsin commissioned the Rochester High school. At the beginning of his second
year's work he was put on the editorial staff of the Cardinal the college daily
paper, and showed talent in his chosen work.
During his sickness he maintained that cheerful, kind, submissive, sweet
disposition that he carried all through life, winning the hearts of the
physicians and nurses of the hospital. Raymond died as he lived, always doing
his very best.
The funeral will occur at his late home, Geo. V. DAWSON, 212 West 9th St., at 2
o'clock Tuesday, December 1st, Dr. O. P. MILES officiating. The remains may be
viewed from now until the hour of the funeral.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, November 30, 1908]
The 1925 Manitou Ripples, high school annual, of unusual excellency is indicated
by comment appearing in the current number of the Art Crafts Review, a leading
monthly publication in the interest of the engraving industry.
An article dealing with annuals of various schools, from the University of
California to Culver Military Academy, contained among the eight publications
mentioned a highly complimentary reference to the Manitou Ripples.
The reviewer said he had seen the plans for the local annual, and engraving work
now under way, which led him to expect a very attractive Manitou Ripples of
Miss Elizabeth Flett of the high school faculty is supervising the preparations
of the annual this year, and the editors-in-chief are Martha Hood and Raymond
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, December 24, 1924]
MANITOU SADDLE CLUB [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Join MANITOU SADDLE CLUB. Special Rates to Charter Members. Pay only $1
per week and get two one-hour rides. (This offer for charter members only).
Non-members will be charged 75c per hour. Hurry . . . . This offer good until 25
have joined the club as charter members.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 28, 1939]
MANITOU SPEEDWAY [Rochester, Indiana]
Through a business deal transacted Wednesday the Manitou Speedway racing track
and grounds located on the Baker farm at the east edge of Rochester has been
leased for the season by the American Speedway Attractions Corporation of South
W. Donald Dunkle, business manager of the South Bend racing association, was in
the city yesterday making arrangements to get the track and grandstand in
condition for their opening race which will be staged here on Sunday May 15th.
The new management which conducts races in five other northern Indiana and
southern Michigan cities assures the public that all the races which will be
held here throughout the present season will be high-class bona fide speed
contests with scores of the best cars and most daring drivers in the mid-west
states competing.
The events scheduled for the 15th include a 10-mile race for the six fastest
cars qualifying; a 10-mile race for the balance of the cars entered; a 10-mile
handicap with the slowest cars in front; a five-mile consolation event for the
cars not winning in the first and third events and finally, a 25-mile race, 50
laps that will bring out the real speed and staying qualities of all cars.
Mr. Dunkle intends to employ only local laborers in the care of the track and
grounds this season and work on the re-conditioning of the speedway is expected
to get underway early Monday morning.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 6, 1932]
Many attractions were to be found at Lake Manitou in long-gone years: the zoo at
Columbia Park, the actors' colony of Charlie Holden, Coney Island's beer parlor,
White City Amusement Park, dancing to big band music at Fairview and Colonial
I've written about all of them, but until now have neglected to resurrect
another: the Manitou Speedway.
This was a half-mile dirt track on the west side of the lake that flourished for
nine seasons. It began in 1923, during the optimistic Roaring Twenties, and
finally succumbed to the Depression's pessimism in 1931.
Harness horses, greyhounds and motorcycles raced there during the earliest
years. For the last seven seasons, though, its prime attraction was dirt-track
auto racing.
The Speedway was located along the entire length of today's Lakeshore Drive and
southward into Manitou Heights, which then was known as the Baker Grounds.
The Speedway appeared in the summer of 1923 as a feature of the Lake Manitou
Fair and Athletic Club's extensive new fairgrounds, the old fairgrounds having
been sold to Rochester to become the present City Park.
Along with the racetrack, the new fairgrounds had seven cattle and hog barns,
some exhibit houses, a carnival area and a double row of concession stands 500
feet long.
Later, a baseball diamond and spectator stands were built northwest of the
track. There the popular semi-pro Rochester Merchants played until 1932 when
they moved further west to a field at the end of 12th Street, still in the Baker
The race track's turns were banked and its grandstand on the south straightaway
could seat 2.500 persons; another 1,500 spaces were available on long concrete
steps leading to it. Crowds of 3,000 sometimes turned out for the auto races.
From time to time, vaudeville shows and rodeos were given in front of the
By 1925 the Fair Association was in financial difficulty and leased the grounds
for the summer and fall to the Interstate Racing Association. Thus began the
Speedway's auto racing phase that continued until its 1931 end.
Over the course of these seven years the best of the Midwest's daredevil
dirt-track drivers competed on the local track. These included Howdy Wilcox and
Wilbur Shaw. Wilcox had won the Indianapolis 500-Mile Race in 1919: Shaw would
win it three times, 1937-39-40. Wilcox, who later was killed in a race crash,
held the local track record of 30 2/5 seconds. A home town boy, Harold Bill
Masterson, a mechanic and car builder, sometimes drove against the pros.
It was a fast track, recording speeds of up to 120 miles per hour on the
straightaways, and crashes, on the turns were not unusual. A normal race
schedule provided for dashes of 5, 10 and 20 miles but sometimes included
features of 50 or 100 miles. Admission first was $1. 10, then dropped to 75
cents, car included.
Race promoters could be a bit shady. For one 100-mile race in the 1925 season,
for example, 44 cars were promised but only four showed up. The crowd was
incensed and a spectator sued the promoter for "obtaining money under false
pretenses," $2 a head in that case.
Such chicanery in 1928 brought Harry Bricker, a seasoned Fort Wayne promoter,
into management of the track. He would stage races each summer and fall until
the end of the 1931 season. By then dwindling attendance, the economic
Depression and pressure from his creditors had become too much to overcome. The
track never reopened.
I remember being taken to a race as a small child, probably in 1931. My memory
of the experience conjures images of a bright yellow race car, much dust and
lots of noise. My father occasionally would drive us to the track in the family
car and park outside. There we got our race thrills vicariously from the roar of
the engines and cheers of the crowd.
In its best days the Speedway was the fashionable place to be and attracted
spectators from many surrounding cities. Parachute jumps, popular events of the
time, often were staged there as a finale to the races. One jump ended
tragically in 1925 when 27-year-old James Stewart's chute failed to open and he
fell 2,200 feet to his death. The Mishawakan's body plunged two feet deep into
the mud at the west edge of the lake near Colonial Hotel.
Soon after the Speedway closed, the fairgrounds were abandoned and the land
reverted to the ownership of Tim Baker. He was a farmer and stock breeder whose
farm buildings were situated where the Faith Outreach church is today, 1125 East
Ninth Street. Baker later converted the racetrack's grandstand into a barn to
store hay for his mule herd. The barn was destroyed a few years afterward in a
spectacular fire that quite likely was arson.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 10, 1999]
MANITOU TENNIS SUPPLY CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Tennis Players. We have installed the Armour Master Krafter Stringer which
provides the correct tension on each string. Let us string your Racket with
Armour Strings. We carry a complete line of Rackets and Balls. MANITOU TENNIS
SUPPLY CO., 1503 S. Main.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 3, 1935]
MANITOU THEATRE [Rochester, Indiana]
Also called Manitou Vaudeville.
Located at 120-122 E 8th St.
Operated by Mose Kimmel, a farmer from near Galveston, Ind.
Operated by Kimmel & Myers in 1907.
Had vaudeville, music, and motion pictures.
Later Orlan (Brick) Kepler Oldsmobile agency located same place.
See Moving Picture Theaters
Arrangements have been made whereby Carl Jessen is to take charge of the
management of the Manitau, and the house will open tonight with a show at 7:15.
At this time arrangements have not been completed for regular vaudeville
performances, but negotiations are pending with the Gus Sun Booking Association
of Springfield and the Southern Vaudeville Managers' Association which has
headquarters at Cincinnati. Either association will furnish talent but now the
question to be determined is which will give the Rochester people the best
attractions. The regular vaudeville performances will begin Monday evening,
April 16, if arrangements for a mid-week change can be completed with Peru,
Huntington, Wabash, or Logansport by that time.
The program for this evening will consist of an illustrated song sung by Mr.
Glen Rouch, and motion pictures. Miss Helen Reiter will act as pianist.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 4, 1908]
Sheriff Clem Miller will sell the equipment of the Manitou Theatre at sheriff's
sale on Monday, May 31st. The outfit consists of around a thousand chairs,
several sets of scenery, a moving picture machine and other theatrical equipment
once owned by the Cass county pmpressario, Moses Kimmel, who tried for a time to
run a vaudeville show in Rochester. From the outset the path of Mr. Kimmel was
best with thorns, due probably to the fact that Rochester is a trifle small to
support a vaudeville theatre, but he put up a game fight until overcome by
accounts he could not meet.
The sale will be made to satisfy a claim for rent due Shepherd & Deniston
who own the building in which the show was operated.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 20, 1909]
The Manitou Vaudeville, which has been closed since managed by Moses Kimmel,
will be opened to the public within the next week or ten days. The new manager
will be Adam Eherneman he having leased the theatre from Shepherd and Deniston,
who bid it in Saturday at Sheriffs sale.
Mr. Eherneman stated, today, that he would spend about a week cleaning and
repairing the interior and then start a moving picture show.
Later, probably within a month, high class vaudeville acts will be procured and
a regular vaudeville show given every evening.
The new proprietor is an industrious business like man and will no doubt meet
with success.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 31, 1909]
The roller skating rink will be open at Manitou theater Saturday evening and it
is expected a large crowd of lovers of this popular sport will be present.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 13, 1910]
When Ira Kimmel of Hoovers, drove out of Rochester this morning in charge of
wagons carrying chairs, scenery and other stage effects, the knell of the
Manitou vaudeville theater was sounded. Moses Kimmel, proprietor of the defunct
play house, has been here several days tearing out the stage and other property
awarded him by the Miami county court, in his recent damage suit, and this
morning his belongings were placed on wagons and started overland for his home
at Hoovers in Cass county.
Of course, the Manitou has not been open for a long time, yet it was used on
various occasions as a public hall and its dismantling will be a source of
disappointment to those who used it.
Now that the stage, which occupied a goodly portion of the north end of the
room, has been removed, the place will be cleaned up and used by Claude Rouch of
this city as a roller skating rink.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 19, 1910]
The first of the outdoor motion picture theatres was established by the late
Roy Shanks at about the same time as Mose Kimmel operated a vaudeville theatre
(The Manitou) north of the public square. This writer nightly packed crowed into
the Earle Theatre, present location of the Kroger market (Knapp Building), and
J. Carl Jessen provided poenty of opposition with his Kai-Gee movie house where
now stands the Arthur Shore building (716 Main).
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 25, 1958]
The Shepherd room in the Centennial block, formerly occupied by the skating
rink, has been rented to Messrs. Moses Kimmel and George W. Myers, and will be
converted into a vaudeville theater. At this time the plans are not yet fully
made. A stage fifteen feet deep will be built across the north end of the room
with dressing rooms on either side. An incline floor will be put in for the
seats. The management, at this time, are unable to say what attractions they
will have or when the house will be opened. They have opportunities of getting
in in a vaudeville circuit with Logansport, Marion and Anderson and another with
Plymouth and South Bend. The shows will last about one hour and the admission
price will be ten cents.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 29, 1907]
Kimmel & Myers, managers of the new vaudeville show, which will open up in
the room formerly occupied by the Boston store, are putting in extensive
fixtures and intend to give Rochester as good a show as Logansport, Wabash and
Huntington has. They have erected a twenty-five foot stage with all attachments.
Seats will be put in to accommodate four hundred people.
The entertainment which they intend to give here will be strictly first class
and will be of the same character as those given in cities of twenty thousand
population or more. The price of admission will be ten cents and each show will
last one hour and a half. Opening up in the afternoon at 2:30 a continuous
vaudeville will be given until ten o'clock every evening.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 16, 1907]
The ten cent vaudeville, north of the court house is preparing to open up Friday
afternoon. The managers are decorating the room in fine style. For the drop
curtain they have a beautiful picture of Main street looking north from the
corner of Ninth and Main street. Dolph Parker is the artist and the picture
shows that he has considerable talent in that line.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 29, 1907]
The moving picture machine arrived this morning for the Vaudeville and they will
open up next Monday with a grand concert.
[Rochestr Sentinel, Monday, May 6, 1907]
The Manitau Vaudeville will open this evening at 7:30 o'clock with a fine troupe
of actors, composed of Ben Van, black commedian, Fox and Carper and St. Leon
McCassel. Each performance will last one hour and fifteen minutes.
The house has been put in fine shape for the coming season. At present only
temporary seats have been ut in on account of delay in shipment of regular seats
from Chicago. The price of admission is ten cents and the managers, Myer &
Kimml, feel sure that theri show will please the people and will be given a good
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 13, 1907]
The Manitou theatre is to be again opened to the public Saturday evening. C. A.
Holden, the well known theatrical man of this city will be the new manager and
promises Rochester people the best motion picture show it has ever been their
pleasure to witness.
The program will be one hour long and will consist of all late pictures,
accompanied by pictorial songs by Miss Maud DeBolt, of Peru, who is well known
in this city.
Mr. Holden is confident of success and what he lacks in confidence will no doubt
be soon strengthened by the large crowds which will nightly visit this popular
show house.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 24, 1909]
MANN, CHARLES HOWARD [Rochester, Indiana]
Charley MANN married Mrs. LANGSDORF about three weeks ago. Their honeymoon,
which has not yet ended, has been anything but a pleasant one. They have a
peculiar way of showing their love for each other which usually takes the form
of kicks, cuffs, and shooting. Monday morning of this week they were unusually
loving. Charley got drunk early in the day and then proceeded to the little
hovel he and his wife occupied in the north end of town, near the race bank,
where he showed his loving and gentle disposition by abusing his wife and making
splinters of the furniture. Such conduct was more than the wife could enture and
she sallied forth to procure protection from the law. After making her complaint
and a warrant had been issued she returned to her home where the battle between
herself and her husband was renewed with greater vigor than ever. The officer
was slow in putting in his appearance and before his arrival a tragedy was
enacted that will probably cost the life of the belligerent husband. He was
breaking up the furniture and throwing it out into the yard when his wife
remonstrated with him. He then turned his attention to her and according to her
statement, came toward her with an uplifted chair. To save herself from harm she
drew her revolver and fired. She then retreated without the house, keeping up
her fusillading until two shots had been fired through the closed door. She then
retired to a window which she raised and fired two more shots into the room
where her husband still remained. By that time the officer had arrived upon the
scene. Mann was found to be seriously wounded, a ball having entered his right
breast. He was cared for at once but the severity of the wound could not at once
be determined. Several efforts were made to find and extract the ball but
without success. During the day he was removed to his mother's residence where
he now is in a very critical condition. The weapon used was a 32 calibre Smith
& Wesson revolver and made an ugly wound in a vital part of the body, the
ball passing entirely through his right lung and finding a lodgement where it
cannot be discovered.
Mrs. Mann was arrested and put in jail. The grand jury being in session, the
facts of the shooting were laid before them and an indictment charging her with
shooting with intent to kill was found against her. Judge HESS being on the
bench fixed her bond at $500, but afterward increased it to $700. His Honor has
been severely censured by the best citizens of the place for placing her bond so
low. Mr. Charley LANGSDORF, her divorced husband, went upon her bond and she was
released. She almost immediately left town and her present whereabouts is
probably only known to a few.
Both of these persons engaged in this proceeding are notorious characters in
this community. Each have been in several serious troubles but from some cause
have managed to escape with but slight punishment. Mrs. Mann hails from
Logansport, her maiden name being BOYER. She married in that city but in due
time she obtained a divorce from her husband. She then attracted the attention
of our townsman, Charley Langsdorf, who made her his wife and brought her to
Rochester where they resided for several years and were blessed with two or more
children. She began neglecting her husband and her household and received the
attention of other men. Among the number was Charley Mann whom she has just
shot. Langsdorf discovering that he was being supplanted in the affections of
his wife by Mann, watched his opportunity and one evening a year or two age
caught them together under peculiar circumstances. The ready revolver was
brought into regulation and Mann received a bullet in the hip from a weapon in
the hands of the outraged husband. The trouble between Langsdorf and his wife
grew from bad to worse until they were divorced. Mann then had everyghing his
own way and paid marked attention to the cast off wife of Langsdorf. But even
then the course of their love did not run smooth. They had their quarrels and
fights frequently. One night they met on the streets and Mann wishing her to
accompany him to a place she did not wish to go, used such violence that she
drew her pop and put a ball into one of his lower limbs. That kind of treatment
endeared her to him all the more and after a year of courtship of that character
she married him about three weeks ago, as above stated. How happy they have been
since their marriage is shown by their recent love spat.
Charley Mann, the hero of all these encounters in which he has been shot three
times, is of a good and very respectable family. His father, Dr. H. W. MANN,
several years dead, was treasurer of this county for four years beginning with
the year 1859, and is well remembered by the older citizens of the county. From
his youth Charley has been a wild and wayward young man, causing his mother and
friends much trouble and sorrow. He first married when quite young and cruely
neglected his wife and the offspring that was born to them. Their bonds of
wedlock were severed by the courts, since which time he paid court to and
married the woman who is now the cause of his terrible suffering. But he still
clings to her and if he should recover he will be her best witness to shield her
from the penalties of the law. It was by his evidence on a former occasion when
she perforated his body with a pistol ball that she was acquitted, and it is
quite certain that if he lives he will do what he can to defend her from harm.
They are both worthless characters who have disgraced themselves, their friends
and the whole community.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 1, 1883]
One week ago the Sentinel gave a full and complete account of the shooting of
Charley MANN, by his wife. It also stated that the murderess had been arrested
and an indictment found against her by the grand jury, then in session, charging
her with shooting with intent to kill, and that Judge HESS had accepted her bond
for $700 and set her at liberty. The further statement was also made that she
had left the city or was secreted where she could not be found. The wounded man
was removed from the hovel in which he was shot to the home of his mother, where
he received the best of surgical and medical care and faithful nursing by his
mother and sisters and other friends. From the day of the shooting to the hour
of his death, those who were most familiar with the nature of his injuries
entertained no hope for his recovery, yet the report was circulated every day
that he was getting well and would soon be about again. His sufferings from the
very first were most excruciating and could never have been borne so long by a
man of less physical and constitutional strength. Since last Saturday until
yesterday afternoon at half past one o'clock, when death relieved him from his
sufferings, he was almost a raving maniac and could not be confined to his bed.
Charles Howard MANN who met an untimely death at the hands of a woman who only
three weeks before the shooting took him by the hand and promised to love and
protect him, was born in this place September 14, 1858, and was twenty-five
years of age on the 14th of last September. Mrs. M[ark] L. [Martha J. MANN]
KILLEN is his twin sister. His life has been short but an eventful one. With all
his follies he had many noble traits of character that will be remembered when
his misdeeds are forgotten. The aged mother in her great distress, as well as
the sisters of the deceased and the friends of the family, ought and does
receive the heartfelt sympathy of all good people who have a proper appreciation
of their mental and heart anguish.
The funeral of the deceased has been appointed to take place from the residence
of Mrs. Mann tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. At the time of going to press, no
definite arrangement had been made as to who would conduct the religious
services, but in all probability it will be Rev. N. L. LORD. The true friends of
the family, those who sympathize with them in their deep sorrow, are invited to
attend the funeral.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 8, 1883]
MANN, HENRY W. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester, Indiana [Historical Review]
H. W. Mann Physician and Surgeon. Office up stairs over Holman's Drug Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 25, 1858]
Dr. H. W. Mann. Henry W. Mann was born March 24, 1817, in Columbiana County,
Ohio, and it may be truly said of him that he was one of the self-made men of
his time, in view of his career in later life. Just as he had reached the age of
seven years, his mother died, and thus early was he thrown among strangers. For
the first four or five years after his mother's death, his home was in the
family of Samuel Young, after which he joined his father, who was then engaged
in the millwright's trade in Stark County, Ohio. Here he became his father's
assistant in the daily work, in the meantime attending the common schools, and
acquiring an education that would have qualified him to follow the same pursuit
had he been content to stop at that. But the circumscribed course of study in
the common schools only gave him a glimpse of the possibilities beyond, and
awakened within him a desire for more extended knowledge. He was fond of reading
in his leisure hours, gaining little by little a rich and varied store of
information. At an early age, he resolved upon a professional course, and when
twenty years of age began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. David
Silvers, in his native county. During his term of study, to provide for his
necessary expenses, he taught school in the winter, and finally entered upon the
practice of his chosen profession at Uniontown, Ohio. At the end of a year, he
removed to Greensburg, Ohio, where he was joined in marriage to Miss Susanna
Alt. In 1842, he started with his wife to Indiana, and located in the then new
town of Rochester, Fulton County, with whose public interests he was afterward
intimately identified. He was then but twenty-five years of age, and for the
first few years he was subjected to the prejudice and lack of confidence that is
the worst enemy of all young physicians. Gradually, however, this prejudice
yielded, and each year witnessed a large increase in his practice, until it
became extended and lucrative. He was devoted to his profession, and by his
skill as a physician gained the confidence of his patients and professional
associates alike. In the years that followed his arrival here, success crowned
his labors, and he amassed a very comfortable fortune. At the same time, he was
always ready to lend a helping hand to every enterprise calculated to promote
the best interests of the town and county, and his nature was free from that
sordid disposition that prompts men to hoard and add to fortunes already ample.
He was a generous friend and a public-spirited citizen, and was recognized as
such by all who knew him. Politically, he was a stanch Democrat, and, while he
was an active and zealous partisan, he had never sought recognition through the
medium of public office. But he had devoted himself so assiduously to his
profession, and its care and duties had so worn upon his physical constitution,
that he became aware of failing strength; and when his party friends proposed
his name as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Fulton County, in 1859,
he accepted the nomination, believing that in the duties of this office he would
enjoy the much needed rest from professional cares. In the fall following his
nomination, he was elected, and served two terms, discharging the duties of his
office with commendable fidelity and marked satisfaction to the public, and
retired with the hearty congratulations of the people for his efficiency as a
public officer.
During the many years of his residence in Rochester, he was a consistent and
active member of the Presbyterian Church, and, although the nature of his
profession called him from home much of the time, he was singularly regular in
his attendance upon the church services--rising very early on Sunday morning in
order to make all his professional calls before the hour of service. He was an
elder in the church for a number of years, and an active laborer in the work of
the Sunday school. As a citizen, no one, probably, was more universally
esteemed, or possessed more completely the warm regard of those who knew him. He
would never engage in a personal quarrel, and if, in times of political
enthusiasm, hot words were addressed to him, he would turn and walk away. In a
word, he was such a citizen as a community can ill afford to lose, and his loss
was sadly felt, not only by the loved ones of his own family, but by those who
had been associated with him as friends and neighbors, and those to whom he had
administred in times of sickness. He died on the 20th of January, 1864, leaving
behind him the record of an honorable, industrious life--his richest legacy to
his family, while he left them, at the same time, a comfortable store of this
world's goods.
He was married three times, and in all his domestic relations was extremely
happy, if we except the two sad periods in which death visited his household,
each time robbing him of a devoted companion. Within three years after his
arrival in Rochester, (March 12, 1845), his first wife died, leaving one son, De
Witt Clinton, since deceased. On the 28th of December, 1845, he married Miss
Mary J. Small, daughter of David Small, an early settler and highly respected
citizen of this county. She died February 24, 1849, leaving one son, Edwin E.,
who now resides in the State of California. On the 20th of May, 1850, he was
united in marriage with Miss Sarah M. Chinn, daughter of Chichester and Lucy
Chinn, who came to Fulton County in an early day. Four children blessed this
third union, and all now survive, save one who died in infancy. His wife still
survives, living in the home that was for so many years the Doctor's residence,
and enjoying the affectionate regard of a large circle of friends.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 24]
MANN, SARAH [Rochester, Indiana]
Workmen were engaged today cutting down the old maple trees in front of the
property recently owned by Mrs. Sarah Mann, just north of the Fieser block. Mr.
Fieser has purchased that property and is preparing to erect a new two story
brick buklding.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 1, 1901]
Clark Condon has purchased the Mrs. Mann house and will move it to South Madison
street and fix it up for a nice residence.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 7, 1901]
MANNING STUDIO [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal was closed Monday evening, by which C. B. Moore and Ray Showley sold
their photographic studios to Messrs J. M. Steele, of Sidell, Ill., and V. L.
Manning, of this place. The new owners took possession at once. They will
conduct the Showley studio, in the rooms where it is now located and open
another in the rooms over where Ditmire's store formerly was.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 1, 1904]
L. L. Manning of this city, who, for a number of years, was engaged in the
photograph gallery business in Rochester and who a couple of years ago sold out
his interests to Misses Stauffer & Blausser, has re-entered the picture
field once more. He purchased the two studios operated by Misses Stauffer &
Blosser several days ago and has already taken hold of the business in his
old-time style. Mr. Manning is an artist of no mean ability and there is no
doubt that he will succeed in the business in a greater extent than before.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 18, 1912]
L. L. Manning announced Monday morning that he had leased his studio on Main
street to James Mandleco, of Indianapolis. Mr. Manning has no immediate plans
for the future, but intends to visit with relatives in Illinois and Montana. The
change was made because of Mr. Manning's desire to be in the open air.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 11, 1920]
James E. Mandleco has assumed ownership of the Manning Studio and will at once
start plans for remodeling and making a modern photography shop. Mr. Mandleco
had leased the studio from W. L. Manning since the latter left this city last
year to go South for the benefit of his health, and the transaction was
completed Tuesday, whereby the former becomes sole owner.
Mr. Mandleco has made a reputation for himself as an artist in his line since he
has been in the city and he intends to improve his place of business
accordingly. If permission can be secured from the city to allow him to move the
building where he is now located out about fifteen feet, he will remodel the
structure and make it over anew. If this cannot be done he probably will seek a
new location at an early date.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 25, 1921]
MANNING & SCHOLDER [Rochester, Indiana]
Through a deal which was made Tuesday the plumbing firm of Manning &
Scholder was changed to that of Scholder & McWilliams. Mr. McWilliams, who
came here from Chicago, looked the local ground over and decided that he would
like to make this city his home, with the above result. He is a master plumber
of twenty-four years' experience in the business and comes to Rochester highly
recommended. He has already taken charge of his new interest and will move his
family here as soon as school is out, so that the children may not be compelled
to move during the school year.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 16, 1912]
MAPLE LEAF DAIRY [Rochester, Indiana
The new Maple leaf dairy, owned by Clarance Eshelman separates its milk for
purification. Give him a trial. Watch for the new wagon.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 6 1911]
MAPLES GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Ray Babcock has announced the sale of his grocery store opposite the court house
to Chas. Maple, of Illinois, a former resident of Rochester, who lived for years
in the Richland Center neighborhood. Maple will take charge of the store within
a week or two. Babcock has no definite plans for the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 5, 1919]
[Adv] Prices are not coming down, but we are offering you some real goods
that we made a good buy of and are giving you the benefit of such. The Sale
Begins Saturday Morning - - Two Phones, 63 or 70.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 13, 1920]
MARBAUGH BROS. [Monterey, Pulaski County]
[Adv] Monterey is the place to buy your FARM IMPLEMENTS. We have in stock
McCormick Binders and Mowers, Gibbs Plows, Brown Cultivators, Studebaker Wagons,
Solid Comfort Riding Plows, and all kinds of Shelf Hardware. Also a full line of
Top Buggies and Bicycles. Special prices on Binder Twine for the next 60 days.
MARBAUGH BROS., Monterey, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 7, 1893]
The Monterey Sun says in a little over a year, Marbaugh Bros., the hardware
dealers, have sold 13 dredging machines manufactured by the Fairbanks Steam
Shovel Co., of Marion, Ohio, which sales amounted in round numbers to $92,000.
This is no small amount of business, done as a side lineby a firm located in the
town the size of Monterey.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 5, 1904]
MARINE, CLYDE [Gilead, Miami County, Indiana]
Clyde Marine sold his farm south of Gilead this week to Warren T. McCray for
$27,787. It is considered one of the best farms in the northern part of Miami
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 25, 1920]
MARINELLO SHOPPE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] LeMur permanent waving machine - - - - A Full Permanent for only $15. One
waving lasts at least six months. MARINELLO SHOPPE, Mrs. J. D. Ewing, Prop.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 1, 1925]
[Adv] Christmas Sepcial on Waves Permanent. Will-o'-the-wisp, Marlene, Lady
Marlene, Oil of Sharon - - - - MARINELLO SHOP, 804 1/2 Main Street.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 14, 1936]
A large number of Rochester and Fulton county people attended the reception
which was held Thursday in Marinello Shop's new modern home, situated the
northeast corner of Jefferson and Eighth street.
This new building which is a combination of a beauty parlor and apartment house,
makes a most attractive improvement in the near-business area of the down-town
district, was erected by Della Pontius, proprietor of the Marinello Shop and her
son, Dr. Guy Pontius, of Chicago.
The beauty shop consists of an artistically equipped lounge and an operating
room which is equipped with five booths. The parlors are decorated with snow
white and turquoise appointments, and all furniture and operating equipment is
of the modern design.
The beauty parlors are situated on the first or main floor of the home and two
spacious and attracively arranged apartments are situated on the upper floor.
The apartments are occupied by Mrs. Pontius and Mr. and Mrs. Don Plank, Jr.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, August 5, 1938]
MARK MUSIC CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester is to have a new and up to date music store, which will be opened by
Mr. Grover Mark, formerly of Marion but now a resident of this city.
The store will be known as the Mark Music Co. and will occupy the P. M. Shore
business room recently vacated by the White City Bar. A full line of pianos,
organs, talking machines and musical merchandise of all kinds will be carried so
that the music lovers of this city and surrounding country may be afforded an
opportunity of getting their wants filled at a moment's notice.
Mr. Mark, the proprietor, is a genial, industrious young business man and having
had considerable experience in his chosen line in Marion will no doubt prove
successful in this city.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 14, 1908]
The Mark Music Co., which has operated in this city under the management of G.
C. Mark for the past year, will close its doors Saturday evening and the
remainder of the stock which is left unsold after the sale just closed will be
wholesaled to the Thad Butler Music Co., of Marion. Mr. Mark is well pleased
with the patronage he has enjoyed since his residence in Rochester and is
grateful to all his customers for their business. The reason for going out of
business is that Mr. Mark has new opportunities at Marion where he will locate
in a short time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 2, 1909]
MARKLEY, H. W., M.D. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] H. W. MARKLEY, M.D., The A. B. Shore Bldg. Rochester, Indiana, Phone --
Office 401. Res. 401-B.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, May 21, 1925]
MARL [Fulton County]
Marl! Colonel K. G. Shryock brought into our office yesterday morning a specimen
of Marl, it is free from clay and is a very good quality of lime, we understand
there are exhaustless beds of this material on his place 2-1/2 miles north of
Town, when burned it slacks and makes a very strong lime, it makes the best of
cement. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 26, 1866]
Located first door E of Eli M. Barker General Store.
Owned by John Maroney
David Shore to Susan M. Ormsbee on January 17, 1836.
MARSDEN, JAS. [Rochester, Indiana]
Jas. Marsden, Attorney at Law. Rochester, Indiana.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 25, 1858]
MARSH, DAVID [Wayne Township]
David Marsh was born in Preble County, Ohio, September 15, 1816. His father,
Timothy Marsh, was born near Amboy, N.J., and died in Preble County, Ohio, in
1843, at the age of sixty-six years. His mother, Mary Closson, was one of the
first white children born in Ohio, and died in September, 1877, at the age of
ninety. They were the parents of nine children, three of whom, besides David,
viz., John, Willson and Learing, are living. Learing is a Missionary Baptist
minister. Both of their grandfathers were in the Revolutionary war. Grandfather
Closson served for seven years, and both were in several battles, among which
were those of Monmouth and Trenton. David Marsh was married to Annie Howe
September 15, 1846, and came to this county prior to or in 1843, having
purchased 270 acres five years before, at $2.50 per acre. Mr. Marsh has seven
children living, and has lost two. Those living are Lavinia Clara, Sarah Calahan,
Mary E., Schuyler C., Phoebe L. and Ulysses S. Mr. Marsh has done, perhaps, as
much as any other man in the township in improving it. He has served as Trustee
for two years. He is a Baptist. His wife for many years was a member of the
Methodist Church, but has severed her connection with it, in consequence of
living quite a distance from church facilities.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 61]
MARSH, FRANK [Rochester, Indiana]
Frank Marsh announced this morning that he would move his grocery store from 822
Main street its present location to the room recently vacated in the Odd Fellows
building by Kirkendall and Mackey. The new address will be 828 Main Street. Mr.
Marsh is redecorating and refurnishing the room and will open in the new
location on August 1. Mr. Marsh is the oldest grocer in the city. He has
operated a grocery store in the room at 822 Main street owned by Dr. William
Hector of Chicago for the past 20 years.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, July 24, 1929]
MARSH, MARION [Fletcher's Lake/Crystal Falls, Mich.]
Marion Marsh, aged 44, World war veteran, and for many years a resident of the
Fletchers Lake neighborhood, is being held in jail at Crystal Falls, Mich., on a
charge of murder. He was arrested last evening after he had killed two
acquaintances and shot a third when he became temporarily derganged.
Marsh is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Marsh who live on a farm located on the
south bank of Fletchers Lake. He is one of eight children and he was reared at
Fletchers Lake.
Marsh has been living in Michigan for the past twelve years working as a wood
cutter and also has been trapping destructive animals for the Michigan State
Department of Conservation. Following is a press dispatch about Marsh:
Ran Amuck
Crystal Falls, Mich., Feb. 28. - Marion Marsh, a 44-year-old World war veteran,
ran amuck last Tuesday, shooting two acquaintances to death, wounding a third,
and firing at a truckload of homeward-bound WPA employees.
Sheriff Emery J. King of Iron county, in upper Michigan, said Marsh apparently
had become temporarily deranged. He told officers his victims had been
"bothering" him for several months and he was "proud I shot
"Your children won't have to do this business. I did it for them" he
Dead from bullet wounds were Hans Matson, a lumberjack and Peter Baker, an aged
laborer. Tony Kuchinski, a WPA foreman, was wounded in the back.
Shot In Back
King said Matson was shot in the back of the head with a .22 caliber pistol
after quarreling with Marsh at Marsh'a rural cabin near Iron river, where he had
gone to visit.
He said Marsh immediately walked a mile to Baker's home and shot him to death
through the mouth, then continued on a mile to a WPA project shack, when he
fired at Kuchinski through a window.
He shot at a WPA truck driven by Clarence Gustasson when it failed later to stop
and give him a lift. Four shots broke the windshield, but failed to wound any
occupants of the truck.
King said Marsh accused his friends of poisoning five dogs he had purchased
recently in another section but that acquaintances accused Marsh of killing them
himself. Sheriff's officers found the dogs' bodies piled up in a shed at Marsh's
home. Marsh, a bachelor, said he formerly lived in Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 28, 1940]
MARSH, R. B. [Rochester, Indiana]
R. B. Marsh is again in the restaurant business having become proprietor of the
American restaurant recently established in the Arlington block by S. Alspach.
This place has the largest and nicest dining room of the kind to be found in the
city. It is a fine place for family dinner parties, and the lunch counter is
always supplied with the best.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 5, 1901]
R. B. Marsh has sold his American restaurant to Geo. Mitchell. The deal was
consumated Saturday evening, and the new proprietor took charge this morning.
Mr. Marsh is an experienced restaurant man and has had charge of the American
restaurant since last January. He will now spend some time looking after the
interests of his farm. Mr. Mitchell came here from Peru last winter. He had four
years of experience in the restaurant business at Peru and understands catering
to the wants of the public. Mr. Marsh has enjoyed a liberal patronage and
desires that his successor be likewise patronized.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 10, 1901]
[Adv] New Dry Goods Store. - - - ROBERT B. MARSH, The New Dry Goods Man. Omer
T. Ross, Salesman, in the Capt Long Building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 7, 1902]
Omer Ross has resigned his position at Marsh's dry goods store, and has accepted
a position as stock keeper and salesman with M. Wile & Son, where he will
have entire charge of the stock. Mr. Ross has a well earned reputation as one of
the best stock keepers in Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 3, 1905]
[Adv] CLOSING OUT. Sale Beginning Saturday, July 4. I have fully determined
to move to New York and will therefore close out my entire stock of Dry Goods at
a Great Sacrifice. - - - - ROB MARSH.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 2, 1908]
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Marsh and daughter, Mrs. Roxy Souers left today for Brooklyn
where they will make their future home. The departure of this family is a loss
to the business and social life of Rochester that will be felt keenly but the
best wishes of their many friends go with them.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 15, 1908]
MARSH BAKERY [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Don't Abuse Your Wife! You abuse your best friend, your wife, when you
compel her to bake your bread, cake and pie during the hot season. Bob Marsh
employs the best baker in Indiana - - - - ROB'T MARSH, The Baker.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 25, 1897]
[Adv] A Bright, New Restaurant and Bakery - - - -HOT LUNCH always ready.
CHAS. E. ROBBINS, Successor to Bob. Marsh.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 8, 1899]
MARSH GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Considerable surprise in Rochester's commercial world was caused today, when it
was learned that A. M. Priest had sold his grocery to Frank Marsh who has
conducted a similar business in the same block for several years. The Priest
grocery stock will be invoiced this evening and the new owner will take
possession at once. The Marsh grocery stock will be moved to the room now
occupied by Priest, and the two stocks will be consolidated.
Mr. Priest, the retiring owner, retained his huckster wagons and will pay his
entire attention to his different routes.
Both stores enjoy a good business and Mr. Marsh will surely continue his
excellent patronage.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 10, 1910]
Next, to the north [of the Stanton & Sterner Book Store] Holman &
Onstott sold dry goods and beyond this True & Wigmore conducted a grocery
business, later the operation of Frank Marsh.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
Frank Marsh, who sold his grocery Friday to Ray Babcock, has been in the grocery
business in Rochester for nearly 24 years. He came to Rochester in March, 1914,
from Marshtown, opening a grocery on East 13th St. Mr. Marsh says that he will
never enter the grocery business again here, because he asserts that it is too
crowded. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh will probably leave soon for a visit in Dublin, Ga.,
with Mr. and Mrs. Guy BELDING and daughter.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 9, 1918]
Ferol Kerschner, of South Bend, has leased the room at 828 So. Main street,
formerly occupied by the Marsh grocery and will open a new grocery store in the
location. Mr. Kerschner is an experienced grocery store operator and formerly
lived in Denver. For many years he was the traveling salesman in this territory
for the Hellman Company's products.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 31, 1931]
MARSH & BELDING [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Are you feeling the pinch of the family shoe bill? - - - - THE PEOPLE'S
STORE, Marsh & Belding, 828 Main Street.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 17, 1930]
MARSH & BELDING GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Guy Belding, of the firm of Marsh and Belding has temporarily severed his
connection with that grocery, and accepted a position as salesman with the
International Law and Collection Co., a large Dayton, O., concern. He will cover
Fulton county and adjacent territory as assigned, selling contracts for
collection. Mr. Belding's new connection is one of the largest firms of its kind
and he may enter the business permanently.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 4, 1916]
MARSH & COMPTON GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Walter Compton has sold out his interest in the Marsh and Compton Grocery on
Main street opposite the court house to Hiram Lackey, formerly of this city, but
more recently a Gary resident. The firm will be known in the future as Marsh
& Lackey. Mr. Compton has not announced his plans for the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 14, 1921]
MARSH & LACKEY GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Kiddie Knead Bread, A Pal for the Palate, Sold by Marsh & Lackey, The
Peoples Grocery, Rochester, Indiana
Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, July 16, 1921]
[Adv] "Kiddie Knead" Bread . . . . Marsh & Lackey Grocery.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 3, 1922]
MARSHALL, N. O. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Innerspring Mattress Co.
MARSHALL, ROBT. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] High Quality and Promptness is the good motto of the MARSHALL GROCERY
recently opened on North Main street. - - - - ROB'T. C. MARSHALL, T. C. Shore
old stand. Telephone No. 413.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 5, 1904]
MARSHALL, WILLIAM [Macy, Allen Township, Miami County]
William R. Marshall, blacksmith at Macy, was born in Bedford County, Virginia,
November 7, 1833. He was the eldest child born to William and Catharine (Walker)
Marshall, both natives of Bedford County, Virginia. His father was born June 23,
1810, and his mother February 24, 1815. The former died January 10, 1844, and
the latter August 17, 1847. When William was about three years old his parents
emigrated to Preble County, Ohio, and located upon a farm. Some years later they
came to this Statea and located in Grant County. About three years later they
returned to Virginia, but soon afterward they again came to this State and this
time located in Wabash County. A year later they removed to Whitley County.
There his father died, and, his mother having re-married, William accompanied
his mother and step-father to Cass County, this State. He was then about
fourteen years old. At the age of twenty-two he went to Carroll County, where he
worked at the trade of a blacksmith one year. He then went to West Urbana,
Champaign County, Illinois, but a year later he returned to Fulton County, this
State. He worked at his trade in the town of Fulton about four years; he went to
Missouri in the fall of 1866; in 1870 he returned to Wabash County, this State;
in November, 1871, he located at Rochester, Fulton County, but in the following
year he came to this county and located at Macy, where he has ever since
resided. He learned the trade of a blacksmith early in life, and this has been
his occupation ever since. September 14, 1854, he was married to Mrs. Sara A.
St. Clair, who died May 28, 1863; May 10, 1864, he was married to Sarah J.
Oliver, who died June 2, 1871. He was married a third time to Mrs. Sarah Kamp,
January 13, 1878; she died January 12, 1884, and on the 13th of April, 1886, he
was married to Laura J. Hosey. In all, Mr. Marshall is the father of six
children. They are Eugene A., Troylous B., Henry A., William A., Loyd I. and
Florence N. Troylous B. died in the 22d year of his age. The first two were by
his first wife, the next two by his second wife, and the last two by his third.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall belong to the M. E. church. Mr. Marshall is a member of
the I.O.O.F. lodge and a Republican in politics. He is an industrious and
skillful workman and a good citizen.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 524-525]
John Hisey has sold his five and 10 cent store on north Main St., to John
Marshall who will take possession soon. Mr. and Mrs. Hisey will move to their
property in East Rochester. They have owned the store on North Main St., for a
number of years.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 7, 1917]
Mentone has a new factory. The Marshall Manuracturing Company has moved its
machinery from Akron, into the old elevator building of the Mayer Grain Company,
and will proceed to turn out its product - step-ladders. Much new machinery is
being added. The concern will also manufacture lawn swings, porch settees and
extension ladders.
The move was made from Akron in order to get more floor space. A lease was taken
on the Mentone elevator building.
The firm did not ask any help from Mentone citizens in any way. It is hoped that
30 more employes will be used before spring.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, November 5, 1923]
MARSHLAND [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
See Delong.__________
Marshland is the name of the new little town that has sprung up at the crossing
of the C. & A. and Vandalia railroads, a short distance west of Leiter's
Ford. A few words in relation to it may not be devoid of interest to your
Since the opening of the roads, the growth of the place has been quite rapid,
and many persons stop here to change cars for different points.
Several new buildings have been erected, and many more are in contemplation by
parties from abroad, who expect to make this place their future home.
In addition to the large transfer of passenger travel at this point, a great
many goods are received here for re-shipment to their destination. The express
office is also doing a good business. What is most needed is a good hotel for
the accommodation of the public.
Crist & Co's mill has been thoroughly overhauled by Wm. Sedan, and is now
making an excellent quality of flour.
W. W. Duff was given a very pleasant surprise party a few evenings ago, by his
many friends. He met with quite an accident recently by a pulley, weighing a
hundred pounds, falling on his foot and mashing it quite severely.
An eel, five feet long, was caught in the water wheel at the mill the other day.
Peter Castleman returned from Missouri last week, and reports that he is well
pleased with what he saw in that State. AMERICUS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 10, 1883]
Located at intersection of 500W and 725S.
Bluegrass post office was opened in 1851.
Town was founded as Mount Vernon in 1852. It had 16 lots, recorded by Hugh
Miller, James Thrush and David Marsh.
Around 1900 it became known as Marshtown, named for the seven Marsh brothers who
lived near there.
Called Mount Vernon in 1883 in the Fulton County Atlas; called Bluegrass on the
Indiana State Highway map; and Marshtown on the Fulton County maps.
The one room school building at Marshtown, located four miles west of Fulton,
burned to the ground Friday morning. All of the children, about 18 in all, who
attend there got out in plenty of time after the fire was discovered. Helpers
who arrived early on the scene removed several of the desks and many of the
school books before the flames drove them from the building. The fire is
supposed to have caught from a defective flue and was discovered shortly after
the morning session started. The building was a frame structure, but in recent
years had been remodled and was in excellent shape. It is not known what the
loss amounted to or whether there was any insurance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 20, 1922]
In 1883 Mount Vernon had two general stores, two sawmills, two physicians,
two blacksmiths, a cooper shop, a tannery, and a meat market.
Jresse Lease had a blacksmith shop west of Marshtown. The Mt. Vernon Baptist
Church and Nickels grocery with I.O.O.F lodge upstairs were on the north side of
the street. On the south side were Ben Caldwell's blacksmith shop, Ben's house,
the Art Fry (later Frank Rans) residence, Riggle butcher shop, James Winter's
saloon, alley, S N. Beattie store and post office, John Rush store.
Around the corner to the south was the Barker house, which is the oldest house
still standing in Marshtown and now owned by Dee Nickels. Across another alley
was the Dr. Towey residence, then Dr. Towey's pharmacy, Fitgerald's store, the
road to Grass Creek, and Elizabeth Rans' house. Ed Kimble had a sawmill and
cider mill on the north side of town. He was killed by an accident in the
sawmill and his son Lester lost his arm in the sawmill, so they closed it around
It had no school within its limits until about 1913, when the Smalley School was
moved into town. It burned down in 1921, and the pupils were then taken to Grass
Mount Vernon Baptist Church sold in the late 1920's to a Dick Henderson who
moved it east of Fletchers Lake, and made it into a house.
Today Marshtown has about 10 families living in houses and mobile homes, Virgil
Gunter's repair garage, Bob Collins' TV repair, and Howard Smith's paint shop.
[Marshtown and Green Oak, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
MARTIN, ANDREW, REV. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Churches - Methodist Church [Rochester, Indiana]
MARTIN, EMIL "POP" F. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - West Side
See: Hotels - West Side
Emil F. Martin, who at one time managed the Colonial Hotel, is now in charge of
the grill at the Tasmo Gardens located on the Jefferson Highway east of
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 18, 1928]
In a recent issue of the Kokomo Tribune, in the "25 Years Ago" column
appeared the following item concerning Emile Martin, proprietor of the New West
Side Hotel.
"Three unarmed American merchant ships have been sunk by German submarines,
the overt act that is expected to bring a declaration of war from the United
States government. With this in prospect Capt. Emile F. Martin of Kokomo's Co. E
of the Narional Guard, just home from the Mesican border, has been recruiting
his company, having received orders from Washington to bring it to war time
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 22, 1942]
MARTIN, H. M. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Stephens Salient Six. Thoroughbred lines and snappy performance make the
Stephens the favorite of men and women of the great outdoors. The zest and fire
of Stephens response conveny the same thrill of satisfaction as when they
"sink a long put."
The racy lines that carry such appeal to the ardent motorist are secured in the
Stephens Salient Six by combining a high, narrow radiator and gracefully
tapering cowl with a long, low graceful body. The body sides are fashionably
low, allowing the occupants to recline gracefully in exceeding comfort.
The finish of the car is in harmony with its ultra-smart exterior. Appointments
include many things that the fastidious will appreciate. In the right hand front
door is concealed a touring kit while in the left front door is placeed a
complete tool kit.
The new "80 Series" is now ready for inspection and demonstration. H.
M. MARTIN, 606 Main Street, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 22, 1920]
[Adv] Cleveland Light Six. It is here - Don't fail to see it at our
salesroom. High quality car at a modest price. H. M. MARTIN, 606 N. Main St.,
Phone 58-02.
Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 30, 1920]
MARTIN, HARRY [Fulton, Indiana]
Fulton Leader.
Joe Dawson, an Indianapolis man, won the auto race Thursday with a National car
make, and, of course, gets the $35,000 prizes contributed by accessory concerns.
Here is where Fulton gets in the limelight. Harry Martin, the mechanician of the
National and to whom Dawson, the driver, gives great credit for his work and who
never rested during the entire 500 mile race, was born on the farm west of town,
where Bill Lovatt now lives and moved from there to Peru, where the parents now
reside. Let little old Fulton get the credit for the birthplace, at least, of
the rising young auto star of 1912. Harry received for his work something like
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 7, 1912]
Peru Journal.
Harry Martin, famous mechanician and hero of the 500 mile sweepstakes race at
Indianapolis on Decoration day, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Martin, of Ewing Street. Mr. Martin will remain in Peru until until about
Sunday, when he will return to Indianapolis and resume his duties with the
National Automobile Company, whose No. 8 car was the winner in the big race.
Harry is glad to get home after the big excitement, and during his stay will
take things easy.
Harry is a very pleasant young man, with a large circle of friends. Since his
arrival Wednesday he has been busily engaged in receiving congratulations, which
he so richly deserves. Harry and Joe Dawson, driver of the winning car in which
Harry rode as mechanician, were to have gone to Chicago this week to attend the
races on the Hawthorn track, but the races were postponed until the 21st of the
month, and Harry took advantage of the time and came to Peru. When they go to
Chicago they will take the National No. 8 with them, and while they will exhibit
it on the track they will not race. The Hawthorn track is only a mile, land it
is said the National people do not care to try for any honors on it.
It is not improbable that Harry will drive a car next year. It is his intention,
unless something unforeseen happens to remain with the National's racing team.
The large purse won by the National car was equally divided among the drivers
and mechanicians and it is needless to say that Harry came in for a large share
of the long green.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 8, 1912]
Harry Martin, who was a mechanic in one of the winning Stutz cars in the recent
500 mile race, was in Rochester Tuesday, from Peru, driving Bernie Wallace's
McFarland Six "24" which took part in the 1912 Speedway contest. Mr.
Wallace was also in the city and while here was a guest of Jonathan and George
Dawson, to whom he is related.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, June 18, 1913]
MARTIN & MYERS PLANING MILL [Rochester, Indiana]
Planing Mill. David R. Martin, Jonas Myers. Martin & Myers, having formed a
co-partnership, would respectfully announce to the public that they are now the
sole proprietors of the new Steam Planing Mill and Shingle Machine . . .
Rochester, July 27, 1865.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 27, 1865]
Martin & Wagner the Rochester Furniture men, have moved their splendid
Furniture Store into their own new building, immediately west of the Wallace
Steam Mills . . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 28, 1865]
Located at the extreme north edge of town by Frank Martin and his son, Harvey
D. R. Martin would respectfully inform the public that he has purchased a set of
Jack Screws and is now prepared to raise buildings, put under new sills &c
&c . . . Rochester, Oct. 3, 1861.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, October 3, 1861]
D. R. Martin will hite out his Jack-Screws, on reasonable terms, to persons
wishing to use them. Inquire at the Planing Mill, near Wallace's Steam Mill.
Rochester, April 16th, 1863.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 16, 1863]
Furniture Store. David R. Martin of this place, has brought on a fine stock of
Furniture of every description. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 24, 1865]
MARTIN PLANING MILL [Rochester, Indiana]
Planing Mill. The subscriber would respectfully inform the public that his
Planing Mill is now in excellent running order. . . . D. R. Martin, Rochester,
August 20, 1863.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 20, 1863]
Wanted! I will pay $3.00 per cord for timber suitable to make shingles out
of. Apply at my planing mill in Rochester, just west of Wallace's steam grist
mill. D. R. Martin.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 23, 1864]
MARTINDALE, WARREN B. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
MARTINDALE'S, MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Cut Prices in MILLINERY. In order to reduce our stock to make room for an
elegant line of Fall and Winter Millinery - - - MRS. MARTINDALES.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 29, 1899]
Miss Stella Keel having bought my store and taken possession July 6, solicits
the continuance of the patronage. Having had fine experience herself, she has
hired a firstclass trimmer of ten years experience. She will continue to give
perfect satisfaction. She asks her many friends to call. Mrs. E. Martindale.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 6, 1904]
Mrs. Lucy Krause, formerly a Logansport milliner, and well known in Rochester,
wore the hat that was selected by Mrs. Roosevelt, wife of the president of the
United States, for the inauguration ceremonies, on March 4. The piece of
millinery, which had been made famous by usage in the inaugural ceremonies was
designed by Mrs. Martindale, formerly of this city.
Miss Krause was photographed in the hat and the photograph was sent to the
milliners for Mrs. Roosevelt, at Washington, along with the photograph of three
thousand other designs from all parts of the United States. The Martindale hat
was selected and now Miss Krauss' photo, in which she wears the hat, is shown
all over the country in newspaper and magazine cuts.
[Rochester Sentinal, Friday, March 10, 1905]
MARTZ (WILLIAMS), E. R. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From E. R. Martz (Williams)]
MARTZ, S. G. "GRANT" [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Grant Martz]
MARYLAND SINGERS [Rochester, Indiana]
Former Rochester Girl Has Joined Company - To Go on Keith Circuit
Tipton friends and admirers of Mrs. Freda Wilson, wife of Clyde Wilson, manager
of the Martz theater at Tipton, who is a former resident of Rochester and the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, of this city, will be pleased to know
that this favorite soprano singer has been accepted as a member of the
"Maryland Singers," a high class vaudeville company which will be
headed by Otis Mitchell, the banjo wizard of this city, and which will play the
Keith circuit in the New England states this winter.
Mrs. Wilson has a high soprano voice of extraordinary ability and she has been a
favorite singer at churches, public recitals and at the Martz, where she has
appeared to great advantage. Her friends have predicted that her voce would have
secured her a position and this prediction has come true.
The "Maryland Singers" is an act written by Ralph Dunbar, a Louisville
producer, and is a high grade vaudeville musical turn which Otis Mitchell, who
has been in high time vaudeville for the past ten years, says is a winner. Five
people are in the act, which is headed by Mr. Mitchell himself, there being
three ladies in addition to Mrs. Wilson. The company is composed of people with
finished musical educations and who come from the best homes and Mrs. Wilson
will find herself in congenial company.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 10, 1923]
MASCOT BAND [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rannells, William W.
MASONIC HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
Located, third floor, NW corner Eighth and Main Streets. [730 Main]
This hall was used 1869-1977.
Presently at NW corner Tenth and Main Streets, in building owned by the Masonic
See Lodges - Rochester Masonic Lodge
Indian reservation located in Newcastle and Richland townships, named for the
Indiana chiefs whose tribes lived there, Chief Massac and Chief Tiosa.
MASTERS, ORLYN E. [Kewanna, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Orlyn E. Masters)
MASTERSON, HAROLD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
MASTERSON, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
James Masterson of Macy has started a tin shop in the room on North Main street
formerly occupied by M. Flox. Mr. Masterson is prepared to do all kinds of
repairing and tin work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 30, 1907]
[Adv] The best Way to improve the value of your property is to repair it. We
will look after the tinning, roofing and spouting if you will let us know. JAMES
MASTERSON, North Main Street.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 23, 1910]
Les Reed, who for many years has been with Zook & Shanks as head of the
tinning department, is opening up a shop of his own in the rear of Newby's drug
store. James Masterson has sold his stock and will accept a position with the
Richardson Hardware Company as head tinner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 11, 1911]
MASTERSON & HARRISON [Rochester, Indiana]
The new motion picture show to be opened by Masterson & Harrison in the
Shore building is rapidly nearing completion and will probably be opened to the
public in about another week. The interior of the building is being finished and
decorated in modern style and will present a very cosy appearance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 18, 1910]
MASTERSON & JESSEN [Rochester, Indiana]
Masterson & Jessen will put on an up-to-date steel roof for you at the
lowest price. 528 Main street.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 27, 1907]
MATHEWS, R. M. [Wayne township]
R. M. Mathews was born in Wayne township, Fulton county, Indiana, November 14,
1868, the son of W. M. and Jane Mathews, who were early settlers of Wayne
township. Our subject was one of a large family of children five of whom grew to
maturity. He was educated in the public schools of his home community, and when
his studies had been completed, he decided to become a farmer. He has always
been a dealer in live stock and for many years conducted a dairy farm on which
he kept thirty cows. He producrted between seventy-five and one hundred pounds
of butter each week, and his products were sold to a number of regular customers
in Logansport, Indiana. Mr. Mathews was twice married, taking for his first wife
Ida Beaty, who died in 1893 leaving two children: Lena died 1918, the wife of H.
P. Calloway and who had two children, Virginist and Bobby; and Florence, who
married J. W. Stoelting, a resident of Lexington, Kentucky, and who has three
children, Billie, Lena Florence and Anna Blanche. Mr. Mathews chose Ella Lemon,
the daughter of Henry Lemon, of Cass county, Indiana, for his second wife. Mr.
Mathews has held various positions of public trust among them being a member of
the county advisory board for four years. Mr. Mathews hauled the first grain
when the elevator at Fulton was built.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, p. 238, Dayton Historical Publishing
Co., 1923]
MATHEWS, WILLIAM M. [Wayne Township]
William M. Mathews was born in Ross County, Ohio, July 7, 1842, and married Jane
Christie, a native of Massachusetts, November 23, 1865. Mrs. Mathews is of
Scottish descent, being the daughter of George and Margaret Christie, who were
natives of Scotland but died in this country. Mr. Mathews is the parent of eight
children, of whom Robert M., Carrie E., John A. and Amanda B. are living. He
owns 200 acres of land, and this couple are members of the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Mathews' parents, John and Amanda (Wilson) Mathews, died on the farm where
he now resides. They were members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Mathews, Sr.,
in 1846, helped to organize the church at Fletcher's Lake, of which he was an
Elder for many years.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 61]
MATHIAS, LINA CULVER [Rochester, Indiana]
Friday evening the remains of Lina CULVER MATHIAS, wife of Col. MATHIAS,
formerly of this city, but for several years a resident of Decatur, Illinois,
were brought here and with them the blood curdling report that the head was
almost severed from the body and that an insanely infatuated lover had inflicted
the death wound with a razor. Particulars of the murder and capture of the
murderer are thus given by a special from Decatur wired to the city papers
Wednesday afternoon:
The body of Mrs. Col. Mathias was found in a field near Decatur this morning
with her throat cut from ear to ear. She was a handsome woman, thirty-five years
old, and had a husband and three children. Her body was found about two blocks
from her house, and in her hands bits of grass and brush were clinched and the
surrounding ground showed that the woman had struggled desperately for life.
Her husband was absent from home and her three children had been left over night
by themselves. It was soon learned that William CRAWFORD, who had previously
worked for Mathias and for whom it was said Mrs. Mathias had too friendly a
feeling, had been at the house at 9:30 last night. Some time ago Crawford was
arrested for an alleged attempt at burglary at Mathias' house. It was said then
that he was charged with this crime by Mrs. Mathias to shield herself. The grand
jury indicted him and he was taken to Jacksonville. He succeeded in getting bond
and a few days ago returned to Decatur.
A posse, suspecting him, started after him, and about 10 o'clock found him at
the home of his sister, eight miles northeast of Decatur. Crawford saw the
officers coming and ran. When the officers commanded him to halt he turned half
around and, drawing a razor, with one slash cut his throat, missing the
arteries, but severing the windpipe. He then made a written confession, saying
he had killed the woman because he loved her. He cannot recover.
In the Decatur papers, Mr. Mathias emphatically denies his wife's reported
infidelity. He said to the reporter: "You can say for me in the Republican,
and make it as strong as you like, that I have never been jealous of my wife. I
believe she was a strictly virtuous woman. She never gave me cause to believe
otherwise. Crawford and my wife never run together, and Lina was always a good
and true wife to me. She did not leave her home Tuesday night voluntarily. In
some way she was inveigled into going into that field."
Nine years ago the deceased and her bereaved husband were married in this city
and soon after moved to the suburbs of Decatur. They lived happily and three
bright children are the fruit of the union, who are now left motherless by the
fiendish stroke of a murderer's hand.
Deceased was a cousin to the McQUERN family and the remains were taken to the
home of Mr. J. C. TIPTON, where, on Friday, brief funeral services were
conducted by Rev. J. H. WINANS, and the remains were then consigned to a
premature grave in Odd Fellowos cemetery in the presence of a very large
assembly of relatives and sympathizing friends.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 3, 1890]
MATHIAS, RUSSELL [Akron, Indiana]
A song writer's combination was revealed recently with the publication of
several songs by Russell Mathias, route 1, Akron, and Bernice Byers.
The songs were copyrighted and published by Rayner, Dalheim and Company, music
printers, Chicago. Mathias wrote the words and Bernice Byers wrote the music.
Miss Byers, whose married name is White, lives in Dayton, Ohio, but her home is
at Onward, Indiana and was formerly employed at Peru.
Titles of the songs are< "My Mom Has a Light in Her Window
Tonight", "Today I Joined the Army", "I have a Brand New
Partner", and "You Can Be Mean if You Wanna."
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 25, 1944]
MATTHEISEN, MRS. A. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] A New Store! MATTHIESEN'S FANCY BAZAAR. I have just opened up a stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy Queensware - - - - Fine watch, clock and
jewelry repairing a specialty, and all work warranted first-class in every
respect. Watches cleaned or main stpring put in for $1, and all other work in
proportion. MRS. A. MATTHEISEN, 2d door north of Citizen's State Bank,
Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, August 10, 1892]
MATHIA, ERNEST [Rochester, Indiana]
See Unique Bakery
MATTICE, FLOYD J. [Rochester, Indiana]
Fulton County's most illustrious attorney.
April 20, 1882 - Dec 30,1970, bur Rochester I.O.O.F. cemetery.
See: Western Union Telegraph Co., Coplen Missing.
One day in early 1941, a tall, sandy-haired Irish looking man came into my law
office, which was located on the second floor above Baxter's Drug Store at
724-1/2 Main street, Rochester, Indiana.
He was a stranger, but he soon took care of that!
It was my first introduction to Floyd J. Mattice. He possessed a deep voice,
accompanied by a commanding appearance, as if he might have been a professional
military man. He had an outgoing personality and was obviously never at a loss
for words.
"I started practicing law in this room," he said, as his eyes surveyed
every corner. "I first worked as a messenger boy at Western Union," he
continued. "It wasn't long before I learned Morse code well enough to help
the operator in emergencies."
He went on to tell me about his grandfather, Julius Rowley, who had come to
Indiana from New York State, and had become one of Rochester's better lawyers.
It was in Mr. Rowley's office that the stranger, who was now one whom I would
like to know better, studied law.
Soon after he opened his law office, the district manager of Western Union, who
was well acquainted with Mr. Mattice, came in and begged him to run the
telegraph office in Rochester. The manager of the Rochester office had absconded
the day before with all the money, and the company desperately needed some
capable and trustworthy person to take over the office.
Finally, Mr. Mattice agreed to handle the business, on one condition: that he do
it along with his law practice. This was accomplished by a wire leading directly
to this room.
The years went by. I spent some time as a Special Agent of the F.B.I., then as
an enlisted man in the U. S. Navy and for many years, my wife, Jean, and I
operated a small retail store in Rochester. My life began to seem unfulfilled,
and I yearned to get back to the law, so after an unsuccessful attempt to run
for Judge of the Fulton Circuit Court in 1960, I opened an office, and ran again
in 1966, visiting as many people as time allowed, for my practice had begun to
keep me busy. While going house to house on the east shore of Lake Manitou, I
happened to see Mr. Mattice who, as usual, was cordial and wanted to talk.
Although I knew that he was a Democrat, I sensed that he liked me. He even
offered some encouragement.
We had gotten pretty well acquainted over the previous four or five years, for
about every noon we ate lunch at Felts' Cigar Store, located next door north of
Baxter's Drug Store. (Felts' store is no more, and the room is now a part of
Webb's, formerly Baxter's) Our meal consisted of a delicious hamburger (the best
served in town) and a cup of coffee. He still was never at a loss for words, and
would begin talking as soon as I sat down, something like a phonograph with a
broken "off" switch. He told, and re-told many stories of his life. He
enjoyed telling how he was the first to ever broadcast a football game. His
college team was playing away from home, where he was equipped with a telegraph
key, and a receiving key was installed back at his school auditorium where the
results were read to the crowd.
He also related how he had defended two Japanese war criminals, both of whom had
been hanged. He had tears in his eyes when he told me that one of the men
thanked him personally for his efforts in the trial.
Whatever he said could not be construed as bragging, for when he talked you knew
that he was telling only a truth.
A couple of times I asked him to stop at my office so he could tell about his
interesting life on my tape recorder. He only shook his head, gestured in a
negative way, and went on with another story.
He was intimately acquainted with Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark, who had
previously been Attorney General. I believe Floyd worked in the Department of
Justice under Mr. Clark. I once attended a judges' meeting in Indianapolis where
Justice Clark was expected to appear. At the last moment he could not attend,
but he telephoned the meeting, and his voice was amplified for all of us to
hear. He extended personal greetings to a few named friends in Indiana, among
whom was Floyd.
After I became Judge he visited my office a few times. He would talk a few
minutes, and leave me always wanting to hear more. I think he sensed a kinship
with me, perhaps because of my having been with the F.B.I., for he also had been
associated at one time with the United States Bureau of Investigation,
predecessor of the F.B.I.
On one of his last trips to my office, he handed me a notebook. "I carried
this all over the United States," he said. "It was my quick reference
during trials. The judges were impressed when I could cite a case in point. It's
a little out of date now, but you may still get some good out of it. Anyway I
want you to have it." What he was trying to say was that it has more
sentimental than real value.
He loved history of his family and of Fulton County. "There's one thing I'm
very proud of," Floyd said to me. "I have personally met one of the
first three or four settlers of Rochester - Jesse Shields."
As is customery, when an attorney dies, the Bar meets in the court room and
lawyers talk about the deceased. Floyd died while I was in office, and I
presided at the court room ceremony on January 5, 1971, which I consider to be
of great historical significance. The program was quite lengthy, but I shall
quote only my remarks and those of City Judge William H. Deniston:
Judge Tombaugh:
I would like to open by saying that I knew Jack. I learned that he liked history
of his country and he loved this county's history, and he took a particular
delight in recalling that he had the opportunity of personally knowing one of
the first three or four settlers in this county.
We all know of the great things that he's done, the many outstanding
achievements that he's had. There is one thing that explains why he's had them.
We remember that about three years ago we had a bar party and Jack attended that
for the last time. At the table where we were sitting he matter of factly told
me that the next week or so he was going to have a leg amputated. It didn't seem
to worry him. Then, about a year ago his long-time friend, Art Copeland, told me
that he had just talked to Jack, and Jack told him that he hoped when he had his
next leg amputated, which was to be in another day or two, that they would only
give him a local so he could watch the operation. He had great determination,
was unafraid of anything.
I considered Jack my friend, and I believe that I was his friend, because when I
took office up here he brought his notes to me that he had carried throughout
the United States. He said he wanted me personally to have those notes. Although
they are probably not of any research value at this time, they certainly have a
sentimental value, and I'd never part with them.
We've lost a link with the past, but he certainly set an example for the future.
Judge Tombaugh: The Court recognizes (City Judge) William H. Deniston.
Judge Deniston:
I wish to express to you, Your Honor, and to the family and friends of Floyd
Mattice: Floyd was the influence, with my family, that got me to practice law.
He was a member of our family - practically a member of our family - and I've
known him all of my life. I can only say one thing: I lost a friend.
After I graduated from law school I spent one year with the firm of White,
Wright & Bowman at the great salary of fifty dollars a month, and Floyd
Mattice took me into his home. I lived with Floyd and his wife about one year.
I've heard the stories; I know how dedicated he was to the practice of law. I
visited him when he was the attorney for the Judiciary Committee of the United
States Senate during the War. I know how dedicated he was to the practice of
law, and I only wish that I was the same.
I have great admiration for Mr. Mattice; he was a friend of the family, a friend
of mine, and he will be a great loss to the community and to our Bar
I not only knew Floyd Mattice, but I became acquainted with the author of the
following clever tribute to Floyd.
Harry V. Huffman represented the plaintiff in a civil case venued to the Fulton
Circuit Court, and during the course of the trial I made a ruling which he
appealed to the Indiana Court of Appeals.
He impressed me as being a fine young lawyer, and the higher court's decision
confirmed my impression of him - - - when it reversed me!
We have met a few times since, and I learned that he was interested in history
and writing, both of which talents he employed successfully in the following
In February, 1990, Mr. Huffman stopped to see me, telling me that he was
searching for anything I might know about Mr. Mattice, as he was preparing to
write a paper for submission to the Indianapolis Literary Club.
In a letter dated October 5, 1993, Mr. Huffman said:
Please find enclosed a copy of the paper that I presented last night to the
Indianapolis Literary Club entitled "I Barely Knew Magoo". As you
know, the paper by-and-large came about as a result of your very fine obituary
of Floyd J. Mattice. I hope that my efforts in some small way, will help fill-in
some of the color to your beautiful portrait of him.
Please feel free to do with my paper whatever you wish in your fine community.
My answer, dated October 12, 1993, is as follows:
It was so nice of you to send the copy of "I Barely Knew Magoo".
The clever introduction had my immediate attention, the story moved well,
painting a clear mental picture of Mr. Mattice in his surroundings of Lake
Manitou with his family, friends and neighbors; and the conclusion left me
wanting to read more about my friend whom you so clearly described from your
observations as a boy.
In short, it was a well-written description of a very outstanding man.
I'll be surprised if you don't win first prize!
Mr. Huffman's tribute should be read by everyone generally interested in law,
county, state and national history, and especially by those seeking to know more
about Fulton County's most illustrious lawyer, Floyd J. Mattice.
June 15, 1994 Judge Wendell C. Tombaugh Retired
700 Pontiac Street
Rochester, Indiana
The well known law firm of Conner & Rowley will dissolve on April 1st, when
Mr. Rowley, with his grandson, Floyd Mattice, who is soon to graduate from
Chicago, will open a fine office in the ksuite of rooms over the Blue Drug
store. Judge Conner will continue the practice in the present comfortable rooms
in the Sentinel block.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 27, 1901]
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mattice and two sons, Floyd and Mac, are here from Sandusky,
Ohio, to visit Julius Rowley and family. Floyd will remain in Rochester and read
law with his grandfather, Mr. Rowley.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 3, 1901]
While skating at the lake Thursday evening, Miss Bessie Bowers and Floyd Mattice
broke through the ice, and after being in the icy water for more than five
minutes were rescued by the other skaters.
The accident occurred in water that is thought to be about fifty feet deep. The
couple were using an ice sail, and coasting east across the center of the lake.
When directly south of Columbia Park hotel, the ice, which had previously been
cracked by five boys skating abreast over it, gave way, and they went through,
going down far over their heads.
To add to their difficulty in getting out of the water, the sail that they had
been using fell over them. When they came up to the surface, after going down
the first time, Miss Bowers was instructed to hold her breath, and Mattice tore
the sail to pieces. When this task was accomplished he looked for Miss Bowers,
and found that she had floated about ten feet away from him. He swam to her and
together they held to the ice and the remnants of the sail, and called for help.
The nearest people to them were not less than a quarter of a mile distant, and
consequently it was some time before they arrived at the scene of the accident.
Five boys, who were the first to arrive, formed a chain by laying down and
taking hold of each other's feet. In this manner they pushed one to the edge of
the hole and pulled out Miss Bowers, and later assisted Mattice in effecting his
The couple went to the Columbia Park hotel and from there called a cab and were
taken to their homes. In falling through, Miss Bowers received an ugly cut on
her nose, and her appearance, while yet in the water, with blood smeared over
her face, frightened those who beheld her, and it was thought she was badly
injured. She also received cuts on her lips.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 12, 1906]
Floyd and Max Mattice left yesterday morning in a canoe on a trip down the
Tippecanoe river to Lafayette, and possibly farther. They expect to be gone
about a week or ten days and have a tent so constructed that they can have it up
in five minutes.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 24, 1906]
A foot ball team has been organized composed of Mattice, Bailey, Linkenhelt, Van
Trump, Bitters, Hartung, Parker, Miller, Berrier, Montgomery, Calloway, McIntire
and Cunningham. The team will average one hundred and seventy pounds. Floyd
Mattice has been engaged as Coach. North Manchester has already engaged a game.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 15, 1906]
Word has been received by Julius Rowley that his aunt, Mrs. Delight Austin,
died at her home at Dansville, Michigan, Wednesday. She was 102 years and 4
months of age and was the grandmother of 105 grandchildren, 68
great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 18, 1908]
F. J. Mattice has been officially notified of his appointment as chairman of the
four-minute men in Fulton county. He takes the place of Enoch Myers, who
resigned. Mr. Mattice is proceeding at once to organize so that his speakers may
take part in the present Liberty Loan drive and following out instructions, will
place a speaker in every motion picture theatre, two evenings each week.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 15, 1918]
Deputy Prosecutor F. J. Mattice Friday announced that he had received an
appointment from Attorney General Gregory at Washington to a position in the
Department of Justice. Atty Mattice has been detailed to assist the United
States District Attorney's office in Indianapolis in the prosecution of federal
offenses. His new connection necessitates his resignation as deputy prosecutor
of Fulton county. He will continue to make his home in this city for the time
being at least, altho much of his time will be spent in Indianapolis.
Mr. Mattice reported for duty Wednesday, but returned home again Thursday. After
sending his resignation to Prosecutor SHAKES, at Plymouth, he left Friday to
take up his new duties.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 12, 1918]
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 3 -- Floyd J. Mattice, an agent in the bureau of
investigation of the Department of Justice, was appointed assistant United
States district attorney Monday to succeed Milton W. Mangus, who resigned.
Mr. Mattice served as deputy prosecuting attorney of Fulton county at Rochester
prior to coming to Indianapolis last July with the Department of Justice. For
the past 10 days Mr. Mattice has been assisting L. Ert Slack, United States
district attorney, and the appointment had been expected. He took the oath of
office before Judge Anderson Monday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 3, 1918]
Julius ROWLEY, 84, prominent democrat, attorney, president of Fulton County
Fair Association and a resident of this city for nearly half a century, died
unexpectedly at seven o'clock Wednesday morning at his home on S. Madison street
following a sudden stroke of apoplexy.
He arose Wednesday morning, and after dressing for the day, started to work at
his desk before breakfast, on a telephone list of persons to call up regarding
the fair this fall.
His daughter, Mrs. E. H. MATTICE, with whom he made his home, had been going
about her house work, Mr. Mattice having eaten and left the home. Mrs. Mattice
told her father that she would get his breakfast for him when he was ready, and
then passed his bedroom where he was working at his desk and went into a front
room to lie down for a moment. Just a few moments later she noticed that her
father was breathing hard, and arising, she went to the bedroom and found him
lying back in his chair, apparently asleep.
She shook and called to her father in order to get him to return to his bed and
then, discovering that he was unconscious, ran to the neighbors for help. In the
meantime, Mr. Rowley's breathing continued to grow more labored and when a
physician arrived just a few minutes later, he was placed on the bed. He seemed
to be in great pain, and when asked about his troubles, made an effort to speak,
but could not summon the strength. Not more than 15 minutes from the time he was
stricken, he passed away.
Julius Rowley was born in Clarenden, N.Y., March 6, 1837 one of four children,
now deceased, born to Amos and Clarissa ROWLEY. He lived with his parents until
he reached the age of 19 years, when he moved to Schoharis, N.Y., where he was
married July 4, 1855 to Miss Harriett NETHERWAY, who died in this city about 10
years ago.
At the time of his marriage he was teaching school in New York state, but later
gave up this work and entered the University of Alabama law school, from which
he graduated May 25, 1865, when he was admitted to the bar.
After practicing law in New York he moved to this city in 1876, where he has
since resided. Upon arrival in Rochester he resumed his practice, forming a
partnership with H. HERMAN. After they had practiced for a number of years, this
firm dissolved and Mr. Rowley again formed a partnership, this time with Isaiah
CONNER, which continued until Mr. Conner was elected to the circuit court bench,
after which Mr. Rowley formed a third partnership with M. A. BAKER and a fourth
with his grandson, Floyd MATTICE.
He gave up his active law practice nine years ago, or about the time of the
death of his first wife, and married Mrs. Nettie BROWN, who died about a year
ago. While he had abandoned his active practice, Mr. Rowley continued active in
other enterprises, having all his life taken a strong interest in every public
project. He was a prominent democrat, but never held a political office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 6, 1921]
Jack Mattice, Indianapolis attorney formerly of this city, was included in
pictures of sport in the Indianapolis Star Sunday. With five other men he was
shown practicing putting on the Highland Country club golf course.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 24, 1925]
The number of scholarships awarded to Indianapolis high school students by the
John Herron Art institute for use in the Saturday classes of the art school has
been increased from twenty-five to one hundred, because of the growth of school
enrollments there and because of increased interest in art.
Miss Helen Mattice, formerly of Rochester and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Mattice, is one of 12 Shortridge high school pupils recommended by their
teachers for the scholarships and who have passed examination in the Herron art
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 22, 1926]
Attorney Floyd J. Mattice of Indianapolis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mattice of
this city who maintains a law office in room 905 Fletcher Trust Building in
Indianapolis, has been honored by being named a member of the faculty of the
Indiana Law School at Indianapolis by the trustees of the school. Mr. Mattice
will teach classes in "Criminal Law" which classes have for many years
been taught by Fremont Alford former judge of the Marion County Criminal Court
who died recently. The teaching of the law school classes will require but two
hours time each week and thus will not interfere with Attorney Mattice's large
law practice in Indianapolis. Attorney Mattice is well qualified to fill the law
school position. He is a graduate of Rochester High School and the University of
Michigan Law School. For several terms he was prosecuting attorney of Fulton
county and for four years deputy United States District Attorney for Indiana.
While acting as prosecutor and deputy district attorney he was able to acquire a
large knowledge of criminal law.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, September 25, 1930]
Attorney Floyd J. Mattice, of Indianapolis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mattice of
this city and a former resident of Rochester, was yesterday named by Herbert E.
Wilson, prosecuting attorney-elect of Marion county, as his chief deputy. The
former Rochester man is well qualified to hold the office to whch he was
appointed by Mr.Wilson who is a democrat as is Mr. Mattice.
Mr. Mattice is a graduate of the Rochester high school and the law department of
the University of Michigan. He served as prosecuting attorney of Fulton county
for two terms and during the war was an agent of the Bureau of Investigation of
the Department of Justice.
Mr. Mattice executed the work assigned to him so capably by the government he
was selected as first assistant United States district attorney of Indiana by
Ert Slack when he held the district attorneyship. Mr. Mattice has been
practicing law in Indianapolis for the past 12 years and in addition to his
practice has been teaching criminal law at the Benjamin Harrison Law School.
Mr. Mattice will assume his new position on Jan. 1. He will have under him 20
deputies who are assigned to the various court rooms in Marion county.
Mr. Mattice's many friends in this city today were extending him congratulations
on his appointment either by letter, wire or telephone.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 14, 1930]
* * * * Photo, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mattice * * * *
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mattice of this city celebrated their 55th wedding
anniversary Tuesday, November 27th, in the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Mattice in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Mattice were married in Middlebury, New
York, November 27, 1879. They have lived in Rochester since 1901. Mr. Mattice
was a railroad man for several years and was agent for the old United Express
Company in Rochester. This picture is published through the courtesy of the
Indianapolis News.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 4, 1934]
Attorney Floyd Mattice of Indianapolis, a former resident of this city, has been
named city attorney of Indianapolis by John Kern, mayor-elect. Mr. Mattice has
served for the past four years as chief deputy prosecuting attorney of Maion
county. Prior to that time he had served as deputy United States district
attorney for Indiana and at one time deputy prosecuting attorney of Fulton
county. Mattice will assume his position as Indianapolis city attorney on
January 1. He with one of the aldermen and the mayor form the board of public
safety. Mr. Mattice's appointment is considered one of the best which can be
given by the mayor and carries with it much prestige. The appointee is a
graduate of the law school of the University of Michigan. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Mattice of this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, December 12, 1934]
Washington, D.C., April 2 (INS) - Senator Frederick Van Nuys this week announced
the appointment of Floyd J. Mattice of Indianapolis, las clerk of the Senate
judiciary committee, of which Van Nuys is chairman. Mattice will succeed Dick
Price, who has resigned the clerkship to accept a naval commission.
Mattice served as first assistant United States attorney under Van Nuys when the
latter was United States attorney. He entered the district attorney's office
under L. Ert Slack, and had previously been connected with the bureau of
investigation, now the FBI. He is expected to report in Washington at once.
Mattice, a former resident of this city, is the son of Mrs. E. H. Mattice,
408 Pontiac street. He is well known by many local residents.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 2, 1942]
Mrs. Ed Mattice received word from her son, Floyd J. Mattice, Washington, D. C.,
that he had recently been appointed chief counsel for the Senate liquor
investigating committee. Mr. Mattice, formerly of this city, has been employed
at the nation's capital for the past few years.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, November 29, 1943]
According to word received here yesterday by Mrs. E. H. Mattice, her son,
Attorney Floyd Mattice, has accepted a post with the Department of Justice in
Washington. Attorney Mattice was a former Rochester resident.
Mattice resigned his position as chief investigator for a Senate judiciary
committee upon the death of the late Senator Frederick Van Nuys to fill his
present position with the Department of Justice.
Attorney Mattice is a graduate of the University of Michigan law school, and
served two terms as Fulton county prosecutor. He later was an operative for the
Department of Justice and then was assistant United States district attorney for
For several years he practiced law in Rochester, before leaving to fill his
position at Indianapolis.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 9, 1944]
Washington, D.C., March 10 (INS) - Assignment of Floyd J. Mattice, formerly of
Rochester, Ind., to the War Frauds unit of the criminal division of the Justice
Department, has been announced today in Washington.
Tom Clark, chief of the division, named Mattice, former Senate judiciary
committee clerk under the late Senator Frederick Van Nuys, to the new post.
Has Varied Experience
Mattice has had extensive experience in criminal and civil law and figured in
several notable criminal cases while chief assistant prosecuting attorney in
Indianapolis. The University of Michigan law school graduate practiced law at
Rochester, Ind., and had served three times as prosecuting attorney in Fulton
He resigned from his Rochester, Ind., office in 1918, in order to accept
appointment as special assistant U. S. attorney, District of Indiana, in charge
of war cases. He became first assistant U. S. attorney, District of Indiana,
after the armistice, serving until he entered general practice in Indianapolis
in 1922.
Mattice was chief deputy prosecuting attorney of Marion county from 1931 to
1934, and also served in the state capital's legal department, and as city
attorney and corporation counsel.
Mr. Mattice has a host of friends throughout Rochester. His mother, Mrs. Ed
Mattice, resides at 408 North Pontiac street, this city, and a daughter, Mrs.
Glen Marsh, resides at Bluffton, Ind.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 10, 1944]
Special U. S. Attorney Floyd J. Masttice of Washington, D.C., who spent Saturday
and Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. Ed Mattice, left Sunday evening for
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mr. Mattice, it was stated, will be in Cincinnati for the next three weeks where
he is assisting Ohio federal attorneys in the prosecution of several criminal
cases which are being tried in federal court there.
Prior to Mr. Mattice's appointment to the U. S. Department of Justice, he was
serving as a special attorney for the late U. S. Senator Frederick Van Nuys who
was chairman of a committee probing the conditions of the alcoholic beverage
industry in the United States.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, April 24, 1944]
Floyd J. Mattice of the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., announced today
that he is being transferred from Washington to the Chicago office of the
department, War Frauds Unit of the Criminal division, and will be in Chicago for
an indefinite period.
Mrs. Mattice is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Glen O. Marsh of
Bluffton, Ind. Mr. Matice is the son of Mrs. Ed H. Mattice of this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 7, 1944]
The appointment of Floyd J. Mattice to head the war frauds unit in Chicago, was
announced Saturday by the U. S. Department of Justice.
The appointee, son of Mrs. E. H. Mattice, 408 Pontiac street, this city, is well
known here, having practiced law with the late Julius Rowley, and having served
as deputy prosecutor of Fulton and Marshall counties in the old 41st. Judicial
District. He also served as district U.S. attorney under the late Senator
Frederick Van Nuys, and later went to Washington as a special representative of
the Justice Department. His home at present is in Indianapolis.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 4, 1944]
Mrs. Helen Marsh, 54, formerly of Rochester, was found dead Wednesday morning in
her apartment at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., of a gunshot wound.
Fort Lauderdale detectives said death apparently was self-inflicted. Preliminary
opinion was that death occurred Saturday. An autopsy was being conducted by the
coroner's office.
Mrs. Marsh had been in ill health several years. She formerly resided in this
city, moving to Florida a year ago. A graduate of Indiana university, she was a
member of Delta Gamma social sorority and of the Bluffton chapter of Tri Kappa
sorority. She formerly was an art teacher in the Bluffton school system and at
Mrs. Marsh was a member of the Presbyterian church.
Surviving are two sons, Jack and Glen Jr. (Sonny), both of Bluffton, and a
daughter, Linda, who arrived in Bluffton Wednesday night from Austria, where she
had been on a summer study tour. Another daughter, Kay, preceded in death.
The body is to be cremated in Florida, with brief graveside services to follow
at the I.O.O.F cemetery here. Date of the rites has not been determined.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 25, 1966]
He did the first play-by-play broadcast of a football game on October 31,
1903, while he was attending the University of Michigan Law School. He broadcast
over a telephone hookup back to Ann Arbor a Michigan-University of Minnesota
game from Minneapolis.
He operated the Western Union Telegraph Office from his law office in Rochester
for a while.
He served as Prosecutor of Fulton County.
In 1918 he accepted an appointment with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and
later that year he was appointed Assistant United States Attorney.
From 1927 until 1942 he was a professor of criminal law at the former Indiana
Law School, now the Indiana University School of Law at Indianapolis. He then
served as counsel for the U. S. Senate Judiciary Committee for three years. He
served also as Marion County deputy prosecutor, and was named, in 1949, counsel
for the special House committee to investigate lobbying. At the time of the
appointment, he was assistant to Alex Campbell of Fort Wayne, chief of the
criminal division of the Department of Justice.
Before retiring in 1957 Mr. Mattice spent six years as assistant to the attorney
general on the Justice Department's Criminal Division trial staff.
Then, following a brief stint as prosecutor of U. S. War Frauds in Chicago, he
was asked by U. S. Attorney General Tom C. Clark to go to Tokyo to serve in the
International Tribunal for the Far East.
While there he defended Gen. Itagati, a Japanese officer who was found guilty
and ordered hanged. Gen. Itagati sent Mr. Mattice the following letter:
"I beg to express my thanks on this occasion when the individual summation
on my behalf has been made.
"At the International Tribunal I never expected to be represented by an
able counsel like you and given the opportunity to state to the Tribunal fully
the trust and justness of the conducts of both the country and myself.
"Indeed what you have done is more than I hoped for and now I feel that I
have done my last duty. There is nothing more that I desire to be done.
"My feeling is suffocated with gratitude. I hereby express my heartfelt
thanks for your service and pay my deep respect to you."
[Jack Mattice: Hoosier History Maker, Pat Delahanty, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1,
Floyd J. (Jack) Mattice, a Rochester-trained lawyer whose distinguished legal
career brought him international recognition, died this morning at 8 o'clock in
Dukes Memorial hospital at Peru.
He was 88 years of age.
Mr. Mattice had been residing at the National nursing home here and was
transferred to the Peru hospital Tuesday evening to undergo surgery, which was
performed at midnight. He had been in ill health the past two years, sustaining
the loss of both legs by amputation, but retained his natural buoyancy and
interest in life until the end.
His 50-year career in law was capped following World War II when he assisted in
the prosecution of Premier Tojo and other Japanese military leaders for war
crimes. He spent three years, from 1945-48 in these trials, which attracted
international attention.
Mr. Mattice served 14 years as an attorney for various U.S. governmental
agencies before his retirement in 1956, when he returned to Rochester.
He came to this city in 1901, as a 19-year-old after his graduation from high
school in Lima, O. Here he came under the influence of his grandfather, Julius
Rowley, longtime Rochester attorney, and began to read law in Rowley's office.
In a year, he had "passed" the bar by oral examination of local
lawyers and in 1902 entered the law school at the University of Michigan, where
he graduated in 1905.
He then returned to Rochester to enter law practice, served two terms as county
prosecutor, and from 1910-17 was one of the founders and general manager of the
Rochester canning company.
The advent of World War I changed Mr. Mattice's career and sent him on a varied
and interesting path in many far-flung legal fields.
The U. S. Bureau of Investigation (now the FBI) badly needed lawyers with
criminal trial background upon the outbreak of the war.
Mr. Mattice accepted such a post in 1918 as a special agent in Indianapolis and
a year later moved to the post of first assistant to the U.S. district attorney
in that city.
Entering private practice in Indianapolis in 1922, he became one of the city's
leading attorneys for the next 20 years before moving onto the national scene.
While in Indianapolis, Mr. Mattice was instructor in criminal law for the
Indiana law school, chief deputy prosecutor for Marion county, city attorney
under Mayor John Kern and corporation counsel under Mayor Walter Boetcher.
In 1942, with yet another World War in progress, Mr. Mattice went to Washington
as counsel to the U.S. Senate judiciary committee and the next year served in
the same capacity for the Senate liquor investigating committee.
It was while he was in the latter post that the War Department borrowed his
services for the Japanese war crimes trials. Returning from Japan in 1948, he
became a trial attorney for the Department of Justice as special assistant to
the Attorney General.
During this period, from 1949-56, he was loaned to the House of Representatives
as counsel for the House select committee on lobbying. Before his retirement in
1956, he also was counsel for the House committee investigating the White County
Bridge Commission in Indiana.
Following a brief stint as prosecutor of U.S. War Frauds in Chicago he was asked
by U.S. Attorney General Tom C. Clark to go to Tokyo as part of the tribunal.
In 1949, Mr. Mattice, a former Marion County deputy prosecutor, was named
counsel for the special House committee to investigate lobbying. Former Indiana
Congressman Charles A. Halleck was ranking minority member of the committee.
At the time of the appointment, Mattice was assistant to Alex Campbell of Fort
Wayne, chief of the criminal division of the Department of Justice.
Before retiring in 1957 Mr. Mattice spent six years as assistant to the attorney
general on the Justice Department's Criminal Division trial staff.
He was a member of the Elks and Moose lodges here.
Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the I.O.O.F Cemetery here.
Survivors include three grandchildren.
Mr. Mattice retained a life-long interest in Rochester and was well-versed in
its history, much of which he committed to writing.
As a young man in Lima, he had learned telegraphy and pursued this talent as
both vocation and hobby the rest of his life.
Telegraphy helped pay his way through the university of Michigan and there he
earned the distinction of being the first man to "broadcast"a football
At the 1903 game between Michigan and Minnesota at Minneapolis, he stood in a
booth atop a 40-foot tower and telegraphed a play-by-play report of the game
gack to Ann Arbor, where 5,000 student had gathered to receive the news.
Born April 30, 1882, in Middleburg, N.Y., he was the son of Edmund H. and Clara
Rowley Mattice. His marriage was in 1908 at Rochester to Charlotte Killen, who
preceded in death.
Surviving are three grandchildren, Jack T. Marsh and Glen O. Marsh, Jr., both of
Fort Wayne, and Miss Linda Marsh, Bloomington; two great-grandchildren, Shannon
and Lincoln Mattice Marsh, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Myra Mattice, Rochester. A
daughter, Mrs. Helen Marsh, died in 1966.
Graveside rites will be Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. cemetery, following
cremation. The Zimmerman Brothers funeral home is in charge. There will be no
calling hours at the funeral home.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 30, 1970; Monday, Janurary 4, 1971]
Star State Report
Rochester, Ind. - Floyd J. (Jack) Mattice, 88, Rochester, a retired attorney who
defended two of the most noted principals in the Japanese War Crimes trial
following World War II, died yesterday in Duke's hospital at Peru.
Mr. Mattice, who had been taking life easy since 1957, defended Gen. Seishiro
Itagaki and Gen. Iwane Matsui during the International Tribunal.
He originally went to Tokyo to be a part of the prosecuting staff but voluntered
to serve as defense counsel when he learned there was a lack of defense
Early in his career Mr. Mattice did the first play-by-play broadcast of a
football game.
This occurred Oct. 31, 1903, while he was attending the University of Michigan
Law School. He broadcast over a telephone hookup back to Ann Arbor a Michign-University
of Minnesota game from Mineapolis.
A few weeks earlier he had broadcast a game by Morse code over Western Union
lines, a result of having dropped out of Rochester High School after his
freshman year to take a $3 a week job as Western Union telegrapher here.
After a year he returned to school, completing three years in two to graduate
with his original class.
Mr. Mattice was graduated from Michigan in 1908 and began to practice law with
his grandfather here. At the same time he helped with his family's canning
business, became an agent for the Equitable Life Insurance Company of New York
and operated as a Western Union telegrapher from his law office.
He also served four years as Democratic prosecutor of Fulton County and in 1918
accepted an appointment with the Federal Bureal of Investigation.
Later that year, following the end of World War I, he was appointed assistant
United States attorney.
From 1927 until 1942 Mr. Mattice was a professor of criminal law at the former
Indiana Law School, now the Indiana University School of Law. He then served as
counsel for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee for three years.
[The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, December 31, 1970]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Telling of the life that Rochester's Floyd J. Mattice lived is worth a book and
maybe one day I'll write it. For now, those who didn't know him at least should
be made aware of this unusual man. I consider it a privilege that I was able to
be his friend for the last 14 of his 88 years.
He was best known here as Jack Mattice and he moved to Rochester from Lima,
Ohio, as a 19-year-old to begin the study of law in Grandfather Julius Rowley's
office that was above today's Webb's Pharmacy. That was a humble beginning, to
be sure, but there was nothing modest about Jack Mattice's intellect, his drive
nor his ambition.
Earning a law degree at the University of Michigan, he opened his first practice
in Rochester and then, over a 40-year period, compiled a distinguished record in
state, national and international legal arenas. When that was completed, back to
his beloved Rochester he came for the remainder of his life.
After his death, an Indiana attorney who examined his career and the admiration
in which his colleagues held him, called Mattice one "of the greatest
lawyers the state (has) ever produced.' He was particularly noted for his
prowess as a trial lawyer.
Jack spent about a decade in Rochester as a practicing and prosecuting attorney,
managing to found and manage the local canning company at the same time. Fulton
County was neither challenging nor lucrative enough for his talents and
ambition, however, and then came World War I.
The U. S. Bureau of Investigation (later the FBI), needing criminal lawyers,
made him a special agent in Indianapolis. Thus was his flagging career
jump-started. After the war and for the next 20 years he became prominent in
Indianapolis as teacher of criminal law at the Indiana Law School, as Marion
County prosecutor, as Indianapolis city attorney and as the city s corporation
In 1942, with another World War in progress, he was called to Washington as
counsel for the U.S. Senate judiciary committee. Three years later Attorney
General Tom Clark selected him to join the International Tribunal as a counsel
for Japanese militarists at the war crimes trials in Tokyo. Clark, later a
Supreme Court Justice, became a lifelong friend.
For 32 months Mattice and wife Charlotte lived in Japan while he filled the
difficult, thankless task of defending commanders of two Japanese armies, Gen.
Seishiro Itagaki and Gen. Iwane Matsui. None of the 26 defendants had a chance
of acquittal, of course, and both of his clients were among the seven sentenced
to be hanged. Before the execution Gen. Itagaki wrote a letter to Jack that he
forever treasured. In it Itagaki said that he was "suffocated with
gratitude" for Mattice's efforts on his behalf that he termed "beyond
all racial prejudice and former enmity."
The general's additional gift of a silk robe now rests in the Fulton County
Historical Society museum. Jack, incidentally, always doubted the legal validity
of the trials as well as their value to insuring future peace.
More assignments from the Attorney General followed until in 1956 Jack retired
and chose to end his life where his career began, in Rochester. Here he was with
friends of many years, could pursue his interests in local history and his
family's genealogy (he claimed to have traced the Mattices to 10 B.C.).
A constant pipe smoker, Jack was a bear of a man at 6-2 and 230 pounds or so.
Athletic in his youth, he often spoke with considerable pride of the marathon
swims he made from shore to shore at Manitou, where he spent so much time as a
youth and young man and where he later lived in retirement. He began visiting
his grandparents here in 1888, when he was only six, and could recite events of
those early lake days with vivid total recall.
Even as a boy he had the quick and curious intelligence that served him so well
later in the law. He was captivated by the invention of telegraphy in 1896, for
instance, and taught himself to use it while still in high school. Later, while
attending the University of Michigan, he became the first person in the nation
to "broadcast" a football game.
It was his own idea. He went with the team to Minneapolis in 1903 when it played
Minnesota. From a 40-foot tower he watched the game and by Morse code sent a
play-by-play account back to Ann.Arbor, where 5,000 students waited to hear it
One more episode helps define Jack Mattice. When Peru was hit by a devastating
flood in the spring of 1913 the city of Rochester was called upon for boats and
men. Mayor Omar Smith put. this 25-year-old attorney in charge. Not only did he
organize the local relief force that saved so many Peruvians from death, he also
with his own canoe and a friend personally rcscued scores of people.
Widowed in 1961, Jack spent his last years in a modest duplex in the 1000 block
of Madison Street. It was not far from wife Charlotte Killen's childhood home
that, before their marriage, he had secretly wired with a telegraph line so he
could cou'rt her after hours.
Life had come full circle for this vigorous but introspective giant of a man and
when it ended on December 30, 1970, he confronted it with same equanimity he had
faced all his other crises and challenges. Shortly before his death he underwent
amputation of a second leg. He asked to be given only a local anesthetic so he
could watch the operation.
Jack Mattice's character was unforgettable and his existence is an eternal
credit to the Rochester that he adopted.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 16, 1997]
MATTINGLY, W. H. [Rochester, Indiana]
W. H. Mattingly. - Mr. Mattingly, who has been dubbed a stalwart of the
stalwarts among county editors, was born in New Albanty, Ohio, November 9, 1811.
His parents were Kentuckians. He was reared at Corydon, but moved with his
parents to Plymouth, Ind., when fifteen years of age. He remained with his
father, in the office of the Plymouth Republican, until 1860, when he made
arrangements for self-education at the Valparaiso Male and Female College. The
war breaking out, he joined the Ninth Indiana, and bore its colors through the
first campaign of West Virginia. He drifted into the regular, where no civilian
or private could ever hope for promotion. He then entered, with the whole ardor
of his youth, into the bloody drama, and for nearly four years he followed the
destiny of the old flag, eighteen months of which time he spent in the prison
hells of the South. He was an inmate of Andersonville Prison, where death and
starvation held high carnival. Demons, high and low, seemed to vie with each
other in making that place miserable. Years and ages cannot blot its
contemptible history from the records. Returning from the war, he went to work
at the case, and has worked as printer and publisher ever since. He became
editor and publisher of the Rochester Republican, which was established as the
Rochester Union Spy in 1868, succeeding the Chronicle, which had been edited and
published last by Hon. M. L. Essick and Mrs. Lewis Sholts. The Republican ran as
the Spy until 1879, when it was re-purchased by Mr. Mattingly, who had parted
with it some five and one-half years before, to T. Major Bitters. On
re-accession of Mr. M. to the editorial tripod, the Republican experienced a
boom which ran up to 1,200 copies. The paper overflowed with advertisements, and
was more than ordinarily prosperous. In 1881, he became Postmaster of Rochester,
and is now serving under an appointment in the Public Printing Department at
Washington, D.C.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 24]
MAXEY, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
MAXINKUCKEE INN [Culver, Indiana]
[See Culver Military Academy]
In a recent issue of the Indianapolis Star a feature story was written about
Marvel Maxwell, whose screen name is Marilyn, a vocalist who was to warble with
Amos Otstot and Art Berry's Boys in Indianapolis night spots and at Lake
Manitou. She is now going places in Hollywood.
Six months ago a film career, to her, was only something to dream about. Now at
the present time she's working on her fourth picture with the first "Stand
By For Action," already playing the theatres and the other two finished,
awaiting release. I'd say not bad for a start.
Marvel, who some will remember is a tall girl, with blond hair and hazel eyes,
this combination is a cameraman's delight. She played only a bit part as Robert
Taylor's gal in "Stand By For Action," but you'll see lots of her in
"Salute For The Marines," her next.
She plays the romantic lead and the film is in technicolor. She also has played
the top feminine role opposite Lionel Barrymore in "Dr. Gillespie's Prison
Story." She is now working with Kay Kyser in "Right About Face,"
which gives her a first chance to show her singing talent on the screen.
Marvel, whose home town is Fort Wayne, owes part of her start to Colonial Hotel
at Lake Manitou, for it was there that she began her professional career as a
singer with Amos Otstot's orchestra. Amos "discovered" Miss Maxwell
while she was auditioning at Station WOWO in Ft. Wayne. He engaged her then to
sing with his band in the 1937 summer season at Colonial Hotel. The following
fall he took her with him to the Columbia Club in Indianapolis and a few months
later Buddy Rogers was there and stopped to hear the band. He took a quick
liking to the attractive vocalist and arranged for her to join his band on tour.
She went on from there.
Before joining Otstott, Marvel, who is now 21, had been singing for a couple of
years on the radio in her home town. Marvel's mother, at the present time is
still living in Fort Wayne. It isn't every band that has the honor of starting a
movie star on her way on the ladder to stardom. She also appeared a few weeks
with Art Berry's musical crew at the Claypool Hotel in Indianapolis.
Rogers took Marvel for an engagement at Catalina and it was there Mary Pickford,
Buddy's wife, noted her screen possibilities and offered to help her launch a
film career. But nothing came of this suggestion because Marvel said
"No", until three years later. She continued to do well as a main line
band canary. She returned to Indianapolis for a week's engagement with Ted Weems.
Three years ago Ted Weems played a one night stand at Colonial Hotel and Miss
Maxwell appeard with him. They have been through Rochester and stopped here a
few times since.
Six months ago she was singing in Clevaland on a bond-selling program when the
dawn appeared. Five days later she was in the arms of Robert Taylor in
Hollywood. A telegram to M-G-M's Cleveland office from Hollywood did it.
Several other stars have appeared at Lake Manitou at the old Fairview Hotel and
Colonial Hotel. Among some of these stars are Dick Powell, who sang two seasons
with Charlie Davis' orchestra at Fairview and also Hoagy Carmichael, who played
a season at Fairview.
Of course, we have our famed King's Jester, who are local boys. They are now
playing with Columbia Network in Chicago. They got their start with Paul
Whiteman and later worked into a band of their own. Dorothy Lamour, who before
her famous film career, sang four times at Lake Manitou with Herbie Kay's
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, February 6, 1943]
MAXWELL & JACKSON [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] POSTPONEMENT. On account of the late arrival of some of our goods, we will
have to postpone the opening of The ROCHESTER BAZAAR until Saturday, April 21.
Watch this paper next week for big bargains in all lines. MAXWELL & JACKSON,
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 14, 1906]
See Cole Bros.-Clyde Beatty Circus
Ken Maynard, noted Hollywood film star, who has been featured in a number of
western motion pictures and serial films, is spending two days here at the Cole
Brothers Circus winterquarters as the guest of Jess Adkins and Zack Terrell.
Maynard is to be featured in the Cole Brothers Circus during the 1937 season.
His trip to Rochester was for the purpose of arranging his act in which he will
feature several others who have been in films with him.
Is a Film Star-Writer
The western film star is one of the few movie actors who writes his own script.
At the present time he is working on the script of a new serial picture
"Ghost Mountain" which is to be produced shortly.
The serial will be in eight sections and will be produced under the direction of
Maynard with his own company. He is a "western" veteran having been in
films for twenty years. For several years he was owner of his own circus in
which he was the star performer.
His home is at Columbus, Ind., where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maynard
still reside. Mr. Maynard plans to visit his parents before he returns to
Snow New To Him
Maynard stated that he has not seen the ground covered with snow since he left
for Hollywood twenty years ago to make films in the days of the silent movies.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, January 29, 1937]
Ken Maynard, former resident of Columbus, movie star who was featured in the
congress of rough riders in the concert of the Cole Brothers Circus for the past
two years, has been sued for separate maintenance by his wife, Mary Elsie
The suit was filed in the Superior Court at Los Angeles, Cal. yesterday. In her
plea, Mrs. Maynard, who formerly lived in South Bend, charges her husband with
persistently associating with other women.
Mrs. Maynard asks $600 a month alimony and $1000 for her attorney's fee. No date
for the hearing of Mrs. Maynard's petition has been set by the court.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, October 15, 1938]
McCALL & PONTIUS [Rochester, Indiana]
Because of ill health, A. A. "Gus" Tatman, veteran cement block and
burial vault maker of this city, Wednesday afternoon sold his business at the
corner of Main and Fourth streets to Pontius and McCall. The new owners have a
cement plant on the Van Dien cement road and plan to merge the new plants at the
North Main street location.
Mr. Tatman today stated that he will take a long rest and then may assist his
son who conducts cement block and burial vault factory in Akron.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, April 2, 1925]
McCALLA, HAROLD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Harold McCalla)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Harold McCalla)
McCARTER, EDGAR [Liberty Township]
Edgar McCarter, of Liberty township, Fulton county, Indiana, was born at
Rochester June 11, 1858, the son of Samuel McCarter, a native of Shelby county,
and his wife Rachel N. (Shelton) McCarter born in Virginia September 3, 1838.
The father was a Democrat, a farmer and a member of the Methodist church. He
died in 1897, and was buried in the Shelton cemetery in Fulton county. His wife
was also a devout Methodist and a pioneer settler in Indiana. Her family drove a
"prairie schooner" into the new country and located near Rochester.
His son, Edgar, is also a Democrat; was a trustee of Liberty township from 1909
to 1915, and served four years on the advisory board. He is a Methodist and a
member of the I.O.O.F. He was married June 22, 1878, to Mary E. Quick, daughter
of Philo N. and Hannah (Packer) Quick of Fulton county. The children of this
marriage are: Daisy E., Pearl, Frank, Alva and Harry. Daisy Edith, after
completing her schooling in the schools of the community, married George
Washington, by whom she had three children. Pearl was a student in the common
schools. Frank is a farmer and married Bertha Smith and they have had one child.
Alva married Doris Palmer and had two children. He is a carpenter. Harry married
Gail Wiltshire. He is a clerk by vocation, and served in the World war. He is
also a Mason.
0 [Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 234-235, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
McCARTER, FRANK [Rochester, Indiana]
See: First National Bank
McCARTER, HARLEY [Rochester, Indiana]
Harley McCarter has purchased the Enterprise restaurant and will take charge
immediately. The former proprietor, Oley Owens, will stay in Rochester this
winter but will leave for the West in the spring, for the benefit of his wife's
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 16, 1903]
Harley McCarter today opened his new cafe in the Fromm building at 614 North
Main street. He will specialize in serving meals and short orders. Mr. McCarter
has redecorated the room and built a number of attractive booths for his
customers. Mr. McCarter has been engaged in the cafe business in Rochester for a
number of years.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 9, 1940]
In a recent real estate transaction, Harley McCarter of this city, purchased the
business building located at 604 Main street, from the Minta Holeman heirs. Mr.
McCarter has already taken possession of the building, where he is operating his
restaurant business. He was formerly located in the Fromm building, 514 North
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 24, 1944]
McCARTER, HARRY [Fulton, Indiana]
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCarter who operate a grocery and dry goods store inFulton
have purchased a cement block store bilding in Fulton from A. A. Gast and will
move their store into it. The Gast room was occupied for a number of years by
Cloud & Son.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 12, 1940]
McCARTER, MEL [Macy, Indiana]
One of the bloodiest fights ever pulled off in Macy stirred that town up Tuesday
evening when M. J. McCarter, the druggist, and Wesley Fellers, a painter,
indulged in an encounter that resulted seriously.
As the story goes there has been the rankest of ill feelings between the two men
for the past three or four years. Mr. McCarter was in Rochester Tuesday, and as
he left the train at Macy and was on his way to his place of business he met Mr.
Fellers. An altercation followed and after many hot words Mr. McCarter went on
downtown to his store. Later Fellers came along and it is said McCarter came out
of the drug store with a ball bat in his hand. A fight was started at once and
in the fray McCarter swung the bat so vigorously that his opponent was soon
sprawling on the walk with four deep scalp wounds, an injured spine and his left
leg broken in two places below the knee.
The injured man was taken to a physician's office where the wounds were
McCarter went to Peru Wednesday and gave himself up to the officers but as no
warrant had been issued no action was taken.
As to what action, if any, Fellers will take is at the present unknown.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 27, 1909]
As the result of the fight between Mel McCarter, the Macy druggist, and Wesley
Fellers, mentioned exclusively in the SENTINEL, Thursday, Mr. McCarter was taken
to Peru Friday afternoon by Sheriff Volpert and placed under arrest on a warrant
charging him with assault and battery, with intent to kill.
McCarter was placed in jail but later furnished bond and was released pending
the trial which will be held within the next few days.
The affair created considerable excitement at Macy and the citizens are greatly
wrought up over the matter.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 29, 1909]
The SENTINEL stated that Mel McCarter was confined in jail at Peru the other
day, pending the signing of his bond, and secured the information from what it
considered a reliable source. A friend of Mr. McCarter's called today to state
that he had never been committed to jail, but immediately gave bond for $1,000
and was released from custody.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday June 1, 1909]
The case of the state of Indiana vs Melvin McCarter, of Macy, assault and
battery with intent to commit murder, is scheduled to be taken up next Monday
morning in Miami county circuit court. The prosecuting witness to the case is a
man named Fellows, of the Allen township metropolis, who, it is alleged, was
terribly beaten by McCarter in front of the latter's drug store at Macy about a
year ago. Fellows and McCarter had been enemies for some time and it just seemed
that the opportune time had come for them to get together at the time they met
at the drug store. Fellows suffered a broken leg and was otherwise considerably
disabled in the scrimmage. It is said McCarter used a ball bat on his opponet,
but this allegation is firmly denied by the defendant. He is represented by
attorneys Bailey & Bailey, and prosecuting attorney V. M Kagy will be
assisted by Cox & Andrews. All indications point to the case to be taken up
for trial Monday. It will be the first state case to be tried before a Miami
county jury for some time. McCarter has been at liberty under bond.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 10, 1909]
Peru Journal.
The case of the State vs Mel McCarter, of Macy, is still occupying all the time
of the circuit court, and the many witnesses are being rapidly examined and
cross-examined. The state is trying to prove that McCarter assaulted Wesley
Fellers with the intent to murder him with a ball bat, and the defense contends
that McCarter is not a fighter and was persecuted to the extent that he took a
ball bat and defended himself. During the fight in front of the McCarter drug
store at Macy last May, the pair clinched, and fell to the ground and fought lke
wild cats until separated by the crowd, when it was found that McCarter had been
bitten on the finger and that Fellers had sustained a broken leg and numerous
bruises that kept him bedfast for some time. All the state's witnesses have been
examined and the examination of the witnesses for the defense was taken up
Tuesday forenoon, and Hank Winters was the first witness called. When Prosecutor
Kagy took up the cross-examination and asked Mr. Winters such personal questions
as to whether he had ever been in jail or ever drank intoxicating liquors, Mr.
Bailey, Sr., for the defense, objected, saying that Kagy was conducting an
ungentlemanly trial and was asking questions that might coincide with his own
experiences. At this Mr. Kagy objected and in the words that followed it looked
as if there would be another assault and battery case to try. After some
trouble, during which Mr. Bailey remained seated, the court restored order and
the routing work proceeded.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 16, 1909]
Peru Chronicle.
The most stubborn jury that has figured in affairs in the circuit court for many
days is still deliberating in the case of the state vs Melvin McCarter, the Macy
druggist, after being out two days and nights, and from all appearances the body
will fail to reach a verdict. The jurymen were down from headquarters this
afternoon and reported to Judge Tillett that they were unable to arrive at an
agreement, but the judge retained their service and returned them to the jury
room. P. C. Smith is the foreman. It is understood the majority of the jurors
stand in favor of acquitting the defendant , while others are holding out for a
verdict of assault and battery, eliminating the charge of intent to kill. Those
who have been in favor of acquittal have been endeavorng to win the others over
in order that a disagreement will not be reported, thus probably saving the
inconvenience of another hearing and saving MCarter from a probable suit for
damages for injuries alleged to have been inflicted upon Mr. Fellers. The jurors
have become restless and at intervals spend much time having a rough house. Some
heated arguments have been heard throughout the entire building and the
occupants of the court house are reminded much of a political meeting.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 18, 1909]
A suit was filed in the Miami circuit court, Thursday morning by Wesley Fellers
against Melvin McCarter. The case is a damage suit in which the sum of $5,000 is
Messrs Fellers and McCarter are both of Macy and the suit is the result of a
scrap which the men had some months ago in which Fellers received a severe
beating. Two weeks ago, it will be remembered, McCarter was tried in the Miami
circuit court on the charge of assault and battery with intent to commit muder,
and after the jury had been out three days and two nights they were discharged
by the judge, having failed to reach an agreement.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 24, 1909]
Melvin McCarter, the Macy driggist, is now through with his troubles for a while
at least. Thursday in circuit court the charge against him for assault and
battery with intent to kill was reduced to that of assault and battery, to which
he entered a plea of guilty. He was fined $5 and costs, which he paid. The
prosecuting witness in the case was Wesley Fellers, a fellow townsman, who
alleged McCarter attempted to take his life in a fight that occurred in the
McCarter drug store about a year ago. During the October term of court the case
was heard before a jury and many witnesses were examined, but the jury failed to
reach an agreement.
A civil action of Fellers vs. McCarter, which had also been pending in court for
several months, was dismissed Thursday morning, and now the hatchet is buried.
Fellers had entered a suit for $5,000 damages.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 25, 1910]
McCARTY, J. MURRAY [Rochester, Indiana]
See Rochester Federal Fish Hatchery.
Huntington Daily News.
J. A. McCarty, the Erie detective, who has been at Hot Springs, Ark., taking
treatment, was an arrival in the city Monday and later left for Rochester, to
visit his family, who are visiting Mrs. McCarty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Murray. So great is the improvement in Mr. McCarty's general condition that his
friends will be surprised and delighted in finding him looking so well.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 20, 1903]
Huntington Herald.
Detective J. A. McCarty, of the Erie, had a letter Friday, saying that he had
been "relieved" as Captain of Erie Police. This is neither a
"Resignation" nor a "discharge." Mr. McCarty has been in
poor health for several months and unable to look after his duties. When he
recovers his health the way is open to him for re-instalment should he desire to
continue in Erie service. He has been a very efficient special agent, stands
high with Erie officials, and his release from present service is only due to
his continued ill health.
Mr. McCarty's present plans are to break up house keeping in this city and go
with his family to Rochester, where they will remain with Mrs. McCarty's parents
until he is able to resume work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 21, 1903]
Knowledge of the secret marriage of two prominent young people of the city
became known today, when it was learned that Miss Henriyetta Ward, daughter of
Mrs. Blanch Ward, and Murray McCarty, son of Mrs. Charles Campbell, were married
at St. Joe, Mich., on September 9, 1919. When asked about the marriage, Mr.
McCarty denied it and would give no further information. Members of Mrs.
McCarty's family, when interviewed over the telephone refused to confirm or deny
the fact but referred the interviewers to the principals. Mrs. McCarty could not
be located up to the time of going to press.
It is understood that the news of the marriage became known to the relatives of
the young bride, when the marriage license was found in an old trunk at her
grandmother's home. However the secret has been kept inside the family circle,
since then. It is also understood that Mr. McCarty has rented a house here in
the city and is making plans to move in at an early date.
It has long been understood by close friends of the young couple that they
intended to be married soon and that the date was not far off but there was no
suspicion of their marriage being already over. No further details of the event
are known owing to the refusal of those involved to give any information.
Mrs. McCarty is one of the charming young ladies of the younger set. She has
been attending St. Mary's Academy at South Bend, until Xmas holidays, when she
did not return to school. She also attended Rochester high school. Mr. McCarty
is a graduate of the class of 1915 of Rochester high school. He also attended
Purdue University. He is now employed in the offices of the Rochester Bridge
County clerk Baker, of Berrien county at St. Joe, Michigan, when called by long
distance late Tuesday afternoon gave the information that the young couple were
issued a marriage license on September 9th and were married by Rev. Kirn of the
Evangelical church. Mrs. McCarty gave her age as 18 and Mr. McCarty as 20.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 13, 1920]
Murray McCarty was granted permission to practice law in the Fulton circuit
court yesterday by Judge Robert Miller. McCarty was admitted to the bar on the
request of his step-father, Atty. Charles Campbell.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 27, 1931]
McCARTY, WARD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Ward McCarty)
Being operated by Frank McClain in 1901.
McCLUNG, CARL [Rochester, Indiana]
Carl McClung, a former reisdent of this city who has been the manager of the
Cincinnati Club, a hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio for the past three years announced
Saturday in Cincinnati that he would leave that city on December 5th for Toledo,
Ohio, where he has accepted the managership of the Hillcrest Hotel. Mr. McClung
received his first hotel experience in Logansport. Later he was connected with a
hotel in Indianapolis. For the past ten years he has been in the hotel business
in Cincinnati having served as assistant manager of the Hotel Gibson, manager of
the Fountain Square and Cincinnati Club and served eight years as secretary of
the Ohio Hotel Association. The Hillcrest Hotel is a year and half old. It is an
apartment hotel of 600 rooms and has a 250 car garage.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 1, 1931]
McCLUNG, JOHN L. [Rochester, Indiana]
John L. McClung, the auditor of Fulton county, was born on a farm five miles
southeast of Rochester on the Wabash road, the son of Joseph J. and Sarah J.
(Davidson) McClung, who were among the first settlers of Fulton county. Joseph
McClung was a farmer during his entire life, engaging in general farming on the
home place. He died twenty-four years ago at the age of fifty-seven years and
his wife passed away in 1917 at the age of seventy-one years. To them were born
two children, John L., the subject of this review, and Ruth, who married E. T.
Brown, an attorney of Indianapolis, and died in 1917. John L. McClung received
his elementary education in the public and high schools of Rochester and then
entered Purdue University from which he was graduated in the course of Pharmacy
in 1895. For seven and a half years thereafter he was employed as a drug clerk
in Rochester, giving up this work at the expiration of that time to take charge
of the work on the home farm. Here he remained until his entrance into politics
which demanded that his attention be turned elsewhere. He had been asked to run
for the office of County Auditor on the Republican ticket, and he at last agreed
to do so in the elections of 1918. He was elected to the office of auditor by a
majority of 349 votes and assumed the duties of that position on January 1,
1920. He has been an able and efficient auditor, amply fulfilling the
expectations of the citizens who elected him. He was married on October 22,
1902, to Gertrude Cook, of Akron, Indiana, and to him and his wife have been
born three children, two of whom, Joseph and Mary Louise, are deceased and the
third, Marjorie is still living. Mr. McClung's popularity is also evinced by his
membership in Masonic Lodge No. 79 and Thirty-second Degree at Ft. Wayne and
Shriner at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Lodge No. 47 of the Independent Order of Odd
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 235-236, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
McCLUNG DRESS MAKING SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Dress Making. Miss Maggie McClung would respectfully announce to our citizens
that she is now prepared at her shop, between Keith, Calkins & Henderson's
Brokers office, and Parmalee's Law office, in Mrs. Shryock's old residence, to
do all kinds of Dress and Cloak making, cutting and fitting to order in the best
possible manner, and at reasonable terms. Call and see.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, October 31, 1867]
McCLUNG HARDWARE STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] ANNOUNCING BUSINESS CHANGES. The Frank S. Sheppard Hardware business has
passed into the hands of the McClung Hardware Company, and will be conducted in
the same building as formerly, and will have associated with it the Electric
Wiring and Sales Company.
The Hardware Store will be under the management of John McClung, ex-County
Auditor and a former farmer- - - - Mr. McClung will be assisted by John E.
("Jack") Chamberlain, a hardware man of large experience. - - - -
The Electric Store will continue to supply the trade in Electric Wiring,
Heating, and Plumbing Work, and be under the management of Guy E. Barger, who is
known to do things right, assisted by Lester Rogers, a coming electrical
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 22, 1924]
John McClung, recently retired county auditor, who had purchased the stock of
the Sheppard Hardware store which he had since operated, has sold out his
interests to Charles Davis and Guy Barger, who were operating an electrical
equipment supply shop in the same room. Barger and Davis had been interested in
the hardware stock, but are now the sole owners. Mr. McClung has not yet
signified his intentions for the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 6, 1924]
A deal was closed Thursday whereby Charles Davis and Roy Barger traded the
McClung Hardware company and the electrical merchandising business of the
Electric Wiring and Sales company to John Shoup for his 160-acre farm situated
two miles north of Akron. The transaction, which involved $30,000, was closed by
Martin Barkman of this city and Henry Penry of Akron. Possession will be given
by both parties about November 15th.
Mr. Shoup, who is a married man with a family of three children, will move to
this city and take charge of the store. Jack Chamberlain will continue as
manager. Mr. Barger will open a shop in the west room of the Barrett building on
East Seventh street where he will handle electrical wiring, plumbing and heating
Mr. Davis will devote his entire time to the ice, coal and dairy business of the
Bailey Ice company in which concern he is a heavy stockholder. The Shoup farm is
one above the average in Fulton county, while the stock of the hardware acquired
by Mr. Shoup is very complete.
The merchandise in the store was purchased after Frank Sheppard, former owner,
mysteriously disappeared about nine months ago.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 31, 1924]
McCLURE, THOMAS JESSE [Millark, Indiana]
A special from Marion to the Indianapolis Star tells of a terrible crime
committed near Point Isabell, Grant county, Sunday afternoon.
Thomas Jesse McCLURE, a farm hand about forty, separated from his wife, went to
visit her and see his little boys, aged 4 and 2 years respectively. He had candy
and nuts for them and took them out for a ride. When he had driven about 'till
they fell asleep he took his revolver and shot each of them in the head killing
the oldest one instantly and mortally wounding the other. Then he laid them down
by the road side and drove to Marion and gave himself up.
A mob gathered to hang him and he was taken to the Indianapolis jail.
From the description of the man and the name it is believed here that he was the
same Jesse McCLURE who grew up at Twelve Mile and afterwards married a daughter
of "Doc" JOHNSON at Millark. McClure was so mean to this wife she got
a divorce from him and he afterwards tried to get the child but was foiled.
Since then, which was twelve years ago, he left this part of the country and has
never been back.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 26, 1903]
Jesse McClure, the child slayer, passed through Rochester today noon on his way
to Michigan City Prison, to serve his life sentence. At the investigation of
Prosecutor Daniels, lduring the session of the Tipton county grand jury, another
indictment will be brought against McClure for the murder of his younger son,
Dee, as a matter of record in case there should ever be an attempt to pardon
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 2, 1903]
"Former Fulton county man as he appeared when he passed through Rochester
last week to begin a 99 year sentence at the Prison North for the murder of his
two little boys."
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 8, 1903]
Jesse McClure, who murdered his two little boys and was sentenced for life, told
the story of the crime again to the Michigan City News when he arrived at
prison, saying:
"I wook them in the buggy and drove up and down in front of the house while
they ate some cakes that I bought for them, and then they fell asleep. I then
knew that the time was coming when I must separate from them, and it was more
than I could stand, so I decided to kill them. Dee had gone to sleep in my arms
and Homer was lying on the mat asleep. I laid Dee on the grass at the side of
the road, took my revolver from my pocket and placed the muzzle against hs
forehead and sent a bullet through his brain. I then went to the buggy, removed
Homer, who had been awakened by the discharge of the revolver. He said:
"Papa, what are you going to do?" The pleading expression in his eyes
was more than I could endure and I placed one hand over his face, laid him on
the grass at the side of his dead brother and shot him."
As McClure was passing through Kokomo, on his way to prison, he told the Kokomo
Dispatch the following:
"I want to say in the paper that I love my wife yet. Tell her that I love
her more than anything in the world. Maybe she will see it and forgive me.
"I have tried ever since the night I was arrested to see her and talk to
her. I wanted just one talk and then I would never have seen her again. But she
would never see me. Last night I sent Les Riddles around to her to plead for me.
Les knows her and he got her to promise to come to see me before I had to leave
this morning. It made me very happy. I forgot all my troubles and slept last
night like an innocent little child. She didn't come this morning as she
promised, but she went to Centerville, where her folks are. She will live there
with them, and I won't never see her no more.
"I will write to her just as soon as I get to prison if they will let me.
It ain't any real use, though, because she will send the letters back, I know
she will, without even opening them. I have got religion. I am a good man now
and I will try to lead a better life when I get home. I suppose I ought to call
the prison home, because I will stay there until I die.
"All the same, I wish that they had hanged me. It wasn't fair to keep me
there all my life. I am trying to be a good man, so I can't commit suicide, but
I hate to think of living so long. I don't blame the judge or the jury, though,
they done the best they knew how.
"I am sorry now that I committed the crime, but it is too late to think of
that now. I don't know why I did it, unless it was because I loved my wife so,
and she had been so mean. I thought that I would be revenged, and I guess I
thought that she would be better to me if the children were out of the way. I
don't know just what I did think."
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 5, 1903]
Jesse McClure, the infanticide, who was recently sentenced to the state prison,
has acted strangely since being confined. The question which confronts the
prison officials is, whether he is a religious fanatic or a moral degenerate.
Prison officials say he is the hardest looking specimen of humanity that has
entered the prison gates in years. His face is that of an extremely degenerated
type of man and the marks of the criminal are as prominent in his face as his
Throughout the time that McClure was confined in the Tipton jail awaiting trial
he was religiously inclined. A bible was his constant companion and he spent
many hours committing prayers to memory. Written on the fly leaves of the new
testament he had with him was the following:
Our little ones have gone to rest,
They are freed from life and care
They are pillowed on the Savior's breast
And safe from every snare.
In another part of the book is written the following: "James Omer McClure
was born April 13, 1900, and died Oct. 25, aged 3 years, 6 months and 6 days.
Richard Dee McClure was born March 7, 1901, and died Nov. 10, 1903, aged 2
years, 8 months and 2 days." Upon his arrival at the prison the bible and
new testament were taken from him until he had been given a bath, assigned to
his cell, given a suit of convict garb and various other formalities gone
through with. The murderer was greatly exercised over the fact that he had been
temporarily deprived of his constant companions and asked repeatedly that the
books be brought to him.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 17, 1903]
McCLURE & WILSON HARDWARE [Rochester, Indiana]
Located NW corner 9th & Main, in S half of Odd Fellows Building.
The building was remodeled many years later by Torchy Knapp, and was called the
Knapp Building. James Zimmerman renamed it Century Building when he purchased
The members of the McClure Working Men's Library Association are requested to
meet at the Library Room in the Court House on Saturday evening, May 12, at 6
o'clock p.m. . . .
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, May 10, 1860]
McClure Library Association. There will be a meeting of the Association at
the library room -- J. J. Davis' Law office -- on next Thursday eve., at 6:30
p.m., for special business. A. J. Holmes, Secy.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, February 12, 1863]
Notice. There will be a meeting of the McClure Library Association at the
Court House, on Tuesday next, April 11, 1865, at 7 o'clock p.m. The object of
the meeting is to organize the Association, by electing permanent officers . . .
A. F. Smith, Temporary Secretary. Rochester, April 4th, 1865.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 6, 1865]
McCLURG, FRED [Rochester, Indiana]
Fred McClurg was today admitted to the bar by Judge Carr on motion of Attorney
Charles Emmons. Mr. McClurg has for the past two years been studying law in the
Chicago Law School. Prior to starting his legal training Mr. McClurg was a rural
route carrier. He is also a World war veteran and a member of the Shelton
American Legion post of this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 2, 1926]
Fred McClurg, attorney of Rochester, has received notification of his
appointment to a position with the Gross Income and Sales Tax Division of the
State of Indiana. Mr. McClurg will depart on Wednesday to assume his new duties
and he will make his home at Indianapolis for some little time, he said.
The appointment came to the local man, the letter stated, due to his legal
training which will be needed in the department particularly while the new gross
income tax law is being enforced. He received his appointment from Clarence A.
Jackson, director of the department with the approval of Governor Paul V.
McNutt. Jackson stated further that McClurg would at first be used in solving
legal problems in the store license division of the department and that he would
be employed in the capital offices for some little time after which he would be
sent into the field.
McClurg served as prosecuting attorney of Fulton County for two terms. He has
always been an active democrat and is a leading member of the Masonic Lodge and
the American Legion. In the last few years he has practiced law in the same
offices with Selden Brown.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, April 25, 1933]
A new book of regulations of the Indiana Gross Income Tax Act, written and
compiled by Fred C. McClurg, former Prosecuting Attorney of Fulton County, has
just been released by the Treasurer of the State of Indiana.
The book, now being distributerd, is highly technical and covers every phase of
the application of the law.
C. A. Jackson, Director of the Gross Income Tax Division had long recognized the
need for such a book of this kind and selected Mr. McClurg to write it. Mr.
McClurg's regular duty is sitting as Judge of Hearings, involves legal matters
related to tax cases under this act.
The book has already received considerable praise from members of the legal
profession of Indiana. Mr. Jackson stated that he believed that the book will be
of great assistance to taxpayers in obtaining a clear understanding of their tax
liability under this law which has been the subject of much controversy since
its passage by the 1934 legislature.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 28, 1934]
Fred C. McClurg, formerly of this city who is employed in the legal department
of the Indiana Income Tax and Store License Division, was recently appointed on
a 22-man Tax Study Committee. McClurg's capacity will be in the form of a legal
advisor and also to make suggestions to the committee for technical amendments
to the Gross Income Tax.
The former Rochester attorney accompanied Clarence A. Jackson as a delegate to
the National Tax Administrators convention which was held at French Lick, Ind.,
December 3rd and 4th. At the Tuesday's meeting, Mr. McClurg addressed the
assembly on the various phases of the Indiana Gross Income Tax.
The Governor's newly appointed 22-man committee will have for its task a
comprehensive study of the effect of the gross income tax law as it has been in
operation since its passage in 1933. From the results of this study the
committee will be expectd to suggest any changes that are needed to make its
operation more equitable.
[The News-Sentinel, Duesday, December 11, 1934]
Attorney Fred McClurg of this city, who has served on the legal staff in the
state gross income tax division for the past two years, was this week named head
of the legal department. The appointment was effective as of March 1.
Attorney McClurg has been the assistant of Leroy Sanders, an Indianapolis
attorney who has been the head of the legal staff of the state gross income tax
division and who resigned the position. Sanders gave as reason for resigning
that he wished to resume his private law practice.
Attorney Elmer Marchino, Vincennes, who has been with the tax division since its
organization in April, 1933 will become assistant to McClurg. Marchino was city
judge of Vincennes in 1927 and 1928.
Prosecution Attorney
Attorney McClurg has been a prosecuting lawyer in this city for a number of
years. He is a democrat and served two terms as prosecuting attorney of Fulton
The appointee is well qualified to assume the position to which he has been
named as he has made an extensive study of tax problems. Before leaving for
Indianapolis Attorney McClurg had his law offices at 725 1/2 Main Street.
Clarence Jackson, Greenfield, is in charge of the state gross income tax
division. Mr. Jackson is well known here and has spoken in this city on a number
of occasions.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 1, 1935]
Indianapolis, Ind., March 7 (INS) - Fred McClurg, Rochester, chief of the legal
staff of the Indiana Gross Income Tax Division, will participate in the
arguments before the Supreme court at Washington this week, when questions of
the taxability of interstate sales is argued before the nation's highest
McClurg has been connected with the gross income tax department since 1933.
Constitutionality of Indiana's gross income tax statute is questioned in a suit
of the J. D. Adams Manufacturing Co., of Indianapolis. The state Supreme court
already has upheld the law.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 7, 1938]
Fred McClurg, former prosecuting attorney of this city and now chief counsel of
Indiana's Gross Income Tax and Store License Division, of Indianapolis, received
considerable publicity, a portion of "kiddin'" and some well-merited
compliments in the March issue of The Gross Income Tax and Store License Digest,
which is published in Indianapolis.
To Fred's legion of Rochester and Fulton county friends the following story
taken from the tax division journal will prove most interesting:
"Tell me the hometown low-down on Fred McClurg," we asked a Rochester
"Since we cannot write a book, we must give it to you fast - as fast as
Rochester's man-about-town gave it to us.
"A city mail carrier; didn't like to walk so get on a rural carrier route
where he had more time to read postcards and the National Geographic; an active
Mason; delights in scaring the daylights out of those being initiated by his
sonorous voice. Best pool player in town; wonderful bass singer; writes poetry;
pretty good cartoonist; won a hog calling contest; had (editor's
note:"Still has") lots of girls, but always just one of those
"big brothers" (?) Would stay up town nights as long as there was
anyone left on the corner to argue with; went to war, returned, became an active
legionnaire; was chaplain of his post; worked as a brick mason in Chicago while
studying law; came back to Rochester and was elected on the Democratic ticket as
prosecutor of his judicial district. It is evident that Mac was born and trained
by Destiny to be an attorney in the tax-collecting business.
"Mac signed up with the Gross Income Tax Division as a field man, but never
got to do any "fielding." That was in the April days of 1933. There
was then one lawyer in the Department - Roy Sanders who was on a retaining fee
basis. And who would have thought that one wouldn't be enough. However, when the
customers started coming the question was would we ever have enough lawyers? Mac
started "lawing" right away - and how!
"When Roy Sanders could not give the department any more time, Mac became
Chief Counsel of the Gross Income Tax and Store License Division. Mac fit the
general policies of the Division like a glove. His straight-forward logic mixed
with good common sense gained through his early experience enabled him to help
interpret a complicated and entirely new piece of legislation in understandable
legal terms for the hundreds of thousands of Indiana citizens obligated under
the law.
"Decisive but not dogmatic, forthright but not lacking in fairness; when he
gives his opinion one has a very satisfactory feeling that he knows what he is
talking about. The straight thinking of the Gross Income Tax Legal Department is
best illustrated by its almost perfect winning score in over 200 cases involving
the tax that have been tried in the courts.
"When the 1935 Special Session of the Legislature put the new Unemployment
Compensation Act in the Treasury Department and Governor McNutt sent it up to
the gross income tax crowd to administer, Mac became Acting Chief Counsel of the
Unemployment Compensation Division, and still is. The Unemployment Compensation
Division is now two years old and the ruling and interpretation of the Division
have not in a single instance been taken to court.
"Mac is a good lawyer, and a good fellow. (And, girls, as we go to press,
he is still a bachelor!)"
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, March 12, 1938]
Atty. Fred C. McClurg of Rochester, who is the legal advisor of the Indiana
Gross Income Tax and Store License Division, has been admitted to the bar of the
United States Supreme Court at Washington, D.C.
A motion was made to Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes to admit Atty. McClurg.
The motion was granted and Chief Justice Hughes ordered the Rochester attorney's
name placed on the roll of the United States Supreme Court Bar.
Motion for the admission of Atty. McClurg was made by Joseph W. Hutchinson,
veteran Republican United States Depty Attorney General, who was also one of the
local man's sponsors. The other sponsor who recommended Atty. McClurg's
admission was Hon. Albert Stump, Indianapolis attorney, who was the Democratic
candidate for United States Senator from Indiana in 1926 and 1928.
At the time Atty. McClurg was admitted to practice before the highest tribunal
in the United States he was representing the State of Indiana in two tax cases
which had been appealed to the Supreme Court from the U. S. District Court of
Atty. McClurg, who served two terms as Fulton county prosecutor, was questioned
by the members of the Supreme Court in these cases which were heard Monday and
Tuesday, March 31 and April 1.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 1941]
Fred C. McClurg, of Indianapolis, and formerly of Rochester, who is chief
counsel for the Gross Income Tax Division, has returned from Washington, D.C.,
where he appeared for the State of Indiana before the ways and means committee
in protest against the Cochran bill. This proposed legislation by Congress would
exempt war contracts and contractors from state taxation.
McClurg stated that "the loss of state revenue which would be caused by
this bill would result in new tax acts for the states and the necessity of again
raising property tax rates."
He further stated that "its ultimate effect would be further centralization
of power in Washington by curtailing the revenue of state and local governments
until they would be forced to plead with the federal government for
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 20, 1941]
Deputy Attorney General Fred C. McClurg, of Indianapolis and Rochester, has been
appointed by Gov. Henry F. Schricker, to represent the State of Indiana at the
National Tax Conference at St. Louis, September 12th to 14th.
The question "Overlapping Jurisdiction of State with Respect to Taxation of
Commerce" will be debated by McClurg and R. J. Crandall, general counsel
for Montgomery Ward & Co. of Chicago.
The conference is scheduled to begin Monday and last through Wednesday with
officials present from every state in the Union.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 8, 1944]
See McConnell, Joseph W.
See McConnell, Margaret
[NOTE: Mrs. Cecil Patterson, of Rochester, Indiana, sister-in-law of Josephine (ROWE) McConnell, gave me her address. Mrs. Patterson stated that Josephine Rowe had married the brother of Margaret McConnell. The following letter from Josephine to Wendell C. Tombaugh, dated 10-26-96, explains that her husband, now deceased, was Joe McConnell, and that her son, also named Joe McConnell, is a sports announcer]
Dear Wendell: 10-26-96
You can call me Jo anytime. That is most familiar to me. It was nice to hear
from you. I remember you as a young man.
Sorry it took this long, but Margaret is a pretty busy lady - even at 86. She
just doesn't sit around!
When I showed her your letter, I said, "Well here is your chance to tell it
just like you want to!" We both laughed. Thank goodness we have a good
sense of humor.
My husband, Joe, had that too. I really miss that. I lost Joe in 89 after 54
yrs. of marriage to a great husband.
Wendell, do you ever listen to Purdue Boilermaker's football games? If you do
that is my son, Joe, doing the play by play. He has been in the business ever
since he graduated from college. He has really been around. He has announced
football, basketball & baseball. He has been w/ Minn. Vikings, Twins, Chi.
Bears, White Sox, Ind. Pacers, Colts, Denver Bronchos, & out here w/ Phoenix
Suns many yrs. ago. He now lives in Indpls.
I talk to my sisters Dora & Eva pretty often. They are doing pretty well.
We're all just little old ladies anymore! ha.
I enjoy my sister-in-law, Margaret. We live only 2 or 3 mi. apart. She is a very
nice person & I am very lucky to have her.
I have Ted Koppel's "Night Line" on. They are talking about how
differently siblings can be according to their birth order. No wonder I'm so
wild! I was the last child to arrive. It can all be very interesting.
Guess I'll close on that note - best wishes to you & your wife. I think you
must be doing a very interesting job. You must talk & correspond with a lot
of interesting people.
Sincerely, Jo.
McCONNELL, JOSEPH W. [Kewanna, Indiana]
Joseph W. McConnell, Kewanna, who has been assisting George Richman, receiver of
the United States Bank and Trust Company here, advances the following solution
for European nations to pay their war debts owed to the United States. The
article was published in this week's issue of the Literary Digest.
"Sir: - Since Europe wants to pay her War debt; since such a payment is
absolutely impossible in money; since the only way she can pay it is in
commodities; since such a plan (payment in commodities) would completely wreck
our factory system, there remains only one way in which this debt will or can
ever be paid!
"Give each American a month's vacation in Europe.
"Transportation to be furnished by Great Britain and such expense credited
against her indebtedness.
"France to entertain each guest a week, and such expense credited against
her indebtedness.
"Italy to entertain each guest a week and such expense credited against her
indebtedness, etc., etc., et cetera.
"In this manner we could use up the European commodities in Europe and such
a plan would not wreck our factory system.
"After such a trip the American people would be more contented in their
homeland, they would be better educated, the unemployment situation would be
reduced a bit by the absence of each worker for a month and in many more ways
the American people would profit by such a plan, I believe."
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 6, 1935]
McCONNELL, MARGARET [Kewanna, Indiana]
See McConnell, Joe
See McConnell, Joseph W.__________
Rochester movie-goers may sometime within the near future, have the thrill of
seeing a Fulton county girl taking a prominent part in filmdom activities. The
beautiful young lady who has been invited to Hollywood for screen tests is Miss
Margaret, 21 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McConnell, of Kewanna.
Miss McConnell, who is a commercial artist in Chicago, has also served as an
artist's model for some of the largest advertising agencies in the country, and
it was through the reproduction of some of her poses that Hollywood producers
became interested in Miss McConnell as a potential screen star. A double column
picture of the young lady appeared in Wednesday's issue of the Chicago Tribune.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, January 26, 1933]
A news item appearing in today's Chicago Tribune, will be of interest to Fulton
county friends of Miss Margaret McConnell, Kewanna girl, who has been made a
most attractive offer by a movie producing company in Hollywood, the article
Hollywood, Calif., Feb. 1. - Margaret McConnell, the Chicago "Cigarette
Advertisement" girl, whose smile in the ads won her an MGM contract, was so
happy and excited when she arrived in Los Angeles last night that she
"quivered like a captured rabbit," to use the expression of one of the
studio's committees who went to the depot to welcome her.
"Miss McConnell, who hails originally from Kewanna, Ind., and who attended
Indiana University and the American Academy of Art in Chicago before she began
drawing fashion art and posing for advertising articles there, said it was the
longest train ride she ever had, and that when she received the studio order to
come West at once, 'all my clothes were at the cleaners, and all my laundry out
at the washwoman's and I had to catch the next train.'
"Anyway, she looked pretty, and modish in black and gray woolen coat and
black felt pill box hat, when she arrived here, and she had a great time picking
out items of apparel in the snappy women's shops on Hollywood boulevard in her
first morning here, today."
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, February 1, 1933]
According to a report carried in today's issue of an Indianapolis newspaper,
Miss Margaret McConnell, former Kewanna girl, has made good in her screen tests
at Hollywood. The story in part follows:
Indianapolis, March 2. -- Margaret McConnell of Kewanna, Ind., the Hoosier
beauty who attracted the attention of Hollywood by the distinction with which
she posed for cigaret ads has gone to Hollywood and made good on the strength of
that first impression. She has been given a long term, option-period contract at
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Her trip to the studio was a gamble - her transportation
was provided, but it was a round trip ticket and all depended on the
satisfaction of officials with her screen tests. "I guess they weren't very
optimistic at first," Miss McConnell said. "Now I feel so
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, March 2, 1933]
Anyone thinking that movie stars are made overnight, need only to write to Miss
Margaret McConnell, the Kewanna girl who recently signed a 7-year contract with
the MGM film producing agency to learn that there are plenty of routine matters
before one becomes a full-fledged illuminary. A recent news story appearing in
the Chicago Tribune, has the following to report on Miss McConnell's movie
"Hollywood, Cal., Mar. 10. -- (Chicago Tribune Press Service) -- Margaret
McConnell, the Chicago advertising girl beauty, isn't getting rich in her
venture into the movies, having been assigned to her first actual screen job
just before the eight weeks' half salary rule went into effect, but she says
she's getting a 'liberal education.'
"MGM studio, which put the brown eyed, raven haired beauty under contract
for seven years -- providing her successive options are renewed -- thinks well
enough of Miss McConnell's film future to have her under Oliver Hinsdale and Dr.
Fleischmann as daily drama and voice instructors. More than that she is learning
technique by acting as a "stand-in-girl" for Benita Hume in the all
star cast which is polishing "Service" into screen form under Director
Clarence Brown.
"Watching Lew Stone, Miss Hume and Elizabeth Allen, who, like the Hume
girl, is an English importation, go through 500 feet of intricate acting
business and emotional dialogue with Miss McConnell yesterday, I saw Director
Brown sneak a peek at the McConnell girl, who seemed as wrapped up in the
emotion of the scene as the principals themselves. 'Alice in Wonderland,' the
director murmered softly."
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester Indiana, Monday, March 13, 1933]
Miss Margaret McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McConnell of Kewanna, is
reported to have signed a long term movie contract with the M-G-M sutdios at
Hollywood, California. This report was heard by persons over the radio but so
far no confirmation of the signing has been received by the members of the young
lady's family.
Miss McConnell after serving as an artists model in Chicago where she also was
an artist herself, received a six months try-out contract with the movie studio
and has been in the West since the first of the year going through motion
picture training. She has appeared in several pictures in minor parts. Members
of her family have understood that she would be offered a long time contract.
When such a contract is signed it will mean that gradually the girl, who has
become nationally known for her beautiful features, will work into more
prominent parts in the films.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, August 10, 1933]
* * * * Photo * * * *
The Kewanna community has been brightened considerably during the holidays by
the visit back home of one of its own girls who is making a successful start as
a screen player in Hollywood. The attractive young lady is Miss Margaret
McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McConnell of Kewanna, and she is with
her parents to spend her first vacation from the screen duties and to tell her
admiring relatives and friends all about her experiences.
When a reporter from The News-Sentinel called at her home and informed the young
lady that this newspaper wanted a story about her she was genuinely flustered
and protested against any publicity here where she said "the folks all knew
her." But she consented to tell a little about herself how she got
"in" the movies and then modestly added that her parts were
"ridiculously small" and that she "never knew whether she would
be in a film one minute, one time or ten." As for her future on the screen
she is going to let that take care of itself.
Won A Scholarship
Miss McConnell was born at Oxford, Indiana, but has spent much of her life at
Kewanna, graduating from high school there. Ambitious for a career she studied
diligently and won a scholarship at the University of Indiana where she attended
for a year and was a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Believing her
future lay in the world of art she went to Chicago the following year and
enrolled at the American Academy and at the National Academy of Art. She
developed rapidly as an artist and a number of her sketches have since appeared
on magazine covers.
While attending art school she attracted the attention of advertising artists
and next she found herself selected as a model for nation-wide cigaret
advertisements. Becoming known as, "that girl in the cigaret ads," she
attracted the attention of Hollywood movie directors who are always looking for
beauty and new talent. Just as she was planning to leave for New York to
continue modeling, telegrams and letters began to arrive from an official of the
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios. She paid no attention to these for a time and then
a brother-in-law of the official came through Chicago and dropped in to see her.
At his insistence she had a number of pictures taken and he sent them to the
studio in Califonia. Later the official and his brother-in-law came through
Chicago again and in a short time she had signed a contract. She returned with
them to Hollywood last February and after establishing herself a home with her
brother she awaited her first studio call.
First Screen Test
Her screen test was particularly trying and from her own viewpoint a complete
failure she said. While the camera ground out the film she was instructed to
"make love," to an old bachelor who turned his back on her, not
affected by her entreaties. When she talked she said her voice sounded like that
of a two year old child and she admitted that she was, "just scared to
death." Leaving the studio certain of the fact that she had made a complete
"flop" in her big chance she went home and started packing ready to
take a train back to Chicago. In the midst of this came a telephone call from
the studio with an official saying she had passed the test and would be used in
coming pictures. That changed everything and naturally she decided to stay.
Since then she has had small parts in several outstanding productions including
"Reunion in Vienna," "Dancing Lady," "Tugboat
Annie", and "The Hollywood Party." The latter picture was an idea
of the studio's in which they presented all of their youthful talent and beauty
gathered from the entire country to the public in one film. Her last film was in
a technicolor cooking short which will appear soon.
Meets The Stars
Upon Miss McConnell's return to Hollywood at the end of this month she has been
cast for bits in "Operator 13" in which Marion Davies and Gary Cooper
play the lead roles. Her contract is optional yearly to run for a period of
seven years. She admits she enjoys mingling with all the movie and stage stars
and says they are the finest and most considerate people in the world. She told
about the earthquake which struck that section last summer and how she dropped
down under a table at the studio. Lewis Stone, character actor, found her there
and carried her outside to safety. One experience after another in the movie
capital makes life exceedingly thrilling for the attractive young lady and gives
everyone back home plenty of interesting entertainment to hear her tell about
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 3, 1934]
* * * * Photo * * * *
Discarding the glamour and thrills of a possible movie career, Miss Margaret
McConnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McConnell of Kewanna, will on Tuesday,
June 26th become the bride of W. L. Pereira, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pereira,
of Chicago. The ceremony will be performed in Chicago.
For the past year, Miss McConnell has been in Hollywood, California where she
has played minor parts in several pictures, namely "Reunion in
Vienna", "Dancing Lady", "Tugboat Annie", "The
Hollywood Party", and "Operator 13". Miss McConnell returned from
California two weeks ago. Just before leaving she was offered an important part
in the new picture "Hide-Out" but declined the opportunity. Miss
McConnell was under contract with the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Company.
For the ceremony, the bride will wear a dark blue sheer suit, trimmed with white
organdy and a blue French felt hat. Miss McConnell, following graduation from
the Kewanna high school, attended Indiana University. She became interested in
art and went to Chicago where she enrolled at the American Academy and the
National Academy of Art. It was there where she received her Hollywood contract.
She is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, June 23, 1934]
[NOTE: The following letter was received by Wendell C. Tombaugh in answer to our request for any further information she would care to give about herself. -- WCT]
Dear Mr. Tombaugh [undated, postmarked 10-26-96]
Here I am in the year of our Lord - 1996 - which makes me a ripe 86. It doesn't
seem that long ago that Kewanna was my home.
After 1-1/2 yrs. at M.G.M. I chose marriage to my young Chicago architect. From
that time on my story shifts - mostly to his career. My role was wife, mother,
hostess and charity activist, etc. That was marriage in those days.
After four years in Chicago, his firm was selected to build a new studio for
Paramount. We moved back to Los Angeles - but the war intervened and it was
never built. During the war he was head of camouflage for the eight western
states and Alaska. After the war he produced a few pictures for Paramount and
RKO - then later returned to his first love - architecture. He became
internationally known and honored. He was on a September 1963 cover of Time
magazine. His firm is still active - although he made his transition ten years
I then moved to Scottsdale, Arizona which is delightful. I heartily recommend it
to anyone who loves the sun and beauty. Our son and daughter gave us six
grandchildren and they've given us four great-grandchildren (all adorable). I
guess that makes me a matriarch. My friend - Art Linkletter - wrote a book
"Old Age is not for Sissys," and he's right. In spite of that - I'm
enjoying it tho I wish that our world were not so troubled. Mr. Tombaugh - feel
free to use whatever - or as little of this as you like. Since my career didn't
get into overdrive - it may not be what you're looking for. [unsigned]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Today concludes your introduction to six Fulton County women who achieved
prominence far afield but mostly have been forgotten in their homeland.
Margaret McConnell
A beautiful brown-eyed brunette, she was born and raised in Kewanna, at the age
of 23 went to Hollywood and was signed to a seven-year contract by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
studios. She pursued a career on the silver screen for 17 months, then gave it
all up to marry a Chicago architect who later became internationally famous.
Margaret's parents were Ralph and Lela McConnell; her father owned the Kewanna
Lumber Yard. She went from Kewanna High School to Indiana University. then to
the American Academy of Art in Chicago. Becoming a fashion artist, she also took
jobs as an advertising model. Her smile and beauty, captured in just one Camel
cigarette ad, caught the attention of Hollywood talent scouts.
In February of 1933 MGM paid her train fare to Los Angeles for a screen test. It
was a round-trip ticket. The return half was not needed, for she passed the
test, was dubbed "The Camel Girl" by the studio, offered the contract
and immediately went into drama and voice training.
Her movie career got off to a busy start, and during the next year she appeared
in minor roles of pictures such as Reunion in Vienna, Dancing Lady, Tugboat
Annie, The Hollywood Party and Operator 13. Then love intervened and on June 26,
1934, she married her architect, W.L. Periera, and returned to Chicago.
Periera dabbled in movie production for Paramount and RKO after World War II,
then concentrated on architecture. His subsequent work that included the
Trans-America building in San Francisco won international recognition. Time
Magazine honored him with a cover story in September, 1963.
Margaret and her husband divorced in 1975. Today, at the age of 89 she lives in
Scottsdale, Arizona, not too far from sister-in-law Josephine Rowe McConnell, a
Rochester native. Of her movie career. Margaret says, "it didn't (have time
to) get into overdrive."
Last week: Margaret Ernsperger, Bess, Emrick, Freeda Sullivan.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 19, 1999]
See Manitou Lumber Co.
McCOY, ELIZA JANE [Union Township]
Mrs. Eliza Jane McCoy. - This respected lady was born in Wsshington County,
Ind., in April, 1819. Her parents, John and Patsy Martin, were natives of
Kentucky. Mrs. McCoy's father was twice married, and by the first union he had
three children, and by the second six. Mrs. McCoy was married to her husband, I.
N. McCoy, January 24, 1840. He was born March 27, 1819, and died February 22,
1875, from exposing himself while gathering donations for the Kansas sufferers.
Mrs. McCoy is the mother of eight children, of whom all are living but Robert,
the eldest son. Those living are Iretta, Jane, John M., David L., James R.,
Willard and Lincoln. Mrs. McCoy and her husband first settled, after marriage,
in the south part of the State, where they remained until 1847, when they came
to Fulton County and settled on the present homestead of 160 acres, which she
now owns, it being one of the finest farms in the county. Mrs. McCoy still
resides on the farm, with her son Willard. She is an earnest and worthy member
of the Baptist Church.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 58]
McDANIELS, CLAUDE [Argos, Indiana]
Marshall county Sheriff Frank MARTIN, working with members of the State Police
department, last night stated that failure to carry a bucket of water for his
wife was the motive for the shotgun slaying of Claude McDANIELS, 66, farmer,
according to a confession signed by Mrs. Mary McDANIELS, 65.
In her confession, Mrs. McDaniels admitted firing the shotgun charge which
fatally injured her husband Saturday night on their farm, five and a half miles
southwest of Argos. The murder weapon and a discharged shell were found later by
authorities inside the home.
Charles SOLOMON, a neighbor, arrived on the scene of the tragedy after hearing
Mrs. McDaniels screaming and crying. He immediately summoned an ambulance and
notified Sheriff Martin of Plymouth. The unconscious McDaniels was taken to the
Kelly hospital in Argos where he died at 7 o'clock Sunday morning.
When approached by Solomon the spouse was sobbing hysterically and bathing her
husband's head wonds as he lay in the yard near the farm home.
Denies Shooting Husband
At first Mrs. McDaniels denied shooting her husband, claiming that she heard a
gun's report while working in the kitchen and rushed into the yard to find her
husband unconscious. Authorities later obtained the confession at Plymouth.
A brief re-enactment of the murder scene as pieced together by Mrs. McDaniel's
confession, alleges that she became angry after her husband had refused to carry
the water for her and she reproached him. McDaniels then purportedly threatened
her with an axe.
Still angry, the Marshall county woman went into the home and found the shotgun.
Raising the bathroom window she fired one shot at her husband as he worked in
the yard, the charge striking him in the head.
Met Husband in Argos
According to eye witness reports the couple seemed to be in good spirits
Saturday morning and their behavior gave no hint of the impending tragedy.
McDaniels, an employee of the Nickel Plate railroad, was met Saturday noon by
his wife who walked five and a half miles to Argos. Together the couple returned
to their farm home to perform their daily routine.
Police said that 36 years ago Mrs. McDaniels killed Will RIDDLE with an axe in
Cumberland county. She was exonerated on a plea of self defense after evidence
that the victim and three other men were molesting her and her mother.
She is now being held in the Marshall county jail pending arraignment.
The body has been removed to the Easterday funeral home in Culver and will be
taken to Rushville for burial.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 26, 1944]
McDOUGLE, WILLIAM T. [Rochester, Indiana]
William T. McDougle, saw-milling, Rochester. This estimable gentleman was born
in Fairfield County, Ohio, January 21, 1842, is the son of Joshua and Mary (Hilyard)
McDougle, the former born in Virginia, March 14, 1819, and the latter in
Pennsylvania, December 24, 1815. The subject of our sketch was educated in the
schools of Ohio. He enlisted August 20, 1862, as a private in Company K, One
Hundred and Twenty-sixth Ohio Infantry. As a soldier he was brave and fearless,
and participated in numerous battles and skirmishes, among which may be
mentioned Mine Run, Wilderness, Gaines' Mill, Petersburg and Cold Harbor. He was
present at the surrender of Gen. Lee. His discharge bears date July 2, 1865. Mr.
McDougle was married September 26, 1866, to Catharine A. Stemen, of Hocking
County, Ohio, born May 28, 1842, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Grim) Stemen.
This union has been blessed with four children, viz.: Clara, born March 7, 1869;
an infant born May 1, 1870, and died in infancy; Mary E., born November 30,
1871, and deceased October 1, 1873, and John, born July 30, 1873. Mr. McDougle
became a resident of Fulton County in 1867. He first settled in Liberty
Township, and was there engaged in farming until 1873, when he moved to
Rochester, where he was engaged in saw-milling until 1876, when he removed to
his present location in Section 2, where he is now extensively engaged in the
saw-milling and lumber business.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 30]
William McDougle ran a filling station at the north end of town.
McELROY, CLARENCE [Winamac/Medaryville, Indiana]
Winamac, Ind., July 7. - A report that Clarence McElroy, local aviator, is
missing on a flight to Honduras was received today by his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John McElroy of near Medaryville.
The communication was from the Waco Airplane Corporation at Troy, O., for which
McElroy was a pilot and advised that he had not been reported since June 27.
It was understood that McElroy was accompanied by a Mr. Gordon, an official of
the Waco company.
According to Mr. and Mrs. McElroy, their son and Mr.Gordon started off for
Honduras, with two other persons accompanying them in another plane. The second
ship was forced back to Mexico by a storm and at that time lost contact with
McElroy's craft.
A search is being conducted for the missing ship the parents were advised.
Planes Being Delivered
Troy, O., July 7. - Clarence McElroy, piloting one of two airplanes to Honduras
for the Waco Airplane Corporation, has been missing since July 27, it was
revealed last night. Waco officials said he was last reported in southern
Mexico. The planes had been sold to an air line in Honduras and were being flown
southward by easy stages.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 7, 1932]
Mexico City, July 15. (U.P.) - An aviator believed to be Clarence McElroy of
Indiana, missing since late in June was found today near San Geronimo state of
Oaxaca a dispatch to the newspaper Univrsal said.
The disptach said the flyer had a Waco plane numbered 12474. Dispatches did not
clearly establish identity of the flyer.
Medaryville, Ind., July 15 (U.P.) - Clarence McElroy reported found in Mexico
after his plane had crashed in the state of Honduras is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John McElroy of near here.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 15, 1932]
Mexico City, July 16 - Clarence McElroy, Medaryville airplane pilot, who was
found yesterday after he had wandered 17 days without food through dense
tropical jungles in the state of Oaxaco where his plane crashed June 27, stated
his partner in the flight, Roy Gordon, an American resident of Honduras, was
Neither Gordon's body nor the wreckage of the plane was found by the rescue
party. Too weak to walk and almost too week to talk, McElroy was first seen
Wednesday by an Indian woodsman five miles west of San Garoulmo.
The woodsman went back for help and at noon yesterday a searching party found
the airman. He was slightly injured in the crash but was declared in messages
received here, to be in fair condition despite his adventures.
Storm Caused Crash
McElroy said the plane crash was caused by a severe tropical storm in the midst
of which his motor failed.
Last night the rescued airman slept in the home of the mayor of the little town,
near which he was found.
When the Indian discovered him he was sprawled out in a heavy growth of ferns in
the jungle. He knew no Spanish but by signs he conveyed the information that his
plane and his companion were somewhere in the deep jungle from which he had
The area where the plane crashed is one of the least known spots in Mexico.
McElroy, employed by the Waco corporation of Troy, Ohio, was delivering the
plane to Honduras when the crash occurred.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, July 16, 1932]
Mexico City, July 21. - Clarence McElroy, American flyer lost in the jungles of
Oaxaca state for almost three weeks after his plane crashed June 27, was
arrested today in the town of San Geronimo, where he is recuperating from
numerous injuries.
Dr. A. E. Goodman, American physician who flew there to treat him, returned
yesterday afternoon with the explanation the arrest was merely technical.
A lawyer representing the Dean company of Honduras, of which McElroy's
companion, Roy Gordon, was a co-owner, requested the flyer be held. It is
believed that the case will be cleared up by Sunday and that McElroy, who comes
from Medaryville, Ind., will then be able to leave San Geronimo by the next
airplane. Gordon was killed in the crash.
No suspicion was held against the American airman, it was said, but the
authorities wished to clear up all details of the case. Dr. Goodman would have
brought the injured man back today, but the authorities would not release him.
McElroy recovered consciousness only yestrday. He is able to talk. Dr. Goodman
said, but he is very weak and has not said much. The physician said his leg was
not broken as previously reported, but it was partly paralyzed and useless. In
addition, his head was injured and he suffered from thousands of insect bites.
The doctor brought back news that McElroy stayed with the broken plane four days
and then struck out to save himself, traveling on his hands and knees for 14
days through the jungles until he was found by an Indian hillman.
Gordon apparently was killed when a heavy case in the cabin struck him on the
head as the plane crashed.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 21, 1932]
Mexico City, July 25. - The Medaryville, Ind., flyer, Clarence L. McElroy, who
was desperately injured in a plane crash in the jungles of Oaxaia state on June
27, today told for the first time the story of his 18 days' terror before he was
Semi-paralyzed from a blow on the head, covered with insect bites and still very
weak, McElroy was brought here aboard the Pan-American international plane from
San Geronimo.
The flyer was met by his brother, Richard McElroy, and Joseph E. Ryden of
Medaryville. He was attended by Dr. A.R. Goodman, who said his condition was
satisfactory but it would be some time before he could recover the use of one
The flyer said his subconscious mind forced him on toward safety in the jungle
while he was semi-delirious and he finally sighted four calves tethered to trees
and waited for somebody to come get them.
Crashed During Storm
Here is his story:
"We were flying southward enroute to Honduras when we ran into a furious
tropical storm. There was no visibility and I tried to find a spot to land.
Suddenly the plane crashed into a mountainside.
"That was at 10 a.m. I was knocked out and recovered consciousness in a
rainstorm at ? p.m., noting that the plane was a complete washout. My leg and
head pained severely and I was too weak to crawl out of the wreck.
"I can't remember much of these first three days. Everything was hazy. I
could see that my companion, Roy Gordon of Tugucigalpa, Honduras, was dead, but
I was too weak to move.
"Three days later I had recovered some strength. I tried to cover Gordon's
body and then started crawling up the mountain to get my bearings.
"It was almost impossible to make headway in the jungle. My pains
increased. I got water from a small mountain stream and caught a few crabs and
ate them raw.
3 miles in 14 days
"At night I could see the lights of San Geronimo, but made very slow
progress, probably not more than three miles from the ship in 14 days' crawling.
I was very weak and somewhat delirious.
"I would crawl a while, then pick bugs and insects a while and dodge many
snakes. I saw no wild animals.
"I nearly gave up several times but it is hard to die as long as you might
have a chance. Even in my clouded mind the urge to live survived. I was
desperate many times in the jungle, almost sure I would die, but I could not
give up.
"July 13 was my lucky day, for that evening I found a herd of cows beside a
stream, but what gave me hope was the sight of four calves tied to trees. I knew
somebody eventually would come to untie these calves, so stopped right there. I
was too weak even to try to milk a cow.
Found By Indian Boy
"The next morning an Indian boy came. He was Garardo Esrequez and I
motioned that I wanted some food. He milked a cow and gave me some milk and some
cheese he had. By signs I told him of my predicament and he understood. He built
a small lean-to to protect me and left for help.
"That boy did a marvelous job. He covered 20 miles to San Geronimo four
times in a single day getting help and getting me out. I am going to reward him
As soon as Dr. Goodman gives the word, McElroy intends to start for Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 25, 1932]
Medaryville, Aug. 6. - undaunted by one of the most horrible accidents an
aviator ever survived, Clarence McElroy, Medaryville pilot who arrived home
yesterday from a Mexico City hospital, will fly again.
Resting last night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McElroy, where
he was brought yesterday morning by auto from Lafayette, he said he planned to
remain in Indiana about two months. He will then resume his position as pilot
with the Waco corporation of Troy, O., try to put the crash out of his mind, and
make the most of his career.
Lost 18 Days
The accident, which occurred during a tropical storm in Oaxaco state on June 27,
was fatal to McElroy's companion, Roy Gordon. The Medaryville man wandered 18
days without food through the dense jungles, and was finally rescued by an
Indian boy, Gerardo Enriquez, who had tied his four calves near the spot where
McElroy collapsed.
"The boy did a marvelous job," the pilot said last night, "and I
am going to reward him handsomly. I may return to San Geronimo to present the
reward, personally."
The aviator's brother, Richard McElroy, of Monon, Ind., who accompanied him from
Mexico City, returned to his home today.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, August 6, 1932]
Rochester, Minn., Aug. 18. - Clarence McElroy of Medaryville, Ind., who was in a
plane crash in Mexico in June in which his companion, Roy Gordon, was killed, is
a patient at the Mayo clinic to have an injured hip treated. He came here from
his home by plane.
"I'll be back in a plane just as soon as I can crawl in and ou of it,"
McElroy, who is on crutches, said.
His plane crashed into a mountain side in Mexico on June 27. Five hours later
when he regained consciousness he discovdred that his companion was dead. For
seventeen days McElroy dragged himself toward aid. An Indian youth found him and
had him taken to the nearest village, San Geronimo, a five hour journey. McElroy
said he had only covered about three miles during the seventeen days. He and
Gordon were on their way to Honduras.
McElroy was accompanied here by a friend, R. J. Kroft of Medaryville, and Lee N.
Brutus and H. R. Perry of the Waco Aircraft Company of Troy, O.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, August 18, 1932]
Through the sponsorship of the LeRoy Shelton Post of the American Legion,
Richard J. McElroy, noted aviator of Medaryville, Ind., will give an interesting
story of his experience as a pilot at the Whitmer Gymnasium Thursday evening,
starting at seven o'clock.
In the afternoon he will address the H. S. assembly. Everyone is invited to hear
this address which will embrace Mr. McElroy's experiences when a plane which he
was flying from the United States to Honduras crashed up in the jungles of
Caxaca, Mexico, last June. In this crash McElroy suffered numerous injuries
among which were fractures of each hip. After long hours and days of harrowing
experiences he crawled out of the jungle and was later found by an Indian youth
who with the assistance of Mexican friends nursed the Hoosier aviator back to
health and enabled his return to his home in Indiana.
McElroy has appeared on several public platforms since his return and those who
have heard him relate the many adventurous escapades during his 12 years of
flying were deeply intresting in his address. The American Legion band will play
for the occasion.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 3, 1933]
A notable visitor will wing his way to Rochester's new federal airport on
Decoration Day, May 30th, according to word given out today by R. Lee Rickman,
FERA work director of Fulton County. The distinguished guest will be the
internationally known Commercial pilot, Clarence McElroy, of Medaryville, Ind.
It will be remembered that Mr. McElroy was the pilot of a commercial plane which
crashed in the jungles in Southern Mexico, about 18 months ago. McElroy was
given up as dead and was not found for almost a month later. He received a
broken leg and arm and was in a state of exhaustion when his plight was
discovered by a Mexican Indian who was hunting near the scene of the crash.
McElroy's passenger, a prominent U. S. business man, was killed instantly as the
giant, tri-motored plane struck the forest.
The plane which McElroy will fly here on Wednesday of next week is a sister ship
of the one flown across the Atlantic by Colonel Charles A. Lindburgh, the
"Spirit of St. Louis" . Several state officials and Airport men will
be at the field to welcome Mr. McElroy. The aviator will be a guest at the
Colonial Hotel on Wednesday and Mr. Rickman is making arrangements for several
local business men to interview the famous pilot.
Two aviators from the South Bend airport will also be at the Federal Airport at
Lake Manitou on Decoration Day.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 25, 1934]
[NOTE: see lengthy article McELROY RELATES STORY OF CRACK-UP IN TROPICAL ZONE, The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 12, 1934]
Winamac, Ind., Aug. 28. - Winamac's new airport, two miles north of here and a
quarter of a mile west of state road 29, has been officially opened by Clarence
McElroy, Medaryville aviator, who superintended the work at the field.
The field is L-shaped running 2,300 feet east and west and 2,500 feet north and
south. Boundaries are marked with sheet iron painted a bright yellow.
Mr. McElroy, famous for his escape from the jungles of central America after an
airplane accident, reports the port one of the best in the state. He has invited
officials in charge of the state air tour, Sept. 10-16, to include the new port
on the route of the 60 planes making the trip.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, August 28, 1934]
Medaryville, May 18. - Clarence McElroy, local aviator, has leased the Winamac
airport, and will conduct a flying school there. Mr. McElroy has several
students, some of them with enough flying hours to qualify as pilots. His long
record as an aviator well qualifies him for this kind of work.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, May 18, 1935]
Clarence McElroy, well known and a government licensed pilot, is bringing two
types of airplanes to the Rochester municipal airport Sunday afternoon where he
will personally take-up all passengers who desire to ride.
One of the ships is a cabin type Robin monoplane and the other is a Wright
motored open-pit bi-plane. Both of the crafts are licensed. Mr. McElroy who has
hundreds and hundreds of flying hours to his credit, having been engaged as a
commercial pilot for a number of years, was recently appointed supervisor of the
Winamac Municipal airport.
Miss Helen House, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter House of this city, who was
granted a commercial pilot's license several weeks ago, will pilot one of the
McElroy planes tomorrow.
On Monday McElroy will fly to Indianapolis where he will take part in the
Seventh Indiana Air Tour activities.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 15, 1935]
* * * * Photo Clarence McElroy and Mrs. Lenora McElroy * * * *
Indiana's annual Air Tour, in which more than fifty airplanes will visit twenty
airports throughout the state during the week of June 22nd, has as it appears,
played a role in addition to its avowed purpose of stimulating interest in
aviation. It also turned out to be Cupid's assistant.
Several years ago, Clarence McElroy of Winamac, Indiana, and Mrs. Lenor Harper,
of Indianapolis, each went a-flying on the fifth annual air tour, each in their
respective plane. They met. This year, Mr. McElroy and Mrs. Lenore Harper
McElroy will be honeymooning as they fly their plane on the eighth annual tour.
The couple was married a few weeks ago in Indianapolis.
Mrs. McElroy, a former Rochester resident, is one of two Indiana women holding a
transport pilot's license. Mr. McElroy, who is now manager of the Winamac
airport, where the couple will reside, claimed nation-wide attention several
years ago when he was lost seventeen days in a Mexican jungle, after his plane
crashed near San Geronimo, Oaxaca. With both his hips broken, he finally
succeeded in crawling through the jungle to an Indian settlement. Mr. McElroy
was attempting to fly from Troy, Ohio, to Tegueigalpa, Honduras.
The air tour will visit Mr. McElroy's home port at Winamac, immediately after
leaving Rochester tomorrow afternoon.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 24, 1936]
Samuel Friend has traded his home and lots on West Fourth street, near the
mausoleum, for the McFadden general store at Talma and will move there soon,
having already taken possession of the store. Mr. Friend formerly operated the
grocery now owned by the Frye brothers and prior to that managed a business in
the southwest room at the corner of Main and Seventh streets.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, December 18, 1925]
Mary Margaret Rittenhouse Leininger was manager for seven years. In 1957 she
bought the Gerig Insurance Agency and operated the Leininger Insurance Agency
for 24 years.
[Freeman Rittenhouse Family, Miriam Rittenhouse Hammond, Fulton Co Folks, Vol.
2, Willard]
See Peru Garment Factory
McGOWEN, HOWARD W. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Howard W. McGowen)
McGREW, ELIJAH [Rochester, Indiana]
Elijah McGrew, having established himself in Rochester, on the corner of
Washington and Madison Sts., east of the Livery Stables, will furnish Sash,
Doors and Window-blinds, on short notice.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 19, 1866]
Christopher Columbus McGrew started learning the well drilling trade from
Atcheson McConkey at Rochester for a fee of $500. He worked for McConkey for two
years, and went into business on his own in 1907. For the first three years
wells were drilled using the power of one horse walking in a circle. Later he
built his own well machine, and this was run by a gasoline-powered engine. In
all he built three well machines, the first two being blown over by the wind.
After these losses the derrick was tied down by using guy wires and stakes.
As it often took several days to drill a well, and the distance was too great to
travel by horseback or buggy, he usually stayed on the location until the well
was completed. He sometimes stayed in the home, or slept in the barn. If he was
drilling a well fairly close to home, he pulled the buggy behind the well
machine and drove the buggy home at night.
When Glen became old enough he helped and learned how to do the drilling, and
after the death of his father in 1944, he managed both the farm and well
drilling by himself.
The McGrews purchased their first factory-built well machine in 1953, at which
time Robert was working with Glen in the business. They are still using this
machine today, along with a newer one purchased in 1968.
After Glen died May 8, 1959, the well business was continued by his two sons,
Robert and Donald. They, along with two grandsons, Ken and Keith, are operating
the business today. Keith represents the fourth generation of the family in the
[McGrew's Well Drilling, Tami and Freda McGrew, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2,
McGRIFF, RAY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Ray McGriff)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Ray McGriff)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Ray McGriff)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Fourth Letter From Ray McGriff)
McGUIRE, PATRICK [Wayne Township]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Patrick McGuire and Michael Kain were two Irishmen who owned adjoining farms in
Wayne Township near Grass Creek over a century ago. Neighborly they were not.
They disliked one another so intensely that for 15 years they and their families
fought in their fields, at each other's homes and in the courts.
The feud ended like a Shakespearean tragedy, murder by ambush. But the murderer.
unlike one of Shakespeare's, was not easily identified nor convicted.
The story absorbed the attention of Rochester and Fulton County people for over
three years before it was played out. The climax to the unrestrained McGuire-Kain
came early in the morning of Wednesday, August 5, 1885. Kain's lifeless body was
found near his house on the road he had taken to bring in his cows for milking.
He was beaten about the head and his skull was crushed as if by the bloodied
fence rail that lay nearby.
McGuire was suspected instantly but was nowhere to be found. His wife Catherine,
however, already was in jail in Rochester on a warrant for both McGuires that
had grown out of an assault on Kain's wife, Rosa. Patrick later claimed he had
gone to Cincinnati to obtain money from relatives to pay his and his wife's
The neighborhood, was well aware of the two families' ceaseless quarreling which
had resulted in 18 lawsuits and personal violence. They threw down each other's
fences so their stock could graze on the other's growing crops. There were
numerous accusations of poisoning each other's livestock. The Kains, the older
of the two couples, considered the McGuire children an annoyance and treated
them unkindly. Kain frequently came to the McGuire farm to aggravate Patrick,
who would chase him off with a hayfork.
McGuire was known to lay in wait all night trying to catch Kain lowering fence
for stock to enter his fields and once chased him away with an axe. "I
can't catch him" he once told a friend, "for Kain can outrun any man
in Wayne Township."
Their bitterness toward each other often came to blows, which is what landed the
McGuires in court just prior to the murder. McGuire had impounded some Kain hogs
and was holding them for indemnity, an act that precipitated a regular fistfight
and wrestling match between the two couples. Mrs. Kain got the worst of that and
charges were filed.
Not only was McGuire the logical suspect in Kain's death but there was an
important material witness against him. Etta Grauel, an 18-year-old neighbor,
told the coroner's inquest that just after the time of the murder a man who
appeared to be McGuire had come running to her mother's house. He stopped at the
well for about five minutes and left behind a bloody rag.
But with McGuire absent, the case languished until late November, 1885.
Suddenly, the county was surprised to learn that McGuire had been captured in
the mountains of east Tennessee, living under an assumed name. A clever
Logansport detective, hired by Kain's relatives, had tracked him down. McGuire
was taken to the Fulton County Jail and his conviction appeared to be a cinch.
However, it.would be almost two years before he finally was brought to trial.
In January, 1886, after her mother's death and before McGuire first appeared in
court, Etta Grauel mysteriously disappeared. The prosecution, which needed her
testimony, discovered she was living in Newport, Ky., across the Ohio River from
Cincinnati under protection of McGuire's brothers who would not let her testify.
The McGuires should produce her, said the state, and so it became a test of
wills between the two sides. In six terms of the local court, the case was
called and six times prosecutors were granted continuances because of Miss
Grauel's absence. McGuire then filed a habeas corpus suit for unlawful detention
without trial. That, too, was denied.
Finally, the prosecution blinked. Trial was begun without Etta's testimony on
October 10, 1887, and 93 witnesses were called over the next 17 days. After a
24-hour deliberation, the jury failed to agree on a verdict, voting 7-5 for
conviction on the first ballot, 9-3 on the second. McGuire was released from his
long captivity on $2,000 bond, which a brother paid immediately, and took the
noon train to Cincinnati.
A full year later, Etta Grauel returned just as unexpectedly as she had left,
saying she now would testify against McGuire. The case was called one last time,
on Dec. 10, 1888, but no defendant appeared. Patrick had no intention of facing
Etta. His bond was forfeited and he never was seen here again. He had gotten
away with murder.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, July 8, 1997]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Not long ago I recounted for you the story of Patrick McGuire's apparent but
unproved murder of his Wayne Township neighbor, Michael Kain, an event that
ended a long feud between these two hateful farmers in 1885. Three years later
McGuire was freed on bond after a hung jury and thereupon vanished from Fulton
County's jurisdiction.
Research into the details of that case also turned up the curious coincidences
of three other tragedies of the same decade in Wayne Township. All were affairs
of the heart.
The first came on August 2, 1886, when young Annie Newbraugh was shot and
seriouslyy wounded by her former boy friend, Edward O'Brien, who then
immediately took his own life.
The 21-year-old O'Brien, in the vernacular of the time, had been "paying
his attentions" to Miss Newbraugh. a 17-year-old farm girl of the Grass
Creek neighborhood. Two months before, however, he had been spurned by Annie in
favor of another gentleman.
On the morning of the shooting, O'Brien went to the farm home of Thomas
McDonough where Annie was employed. The two met in the front room and soon after
she suddenly came running in fright onto the porch. O'Brien, following, pulled
out a revolver and shot her once in the face and once in the upper arm.
The rejected suitor then turned the gun on himself, firing once into his right
temple. He died late that afternoon. Annie survived with loss of an eye and a
disfigured face. She later said that O'Brien not only was jealous of her new
beau but had made improper proposals to her, details of which she had threatened
to tell her mother.
Nearly two years later, on January 22, 1888, a second romantic misfortune in the
Grass Creek area resulted in the suicide of a 17-year old girl because of her
despair at having been rejected by her fiance.
She was Almeda Hizer, who for an extended time had been "receiving the
attentions" of a young man named McGraw. A few weeks before, the couple had
a lovers' quarrel and he stopped calling on her. She lapsed into a deep
melancholy, which she ended by swallowing a fatal quantity of rat poison.
The Sentinel's story reporting of this sad affair also referred to a third case
in the summer of 1887 when a young woman who worked at a Wayne Township farm,
becoming disappointed in love, returned to her Pulaski County home and committed
Now, just one more ancient homicide to tell of and I shall abandon this woeful
At 6 o'clock on the evening of December 6, 1904, the Hanna Cripe family was at
supper in the kitchen of her home three miles south of Rochester. Suddenly two
shotgun blasts tore through the window and killed Hanna's son, Joe, 35, and Mrs.
Gilly Burns, 28, who was working for the Cripes to support herself and two
Pandemonium ensued. Mrs. Cripe ran into the yard, rang the dinner bell and
summoned help. Sheriff Stilla Bailey arrived and then came word from a mile
southwest that Gilly Burns, 52, was dead in the neighbor's barnlot, a suicide
from another shotgun blast to the head. The murderer had done in himself.
It seems Gilly's wife had left him, taking the children. When he found her
working at the Cripe home and she refused to return with him he began to
believe, mistakenly, that she had become friendly with the Cripe son. He
resolved to kill them both.
So much for human passions of another age; riot so different from today's after
Consider, however, the misplaced admiration displayed in The Sentinel reporter's
comment )n the "fine marksmanship (Burns) displayed in he
murders"which, he went on, "has astonshed many." No surprise in
that, he wrote, for Gilly had been a champion wing shot since boyhood. He seldom
missed anything that came in range, an ability acquired "by long and
patient practice shooting swallows as they dipped about on their flight over the
[Rochester Sentinal, Tuesday, July 29, 1997]
McGUIRE'S MARKET [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Specials for Saturday - - - - McGUIRE'S MARKET. Phone 54. We Deliver.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, January 27, 1928]
McINTIRE & VAN DIEN [Rochester, Indiana]
Bert Van Dien has purchased a half interest in Mart McIntire's barber shop the
deal having been made Wednesday afternoon. The new firm will move into the Perry
Ritchie room, one door north of their present location, as soon as the room is
ready. Decorators are now at work in the Ritchey room and when finished it will
present an elegant appearance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 1, 1908]
Dan McIntyre, Tuesday morning started the erection of the fifth new filling
station to be constructed in this city and the lake this summer. The McIntyre
service station will be located at the crossing of the Barrett cement road and
the Sanders road at what is known as Cook's corner.
The station, which will face northeast will be 20 by 30 feet and will be built
of cement blocks. Wide cement drives will lead past the filling station,
terminating on both highways, while the ground will be ornamented with shrubbery
and flowers.
The new station should enjoy a large business, both from the crowds at Long
Beach and from Fairview and the cottagers on the east side of the lake. The
Barrett road is also part of the Harding Highway. Mr. McIntyre, who will have
personal charge of the station hopes to have it completed by May 3p. Standard
Oil will be used.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, May 19, 1925]
McKEE, ALBERT [Rochester, Indiana]
Notice is hereby given that the partnership known as Hill & McKee has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent and that Albert McKee continues said
business at same old stand and is in a position to continue in the contracting
and general cement work.
Dated this 22nd day of July, 1912. ALBERT McKEE, J. HILL.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, July 22, 1912]
McKEE, RICHARD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Richard McKee]
McKILLIP, DAVID [Allen Township, Miami County]
David McKillip, one of the prominent farmers of Allen Township, is a native of
Union County, this state, and was born June 5, 1837. He was the seventh son in a
family of eleven children, eight sons and three daughters; born to Alexander and
Elizabeth (Skillman) McKillip, the former a native of Scotland, who emigrated to
America at the age of fourteen, served as soldier in the war of 1812 and was one
of Commodore Perry's victorious crew on Lake Erie. He finally located in Union
County this state, where he died about 1847. Our subject grew up to manhood in
his native county, working upon a farm. He attended the district schools, in
which he received an ordinary common school education. In 1858 he removed to
Henry County this state, where he landed on the 13th of January. There he worked
upon a farm by the month about two years, after which he learned the trade of a
cooper. He worked at this about two years. He then learned the carpenter's trade
which received his attention more or less for a number of years. In February,
1870, he went to Delaware County and located upon a farm, but in July, 1872, he
returned to Henry County. There he located upon the old home place of his
father-in-law and was engaged in agricultural pursuits until August 1880, at
which time he came to this county and located where he now resides in Allen
Township. June 16, 1861, he was married to Amanda Fouts, a native of Henry
County, this state, born April 16, 1840. She was the daughter of Elias and Mary
(Shaffer) Fouts, the former a native of Randolph County, North Carolina, and the
latter a native of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. McKillip have had but two children;
their names are Alfaretta and Forest, the latter of whom died when eleven months
old. Mr. and Mrs. McKillip are members of the Christian Church. Politically the
former is a Republican. In the spring of 1886 he was elected to the office of
Townsip Trustee and is the present incumbent. He owns a farm of eighty acres
about half of which is in cultivation. It was formerly low, swampy land and its
present high state of cultivation reflects very creditably upon the energy and
industry of Mr. McKillip. He is a very successful farmer and one of the worthy
citizens of the Township.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 525-526]
In poverty, but happy in her little three-roomed log cabin at Winamac, Mrs.
Nellie McKinley Winters, 82 years old, an aunt of the late President [William]
McKinley, died Tuesday of complications caused by age. Until the end she refused
medical aid, saying, "I have lived this long and had eleven children
without the assistance of a doctor and I don't want one fussing about me this
time of life."
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 25, 1914]
McKINNEY, MAUDE WARE [Rochester, Indiana]
Pueblo, Colorado, June 13 -- Mrs. Herschel [Maude WARE] McKINNEY, formerly Miss
Maude Ware, of Rochester, was shot and instantly killed here saturday night by a
bullet from a gun fired by Gilbert DODGE, while out riding in a carriage with
Dodge's wife.
The shooting took place in the business district of this city, Dodge riding up
behind the carriage they occupied on horseback, deliberately stopped and fired
two shots at them from the rear, one striking Mrs. McKinney in the back of the
head. The noise frightened the horse they were driving and by turning suddenly
both ladies were thrown from the carriage alighting in the gutter about twelve
feet away. Mrs. McKinney was dead when picked up a few seconds later.
Mr. & Mrs. Dodge have been having considerable domestic trouble and it is
claimed both shots were aimed at his wife of whom he is very jealous.
Dodge has been arrested and is now awaiting trial on the charge of manslaughter.
Mrs. WARE, Mrs. McKinney's mother is here and will depart for Rochester with the
corpse tonight.
(Special to the Sentinel by Frank STINSON)
The first word of Mrs. McKINNEY's death was received Sunday morning by her
brother, Lon WARE, and as her husband is a miner of Independence, Colorado, a
small mining town four miles from Cripple Creek by trolley, it was at once
thought she had been killed in the fight between union and non-union miners at
that place.
Mrs. McKinney is the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth WARE, of this place, who was
visiting her daughter at the time of her death. Mrs. McKinney resided in
Rochester until about three years ago, when she was united in marriage with
Chas. FAROR, at Elgin, Illinois, and went to Colorado to reside on his cattle
ranch. This did not prove as pleasant as had been hoped for and she sought a
divorce which was granted. About a year ago she was united in marriage with
Herschel McKINNEY.
The corpse is expected to arrive here about Tuesday night of Wednesday morning.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 13, 1904]
McLOCHLIN, EDWARD [Wayne Township]
Edward McLochlin was born in Cass County, Ind., August 10, 1837, and is the son
of Felix and Mary McLochlin. His father was born November 24, 1812, and is said
to be the oldest settler now living in Wayne Township, having located where he
resides in 1834. Edward, one of six children, was married, in November, 1861, to
Margaret Hoynes, a native of Ireland. He has three children--William, George and
Mary--and has lived in this township ever since he was six months old, and has
always followed farming; was elected County Commissioner in 1880, and owns 120
acres of land. He and his family are members of the Catholic Church.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 61]
McLOCHLIN, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Louderback Garage
John McLochlin, who has operated a Hudson auto agency here for the past year at
606 North Main street under the title of the McLochlin Motor Sales today
announced that he was retiring from the automobile business.
Mr. McLaughlin says that he will devote his time to the operation of his farms
and to the selling of seed corn and fertilizer. Joe Conaway, who was reared on a
farm northeast of Rochester and who has been a salesman for Mr. McLochlin, will
take over the Hudson agency and operate it in the same location where it had
been at 606 Main street.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 16, 1940]
John McLochlin today announces he is reopening the Hudson auto agency at the
Hagan Building, 606-608 North Main street. Mr. McLochlin has formed a
partnership with O. H. Hine and the latter will assume active management of the
A complete line of Hudsons will be on display at the agency and a repair and
parts service will be maintained it was stated.
McLOCHLIN, ROBERT [Wayne Township]
Robert McLochlin, the son of Robert and Nancy McLochlin, was born in Ireland
December 18, 1829, and came to this country in 1850. He has been a resident of
township ever since. Having barely money enough to bring him here, he commenced
with nothing for capital but his physical and mental and moral powers, and now
owns 240 acres of land. October 2, 1856, he married Mary Kelly, a native of
Pennsylvania. The fruit of this union has been nine children, all of whom have
been reared in the Catholic Church, the faith of the parents.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, pp. 61-62]
McLOCHLIN, WILLIAM H. [Wayne Township]
William H. McLochlin is a native of Wayne township, Fulton county, Indiana where
he was born August 21, 1862. He went through the prescribed course at the public
schools and at the age of twenty-five married Miss Elizabeth Ware who died in
1890. For his second wife he chose in 1893 Miss Lucinda Hizer who bore him two
children one of whom only is living, a daughter Susie. Mrs. McLochlin passed
away in 1920 and is interred in St. Ann's cemetery at Grass Creek. Mr. McLochlin
married again, April, 1923, to Mrs. Della Barnett. Susie married Loyal Bugbee
after having completed her school years in the grammar grades and two years at
the Logansport Holy Angels Academy. Her husband is a railroad man and belongs to
the Republican party. Mr. McLochlin himself is a farmer by vocation and a
Democrat. On November 7, 1922 he was elected trustee of the township on the
Democratic ticket. He also served one year as assessor in the same district. He
lives on his farm of fifty-three acres and cultivates it. His parents were
Edward and Margaret (Hines) McLochlin the former of whom was born August 24,
1837 and the latter October 11, 1844. Their family consisted of three children
of which two are still living. The elder McLochlin was a farmer and a Democrat.
He served for six years as county commissioner of Fulton county. Both he and his
wife were members of the Catholic church. He died in 1898, she in 1906 and they
are interred in St. Ann's cemetery at Grass Creek.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, p. 235, Dayton Historical Publishing
Co., 1923]
See: McLochlin, John
McLOUGHLIN MFG. CO. [Akron, Indiana]
Allaying rumors which have been current for several weeks it was officially
announced today that Akron is soon to have a new factory. The McLaughlin
Manufacturing Company, of Peru, has definitely decided to open a branch of its
garment factory in Akron, just as soon as materials for its operation are
The company had asked the Akron Chamber of Commerce to secure at least 40 women
for employment before they would consider the establishment of a plant in that
city. Through the medium of the Akron News, 5 women have signed blanks for
employment with the factory.
William Cox, superintendent of the Peru factory and Mrs. Lucille Langer, his
assistant setup temporary offices at the Akron Chamber of Commerce quarters
Wednesday, where they interviewed all of the women who had signed for employment
and made arrangements for 50 of these to start work when the plant is opened.
Mr. Cox intimated that it would be late in Febrary of the coming year, before
the branch factory could be put in operation. He plans to install 40
electric-powered sewing machines and the products of the manufacturing concern
will be various styles of ladies blouses. All of the cutting of the goods will
be done at the Peru factory and the materials trucked to Akron for the sewing
operations. The firm hold several contracts with some of the nation's largest
mercantile concerns including J. C. Penny & Co. and Montgomery Ward &
Co, he stated.
The branch factory will be located on the second floor of the new refrigerator
locker building which was formerly occupied by the Alger Chevrolet agency.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, November 29, 1945]
McMAHAN, BILL [Rochester, Indiana]
See Three Brother's Grocery
Bill McMahan will try his hand as a newspaper man and will commence work as a
writer on the SENTINEL Monday morning. He is a polite and popular gentleman and
the SENTINEL will be grateful for all favors shown him.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 18, 1905]
McMAHAN, CLARA [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
McMAHAN, HARRY [Los Angeles, Calif.]
Rochester friends of Mrs. Erma S McMahan, of Beeville, Texas, former resident of
this city, are in receipt of a newspaper article which appeared in a recent
issue of the Bee-Picayune, of Beeville, Texas. The story which relates the
interesting and uniue work of Mrs. McMahan's son, Harry, follows in part:
"Mr. and Mrs. Harry McMahan of Los Angeles, Calif., were in Beeville Monday
to visit with Mr. McMahan's mother, Mrs. E. S. McMahan.
"Harry McMahan and Ray Fernstrom, a photographer with whom he has been
associated at Dallas in the making of advertising shorts for the Dr. Pepper Co.,
for some time, have launched out on a career which promises to bring them renown
in the movie world.
"They are making shorts to be run under the title 'Here's How'. All are
done in color and they have completed a series which have been offered to
"One of the pictures, 'The Air Hostess,' was run in the Rialto theater at
the conclusion of the first show Monday afternoon. It is both interesting and
beautifully filmed.
"Mr. McMahan, a graduate of A. C. Jones high school here, writes the script
and selects the subjects to be told in shorts, which are educational, historical
and interesting."
Mrs. E. S. McMahan, who was formerly Miss Erma S. Sibert of this city is
herself conducting a book review column for the Beeville Picayune. She is a
sister of Kent Sibert, who resides on the Sibert farm east of this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 3, 1940]
McMAHAN, HUGH G. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Delaney, Will J.
See: Hotels - Arlington Hotel
See: Hotels - Barrett Hotel
Washington, D.C., April 28. (U.P.) - The senate late yesterday confirmed the
nomination of Hugh G. McMahan, as postmaster at Rochester, Ind.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, April 28, 1934]
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMahan announced Saturday that they had sold the Rice Hotel,
at Decatur, Ind., to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Beehler, of this city. Mr. Beehler is
well known in Rochester, having taught in the public schools here for 14 years.
The Beehler family will move to Decatur sometime this week.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, August 2, 1943]
McMAHAN, JESSIE [Rochester, Indiana]
Word received yesterday from Miss Jessie McMahan, former principal at the
Columbia school, by relatives, stated she had established a ladies ready-to-wear
shop at 1818 Eye street, Bakersfield, California.
Associated with Miss McMahan in her new venture is Miss Dorothy Prescott, a
former teacher at the Columbia building, of this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 17, 1926]
McMAHAN, JOHN B. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Dr. John McMahan, Physician and Surgeon. Office first house west of Dawson
& Richter's drug store. Sick poor treated free on Friday of each week.
Telephone No. 13.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 11, 1899]
Dr. John B. McMahan has decided to move to Earl Park and practice his profession
there. Earl Park is the center of a very rich farming section of Tippecanoe
county and there is a fine opening there for a young physician. But Rochester
will regret the loss of Dr. McMahan. He is an elegant gentleman, a progressive
citizen and a successful practitioner and Earl Park will find both he and his
wife most desirable citizens.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 1, 1899]
McMAHAN, JOHN B. [Bearss, Ind.]
John B. McMahan, farmer and merchant at Bearss, Ind., is a native of Bartholomew
county, this state, and was born Oct. 4, 1845; son of William and Louisa (Love)
McMahan, natives of Kentucky. The father was born May 11, 1817, and died in
Fulton county, Ind., June 21, 1895, and the mother was born in May, 1823, and
also died in this county in September, 1871. The family came to Fulton county in
1847 and settled in Rochester township, southeast of Rochester. In early life
the father learned the tailor's trade, at which he worked for some time. He was
a prominent man in this county and had held the offices of township trustee and
county commissioner. The major part of his life was devoted to farming and at
which he was considerd successful. The subject of this mention is the eldest of
thirteen children, of whom six are living. He was raised upon the farm and was
educated at the public schools of this county. Later he began teaching during
the winter season and worked upon the farm in summer. He continued teaching for
fifteen terms. Twenty-four years ago he began farming for himself and in April,
1876, removed to his present farm, in the southwestern part of Rochester
township, where he has seventy-three acres of fine land. In 1893 he opened a
store in the neighborhood and was instrumental in the establishment of Bearss
postoffice, and in May, 1893, was commissioned postmaster. This office has a
daily mail from Rochester and is a great convenience to the people in that
locality. The business venture of establishing a store at Bearss has been
successful. In politics Mr. McMahan has always affiliated with the democratic
party and in political affairs he has always manifested an active interest. Dec.
28, 1871, he was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca Goss, a daughter of George
and Elizabeth Goss. To this marriage relation are these twelve children, viz.:
Lorena, Daisy, Josephine, Sarah, Otto, Hugh, Thomas, William, Pat, John, Josie
and an infant as yet unnamed. The mother of these children, a member of one of
the old families of this county, was born in Liberty township March 14, 1853.
The family is highly respected and Mr. McMahan is one of the honorable men of
Fulton county and a member of the order K.O.T.M.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co,. Chicago 1896,
pp. 106-107]
McMAHAN, JOHN W. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Dawson, George V.
JOHN W. McMAHAN (Biography)
One of Rochester's boys who has made his way to considerable prominence in local
business circles is John W. McMAHAN, the founder of the popular Oak Drug Store
establishment. He was born in Rochester in 1870 and has always lived here except
six years temporary absence at college. He is a graduate of Union Business
College of Lafayette and of Purdue University School of Pharmacy. When through
with his school work he came home and purchased an interest in the Pellens drug
store. Then his firm opened The Oak drug store and operated it with much
enterprise until some months ago when Mr. McMahan sold out for the purpose of
completing his medical studies, after which he will again return to Rochester
and engage in the practice of medicine, as observation as a traveling drug
salesman convinced him that Rochester is one of the best towns in the state. His
extensive experience with drugs, his fine schooling in their uses and effects
and his knowledge of prescriptions gives him an invaluable foundation for a
successful physician. He married Miss Venia ZOOK in 1893 and they are the
parents of one child, a boy.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
McMAHAN, OTTO [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
See Three Brother's Grocery
See Lough's Grocery & Meat Market
See McMahan Construction Co
See Pat McMahan
Mr. Ott McMahan, the very efficient chairman of the democratic county
committee, after winning a glorious democratic victory in the county and
settling up the political affairs, has returned to Fulton where he will give
attention to his mercantile interests.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 20, 1908]
Ott McMahan left yesterday for Indianapolis to attend the inauguration of
Governor elect Marshall. Next week he will go to Washington, where he has
received through Congressman Barnhart, a position in the agricultural
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 12, 1909]
The creamery at Fulton has been sold by the stockholders to M. O. Enyart, the
price being $800, it is said. It is also reported that the business will be
abandoned there and the building used for a garage.
There are many reports concerning the institution to be heard, but from reliable
authority it is learned that the building and equipment cost the promoters and
stockholders $5,000. The industry was completed last year and has been in
operation about one year. During the time it is said to have lost the
stockholders something in the neighborhood of $2,400, which leaves them a net
loss of about $6,600.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 15, 1912]
It has been rumored that O. M. Enyart had purchased the Fulton creamery and
would discontinue the business and turn the building into an up-to-date garage.
This report is wholly unfounded. Mr. Enyart purchased the creamery and in turn
sold a half interest in the business to Ott McMahan and the firm will continue
the business. In fact, the wagons are now on the road and every effort will be
made to build up a profitable business. The creamery was started by an
association of farmers a couple of years ago and never proved a profitable
investment. Both Messrs. Enyart and McMahan are alert business men and expect to
put steam enough back of the business to make it a success.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 21, 1912]
Otto McMahan of Fulton has traded his residence in that city for the Hagan farm,
four miles southwest of Rochester. Mr. McMahan expects to give a great deal of
time to the upbuilding of the farm, but has not yet decided whether he will
reside there or take up his home in this city.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, November 11, 1912]
The attention of the Fulton circuit court was taken today with the damage suit
of Sarah A. BUSHAWN vs. Otto McMAHAN. The greater part of the morning was taken
in impanelling the jury.
The complaint, which is an interesting one, is as follows: On Sept. 14, 1910,
Otto McMahan sold a piece of land in Liberty township to the plaintiff, one of
the agreements being that he was to clean the ditch, known as the Thomas R.
BUTLER ditch, which runs through the land, within 30 days.
Though the weather permitted, the ditch was not cleaned within the time agreed
upon, and Edgar McCARTER, trustee of the township, ordered the ditch cleaned,
sending the plaintiff a bill covering the work, amounting to $112.72.
In order to pay this, the plaintiff had to borrow the money or lose part of the
land, and to cover the damages she has sustained, she asks for $200.
Mrs. Bushawn, who is 72 years aold, was on the stand the first of the afternoon,
as was A. T. DURBIN, who assisted her in obtaining the money.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 19, 1913]
That he had paid $25 for cleaning out the ditch on the farm he sold to Mrs.
Sarah A. BUSHAWN, that he had received a receipt for the same, and that the work
had never been done was testified to by Otto McMAHAN on the stand this
afternoon, in the damage suit filed by Mrs. BUSHAWN against him. The greater
part of the day was taken up in hearing evidence.
McMahan stated that he had given the money for the cleaning of the ditch to
George BUSHAWN, son of the plaintiff, and that he had never done the work, as he
had agreed to. After two years, the defendant said, the trustee of the township
ordered it cleaned at the expense of the owner, who was then Mrs. Bushawn. She
was compelled to pay the costs with borrowed money and thinks she should be
reimbursed by Mr. McMahan. The defense in the case seems strong and the outcome
is problematical.
George Bushawn was on the stand late this afternoon.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 20, 1913]
After deliberating for three hours, the jury in the case of Bushawn vs. McMahan
on suit for damages, returned a verdict Saturday evening in favor of the
defendant. The plaintiff will be compelled to pay all of the costs.
The case was the outcome of the sale of a piece of land in 1910, which Otto
McMahan sold to Sarah Bushawn. In the contract for the sale, McMahan agreed to
clean out a certain ditch on the farm. The deal was to be made Sept. 14, 1910,
but the plaintiff did not have the money so another contract was made in which
McMahan agreed to either clean the ditch or pay for having it cleaned. When the
time expired and the deeds were made McMahan paid George Bushawn a certain sum
of money and also gave his mother some fence to repay her for having the ditch
cleaned. Mrs. Bushawn did not have the ditch cleaned that fall and the next year
the trustees ordered the ditch cleaned and she was compelled to pay the costs
which amount to over $100.
Evidence was introduced which showed that the defendant had paid the plaintiff's
son for having the ditch cleaned and that as he was her agent, Mrs. Bushawn was
compelled to abide by his contract.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 23, 1913]
A telegram to Otto McMahan, recently recommended for postmaster by Congressman
Barnhart, brought the intelligence from Senator B. F. Shively at Washington,
late Tuesday, that the nomination, sent to the Senate March 17 by President
Wilson, had been confirmed by the Senate.
The remaining necessary steps are the giving of a bond by Mr. McMahan and the
issuance of his commission by the government. It is thought that he will be able
to take office by April 1, at which time the fiscal quarter comes to an end, and
which day will end a four year term for Postmaster William Wright, who will
remove to the Ed Kreamer farm near the lake, to do light farming and heavy
Mr. McMahan was in the city Tuesday looking up a house for his family, which he
will remove to the city at once, but was unsuccessful in finding one that
suited. In fact, he found that houses of any kind were mighty scarce and stated
Tuesday night that he would probably take furnished rooms until he could get
what he wanted.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 25, 1924]
Otto McMahan was elected Tuesday to the presidency of the Rochester Country Club
for the year 1929. He assumed office at once succeeding Ike M. Wile in that
position. Mr. Wile was elected vice president while Charles Pyle was re-elected
The election took place at a meeting of the directors at the Coffee Shop. The
three newly elected directors were in attendance for the first time, they being
A. J. Herbster, Fred Ruh and John Allison.
Reports were given on membership by the committee in charge which showed that
there will be some changes this year. The club is in fine condition financially
and that the outlook is good for one of the best seasons on record, Mr. McMahan
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 6, 1929]
McMAHAN, PAT [Rochester, Indiana]
The McMahan boys have purchased the new Goss building in Fulton and will move in
a stock of goods in a few days. Pat and Otto McMahan will run the store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 22, 1907]
C. M. Studebaker, formerly of Rochester, has sold the Zechiel grocery at Culver
to Pat McMahan, who now is in charge of it.
Mr. Studebaker has accepted a position as bookkeeper with the Thomas J. Dye
Lumber company of Kokomo and will move there this week.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, October 19, 1925]
McMAHAN, R. J. (Jack) [Rochester, Indiana]
Mr. And Mrs. R. J. (Jack) McMahan of this city will leave the latter part of
this week for California, where they will make their future home. Mr. McMahan
and his brother-in-law, Russell Pesanta, of Los Angeles, have purchased the
leading furniture store at Van Nuys, a suburb of Los Angeles and will devote
their entire time in this line of business.
During Mr. McMahan's residency in Rochester, he was engaged in the manufacture
and sales promotion of an electric wire fence, with his father, Thomas McMahan,
who resides southwest of Rochester.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, February 6, 1939]
McMAHAN, S. W. [Rochester, Indiana]
S. W. McMahan, Ph.G.M.D., General practice. Sick poor treated free each Friday
at the office in the Noftsger Block.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 11, 1897]
McMAHAN, TOM [Rochester, Indiana]
Tom McMahan has concluded to be an auctioneer and will conduct a series of
basket supper sales at the different school houses in the county in order that
he may develop himself in that direction. Tom will make a good auctioneer for he
possesses the gift of wit necessary.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 30, 1906]
Fulton Leader.
Tom McMahan's sale was a hummer. They got right to work and everything brought a
good price. Tom will leave shortly for Hamilton, Ohio, where he has a position
with a range company.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 2, 1912]
McMAHAN, WILLIAM [Rochester, Indiana]
William McMahan, farmer, P.O. Rochester. This worthy gentleman, born in Henry
County, Ky., May 11, 1817, is the son of Michael and Mary (Williams) McMahan,
the former a native of Ireland, and the latter of Kentucky. He was married, July
3, 1839, to Louisa Love, who was born in Kentucky, May 17, 1823. She was the
daughter of James and Sarah (McQueen) Love. This union was blessed with thirteen
children, seven of whom are now living viz.: John, born October 4, 1845; Sarah
J., born October 16, 1850; Louisa M., born February 22, 1852; Christina A., born
July 8, 1854; William W., born March 28, 1857; Laura V., born October 6, 1859;
and Clara V., born July 27, 1864. Mr. McMahan became a resident of Columbus,
Ind. in 1835, and was there engaged in the merchant tailoring business until
1847, when he became a resident of Fulton County. He has filled various
positions of honor and trust in the county, among which may be mentioned County
Commissioner in 1857, and again in 1876. He has done much toward he improvement
and development of the public interests of the county, and is highly respected
by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 30]
McMAHAN, WILLIAM W. [Rochester, Indiana]
WILLIAM W. McMAHAN (Biography)
The Hon. Wm. W. McMAHAN, a native of this county, the junior member of the law
firm of Conner, Rowley & McMahan graduated from the University of Michigan
at Ann Arbor in 1882 and has been engaged in active practice of law in Rochester
ever since. Mr. McMahan represents the strongest type of Indiana forcefulness in
anything he undertakes and has therefore been quite successful as an attorney
and pension solicitor. He was married to Miss Fannie SAVAGE in June 1888, and
occupies a beautiful home at No. 307 Monroe street. Mr. McMahan represented
Fulton county in the State Legislature in 1893 and acquitted himself with honor
among his fellow legislators and the respect and confidence of his constituency.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
According to newspaper reports Wm. W. McMahan, formerly of this city, was
elected police Judge in the Hammond election yesterday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 5, 1904]
The Fulton county friends of W. W. McMahan will be pleased to hear that he was
re-elected city Judge of Hammond by 734 majority, the largest majority of any
democrat on the ticket, all of whom were elected.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 11, 1905]
City Judge W. W. McMahan, formerly of this city but now of Hammond, was
nominated for Judge of the Superior court of Lake and Porter counties. He has
made a fine record as City Judge and his prospects of being elected to the
higher office are said to be good. Judge Virgil S. Reiter, also formerly of
Rochester, will be the nominee of the republicans and he also stands high as a
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 5, 1908]
McMAHAN BROS. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Three Brothers Grocery
See Four Brothers Grocery
The Mackey grocery, on East 13th St., was bought yesterday by Pat and Ott
McMahan, of Fulton. John and James McMahan, brothers of the owners, will have
charge of the store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 25, 1909]
[Adv] A few Bargains at McMAHAN BROS in the Mackey Grocery on East 13th
Street - - - - All goods sold at cash but delivered promptly. Telephone No. 199.
This sale continues for one week.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 14, 1909]
Macy Monitor.
Will Norris, the well known Rochester traveling man, and his brother-in-law,
Charles Slusser of Macy, have purchased the grocery store operated by McMahan
Brothers of Rochester and took possession Monday morning. Both the young men are
hustlers and will make good. Albert Slusser of this place went up Monday to help
the goys get straightened up.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 9, 1909]
McMahan Brothers, the enterprising merchants of Fulton, were the means of
bringing a large crowd of people to that little city Saturday evening. They are
handling Starr pianos and at this time two pianos were sold at auction to the
highest bidders. The Fulton band was also engaged to play during the evening and
later ice cream and cake was served to the large number of people in attendance.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 27, 1910]
The McMahan Brothers Construction Company of this city was on Saturday awarded
the contract for the construction of 4.30 miles of cement paving on State Road
No. 11, between Alexandria and Anderson by the state highway commission, which
was in session at Indianapolis, on their bid of $87,101.21. At the same time the
commission awarded contracts for 70 miles of paved roads at a total cost of
The contract for each piece of paving was awarded on the lowest bid submitted at
the hearing which the commission held several days ago and the prices ran many
thousand dollars below the estimates the state engineers had made. As a result
of the low bids which were received for the 70 miles of paving the commission
may be able to carry out at least a part of its tentative paving program for
this summer which includes the Plymouth-Peru stretch on state road 1 through
Rochester, in addition to the definite paging program.
Most Favorable Contracts.
John D. Williamson, director of the state highway commission, said the contracts
which were just let were the most favorable which the commission had received
since it was created several years ago. Mr. Williams in a conversation which he
had with a number of Rochester politicians at Indianapolis recently stated that
the contract for the Peru-Plymouth stretch on state road No. 1, probably would
be let this fall due to the increased revenue which the department will receive
from the three-cent gasoline tax law passed by the last legislature and from the
savings which the commission had been making in awarding contracts for paving
such as was demonstrated on the 70 miles.
Under the provisions of the contract which was awarded to the McMahan Brothers
Construction Company, the firm must complete the construction of the paving
before next fall. The local concern, which has been building roads in Illinois
for the past three years, will move a part of their equipment to Anderson
immediately and will start work just as soon as the weather permits. The
McMahans are noted for the thorough manner in which they build roads and last
year established a worlds record for the construction of a mile of paving on one
of their Illinois contracts.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 30, 1925]
McMAHAN CONSTRUCTION CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
Also See McMahan, Otto
Otto McMahan resigned his position yesterday, as teacher in the Rochester city
schools and today he has an offer of principalship of the township graded school
at Twelve Mile and will probably accept. Miss Bertha Kline, Delong, is employed
to take Mr. McMahan's place.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 1903]
William and Otto McMahan, who owned the North Manchester Implement and Hardware
Co., Friday sold the business to Ulrey and Tylor Co. of that town. The new
owners will take possession March 1st, when William McMahan who has been
conducting the store will move back to his farm south of Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 10, 1917]
Announcement has been made of the purchase Saturday by four local men,
Postmaster Otto McMahan, A. L. Deniston, Guy R. Barr and Eugene Hunter, of the
Becker-Enyart Construction Company, a road contracting and building corporation.
The sale was made by order of court, following the death recently of the leading
member of the firm, Charles Becker, of Fulton.
The purchase price of the company was about $100,000, and according to
statements made by the owners, there is almost that much value in the equipment
on hands, besides road contracts totaling about half a million dollars, now
under course of construction in Marshall county.
Postmaster McMahan has taken over the active management of the company, having
taken a 30 day leave of absence so that he can spend all of his time on the work
now under construction. The local concern is now building eight miles of paving
on the state highway north of Plymouth on the Michigan road and is also building
15 miles of gravel road. Mr. McMahan stated that they had contracts on hand now
that would keep them busy for another year.
He added further that this was the best equipped construction company in the
state, the equipment being of the most modern and complete type. They can build
a mile of concrete road in eight days and are working so fast now that three
engineers are required to keep pace with the actual construction work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 17, 1921]
Otto McMahan, manager of the Indiana Road Paving Company, which has just
recently completed a large road building contract for the state in Marshall
county, has finished loading the 14 carloads of equipment of the firm, which is
being shipped to Monticello, Illinois, where the local company, has a contract
to build 13-1/2 miles of hard surface roads for the state of Illinois.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 1, 1922]
The McMahan Construction Company of this city which was recently awarded a six
and one-half mile paving contract in Illinois is making preparations to start on
the job just as soon as Governor Small signs the necessary papers. The firm
consists of Hugh, Otto, Tom, Bill and Pat McMahan. On Tuesday Otto and Pat were
in Chicago where they purchased $50,000 worth of equipment for immediate
delivery. Hugh McMahan will put in his resignation as rural route carrier at the
postoffice soon and all of the brothers are planning to leave for Illinois at
once. Otto McMahan will continue to supervise the work of the paving being done
at Bellmont, Illinois.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 12, 1922]
The McMahan Brothers Paving Company of this city, who are now finishing up their
first paving job in Illinois, were the low bidders on another contract in that
state recently and will start work at once on a 13-mile stretch of road which
they will lay with concrete. Their bid was approximately $30,000 a mile. The
road runs for the above distance directly out of Danville, Ill.
According to one member of the firm an entire new set of equipment will be
purchased at once and put on the job which will give the firm two complete
outfits. If the present job is finished within the near future both outfits will
be put on the 13-mile road in order to complete it before fall.
The organization has recently been much hindered in their work by the lack of
cement but they hope to get enough in the near future to complete their work
without interruption.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 2, 1922]
The Indiana Road Paving Company, a Rochester road contracting firm, headed by
Otto McMahan, who returned to the scene of the company's operations in Illinois
Monday morning after completing a week end visit in this city, is rapidly
finishing up its first 14 mile road contract between Danville and Springfield,
Illinois. This job, a concrete highway, establishes a record for laying hard
surfaced roads in Illinois. This company has 10 miles more of paving to lay,
while the McMahan Brothers, another local road contracting outfit, has recently
secured contracts for building one 14 and one seven mile strip of road for the
state of Illinois.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, September 11, 1922]
Members of the McMahan Construction Company, which has contracts for the
building of roads at Decatur, Bloomington and Gilman, Ill., declare there is
nothing to the cry of unemployment at least so far as this particular community
is concerned. Otto McMahan, one of the members of the firm, who is also
connected with the Indiana Road Paving Company, took 10 or 12 men with him
Monday morning to Illinois to start preparations for construction work as soon
as the spring weather breaks. He delcared that the firm is now in need of fully
100 men and while they have tried in every way possible to employ them, they
have not succeeded so far. He declared that by the time construction work starts
in the spring they will need fully 400 men for the work.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 26, 1923]
Announcement has been made of a change in the personnel of the Indiana Road
Paving Company, Rochester road contracting firm, Otto McMahan, formerly a
partner, who acted as field manager of the company having sold out his interest
to his partners, Omar B. Smith, A. L. Deniston and Guy R. Barr. McMahan, who is
also a member of the McMahan Construction Company, partnership of the McMahan
brothers, will devote all of his time in the future to this firm, engaged in
similar business activities.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 29, 1923]
A telegram to Otto McMahan, recently recommended for postmaster by Congressman
Barnhart, brought the intelligence from Senator B. F. Shively at Washington,
late Tuesday, that the nomination, sent to the Senate March 17 by President
Wilson, had been confirmed by the Senate.
The remaining necessary steps are the giving of a bond by Mr. McMahan and the
issuance of his commission by the government. It is thought that he will be able
to take office by April 1, at which time the fiscal quarter comes to an end, and
which day will end a four year term for Postmaster William Wright, who will
remove to the Ed Kreamer farm near the lake, to do light farming and heavy
Mr. McMahan was in the city Tuesday looking up a house for his family, which he
will remove to the city at once, but was unsuccessful in finding one that
suited. In fact, he found that houses of any kind were mighty scarce and stated
Tuesday night that he would probably take furnished rooms until he could get
what he wanted.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 25, 1924]
The McMahan Construction Company, of this city, which is now building a concrete
roadway in Illinois, holds five state records for speed according to the Daily
Pantagraph, of Bloomington, Ill. A bulletin issued by the Illinois state highway
department shows that the company had the biggest day's run; the biggest week's
run of the year and the most mileage of the year.
The road being laid is the Corn Belt Trail and the newspaper says that rain
prevented the local company from laying 7,500 feet last week. The men are now
working in a single shift from 6 in the morning to 7 at night with relief crews
coming on at the noon hour. Part of the highway already laid will be opened for
traffic next Thursday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 23, 1924]
Indianapolis, May 8. (By I. N. S.)
Secretary of State Schortemeier today granted a charter of incorporaton to Frank
C. Fentz company of Rochester. The company capitalized at $50,000 will engage in
construction of roads, streets and structures of all kinds. Incorporators
included Otto and Carrie McMahan of Rochester.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, May 8, 1925]
The McMahan Construction company of this city was the low bidder on twelve miles
of paving, concrete, at Fernandina, Florida, Wednesday. Fernandina is near
Jacksonville. The work will begin in the spring.
The McMahan company and the Rochester Road Paving company will submit bids for
paving in illinois at Springfield, Ill., Friday.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 18, 1926]
Indianapolis, Sept. 1. -- A certificate of incorporation was issued today to the
Devine Construction Co., of Rochester, with an authorized stock of $50,000.
Incorporators were Otto and Carrie McMahan of Rochester, and Robert P. and
Nellie G. Devine of Watseka, Ill. The firm proposes to construct roads, streets
and other construction projects.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, September 1, 1926]
The McMahan ConstructionCompany, of this city, was on Saturday awarded the
contracts for $750,000 worth of work by the Illinois Highway Commission which
was in session at Springfield, Illinois. The McMahans were the low bidders on
the project at the time the bids were opened on January 17, but because of right
of way troubles the contracts could not be awarded.
The contracts which were awarded were for the hard surfacing with concrete of 20
miles of road near Kankakee, eight and one-half miles near Pontiac and eight
miles in Lake county, west of Chicago. In addition to this work the local
company has the contracts for eight more miles of work in Cook county on their
bid of $250,000 which couples with the road for which they were given the
contract Saturday.
Has Four Outfits at Work
The McMahan Construction Company at the present time has four industrial road
building outfits. Two of these outfits are in the north and two of them in the
south. One of the southern outfits has just completed a $250,000 project for the
city of St. Cloud, Florida and the other is working on a $400,000 job in Nassau
county, Forida, near Fernandina.
The outfit which has been in operation at St. Cloud was moved to another project
of 12 miles in length near Fernandina, which was bid in by the McMahans at
$350,000. This road which is a part of the Coastal Highway, the first Federal
aid project in Florida, runs from Washington to Miami, Fla., and should be
completed by April 15.
Great difficulties were encountered building the road near Fernandina. Seventy
acres of land had to be cleared and grubbed and over 70,000 yards of dirt had to
be pumped from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which was over three-quarters of
a mile away. Part of this road had to be built out into the ocean.
On this project it was also necessary to place a revolving bridge which was 350
feet in length. This bridge was necessary so as to permit ocean going boats to
come in and go out of the St. Charles river.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 14, 1927]
* * * * Photo * * * *
The third of Rochester's new business buildings became occupied last week, when
the McMahan Construction company moved into its new offices at 107 East Ninth
Street, south of the courthouse from the location at 824 1/2 Main Street.
The remodeled structure, known as the Downs building, recently purchased by the
company, embraces a suite of five office rooms. On the second floor is a newly
decorated four-room apartment.
Need for more space and the greater accessibility of the ground-floor location
prompted the company's move. The office will be the headquarters of the Otto
McMahan farm business as well as of the construction company's.
Convenience and simplicity mark the arrangement and decoration of the interior.
A long corridor leads by the several offices. Walls are finished in rough
plaster, slightly tinted in cream color. The furniture and woodwork is finished
in mahogany.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 21, 1936]
It was announced today that the McMahan Construction Company has purchased the
old circus grounds adjacent to the city limits on the northeast side of
Rochester. The grounds and buildings will be used for the storage and repair of
construction machinery for the McMahan company.
The McMahan farms will also use the grounds as a selling center for cattle. For
a number of years they have been selling from six to 10,000 feeding cattle per
year. The cattle are purchased on western ranges and shipped directly here for
distribution to farmers throughout this territory. Last year the McMahan farms
furnished 2,000 farmers with feeding cattle. They now have approximately 1,000
cattle on hand.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, October 31, 1942]
The McMahan Construction company, recent purchasers of the old circus grounds on
the northeast edge of the city, have purchased the duck farm which is adjacent
to the newly acquired property. This new addition will be used in connection
with the Otto McMahan Farm cattle business.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, November 5, 1942]
Rochester lost one of its most influential figures at 4 p.m. Sunday when Edwin
C. BOSWELL, 719 Jefferson St., died at home at the age of 88.
In addition to leading McMahan-O'Connor Construction Co. to prominence among
Midwestern road builders, Boswell was a leader of the Methodist Church and the
Republican Party, a longtime member of the DePauw University Board of Trustees
and a local philanthropist who quietly contributed to the success of many
community projects.
During his hore than six decades with McMahan Construction Co., McMahan-O'Connor
Construction Co. and Rock Industries, Boswell's crews were active in Indiana,
Michigan, Kentucky and Illinois. They built U.S. 31 between Kokomo and U.S. 6,
U.S. 465 around eastern Indianapolis and parts of Interstate 70. They also did
extensive work on Indianapolis International Airport, Grissom Air Force Base,
the Louisville, Ky., airport and the Fulton County Airport. They built Rochester
High School's Barnhart Field and the nearby sledding hill. At one time or
another, his machinery laid down pavement on virtually all Rochester streets.
He was a leader of the Asphalt Pavement Association of Indiana and of Indiana
Constructors, Ind. and a member of the Indiana Society of Chicago.
During the 1950s he was financial chairman of Indiana's 2nd Congressional
He was active in Grace United Methodist Church as a trustee and finance
committee chairman. He also served on the statewide Bishop's Commitee.
Born in Indianapolis to Edwin C. and Nellie LOWE BOSWELL on Oct. 11, 1909, he
married Rebabelle McMAHAN on Sept. 17, 1932. She died Sept. 27, 1972. He lived
in Rochester most of his adult life.
After graduating from Arsenal Technical High School in Indianapolis, he entered
DePauw as a Rector Scholar. He earned six athletic letters as a basketball guard
and a golfer. He was captain of the ROTC unit, and member of the student council
before graduating with majors in history and political science in 1931.
He served in the U.S. Army from 1942-45, rising to the rank of Lt. Col. and
supervising Buckley Field, Colo.
Boswell was named to the DePauw Board of Trustees in 1956 and soon became
chairman of the Trustee Committee on Athletics. He remained closely allied with
DePauw for the rest of his life. He is credited with changing the campus
landscape, largely by marshaling the resources of his companies. His DePauw
projects included developing tennis facilities, two intramural fields, a varsity
practice field and the Boswell Soccer Field. He chaired the drive for the
construction of Lilly Physical Education and Recreation Center. He was
instrumental in establishing the Old Gold Scholarshp for scholar-athletes. A
recipient of DePauw's Old Gold Goblet award, he was inducted into the DePauw
Athletic Hall of Fame in 1996.
He was a member of Rochester Lodge No. 79 F&AM; Mizpah Temple of Fort Wayne;
Scottish Rite of Indianapolis; Rochester Elks Lodge 2120; American Legion Post
36; Tippecanot Lake Country Club, Leesburg Bellaire Country Club, Clearwater,
Fla.; The Wabash Country Club; and Rock Hollow golf course, Peru.
Surviving are two daughters, Lalla and her husband James HEYDE, and Rebecca and
her husband Terry SMITH, both of Rochester; one sister, Mrs. Carl GERDTS,
Indianapolis; seven grandchildren, Edwin [HEYDE], David [HEYDE] and Robert
HEYDE, Todd [SMITH], Terry [SMITH], Chris [SMITH] and Julie (Carroll) SMITH, and
15 great-grandchildren.
His parents and one brother, William A. BOSWELL, Indianapolis, preceded him in
Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Foster and Good Funeral Home,
Rochester. Friends may call from 4-8 p.m. Tuesday and for an hour before
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Grace United Methodist Church.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 9, 1998]
In 1920 Otto McMahan formed a partnership with three other local men - Guy
Barr, Omer Smith and Roy Deniston to take over a roadbuilding contract which was
uncompleted because of the accidental death of the contractor, Charles Becker of
Fulton. From this beginning Otto McMahan went on to form the McMahan
Construction Company. After his initial experience he was associated with
brothers William, Tom and Pat in road building for a time and then continued
alone after his brothers went on to other pursuits. Otto Headed McMahan
Construction Company for 41 years and guided it to be one of the leaders in its
field in the Midwest.
[McMahan Family, Rebecca Boswell Smith, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
Helen Louise Mow McGriff is an executive secretary with McMahan-O'Connor
Construction Company in Rochester.
[Burkett Genealogy, Janet Rae Urbin Burkett, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
McMAHAN DRUGS [Rochester, Indiana]
McMAHAN FAMILY [Fulton County]
"One of the most interesting reunions in the history of San Diego,
Cal.," was the way the San Diego Union headed a feature article about the
seven McMahan brothers of Rochester, who met all together for the first time in
26 years in that city on January 15th. The article which appeared on the first
page of the newspaper, and was topped by a large picture of the brothers
standing in a row beside a large ocean liner, lined up according to their ages
is as follows:
Twenty-six years ago seven brothers, Otto, Hugh, Thomas, William, Patrick, John
and James McMahan, left their parents and set out to make their fortunes.
Yesterday afternoon, at the Broadway pier, following the arrival of the
Panama-Pacific liner Maneruria from New York, the brothers, after more than a
quarter of a century reunited in one of the most interesting reunions of its
kind ever chronicled hereabouts.
Three of the brothers operate a chain of furniture stores in Calirornia and four
are highway construction contractors in various parts of the country. Five of
the seven are in their 40's. They are of stocky build. All of them have been
Otto, the eldest, is a road contractor of Rochester, Ind. He is 46 years old.
Hugh, one year younger, is a partner of Otto. He, too, lives at Rochester.
John L., aged 34; James I. aged 31, and Thomas, aged 43 are all California
residents and all are engaged in the furniture business. James and John hail
from Bakersfield, and Tom from San Bernardino.
Patrick, 40 years old, comes from Tampa, Fla. It was his arrival on yesterday's
steamer that brought the brothers to San Diego to start a reunion that will
carry them on a tour of California.
William, 42 years old, lives in Decatur, Ill. He has constructed many a road in
Illinois and he says he hopes to build many more before the airplane supplants
the auto, if ever. All of the boys are married and all have fine families.
"You see, it is this way," explained Otto, the eldest, and therefore
spokesman for the reunited family. "We told our wives that Patrick was
coming to San Diego from Tampa and we thought it would be an excellent idea to
meet him at the pier and to export him on an automobile tour of California.
Inasmuch as our better halves knew it was going to be a happy family reunion and
not a poker party, they gave their consent for us to come to San Diego. And here
we are, glad to see each other after 26 years."
The reunion started with a dinner party last night, will be continued with
another dinner party at Bakersfield tonight, followed by a couple more parties
in San Bernardino and San Francisco.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, January 20, 1928]
In 1919 after World War 1, John McMahan and James McMahan settled in California
and started the McMahan Furniture Company which eventuallly became a chain of
over 100 retail stores throughout California. Most of the brothers and sisters
shared partnership in this business as well as in the many others. From the
start, they used one another's money and bank accounts, always settling matters
on friendly terms.
[McMahan Family, Rebecca Boswell Smith, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
See Rochester Airport
McMAHAN MILLINERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Mrs. M. J. McMahan has just returned from the city with a complete stock of fine
millinery goods - - - - Millinery rooms opposite the court house, four doors
north of Wile's store. Call and See.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 17, 1880]
McMAHAN & BECKER [Fulton, Indiana]
McMahan & Becker, the Fulton hardware merchants, have purchased the hardware
business of Ort Waltz at Twelve Mile and will continue the business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 2, 1912]
An important business change took place Saturday in Fulton when the McMahan,
Becker Hardware firm decided to file articles of incorporation.
The new company will be known as the Fulton Hardware Company and will be
incorporated with a capital stock of $15,000. Two more members will be taken
into the firm. They are Oscar Ocrnell, who has had 15 years experience in the
business and Claude Studebaker, who formerly owned the business at Fulton.
The present firm has been doing a good business in Fulton and have constructed a
store at Twelve Mile, where Mr. Studebaker has been in charge.
The officers of the new concern will be Oscar Cornell, president; Claude
Studebaker, Vice President, Charles Becker, Secretary and Treasurer. Mr.
McMahan, while retaining in interest in the concern will retire actively, and
move on the former Hagen farm, southwest of Rochester.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 20, 1913]
McNEELY, SAMUEL [Tiosa, Indiana]
By Rev. Samuel McNeely
On the 20th of October, 1844, in a log cabin on the banks of Brown's Run, Butler
County, Ohio, the writer first saw the light of day, being the youngest of nine
children born to John and Elizabeth McNeely, father being of Irish and mother of
Scotch descent. Mother died in Sepember, 1846, and father in 1849, from the
terrible scourge of cholera. The writer also sufferd an attack of the same
disease, but fortunately recovered to be, in later years, the victim of all the
diseases incident to childhood, such as measles, whooping cough, mumps and other
like ailments.
My early years were spent in many homes, having neither father or mother, I was
subjected to the kindness of strangers, as a rule, who treated me fairly well as
long as I was able to serve them without extra trouble upon their part; but when
sickness came they would take me to an aunt, my mother's sister, who always took
me in and cared for me tenderly until health was restored, when some other home
would be found for me. All with whom I spent my earlier years have long since
passed to their reward. Of the nine children of the family, seven grew to man
and womanhood. There were five brothers, and all were soldiers during the civil
war, but no two of us in the same regiment. There was one brother in the
Eighteenth Indiana, one in the Twenty-sixth Indiana, one in the Twelfth Ohio,
one in the Sixth Iowa, and myself in the Forty-sixth Indiana, also the One
Hundred and Eighteenth Indiana. All have been mustered out and gone to join the
ranks on the other shore and I am left all alone, so far as blood relation goes.
There are some incidents in my early life that recall some pleasing
recollections. When about eight years of age a couple of incidents occurred
which I recall as rather amusing. Myself and brother Henry, who was two years
older than I, were both staying at my aunt's, who lived just on the edge of a
large clover field, in which brother and I spent a good deal of our time. One
day, playing with a neighbor girl, she caught a bumble bee and got a drop of
honey with which she taunted me for a while and then ate it. That fired me with
a desire to have a feast of honey. I told my brother about it, so we repared to
the clover field bent on having all the honey we could eat. We would watch for a
bumble bee to settle on a clover bloom, when we would put our hat over it and
pound the life out of it. After securing some eight or ten, we concluded to
begin the feast. Of course I wanted to do the dissecting, but my brother said he
knew all about the business, so I had to yield. He took up a bee and began
operations, but alas for human expectations. Soon the air was rent by screams
sufficient to raise the dead. The bee resented and made use of his only weapon,
stinging my brother on the end of the thumb, which put an end to our feast. A
few days afterward we were again under the shade tree in the clover field, where
the dust was nearly ankle deep, and we concluded that we would play fighting
bumble bees. We would fill our hats with dust and throw it up in the air and
then run through it, waving our arms in imaginary battle. We were having a good
time, until suddenly a sound fell upon our ears, the angry voice of our cousin
calling us to the house. When we arrived we discovered that she had a gad about
five feet long, which was anything but a welcome sight to us. We crowded into a
narrow space between the buildings, where she could not follow us, and of all
the begging and "slinging snot" you ever witnessed, surely that was
the limit, but all to no purpose. We had to come out and take our medicine,
which was pretty severe, but proved to be a radical cure, as I don't think I
have fought bumble bees since.
When twelve years of age, I was brought to Indiana, landing at Lagro, Wabash
county, on new year's eve, 1856, and have lived in the state ever since. When in
my fourteenth year, I went to live with an Irishman, named Casey, with whom I
remained until I enlisted in the Forty-sixth Indiana. My life there was a
complete change from former things. It simply set me free, allowing me to go
where I pleased and do what I pleased, so long as I would be home Monday morning
to go to work. While there I learned to dance, play cards, drink whisky, or
whatever my fancy dictated. Living three years under such influences, it was no
wonder that I graduated soon after going in the army. I was an expert in nearly
all games played with cards, but one thing I absolutely refused to do, and that
was to play for money. I tried "chuckaluck" once or twice and that
satisfied me.
I enlisted in Company I, Forty-sixth Indiana, in October, 1861, being but
seventeen years of age. Was with the regiment until December 1862, when I was
sent with a number of others to St. Louis, Mo., to the Good Samaritan Hospital,
where I kept going lower and lower in strength until I gave up hopes of ever
seeing Indiana again. I became so weak that I fainted, several time, in making
efforts to raise up in bed. One day I was lying on my cot when the door bell
rang, and I sprang up in my bed and turned my ear toward the door. The boys in
the ward became frightened, supposing that I was dying. They gathered around me
and tried to get me to lie down, but I told them to let me alone, that was
someone from Lagro. In a few moments my uncle was shown into the ward, after
which I laid down, perfectly happy. My uncles was so overcome that he could not
talk for several minutes. The first words he said were: "My God, Sam, is
this you?" I replied, "Yes, what there is left of me," when he
exlaimed, "Well, God knows there is not much left except your feet."
In after years he used to joke me about it, saying that my feet looked like mud
sills hung to a rye straw. I was completely "hide-bound" and could not
hide me teeth to save me. My uncle often remarked aftrwards, that if anyone had
told him that men could become so poor and emaciated, and still live, he would
not have believed it until he saw a case with his own eyes. He remained with me
for over a week, trying to get me a furlough, but could not succeed, as all the
hospitals were run by contract at so much per head, and every one furloughed
would cut off that much revenue from the doctor. But I got a discharge on the
13th of February, 1863, and my uncle came down and took me home. I recruited up
and on the 1st of July, 1863, enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Eighteenth
Indiana, and spent the winter of '63 and '64 in East Tennessee, coming home in
March, 1864.
Feeling that I had soldiered enough, concluded I would get a wife and settle
down, thinking that that was all I needed to make life complete. I soon found
that I needed everything else worse than I did a wife, but having got her, I had
to keep her. For some years after marriage I tried farming, but made a complete
failure, so I worked by day's work to maintain myself and family. Many a time I
have walked five miles, do a day's work and walked home again. I did whatever my
hands found to do. One thing was in my favor--I always enjoyed good health. I
have many times made the statement that I had not missed a half-dozen meals on
account of sickness in forty years. In the year 1872 I began trying to preach
and have been in the work for thirty-seven years, having done what good I could.
Some of my experiences have not been the most pleasant. I remember one or two
that will bear telling. While living in Huntington county, I had to go to Argos.
Wishing to catch the early train at Huntington, I aimed to start at two o'clock
in the morning from the house. Having company, I did not get to bed until eleven
o'clock; when I awoke I made a mistake of one hour in looking at the clock and
was taking things very cooly until my wife awoke and said: "You cant go
now, as it is three o'clock." I said "no, it is only two
o'clock," but when I looked again, saw my mistake. I was five and one-half
miles from town and the train due at 4:04. Started on a race for the train. The
night was dark and the roads rough, hence I partly ran and partly walked, but I
made the train all right. Another time I started for the same train. It was just
when they were working the road and everything was all the same color. Aimed to
keep in the center of the road, but unfortunately for me I could not see where I
was going, so about a mile from home I fell off a culvert into a hog wallow and
was completely plastered. What to do I hardly knew, as I had not time to return
home and then make the train, so I continued on my way. When I reached
Huntington it was just coming daylight, so I went to the river and commenced to
wash off all the mud in sight. It was a cold, damp morning and no fire. I nearly
froze until I got to a fire to dry my clothes. If some of the preachers of today
would meet with such experiences I don't know what they would do. In those days
I thought nothing of walking fifteen and twenty miles to fill my appointments,
and I will say, right here, that although I have been in the work thirty-seven
years, I have never made a complete disappointment. Have been detained on
account of funerals and sickness, but always managed to send word to my people.
I located in Argos in the summer of 1875, and remained there until I moved to
Tiosa, twenty-eight years ago, where I expect to remain as long as I stay on
this mundane sphere. After locaing in Argos I soon found my salary was too small
to maintain my family, so I took up plastering and stone masonry, which I
followed for fifteen years, working five days in the week and preaching over
Sunday, besides preaching a great many funerals. In fact I never knew anything
but hard work until the last twelve years, but I don't regret it, as I feel that
it is better to wear out than rust out.
I have been trying for three or four years to cut out some of my points, feeling
that I am entitled to some rest, but the people won't have it that way and keep
me in the work. While I have never had what would be called a living salary for
my work, I am not complaining, as I have a home and enough to eat and wear, and
what should we ask for more. I have often made the remark that I would rather
die a pauper and be buried as a county charge and know that I had done something
to help some poor soul than to die a millionaire and know that I had lived for
nobody but myself.
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. II, 1910, pp. 60-63]
McPHERSON & RALSTON [Kewanna, Indiana]
Judge Robert Miller found yesterday in the circuit court in the suit in which a
receiver is asked by the Keifer Stewart Drug Company of Indianapolis for the
drug store of McPherson and Ralston, of Kewanna, that the firm was in failing
circumstances. The court then appointed Fred Ruh as receiver for the concern.
Ruh was required to furnish a bond of $4,000.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, June 18, 1931]
Judge Robert Miller today ordered Fred Ruh, as receiver of the McPherson drug
store at Kewanna, to sell the same to Frank C. Cooper for $600 cash. The
receivership had been asked by the Keifer-Stewart Drug Company of Indianapolis.
The court also ordered all creditors to file their claims with Receiver Ruh
before Sept. 26.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 4, 1931]
McQUERN, MARTHA A. [Rochester, Indiana]
Martha A. McQuern, farmer, P.O. Rochester, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Wood,
and widow of James H. McQuern. She was born in Allen County, Ohio, January 4,
1833. Came with her parents to this county in 1840. They first settled in Henry
Township where her father died January 15, 1848, and her mother March 29, 1869.
Her father was a native of Logan County, Ohio, and her mother of Virginia. Mr.
McQuern was born in South Carolina, about 1816. Came out to Ohio with his
parents, when about nine years old. His father soon after died. About one year
later, accompanied by his mother, sister and half-brother, emigrated to the
vicinity of Frankfort, Ind. Very soon after, James H. went out to Lafayette and
learned the blacksmith trade, and when about twenty-one years of age formed a
partnership with Henry Alexander, in Rochester, where they successfully carried
on the blacksmithing business for about ten years, when Mr. McQuern removed his
kit of tools out on a farm he had purchased east of Rochester, where he
continued to ply his trade. He first married Nancy Brown, about 1843, who died
about 1851, when, October 3, 1852, he married Martha A. Wood, and lived about
fourteen years on the farm now owned by Bridegroom, et all, when they sold out
and purchased the farm now occupied by the widow on Sections 14 and 23, where
Mr. McQuern died, December 29, 1878, lamented by his family and friends. Mr. and
Mrs. McQuern were the parents of nine children, viz.: James Newton, born May 21,
1854; Pauline, born October 6, 1855; Sarah Mabel, born October 7, 1857; Ginevra
Dora, born January 7, 1860, died September 7,1864; William J. H., born May 12,
1863, died September 12, 1864; Lula D., born July 24, 1865; Charles L., born
March 20, 1868, died April 10, 1869; Elnora V., born January 9, 1870; Franklin
K., born December 13, 1872. Mr. McQuern was a member of the Masonic fraternity
and of the Presbyterian Church, and a republican. Mrs. McQuern is a member of
Mount Zion Presbyterian Church. She manages her affairs with a shrewdness seldom
surpassed by her sex.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 30]
McVAY, HARRY [Kewanna, Indiana]
Kewanna Herald.
Harry McVay is building a new filling station on his lot facing the Soup Bone
pike and hopes to have it done within the next week or two and ready for
business. He has a very nice location and will get his share of the business.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, December 18, 1926]
MEADER & WEBB [Rochester, Indiana]
Only a few people in Fulton County know that a new farm industry, that of celery
raising, is being tried by John Meader and Archie Webb at the Meader farm four
miles west of this city on the Winamac road. Six acres are now under cultivation
and some of the celery is now ready to be harvested and will be offered for sale
on the streets of Rochester Saturday afternoon and evening.
Mr. Webb, whose home is at Decatur, Michigan in the heart of the famous Michigan
celery belt, is in charge of the farm. The celery is being grown on muck land of
which Mr. Webb says there are over 2,000 acres in the county which would be
adaptable to the growing of the product. Many persons have visited the Meader
farm where they are always welcome.
Mr. Webb stated today that the muckland in Fulton county would be just as
productive for celery as the land in the Michigan celery belt. The only
difference so far found is in the water which is in the soil. In Indiana much
iron is found in the water while in Michigan the opposite is true.
This is the first time in many years that the growing of celery has been tried
in Fulton county. Attempts were made at one time by farmers living north of this
city on the Michigan road to raise the product, but because of their
inexperience they were never able to bleach it properly.
Mr. Webb, who has devoted his entire lifetime to the celery raising industry,
has overcome this difficulty. The celery which will be offered for sale is of
excellent quality and well bleached. The celery is of the Golden Heart variety,
seed for which cost $40 per pound.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 20, 1928]
Located E side of SR-19, on the original Strong farm north of Akron
approximately one-half mile.
Operated by Arthur and Daisy (Strong) Slaybaugh in the early 1920's.
MEADOW LARK TRIO [Akron, Indiana]
The Meadow Lark Trio of Akron, which recently won a prize in a contest conducted
by a Chicago radio station will play Sunday at the Logansport Universalist
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, October 9, 1926]
MEDICAL SOCIETY [Rochester, Indiana]
Also See Fulton County Medical Society.
A new organization was added to the city's orders, Monday evening, when the
local physicians held a meeting in Dr. M. O. King's office and arranged for a
post-graduate school.
The object of this organization will be to keep posted at all times on current
medicines, new operations and constantly review the work that had already been
accomplished. This new departure of the physicians will be of great advantage to
them for the reason that here-to-fore they had never had any time of their own
wherein they might keep in touch with the work going on in the outside medical
world. Also the benefits derived from a general discussion will be realized in
these meetings, which will occur on Monday evening of each week. The meeting
will be held from eight o'clock until nine-thirty o'clock and the members would
like for the people to understand that they are not to be called.
Special features of each session will be lectures by two members of the
organization which will be followed by a general discussion. Next Monday evening
Dr. M. O. King will talk on the subject of "Histology and anatomy of the
bone" and Dr. C. J. Loring's subject will be "Periostitis."
The officers elected for the coming year are Dr. L. L. Babcock, Pres. and Dr. M.
O. King, Sec and Treas.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 7, 1908]
MEEK, EMMETT [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Emmett Meek)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Emmett Meek)
Mrs. Perry Mehrling has just received . . . all the latest styles of Hat &
Bonnet Blocks, and is prepared to do work in the Millinery line, at her
residence, East of the Court House . . . Rochester, May 15th 1867.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, May 23, 1867]
MEISCH GROCERIES, GUS [Rochester, Indiana]
Gus. Meisch has opened a stock of GROCERIES in the fame row opposite the Public
Squart, Rochester - - - - Highest prices paid in cash or goods for country
produce, especially butter and Eggs. - - - A. MEISCH.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 23, 1878]
MEISCHKE, HERMAN [Rochester, Indiana]
Two changes were made this morning in local business institutions when the dry
cleaning and pressing establishment owned by Clyde Hickman at 707 Main Street
was sold to Herman Meischke of Peru, and the Blue Room Cafe at 513 North Main
street was sold by Mr. and Mrs.Russell See to Mrs. O. S. Goss and Mrs. Jack
Mr. Meischke, who purchased the Hickman dry cleaning and pressing establishment
is an experienced man. He worked for Allen and Thomas in Indianapolis for six
years, Fenton Dry Cleaners at Cincinnati for three years and the Bell Cleaning
Company of Peru for the past year. He will move his family consisting of his
wife and two children to this city this week. Mr. Hickman has no immediate plans
for the future.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 24, 1929]
MEMORIAL DAY, ROLL OF HONOR [Rochester, Indiana]
Stephen PYLE War 1812, Va. Troops
Robert WYLIE War 1812, Va. Troops
A. J. HOLMES War 1848
U. S. WEIRRICK War 1848
Henry ANDERSON Co. C, 150 Ind. Infty.
Jacob BARRETT Co. A, 155 Ind. Infty.
Charles BRACKETT 9th Illinois Cavalry
Joseph W. BEEBER Co. F, 87th Ind. Infty.
Palmer COLLINS Co. F, "
Jonathan CLAY Co. F, "
John CRIPE Co. F, "
David MOW Co. F, "
Benj. B. PATTON Co. F, "
Geo. W. TRUSLOW Co. F, "
Chas. COCHRAN Co. C, "
James GRAHAM Co. D, "
R. W. CHERRY Co. D, "
H. F. CARTWRIGHT Co. I, 5th Ind. Cavalry
J. H. HOOVER 4th
Christian NEWHOUSE "
John MACKEY Co. D, 29th Ind. Infty
John ROUCH Co. A, 26th Ind. Infty
Adolphus PARKER Co. C, 26th Ind. Infty
Comrades - WOLF and Robt. MARTIN, unknown
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 2, 1883]
MEMORIAL HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
While there was little actually accmplished at Tuesday evening's meeting of the
city council, a number of matters of vital importance came up for discussion and
are to be acted upon later. Chief among these is the proposition of to sell or
not to sell the city's lot on the corner of Main and Seventh streets.
Mayor King announced at Tuesday evening's session that a buyer, whos identity or
business he refused to divulge, has offered the city what it has invested in the
lot, or possibly more money even than that, and promises to immediately put up a
building that would be a credit to the city and would guarantee to do a thriving
business. The prospective purchaser would not quibble over the price and has
already offered the city $6,000 for the Main street half of the lot. The entire
lot cost $8,300. Definite decision on this matter will probably be reached at
the enxt meeting of the council.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 1, 1922]
See Pottawatomie Indian Monument
See Trail of Death
MENTONE, INDIANA [Kosciusko County]
Mentone Gazette
The Mutual Telephone Co. has purchased from Joseph Bowman the building vacated
by Mrs. Doddridge's picture gallery, and have moved the switch board into the
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 6, 1905]
Fire broke out in the business district of Mentone at 5 o'clock this morning and
swept away five business buildings and six business establishments. The origin
of the fire is a mystery but it started in the Fell meat market and spread so
rapidly that the hand engine and bucket brigade could not check it until quite a
district was laid waste. The business establishments burned were:
F. M. Jenkins dry goods and notion store -- most of goods saved but damage
Augenbaugh's harness shop -- stock and fixtures nearly all saved, loss $100.
Ben Fell's Meat Market -- everything burned and loss $500.
D. W. Lewis dry goods store -- everything burned and loss $1,400.
Elsworth boot and shoe shop -- partial loss of $600.
Sarbers tailor shop -- goods saved but loss $50 to $100.
Of the five buildings burned L. D. Manwaring owned two that are damaged $2,500.
Keim's estate, two damaged $1,500, and the Fell meat market building, loss not
The business institutions burned out will all get new locations and some of them
will be ready for business Saturday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 1, 1906]
Mentone Gazette.
The rumor of the electric light plant having been sold has been floating in the
air for two weeks past, but on investigation last week we found that no trade
had been consummated. This week we report that W. N. Holland, of Mitchell, South
Dakota, completed a deed on Monday by which he becomes proprietor of the plant
and will take possession of the business on April 1.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 23, 1906]
Mentone Gazette.
H. E. Graham, from Tippecanoe, has purchased the Getty & Jones livery stock
at Silver Lake.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 14, 1907]
Mentone Gazette.
J. E. Anderson and Arthur Hendrickson, of Rochester, have rented the Creamery
building for the purpose of conducting a moving picture show. The first
exhibition is announced for this Thursday evening.
Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 12, 1907]
W. E. Hackedorn, of Indianapolis, one of the founders of Mentone, was here a few
days the first of the week, closing up the business of the firm of Tucker, Myers
& Hackedorn. The members of this firm are the men who selected the site and
laid out the town of Mentone in 1882, and now after 25 years the firm has closed
up their business and the partnership is dissolved.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 23, 1907]
Mentone Gazette.
A. T. Mollenhour has the foundation laid and a part of the cement blocks on the
ground for his new automobile factory. It will be located directly west of the
Boat Oar factory.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 27, 1907]
Mentone Gazette.
Curt Nellans informs us that he expects to start the Nickel plate Mills to
grinding feed on Friday of this week.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 6, 1907]
Mentone Gazette.
Clark Mollenhour is building another automobile at the Mentone Auto shop. With
new machinery and new ideas for the construction he expects to turn out a
machine that will be practical in every particular.
Mrs. P. H. Bowman, of Chicago, who some time ago purchased the Central house,
has decided to move to Mentone and take charge of the property. She expects to
come about the 1st of March.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 14, 1908]
Mentone Gazette.
J. M. Baker, from North Manchester, has leased the Creager hall and will open up
a moving picture show in Mentone in a few days.
Mentone has another new industry -- a winter factory of cement tile. Ed
Mollenhoure is fitting up the basement rooms back of the First National Bank and
will continue the manufacture of sewer tile during the winter months.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 28, 1908]
The Mentone flouring mill, which has been made a football for traders for some
time, has been sold at public auction to Kinsey Brothers of Claypool.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 25, 1912]
Mentone is soon to have a water works system, according to the Gazette of that
place. The work will begin on the new plant at once and will be completed by
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 13, 1912]
Mentone Gazette.
W. P. Hollands has signed up a contract by which he will secure his light
current for Mentone from the Winona Interurban line instead of manufacturing it
at his own plant. This will necessitate some extra wiring and the putting in of
a transformer or reducer by which the trolley current is adapted to the needs of
our lighting system.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 13, 1922]
Citizens of Mentone have subscribed $5,420 for the erection of a community
gymnasium. The building will be located on two lots donated by Mrs. Susan Forst,
who also contributed $500 toward the building fund. A building which will
accommodate 1,500 with a stage at one end and 40 by 80 basketball court is
Work on the structure will be started immediately and it will be ready for
basketball games by the latter part of the season. The Kosciusko county
tournament on January 29 and 30 will be held there.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, December 4, 1925]
Mentone will again have movie pictures within the near future. Miner Mollenhour
purchased the Mentone theatre last Friday from Mr. Rarick, of Warsaw, the former
Mr. Mollenhour is making several improvements. The interior will be redecorated
and beautified and it is probable that the front will be improved. The theatre
will be opened on Thursday night April 14th. The program is not known at this
date. There will be two shows a week, on Thursday and Saturday nights. A
complete change in program will be made each night.
The theatre has been closed since Mr. Rarick ceased to operate it late last
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 6, 1927]
"The Community Farm News" - weekly newspaper published in Mentone for
some time suspended publication with its issue last week and now is no more.
Julius Perlman, a young man, was the editor and publisher.
Mr. Perlman stated that the merchants of Mentone and subscribers generally did
not support the paper sufficiently with advertising and that the income was not
enough to pay the expenses. Mr. Pearlman plans to leave Mentone and return to
his home in Wisconsin.
The paper was printed in magazine size and was a newsy sheet giving the items of
Mentone and community. The job plant in which the paper was printed will be
continued in operation by its owner it is understood. The predecessor of this
paper the old Mentone Gazette suspended several years ago and the Farm News was
started as a newspaper by Perlman.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, May 31, 1932]
Wayne Tombaugh, Akron, has announced that he will open a furniture store in the
Snyder building in Mentone about April 1.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, March 19, 1937]
Mentone, July 1. - A new manufacturing plant is being started in Mentone by H.
E. Nottingham, who has been residing on a farm east of here. The plant, to be
known as the Mentone Metal Works, will specialize in the manufacture of
chicken-feeders and drinkers. Nottingham will be associated in the business with
his son, Clay, and a cousin, Marcine, of Greenville, Pa.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 1, 1940]
MENTONE GAZETTE [Mentone, Indiana]
See Community Farm News
In the Mentone Gazette of this week the manager, C. W. Krathwohl, announced that
owing to the lack of advertising and non-support of the business men, the
newspaper plant would be moved to Claypool where the manager has opened
negotiations for the establishing of a paper and expects to print both papers at
the Claypool plant.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 7, 1925]
In a lengthy statement on the front page, C. W. Krathwohl, publisher of the
Mentone Gazette, announces that after August 11th his newspaper will suspend
publication. He states that the few merchants who have advertised with him have
not been enough to pay expenses and that last month the paper lost about $100.
He further says that high postage rates makes it too costly to issue special
editions which paid a profit otherwise. He offers his plant for sale and states
that in his final issue he will publish the names of all subscribers showing
those paid up in advance and those in arrears. Mr. Krathwohl announced that he
will remain in Mentone and conduct a job printing and mail order business.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, July 29, 1926]
A Rod and Gun Club was organized at Mentone last Sunday afternoon with 50
charter members.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, June 1, 1928]
The Mentone tabernacle is being taken down and will be shipped to Akron where it
will be erected and put in readiness for the evangelistic meetings to be held
there next month.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 17, 1914]
MERCER, EDWIN C. [Rochester, Indiana]
Edwin C. Mercer has returned from Indianapolis where Tuesday he was honored by
being made president of the first state mutual fire insurance company organized
to write general risks -- the Indiana Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
When seen Thursday, Mr. Mercer said that the company was launched to answer to
what the backers believed to be a need for such a project, and that writing of
policies would probably commence in 90 days. W. A. Kelsey, Ft. Wayne, is vice
president, H. P. Cooper, Crawfordsville, secretary and W. P. Noffsinger, Union
City, treasurer. All officers and several others form the board of directors.
General offices have been established at Crawfordsville but the annual meetings
will be held in Indianapolis.
This is not the first insurance venture for Mr. Mercer as he for 15 years has
been secretary and director of the Farmers Cooperative Insurance Co of Fulton,
White and Pulaski counties and for 12 years treasurer and director of the
Indiana Mutual Cyclone Insurance Co.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 13, 1919]
After nine years service with the institution, Edwin C. Mercer, secretary and
assistant cashier of the United States Bank and Trust Co., has severed his
active connections therewith, and will devote the coming six months or more in
organizing Indiana counties and appointing agencies for the Indiana Union Mutual
Fire Insurance Co., of which he is president.
For 17 years, Mr. Mercer has been connected with mutual insurance activities
here, being secretary of the Farmers' Cooperative and treasurer of the Indiana
Mutual Cyclone, at the present time. He was Tuesday in Chicago attending a board
meeting of the National Mutual Insurance Company, in the farm department of
which he is a director.
Frank Kumler will take Mr. Mercer's place as assistant cashier in the bank and
his successor as secretary will probably be elected at the annual meeting
Wednesday night.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 13, 1919]
At the annual meeting of the Indiana Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held
at the Claypool hotel Tuesday, E. C. Mercer, of Rochester, was elected
president; H. L. Nowlin, of Indianapolis, vice president; Harry P. Cooper, of
Crawfordsville, secretary; Cecil McMullen, of Crawfordsville, assistant
secretary, and W. P. Noffsinger of Union City, treasurer. . . . . .
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 7, 1924]
MERCER, W. W. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] The "GARLAND" The Cheapest Good Plow Made. Also Gibb's Imperial
walking plows, sold and warranted by W. W. MERCER.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 9, 1890]
New Hardware & Stove Store . . . also manufacturers of Tin, Copper, and
Sheet Iron Ware . . . L. Mercer & Co., Rochester, March 1, 1860.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, March 1, 1860]
Look Here! Look Here! I am manufacturing to order, at my shop (seven miles
S.E. of Rochester) Cast-Steel Pump Augers, of the best quality -- Warranted one
Also-- a splendid lot of Rat Traps now on hand. The best and cheapest in the
market. Call at Mercer's Hardware Store in Rochester, or at my Shop and see for
yourselves. Mattocks, Axes, Mill Picks, Gun Work, &c., &c. done as usual
on short notice, and warranted . . . W. A. Horton, Milark, January 3, 1861.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, January 3, 1861]
Mr. L. Mercer is putting up a large building opposite the Court House on Main
street; which he intends occupying with his immense stock of Hardware . . .
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, April 4, 1861]
On account of preparations for removal of our office and other reasons, we
were unable to issue a paper last week. We shall not allow the same thing to
occur again. Before the issue of our next number, we shall be established in a
new and pleasant office, over the store formerly occupied by Mr. Mercer,
opposite the Farmer's Store, where our subscribers will find us ready at all
times to wait upon them.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, June 6, 1861]
Levi Mercer, Dealer in English and American Hardware, Stoves, Tin Ware
&c. Store opposite the Court House, sign of the Big Padlock. Rochester,
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, June 13, 1861]
We presume that there are many of our readers who do not know that our home
Artist, Robert Gould, is taking some excellent pictures and at unreasnably low
rices. Call at his rooms, over Mercer's Hardware Store, and see for yourselves.
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday, February 13, 1862]
Daniel S. Gould has this day opened . . . a new and complete assortment of
Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Queensware,
Glassware, &c &c . . . opposite the Court House, one door north of
Mercer's Hardware Store . . . Rochester, Aug 7, 1862.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 7, 1862]
Hutchinson's Family Wine and Cider Mill . . . Levi Mercer, Agent for Fulton
County. Rochester, Aubust 20, 1863.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 20, 1863]
Levi Mercer, Dealer in Hardware and Agricultural Implements . . . Both the
celebrated Pittsburg Plow and the South Bend Plow, formerly sold by J. J. Smith,
of this place . . . Rochester, Dec. 31, 1863.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 31, 1863]
[Adv] South Bend Chilled Plow, Monarch Combination Steel Plow, South Bend
Wagons, Farmer's Friend Grain Drill, Improved Matta Corn Cultivator - - - The
Hubbard Double Motion Reaper & Mowers, Agent for the Massillon Threshers and
Engines, and repairs for same, Sulky & Revolving Hay Rakes, Jumping Single
& Double Shovel Plows, Corn Drills, Land Plaster Constantly on hand, - - -
-Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Building Material of all kinds. - - - L. MERCER.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 26, 1879]
[Adv] Go to L. Mercer's - - - Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural
Implements, - - - Building Material- -
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 9, 1881]
[Adv] Do You Need A Plow? - - - - We have a complete line of farm implements
- - - - Come in and get prices on anything you want in the hardware and
implement line. DILLON & WILSON. (Successors to L. Mercer)
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 15, 1891]
[Adv] THE BEST! That expresses the line of goods we carry. - - - - The best
riding plow is the J. I. Case, which has always been the Standard. The Best corn
planter--check-rower and drill combined is the Evans. The Best spring tooth and
shovel cultivator is the Malta. - - - F. C. WILSON, Mercer's old stand.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 21, 1893]
WILSON & McCLURE'S HARDWARE STORE. - - - make a specialty of vehicles
manufactured by the Bourbon Carriage Works. - - - - WILSON & McCLURE,
Mercer's old stand.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 4, 1897]
MERCER & GRELLE [Rochester, Indiana]
Mercer & Grelle are the regularly appointed agents for Stock Raisers
Insurance Company - - - MERCER & GRELLE, Agents.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 21, 1891]
Copartnership. The undersigned have this day entered into a Copartnership-- the
Firm to be known as Mercer & Shepherd. Levi Mercer, A. C. Shepherd.
Rochester, June 1 1865.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, June 15, 1865]
H. C. Long would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally,
that he has gone into the Boot & Shoe business, at E. Long's old Stand,
opposite the Court House, and two doors North of Mercer & Shepherd's
Hardware Store. Rochester, Ind. Oct. 10th, 1865.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, October 12, 1865]
Mercer & Shepherd, Hardware Store . . . Rochester, Ind., Levi Mercer, A.
C. Shepherd. Rochester July 18th 1867.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 18, 1867]
Another Grocery Store. J. Beck is now putting on the shelves in the room
north of Mercer & Shepherd's Hardware Store, a large stock of family
groceries. . .
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, November 5, 1868]
MERCHANT'S DINING HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
From the Rochester Sentinel of Vol. XX, No. 27, issued Saturday, July 7, 1877, a
few items will interest local citizens who still remember and perhaps provide
names in this community's early history to the younger set.
Joe Lauer advertised men's suits at $6. Ernsperger and Jackson advertised
ladies' hose at 5 cents a pair. L. Heilbrun and Sons advertised good bleached
yard-wide muslin for 6-1/2 cents yard. The Merchant's Dining Hall charged $3 a
week for meals.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 11, 1959]
Another merchants' association, this time the Merchants' Protective association,
has become a thing of the past, as at a meeting held at the Town Hall, Thursday
evening, by the six members present, it was decided to disband.
The Association was organized, almost two years. At firt there were from twenty
to thirty members and everything looked prosperous for a permanent organization
whereby any person having an old bill standing at any of the other stores could
not get credit until this was satisfactorily settled. This worked very well and
was a great help to the merchants. Other equally good ideas were put into
operation, each with more or less success, until finally it was noised around --
by some merchants that were not members -- that the purpose of the organization
was to fix prices and in other words form a trust to regulate prices. This had
great effect upon the farmers who were very skeptical of the merchants who were
members. Because of the falling off of trade to these merchants, they one by one
failed to attend the regular meeting. Urgent letters, appealing the members to
attend the meeting, were sent out by the officers, who were dutiful and faithful
until the end but to no avail, the members could not be induced to attend the
meetings. The organization was an excellent thing, both for the merchant and
their patrons as well. Every other town has such an association and keeps it
alive, but; oh well! this is Rochester style.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 6, 1905]
In the future it will behove Fulton county people to pay their debts promptly
and without complaint because many of the merchants of the county have
affiliated with one of the most powerful organizations of the United States.
A. P. Gerling, a representative of the Merchant's Rating and Credit association
of Chicago, has been in this city and had good success in organizing the
merchants and professional men in this community.
Further than this a rating book is being compiled and it is only a short time
until every possible customer in the county will be down in black and white. The
association takes in everybody. It makes no difference how little a man or woman
may have, the promptness and good will which they meet their debts is the thing
that counts. In addition to this the association covers the entire county,
making it impossible for them to pay their home town and try to beat the
merchant in some other town in the county or vice versa. Their ratings must be
universally good or it will be marked against them and they cannot establish
themselves until their debts are all paid.
Every town in the county will be taken into the association.
The Merchant's Rating and Credit association is successfully organized in twelve
states and in many others with membership constantly increasing, consequently
people will not be able to escape their records by removing to another state.
The Mechant's Rating and Credit association's motto is pay our debts more
promptly and be rated right.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 21, 1920]
MEREDITH, HENRY L. [Akron, Indiana]
Among the representative citizens of Fulton county, few are better known or more
highly esteemed than Henry L. Meredith, a prominent retired resident of Akron,
who is a member of the board of county commissioners of Fulton county. He was
born in Mahoning county, Ohio, May 30, 1852, only son of William and Eliza
(Engle) Meredith, who came to Kosciusko county, Indiana, in 1855. William
Meredith was born in Pennsylvania, where his kindred had settled many years
earlier when they came from Wales. He was ten years old when his parents moved
to Ohio, making the long journey with ox-teams. He was married in Ohio to Eliza
Engle, who was born there, of English ancestry, and they became the parents of
four children, two of whom survive: Henry L. and Jane E, who is the wife of John
M. Ball, a farmer in Kosciusko county, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Ball have two sons.
When the parents of Mr. Meredith came to Kosciusko county, pioneer conditions
prevailed. The first home was a primitive cabin in the woods, and probably one
of the father's earliest undertakings was to blaze a parth from the homestead to
the little log schoolhouse one-quarter of a mile away, situated on his own
uncleared land, to insure his children from getting lost on the way. His farm
comprised eighty acres of land that proved productive after it was cleared, and
he and his wife spent the rest of their lives there, most useful members of
society and consistent supporters of the principles of the Society of Friends.
In political sentiment he was a Republican and a strong anti-slavery man.
William Meredith's death occurred January 28, 1893, and that of his wife just
four years later. Henry L. Meredith went to school in boyhood and well remembers
the blazed trees marking the safe way. At that time deer were often seen near
the homestead, wild turkeys were plentiful and wolves were in the neighboring
forest. As he grew older he gave his father assistance on the farm, the early
harvesting being done by the primitive sickle, but later Mr. Meredith cut his
father's wheat with a cradle. Subsequently, as farm machinery came into the
market, he took advantage of the wonderful inventions that have so greatly
helped the agriculturist, and continued his farming activities for a number of
years. In 1876 he was appointed United States mail carrier between Beaver Dam
and Warsaw, transporting the mail by stage and additionally frequently carried
light merchandise to accommodate residents along his route. His marriage took
place April 10, 1884, to Miss Viola Ball, who was born in Kosciusko county,
Indiana, February 27, 1861, where she grew to womanhood and was educated in the
public schools. To this marriage have been born five sons and three daughters.
Ralph, the eldest, who was educated in the local schools and the high school at
Beaver Dam, resides at Carlin, Nevada, and is well known to travelers through
the great Northwest. Charles, the second son, who was educated in the public
schools and the Indiana Business College at Fort Wayne, is a farmer in Fulton
county. He married Miss Fay King. Bessie, the eldest daughter, is the wife of
Frank Barnes, a farmer in Kosciusko county. Phyllis Faye, second daughter, is
the wife of Harry Showalter, an electrical engineer at Tampa, Florida, a Mason
and a Knight of Pythias. They have two daughters, Maxine and Evelyn. Opal, third
daughter, is the wife of Ellery Bowman, manager of a mail order tobacco house at
Tampa, and the owner of real estate in Hillsborough county. They have two sons,
Robert W. and Richard. The next son, Russell S., after completing his public
school course, was prepared for the banking business. When the World war came
on, he went into training at a military camp with a view of taking overseas
service, but failing health prevented. He married Miss Ruby Hoffman and they
reside in Fulton county. Donald, the fourth son of the family, who is now an
active business man in Kansas City, Missouri, has an honorable military record
behind him covering about four years. During the trouble with Mexico, He was a
soldier and stationed at San Francisco. At Denver, Colorado, he enlisted for
service in the World war, wes sent to San Francisco, then transferred to New
York and from that port sailed for Europe on the battleship Maine, as second
regimental quartermaster, and when the war was over received an honorable
discharge. Kenneth L., Mr. Meredith's youngest son, is creditably completing his
high school course at Akron. The sons are all in accord with their father
politically, all being active Republicans, but none are anxious for political
preferment. Mr. Meredith, however, has frequently been called upon to serve in
public capacities. For four years he was township trustee while living in
Franklin township, Kosciusko county and held other offices, and in 1920 he was
elected a member of the board of county commissioners of Fulton county, for a
term of four years. He cast his first presidential vote for Rutherford B. Hayes.
Although Mr. and Mrs. Meredith have a beautiful, well ordered home that is noted
for its hospitality, they sometimes leave it for a season, for both enjoy modern
travel and both are lovers of nature. Mr. Meredith attended the Centennial
exposition in 1876 and the Columbian exposition in 1893, and in 1915, with Mrs.
Meredith set out for the San Francisco exposition, by way of Portland, Oregon.
During this extensive and thoroughly enjoyable trip, they also visited Los
Angeles, Pasadena and other points of interest in California and returned East
by way of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Denver, Colorado. On other occasions they
have visited Florida and have enjoyed the natural beauties and agreeable social
activities found in such centers as Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg and Daytona.
They are members of the United Brethren church at Akron and activity in its many
beneficient and worthy lines of effort, give evidence of their Christian
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 238-241, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
MEREDITH, KENNETH [Akron, Indiana]
See: Meredith, Henry L.
See: Patents and Inventions
MEREDITH, MILO R. [Fulton County / Wabash, Indiana]
A new book "Practical Politics and Democracy" by Milo R. Meredith, of
Wabash, Ind. has recently come off the press of the Meador Publishing Company of
Boston, Mass.
The book gives a most clear and concise insight into every phase of democracy.
It tells of party organization, party rules, the listing of voters, various
phases of the primary election law, state and national convention procedure,
state and national conventions, explanation of the electoral votes, campaign and
political warfare and planning, and a review of the origin of political parties.
Born in Fulton County
The author was born a half mile east of the old Fairview park site, Lake
Manitou. At the age of 12 the Meredith family moved to Eldorado, Kans., where
Milo served his newspaper apprenticeship with the late William Allen White, on
the Eldorado republican. Later he edited the Leon (Kans.) Indicator for a brief
After teaching school in Kansas four years and doing newspaper work on the side
returned to Indiana where he worked on newspapers at Peru and Wabash. At Wabash
he was editor of The Times and indulged in some politics, serving as precinct
committeeman, county chairman and later as a delegate to numerous state and
national conventions.
Mr. Meredith, a democrat, states he has never held an elective public office as
he has also resided in a republican community. He is a member of the Wabash
Methodist church, the Kiwanis club, Masonic, Knights of Pythias and Elk lodges
and various civic bodies. He has several relatives in the newspaper business in
Indiana and on his mother's side of the family is remotely related to the late
George Barr McCutcheon and the eminent cartoonist, John T. McCutcheon. On the
paternal side Mr. Meredith claims relationship to the Indiana author, Meredith
"Practical Politics and Democracy" is a most illuminating defense of
our two-party system, in fact, it is pioneering in this field. The entire
contents of the book is written in a strictly non-partisan manner and is
sustained by a spirit of optimism and spontaneity of expression that is both
educational and fascinating.
"Practical Politics and Democracy" is a work that every politician and
voter should read.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 16, 1945]
MEREDITH, ORANGE [Newcastle Township]
Orange Meredith. - The Subject of this sketch was born June 19, 1836, in
Coshocton County, Ohio. He came to this county with his parents in 1837. He
received the rudiments of an education in the schools of this county, but
extended his knowledge by his own efforts. He was united in the bonds of holy
matrimony to Miss Cynthia A. Taylor, April 17, 1862. Mrs. M. is a native of this
county, having been born within a half mile of where she now resides, on the
17th of April, 1843. Mr. Meredith and lady are members of the Christian Church,
of which he has been a minister for a number of years. He is also a member of B
loomingsburg Lodge, No. 516, I.O.O.F. A sketch of the life of Peter Meredith,
his father, will be found elsewhere in this work. Selam P. Taylor, the father of
Mrs. Meredith was born in Vermont April 19, 1803; immigrated to Ohio, and
married Sarah Baldwin, of Ashtabula County, who was born in 1808. They removed
from there and settled in this township in the year 1839, where he died on the
9th of February, 1855, his consort following him on the eighty-first anniversary
of American independence, July 4, 1857. Mr. Meredith served for awhile in the
Seventeenth United States Infantry. While connected with this regiment he was
severely injured, for which he now draws a pension. To this family have been
born three children--Augustus P., Elmina and Eulalie--all of whom are yet under
the parental roof.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 49]
MEREDITH, PETER [Newcastle Township]
Peter Meredith. - This gentleman is one of the pioneers of Newcastle Township,
having located there in March, 1837, the first settlement in the township being
in February of the same year. He entered 176 acres of choice land on Yellow
Creek, upon which he erected a log cabin to shelter himself and family. He is a
native of Coshocton County, Ohio, born March 24, 1810. August 24, 1832, he was
united to Elizabeth Haze, who was born near Richmond, Va., August 18, 1814. To
this couple were born eight children--Sarah, Eli, Orange, Thomas, Vincent M.,
Nathaniel, Jesse and George W., of whom Eli and Vincent are deceased. This union
was broken by the death of Mrs. Meredith July 17, 1855. Mr. Meredith was married
a second time in April, 1857, to Mrs. Mary Adams, of which union were born two
children--Benjamin F. and Eurilla V., since deceased. Mr. Meredith was again
called to mourn the loss of his wife in December, 1862. In October, 1865, he was
married a third time, soon after which he was again left a widower. The old
gentleman is a worthy member of the Yellow Creek Baptist Church, and has been
since 1840. This was the first society of the kind organized in the township. He
is now old and full of years, only waiting on the banks of the river for the
Master's call, when he will pass peacefully over the turbid waters to be
welcomed by those gone before. Of his sons, Orange served for a time in the
Seventeenth United States Infantry; Nathaniel in the Ninetieth Indiana Infantry,
which was mounted and known as the Fifth Cavalry; and Jesse eight months in the
One Hundred and Eighteenth Indiana Infantry, and one year in the Ninetieth with
his brother.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 49]
MEREDITH, TURPIE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] NEW HARNESS SHOP - TURPIE MEREDITH. Over the Telegraph office, north of
the Arlington Hotel. - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 2, 1897
[Adv] HARNESS SHOP. Harness of every kind made just as you want it, and
repairing neatly and cheaply done. Call for prices at Turpie Meredith's Harness
Shop, South of Zimmerman's.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 11, 1899]
MEREDITH, W. T. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] - - -Our collars and other stock we buy directly from the manufacturers
and our goods are not second-handed as bankrupt goods are. We have the best
harness ever built in Rochester, made by the oldest and most experienced
workman. We defy competition. We have no big rents to pay and no great expenses,
consequently I can sell lower than anyone else. When you come to town or get
ready to buy come and see W. T. MEREDITH. North of Arlington Hotel, up stairs,
above U. S. Express office.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 21, 1898]
MEREDITH GROCERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Orange Meredith informs the public that he has just opened a new Grocery &
Provision Store, two doors south of Holmes & Miller's new building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday June 24, 1864]
$3,500 worth of Groceries just received at Orange Meredith's . . . Liquors at
Wholesale and Retail . . . Store opposite the Court House Square, Rochester,
Feb. 2, 1865.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, February 2, 1865]
B. F. Brown. . . Large Stock of Groceries formerly owned by O. Meredith . . .
Frank will always be found attentive and accommodating, at his store, opposite
Court House Square, one door south of A. J. Holmes & Co's Store. Frank
Brown. Rochester, Ind. July 13, '65.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, July 13, 1865]
Job Meredith, Dec 28, 1846. Richard Lee, Oct 16, 1853. in Kosciusko Co
[F.C.H.S. Files]
MERLEY, ADOLPH [Henry Township]
Mrs. Sarah MERLEY this morning had a telegram from the War dept. notifying her
of the death of her eldest son, Adolph [MERLEY], 23, a soldier in France.
Just two days ago she had a letter from the young man's nurse telling of his
influenza illness, but saying he would probably recover. Merley enlisted in June
1917 and is thot to be the first Henry twp. boy to died in service. Besides the
mother, he leaves two brothers and a sister.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 9, 1919]
MERRICK, ANSON H. [Rochester, Indiana]
Anson H. Merrick, farmer, P.O. Rochester. This estimable gentleman was born near
Rochester, N.Y., February 29, 1827, is the son of Hollis and Oella (Cushman)
Merrick. In 1832, Mr. Merrick, with his parents, became a resident of Carroll
County, Ind. In 1835, they removed to Marshall County. He became a resident of
Fulton County in 1846. The event of his marriage took place December 11, 1851.
The chosen companion through life was Mary J. Adams, born in the State of New
York March 13, 1822. She is the daughter of Samuel and Jean (Laird) Adams, who
were also natives of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick have been blessed with four
children, viz.: Lamonia A., born September 24, 1852, and deceased August 28,
1853; Ida M., born December 30, 1854; Ada F., March 10, 1857; and Medea H.,
September 14, 1862. Mr. M. resides in Section 7, owns 246 acres of land in this
county, and is an enterprising, thorough gentleman. He is extensively engaged in
buying, feeding and shipping stock. He believes in advancement, and is ever
found willing and ready to aid in any enterprise that tends to elevate and
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 30]
MERSHON, J. B., REV. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Churches - Methodist Church [Rochester, Indiana]
METAL FOLDING LADDER CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
Judging from the uppermost side of things as they stand at present, Rochester
has a mighty good chance of landing another factory -- and a good one, too.
A meeting of interested citizens was held Monday evening and were presented with
a healthy looking business proposition by Ray Cunningham of this city, who
represents a South Bend man. The South Bend party is the inventor of a
collapsible steel step ladder, which has been patenteed, but never placed on the
market. The ladder is of novel design, stoutly made, handy and very compact,
when folded for storage. The price of manuracturing the ladder is comparatively
inexpensive and as wood is getting scarcer each year the proposition is all the
brighter. The ladder has been exhibited to several iron and steel manufacturers,
but the man who invented it wants to be in on the proposition to some extent
himself. That the ladder will be a winner in the commercial world is an assured
fact, for already several large department store managers of Chicago have placed
orders to be delivered as soon as the goods can be turned out.
The outcome of the meeting Monday evening was that the owners of the old bridge
factory offered the use of the buildings as they stand, in return for stock. The
offer was accepted and now the work of organizing a $25,000 stock company to
handle the manufacture of the ladder is going forward. Mr. Cunningham is a
Rochester man and it is hoped he will be successful in locating a factory here.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 28, 1911]
A corporation composed of Rochester men was launched Friday evening, when B. F.
Webster, J. M. Gibbons, C. A. Davis, W. A. Howard, Ray Cunningham, O. B. Smith
and Fred Miller met in Wolf and Howard's store and organized a company for the
purpose of manufacturing and putting on the market a folding step ladder.
As was announced some time ago, the men have been working on the project for
some time. The ladder, which is of steel and collapsible, folding into the shape
of a steel pole about four inches square was invented by a Mr. Dennis, of
Chicago, but the company now owns all patents and rights to it.
Officially Named
The company was incorporated at $10,000, 100 shares having been issued,
amounting to $5,000. The directors elected last night were B. F Webster, J. M.
Gibbons, C. A. Davis, Wm. Howard and Ray Cunningham. The officers are B. F.
Webster, Pres., J. M. Gibbons, Vice Pres., C. A. Davis, Secy, and Wm. Howard,
Treas. The name of the company is the "Metal Folding Ladder Co."
May Move Here
The company at present has a factory at South Bend, where they have been making
the ladders for two weeks. They have machinery, tools and enough stock to make
5,000 ladders. This factory will probably be moved to Rochester. The ladders,
which range in size from three to seven feet, will sell for from two to five
dollars, not a high price.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 22, 1913]
Fred Miller went to South Bend this morning to assist in making up the stock
owned by the Metal Folding Ladder Co. into ladders. If these are marketed
satisfactorily, the machinery will be brought here and a factory established.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 24, 1913]
Fred Miller, accompanied by two helpers, went to South Bend, this morning, to
superintend the packing of machinery and stock, two carloads in all, for the
manufacture of collpasible steel ladders, which will be shipped here as the
factory will be located here. For the present the material will be stored in a
room back of the electric light plant. It is not known how soon or just where
the factory will be located or operated.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 7, 1913]
Two car loads of material and parts ready for assembling into ladders have been
unloaded into the folding ladder factory. Also an addition has been built to the
building, and the enameling oven set up ready for business. The oven will bake
three dozen ladders at one time. It may be that the oven will not be only used
for baking the ladders, but for enameling beds, motorcycles, bicycles, etc., as
the directors have received numerous inquiries about the matter.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday,April 24, 1913]
METEA, INDIANA [Cass County]
Metea, Ind., March 18. - A vacant chair, which would have been occupied by
Raymond Buchanan who passed away a few weeks ago, will have a place on the
platform at the commencement exercises of the Metea high school on Thursday
night, April 17, while the roll of graduates will include the deceased class
member's name, it is announced by Geo. B. Benham, principal of the school.
Prof. Robert Phillips of Purdue University has been selected as the commencement
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 18, 1930]
METZ, MARVIN [Rochester, Indiana]
Marvin Metz today purchased the Dovichi Recreation Parlor at 711 Main Street and
has taken possession. In the future the parlor will be operated under the name
of the Manitou Club. Mr. Metz has closed his billiard room at 122 East Eighth
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 28, 1936]
The cigar and billiard parlors located at 122 East 8th street this city, which
formerly were operated by Marvin Metz will be opened for business Saturday, by
Daniel M. Moore. Mr. Moore comes to this city from Peru, Ind., where he also
owns and operates a billiard parlor in that city. He formerly resided in Henry
township, this county.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 28, 1936]
METZ, OSCAR [Rochester, Indiana]
Oscar Metz has opened upholstering rooms in the new Mitchell & Long
building, north of the Arlington and is prepared to upholster and repair any
article in his line. Give him a call.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 13, 1892]
METZ CAFE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Announcing Opening of the METZ CAFE on Saturday, May 20th at 816 Main
Street. Soda fountain and billiard room in connection.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, May 19, 1933]
METZLER, JERRY [Rochester, Indiana]
Jerry Metzler today announced the purchase of the Texaco station at 11th and
Main streets formerly operated by Zimmerman Brothers. Phil Hartung will be
associated with Mr. Metzler in the operation of the station.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 10, 1939]
METZLER, LOUISE [Rochester, Indiana]
When "Dixie Follies", a clever southern musical unit, opened in the
Keith-Albee Thretre in Cincinnati yesterday, it presented as one of the chief
attractions one of Rochester's best known girls, Miss Louise Metzger.
Miss Metzger has been playing in a girl's band called "The Blue
Belles" one of three bands under the management of Mr. Charles GREEN, of
Indianapolis, for the past year specializing as banjo soloist; and it is as a
member of this band that she takes a part in the "Dixie Follies."
The story of this play is very interesting. Two Broadway commedians stopping
overnight in Memphis, Tennessee, attended a home talent play put on by the best
talent of the Dramatic and Dancing Class of that city and were so impressed by
its possibilities that they wired Mr. Megley, manager of the Keith-Albee
Productions in New York to come and see it. His approval of the act led to a
contract with these young people who represent the leading families of Memphis
and in the construction of the unit which followed, a comedy musical act was
written about the little play. This necessitated the inclusion of a musical
organization and the extreme popularity of the "All Girl Unit" of Tony
Shaynes, of which Miss Metzler is a member indicated his band as being the most
desirable for the purpose.
After a trial showing in Chicago which resulted in most flattering comment by
the press, they were offered a long contract with coast-to-coast travel and
after their acts had been unified with specialties by the "Blue
Belles" orchestra and an explanatory prologue written by the comedians who
"discovered" the Memphis act, they opened yesterday in the first of
the Keith-Albee houses and will start from there on a nine month's contract
playing all the Keith-Albee houses on the first circuit.
Miss Metzler has shown unusual musical ability since her childhood and plays the
violin and cello as well as the banjo which is her specialty. Her banjo playing
is unique and has attracted the attention of leading banjoists wherever she has
been heard. Her method which is original may be the basis of a new course of
instruction. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Metzler of South Jefferson
Street and has always been one of the most popular girls in Rochester.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Monday, August 5, 1929]
Miss Louise Metzler, talented daughter of Attorney and Mrs. Arthur Metzler,
of this city, passed away at Woodlawn Hospital at 11:50 o'clock Thursday
evening. Death resulted from a nervous collapse which was suffered last Tuesday
morning. Although attending physicians despaired for her life from the time of
the breakdown, Miss Metzler rallied Tuesday evening and was apparently making a
slight gain until a relapse was suffered Thursday morning and she gradually grew
weaker until the end.
Louise, daughter of Arthur and Helen Metzler, was born in this city on Janary
6th, 1907. Upon her graduation from the Rochester High School Miss Metzler
entered DePauw University where she specialized in English, for a three-year
course. She then took up orchestra work and at the time of her death was a
member of the Bon John Girls orchestra of New York City. Miss Metzler, during a
tour of Europe which was completed last March, suffered an attack of typhoid
fever and since her dismissal from the Hanover Hospital in Germany she had been
unable to regain her health. The deceased was a member of the Methodist Church
and the Tri Kappa Sorority, of this city. Survivors are her parents, and a
sister, Mrs. Robert King, of San Diego, California.
Funeral services in charge of Rev. T. L. STOVALL, will be held at the Methodist
Church, Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Burial will be made in the I.O.O.F.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, July 1, 1932]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Today concludes your introduction to six Fulton County women who achieved
prominence far afield but mostly have been forgotten in their homeland.
Louise Metzler
The daughter Of Rochester attorney Arthur Metzler, Louise showed unusual musical
ability as a schoolgirl. She went on to master the saxophone, violin and cello
and she excelled with the banjo, which she is said to have played with a style
so unique that it could be a new basis for the instrument's instruction.
She graduated from Rochester High School in 1924 and by the age of 22 was banjo
soloist with the Blue Belles, an all-girl band that for nine months toured the
country appearing at Keith-Albee vaudeville houses. In 1931 she toured Europe
with the band, afterwards joining the Bon Jon girls' orchestra in New York City.
Then, unexpectedly, she died in Woodlawn Hospital here in Rochester on June 30,
The News-Sentinel's obituary attributed her death to the lingering effects of
the typhoid fever that she had contracted while in Europe. That explanation
likely was fabricated by her family to conceal the real, even more tragic,
According to unimpeachable contemporaty local sources, Louise fell in love with
a musician while on her European tour. Returning to New York City, she wrote her
parents for permission to marry. They considered the match improper, refused
permission and ordered Louise to return home.
She came, but fell in to deep depression over this turn of events. On an evening
when the Metzlers were absent at a party she took her own life,
Regardless of its cause, her death was a terrible waste. She was 25 years old.
Last week: Margaret Ernsperger, Bess, Emrick, Freeda Sullivan.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 19, 1999]
METZLER, ROSS, MRS. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Wile Department Store
METZLER BREWERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Located N of Erie R.R., W of Main St.
The record-breaking cold New Year's of 1886 has been a matter for conversation
among older citizens as far back as I can remember, but one incident of that
date never seems to have made the press.
As the story has been told to me, a number of Rochester's young bloods attended
a shindig out at Bloomingsburg (Talma) and on the way home stopped at the
Metzler Brewery, then located in a triangular plot between the Erie Railroad
tracks and what is the Monticello road. There the boys took on a few extras and
refused to venture from the warming effects of the beverage and the old wood
burner in the big frame structure. When they failed to arrive home at a zero
hour, it was feared they had frozen enroute to Rochester. In later years the
dame dandies became very good substantial Rochester businessmen.
The big old brewery, Rochester's first and only converter of hops, was owned by
Dr. Metzler who also was a master in that day of pharmaceutical formulas, a
number of which were manufactured and sold by Perry Shore who conducted a drug
and food store in the Academy of Music block [Commercial Block] adjoining the
thirst parlor of Percy (Tomcat) Hawkins. As late as 1900 some of Metzler's
formulas were still being sold. I am told that Metzler was not a qualified
licensed physician such as are the requirements today, but had studied and
perhaps graduated from Valparaiso University where several other Rochester
doctors of half a century ago derived their medical title.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, June 10, 1959]
[Adv] - - - the place to get the best brands of liquors, whiskies, brandies,
wines and gin, tobacco, cigars, pigsfeet, tripe, iickles tongue and a general
Call at the first door south of Flinn's opposite the Court House.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 20, 1877]
MEXICAN WAR [Fulton County]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
My pursuit of a dim historical record, here chronicled, may be of interest to
some readers.
Beginning with the Civil War of 1861-65 and continuing through Desert Storm of
1991, Fulton County men have answered their country's call and served with
distinction. We know them and honor their service.
But there was an earlier war in which Fulton County men participated and they
have been forgotten. That's partly because the war's records were not made
easily accessible, partly because the war was fought in a foreign land so long
ago and partly because the war's significance has been obscured by the tumult of
succeeding times and conflicts.
I refer to the Mexican War of 1846-48, which President James K. Polk helped
precipitate to fulfill the continental expansion of the United States. After the
U.S. easily invaded and then defeated its southern neighbor in a series of
vicious battles, the peace treaty that followed brought into the U.S. the
present-day states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada and parts of
Wyoming and Colorado. Also, it must be admitted, the war ever after poisoned our
relationship with Mexico.
This discussion, however, is not about that but how men from a primitive, new
frontier society like ours responded to a far away war that posed no threat to
their families or to their lifestyles. Fulton County, it must be remembered, at
that time had been organized just 10 years and was peopled by only a few
The call of war is a siren's song, however, and it can penetrate the remotest
places when it is sounded.
Hearing it in Rochester and volunteering was a transplanted New Yorker, not yet
18 years old, who had come here to study medicine under a doctor brother. His
name was Albert Brackett and he was to learn from the war that his destiny lay
not in healing but in soldiering.
After he was granted a second lieutenant's commission, Albert convinced some of
his acquaintances around the tiny settlement of Rochester to join his Mexican
adventure. They became part of the Fourth Indiana, one of five regiments Indiana
contributed to the war. One historical source credits Albert with recruiting an
entire company of 80-100 men here but that large number is unlikely from such a
sparsely-settled county.
I first learned about Albert and his youthful lust for war while researching my
1997 Civil War book about the 87th Indiana Regiment, "A Stupendous
Effort," but found no identity of his local recruits. Names of three others
who served in the war from Fulton County did surface later, however. They were
A. J. Holmes, U.S. Weirick and Theodore Montgomery.
Now, at last, I can report the identities of five local men who served with
Brackett's brigade, four of whom quite likely were all of those who left here
with him. That quartet was composed of brothers John Miller and Samuel Miller,
John Barrett and Mark McGraw, all privates. The fifth soldier was J. B. Agnew, a
The source is Brackett in his book, "With Lane's Brigade in Central
Mexico," that he published in 1854 while practicing medicine. Its
composition had much to do with rekindling Brackett's military fervor, for the
following year he returned to the Army where he remained until his death in
Brackett's book long has been out of print but I have been able to find and
purchase a copy. Rare and valuable, it altogether presents a fascinating
personal experience of war by a Rochester soldier that simultaneously reveals
much about Fulton County's participation.
Brackett was promoted first lieutenant soon after the Fourth Indiana reached
Mexico in September, 1847. The Fourth Indiana was assigned to Brig. Gen. Joseph
Lane's brigade and with it sailed to Vera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico. By then,
all major battles of the war had been fought with U.S. forces in occupation of
Mexico City.
Lane's brigade advanced toward the capital to keep open the army's supply line
with Vera Cruz. At Huamantla on October , 1847, the brigade threw back a sizable
attacking force of Mexicans in a sharp fight that effectively ended resistance
to U.S. forces.
In his book Brackett writes that before the battle of Huamantla he visited the
four private soldiers from Fulton County "whom I had myself recruited and
spent an hour or two with them, talking of home and making such arrangements as
were necessary in case any of us were killed." He then identifies the
Millers, Barrett and McGraw, noting that the latter was wounded later in a
skirmish at Puebla village. I know that the Miller brothers returned to
Rochester and later served as officers in the Civil War. Quite likely their
descendants are among the many Millers here today. Barretts also were prominent
citizens here for two successive generations.
Brackett's narrative recounts that Agnew lost a leg from a wound taken while on
a foraging expedition, having crawled toward help that took two days to arrive.
Agnew was from Rochester but may not have enlisted with Brackett.
After the Mexican War, Brackett resumed his medical studies in Rochester and
practiced awhile in Logansport. Returning to the army in 1855, he became a
cavalry captain, a brevet cavalry colonel during the Civil War and remained in
the service until retirement, gaining full colonel rank. He is buried in
Arlington National Cemetery.
And thus the veil hiding our county's Mexican War veterans has been lifted.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 11, 2000]
MEXICO, INDIANA [Miami County]
See Modern Cabinet Corp.
C. H. Black and Al Crowl, of Peru, will start a woolen mill at Mexico, Ind.
The company has been capityalized at $10,000.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 10, 1913]
Just what the paving of State Road No. 1 will mean to Rochester in a few months
is well illustrated by what has occurred at Mexico during the last week. While
action is near Peru now to the south of this city and near Argos on the north
when the crews approach Rochester later on they will bring several months of
unusual prosperity to the community. The Peru Tribune in yesterday's issue says:
Mexico, our little neighboring town 5 miles to the north, is taking on the
aspect of Goofer's Gulch or Silver Nuggett on the western frontier during the
gold and silver rush way back yonder when prospectors, miners and suckers were
climbing all over each other in desperation to locate the secreted and highly
prized ore.
However, Mexico has not in its keeping the coveted and elusive treasures
commonly found in those days, but she's got a little mint for the housewives,
storekeepers, garages, etc., due to the great influx of highway builders and
workers that are now operating on State Road No. 1 in the paving of same.
The main street in Mexico is a colorful picture that you might expect to see out
west or in the modern revelations of early frontier life on the silver screen.
Workers, engineers, myriads of equipment, power shovels, steam rollers, big
trucks, etc., are buzzing up and down the little village and the whole place has
become a veritable beehive.
Every available house in Mexico has two or more roomers and some even beyond
that figure and there is still a call for more rooming quarters, as the company
has about 100 more men that begin work on the paving job between Peru and Mexico
this week. Many are rooming in Peru and drive to and from their work each day.
This is an era of prosperity for Mexico indeed.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, April 21, 1926]
MEXICO MILL [Mexico, Indiana]
See Mohegan Spinning Co.
MEXICO ORPHANS HOME [Mexico, Miami County]
The editor of the Macy Monitor recently visited the orphans' home at Mexico
which is conducted by Rev. Frank Fisher. He was favorably impressed with the
excellent management everywhere manifest. The Monitor says: "He has
children there from almost everywhere, and is fortunate in finding them homes.
The work that is being done there stands at the head of philanthropic
enterprises and is justified from a business standpoint by the fact that it is
self-supporting. The home was started by the munificence of Levi Miller, a
well-to-do farmer who lives in that neighborhood, and contains sixteen acres.
There has been added since, fifteen acres, which gives work to all the children
during the summer. It is an ideal place for children who are left alone in the
world. At present there are forty children. there."
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 30, 1900]
The Mexico Orphans Home reports the following Fulton County children in the
Home: Daisy Kershner; Alfred, Fern, Burdell and Fred Gray; and Clara and Fred
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 16, 1907]
Peru, Ind., Nov. 12 - The Mexico Welfare Home, operated by the Church of the
Brethren for more than 50 years, will no longer care for orphaned children and
in the future will be used only as a home for elderly persons. This change was
made effective today and more than 25 orphans who were in the institution were
placed in private homes in Miami and adjoining counties.
The welfare law enacted by the state legislature several years ago makes
provisions for the support of homeless children. Since the law went into effect
more children are being placed in private homes and there has been a large
decrease in the number of applicants at orphan homes thruout the state.
The Mexico institution was founded in 1888 by Levi P. Miller, and a few years
later an Old Folks Home was established there. As many as 175 children have been
enrolled at the orphan Home. Miss Mary South is the present superintendent.
Rev. Frank Fisher, 85, who was superintendent of the Welfare Home for 35 years,
now is a resident there, having his own cottage.
The News-Sentinel, Thursday, November 12, 1942]
MEYER, CHARLES E. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands __________
CHARLES E. MEYER (Biography)
One of Rochester's boys who has grown to manhood and developed into a successful
business man is Charles E. "Charley" MEYER, the popular cigar
manufacturer. He obtained his business schooling under Lee EMERICK, deceased,
and commenced the manufacture of cigars in his own factory in 1889. His
celebrated brands "Beauty", "K. of P.", "Jerome
Bonaparte" and "Bouquet" have given his factory such a wide
popularity with smokers that he has a prosperous business and owns a pretty home
on south Main street. He married Miss Syrilla BEEBER in 1887 and their family
consists of two daughters, Mariam and Georgia.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
MEYER, DEAN [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Dean Meyer)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Dean Meyer)
MEYER, HENRY [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Ora Morningstar
See: Rochester Bands
Henry Meyer will close his saloon this evening as his license will expire at
that time and he will then embark on a new business career.
The vocation chosen by Mr. Meyer is that of the poolroom and restaurant business
combined which will be operated in the room now occupied by the saloon. The
proprietor will convert his saloon fixtures into restaurant furniture and his
pool and billiard tables will be continued in use. Mr. Meyer will go to Chicago
Tuesday morning where he will purchase billiard and restaurant supplies.
Mr. Meyer was always known in the saloon business as the squarest and most law
abiding liquor dealer in Rochester. He never permitted minors nor bums to
frequent his place, never sold to drunks nor chronic inebriates and in fact
conducted his place so carefully there was little profit for him. Besides he has
always been a public spirited, popular man and his new business will be
liberally patronized and conducted in a law abiding and orderly manner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 6, 1908]
[* * * * PHOTO * * * *]
The above cut of Henry Meyer of this city, was used in a recent issue of the
Indianapolis Star, along with an article which proclaimed his unchallenged
amateur championship of Indiana at 18.2 balk line billiards. Meyer has been
among the leading billiardists of the state for a number of years and at present
is in fine form. On several occasions he has met and defeated Willis Nusbaum of
Indianapolis. Meyer's average for 500 points is 14. While Ora Morningstar, now
world's champion, who is a Rochester boy, was learning the game, was tutored by
Mr. Meyer. Fred Leiter, another young man of this city, who is attracting
considerable attention as an amateur over the state is being instructed by
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 20, 1910]
Before a crowd that filled every seat and all available standing room at the
Gilliland cigar store Friday evening, Henry Meyer of this city, won his 250
point 18.2 balk line game from Jack Schaefer, Jr., while the young
"wizard" was accumulating 200 counts. The game started promptly at 5
o'clock and after winning the break shot, Schaefer missed. Meyer then opened his
first inning with a run of 15 and by so doing put a big lot of confidence in his
followers, as well as himself, that stuck with them all during the remainder of
the game. On the other hand hard luck still pursued Schaefer, getting goose-eggs
in the two inning following. However, he perked up a bit in the fourth and
picked off 7, followed with 5 in the fifth and then in the sixth juggled the
balls for a run of 33. He again struck a knot in the eleventh inning and for
five straight times he was credited with goose-eggs. Then with several small
runs thrown in with four more failures to count he reached the twenty-sixth
inning, where he showed himself in the high run of the evening -- 68. From that
time on he did but little good for himself and finished with an even 200.
Missing several comparatively easy shots, when it looked as though he was in for
a run, leaving them in position for his opponent, who, taking advantage of the
situation, made nice runs, was a handicap which he could not overcome. Although
Schaefer has the reputation of stealing up on his opponent near the finish and
thus winning, he surely slipped Friday evening, for there was not a time when it
looked bad for the local man, although it is admitted Schaefer showed signs of
crowding him for a time near the close.
Meyer, that grand, old player, who never fails to attract whether he win or
lose, was there with the goods and the way in which he proceeded to deliver was
good to behold. He was there with the substantial runs all the time and barring
a couple of times, when he fell down in inexcusable manner his playing was
faultless. He was at home, had his followers behind him and with the third time
as a charm to help him along he fought the battle of his billiard experience.
Although he didn't pull down any big runs until the twentieth inning, when he
garnered a total of 45, he was checking off the points with a regularity that
was a winning gait. His was a most consistent game and he deserved to win. The
winning of this game and the form displayed easily stamps Mr. Meyer the peer of
Infdiana billiardists, and, it is hoped that a match between Daly of
Indianapolis, the holder of the state championship by default and "our
Hank" can be arranged. The feeling here by those who witnessed last night's
game is that Mr. Meyer will bring the emblem where it justly belongs -
Following is the score by inning: - - - - - -
Immediately following the match Schaefer gave an exhibition of trick and fancy
shots made famous by his father, the late Jake Schaefer champion of the world,
which were well exercised, many of them very difficult. Masse shots, three
cushion and draws showing his mastery over the ivories.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 16, 1912]
Special to the Sent inel.
Huntington, March 20. -- The game of 200 points at 18.2 balk-line billiards
played by Jake Schaefer, Jr., of Chicago, and Henry Meyer of Rochester, Ind., at
the John Darr cigar store in this city Tuesday evening, was won by the former,
200 to 135. The same was slow throughout and neither man stayed up to his usual
standard, Schaefer finishing with an average of not quite 7, and Meyer only 4
1/2. - - - - - -.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 20, 1912]
Indiana State Billiard Champion Americus Cal Daily of Indianapolis last night
easily defended his title by defeating Henry Meyer of this city at the Board of
Trade parlors by the score of 400 to 197. - - - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 20, 1912]
MEYER, HENRY, SR. [Rochester, Indiana]
HENRY MEYER, Sr. (Biography)
Among the older business men of Rochester Henry MEYER, Sr., is a modest
representative of German thrift and enterprise. He was born in Germany in 1828
and learned the weaver's trade. He came to America in 1852 and turned his
attention to earning some money at any vocation which paid good wages. He always
found something to do too and accumulated some means. He located in Wabash about
thirty-eight years ago and after a long service at stone quarrying turned his
attention to tubular well drilling which he followed for several years. Then he
engaged in the retail liquor trade and it has always been said of him that he is
a square man in the business. He married Nancy HETTMANSPERGER, of Wabash, and
they have four sons and five daughters nearly all of whom are fine musicians and
constituting a family honored by all who know them.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
MEYER, HENRY, JR. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
HENRY MEYER, Jr. (Biography)
A widely and popularly known young man of Rochester is Henry MEYER, Jr. He was
born in Wabash 34 years ago and has clerked in his father's liquor establishment
since he arrived at his majority. He is an enthusiastic admirer of wholesome
sports and the billiard table and base ball diamond are the dream of his
pleasures. As a billiardist he has a state reputation having vanquished several
of the crack players in brilliantly played games. He is also an authority on
base ball and is an umpire of much experience. He also loves music and has been
a cornet player in the Citizens' Band for 14 years, the last six of which he has
been the leader. He married Miss Ora BETZ and their family consists of two
daughters, Marie and Byrle (MEYER].
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
Karn & Tranbarger, who have been operating the ice cream factory on N. Main
street for the last year, sold out today to Henry Meyer, who was a former
partner of Tranbarger.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 11, 1913]
MEYER, I. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester is to have a new and modern garage, located within a stone's throw of
the postoffice. I. C. Meyer of this city, is the moving spirit and started the
ball rolling today, when he purchased the J. Dawson building on Main street,
which was recently vacated by the New & Miller harness shop. The building,
which is half a square long, will be modernized into a garage such as few cities
the size of Rochester can justly boast. Adequate machinery and expert employes
will be used to care for the business and with such a place Mr. Meyer can
assuredly expect to do his share of the business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 1, 1911]
A deal was made Thursday by which Ritchey & Robbins became the owners of the
I. C. Meyer garage, north of the Arlington hotel. The new firm will store their
agency cars there and take care of the fine business built up by Mr. Meyer since
his opening a few weeks ago.
Mr. Meyer retained his two autos and will continue in the livery business.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 9, 1911]
If Rochester has any business men who hold the idea that prices on Job printing
in this city are exhorbitant they will welcome the competition which will result
from an over-supply of printing establishments. Carl Van Trump recently resigned
his position with The Sentinel and will soon open an exclusive job shop over the
Hub shoe store and I. C. Meyer is the latest to enter the printing field.
Mr. Meyer has a well established raffle card business and has decided to equip
himself to do his own printing and take such other work as may come his way. Mr.
Meyer will be located over the Wile dry goods store, and Mrs. Meyer, who at one
time, was connected with The Sentinel, will have charge of the printing.
The Sentinel has reason to believe that the printing business is a very
profitable line of work, and anticipates that four job printing establishments
will find plenty of work at profitable prices.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, January 18, 1912]
I. C. Meyer of this city is soon to embark into the plumbing business if he
carries out the plans which he now has in mind. Mr. Meyer has not yet fully
decided as to when he will open a shop, but is figuring now for a location. At
the present time he is engaged in furnishing the plumbing for his new bungalow
on South Pontiac street and also at another bungalow near there, which belongs
to his sister, Miss Rosa MEYER. In the event that Mr. Meyer opens a shop he
proposes to carry a full line of plumbing accessories as well as employ the best
of skilled labor and his friends are predicting that he will prove successful.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 29, 1912]
MEYER BARBER SHOP [Fulton, Indiana]
Operated by Charles "Chance" Meyer
MEYERS SALOON [Rochester, Indiana]
. . . Henry Meyers operated one of Rochester's 13 saloons and was said never to
sell a drink to a customer showing the influence of too much indulgence.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
[Adv] HENRY MEYER'S STAND- - - Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Gins, Lager Beer -
- - I have 5-year old Sour Mash Whiskey.- - - HENRY MEYER, Opposite the Court
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 11, 1883]
There was a large crowd went to Peru Wednesday, it being the day the corner
stone for the new court house to be laid.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 8, 1908]
Macy Monitor.
Dr. J. B. Peters is the possessor of an old minute book and constitution of the
"Miami County Workingmen's Institute,:" which was organized in Peru
about the first of the year 1825.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 6, 1909]
MIAMI PRODUCE COMPANY [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal was consumated some time ago whereby C. C. Overmyer consolidated his
poultry and produce business here with the Miami Produce Company, which
headquarters at Peru. This concern is one of the largest dealers in poultry and
produce in this section of the country, and the merger has brot a large amount
of additional business to Rochester. Mr. Overmyer acts as the local manager, and
says that the firm plans an immense business during the coming season, with
prospects already looking very bright.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday March 25, 1921]
A business review of the county would not be complete without mention, prominent
and meritorious, of this popular concern and their extensive operations in the
way of conducting a wholesale house for purchase of poultry, butter and eggs.
They have 8 trucks operating direct to farmers in opposite directions, from 15
to 30 miles from Rochester. No middle man's profit.
Thru the years they have been doing business they have always been most fair and
honest in their negotiations and have afforded the public with a valueble market
for the products they handle. It is very important that the producers in the
various lines should have a market that is up to the standard and the county is
fortunate in having such extensive dealers. There are many small dealers, but it
takes men who handle a large volume of business to be able to get the right
selling market and to be able to pay the best prices. These facts attract trade
to the county and make it a better place in which to live and transact business.
If we did not have an establishment of this kind much of the product would have
to be shipped to other cities.
This is a business in which two of the most prominent features are reliability
and magnanimous service. It is because they have won an enviable reputation for
fair dealing and straightforward methods as well as the most painstaking service
to their patrons that this firm has witnessed the yearly increase in the number
of rural people shipping to them. The farmers of this community have come to
know that this is a firm upon which they can depend and hence they turn over the
marketing of their produce to them.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 17, 1922]
L. E. Marsh, new local manager of the Miami Produce Company, has assumed his
duties here. He succeeds Louis Jewell as the head of the Rochester plant. Ed
Wilburn, former driver for the American Express Co., has taken a position as
driver of one of the produce trucks.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 8, 1924]
The Miami Produce company, the Rochester branch of which has been housed in the
former planing mill at the end of East Sixth street, also known as the E-Z swing
factory, has purchased five lots from the Northern Indiana Power company by the
"Y" made by the Nickle Plate tracks just south of the present plant
location, and will erect a new two-story office, store room at a cost of
The deal for the lots was consummated two months ago, but the deed was just
received Monday.
The new building will be triangular-shaped, and on the south side of the
"Y" is the N.P. tracks. Blueprints for the building will be made at
The present building will be abandoned.
Eighteen men are employed by the company here, ten of whom are hucksters. Bert
McDonald of Logansport recently was made manager here.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, January 26, 1926]
[Adv] NOTICE. The Miami Produce Company has opend a branch at 415 North Main
Street, to buy poultry and eggs for cash. Feel free at any time to call us for
prices. MIAMI PRODUCE COMPANY. N. O. Nelson, Mgr. Phone 629.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 2, 1931]
Announcement was made today by Claude Johnson and N. O. Nelson that they have
taken over the poultry and egg receiving station at 409 North Main street, which
has been operated by Kingan and Company for several years and will continue to
operate the same under the firm name of Rochester Poultry Company.
Both men are well known to farmers of Fulton county. Mr. Johnson has operated a
meat market and poultry and egg buying station in East Ninth street for a number
of years.
Mr. Nelson for a number of years was the owner of a grocery store in Rochester
and later was the local manager for the Miami Produce Company and the Kingan and
Company egg and poultry buying branch in this city.
The new owners took possession of the plant last Monday. An adverisement of the
new concern appears in this issue of The News-Sentinel.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, August 24, 1938]
MICHAEL, H. M. [Green Oak, Indiana]
H. M. Michael, owner of the Green Oak store, has purchased the building at
Wagoner Station owned by Dr. C. Y. Andrews of Peru, which for 22 years housed a
general store there. Mr. Michael will move the structure which is two stories
high and measures 50 by 24, overland by means of tractors from Wagoners Station
to Green Oak, a distance of 2 miles. Mr. Michael will erect the new store on
ground which he purchased of Ed. Faurote six years ago, in what is known as the
Green Oak schoolyard just north of the building which he will vacate.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 27, 1927]
MICHAEL, J. P. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hutton, J. T.
Mr. J. P. Michael has determined upon changing his business. He is tired of
the liquor trade and will give it up to engage in the cigar and tobacco
business. He has rented the north room of the Masonic building and early next
month he will put in it a large and fine stock of the best quality and finest
grades of tobaccos and imported and domestic cigars, and do a jobbing and retail
trade. Mr. M. is a thorough business man and will leave no effort undone to make
his new venture a success.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 20, 1882]
[Adv] J. P. Michael, Wholesale tobacconist and manufacturer of cigars. - - -
Remember my House is Headquarters for the celebrated "MICHAEL'S
CHOICE" and "NIGHT CAP" Cigars. Masonic Building.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, January 3, 1885]
[Adv] FOUND AT LAST! A 10c Cigar for Five Cents. THE MASCOTTE CIGAR is the
best and Purest Cigar ever sold for the money. For Sale by all Dealers. Try it.
The trade supplied by J. P. MICHAEL, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 14, 1885]
John L. Miller has sold his grocery store to J. P. Michael and he will at once
transfer it to Jacob Rosenberg, the popular citizen and salesman who was with
Wiles store for many years. Mr. Miller made a paying success of the grocery
business and is thinking some of dismissing business cares for a year or two and
may make a trip to the Alaskan gold fields.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 19, 1897]
J. P. Michael's stock of groceries is now being rapidly packed and shipped to
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 19, 1901]
J. P. Michael and family left this morning for their new home in Indianapolis,
where Mr. Michael becomes a member of a well-known firm of wholesale grocers.
Their removal is a severe loss to Rochester both in a business and social way.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 24, 1901]
MICHAELS, JULIUS [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
As a result of a deal made yesterday the Michaels card and gaming establishment
at Twelve Mile, Cass county, passed into the hands of Jim Dennison, who has for
years conducted a general store at that place, and the former owner, C. E.
Michael, will go to Saskachewan, Canada, to locate on a farm. He has purchased
820 acres of choice land at Scott, Saskatchewan, Canada, and will go into
general farming there.
Michael has conducted his restaurant, cigar store and card games combined for
over a year and during that time was haled into court once and forced to pay a
fine which did not come close to representing one night's earnings of the house
on the green cloth. All that is needed at Twelve Mile is a mineral spring to
make it a veritable French Lick, for when it comes to sports and gaming the
residents in that district have the "pikers" in Cass and neighboring
counties backed off the boards.
Games have been pulled off at Twelve Mile of late with bigger stakes than heard
of outside of fiction and the western mining camps. The Michael's establishment
has always been the rendezvous of all the sports within a radius of twenty miles
on Saturday and Sunday nights and here they were entertained with every known
game of chance.
A story is told by the hangers on about the game establishment that a 160 acre
farm changed hands as a result of a throw of the dice in one of the games there
last winter but no absolute authority for the story has ever been obtained.
According to the story two wealthy farmers of that district goaded each other
into the deal by calling names such as welcher and piker until they had their
farms staked on the outcome of a single filing of the dice. It is said that when
the play was over the loser gave a mortgage for the value of the property and is
today paying this off. Michael knows no absolute authority for this but some
claim it to be an absolute fact.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, June 12, 1909]
Charles Kilmer who has been with Michael's Wholesale Grocery house for several
years, has opened a new grocery in Citizens Block, and has the brightest and
cleanest store in the city. And he proposes to keep it that way every day in the
year. Go and see the new store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 3, 1896]
The Michigan Highway garage on North Main St., built one year ago by Crownover
brothers and James Enoch, was leased Saturday by them to the B. and H. Auto
Sales Co., county agents for the Ford. The new owners took possession at once.
Leroy and Thomas Crownover entered into negotiations Saturday to retire from
business in Rochester. The garage is one of the largest in the city. Leroy will
leave for the army soon and Thomas says that he will remain in Rochester for
some time. James Enoch will remain here.
J. P. Distler, local manager of the B. and H. Co., said Monday morning that a
complete Ford repair shop would now be installed, including all of the most up
to date machinery. Because of the additional room, Ford owners can now get quick
service. The office on Main St. will be retained for a short time.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, April 15, 1918]
MICKEY, DANIEL [Fulton County]
Daniel Mickey is the owner of one of the fine farms of Fulton county, on which
he has made his home since 1866. It comprises 140 acres of rich and arable land,
which has been brought to its present advanced state of cultivation by drainage
and the many improvements which go to make up the model farm of the nineteenth
century. When it came into his possession it was heavily timbered, but his
earnest labors have transformed it into one of the best country homes of Fulton
county. Mr. Mickey was born in Richland county, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1824. His father,
Isaac Mickey, was probably a native of Maryland, and near the beginning of the
present century became a resident of Ohio. He served as a soldier in the war of
1812, under William Henry Harrison. For his second wife he married Susan Brinley
and three of their children are living: Daniel, Hiram and Lucinda. The parents
died in Kosciusko county, Ind., in 1849, and were buried the same day. Our
subject received but limited opportunities for securing an education, his
privileges being those afforded in the typical log school house of the frontier.
During his youth he shared in the hardships and trials of pioneer life, and from
an early age has been dependent entirely upon his own resources, so that the
success he has achieved is the merited reward of his own labors. After eigheen
years' exerience as a pioneer of Kosciusko county, he came to Fulton county, and
has since been identified with its interests. On Sept. 17, 1850, Mr. Mickey was
joined in wedlock with Catherine Etzweiler, daughter of Jacob Etzweiler. She
died eighteen years ago, leaving six children: William, now deceased; Ella, wife
of A. Coplen, of Walnut, Ind.; Emma, wife of Washington Benton, of Newcastle
township; Frank, of Fulton county; Harvey, of New Mexico, and Katie, wife of
Charles Peterson, of Wayne township. On questions of state and national
importance Mr. Mickey gives an unwavering support to the democracy. He has long
been a member of the Christian church, and his life is in harmony with his
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co,. Chicago 1896,
pp. 108-109]
MICKEY, HIRAM [Newcastle Township]
Hiram Mickey, son of Isaac and Susanna Mickey, was born in Ashland County, Ohio,
September 29, 1826. In 1848, he came to Kosciusko County, Ind., and on the 12th
of September, 1850, was united in marriage with Rachel Nichols, who was born
January 14, 1833. In 1851, they located on the farm where they now reside, when
it was all woods; but through the industry of Mr. Mickey the forests have
disappeared and cultivated fields appear in their stead. Mr. and Mrs. M. are the
parents of eight [sic] children--Louisa, Lucinda, Prosper, Susanna, Sarah E.,
Luther S., Oliver, Willia N. and Lucy. Of these Louisa, Lucinda and Susanna are
married. Mr. Mickey served in the Eighty-seventh Regiment Indiana Infantry in
the war of the rebellion, participating in all the engagements in which his
regiment participated and marched from Atlanta to the sea. He was a good
soldier, and those three years of his life he justly speaks of with pride. He
and his wife are members of the Christian Church. His parents were natives of
Pennsylvania, came to this State in 1848 and both died the same day in October,
1849. Mrs. M.'s father, Prosper Nichols, was a native of Vermont, her mother of
North Carolina. They were pioneers of this county, having located some four
miles east of Rochester in 1839, and some three years later moved to Kosciusko
County, where they died. Mr. Nichols in September, 1866, and Mrs. N. about three
months later.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, pp. 49-50]
MIDDLETON, MAHLON [Henry Township]
Mahlon Middleton, a kindly and hospitable gentleman, was born in Columbiana
County, Ohio, October 18, 1821. His parents, Nathaniel and Dorothy (Sharp)
Middleton, were natives of Virginia and New Jersey respectively, and of English
origin. His opportunities were of a necessity limited, but as time has passed
Mr. Middleton has improved his early education by a careful course of reading
and observation, and with no capital but his health, spirit of industry, and the
determination in an undertaking, success has crowned his efforts, and Mr. M. and
family have long enjoyed a pleasant and delightful home, he having met and
conquered the many difficulties that lie strewn along the path of the early
pioneer of this country in clearing his farm, upon which he resided since 1854,
and of which sixty-two acres of fine land are fully improved.
Mr. Middleton, on April 13, 1843, wedded Miss Elizabeth Bradway, who was born in
Salem, N.J., in 1825, and died in October, 1881. The fruits of this union were
eight children, of whom Lewis D., who served as a soldier in the Eighty-seventh
Indiana Volunteers under Sherman, Jesse B., also a soldier in the service, Levi
H., Charles W. and Sarah Alice are living. Mr. Middleton is a member of the
Church of God.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 39]
MID-WAY CLUB [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Announcing Opening of MID-WAY CLUB (billiards). Opens Tonight, Feb. 18.
Located Over Chevrolet Garage, 619 1/2 Main Street. ALEXANDER BROTHERS, Formerly
Located at 709 Main.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 18, 1932]
MID-WAY GARAGE [Rochester, Indiana]
A new garage will open in this city on next Wednesday morning in the building at
the rear of the Black and Bailey hardware store. The proprietors Bert Bryant and
Raymond Tippy are thoroly experienced mechanics, the former having been in
charge of the repair department of the Louderback garage for a period of nine
years, while Mr. Tippy has had years of experience in automobile repair work in
this city. The new garage which will be known as the "Mid-Way" will be
equipped with the most modern machinery and a complete assortment of parts and
accessories for all makes of cars will be carried in stock.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 28, 1931]
William Dovichi has named his new billiard parlor recently opened in the Robbins
room at 717 Main street the "Midway Billiard Parlor." The proprietor
has installed card tables, two pool and one 5 by 10 billiard table. The pool and
billiard tables were built by the Brunswick Balke company, a representative of
the concern installing them. To stimulate interest in billiards Mr. Dovichi is
giving away 100 cigars each month to the man making the most billiards during
that period. An exhaust fan has been erected which insures fresh air in the
parlor at all times. A full line of candies, fruits, soft drinks and cigars are
carried. A lunch counter is also operated.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, January 21, 1926]
[adv] Midway Billiard Parlor, 717 Main Street, . . . . Dovichi & Hudkins,
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, January 26, 1926]
William Dovichi on Saturday disposed of his intrest in the Midway Billiard
Parlor to Frank Alexander.
Daniel "Runt" Hudkins, who owned a half interest in the billiard
parlor, will continue to operate the place with Mr. Alexander, who took
possession of his share Monday morning.
Mr. Dovichi will go to Chicago, where he will be employed at the Fair store.
While in Chicago, Mr. Dovichi will take voice culture under the best teachers in
the city with the intention of going on the stage either in vaudeville or in
musical comedy. Mr. Dovichi, while in the army, often took part in musical shows
staged by his division, and won high praise for his endeavors.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 22, 1926]
MIDWAY CAFE AND ANNEX [Rochester, Indiana]
It is Fenie's cafe again.
A deal was closed Monday night whereby Schuyler FENIMORE and his son, Lonnie,
original proprietors of the Midway cafe, one door north of the Blue Drug Store,
are again its owners. Archie Timbers, who purchased the place of Stanton
Thompson, to whom Fenimores sold, stepped down and out.
When seen, Mr. Fenimore said that he had been anxious to regain control of the
place, which had lost much of its populaity after he sold. He says that he will
run the same high class restaurant that he did at first, and trust that his old
patrons will see fit again "put their feet under the table."
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 2, 1914]
Tom McMahan has purchased the North End restaurant of Mrs. Della Mutchler and is
redecorating and remodeling the place. The deal was consumated Saturday
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, May 21, 1917]
The North End restaurant, recently purchased by Tom McMahan, is now the Midway
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, June 7, 1917]
John Paschall has purchased the North Main St. restaurant of Thomas McMahan. The
former took possession at once.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, December 6, 1917]
The Midway Cafe, Cor. Main and 6th Sts., has again changed hands, Archibald
Krouse having bought the place of J. W. Paschall. Mr. Paschall will return to
his former trade of carpentering and cabinet making.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 14, 1919]
The Midway cafe, cor. Main and 6th Sts., has again changed hands, H. L.
Foglesong and Co., purchasing it of Jesse Romig. The company is composed of Mrs.
Foglesong and son, Harry, and the family has already taken possession. Mr.
Foglesong has resigned his position as a traveling salesman and will devote his
time to the cafe and insurance business. The Foglesongs have leased the building
of Mrs. Minta Holeman for a year, and will have to let five furnished outside
rooms upstairs.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 21, 1919]
Henry Foglesong, proprietor of the Midway Cafe and Annex, corner Main and Sixth
streets, has leased the rooms over the Racket clothing store in the Karn
building, formerly operated as a rooming establishment by Mrs. Millicent Karn.
Mr. Foglesong will operate the plase as a small European hotel and plans to take
it over by April 1.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, March 17, 1921]
MIDWAY PLACE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] ATTENTION, FARMERS. When you come to town and get hungry stop in to the
MIDWAY PLACE, two doors north of the Blue Drug Store - - - -JOHN WOODFIELD,
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 29, 1893]
MILL CREEK [Fulton County]
The large dredge used in Mill Creek is now running night and day. The ditch is
eleven feet deep and twenty-eight feet wide. Four squads of hands are engaged in
operating the dredge and the machinery is not stopped from Sunday to Sunday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 29, 1901]
MILL POND [Henry Township]
Located approximately 1400E and 350S.
MILL RACE [Talma, Indiana]
The present ditch north of the El-Ro-Vert campgrounds is the old mill race but
no evidence now of the dam which was in the river almost due north of the mill.
[Talma the Blooming Burg, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Shirley
MILL RACE [Rochester, Indiana]
With so many industries depending on water power, more water was needed, so the
mill race was dug about 1840, which carried water from Lake Manitou to the north
edge of Rochester ending at the present site of Farm Bureau elevator.
[Rochester, The Unfounded Town, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 1,
It started about 100 feet S of the dam and ran where where it is now along
SR-25 and Lakeview Park and on up Race street, turning N one-half block E side
of Nickel Plate railroad, crossed under the railroad between 7th and 8th streets
and continued parallel to and on the west side of Mill Creek, and entered the
creek at the elevator located SE corner Main & Erie Railroad. After
electricity came to replace the water power, it was filled in little by little
until today it exists only by Lakeview Park and Lakeshore Drive.
Until the new waterworks plant was constructed the city obtained its water from
the race about one block E of the Nickel Plate railroad, and the standpipe stood
at that place.
Clarence Hill reports: "the bed and east side of the race north of 4th
Street was used as fill for the new double-track on the Erie. This must have
been around 1907, as I was in grade school at Central (later Lincoln
[Hill Family, Clarence F. Hill, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
The regular meeting of the city council held Tuesday evening was one that will
long be remembered as one of the liveliest ever held. Besides the regular
business that was before the board the committees of the Lake Manitou
Improvement and Protective Assiciation were entertained. A committee composed of
Judge Bernetha, E. E. Murphy and Charles Bailey requested that the association
be allowed the use of a triangular piece of ground laying near the lake dam to
be used as a fish hatchery. The committee agreed that the association would
improve the property and their request was granted. They will start work at once
and it is expected that the hatchery will be in working order within the next
few weeks. J. E. Troutman, J. F. Dysert, Hugh Holman, Lee Wile and O. A. Davis
were before the board in the interest of the improvement of the race property --
that is to the widening and deepening of same. They did not make any request,
yet they asked that the city have an engineer appointed who would go ahead and
make a complete profile of the property, with the view of working to uniform
improvements. The engineer was also asked to make an estimate of the probable
cost of the undertaking. This part of the work will be ordered and Fred Hoffman,
Jr., was appointed engineer, with Hugh Holman as assistant. The latter agreed to
do his work without any compensation. After this work is done the matter of the
council taking up the work of improvement will be looked into. However most of
the councilmen expressed themselves as believing it impossible at the present
for them to do anything more than getting the survey. - - - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, April 24, 1912]
A proposition is soon to be made to the city council whereby the race property,
which has lain idle in Rochester's hands for a number of years, will be given a
chance for improvement and actual use.
H. E. Page, landlord of the Fairview Hotel at Lake Manitou, has been considering
the matter with some engineer friends, and as a result is now ready to make an
offer. He stated to a Sentinel representative that if the city would give him
the right to deepen the race as he saw fit, and then to control it by charging a
nominal toll until he was reimbursed for his outlay, in the meanwhile dividing
the receipts with the city, he would, as soon as he had collected the money he
should spend, turn the canal back to the city, deep enough and wide enough to
accommodate any launch on the lake as far north as the Lake Erie depot.
Mr. Page said that within a week's time he could float his launch, the largest
on the lake, to the bridge at the Wilson farm home thus giving an idea how fast
he would do the work. He asserts he will do away with the dam and declared that
the entire plan is most feasible. In the near future, he expects to take some of
the city councilmen over the route and make them his proposition. He refuses to
make public the details of his plan.
Page, who has made an ideal landlord for Fairview, came here from Champaign,
Ill., last year. He has proven himself a booster, not a boaster, and his banquet
at the lake last summer had much to do with the launching of the plan to improve
the highway around the north shore, a scheme which has just been brought to
successful conclusion.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 10, 1914]
Motorists who have driven along the north bank of the old mill race, north of
East Ninth street during the past few days, have noticed a decided improvement,
which is still in progress under the direction of Hugh Rogers of the city street
The construction work consists of leveling and grading of the unused portion of
the old mill race, which is one of the old land marks of the city. The
improvement was made possible by the recent purchase of a new city grader,
officials of the City board stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 25, 1941]
MILLARK, INDIANA [Henry Township]
Located approximately 350S and 600E.
Twenty enlisted men from Millark were in the 46th Regt during the Civil War.
The town had the Millark Mill, a blacksmith shop, school and several more houses
than now. The Johnsons also had a maple sugar camp on the hill south of Charles
Golden's house (formerly Denny Smith farm). L. Sidle had the blacksmith shop on
the west side of the road just east of the bridge at the corner where the road
turns north.
See Horton, W. A.
Work will be started Tuesday morning on an electric transmission line to extend
from the power line established around the lake last spring, according to
announcement made Monday by officials of the United Public Service Company.The
extensions will reach Athens and serve farm houses along the route, in one
direction and in the other will branch off south thru Mt. Zion and to Macy.
These two extensions have been planned for many months but it was only within
the past few days that the hopes of the local utility of doing the work became a
In speaking of the latest extension of the local utility it was stated Monday
that some day, probably not in the near future, but on the other hand not very
many yeas away, practically all small communities of Indiana will be served by
central power houses, which in all probability will be located in the mining
districts. The idea of this proposed change is to cut the cost of service by
reducing the overhead of a number of small offices and the shipping of coal.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 9, 1922]
A two days meeting will commence, at Mill Ark, on the last Saturday of this
month, (June 28th) at 11 o'clock a.m., continuing over Sunday . . . Jacob
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, June 12, 1862]
MILLARK MILL [Henry Township]
Located at Millark, Indiana
The rebuilt mill operated until 1965.
See: Mount Zion Mill
Fulton county's only remaining water-powered mill is soon to be abandoned for
the modern electric power, it was learned today.
O. S. Williams, owner and operator of the feed and saw mill at Millark, is to
install a large 40 horsepower electric motor for use in his productive efforts
and later on plans to provide smaller, auxiliary motors.
This change-over to electric power is being made under the supervision of the
Rural Electrification Administration. The Millark water mill is one of the few
in active operation in Indiana today.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, November 27, 1941]
Henry Hoover raised the dams at Millark and Mt. Zion and built mills at both
places, the Mt. Zion mill about 1844. His son, Henry David Hoover, bought the
Millark mill in 1856, after the older Hoover moved to Nebraska. Henry David also
bought the Mt. Zion mill in 1871 and was proprietor of a woolen mill and saw
mill there as well. He manufactured felloes, which were the curved wooden rims
of wagon wheels. This ended in a loss when another man invented a felloe made in
two pieces which made a better wheel than the felloes made in four pieces by the
Hoovers. He also owned a life insurance company at Mt. Zion that failed because
claims outstripped incoming premiums.
Both Millark and Mt. Zion once were thriving little towns with schools,
churches, stores, blacksmith shops, factories, doctors, and a number of homes.
The only buildings left today are the one-room school and the mill at Millark.
[That Busy Hoover Family, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks,Vol. 2, Willard]
The land on which Millark was built was purchased from the government on
Sept. 6, 1836, and patented July 5, 1837, the purchase price being $119.70 for
95.76 acres. Henry Hoover built this mill there in 1840. An article entitled
"Millark Today" appeared in the July 17, 1942 edition of the Fulton
County REMC Line which tells much about Millark in the 19th century, incluuding
the various owners of the mill and surrounding property. It states that,
"Mr. Henry Hoover remained the owner of the 119 acres around Millark until
1851 when he sold 114 acres situated on the north side of the Mill Pond to Jacob
S. Alspach . . . on Oct. 9, 1851. Henry Hoover retained 28 acres on the south
side of the mill pond . . .
"In the spring of 1855 . . . Henry Hoover moved to the territory of
Nebraska where he made his home. In 1855 Henry Hoover filed proceedings against
Jacob Alspach for breach of contract and on Jan. 25, 1856, by order of the
Fulton Circuit Court, Henry Hoover was again the owner of Millark . . . In April
of 1856, Henry Hoover . . . sold the 114.5 acres on the north side of the pond
to Henry D. Hoover and John Abraham Hoover (his sons) . . ."
The mill was destroyed by fire in 1859 and rebuilt by John and Henry D. Hoover
shortly thereafter. The structure presently standing at Millark is the structure
built in 1860 by Henry Hoover's sons. The 1883 Historical Atlas of Fulton County
mentions the great value and help to the early settlers Millark was. Before
Millark was built, they had to wait in line for a week at the old government
Potawatomi Mills at Rochester or else travel to Goshen which was 50 miles away.
The sawmill at Millark was powered by an undershot waterwheel where the water
hits the wheel underneath. The saw was of the vertical type (sash saw), cutting
up and down rather that in a circular motion as modern saws do. The grist mill
was powered by a turbine water wheel in the lower level. Water was fed to the
wheel through a large pipe that went from the pond, under the road to the lower
level of the mill.
In Feb. 1871 H. D. Hoover purchased the mill property at Mt. Zion from the True
estate and moved his family there from Millark. He had already sold the mill
property at Millark to Solomon Slusser in ;1867 but he was still operating the
general store there. Soon after moving he rented his store to John A. Fouts.
Israel "Doc" Johnson, Jr., owned the Millark Mill 1881-1935.
[Hoover Family, Ernest Hoover, Jr., Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
MILLARK POST OFFICE [Millark, Indiana]
Located approximately 600E and 350S.
[F.C.H.S. Files]
Henry Hoover, July 6, 1846. Henry D. Hoover, Aug 4, 1852.
Henry D. Hoover, Aug 4, 1852. Solomon Schlosser, July 23, 1864.
Discontinued Oct 12, 1868.
[F.C.H.S. Files]
MILLARK SAWMILL [Henry Township]
Owned and operated by Henry Hoover.
MILLER, ARTHUR E. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Don't Delay. Are you sure of those who must be overtaken with disease
before you realize the importance of insurance? - - - - ARTHUR E. MILLER, Agent.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, March 11, 1925]
MILLER, ARTHUR F. [Rochester, Indiana]
Arthur F. Miller who was manager of the A. & P. Store in this city for ten
years, announced today that he would in the near future open a grocery store and
meat market in the room at 812 Main street.
The store room selected by Mr. Miller is on the west side of the public square
and for many years housed the Paramunt Theatre.
Extensive improvements are now being made in the room which includes a new front
and other equipment. The store will be one of the most modern in Northern
Mr. Miller stated that he will carry an announcement in the News-Sentinel prior
to the opening of his new store.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 10, 1935]
Arthur F. Miller announced today that he will open his new grocery store and
meat market in the room that he has leased at 812 Main Street on Saturday, June
15, An ad announcing the opening of the new store will be carried in The
News-Sentinel on Friday.
The grocery store and meat market which Mr. Miller will open is one of the most
complete stores of its kind in northern Indiana Extensive improvements have been
made to the room which includes a vegetable produce rack and sprayer and new
refrigerating system.
Mr. Miller is an experienced grocer and was the manager of the A. & P. store
here for ten years. Norman Burkett will be in charge of the meat department. The
store will be an I. G. A. system unit. The room in which the store will be
opened is on the west side of the public square and for many years housed the
Paramount Theatre.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, June 13, 1935]
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Berkheiser, of Bremen formerly of this city, purchased the
Miller Food Market, an I.G.A. Store, yesterday from Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Miller.
Mr. Miller, who has been in ill health for several months, is retiring on
account of his health, but will continue to make his home in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Berkheiser have many friends here. Mr. Berkheiser has been manager
of a Kroger Store in Bremen for the past five years. Previous to that he was
employed in the Rochester Kroger and Rochester A. & P. Stores. He is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Berkheiser, near this city. Mrs. Berkheiser was formerly
Miss Helen Chamberlain, daughter of Mrs. Mary Chamberlain of Rochester. She has
many friends here, as she was employed for many years in the Mercer Insurance
Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Berkheiser will be Conde Holloway and George Fleegle of
Akron. Mr. Fleegle comes well recommended as an experienced meat cutter,
formerly having been employed by C. E. Fleck and son at Akron.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, April 21, 1936]
MILLER, ARTHUR L. [Rochester, Indiana]
Rochester friends of Arthur L. Miller, of Pittsburgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
B. Miller, 520 West Ninth street, will be interested in his recent achievement
of moving one-sixth of an ounce of radium, valued at $125,000, a distance of
four and a half miles, for a fee of $1,000.
Mr. Miller, who is well-remembered here, is president of the Dormont (Pittsburgh
suburb) borough council and is the nation's outstanding expert in the handling
of radium in large quantities. His early education was obtained in Rochester,
where he graduated from high school in 1910, afterward entering Purdue
Mr. Miller's task was safely completed in about eight hours. The scene was New
York city and the precious metal was moved from the site of the old Memorial
Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases to the institution's new location. New
York and Pittsburgh papers carried lengthy accounts of the feat. The New York
Herald of July 1st said in part:
"The man in charge was A. L. Miller, forty-seven years old, the only man in
the country, so far as authorities at the hospital know, capable of handling the
"It took Mr. Miller more than eight hours, working at times in a special
gas mask, to remove the flasks from the safes in the old hospital, have them
carried, in three trips by a light truck, to the new building and decant their
contents into four new flasks comprising part of the apparatus in the East
Sixty-eighth Street building.
"Part of that time, however, was consumed by an unscheduled incident. When
Mr. Miller and his assistants, who included Dr. Giocchino Failla, head physicist
at the hospital, prepared to remove the flask from the smaller of the two safes
at the old hospital, it was learned that the key had been lost since the safe
was last opened about five years ago. Charles Courtney, locksmith, of 530 West
125th street, was called and burned away the lock with an acetylene torch.
"Mr. Miller had handled radium for a livelihood in mines and laboratories
for fifteen years until ten years ago, when after three of his associates had
died as a result of their work he decided that selling life insurance was a
healthier business. He reported for his job at 9:30 a.m. yesterday and put in
two hours preparing to handle the precious but dangerous substance.
Triple Containers for Flasks
"Working in his undershirt, a pair of white dungarees and a towel for an
apron, he placed five galvanized iron pails about a foot tall and ten inches in
diameter on a table. After lining these with cotton and paper, he placed a
porcelain pail inside each. He lined these in similar fashion and then placed
glass beakers beside them. These, when lined with paper and cotton, were ready
to receive the flasks containing the radium chloride.
"The flasks in the safe were connected by glass tubing to a mercury pump
which compressed the radon, or gas emanations from the radim chloride, so that
it could be inserted into tiny 'seeds,' solid gold hollow containers about the
thickness of small copper wire, which are introduced into the flesh of cancer
patients. After removing a brass cylinder and porcelain covering around each of
the flasks, Mr. Miller, wearing his mask to prevent his breathing radon, broke
the connecting tubes and quickly stoppered each of the flasks.
"The flasks were taken to the new hospital in a station wagon owned and
driven by George Barclay, a radium technician of the hospital. A box into which
two compartments had been built was screwed to the floor of the truck's body,
and in these the flasks were placed, one on the first trip and two on each of
the succeeding two trips.
"On the first trip Dr. Failla carried the pails containing the flasks to
the truck. He showed the hazardous nature of the task in his answer to a
photographer who asked him, as he left the old hospital and approached the
truck,to pause an instant for a picture.
" 'Oh, no, not me,' he said, deftly placing the pail in the truck.
Police Escort
"The first flask left the old hospital at noon, and the last two, one of
which contained three-fourths of a gram of radium owned by the Rockefeller
Institute Hospital, arrived at 1:30 p.m. Two motorcycle policemen escorted the
truck on each of its trips, and Mr. Miller and George Holmes, superintendent of
the hospital, escorted the driver on the last trip.
"After the flasks were delivered to the new hospital, Mr. Miller, Dr.
Failla and two other hospital technicians, Lowell Cardenas and Theodore Folsom,
worked almost two hours to complete arrangements for pouring the radium chloride
into the four new flasks, already connected to the pumping apparatus. During
this period Mr. Miller changed his clothes, to avoid prolonged contact with any
radium that might have adhered to them during the transfer, and told a bit about
"He said that he was graduated from Purdue University in 1914 as a chemical
engineer and immediately went into radium work with a Pittsburgh company that
pioneered radium products in this country, but went out of business about ten
years ago. He worked in the Colorado mines, in mills and laboratories, and was
called on to find radium that others had lost.
Suffered Burns
"He burned the finger tips on his right hand and showed a deep scar on his
left thumb, the result of a radium injury. After fifteen years, during which
three colleagues died, he listened to the advice of Dr. Failla, with whom he had
long been associated, and quit the business 'as a steady diet.' Since then, he
said he has sold life insurance, enough to become a 'chartered life
underwriter,' and occasionally, returned 'to my first love.'
"Before pouring the radium chloride from the old to the new flasks, Mr.
Miller went out to lunch and then rested for a time. He said that his fingers
ached slightly, from his exposure to the radon. At 4:30 p.m. He attached his
mask, with its twenty-five feet of hose to assure him clean air, and entered the
room containing the safe and radium apparatus, alone. He emerged at 6:05 p.m.,
took a bath, changed clothes and returned to Pittsburgh."
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 11, 1939]
MILLER, BELVA [Rochester, Indiana]
See: First National Bank
MILLER, BURK [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Burk Miller)
See: Perschbacher, George
Poet Joaquin Miller, who formerly lived in this county, is in the Klondike
country as a newspaper and magazine correspondent and yesterday's papers tell of
a terrible misfortune to him, as follows:
In endeavoring to force his way from Circle City, against a blizzard he lost his
ears, several toes and a finger, being so badly frozen that months will be
required to recover his strength.
When Mr. Miller heard that persons strung along the river were in danger of
starving he determined to carry the news to Inspector Constantine. The miners in
Circle City endeavored to dissuade him, but he eluded them and accomplished his
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 14, 1898]
In a letter to the SENTINEL George Perschbacher, who, with his wife and Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Wood, are spending the winter on the Pacific coast, says, among other
interesting things that they have visited Ellensburg, Seattle, Tacoma and the
Navy yards and great Dry Dock at Bremerton, in Washington; Portland and San
Francisco. At the latter place, they met Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Terry and Mr. and
Mrs. George Dawson and had a glorious time with them. And another most
interesting event was a trip by Mr. Perschbacher to Oakland Heights where he met
his old schoolmate, Joaquin Miller, the poet of the Sierra Nevadas. From San
Francisco they went to San Jose and spent a week with the Miller family formerly
of Tiosa. Thence they went to Los Angeles where there are now 10,000 guests
spending the winter.
The Rochester party is seeing all the sights and enjoying themselves very much.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 10, 1906]
Joaquin Miller, the poet who now resides in California and once lived on the
classic banks of the Tippecanoe, in this county, has written the citizens of
Liberty that he will visit his old home in August of this year. By a proper
effort on the part of a few old citizens who still continue with us and were
playmats of the poet when he lived in this county, his presence might be secured
here to visit his old associates and the scenes of his childhood.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 11, 1907]
Joaquin Miller, far famed as the "Poet of the Sierras," is at the
point of death in an Oakland, Cal., hospital. Physicians diagnose his case as a
general breakdown and his death is momentarily expected.
Joaquin Miller was born in northern Indiana and during his early youth was a
resident of Richland township, being a schoolmate of George Perschbacher of this
city, and other Richland residents of that period. He drifted West, and became
famous by reason of his literary achievements, and his eccentricities, which
were marked and various.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 16, 1911]
Editor Sentinel:
I wish to correct your statement concerning the place of residence of Joaquin
Miller. The fact is he was a resident of Newcastle township and lived on the
farm now owned by Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Swonger. His father's name was Hulings
Miller. Joaquin Miller left this county in 1852 with his father's family and
many of the other neighbors. His schoolmates, besides myself, were J. M. Davis
of this city, Isaac Irvin, Mrs. John W. Black and others, and we are proud to
claim him as a boy of old Newcastle.
I visited him at his home, four miles from Fruit Val [Fruitvale? - WCT], a
suburb of Oakland, which is ten miles from San Francisco, five years ago this
month. His age is 74 years. GEORGE PERSCHBACHER.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, February 17, 1911]
Joaquin Miller, the "Poet of the Sierras," the account of whose
serious illness was announced a few weeks ago, continues to lie in a very
serious condition and there is but little hope for the recovery of the aged
poet. The greatest desire of the life of Joaquin Miller for many years has been
to return to this locality and again wander up and down the Tippecanoe river,
north of Rochester, which he knew so well, and the Mississinewa river, near
Lafontaine, and visit the Indian village, but he will never come back now. A
fear that he would find everything changed and that he would not know the place
has kept the great poet away for many years.
Great teears have come into the man's eyes when told of the passing of this or
that friend of his boyhood or the destruction of some landmark which he had
retained in his mind's picture of the places he once knew so well. It is said
that Miller once knew the forests and fields for miles around and that he knew
every crook and bend in the river and all of the deep or shallow places in the
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 22, 1911]
At a recent meeting of the Broadway club in South Bend one of the members read a
paper on the life of Joaquin Miller, who in the days preceding the gold rush for
California resided in Richland township, this county. The paper read in part:
"Among our living poets of note, none has had such a widely varied career
as Joaquin Miller, 'the poet of the Sierras,' who has put into verse better than
any other poet the inspiration, beauty and charm of the far West, the sunset
land of America. For the first thirty years of his life he was a poet only in
the sense that he fully appreciated the beauty of romance of the adventurous
life he was leading. He was a pioneer, gold seeker, Indian fighter, newspaper
editor, lawyer and judge before he became one of America's foremost poets.
"He was born in the Wabash district of Indiana in 1841. When he was 9 years
old his father moved his young family to Oregon, making the journey of over
1,000 miles of lonely plain and over the great Rockies in one of the old time
prairie schooners. The family had been lured to Oregon by pioneers who had gone
there before them and who sent back glowing accounts of the fertility of the
country. After several years he learned the rough life in the West did not
appreciate his work as a poet and with a bold resolve he set out for London,
where after a struggle he was received with open arms and gained considerable
fame as a poet.
"When Joaquin Miller returned to his sunset land he found his fame had
preceded him. The people who had let him go half way round the world to find
fame received him with open arms now that he had won it. Ever since that time he
has been the chosen singer and prophet of the Pacific coast."
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 19, 1911]
San Francisco, Feb. 18. - "Joaquin" MILLER, "the poet of the
Sierras," died in his one-room cabin, which he built with his own hands in
the Piedmont Hills many years ago. His daughter, Juanita MILLER, and his wife,
were with him. The end came at three o'clock in the afternoon, with warm
sunshine flooding the room where lay the author of "Songs of the
Death came slowly upon the venerable poet. He became unconscious Thursday after
a lingering illness which began when he succumbed to an attack of paralysis two
years ago. His wife and daughter were summoned at that time from the east and
have been with him since. The weakness of old age had crept upon him, and
although he worked at times, he rarely ventured from "the Heights," as
he called his mountain retreat.
Cincinnatus Heine MILLER, who was known to the world of literature as Joaquin
Miller, was born in a covered wagon in the Wabash district of Indiana November
10, 1841, his parents being on their way from Ohio to Indiana. His mother was of
Dutch and his father of Scotch descent. When Joaquin was nine years old the
Millers - father, mother and four children - set out for Oregon.
Mr. Miller was the author of "Songs of the Sunland," "The Ship of
the Desert," "Life Among the Modocs," "First Families of the
Sierras," "The Danites of the Sierras," "Shadows of
Shasta," "Memorie and Rime," "Baroness of New York,"
"Songs of Faraway Lands," "The Destruction of Gotham,"
"The Building of the City Beautiful," "A Poetic Romance,"
"Forty-Nine; or, the Gold Seekers of the Sierras," "Chants for
the Boer," "True Bear Stories" and of several plays that were
well received wherever presented.
[Rochester Sentinel Tuesday, February 18, 1913]
Jacob Perschbacher, a school mate of the dead poet when he lived on the farm now
owned by Dave Swonger, east of Tiosa, some 50 years ago, calls attention to the
following dispatch from Oakland, Cal.: "Joaquin Miller, poet of the
Sierras, left real property valued at $41,998, besides cash and other assets,
according to an inventory filed here by Mrs. Abbie Leland Miller, his
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 19, 1914]
'Way back in the days when boys and girls had to walk at least five miles to
school, Cincinnatus Heine Miller was seen slowly trudging down the dusty road to
the Gordon School, near Tiosa.
Looking ahead, he espied three motionless figures waiting for him. He soon
joined his three most cherished friends, Jane Wright, "Little Lucindy"
and George Perschbacher. In his quiet fashion Cincinnatus deeply appreciated
this friendship, for he was generally considered "queer" among school
children and thus had few real friends. It was not long until the small group of
friends reached the tiny school building and trooped reluctantly in.
Years afterward Cincinnatus went West with his father. For five years he lived
with the Modoc Indians, then having changed from queer to eccentric, he led the
life of a hermit. His only companion was a Jap servant. While in solitude he
wrote numerous poems of nature and became famed under the pen name of Joaquin
More years passed -- while touring in California, George Perschbacher decided to
visit his old chum. After much diplomacy with the stoic Jap, he finally arrived
at a small cabin located high in the mountains. Upon his arrival Joaquin, who
was engaged in cutting down a small cherry tree, and supposed him to be
"just another curious outsider," turned and said, "Well, what can
I do for you?"
George replied by asking if he remembered any of his old school mates in
Indiana. Joaquin promptly said he remembered three - Jane Wright, George
Perschbacher and "Little Lucindy." George then revealed his identity,
whereupon Joaquin was so overwhelmed and pleased that he immediately asked
George to stay for dinner, which consisted of goose-broth. Of course George
heartily accepted this invitation.
During their dinner they had a long, intimate conversation, from which Joaquin
learned that George had married Jane Wright and that "Little Lucindy"
married Dave Swanger (another school-mate) and was living on Joaquin's old
When George returned to Indiana he took with him a picture of Joaquin, which
Joaquin sent to "Little Lucindy." After her death "Little
Lucindy" gave the picture to the Rochester Public Library, and his slate to
the English department of R.H.S.
[The News-Sentinel, "Station R.H.S.," Saturday, December 5, 1931]
D. A. Smalley, instructor in the English Department of Indiana University, spent
several days in Rochester and the community recently gathering data and seeking
information on the life of Joaquin Miller, noted poet. Mr. Miller lived
northwest of Rochester for three years, 1849-1852, and Mr. Smalley learned
interesting facts about his boyhood here from Roy Jones, Mrs. Cyrus Shobe, Henry
A. Barnhart and several others. He intends to wirte a story about the poet's
boyhood life and desired also to learn any facts about the boy's father, Hulings
Miller, during their residence here. Mr. Smalley asked that anyone who can give
him any information about Joaquin Miller as a boy or his family is asked to
leave their name and address with The News-Sentinel and the instructor will get
in touch with them on a return visit here.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, April 4, 1932]
How many of you know that, in our high school library, we have a slate which was
used by Joaquin Miller, "Poet of the Sierras," when he attended school
in our own Newcastle township, northeast of Rochester?
This slate it two-sided and has a wooden border around it. The slate is 9 7/8
inches wide by 13 5/8 inches long. There is a small hole in one end, through
which is strung a piece of thong. Probably, when the slate was used by Mr.
Miller, he fastened a belt or other strap through this thong so that he could
carry the slate over his shoulder. The slate was donated to the high school by
Mrs. Lucinda Swonger, a schoolmate of Mr. Miller's who lived on the old Miller
farm near Talma.
Joaquin Miller--his real name was Cincinnatus Heine Miller--is quoted as saying
that he was born on the boundary line between Ohio and Indiana as his parents
were treking westward in a covered wagon in 1841. He acquired the name of
"Joaquin" after he gave a written defense of the California bandit,
Joaquin Murietta.
During is life he was married three times. The days of his life were quite
varied. He was a cook in mining camps, a horse thief with the Indian tribe to
which his first wife belonged, a student at Columbia College in Oregon, a judge
in Oregon, and many other things.
He died at his home in Oakland, California, in 1913. According to his wishes,
his ashes were cast to the winds of the High Sierras.
He became the poet of the great western movement. Many verses that he wrote are
hardly worth noting, but "Columbus" - "Behind Him Lay the Gray
Azores" and "Westward Ho!" are two poems which are well known.
"Westward Ho!" describes the Millers and the other pioneers who were
moving west during this period.
[Station R.H.S., The News-Sentinel, Thursday, March 8, 1945]
Came to Fulton County with parents, Mr. & Mrs. Hulings Miller, and
resided here from 1848-1852.
Hulings Miller taught at the Wright School in Newcastle Township.
Accompanied by a party of about 50 people from Fulton County, organized and led
by Hulings Miller, they went to California for gold. Others in the party
included John Trimble, William Trimble, Peter King, John Irvin, five Kennedy
boys, Aley Putterbaugh, Horace Wilson, George Surguy and his father, James
Edwards and Theodore Montgomery.
It cost each family about $150 to go. They had to buy a yoke of oxen for $30 and
a wagon which cost about $35. They were five months on the road. Most of the
party returned to Indiana later, with the exception of Horace Wilson, who was
killed by Indians.
Only one or two men from this county returned home with any large amount of
money. A few came back with $300 or $400 but many came back with nothing.
Theodore Montgomery is reported to have returned with $5,000, the largest
amount. Many formed bad habits, returning worse than penniless.
Cincinnatus (called Nat), who became known as Jauquin Miller, "Poet of the
Sierras," missed his schoolmates: Jane Wright, George Perschbacher, and
little Lucindy Culver. Many years later, after Nat had become a famous poet and
his queerness was considered eccentricity, George Perschbacher went to visit his
old school chum in 1901. He was readily recognized and dined on goose broth in
the hermit-like house on a mountain where Miller lived near Oakland, California.
He sent with George a picture of himself for his old friend, Lucindy Culver,
then Mrs. David Swonger. When she died, she left this picture and Miller's old
double slate to Rochester High School, but both were destroyed by a fired in the
school library in 1945.
Mr. Miller moved to San Joaquin Valley in California, and became known as
Joaquin Miller, the "Poet of the Sierras," He spent his latter years
[Fulton Co's Famous Poet, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
MILLER, CLEM R. [Rochester, Indiana]
Clem R. Miller, the surveyor of Fulton county, was born in the county which he
now serves on August 14, 1887, the son of George M. and Mary (Buhler) Miller,
the former of whom was born in Ohio in 1847. The parents of our subject came to
Indiana and farmed in Richland township, Fulton county, where they remained for
the rest of their lives. George Miller died in 1919, having been preceded in
death by his wife who died in 1892. Clem R. Miller was educated in the public
schools of his home community and the Culver High School. Upon completing his
studies at Culver, he took a course in the Rochester Normal College, and at the
age of eighteen years he engaged in farming, continuing in this work for some
time. He was then put forward by the Republican party as its candidate for the
office of county surveyor, and at the ensuing election, he was easily elected to
fill that position. Since then he has ably discharged the duties of his office,
and has won the respect of all who come into contact with him. On February 12,
1906, he married Rose Bowen, the daughter of John and Rebecca (Hartman) Bowen,
of Ohio, and Mrs. Miller was one of fifteen children born to them, of whom
thirteen are now living. To Mr. and Mrs. Miller have been born four children:
Russell, Virgil, Donald and Annabelle. Mr. Miller holds membership in the
Rochester Lodge No. 47 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he and his
wife are devout members of the United Brethren Church.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 241-242, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
MILLER, DICK [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Dick Miller)
MILLER, EARLE A. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Earle, The
See: Blue Products Co.
The first issue (May) of the Motor Digest, published by the Earle A. Miller Co.,
is just off the press. The new magazine, according to the publishers, has very
bright prospects.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 8, 1919]
MILLER, FRED [Rochester, Indiana]
The Star Motor Company has leased the Standard Oil Service station located at
929 Main street which had formerly been operated by Fred Miller, of this city.
Bernard Norzinskay of Logansport will be manager and is moving his family to
Rochester at once.
Advertisements concerning the new station and bus schedule appear on page 4 of
this edition of The News-Sentinel.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 5, 1943]
MILLER, G. I. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: First National Bank
[Adv] New Drug Store, South of Public Square, in the Citizens' Block - - - G.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 9, 1881]
MILLER, GEORGE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From George Miller)
MILLER, H. GORDON [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] - - - - The Kohler Automatic Power and Light Plant - - - - H. GORDON
MILLER, Plumbing & Heating, Phone 35. 217 East Eighth St.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 16, 1926]
Few communities in this section of the state are better equipped with a modern,
right up to the very latest minute plumbing shop than that of H. Gordon
Miller's, located at 217 E. Eighth street, Rochester. Mr. Miller, who has had 18
years of practical experience in his chosen trade, came to Rochester from
Bellefontaine, Ohio four years ago.
This shop has enjoyed a most prosperous growth during these yerars, until now it
carries in stock not only the customary steam and water equipment fixtures and
appliances but also heating plants and the highly efficient Kohler Electric
Lighting and Power systems. Four of these Kohler systems have been installed in
this country by Mr. Miller since the regrettable fatality which occurred but a
few weeks ago by the explosion of an acetylene plant.
While modern equipment is an important factor in this line of business, equally
so is Service. The management of this shop personally supervises every job,
whether it is the stopping of a trifling leak or the installation of mammoth
heating plant. This precautionary measure which is so often slighted by slipshod
so-called plumbers, assures the customer of a most satisfactory job. The service
department of this local establishment is on the job every hour of the day and
night, 352 days in a year. A phone call to 35 will bring an end to all of your
plumbing troubles in a jiffy, and best of all the hundreds of customers who have
patronized this shop in the past four years are more than pleased with the
reasonable rates charged for this class of work.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 15, 1927]
The H. Gordon Miller Plumbing and Heating shop, which for several years has been
in operation in the building directly east of the jail, on Saturday completed
moving into its new location at the corner of Madison and 8th street, west of
the post office.
The new location offers far more spacious quarters for the housing and display
of the plumbing equipment. Sharing the office rooms with Mr. Miller will be the
public service firm of Heath and Waymire. This building was formerly occupied by
the Rochester Monument Works.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 17, 1928]
[Adv] Xmas Presents for the Whole Family - Up-to-date fixtures. - - - - H.
GORDON MILLER, 130 E. 8th St., Rochester, Phones: Shop 35, Res 420.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 9, 1935]
MILLER, HAROLD L. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Harold L. Miller)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Harold Miller)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Harold Miller)
MILLER, HIRAM G. [Rochester, Indiana]
Gov. Harry Lerslie Selects Successor of late Judge Carr
Indianapolis, Aug. 20 (U.P.) - Hiram Miller, Rochester, Indiana attorney was
appointed today by Governor Harry G. Leslie as Circuit Court Judge of the 41st
district to fill the vacancy created by the death of Judge Reuben R. Carr.
The above dispatch by the United Press confirmed the appointment of Attorney
Hiram Miller as Judge of the Fulton County Circuit Court. It had been expected
that Mr. Miller would be appointed to fill the vacancy created by the death of
Judge R. R. Carr and action was delayed due to the fact that Governor Harry
Leslie was out of the state on his vacation.
Mr. Miller is a leading citizen of the community, having lived here twenty years
and is widely known due to his many local activities. He has been very active in
the practice of law in recent years and has always been an ardent student of the
profession. Recognition of his ability came last May when he was appointed judge
pro tem to serve during the illness of Judge Carr. During his service on the
bench he made a reputation as a capable judge and his appointment to fill out
the vacancy was not unexpected.
Attorney Miller received the endorsement of all of the members of the Fulton
County Bar Association for the place which undoubtedly bore much weight with the
governor in selecting him for the office. As far as known there was no one
making an active race for the appointment. His selection has met with popular
favor over the community and today Mr. Miller was the recipient of
congratulations from far and near.
While Miller had not received his official appointment from the Governor's
office this afternoon it was assumed that the appointment will be from the
present until the next general election which will be in November, 1930.
The new judge is a native of Valparaiso being born in that city in 1889, the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Miller. His parents now live here in Rochester. He
moved to this city in 1910 when he became connected with The Rochester Bridge
Company. He remained with this firm in various capacities for ten years and
meanwhile began the study of law during his leisure hours with the idea of
entering practice.
This dream was realized in 1920 when he left the Bridge Company and was made a
partner of the law firm of Holman, Bernetha and Miller. While he has continued
connections with the Bridge Company in recent months he has continued his law
practice as well. He was admitted to the Fulton County Bar the same year he
joined the local law firm.
Mr. Miller has always been a public spirited citizen and active locally in
various civic enterprises. He was always a worker in the republican party and
was elected and served as mayor of the city of Rochester from 1918 to 1922. He
was appointed and served as a member of the city school board for one year. He
has always been active in fraternal organizations here being a Mason, a K. of P.
and an Odd Fellows. He has held several high offices in the local lodges.
He is married and lives at his residence at 1029 Jefferson street, with his wife
and three children. Mr. Miller's grandfather, Hiram A. Gillett was a judge of a
judicial district which was made up of circuit courts in six counties in
Northwestern Indiana. An uncle, John H. Gillett, was an Indiana circuit court
judge and later was a judge of the state supreme court.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Tuesday, August 20, 1929]
MILLER, HUGH [Perry Township, Miami County]
Hugh Miller, farmer and pioneer, of Perry Township, yet living, was born in
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, December 12, 1812, the son of Daniel and Esther
(Harper) Miller, who were natives of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Ireland
respectively. Our subject was reared in his native state, remaining with his
parents until he attained the age of twenty-two years. He obtained a good
education considering the facilities afforded in those days. In 1827 he was
apprenticed to learn the carpenter trade, his apprenticeship continuing four
years. He was engaged in plying his adopted vocation in his native and Stark
County, Ohio, until 1841, when he came to Indiana and purchased land in Miami
County. He then returned to Ohio, and two years subsequent, again came to Miami
County, of which he has since been a resident. November, 1835, Judith Grogg
became his wife, and by her he is the father of ten children, eight now living,
viz: Joseph, who married Sarah Rhodes, since deceased; Cynthia, widow of R. P.
Johnson; Sarah, wife of Daniel King; Miranda, consort of Jonas Rhodes; Noah,
(see sketch), Benjamin F., Annetta and Richard, who married Melissa Miller.
Since 1841 Mr. Miller has made farming his occupation and has been uniformly
successful. He now owns 250 acres of well improved land under a high state of
cultivation. Politically he is a Democrat, and under the old State constitution
he was honored with an appointment to the position of Township Trustee.
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. p. 733]
MILLER, HUGH W. [Henry Township]
Hugh W. Miller was born in Henry township, Fulton county, March 22, 1876, within
a mile of where he now resides. He was the son of Simon and Lenora (Masteller)
Miller, she born in Pennsylvania and he in Ohio. Simon Miller died forty-one
years ago. Their parents came from Ohio when the father of the subject of this
sketch was nine years old, in 1851. They drove in by team as all the first
settlers did, cleared land and built a home in Henry township on a farm of a
hundred and sixty acres. The grandfather fought in the War of 1812 and the
father in the Civil war. On the maternal side we find William and Katherine
(Bitters) Masteller who came all the way by wagon from Pennsylvanie, bought land
and located east of Akron. Later they made two moves, first to Wabash county and
second, to Mt. Zion where he cleared land and farmed it until his death. The
father of our subject took what education there was to be had in the pioneer
schools and became a teacher himself. He also practiced farming but did not live
long. He left a widow and seven children. These children were: Clara, May,
Amanda, Charles, Elsie, Hugh and Sam. Hugh was educated at the local schools and
became a farmer at the age of fifteen. He did so well that in 1904 he was able
to purchase the farm which is now his home. He has forty-three acres with
excellent buildings. He does general farming and raises Holstein cattle; has a
dairy. He was married in 1895 to Miss Alwilda Pontious who was a native of Henry
township and the daughter of Samuel Pontious an old resident of Fulton county.
Mrs. Miller died in 1915 leaving six children. They are as follows: Ethel,
Ralph, Blanche, Gladys, Helen, Mabel. Of these the first two are married, the
rest live at home.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 242-243, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
MILLER, JACOB [Tiosa, Indiana]
See: Shetterly, John
MILLER, JACOB A., JR. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Jacob A. Miller, Jr.)
See: Patents and Inventions
See Miller, Cincinnatus Heiner
MILLER, JOHN [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Notice to Builders. I desire to announce to the citizens of Rochester and
throughout the county that I am prepared to contract for BRICK WORK and do all
kinds of work in that line. I manufacture my own brick at Tiosa, and when
desired will furnish brick and PUT THEM IN THE WALL upon the most reasonable
terms. I have been engaged at brick making and brick laying for twenty-five
years and I will guarantee to give satisfaction in quality of material and work.
All orders for brick or for my service may be addressed to me through the
postoffice or left at my residence just south of the City Hotel. JOHN MILLER,
Rochester, Indiana.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 25, 1882]
MILLER, JOHN L. [Rochester, Indiana]
John L. Miller has sold his grocery store to J. P. Michael and he will at once
transfer it to Jacob Rosenberg, the popular citizen and salesman who was with
Wiles store for many years. Mr. Miller made a paying success of the grocery
business and is thinking some of dismissing business cares for a year or two and
may make a trip to the Alaskan gold fields.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 19, 1897]
John L. Miller is prepared to serve everybody with good meat at the Wall Street
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 30, 1903]
MILLER, KENNETH L. "TONY" [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Kenneth L. "Tony"
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Kenneth L.
"Tony" Miller)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Kenneth L.
"Tony" Miller)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Fourth Letter From Kenneth L.
"Tony" Miller)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Kent D. Miller)
MILLER, MARGUERITE [Rochester, Indiana]
By Marguerite Miller
Editor of News-Sentinel:
I understand a want ad has appeared in that section of your paper asking for a
copy of Home Folks written and published by Marguerite Miller, the advertisement
signed by the National Librarian at Washington, D. C.
I have had leters from the National Librarian, State Librarian and Secretary of
the Indiana State Historical Society asking for extra copies of the book and
thus far I have been unable to locate a copy of either volume besides those in
my own library.
The National Librarian said: "You have given Indiana valuable history
because it is first hand from those living in the early days of Indiana and in
your county." These statements have been written by the other two
librarians mentioned.
It was through the kindness of the late Hon. H. A. Barnhart that "Home
Folks" found a resting in the National Library, and our own librarian, Mrs.
Grace Stingley-Mason placed a copy in the State Library at Indianapolis. A
request from the State Historical Society was answereed by forwarding one book
of each volume.
A little first hand history of the book might be interesting to your readers. It
came about by visiting with some of the men I interviewed every day when
reporting for the Daily Republican, which covered a period of nearly twenty
Reporting for a country newspaper when Rochester was a town did not mean what it
does today, now that Rochester is a city. Then it meant friendly visits every
day with every merchant, clerk, doctor, lawyer, minister, officers in the court
house and city hall, visits to the railway stations, justice of the peace--in
fact, a continuous round of visiting and picking up items of interest to the
general public.
One day when stopping at the Henry Ward furniture store in the commercial block,
I stopped to visit with Uncle Dell Ward, as he was reminiscing on days in
Rochester when Main Street was little more than a cow path through the town, of
the Indians who were sent West, etc. The story was of such dynamic interest and
told with such dramatic power that I asked for an interview, which he readily
granted. The book grew from Uncle Dell Ward's story week by week until
completed. I set the type of evenings and Sunday afternoons and after each story
appeared in the Daily Republican, my son, Earle A. Miller, printed four pages at
a time on the old Mehle job press. He and I folded the pages, sewed them
together and put on the binding. As I recall it, only one hundred copies were
made. Each of the pioneers whose story appeared were given a copy of the book.
An effort, not a very strenuous effort, was made to sell the remainder, but
every one had read the stories in the paper so the remainder of the books were
packed away in a box and later sold for waste paper as far as I know.
The second volume contained history of the Methodist Church, the late Charles
Jackson furnishing the data, history of the Citizens' Band, with pictures of
those early musicians, history of the K. of P. lodge, the late Isaac W. Brown
providing the record and many other histories of men and events of the days in
which they played a part in Rochester.
I was not in Rochester when the second volume appeared. It was edited by the
late Albert W. Bitters, although I made notes and had set the type for the most
of the book. The second vlume does not have the same value to the general public
because it dealt with purely local affairs and people, while the first book has
to do with Indiana in the raw, of very primitive times. But the point is that
after so many years that which seemed valueless and meant vcery little to the
readers of Home Folks now is very valuable and the only record of the people and
events of Rochester, Fulton County, Indiana, written from the personal
experiences of men who lived when our town was little more than a pasture for
cows, pigs and chickens and farms few and far apart.
I doubt very much whether there will ever be a monument at the head of my
grave--after all a monument is but a bit of stone with a name and dates of birth
and death inscribed thereon, but I believe in years to come Home Folks will grow
in greater and still greater value as history, and that will be a monument that
will endure long after this house of clay is but a bit of dust.
I shall also leave a history of Main Street as I knew it, of the men and women I
knew, respected and loved, of the intimate stories told me of their trials,
tribulations and better still their joy and happiness that made each day and
each visit long to be remembered.
The Hon. George W. Holman and C. C. Campbell are the only attorneys living in
the time to which I refer, Mr. Campbell then a young chap trying his wings in
the flight of legal oratory. Every doctor of that day has passed on, every
merchant but Charles K. Plank and George V. Dawson, Val Zimmerman, then a young
man in the employ of his father, the late Hon. Valentine Zimmerman, and W. H.
Howard, then learning the jewelry trade with C. C. Wolf. Now strange faces
everywhere--in stores, offices, shops. All who belonged to the yesterday of
which I am writing have passed onward. Rare food for thought, rich thought for
reflection, sacred thought for coming generations.
How fast the sands of time run on. What history made, what sorrows endured, what
courage needed, what faith declared. Your life--my life but passing figures on
the screen of time. - Marguerite Miller, Sept. 16, 1940
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. II, 1910, pp. 106-107]
By Shirley Willard
President of
Fulton County Historical Society
Marguerite Lillian Bitters Miller was born in Peru, Indiana, October 29,
1863, to Thomas Major Bitters (born August 7, 1835, in Northampton County
Pennsylvania) and Maria Victoria Elizabeth Rose. (born near Basil, Ohio)
Thomas Major Bitters was always known as Major, having been so named in honor of
his mother's maiden name. He came with his parents and brothers and sisters to
Akron, Indiana, around 1850. He taught school in Akron one year. Then he was
apprenticed to a printer and learned the trade. In 1856 he went to Peru and took
the foremanship of the Peru Republcan, which position he held for 17 years. He
married Maria Rose in Peru in 1857 and had two children, Albert and Marguerite.
He served in the Civil War.
Major's brother, Tully Bitters, was partner to William T. Cutshall in publishing
the Akron Globe 1866-67. Then he moved to Rochester and bought the Rochester
Sentinel in 1872 from A. T. Metcalf. He published the Sentinel until 1886, when
he sold it to Henry A. Barnhart. Tully served as Rochester postmaster 1886-90.
Tully was also a brickmason and built the first brick building in Rochester, the
Jesse Shields store, on the northeast corner of Main and 8th streets. (This
building was razed in 1974 to be replaced by the new Farmers & Merchants
Major bought the Rochester Union Spy weekly newspaper from William H. Mattingly
on October 8, 1873. His son Albert quit school in the sixth grade at the age of
12 to become a "printers devil" and to press and type in the newspaper
office. The office was on the second floor of the I.O.O.F. building (now called
the Knapp building) on the northwest corner of Main and 9th streets.
Marguerite's newspaper career began at age 15 when she went to work as a
Six years later on August 29, 1879, Major sold the Spy back to Mattingly, who
had founded the Rochester Republican July 6, 1878. Bitters went to Rensselaer
and purhased the Republican there, which he published for two years. Then the
death of a six-year-old son (two sons, Franklin and Frederick, died in
childhood) made all of the family dissatisfied with Rensselaer and they returned
to Rochester. Here Major tried both the grocery and real estate business, but as
he was a newspaper man by training and inclination, he founded the Rochester
Tribune in January of 1883. He sold the Tribune to W. I. Howard & Son in
1884, and purchased the Rochester Republican in January 1885 from L. N. Noyer.
(These dates are verified from the old newspapers themselves, stored in the
Recorder's office in the Fulton County courthouse.)
When his father did not have a newspaper, Albert worked for his uncle Tully on
the Sentinel. In February 1886 Major started publishing Rochester's first daily
newspaper, the Daily Republican. He continued to publish he Weekly Republican,
using the important news stories already set in lead type for the Daily. Albert
was assistant editor and job printer for the Daily Republican. In September 1891
Major bought out the Tribune and merged its business with the Republican.
Marguerite married John Logan Miller, son of Judge Hugh Miller, on May 6, 1882.
After the wedding they lived in a new brick house on Railroad Street (now called
Franklin Street). Among the wedding gifts were a majolica dish, silver card
receiver, plush-frame mirror, nickle-plated smoothing iron, and $5 in gold.
Their only child, Earle, was born February 8, 1885. Following her marriage she
taught art for a time but returned to the newspaper staff in 1900.
After a fire destroyed the I.O.O.F. building, Major bought a lot and put up a
one-story building on the alley, 114 East 8th Street. The Rochester Republican
was published there until it ceased to exist in 1923, after 45 years of
Major made a success of the business to such an extent that he owned the
Republican, the building it occupied, a business room just north of the Masonic
building, and three residence properties.
Major was active in church work and in early life was a leading member of the
Methodist church. But for the last 20 years of his life, he was a free thinker,
an advocate of advanced or independent thought and for the last 10 years an
enthusiastic Spiritualist, being head of the organization in Rochester. Having
no church, this group met in the upstairs room above the Book Store (826 Main).
When Major died April 5, 1902, the funeral was held in the courtroom of the
courthouse in order to accommodate the crowd of people. Business was suspended
in the county offices, and the stairways and court room were decorated with
flags and floral emblems. Rev. J. Harry Moore of the Spiritualist Society
conducted the service. The Rochester Citizens Band led the funeral cortege to
the Odd Fellows cemetery for the last rites.
The Rochester Sentinel supplied Republican subscribers with news service for a
couple of days while funeral arrangements were going on. The Republican resumed
publications on Monday with Albert W. Bitters as editor-in-chief. The Weekly
Republican was published on Thursdays.
Albert's sister, Marguerite Bitters Miller, was associate editor. During 1909-10
Marguerite wrote the two volumes of Home Folks. Volume II of Home Folks was
advertised in the Republican December 29, 1910, for 50 cents a copy.
Marguerite's son, Earle Miller, helped set type in the newspaper office. He
operated one of Rochester's earliest movie theatres, the Earle, located in the
south half of the present Knapp building at the [NW] corner of Main and 9th
streets. It featured silent films of 20 minutes in length. Admission was five
cents. He was also manager of independent basketball teams during the first
years of that sport here and promoted appearances of semi-pro teams for games in
Marguerit served as editor of the Republican 1921-23 while Albert Bitter was
Rochester postmaster 1922 on. Earle Miller was managing editor. As editor of the
Daily and Weekly Republican, Marguerite published the only Sunday edition of
newspaper ever produced in Fulton County.
Bitters sold the Republican to the Daily News in September 1923. In 1924 the
Daily News, owned by Harold and Floyd Van Trump, consolidated with the Sentinel,
owned by Hugh A. Barnhart, into the News-Sentinel.
Not much is now known about John Miller, Marguerite's husband. His father, Hugh
Miller, was county surveyor 1844-51 and the first judge of Fulton County Court
of Common Pleas 1853-57. John had a grocery store on the north half of the 800
block of Main street across from the courthouse. He may also have been a lawyer
for a time. He died September 27, 1924, at age 70, of camp disease. According to
I.O.O.F. cemetery records, he died and was buried the same day. His death was
not recorded in the courthouse nor could an obituary be found in the newspaper.
After the death of her husband, Marguerite entered the lecture field and spoke
in many cities across the nation on the Chautauqua circuit. She lectured on
Psychology, temperament and getting along with others. She always spoke without
notes; words seemed to gush from her spontaneously and she held her audiences
spellbound. When asked how she had nerve enough to get up before thousands of
people to speak, she said she never even saw them; she just spoke from the heart
and was unafraid. While lecturing in California, she was given a sapphire ring
and a long necklace of pearls by an admiring audience that took up a collection
to get her this gift. From then on she always wore them whenever she gave a
speech. She is wearing the pearls in the photograph reproduced in this book.
Marguerite was nicknamed Maggie, but she always called herself Marguerite
(pronounced Mar-gur-reet). She was a radio broadcaster over a Florida station in
Marguerite Miller was the author of several books, according to her obituary,
but the titles are unknown except for the two volumes of Home Folks, an historic
account of the lives of prominent and pioneer Fulton County citizens. She also
wrote poetry. She was a student of religious philosophy and had an extensive
library on the subject, including such titles as The Encyclopaedia of Death and
War Letters from a Living Dead Man, which are now in the possession of Ann
Kindig Sheetz, editor of Akron-Mentone News. Ann purchased them at the sale
following Mrs. Miller's death.
Earle Miller left Rochester to pursue a newspaper career, having begun in the
Rochester Republican, and served as reporter and copy editor in Louisville, New
Orleans, and San Francisco. He became associated with Blue Products Company,
which manufactured special cleaning powders, in 1931 at Cleveland. Taking over
ownership in 1940, he moved the business to Rochester, 130 East 8th Street.
Miller sold his interest in the firm to Dee Fultz in 1954.
At the age of 67 in 1952 Earle Miller became director of Fulton County welfare.
For 14 years he put more energy into this job than most younger men are capable
of mustering. He wrote a weekly column, "Thoughts at Random,"
(sometimes called "It's Your Welfare" but the other title proved more
popular) for the Rochester Sentinel, in which he discussed welfare programs,
philosophy of life, and early local history. Scrapbooks of his articles are now
in the Fulton County Library and the Fulton County Historical Society museum.
In her later years Marguerite lived with her son Earle and his wife Cecyle
(Brady) in the big Bitters house that had belonged to her father and used to
stand on the corner of 9th and Monroe streets, where the Biggs building is now.
Her quarters faced Monroe Street and Earle had the rest of the house and
Well-known speakers and authors of books on new thought visited Marguerite
Miller. One book which we believe was given to Mrs. Miller by the author is now
in the FCHS museum: Friendship by Hugo Black, 1898. Mrs. Miller had given this
book, along with the prized pearl necklace to her dear friend, Gladys Kindig
Hall. Mrs. Hall gave the book and photograph of Marguerite Miller to the museum.
She gave the pearls to her niece, Marie Wideman.
Mrs. Miller visited many sick people and prayed for them. That is how she met
Gladys Hall in 1937. Gladys had tuberculosis and lived a block east of
Marguerite, at 916 Franklin Street. Mrs. Hall said, "Because the house had
a large windowed porch, I was allowed to stay there to recuperate instead of
going to a sanitarium. My hospital bed was on that porch and the windows were
kept open so in the winter snow covered my bed and when I got out of bed, I
stepped in snow. I was allowed to go in the house for only one hour a day.
"Mrs. Miller came down the alley to visit me and help me get well. We sat
facing each other with hands extended palm upward 'to receive from God' and Mrs.
Miller spoke the prayer. She was so sincere and prayed so intently that it
really helped. It lifted my spirit and made me feel confident that I would get
well. It took two years but I was finally cured.
"When Mrs. Miller prayed, in her intnsity of love she tried to contact a
higher Spirit to bring healing and answer her prayer. Of course, she was
misunderstood and called a 'spooky kook' by some. When people criticized her, my
husband would say, 'Mrs.Miller forgot more than he (the critic) ever knew.' We
both loved her dearly.
"Her father, Thomas Major Bitters, had been the leader of a National
Spiritualist group in Rochester, and Marguerite probably was a member of that
group too when she was young. But the group died out after his death in 1902,
and Marguerite was not connected with a Spiritualist group during the 20 years
that I knew her. She was a Christian and taught my Sunday School class in the
First Christian Church for several years, though she was not a member o
"In the 1940's and 1950's Mrs. Miller taught a class of metaphysics in her
home. I attended and learned much about life and reality and how to live, which
is what metaphysics means.
"Even in her 80's and 90's she was spry and active and enjoyed good health.
She had a young mind and her eyes glowed with a lively spirit. We were very
close, and she used to say to me, 'Gladys, if I had a dozen daughtrs, I would
want every one of them to be like you.' During my bout with TB we became very
close and continued until her death at the age of 97. She was sick toward the
end and had to be taken to Miller's Nursing Home (by the post office on Madison
Street) to be cared for. I went to visit her every day and so did her son. She
cried to come home and I wished I were able to care for her in my home but
"Marguerite Miller believed in being kind to everyone and trying to
understand why they believe the way they do. She believed the best in everyone
and questioned criticisms, urging the critic to investigae further and find out
both sides before passing judgment. She loved people and her God and her son. It
was an honor to know her and to hear her talk. I shall never forget her. She was
the most wonderful person, the most spiritual person I ever met."
Marguerite Miller died November 14, 1960, at the age of 97 and was buried beside
her husband in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. Her son Earle died January 19, 1966, at
the age of 80, and was buried beside her.
As Earle had no children, and Albert Bitters' son Harry had no children and his
daughter Margart Rose Dillon lived in North Carolina, the Bitters family is gone
from Rochester. But the contributions of this great publishing family of
talented writers will never be forgotten in Fulton County.
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. II, 1910, pp. 108-112]
Mrs. Marguerite Miller has closed a contract with a New York house for the
publication of a book, "The Way of Life."
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, July 19, 1916]
Mrs. Marguerite Miller, former editor of the Republican, here, will start her
lecture work again Sunday evening when she will speak at the Baptist Temple at
Logansport having as her subject, "Making Your Dreams Come True."
Following this talk, at various times during the week she will address ten
woman's clubs in the same city on subjects allied with the major one. This
program will be duplicated in numerous other cities between now and Christmas.In
January Mrs. Miller will go to Dayton, O., to take charge of the New Thought
School where she will remain until April. Shortly after she will rejoin the
Midland Bureau and resume her work on the Chautauque platform, during the
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 8, 1924]
Mrs. Marguerite Miller received considerable praise along with Indiana writers
from Geoffery O'Hara, president of the Lyceum and Chatauqua Association, when
she submitted a poem to him and had it accepted. The poem, which is "Isle
of Beautiful Dreams," will be set to music and used by Mr. O'Hara. Mrs.
Miller became acquainted with the writer at Winona. In his letter accepting the
poem, Mr. O'Hara said, "Why is it that Indiana is blessed with so large a
number of able writers who can express such beautiful thoughts in words?"
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, October 15, 1925]
Mrs. Marguerite Miller, of this city, has been chosen as one of the lyric
writers for Geoffrey O'Hara, composer, who came into prominence when the late
Caruso began to sing his songs.
The American Business Magazine says O'Hara's rise to fame has been sure and
rapid. He was born in Canada, came to America in 1904 and was naturalized in
Among his songs that will live forever are, "Thy God Liveth,"
"There is No Death," "France Will Not Forget," "I Know
a Little Cottage." "K-K-K-Katy," was a decided hit among his many
war songs.
The first composition by Mr. O'Hara and Mrs. Miller is "Isle of Beautiful
Dreams," just off the press by the publishers of Etude, Theodore Pesaser
Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
The words of this song was selected from Mrs. Miller's book of verse "Songs
of Life," published several years ago. Her poems are appearing in the
Indianapolis Sunday Star.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Saturday, November 26, 1927]
A song written by Mrs. Marguerite Miller of this city, "Isle of Beautiful
Dreams" appears in the May number of the Etude magazine. The Etude has the
largest circulation of any musical magazine in this country.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, April 29, 1929]
Mrs. Marguerite Miller, of this city, who just completed an engagement with a
radio station at St. Petersburg, Florida, has gone to Grand Rapids, Michigan to
write script for Heeley, "The Master Mind," now on the air. Mrs.
Miller will be in Grand Rapids for eight weeks.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 22, 1932]
MILLER, MINNIE (PEEPLES) [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington Hotel
MILLER, NOAH [Perry Township, Miami County]
Noah Miller, one of the progressive farmers of Perry Township, and native of
that township, was born April 16, 1848, the son of Hugh and Judith (Grogg)
Miller (see sketch). The subject of this sketch remained at home and assisted
his parents on the farm until he was twenty-five years of age, receiving a good
education in the schools at Gilead; under W. W. Lockwood, as instructor, he
became sufficiently proficient to enable him to secure a license to teach, which
he, however, only followed for one term of four months. He then adopted the
vocation of farming, in which he has met with good success. He is the proprietor
of 117 acres of well-improved land. October 23, 1873, Harriet, daughter of
Daniel Shoemaker, became his wife. She was born April 14, 1850. To the union of
Mr. and Mrs. Miller two children have been born--Nettie, born September 1, 1875,
and Nellie, born February 2, 1877. He belongs to he Masonic fraternity, but is
now on demit. Politically he is a staunch Democrat, always manifesting a good
live interest in the political affairs of the county and community in which he
lives, where he has been honored with an election to the position of County
[History of Miami County, Indiana, 1887, Brant & Fuller. pp. 733-734]
MILLER, O. A. "DOBBS" [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
MILLER, PAUL L. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Paul L. Miller)
MILLER, R. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Miller Hardware
[Adv] Kokomo Pioneer Fence for farm and poultry - - - R. L. MILLER,
Rochester, Indiana.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, March 17, 1926]
MILLER, ROBERT [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Robert Miller)
MILLER, ROBERT R. [Rochester, Indiana]
Former circuit court judge of Fulton county, Robert R. Miller, has purchased the
Farmers' Cooperative Elevator at Monterey and took possession of the business
yesterday. The deal was transacted on March 10, Mr. Miller stated, at a price of
$20,000. Approximately 20 members of the farmers' cooperative owned the property
and business which serves that community.
It was revealed that the elevator did a business in excess of $123,000 during
1944. The firm features seeds, feeds, grain, coal and sundry articles for the
farm trade and is an old established concern.
Mr. Miller is retaining Lowe Everett as manager of the elevator as well as other
personnel. The present owner is not new in this field of commercial activity, as
prior to serving as judge he was manager of the Farmers' Cooperative Elevator in
Rochester for several years.
The new owner will reside at his farm home four miles south of Rochester and
make occasional trips to Montrey in the supervision of this new business, it was
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 13, 1945]
Robert Miller, former judge of Fulton county, today announced the sale of the
Monterey elevator to Franklin O. Robinson of Spencerville, Ind. The new owner,
who takes possession of the property as of Sept. 15, plans to make some
improvements to the property.
Mr. Robinson is an experienced elevator man and has operated a similar business
at Spencerville for the past few years. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and their two
children will move to Monterey within a few days.
Mr. Miller purchased the elevator about six months ago.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, September 5, 1945]
MILLER, SAMUEL [Rochster, Indiana]
By Samuel Miller
Who was born on a farm six miles southwest of Gettysburg, in Mount Joy township,
Adams county, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 30, 1834, where his parents, Andrew B. and
Catharine Culps-Miller settled on a one-hundred-acre tract of land, all in the
green, where by industry and economy, they erected comfortable buildings and
cleared for themselves a comfortable home. To them were born seven children,
names as follows: Sarah Ann, Mary Jane, John Hinch, William Jeremiah, Michael
M., Samuel and Andrew Silas.
Father, in addition to clearing up the farm, with some hired help, built a
blacksmith shop, having learned the trade while a single man. He also applied
himself as an auctioneer and was considered a good one, as he could say it to
the people in German or English. Our clothing consisted of home-spun wool for
winter, home-spun flax, some unbleached muslin and some calico for summer--good
for comfort and wear. I well remember my first outfit for Sabbath school. It
consisted of tow pants, muslin suspenders and a shirt, a straw hat and bare
feet. I thought I looked real nice, being a handsome boy, compared favorably
with the other children. To attend school we had to walk nearly two miles
through mud and snow, and sit on long benches without backs, so that the
teacher, when he wanted to correct us, took the gad, and he always kept a supply
of them on hand, and "skutched" a whole row at a time, and I didn't
tell Father when I went home, either. Oh no, I was too smart for that. But while
the rulings in the home were firm they were tempered with kindness.
For shoes, when fall came, we all went to the shoemaker and had our measures
taken, and with one pair of stogies made they were supposed to last a whole
season. On one side of the kitchen there was a large fire-place, with crane and
pot-hooks so they could be adjusted for height. The cooking was all done in pots
hung over the fire. There was a wide hearth, Dutch oven, with cover over the
top, and with coals of fire under and coals of fire on the top, my mother used
to bake the best potpies that I ever ate. Father used to make his own char-coal.
This was done by setting cordwood on end, rounded over the top, and fifteen or
twenty feet in diameter, covered first with leaves and then earth packed over
it, so that the fire could be controlled, leaving an air hole at the top and
several round the bottom, to give it air where the fire was started, and when it
got red hot, the places below were closed to shut off all the draft, to prevent
it from burning entirely, and it had to be watched day and night until it was
completey smothered out, when it was raked out and the coal put in the dry.
Those boyhood days were happiest of my life. Coasting on the hillside on the
crusted snow and sliding on the ice, as I had no skates, and various games were
played in summer time. We feasted on good fruits of various kinds, and it was a
happy home indeed. The scenes of my childhood are yet fresh in memory, and if
Heaven would be no better, that would be good enough for me. Clouds came and
death entered the home, Mother died Aug. 1, 1842, aged 44 years. I was then
seven years of age. After a lapse of two years or more, Father remarried,
uniting with Miss Nancy Mackley. To that union two children were born, Noah B.,
who now lives at Richmond, Indiana, Clementine Elizabeth, who now lives near
Gettysburg, Pa. Father died Sept. 14, 1846, aged 47 years. I was then twelve
years of age. Then the family was scattered, except stepmother and her two
children, who remained on the old homestead. It was a pleasant place for us
older children to visit, always being treated kindly and given the best she had
in the house.
Sarah Ann married Henry Saltzgaver, a coach painter in Gettysburg, and after his
death married John Herbst, a farmer. Mary Jane married Peter Sheads, a
coach-lace weaver in Gettysburg, John and William went to Cashtown, in the
vicinity of the Blue Ridge mountains, to Adam Beasecker's, to learn the
carpenter's trade. Michael went to Gettysburg to learn coach painting with H.
Saltsgaver. I went to Cousin Michael Miller, who lived on a farm, and ran a
huxter wagon, and every two weeks hauled produce to Baltimore, Md., and I made
several trips with him, which was quite a treat to me. Andrew S. went to Uncle
John Miller's. He and I were only a short distance apart.
Step-mother died in 1868, after which the homestead was sold to Geo. W. Hoffman
and wife, who hold a life dower and at their death it will become public
property of the state, and then an Orphanage will be instituted in order to
perpetuate its name.
My grandfather Miller's farm extended to Round Top, on the southwest side, the
place near Gettysburg, where the great battle was fought, the one which broke
the back of the rebellion. Round Top was used for a signal station. I had living
there, at the time of the battle, two sisters and a sister-in-law, whose
husband, Michael M., was with the Union army and there at the time and in the
fight. Their homes were sacked by the rebels. They got a taste of the horrors of
war. I was personally acquainted with John Burns, the hero of Gettysburg, who
shouldered his musket and asked permission to go on the fighting line. That
showed metal of the right kind, and over whose grave there has been a monument
erected to perpetuate his memory for ages to come.
I was only twelve years of age when the family were separated and up to that
time there never had been a physician called to treat one of the family. We must
have been pretty tough, for we ate everything in sight. My first sickness, after
leaving home, was home-sickness, and that, when taken to heart, is bad enough. I
lost my appetite and cried whenever I thought no one would see me, but young as
I was, realized the situation, and that I must be resigned to my fate. I never
have had the disease since, although I have been where it looked pretty gloomy.
Brother Andrew died Feb. 1, 1851, aged 12 years.
During the time I lived with my cousin, I went to school some in the winters,
but the terms were short and my time broken, and never attended school but a few
days after that. So what little education I have, was gained by observation and
by experience in looking after and managing my own affairs. At the age of
sixteen I left the home of my cousin and went to Gettysburg to the home of my
sister, Mary J. Sheads, and bargained with her husband, P. Sheads, who operated
a couch-lace weaving estabishment, to serve three years apprenticeship and to
get twenty-five dollars per year and board, clothe myself, and get six months'
schooling. But after serving my time, instead of going to school, I remained in
the shop and worked for wages. That was once I made a great mistake, but being a
poor boy the money looked tempting.
In the fall of 1855 I took a trip down into Old Virginia, with some coach
peddlers, the principal business in Gettysburg was coach making, carriages and
buggies, and in order to find sale for them, took a great many of them to
Virginia to sell. I was down there about three months. At that time slavery was
in full force. It was quate a sight to me to see the slaves come in from the
plantations, where they had been picking worms from tobacco, and various other
kinds of labor, to get their sow-belly and corn bread. The overseers would curse
and drive them around like Northern men would drive cattle. When one was to be
whipped right good, the landlord did that himself. To sleep, they lay down on
the floor in stables or any old place. While at Buckingham court house I saw two
sold on the block, and while there were tears shed they availed nothing. One
girl sold for $700.00, a young man brought $1,000.00. That looked like a tough
proposition, to me. At Bedford court house I saw one darky hung. He had waylaid
a darkey and cut his victim to pieces. The hanging took place in an open field
and all the darkies in that whole country were present. It answered a good
purpose in terrifying the negroes. That was the first hanging I ever witnessed
and I have no desire to see any more.
After coming back to Gettysburg that same fall, Brother Will came back, on his
second trip home from Fulton, Ind. On his first trip home he married Miss Agnes
McCreary and in about one year she died. He then came back to Gettysburg, and
about Jan. 1, 1856, he and I started for Fulton, Ind. There was plenty of snow
on the ground and we made the trip to Harrisburg in a sleigh, and crossing the
Susquehanna river on the ice, thence by rail to Pittsburgh, crossed over to
Allegheny City, where we stopped at a hotel, and were put on the fourth floor
where we nearly froze. Next morning the mercury went 22 below zero. After
warming up inside and out, we started for Indianapolis, Ind., but had not gone
very far when a car wheel burst, which caused quite a delay. Next thing met was
a fright train off the track, which caused another delay, but finaly reached
Indianapolis. By this time it commenced to moderate. We then started for
Logansport, over what was then termed the "Jerk-Water R.R.," and I
thought it was propery named. Could sit in the car and see the water squirt in
all directions. The ties had stringers on top and strap iron spiked on top of
that. At Logansport I met Brother John, who had located there several years
previous, and was married to Elizabeth Hillis. To them were born four children,
Mary, Harriett, John and Emma, and with the two latter at Minneapolis,
Minnesota, he is now making his home, being past eighty years old. After
visiting with John for some two weeks, I came to Fulton by stage, where Brother
Will was located. The Michigan road was planked from Logansport to Rochester
township line. It was a toll road and owned by John W. Wright, of Logansport,
and was then in fair condition. In a few years, when the plank began to wear
out, it was the worst road I ever saw. Fulton, at that time, did quite a good
business. John W. Wright, of Logansport, who had a general stock of goods, a
flouring mill, bought wheat, made flour to ship, and did custom work. He ran a
saw mill, one of the old kind, the up-and-down saws. Just west of Fulton there
was a body of fine timber and he employed quite a number of men. D. C. Buchanan
kept a general store, as also did John Green, father of W. H. Green, of
Rochester. One wagon shop, operated by J. S. Louderback; two cooper shops, one
blacksmith shop, a tan yard, hotel and two doctors.
I was not favorably impressed with the surrounding country. There was too much
water. Stock would mire down. I had not been here long when, one morning, I was
called on to help pull a horse out of the ditch at the side of the road and this
calls to my mind a circumstance I heard related not very long ago. A man living
not farm from Fulton, came to town on horseback, and on his return, near his own
home, there was one of his horses in the ditch, stuck in the mud. He hurried
home, put harness on the one he was riding, got a rope, went back, hitched to
the one that was in the mud and the first pull he made the rope broke and the
one that was doing the pulling went in head first on the opposite side. He then
had to get the neighbors to help get them out.
Robert Aitken managed the store for J. W. Wright, kept all the accounts. G. W.
Davis looked after outside affairs. I first hired to Wright as night watch, to
prevent fires. In about six months I tired of that job. He then put me in the
store with Aitken and soon after in the flouring mill. I weighed in wheat, the
mill then made flour to ship and also custom work. Fred Petersen, now of
Rochester, was the boss miller. I exchanged flour for wheat, if requested by the
customer. Looked after the wood yard. We bought wood for $1.00 per cord, 4-foot
wood. In time business began to get slack. Wright then informed me that he must
reduce the force, would retain me, but I would have to make myself generally
useful. I didn't exactly comprehend what that meant, but soon found out. There
was some hay to be hauled, and I was ordered to help, which I did like a man.
All went smooth for quite a while. The plank road was then a toll road and had
to be kept in repair, so one morning, I was ordered to take a load of plank down
about half way to Logansport, and with two yoke of oxen I started with a load of
two-inch green oak plank. As the day was warm, and before I got quite to the
place, the oxen commenced to loll. I halted to rest them, and sat down in the
shade at the side of the road. There was a slough not far ahead and the oxen
started to get a drink. I called to them "whoa," but I might just as
well have saved my wind. They pulled the load into the slough and stuck. If
there was anybody within two miles of there, they surely heard some very
uncomlimentary remarks, such as would not look very well in print. I had to
unload and float the plank to shore, pull the wagon out and load up again. By
this time I was wet and mud all over. I then resolved that if that was what
"generally useful" meant, I had plenty of it. When I got back, that
evening, I unyoked the oxen, turned them to grass, went up to Aitken's store,
and called for my time. He wanted to know what the trouble was. I told him if
that was what "generally useful" meant, I had a plenty. I then hired
to John Burnet, who kept the hotel, to haul flour to Logansport. There was
nothing else in sight just then.
At that time game was yet plenty, deer and all other kinds of the smaller
varities, some prairie wolves, foxes, prairie chickens and ducks. I went out
deer hunding a few times.. Once I remember going out, and when coming home, near
Fulton, saw a deer brousing in a tree top. I had a good gun and well loaded, but
just then I took a spell of what the Hoosiers called the "buck ague."
It is a very peculiar sensation, and a man becomes very nervous. I shot the gun
off, frightened the deer and he went off through the brush. I suppose he thought
he had better get away from there or he might get hurt. Those times there were
lots of fever and ague. Folks in the morning would get out in the sun see if
their finger nails were turning blue. That was a good sign that they were fixed
for that day.
In those days the people seemed to enjoy themselves much better than now. They
all belonged to the same class in society and were more sociable than now. We
had a dance about once a week in winter time. They did not cost much, but we had
lots of fun. We had one on the night of the 3d of July, when there were fifty
couples present. Quite a number came down from Rochester, and if I remember
correctly, the music was furnished by Joe Willard, Dell Ward, Al Ward, Brad
Brouillette, aided by others. The dance commenced before sunset in the evening
and continued until after sunrise next morning. Everything went off pleasantly
and we had a jolly good time. In the spring of 1859, I commenced to work with my
Brother Will, at the carpenters' trade and made my home at his house, continuing
with him until I enlisted.
At the time I enlisted I was helping E. J. Delp build a house in Cass county. We
had the building up and partly enclosed for Henry Krider, so on Saturday eveing,
on the way home, we talked about the war and concluded we would enlist. I had
been excusing myself, thinking the war would not last long, but the more I
thought about it the more I thought it my duty to go. Delp was of the same
opinion, so we made an arrangement with my brother and Jacob Smith to finish the
In company with J. S. Louderback, Mason Jaqua and several others, came to
Rochester and enlisted under Ephriam N. Banks, in Co. I, 5th Regt. Indiana
Cavalry Vols., ninetieth regiment in numbers in the state, on August 11, 1862.
The war then began to look serious and we being able-bodied men thought it our
duty to help. We left Rochester in a two-horse wagon and went to Plymouth, from
there by rail to South Bend. Here we passed the 87th Regt. Went on to
Indianapolis and in a few days they came also, and were sent right on to
Kentucky. My regiment remained at Indianapolis until late in the fall. I helped
to build the barracks at Camp Carrington, for which I was paid 26 cents per day.
During this time we were mustered into the U. S. service and were mounted.
When our regiment was stationed down along the Ohio river, Co. I, my company, at
Rising Sun, early in the spring of 1863, we were sent to Louisville, Ky., and
from thence to Glasgow, Ky., where we joined he balance of the regiment. Were
kept busy scouting in the direction of the Cumberland river, and in our first
skirmish at Marrowbone, Ky., lost our first man killed, Henry Heckathorn, of Co.
I, shot through the head and died instantly. In April we crossed over the
Cumberland river and drove the rebels back, then returned and burned the town of
Celina. Returned to Glasgow. From then until the 22d of June, 1863, we had heavy
scouting and skirmishing, capturing many prisoners and drove the rebels beyond
the river. Leaving on the 4th of July, we started in pursuit of the revbl
general, John Morgan, who was then reported to have crossed the Cumberland
mountains. Our regiment was then in command of Lieut. Col. Thomas H. Butler. On
reaching Louisville our command was placed on steamers and transported up the
Ohio river at Buffington Island. Their guards were stationed in a corn field and
captured our advance and two pieces of artillery and some prisoners but we
pressed in on them and rcaptured the artillery. Drove them from the river and
adjacent hills, killing many and capturing many prisoners, also five pieces of
artillery. Morgan, with part of his force, escaped them, but was captured later.
We then returned to Louisville, reaching there on the 27th day of July, 1863. We
then marched to Bardstown and to Lebanon and reached Glasgow, Ky., on the 9th
day of August, '63, and on the 18th our regiment started for East Tennessee,
crossed the Cumberlnd mountains and entered Knoxville, with Gen. Burnsides'
army, on the first of Sept., 1863, being the first Federal troops to enter that
city. Soon after this, our regiment joined the brigade. Our duties were from
Knoxville up to the Virginia line, back and forth, skirmishing and scouting
almost continually.
I will now give dates and places where the principal fighting was done. The
regiment joined the brigade on the 19th of Sept. Had skirmish at Bristol on the
20th, at Jonesborough on the 22d, at Blountville, where we were engaged for two
hours, when Col. T. H. Butler, at the head of the 5th Cav., charged the town,
captured some prisoners and one piece of artillery. Next at Henderson's Mills,
Oct. 11th, where we met quite a body of Rebels retreating from Gen. Burnsides,
where the 5th Ind. Caf. alone engaged them without help. It was compelled to
fall back, many being killed and captured. Finally the regiment cut its way back
to the brigade, then moved toward Blountville and on Oct. 14th, skirmished all
During the time Longstreet had Gen. Burnside surrounded at Knoxville, our
brigade was outside of the ring and cut loose from everything, so that when
Longstreet let go at Knoxville, he endeavored to take us in and came very near
doing it. Near Maynardville, on the 30th of Oct. and first of Nov., and on the
2d day of Nov., '63, came very near taking us in. Had it not been that we were
reinforded by some six months' troops from Tazewell they would have driven us
into Clinch rivcer. In this fight we lost a number of horses and several men
captured, and several wounded. Lieut. John O'Neall, and Lewis Graeber, of Fulton
couny. I was next man to Graeber when he was hit by a spent ball.
Our next fight was at Beans Station, on the 14th of Dec., '63. Here is where E.
J. Delp was shot in the shoulder, and was ever after disabled for duty. The ball
could not be located, and many years after being discharged, and at home, the
ball worked its way out. I think Mr. John Delp, his eldest son, can show you the
We had a skirmish at Rutledge, and on the 23d of Dec., '63, marched to Mossy
creek, where we were on the 1st of Jan., 1864, the cold New Year's. On that day
I went out five miles for forage and something to eat for the mess. Got back to
camp about two o'clock p.m. There was no time lost in getting the chickens ready
for the camp kettle and at the proper time dumplings were added, and don't you
forget it, that was just fine. We were lying in the woods in little fly tents,
sleeping on the frozen ground. Soon after, we began retreating toward Knoxville,
the weather was bad, rain and snow, and in the last two days' and nights' march,
my horse only got two feeds. The last night he gnawed the bark off the tree to
which he was tied, from the ground as high as he could reach. I sympathized with
him, but that did not reach the case. Reached Knoxville on Jan. 19th, '64, and
on the 24th the horses of our regiment were turned over to the 14th Illinois
Cavalry. We made one scout up the river on foot. Were then ordered to Cumberland
Ga, and there I frosted the flesh of my thighs, sleeping on the frozen ground,
but that was nothing, I was a soldier. We then marched back to Mt. Sterling,
Ky., arriving there Feb. 26. From that place I got a furlough home.
After returning, went to Paris, Ky., and from there to Nicholasville, Ky., and
about the first of May remounted, and started to Georgia. On the trail across
Cumberland mountains, in one day, I counted seventy-five dead mules and horses.
I thought the U.S. was having a heavy expense. We arrived at Tunnel Hill, Ga.,
on the 12th, and on the 13th joined the command of Gen. Stoneman and started for
Atlanta. I was in all the fighting and skirmishing along the line. I was at
Kennesaw, on the right flank, during tht battle, and that was the heaviest
cannonading that I heard during my service. Was with Stoneman on a raid to the
rear of Resaca. There was one time that I came pretty near being shot. We had
dismounted, gone forward into the woods and had taken trees for shelter. I had
just stuck my head out when the Jonny shot. The ball hit the tree hard enough to
stop it, but threw the bark into my face. Many other times might have been as
close but I did not know it. In a few minutes they commenced to shell the woods.
We then broke for our horses, and as I was quite a springer, soon outran
Louderback. When we got to the horses, John McKitrick was holding Louderback's
horse and mine. I mounted my horse and took the strap of Louderback's horse and
told McKitrick to pull out, they were coming. I waited for Louderback until the
Jonnies came in sight, when I thought he had been captured and I lit out for
tall timber. Our command fell back two or three miles and halted. Louderback had
hidden in the bushes and about ten o'clock that night he reported to the
regiment. On the 27th of July we started on the Stoneman raid to Macon.
Thirty-four from my company, of the best mounted men, went on the raid and this
very day a commision came to the regiment for me as 2d Lieut. On the raid I was
captured and during my absence the officers were changed. E. J. Delp resigned
and J. S. Louderback promoted to captain. I was promoted to 1st Lieut. and M.
Jaqua, 2d Lieut. He mustered in, covering my term as 2d Lieut.
Hon. Benj. Harrison fathered the bill in Congress, that covered all such cases,
and my record was amended and I was paid in full several years after coming
Macon is ninety miles south of Atlanta. We went out on the left and as I
understood, McCook was coming on the right and they to form a junction at Macon.
We went to Macon, tore up the R.R., but finding that the river could not be
crossed, and McCook had not shown up, Stoneman piled all of the traps we had
with us and set fire to them, then started back. When near Hillborough, we met a
large body of Wheelers cavalry, under the command of Gen. Iverson. When we first
saw them the arrangement was to cut through, but that was changed and the 5th
Ind. Cav. was to hold the front and Stoneman permitted all the balance of the
commaned to make their escape. Gen. Stoneman remained with us however. We held
them until about two o'clock in the aftrnoon. That was one time that my feet
rattled in the stirrups. We were in a pine forrest and they shelled us. The
shells would cut off small pine trees and drop them in all directions. Gen.
Stoneman's horse was killed. We fell back a short distance to an open field,
where the white flag was raised. That looked sad to us, but there was no other
way out of it. We were then prisoners of war.
They marched us one day on foot, camped one night and the next morning they took
part of our clothes and other valuables. That was a graft. When we got to the
prison at Andersonvile, Henri Wirz ordered a search. On account of having been
on a raid we were expected to have gobbled up everyting in sight. In this he was
mistaken. We were formed into a hollow square and stripped off our clothes, and
allowed them to be searched. I had 55 cents script, which I concealed in the
waistband of my pants, which they failed to find. Captain Henri Werz wss in
charge of the interior of the prison and General Winder was in commnd of the
post. After the war, Werz was tried for murder, convicted and hung, and why all
of his superiors went Scott free, I fail to understand.
The stockade was made of hewed timber set in the ground about five feet, and
fifteen or sixteen feet above the ground with sentinel boxes on the outside and
high enough to give the guard a chance to do his shooting over the top and far
enough apart to insure good service. On the inside, sixteen or eighteen feet
from there, was the deadline, made of forks in ground three feet high, with
poles stretched on and every man that got on that space was shot and there were
a number of them, especialy at the branch, where the boys would crawl too far
under in order to get water.
There were two gates on the west side of the prison. One on each side of the
Through the north gate everything was brought in, and at the south gate the dead
or sick that were taken to the hospital were passed out. The death rate, during
the month of August, ran as high as 127 in one day. About ten o'clock every day
they had the "sick call," at which time the sick were helped to south
gate to be treated and the dead taken out and hauled away by wagon loads, a
trench having been prepared the day before, in which they were laid side by
side, covered with sand. On the dead a tag was fastened, on which was written,
by their comrades, the name, state, regiment and company to which they belonged,
so that there was a record kept, that they might be identified. How strictly
this was carried out I do not know.
There was a battery at each corner, elevated so they could shell the prison in
case of a move to break out. Just before we went in, the prisoners, among
themselves, had become very unruly. They would steal, and in a few cases had
committd murder, so that there was a raid on the guilty parties. They were
captured, tried, convicted and by consent of the prison, six of them hung on the
scaffold. After this there was a police force organized and operated by the
prisoners. At that time there were about 32,000 in prison. To confine that mny
in a place like that, without any restriction, and they will become very unruly.
Up to this time and after August 2d, the time I went in, some of the water had
been taken from wells, but the anxiety to get out of there was so great, that
digging wells made a good blind, for the prisoners began to tunnel out and the
wells had to be abandoned. The water for all purposes had to come from the
branch, and to make it worse, a short distance above the prison, the rebels had
their cook houses and quarters, so by the time the water reached us, it was very
filthy. This branch was only five or six inches deep. The first few rods inside
the deadline, we had to get water to drink, wash and bathe, and no soap to do it
The balance of the way down through the prison there was a sluice-way of plank
about six feet wide, through which all the filth from above and also of the
entire prison, 32,000 men was conducted through a boggy slough which could not
be occupied. Just think of it. In the month of August--that was something awful.
The inclosure at first contained thirteen acres, but just before I got there it
has been enlarged so that it now contained about twenty acres, including the
When we were marched in, I supposed they would show us where to camp, but
nothing of the kind. No place was shown us. We walked around that afternoon,
looking for some place to squat but found none, so the first night we slept on
the ground in one of the narrow streets, no supper and no breakfast. We finaly
found a place where a stump had been taken out. We scratched around and leveled
off a place where six of us could lie, and to shield us from the hot sun in day
time and heavy dew at night, stuck sticks in the ground, and with what few
pieces of blankets and oil cloths, made a shelter.
That forenoon I spent the 55 cents I had smuggled in for some corn bread which
we could buy with green backs. I divided with my five mates. That afternoon we
drew our first rations, a piece of corn bread, baked beans full of black bugs
and a small piece of bacon, which soon atfer was discontinued. The rations were
not sufficient to sustain life any length of time, and with no vegetables to
counteract disease which gradually wore our lives away.
There was no time, day of night, but what groans of the sick and dying could be
heard. While in there I once met John F. Calvert, brother of Mrs. J. N. Orr. The
poor boy was wonderfuly discouraged and I have learned died there.
Some time during the month of August, there was a very heavy rain, at which time
there was what has been termed a "Providential spring" broke out near
a sump inside the dead line. The water was brought inside and conducted down the
hill a short distance into a barrel. That water, to us poor fellows, was a
Godsend, and to preserve order was controlled by the police of our own men, so
that we fell in line and took our turns to water. Day and night there was a
continual length of men in line. I have learned from those visiting the place
since, that the spring is still running.
One night, when the guards passed the word around that all was well, one added
in a low voice, "Atlanta has gone to Hell."
Then there was a buzz in camp, for we expected Sherman would soon liberate us.
Soon after that they divided us and sent elsewhere the majority of the
prisoners. I got out with the squad that finally reached Florence, South Crlina,
a prison similar to the one I had just left, but were halted at Charleston, S.C.
I got out of Andersonville some time in September, '64. On the way I was
permitted to slip down out of the box car, where a station had been burned, and
picked up a railroad spike and a sheet of tin, with which I made a pan, which
came handy after I got to Florence prison, for there we got uncoked rations.
While at Charleston we were guarded on the race track. To supply us with water,
they undertook to haul it in hogsheads, but they could not keep up the supply,
so I helped to dig a well with a half of a canteen and a case-knife. We were
near the Atlantic coast and at the depth of five feet got plenty of water. While
at Charleston our treatment was a little better, and by the Sisters of Charity
were given light articles of clothing, a small portion of tobacco and some food,
but that was soon stopped by the rebel officers. I helped carry out to the
hospital one of my mess, James C. Reed, a brother of J. V. Reed, of Fulton. He
died there. During the time I was there, our forces on Morris Island, with Swamp
Angel Battery, was bombarding Charleston and at night we could hear the huge
shells coming, drop into the town and explode. We remained here about a month,
then taken to Florence where they had a stockade for us.
There were about 10,000 taken there. We arrived the first of October. The
weather was cold so we had to dig in the ground for shelter and with brush,
etc., we could get from the slough we covered the cave over with earth, left a
hole in one end to crawl in and out. Under guard, a few at a time were allowed
to go outside and get pine boughs to put in the bottom for a bed. John S.
Louderback, John McKitrick and myself, bunked together. When out one day, I
smuggled in past the guards, under my clothes, an old brush scythe which I broke
in two in the middle, keeping the butt end myself, with which to split our
rations of wood into fine bits and dried it in the sun to use under the pan I
had made to cook our mush in.
Our rations were one and one-half pint of corn meal, a piece of wood the size of
a man's arm, for a day in winter time. Think of it, part the time a little salt,
a small piece of meat. The meat was soon cut out entirely and for about four
months we had neither meat or grease of any kind. I got on the police force of
our own men to help regulate the boys inside, for which we got a small extra
ration. This we divded, ate one-half in the forenoon, the other half in the
afternoon. I could eat everything in sight and fill up on water. Up to this
time, the men who were capturd when I was, had stood it pretty well, but then
commenced to fail.
Lieut. Barrett was in command and was equally tyranical as Henri Wirz had been
at Andersonville.
The most prevalent disease was scurvy and gangrene. Men's gums would swell up,
teeth loosen and fall out, and their toes would rot off. In this prison is where
John W. January amputated his own feet, lived through it and got home. John S.
Louderback took sick and became deranged, so that I took him to the hospital,
fixed up in one corner of the stockade. John McKitrick took sick and was flat on
his back when we were ordered to vacate the camp. I did not like to go out and
leave him and Louderback, but they said: "If you are able to go, pull out
and we will follow when we can," which they did and got home before I did.
From there I went to Wilmington, N.C., where the rebels halted us for the night.
It was cold and we had to lie down in the sand. Here we changed railroads and to
shield myself from the cold wind, I scraped a hole in the sand, and with old
rags I had fixed myself a nest. I had not been there long when a poor, sickly,
fellow came along and asked to crawl in with me; through sympathy I consented.
All went well until I awoke next morning to fine my bed-fellow gone and with him
all the provision I had. Well I thought, "Go it, you little ungrateful
cuss, you won't live long anyway."
The Rebels took us to Goldsboro where they held us a few days. By that time I
was about down sick and began to think if it lasted much longer I would surely
go down. During that time Wilmington was taken by our forces and the rebels
prepared to parole us, which they did in a few days. I touched the pen while a
clerk made a "saw (X) buck." I had to be helped to the train. When we
got to our lines I was about played out, and when I passed through the line the
physician put the back of his hand to my cheek and told me to go and sit down,
which I did, and shed tears for joy to think that I was once more in God's
country, and under the protection of the Old Flag. I was taken to a school
house, where they gave us soup, coffee and a little whiskey. Next day were taken
to Wilmington.
They were not in shape to handle a batch of fellows, in the condition we were.
They used a large dwelling as a hospital, the first and only one I was in during
my term of service, and, in a room about sixteen feet square, twenty-five of us
had to lie on the hard floor with nothing for our bed but the old lousy rags
that we had on. I have heard it said that there was no need of a man being
lousy, if he had any ambition. Now just think a moment. Confine a man in an open
field without shelter, in company with 32,000 others, without any change of
clothing, no soap nor hot water, and lice crawling around in the sand, away from
friends or home, discouraged and sick, and not enough to eat, and that of an
inferior quality, without a ray of hope, looking forward to death which was then
staring him in the face, will not ambition fade away? Just as long as I was
able, I examined my clothes every day, and with my thunb-nails killed everything
in sight and in a measure kept the vermin subdued, but when I got sick, they got
the better of me. Thank God, when I got into our own lines. I fought them to a
finish and came out victorious.
We remained some ten days, got medicine and soup. One night the second man from
me died, but no one knew it until morning. I looked out on the porch and saw
five others stretched out. One morning the physician came in our room and told
us that a vessel was going to Annapolis and for all those that were able to
travel, there would be an opportunity. I gave him my name, and in order to get
to the boat it took all the nerve I could muster. When I got in the vessel, I
laid down, and in this condition made the trip. At Annapolis they were prepared
to care for us. The first thing, they took us to the bath house to clean up, and
gave us new clothing. God knows we needed them. Next, we got a cake of soap, a
piece of tobacco and a fine-tooth comb, vegetable soup, coffee, medicine and
everything else they thought we needed. We were in a guarded camp, in which
there was a sutler. Here I drew $52.00 ration money. I drank pop and ate a
little of everthing that tasted good. I have wondered many times since, that I
did not kill myself eating, for many that were parolled never got home.
After staying there a short time, I was sent to Columbus, Ohio, and from there
furloughed home. I used beer whenever I could get it, so that I got a bay window
on me like a "Squire. In April, 1865, President Lincoln was assassinated,
and on my way back to the regiment saw his body in the State House, at Columbus,
Ohio. I got to my regiment on the 11th day of May, '65, and was mustered as
First Lieutenant, but could not muster as Second Lieutenant, Jaqua having
mustered and covered the time I was in prison. My record was correctrd later and
I was paid in full.
I was mustered out June 27, 1865, at Pulaski, Tennessee, having served nearly
three years and was in prison pens nearly seven months. After coming home, I
again went to my brother William's and made that my home. He then lived five
miles south and one mile west of Rochester, on Mud Creek. During the time of the
war, there was very little improving done in the country. Mud Creek, in many
places, was nothing but a boggy slough, in the spring of the year, near our
place. We could float around in boats and spear fish as they were going from the
lake to Tippecanoe river. Soon after this, the creek was ditched, brush cleared
out and has become a fine farming country, being very productive and the land
quite valuable. I then joined in with my brother and worked at carpentering. We
took jobs and worked in summer time, and in winter feasted on sauer-kraut and
sausage, sat by the fire and smoked our pipes. I then kept a horse of my own and
went when I pleased and came home any time. Not long after coming home from the
service, I was afflicted with malarial fever and ague, a malarial poisoning, as
I believed then and do now, that it was contracted while in prison, and later,
rheumatism and a severe spell of sore eyes, in which I came very near losing he
sight of my left eye, and it has been of no practical use to me since, produced,
as I believe, by the same cause.
In order to have something to look after in winter time, I dealt some in young
cattle. In summer they ran at large. Pasture was good outside, which made it
reasonably profitable. Many of the buildings I helped to erect are still in use,
some of them were not very fancy, but have worn well. I made up my mind to
change my manner of living and have a home of my own, and on the 31st of
December 1868, was united in marriage with Mary J. Wakefield, and to this union
were born three children, Archie B., Millie E. and Dot H., who are all living
and in reasonably good health. After supplying myself with implements to farm
with, I thought of some things necessary in the house, so in order to get a
supply of feathers, thought I would get some geese. All went well until after
corn planting, when we went visiting for a few days, during which time it rained
nearly all the time. Corn was just coming through the ground. The geese had got
into the field and pulled up half the corn and I had it to replant. Just then I
concluded the other fellow might produce the feathers and I would buy what I
needed. That was the wet season, 1869. Crops were light, but I helped build a
barn for one of my neighbors. That helped me get through the first winter, but I
was bound not to give it up, and for nineteen years I continued to till the soil
and by industry and economy made a good living. During this time we met all the
trials incident to human life, and today remain a happy famiy, as death has not
darkened our door, for which we are very thankful.
In 1880 I took an active part in the building of the Antioch U. B. church and in
organizing a society at that place. During all of this time we had lived in a
log cabin, and in it we spent many happy moments. A short distance west of us,
on the prairie where McKinney now lives, Geo. R. Bearss lived, and a that time
was quite a sportsman. He kept a pack of hounds to hunt foxes. They were better
than a brass band to that community. They would frequently bring one up into the
timber and circle around him for a half day. That was music in the full sense of
the term. There were fox dens near my place, where they raised their young and
fed them on my chickens. I helped dig up several dens, where we killed several
of their young. One day my dog caught a big old fellow, got him down and held
him until I appeared on the scene and shot him with my boot-heel.
In the spring, I came to the conclusion that I must either put up new buildings
or move out, so I disposed of my personal property, came to Rochester, bought a
home next door to where I now live, moved in, then there had to be something
done to get a living. I then worked as a grocery clerk in various groceries,
until I had served about thirteen years. I then joined in with my son Archie B.,
and operated a bill-posting business for about three years, when I conceived he
idea of making the race for County Treasurer. Fulton county being very close,
politicaly, and after a vigorous cmpaign, was elected as County Treasurer on the
Republican ticket, for a term of two years. After giving a bond of $200,000,
personal security, my term of office commencing January first, 1904, with almost
a depleted treasury, ($338.18) with which to meet the needs of the county, such
expenses as ditches, sewers, bridges, paving, and the county's general expenses,
which fund was soon exhausted and I was forced to refuse to pay warrants on
account of lack of funds, as there had been a vast amount of drains, and large
ones a that, constructed. There would have to be a vast sum of money to pay for
their construction, and then there came the cost of bridges across the drains,
which had to e constructed and paid for, therefore the county was forced to
borrow money, and after loans were negotiated to the extent of $73,000, I was
placed in a position to pay all warrants and get matters in such a shape as to
make each fund care for its own class. It required a great deal of skill and
took work that necessitated efficient help, which I had in the persons of Archie
B., my son, and Miss Jetta Alexander. Right here I desire to say that for the
manner in which the office was conducted, the manner in which the accounts were
kept, are ascribed to the efficiency of my son Archie. He proved to be
efficient, truthful and honest. To him I shall ever feel grateful, and it gives
me pleasure that I can say this. In fact there had to be so many separate
accounts kept that there were added to the already numerous books, several new
sets of books. The work had so increased in the office, such as all the ditches,
sewers, pavings, in addition to collection of the various taxes, made the work
burdensome, so it became necessary to add to the office equipments. I purchased
a Burroughs adding machine, on my own account, which cost $375.00, afterward
purchased by he county, as it was such a savig of time and worry. One can
imagine the volume of work there is connected with the office when there were
over 30,000 individual accounts to be looked after. I will now give the sum
total of the various accounts.
Tax, 1904 306,243.20
Tax, 1905 288,189.47
Sewers, 1904 5,378.61
Sewers, 1905 3,765.71
Ditches, 1904 85, 547.60
Ditches, 1905 69,851.71
Bridges, 1904 50,079.00
Bridges, 1904 2,726.28
Total collections for my term of office 811,781.58
This is the largest amount that has ever been collected by any Treasurer of
Fulton county in two years, this vast sum of money collected and accounted for
to a penny. The responsibility of this volume of work cost a great deal of care
and anxiety, and upon my retirement from the office, Jan. 1st, 1906, there was a
cash balance of $92,410.08, against $18,912.67 Jan. 1. 1904, when I went in the
My efficiency as a public official stands of record, therefore the public can
judge my official career after I am dead and forgotten.
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. I, 1910, pp. 39-56]
MILLER, VINCENT [Rochester, Indiana]
This is to certify that Vincent Miller, who succeeds me in the horse shoeing
business, has thoroughly learned his trade under my instructions and is a
competent and trustworthy workman capable of doing all kinds horse shoeing and
treating diseased and crippled feet. Respectfully, John Schreyer.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, February 23, 1903]
MILLER, WILLIAM C. [Akron, Indiana]
William C. Miller. One of the substantial citizens and progressive business men
of Akron, is William C. Miller, proprietor of the leading hardware establishment
here, a bank director and chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. He was born in
Liberty township, Fulton county, Indiana, February 26, 1867, son of William J.
and Joanna (Allen) Miller. His father was born September 14, 1830, on the
grandfather's farm near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on a part of which was fought
the historic battle of Gettysburg, in the Civil war, and Jennie Wade of that
town, who met an accidental death on that battlefield, was a relative of the
Miller family. William J. Miller was a carpenter by trade. When twenty-one years
old, he came to Fulton county, Indiana, in company with his two brothers, John
and Samuel Miller. This section was practically a wilderness at this time. He
subsequently acquired 120 acres of land, which he developed and improved and
became one of the stable men of his community, a leading member of the United
Brethren church, and a factor in local democratic politics. His death occurred
December 10, 1893. He was married after coming to Fulton county to Joanna Allen,
who was born in Liberty township, November 9, 1840, and died December 28, 1916.
Of the six children born to them two survive, William C. and Robert L., the
latter of whom is a hardware merchant at Rochester, Indiana, is married and has
one daughter. William C. Miller grew up on the home farm in Liberty township and
attended the country schools. Until somewhat past his majority, he assisted his
father in the farm industries, and during boyhood successfully carried on an
enterprise of his own, raising ducks for market. Later on, after locating at
Akron, Mr. Miller was engaged in the hardware business for thirteen years, with
a Mr. Zartman, with invested capital of $3,500. Since June 1, 1908, he has had
entire charge of the business, conducting it alone with the exception of two
years, when he had the late Merrill B. Kroft as a partner, an estimable young
man of business capacity and ambition, who died in 1922. Mr. Miller carries a
full line of staple hardware, ranges, stoves and all kinds of agricultural
implements, and additionally handles the Oakland automobiles. He has prospered
through industry, good judgment and business integrity. He has other interests
and is a director of the Akron Exchange Bank. Few of Akron's business men have
worked harder for the benefit of the town in securing modern improvements, and
as chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, he has given invaluable public service.
On several occasions he has served acceptably in public office, for a number of
years being a trustee of Liberty township, and in 1910 was elected auditor of
Fulton county. He was married April 14, 1892, to Miss Orra A. Kroft, who was
born in Miami county, Indiana, August 19, 1869, daughter of Jacob and Carrista
(Howe) Kroft, who came to Fulton county when Mrs. Miller was sixteen years old.
She was educated in the public schools and Valparaiso University, afterward
teaching school for two years in Jennings county and five years in Fulton
county. She has many wide and intelligent interests in church and society, is a
member of the Eastern Star, in which order she was an official for five years,
and is president of the Ladies' Aid Society for seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Miller
have three children: Esther Joanna, who was graduated in the class of 1919, from
the Akron high school, entered the Indiana University at Bloomington as a member
of the class of 1923, majored in political science and took an active part in
literary circles, being president of the leading sorority; Wilma Cozette, who is
attending the high school at Akron; and William Kroft who is also in school. The
family belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church and Mr. Miller is one of the
church trustees. He is a Knight Templar Mason, belonging to Blue Lodge, chapter
and cammandery at Warsaw, and a Shriner, at Fort Wayne. At different times Mr.
and Mrs. Miller have treated themselves to enjoyable trips to interesting points
in the United States, one of these trips being undertaken in 1905 when,
accompanied by their little daughter Joanna, they went to the Pacific coast and
attended the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland, Oregon. Another enjoyable
trip was made in 1909, which included visits to Pittsburgh, Baltimore,
Washington, Mount Vernon and other historic spots.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 243-245, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
MILLER BROTHERS [Rochester, Indiana]
Auto parts and garage business, located at 315 East Ninth street. Later located
at 625 Main street.
See: Patents and Inventions__________
[Adv] MILLER BROTHERS, 315 East Ninth St. Announce to the public that they
are now the authorized agents for The Paige and Jewett Automobiles. Call at our
Show Room on East Ninth and see these luxurious models. Demonstration Given Any
Time. MILLER BROTHERS GARAGE, 315 East Ninth Street.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 21, 1925]
Otto and Hugh Miller, owners of the Miller Brothers Garage on East Ninth street,
have taken the agency for the Paige Automobile company of Detroit products in
Fulton county, which consists of Paige and Jewett cars. Hugh Miller on Thursday
drove a Jewett coach through from the factory which will be on display at the
garage on Friday.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, July 16, 1925]
Miller Brothers, proprietors of a garage on East Ninth Street bearing their name
have leased the modern filling station just erected at 520 Main street by the
Western Oil and Refining Company of Indianapolis. A battery and tire service
station will be operated in connection with the station. The gasoline and oils
featured by the Western Company will be handled exclusively at the new filling
station. The Western Company features Silver Flash gasoline.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 20, 1927]
Hugh J. and Otto Miller, of this city, will formally open their new super
service station in this city Saturday, September 24th.
The Miller boys have been in the garage business for the past eight years in
Rochester, first working for the other fellow, then branching out for
Some two and one-half years ago the Miller Brothers bought property and built
their own modern garage building and have had unusual success in the operation
of this business, which is probably due to their wide acquaintances and
excellent service. They seem to enjoy the confidence of not only people in
Rochester, but throughout all of Fulton County.
In talking to Hugh Miller about his new complete super service station he said
he and his brother Otto would continue to operate their present garage business
in addition to this new station, and that at the garage they would continue to
do general repair work, give a tow-in service on wrecked cars, and maintain a
battery service department.
Mr. Miller further advised that it was his brother's and his idea in operating
this new super service station that there was a large demand for specialized
service on gasoline, oil, tires, tubes and batteries, and that they felt that in
their natural expansion of their business they were making a very wise move.
This station will handle only merchandise of exceptional quality such as Silver
Flash and Target gasoline, Silver Flash Motor Oils and Greases, Firestone tires
and tubes, and Vesta batteries.
After a very close inspection of this station we feel that the Miller boys are
making no mistake in their new project and frankly this newspaper wishes them
every success.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, September 23, 1927]
[Adv] Announcing the PLYMOUTH America's Lowest Priced Full-size 4-Cylinder
Car. Now on Sale at MILLER'S GARAGE -- - - - - 311 East 9th St., Phone 100.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 25, 1929]
[photo] Miller Brothers.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1934, p. 14]
Miller Bros. today announced a lease on their prsent locationat 311 East Ninth
street to Voris Hoffman & Sons of Elkhart, who will establish a county
agency there for Ford Ferguson Implements and parts which they recently
purchased from Harry Cooper of the Rochester Equipment Co.
Hoffman & Sons, who are now located in the rear of the Klein Bros. building,
Main and Fourth streets, expect to occupy the new quarters Jan. 1, when Miller
Bros. will move to their new location at 625 Main street.
In addition to the line of Ford Ferguson implements, Hoffman & Sons will
handle Liberty and other makes of house trailers, and will maintain a complete
parts department and service for items sold by them.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 6, 1945]
Among the more than four thousand motorists of Fulton County, probably no name
is better known than that of Miller Brothers, East Ninth street, Rochester's
auto parts and garage headquarters.
Otto and Hugh Miller, owners of the business are Fulton County boys, having been
reared on a farm north of Kewanna. In 1920 they came to Rochester and opened a
garage on East Seventh street, just west of City Hall. They were quartered there
until 1923, when they erected a building at 315 East Ninth street, where they
are at present located.
While they carry what is conceeded to be the most representative line of auto
parts in the county, together with complete lines of Firestone tires and
batteries, that is only one phase of their business.
Their garage service is complete to every detail from tow-in service to
machine-lathe work, acetylene welding, vulcanizing and general overhauling and
Their motto has always been "Quality work at a reasonable price," and
this code has proved its worth by the continued growth of their business which
is the true barometer of service, dependability and price.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 14]
In a large advertisement, appearing elsewhere in this issue of The
News-Sentinel, the Miller Brothers, located at 315 East 9th Street, announces
the opening of a Studebaker auto agency in this city.
The Miller Brothers have a new line of the 1937 Studebakers in various models
now on display in their new sales room, which was completed just a few months
ago. This agency, which has operated as a garage and automobile supply house for
the past number of years in Rochester and community, has also branched out in
the electrical appliance field, for both city and rural trade.
In an interview with Otto Miller today, he stated he had already sold a few of
the 1937 Studebaker models in this vicinity and that the outlook for a brisk
business on this well known auto was exceptionally bright.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 15, 1936]
MILLER GUN SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
New Gun Shop! (one square north of Wallace's Block) Rochester, Ind. . . Double
& Single Shot Guns, Rifles, Gun Material Ammunition, Pistol Cartridges,
&c. He would also announce that he is prepared to make Rifles to order, and
do all kinds of Repairing . . . G. I. Miller.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, January 25, 1866]
Removal. Mr. Miller, our worthy townsman and gunsmith, has moved his shop
from the Chamberlain building to the first room South of the Post Office, on
Main Street . . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, January 24, 1867]
MILLER HARDWARE [Akron, Indiana]
Billie [William C.] Miller was an early joint owner of the Miller and Zartman
Hardware located where the Day Hardware store is now. Later Miller bought out
Zartman and from then on it was known as Miller's Hardware. Lee Moore was for
many years a clerk in this store. The Miller store also sold wagons, buggies,
and all kinds of farm machinery.
[Thomas Carpenter Family, Walter F. Carpenter, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
The hardware store at Akron, formerly owned by W. C. Miller will now be known as
Miller and Kroft, the latter buying an interest last week.The store was closed
for four days to invoice. Thirteen years ago Mr. Miller made a change when he
bought out his partner, C. E. Zartman, and 13 years previous to that time,
Miller and Zartman began business in Akron.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 14, 1921]
A very uncommon sale was transacted in Akron Thursday when W. C. Miller, who has
been in the hardware and buggy business in that city for over 40 years, sold a
buggy to Everett Smith, who lives south of Akron. This is the last buggy Mr.
Miller had in stock and he stated that he never expects to sell another. The
regular selling price of the buggy was $135, but it is understood Mr. Miller
took a much lower price for it. Mr. Miller refused to make public what he sold
the buggy for stating "it would show rather poor salesmanship."
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Friday, June 7, 1929]
MILLER HARDWARE [Rochester, Indiana]
After a partnership lasting 11 years, Isom New and Robert Lee Miller, of the
firm of New and Miller, dissolved business relations Friday afternoon, Mr.
Miller buying his partner's interest. The store on Main street, which deals in
buggies, harness and a large line of farm implements will now be conducted under
the name of R. L. Miller.
New and Miller first started business in Rochester 11 years ago, when they
bought out Edward Collins. Mr. Miller at that time moved from Macy where he had
been in business. Mr. New has no definite plans for the future.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 10, 1917]
A business transaction of considerable import was consummated late Thursday
afternoon whereby the R.L. Miller Hardware and Implement Store becomes the
property of Vere S. Calvin and Paul Myers, both of Rochester. The new
proprietors took immediate possession of the store.
The store, which will become Calvin & Myers Hardware, will carry a complete
stock of general hardware, Oliver farming implements and household and farm
appliances. The harness-making and repair department will be continued, the new
owners stated in an interview today.
Mr. Calvin, senior member of the new firm, has resigned from his position with
the McMahan Construction Co., and Paul Myers, who has been manager of the Farm
Bureau in this city will tender his resignation within the next few days. Both
men are well and most favorably known in the business field of this community
and their new venture should prove a most successful one.
R. L. Miller, who has been engaged in the hardware business in this city for a
long number of years, plans to retire from active duties. Mr. Miller has been in
ill health for the past several months. An announcement advertisement of the
hardware firm appears elsewhere in this issue.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 2, 1937]
MILLER INSURANCE, ARTHUR E. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Miller & Mitchell
One of the most important factors in the upbuilding of a community is the proper
protection of property. Mr. Miller who handles insurance is one of the most
important assets that a community can have. It is through the efforts of
insurance experts that the property is kept properly insured and the community
is protected against home and industrial losses.
How many times have you read an account of a disasterous fire with the notation,
"no insurance" which means that some man has sufferd a great financial
loss that could have been avoided had he consulted some reliable insurance
expert such as this community can boast of.
He furnishes a complete service, and you can depend upon the advice and
information given you whether you are interested in real estate or insurance.
A thorough knowledge of the state insurance laws and the rules and regulations
of the insurance companies has equipped this office for the particular field of
endeavor. He is able to tell you what kind of insurance you should carry, how
the policies should be written, what precautions can be taken that will aid in
the reduction of the premiums and how you can get the maximum of insurance at
the minimum of expense.
When you receive a policy from this well known office of insurance you can rest
assured that your property is amply protected in some of the largest insurance
companies of the world. A careful selection of companies and a clean and
straighforward manner of doing business has won this office a large clientage in
this part of the state.
When this office writes a policy for you their service does not end there. He
keeps a record of the policy and notifies you of any changes in the insurance
laws or any other matter that would be of vital interest to you and your
property. He will not allow your insurance to lapse without notifying you in
ample time to reinsure and will keep you informed on all matters pertaining to
your policy and it is this kind of service that has won for the office the
confidence of the public and has been responsible for their increasing number of
clients. Always progressive and looking to the best interests of the community
at all times this office has become one of the leading offices of the community
and a big asset to the industrial and home life of this section of the state.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, August 17, 1922]
MILLER-JONES SHOE STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
Miller-Jones Company will open a new Shoe and Hosiery Store at 726 Main Street
this city, Saturday, Nov. 12th. This store-room has been completely remodeled
with a splendid new front, and a bright and shiny interior, complete with
counters, shelving, fitting stools, and floor covering.
Miller-Jones Company is now operating 180 shoe and hosiery stores located
chiefly in the central and north-central states. They will carry a complete line
of shoes and hosiery, all moderate prices, in size runs and styles to suit the
needs and requirements of every member of the family. This includes both staple
and style items for street, sports, and evening occasions, and in addition,
includes tennis, leather and rubber boots, house slippers, work shoes, and a
splendid line of storm rubber footwear. Miller-Jones hosiery represents a
combination of unusual style and value, and has been generally accepted by
discriminating buyers.
Connected With Factory
Miller-Jones occupies an unusual position in that it is closely connected with
one of this country's largest shoe manufacturers, who has been operating
factories and producing a well-known line of accepted footwear for more than
fifty years. This shoe manufacturer is now operating eight factories in one of
the central states, employing daily over 3,000 workers. This fortunate
affiliation enables Miller-Jones Company to be constantly supplied with a steady
flow of uniform and stylish footwear, well-made and serviceable, offering
comfort and style, as well as economical prices that fit the average pocketbook.
A candidate for the responsible position of store manager for Miller-Jones
Company after careful selection, if approved, undergoes a thorough examination,
followed by an intensive period of training. Foremost in this training course,
is a study and analysis of foot requirements, so that when completion of this
part of the course, the manager is thoroughly competent with reference to the
adaptability of certain lasts and styles of shoes to particular feet. In
addition, he is groomed in a thorough knowledge of correct style and color
trends, both in footwear and hosiery.
Leon Myers is the manager of the new Miller-Jones store here in Rochester, and
with his wife will, of course, become a resident of this city, as all managers
are requird to live in the city where their store is operated. Mr. Myers comes
highly recommended having served successfully as manager of the Greenfield, Ind.
Like all Miller-Jones managers, he will take an active part in civic and
community affairs in Rochester, and will participate in those community projects
that are approved by the majority of his fellow-citizens.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 11, 1938]
Howard Cross is the new manager of the Miller-Jones shoe store inRochester,
coming here from the Kokomo stote. Mr. Cross's wife and daughter will follow in
a few days.
Leon Myers, who has been managing the store here for some time, is taking over
the managership of the Miller-Jones store in Michigan City. He and his wife and
daughter, Barbara, are leaving immediately for their new home in Michigan City.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 16, 1940]
MILLER MILLINERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Millinery. Miss Helen A. Miller . . at her rooms north of the Central House . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 30, 1868]
[Adv] Mrs. Miller's stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods is complete in
everything the ladies want. - - - -New Store, opposite court house. - - - MRS.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 8, 1879]
[Adv] Bazaar Ribbon Sale. Being overstocked with ribbons of all numbers,
shades and qualities, we have inaugurated a cut price sale to continue 30 days.
Half Price for all goods on this counter. TRUE & WHITTENBERGER, Successors
to Mrs. Miller.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 3, 1893]
Fred E. Miller's Standard Service Station is going great guns at the [NE] corner
of Main and Tenth streets. Formal opening of the station will be held soon, but
in the meantime, Fred is doing a nice gasoline, oil and lubricating business.
Latest type automatic equipment has been installed in the station. As a
get-acquainted feature the station is offering valuable premium certificates.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 20, 1941]
MILLER & CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
H. Miller & Co., in the north part of Holmes & Miller Bldg. Hugh Miller,
H. G. Miller and Chas. Caffyn, have opened a new store stock purchased at
Cincinnati. " . . . you will find Gavin and Charley very pleasant, and you
will occasionally find the Old Judge there to help give you bargains."
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 27, 1864]
Dry Goods. We are happy to see Mr. I. W. Holeman formerly of this place, but
late of LaPorte, with a huge stock of Dry Goods Groceries, &c., which he is
arranging in the room recently occupied by H. Miller & Co. Mr. H. is an old
citizen of this place and a veteran in the trade, which advantage his old
customers have learned we bespeak for him a large "run," as he is
"at home" it isnt necessary for us to say more. Remember the place,
Holmes & Miller's Block West Side Public Square.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, December 14, 1865]
MILLER & KEITH [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Drugs and Medicines - - - - MILLER & KEITH, Citizens Block, South of
Public Square.
[Rochester, Sentinel, Saturday, February 23, 1884]
Drug Store
The trade in drugs, from the nature of the articles delt in, is a business the
successful prosecution of which requires special training and of long and most
vivid experience. As the whole world furnishes the materials, so must the
knowledge of the conditions of the supply and demand be equally extensive.
As to the extent of the business we can gain some idea by reflecting upon the
countless variety of drugs and patent medicines found in the ordinary drug
store. There is no ill to "which flesh is heir" for which there is not
some specific remedy, and every year adds to the number of the various cures.
There are several houses engaged in the drug trade in this city, and prominent
among them is the establishment of MILLER & KEITH.
This popular house was established in the year 1881 by Mr. G. I. MILLER who
conducted the business alone for one year, then selling one-half interest to Mr.
G. P. KEITH, changing the firm name to Miller & Keith. Their house is
located in Citizens Block, south side of public square. Messrs. Miller &
Keith carry a large and most complete stock of drugs, chemicals, patent
compounds, paints, painters supplies, oils, varnishes &c. They also carry
the largest line of mixed paints to be found in the city, their specialty in
this line being the "Old Reliable" pioneer brand, manufactured at
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, also the Red Seal lead, manufactured at St. Louis,
Missouri. These goods have a reputation that places them as "Peers"
with all competitors.
At this house a fine line of perfumes, toilet articles, artists materials,
school books and supplies, hanging lamps, fine pocket cutlery, scissors, razors,
in fact everything to be found in a first class drug and notion house can be had
at Messrs. Miller & Keith's. The patronage of this house has enjoyed a
steady and healthy increase every year since it was founded, and has continued
to grow in public favor. They use the utmost caution in compounding drugs and
enjoy the fullest confidence of the people generally.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 29, 1888]
[Adv] Highest Bicycle Honors at the World's Fair were awarded to RAMBLER
Bicycles - - - MILLER & KEITH, Agents.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, April 3, 1896]
Rochester has a new drug store -- at an old stand. You will find Zellars at
Miller & Keith's former location, south of the court house, with a most
complete line.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 22, 1913]
The hardware store at Akron, formerly owned by W. C. Miller will now be known as
Miller and Kroft, the latter buying an interest last week.The store was closed
for four days to invoice. Thirteen years ago Mr. Miller made a change when he
bought out his partner, C. E. Zartman, and 13 years previous to that time,
Miller and Zartman began business in Akron.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 14, 1921]
Millinery. Misses Miller & McClung would announce to the ladies of Rochester
and vicinity, that they have opened a Millinery shop in Ed Chamberlain's
building, north of Wallace's Block. . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 12, 1866]
MILLER & MITCHELL [Rochester, Indiana]
See Miller Ins., Arthur E.
Located at 630-1/2 Main; later moved to 616 Main.
Owned by Arthur E. Miller and his son-in-law, Fred Mitchell.
Sold business to Smith, Sawyer & Smith.
[Adv] Auto Collision Insurance REDUCED - - - - FRED MITCHELL, ARTHUR E.
MILLER, Agents.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, May 28, 1928]
[Adv] MILLER & MITCHELL, General Insurance - - - - A. E. Miller, res.
446-J, Fred Mitchell, Res. 327-W. 630-1/2 Main St., Phone 27, Rochester, Ind.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, September 25, 1934]
Fred Mitchell of the insurance firm of Miller & Mitchell today announced the
opening of a travel department in connection with the insurance agency business.
The war years have restricted travel, Mitchell said, and it seems reasonable to
believe that many persons will soon be planning on places to go. With this in
mind he has made contacts with representative agencies and carriers,
specializing on world tours, or lesser trips, such as Bermuda, Jamaica, Central
and South America and Mexico, and is in position to discuss travel possibilities
or make reservations for these trips.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, December 11, 1945]
MILLER & NEFF [Rochester, Indiana]
On east Washington street, is one of the places of which Rochester may well be
Mr. Miller, who seems to be principal business manager, showed us around, and if
his business qualifications equal his social qualities, he is certainly a
success. The first place visited was the trimming department which is a small
room, fitted up especially for that purpose, and containing a mammoth Weed
sewing machine, which we were informed is capable of sewing half-inch boards
with apparent ease. The trimming, so far as we are capable of judging, is done
in a style equal to that found in large towns and manufactories.
The paint shop is also in the second story. The fine painting is done by Mr.
Miller's son, who from long practice and much experience does his work in the
highest style of the art, and undoubtedly understands that branch of the
business thoroughly. He occupies two rooms and we had an opportunity of
examining the work in all its various stages.
The wood work is done on the first floor, where we found Mr. A. F. McFarland,
whom we have known for fourteen years as a fine carriage maker, and
understanding all its various branches and departments he is able to put up as
fine work as can be made anywhere. He has been employed by these gentlemen for
the winter, and is now engaged in getting up some new styles of buggies and
carriages which will compete with any other manufactory in the State. The wheels
used are the new improved Warner, which have the dove tailed spokes.
From the wood department we entered the show room where spring wagons,
carriages, buggies, Phaetons, sleighs, &c., are kept on exhibition for sale.
This work has every appearance of being first-class in every particular, and
will undoubtedly compare favorably with that done in any of our surrounding
The wood work, iron work, painting and trimming is all done, so far as we are
able to judge, in a superb style, and all the various vehicles manufactured are
elegant, stylish and durable.
The Hunter spring wagon is something new, and is just the thing for farmers.
Here is also the heavy spring wagon, round back Phaeton, double and single
seated Barouche, trotting buggy, and the Jenny Lind, painted in cherry, orange,
black, and all the beautiful high colors usually seen in first-class
This firm is now turning out work at prices to suit all customers, ranging from
$125 to $300, and considering the fact that these men are gentlemen, fair
dealers and worthy of patronage, it would be but reasonable and right that they
should receive their full share of attention from the purchasers of this county.
We say again that no person should think of sending abroad for any article that
can be manufactured as well and as cheap here.
[Rochester Union-Spy, Thursday, December 11, 1873]
MILLER & SONS, GEO. J. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Handles like a Single Row -- cultivates twice as fast. - - - - CASE, Full
Line of Case Quality Farm Machines. GEO. J. MILLER & SONS, Phone 134, Corner
Main & 5th St.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 16, 1931]
Geo. J. Miller & Sons today announced to the public that on and after March
1 they will occupy the garage building located at 623-625 Main street where they
will carry a full line of farm machinery and parts. This firm which located in
the Brackett bulding at the [SE] corner of Main and 5th about two years ago, has
enjoyed such an ever increasing patronage among the farmers of Fulton county
that more space is now needed and the change of location was deemed necessary.
Mr. Miller announced today that they will operate 24 hour daily service for gas
and oils for the motoring public and will also have expert mechanics to render
day or night service in all sorts of farm machinery and automobiles as well. The
task of moving the large stock of machinery will begin tomorrow and will be
completed some time next Monday, the proprietors stated.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 24, 1932]
Harley Haggerty and Dale Kessler have leased the building at 621-623 North Main
Street and will operate a garage and filling station. George J. Miller and Sons
who have operated an implement business in the building for the past year have
moved to Logansport. The move was made early this week. Mr. Haggerty and Mr.
Kessler are well known in this city. Mr. Haggerty has been the manager of the
Linco Oil Company filling station of North Main street, resigning the position
to lease the garage. Carl Biddinger has assumed the management of the filling
station. At the Haggerty and Kessler garage the Phillips Ol Company products
will be sold.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, September 1, 1932]
MILLER & THOMPSON [Rochester, Indiana]
Drs. Miller & Thompson . . . have commenced the practice of the medical
profession . . . Office is one door South of Holmes & Millers new building.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, November 19, 1863]
Located S side of street at 110 W. Rochester.
See Miller Hardware.
[Adv] Buggies and Surreys. About March 1st I will open a room in the
Arlington Block with the finest line of Buggies, Surreys and Light Harness ever
shown in Rochester MILLER & ZARTMAN will also make my place headquarters for
the sale of the McCormick Harvesting Machinery, Corn Shredders, Threshers,
Clover Hullers, etc. Give us a call before buying. ISOM R. NEW.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 21, 1900]
Miller & Zartman, the carriage and implement dealers, have removed their
stock from the room in the Arlington block to their store at Akron. They have
not decided whether they will run their branch here next year or not.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 18, 1891
The hardware store at Akron, formerly owned by W. C. Miller will now be known as
Miller and Kroft, the latter buying an interest last week.The store was closed
for four days to invoice. Thirteen years ago Mr. Miller made a change when he
bought out his partner, C. E. Zartman, and 13 years previous to that time,
Miller and Zartman began business in Akron.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 14, 1921]
Eli ZARTMAN, age 50, one of the leading business men of Kewanna and well known
over Fulton county, died at the Baldwin hospital Tuesday evening in Peru as the
result of a stroke of apoplexy.
Mr. Zartman has been ill for over a year and about two weeks ago he was taken to
a hospital in Peru. During the last few days it was thought he would recover and
his death Tuesday evening was totally unexpected.
Eli Zartman had a varied business experience in this county and during his 30
years of active life made a comfortable fortune. He was born near Macy, the son
of Jackson ZARTMAN, who died about 22 years ago, also a victim of apoplexy. When
about 22 years of age, Mr. Zartman entered the threshing business, in which he
stayed for several years. He then started a store at Leiters Ford and sold
harness and implements for two years, then moved to Macy and entered the meat
business with Lee MILLER, now of this city.
Selling out a year later, Mr. Zartman again entered the implement business at
Macy with Harry RUNKLE with whom he remained for over a year, then moved to
Akron and with Wm. C. MILLER started another implement and hardware store. Mr.
Miller and Mr. Zartman remained together for 13 years, after which the latter
sold his interest to his partner.
Mr. Zartman then started a hardware store at Kewanna where he has been for the
last eight years.
Through all of his business transactions Mr. Zartman made many friends and
always had the reutation of being on the square. He was a diligent man and
because of his ceasless activity, became afflicted about a year ago with nervous
trouble, which later caused his death.
Mr. Zartman leaves a wife and adopted daughter, Imogene ZARTMAN, and three
brothers, Charles [ZARTMAN], Irvin [ZARTMAN] and Samuel ZARTMAN who live east of
Fulton. Mr. Zartman was a member of the Methodist church.
The funeral will be held at Macy Friday morning at 10:30, the body being taken
direct to that town.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, December 30, 1914]
MILLERS GARAGE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] We Repair Auto Electrical Equipment, Batteries, Starters, Generators and
Ignition. MILLERS GARAGE. Phone 100.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, February 5, 1925]
[Adv] The Spartons Are Here - - - - SPARTON RADIO, The Pathfinder of the Air.
MILLER'S GARAGE, 315 E. 9th Street, Phone 100.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 31, 1926]
MILLICE, J. W. [Rochester, Indiana]
On or about April 10th a brand new stock of staple and fancy groceries will be
opened by J. W. Millice in the room formerly occupied by Shannon Mackey. This
will be a spic and span store and a fine addition to Rochester business
interests. Everything in the line of fresh and up-to-date groceries will be
carried and special inducements will be given to both city and country trade.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 5, 1906]
[Adv] J. A. KARN & SON, Successors to J. W. Millice. Dealers in Staple
and Fancy Groceries. - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 1, 1911]
MILLICE, WILLIAM [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington
[Adv} NOTE Our Window Display, Childrens hats 25 cents, Sports, Crushers and
others 50 cents. Panamas and a variety of Hats, $2.00. Millinery and Artcraft
Shop, Arminta Richardson, Proprietor, Cor. Main and 5th Streets.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, May 17, 1918]
MILLINERY EMPORIUM [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] REMOVAL. Mrs. Mattie Steman and Miss Etta Rannells have removed their
MILLINERY EMPORIUM to the room formerly occupied by Mrs. Barkdoll. It has been
newly fitted up and a bright new stock of Spring goods just opened. - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, March 9, 1892]
MILLISER, DALE [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Dale Milliser)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Dale Milliser)
MILLISER, ISAAC [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
Isaac Milliser. - He was born in Marion County, Ohio, January 19, 1835, and came
with his parents to this county when he was twelve years old. His parents were
Henry and Elizabeth Milliser; the former was born in Pennsylvania not many miles
from Harper's Ferry, Va., and moved to Marion County, Ohio, when quite young,
and afterward came to this county and settled on a farm in the northwestern part
of Rochester Township. In September, 1861, Isaac married Mary J. Bailey, but she
deceased Novemer 23, 1865; she was the daughter of William Bailey, who is spoken
of in this work. In October, 1870, he again married; this time to Mary E. Sales,
daughter of John and Nancy Sales. Her father died March 23, 1880. By his first
wife Mr. Milliser has one child, Eza Cora, born December 9, 1864; and by the
present Mrs. Milliser he has John H., Malinda and Milo. They are all good,
respectable citizens, industrious and well thought of by their neighbors.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 34]
MILLISER, JACOB [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Jacob Milliser has removed his barber shop to the brick building opposite
the Baptist church and now has one of the finest tonsorial establishments in the
city where only first-class work is done. - - - -
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 17, 1883]
MILLISER'S BATH ROOMS [Rochester, Indiana]
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, therefore to keep clean you should pay
frequent visits to Milliser's bath rooms, opposite the Central House, which are
open day and night. On Friday of each week they will be open for ladies, with a
lady attendant. Everything is new, neat and clean.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 17, 1883]
MILLS, JAMES M. [Liberty Township]
James M. Mills, for twenty years a farmer in Liberty township, was born in Grant
county, Indiana, April 27, 1864, the son of Jonathan and Margaret (Druckemiller)
Mills, the former a native of Ohio and the latter being born in Wayne county,
Indiana. The subject's paternal grandfather, Curtis Mills, was one the of first
settlers of Grant county, where after taking up a homestead, he remained for the
rest of his life. Jacob and Polly (Gottshall) Druckemiller, the maternal
grandparents, were of German extraction and came from Pennsylvania at an early
date to settle in Grant county, Indiana, where they remained until their deaths.
Jonathan Mills was educated in the public schools of Wayne county and later
removed to Grant county, remaining there until his death. His widow is still
living at the advanced age of eighty-nine in Marion, Indiana. James M. Mills
received his education in the public schools of Grant County, and some time
afterward went to Alabama, staying there for five years. Twenty years ago he
came to Fulton county and purchased the farm which he now owns in Liberty
township. He has made his home on this farm ever since his advent into the
county with the exception of four years spent in the town of Fulton. In addition
to the eighty acre farm he is the possessor of eight acres elsewhere in the
county and has built the fine home which now stands on his land. Although this
is the age of specialized production, he has never confined his activities to
one branch of agriculture, preferring rather to pursue a course in general
farming, in which he has been eminently successful. In 1888, he married
Christine Snyder who was reared by a Mr. Miller, and to this union two children
have been born: Fred, a farmer in this county; and Earl, a tinner of Fulton. He
is a devout member of the United Brethren church and was a trustee at the time
when the new church and parsonage were built. He was elected and served one term
as township trustee, but this one term proved to be one of the most beneficial
to the township, for during this time he built the new High school building
which is a credit not only to Fulton but also to the entire township. He has
always been public spirited and keenly interested in behalf of every worthy
movement for the civic betterment of his home community.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 245-246, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
MILLS TANNERY [Rochester, Indiana]
Isaac C. Mills would inform the citizens of Fulton and adjoining counties that
he has opened an establishment for Tanning, dressing and coloring to order, all
kinds of peltries, such as Deer skins, mink, rat, sheep pelts, with or without
the wool. He is also prepared to manufacture for gloves and buckskin mittins,
Ladies and Gents tippits, caps, and any other article pertaining to the trade. .
. Shop on Washington street second house east of Storm's Shoe shop. March 20,
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 24, 1860]
Fancy Tanning. Sheep Pelts, deer skins, and all kinds of Furs tanned and
colored. Also manufactured into Ladies Tippetts, &c. Gloves and Mittens
made, of every style. Sheep Pelts tanned and made into Robes.
Residence East of the Mansion House, Rochester, Indiana. I. C. Mills, March 22,
[Rochester Mercury, Thursday March 29, 1860]
MINER, C. T. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
MINER, M. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Bands
The name of M. L. Miner, of this place, has been suggested as a candidate for
Prosecuting Attorney for the Common Pleas District for Fulton and Pulaski
Counties. Mr. Miner has signified his willingness to accept if elected.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, September 25, 1858]
[Adv. - One Complete Treatment Absolutely Free! We are always busy, but if you
are suffering with rheumatism, stomach trouble, high blood pressure, catarrh,
indigestion, piles, nervousness, dropsy, bright's disease, diabetes or other
forms of skin or kidney trouble, we will give you one free treatment any day
during week of March 12th to 17th. - J. F. Class, Mineral Fume Bath Parlors,
Corner Fifth and Fulton, Roc
hester, Indiana]
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, March 12, 1923]
MINERAL WELLS FARM [Rochester Township]
Located E side of 575E and 1/4 mile N of 200S.
[Thomas Carpenter Family, Walter F. Carpenter, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
See: Hotels, Mineral Wells Hotel
MINGLIN, ROBERT J. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Robert J. Minglin)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Robert J. Minglin}
Miss Esther Wharton of South Bend is the new owner and manager of The Miniature
Dress Shoppe, formerly owned and operated by Mrs. G. L. Kyger for the past five
years, and being a very successful business woman has built up anestablished
trade, retiring becase of ill health.
Miss Wharton, who has had five years experience in South Bend, will stock the
shoppe with a complet line of dresses for ladies who are hard to fit, Misses and
Junior dresses, Gotham Gold Stripe hosiery, Goldette lingerie and millinery.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 19, 1940]
Mrs. Mary E. Riggs has purchased the Miniature Shop from Miss Esther Wharton and
will continue to operate the shop with a complete line of hats, dresses,
lingerie, hosiery and costume jewelry. Mrs.Riggs, a former Kewanna resident, has
been living in Chicago for some time. She has taken an apartment in Rochester at
481 East Ninth street, while her husband will continue his work as insurance
adjuster in Chicago.
The Miniature Shop is undergoing extensive remodeling and the grand opening will
be held Saturday, March 29th. Mrs. Riggs was employed for five years in the
dress market in Chicago where she designed and fitted dresses for the Lovely
Frock Company. She plans to make a buying trip to Chicago every two or three
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, March 27, 1941]
See Petite Golf Course
See Tom Thumb Course
See Akron Tom Thumb Golf Course
See Edico Miniature Golf, White City
Harry Rannells, manager of the Bass Lake Park at Bass Lake, who is a former
resident of this city, has erected a miniature golf course at his amusement
resort. The park has frontage on a state highway.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 25, 1930]
The west side of town now boasts of its own miniature golf course and the
owners, architects and laborers, all of whom are one and same, say they would
not trade it for another in the middle west. It is located on a lot on West
Ninth street.
The nine hole outlay was built by Tribbit Biddinger, Frank Raymer and Dick
Brackett, the three youths being the owners and promoters. It is a very clever
piece of work and every hole shows ingenuity and originality on the part of the
boys. Stove pipes, tile, children slides, bricks, and fencing and what not has
been used to construct the fairways and obstacles while the greens are sand.
Already the course has attracted all the youthful population of that section of
town and it is apparent that the boys are going to do a big business whether
they can collect any money or not.
[The News-Sent inel, Thursday, August 7, 1930]
MINIATURE HAT SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] You are cordially invited to attend the opening of THE MINIATURE HAT SHOP,
showing a complete line of spring millinery. Formal Opening March 1st from 3
until 10. Main St. Entrance, Barrett Hotel, Rochester, Ind.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 26, 1935]
An attractive, ultra-modern millinery shop will hold its formal opening in the
Barrett Hotel building, Friday afternoon, March 1st. This new business addition
to the city of Rochester is owned and managed by Mrs.Wayne DuHadway, of this
Mrs. DuHadway, who is an experienced milliner, will have on display the latest
dictates of fashion for milady's spring and summer millinery wear. The new
millinery will be known as "The Miniature Hat Shop."
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 27, 1935]
The Miniature Hat and Dress Shoppe has been sold to Mrs. G. L. Kyger of
Plymouth, Indiana, who will be assisted by her daughter Miss Roberta Kyger.
They are both well qualified to manage the business, having had many years
experience in the South and in this part of the country.
The new firm will soon remodel and redecorate to meet every requirement of the
The new stock and style merchandise will be selected by Mrs. Kyger and the
opening will be announced in the near future. The store will continue to be open
while being redecorated.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 6, 1936]
MINTER, OTIS I. [Rochester, Indiana]
In May, 1899, Otis I. Minter of this county, then living at Lake Nyona, enlisted
in the United States Army for service in the Philippine Islands, in China, on
the Mexican Border and in the World War, and has served in grades from Private
to Lieutenant Colonel.
Mr. Minter is at present a Warrant Officer of the Army and stationed at the Erie
Ordinance Depot, Lacarne, Ohio. Under an act of Congress he will retire with his
war time rank of captain but will retain his status of Lieutenant Colonel in the
Reserve Corps.
Mrs. Minter is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Shesler of Akron and a sister of
Mrs. Ae. Adams of Rochester. She had accompanied Mr. Minter to many distant
parts of the world.
They will leave Ohio in a few weeks and make an extended trip to the Pacific
Coast after which they will return to Indiana and reside either in Rochester or
Indianapolis. He will be "ordered home to await retirement" in a few
weeks and will be actually retired in October of this year.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 24, 1936]
The Rochester city council on Tuesday evening accepted the resignation of Mayor
O. I. Minter, who gave ill health as his reason, and appointed Councilman
Charles Ambler as mayor pro-tempore to serve until a new selection can be made.
Captain Minter's decision to relinquish the office came as a complete surprise,
a council spokesman revealed today. Although it was known that his physical
condition was not the best, it was generally assumed that he would be able to
finish out his present tenure, which began Jan. 1, 1939, and was extended by
re-election in 1942. He has been the only chief municipal exective to serve the
city as a full time mayor.
Served Army 30 Years
Captain Minter, a retired army officer of 30 years service, spent much time
during his military career in the Philippines. Dring World War I, he attained
the temporary rank of lieutenant colonel, but was retired with the grade of
captain. Since his retirement and his return to Rochester as a private citizen,
he has been active in Republican politics and in the affairs of the Spanish War
Veterans and the American Legion. He plans soon to enter a government hospital
for treatment.
Maoyr Pro-tempore Charles Ambler has served six and one-half years as a city
councilman, and as chairman of the city park committee and is well versed in the
problems of city administration. He too, is a Republican. He plans no change in
present appointees, it was stated this morning.
Under the law the council will have until July 20 to select a permanent mayor to
serve the remainder of the present term of office.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, July 10, 1945]
South Bend., Oct. 24. (UPS) - Otis I. Minter, 64, former mayor of Rochester,
Ind., was arraigned in federal district court in South Bend this afternoon, and
pleaded guilty to two of three charges of postal violations.
Mr. Mintr, who resigned as Mayor of Rochester in July, is charged with mailing
questionable matter through the mail. The third count, that of mailing
photographs was dropped.
Wearing a dark blue suit, the ex-mayor saluted the judge, Luther M. Swigert,when
he took his place before the judge with his counsel, George N. Beamer. Minter is
a retired army officer, having reached a temporary rank of lieutenant colonel.
The Rochester man is alleged to have carried on correspondence with persons in
Duncansville, Pa., and Columbus, Ohio. The indictment charging him with the
offense was returned by the federal grand jury Sept. 21.
Since retiring as mayor he has been under treatment in the veterans' hospital in
The case was referred to the probation officer before sentencing.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, October 24, 1945]
MINTER & MORGAN [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] A word to the Public! We have put in a stock of Harness, Robes, Whips,
Etc., in the room south of Allspach's Meat Market. - - - Repairing of Boots,
Shoes and Harness - - - MINTER & MORGAN.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 4, 1896]
MIRACLE PRESSED STONE CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
Located 617 Main.
Mfgrs. of the Miracle hollow block.
[Adv] MIRACLE Hollow Blocks for building. - - - We make blocks to order and
carry some in stock at our factory. - - - THE MIRACLE PRESSED STONE CO., Factory
150 N. Main St., Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, June 10, 1904]
The manufacture of cement building block by the Miracle Pressed Stone Co.,
composed of A. F. Bowers and John S. Dickey, is introducing a new article for
foundations and even for walls of buildings. The stone are made in a press, and
are composed of gravel and cement and have the appearance of a high quality sand
stone. They are made in four different styles, hammered, smoothly beveled and
rock face and in several different sizes. A wall has been built of the stone on
the Bowers lot on Main street, and is indeed a beauty, and shows that a building
of the same would make an exceedingly handsome residence or business block.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, June 14, 1904]
MITCHELL, A. C. [Rochester, Indiana]
A. C. Mitchell Monday afternoon sold his half-interest in the Nobby's Restaurant
at 804 Main street to his son-in-law and partner John Hoover. The two men have
owned the cafe for the past three years. Mr. Hoover will continue to operate the
establishment. Mr. Mitchell who is 93 years of age decided to retire from the
business because of his wife's illness which has confined her to her bed for the
past nine months and because of his advanced age. Nobby's Restaurant is the
oldest eating house in the city. It has been in operation for the past 40 years.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 2, 1928]
MITCHELL, CAROL [Rochester, Indiana]
Pupils of Rochester public schools were among the winners in the 16th Annual
International Poster contest of the Latham Foundation for the Promotion of
Humane Education, it was recently announced from headquarters of the
organization, in Oakland, Calif.
Carol Mitchell, of Columbia school, won a first prize in Group H and a
certificate of Merit was awarded to Sue Belle Taylor.
A certificate of Merit also was awarded to Milton Thacker, of Rochester high
"The work from junior and senior high schools was especially fine this
year, with a wider variation of ideas and slogans," writes John T. de
Lemos, art director of the Foundation.
Over 6,000 posters were entered in this year's contest from all over the United
States, Canada, Hawaii, Jamaica, Venezuela and North West Indies.
Many winning posters will be on exhibition in the San Francisco Museum of Art
and the Y.M.C.A., San Francisco, during the month of May.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, May 28, 1941]
Carol Mitchell, 11-year-old winner of the local National Defense Poster contest
sponsored by Frank G. Hubbard, was this morning presented the first place prize
of an $18.75 National Defense Bond by Mayor O. I. Minter in the City Hall. - - -
- [presentation speech by Mayor Minter - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, June 14, 1941]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
Let me t ell you of the extraordinary, Carol Mitchell, or remind you if you
already know about her. Born and bred in Rochester, she was 21 years old in 1951
and had developed inio a remarkable young woman: charming, poised and
intelligent; possessing an arresting beauty and unusual, captivating artistic
All of which brought her in that summer of 1951 the title of Miss Indiana, in
the first beauty contest she ever entered, and with it the right to compete for
Miss America at that nonpareil of beauty pageants.
And then, at Atlantic City on September 8 she was singled out to be Miss
America's First Runner-Up, won a $3,000 college scholarship and a whirlwind,
three-week visit to New York City where she was regaled with stage, screen and
television opportunities. Altogether, it was an astonishing performance for this
rural small-town Midwesterner.
Many persons, however, were just as astonished that she was not the Miss America
of 1952, rather than Coleen Kay Hutchins of Salt Lake City. Walter Winchell,
famous Broadway columnist, thought Carol should have won and wrote that it would
have been so, if one judge had not changed his vote at the last minute.
Surprisingly, she was the only one of five finalists not to win any preliminary
competition even though her dancing marionettes and quickly-drawn, amusing
caricatures unusual talent for Miss America competition - had brought
enthusiastic audience reaction. Her ingratiating personality also had won her
support from many newspeople covering the event and encouragement from pageant
A United Press newsman, a veteran of Miss America pageants, wrote at the time:
'I hate to jinx a swell gal like Carol Mitchell ... but I think the pretty,
brown-haired Miss
Indiana could well become Miss America. Carol has what a lot of others don't
Poise, a flock of know how and a couple of other things that count these days in
the run for Miss A. $50,000: talent and personality. She has a bunch of
F'or her talent presentation at the finals Carol presented two marionette dances
and two sketches in her three-minute allotment. Miss Hutchins, the oldest winner
at the time (25 years) and tallest (6 feet), was more traditional, performing a
scene from 'Elizabeth the Queen,' a classic 17th century work.
Carol, who today is Mrs. Carl Bennett of Fort Wayne, expresses no bitterness in
these recollections: such reaction would be foreign to her nature, one senses..
As to the accuracy of Winchell's report of the changed vote, she remembers only
that all five finalists waited a long time for the decision after each had
answered the same three questions from Emcee Bob Evans. Miss Hutchins was a
talented dramatist and believes Coleen's reading may have impressed some judges
more than did her unfamiliar puppetry and caricatures.
Her memories of the pageant week are rosy, particularly friendships made despite
the intense competitiveness among the contestants; she still corresponds with
one or two of them. She was accompanied by her mother, Mildred, and an official
chaperone, Mrs. Imogene Bendler of Gary. Father E.L. Mitchell stayed home with
his dying mother, Mrs. Grant Mitchell, whose death during the week was kept from
Carol until pageant's end.
Hugh A. Barnhart, then the publisher of this newspaper, and wife Martha went
along for support and to report to the people back home. The fact that her
hometown newspaper published a special edition filled with stories and photos of
her and with well wishes from the community still astounds her. Copies of it
made a big impression on the other girls and on pageant officials: nothing like
it ever had been done for a contestant.
Becoming Number Two wasn't all that bad. During her trip to New York City , she
was introduced on the Ed Sullivan television show, sketched the host on the Ken
Murray television show, was given a screen test by 20th Century Fox, was offered
an ingenue part in the road company of "Guys and Dolls," did some
fashion modeling and listened to numerous opportunities for a television career.
(She had rejected performing on the Sullivan show because they wanted her to
appear in a swim suit.)
Big-city show biz could not seduce her, though; she was determined to complete
her senior year in art education at Indiana University and already had a regular
television show in Bloomington. So she returned to Indiana, first to Rochester
where 1,000 home folks filled the seats, side aisles and lobby of the Times
Theatre to congratulate her and see her model her three pageant gowns.
It was her second such local reception. At the Colonial Hotel on Lake Manitou
before leaving for Atlantic City, she was showered with 41 gifts from the city's
business and professional leaders, 48 of whom also contributed $548 to help with
her pageant expenses.
Next Tuesday we shall report how this unusual young woman earned such affection,
how she spent her life after Atlantic City and how she is living it today, thus
concluding a reminiscence of one of our city's most prominent products.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 19, 1997]
Considered Comment
Jack K. Overmyer
The Carol Mitchell who performed with marionettes and a sketch pad before 15,000
people, at Atlantic City - and came within one vote of being Miss America of
1952 -- was a painfully shy child with eyeglasses and corrective shoes.
When she was 11, mother Mildred and Ruth Lichtenwalter, her third grade teacher
at Columbia elementary school in Rochester, devised a scheme to bring her out of
timidity: introduce her to the fantasy world of puppets. Father E.L. crafted a
small stage, her mother made the puppet costumes and, sure enough, she became
enraptured. It was wonderful, Carol remembers, to be able to express herself
through the puppets while unseen. Thereafter, she developed her sketching talent
and added dancing marionettes, or stringed puppets, to her repertoire. She still
has the special stage which father E.L. built for the marionettes. By the time
she was in Rochester High School, she and her parents were touring the state
with their Mitchell Marionettes act. Puppets and sketching have remained her
lifelong passions.
Carol lived here at 1328 Main Street with her parents, half-sister Marguerite,
brother Bob and sister Elaine. Her versatile father was a former school teacher
and superintedent, raised champion muck crop produce, developed hybrid seed
corns and helped organize the Fulton County REMC. Her artist mother also had
been a teacher and later was a beauty contestant in her own right as Fulton
County's lndiana Senior Queen. Both parents resumed teaching at Greenwood after
their children were raised.
It's a curious, neglected fact that Carol's path to Atlantic City was a
predestined one. When she entered Indiana University after her RHS graduation in
1948, her beauty and talent made an immediate impact at campus events and she
soon was performing for l.U. alumni at their club meetings around the state.
Claude Rich, the l.U. alumni secretary, made her known to the popular, national
American Magazine, which in March of 1951 published her photograph as "Coed
of the Month."
And that fixed her future, for one who saw the photo was Ruth McCandless,
assistant director of the Miss America pageant. She became an instant,
enthusiastic admirer and determined that Carol should be a Miss America
candidate. She urged the sponsoring Lafayette Jaycees to include Carol in their
upcoming Miss Indiana contest.
The Jaycees, in turn, asked the Rochester Chamber of Commerce to be her sponsor.
The local folks readily agreed and sought Carol's willingness. Although beauty
contests never had appealed to her, the possibility of winning a college
scholarship through this one was attractive and her father urged her to accept.
"What have you got to lose?" she recalls him. saying. So she entered
as Miss Rochester and became Miss Indiana by unanimous vote of judges. The rest,
as they say, is history.
After Atlantic City, Carol returned to I.U. to complete her art education
studies and spent a busy year as reigning Miss Indiana and Miss America's First
Runner-Up. She performed throughout Indiana and Midwestern states during
weekends, continued her regular children's program on Bloomington television and
even substituted twice for Sid Collins on his popuular Indianapolis sports
television show.
Frequently she made appearances in place of Miss America: at events disapproved
by Miss Hutchins Mormon Church or at modeling assignments when her 5-5 figure
was more appropriate for the fashions than was the taller Coleen's.
Returning to Atlantic City in 1952 as a television commentator for the pageant,
she got the chance to sketch Marilyn Monroe during that screen legend's
appearance there.
After her marriage to H. Leslie Popp Jr., who had been an end on Michigan's
winning 1951 Rose Bowl football team, the couple settled in his native Fort
Wayne. There for five years she was a popular television personality with her
"Carol and Corkic" show over NBC Channel 33. Corky the puppet
performed on. her left hand while her right hand did amusing sketches. She
taught puppeteerlng to women of her Junior League chapter for 20 years, composed
needlepoint designs for her Trinity English Lutheran Church and appeared
regularly at childrens' concerts of the Fort Wayne Symphony, projecting sketches
that enhanced the orchestra's musical stories.
Her life has not been without its misfortunes. Son H. Leslie Popp III was killed
at age 23 in a 1979 auto accident and her husband died in 1986. Her other child,
daughter Catherine Popp (Mrs. Frank Hoffman), is an attorney with her own
Indianapolis firm.
With her 1991 marrriage, to Carl Bennett, former coach and manager of the Fort
Wayne Zollner Pistons professional basketball team, Carol retired from
performing, taking up watercolor painting and golf. Earlier this month, however,
she joined sister Elaine to present a shadow puppetry show at a Florida
conference for teachers of the first six grades.
Elaine, who holds a doctorate in education, is the early intervention resource
teacher for Seminole County public schools at Orlando. Husband Bill Van Lue, a
Rochester native, is manager of the computer lab for Nova University. Brother
Bob also lives in Florida and half-sister Marguerite Frost resides in Mundelein,
If you ask Carol now to describe those heady, long-gone days surrounding the
Miss America pageant, she returns again and again to the enthusiastic, warm and
endless support given her by the people of Rochester. It was an outpouring of
affection, she says, that remains unforgettable in her heart.
As she remains here, too, for all those who knew her.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, August 26, 1997]
MITCHELL, CHARLES [Rochester, Indiana]
Chas Mitchell will open a cigar store in the room formerly occupied by Ditmire's
book store, in the near future. It will be called the Palace Cigar Store and
Reading Room.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 13, 1904]
The Western Union Telegraph Co. will run a line into Chas Mitchell's cigar store
election night and bulletins will be received there.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 4, 1904]
Charles Mitchell has moved his cigar and newspaper stand from the Main Barber
Shop at 720 Main street to the Arlington barber shop at 705 Main street.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, December 14, 1931]
Announcement was made today of the sale of the Sunday newspaper agency in this
city by Charles Mitchell to Frank Justice owner of the Arlington barber shop.
Mr. Mitchell has operated the agency for 35 years. The agency has been located
in the Arlington Barber Shop for several years and will continue to be operated
from this tonsorial parlor.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, April 17, 1939]
MITCHELL, CHARLES A., Sr. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington Hotel
By Charles A. Mitchell
Time, in Rochester and Fulton county, begins, with me, in the year 1837, when I
was three years of age. In that year, my mother, stepfather, Wm. Metz, and an
older brother, James O. Mitchell, a baby half-sister, and myself, came to
Rochester from Carroll county, Ind.
The new county seat, at that time, contained between three and four hundred
inhabitants. It had the distinction, then as now, of being one of the many
beautiful town sites of Northern Indiana. In addition, it had flattering
prospects of becoming a manufacturing center of some importance. After the
removal of the last of the Indians from this locality in 1838, the government
abandoned the grist mill at the outlet of the lake. This left the field clear
for profitable investment in the building of another grist mill, which was taken
advantage of by Alexander Chamberlain and his son-in-law, Anthony F. Smith,
brother of Hon. Milo R. Smith of this city. A survey and estimate of the average
flow of water from the lake, by the way of the outlet, showed that there could
be ample water power developed to meet the requirements of the grist mill and
other machinery, if a dam were placed across the outlet, on what is now Fourth
street. The same fill, or levee, is now used as a public highway between East
Rochester and Rochester. The grist mill was built at the east end of Third
street, one and one-half squares east of Main street. This improvement was
followed with a furniture factory, owned and managed by Jacob Kitt, husband of
Mrs. Anna Kitt, so long and favorably known by the middle-aged and older
residents of this city, who now lives at Goodland, near her son Alvin Kitt and
daughter, Mrs. Matilda Downing, the elder daughter, Mrs. Lyda Pugh and husband
reside here. This factory was located below the hill west of the Michigan road,
between the creek and where Mrs. Anna Metzler now lives, north of the Erie R.R.
tracks. This location was selected as the one most available for using the water
supply for the machinery, after it had done service at the mill above, the same
passing from mill to factory down a race constructed for that purpose, on the
south side of the creek. Here were manufactured chairs, bedsteads, cupboards,
bureaus, coffins and any and all articles that might be needed by the new comer,
the newly wed, or to bury the dead.
It had been discovered, by this time, that the marsh or bog lands in this
vicinity, contained deposits of iron ore. Iron, at that time, was very
expensive, compared to present prices, the supply reaching the various points
where needed in Northern Indiana, by the lakes and Wabash and Erie canal, then
by wagon to places where necessity demanded.
Messrs. James Moore and Butler, after giving the subject due consideration,
built a forge, or factory, for the purpose of making wrought iron from bog ore.
The factory was located just west of where B. O. Johnson lives. This site was
selected in order to get the necessary fall from the dam as the surplus water
from the pond, or reservoir above, was to furnish the power, conveyed to the
forge by a race constructed on the north side of the creek. Men were put to work
to locate ore deposits and build roads over the soft marsh lands to them, others
to digging the ore and some to hauling it to the factory, usually with oxen and
wagons. Contracts were let for cutting cord wood and burning charcoal, while
others were engaged in hauling coal to the forge. Those, with the number
required at the factory to keep the wheels moving, presented a busy scene that
would put life into the quiet conditions that prevail here at present, if they
could be duplicated. The large mass of molten ore was drawn from the ovens and
placed on an iron table or anvil, where they were given proper shape and finish
for the markets, by the skillful handling of experts, aided by the steady
strokes of a hammer, weighing five hundred pounds, attached to a handle or beam
twelve inches square and twelve feet long, which descended at the rate of about
four strokes per minute, with sufficient force to be heard from six to eight
miles, on clear, still mornings. This iron produced here was wrought billets,
weighing 200 lbs. each. The mill, not being equipped with machinery for the
manufacture of bar iron, was compelled to ship and sell its product in
unfinished condition. These industries gave Rochester promise of a bright
future, from a business view, that attracted the attention of persons seeking
locations for investment in lands, town lots and business enterprises. This was
before steam was counted as a factor in its application to the varied industries
for which it is now used, hence the location of a sight with sufficient water in
volume, with a fall that made its use practical, was considered valuable, and
was supposed to govern the location of all manufacturing industries that
required power to move its machinery. By reference to the location of water
power, as developed, it can be readily understood why all business, including
stores and shops, crowded to what is now North Main street.
In 1844 Messrs. Clark and Blair brought quite a large stock of general
merchandise from Michigan City, Ind., and occupied a room where Mrs. Anna
Metzler now lives, north of the Erie rail road. Later they built on the corner
of Main and Third streets, west side. About this same time Messrs. Rannells and
Maxwell built on the corner of Main street and Fourth where Hazlett Bros. are
located, and put in a heavy stock of merchandise. This was as far south as
business was pushed for several years. Finally Frederick Ault, father of Jud,
ventured one square farther, to the corner of Main and Fifth streets. This was
regarded as a wild venture and many of the wise fellows predicted failure.
It came to pass in the course of time, that death cast a shadow over the home of
James Moore, business manager at the head of the iron industry, and left his
young and beautiful wife, Lucretia Butler Moore, a widow. Deprived of his
counsel, energy and ability to direct the enterrise that promised success to his
earlier dream, the business perished.
Fire, sickness and general depression in business, brought disappointment and
discouragement to the head of the furniture factory, and it went as it came, in
company with the iron industry.
In the late fall of 1843, my parents, having disposed of their property, (house
and lot) in town, moved into a log cabin, situated on the land where Reuben Darr
now lives, two and one-half miles east, then in heavy timbered lands, and
arranged to board some of the men who were cutting cord wood and some who were
burning charcoal for the iron mill. I remember that Mr. Town and son were two of
the colliers. This, the winter of 1843-1844, is remembered as the longest and
most severe in Indiana, snow falling early, to a great depth and remaining until
late in April. Feed of all kinds was exhausted. Many of the stock perished,
those surviving were kept alive by the owners cutting green timber, such as lin,
beech and other soft varieties, so that horses, cattle and sheep might eat the
young twigs and buds. Later, we moved farther east, into a large story and
one-half hewed log house. The logs were all of nice yellow poplar, of uniform
size, and dimensions sufficient to bring a handsome sum, if they were in
merchantable shape at present prices. We remained in what is now known as the
McKinley neighborhood for five years. Our nearest neighbors were Stephen
Davidson, one mile southwest, and Abner Barrett, Sr., one and one-half miles
northeast, with heavy timbered lands intervening and all around.
It was here that two sprightly boys spent five years of happy life, five years
of sunshine. The woods and all they contained were ours, with its wealth of
nuts, wild fruits and rich foliage. After the tasks were done, old Chippewa,
with its swimming holes were not forsaken. Squirrels, quail, pheasants and an
occasional turkey, lent excitement to vary the monotony, I having killed every
kind of game that ran wild in the woods, from a weasel to a deer, before I was
fourteen, but claim no honor for killing the deer, (only one) as it was pursued
so closely by the dogs that it had neither time or chance to evade me, when the
fatal shot was fired that ended the chase.
Of the two boys, all that the youngest lacked of the nobler qualities, worthy of
emulation, the older possessed in a marked degree--industrious, truthful in all
things, unselfish, having an abhorance for profanity, kind to a fault, manly and
handsome. Was my companion, my guide, my brother James, from my earliest
recollection, until the month of March, 1852. As the long train of wagons filed
in line and moved out for the long journey to the land of gold, in the distant
west, we walked side by side, beyond the home of our boyhood, until the time for
the final goodby was spoken. Days passed, the anxiously looked for letters
reached us, bearing the news of a pleasant and successful trip, as far west as
the frontier settlements, after which a long silence intervened. One bright
summer day, a message, with sable border, was received and opened with trembling
hands. Its burden of news pierced our hearts. The shadow that followed the sad
news this letter contained, has remained and deepened as experience to added
years teaches us the magnitude of our loss.
The first work I ever performed for wages was for James McQuern, father of Mrs.
Abel Bowers and Mrs. Wm. Zellar, of this city. The pay was to be five dollars
for one month's work. I drove two yoke of oxen to turn the first furrow where
John Kibler lives, east of the lake. I was exercised quite a bit, during the
month to know of what disposition I should make of my money, when received. This
was my first experience in grappling with finances, but like many other problems
of life, I found it easy when the time came to act. The next opportunty offered,
whereby I saw a chance to add to my knowledge of experience, and further gratify
the desire to swell the treasury, was when I was offered one dollar and fifty
cents per week to herd one hundred head of big three-year-old cattle, the
property of Leander Chamberlain and Gilbert Bozarth. Chamberlain lived, at that
time, on what is known as the Haimbaugh farm, five miles northeast. At this
time, I was quite small, not as large as Jud Ault is now. I was furnished with a
good pony. My instructions were to keep the cattle south of the river, east of
the Michigan road, west of the Rochester and Talma road and north of the road
running east from town. While this scope of country is now mostly in a state of
cultivation, containing many neat and comfortable homes, at that time there were
only three houses, one on farm where Isaac Good now lives, (vacant) one on farm
wher Mrs. Cora Vandergift now lives (vacant) and one where Ed. Fults lives.
This left a large open space containing several hundred acres, interspersed with
marsh and open timbered lands with but few under brush, ideal conditions for
stock grazing, and as a place where a boy could have full and untrammeled sway
to gratify his love for active, exditing exercise and the love of the beautiful
in nature, for as I remember, every square rod of the upland was a flower
garden, while the sloughs and ponds had their charms of various kinds, including
the wood duck, mallard and crane--last, but by no means least, was the south
bank of the river, with its bluffy banks, possessing changes in scenery equaled
by but few of the beautiful spots of Northern Indiana, and surpassed by none, as
is evidenced by the numbers who seek its delights each recurring season. These
cattle were composed of various lots bought at different places during the
winter, and had not formed attachment for their new associates, a habit that is
only formed by the mingling of each new arrival with the common herd. On this
account, when they were driven to the feeding ground, each squad was disposed to
go its own way, and wander from rather than with the others. This, at first,
required constant watching and much riding, an exercise that was always to my
taste I soon got so I could ride like an Indian, and yell like a girl of the
present, while "rooting" for a basket or base ball game. I know this
is putting it a little strong, but the echoes of those yells prompted one of the
owners of the herd to write me, more than half century after, from Kansas,
referring to the incident, and asking that I answer, giving all the news that
might be of interest from the old town, and have done so to the best of my
The winter of 1848 was spent with my uncle, Asa Bozarth, father of Jap Bozarth,
of this city, going with him in the spring of '49, to live on a farm he had
purchased, just south of where Fulton is now situated, known now as the Mathews
farm. This is the place referred to by W. A. Ward, as being the rendezvous of a
desperate gang of outlaws, (of course previous to our going) but of late it had
been, and was yet the place where the stage company kept relays of horses, to
take the place of the ones as they came in from the north or south as the case
might be. From Logansport to Uncle's was one division. From Uncle's to Rochester
another, the entire run from Indianapois to South Bend was divided into
divisions of from ten to fifteen miles, one driver and four horses for each
station. As one came in at the end of his run, he found the next man ready, with
horses harnessed, standing in waiting. With the loosening of eight traces and as
many buckles, and the fastening of as many more, with fresh horses and driver
seated, whip and reins in hand, a blast from the bugle, started the trained
horses on the run, for the end of the division.
Uncle's family consisted, at the time, of himself, wife, four children, Miss
Mary Harold and the boy from Chippewa. Many pleasant memories are associated
with the days spent there, the kindness shown bordered close to indulgence. Miss
Harold was a natural tease and usually selected me for her victim. Her cheerful
disposition and red cheeks, the envy of the less favored of her sex, were an
irresistible temptation to Joseph Williams, now of Kewanna, Ind., where they
live, husband and wife, in ease and comfort, honored citizens by all who know
them best. Uncle and Aunt have long since passed from the busy cares of this
live. - - - - -.
The farm was sold to Judge John Wright, in the fall of '49, and the family
returned to Rochester. I went to school during the winter, worked on the farm
the following summer, just west of town, known as the Montgomery farm, Uncle
having bought the land, with no improvements on it. In 1851 I was employed by
James Rannells, he having sold his interest in the stock of goods, formerly
owned by Rannells Bros., successors to Rannells & Sons, and started business
at the old stand, corner of Main and Fourth streets. In a few months he
contracted typhoid fever, while in Cincinnati buying goods, came home sick,
death following soon. During my stay with him I had been as one of the famiy and
had the kindliest feelings for him and his young wife, a woman of refinement and
pleasant disposition, who contracted the deadly disease while waiting on her
husband and watching by his side day and night, from the first until the
messenger called. In thirty days she was laid by his side and the young babe
that I quieted while the mother wept, was cared for by its grandparents.
Newton Rannells bought his brother's goods and transferred them to his room,
corner of Main and Third streets, I going with the stock, in his employment.
Remained until the summer of '52, when I was offered a better salary by George
Clark, who had brought a stock of dry goods from South Bend. My acquaintance
with people over the county was an advantage to me, as that aided me in getting
and holding a place. In February, '53, Clark began to dream of fortunes awaiting
him beyond the Rockies, closed out his stock of merchandise in March, arranged
and went via New York and steamer to California, taking his wife and two little
children with him. Before leaving, I was prsented with a nice prsent, as Mrs.
Clark said, "As a token of our kindly feelings and respect." With the
asurance on my part that I appreciated their regard, not only in this act, but
by the treatment that I had received from them while in their service, wishing
them happiness and prosperity in their new home, the hand shake was given and
goodbyes spoken.
During the summer, while in Gilead, Miami county, I received word from Mr. Clark
and wife that if I wished to go to California and was not prepared, that they
would see that a way was provided. I kept my own counsel, inasmuch as some
things had transpired of (to me) an unpleasant nature during my stay there, I
had about concluded to take advantage of their generous offer, when word was
received that Mr. Clark had died.
From Counter to Work Bench
Returning to the time of the leaving of the Clarks, March, 1853, which occurred
after I had passed my eighteenth year, past experience and observation convinced
me that it would be advisable to learn some useful trade. With this object in
view, I contracted with Mr. John Hale, saddler and harness maker, agreeing to
stay two years, beginning in April. The following July, Hale moved to Gilead,
Ind., I going with him as a part of the outfit, supposed to be a part more
useful than ornamental. It was with some regret that I parted with friends and
associates of boyhood days. This loss was compensated for in new acquaintances,
formed with a class of people of more than average attainments and habits, such
as were best calculated to exert good influence over those whom were brought in
contact with them.
One of the sources of entertainment that I recall, was afforded by the old
singing school, conducted by Prof. F. C. Brown. Among the members of the class
were some whose natural musical talent was far above the average in volume,
sweetness and distinctness, that reverberates and charms us yet, as memory runs
back for more than a half-century. "Old Hundred," "Auld Lang
Sine," "Shall Old Friends be Forgotten?" all come back, while
echo says "Shall they?" - - - -. This brings the sad thought also,
that of that group of young people, as I knew them, happy, full of hope, with
bright promise before them, across whose paths no cloud of sorrow had yet cast
its shadow, have all passed out and beyond to the unknown, except five, the
names of these were Miss Anna Essick, Miss Cynthia Miller, Miss Sarah Miller,
Miss Jennie Grimes, including myself. Of the heads of families, Essicks, Lowes,
Bakers, Millers, Rhodes, Grimes and others, whose acquaintance was an honor and
pleasure. Of these, Mr. Isaac Lowe is the only one left.
In the fall of 1854, Mr. Hale moved to Akron,Ind. Shortly afterward I arrangved
with him for the unexpird time, spent the winter at Rochester, part of the time
in the school room, returning to Akron during the summer of '55. While there I
formed the acquaintance of Bazil Clevinger and his family of three children,
Miss Sarah, a young lady of pleasing manners, Caroline and Willim. It was soon
learned that Sarah was "out on parole" having been captured by John
Louderback, of Fulton, Ind., until such time as her father could secure a
house-keeper to fill the place of the wife and mother, deceased, a duty
performed by said elder daughter. After the war they settled at Valparaiso,
Ind., became identified with the interests of that place and are numbered with
the honored and respected citizenship.
In the month of May, '56, I was employed by Anthony F. and Milo R. Smith to
assist in straightening up and putting a general stock of merchandise in shape,
a recent purchase from the late N. R. Rannells. This led to the contract
covering the entire time they remained in business, and with their successor,
during his business career in Rochester.
Referring to the question of hardship, on the part of the early settlers, my
observation and early experience, as far back as I have any knowledge, is that
there are more people in Rochester today, pinched by hunger, cold and want,
suffering for the necessaries of life, with no hope of bettering their
condition, than could be found in Fulton county during any year of which I have
any knowledge prior to the year 1850.
As for bears, of which we have heard mention, I never knew of but one being
killed in this section of country. That was in the late '40s. This one was
passing from north to south, barefooted and alone, headed toward Peru,
apparently not aware of the fact that if he ever reached that place he would get
his eye-teeth cut, get skinned, and then some.
Of Indians, I can only remember of standing on Main street, near where the Erie
R.R. tracks cross, at the west side of the road, with Brother James, as the
Indians passed, single file, stretching out on the road south as far as we could
see. This was in 1838, and was when they were starting for the reservation in
the southwest, beyond the Mississippi river. This is the time referred to by Mr.
Ward, so touchingly, when he told us how reluctantly he yielded to his mother's
entreaties to return with her to the maternal roof, the home of his childhood.
We know by experience, friend Ward, that it is with heart burning and sorrow
that we have been compelled to stand and witness the departure, the receding, as
it were, from our vision, with no power to check or restrain the removal of the
beauiful Wanetas, Bright Eyes and Fluttering Poplars associated with sacred
memories of youth. Time may heal the wound, but the scar remains. The joys and
pleasures of youth, its sunshine and shadows, furnish life and hope to the
young, and when guided by sincere and honest purpose, happiness to those of
mature age.
During the winter of '55 and '56, and summer following, there was something like
an epidemic swept over this entire community. A strange feature of the disease
was in the fact that it selected its victims, sparing, in all cases, the heads
of families. One after another of the younger generation was forced to yield to
its influence. The brain was first affected, followed with heart troubles later.
This continued until one after another was compelled to succumb. There were just
two remained--two supposed to be immune, as it were. Wesley Shryock, Charles
Shryock, Ed Chinn, Vint O'Donald, Capt. H. C. Long and all the old associates,
had passed through the early stages of the disease and were on the way to
recovery, when it was noticed that the last two began to show symptoms of an
attack. About this time Jonathan Dawson began to struggle like a fly stuck in
molasses, or something else (to him) as sweet. The result was that he
surrendered unconditionally. The last victim fllowed in four days, when the
writer sent a note to Rev. Bazil Clevinger, who was a practitioner, an M.D. as
well as Rev., informing him that his professional services were wated on the
folowing Sunday, at Mr. Salmon Collins', in Liberty township. At the appointed
time he arrived, diagnosed our case, administred the remedy--we took the
medicine--I got a wife and Miss Isabelle E. Collins got a lemon. Since the 21st
day of September, 1856, she has answered to the name of Mrs. Isabelle E.
Of persons who were here after we came, in 1837, my mother, who has passed her
96th annual mile-stone, Mr. W. A. Ward and myself remain. Messrs. George Hoover,
Joseph A. Myers and Dee Robbins came later.
My children, Orton S. Mitchell, Charles A. Mitchell and Estella Mitchell-True,
my wife and I are citizens of Rochester.
In a brief sketch, as here given, we are compelled to pass unnoticed many
incidents relating to earlier days. We have only broken a twig and occasionally
blazed a tree, along the line of events, just sufficient to enable the reader to
follow the trail leading to present conditions.
To the old and new friends,--it is your words of friendship, given expression
and force by acts of kindness and good will, that has taught me to know the
goodness of your hearts. Let us renew our friendship, so that when our work,
each of his kind, in old age is finished, that we may leave more of sunshine
than shadow. -- Goodbye.
[Marguerite L. Miller, Home Folks, Vol. I, 1910, pp. 67-76]
The feature section of Sunday's Indianapolis Star, in which issue points of
interest of Rochester and Lake Manitou were portrayed in the rotogravure
section, also devoted the following interesting story concerning the early life
in this city as related by Rochester's "youngest-old" man, C. A.
(By Staff Reporter Indianapolis Star)
Rochester, Ind., July 18. - One of Indiana's most interesting men is Charles A.
Mitchell, 90 years old, of this city. He's often referred to as "the fine
old man," notwithstanding his saying that he is as young as he used to be.
Mr. Mitchell was born five miles northeast of Delphi, near the Wabash river,
Nov. 25, 1834 and, in the spring two years later, moved to Fulton county, where
he has resided since. Mr. Mitchell is believed to be the oldest living white man
in the county. Endowed with a keen memory and an interesing style for narration,
he is often sought by friends and strangers when events of days gone by are to
be verified accurately.
When 3 1/2 years old, Mr. Mitchell saw the Pottawatomie Indians marching through
town, going south, to join others from Logansport and Lafayette. He believes
that almost four thousand red men were moved from northern Indiana.
When 10 years old Mr. Mitchell started to work for others and by the time he had
reached his twentieth birthday his business acquaintanceship proved a valuable
asset to those who employed him. He rememberes very distinctly his connection
with Anthony F. Smith, who owned the Pottawatomie water mill at Rochester. The
mill had an overshot wheel and it required a twenty-two foot waterfall. At the
time the wheel was installed there was a shortage of six feet, but this was
overcome by raising the banks to avoid an overflow. He now lives within a few
rods of the old mill pond.
Builds Mill
This young old man says the government built a mill at Lake Manitou for the
Indians in the thirties. A man by the name of Elam took charge of the mill,
which ground corn mainly. After the Indians left, the building fell into decay
and Mr. Smith said there ought to be a mill nearer the village. He wasn't long
in getting the raceway constructed.
Fishing must have been very good in Lake Manitou when Mr. Mitchell was a boy,
for he recalls spearing a great many buffalo cats in an area of less the size
than a town lot within a half hour's time. In 1853 a Mr. Newell caught a fish
weighing 260 pounds and in 1875 a Mr. Edwards photographed a 125-pound spoonbill
for a stranger. At one time fish were so numerous that they blocked the mill
wheel and when the news was spread abroad people came and took all they could
carry home.
Many of the fish made their way farther down the stream and when Isaiah Hoover
happened along and saw a dense mass of the finny tribe near an old log
obstruction he hurried home for his wagon and hauled to town a twenty-one inch
bed well filled and offered them free to the people in the Courthouse square.
Mr. Mitchell remembers the incident as though it were but yesteday. He said the
fish were mostly buffalos and that the presentation took place near the old
wooden pump.
In the spring of 1864 Mr. Mitchell was out of employment and he walked to
Logansport, leaving behind a wife and two small children. He soon obtained work
in a store but found that vacant houses and satisfactory living quarters were so
scarce that he wrote his wife he would return home very soon if something didn't
show up. After a few weeks' work he gave his employer his reason for resigning.
The man wouldn't believe that conditions were such as Mr. Mitchell had reported
and so took a good look for himself, but he was unsuccessful too.
In doting on his youthful spryness Mr. Mitchell said that the day he decided to
walk home, a man driving a team to Rochester entered the store, wanted to know
if anyone was going his way and if so, the ride would be free. He accepted the
invitation but progress was so slow and the March zephyres were getting the best
of him so rapidly that he decided to walk a while. He was an hour ahead of the
outfit when he reached home.
Mr. Mitchell takes an active part in life but says politics is too swift for
him. He prefers walking to airplane riding, enjoys three meals a day and is a
great nature lover. His regular program is to be temperate in all things and to
retire at 9. Five o'clock each morniing finds him awake.
He has been married twice. His first wife, a native of New York, died some years
ago after rounding out fifty-six years of wedded life. The present Mrs.
Mitchell, "a wonderful companion," her husband declared, is 72 years
of age.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 19, 1926]
MITCHELL, CHARLES A., Jr. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Hotels - Arlington Hotel
MITCHELL, E. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
Mr. E. L. Mitchell, prominent Fulton County muck farmer was elected president of
the newly organized Northerin Indiana Muck Growers' Association at the Northern
Indiana Muck Crops Sh
ow at Churubusco this week.
The purpose of the new organization is to sponsor educational activities in the
growing and marketing of muck crops and the improvement of muck soils.
Other officers of the Association are Joe Luckey, Churubusco, 1st Vice
President, William Gehrig, North Judson, Second Vice President, and Roscoe
Fraser, Purdue University, Secretary-Treasurer.
Each of the 12 counties with local Muck Crop organizations will have a
representative on the Board of Directors. Mr. W. K. Gast of Akron will be Fulton
county director. Other counties in the organization are Allen, Adams, DeKalb,
Whitley, Marshall, Elkhart, St. Joseph, Starke, Pulaski, LaPorte and Noble.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 3, 1934]
Whit Gast of Akron and E. L. Mitchell of Rochester given feature publicity in
"The Prairie Farmer" following inspection tour of muck lands. Cass
County firm also praised for its high quality produce.
Editor's Note - The following story along with the pictures shown appeared in
the November 10th issue of The Prairie Farmer. It tells the story of what two
prominent Fulton County farmers and another from Cass County have done in making
muck soil yield big crops.
[here follows lengthy article] - - - - - - - -
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 20, 1934]
Kendallville, Ind., Nov. 13. - The Northern Indiana Muck crops association
re-elected E. L. Mitchell of Rochester president as it ended its annual show
here last night. - - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 13, 1937]
E. L. Mitchell, of this city, and Everett S. Priddy of Warren, Ind., were
re-elected to the board of directors of the Peru Production Credit association
in a meeting held at Peru, Wednesday. Over 800 members of the association were
present and the featured address of the meeting was given by Prof. J. Raymond
Schutz, of Manchester college, and Indianapolis.
Officials of the group will be elected by the directors from among their number
at a meeting to be held at an unannounced date in the near future. Present
officers are C. Edwin Moseley, of Miami county, chairman, H. L. Matlock, Kokomo,
vice-chairman, and Scott J. Hurst, Peru, secretary-treasurer.
Serve Three-Year Terms
Directors elected today will serve for a three-year period. The present
directorate is composed of Messrs. Moseley, Mitchell, Priddy, Matlock and Robert
O. Justice, of Logansport.
Those in attendance at the meeting were served luncheon in four local churches.
Counties served by the association, which has headquarters in the Rhodes-Ditzler
building here, are Miami, Howard, Cass, Pulaski, Fulton, Wabash and Huntington.
All were represented at today's meeting. Sessions were held in the Roxy theater.
- - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 18, 1940]
Lafayette, Ind., Nov. 15 (INS) - E. L. Mitchell of Rochester today was named
Indiana's 1940 onion king.
With a production of 1,325.01 bushels of Southport Glove onions on one acre of
Marshall county muck soil, Mitchell was chosen in a contest sponsored by Purdue
university, the Northern Indiana Muck Crop Growers association and the Indiana
State Vegetable Growers association. Although Mitchell, who is president of the
Indiana Muck Crop Growers association grew less bushels of onions per acre than
Whitney K. Gast of Akron, whose official production was 1,625.54 bushels of
sweet Spanish onions per acre, Mitchell was thvictor since the contest rules
rate 4 bushels of Southport Globe onions equal 5 bushels of the sweet Spanish
variety. Both men will receive gold medals. - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 15, 1940]
Garrett, Ind., Nov. 25. - Indiana has an "aggressor" king. He's the
1940 state onion king, E. L. Mitchell of Rochester, president of the Indiana
Muck Crop Growers' Association.
It was reported here Saturday on the opening of the 11th annual Indiana
MuckCrops Show, which will continue through Nov. 28, that Mitchell had gained
the distinction of being titled "Indiana's Most Distinguished Muck Crop
Announcement of the honor was made by F. C.Gaylord, assistant head of the Purdue
University horticulture department, and O. K. Quivey, head of the agricultural
development division of the B. and O. Railroad, co-sponsors of the muck crops
achievement contest, which has for its objectives the improvement in yields and
quality of crops grown on muck soils and a diversification in crops grown.
High Corn, Onion Yields
To win this rcognition, Mitchell grew the state's championship yield of 1325
bushels of South Port Globe onions per acre, 355.73 bushels of potatoes per
acre, and 135.5 bushels of corn per acre.
Mitchell was first determined the Fulton county champion, eliminating Whitney K.
Gast, Indiana's 1940 potato champion, living on a farm near Akron. He then
competed with muck champions from nine other Indiana counties for the state
Following are the other county muck champion farmers, and the per acre yields: -
- -.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, November 25, 1940]
MITCHELL, ESTELLA [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
MITCHELL, GEO. [Rochester, Indiana]
R. B. Marsh has sold his American restaurant to Geo. Mitchell. The deal was
consumated Saturday evening, and the new proprietor took charge this morning.
Mr. Marsh is an experienced restaurant man and has had charge of the American
restaurant since last January. He will now spend some time looking after the
interests of his farm. Mr. Mitchell came here from Peru last winter. He had four
years of experience in the restaurant business at Peru and understands catering
to the wants of the public. Mr. Marsh has enjoyed a liberal patronage and
desires that his successor be likewise patronized.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, June 10, 1901]
MITCHELL, JERRY [Rochester, Indiana]
See Hamburger Inn
MITCHELL & ELLIS [Rochester, Indiana]
LIVERY. New Firm. New Rigs. New Landeau. New Prices. We propose to do a Livery
Business in Rochester that People can afford to Patronize, and have fitted up
the Brick Livery Barn with the best of Horses, Carriages and Buggies, which will
be let at reasonable prices. Good Feed Yard for the accommodation of Farmers.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, November 2, 1887]
MITCHELL & EMMONS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] - - - Fresh bread every morning, made by Broadlick's Steam Bakery, Kokomo.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 4, 1902]
MITCHELL & LONG [Rochester, Indiana]
Buggies, Carriages & Wagons
Of all the houses engaged in the carriage business in our city, we say with
confidence that none occupy a position more entitled to notice at our hands than
that owned and operated by Messrs. MITCHELL & LONG.
These gentlemen have been engaged in their present business for the past two
years, and for the season of 1888 they display at their salesroom one of the
largest and most complete stocks of buggies, carriages and spring wagons, to be
found in the city. Messrs. Mitchell & Long were raised in Fulton county and
for years have made the demand of the people a careful study. They evince a
studied avoidance of all goods not desirable for their trade and will carry none
that they cannot recommend under all circumstances, and today the vehicles
handled by these gentlemen stand as the best proportioned, best ironed, best
painted, lightest running and most durable rigs made.
In machine made work Messrs. Mitchell & Long make a "Leader" of
the Schofield Buggy Co's. work manufactured at Ovid, Michigan. The buggies
manufactured by this firm are among the very best to be found in the markets
today, in fact they have no superiors and few equals, none but the best material
is used in their construction, and they possess all of the latest improvements
in design and finish. Purchasers will find it to their interest to bear in mind
when wanting a buggy that Messrs. Mitchell & Long will sell them the
Schofield buggy for the same price they will have to pay for inferior makes at
other houses.
00 This firm makes a specialty of hand made work, manufactured at Noblesville,
Indiana by Hare & Son. They have had a large sale on these goods and have
never had a single complaint. This can be easily accounted for when we say
Messrs. Hare & Son uses nothing but the best second growing hickory, the
best trimming, upholstering, paints, oils and varnishes, and employs none but
skilled workmen in the manufacture of their vehicles.
Besides the celebrated makes mentioned Messrs. Mitchell & Long handle a
large line of buggies, carriages, phaetons, road carts and spring wagons, from
various manufacturers. They also carry a large line of harness, robes and whips,
collars, brushes &c, and will not be undersold.
One can gain an idea of the popularity of the goods handled by Messrs. Mitchell
& Long when we state that they sold five car loads of buggies last season,
and judging from present indications will sell nearly twice that amount the
coming season. It is a well known fact that these gentlemen always make their
word good, never advertising to do anything that they are not prepared to back
up. They are regarded as among our best and most respectable business men, and
we take great pleasure in recommending them to the people. Their place of
business is one door north of Gould's store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 29, 1888]
MITCHELL & MITCHELL [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Consultation Free. Drs. MITCHELL & MITCHELL, Ophthalmologists. Until
we find suitable location we will be permanently located at the Arlington Hotel.
Office hours, 8 to 12, 1 to 6. Evenings 7 to 9. Sundays, 1 to 3 p.m.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, October 14, 1901]
MITCHELL & NOFTSGER [Rochester, Indiana]
Benjamin F. Noftsger operated a store at Grant, which burned in 1882. Mr.
Noftsger then moved to Rochester where he was engaged in the farming implement
business with A. C. Mitchell as a partner. A short time later he purchased Mr.
Mitchell's interest in the store and branched out in the grain business in the
year of 1885. Mr. Noftsger's activities in the grain and elevator business
expanded to such an extent that he soon relinquished his holdings in the
implement business to Milo Brush.
[Noftsger Family, William A. Sausaman, Fulton Co. Folks, Vol. 1, Willard]
Located 812 Main, next door to Levi Dry Goods store.
In the north half of the 800 block on Main street beginning from the
intersecting alley, B. Levi operated a dry goods store. Next door Charley
Mitchell conducted a card room with, I believe, a billiard table or so. The room
later became "My Show," a popular movie house and now occupied by
Adler's Dress Shop. Then Joe Levi Clothing Store and Charles Plank operated a
shoestore. Ditmire's was next in line to Nobby True's Restaurant. A. C.
Copeland's bank and on the corner occupied by People's Drugs (now Lord's) was
Jonathan Dawson, one of Rochester's earliest dispenser of quinine, Brickle's
linament, Dr. King's New Discovery and prescription and patent medicines long
ago forgotten in this day of sulfa drugs, etc.
[Earle A. Miller, The News-Sentinel, Monday, July 14, 1958]
MITCHELL HARNESS SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Those wanting Draft Harness or any other article in the Harness or Saddlery line
. . . 0on hand, and make to order . . . Repairing . . . Shop up stairs in
Building Opposite the Methodist Church. C. A. Mitchell & Co., Successor to
Holmes & Mitchell.
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, August 14, 1862]
Notice. The firm of Taylor & Mitchell in the Saddle and Harness business,
is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. C. A. Mitchell continuing the
business at the old stand. . . those indebted will please call and settle with
either party at A E. Taylor's Store. A. E. Taylor, C. A. Mitchell. Roch., Aug
19th, 1861.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, August 24, 1861]
MITCHELL THEATRE [Rochester, Indiana]
Located W side of street at 626 Main.
Operated by Wilbur Mitchell.
[Adv] MITCHELL'S THEATORIUM. Comical Situation of an Escaped Convict, Honesty's
Strange Reward. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday afternoons and evenings. A
thrilling production ending with a big laugh. Admission only 5 cents.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 13, 1907]
MITE SOCIETY [Rochester, Indiana]
See Churches, Mite Society; Union Mite Society
Peru, Ind., Oct 17. - When Sells Floto circus returned to winter quarters here
today, Tom Mix, renowned screen star, announced that he would spend a greater
part of his time in this city during the winter. He is leaving for New York
tomorrow to confer with motion picture officials concerning his future in that
industry. Mix said that he and Tony, his famed pony, probably will be with Sells
Floto again next summer.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, October 17, 1929]
Tom Mix, well known moving picture star passed through this city from Chicago
Saturday enroute to Peru, in a Packard taxicab. Mr. Mix and his horse Tony are
to be the star attractions this summer with the Sells Floto circus. People in
Peru are trying to compute Mix's taxi bill for his trip from Chicago but all
seem to be at a loss to figure the exact amount.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, March 17, 1930]
Tom Mix, noted movie star who has been featured this summer with the Sells-Floto
circus of Peru, was in this city for a short time at noon today. Mix was enroute
to Chicago with two friends in the movie actor's Rolls Royce. Mix attracted much
attention during his short visit to this city.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, October 3, 1930]
MOCKLE, PROF. [Leiters Ford, Indiana]
See: Leiters Ford Band
See: Rochester Bands
The Model Automobile works of Peru have sold a machine to a customer in Florida,
and it is being taken overland over some of the roughest roads in the South. It
is now in Kentucky and they are averaging one hundred and fifty miles a day.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 23, 1907]
MODEL, THE [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] THIS IS STRAIGHT. The Public will please take notice that I have GONE
UNDER All competition in prices of Merchant Tailoring and Ready Made Clothing. -
- - - THE MODEL, Opposite the Arlington, Jos. LAUER, Proprietor.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, September 16, 1891]
MODEL CIGAR CO. [Rochester, Indiana]
Cigar manufacturer
Located 818 Main
MODEL RESTAURANT [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] MODEL RESTAURANT, J. C. Barrett, Prop. Warm Meals, Night Lodging, Lunch,
Choice Fruits, Confections and Supplies for Fancy Suppers. South Side Public
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, January 13, 1893]
MODERN CABINET CO. [Mexico, Miami County]
Peru, Ind., Nov. 3. - Articles of Incorporation for a new industry being
established in Mexico and which will employ between 50 and 75 men and women when
it starts operation, were filed in the office of County Recorder Frank Dunn
today. The new company has been incorporated under the name, Modern Cabinet
The new factory will occupy the old Mohican Spinning Company plant in Mexico and
will manufacture table model radio cabinets.
Operations will get under way between December 1 and 15, and there are prospects
that a maximum force of 175 persons will be employed when the plant is fully
established and operating smoothly.
Incorporators are Claude Dewalt, manager and ownerr of the Quality Cabinet
Corp., on Grant street, who will also manage the Mexico plant; Ross T. Ewart, of
Indianapolis, and Russell Rhodes, local attorney.
Building Being Remodeled.
Considerable remodeling is being done at the factory, and after those
alterations have been completed and a new heating plant installed, a large
quantity of new equipment will be placed in the building, which has 25,000
square feet of floor space.
Mr. Dewalt, a veteran furniture executive, stated this morning that the new
concern has an abundance of offers for the manufacture of 1937 model radio
cabinets and it appears certain that the plant will operate steadily after it
opens in December. Mr. Dewalt said that while his Peru factory and the one at
Mexico are two entirely separate concerns, they will undoubtedly co-operate in
meeting output demands during rush seasons.
The new industry is expected to prove a boon to Mexico and there will probably
be 0employment for all available help in that town, officers of the new company
said today.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, November 3, 1936]
Peru, Oct. 11. - Steps are reported being taken here to reorganize the Quality
Cabinet corporation, of Peru, and the Modern Cabinet corportion, of Mexico,
following granting Saturday by Federal Judge Thomas Slick of South Bend, of a
motion filed by their attorneys to be permitted to continue operations for the
benefit of creditors.
Claude DeWalt, who organized the companies, revealed that the concerns already
had been taken over by other parties and that he has no plans for the immediate
future. Leonard Cook, an Indianapolis attorney, was reported to have acquired
control of the plants for a group of Indianapolis men, while Earl Adams, former
superintendent of the Peru plant, is officiating as general manager here for the
Indianapolis group.
The plant makes radio cabinets and similar wood products. The local plant had
been employing about a hundred men.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, October 11, 1937]
Mrs. Ilo Denton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bastow, of this city has opened up
a beauty shop at 110 East Eighth Street, in the parlors formerly occupied by the
Manitou Beauty Shoppe. Mrs. Denton's business will be operated under the name of
the Mondernistic Beauty Shop. The shop is furnished with all of the latest
devices to add to milady's physical attractiveness and charms.
Mrs. Denton is a graduate operator of the Marinello Beauty School of Chicago and
has had several years of practical experience in all phases of her chosen
profession. She has been a resident of this community for practically all of her
life and has a wide acquaintance of friends who will be pleased to learn of her
entry into the local business field.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, October 18, 1932]
[NOTE: Jean C. & Wendell C. Tombaugh, Fulton County Indiana Cemeteries, Rochester I.O.O.F.: Con AHLSTROM, 1896-1967; Ilo F. AHLSTROM, 1895-1965
[Adv} Everyone is talking about the Sensation ofNew Permanent. VELVA WAVE IN
OIL. No Machine. No Chemicals. A beautiful $8.00 wave being introduced to you
for $6.00, complete. Exclusive at THE MODERNISTIC BEAUTY SHOPPE. 111 E.9th St.,
Phone 187.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, November 14, 1936.
MOGLE, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
James Mogle, formerly of Rochester but for the past number of years residing in
Mishawaka, is making good with an invention in the form of a new style of shoe
jack. Concerning his success the Mishawaka correspondent of the South Bend News
"J. A. Mogle of this city has just been granted a patent on a new shoe
jack. Mr. Mogle is a prominent business man of this [city] and formerly operated
a large shoe repair shop here. Some time ago he secured patents on a different
kind of a shoe repairer's jack. The present papers coveres a new style of jack.
"The old jacks were formerly made in a shop on the north side, but the
business has grown to such an extent that Mr. Mogle has entered into a contract
with the Sibley Machine Tool Co., of South Bend to make the machines. The new
jack will also be made by this company."
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 19, 1912]
MOGLE, WM. [Rochester, Indiana]
Wm. Mogle, four doors north of the Arlington block, wants good fresh butter and
eggs for which he will pay the highest market price in cash. No white scalded
butter or that which is a week or two old, or that is artificially colored is
wanted. It must be strictly fresh.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 3, 1892]
Instead of losing the plant of the Mohegan Spinning company, manufacturers of
woolen yarns, which it was reported some time ago would be closed and the
machinery taken to another point, Mexico is to have a bigger and better factory
than ever.
The plant which is located along Eel river and supplied with power from a dam,
always has been a sizeable one, but it has been decided by the officers of this
corporation in Chicago that it will be bigger than ever. Another floor is to be
added and new machinery is due to arrive in a short time that will make the
place not only much larger, but also much more modern.
More Employees
When these changes are completed it is estimated that fifty or sixty more
employes will be added, making the payroll a mighty respectable one for a city
the size of Mexico.
One of the troubles with the plant has been the intermittent nature of the power
supply. To remedy this, connections are being made with the high-tension lines
of the Northern Indiana Power company and electric motors are being installed
which will provide a reserve of power for use when the river is low.
The plant is a one-story stone building.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 6, 1925]
MOHLER, W. E. [Rochester, Indiana]
A deal was closed recently by which W. E. Mohler became the owner of O. A.
Davis' interest in the abstract business of Davis & Fretz. The new firm will
take charge of the business about January first and will retain the offices now
occupied by Mr. Davis in the SENTINEL Block.
Mr. Fretz has resigned his position as deputy auditor and will devote his entire
time to the business. He has been connected with the auditors office for six
years and is one of the most efficient and accommodating officials ever holding
office in Fulton county. Mr. Fretz' large probate matters, conveyances and other
county matters will serve him well in his new work. Mr. Mohler is a hustler and
has built up a large insurance and real estate business since locating in
Rochester. He will continue to devote his energies to this class of work.
Martin W. Ivey, the Kewanna Attorney, will succeed Mr. Fretz as deputy Auditor,
and O. A. Davis will continue to practice law, but will remove his office to the
Deniston building, over Wiles Clothing Store.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 4, 1909]
MOLLENCUPP, FLOYD E. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Floyd E. Mollencupp)
MONTEREY, INDIANA [Pulaski County]
Jesse Ball's butcher shop was burned down Sunday morning at 5 o'clock.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 1, 1905]
John Engel sold the livery barn to Wm. Poisel, of Madaryville, who took
possession Monday.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, May 23, 1907]
Monterey Sun.
The soft drink house in this place has changed hands just a few times recently.
One night last week W. E. Woodward transferred his interest in the business to
Samuel Stailey and Louis Schall. This latter firm only remained in existence
something over 36 hours, when it was dissolved and the junior member, Schall,
took on the entire business which he is conducting up to the time of going to
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 28, 1908]
Monterey Sun.
The I. Overmyer store has been closed out to Showalter Bros. of Hartford City,
John Engel, real estate dealer of this place making the deal, which we are
informed was a good one so far as Overmyer is concerned, he getting four
residence properties at the above place which are said to be worth at least
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 4, 1908]
Monterey is booming some as Marbaugh Bros. have purchased the implement stock
and are putting up a two-story building adjoining their hardware store. Peter
Follmer is remodeling his store building and others are building additions to
their houses.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, October 8, 1909]
Monterey Sun.
The First National bank at this place will open for business Monday, Aug. 1, in
the handsome new cement block structure on Main street. The furniture and
fixtures have been installed and with a first-class safe and vault. The bank is
one of the best equipped institutions of its kind to be found, and our community
should feel complimented on having a National bank at this place as such banks
are rarely established in the smaller towns.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, July 28, 1910]
The new gothic arch will be completed by Saturday in St. Ann's Catholic church.
When completed it will be as fine a church as can be found in northern Indiana
for its size. The sixteen new windows will cost $332, four of them having been
donated and the balance, no doubt, will be. The donor's names will appear on the
windows. The entire improvement will cost about $3,000. Total value of property
and buildings about $23,000.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, September 1, 1910]
The old livery barn owned by P. A. Follmer has been torn down by H. Fansler
& Sons, to be moved to Mr. Follmer's farm, east of town.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, February 16, 1911]
Monterey Sun.
Another of the old landmarks of Monterey has been razed to the ground, to make
room for a new modern up-to-date brick veneer residence. It is the old squatty
building on Main street directly west of the Young home, which years ago was
used to dispense "wet goods" in but of late years had passed all
usefulness, only waiting from someone to tear it down. The new residence is to
be erected by Frank Hartman.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, April 6, 1911]
A new fire truck mounted on a Ford chassis was delivered to the town board of
Monterey by a Prospect, Ohio firm, last Saturday. The fire truck was purchased
several months ago. The equipment of the truck consists of two large chemical
tanks and a rotary pump which can be connected to driven wells of the city which
wells will be sunk this spring. The Monterey town board is composed of Clif
Chapman, Ed Easter and William Stevens. The new fire equipment will greatly
lower the fire insurance rate in Monterey, which savings was asked by the
business men and property owners of that city.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, April 5, 1928]
The filling station in Monterey owned by William Peters and operated by Kenneth
Highland for the past year has been sold to the Standard Oil Company. Joseph
Bower is to be the manager and will take possession Wednesday.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, March 31, 1931]
Dr. A. J. Kelsey, Monterey physician, who has served that community since about
1896, closed his office Wednesday night and Thursday morning left for Phoeix,
Arizona, where he will remain indefinitely. Dr. Kelsey's wife has been in
Arizona for some time. She is suffering with a heart ailment.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, April 21, 1945]
The First National Bank of Monterey is this week observing the thirty-fifth
anniversary of its founding, with announcement that its assets are now well past
the million dollar mark.
When the books were footed Tuesday evning the anniversary date, they showed
assets of $1,171,248.37, an increase of more than $200,000 in the past year.
Deposits exceed $1,113,000.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, August 3, 1945]
MONTEREY HERALD [Monterey, Pulaski County]
The Monterey Herald, a weekly newspaper that has been published in the town west
of here for so many years has discontinued publication. A. L. Treasize, the
editor has sold all of the equipment and it will be taken to Medaryville print
shop. The Herald was always a creditable paper but like the case of the Macy
Monitor and the Star City News, the publisher says that he could not keep up
with increasing costs and decreasing advertising and subscribers.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, March 25, 1922]
MONTGOMERY, H. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Kimball Pianos - Organs. - - - - H. L. MONTGOMERY, Dealer in
"Kimball" Pianos and Organs. Office over Bank of Indiana, Rochester,
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, November 15, 1901]
Akron News.
Harley Montgomery, the restaurant man, is preparing to do his own baking.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, February 4, 1905]
Akron News.
Harley Montgomery informs us that he expects to erect a new and up-to-date
0bakeoven on the Wicks property that he bought this week. He does not expect to
do any retailing of bread, pies or any other goods that he may put out. His
business will be with the wholesale trade only. Thus a new industry will be
opened up in Akron and if it gets in the ascendency, which we believe it will,
like our grain trade, our livestock trade, Akron will soon be shipping bread to
neighboring towns.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, November 3, 1906]
MONTGOMERY, O. C. [Talma, Indiana]
[Adv] The White Star Filling Station has been replaced with the Indian at O. C.
MONTGOMERY'S place at Talma, due to the fact that the Indian Gas and Oils are in
greater demand in this locality. Also a nice canopy front has been built out
from in front of the store giving the store a nice appearance and making it
handy and nice to take care of the gas and oil business.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, June 1, 1928]
MONTGOMERY, O. F. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Montgomery & Emmons
MONTGOMERY, THEODORE [Rochester, Indiana]
This gentleman is one of the early settlers of the county. He is a native of
Richland County, Ohio, where he was born September 12, 1826. He is the son of
Caleb and Elizabeth Montgomery, the former a native of Virginia, the latter of
Caleb Montgomery, a pioneer from birth and a sturdy son of toil, was born June
23, 1799, in Virginia, of Scotch-Irish descent, the name Montgomery, being of
Scotch origin--"Oh ye hills and castles of Montgomerie." His father,
Benjamin Montgomery, was a native of Virginia, and a miller by trade. His
mother, Nancy, was a native of the State of Delaware. They left Virginia when
Caleb was a small boy, and settled in Richland County, Ohio, where they died,
and where Caleb grew from a mere boy to a man of family. He was the fifth of
eleven children, and his education as a mere rudimentary one, on account of
having settled in a new and thinly populated district. The thing most important
to young men and boys in those days was to have some trade or profession. In his
case, being of a migratory disposition, and having settled in a new and heavily
wooded coutry, the carpenter's trade was the most important. He chose this and
followed it in connection with his agricultural pursuits. In 1820, he was united
in marriage to Elizabeth Callen, a native of Pennsylvania, as before stated,
born August 7, 1798 and a native of the same county as her husband. To these
parents were born five children--Mary, now deceased; Sarah, now the wife of
Henry Davidson, living in Halsey, Oregon; Theodore, of whom this sketch is
concerned; Porter, deceased at Vicksburg, Miss.; and Callen, now interested in
the mining business in Coloma, Cal. In 1834, Mrs. Montgomery deceased, leaving a
mourning husband and family, and in 1836 he married Sarah L. Mercer, a native of
Ohio, born in 1812. To these parents were born ten children, four sons and six
daughters, all of whom are now dead but three.
As the borders of settlement were extended westward, the spirit of enterprise
with a love of frontier life, induced him to follow in the line of march. He
left the scenes of boyhood's years and early struggles and came to Indiana,
settling in Fulton County in 1837, when there were but few white men in a
distance of many miles around. He chose a location in a heavy wooded district
six miles east of Rochester, where there was not a tree or bush missing, and
where there were no roads, only winding paths of the Indian to travel, and where
he carved from the forest a home for his family; though tedious and long were
his struggles, his dauntless spirit never weakened or wanted. The forest trees
fell, and ere many years had come and gone a beautiful farm appeared, and a mark
left which shows what must have been the trials of the sturdy pioneers. He lived
to see the town grow from a mere Indian trading post into a flourishing town of
over two thousand people, and he saw the camp fires of the Indians die out, and
the fireside of home and comfort take its place, and died February 23, 1872, at
the age of seventy-three years, honored by all who knew him and an humble
servant of Him whom he served all through life.
Theodore Montgomery, of whom this sketch is principally concerned, came to
Fulton County with his parents in 1837 as stated in the beginning. Though a mere
boy he took an active part in the labors necessary to the cleaning of fields,
and cultivation of grain. His education being a very limited one, as the school
facilities were very meager, and his time was necessarily spent in hard manual
labor. However at the age of twenty he enlisted as a volunteer to go to Mexico
in the war of 1847, and served one year in the first regiment Indiana ever
While engaged in the celebration of Washington's birthday, at the city of
Matamoras, Mexico, he sustained an injury, by the accidental explosion of a
cannon, which has continued with him all through life. After returning from
Mesico, he engaged in cabinet-making for several years. He was united in
marriage, in 1849, to Margaret Wilson, a native of Henry County, Ind., and a
daughter of Mathew and Margaret Wilson, who were natives of Kentucky. She was
born November 14, 1831. A few years after marriage, Mr. Montgomery, with his
wife and one son, made an overland or wagon trip to California, in search of a
fortune; this journey lasted six months, and was full of adventure and danger,
yet they landed at their destination without harm. While in California, he
engaged in gold mining, and at the expiration of two years, with a nice little
fortune, he turned his face toward the orient, and after twenty-one days of
sailing from San Francisco by way of the Isthmus of Panama he landed at New York
City, thence overland to Indianapolis, then by stage to Rochester where he
purchased a farm immediately adjoining the corporate limits of the town. Here he
began life with an earnest determination to succeed, and where he now resides on
his Mount Pleasant farm, enjoying the comforts of life.
His family consiste of wife and four sons, his only daughter having deceased
some years ago--Francis C., born October 14, 1850; Commodore W., December 11,
1854; Osbra F., born October 3, 1858; Cara E., born October 11, 1860, deceased
November 15, 1872; Owen L., born March 30, 1868; also a nephew, Loren C.
Montgomery, a son of his brother, is now a permanent member of the family.
Mr. Montgomery's life has been one of diligent, arduous labor; his form though
yielding to the weight of years, yet reflects what was once a strong man. His
deafness has almost ostracized him from society, yet he enjoys the respect and
confidence of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Feeling the need of rest and wishing to enjoy a vacation, he, in company with
his wife, made a tour through all the Western States and Territories, spending
all of the summer of 1882 on the Pacific Coast, visiting all the points of
interest, and renewing old memories of early struggles in the Golden State,
coming home, where he may now live to be honored by his family and enjoy the
rest of his advanced years.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 30]
MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM [Rochester, Indiana]
Wm. Montgomery, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. For Terms, &c.,
apply at his residence, opposite A. K. Plank's. Pianos, Melodeons, and all kinds
of Musical Instruments Toned and Repaired. Rochester, March 15, 1860.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 7, 1860]
MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM J. [Newcastle Township]
William J. Montgomery. - This gentleman of whom we now write is a descendant of
the family to which Gen. Richard Montgomery, who fell at Quebec, belonged. His
father, Caleb Montgomery, mentioned elsewhere in this work, was born in Richland
County, Ohio, in 1799, and was a nephew of Gen. Richard Montgomery. He emigrated
to this county and landed on the Montgomery homestead March 1, 1837, when this
was an unbroken wilderness. Here the subject of this sketch was born on the 4th
of October, 1849, and here he lived till it pleased his Creator to call him
away. He was the ninth of his mother's ten children, his father having
previously been married, to which marriage had been born five children. The
writer knew Mr. Montgomery from his infancy, and knew him always to be affable,
genial and kind. In his schoolboy days, he was a favorite with the other pupils.
On the play-ground, he was always ready and willing to advance the interests of
his fellows; ready, if necessary to yield his place for the comfort and pleasure
of others. Though it could not be said that he was an adept in his studies, yet
when absent from the classes he was always missed. The same might be said of him
as a man and citizen, and as a husband and father he was social, affectionate
and kind. Upon arriving at manhood, he inherited the greater portion of the
homestead with certain stipulations which we believe were faithfully performed.
On the 25th of May, 1872, he was united in marriage to Miss Clara E. King, who
walked by his side, faithfully performing the duties of wife and companion for
nearly ten years, until February 10, 1882, when she was called to mourn his loss
by the relentless hand of death. The union of these was blessed with four
children--Harley L., Omer C., Mary L. and Nora E., all of whom are living. Some
twelve years prior to his death, Mr. Montgomery united with the Baptist Church
at Yellow Creek, of which society he ever remained a faithful member. Mrs.
Montgomery is also connected with the same society. Mrs. Montgomery was born in
Fairfield County, Ohio, July 7, 1855, and came to this county with her parents
in 1863. She obtained her education in the common schools of her native and
adopted counties, and has always been regarded as an industrious woman and an
ornament to the society in which she lived. Her father, Charles King, is a
native of Pennsylvania, was born September 5, 1814. February 28, 1842, he
married May Haimbaugh, a native of Fairfield County, Ohio, born February 3,
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 49]
MONTGOMERY & EMMONS [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] MONTGOMERY & EMMONS, O. F. Montgomery, C. E. Emmons. Lawyers and
Notary Public. Successors to Essick & Montgomery.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, May 2, 1908]
Notice is hereby given that the partnership business of the firm of Montgomery
& Emmons, attorneys at law, heretofore existing, has been this day, by
mutual consent of both parties, dissolved, O. F. Montgomery retaining the old
office, C. E. Emmons starting an office for himself.
Dated December 3rd, 1912.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, December 3, 1912]
MONTGOMERY SWEET SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Montgomery, of Akron, have purchased Hathaway's Sweet Shop,
and will take up their residence in Rochester. Earl Hathaway will take a
position for the winter with a Hammond firm, but his family will probably remain
here this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery will reside in the John Barr home on
west Ninth st., as Mr. and Mrs. Barr leave Monday to spend the winter in
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, October 27, 1915]
E. Gross, of the firm of Gross and Gross, South Bend, Thursday evening completed
the purchase of the Harley Montgomery Sweet Shop, in the Arlington block, and
announced that he would open a first class ladies ready-to-wear store in the
same location by Feb. 1st. A five year lease has been closed for the room.
Mr. Gross, who is a brother of Joe Gross, Studebaker representative, well known
here, has been in the business for some time in South Bend, but expects to make
Rochester his home. He is a married man, with three children.
He is advertising for sale the stock and fixtures of the Sweet Shop, which he is
said to have bought for $600. Mr. Montgomery has made no announcement of his
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 4, 1918]
Operated early 1900's.
Nicknamed "Hell's Half Acre."
Restaurant, bakery and butcher shop, operated by Omar Montgomery, early 1900's.
Omar C. Montgomery has taken possession of the bakery and meat market at Talma,
where he will carry a fresh line of groceries, fresh meats and baked goods. Your
patronage solicited.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, August 10, 1906]
MONTY'S [Rochester, Indiana]
Another change in the scenery of Rochester places of business is scheduled to
take place in the very near future, more than likely before the close of the
month when "Monty's" the candy store owned by Ralph Montgomery either
changes hands or is closed out by the proprietor. While admitting that a change
of some description is imminent, Montgomery delcared Monday afternoon that he
could not state whether or not he would sell out or close out.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 14, 1922]
MOON, GEORGE W. [Union Township]
George W. Moon, deceased, was born in Ohio, August 5, 1839, the son of William
and Melinda (Lee) Moon, both of whom were natives of Ohio and came to Union
township, Fulton county, Indiana, in 1845. George W. Moon was reared on the home
farm and was educated in the district school near his home. An interesting touch
of romanticism in this prosaic age is the story of how he met and married his
wife. While he was still attending the district school, Sara Jane Mellisor came
from Miami county, Ohio to take charge of that same school. Her advent into the
community was the beginning of the romance, for when she returned to her home in
Ohio at the end of the term, George Moon followed her, and they were married on
March 15, 1865. A few weeks later they returned to Fulton county to make their
home. They lived in the utmost harmony for fifty-one years. He died March 18,
1916. When George Moon returned to Fulton county with his bride, he took up his
residence in Aubbeenaubbee township, where they lived for twelve years in a log
cabin. At the end of that time he moved to the farm on which his widow now
resides. At his death, he owned two hundred acres of land including eighty acres
of the old home farm which he had purchased shortly before his death. To Mr. and
Mrs. Moon were born eight children, all of whom are living: Charles Munroe, who
lives at Mishawaka, Indiana, and has five children; Ida, the wife of Schuyler
Rouch, of Liberty township; Clara, the wife of Elge Yelton, of Ora, Indiana;
Perry, of Logansport, Indiana; William, who lives in Union township; Jacob, of
Liberty township; Samuel, of South Bend, Indiana; and Frank B., who lives in
Aubbeenaubbee township. Mrs. Moon is happy in having twelve grandchildren and
five great grandchildren. George Moon was a successful farmer and improved the
land by the addition of excellent farm buildings and a beautiful home. Although
he supported the principles of the Democratic party, he neither sought nor cared
for office. He and his wife were devout members of the United Brethren church.
Mrs. Moon is now in her eighty-fourth year, and as the result of falling down
the cellar stairs over a year ago, she will probably be a cripple for the rest
of her life, although she manages to get about with the aid of a crutch.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 246-247, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
MOON, SIDNEY R. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Downs Sawmill
SIDNEY R. MOON (Biography)
The face and fame and handshake of Hon. Sidney R. MOON are doubtless familiar to
as many or more people in Fulton county than any man who ever graced the
locality with his residence. Mr. Moon is a Buckeye by birth having been born in
Ohio 52 years ago, but he came with his parents to Indiana when 5 years old and
located in this county where he has ever since resided, except his present
temporary residence at the State capitol. He was brought up on a farm but, owing
to an accident at the age of twenty which permanently disabled his right hand,
he prepared himself for teaching and followed the vocation for many years, his
last work being in the Rochester city schools. In 1872 he accepted the
democratic nomination for Sheriff and was triumphantly elected. Two years later
he was re-elected by an increased majority and in 1888 and again in 1890
represented Fulton county in the State Legislature -- always running ahead of
his ticket. His prominence in the legislature which gave us our excellent
election law, school book law, tax law etc., etc., made him an available
candidate for a State office in '92 and he was given the nomination for Reporter
of the Supreme court without opposition and again elected by a proud majority.
The duties of this trust called Mr. Moon to Indianapolis but Rochester is still
his home and when his services for the state, which he is discharging so
faithfully, are finished, he will again be one of us. He married Miss Minnie
WALTERS, daughter of the venerable John H. WALTERS, and they have a family of
four children, viz: Lee, Albert, Harry and Belle [MOON].
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
Hon. Sidney R. Moon, widely known all over Indiana, spent Sunday at his old home
here with his many friends. "Sid," as everybody knows him, is living
at Portland, this state, but his business interests are in Missouri where he
owns an interest in an ice manufacturing plant and is extensively engaged in the
lumber business. He owns several acres of timber land, has a big 100 horse power
saw mill and operates the lumber cutting business on a large scale. He has his
son Albert associated with him and his hosts of friends, in Fulton county and
throughout the State will be pleased to hear that he is making money.
[Rocheter Sentinel, Friday, November 14, 1902]
Sidney MOON, former well known resident of Rochester, died at four o'clock
Tuesday morning at his home in Portland, according to word received here by his
brother-in-law, L. B. WALTERS. Mr. Moon died following a stroke of paralysis. He
was about 79 years of age.
Mr. Moon was at one time a school teacher in this city where he had many
friends. He was sheriff of Fulton county and was later named State supreme court
reporter. He had not lived here for a number of years.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Minnie MOON, two sons, Albert MOON, of New York,
and Lee MOON, of Portland, and a daughter, Mrs. Bell SWARTZ, also of Portland.
Following funeral services at Portland the body will be brought to Rochester
where graveside services will be conducted at the I.O.O.F. cemetery Thursday
morning at 11:30 o'clock.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, September 18, 1923]
MOORE, BENJAMIN G. [Henry Township]
This well-known farmer and stock-raiser of Henry Township, is a native of Logan
County, Ohio, where he was born September 10, 1833, and is the oldest son of
Dennis and Anna Moore, who are also natives of Ohio. After receiving a fair
education at the school in the vicinity of his father's home, Benjamin acquired
in his earlier years a thorough knowledge of the duties pertaining to farm life.
He remained with his parents until he reached his majority.
On July 22, 1855, Mr. Moore was united in marriage with Miss Nancy Miller, born
in Logan County, Ohio, October 17, 1836. In August, 1858, he came to the State
of Indiana, settling upon the premises where he has since resided. The farm
consists of 160 acres, which was entered by his father and given him by the
latter in lieu of his interest in the family estate in Ohio. When Mr. Moore
located on his quarter-section, no improvements had been made, but he at once
put up a hewed-log house and industriously labored to clear up the wild forest.
His labor has been amply rewarded, for finely cultivated fields, modern,
commodious farm buildings and handsome family residence, with pleasant
surroundings, denoting prosperity and peace, are visible on all sides.
Mr. and Mrs. Moore's married life has been blessed with nine children, of whom
seven--J. M. Moore, Albert A., Flora and Laura, Mary Belle and Ella M. and
Wilson M. are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are worthy members of the United
Brethren. The erection of the church edifice at Mt. Hope is largely due to the
untiring efforts of Mr. Moore, who was President of the Board of Trustees that
had charge of construction of the building.
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 39]
MOORE, CHARLES B. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Patents and Inventions
There is no stronger evidence of the advancement of a people in refinement and
culture, or more convincing proof of hospitality than the encouragement and
cultivation of the fine arts. In the rapid progress of modern research, few
professions have received greater accessions of improvements than photography.
In the great accumulations of styles, careful sifting and judgment have been
required in order to discard the worthless and trivial and select the
Mr. [C. B.] MOORE is an example of a painstaking, thorough artist, and a visit
to his parlors will amply repay the lover of the beautiful and artistic. This
gentleman has had an experience of over eight years, his location being opposite
court house. Since locating in our city Mr. Moore has had to contend with a
great deal of competition. Photographers have located here time and again, but
when patrons compared their work to that of Mr. Moore, they have invariably
stuck to the latter, and today he holds the field alone and undisputed.
The rooms he occupies are nicely fitted up, are kept in excellent order, and
everything about the place denotes a thorough knowledge of the business in which
he is engaged, and a high degree of intellectual culture and refinement. The
operating rooms deserve special mention. It is supplied with all the improved
instruments known to the profession, and the light is excellent.
Mr. Moore makes a point of always keeping up with the times. His experience is
extensive, and he has profited by the knowledge gained. He examines carefully
into everything new that is introduced into photography, and if it is considered
practical and any improvement on what he has hitherto used, he never fails to
adopt it.
Mr. Moore makes all kinds of photographs, but makes a specialty of cabinets,
panel pictures and large work. He also pays special attention to retouching, and
his work in all things equals that of large cities. His positions are all
characterized by an ease and grace which few photographers can obtain, and we
consider his greatest success lies in this.
He uses the instantaneous process, by which pictures are taken in one-hundredth
the ordinary time. A photograph by this is more satisfactory than by any other,
and it is the only method by which you can obtain a life-like picture of a
child. He also has special equipment for outside work and has achieved a great
success in that line.
We heartily commend Mr. Moore to the people, and are safe in saying that all
persons entrusting their work to him will be sure to have good work done,
receive full value for their money and be treated in a very pleasant and
agreeable manner.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, February 29, 1888]
CHARLES B. MOORE (Biography)
Photographer Charles B. MOORE is a native of Fulton county, son of George MOORE,
the widely known old farmer east of Manitau. He entered an apprenticeship at a
Peru gallery sixteen years ago and after serving three years, came to Rochester
and opened a gallery. Since then he has increased his facilities for high class
photography until he now has the finest of equipment and room built expressly
for his business. Mr. Moore is 44 years old and always happiest when making a
good photo or trolling for bass, the fine string of fish shown elsewhere being
one of his catches. He married Miss Belle HECTOR and they have two children,
Cornelia and Lewis [MOORE].
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, September 20, 1895]
Having disposed of my Photograph Gallery, I am to give possession November 1st,
1903. - - - C. B MOORE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 17, 1903]
A deal was closed Monday evening, by which C. B. Moore and Ray Showley sold
their photographic studios to Messrs J. M. Steele, of Sidell, Ill., and V. L.
Manning, of this 00place. The new owners took possession at once. They will
conduct the Showley studio, in the rooms where it is now located and open
another in the rooms over where Ditmire's store formerly was.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, November 1, 1904]
MOORE, DANIEL M. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Moore's Cigar Store
MOORE, ENOCH M. [Wayne Township]
Enoch M. Moore, the son of Lindley and Lydia (Vanmeter) Moore, was born in
Fulton county, Ind., Sept. 10, 1851. The father, Lindley Moore, was born in Ross
county, Ohio, Sept. 9, 1806. The mother, Lydia Moore, was born in Ross county,
Ohio, in July, 1813. The father remained with his parents until the age of
twenty-four, having in the meantime labored on the farm and also operated a saw
mill. In 1830, at the age of twenty-four, he was married to Lydia Vanmeter. He
began life as a farmer, which he followed through life. In 1846 he came to Wayne
township, Fulton county, Ind., and entered some 200 acres of land. Some two
years later (1848) he, together with his wife and family, migrated to Indiana in
a wagon, and settled on the land which he had entered. Here he remained until
his death, being at that time the possessor of 480 acres of improved land. He
died in 1877. The mother died just five days later. To this union were born the
following children: Eliza Ann, Samuel, deceased; William, deceased; Joseph and
Taylor, deceased were twins; Elias, deceased; Martha, deceased; Lindley,
deceased; James, John and Enoch M., were twins, and George. Enoch M., the
subject of this sketch, remained at home with his parents until the age of
twenty-five, having in the meantime received but a common school education. Jan.
18, 1881, he was married to Ollie Brown, the daughter of Salathiel and Elizabeth
Brown. Enoch having received his share of his father's estate, eighty acres of
land, settled down on the same as a farmer. He now resides on this tract of
land. At present he owns 100 acres of valuable land. To his marriage have been
born the following seven children: Merril, deceased; Leola, Elsie, Leila,
Lottie, Earl, Monnie. He and his wife are members of the United Brethren church.
He has always been a staunch republican.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co,. Chicago 1896,
p. 109]
MOORE, F. F. [Rochester, Indiana]
The Fourth Annual Sale of Brood sows at Elm Dale Stock Farm on Tuesday, October
10, 1899, will offer 30 Chester White hogs, 25 of which are February, March and
April sows, not bred. These hogs have been selected from over one hundred head
and will go to the highest bidder.
Sale at 11 o'clock at my new residence 4 miles east of Rochester on the Akron
and Rochester road. F. F. MOORE. S. W. NEWELL, Auctioner.
Terms 9 months time, 6 per cent off for cash.
Rain or shine plenty of shelter.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 5, 1899]
MOORE, FRED H. [Rochester, Indiana]
Fred Moore of Moore Bros., this city, was distinctively recognized in Chicago
Wednesday when he was placed on the executive board of nine members of the new
National Swine Growers Association, an organization which is national in scope
and had its birth in the new Ft. Dearborn hotel at a banquet attended by 200
The new organization is composed of breeders of all kinds of swine and will have
as its chief purpose the furtherance and protection of hog raising. In this
work, the executive board will be very active. A national show, similar to the
International Stock show, of two weeks duration, will probably be given next
year, with exhibits of all kinds of appliances used by swine men, as well as the
stock itself. Because of the national character of the organization and the work
it has ahead, Mr. Moore was highly honored in being chosen on the board.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, December 4, 1914]
The Murdock Hotel in Logansport, owned by Fred Moore, formerly of Rochester, has
been sold it was learned here today. Mr. Moore early in the week disposed of his
interest to Roy Johnson, known as "Uncle Roy" in that city and former
owner of a cafeteria there. Mr. Johnson will resign his position as clerk of the
municipal light department and has already assumed management of the hostelery.
Mr. Moore who has lived in the hotel with his family since they moved there
about a year ago will continue his residence in Logansport until the middle of
this month. He has not announced his future plans. He purchased the hotel of a
stock company and has operated it since that time.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, September 4, 1930]
Fred H. Moore, the subject of this sketch is well known in Fulton County as the
oldest of the Moore Brothers, for many years publishers of the Chester White
Journal and 0nationally known breeders of Chester White Swine and foremost
authority on live stock and agriculture activities and as such has been elected
as director of the National live stock and meat board he has traveled in every
corn belt state and many of the out lying states in live stock and agricultural
transactions. In the latter part of 1933 he was emergency land officer for the
Federal Land Bank of Louisville, Ky. As head of the Fred H. Moore Realty Co.
with offices at 116 East 8th, News-Sentinel building, he is making an enviable
record for quick, satisfactory sales of properties and farms, some of these
deals have been made possible through the co-operation of large Chicago and
Indianapolis real estate agencies who furnish prospective buyers, also Mr. Moore
has special arrangements whereby farms can be purchased by the use of first
mortgages on other properties or securities as full payment or partial payment
with terms as low as 10% down and 1% or 2% per year on principle or 20 year
payment planl In addition to the above connections for selling real estate Mr.
Moore is affiliated with the selling of farms owned by the Federal Land Bank
Insurance Company, Finance Corporation and Loan Associations a set-up that
provides numerous outlets for good sales and exchange.
"The back to the land movement," said Mr. Moore, "is rapidly
crystalizing into action among city residents, and right now is the opportune
time to list property and land. Many of these people have good, unencumbered
city income property in exchange for land, and we are striving to effect the
medium through which our people and the city resident can meet and discuss the
mutual advantages offered to both be it either cash or trade."
A visit to the Fred H. Moore Realty Company's office, News-Sentinel Bldg., Phone
234 might put you in touch with the very sale or trade you have been wanting.
You will find some of these properties mentioned in the classified department of
this issue.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Thursday, December 6, 1934, p. 24]
MOORE, GEORGE [Rochester Township]
George Moore. - Ocrt. 1, 1840, is the time when the gentleman whose name
introduces this review and who, for many years, has been familiarly known as
"Uncle George Moore," came to Fulton county. He is a native of Logan
county, Ohio, born May 22, 1819, and is a son of George and Mary (Moore) Moore.
His father was born in Pennsylvania in 1789. He was a soldier of the war of 1812
and died in Fulton county, Ind., in 1855. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Moore
was George Moore, a native of Massachusetts. He was a soldier in the war of the
Revolution and participated in many of the important battles of that conflict,
among which may be mentioned Bunker Hill, Stony Point and Brandywine. By
occupation he was a weaver, which vocation he followed almost until the time of
his demise at more than ninety-nine years of age, when death came to him in
Jasper county, Ind., July 18, 1848. The mother of the subject of this biography
was born in Ohio and died in Logan county, of that state, in 1823. He was raised
in Logan county, Ohio, and attended school there. In early life he learned the
wheelwright and chairmaker trades and these vocations he followed until about
1865. Upon coming to this county he first settled in the woods about six miles
east of Rochester, where he lived for some eighteen months, when he removed to
Rochester, and here lived until the spring of 1848, when he removed to his
present place of residence, about three miles east of Rochester. Since 1865 Mr.
Moore has been engaged in farming and now owns in this county about 455 acres of
good land. As a farmer Mr. Moore has been successful. He was united in marriage
in 1842 to Miss Eleanor Quigg, who died in Rochester soon after the marriage. In
November, 1844, Mr. Moore married Miss Rebecca Clark, who was born in Lewis
county, Va. To Mr. and Mrs. Moore are these three living children, viz.: Milton
H., Charles and Frank. The right of political suffrage has been cast with the
fortunes of the republican party since its birth, and Mr. Moore is a pronounced
advocate of a protective tariff. He cast his first presidential vote for Henry
Clay. In 1876 he was the nominee of his party in Fulton county for commissioner,
and while he was not successful at the election he reduced the democratic
majority of the county very perceptibly. He is a member of the Presbyterian
church and one of the honorable old settlers and citizens of his adopted county.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co,. Chicago 1896,
pp. 109-110]
MOORE, GEORGE M. [Wayne Township]
George M. Moore, the son of Lindley Moore and Lydia (Vameter) Moore, was born on
the farm where he now lives March 12, 1855. His father entered the farm spoken
of in 1836, but did not commence to improve it until 1850, having settled first
in Lafayette, and thence removed to Ohio, where he resided until coming here.
Mr. Moore, Sr., was the parent of seven children,viz., Eliza A., Samuel W.,
William B., James A., John A., Enoch M. and George M., who are all settled in
this township and follow farming. Mr. Moore, Sr., though about fifty-seven years
of age when he enlisted, and two of his sons, were in the war of the rebellion.
Both of the sons died in the service. Mr. Moore, Sr., had 480 acres of land at
the time of his death. He and his sons were and are Republicans and thrifty
[T. B. Helm, Fulton County Atlas, A. L. Kingman, 1883, p. 62]
MOORE, HAROLD [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Letter From Harold Moore)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Second Letter From Harold Moore)
See: Service Men, World War II, Letters (Third Letter From Harold Moore)
MOORE, IDA F. [Rochester, Indiana]
Mrs. Ida F. Moore of Peru has rented the W. F. Newman room at the corner of
Madison and Eighth streets and will open a millinery and art goods store. One
room is beng re-arranged and re-decorated by Mr. Newman and should be ready for
occupancy in two weeks.
Mrs. Moore, who has been engaged in the millinery business in Peru for a number
of years, has purchased modern fixtures for her establishment which arrived
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 10, 1925]
MOORE, IKE [Athens, Indiana]
Twelve men, armed with guns, revolvers, rope and hickory switches and the
features of their faces completely hidden behind pillow slip masks, broke open
the bed room door of Isaac Moore's home, one mile east of Athens, at midnight,
Monday night, pulled the old man out of bed and after tying his hands securely
dragged him to his buggy shed a hundred feet away and lashed him until his back,
brest, arms and legs were one mass of bleeding wounds.
Five men entered the house by forcing the door and dragged him out of bed. Two
of the men held him by his arms and another tied them together with hemp rope.
While this was being done, others choked, pinched, kicked and otherwise
tormented him until he was very furious with rage. When he was securely bound he
was carried and dragged to the barnlot, where a rope attached to his arms was
thrown over a crosspiece and he was pulled up until his toes just reached the
The whipping was then started and the men took turn about in beating the old
man. One would do the laying on of the whips until tired out and then another
would begin. This kind of treatment was kept up for about ten minutes. Almost
the entire back and sleeves of the old man's shirt was torn out or into shreds.
After the whipping, being too weak to stand, he was carried back into his room
and set on a chair. The white-caps adjourned to the yard and there, after
shooting several times, and sounding a yell equal to a band of Indians, they
Moore was unable to sleep on account of the pain and when called upon by a
SENTINEL man, this morning, said they had almost killed him. He wears a heavy
beard of a gray redish color and it was a perfect mass of clotted blood, while
in many places were scratches and bruises. He complained of severe pains in his
left side and said "one of the men jumped on me when they were tying my
hands and it made me deathly sick. I began to vomit blood and the carpet all
over the bed room is badly stained. My head aches and I can only be on my feet a
few minutes at a time, and then I become dizzy. My back and arms cause me much
agony and wherever my clothes touch it is just like sitting on fire."
Mr. Moore then hobbled out to the barn lot and explained how and where they had
committed the assault, and pointed out a large number of hickory switches,
broken to pieces and strewn about on the ground.
When asked if he recognized any of his assailants he said he did, but refused to
give their names as he intends to prosecute them. "I told them," he
said, "as they whipped me, that I would get every devil of them and they
will pay dearly for their treatment."
In reply to the question, "Why did they commit the assault" he
explained that he and his wife had been having a little trouble, but his story
and that of his wife do not tally in detail.
Mrs. Moore was questioned and said, "My husband has been treating me most
shamefully for the past two weeks, and not only that, but has broken up a large
part of the dishes and whipped me and the children. He has also acted shamefully
immoral with me in presence of the children."
A number of the neighbors were called on and each told a story of brutality.
Moore is said to be a good neighbor and bright and honest in his business
relations with them. His faults, however, are of a domestic nature and it is
said he has treated his family like beasts, at different times for the past
fifteen or twenty years. For several months he will be as good a father and
husband as could be desired, then he will get angry at some trivial offense and
for the next several days or weeks he will be most cruel and brutal toward his
family. Several years ago he whipped and beat his wife and she started
prosecution, which would have dealth with him quite severely, had the children
not persuaded her to withdraw the suit, which she did. His last cruel spell
began about a week ago, the neighbors say, and has been worse than any previous
one. His wife has told the neighbors shocking things of him and the little
children dreaded to see night come. There are many ugly rumors afloat in the
neighborhood concerning Moore. Among them is one that he has made attempts to
debauch a fourteen years aold daughter, but he denies this.
Moore accuses his wife and twenty-one years old son of knowing that the whipping
was planned and being in league with the white cappers in concocting the
assault. He bases his accussion on the fact that they remained in bed and made
no attempt to assist him to repel the mob. Mrs. Moore, however, says she knew
nothing of it, but had suspected as much and said that the neighbors had told
her if he (Moore) did not behave himself, they would take the 0law into their
own hands.
Last Saturday, it is said, he drove his wife from their home because she would
not tell him where she had hid the family supply of lard, which he wished to
sell. He would not allow her to re-enter for several hours, and she was forced
to stay out in the rain, with no clothing, except a light calico dress to
protect her from the bad weather.
Moore has lived on his little seven acre place, east of Athens, for the last
forty years. He was a member of Company B, 9th Ind. regiment and served one year
during the civil war, for which service he now receives a pension of ten dollars
per month.
The present Mrs. Moore, is his second wife and they were married about thirty
years ago. It was impossible to learn how many children they had, except that
there were four at home and several married.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 20, 1903]
Ike Moore, the victim of the Athens white cappers, is still in jail. An attempt
has been made to take him to the Soldiers' home at Marion, but in the event that
he should go there it would be necessary for him to give a portion of the
pension he now draws to his wife. This he would not agree to do and prefers
remaining in jail in preference to helping his family.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 9, 1904]
MOORE, JAMES [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Mitchell, Charles A.
See: Perschbacher, George
MOORE, JAMES H. [Fulton, Indiana]
James H. Moore was born in Pipe Creek township Miami county, July 2, 1858 and
moved with his parents at the age of two years to Peru where his boyhood and
early manhood were passed. Like many boys of his day he tired of books and study
after the first year of high school and despite the protests of parents,
brothers and sisters who urged him to graduate and then take a collegiate course
he left and went to learn the Alpha and Omega of the newspaper game in the
Republican office under the guidance of G. I. Reed. Years later, he and Charles
W. Winters started the Peru Chronicle whose interests were ever close to his
heart. Selling his half interest to Mr. Winters he left for Chicago and Hammond
and took up presswork, perfecting himself in it. In 1902 he married Miss Nelle
M. King and in 1909 they came to Fulton where Mr. Moore purchased the Fulton
Leader and made a real paper out of it for the town and township, one that stood
for all progress and uprightness. James H. Moore was a Republican and like all
newspapermen dabbled in politics more or less, but he was broad-minded, well
trained with a world of needed experience. His father organized a company in the
Civil War and was made captain, the oldest son was a lieutenant in the same
company. An uncle, E. H. Moore, a banker of Athens, Ohio, was also congressman
of his district and a cousin, David Moore, a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal
church doing missionary work in European countries when the Russo-Japanese war
broke out. Bishop Moore witnessed several of the naval battles fought at that
time. Mr. Moore belonged to the Masonic order at Peru. He helped organize the
union for printers at Peru and was a charter member. The Fulton Leader advanced
under his able guidance and at his death March 2, 1922 when God called him home
it was in splendid financial condition, a credit to him and a blessing and
pleasure to his patrons. Mr. Moore was an advocate for all things that would be
a benefit to schools and churches.
[Henry A. Barnhart, Fulton County History, pp. 247-248, Dayton Historical
Publishing Co., 1923]
MOORE, JAMES R. [Rochester, Indiana]
James R. Moore, member of Moore Brothers Company of this city, received a call
from the executive Committee of the Indiana Farm Bureau, Indianapolis on Tuesday
to appear before that body on Wednesday. The import of the sumons was the
tendering of the office of Editor of the Hoosier Farmer, official organ for the
Indiana Farm Bureau, to the local publisher.
Mr. Moore accdpted the position and will begin his new duties the first of
January following the closing of the present school semester.
* * * * * PHOTO * * * * *
Well Qualified
The local publisher is exceptionally well qualified for his new position having
been Editor of the Chester White Journal since it was founded by Moore Brothers
Company in 1910 and has kept in constant touch with the agriculture and
livestock conditions throughout the corn-belt states. He has had a very active
part in many National and State organizations that have been promoting better
farming and livestock. The management of The Chester White Journal and The
Berkshire Journal, also published by Moore Brothers Company, will now be
conducted by Fred H. and Levi P. Moore.
The Hoosier Farmer, which is published at Indianapolis, has a circulation of
more than 50,000 and is published twice a month. Mr. Moore's appointment came
through the resignation of William Stahl of Indianapolis, who has been the
editor for several years. W. H. Settle, nationally known advocate for relief
measures in agricultural interests, is President of the Indiana Farm Bureau.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 15, 1927]
Chicago, Dec. 1 - James R. Moore, editor of the Hoosier Farmer, Indianapolis,
was 0named president of the National Swine Growers' Association at its annual
dinner meeting held in connection with the International live stock show here
Tuesday evening.
Moore has been identified actively for twenty years with his father and brothers
in the swine business and has served as a director of the national association
since its organization and as vice-president the last three years.
Professor R. B. Conley, of Purdue University, was re-elected secretary-treasurer
of the National Association of Stallion Enrollment Boards at the annual meeting
last night.
Mr. Moore was formerly a resident of this city where he was associated with
his brothers, Levi and Fred in the publishing of the Chester White Swine
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 1, 1932]
Levi and Robert Moore this morning received word that their brother James Moore,
of Indianapolis, former resident of this city, has accepted a position as
director of information and editor of the monthly magazine of the Ohio Farm
Bureau Federation. Following is an account taken from an Indianapolis paper
about Mr. Moore in his new position.
James R. Moore, director of information for the Indiana Farm Bureau and editor
of the Hoosier Farmer, will take a similar position with the Ohio Farm Bureau
Federation Feb. 1.
He will become editor of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation News, published at
Mr. Moore has been with the Indiana Farm Brueau six years, having come here from
Rochester, where he was associated with three brothers in the publication of the
Chester White Journal, a national live stock magazine.
Brothers Publish Journal
His father, Frank F. Moore, was for 25 years secretary of the Chester White
Record Association. The other sons, Levi P. Moore, a member of the State Board
of Agriculture, Fred H. Moore and Robert P. Moore still publish the Chester
White Journal.
Mr. Moore has participated in the management of the National Swine show for the
last 15 years. He now is president of the National Swing Growers Association.
The family, Mrs. Moore, Ralph Moore, a son and two daughters, Miss Frances
Moore, a student in Depauw University, and Miss Joanne Moore, a recent graduate
of Shortridge high school, will move to Columbus. Mr. Moore's successor has not
been named.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, January 19, 1934]
MOORE, LEVI P. [Rochester, Indiana]
Levi P. Moore was re-elected secretary and treasurer of the Indiana Swine
Breeders Association Tuesday afternoon at the annual meeting which was held in
the Claypool hotel in Indianapolis. The meeting was attended by all the members
of the Moore Brothers firm of this city, publishers of the Chester White
Journal. Ward Moore of Thorntown was elected president of the association.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 7, 1925]
Levi P. Moore, a director of the state board of agriculture has been appointed
chairman of the program and publicity department of the state fair by Lin
Wilson, president of 0the board. Last year he was chairman of the police and
parking department.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, January 10, 1925]
Few residents of this city are aware of the National prominence in swinedom that
Levi P. Moore, member of the Moore Bros. publishing company, now holds. This
citizen, an expert hogman, has just been assigned the task of judging at the
International Swine Show, which will be held in connection with the
Sesqui-centennial at Philadelphia, during the first week of September.
This stock show will have entries from all parts of the world and will far
surpass any event of like nature which has been held in the cornbelt states.
Every male member of the Moore family hold licenses from state and government
granting them the right to make awards in judging all breeds of swine.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 16, 1926]
Indianapolis, Jan. 5. (INS) - The State Board of Agriculture this afternoon
elected Guy Cantwell of LaPorte, Ind., President, Levi P. Moore, of Rochester,
vice president, and re-elected E. J. Barker secretary-treasurer. . . . . . . .
Lee Moore of Rochester is slated to be elected vice-president of the board and
this is practically assured since he has no opposition.
[The News-Sentinel, Rochester, Indiana, Wednesday, January 5, 1927]
Levi P. Moore, whose term on the Indiana board of agriculture expires January 8,
will be a candidate for re-election, it was made known today, at a meeting for
election January 4th at Indianapolis. The seven other members of the board also
will seek re-election, it is said. It is rumored that there is little likeliness
of a change in the personnel of the board. Mr. Moore is a candidate from the
Thirteenth district.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, December 15, 1927]
Indianapolis, Jan. 4. (I.N.S.) - Eight members of the state board of agriculture
were re-elected today by the county fair association, livestock breeders
association and the Indiana Farm Bureau federation.
Those re-elected were: Levi P. Moore, of Rochester, Indiana; R. C. Crouse, of
Kendallville, Indiana; W. W. Wilson, of Muncie; Thomas Grant of Lowell; F. D.
Logsdon of Indianapolis; R. C. Jenkins of Orleans, Indiana; Guy Cantwell of
Gosport, Indiana, and F. W. Taylor of Boonville, Indiana.
The new board will meet late this afternoon to organize by electing is officers.
List of Officers
Levi P. Moore, of Rochester, Indiana, was elected president of the State Board
of Agriculture this afternoon.
Edward Logsdon of Indianapolis, was elected vice-president.
Guy Cantwell of Gosport, was elected head of agriculture and horticulture
department. W. W. Wilson of Muncie, head of sheep department. Lin Wilson of
Jonesboro, head of speed department. U. C. Brouse of Kendallvile, head of
mechanical department. Auston Sheets of Indianapolis, head of amusements
department. J. E. Green of Muncie, head of grandstands and 0horseshoe pitching
department. Dean Skinner of Lafayette, head of horse pulling contest department.
All other departments are unchanged.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 4, 1928]
Lee Moore, of this city, who was in Indianapolis this week attending meetings of
several organizations of which he is a member was honored by an election or
appointment to every one of them.
His term as president of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture expired with the
meeting on Wednesday, it being the custom to serve one year only and he was
succeeded by E. D. Logsdon of Indianapolis. However, Mr. Moore was appointed to
be in charge of the amusements and the publicity for the 1929 state fair which
involves the handling of considerable money and a large number of employees
leading up to and during the fair.
On Monday Mr. Moore was elected secretary-treasurer of the Indiana Swine
Breeders Association, on Tuesday he was chosen for a like position by the
Indiana Chester White Association and on Wednesday for a like position of the
Indiana Berkshire Association.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, January 11, 1929]
Levi P. Moore, of Rochester, was re-elected secretary and treasurer of the
Indiana Swine Breeders' Association at the fifty-fourth annual meeting of that
organization at Indianapolis Monday evening. F. B. Moore, of Sheridan, was
elected president for 1931. A legislative committee was formed to look after the
interests of the swine breeders at the coming session of the legislature.
The legislative committee will consist of the presidents of the eight breeders'
groups, with the secretaries as alternates. They will work especially to defeat
attempts to pass a law fixing qualifications for persons who vaccinate swine. C.
Y. Foster of Carmel, representative in the General Assembly, called attention to
efforts to pass such a bill in 1927.
Priase was given to the state board of agriculture for originating a barrow show
in connection with the National Swine show held here during the 1927 state fair.
James R. Moore of the Indiana Farm Bureau Federation, who is vice president of
the national show, said that this feature will be stressed at the next national
exhibition, with $5,000 offered for prizes. James Moore formerly was from
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 6, 1931]
Indianapolis, Jan. 8 - C. Y. Foster of Carmel, today was elected president of
the state board of agriculture for the coming year succeeding U. G. Brouse of
Kendallville. Foster had been vice-president.
O. L. Reddish of Waveland was elected vice president and E. J. Barker of
Thorntown, was re-elected superintendent of the fair grounds. Thomas Grant of
Lowell was re-elected a member of the Indiana stallion enrollment board for two
years and Levi P. Moore of Rochester was elected a member of the Indiana Live
Stock Breeders' association for three years. The board decided to open the 1931
fair on Sept. 5.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 8, 1931]
00 Indianapolis, Jan. 3. - Members of the Indiana Swine Breeders' Association
took some instructions along their own line last night at the Claypool hotel
from Max Cullen of Chicago, representative of the national live stock and meat
Mr. Cullen obligingly brought half a hog along with him and showed the swine
growers how a real hog should be cut up in order to lure housewives into buying
more meat.
With an old-fashioned meat saw, a sharp knife and several deft twists of the
wrist, he carved pork chops, ham hocks, shoulder rolls and crown roasts,
spareribs and whatnots. And while he carved chops on the stage the boys in the
front row smacked theirs with true epicurean gusto.
Schenck Becomes President
K. H. Schenck of Wayntown, vice president, was advanced to the presidency and
Seth Hadley of Hadley was named vice president. Levi P. Moore of Rochester was
re-elected secretary.
Speakers at the meeting were John Schwab of Purdue university, E. J. Barker, of
Thorntown and W. E. Harton of Rushville.
All officers of the Indiana duroc Swine Breeders' Association were elected at a
meeting yesterday afternoon in the Hotel Severin. They are Elmer Hutchinson of
Arlington, president; Clarence Beard of Frankfort, vice president, and Harry T.
Gooding of Anderson. Speakers included Mr. Hutchinson, Charles M. Trowbridge of
Rushville, Dr. H. F. Brown, state veternarian, and Emery Schooley of
New officers of the Chester White Breeders' Association are Arthur Thompson of
Wabash, president, Mr. Moore, vice president, and Mr. Harton, secretary.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 3, 1933]
Indianapolis, Jan. 5 - (U.P.) - Assignment of members of the state board of
agriculture to executive positions for various activities in connection with the
1933 state fair was made today.
Members assigned to various departments include Levi P. Moore of Rochester,
publicity and amusements; R. C. Jenkins, Orleans, cattle; O. R. Jenkins of
Osgood, parking and police; O. L. Reddish, Waveland, swine; Thomas Grant,
Lowell, womans building; Orin Felton, Fairmount, poultry.
The board voted reduction in pay of fair employees from 27 to 33 per cent.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 5, 1933]
Indianapolis, Jan. 5. (UP) - Members of the Indiana Swine Breeders Association
attending the 10th annual meeting here today voted to invite the National Swine
show to Indianapolis for the next two years. Officers elected included Levi P.
Moore, Rochester, re-elected secretary-treasurer.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 5, 1937]
* * * * Photo, Levi P. Moore * * * *
Levi P. Moore, of this city, was re-elected to the important post of Publicity
Director of the Indiana State Fair at the annual meeting of the Indiana Board of
Agriculture, which was held at Indianapolis today. The local man has held this
position for several years and performed his duties in a most satisfactory
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 7, 1937]
* * * * Photo * * * *
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 6. (INS) - Levi Moore, Rochester, who was elected a
member of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture yesterday was today named head
of the publicity department of the Indiana State Fair for 1938. He has held the
same position for several years and during his regime the attendance at the
State Fair has practically doubled. Mr. Moore was also honored by being named a
director of the Indiana Livestock Breeders Association.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 6, 1938]
Two Rochester citizens received signal honors at the Indiana Livestock Breeders
Association banquet which was held Wednesday evening in the Memorial Building,
Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. These men are Levi P. Moore and County Agent
Noah Hadley.
Mr. Moore was elected president of the Indiana Livestock Breeders Association,
which is the largest organization of its kind in the United States. His term of
office will be for two years. He succeeds Everett S. Priddy, of Warren, Ind. The
Rochester man, who is one of the best known livestock authorities in the
Mid-West, is also secretary of the Chester White Record Association and
Publicity Director of the Indiana State Fair.
County Agent Noah Hadley was named as one of six of Indiana's most outstanding
and efficient county agents. As there are nearly a hundred county agents
throughout the state, this achievement and honor was considered most
Over 500 in Attendance
Over 500 livestockmen and county agents attended the annual banquet. Following
the festive hour special entertainment features were presented, and trophy
winners of the 1937 Livestock shows and exhibitions were introduced to the
assembly. Following the speaking program a directors meeting was conducted and
the officers elected for the ensuing year.
Pictures and stories concerning the honoring of the Rochester man, together with
an array of the 1937 trophy winners and their various prize-winning animals and
products were carried in The "Hoos-yers" Roundup, the official
publication of the Indiana Livestock Breeders Association in its annual issue,
which was published as of Jan. 12th, 1938.
Both Mr. Moore and Mr. Hadley attended the banquet.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 12, 1938]
Indianapolis, Jan. 4. - Lieut. Gov. Henry F. Schricker told the Indiana
Association of County and District Fairs here today the state would have the
finest fairground in the world as soon as several new buildings, including a
coliseum, are erected.
He said Indiana's system of fairs "is of great value" in the movement
to prepare youth for the future.
"It is our responsibility and the responsibility of our fairs," he
emphasized, "to furnish the foundation for the future lives of our rural
youth. We are trying to do that job."
Others who addressed the association's annual meeting included Harry G.
Templeton, state fair manager; T. A. Coleman, acting director of the Purdue
university experimental station, and O. C. Redebacker, Vigo county agricultural
The Indiana Swine Breeders' association, one of several groups meeting in
connection with the fair officials' conference elected Larue Wallace of
Sheridan, president; C. E. Parker of Noblesville, vice-president, and Levi P.
Moore of Rochester, secretary-treasurer.
Albert Tomson of Wabash was named president of the Chester White Breeders'
association; Earl Horton of Rushville, vice-president, and Moore,
The Duroc Breeders' association chose Lester Nance of Arcadia, president; Emory
Carter of Fairmount, vice-president, and Harry T. Gooding of Anderson,
Seph Hadley of Hadley was named president of the Hampshire Breeders' association
and Ralph Bishop of Atlanta, secretary-treasurer.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 4, 1939]
At a recent meeting of the members of the board of directors of the Indiana
State Board of Agriculture held in Indianapolis, the following officers for the
Indiana State Fair were appointed for the year 1939: President, Harry F.
Caldwell, of Connersville, and Vice-President, P. L. White, of Oxford.
Levi P. Moore, of Rochester, was reappointed Director of Publicity and
Amusements, a post which he has held for the past 15 years. - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, January 23, 1939]
Indianapolis, Jan. 2. - Lard may be boomed and extolled in a concerted national
advertising program as a means of increasing sales and profits, members of the
Indiana Swine Breeders' Association were told at their annual meeting in the
Claypool Hotel last night.
The possibilities of advantages that could be derived from such a program were
discussed by Forrest Ketner of Columbs, O., president of the National Swine
Breeders' Association.
All officers of the organization were re-elected. They are LaRue Wallace of
Sheridan, president; E. C. Parker of Noblesville, vice president, and Levi P.
Moore of Rochester, secretary treasurer. - - - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 2, 1940]
Levi P. Moore, of Rochester, was chosen yesterday to serve his ninth two-year
term as a member of the Indiana Board of Agriculture, at the annual
reorganization meeting of the Indiana State Fair governing committee in
Indianapolis. Mr. Moore has been in charge of publicity and amusements for
several years, during which time the fair has enjoyed substantial growth. - - -
- - .
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, January 4, 1940]
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 5.. (INS) - Levi P. Moore, of Rochester, Indiana, was
re-elected as a member of the State Board of Agriculture at the annual meeting
of that organization which was held here today.
For the past several years, Mr. Moore has been the director of publicity for the
Indiana State Fair.
[The News-Sentinel, Wednesday, January 5, 1944]
MOORE, LON [Rochester, Indiana]
See Van Meter & Moore
The firm of Van Meter & Moore, farm implement dealers at Rochester and
Kewanna, has been dissolved. Charles Van Meter will continue handling the
International Harvester line in Kewanna and Lon Moore announced today he had
contracted the agency for John Deere 0tractors, implements and repairs. Mr.
Moore will keep his store in its present location at 828 Main street.
The Van Meter & Moore firm was recognized as one of the biggest implement
dealers in the state in volumee of sales.
Mr. Moore announced today that Carl Harvey would be associatedwith the new firm
as a salesman and D. S. (Ribbie) Rans will be in the repair department.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, January 3, 1939l]
Lon Moore today announced he would discontinue in the implement business, but
that the implement company would continue after a sixty-day liquidation period.
All employees of the firm will be retained and business will go along as usual
under supervision of the John Deere Plow Company.
To continue uninterrupted repair service, to round out guarantees on new
machinery and to liquidate a $7,000 stock of used tractors and trucks, Mr. Moore
will remain associated with the business.
"The John Deere Plow Company will continue operatioin of the firm with
either a local man or company representative as manager," Earl Gilliland,
company representative said today. "Our association with Mr. Moore the past
two and a half years has been pleasant and profitable. We intend to continue
this well-established business . . . to continue serving scores of Fulton county
people who look to this firm for their implement needs."
During his five and one-half years in Rochester Mr. Moore has made many friends
who wish him well. He will continue to live in Rochester even though his new
work takes him elsewhere.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, April 11, 1941]
MOORE, ROBERT P. [Rochester, Indiana]
See: Rochester Community Sales
Robert Moore, Republican city chairman for Rochester, announced his resignation
Monday morning. He departed later in the day for LaPorte where he has accepted a
position in the advertising department of the new newspaper, The LaPorte Times,
of which Harold Van Trump is the editor. Mr. Moore had served for sometime as
city chairman here and his resignation was unexpected. It is not known who his
successor will be. Glenn Rouch, also of this city, has accepted the postion of
city editor on the new LaPorte paper.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, September 28, 1925]
Robert P. Moore has announced that he has leased "Forest Farms" in
Richland township, eight miles north of Rochester from Miss Florence Shad. The
farm with its modern farm house and lodge is one of Fulton county's show places.
Zinks Lake is on the land. Mr. Moore, owner of Fulton County Community Sales,
plans to raise registered Chester White hogs on the farm.
The News-Sentinel, Thursday, May 28, 1942]
Robert "Bob" Moore, who recently purchased the garbage and trash
service equipment and route from Harold Abbott, today stated he had secured Dan
"Runt" Hudkins to take over personal management of this service.
The route will make at least two regular trips weekly throughout the city and
like calls to the lake hotels and cottages throughout the summer season. Hudkins
took over the operation of the route today, and should business warrant it, Mr.
Moore states he will place another truck into service.
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, June 1, 1942]
Robert P. Moore, local livestock dealer, Saturday night was re-elected president
of the Fulton county Purebred Livestock Breeders' Association at a meeting held
in the basement of the First National Bank building. About 40 purebred breeders
in the county were present at the session in which plans were laid for the
year's activities.
Other officers elected at the meeting were:
Vice President, E. Turner Biddle; Secretary-Treasurer, Phil Swanson; Chairman
Beef Cattle, Wilby C. Evans; Chairman Dairy Cattle, Omer E. Reichard; Chairman
Horses, Betty Baker; Chairman Sheep, Charles Wagoner; Chairman Swine, Delbert
Hunter. - - - - - - .
[The News-Sentinel, Monday, May 22, 1944]
Bob Moore today announced the purchase of the building formerly occupied by the
Rochester Equipment Co., East Ninth street, where he will open on Feb. 21, a
warehouse and sales office for the distribution of O.M.S. Corp. Buttermilk
Products, for which he is the state sales representative.
These products will be marketed by Mr. Moore under the trade name of Forst Farms
Buttermilk Feeds. They are home made feeds for hogs and poultry, products of the
Ohio Malt Sugar Corp., with their plant adjacent to Armour & Co. creameries.
Mr. Moore reveals that he expects to remodel and enlarge the building into a
modern sales office and warehouse.
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, February 20, 1945]
MOORE, WILLIAM D. [Aubbeenaubbee Township]
William D. Moore, a farmer and reputable citizen of Aubbeenaubbee township, was
born in Burlington county, N.J., on Jan. 8, 1830. His parents were Mark and
Sarah Ann (Carty) Moore, and natives of New Jersey, from which state they
removed in the year 1839, settling in Union township, Fulton county, where they
lived until death called them away from the scenes of mortal toil. They had the
following children: Rebecca Ann, deceased; William D.; Julia L., deceased;
Lewis, deceased; Charles W.; Eliza, deceased; Justina, deceased. William D. was
a lad of nine years when his parents settled in this county. With his parents he
remained on the farm until twenty-one years of age, and then marrying Dec. 5,
1850, he began life for himself. The marriage was with Sarah Allen, a daughter
of Obadiah and Sarah Allen, of Rochester township, this county. The issue of
this marriage was as follows: Evaline, Josephine, Mark Bird, Mary Jane,
deceased; Obadiah C., Sarah Rebecca, deceased; William Andrew, deceased; Milo,
deceased, and Laura, deceased. The mother of these children died in 1876, and
later the father married Mary A. Meredith, a daughter of Ambrose Meredith, Esq.
To this marriage one child, Letty, was born, and then the mother died in 1878.
The following year Mr. Moore married Mrs. Salome Sturgeon, nee Atkinson, a
daughter of William and Sarah Atkinson. Unto the third marriage of Mr. Moore
three children were born. Of the three children only Lee is living. At the time
of Mr. Moore's first marriage his father gave him forty acres of land, on which
his present residence is located. He has prospered as a farmer and now owns a
good farm of 140 acres. Mr. Moore has served as trustee of his township three
terms, being first elected in 1861. He has always been identified with the
democratic party. Both he and his wife are active members of the Methodist
Episcopal church, and enjoy the esteem of a wide acquaintance.
[Elia W. Peattie, Fulton County History, National Publishing Co,. Chicago 1896,
pp. 110-111]
MOORE AUTO SALES CO., L. L. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] SAXON SIX - A big touring car for five people. - - - - "SIXES"
Touring Car $785; Roadster $785. "FOURS' Roadster $395; Delivery Car $395.
L. L. MOORE, Auto Sales Co., E. 7th St., Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, March 3, 1916]
Also See Keelart Company
Moore Brothers, publishers of the White Breeders Companion, are moving their
office to the Odd Fellows building, where they have convenient quarters over the
Fristoe & Merrias store. Heretofore they have maintained offices at their
homes, but the growth of their publication makes larger quarters necessary, and
James H. Moore will be in charge of the business in this city and devote his
entire time to the business. The White Breeders' Companion was founded two years
ago and has grown from a sixteen page publication with practically no paid
circulation to a thirty-six page paper of 3,000 circulation. It is the
recognized organ of the different white hog breeders' associations and is
liberally patronized by advertisers who desire to reach the breeders.
At the annual election of the American Chester White Record association, Fred H.
Moore, of the Moore Bros. Co., was elected secretary. The office carries with it
a nice salary and will require practically all of Mr. Moore's time. The business
of the association has been transacted at Cleveland, Ohio, heretofore, but Mr.
Moore will move the office to this city and occupy the offices of the White
Breeders' Companion. Frank H. Moore has been secretary of the Standard Chester
White Record association for many years and the Moore family are prominent among
breeders all over the country.
The growth of the Companion and the activity of the Moore Brothers in advancing
the interests of breeders makes Rochester the center of interest in white swine
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, February 27, 1912]
Sometimes there develops in a company an industry or business of some kind to
which little attention is given by the people at home that should be behind and
boosting it. The growth of the business, like that of a child with whom we are
associated every day is hardly noticeable, but it is there never-the-less.
In Rochester is such an organization - The Moore Brothers publishers of the
Chester White Journal. Every day almost sees the members of this organization
spring into more prominent state and national fame as swine experts in every
phase of the business.
Starting in a small way the Chester White Journal now has a mamoth national
circulation and is considered one of the best publications of its nature in the
United States. And as an advertising medium for swine and other adjuncts of the
hog raising and breeding business it is absolutely without peer.
Just recently, in fact last Tuesday, Levi P. Moore was elected secretary of the
Indiana Chester White Breeders' Assocition at the annual meeting of that
organization held in Indianapolis.
On the following day James Moore was named secretary of the Indiana Swine
Breeders' Association, which held it annual meeting at the Claypool hotel in
Indianapolis. This organization takes in all breeds of hogs and the annual
meeting was addressed by Governor-elect Warren McCray, one of the state's most
prominent stockmen. In connection with this it might be added that a photograph
was taken of Governor-elect McCray with Levi and James Moore standing one on
each side of him. Both Levi and James Moore were re-elected to the offices they
now hold.
F. F. Moore, father of the four brothers, who was back of the entire undertaking
when it was first launched, but who has more recently given over the reins to
his offspring, holds the responsible position of secretary of the Chester White
Record Association, while Fred Moore is the president of the National Swine
Growers' Association, having been elected at the recent Chicago meeting of that
Robert Moore, more recently introduced into the business is secretary of the
Indiana Association of Expert Judge of Swine and is repidly raising to the
prominence his brothers have already attained.
In an inteview with a Sentinel representative James Moore said that he would
soon leave for Mitchell, South Dakota where he would make a "Chester
White" address to the state convention of the South Dakota Swine Breeders'
Association. Fred Moore is even now in South Dakota attending the first sales of
the winter and spring and in a recent communication to his brothers states that
breeders in that section of the country are rapidly getting back on their feet
again and he predicts an excellent season, despite the recent slump in prices.
The brothers altogether will attend more than 200 sales this year, an unusually
large number when it is remembered that they are the best in the country and are
scattered all over the hog raising sections of the United States.
Levi Moore is now in Lima, Ohio, where he is organizing an Ohio Chester White
Breeders' Association, such as there is in Indiana.
This month's issue of the Chester White magazine is larger than ever and is full
of highly remunerative advertising. The journal is the only one of its kind that
uses a two color front pages, which are patterned after the Saturday Evening
Post covers and are designed by Russell Parker, local artist.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, January 7, 1921]
The Moore Brothers company of this city, James R., Fred H. and Levi P. Moore,
were called to Indianapolis Tuesday by the State Board of Agriculture to
consider the proposition of handling the publicity for the Indiana State Fair at
Indianapolis next fall.
The local company contracted for the work and will immediately begin giving
publicity to the Fair through all the available advertising mediums in the state
including newspapers, movie screens, radio, bill-boards, etc.
A number of special features such as a lady aviator changing planes in mid-air,
a $5,000 harness race for three nationally known entries and other spectacular
events have been added this year. The premium money offered for exhibits will
total $100,000 with an extra $35,000 racing purse money.
Moore Brothers will have several thousands dollars at their disposal for the
sole purpose of exploiting the Fair. Speeches will be made over the entire state
in an endeavor to increase the attendance of 185,000 of last year to 300,000
this year.
Two offices are to be maintained by the local men, one at the Statehouse in
Indianapolis and one at home. Their time will be divided between the two places
in making the Fair a success. This work is to be carried on in connection with
their regular line of publishing.
[Rochester Sentinel, Wednesday, May 14, 1924]
Lee Moore, member of the Indiana State Board of Agriculture, accompanied by his
brothers, Fred and James, went to Indianapolis Monday morning to be present
Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Board, when the election is held and
organization completed for the year. The Moore Brothers firm is also interested
in securing the contract for handling the publicity for the state fair but it is
thought that they will have little trouble as their efforts last fall brought
the largest crowds to the fair grounds ever on record.
Only two persons now members of the board, were mentioned as being in line for
election as president to succeed E. J. Barker, of Thorntown, present president,
who is seeking the position as secretary-treasurer. They are Lin Wilson, of
Jonesboro, board member from the Eleventh district, and U. C. Brouse, mayor of
Kendallville, and board member from the Twelfth district. Both are Republicans.
No V.P. Aspirants
No one has been publicly mentioned as an aspirant for the position as
vice-president to succeed S. W. Taylor, of Boonville, a Democrat.
Mr. Barker is opposed for the position as secretary-treasurer by Harry M.
Moberly, of Shelbyville, who represents the Sixth district, and by Theo Hewes,
an Indianapolis poultry show operator.
[News-Sentinel, Monday, January 5, 1925]
Moore Bros. Publishing Company, founders of The Chester White Journal, have
assumed the responsibility of launching another breed paper into nation-wide
prominence. The directors of the American Berkshire Record Association have
completed final negotiations with the local publishers to assume the managerial
and publishing of a breed journal for their favorite breed. The initial edition
of this paper will be printed at the Barnhart-Van Trump Company and ready for
the mail by October 15th.
Assumes Active Control
Levi P. Moore, publicity director for the Indiana State Fair for the past three
years, will assume active control of the new breed paper and will begin
immediately to build up a substantial circulation among the 20,000 Berkshire
breeders throughout the United States.
The six official members of the Berkshire family are located in California,
South Carolina, Michigan, Indiana and Iowa. Ralph M. Jenkins of Orleans, Ind.,
is president of the American Berkshire Association and E. M. Christen of
Springfield, Ill., occupies the office of secretary, whose duties correspond
with those of F. F. Moore, secretary of the Chester White Swine Record
Association, with offices in Rochester.
This new project will eventually necessitate the enlargement of the Moore Bros.
clerical forces. James R. and Fred H. Moore will continue to devote their
attentions exclusively to the Chester White publication, which paper is now
experiencing a business revival which bids fair to rival the peak periods
immediately following the world war.
Jas. R. Moore, who is director of the National Swine Show held at Peoria, Ill.,
this week returned to this city Friday night, while Levi P. returned Friday from
the Sesqui-Centennial swine show at Philadelphia where he served in the capacity
of swine judging for the Chester White breed. In speaking of the prestige of the
Berkshire Breed of swine the Moores cited the fact that entries from this breed
captured champion carload of barrows and grand champion barrow over all
competition in the last International Livestock Show which was held at Chicago
last December.
[The News-Sentinel, Saturday, September 18, 1926]
MOORE'S CIGAR STORE [Rochester, Indiana]
The cigar and billiard parlors located at 122 East 8th street this city, which
formerly were operated by Marvin Metz will be opened for business Saturday, by
Daniel M. Moore. Mr. Moore comes to this city from Peru, Ind., where he also
owns and operates a billiard parlor in that city. He formerly resided in Henry
township, this county.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 28, 1936]
[Adv] Announcement. We are opening an up-;to-date POOL ROOM at 122 East 8th
Street, on Saturday, Feb. 29th. This pool room was formerly known as the Manitou
Club. MOORE'S CIGAR STORE and Billiard Parlor. D. M. MOORE, Proprietor.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, February 28, 1936]
MOORE IRON WORKS [Fulton County, Indiana]
In 1846, the Barron woolen mills were built on the site of Moore's Iron Works, a
concern that had made iron from the bog iron ore that may be found in the
county. The woolen mills were sold in 1855, and changed hands several times
during the ensuing years. The building was enlarged and improved facilities for
performing all operations in the manufacture of wool were made. The mills
enjoyed a period of prosperity but it was comparatively shortlived and they were
[Henry A. Barnhart, An Account of Fulton County From its Organization , Dayton
Historical Publishing Co., 1922 - Indexed and Reprinted by Wendell C. Tombaugh,
MOORE MILLINERY SHOP [Rochester, Indiana]
New Milliner shop. Miss Mary J. Moore would respectfully announce to the Ladies
of this place and vicinity that she has opened out a stock of Milliner Goods one
door north of A. C. Hickman's Dry Goods Store . . .
[Rochester Chronicle, Thursday, April 19, 1866]
Located second floor, at 820-1/2 Main.
Operated by Charles B. Moore, owner of the building.
See Charles B. Moore
In those days they had no flash bulbs or such; the only light was from the
sun. It was impossible to take pictures on a cloudy or rainy day. The large
window was on the north side, second floor, and put in at a 45 degree angle so
there would be no glare while taking pictures.
[Reba Moore Shore, Moore Family, Fulton County Folks, Vol. 1, Willard.]
MOORE'S IRON WORKS [Rochester, Indiana]
The first factory to be established in Fulton County was an iron foundry. This
concern was first founded in 1839 by Mr. James Moore. He noticed the large
deposits of iron ore in the ground about Rochester and very easily saw the
advantage of having the iron works in this location.
He built the factory in the spring of 1839, just north and a little west of the
town. This spot is directly north of where the Erie depot is at the present and
on the Mill Creek. This site proved satisfactory for a number of years, but in
1846 a large flour mill was built between the factory and Lake Manitou, getting
its power also from Mill Creek. Mr. Moore readily saw that there was not enough
power derived from the small creek to run both the mill and the foundry, so he
moved. A larger and better factory was established on the Tippecanoe just east
of where the old Michigan Road crossed the river. At that point he built a large
dam which furnished sufficient power to operate the foundry quite successfully.
Two years after this change Mr. Moore died and his factory was eventually
purchased by the Culbertson and Carter firm of Logansport. John P. Baker was
made chief manager and he operated it with varying success until 1865 when the
scarcity of iron ore caused the factory to be closed. The first products of the
factory were sent to Logansport where they were put on exhibition and tested.
The tests showed that the iron was of very fine quality. It could be compared
equally with that made in Pittsburgh and was even compared to the very best of
that manufactured in Sweden.
Most of the shipping, if not all, was by the way of Logansport. At that time the
Wabash canal connected Lake Erie with the Wabash river and passed through Logan.
In this manner the iron could be sent either to the North or South with ease.
The original buildings of the foundry on Mill Creek were soon occupied by Peter
Barrow who operated a carding machine. The moving of the works was a great
relief to the people of Rochester for the factory ran day and night and the
noise it made was a great bother. In fact is was so loud that the people in the
north end of town could even hear it after the works were at the river.
[The News-Sentinel, "Station R.H.S.," Saturday, January 30, 1932]
Moore's iron forge was located on Mill Creek northwest of the Farm Bureau
elevator and boasted that it would smelt iron ore, make a horseshoe and nail it
on the horse within an hour's time. The iron works later was moved to the
Tippecanoe River because the water supply was curtailed by the building of a
flouring mill upstream. In 1846, the Barron Woolen Mills were built on the site
of Moore's Iron Works.
[Rochester the Unfounded City, Shirley Willard, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2,
MOOSE LODGE HALL [Rochester, Indiana]
Located in Academy of Music building, SW corner 5th & Main. On November 23,
1923, Ellis Reed rented the large room below the Moose Hall, formerly known as
the Academy of Music, where he had a second-hand store. In 1945, Moose Lodge
bought from William Boose, building in Lilly Park, N shore of Lake Manitou,
which the lodge enlarged to have a dance floor, bar and food.
In 1951 this was sold to Maurice and Margaret (Wilson) Sadowsky.
The Moose Lodge purchased the Old West Side Hotel, which they remodeled to the
present structure.
MOOSEJAW [Rochester, Indiana]
That area of Rochester lying in the NE corner intersection of Erie and LE&W
railroads. Nicknamed by Carl Teeter and Bob Quinn, railroad towermen.
MOREHOUSE, ROBERT [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Upholster Work - - - Tapestry Work, and Teaching the Art of Zephory Work
in Perforated Card Board A SPECIALTY! - - - - Rooms in Citizens' Block, Over
Corner Grocery. R. M. MOREHOUSE.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, December 10, 1877]
MOREY & SON, A. F. [Rochester, Indiana]
[Adv] Metropolitan Daylight Lamp Co., of Chicago, Ill. can illuminate equal to
any city. - - - It is portable. Hang anywhere. Each family and store in city or
country can afford to have their own Gas Plant - - - - A. F. MOREY & SON,
Main street, east side Court House, Rochester, Ind.
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, October 28, 1899]
MORNINGSTAR, HIRAM [Rochester, Indiana]
One of Rochester's oldest businesses moved today to a different location after
54 years.
The Coplen Taxi Company, currently owned by Gene Coplen, has moved to what was
known as Norman's Carmelcrisp shop, next to Gilbert's drug store.
The concern was located in the Arlington Hotel when the hotel was first built in
1889, way back in the days of horseless carriages and divorceless marriages.
First owner of the then transfer-and-mail service was Hiram Morningstar.
Reynolds and Sisson owned the hotel then and Benjamin Harrison was President of
the United States.
The taxi's past ran through two wars, the Spanish-American and the first World
War. The horseless carriage developed into the horsepower carriage and the crowd
rode on.
Carter, Smith and Sangster took turns at owning the Arlington, but the
Morningstar Taxi Company remained in its old spot.
In 1916 James Coplen, Sr. bought out the Morningstar interest in the business
and operated it himself until his death last year.
Transfer of the taxi's office was said to have been necessitated because of the
increase in business with the war.
[The News-Sentinel, Friday, July 30, 1943]
MORNINGSTAR, ORA C. [Rochester, Indiana]
See Henry Meyer.
World famous billiardist, Ora Morningstar, formerly of Rochester but now of
Paris, France, enjoyed a pleasant visit here with his father and brothers and
departed for Philadelphia where he will play an exhibition game of billiards,
then one in New York, and then sail for Paris where he is engaged for a year at
the Academy of Billiards to play match and exhibition games.
Morningstar is a son of George Morningstar of this city and brother of High and
John Morningstar, the busmen. He is only 33 years old but has a world wide
reputation as a great billiardist. Since his rise from obscurity in a country
town like this to the ranks of world champion, he has played great match games
with Schoefer, Forenielle, Glorioux, Ives, Cure, Cham, Sutton, Marva, and Willie
Hoppe, the champion boy billiardist of the world. In his 1500 point match game
with Giorioux in Antwerp, Morningstar scored 1500 to Glorioux's 1161.
Morningstar's general average in 44 innings was 33 and his high average, 50, and
- - - [not readable] - - - in 48 innings was 27, high average 75 and high run
162. This game lasted five nights of two hours each.
Mr. Morningstar's present engagement requires that he play four hours per day in
the Paris Academy, two hours in the afternoon and two at night. He plays match
games with other famous billiardists and the seats for spectators rise from the
table floor like an ampitheater, and 2000 may be seated. Ladies and dignitaries
of France and America frequently attend the games and there is betting like on
American horse races. The game is 18 inch balk line -- 200 points and
Morningstar most frequently appears with Glorioux, Champion of Belgium,
Santchee, champion of Spain, of Foreniele, champion of France.
He is not "swelled up" in the least over his great success and
declares that when he has saved enough money to retire he is coming back to
Rochester to live with the best friends he ever had.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, October 4, 1904]
The South Bend Tribune of Saturday contains a half-tone picture of Ora
Morningstar, who is now in Paris, and who will soon sail for New York to begin
practicing for the coming tournament of billiards with the experts of France and
America. The Tribune says, "Morningstar is believed to be playing the best
game of his career just now."
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 29, 1906]
The International championship billiard tournament closed at New York Monday
evening, and the championship was won by Slossen of Chicago. Ora Morningstar won
but one game in the seven he played and is the low man on the list.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, April 24, 1906]
The Chicago Record Herald of this morning says Ora Morningstar of New York and
George Sutton of Chicago will meet tonight in Orchestra Hall to contest for the
world's championship billiard emblem, the style of the game to be played being
eighteen inch balk line, two shots in balk. Sutton is the title holder. Five
hundred points will constitute the game. The contestants will bank for the first
shot at 8 o'clock.
"Both challenger and defender have been in constant practice since nearly
sixty days ago, when the challenge was issued. Morningstar challenged for the
game as soon as Sutton had finished his string of 500 points against Willie
Hoppe almost two months ago and the match was quickly made.
"The winner will take down, besides the championship trophy, a purse of
$1,000 and the entire net gate receipts. Indications point to a large crowd,
which will make the winner's end a prize worth while.
"Morningstar long has been clamoring for a place among the top-notch cue
experts, but through unlucky play in big matches never has been able to land the
finest plumes.
"The New Yorker's work with the ivories at times has startled the billiard
world the best authorities recognize in him a player of exceptional ability, but
that skill heretofore has refused to come out in match play. The challenger has
been prominent and last night said if he lost tonight's match he would challenge
the winner of the coming Schaefer-Sutton match for the 18-1 championship.
"Sutton finished his practice Saturday, but Morningstar put in several
hours of hard work at the table yesterday. In the champion's final play he made
one run of 206 and averaged in the neighborhood of 45 while running about 500
Morningstar is a son of George Morningstar, of this city, and half-brother of
"Hi" Morningstar the well known bus man. He grew up in Rochester but
left ten years ago to become an expert billiardist and has been in many leading
billiard contests both in this country and Europe.
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 21, 1907]
Ora Morningstar, a former Rochester boy but now one of the leading lights in the
billiard world, has sprung into prominence by his declaration that the champions
Shafer and Sutton had formed a combination for holding the championships at the
two leading games, the 18.1 and 18.2 styles.
The Chicago Sunday Examiner says: "Ora Morningstar, the 'trust buster,'
will start his campaign against the alleged monopoly in billiard championships
tomorrow night, when he meets George Sutton at New York for the world's 18.2
title. Morningstar is the challenger, Sutton having held the championship trophy
at this particular style of billiards for nearly two years.
"The challenger for tomorrow night's match declared that he would break up
the monopoly by turning 'trust buster.' He will start his campaign tomorrow. If
successful he will issue a challenge to Jake Schaefer to play for the world's
18.1 championship, and attempt to break down that part of the monopoly.
"Little credit has been given to Morningstar's story. The general opinion
is that the challenger is a little disgruntled by his failure to win Sutton's
title when they met last year. No matter what the truth of the trust story may
be, Morningstar imagines himself the 'common people' of the cue game, with the
mission of busting the alleged trust as his chief duty. His fate, perhaps, will
be that of all other ambitious trust busters --- a good, sound trouncing."
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 27, 1908]
[- - - - - -Morningstar lost 500 to 309 - - - - - - -]
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, January 28, 1908]
A dispatch from New York says Ora C. Morningstar of this city is the new world's
champion at 18.2 balkline billiards, having won the honor by defeating George F.
Slosson in the final game of the international tournament at Madison Square
Garden concert hall tonight.
"Morningstar is a native of Rochester, Ind. He is 34 years old and has been
prominent as a billiardist for several years. He distinguished himself in this
tournament by scoring a victory in every one of his six games. Besides winning
the championship emblem he gets a cash prize of $1,200 and 40 per cent of the
box office receipts and entry money.
"The game between Slosson and Morningstar attracted wide interest. Slosson
won the bank and scored on the break but failed on his second shot. Morningstar
made 2 and then fell short on an attempted two-cushion carom.
"Similar failures occurred in the men's second and third innings. Slosson
was first to regain control and rattled off 26 and 27 in his fourth and fifth
innings, while Morningstar netted 1 and 19 respectively.
"Slosson got a cipher in the sixth and then Morningstar began to nurse the
ivories into control on the lower rail. After running up 50 he got them for the
open space nurse, which he worked until they went wide on his seventy-third
shot, but he gathered them again in six open table plays. This run went to 114
points, a two-cushion cross-table shot ending it. The score for six innings
stood: Morningstar, 136; Slosson, 54.
"A run of 46 in the seventh sent Morningstar's stock up further and another
of 28 put him beyond the 200 mark in the tenth. At the end of this inning the
score was Morningstar 208; Slosson 62.
"Morningstar ran past the 300 mark and past 400 from the sixteenth to
eighteenth innings, while Slosson reached double figures only twice from the
eleventh to the nineteenth inning. The score at the end of the nineteenth inning
was: Morningstar, 445; Slosson 152.
"Slosson's best effort was 47 in his twenty-second inning, but with an
unfinished run of 27 Morningstar won the game and the championship by a score of
500 to 214 in the twenty-third inning."
[Rochester Sentinel, Saturday, April 3, 1909]
Ora Morningstar, formerly of Rochester and now champion billiardist of the
world, will contest for honors with Willie Hoppe, the boy wonder, in a short
[Rochester Sentinel, Monday, January 3, 1910]
Ora O. Morningstar, formerly of Rochester and now champion 18-1 billiard player
of the world, will be called upon to defend his title in Pittsburgh, Wednesday
night, when he meets the challenger, Willie Hoppe, of New York, who holds the
18-2 championship title.
Morningstar won the 18-1 title from George Sutton in Chicago on May 18, 1912.
Sutton some time before that date took the title from Willie Hoppe. Morningstar,
who has held the title longer than any other player, was challenged by Sutton
early in December, and on Jan 9, in Pittsburgh, defeated the Chicagoan by a
score of 500 to 478. The game with Hoppe will be the second Morningstar has been
called upon to play since he became champion.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, March 18, 1913]
Willie Hoppe, billiard champion, is willing to meet Ora Morningstar and Kon
Yamma, who have challenged him at the balkline game. Moreover the champion is
willing to give each of them 1,000 points as a starter in a 5,000 point game and
wager from $1 to $1,000 that neither can beat him. Morningstar and Yamada now
are touring the western states.
[Rochester Sentinel, Thursday, October 26, 1916]
In Monday's Picture Magazine, of the Chicago Herald and Examiner, appeared a
picture of Ora Morningstar, former Rochester resident, photographed at the
Schaefer-Conti match in San Diego. Two other billiard champions, Roger Conti, of
France, and Jake Schaefer are with him in the picture.
[Rochester Sentinal, Monday, February 27, 1922]
Ora C. Morningstar, of San Diego, Cal., will appear in a billiard exhibition in
Indianapolis Tuesday evening. Morningstar, a former resident of Rochester, is
one of the oldest billiard players from the standpoint of competitive play, now
engaging in the sport. He held the 18.2 balk line championship in 1909.
The Californian is one of the fourteen cut stars touring the country under
sponsorship of the National Billiard Association. The exhibition will be given
at the Dougherty Billiard Parlor at 134 1/2 North Pennsylvania street at 8:30
[The News-Sentinel, Tuesday, June 5, 1934]
Ora C. Morningstar, former world 18.1 and 18.2 balkline billiards champion, will
appear at Rochester Recreation Club, 600 N. Main Street at 9:30 p.m. on November
9th, under the auspices of the National Billiard Association of America. Second
of the seven players flying under the "Better Billiards" program
banner who will appear at Rochester this season. Morningstar will, without
doubt, become a distinct "hit" with the hundreds of fans expected to
witness his two-hour siege with the three ivory spheres.
Morningstar will offer free instructions to both women and men in addition to
his scintillating display of billiards and fancy shots. Recognized as the
"tops" among billiard instructors the world over, each billiard
enthusiast who takes the opportunity to receive his expert advice should improve
their billiard game 100 per cent.
The veteran Morningstar, who prefers to be called Ora by one and all, hails from
San Diego, California. He was born in Rochester, Ind., in 1874, and has devoted
47 years of his life in the interests of billiards. He is one of the only three
left of the "old school" the others being George Slosson and Alfredo
De Oro.
Morningstar won the world 18.2 balkline championship in 1909 and two years later
annexed the world 18.1 title. Previous to attaining world fame he went to Mexico
in 1901 where he won the Mexican championship, which he still holds. President
Diaz was in attendance. In 1903 he journeyed to Paris where he engaged Robert
Glourioux, the Belgian titlist in a 3600 point match at 18.2 balkline and broke
the then world record of 200 held by Frank Ives and George Sutton by 24 points.
Serving the past twenty-three years as instructor, the billiard world today
regards him as one of their most valuable instructors. He has a unique knack of
imparting billiard knowledge without apparent effort to either pupil or himself.
[The News-Sentinel, Thursday, November 7, 1935]
By Byron J. Schoeman
The second billiard ace of the seven to appear here this winter at Rochester
Recreation Club, will make his appearance on Nov. 9th, at 9:30 p.m. in the
person of Ora C. Morningstar, former world 18.2 balkline billiards king. The
61-year-old veteran of San Diego, Cal., comes here under the auspices of the
National Billiard Association of America on their third annual nation-wide
national "Better Billiards" program.
* * * * [photo of Ora C. Morningstar] * * * *
Morningstar, recognized as the greatest instructor today in the billiard world
will give free billiard instructions to both women and men, in addition to his
sterling exhibition of billiards and fancy shots. His legion of admirers
throughout the country are vehement in their claim that he has a supreme knack
of imparting billiard knowledge to byros and mediocre players, as well as those
who handle a cue with adeptness, with the least amount of effort on the part of
pupil or himself of any instructor in the game.
Morningstar was born in Rochester in 1874, where his father owned a hotel. It
was there that he first got a glimpse of a billiard table. He became immediately
interested. Too young, however, to play on a regulation table, Morningstar built
his own outfit. The equipment consisted of a store box and rails made from old
rubber shoe soles. The cvues were made from broomsticks and the bals were
nothing more than marbes. He installed this "table" in the woodshed
and he attributes his "championship stroke" to his early play on same.
Morningstar won the Indiana State Championship when only 18 years old. Two years
later he went to New York with Maurice Daly and established a high run of 194 at
18.2 balkline; winning the tournament. In 1901 he won the Mexican title, before
President Diaz, in Mexico City.
The veteran cuist won the world 18.2 balkline championship in 1909 and two years
later annexed the world 18.1 balkline billiards title.
Ora, as he prefers to be called, has devoted 47 years in the interest of
billiards, the past twenty-three having been spent as instructor in all parts of
the country.
Morningstar is also a talented artist, having studied in Europe under numerous
widely-known artists. He has several exhibits on view in the Carnegie Institute
at Pittsburgh.
-- The News-Sentinel, Friday, November 8, 1935.
Considered Comment
By Jack K. Overmyer
Let us consider today the life and the superlative sports career of Ora C.
Morningstar of Rochester.
In his lifetime he gained the widest renown of any person in this city's
history, yet he has become almost entirely forgotten. That must not be allowed
to happen.
Ora's present obscurity may result from his greatest accomplishments having
occurred 80-90 years ago, but that. does not diminish either their importance or
the value of his remembrance.
This man of such poetical surname was born and spent his youth in Rochester.
Here at the age of 14 he was attracted to, and recognized he had a talent for,
the game of billiards. That attraction led him into a lifelong career as a
professional billiards player, two world championships and a prominence in
national and international matches that was continual. In his later years he
became an outstanding billiards instructor, touring the country giving lessons
and skillful exhibitions.
Ora's fame, and the pride which his home town took in him, might be compared, in
today's terms, to that of a hometown professional golfer winning the Masters and
the U.S. Open as well as regular tournaments on the PGA tour.
Someone like a Jack Nicklaus born and reared In Rochester, one might say.
If we are to appreciate Ora Morningstar's achievements it is necessary to
understand the great popularity of billiards in this country during the last
half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries.
Billiards play - both carom and pocket (or pool) varieties - was ubiquitous in
America, reaching all classes of males in all sizes of cities.
Everyone, it seemed, either had a table to play on at home or they could be
found at the local billiard parlors which were as merous as are today's video
stores. The game of quality was carom billiards, because of its demand for skill
and technique.
During the Civil War billiards match results received as much coverage as did
the war's battles. Billiards and pool championships were held yearly on state,
regional and national levels; leading players met in one-on-one challenges
before large crowds.
It was the age of the billiards personality. Prominent players were pictured on
cards which fans traded just as those of major league baseball stars are now.
The billiards craze began to fade in 1952 with the retirement of Willie Hoppe,
the legendary boy wonder who in 1906 at the age of 18 beat the reigning French
champion at Paris in the demanding 18.1 balkline play. Hoppe returned to a
tumultuous welcome in America.
That's the heady world of fame and riches which beckoned Ora Morningstar while
he was growing up in Rochester, where he was born in 1874 and where his father
George operated a hotel. The Morningstars first moved into northern Indiana from
Ohio in the 1860s and were a prominent local family. Hiram and Cyrus
Morningstar, Ora's half-brothers, for many years operated the Morningstar Bus
Line in Rochester, a popular horse-drawn taxi service used particularly by
incoming train passengers.
Ora often recalled how as a youngster he was smitten by the first billiard table
he saw. Unable to buy one, he made a primitive substitute from rude materials at
hand and began practice. Ora's infatuation with the game continued during his
Rochester school years and then he caught the eye of Henry Meyer.
Henry, a young man of many interests, was working in his father's retail liquor
store on the west side of the square. An accomplished musician, he was a cornet
soloist who traveled the United States with leading bands and later would direct
the Rochester Citizens Band. He had a passion for baseball, in which he managed
and sponsored teams and became an umpire of authority. His talent for billiards,
however, was superior; he would go on to win a string of Indiana championships
and compete against many leading players in exhibition matches.
Henry saw something promising in this young boy's approach to billiards play and
took him on for lessons in the Meyer residence at 928 Franklin Avenue. So it was
that Ora Morningstar found in a fellow townsman the teacher who would direct him
to his destiny. Next week we shall see how the course of that fate played out.
[Rochester Sentinel, Tuesday, May 16, 1996]
Considered Comment
By Jack K. Overmyer
The tale of Ora C. Morningstar, who ventured from Rochester to find fame in
international billiards competition, concludes by examining his extraor